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Pierre Azoulay, Jeffrey L. Furman, Joshua L. Krieger, and Fiona Murray*

Abstract—To what extent does “false science” affect the rate and direction in the academic literature that are withdrawn by authors
of scientific change? We examine the impact of over 1,100 scientific retrac-
tions on the citation trajectories of articles that are related to retracted papers
or editors—on cumulative knowledge production along
in intellectual space but were published prior to the retraction event. Fol- retracted research lines. We do so using a novel approach to
lowing retraction and relative to carefully selected controls, related articles characterize the intellectual scope of research fields and their
experience a lasting 5% to 10% decline in the rate of citations received. This
penalty is more severe when the retracted article involves fraud or miscon-
proximity to specific (retracted) papers. Our analysis is timely
duct rather than honest mistakes. In addition, we find that the arrival rate of because false science—a term we use to cover a broad range
new articles and funding flows into these fields decrease after a retraction. of phenomena, from mistakes to plagiarism to difficulties in
replication to systematic fraud—has received considerable
I. Introduction recent attention (Fang, Steen, & Casadevall, 2012; Lacetera
& Zirulia, 2009; Pozzi & David, 2007). For scholars of scien-

I N 2005, South Korean scientist Woo-Suk Hwang and his

colleagues published an article in Science claiming they
had isolated embryonic stem cells from a cloned human
tific and technological change, retractions provide an unusual
lens to deepen our understanding of the dynamics of cumula-
tive knowledge production, particularly as we seek to move
embryo via nuclear transfer (Hwang et al., 2005). Imme- beyond analyses of the determinants of the rate of inventive
diately following publication, scientists around the world activity toward an understanding of the factors shaping the
took time and resources to replicate and continue this line choice of research direction (Aghion, Dewatripont, & Stein,
of inquiry, thus building on the exciting (albeit controver- 2008; Dasgupta & David, 1994; Furman & Stern, 2011).
sial) field of human embryonic stem cell production using The spillover effects of retractions on the evolution of
cloning. Less than a year later, the paper was formally research fields are particularly important given the broader
retracted from the literature amid claims of error and later welfare implications that arise from scientists shifting their
findings of fraud and embezzlement. In the aftermath, the position in intellectual space (Aghion et al., 2008; Acemoglu,
government of South Korea curtailed investment in stem cell 2012; Borjas & Doran, 2012). However, evidence is currently
research for five years and, globally, scientists no longer built limited. As a starting point, systematic data on journal arti-
on the fraudulent Hwang paper. Some researchers abandoned cle retractions show a strong upward trend in frequency, but
the field altogether, while others pursued adjacent research as in the case of criminal activity, the underlying magnitude
lines that built on firmer foundations (Furman, Murray, & of scientific mistakes and misdeeds remains poorly estab-
Stern, 2012). It took several years before researchers started lished (Martinson, Anderson, & de Vries, 2005). In addition,
to explore some of the novel hESC production methods a recent analysis shows that the majority of retractions are
proposed in the controversial paper, particularly partheno- caused by misconduct (Fang et al., 2012). More salient for the
genesis. In late 2007 Harvard researchers published definitive evolution of fields, Furman, Jensen, and Murray (2012) pro-
results showing that some of the (lesser) claims made by the vide evidence that retraction notices are effective in alerting
Korean team were actually useful insights into other meth-
follow-on researchers to the shaky foundations of a particu-
ods of hESC production (Kim et al., 2007). Until this new
lar paper. Citations to retracted papers decline by over 60%
research, the field had been stifled because the retracted paper
in the postretraction period relative to carefully matched con-
“sent a lot of scientists on a wild goose chase and down false
trols. Their analysis, however, focuses on the fate of the
paths,” in the words of stem cell researcher Robert Lanza,
retracted papers themselves, not whether and to what extent
quoted by the Associated Press (2005).
retractions influence the evolution of adjacent research areas.
This dramatic incident illustrates the central questions of
It also does not distinguish between different types of false
our paper: To what extent does false science affect the rate
and direction of scientific research? To address this ques- science associated with retracted events, although this het-
tion, we examine the impact of retractions—publications erogeneity is of primary importance since the information
that retraction provides regarding the veracity of associated
Received for publication January 8, 2013. Revision accepted for publica- knowledge can vary widely. Thus, the challenge for our paper
tion March 10, 2014. Editor: Philippe Aghion. is to elucidate the impact of different types of retractions
* Azoulay: MIT and NBER; Furman: Boston University and NBER; on related research lines and the magnitude of spillovers to
Krieger: MIT; Murray: MIT and NBER.
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the National Science research in proximate intellectual space.
Foundation through its SciSIP Program (Awards SBE-0738142 and SBE- Our conceptual approach follows Acemoglu (2012),
0738394). We thank Heidi Williams, Peter Thompson, and various seminar Aghion and coauthors (2009), and others in understand-
audiences for insightful comments. Lisa Bassett, Vivienne Groves, James
Sappenfield, and Mikka Rokkanen provided additional research assistance. ing research as arising through a cumulative process along
The project would not have been possible without Andrew Stellman’s extra- and across research lines that can be traced out empirically
ordinary programming skills ( All errors are through citations from one publication to another (Murray
our own.
A supplemental appendix is available online at http://www.mitpress & Stern, 2007). This approach is grounded in the assump- tion that knowledge accumulates as researchers take the

The Review of Economics and Statistics, December 2015, 97(5): 1118–1136

© 2015 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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knowledge in a particular publication and use it as a step- negative spillover effects on intellectual neighbors. Although
ping stone for their follow-on investigations (Mokyr, 2002). the collateral damage (measured in lost citations) is about ten
Although it is a commonplace insight that the process of times smaller than the direct penalty suffered by the associ-
knowledge accumulation unfolds within an intellectual space ated retracted article, we find the effect to be persistent and
(Hull, 1988), it has proven surprisingly difficult for social sci- increasing in magnitude over time.
entists to gain empirical traction on this concept (see Azoulay, We exploit finer-grained levels of our data in order to
Graff Zivin, & Wang, 2010, and Borjas & Doran, 2012, paint a deeper picture of the impact of retraction on related
for rare exceptions). We conceptualize retraction events as fields and on heterogeneity in the size of the effect. The neg-
“shocks” to the structure of the intellectual neighborhoods ative effect is concentrated among articles most related to
around the retracted papers and implement a procedure to the retracted paper. It is also stronger among relatively “hot
delineate the boundaries of this space in terms of related fields” of research, in which a high fraction of related arti-
publications in a way that is scalable and transparent, and cles appear contemporaneously with the ultimately retracted
with scant reliance on human judgment. We are then inter- articles, and “crowded” fields, in which the most-related arti-
ested in studying whether researchers increase or decrease cles achieve particularly high PubMed relatedness rankings.
their reliance on related papers following the retraction event. These results suggest that the degree of scientific competition
We differentiate this cumulative response across three types within a field affects the way in which negative shocks affect
of retractions: papers with results that have been clearly knowledge accumulation.
shown to be invalid and should not be used as the basis We conclude our analysis by examining the proximate
of future research (which, borrowing from Newton’s apho- causes and potential underlying mechanisms behind the
rism regarding the process of knowledge accumulation as observed citation decline. We find evidence that publication
“standing on the shoulders of giants,” we label “absent shoul- rates in the fields affected by a retraction markedly decrease
ders” papers); papers where retraction creates doubt about, following retraction, relative to control fields. Similarly, we
but does not clearly nullify, the value of the content for find that funding by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
follow-on research (“shaky shoulders”); and papers where in these fields declines in an even sharper fashion. We con-
retraction does not cast aspersions on the validity of the sider two mechanisms that may lie behind these effects. First,
findings (“strong shoulders”).1 we examine evidence regarding the strength of a learning
A priori, retraction events could be thought to have two interpretation relative to one based on status concerns. On
countervailing effects on the intensity of follow-on research
the one hand, we might simply be observing that retrac-
direction. On the one hand, researchers may simply substi-
tion events enable scientists to discover that a particular field
tute away from the specific retracted paper and increase their
offers fewer prospects of important findings than was pre-
reliance on other research in the same intellectual field, effec-
viously believed, leaving them to substitute away from that
tively increasing the prominence of the unretracted papers in
field onto lines of research that are not directly adjacent to the
that same field. On the other hand, researchers (or their fun-
retracted knowledge. Alternatively, scientists in the affected
ders, or both) may substitute away from the related research
fields might believe that their reputation will be besmirched
line and not simply from the retracted paper. Our results
clearly show that the latter effect dominates. if they tie their scientific agenda too tightly to a field that
Using the PubMed Related Citations Algorithm (PMRA) has been “contaminated” by a retraction. Status concerns of
to delineate the fields surrounding over 1,100 retracted arti- this kind would just as surely drive away previous (or poten-
cles in the biomedical research literature, we show that tial) participants in the field, but such shifts would this time
60,000 related articles experience on average a 6% decline be construed as constituting underinvestment in the affected
in their citation rate following retraction, relative to the areas from a welfare standpoint.
background citation rates for 110,000 control articles that We find suggestive evidence that the status interpreta-
appeared in the same journals and time periods (an empirical tion accounts for at least part of the damage suffered by
approach to controlling for citation trajectories that has been retraction-afflicted fields. First, we document that even in the
used effectively in prior work on the effect of scientific insti- set of articles related to retractions offering entirely absent
tutions and governance; Furman & Stern, 2011). Moreover, shoulders to follow-on researchers, intent matters in modu-
this effect is entirely driven by the fate of articles related to lating the observed citation responses: the penalty suffered
retractions with shaky or absent shoulders: There is no broad by related articles is much more severe when the associated
impact on the field when the retraction occurred because source article was retracted because of fraud or misconduct,
of plagiarism or publisher error. In contrast, mistakes, fake relative to cases where the retraction occurred because of
data, and difficulties arising in replication attempts have “honest mistakes.” Second, starting from the premise that sta-
tus considerations are less likely to drive the citing behavior
1 Isaac Newton acknowledged the importance of cumulative research in a of scientists employed in industry relative to that of academic
famous 1676 letter to rival Robert Hooke: “What Des-Cartes did was a good citers, we show that the former are much less responsive to the
step. You have added much several ways, & especially in taking ye colours
of thin plates unto philosophical consideration. If I have seen further it is retraction event than the latter. While a learning story suggests
by standing on ye sholders of Giants” (quoted in Inwood, 2003, p. 216). strengthening the retraction system in its current incarnation,

