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Soal Bahasa Inggris

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SK BAS Nomor : 1359/BAN-SM/SK/2022

Jl. Limusnunggal No. 289 Telp. (0266) 213853 Cibeureum Sukabumi – 43165



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Iggris

Hari, Tanggal : Kamis, 18 April 2024
Waktu :

1. Isikan identitas Anda pada Lembar Jawaban Sumatif Akhir Jenjang (LJSAJ) yang tersedia dengan
menggunakan pensil 2B sesuai petunjuk.
2. Jumlah soal sebanyak 20 butir Pilihan Ganda biasa dan 20 soal Pilihan Ganda AKM.
3. Periksa dan bacalah setiap butir soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya.
4. Periksa kembali pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian.
5. Setiap bentuk kecurangan adalah pelanggaran.

Choose either a, b, c, or d for the correct answer!

This following text is for question no 1-3
To : All members of Literature Club
From : Chairman of Literature Club
Date : May, 27th 2020
Subject: Reviewing book

I would like to inform all members of Literature club that on this Saturday we will hold a reviewing Konspirasi
Alam Semesta, a book by Fiersa Besari. I expect your participation in this occasion. This Occasion will be held at
09:00 AM in Auditorium.

1. What is the writer’s purpose in writing the message?

A. To get permission from all students to join the project
B. To invite all members of Literature Club to review a bestselling book
C. To tell all students that he is interested in reviewing books
D. To inform all students about the cancellation of a meeting
2. From the message above we can infer that ....
A. Fiersa Besari is an author
B. The participants of the event will be introduced to a tip of business
C. The chairman of the literature club is a great book writer
D. The event will be carried out at 09.00 in the evening.

Pepes is very similar to Thai aeb, but it’s the Indonesian version of an
assortment of fish, meat or tofu, mixed with lots of healthy herbs and
spices, wrapped in a banana leaf package, and either steamed or grilled.
Originally a Sundanese food from the Western part of Java, some of
the most common versions of pepes include chicken, different types of fish,
tofu, or mushrooms, mixed with shallots, garlic, chilies,
turmeric, candlenut, and lemon basil. What I love so much is that the
ingredients, since they are all wrapped in a banana leaf and cooked, all
mesh together really well, but also the banana leaf gives an extra green
essence to whatever is cooked inside.
3. These statements are true based on the text, except ….
A. Pepes is Indonesian food but it’s resembled to Thai aeb.
B. Pepes is originally from West Java.
C. Some of most common kinds of pepes include meat, tofu or fish.
D. The writer loves pepes because she’s Sundanese.
4. Look at the warning below.
What do you think we should do after reading the warning?
A. We should obey the warning in whatever condition we are
B. We should pay no attention to such a warning
C. We should share our cigarettes with other guys
D. We should enjoy our cigarettes in public places.

On last Wednesday, I’ve got unforgettable experience. The day before, I played game on-line until 00.00
am. Because of that I woke up late.
It was about 7.30 am and the class would be started at 8.00 am. I ran to bathroom to take a bath. I used to
have breakfast before leaving home, but on that day, It was impossible.
I always rode motorcycle to go. But what an amazing thing happened, I forgot where I put the key. So, I went
to campus by public transportation. Of course, it took longer time. I arrived at 8.15 am, I hurried to get to
class but I saw my lecturer standing in front of the class to teach. I entered my classroom and you know what,
he was angry to me and didn’t let me join his material.
It was my bad experience and I hoped I would not do that again.

5. What can we learn from the text?

A. We have to have breakfast every morning
B. We have to obey our lecturer’s regulation
C. We have to be able to manage our time properly
D. We have to play game on- line with friends.
6. Why did the lecturer not let the writer get into the classroom? Because ....
A. The lecturer had just finished his teaching materials
B. The writer came late to attend the lecture on that day
C. The lecturer was so disappointed with the writer
D. The writer forgot where he put his motorbike

7. What is the text written for?

A. To invite somebody to a party
B. To celebrate a party
C. To welcome an invitee
D. To promote the restaurant

8. Who should we contact to make a confirmation?

A. Zahra
B. Marissa
C. Pesona Resto
D. Kathy

9. Look! The horse and the donkey look alike. But the horse is bigger than the donkey. The donkey is smaller than the
horse. Right?

The text tells us about?

