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Brake System - Hyundai Truck

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BR-2 Brake System

Ge n e r a l
Ge n e r a l
Se r v i c e b r a k e s y s t e m


The compressed air is constantly supplying to the

delivery port of the air brake.
When the pedal (dual brake valve) is depressed, the
compressed air flows via the relay valve (quick release
valve in the case of the front wheels) to the brake
chamber to actuate the slack adjuster. The slack adjuster
turns the cam which forces the brake shoes against the
brake drum to decelerate or stop the vehicle.
When the pedal is released, the compressed air is
released to atmosphere and the brake shoes return to
the original position.
General BR-3
A i r c o mp r e s s o r 3. The unloader valve, operating with the pressure
The air compressor for D6 engine, installed at the governor, controls pressure in the air tank. When the
flywheel housing on the left side of engine, is driven at air pressure in the air tank exceeds the specified
one half the engine speed by the timing gear train pressure (pressure governor operating pressure), the
(injection pump gears) of the engine. pressure governor opens to send the compressed air
to the unloader valve. The compressed air not only
Va l v e s o p e r a t e a s f o l l o ws
depresses the unloader valve, but keeps the suction
1. The suction valve is opened by the negative pressure valve open, causing the air compressor to operate
generated during downward stroke of the piston, under no load.
which introduces air into the cylinder. When the
When the air pressure in the air tank falls below
piston goes upward, the valve is closed by the
specification, the pressure governor resumes
suction valve spring to compress air.
operation, discharging compressed air present at top
of the unloader. Then the unloader valve spring puts
the unloader valve back to its original position,
causing the suction valve to being operation.


2. The compressed air overcomes the force applied by

the delivery valve spring to open the delivery valve,
being sent under pressure to the air tank. SGVBR3013L

BR-4 Brake System
Du a l b r a k e v a l v e Pr e s s u r e p r o t e c t i o n v a l v e
The dual brake valve connects, disconnects and 1. Function
regulates the compressed air from the air tank to This acts to interrupt air flow until the set pressure is
operate, release and control the brakes. made up.
1. When pressing the brake pedal This is brake system safety function unit to prevent
When pressing the brake pedal, the compression air air pressure drop so that brake power is influenced
supplied by an air tank operates the relay valve. mainly by excessive use of auxiliary equipment or
any other cause.
This is used after installed between the two tanks so
that primary tank for use in brake be filled before air
is filled in auxiliary secondary tank.
This valve would also be installed at emergency line
of tractor to protect tractor system.


2. When depressing the brake pedal

When depressing the brake pedal, the piston returns
to basic position and the compression air is blocked.
At this time, the compression air in the air line is
discharged to atmosphere through the exhaust valve.

2. How to operate
(1) Pressure is made up at piston B until force of
control spring A is overcome if air enters supply
inlet G. Whence valve stem C is raised according
to piston rise so as to open the suction valve D.
Accordingly air passes the exhaust outlet E.
(2) If air pressure drops down (supply inlet side or
exhaust outlet side), piston goes down by force of
control spring A so that suction valve is shut.
Accordingly air flow is interrupted.

General BR-5
Qu i c k r e l e a s e v a l v e (2) If air pressure at upper and lower parts of
1. Function diaphragm equals each other, diaphragm brim
closes body seat and exhaust outlet is yet closed
It is to quickly exhaust air pressure through this valve
at diaphragm center part.
when brake is released, which air has been
accumulated in chamber.


SGVBR3173L (3) If brake is released, air at upper part of

diaphragm is exhausted through dual brake valve
2. How to operate
and diaphragm is raised to open the exhaust
(1) Air pushes diaphragm down to shut the exhaust outlet so that air of chamber side quickly goes
outlet when brake is operated. At the same time out.
the air pressure is supplied to chamber as
diaphragm brim is pushed down.


BR-6 Brake System
Qu i c k r e l e a s e c h e c k v a l v e (3) Anti compounding
1. Function When service brake is operated while spring
This valve has functions of traditional double check brake is being operated, air enters the balance
valve and quick release valve together. Firstly it acts opening and then the air passing through valve
as quick release valve that supplies air to emergency closes the supply inlet and the exhaust outlet by
side of spring brake and secondly it plays making the double check diaphragm and the
anti-compound function. Double check valve prevents quick release diaphragm to be flexed. So air
simultaneous operation of service and emergency. passes delivery opening so that air in spring
brake is depleted to accomplish parking. This
prevents service and spring brakes to be
simultaneously held.
Ch e c k v a l v e
Check valves at entrance of each layer of air tank are
preventing reverse flow of air pressure being sent from
air compressor to air tank.


2. How to operate
(1) When spring brake is released
Air that has passed quick release check valve
from gradual valve makes the double check and
quick release diaphragm to be flexed so as to
close the balance and the exhaust outlet.
Accordingly parking is accomplished as air enters
emergency inlet of spring brake through exhaust A i r s w i t c h ( s t o p l a mp s w i t c h )
outlet. Air switch installed at air piping between dual brake valve
(2) When spring brake operates and air tank senses the air pressure generated by
treading dual brake valve and turns on the brake lamp.
Air supplied to valve is depleted through gradual
valve. Air pressure makes the double check and
quick release diaphragm to be flexed in opposite
direction so as to open the exhaust outlet of
balance. Parking is accomplished as chamber air
pressure is depleted through exhaust while air
between two diaphragms is expelled through
relay valve and brake valve.

General BR-7
L o w a i r p r e s s u r e s wi t c h Re l a y v a l v e ( p a r k i n g )
This switch turns on the warning lamp in meter cluster so 1. When operating
as to notify air pressure drop when air pressure in air If indicated pressure is introduced from hand control
tank is decreased below designated value. valve, piston moves down and sit on inlet valve so
that gas exhaust channel (room F) is shut. Then inlet
valve pressing the spring is pushed down and gap
between inlet valve and air supply valve P of body is
opened. Accordingly the air pressure of room B is
introduced in room A and the pressure released of
parking brake from discharge exit is supplied.