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the evidence for a status explanation suggests that researchers A. Institutional Context
overreact to retraction notices under the current system.
Very few practices or systems exist to identify and sig-
In the remainder of the paper, we examine the institutional
nal research misconduct or error. In the United States, key
context for retractions as the central approach to governing
public funders have created the Office of Research Integrity
scientific mistakes and misconduct and lay out our broad
(ORI) to investigate allegations of fraud or misconduct (Pozzi
empirical strategy. We then turn to data, methods, and a
& David, 2007). More broadly applicable is the system of
detailed presentation of our results. We conclude by outlining
retractions that journals themselves use to alert readers when
the implications of our findings for the design of governance a research publication is stricken from the scientific litera-
mechanisms that could help the “Republic of Science” better ture. Retractions can be made by all or some of the authors
cope with the specific challenges posed by the existence of of a publication or by the journal’s editor, directly or at the
false scientific knowledge. request of the authors’ employer. These events can occur for
a variety of reasons, as we describe below. Retraction events
II. Institutional Context and Empirical Design remain very rare, with the unconditional odds of retraction
standing at about 1 per 10,000, regardless of the data source
Knowledge accumulation—the process by which follow- used to calculate these odds (see Lu et al., 2013, for tab-
on researchers build on ideas developed by prior generations ulations stemming from Thomson-Reuters Web of Science
of researchers—has been long understood to be of cen- database). Figure A of section I in the online appendix doc-
tral importance to scientific progress and economic growth uments secular increases in the incidence of retractions in
(Mokyr, 2002; Romer, 1994). In deference to Sir Isaac New- PubMed, where this incidence is measured as both a raw
ton, this cumulative process is often referred to as “standing frequency and a proportion relative to the total size of the
on the shoulders of giants,” but is conceptualized more PubMed universe.4
prosaically as the way in which researchers in one gener- As a matter of institutional design, the system of retrac-
ation learn from and build on prior research. A variety of tions treads a treacherous middle ground in managing the
institutions and incentives have arisen to support this cumu- integrity of scientific knowledge. At one end of the spec-
lative process. While substantial scholarship has focused on trum, scientific societies and journals could make significant
understanding the role of openness in facilitating knowledge investments in replicating and verifying all studies prior to
accumulation,2 there is scant evidence regarding the role of publication, while at the other end, a knowledge registration
institutions that support the fidelity of scientific knowledge system with no filtering mechanism could require researchers
(NIH Office of Research Integrity 2007; Pozzi & David, to expend considerable time and energy on replication and
2007; Lacetera & Zirulia, 2009) and even less exploration of validation. The actual system in existence today relies heav-
their effectiveness (Furman, Jensen, et al., 2012; Lu et al., ily on peer review but provides only a limited guarantee that
2013). This is particularly unfortunate in light of recent published knowledge is of high fidelity. As a result, reputa-
instances of large-scale scientific fraud and mistakes that tional incentives play an essential role to ensure the integrity
have brought to the fore concerns regarding the scientific of the scientific enterprise (Merton, 1973).
and economic effectiveness of the institutions that govern the In practice, retraction notices are idiosyncratic and vary
cumulative production of knowledge. Episodic popular and widely in the amount of information they provide, ranging
political interest is usually inspired by the discovery of high- from a one-line sentence to a more elaborated statement of
profile cases of fraud (Babbage, 1830; Weiner, 1955; Broad & the rationale behind the retraction event. Understanding their
Wade, 1983; LaFollette, 1992) and the recent rise in miscon- impact on the scientific community is of central importance
duct has attracted the attention of the scientific community, to the process of cumulative knowledge production and in
including specialized blogs such as RetractionWatch.3 deriving implications for the allocation of resources, human
In contrast to popular accounts, which often focus on the and financial, within and across scientific fields.
shock value and the scandalous aspects of scientific miscon-
duct, an economic analysis of false science hinges on its B. Empirical Design
impact on cumulative scientific progress. If researchers are Our core research questions require that we overcome two
unwittingly building on false or shaky research results, their separate data collection challenges. First, we must develop a
effort is wasted and scientific progress stifled. To our knowl- coding scheme to parse the underlying reasons behind each
edge, this study is the first to document systematically how
false science shapes the direction of scientific research. 4 While this paper is not focused on the determinants of false science but
rather its impact, it is worth noting that the rise in instances of false sci-
ence (or at least the increase in its documentation via retraction notices)
2 These include the norms of open science (Dasgupta & David, 1994; may be linked to a range of factors, including the increasingly complex and
David, 2008), material repositories (Furman & Stern, 2011), patent disclo- collaborative organization of the scientific enterprise (Wuchty, Jones, &
sure and licensing policies (Murray & Stern, 2007; Aghion et al., 2009; Uzzi, 2007) and the growing competition for resources in science. Lacetera
Murray, 2010), and information technology (Agrawal and Goldfarb, 2008; and Zirulia (2009) note that competition has ambiguous effects on the inci-
Ding et al., 2010). dence of scientific misconduct since scientists can also gain prominence by
3 detecting instances of false science.

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of the (over 1,100) retractions that serve as “shocks” to the Delineating research fields. To delineate the boundaries
range of intellectual fields we examine. Our coding must also of the research fields affected by retracted articles, we develop
account for the degree to which the retraction leaves intact an approach based on topic similarity as inferred by the over-
versus knocks down the foundations on which follow-on lap in keywords between each retracted articles and the rest of
researchers may build. Second, we need a credible approach the (unretracted) scientific literature. Specifically, we use the
to systematically identify other journal articles that lie in close PubMed Related Citations Algorithm (PMRA), which relies
proximity in intellectual space to the retracted articles as well heavily on Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). MeSH terms
as a metric to measure their degree of proximity. constitute a controlled vocabulary maintained by the National
Library of Medicine that provides a finely grained partition
of the intellectual space spanned by the biomedical research
Categorizing retraction events. To meet the first chal- literature. Important for our purposes, MeSH keywords are
lenge, we have developed a detailed taxonomy of retracted assigned to each scientific publication by professional index-
articles to capture the differences in the meaning of the ers, not by the authors themselves; the assignment is made
retraction events for follow-on researchers, as described in without reference to the literature cited in the article. We
section II of the online appendix. In a second step and taking then use the Related Articles function in PubMed to harvest
inspiration from Newton’s aphorism, we then systematically journal articles that are proximate to the retracted articles,
assigned the 1,104 retractions in our sample to three mutu- implicitly defining a scientific field as the set of articles whose
ally exclusive buckets, denoted “strong shoulders,” “shaky MeSH keywords overlap with those tagging the ultimately
shoulders,” and “absent shoulders,” respectively: retracted article. As a by-product, PMRA provides us with
both an ordinal and a cardinal dyadic measure of intellec-
• Strong shoulders means that the retraction does not in tual proximity between each related article and its associated
any way degrade the validity of the paper’s analysis or retraction. For the purposes of our main analysis, we consider
claims. This may happen in when a publisher mistakenly only related articles published prior to the retraction date.
printed an article twice, authors published an ostensi- We distinguish those published prior to the retracted arti-
bly valid study without securing approval to publish the cle and those published in the window between the retracted
(unchallenged) data, or an institutional dispute over the article’s publication date and the retraction event itself. We
ownership of research materials arose. also exclude related articles with any coauthors in common
• Shaky shoulders means that the validity of claims is with the retracted article in order to strip bare our measure
uncertain or that a fraction of the results is invalid. The of intellectual proximity from any “associational baggage”
typical use of this category concerns instances where stemming from collaboration linkages. Finally, we build a
results could not be replicated, among other reasons. set of control articles by selecting the “nearest neighbors”
• Absent shoulders is the appropriate code for retractions of the related articles—the articles appearing immediately
associated with fraudulent results, as well as in cases before or immediately after in the same journal and issue,
where a mistake in experimental procedure irretrievably as in Furman and Stern (2011) and Furman, Jensen et al.
invalidates the paper’s results. (2012).6

In addition, we differentiate between retractions for which Empirical strategy. Together, these advances allow us to
the authors intentionally attempted to subvert the scientific estimate the causal impact of retraction events on the vital-
truth and those for which the article needed to be retracted ity of scientific fields. We start by examining the impact of
because of an honest mistake with no indication of foul play. a retraction on the citations to the retracted papers them-
We therefore examined retractions to develop a code for dif- selves, in a reprise of the earlier study by Furman, Jensen
ferent levels of intentional deception.5 We use “no sign of et al. (2012), but using a more complete sample and carefully
intentional deception” to code cases where the authors did not differentiating the effect across different types of retractions.
intend to deceive, such as instances of miscommunication, Indeed, to the extent that retractions are highly differenti-
contamination of research materials, or coding error. “Uncer- ated in the information they impart to follow-on researchers
tain intent” applies where fraud is not firmly established, but regarding the strength of the shoulders on which they stand,
negligence or unsubstantiated claims raise questions about we would anticipate that this type of variation would pow-
the authors’ motives. The “intentional deception” code is erfully moderate the impact on follow-on citations. We
reserved for cases where falsification, misconduct, or willful then perform the main exercise of the paper by examining
acts of plagiarism and self-plagiarism appear to have occurred the impact of retraction events on citations to related arti-
and were verified by author admissions or independent cles and their controls in a simple difference-in-differences
reviews of misconduct.
6 We select the nearest neighbors as controls on the premise that the order-
ing of papers in journal issues is random or close to random. To validate this
5 Deception might involve the paper’s factual claims (results, materials, or premise, in analyses available from the author, we replicate the results in
methods), its attribution of scholarly credit through authorship and citations, table 8 with an alternative control group where one control is selected from
or the originality of the work. each journal issue literally at random. The results do not differ substantially.