A. The description of horse
B. The description of horse and donkey
C. The comparison of donkey
D. The comparison of horse and donkey
10. Siti : “Let’s wrap the gift for Lina. Can we do it on your table?”
Beni : “Please do, but don’t make a mess.”
The expression “Let’s wrap the gift for Lina!” is ....
A. prohibition
B. invitation
C. permission
D. instruction
Once upon a time, in a desert far away, there was a rose who was so proud of her beautiful looks. Her only
complaint was growing next to an ugly cactus.
Every day, the beautiful rose would insult and mock the cactus on his looks, all while the cactus remained
quiet. All the other plants nearby tried to make the rose see sense, but she was too swayed by her own looks.
One scorching summer, the desert became dry, and there was no water left for the plants. The rose quickly
11. What is the message of the story?
A. How a person presents himself shows his true personality.
B. See only see one side to someone's personality.
C. Never judge someone by the opinion of others.
D. Never judge anyone by the way they look.
12. What would likely happen if the cactus refused to share its water with the rose?
A. The cactus would grow better.
B. The rose would be withered and die.
C. The rose would stay fresh and bloom.
D. The cactus would give the water to another plant.
13. The text is intended for people who ….
A. Deal with good and bad tires
B. Consult to the expert about tire problems
C. Would like to change their old tires with the
new ones
D. Want to avoid problems on their tires during a

14. Neko Mobile Tire service provides ….

A. Tire sale and repair
B. Tire rotation and repair
C. Flat repair and balancing
D. Vehicle sale and service

15. Suppose you have a problem with your tire and

does not have time to bring your vehicle to a
workshop. Why do you choose Neko Mobile?
A. It provides a contact person
B. It repairs several kinds of vehicles
C. It is ready anytime and willing to come
D. It offers complete service to the customers

The cheetah is the fastest animal on land. It can run 100 kilometers an hour. It is now rare and is one of
the animals which is in danger of extinction.
The cheetah has a small head and ears, and long, powerful legs. It always hunts and chases its prey on
open ground.
This is a different way of hunting from the other “big cats.” They like to stay in and near trees to catch
their prey. The cheetah is also different from other cats because it cannot draw in its claws.

16. Paragraph two tells us about ....

A. Physical Description of a Cheetah.
B. The way how a cheetah hunts its prey.
C. What makes a cheetah different from other animals.
D. The reason why cheetah belongs to rare animals.
17. “It is now rare and is one of the animals which is in danger of extinction.” (Paragraph 1).
The information’s implies that ....
A. We can still see so many cheetahs roaming in thick forest nowadays.
B. People must prevent cheetahs from extinction due to irresponsible people’s activities.
C. Cheetah can be exploited to be a domestic animal.
D. Cheetah can run very fast therefore it can avoid any harmful predators.
18. What is the purpose of writing the above text?
A. To persuade people not to hunt cheetahs
B. To describe cheetah in general
C. To amuse readers with a story of a cheetah
D. To tell people the right way to protect the rare cheetahs.


1. 750 grams banana
2. 200 grams whole wheat flour .
3. 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder .
4. 2 tablespoon palm sugar
5. 1 teaspoon salt
6. 450 ml water
7. 125 grams rice flour
8. Cooking oil
1. First cut bananas into square small pieces about 1 centimeter
2. Mix all flour, turmeric powder, salt, palm sugar, water
3. Then stir until mixture
4. Add banana into flour dough
5. Using a table spoon make spoon full balls
6. After that drop them into the saucepan
7. Fry them for about 4 minutes or until lightly brown

19. The text is written to ....

A. Share ideas about bananas
B. Tell about the ingredients needed to make fried bananas
C. Tell about the way of how to make fried bananas
D. Promote fried bananas as alternative food.
20. What should we do after we cut bananas into square small pieces?
A. Fry them until they are done
B. Add bananas to flour dough
C. Stir them until they are mixed evenly
D. Mix all flour, turmeric powder, salt, palm sugar and water.

21. How long does the students study computing?

A. Half an hour.
B. An hour.
C. An hour and a half.
D. Two hours.
22. Which of the following statements are true based on the text? (You may give a tick (v) to more than one statement)
□ The students study history at 11 p.m.
□ The students do sport for half an hour.
□ The students begin studying Art at half past one.
23. What does the chat tell us about?
A. Going to Kudus
B. Meeting on Friday
C. Discussing English task
D. Finishing English project
24. Match the day and date in the left column with the events in the right column.


