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Research Paper submission For fulfillment of NUES, III Semester Gitarattan International Business School, New Delhi

Car-to-Car Communication
Lovey Choudhary# and Vineet Jain#

Gitarattan International Business School, New Delhi, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, India E-MAIL : implemented, a list of such applications is speculative and apt to change in the future (However safety, which is the main purpose of these networks, will most probably remain the most important applications). Furthermore some of these applications require technologies that are not available now. Ultimately we would like to delegate the full handling control of our cars to the vehicles themselves; somewhat similar to autopilot. The classifications of applications are not unique and many institutions involved in intelligent transportation systems propose their own set of applications and classifications. the body of the paper here. Technologically, a number of more general questions have to be answered. These include decision on the wireless communication standard to be used and message dissemination schemes capable of exchanging messages in many different network scenarios. Not independent from this, issues like quality of service (QoS) and high speed real-time communication will have to be tackled to enable on-the-fly collision warning or autonomously driving vehicles. The second important area of interest is the services and applications enabled through C2C communication. As will be shown later, the design and provisioning of attractive car-to-environment or car-to-infrastructure services is crucial for the successful market introduction of C2CC systems. 1. CHOICE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SERVICES In spite of huge remaining technological challenges that are to be tackled in the field of C2CC, the definition of a sound business case is one of the most critical question to be solved: Technology allows for a multitude of different telematics services, but the endusers demands and preferences must be thoroughly investigated to make the market introduction of C2CC an economic success. Services and applications which are based on mere inter-vehicle communication and do not involve any infrastructure only provide value to the customer in case a sufficient penetration rate of C2CC-enabled vehicles has been reached. In the case of a road crossing collision warning application that triggers cars to periodically broadcast their exact positions to all neighbors within communication range, for example, a reduction of traffic incidents can only be realized if a high percentage of vehicles approaching the crossings are equipped with a module allowing for transmitting and receiving data. Due to the long vehicle lifecycles, however, a relevant penetration rate can only be

ABSTRACT Car-to-Car Communication aims at increased driving comfort and safety. Moreover, it changes the role of vehicles from mere transportation means to smart objects. Despite many R&D activities in the last years, this technology still poses multiple challenges on the wireless transmission and network protocols. Aspects like efficient message dissemination, network scalability, and information security mechanisms are still major research areas in the area of vehicular ad hoc networks. In this paper we present the potential of future car-to-car and car-to-environment communication systems, introduce the major research challenges in this field, and provide a selection of current research results. KEYWORDS car to car communication, Car safety, auto control, antitheft technology, fuel economy INTRODUCTION Every one now a days need to have a guarantee of safer transport. Car communication system can help to get it. The main motivation for car communication systems is safety and eliminating the excessive cost of traffic collisions. According to World Health Organizations (WHO), road accidents annually cause approximately 1.2 million deaths worldwide; one fourth of all deaths caused by injury. Also about 50 million persons are injured in traffic accidents. If preventive measures are not taken road death is likely to become the third-leading cause of death in 2020 from ninth place in 1990. The car communication system is not designed for a particular brand or vehicle. This can be used in every vehicle with a little modification. The IEEE 802.11p protocol is used to get the efficient high speed communication. The system is designed considering the normal car user can also use it. The system is mainly divided in 3 sections which are described in section III Section IV and Section V and they are car positioning system, anchor system and signal communicators. The main advantage of the system is that it does not require any GPS system or WiFi connection. It simply works on its own protocol. The main advantage of the system is at the cost of GPS system a person can get the full car communication system and which will help him in secure transport which a GPS system cant support. The system is made to set up its own network among the cars. The cars are made to share their data. Car communication networks will provide a wide range of applications with different characteristics. As these networks have not yet been

reached after several years, even if all newly produced cars were adequately equipped from now on. For this reason, car manufacturers have to think about gradual market introduction strategies. We therefore do not solely focus on mere intervehicular communications systems in this paper, but also take into account applications that rely on wireless enabled road side units (RSUs), services that leverage common Internet portals, and also briefly introduce the potential of integrating vehicles into backend business processes. So-called infrastructure-based services (e.g. car-to-home data exchange, car-to-garage communications for remote diagnosis, Floating Car Data or Location Based Services) provide clear customer benefit and motivate drivers to invest in additional wireless equipment for their vehicles. Eventually, after a longer period of time it is expected that this process will take up to 10 years high enough penetration rates can be reached to allow for mere inter-vehicular communication services such as intersection collision warning, local danger warning, and the de-central dissemination of real-time traffic flow information. After presenting the state-of-the-art of wireless transmission standards, an overview of both mere intervehicular and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication based services is provided in this section, closing with the integration of vehicle-based services into the business processes. 1.1 WIRELESS TRANSMISSION AND MULTIPLE ACCESS Many different wireless technologies are currently discussed to be used for car-to-car communication. Conventional IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN (WLAN), dedicated short range communication (DSRC), and GPRS/ UMTS are just some selected technologies. Due to its success in the area of data communication, the IEEE 802.11 technology family is most likely to emerge as the prevailing communication standard implemented in future cars, specifically in the variant 802.11p, which is currently defined by an IEEE working group. The European Car-to-Car Communication Consortium ( is heavily involved in the standardization process of the IEEE 802.11p automotive communication standard, which is equivalent to the DSRC technologies used in the US. Both standards use a communication frequency band around 5.9 GHz and rely on the OFDM modulation scheme. The preferred medium access method is the so-called random access, which does not need a global scheduler. The IEEE 802.11e standard defines Quality of Service mechanisms for the current WLAN technology. Its concepts can also be used to improve message dissemination in VANETs and improve the channel usage even in combination with the IEEE