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Table 1.—Reasons for Retractions

Strong Shoulders Shaky Shoulders Absent Shoulders
All Cases Subsample Subsample Subsample
Plagiarism 90 8.15% 78 38.61% 11 3.81% 1 0.17%
Duplicated publication 92 8.33% 90 44.55% 2 0.69% 0 0.00%
Publisher error 13 1.18% 8 3.96% 5 1.73% 0 0.00%
Faulty/absent IRB approval 9 0.82% 5 2.48% 4 1.38% 0 0.00%
Not enough information to classify 42 3.80% 0 0.54% 36 12.46% 6 1.05%
Questions about validity 35 3.17% 0 0.00% 31 10.73% 4 0.68%
Author dispute 33 2.99% 5 2.48% 28 9.69% 0 0.00%
Miscellaneous 24 2.17% 15 7.43% 8 2.77% 1 0.17%
Did not maintain proper records 3 0.27% 0 0.00% 3 1.04% 0 0.00%
Fake data 361 32.70% 0 0.00% 14 4.84% 347 58.91%
Error/mistake 271 24.55% 1 0.50% 62 21.45% 208 35.31%
Could not replicate 92 8.33% 0 0.00% 78 26.99% 14 2.38%
Fake data and plagiarism 15 1.36% 0 0.00% 7 2.45% 8 1.36%
Missing 24 2.17% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Total 1,104 100.00% 202 100.00% 289 100.00% 589 100.00%
Retraction reasons for a set of 1,104 original articles indexed by PubMed, published between 1973 and 2008 and retracted before the end of 2009. This sample is further broken down into three subsamples. The
strong shoulders subsample comprises 202 articles retracted for typically innocuous reasons, or at least reasons that do not cast doubt on the veracity of the results contained in them. The shaky shoulders subsample
comprises 289 retracted articles for which either the retraction notice or information retrievable on the Web cast some doubt on the extent the results should be built on by follow-on researchers. Finally, the absent
shoulders subsample contains 589 retracted articles that are the source sample for the bulk of the analysis. For these cases, we could ascertain with substantial certainty that the results are not to be relied on for future
research. This can occur because of intentional misconduct on the part of the researchers involved or because of mistakes on their part. The comprehensive spreadsheet listing of these retracted articles, complete with
the references used to code retraction reasons, can be downloaded at

framework. Again, we separately estimate the impact of articles.8 As detailed in section II of the online appendix, we
different types of retractions. develop an exhaustive category scheme to code the reasons
Finally, we explore the mechanisms that may be at play, that explain the retraction event. These reasons are tabu-
focusing on the set of absent shoulder retractions. We do lated in table 1.9 In our next step, we classify each retraction
so by exploring citations to related articles made by authors into one of three categories that denote whether the results
in academia versus industry, on the assumption that status contained in the source article can be relied on for follow-
effects (in comparison to learning effects) are more likely to on research. The strong shoulders subsample comprises 202
influence the citing behavior of academic researchers than articles retracted for reasons that do not cast any aspersion
their private sector counterparts. We also develop an analysis on the validity of the results contained there. In contrast, we
of the rate of production of related articles (rather than cita- classify 589 retractions (53.4%) as providing absent shoul-
tion to these related articles) in the pre- and postretraction ders for follow-on scientists to stand on, often because of
period. Similarly, mapping related articles to NIH fund- fraudulent data or other types of misconduct. Finally, the
ing, we explore how resources devoted to scientific fields shaky shoulders category (289 events or 26.2% of the cases)
are influenced by retractions, comparing again to control groups retraction events for which the validity of the results
fields. Overall, this empirical design advances our ability to remains shrouded in uncertainty.
examine issues related to the direction of research across sci- Most of our analyses focus on the 589 observations
entific fields and provides a nuanced understanding of the belonging to the absent shoulders subsample (table 2). The
role of retractions in the process of cumulative knowledge papers in this subsample were published between 1973 and
production. 2007 and took an average of three years to be retracted, though
many of the more recent articles were retracted within one
III. Data and Sample Construction year—perhaps because of a higher probability of detection
since the dawn of the electronic publishing era. Although
This section details the construction of our multilevel,
this subsample is dominated by instances of fraud or other
panel data set.
types of misconduct, 31% of the events appear to be the
A. Retracted Articles result of honest mistakes on the part of the investigators
involved, with a further 8% for which it is unclear whether the
We begin by extracting from PubMed, the public access scientists actively subverted the scientific process in the
database that indexes the life sciences literature, all original
journal articles that were subsequently retracted, provided 8 In comparison, Lu et al. (2013) extract 1,465 retraction events from
that these articles were published in 2007 or earlier and Thomson Reuters Web of Science over the same period. The Web of Sci-
retracted in 2009 at the latest. After purging from the list ence covers a wider cross-section of scientific fields (including the social
sciences and engineering) but has shallower coverage than PubMed in the
a few odd observations,7 we are left with a sample of 1,104 life sciences. By combining the events corresponding to life sciences jour-
nals as well as multidisciplinary journals, such as Science, PNAS, or Nature,
7 These include an article retracted and subsequently unretracted, an erra- it appears that the life sciences account for between 60% and 70% of the
tum that was retracted because of disagreement within the authorship team total number of retractions in the Lu et al. sample.
about whether the original article indeed contained an error, along with a 9 Despite extensive efforts, we were unable to locate a retraction notice in
few others. 24 (2.17%) cases.

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Table 2.—Descriptive Statistics for 589 Retracted Source

Articles (“Absent Shoulders” Subsample)
Mean Median SD Minimum Maximum
Publication year for retracted article 1997.606 2000 7.848 1973 2007
Retraction year 2000.844 2004 7.821 1977 2009
Retraction speed (years) 3.238 2 2.893 0 16
Number of related articles 59.205 43 64.021 1 627
Part of a multiple retractions case 0.625 1 0.485 0 1
Intentional deception 0.611 1 0.488 0 1
Uncertain intent 0.081 0 0.274 0 1
No sign of intentional deception 0.307 0 0.462 0 1
Part of a multiple retractions fraud case 0.458 0 0.499 0 1
Cumulative citations as of July 2012 45.100 21 70.493 0 728
U.S.-based reprint author 0.533 1 0.499 0 1
Article ever cited in a patent 0.107 0 0.309 0 1
These 589 retractions can be grouped into 334 distinct cases. A case arises because a researcher, or set of researchers, retracts several papers for related reasons (e.g., because of repeated fraud).

course of performing the research and reporting its thesaurus, consists of sets of terms naming descriptors in a
results.10 hierarchical structure that permits searching at various levels
Regardless of intent, however, it would be a mistake to of specificity. There are 26,581 descriptors in the 2012 MeSH
consider each observation as completely independent from edition (new terms are added to the dictionary as scientific
all the others in the sample. Close to 60% of the observations advances are made). Almost every publication in PubMed is
can be grouped into cases involving more than one retrac- tagged with a set of MeSH terms (between 1 and 103 in the
tion event, for example, because the same rogue investigator current edition of PubMed, with both the mean and median
committed fraud in multiple papers or because the same con- approximately equal to 11). NLM’s professional indexers are
taminated research materials were used in multiple published trained to select indexing terms from MeSH according to a
articles. Figure B of section I in the online appendix dis- specific protocol, and consider each article in the context
plays the histogram of the distribution of retraction events of the entire collection (Bachrach & Charen, 1978; Névéol,
by retraction case (N = 334). The case identifier will play Dogan, & Lu, 2010). What is key for our purposes is that the
an important role in the econometric analysis since all of our subjectivity inherent in any indexing task is confined to the
results will report standard errors clustered at the case level MeSH term assignment process, which occurs upstream of
of analysis. the retraction event and does not involve the articles’ authors.
Using the MeSH keywords as input, PMRA essentially
B. Related Articles defines a distance concept in idea space such that the proxim-
ity between a source article and any other PubMed-indexed
Traditionally it has been difficult to assign to individual publication can be assessed. The algorithm focuses on the
scientists, or articles, a fixed address in “idea space,” and smallest neighborhood in this space that includes 100 related
this data constraint explains in large part why bibliometric records.12 Given our set of source articles, we delineate the
analyses typically focus on the determinants of the rate of scientific fields to which they belong by focusing on the set of
scientific progress rather than its direction. The empirical articles returned by PMRA that satisfy five additional con-
exercise in this paper hinges crucially on the ability to relax straints: (a) they are original articles (as opposed to, e.g.,
this constraint in a way that is consistent across retraction editorials, comments, or reviews); (b) they were published
events and also requires little, if any, human judgment. up to the year that precedes the calendar year of the underly-
This challenge is met here by the use of the PubMed ing retraction event; (c) they appear in journals indexed by the
Related Citations Algorithm (PMRA), a probabilistic, topic- Web of Science (so that follow-on citation information can be
based model for content similarity that underlies the Related collected); (d) they do not share any author with the source;
Articles search feature in PubMed. This database feature is and (e) they are cited at least once by another article indexed
designed to aid a typical user search through the literature by the Web of Science in the period between their publication
by presenting a set of records topically related to any article year and 2011. Figure C of section I in the online appendix
returned by a PubMed search query.11 To assess the degree runs through a specific example in the sample to illustrate the
of intellectual similarity between any two PubMed records, use of PMRA.13 Section III of the online appendix illustrates
PMRA relies crucially on MeSH keywords. MeSH, the
National Library of Medicine’s (NLM) controlled vocabulary 12 However, the algorithm embodies a transitivity rule as well as a mini-
mum distance cutoff rule, such that the effective number of related articles
10 This represents an inversion of the relative prevalence of fraud and returned by PMRA varies between 4 and 2,642 in the larger sample of
mistakes, compared to an earlier analysis performed by Nath, Marcus, and 1,104 retractions, with a mean of 172 records and a median of 121.
Druss (2006), but it is in line with the recent results reported by Fang et al. 13 To facilitate the harvesting of PubMed-related records on a large scale,
(2012). we have developed an open source software tool that queries PubMed and
11 Lin and Wilbur (2007) report that one fifth of “nontrivial” browser PMRA and stores the retrieved data in a MySQL database. The software is
sessions in PubMed involve at least one invocation of PMRA. available for download at