Do u b l e c h e c k v a l v e
When air enters from either side, this valve interrupts the
other side. Namely in case when air supply is from air
inlet A, check valve moves to B side so that A side and C
side are passable. On other hand in case when air
supply is from air inlet B, check valve moves to A side so SGVBR3182L

that B side and C side are passable. 2. Brake pressure stabilized

If indicated pressure from hand control valve is
maintained in definite pressure, air pressure from
discharge exit is also stabilized by the indicated
pressure. Air pressure of room A passes channel C
to be applied to piston bottom surface so that piston
and inlet valve are pushed up while these are closely
attached together. If inlet valve touches air supply
valve P of body then air supply from air tank is
stopped and the rising air pressure for release of
parking brake is interrupted to be stable.


BR-8 Brake System
3. Releasing the brake pressure Pa r k i n g b r a k e ( g r a d u a l p a r k i n g )
If indicated pressure from hand control valve This is used in controlling pressure of emergency brake
becomes naught, piston is pushed up by spring and and hand control parking brake. Precise and gradual air
air pressure of discharge exit side (pressure of room pressure is supplied to this valve so as to operate
A) so that exhaust valve S at piston bottom is emergency brake and parking brake through spring brake
separated from inlet valve. Accordingly air pressure chamber. Spring brake chamber is directly controlled
of discharge side is exhausted to atmosphere from according to volume by relay valve or hand control valve.
room F of central exhaust gas channel.


Wh e e l b r a k e
Dr u m b r a k e
If brake pedal is trodden, force transmitted through
chamber makes S cam to rotate so that brake shoe
assembly is expanded to brake drum to decelerate or
stop the car. Brake shoe assembly is supported by pin at
uncoupler socket and plays role in contraction of piston
of wheel cylinder and brake shoe assembly when
releasing the brake by return spring installed at shoe.

General BR-9
Sp e c i f i c a t i o n s
I t em Sp e c i f i c a t i o n
Brake type Full air brake system
Relay valve type R-12 valve, R-14 valve
Cut out pressure 9.5 ± 0.2 bar
Air Processing Unit (APU) Temperature range -40 to 65 °C
Working pressure Max. 10 bar
Brake size (I.D of drum brake) Ø 410 mm
Rear wheel brake Lining size (Width x thick) 220 x 19 mm
Basic circle diameter of 'S' cam Ø 24.5 mm
Brake size (I.D of drum brake) Ø 410 mm
Front wheel brake Lining size (Width x thick) 156 x 19 mm
Basic circle diameter of 'S' cam Ø 25.4 mm
4 x 2 (3EA) 30, 35, 20 ℓ
Air tank capacity 6 x 4 (4EA) 30, 35 x 2, 20 ℓ
8 x 4 (5EA) 35 x 3, 30 x 2 ℓ

Tr oubl es hoot i ng
Wh e e l b r a k e s
S y mp t o m Pr o b a b l e c a u s e R e me d y
Connector left loose. Tighten connectors.
Air leaks when br- Primary and secondary valves of the dual Disassemble dual brake valve and remove
ake pedal is depr- brake valve are not air tight. foreign matter or replace inlet valve.
Disassemble dual brake valve and replace
Damaged O-ring in dual brake valve.

Air leaks while br- Connector left loose. Tighten connectors.

ake pedal is being Primary and secondary valves of the dual Disassemble dual brake valve and remove
Poor braki- released. brake valve are not air tight. foreign matter or replace inlet valve.
ng action
Air leak. Check air line and correct air leaks.
of wheel b-
rake. Air pressure governor improperly adjusted
Low air pressure. Adjust air pressure governor.
Malfunctioning air compressor. Disassemble and correct air compressor.
Wash off oil or grease or replace brake lini-
Oil or grease on brake lining or pad.
ng or replace pad.
Poor braking acti-
on despite there i- Hardened lining. Grind brake lining surface or replace lining.
s no air leak.
Adjust shoe clearance.
Excessive brake shoe clearance.
If brake lining has worn to limit, replace.
BR-10 Brake System
S y mp t o m Pr o b a b l e c a u s e R e me d y
Binding primary or secondary valve of the Disassemble, check, and clean dual brake
dual brake valve or plugged exhaust port. valve; correct faulty spots or replace.
Small brake shoe clearance. Adjust shoe clearance.
Brake shoe fails t- Weak or broken brake shoe return spring. Replace return spring.
o return properly
Rusty anchor pin cause brake shoe to fail
Brake drum when brake pedal Remove anchor pin and correct faulty spot.
to return.
overheats. is released (wheel
dragging). Air pressure in brake chamber not releas- Check dual brake valve and quick release
ed. valve.
Rusty camshaft. Correct faulty spot.
Isolate the cause of spring brake being act-
Spring brake being activated.
ivated and release the brake.
Worm brake lining, exposing rivet head. Replace brake lining.
Hardened brake lining. Replace brake lining.
Unevenly worn brake drum inner surface. Grind drum or replace.
Noise when brake pedal is de-
pressed. Brake shoe not in tight contact with brake
Use correct brake lining.
Brake drum left loose. Torque to specification.
Anchor pin left loose. Torque anchor pin lock nut to specification.
Adjust shoe clearance.
Improper brake shoe clearance or bake li-
For incorrect contact, correct or replace br-
ning not in correct contact.
ake lining.
Oil or grease on brake lining or inner surf- Wash off oil or grease or replace brake lini-
ace of brake drum. ng.
Brake drum runout, or drum left loose. Correct runout or torque to specification.
Vehicle pulls to one side when
braking. Tires not uniformly inflated. Inflate correctly.
Different brake lining materials used. Use lining or the same material.
Weak or broken brake shoe return spring. Replace return spring.
Chassis spring U-bolt left loose. Torque U-bolt nut to specification.
Air pressure sent to brake chambers not Check piping to brake chamber for air leak
uniform. or check equipment for correct operation.
Wheel brake suddenly applied. Small brake shoe clearance. Adjust shoe clearance.
General BR-11
Se r v i c e p r o c e d u r e
Ti ght eni ng of f l ui d pi pe and ai r pi pe
Sl e e v e s h a p e Pi p e d i a . Thr ead di a. × pi t ch T i g h t e n i n g t o r q u e N . m ( k g f . m, l b - f t )
6.35 mm M12 × 1.0 mm 18.6 - 24.5 (1.9 - 2.5, 13.7 - 18)
M12 × 1.5 mm
10 mm M16 × 1.5 mm 38.2 - 50 (3.9 - 5.1, 28.2 - 36.9)
12 mm M20 × 1.5 mm 58.8 - 78.4 (6 - 8, 43.4 - 57.9)

15 mm M22 × 1.5 mm 68.6 - 93.2 (7 - 9.5, 50.6 - 68.7)

Ap p l i c a t i o n o f s e a l a n t Ny l o n t u b e
If connector or air hose for the air circuit is to be reused Nylon tube is used for all air piping excluding between
after removal, first remove any residual sealant, oil, the air compressor and air dryer (or air tank).
grease, and water. Then, coat tapered threads except Service the piping as described below.
one to two threads from the end with THREE BOND
TB1110B or equivalent before tightening.
Retighten if positioning is necessary. When the nut is tightened, the sleeve deforms and bites
into the tube which hermetically seals off joint, preventing
air leaks.
Therefore, do not reuse the tube once it is disconnected.
Be sure to replace with a new assembly.


