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Yasin Half Wave Full Wave

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Course Title: Bipolar and Unipolar Devices and Circuit Sessional

Course No:071409ECE 1204

Experiment No:01

Name of the Experiment: Half wave and full wave rectifier with\without filter.

Name of the student: MD Yasin Hasan

Student ID: 230905
year: 1st
Term: 2
Name of the Discipline: Electronics and Communication Engineering
Date of submission:24.04.2024

Name of the Course Teachers:

PROFESSOR Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman

Electronics and Communication Engineering Discipline

Khulna University
Name of the Experiment:
Half wave and full wave rectifier with\without filter.
• To design a half wave rectifier circuit and analyze its output.
• To analyze the rectifier output using a capacitor in shunt as a filter
• To design a Full-wave rectifier circuit and analyze its output
• To analyze the rectifier output using a capacitor in shunt as a filter.
Theory :
The diode analysis will now be expanded to include time-varying functions such as
the sinusoidal waveform and the square wave. There is no question that the
degree of difficulty will increase, but once a few fundamental maneuvers are
understood ,the analysis will be fairly direct and follow a common thread .The
simplest of networks to examine with a time-varying signal appears in Fig.1.For
the moment we will use the ideal model(note the absence of Si, Ge or GaAs label)
to ensure that the approach is not
clouded by additional
mathematical complexity.

The dc level obtained from a sinusoidal input can be improved 100% using a
process called full-wave rectification. The most familiar network for performing
such a function appears in Fig. 2 with its four diodes in a bridge configuration.
During the period t=0 to T>2 the polarity of the input is as shown in Fig. 2. The
resulting polarities across the ideal diodes are also shown in Fig. 2. to reveal that
D2 and D3 are conducting, whereas D1 and D4 are in the "off" state. The net result is
the configuration of Fig. 2.. with its indicated current and polarity across R. Since
the diodes are ideal, the load voltage is vo=v1, as shown in the same figure.
The average or de value of this simple half-wave and full wave rectified signal , Vdc
is 0.318 Vm and 0.636 Vm respectively.
Necessary Equipment:
In this experiment , you will need following elements and instruments to the
circuit diagram.
Sl.No. Name Range/Value Quantity
1. Transformer 230V/9V 1
2. Diode 1N4001 05
3. Capacitors 1000μ/16V 02
4. Decade Resistance -- 1
5. Multimeter -- 1
6. Bread board and connecting wires -- 1 set
7. Dual Trace CRO 20MHz 1

Circuit Diagram:
Half wave Rectifier with filter:
Fig.3:Circuit diagram of half wave Rectifier

Fig. 4: Circuit diagram of full wave rectifier.

Fig. 5: Circuit diagram of full wave rectifier using center tap transformer
• Connect the circuit as shown in Figure 3 and 4. Voltmeter V and Ammeter A
are connected with the secondary side of the transformer according to the
circuit diagram shown in Fig. 3 and 4.
• Readings of the voltmeter and ammeter are recorded in data Table 1.
• Adjust the load resistance, R1, to 500 ohms, and note down the readings of
input and output voltages through oscilloscope.
• Note the readings of de current, dc voltage and ac voltage.
• Now, change the resistance the load resistance, R1, to 1 K ohms and repeat
the procedure as above. Also repeat for 10 K ohms.

Data table of half wave rectifier

Sl.No. Load Input Diode DC Voltage AC Ripple Output

Resistance voltage current across Voltage Factor voltages Error(%)
Rl(Ω) Vm (V) IDC (mA) capacitor across VAC through
VDC(V) capacitor VDC oscilloscope
1. 4680 Ω 15.40 0.11 20.1 0.2 9.9x10-3 20.2 0.49