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through an example how PMRA processes MeSH keyword least if we rely on articles treated in earlier or later periods
information to delineate the boundaries of research fields. as an implicit control group.
For the set of 589 retractions with absent shoulders, the To mitigate these threats to identification, our preferred
final data set comprises 32,699 related articles that can be empirical strategy relies on the selection of matched controls
ordered by relatedness using both an ordinal measure (the for each related (i.e., “treated”) article. In concrete terms, we
rank returned by PMRA) and a cardinal measure, which we select as controls for each related article their nearest neigh-
normalize such that a score of 100% corresponds to the first bors in the same journal, volume, and issue—the two articles
“nontrivial” related record.14 that immediately precede and follow the treated article. When
As a result of these computational and design choices, the the related article is first or last in the particular issue of
boundaries of the fields we delineate are derived from seman- the journal considered, we select a single control. The final
tic linkages to the exclusion of other considerations, such data set corresponding to the absent shoulders subsample
as backward and forward citation relationships, or coauthor- comprises 65,461 such controls.
ships. Judgment and subjectivity are confined to the initial One potential concern with this control group is that its
indexing task, which assigns keywords to individual arti- members may also be affected by the retraction treatment,
cles. The individuals performing these tasks are trained in a since they are drawn from the same set of journals as the
consistent way, draw the keywords from a controlled vocab- related articles. In what follows, we ignore this threat to
ulary that evolves only slowly over time, and do not have any identification for three reasons. First, the fields identified by
incentives to window-dress the articles they index with terms PMRA are extremely thin slices of intellectual space, and
currently in vogue in order to curry attention from referees, their boundaries do not depend on journal or date of publi-
editors, or members of funding panels. Of course, the cost cation information (see section III of the online appendix).
of this approach is that it may result in boundaries between Second, in the extremely rare cases in which one of these
fields that might only imperfectly dovetail with the contours nearest-neighbor controls also happens to be related to a
of the scientific communities with which the authors in our retraction through the algorithm, we select instead the arti-
sample would self-identify. The main benefit, however, is cle that is twice removed in the table of contents from the
that it makes it sensible to use citation information to eval- focal related article. Finally, as can be observed in table 3,
uate whether the narrow fields around each retracted article the rate at which the controls cite the retraction with which
atrophy or expand following each retraction event. they are indirectly associated is almost two orders of magni-
tude smaller than the rate of citation that links the retractions
C. Identification Strategy and Nearest-Neighbor Controls with the treated (i.e., related) articles.
A natural starting point to identify the spillovers of retrac- Citation data. PubMed does not contain citation data
tion events on their associated fields is to examine changes but we were able to retrieve this information from the Web
in citations received by the set of related articles after the of Science (up to the end of 2011) using a Perl script. We
retraction, relative to before, using a simple related arti- further process these data to make them amenable to sta-
cle fixed-effects specification. Since the retraction effect is tistical analysis. First, we eliminate all self-citations, where
mechanically correlated with the passage of time as well as self-citation is inferred by overlap between any of the cited
with a paper’s vintage, our specifications must include age authors with any of the citing authors (an author name is the
and calendar-year effects, as is the norm in empirical stud- combination formed by the last name and the first initial for
ies of scientific productivity (Levin & Stephan 1991). In this the purpose of this filter). Second, we parse the citing arti-
framework, the control group that pins down the counter- cle data to distinguish between the institutional affiliations of
factual age and calendar time effects for articles related to citers, in particular, by flagging the citing articles for which
a current retraction comprises other related articles whose at least one of the addresses recorded by the Web of Science
associated retraction occurred in earlier periods or will occur is a corporate address, which we infer from the presence of
in future periods. This approach may be problematic in our abbreviations such as Inc., Corp., GmbH, and Ltd. We then
setting. First, related articles observed after their associated aggregate this information at the cited article-year level of
retraction event are not appropriate controls if the event analysis. In other words, we can decompose the total number
affected the trend in the citation rate. Second, the fields from of citations flowing to individual articles at a given point in
which retractions are drawn might not represent a random time into a private and a public set, where public citations
cross-section of all scientific fields, but might be subject should be understood as stemming from academic scientists,
to idiosyncratic life cycle patterns, with their productive broadly construed (this will also include scientists employed
potential first increasing over time, eventually peaking, and in the public sector as well as those employed by nonprofit
thereafter slowly declining. If this is the case, fixed effects research institutes). Citations are a noisy and widely used
will overestimate the true effect of the retraction effect, at measure of the impact of a paper and the attention it receives.
14 A source article is always trivially related to itself. The relatedness
But the use of citation data to trace out the diffusion of
measures are based on the raw data returned by PMRA and ignore the filters individual bits of scientific knowledge is subject to an impor-
applied to generate the final analysis data set (e.g., eliminating reviews). tant caveat. Citations can be made for strategic rather than

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Table 3.—Descriptive Statistics for Related Articles and Nearest-Neighbor (NN) Controls (“Absent Shoulders” Subsample)
Mean Median SD Minimum Maximum
NN controls Article publication year 1999.110 2001 6.994 1970 2008
(N = 65,461) Number of authors 5.148 5 2.959 1 78
Article age at time of retraction 3.987 4 2.425 1 10
Published after retracted article 0.301 0 0.459 0 1
Baseline stock of cites 12.203 4 35.836 0 3064
Baseline stock of cites from private firms 1.174 0 3.844 0 230
Cites retracted piece (N = 19,299) 0.001 0 0.031 0 1
Cited by retracted piece (N = 33,370) 0.001 0 0.028 0 1
Article ever cited in a patent 0.083 0 0.275 0 1
Related articles Article publication year 1999.244 2001 6.959 1970 2008
(N = 32,699) Number of authors 5.122 5 2.715 1 50
Article age at time of retraction 3.961 4 2.419 1 10
Published after retracted article 0.300 0 0.458 0 1
Baseline stock of cites 13.891 4 38.660 0 3713
Baseline stock of cites from private firms 1.280 0 4.217 0 368
Cites retracted piece (N = 9,737) 0.079 0 0.270 0 1
Cited by retracted piece (N = 16,927) 0.061 0 0.240 0 1
Article ever cited in a patent 0.087 0 0.281 0 1
The set of related articles is composed of journal articles linked to the 589 retracted articles of table 2 through PubMed’s “related articles” algorithm (see figure 1) and downloaded using the open source FindRelated
software []. We exclude from the raw data (a) articles that do not contain original research (e.g., reviews, comments, editorials, letters); (b) articles published outside a
time window running from ten years before the retraction event to one year before the retraction event; (c) articles that appear in journals indexed by PubMed but not indexed by Thompson-Reuters Web of Science;
(d) articles that we fail to match to Web of Science; (e) articles that we do match to Web of Science but receive no forward citations (exclusive of self-citations) from their publication year up until the end of 2011; and
(f) articles for which at least one author also appears on the authorship roster of the corresponding retracted article. For each related article, we select as controls its nearest neighbors in the same journal and issue—the
articles that immediately precede or immediately follow it in the issue. By convention, the controls inherit some of the properties of their treated neighbor.

substantial reasons (cf. Lampe, 2012, for evidence in this Figure 1.—Cumulative Citations at Baseline for Related Articles and
Their Nearest-Neighbor Controls
spirit in the context of patent citations). For example, authors
of a paper may prefer to reduce the number of citations in
order to make larger claims for their own paper; they may be
more likely to “get away with it” (i.e., not having editors and
referees request to add citations) if the strategically uncited
papers are close in intellectual space to a retracted paper.
Unfortunately, we do not have the ability to parse the citation
data to distinguish strategic from substantial citations, a lim-
itation that the reader should bear in mind when interpreting
our results.

Descriptive Statistics. Table 3 provides basic informa-

tion about the matched sample. By construction, control and
treated articles are matched on year of publication and jour-
nal, and they appear to match very closely on the length of the
We compute the cumulative number of citations, up to the year that immediately precedes the year of
authorship roster. Because in many cases, retraction occurs retraction, between 32,699 treated (i.e., related) articles and 65,461 control articles in the absent shoulders
relatively quickly after publication, only 30% of the related subsample.

articles in the data are published after the publication of the

source article and only 7.9% of these articles cite the soon-to- retraction event. Nonetheless, these small differences in the
be-retracted source. Conversely, only 6.1% of the articles at level of citations at baseline could prove problematic for our
risk of being cited by the source (because they were published identification strategy if they translate into preexisting trends
before its publication) are in fact cited by it. in citations for treated articles relative to control articles in
Table 3 indicates that related articles and their nearest the preretraction period. We will carefully document that such
neighbors differ slightly in the total number of citations pretrends are extremely small in magnitude and undetectable
received at baseline (the calendar year preceding the retrac- from a statistical standpoint, buttressing the core assumption
tion event), with related articles having received 1.7 citations that underlies our empirical strategy.
more on average than the controls. Figure 1 compares the
distributions of cumulative baseline citations for control D. Field-Level Analyses
and related articles, respectively. The controls appear to be
slightly more likely to have received zero or one citation at To examine the proximate causes of the spillover effects
baseline. This is not necessarily surprising, if articles related of retractions on their fields, we study whether patterns of
to retractions are drawn from fields that draw more attention entry into these fields, or the funding that accrues to active
from the scientific community in the years leading up to the researchers in these same fields, is altered by the retraction

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Table 4.—Descriptive Statistics for the Entry and Funding Samples

Article Frequencies (1975–2011) Funding (1975–2007)
Number of Number of
Number of Closely Related Closely Related
Related Articles (rank Articles (80% Number of
Articles 20 or lower) score or higher) Grants $ Amounts
Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE
Control N = 1,076 4.64 7.49 0.31 0.88 0.22 0.55 N = 778 1.21 2.43 $5,587,872 $20,433,959
Retracted N = 565 3.99 7.36 0.24 0.80 0.15 0.46 N = 411 1.16 2.64 $5,077,185 $16,683,593
Total N = 1,641 4.42 7.45 0.29 0.86 0.20 0.52 N = 1,189 1.19 2.50 $5,413,844 $19,239,559
We compute entry rates into the field surrounding a retracted article (or one of its nearest neighbors) by counting the number of PubMed-related articles in a particular year. We measure NIH funding for the same
fields by summing the grant amounts awarded in a particular year that yields at least one publication over the next three years that is related to either a retracted article or one of their nearest-neighbor controls. The
means and standard deviations are computed over all observations in the resulting retracted article/year panel data set (N × T = 53,451 for related article frequencies; N × T = 42,524 for funding).