BR-12 Brake System
I nst al l at i on 3. Pull the tube and ensure that it does not come off. If it
1. Make sure that the nut, sleeve, and insert have been comes off, replace it with a new one and reinstall.
assembled onto the tube.

After installation of the nylon tube, check for damage

bend, leaks from the connection, dangerous
interference with other parts.


2. Shift the nut and sleeve to the front and push the
tube all the way into the connector so that the insert
is held tightly against the connector. The, While
pressing the sleeve against the connector, tighten the
nut hand-tight. Next, tighten the nut to specification.
T u b e d i a me t e r T i g h t e n i n g t o r q u e N . m ( k g f . m, l b - f t )
6 mm 20 - 25.9 (2 - 2.6, 14.4 - 18.8)
10 mm 34 - 43.8 (3.5 - 4.5, 25.3 - 32.5)
12 mm 49 - 58.8 (5 - 6, 36.1 - 43.3)

Full Air Brake System BR-13
F u l l Ai r Br a k e Sy s t e m
Re l a y V a l v e
C o mp o n e n t s L o c a t i o n

BR-14 Brake System
D i s a s s e mb l y


1. Bolt 6. Retainer 11. Valve intake

2. Cover 7. O-ring 12. Piston
3. Cover O-ring 8. O-ring 13. Piston O-ring
4. Retainer ring 9. Dust cover 14. Retainer ring
5. Guide seat 10. Spring 15. Filter
16. Body

• Clean the metal parts disassembled with cleaning

fluid and be cautious not to be entered into chip and
foreign substance.
• Don't clean the rubber parts with cleaning fluid.
Full Air Brake System BR-15


1. Bolt 7. O-ring 13. Piston O-ring

2. Cover assembly 8. O-ring 14. Retainer ring
3. Cover O-ring 9. Dust cover 15. Filter
4. Retainer ring 10. Spring 16. Body
5. Guide seat 11. Valve in 17. Connector
6. Retainer 12. Piston 18. Diaphragm
19. O-ring Connector

• Clean the metal parts disassembled with cleaning

fluid and be cautious not to be entered into chip and
foreign substance.
• Don't clean the rubber parts with cleaning fluid.
BR-16 Brake System
A d j u s t me n t


Do not disassemble and reassemble the valve

unreasonably. It makes damage the inner parts.
Full Air Brake System BR-17

BR-18 Brake System
Du a l B r a k e V a l v e
C o mp o n e n t s


1. Cover plate 17. Ring piston 33. Pivot pin

2. Retaining ring 18. O-ring 34. Collar 1
3. Bush piston 19. O-ring 35. Roller
4. Compression spring 1 20. Circlip 36. Cover assembly
5. Compression spring 4 21. O-ring 37. Clamping piston
6. Compression spring 5 22. Power piston 38. Pedal
7. Compression spring 2 23. O-ring 39. Stopper nut
8. Nut 24. O-ring 40. Stopper bolt
9. Washer 1 25. Guide plate 41. Clamping pedal seal
10. Circlip 26. Plate seal 42. Bolt and washer
11. Cover plate 2 27. Bolt and washer 43. Pedal rubber
12. O-ring 28. O-ring 44. Protective plug
13. Guide rod bolt 29. Exhaust socket 45. Washer 3
14. Upper housing 30. Exhaust cover 46. Circlip
15. Guide piston assembly 31. Housing base 47. Compression spring
16. Compression spring 3 32. Pin cotter 48. Push rod

• Plug the ends of the removed air pipes and the open
parts of the dual brake valve.
• Check for air leakage after installation.
Full Air Brake System BR-19
R e p l a c e me n t
1. Park the vehicle at the flat road.
2. Remove the battery (-) cable.
3. Disconnect the connector below the gradual valve.


4. Remove the gradual valve with loosening the brake

pedal mounting bolt.
5. The installation is the reverse order of removal.

• Brake hose is free from being twisted.

• Lubricate the sealant for preventing dust and
water after installing the connector.
Tr oubl es hoot i ng
S y mp t o m Ca u s e R e me d y
Air leaks of port 11, port 12. Wrong tightening torque in connector. Retighten to the specified torque.
Defective connector. Replace connector.
Air leak of exhaust part. Foreign material entry. Replace
Functional malfunction. Damage to inner parts. Replace
Foreign material entry. Replace
Insufficient air pressure supplied. Check for air supply pipe.
BR-20 Brake System
A i r P r o c e s s i n g Un i t ( A . P . U)
C o mp o n e n t s


1. Air drier
2. Nut
3. Exhaust
4. Cartridge
5. Quad valve
6. Silencer
Full Air Brake System BR-21
Tr oubl es hoot i ng
S y mt o m Ca u s e R e me d y
Charging the air from all tanks is i- Air line leak. Check the line for leak.
Insufficiency of catridge tightening torque.
Freezing of air drier. Check the heater wiring.
Charging the air from specified ta- Air line leak. Check the line for leak.
nk is impossible.
Foreign substance in the quad valve. Replace the quad valve.
Charging the tank over 9 BAR is i- Air gauge malfunctioning. Replace the air gauge.
Setting of the fixing pressure is bad. Resetting and replace.
After the vehicle stop, the pressu- System air line leak. Check the line for leak.
re drops to 0 bar. (If the time of dropping pressure is ov-
er 10 hours, it is normal.)
Noise at purging. Old silencer. Clean and replace.