Research Paper submission For fulfillment of NUES, III Semester Gitarattan International Business School, New Delhi 802.11p standard. The WLAN-based technology proved to be usable for the general task of exchanging messages between vehicles in an ad hoc fashion, however, for services with specific quality or time constraints, as well as for very large networks (500 nodes) this technology is not applicable as in [1]. 1.2 INTER-VEHICLE SERVICES Vehicle-to-vehicle communication can be used to disseminate messages of multiple services generating their content using sensors within the vehicle. These services can include accident warning, information on traffic jams or warning of an approaching rescue vehicle. In addition, information on road or weather conditions can be exchanged. More elaborate inter-vehicle services are direct collision warning or intersection assistance with information on cross traffic. 1.3 SERVICES OF ROAD SIDE UNITS Communication between vehicles and RSUs can also increase safety. Traffic lights or road signs could be equipped with a communication device to actively inform vehicles in the vicinity. Hence, drivers can receive information on traffic flow, road conditions or construction sites directly from the respective RSU. In addition, static hazard areas, e.g. construction sites, could be equipped with a RSU to warn surrounding vehicles. RSU-based services will play an important role during the introduction phase, since they are almost unaffected by the penetration rate. 1.4 PORTAL-BASED SERVICES Besides the safety related services, many other services related to the vehicle or providing entertainment to the passengers can be brought to future vehicles. The on board unit (OBU) inside the vehicle collects all incoming messages and sensor information. In addition, it relies on a server-based infrastructure providing many additional services. These can include information on parking or hotels as well as sightseeing information. One example for such a system is the Virtual City Portal.The telematics platform needed to realize the portal-based services should be a standardized solution used by all vehicle manufacturers. A promising approach is the Global System for Telematics (GST) developed in the EU FP6 project GST . A standardized solution opens the market to multiple service providers and reduces the time to market for service applications. 1.5 INTEGRATION OF VEHICLES INTO BACKEND BUSINESS PROCESSES In an interconnected world of things that think, vehicles will certainly play a major role in every day business processes that are currently handled by enterprise IT systems. Two different