event. To do so, we create a second data set that collapses the IV. Results
related article-level data onto a retracted article-level panel
data set. The exposition of the econometric results proceeds in four
As previously, we view scientific fields as isomorphic to stages. After a brief discussion of the main econometric
issues, we present descriptive statistics and results pertaining
the set of articles related (through PMRA) to a given source
to the effect of retractions on the rate of citations that accrue
article. In contrast to the previous section, however, we make
to the retracted articles. Second, we examine the extent of the
use of the related articles published after a retraction event
retraction effect on the set of related articles. Third, we study
(as well as before). A field is born in the year during which
whether the retraction events altered patterns of entry and
the oldest related article was published. Starting from the funding into the scientific fields associated with the retracted
set of 589 retractions in the absent shoulders subsample, we articles. Fourth, we explicate the mechanisms underlying the
eliminate 24 observations for which this oldest related article results.
is “too young”—it appeared less than five years before the
retraction event. This ensures that all the fields in the data A. Econometric Considerations
set have at least a five-year time series before its associated
retraction event; each field defined in this way is followed up Our estimating equation relates the number of citations that
to the end of 2011. We then select 1,076 nearest neighbor arti- are received by related article j in year t to characteristics of j
cles that appear in the same journal and issue as the retracted and of retracted article i:
articles, allowing us to delineate 1,076 control fields in an   
E CITESjt |Xijt = exp β0 + β1 RLTDj
analogous fashion. 
It is then straightforward to compute yearly “entry rates” × AFTERit + f (AGEjt ) + δt + γij ,
into treated and control fields by counting the number of
where AFTER denotes an indicator variable that switches to
related articles published in the field in each year. Cap-
1 the year after the retraction, RLTD denotes an indicator
turing funding information at the field level is slightly
variable that is equal to 1 for related articles and 0 for con-
more involved. PubMed systematically records NIH grant
trol articles, f (AGEjt ) corresponds to a flexible function of
acknowledgments using grant numbers, but without referenc- article j’s age, the δt ’s stand for a full set of calendar year
ing the particular grant cycle to which the publication should indicator variables, and the γij ’s correspond to source article
be credited. To address this issue, we adopt the following pro- or related article (or control) fixed effects, consistent with our
cedure: for each related publication, we identify the closest approach to analyze changes in j’s rate of citations following
preceding year in a three-year window during which funding the retraction of source article i.
was awarded through either a new award or a competitive The fixed-effects control for many individual characteris-
renewal. We then sum all the funding in the grant year that tics that could influence citation rates, such as journal status.
ultimately generates publications in the focal field. To flexibly account for article-level life cycle effects, f (AGE)
The descriptive statistics for the field-level analyses are consists of 32 age indicator variables, where age measures the
displayed in table 4. The number of observations across the number of years elapsed since the article was published.15
publication frequency data set and the funding data set dif-
fer because the funding data are available only until 2007, 15 The omitted category corresponds to articles in their year of publication
(i.e., articles’ birth year). It is not possible to separately identify calendar
whereas the publication data is available until the end of year effects from age effects in the within-article dimension of our panel
our observation period (2011) and we drop from the funding data set in a completely flexible fashion, because one cannot observe two
analysis the fields for which there is not a single publica- articles at the same point in time that have the same age but different vintages
(Hall, Mairesse, & Turner, 2007). In our specifications, the indicator variable
tion acknowledging NIH funding for the entire 1970–2007 corresponding to articles in their thirty-first year also absorbs the subsequent
period. age dummies.

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Table 5.—Effects of Retraction on Citations to Retracted Articles, by Retraction Reason

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Excludes Excludes Further Excludes Only Earliest
Missing Missing Strong Retraction
Entire Retraction Retraction Shoulders Event in
Sample Reasons Reasons Retractions Each Case
After retraction −1.171∗∗∗ −1.172∗∗∗ −0.472∗∗∗ −1.080∗∗∗ −1.081∗∗∗
(0.099) (0.100) (0.099) (0.104) (0.066)
After Retraction × Shaky Shoulders −0.609∗∗∗
After Retraction × Absent Shoulders −0.809∗∗∗ −0.199
(0.152) (0.157)
Number of retraction cases 720 705 705 551 552
Number of retracted/control articles 2,959 2,915 2,915 2,431 1,570
Number of article-year observations 39,469 38,925 38,925 34,735 20,513
Log likelihood −62,620 −62,182 −62,054 −57,567 −34,611
Estimates stem from conditional quasi-maximum likelihood Poisson specifications. The dependent variable is the total number of forward citations (exclusive of self-citations) received by each retracted article (or
its nearest-neighbor controls) in a particular year. All models incorporate a full suite of calendar-year effects as well as 31 article age indicator variables (age 0 is the omitted category). Exponentiating the coefficients
and differencing from 1 yields numbers interpretable as elasticities. For example, the estimates in column 1 imply that retracted articles suffer on average a statistically significant (1–exp[–1.171]) = 68.99% yearly
decrease in the citation rate after the retraction event. QML (robust) standard errors in parentheses, clustered around retraction cases. *p < 0.10, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01.

Estimation. The dependent variable of interest is 1,922 nearest neighbors in the journals in which the retracted
extremely skewed. For example, 40.33% of the article-year articles appeared.17 Column 1 reports the estimate of the
observations in the data correspond to years in which the retraction effect for the baseline specification. The result
related articles or controls receive 0 citations. Following a implies that relative to the controls, retracted papers lose
long-standing tradition in the study of scientific and technical 69% of their citations in the postretraction period. The mag-
change, we present conditional quasi-maximum likelihood nitude of the effect is in line with the 60% decline estimated
estimates based on the fixed-effect Poisson model developed by Furman, Jensen, et al. (2012) in a smaller sample of
by Hausman, Hall, and Griliches (1984). Because the Pois- PubMed-indexed retractions. Column 2 shows that the effect
son model is in the linear exponential family, the coefficient is barely affected when we drop from the sample those
estimates remain consistent as long as the mean of the depen- observations corresponding to retracted articles for which the
dent variable is correctly specified (Gouriéroux, Monfort, & retraction reason is missing.
Trognon, 1984).16 Column 3 includes in the specifications the main effect
of the retraction treatment as well as two interactions with
Inference. QML standard errors are robust to arbitrary the shaky shoulders and absent shoulders indicator variables.
patterns of serial correlation (Wooldridge, 1997), and hence In this model, the main effect implicitly captures the post-
immune to the issues highlighted by Bertrand, Duflo, and retraction fate of the retracted papers that still maintain strong
Mullainathan (2004) concerning inference in DD estimation. shoulders. While this effect is negative and statistically sig-
We cluster the standard errors around retraction cases in the nificant (with an implied decrease in the citation rate equal
results we present here. to 38%), its magnitude is markedly smaller than that of the
effect corresponding to the shaky shoulders retractions (66%)
Dependent variables. Our primary outcome variable is and smaller still than the effect for the absent shoulders cat-
an article’s number of citations in a given year. Secondary egory (73%). Dropping the strong shoulders group from the
outcomes include the number of related articles (to either sample increases the magnitude of the retraction effect in
retracted papers or their nearest neighbors) published before absolute value (to 72%, column 4), while focusing on the ear-
and after the retraction event, as well as the amount of NIH liest retraction event in each case slightly lowers the estimated
funding (in millions of 2007 dollars) flowing to scientists effect (66%, column 5).
who subsequently publish related articles (either to retracted In short, our results confirm the earlier findings of Fur-
papers or their nearest neighbors). Though the funding mea- man, Jensen et al. (2012). In addition, the results in column 3
sure is distributed over the positive real line, the Hausman provide important empirical validation for the coding exer-
et al. estimator can still be used in this case (Santos Silva & cise detailed in the online appendix. Although the coefficients
Tenreyro, 2006). in this specification are not statistically different from each
other, their magnitudes are ordered in an intuitive way,
B. Effect of Retraction on Retracted Papers with the postretraction penalty decreasing monotonically
with the strength of the shoulders provided to follow-on
Table 5 reports the results from simple difference-in- researchers.
differences analyses for the sample of 1,037 retractions and
17 Sixty-seven retracted articles needed to be dropped from the estima-
16 In section IV of the online appendix, we find that OLS estimation yields tion sample because they appeared in journals not indexed by the Web of
qualitatively similar findings. Science.

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Table 6.—Effects of Retractions on Citations to Related Articles, by Retraction Reason

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Excludes Excludes Further Excludes Only Earliest
Missing Missing Strong Retraction
Entire Retraction Retraction Shoulders Event in
Sample Reasons Reasons Retractions Each Case
After retraction −0.059∗∗∗ −0.059∗∗∗ 0.040 −0.085∗∗∗ −0.038∗∗
(0.013) (0.013) (0.030) (0.030) (0.016)
After Retraction × Shaky Shoulders −0.131∗∗∗
After Retraction × Absent Shoulders −0.104∗∗∗ 0.028
(0.037) (0.038)
Number of retraction cases 770 747 747 573 572
Number of source articles 1,104 1,080 1,080 878 580
Number of related/control articles 169,741 167,306 167,306 137,969 90,167
Number of article-year observations 2,094,725 2,064,465 2,064,465 1,800,425 1,066,306
Log likelihood −2,747,714 −2,714,047 −2,713,760 −2,398,154 −1,457,463
Estimates stem from conditional quasi-maximum likelihood Poisson specifications. The dependent variable is the total number of forward citations (exclusive of self-citations) received by each related article in a
particular year. All models incorporate a full suite of calendar-year effects as well as 31 article age indicator variables (age 0 is the omitted category). Exponentiating the coefficients and differencing from 1 yields
numbers interpretable as elasticities. For example, the estimates in column 1 imply that related articles suffer on average a statistically significant (1–exp[–0.059]) = 5.73% yearly decrease in the citation rate after the
retraction event. QML (robust) standard errors in parentheses, clustered around retraction cases. *p < 0.10, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01.