R e p l a c e me n t 2. Installation of cartridge
1. Removal of cartridge (1) Check that the square seal is assembled to new
(1) Apply the parking brake and fix the vehicle. Stop cartridge.
the engine. (2) Remove the O-ring assembled to the air drier and
(2) Keep the air pressure in the air tank below 1.5 clean the circumference.
BAR with pushing the brake pedal. (3) Apply the grease to the O-ring and install it.
(3) Remove the cartridge with rotating (4) Install the cartridge.
counterclockwise. (5) Start the engine and check leak for around the

If the air of air tank is full, be cautious to remove

the cartridge.


BR-22 Brake System
B r a k e C h a mb e r
De s c r i p t i o n
Brake chamber is the unit that converts air pressure to
mechanical force when braking. There are many kinds of
brake chamber because each brake requires different
force than others.
Brake chamber is classified by number according to size
which number indicates effective area of diaphragm. For
example chamber of type 24 signifies that effective area
of diaphragm of brake chamber is 24 in² while force
acting on push rod by brake chamber is value obtained
by multiplying this area with air pressure.
Op e r a t i o n
If brake pedal is depressed, compressed air enters brake
chamber through supply port at pressure plate so that air
pushes diaphragm. Diaphragm is supported by push
plate to push forward the push rod. Push rod is
connected to slack adjuster which moves forward to
rotate cam shaft so as to brake. When air pressure is
discharged from brake chamber, push rod return spring
acts simultaneously with brake shoe return spring so as
to return the push rod assembly, the slack adjuster and
the cam shaft to their respective original positions of
state when brake was not applied.

Full Air Brake System BR-23
C o mp o n e n t s


1. Clamp ring
2. Pressure plate
3. Diaphragm
4. Push rod complete
5. Return spring
6. Dust cover
7. Non-pressure plate complete
BR-24 Brake System
D i s a s s e mb l y I nspect i on
D i s a s s e mb l y o f b r a k e c h a mb e r Ma i n t e n a n c e o f b r a k e c h a mb e r
1. Unfasten support part of brake chamber, separate air 1. Each month after driving 12,000 km or 300 hr, check
hose, and separate push rod from slack adjuster. the stroke of push rod and adjust slack adjuster
2. Remove brake chamber by unfastening installation stroke.
nut. T y p e o f c h a mb e r A d j u s t me n t l i mi t R e ma r k
3. Clearly cleanse outside of brake chamber using
24 45 mm 5.6 kg/cm² or less

• Before disassembly, pull out the push rod and fix Remember that push rod stroke must be as short as
completely. possible when braking. Excessive push rod stroke
• Work it cautiously preventing the return spring drops down brake efficiency, shortens diaphragm life,
from bouncing out. retards brake reaction and increases air
• At this cleansing you must not polish with
gasoline, diesel, or water solution etc. 2. Check the push rod in slack adjuster operation stroke
arrangement and whether the push rod is operated
4. And before disassembly firstly mark upon brake
without interference. And check angle formed by
chamber the original assembly locations of clamping
slack adjuster arm and push rod. The angle must be
ring and plate for time of reassembly.
larger than 90° under state of brake release and the
5. When replacing diaphragm or spring in car without readjusted maximum stroke should be near 90°.
removing non-pressure plate of brake chamber,
3. Check if mounting nut is fastened tightly and confirm
return spring pressure should be removed by
that cotter pin is installed at proper location.
unfastening slack adjuster.
4. Each year after driving 150,000 km or 3,600 hr,
maintain as follows.
(1) Disassemble brake chamber and cleanly polish
every part.
(2) Replace spring and push rod if they are corroded,
worn or distorted and replace diaphragm.
(3) When replacing diaphragm or spring, it should be
replaced by same thing as in other chamber in
same axle part.
Full Air Brake System BR-25
Brake Chamber (With Spring Brake)
De s c r i p t i o n
Spring brake chamber is designed so that brake function
might be exerted in emergency and parking. And when
pressure in air system is reduced, braking is
automatically applied by pressure reduction amount.
Spring brake is not only emergency brake but also
substitutes general hand brake by manually operating
gradual valve installed at driver's position.


1. Clevis assembly 10. Pressure plate

2. Service brake housing 11. Compressor spring
3. Service brake diaphragm return spring 12. Release stud excess plug
4. Push rod 13. Parking brake diaphragm
5. Connecting clamp of adapter and service brake chamber 14. Adapter push rod
6. Service brake diaphragm 15. Parking brake diaphragm
7. Push rod plate 16. Release stud assembly
8. Adapter 17. O-ring
9. Connecting clamp of parking brake chamber and adapter 18. Nylon screw
BR-26 Brake System
N o r ma l d r i v i n g


It holds spring compressed to allow driving (so that

parking or emergency operation may be feasible).

Spring of parking brake consistently maintains state as

above during driving.
Ma i n b r a k e ( s e r v i c e b r a k e )


Spring brake is not operated under condition of normal accomplished.

main brake operation. It is held in by air pressure. If
brake is depressed, air is supplied to main brake
chamber as in the above figure so that braking is
Full Air Brake System BR-27
R e l e a s e o f ma i n b r a k e


If brake pedal is released, air in line is exhausted through

brake valve bottom and air in main brake chamber is
quickly discharged through quick release valve.
Pa r k i n g b r a k e ( s p r i n g b r a k e )


Parking valve (gradual valve) operation discharges air

from spring brake so that force that has been holding the
Emergency brake : if air pressure drops below spring
spring is removed, and so oppositely main brake is
pressure, main brake is automatically operated by spring
operated through push rod by spring force so as to
force so as to brake.
BR-28 Brake System
D i s a s s e mb l y 4. Reassemble the nut and washer to the release bolt.
1. Fix the wheel and remove the cap from the spring
chamber. Loosen the release bolt from the side
2. Put the release bolt to the position which cap was
removed, and insert it into the pressure plate.


5. Screw the release bolt tightening nut until the

pressure spring is fully compressed.
Ti ght eni ng t or que :
66.7 N.m (6.8 kgf.m , 49.2 lb-ft)

3. Turn the release bolt clockwise for 1/4 turns.

The strong spring is compressed in the spring
chamber. Without controling the spring, if you loosen
the clamping, it is very dangerous.