Car to Car Communication ways of integrating cars into business processes are considered valuable: First, data such as geographical position, covered distance or average speed may be transmitted to a company's backend system to allow for mobile asset management services. Logistics providers, for example, who nowadays run complex IT systems to manage their fleet, could feed real-time information into their applications to improve flexibility and adaptivity of their business processes. If such a system was enabled to receive the current, geographical position of all vehicles, the firm could react to customer demands more agilely due to better capacity forecasting mechanisms. Insurance companies and their customers might also be interested in connecting vehicles to backend IT services. Initiatives such as Pay-as-you-drive currently investigate the market potential of such applications. Drivers who only cover short distances and drive carefully would have to pay less than someone driving long distances. Besides the transmission of data from the car to backend IT application landscapes, the provisioning of car drivers with access to external data is a promising possibility of applying vehicular communications as well. Business people, which are always on the move, such as sales persons or consultants, may be highly interested in leveraging their cars onboard systems as a conventional workplace. Via speech input, drivers could trigger their cars to remotely access a company portal and to download crucial information for their next customer visit, for example. Assuming a high penetration rate of wireless enabled cars, one could even imagine that cars act as network nodes that are able to both offer and consume Web Services in a completely decentralized way. Peer-topeer load balancing technologies , Web Service description, publishing and discovery mechanisms (WSDL) and novel, wireless communication standards that are able to cope with the instable connectivity and the high speeds of the vehicles would then have to be brought together to allow for real intelligent road traffic. 2. RESARCH CHALLENGES FOR CAR To CAR COMMUNICATION Previous research initiatives like Fleetnet or the ongoing project Networks on Wheels already looked into several aspects of C2CC. However, many different aspects of car-tocar communication still need ideas and results from research. They include high performance and efficient physical layer transmission schemes, fair and scalable medium access (MAC) schemes, efficient data dissemination protocols, security, routing protocols, to name the most critical ones. Some selected research aspects will be presented in the following sections. 2.1 SCALABILITY OF PROTOCOLS The term scalability means that the number of users and/or the traffic volume can be increased with reasonably small performance degradation or even network outage and without changing the system components and protocols. Especially due to the distributed nature of car-to-car networks (multi-hop communication) the complexity of protocols for routing or message dissemination is rather high. Using security mechanisms further increases this overhead and the protocol complexity. Unfortunately, the network capacity in multi-hop networks is rather limited. Moreover, in large networks a multitude of events will be generated and sent across the network, resulting in a network overload or even complete breakdown. Using ad hoc routing protocols, to allow for direct unicast transmissions rather than mere broadcast, usually adds complexity to the network and increases both the data overhead and the message latency. Simple floodingbased message distribution mechanisms most likely lead to network overload due to the Broadcast Storm problem . Hence, better routing protocols and strategies have to be developed to tackle the scalability issue in VANETs. An overview on existing routing strategies for C2CC can be found in . Promising are the routing protocols relying on position information, the so-called geo-routing protocols (e.g. GPSR). 2.2 INTODUCTION OF SECURITY The use and integration of security mechanisms for warning messages and safety services is absolutely necessary within VANETs [10]. Car-to-car communication and its services will only be a success and accepted by the customers if a high level of reliability and security can be provided. The most crucial security service for VANETs is the introduction of trust and the provisioning of trustworthy services. However, this is a great challenge for the distributed VANET. Conventional cryptographic mechanisms rely on e.g. a public key infrastructure (PKI) which is a centrally organized trust scheme. Thus, the use of a PKI in a distributed network is not feasible without new concepts and mechanisms. Especially the exchange and management of certificates in VANETs is a challenging task. Besides the introduction and management of trust also the reliability of message content is a big issue for cartocar communication. The content of a received message has to be verified within a short time to be able to use the information as soon as possible. Since vehicles will encounter each other maybe only once in their lifetime certificate-based reliability is not very efficient. New schemes based on reputation of nodes or even messages will have to be defined to solve this issue. Integrating security is a big challenge for high speed communication as well as group communication. Since

Research Paper submission For fulfillment of NUES, III Semester Gitarattan International Business School, New Delhi most security schemes include some cryptographic calculations the latency will be increased, thus limiting the speed for data exchange. Moreover, if a key agreement needs to be done further delay will be added. Depending on the operations, an additional delay of around 50 ms will be added for each node due to the cryptographic mechanisms. For secure group communication (e.g. for platooning) the group key agreement is the biggest bottleneck . 2.3 SIMULATION OF VEHICULAR Ad Hoc NETWORKS New protocols and wireless transmission schemes for VANETs can not be implemented in large testbed systems due to complexity and costs. Therefore, simulation of VANETs is a crucial method to evaluate new approaches. But the specific characteristics of vehicular networks also require specific simulation models. New road-based mobility models including the behavior of potential drivers In addition, new more accurate and realistic physical channel models are required. These models however, need many resources for the simulation (memory and CPU cycles). Another challenge for VANET simulation is simulation scalability. The full-stack simulation of very large networks is currently impossible. Hence, more efficient simulation techniques and strategies have to be defined to be able to evaluate large scale VANET scenarios. The promising approach is to split the simulation according to the system layering. The credibility of simulations is also an important issue besides the feasibility of simulations [2]. Therefore, future simulations of VANET scenarios have to be based on reliable and standardized simulation parameters which are reproducible and verifiable. 2.4 HIGH-SPEED REAL-TIME COMMUNICATION Since no global scheduling scheme is likely to be used in future car-to-car communication schemes, high speed communication with guaranteed low latency times is a great challenge. Especially for direct backtoback collision warning very low latency times are required. A vehicle traveling at a speed of 50 km/h travels around 1.4 m/100ms. Hard deadlines are necessary for specific services. However, these quality-ofservice requirements are hard to be met in a best effortbased network. Therefore, new approaches have to be defined to fulfill these requirements. The mentioned WLAN QoS standard (IEEE 802.11e) may be one approach to solve this issue. The same is true for concepts like using priority queues. In this respect research related to the lower layers of the OSI layer model, e.g. new wireless radio systems, use of beam forming techniques or new medium access schemes appear to be very promising to increase data rate while reducing interference and latency. 3. SELECTED RESEARCH RESULTS 3.1 TELEMATICS SERVICE PLATFORM Many of the aforementioned services need some kind of OBU and a supporting backend infrastructure. This platform concept should be standardized between multiple vehicle manufacturers to generate a mass market and ease the market entry for new service providers. A standardization approach for a system platform has been developed within the European Project GST backed by the major car manufacturers. In Figure 1 the open high level platform architecture is shown, detailing the system entities and their interactions.