C. Effect of Retraction on Related Papers treatment effect shrinks somewhat, it remains negative and
precisely estimated.18
We now turn to the core of the empirical analysis, exam- The rest of our analysis focuses on the absent shoulders
ining the effect of retraction on the citation outcomes for subsample of 589 retractions and 98,160 related and con-
the related articles identified by the PubMed Related Cita- trol articles. Figure 2 provides a way of scaling the negative
tions Algorithm. The first set of results appears in table 6, spillovers of retraction events onto their related fields by
which is structured analogous to table 5. Column 1 reports comparing the postretraction penalty experienced by related
the difference-in-difference estimate for the entire sample. articles with the postretraction penalty experienced by the
We find that related articles experience a precisely estimated retracted articles themselves. In both cases, the penalty is
5.73% decline in the rate at which they are cited in the post- measured by differencing the log number of cumulative cita-
retraction period, relative to the control articles. Column 2 tions between 2011 and the year of the retraction event
shows that the estimate does not change after dropping the (using instead a fixed two-year window starting in the year
articles related to retractions for which we were unable to of the retraction yields very similar results). The slope of
find the underlying reason. Column 3 parses the retraction the regression line is very close to .1, indicating that related
effect according to our “shoulders” coding. A clear differ- articles lose, on average, only one-tenth of the citations
ence emerges between the fate of articles related to strong lost by the retraction. We note that this ratio dovetails with
shoulders retraction and the fate of those related to either that of the elasticities estimated in tables 5 and 6, respec-
shaky shoulders or absent shoulders retractions. The articles tively. Moreover, with an average of sixty related papers
related to strong shoulders retractions are essentially immune per retracted article, the aggregate citation consequences of
to the retraction event (in fact, the estimated effect is posi- the retraction events for the scientific fields involved are not
tive, but also small in magnitude and not statistically different trivial.
from 0). In contrast, the implied elasticities for the articles To provide a better sense of the magnitude of these aggre-
related to shaky shoulders and absent shoulders retractions gate losses, we estimate an analog of table 6 using OLS in
are 8.70% and 6.20%, respectively (the corresponding esti- section IV of the online appendix. The dependent variable
mates are not statistically different from each other). In other is the number of citations received in levels. The results are
words, we find evidence of negative spillovers of the retrac- substantially unchanged compared to our benchmark Pois-
tion event onto the adjacent research area, but only in the son specification. Furthermore, the citation decline estimated
cases for which the underlying cause of the retraction sug- there (–0.173 citation per year) can form the basis of back-of-
gests that follow-on researchers should proceed with caution the-envelope calculation. Using this estimate of the citation
(if proceeding at all) before building on the retracted paper’s penalty and aggregating to the field level (taking into account
results. both the average numbers of articles per field and the average
By eliminating from the estimation sample the observa- length of the postretraction period in the sample), we con-
tions associated with strong shoulders retractions, column 4 clude that retraction-afflicted fields experience, on average, a
further documents that the negative spillovers stemming loss of 75 citations relative to control fields. Stated differently,
from the retraction event are of comparable magnitudes for
articles related to both shaky shoulders and absent shoul- 18 These results, reported as QML Poisson estimates in table 6, are
ders retractions. Column 5 retains only the first retraction consistent with results obtained from negative binomial regressions with
event across retraction cases. Although the magnitude of the bootstrapped standard errors.

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Figure 2.—Postretraction Period Scatter Plot of Changes in Citation Figure 3.—Dynamics of the Retraction Effect on
Rates for Related Articles and Their Associated Retracted Articles Forward Citation Rates

The figure explores the relationship between the postretraction citation “penalty” suffered by retracted The solid line corresponds to coefficient estimates stemming from conditional fixed effects quasi-
articles and the average change in citation experienced by the set of articles that are related in intellectual maximum likelihood Poisson specifications in which the citation rates for related articles and their controls
space to the retracted articles. The postretraction period refers to the years between the year of retraction are regressed onto year effects, article age indicator variables, as well as twenty interaction terms between
and 2011 (using a two-year fixed window instead of this variable window yields very comparable results). treatment status and the number of years before/elapsed since the retraction event (the indicator variable
The citation changes are computed by forming the difference in the logs of 1 plus the number of citations for treatment status interacted with the year of retraction itself is omitted). The 95% confidence interval
received by each article up to the beginning and the end of the postretraction window, respectively. The (corresponding to robust standard errors, clustered around case codes) around these estimates is plotted
slope of the retraction line is about 0.1: for every ten citations “lost” by a retracted articles, related articles with dashed lines.
suffer a penalty of about one citation.

to the retracted paper prior to retraction and may be a predic-

this is as if we deleted from the average field one paper in the tor for the amount of collateral damage in a given field. The
top 7% of the distribution for the total number of long-run coefficient on the interaction term shows that highly cited
citations. retracted papers—those in the top 25th percentile of citations
at the time of retraction—have larger negative spillovers on
Dynamics of the treatment effect. We also explore the citations to their related papers (8.0% versus 3.9%). How-
dynamics of the effects uncovered in table 6. We do so in ever, the additional decrease is not statistically significant at
figure 3 by estimating a specification in which the treatment conventional levels.
effect is interacted with a set of indicator variables corre- Columns 2 and 3 explore how publication trends at the
sponding to a particular year relative to the retraction year field level moderate the main retraction effect. In column 2,
and then graphing the effects and the 95% confidence inter- we consider how a field’s “hotness”—the extent to which a
val around them. Two features of the figure are worthy of field experiences elevated rates of entry in the years leading
note. First, there is no discernible evidence of an effect in up to the retraction—affects the retraction’s effect on related
the years leading up to the retraction, a finding that validates papers, We define a field as “hot” when it is in the top quartile
ex post our identification strategy.19 Second, after the retrac- of all fields in terms of the percentage of papers published
tion, the treatment effect increases monotonically in absolute in either the retraction year or within three years.20 We find
value with no evidence of recovery. that these very active fields feel the effect of a retraction
(–14.4%) more than “colder” fields (–3.4%). Column 3
focuses on how the intellectual concentration of a field
Exploring heterogeneity in the effect of retractions. We intensifies the treatment effect of retraction. Our measure
explore a number of factors that could modulate the magni- of “crowdedness” relies on the wedge between our ordinal
tude of the retraction effect on intellectual neighbors’ citation measure of intellectual proximity and the cardinal measure
rates. Table 7 reports the results of seven specifications that returned by the PMRA. In some fields, the 25th most related
include interaction terms between the retraction treatment paper published prior to retraction will be closely related to
effect and characteristics of either the retracted article or the retracted article, whereas in other fields, the 25th most
the retracted/related article dyad. Column 1 evaluates how related paper will be only a distant intellectual neighbor of
the cumulative attention to the retracted article affects the the retraction. We label a field as crowded if this 25th highest
reduction of citation to related articles. The rationale for this ranking related paper lies between the 75th and 100th per-
analysis is that citations are a proxy for the amount of atten- centile for the relatedness score.21 As is the case with hot
tion that scientists in the field (and other related fields) gave fields, we see that most of the negative spillover effects occur
19 This finding is also reassuring, as it suggests that retractions are not 20 The field consists of all the related papers, as identified by the PMRA
endogenous to the exhaustion of a particular intellectual trajectory; it does algorithm, published in or before the retraction year.
not appear as if researchers resort to the type of misconduct that yields 21 In the rare cases where the field has fewer than 25 papers published in
retractions after uncovering evidence that their field is on the decline. or before the retraction year, the score of the least related paper is used.

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Table 7.—Exploring Heterogeneity in the Magnitude of the Retraction Effect (“Absent Shoulders” Subsample)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
∗∗ ∗ ∗∗∗
After Retraction −0.040 −0.035 −0.010 −0.019 −0.076 0.016
(0.021) (0.019) (0.029) (0.024) (0.018) (0.039)
After Retraction × Highly Cited Source −0.043
After Retraction × “Hot Field” −0.121∗∗∗
After Retraction × “Crowded Field” −0.105∗∗∗
After Retraction × Cites Retracted Piece −0.141∗∗
After Retraction × Cited by Retracted Piece 0.135∗∗
After Retraction × Uncertain Intent −0.099
After Retraction × Intentional Deception −0.097∗∗
Number of retraction cases 334 334 334 204 324 334
Number of source articles 589 589 589 384 550 589
Number of related/control articles 96,541 96,541 96,541 29,036 50,297 98,160
Number of article-year observations 1,240,107 1,240,107 1,240,107 329,451 706,932 1,261,713
Log likelihood −1,670,555 −1,670,316 −1,670,250 −431,661 −963,226 −1,686,298
Estimates stem from conditional quasi-maximum likelihood Poisson specifications. The dependent variable is the total number of forward citations (exclusive of self-citations) received by each related article in a
particular year. All models incorporate a full suite of calendar-year effects as well as 31 article age indicator variables (age 0 is the omitted category). Exponentiating the coefficients and differencing from 1 yields
numbers interpretable as elasticities. For example, the estimates in column 1 imply that related articles suffer on average a statistically significant (1–exp[–0.040]) = 3.92% yearly decrease in the citation rate after there
traction event. Highly cited source articles are retracted papers that are in the top quartile of the citation distribution (assessed at the time of retraction). We define the retracted paper’s field as the set of related papers
identified by PubMed’s PMRA algorithm. We measure recent activity in a field by computing the fraction of papers in that field published in the three-year period leading up to the retraction event. We denote a field as
hot if it belongs to the top quartile of this measure. We measure crowdedness in a field using the relatedness score of the 25th highest-ranking related paper that was published in or before the retraction year. In the rare
cases where the field has fewer than 25 papers published in or before the retraction year, then the score of the highest-ranked (i.e., least-related) paper in the set is used. We denote a field as crowded if it belongs to the
top quartile of this measure. We derive the uncertain intent and intentional deception codes from retraction notices and publicly available information about the retraction event (see section II of the online appendix).
QML (robust) standard errors in parentheses, clustered around retraction cases. *p < 0.10, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01.

in the crowded fields, while the more diffuse fields experience see that cases of intentional deception largely drive the neg-
little or no decrease in citations. ative effect on the field’s citations (–7.8%), while fields that
Columns 4 and 5 examine whether citation linkages experienced retractions with no sign of intentional deception
between the related and retracted articles moderate the (the omitted category) had no citation decline on average.
magnitude of the retraction treatment effect. Recall that relat- Figure D of section I in the online appendix explores the
edness in the PMRA sense does not take into account citation extent to which the age of a related article at the time of the
information, only semantic proximity as inferred from MeSH retraction event influences the magnitude of the treatment
keywords. Related articles can be published before the under- effect. In this figure, each circle corresponds to the coefficient
lying source, in which case they are at risk of being cited by it, estimates stemming from a specification in which the cita-
or after the source’s publication (but before its retraction), in tion rates for related articles and their controls are regressed
which case they are at risk of citing the soon-to-be retracted onto year effects, article age indicator variables, as well as
publication. In column 4, we limit the estimation sample to interaction terms between the treatment effect and the vin-
the articles published after the retracted piece but before the tage of each related article at the time of the retraction. Since
retraction. In this subsample, we find the negative retraction related articles in the sample are published between one and
response to be especially pronounced (–14.8%) for the 6.1% ten years before their associated retraction event, there are
of articles that were directly building on the retracted arti- ten such interaction terms.22 The results show that only recent
cles (as inferred by a citation link). Column 5, in contrast, articles (those published one, two, or three years before the
restricts the estimation sample to the set of related articles retraction) experience a citation penalty in the postretraction
(and their controls) that appeared before the retracted articles period, whereas older articles are relatively immune to the
were published. We find that the related articles that are also retraction event.
cited by the retraction experience a 6.1% boost in the citation Finally, figure 4 and figure E (section I in the online appen-
rate following the retraction event. This result is consistent dix) investigate the extent to which relatedness (in the sense
with the idea that the researchers who continue to work in the of PMRA) exacerbates the magnitude of the response. In
field in spite of the retraction event choose to build instead on figure 4, we use the ordinal measure of relatedness—namely,
prior, unretracted research. The overall effect on the field can the rank received by a focal article in the list returned by
still be negative since only a small fraction (7.9%) of articles PMRA for a specific source article. We create 22 interaction
related to the source are also cited by the source. Column 6
uses our coding of author intent to compare how the treat- 22 The 95% confidence intervals (corresponding to robust standard errors,
ment effect of retraction differs in clear cases of fraud from clustered around case codes) are denoted by the blue vertical bars of figure
fraud-free retraction cases or those with uncertain intent. We D in section I of the online appendix.