Full Air Brake System BR-29
D i s a s s e mb l y o f p a r k i n g b r a k e R e a s s e mb l y
1. Press the parking brake spring. Disassemble the R e a s s e mb l y o f p a r k i n g b r a k e
clamp of spring brake for replacing the spring brake 1. Put the new diaphragm on the adapter housing flatly.
diaphragm. Put the parking brake housing, spring and pressure
2. Pull out the diaphragm with pushing the parking plate on the adapter housing. Assemble the clamp.
brake from the adapter.
C l a mp b o l t t i g h t e n i n g t o r q u e :
25.5 - 33.3 N.m (2.6 - 3.4 kgf.m , 18.8 - 24.6 lb-ft)
2. Charge air to the chamber and check leak for it.
3. Loosen the parking brake release bolt and assemble
it to the side pocket. Install the plug to the parking
brake chamber.


3. Replace the diaphragm removed from the chamber

as new one. Clean the inner part of adapter with
solvent and soapy water.


R e a s s e mb l y o f ma i n b r a k e ( s e r v i c e b r a k e )
1. Unfasten main brake bottom clamp after manually
holding the parking brake spring.
2. Replace main brake diaphragm after pulling off
3. Polish inside of adaptor housing with clear solvent.
4. Check push rod, spring, housing, and push rod and
plate adaptor.
5. Replace worn or damaged parts.
6. Install the diaphragm, place the clamp so as to be
STABR4126D suitably mounted, and fasten the clamp bolt by 25 -
33 N.m. Apply pressure to the spring and the main
chamber and check the clamp with suds to confirm if
leak occurs. Leak out only the air of main brake.
Remeasure clamp torque.
BR-30 Brake System
Gr a d u a l V a l v e
C o mp o n e n t s


A : Driving condition (Lever stroke 0˚)

B : Stopping condition in driving (Lever stroke 0 - 60˚)
C : Conversion to parking condition by raising lever
upward at "B" state (Lever stroke 85˚)

Port 1 : Air supply line

Port 2 : Air delivery line for opeating parking chamber
Port 3 : Air delivery line for trailer control valve port 43

Port 3 is only applied to the tractor.

Full Air Brake System BR-31
Sp e c i f i c a t i o n s
I t em Sp e c i f i c a t i o n
Operating process Compressed air
Operating temperature -40 to 80 °C
Max. pressure 10 bar

Tr oubl es hoot i ng
S y mp t o m Ca u s e R e me d y
Wrong tightening torque in connector. Retighten to the specified torque.
Air leaks of port 1, port 2.
Defective connector. Replace connector.
Foreign material entry.
Poor lever movement. Replace
Damage to inner parts.
Damage to inner parts. Replace
Functional malfunction. Foreign material entry. Replace
Insufficient air pressure supplied. Check for air supply pipe.

R e p l a c e me n t
1. Remove the center console.
2. Remove the fitting and mounting bolt connected to
port 1, port 2 and port 3.
3. When installing the gradual valve, install it with
specified torque.
P o r t mo u n t i n g t o r q u e ( 3 x M1 6 x 1 . 5 ) :
Max. 33 N.m (3.4 kgf.m , 24.6 lb-ft)
Mo u n t i n g p a r t ( 2 x M6 x 1 ) :
Max. 3.9 N.m (0.4 kgf.m , 2.9 lb-ft)
BR-32 Brake System
Dr u m B r a k e
C o mp o n e n t s


1. Return spring pin 4. Return spring A 7. Anchor pin

2. Shoe and lining assembly 5. Shoe and lining assembly 8. Chamber bracket
3. Cam shaft 6. Return spring B 9. Brake chamber
Full Air Brake System BR-33
D i s a s s e mb l y


1. Roller and retainer assembly (*) 9. Cam lining 17. Chamber bracket bolt
2. Retainer 10. Anchor lining 18. Washer
3. Roller 11. Shoe assembly 19. Chamber bracket
4. Pin roller 12. Snap ring 20. Oil seal
5. Shoe return spring A (*) 13. Return spring pin 21. Camshaft bushing
6. Shoe return spring B (*) 14. Anchor pin 22. Anchor bracket
7. Shoe and lining assembly 15. Cam shaft 23. Oil seal
8. Rivet 16. Chamber bracket bolt 24. Camshaft bushing
25. Anchor pin bushing

※ (*) mark means that describe disassembly and

assembly in detail.
BR-34 Brake System
1. Rotate the shoe and lining assembly like ①, and then 3. Rotate the shoe and lining assembly like ①, remove
remove the roller and retainer assembly like ② the return spring B like ② ("Disassembly picture *6").
("Disassembly picture *1").

Remove the parts using tools (ex. screwdriver).

Do not remove it by hands.


Clear the contaminated part because of dirty oil or


2. Rotate the shoe and lining assembly base on the

camshaft like ①, and then remove the return spring A
with narrowing the gap of return spring like ②
("Disassembly picture *5").

Full Air Brake System BR-35
I nspect i on (3) O.D of anchor pin
1. Inspection St a n d a r d L i mi t s
Inspect the each part using inspection device or tool.
37 mm 36.85 mm
Refer to specified value whether use each part or not.
If necessary, repair or replace them. (4) I.D of anchor pin bushing
If wear of part limits the specified value, if needed, St a n d a r d L i mi t s
replace the wear part or opponent part.
37 mm 37.15 mm
Although wear of part doesn't limit the specified
value, it will be able to replace for maintenance. Do (5) Play of anchor pin and bushing
not use again rubber parts, use the new one.
St a n d a r d L i mi t s
(1) Abnormal state
- Wear is uneven. 0.05 - 0.12 mm 0.25 mm

- Sloping wear (6) I.D of shoe roller bushing

- A scar St a n d a r d L i mi t s
- A crack
22 mm 22.4 mm
- A fatigue or weakening (Spring)
- Bending (7) O.D of shoe roller

- Loose assembly St a n d a r d L i mi t s
- Discoloration 37 mm 36.6 mm
- Abnormal noise (Bearing)
(8) O.D of shoe roller pin
- Rust
- Capacity deterioration (Lining) St a n d a r d L i mi t s

(2) Lining thickness and drum inner diameter. 22 mm 21.6 mm

St a n d a r d L i mi t s ( A , B ) (9) Play of shoe roller bushing and roller pin