1. Friday, August 31st 1. Fina is still in Kudus.

2. Sunday, September 2nd 2. Fina will leave Kudus.
3. Fina will go to Kudus.
Always be Together
By Little Mix

We are, friends for life

Hold that, deep inside
Let this, be a drive
To survive
And just stand, high and tall
Make sure you give your all
And if you ever fall
Know that I'm right here
We'll always be together, don't you worry
I'll always be by your side, don't you worry
The circle will never end, just know that we'll meet again
And we'll always be together, forever, always

25. What is the song lyrics mainly about?
A. Surviving.
B. Prosperity.
C. Friendship.
D. Happiness.
26. What can we learn from the song?
A. The spirit of friendship will always stay alive.
B. A close friend will give everything we need.
C. The circle of friendship will be renewed
D. A true friend will take you as you are.
27. “The circle will never end, just know that we'll meet again”
The quoted lyric means that …. (You may give a tick (v) to more than one statement)
they will enjoy their precious moment
their relationship will endlessly last
they will be best friend forever
they always stick to each other

28. The writer sends the email in order to….

A. suggest an option in booking a seat for the show
B. offer a discussion about certain comedy festival
C. ask the receiver to have another meeting
D. invite a friend for a seat in a show
29. Please decide whether the statements true or false.
Statements True False

a Both the sender and recipient have decided to book a seat before

b The sender suggests to book the less expensive seat at the weekend

c The sender and receiver have to book a seat soon

d The sender asks the receiver to reply immediately

30. The text above can be likely found at ….

A. Supermarket
B. Bag shop
C. School
D. Park

31. Match the people to the action that they can do related to the text above.
People Action
1. Shoppers A. Not providing plastic bags.
2. Management B. Using bags made from washable fabric
C. Providing bags made from paper
In order to provide good condition to learn in our classroom, every student:
• must keep the classroom clean and tidy.
• must not litter.
• must put the garbage in the garbage bin.
• must not write or draw anything on the desks and on the walls.
• must sweep the floor and dust the teacher’s desk and the shelf every
32. What would probably happen if the students do not obey the rules? (You may choose more than one)
□ The teacher would not be permitted to teach.
□ The students would not feel comfortable to study.
□ The classroom would not be conducive for learning.
□ The students would not allowed to enter the classroom.

33. Why does the sender send the card?

A. To remind his/her teacher on the Teachers Day.
B. To give best wishes to the teacher on a special day.
C. To congratulate his/her teacher for being successful.
D. To express his/her gratitude to the teacher on his birthday
34. Why does the sender express her thanks to the receiver?
A. The sender wants to be polite.
B. The teacher receives a greeting card.
C. The sender wants to send some flowers.
D. The teacher teaches the sender perfectly.
35. The writer intention of writing the text is to …
A. Make difference
B. Plant a tree to save the earth
C. Encourage the readers to save the earth
D. Donate and contribute the program

Strawberry-Blueberry-Banana Smoothie

½ cup frozen strawberries
¼ cup frozen blueberries
1 small ripe banana (frozen, if desired)
¾ cup chilled unsweetened cashew milk, plus more if needed
1 tablespoon cashew butter
1 tablespoon hulled hemp seeds
• Combine strawberries, blueberries, banana, cashew milk, cashew butter and hemp seeds in a
• Process until smooth, adding more cashew milk, if needed, for desired consistency.
• Serve immediately.

36. What is the writer’s intention in writing the text?

A. To tell the things that must be prepared to make juice.
B. To explain the correct way to serve cold drinks.
C. To describe the nutritional content in a drink.
D. To show how to make fresh fruit drink.
37. Who will likely find the text useful?
A. Restaurant manager.
B. Bartender helper.
C. Food scientists.
D. Pastry chef.
38. Which sentence is most suitable to add in the end of the 1st step?
A. Wash the fruits thoroughly and drain them.
B. Remove the fruit juice from the refrigerator.
C. Store the fruits in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.
D. The bananas may need to be chopped before blending.

There once was a king named Midas who did a good deed for a Satyr. And he was then granted a
wish by Dionysus, the god of wine.
For his wish, Midas asked that whatever he touched would turn to gold. Despite Dionysus’ efforts to
prevent it, Midas pleaded that this was a fantastic wish, and so, it was bestowed.
Excited about his newly-earned powers, Midas started touching all kinds of things, turning each item
into pure gold.
But soon, Midas became hungry. As he picked up a piece of food, he found he couldn’t eat it. It had
turned to gold in his hand.
Hungry, Midas groaned, ―I’ll starve! Perhaps this was not such an excellent wish after all! ‖Seeing his
dismay, Midas’ beloved daughter threw her arms around him to comfort him, and she, too, turned to gold.
―The golden touch is no blessing, Midas cried.

39. We can find the text in a ….

A. biography of a famous person
B. website for children stories
C. social media of an author
D. paid digital novel
40. In the TRUE/FALSE columns, type T if the statement is correct and F if it is wrong.
Statements TRUE FALSE

From the story we can learn to appreciate our togetherness with fafamily.

The story conveys the message that greed will always lead to
By understanding the story, we realize that having a lot of wealth does not
guarantee happiness.

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