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ST Augustine of Hippo

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St Augustine of Hippo


Fr John Romanides
St Augustine of Hippo Fr John Romanides
Wrote the “City of God”
St Augustine of Hippo Fr John Romanides
Wrote the “City of God” Wrote “Franks, Feudalism
and Doctrine
St Augustine of Hippo Fr John Romanides
Wrote the “City of God” Wrote “Franks, Feudalism
and Doctrine
Defeated the heresy
of Pelagius
St Augustine of Hippo Fr John Romanides
Wrote the “City of God” Wrote “Franks, Feudalism
and Doctrine
Defeated the heresy Argued that Pelagius
of Pelagius and Augustine were both wrong
St Augustine of Hippo Fr John Romanides
Wrote the “City of God” Wrote “Franks, Feudalism
and Doctrine
Defeated the heresy Argued Pelagius
of Pelagius and Augustine were both wrong

Recognized as a luminary
of Orthodoxy by an
Ecumenical council
St Augustine of Hippo Fr John Romanides
Wrote the “City of God” Wrote “Franks, Feudalism
and Doctrine
Defeated the heresy Argued Pelagius
of Pelagius and Augustine were both wrong

Recognized as a luminary Represented the Church of

of Orthodoxy by an Greece at three different
Ecumenical council committees of the World
Council of Churches
St Augustine of Hippo Fr John Romanides
“If dog-headed people
have language and
can communicate with
men, these are men”
St Augustine of Hippo Fr John Romanides
“If dog-headed people
have language and “Aliens”
can communicate with
men, these are men”
St Augustine of Hippo Fr John Romanides
“If dog-headed people
have language and “Aliens”
can communicate with
men, these are men”

His “Confessions” continue

to lead people sinful
people to Christ today
St Augustine of Hippo Fr John Romanides
“If dog-headed people
have language and “Aliens”
can communicate with
men, these are men”

“The short circuit which exists between the

His “Confessions” continue
heart which pumps blood and the spinal
to lead people sinful
cord which circulates spinal fluid is repaired
people to Christ today by the ceaseless prayer in the heart”
St Augustine of Hippo Fr John Romanides
“If dog-headed people
have language and “Aliens”
can communicate with
men, these are men”

“The short circuit which exists between the

His “Confessions” continue
heart which pumps blood and the spinal
to lead people sinful
cord which circulates spinal fluid is repaired
people to Christ today by the ceaseless prayer in the heart”

Writings became part of

the Western liturgical tradition
for 500 years before the schism
St Augustine of Hippo Fr John Romanides
“If dog-headed people
have language and “Aliens”
can communicate with
men, these are men”

“The short circuit which exists between the

His “Confessions” continue
heart which pumps blood and the spinal
to lead people sinful
cord which circulates spinal fluid is repaired
people to Christ today by the ceaseless prayer in the heart”

Writings became part of

Taught at Holy Cross
the Western liturgical tradition
for 500 years before the schism
in Boston
St Augustine of Hippo Fr John Romanides
Held as one of the
most important Fathers
of the 5th Ecumenical Council
St Augustine of Hippo Fr John Romanides
Held as one of the Turned Church History
most important Fathers into an inaccurate battle of
of the 5th Ecumenical Council “Franks and Romans”
St Augustine of Hippo Fr John Romanides
Held as one of the Turned Church History
most important Fathers into an inaccurate battle of
of the 5th Ecumenical Council “Franks and Romans”
“For among the things that are
plainly laid down in Scripture are to
be found all matters that concern
faith and the manner of life”
St Augustine of Hippo Fr John Romanides
Held as one of the Turned Church History
most important Fathers into an inaccurate battle of
of the 5th Ecumenical Council “Franks and Romans”
“For among the things that are “Holy Scripture is not the word of
plainly laid down in Scripture are to God, it is about the Word of God.
be found all matters that concern Everywhere ‘about’, not revelation
faith and the manner of life” itself or the word of God.”

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