Figure 1 - The GST high level architecture diagram Security is a crucial aspect for a platform concept, especially if commercial services are included and subscription and billing have to be conducted over the platform, the security concepts of the GST platform are presented in detail. The trust is based on a PKI with certificates. In addition, each entity is equipped with a hardware security module which is tamper proof. This module is the key component for all security related operations, since it stores, handles, and uses the keys and certificates. 3.2 SECURITY IN VEHICULAR Ad Hoc NETWORKS As mentioned above, in the decentralized MANETs, the use of a PKI and certificates to introduce trust is not an obvious choice. Especially the continuously changing connectivity to different neighbors and the not guaranteed access to an Internet gateway node make the use of certificates a challenge. Our security framework LKN-ASF is a first approach using certificates to secure VANETs. The performance evaluation proved the feasibility of the approach . However, simply installing a PKI to introduce trust is not sufficient. A certificate management is needed which can validate and revoke certificates. With the limited access to the Internet and hence the PKI backend servers, this management is difficult to realize in VANETs. Two approaches to solve this challenge.

Car to Car Communication Both a conventional certificate revocation list approach and a concept using validation tickets proved to be quite efficient for the certificate management in distributed network environments. A secure version of thepopular AODV routing protocol is AODV-SEC. Our evaluation of AODV-SEC was based on simulations using the network simulator ns-2 implementing the full protocol with all cryptographic extensions. This evaluation demonstrated the feasibility of secure routing, however it also pointed out several scalability and performance limits. 3.3 IMPROVING SCALABILITY USING MESSAGE EVALUATION SCHEMES. Figure 3 - The global benefit improvement through utility maximization A detailed presentation of the benefit-based message dissemination has been presented in [23]. The improvement potential of this approach can be seen in Figure 3. Graph 5 shows the theoretical maximum for the global benefit. The graph 1 is the plot for a system using no benefit evaluation at all, while the graphs in between show the results using different combinations of queue resort mechanisms and channel contention adaptation based on the calculated local benefit values. 3.4 SIMULATION ENVIRONMENT Several VANET-specific simulation environments have been published in the last couple of years. GrooveSim and CARISMA are just two examples. Most of these simulators use digital maps as a basis for the node mobility model. In Figure 4 a VANET simulation on a real map can be seen. The figure shows both wireless equipped and regular vehicles as well as the wireless communication links. The information on node positions and wireless links are used as input to either an included or an external network simulator (e.g. ns-2).

Figure 2 - Benefit value changing over distance A relatively new approach to improve scalability is to reduce the number of messages to be transmitted by evaluating the relevance of the respective message content. This message selection, which is based on the content relevance, uses context information of the vehicle and the message to calculate the benefit which the message will give to surrounding vehicles. If all vehicles use this approach the overall utility can be maximized, leading to somewhat globally optimized network utilization. In Figure 2 a benefit curve of an event is plotted. The benefit decreases over the distance to the information source, limiting the dissemination area.

Figure 4 - Street-based mobility model for VANET simulations 4. CONCLUSION Car-to-car communication is an interesting and challenging new field in communication network research. While many creative and powerful new solutions have already been proposed, still many open issues exist. In addition to technical breakthroughs, the phase of market introduction is critical for the success of this new technology. VANETs will only become a commercial and technological success as long as its services and capabilities are of high value to potential users during all phases of the introduction phase. In order to develop car-to-car communication to a mature technology, we are in the process of enhancing the communication protocols using a cyclic approach of modeling,

Research Paper submission For fulfillment of NUES, III Semester Gitarattan International Business School, New Delhi simulation, implementation, and measurements for continuous and sustainable improvement. FUTURE SCOPE Technology that would allow cars to talk to each otherto help prevent accidents and improve traffic flow has very good scope in near future. Many high-end cars already come with sensors capable of spotting a vehicle in a driver's blind spot, or warning that the car is drifting out of lane. The driving portion will run for a year, and data will be collected and may be used by the DOT's National Highway Safety Traffic Administration to decide, by 2013, if the technology has enough benefits to be approved and If get approved, the technology would be rolled out over 10 years. The DOT estimates that 80 percent of serious crashes could be addressed by this technology. "This is the next major safety advancement, one that's comparable to seat belts, air bags, and electronic stability control," REFERENCES [1] P. Gupta and P. R. Kumar, The capacity of wireless networks, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 388-404, March 2000. [2] S. Kurkowski et al., Manet simulation studies: the incredibles, SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing Communications Review, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 50-61, October 2005.

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