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Figure 4.—Interaction between the Postretraction Treatment Effect in the affected fields following the first relevant retraction
and Relatedness Rank as per PubMed’s Related Article Algorithm
event and relative to the patterns observed in control fields.
Second, the magnitude of the treatment effect increases when
we define the boundaries around fields in a stricter fashion.
Third, the effect of retraction on the rate of new publications
is not meaningfully different when we look at articles in high-
impact versus low-impact journals (columns 3a and 3b). This
result implies that the publications “lost” due to retractions do
not disproportionately belong to one class of journals. Fourth,
the funding response is always larger in magnitude than the
publication response. Figure 5 provides event study graphs
for both the publication intensity effect (panel A) and funding
effect (panel B) using the same approach as that followed in
figure 3. In both cases, the magnitude of the retraction effect
increases over time without evidence of a reversal.
As a robustness check, we investigated whether the
The circles correspond to coefficient estimates stemming from conditional fixed effects QML Poisson
specifications in which the citation rates for related articles and their controls are regressed onto year
decline in publications might be a result of a “mentor exit”
effects, article age indicator variables, as well as interaction terms between the treatment effect and indi- effect, in which the removal of principal investigators reduces
cator variables for the relatedness ranking between the related article and its associated retraction (as per
PubMed’s Related Articles algorithm). Each circle corresponds to five consecutive ranks (e.g., top 5, top the number of new researchers in the field.23 In section V of
6–10) with all articles receiving a rank above 100 grouped together in the same bin. The 95% confidence
intervals (corresponding to robust standard errors, clustered around case codes) are denoted by the blue
the online appendix, we report that more of the lost field-level
vertical bars and their caps. citations are associated with retractions where first authors
rather than last authors are identified as culpable for the
variables between the retraction effect and the relatedness retraction. These results suggest that retraction yields the
rank: top 5, top 6–10, . . ., top 95–100, 100 and above. The greatest negative citation outcomes not when lab directors
results show that lower-ranked (i.e., more closely related) (who are typically listed last on scientific papers) are cul-
articles bear the brunt of the negative citation response in the pable for retractions but when junior investigators (postdocs
postretraction event. Figure E is conceptually similar, except and graduate students are often listed as first authors) are at
that it relies on the cardinal measure of relatedness. We cre- fault for retraction. Furthermore, we find that retracted first
ate 100 variables interacting the retraction effect with each authors and middle authors are less likely to reappear in fields
percentile of the relatedness measure and estimate the base- in which papers have been retracted than are retracted last
line specification of table 7, column 1 in which the main authors (section VI of the online appendix). These analyses
retraction effect has been replaced by the 100 corresponding suggest that the strength of the treatment effect is greatest
interaction terms. Figure E graphs the estimates along with when the author culpable for retraction is the first author
the 95% confidence interval around them. The results are a bit (rather than the last author) and that the publication decline is
noisy, but here too, closely related articles (those for which not driven by the exit of principal investigators or lab directors
the relatedness measure is above the 80th percentile) appear but may be driven by the exit of first authors.24
to experience a sharper drop in citations postretraction. To summarize, these results help explain why we observe
downward movement in the citations received by related
D. Effect on Entry and Funding at the Field Level articles highlighted earlier: there are fewer papers being pub-
lished in these fields and also less funding available to write
So far, the empirical exercise has examined cumulative such papers. While these effects constitute the proximate
knowledge production by building on ideas that originated causes of the negative spillovers that are the central finding
before the retraction event, allowing us to hold the quality of the paper, they beg the question of what the underlying
of these ideas constant over the entire observation window. mechanisms are. What explains the flight of resources away
In order to understand the proximate causes of the negative from these fields?
spillovers documented above, we must examine whether the
retraction event influenced the production of new ideas in the E. Underlying Mechanisms of the Retraction Effect
affected fields, and assess the extent to which these same
events altered the distribution of funding across scientific A number of mechanisms may underlie our findings
fields. regarding negative citation, entry, and funding. We inves-
Table 8 reports the results. Columns 1 through 3b report tigate evidence regarding two possibilities. First, a relative
our estimate of the treatment effect for entry into the decrease in attention subsequent to retraction may reflect
retraction-relevant fields, whereas columns 4a and 4b report scientists’ learning about the limited potential for follow-on
the treatment effect for funding. A number of interesting 23 We are grateful to an anonymous referee for encouraging us to pursue
patterns emerge. First, the response is consistently negative, this explanation.
indicating that both funding and publication activity decrease 24 These results align well with the evidence presented in Jin et al. (2013).

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Table 8.—Effect of Retraction on Publication Frequency and NIH Funding

(1) (2a) (2b) (3a) (3b) (4a) (4b)
Number of Number of Number of Number of
Closely Closely Related Articles Related Articles
Related Related Published in Published in
Number of Articles Articles High-Journal- Low-Journal-
Related (80% Score (Rank 10 Impact Factor Impact Factor Number of
Articles or Higher) or Lower) Journals Journals Grants $Amounts
After retraction −0.309∗∗∗ −0.433∗∗∗ −0.271∗ −0.333∗∗∗ −0.240∗∗∗ −1.152∗∗∗ −1.363∗∗∗
(0.096) (0.166) (0.141) (0.115) (0.092) (0.110) (0.145)
Number of retraction cases 333 333 333 333 333 332 332
Number of treating/control articles 1,644 1,511 1,626 1,633 1,644 1,513 1,513
Number of article-year observations 53,854 49,521 53,264 53,453 53,854 43,159 43,159
Log likelihood −188,980 −30,028 −26,628 −121,006 −112,071 −54,399 −273,467
Estimates stem from conditional quasi-maximum likelihood Poisson specifications. The dependent variable is the total number of related articles published in a particular source/year (columns 1a, 2a, 2b, 3a, and
3b), as well as the number or total dollar amount of NIH funding awarded in a particular year that yields at least one publication over the next three years that is related to either a retracted article or one of their
nearest-neighbor controls (columns 4a and 4b). The high journal impact factor (JIF) category includes journals in the top quartile of JIF (indexed by ISI), while the low-JIF category includes journals from the lower
three quartiles. All models incorporate a full suite of calendar-year effects. QML (robust) standard errors in parentheses, clustered around retraction cases. *p < 0.10, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01.

Figure 5.—Field-Level Dynamics

The solid lines correspond to coefficient estimates stemming from conditional fixed-effects quasi-maximum likelihood Poisson specifications in which the number of related publications (panel A) and NIH funding
in millions of 2007 dollars (panel B) associated with a particular source article are regressed onto year effects as well as 20 interaction terms between treatment status and the number of years before/elapsed since
the retraction event (the indicator variable for treatment status interacted with the year of retraction itself is omitted). The 95% confidence interval (corresponding to robust standard errors, clustered around retraction
cases) around these estimates is plotted with dashed lines. Figure 5A corresponds to a dynamic version of the specification in column 1 of table 8, while figure 5B corresponds to a dynamic version of the specification
in column 4b in the same table.

research in retraction-afflicted fields. The case of Jan-Hendrik Although we may not be able to rule out either explanation
Schön is consistent with this explanation. Schön’s research at entirely, exploring the relative importance of these mech-
Bell Labs initially produced spectacular results using organic anisms matters because their welfare implications differ.
materials to achieve a field transistor effect; his results were For example, it may be ideal from a social planner’s per-
eventually demonstrated to have been the result of fraudu- spective if scientists simply redirect their efforts away from
lent behavior, and subsequent efforts building on his work retraction-rich fields after a retraction event demonstrates
suggest the impossibility of achieving field transistor effects their unpromising nature. If, however, status considerations
using the materials he employed (Reich, 2009). Second, the inhibit entry into potentially productive fields of research, the
field-level declines in citation, entry, and funding we observe risk exists that the negative spillovers we documented earlier
could also arise from a fear of reputational association with reflect underinvestment from a social welfare standpoint.
the “contaminated” fields or authors. The case of Woo-Suk We exploit the finely grained level of detail in the data
Hwang that we invoke at the beginning of the paper is con- to provide evidence regarding the relative merits of these
sistent with this type of explanation: follow-on researchers explanations. We begin by examining whether the retracted
eschewed all implications of Hwang’s work, although when authors’ intent influences the citation response to related
the field revisited his work a few years after the retractions, articles written before the retraction event. Limiting the
some would prove promising. estimation sample to the set of retractions offering absent