20 mm 6.5 mm St a n d a r d L i mi t s
410 mm 414 mm 0.2 - 0.43 mm 0.80 mm

(10)I.D of camshaft bushing

St a n d a r d L i mi t s
40 mm 40.3 mm

(11)O.D of camshaft
St a n d a r d L i mi t s
40 mm 39.7 mm

(12)Play of camshaft bushing and camshaft

St a n d a r d L i mi t s
0.15 - 0.22 mm 0.6 mm

BR-36 Brake System
(13)Return spring 2. Repair and replacement.
St a n d a r d Using a drill machine, drill the jointing part of the
I t em R e ma r k s shoe side rivet. Remove the lining.
val ue ( L)
(1) Lining
Free length 252 mm
(1) Drill the rivet head of shoe. Remove the rivet
Limit 257 mm and disassemble the lining.
Return spring A
Load 41 - 49 kg
at 261 mm
Free length 145 mm
Limit 148 mm
Return spring B
Load 23 - 28 kg
at 154 mm

If return spring lengths exceed the limits

described in table, replace it.


(2) Joint the parts using the rivet like below



Full Air Brake System BR-37
(2) Clear the bushing hole.
• Riveting of lining from the center portion and (3) Insert and press the new bushing to anchor
working toward the ends. Make sure that no bracket.
gap is produced between the shoe and lining.
• Clear the surface of shoe.
• Stake the rivets to 26,477 - 38,245 N.m (2,700
- 2,900 kgf.m, 19,529 - 20,975 lb-ft).


(2) Anchor pin bushing

(1) Remove the anchor pin bushing (B) from the
anchor bracket (A).


(4) After pressing , inner diameter must be 37 -

37.15 mm.

BR-38 Brake System
(3) Camshaft bushing (4) Press the new bushing and oil seal to the
(1) Remove the oil seal from the anchor bracket. anchor bracket and chamber bracket.
(2) Remove the camshaft bushing (B) from the
anchor bracket and the chamber bracket (A).



(3) Clear the bushing hole.


(5) After pressing, inner diameter must be 40 -

40.03 mm.
Full Air Brake System BR-39
R e a s s e mb l y


1. Roller and retainer assembly (*) 9. Cam lining 17. Chamber bracket bolt (*)
2. Retainer 10. Anchor lining 18. Washer
3. Roller 11. Shoe assembly 19. Chamber bracket
4. Pin roller 12. Snap ring 20. Oil seal
5. Shoe return spring A (*) 13. Return spring pin 21. Camshaft bushing (*)
6. Shoe return spring B (*) 14. Anchor pin 22. Anchor bracket
7. Shoe and lining assembly 15. Cam shaft (*) 23. Oil seal
8. Rivet 16. Chamber bracket bolt (*) 24. Camshaft bushing (*)
25. Anchor pin bushing
BR-40 Brake System
T i p s o n a s s e mb l y Roller and retainer assembly
C a ms h a f t b u s h i n g Assemble the roller and retainer assembly like below
Lubricate the grease into the bushing. sequence. After assembling, check for rotation of roller
with rotating the camshaft.
C h a mb e r b r a c k e t b o l t
Tighten the chamber bracket bolt.
Ti ght eni ng t or que :
78.4 - 117.6 N.m (8 - 12 kgf.m, 57.8 - 86.7 lb-ft)
C a ms h a f t
Check for rotation of camshaft after assembling the
Sh o e r e t u r n s p r i n g B
Assemble the shoe return spring B like below sequence.


Ca u t i o n wh i l e i n s t a l l i n g t h e d r u m b r a k e

When installing the drum to the hub, tighten the bolt to

the specified torque.
Ti ght eni ng t or que :
56.8 - 59.7 N.m (5.8 - 6.1 kgf.m, 42.1 - 44.3 lb-ft)


Sh o e r e t u r n s p r i n g A
Assemble the shoe return spring A like below sequence.


Full Air Brake System BR-41
Au t o Sl a c k Ad j u s t e r
De s c r i p t i o n
The clearance between lining and brake drum becomes
wide as the use of brake is going on. Therefore, the
clearance of brake lining should be maintained properly
by adjusting it. To do so, the clearance will be adjusted
by using slack adjuster in full air "S" cam brake. But bad
brake performance like brake slippage will occur as the
stroke of brake chamber is long due to the excess of
brake lining clearance when applying brake, in case it is
not adjusted by maintenance intervals.
This is the reason why the stroke of brake chamber in the
range of approx. 80 % or more of max. stroke has
characteristics that brake force decreases. It is very
important service factor to adjust brake lining clearance
in full air "S" cam brake.
The auto slack adjuster always secures stable brake
performance and is in pursue of stability by adjusting
brake lining automatically and maintaining proper stroke
of brake chamber. Also it is not needed for adjusting the
clearance of brake lining by the time brake lining wears
out fully after installation.

BR-42 Brake System
C o mp o n e n t s


1. Housing 10. Thrust washer

2. Bushing 11. Gasket
3. Worm wheel 12. O-ring
4. Worm shaft 13. Rivet
5. O-ring 14. Plastic insert
6. Needle bearing 15. Gear wheel assembly
7. Front cover 16. Control disc
8. Control unit assembly 17. Clutch
9. Coil spring 18. Rear cover
Full Air Brake System BR-43
R e p l a c e me n t

Whenever replacing the lining, check the plastic insert of

control arm for wear after removing the bracket. If the
plastic insert wears down, replace it with new one.
Otherwise a braking distance is increased or a wrong
braking is in danger of operating because of decreasing
the braking force.


1. Loosen the two bolts that fix the bracket.

2. Remove the bracket from the auto slack adjuster.
3. Remove the plastic insert from the control arm, install
the new one to the control arm.
4. Check the stopper for wear, if needed, replace it.
5. Assemble a stopper, washer and nut to a bracket
SGVBR7801L temporarily.
6. When assembling the bracket with two bolts,
interpose the stopper to the plastic insert.
7. Assemble the two bolts with specified torque.
Ti ght eni ng t or que :
13.7 - 16.7 N.m (1.4 - 1.7 kgf.m, 10.2 - 12.4 lb-ft)
8. Assemble the nut of stopper with specified torque.
Ti ght eni ng t or que :
34.3 - 53.9 N.m (3.5 - 5.5 kgf.m, 25.5 - 40 lb-ft)

BR-44 Brake System
D i s a s s e mb l y 4. Remove gear wheel assembly.
1. Remove control unit assembly mounting screw from


5. Using hexagonal wrench, remove rear cover, coil

SPYBR7073L spring, and thrust washer.
2. Remove control unit assembly from housing.



3. Remove control unit gasket from housing.


Full Air Brake System BR-45
6. Remove front cover and then remove O-ring, needle 8. Detach O-ring from worm wheel.
bearing, clutch wheel, and worm shaft.

I nspect i on
1. Wash and clean housing, worm wheel, and control
unit assembly prior to inspection.


7. Remove worm wheel from housing.



BR-46 Brake System
2. Inspect damage to inside of housing and replace
housing if worn.
Housi ng I.D : Max. 62.20 mm


4. Inspect damage to worm wheel including surface

condition. Replace it if necessary.

3. Install worm shaft to housing and using thickness

gage measure the clearance between worm shaft
and housing.
Cl e a r a n c e b e t we e n wo r m s h a f t a n d h o u s i n g :
Max. 0.25 mm


5. Measure worm wheel O.D. and replace it if worn.

Worm wheel O.D : Max. 61.87 mm


Full Air Brake System BR-47
R e a s s e mb l y 3. Apply grease to worm shaft and install worm shaft to
1. Apply grease to the inside of housing. housing.


2. Apply grease to worm wheel and O-ring, and install 4. Install clutch wheel, needle bearing, O-ring, and front
worm wheel to housing. cover and tighten these to the specified torque.
Fr ont cover t i ght eni ng t or que :
49 N.m (5.0 kgf.m, 36.1 lb-ft)



BR-48 Brake System
5. Install thrust washer, coil spring, and rear cover to 7. Install gasket and control unit assembly.

SPYBR7095L 8. Install control unit mounting screw.

Tighten screw by pushing to the maximum extent with

a hand when installing control unit.
C o n t r o l u n i t mo u n t i n g s c r e w :
2.9 - 3.9 N.m (0.3 - 0.4 kgf.m, 2.1 - 2.8 lb-ft)


6. Install gear wheel assembly.


Ge n e r a l
A. B. S
1. A.B.S Function
When vehicle is braked while driving, or braked
suddenly, or road is slippery due to rain or snow, skid
happens easily, When skid happens, braking force is
reduced and stopping distance is lengthened. Or it
may cause an accident because the vehicle slips to
the wrong direction and handle steering is worsened.
So ABS is a safety seeking system that prevents
wheel stuck or slips to maintain the vehicle direction
stability and ensures the steering control and
achieves optimum stopping distance.
2. Structure of A.B.S
• 4S / 4M (4 Wheel speed sensors, 4 Modulator
valves) : Full air brake


4S / 4M is a basic structure diagram in this book.

BR-50 Brake System
3. A.B.S Warning lamp
ABS warning lamp operates as follows.
A.B.S warning light turns off after fl-
Normal operation System is in normal operation.
ashing instantly.
Ignition switch ON
Lamp turns off if the vehicle drives
After repairs of A.B A.B.S warning light remains on whe-
faster than 7 km/h and sys tem is i-
.S system n ignition switch in the ON position.
n normal operation.

Warning light remains on when the

A.B.S warning light remains on whe-
Defective vehicle drives faster than 7 km/h.
n ignition switch in the ON position.
ABS system is defective.

If the ECU senses a fault when driving a vehicle, ABS

warning light turns on.
4. ABS modulator valve
ABS modulator valve controls air pressure of
corresponding brake. 2 modulator valves of rear axle
wheel are installed at the right side frame of
rearward, and 2 A.B.S modulator valves are installed
at front axle frame. And relay valve is used to deliver
air pressure to the A.B.S modulator valve.

5. ABS sensor 6. Structure of E.C.U system
ABS system consists of pulse wheel installed at the ECU corresponds to the brain of ABS system. This
wheel hub, and sensor at the opposite direction of the system receives the information from sensors and
pulse wheel. Sensor feedback the information on the remits the signals to ABS modulator valve.
wheel speed to the ECU continuously. The shape of
shafts sets sensor position.
• Steering shaft sensor is installed at the steering
• Drive shaft sensor is installed at the shaft housing


ECU version is displayed on the part number

identification tag.
Wh e e l s p e e d s e n s o r
Pulse wheels (A) are installed at the wheel hubs facing
the ends of sensors (B). Sensor is fixed with sensor clip


BR-52 Brake System
A . B . S mo d u l a t o r v a l v e 2. Since ASR operates by itself, driver doesn't have to
ABS modulator valve controls the air pressure of the select on / off mode. When driving wheel slips in
corresponding brake in ABS operation. acceleration, ASR indication light turns on and it
stops when slip stops.
Generally speaking, modulator valve is placed on the
cross member or frame side rail near brake chamber.


3. When ASR is installed, ASR is displayed on the

meter at key "ON".
ASR o p e r a t i o n
SGVBR3303L 1. Differential brake control
ASR o p e r a t i o n p r i n c i p l e If the slip rate of one drive wheel exceeds specified
1. This system reduces the slips of driving wheel when slip rate, ECU controls ASR valve and ABS
driving on a slippery road, and improves the towing modulator valve to brake the slipping wheel. If the
capability. If one driving wheel starts slip, ASR slip rate lies within the specification, brake is
applies air pressure to brake the wheel and then released.
engine torque is delivered to the better towing wheel.