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shoulders to follow-on researchers, we include in the bench- tion data to separate the citations that stem from private firms
mark specification two additional variables corresponding to (mostly pharmaceutical and biotechnology firms, identified
the interaction of the retraction effect with, respectively, the by suffixes such as Inc., Corp., LLC, Ltd., and GmbH) from
uncertain intent and intentional deception indicators men- those that originate in academia (broadly defined to include
tioned earlier (table 7, column 6). The evidence clearly shows nonprofit research institutes and public research institutions
that the postretraction penalty is larger when there is clear as well as universities). Even though we classify as “pri-
evidence of malicious intent. It is possible that retractions vate” any citing article with a mix of private and academic
associated with misconduct are, even in this restricted sam- addresses, almost 90% of the citations in our sample are aca-
ple, more consequential for the field than are retractions demic according to this definition. In table 9, columns 1a and
associated with honest mistakes.25 1b, we find that academic and private citers do not differ at all
The finding that biomedical research fields apply a greater in the extent to which they penalize the retracted articles. Con-
citation penalty when errors are intentional is consistent with versely, columns 2a and 2b indicate that private citers hardly
the idea that a stigma attaches to research lines in which penalize related articles, whereas academic citers do to the
fraud has been perpetuated. At least two other explanations extent previously documented.29 The difference between the
are possible, however. First, although the lack of a pretrend coefficients is statistically significant ( p < 0.01). These find-
in figure 3 suggests that retraction is not the result of the ings are consistent with the view that the retraction-induced
“fishing out” of a research area, intentional fraud may signal spillovers we have documented stem at least in part from aca-
its future fruitlessness (i.e., as progress may be possible only demic scientists’ concern that their peers will hold them in
through active deception), whereas an honest error may pro- lower esteem if they remain within an intellectual field whose
vide no such signal about future research prospects. It is also reputation has been tarnished by retractions, even though
possible that the differential response to fraud- and mistakes- these researchers were neither coauthors on the retracted
afflicted fields may arise from the rational expectation that article itself nor building directly on it.
fraud could be widespread, while mistakes are more likely to It is possible, however, that these differences arise because
be idiosyncratic.26 In this view, even if there are no costs of industry scientists find it easier to substitute citations within
associating with a field going forward (e.g., because journals a field because their work is more applied in nature.30 To
and referees respond to the retraction by being more vigi- investigate this possibility, we have matched the PubMed
lant) and no learning about the future prospects of that field, database with the U.S. patent data to identify the citations
the possibility of undiscovered false science in past work may received from patents by published scientific articles.31 Our
reduce future work in that area.27 The evidence in section IV.C working assumption is that papers that are cited by patents
that retractions in hot fields have a disproportionate effect on are more likely to be later stage, whereas those that receive
future citations does not lend support to these explanatory no citations from patents are more likely to correspond to
mechanisms. upstream research. In the absent shoulders subsample, 10.7%
To further investigate the possibility that a reputational of retracted articles were ever cited in a patent (table 2), while
mechanism may be at work, we examine heterogeneous 8.7% of their related articles and 8.3% of the nearest-neighbor
responses between academic- and firm-based citers. We controls were ever cited in a patent (table 3).
start from the premise that scientists employed by profit- We use these data to examine whether the citation pat-
seeking firms would persist in investigating topics that terns of academic and industrial papers also depend on the
university-based scientists (and NIH study sections) frown upstream or downstream character of the research itself (i.e.,
on (postretraction) as long as the possibility of developing whether it is specifically cited in a patent). We observe
a commercial product remains.28 We parse the forward cita- no difference in the case of the retracted articles them-
selves (table 9, columns 1c and 1d). However, the distinction
25 We also find this effect in models (unreported but available on request) between upstream and downstream research matters for the
in which we control for retraction size by including in the specification inter- rate of citations to related papers. In particular, academic
action terms between the retraction effect and the quartiles of postretraction citations to retraction-related articles experience a negligi-
penalty at the retracted article level.
26 Another possibility, of course, is that researchers underreact to the dis- ble decline if the related paper was ever cited in a patent
covery of honest mistakes. Though mistakes are likely more idiosyncratic (column 2c, sum of the coefficients), but the effect remains
than instances of fraud, one can think of instances where this is not the case, strongly negative and significant for related papers not cited
such as with the contamination of reagents or cell lines, as in the famous
example of HeLa cells (Lucey, Nelson-Rees, & Hutchins, 2009).
in a patent. In other words, the differential response noted
27 We thank one of our anonymous referees for highlighting this alternative
interpretation. The reviewer also noted the possibility that the “wild goose
chase” effects of false science might contribute to the decreased citations directly tied to standing in the research community (Dasgupta & David,
and entry in affected fields, as scientists spend time trying to investigate and 1994; Stern, 2004).
verify results related to the retracted paper. 29 The estimation sample is limited to the set of related articles and their
28 We ground our assumptions regarding the potentially differential controls that receive at least one citation of each type over the observation
responses of academic- and industry-based scientists by appealing to prior period.
work on differences in incentives and status concerns among academic 30 We thank an anonymous referee for this suggestion.

and industrial scientists, the former of whom have principally, though not 31 See appendix D in Azoulay, Zivin, and Sampat (2012) for more details

exclusively priority-based, incentives, and the latter of whom face stronger, on the patent-to-publication matching process that provides a foundation
though not exclusive, financial and organizational incentives that are not for the analyses presented in table 9.

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Table 9.—Interpreting Citation Behavior for Articled Related to Absent Shoulders Retractions
Retracted Papers Related Papers
(1a) (1b) (1c) (1d) (2a) (2b) (2c) (2d)
Academic Private-Firms Academic Private-Firms Academic Private-Firms Academic Private-Firms
Citations Citations Citations Citations Citations Citations Citations Citations
Only Only Only Only Only Only Only Only
After retraction −1.293∗∗∗ −1.309∗∗∗ −1.304∗∗∗ −1.283∗∗∗ −0.054∗∗∗ −0.006 −0.071∗∗∗ −0.005
(0.154) (0.188) (0.180) (0.236) (0.017) (0.023) (0.017) (0.025)
After Retraction × Retracted 0.041 −0.086
Paper Cited in Patent (0.178) −0.086
After Retraction × Related 0.066† −0.000
Paper Cited in Patent (0.038) (0.045)
Number of retraction cases 304 304 304 304 334 334 334 334
Number of source articles 1,089 1,089 1,089 1,089 589 589 82,819 53,357
Number of related/control articles 62,205 62,205 96,373 61,806
Number of article-year observations 15,711 15,711 15,711 15,711 807,203 807,203 1,238,118 801,709
Log likelihood −30,568 −8,234 −30,568 −8,234 −1,366,136 −402,337 −1,756,286 −400,178
Estimates stem from conditional quasi-maximum likelihood Poisson specifications. The dependent variable is the total number of forward citations (exclusive of self-citations) received by each related article in a
particular year. All models incorporate a full suite of year effects as well as 31 article age indicator variables (age 0 is the omitted category). Exponentiating the coefficients and differencing from 1 yields numbers
interpretable as elasticities. In columns 2a and 2b, the estimation sample is limited to related articles and controls that receive at least one “private firm” citation between their year of publication and 2011. For this
analysis, a citation is said to emanate from a private firm when at least one address listed by the Web of Science includes a suffix such as Inc., Corp., LLC, Ltd., or GmbH. QML (robust) standard errors in parentheses,
clustered around retraction cases. *p < 0.10, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01.

above is limited to more upstream research, which makes up that the scientific reward system has been corrupted and is in
over 90% of the retraction-related papers in our sample. need of wholesale, radical reform (Fang et al., 2012). This
In summary, the available data do not enable us to directly view points to the increase in detected frauds and errors as a
evaluate the relative importance of the learning and sta- strong indication that much invalid science goes undetected.
tus interpretations of the effects we uncover. Viewed in Acknowledging this possibility, others retort that a system
their entirety, however, our analyses suggest that status con- of retractions is precisely what the “Republic of Science”
cerns play an important role in explaining the intellectual requires: a mechanism that swiftly identifies false science
atrophy of retraction-afflicted fields. And if participation in and effectively communicates its implications for follow-on
these fields is curtailed as a result of these concerns, the research (Furman, Jensen, et al. 2012). The validity of the
conjecture that depressed participation corresponds to under- more optimistic view hinges crucially on what is signaled
investment from a social welfare standpoint is, at the very by a retraction notice and on how scientists in the affected
least, plausible. fields process this information and act on it. Our results
suggest that retractions do have the desired effect on the par-
ticular paper in question, but also lead to spillover effects
V. Conclusion onto the surrounding intellectual fields, which become less
This paper constitutes the first investigation of the effect If these negative spillovers simply reflected the diminished
of false science on the direction of scientific progress. Our scientific potential of the affected fields, then the collateral
findings show that scientific misconduct and mistakes, as sig- damage induced by retractions would not be a cause for con-
naled to the scientific community through retractions, cause cern and would reinforce the belief that the retraction process
a relative decline in the vitality of neighboring intellectual is a relatively effective way to police the scientific commons
fields. These spillovers in intellectual space are significant in (Furman, Jensen, et al. 2012). However, our evidence indi-
magnitude and persistent over time. cates that broad perceptions of legitimacy are an important
Of course, an important limitation of our analytical driver of the direction of scientific inquiry. Unfortunately,
approach is that though we can document that retraction retraction notices often obfuscate the underlying reason for
events cause a decrease in the rate of citations to related arti- retraction, which diminishes the information content of the
cles, we cannot pinpoint exactly where the missing citations signal they provide to follow-on researchers. As a result, there
go or, more precisely, in which direction scientists choose could be high returns to developing a standardized coding
to redirect their inquiries after the event. Nonetheless, the approach for retractions that journals and scientific societies
empirical evaluation has a number of interesting implications. could draw on to help the scientific community update their
Through the coding scheme we have developed to under- beliefs regarding the nature and scope of false science. While
stand the particular circumstance of each retraction event, journal editors may understandably balk at the suggestion that
we highlight the limitations of the institutional practices that it is incumbent on them to make clear determinations regard-
are supposed to ensure the fidelity of scientific knowledge. ing the underlying causes of retractions, a clearly articulated
In particular, the analysis brings systematic evidence to bear schema would increase the incentives of authors to report
on the heightened attention devoted to the topic of scientific problems emerging after the publication of an article and
misconduct in science policy circles. Some analysts suggest provide a more nuanced context within which universities

Downloaded from by City University of Hong Kong user on 29 April 2024

themselves (as well as funding bodies) might investigate and David, Paul A., “The Historical Origins of ‘Open Science’: An Essay
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than to its direction. This gap has arisen in part because Accounts for the Majority of Retracted Scientific Publications,”
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the data constraint through the systematic use of keyword of Giants: The Impact of Institutions on Cumulative Knowledge
information. The same approach could also prove itself use- Production,” American Economic Review 101 (2011), 1933–1963.
Furman, Jeffrey L., Kyle Jensen, and Fiona Murray, “Governing Knowledge
ful to explore more generally the ways in which researchers, in the Scientific Community: Exploring the Role of Retractions in
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space and change these positions over time. At the same Furman, Jeffrey, Fiona Murray, and Scott Stern, “Growing Stem Cells:
The Impact of US Policy on the Geography and Organization of
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