Sp e c i f i c a t i o n
I t e ms So u r c e
Rated voltage DC 24 V
Power consumption (nominal) 500 mA or less
Control unit
Power consumption (ABS act) 12 V or less
Operating voltage range DC 20 - 32 V
Rated voltage DC 24 V
Coil resistance 15.6 ± 1 Ω (20°C)
Control valve Rated current About 1.5 A
Operating voltage range DC 19 - 27 V
Max. control pressure 10 kg/cm²
Wheel speed sensor Coil resistance 0.9 - 2.0 kΩ
Rated voltage DC 24 V
Power relay for supplying source
Rated coil current 150 mA or less
Rated voltage DC 24 V
Power relay for blocking retarder
Rated coil current 0.1 ± 0.02 A (20°C)
Operating current About 2 A
Operating voltage range DC 20 - 32 V
Rated voltage DC 24 V
ASR control valve Coil resistance 47 ± 4 Ω (20°C)
Rated current About 0.5 A
Using voltage range DC 19 - 27 V
Using pressure range 3 - 10 kg/cm²

Ti ght eni ng t or que

Ti ght eni ng Sc r e w s i z e N . m ( k g f . m, l b - f t )
Air pipe M16 × 1.5 39.2 - 50 (4.0 - 5.1, 28.9 - 36.8)
ASR motor (lock nut) - 3.9 - 6.8 (0.4 - 0.7, 2.8 - 5)
Double check valve joint - 34.3 - 44.1 (3.5 - 4.5, 25.3 - 32.5)
ABS sensor harness grip mounting bolt M10 × 1.25 19.6 - 27.4 (2.0 - 2.8, 14.4 - 20.2)
BR-54 Brake System
R e mo v a l I nst al l at i on
Wo r k i n g p r i n c i p l e o f A S R v a l v e 1. Install ASR valve with 2 mounting screws and nuts
1. Turn the key switch "OFF" and apply the parking and tighten the screws with the specified torques.
brake. 2. Connect the air inlet line and air outlet line to port 1
2. Block the front and rear tires so that the vehicle won't and port 2 respectively.
move anyway. 3. Connect the wire connector to ASR valve and tighten
3. Lift up the vehicle and safety support beneath the with the bare hand.
shaft, if needed. 4. Remove the block and safety support.
4. Reduce the air pressure by releasing air from the air 5. Check the installation state.
pressure tank. I nst al l at i on
5. Remove the key switch from ASR valve. 1. Start the engine.
6. Remove the air-line from the port 1 (inlet) and port 2 2. Fill the air tank fully and park the car.
(outlet) of ASR valve.
3. Press the brake pedal.
7. Remove 2 mounting screws and nuts. Remove ASR
4. Operate and check the ASR valve.
5. Listen to the exhaust sound of ASR valve.
6. Release the brake pedal.
7. Remove the diagnostic device.
8. Check whether ABS warning lamp turns off while

A B S C o n t r o l Mo d u l e ( A B S E C U )
C o mp o n e n t s


1. Cover panel (LH)

2. Cover panel (RH)
3. Wiring protector
5. Controller mounting plate (LH)
6. Controller mounting plate (RH)

R e p l a c e me n t
1. Park the vehicle on the flat area and stop the engine.
2. Disconnect the battery (-) cable.
3. Remove the cover in the rear side of inner cab.
4. Disconnect the ABS connector and remove the ABS
control module.
5. The installation is the reverse order of removal.
BR-56 Brake System
A B S Mo d u l a t e r
R e mo v a l I nst al l at i on
1. Set the ignition switch at "OFF" position and apply I n s t a l l a t i o n o f A B S mo d u l a t o r v a l v e
the parking brake firmly. 1. Install ABS valve with 2 mounting screws and nuts.
2. Block both front and rear tires so that the vehicle do Tighten the screw with the specified torque.
not move. 2. Connect the brake chamber line to ABS port 2.
3. Lift up the tires and put a safety support beneath the Connect the air supply to ABS valve port 1.
axle if needed. 3. Connect the wire connector to ABS valve and tighten
4. Remove the wire connector from ABS valve. it with bare hands.
5. Remove the air line from ABS valve port 1 (inlet) and 4. Remove the block and safety support.
port 2 (outlet). 5. Check the installation state.
6. Remove 2 mounting screws and nuts. I nst al l at i on check
7. Remove ABS valve. 1. Apply the brake and listen to the air outlet sound from
ABS modulator valve.
2. Check the electrical cable connection, when
something is wrong with ABS modulator valve cycle
after key switch on.
3. Check whether ABS warning light works properly
while driving the vehicle.

Wheel Speed Sensor
R e mo v a l R e mo v a l o f t h e w h e e l s p e e d s e n s o r - r e a r a x l e
1. Removal of wheel speed sensor front axle. 1. Block the tires so that the vehicle won't move.
• Block both the rear tires and apply the parking 2. Lift up the rear tire and put a safety support beneath
brake firmly. the axle.
• Lift up the tire and put a safety support beneath 3. Release the parking brake, and rotate the slack
the axle if needed. adjuster to lengthen the lining clearance.
• Remove the wire clamp, which holds the sensor 4. Remove wheel and tire assembly from the shaft.
cable. 5. Remove the brake drum and hub.
• Remove the sensor cable from chassis wires. 6. Remove sensor from the mounting block of the axle
• Remove the sensor from sensor holder and rotate housing.
to remove if needed. Do not pull the cable. Rotate it to remove if needed. Do not pull the cable.
2. Installation of wheel speed sensor front axle. 7. Remove the sensor spring clip from mounting block.
• Connect the sensor cable to chassis wires. 8. Remove sensor cable clamp.
• Install the wire clamp to fix the sensor cable. 9. Remove the sensor cable from chassis wire.
• Apply the lubricant recommended by WABCO on
the sensor spring clip and sensors.
• Install the clip onto the sensor spring. Check the
spring clip tap to face inside of the vehicle.
• Push to insert sensor spring clip to bushing of the
steering knuckle until the clip stops.

Push by hands without using the tools.

3. Push the sensor fully inside the sensor spring clip
until it touches pulse wheel.
4. Remove the block and supports.

BR-58 Brake System
D i s a s s e mb l y
1. Apply the lubricant recommended by WABCO on the
sensor spring clip and sensor.
2. Install sensor spring clip. Check whether spring tap
clip faces inside vehicle.
3. Push to insert sensor spring clip to sensor holder
until the clip stops.
4. Push the sensor fully inside the sensor spring clip
until it touches pulse wheel.
5. Be careful with the sensor cable not to interfere with
brake shoe.
6. Note that cable shouldn't be tightened too much nor
cut off, and enough space should be assured for the
moving of suspension system.
7. Connect sensor cable to chassis wire.
8. Install sensor cable clamp.
9. Install wheel hub and brake drum assembly.

Be careful not to shock to the wheel speed sensor.

10. Adjust the sensor using flange hole of axle if needed
with the rod of ø5. When the adjustment is not
enough, readjust it after removing drum assembly.


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