2. 4680 Ω 7.75 0.04 10.04 0.08 7.7X10-3 10.1 0.59

3. 7120 Ω 7.75 0.06 9.98 0.11 0.011 10.2 2.25

Data table of full wave rectifier

Sl.No. Load Input Diode DC Voltage AC Ripple Output

Resistance voltage current across Voltage Factor voltages Error(%)
Rl(Ω) Vm (V) IDC (mA) capacitor across VAC through
VDC(V) capacitor VDC oscilloscope
1. 7120 15.57 2.45 19.9 0.14 0.007 20.2 0.49

2. 7120 7.85 0.694 9.60 0.07 0.0073 10 0.59

3. 4680 15.57 0.48 10.64 0.23 0.022 20.1 2.25


Output Waveform Shapes of Half-Wave and Full-Wave Rectifiers:

1. Half-Wave Rectifier:
• In a half-wave rectifier circuit, only one half of the input AC
waveform is rectified, resulting in a pulsating DC output.
• During the positive half-cycle of the input AC waveform, the diode
conducts and allows the positive half of the waveform to pass
through, resulting in a positive pulsating DC output.
• During the negative half-cycle, the diode blocks the current flow,
resulting in zero output.
• The output waveform of a half-wave rectifier resembles a series of
positive half-cycles with zero voltage during the negative half-

2. Full-Wave Rectifier:
• In a full-wave rectifier circuit, both halves of the input AC
waveform are rectified, resulting in a more continuous DC output.
• Full-wave rectification can be achieved using a center-tapped
transformer with two diodes (center-tapped full-wave rectifier) or
using a bridge rectifier circuit with four diodes (bridge rectifier).
• During both the positive and negative half-cycles of the input AC
waveform, current flows through the diodes, resulting in a
continuous pulsating DC output.
• The output waveform of a full-wave rectifier exhibits positive half-
cycles for both the positive and negative half-cycles of the input
AC waveform.
Interpretation of Results and Observations:

• In the half-wave rectifier output waveform, only the positive half-cycles

of the input AC waveform are rectified, leading to a pulsating DC output
with significant ripple.
• The full-wave rectifier output waveform, whether using a center-tapped
transformer or a bridge rectifier, shows a smoother pulsating DC output
compared to the half-wave rectifier due to rectification of both halves of
the input AC waveform.
• The ripple frequency in the full-wave rectifier output waveform is twice
that of the input AC frequency, resulting in less ripple compared to the
half-wave rectifier.

Comparison with Theoretical Expectations:

• The experimental results should align with theoretical expectations,

where the half-wave rectifier produces a pulsating DC output with
significant ripple, while the full-wave rectifier yields a smoother
pulsating DC output with reduced ripple.
• The shape and characteristics of the output waveforms should match
the expected behavior based on the rectification principles of each
circuit configuration.

Limitations of the Experiment and Suggestions for Improvements:

• Limitations:
• Noise and interference in the input AC waveform may affect the
accuracy of the rectification process and the resulting output
• Component tolerances and variations may introduce discrepancies
between theoretical expectations and experimental results.
• Measurement inaccuracies in waveform capture and analysis tools
may impact the precision of waveform observations.
• Suggestions for Improvements:
• Use high-quality components with tight tolerances to minimize
variations and ensure consistency in experimental results.
• Implement filtering techniques, such as capacitor smoothing, to
reduce ripple in the output waveform and obtain cleaner DC
• Shield the circuit and measurement setup from external noise
sources to minimize interference and improve waveform accuracy.
• Use advanced waveform analysis tools, such as digital
oscilloscopes, with high sampling rates and accuracy for precise
waveform characterization.

By addressing these limitations and implementing improvements, future

studies can enhance the accuracy and reliability of experimental results in
investigating rectifier circuits.

• A rectifier is a circuit that converts alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC)
• A diode acts as a rectifier by allowing current to flow in only one direction. In a half wave
rectifier,during the positive half-cycle of the AC input voltage, the diode is forward-
biased.Thus it allows the current to flow.In the negative half cycle,it cancels out that
portion.That’s how it rectifies the ac signal into dc signal.In a full wave rectifier negative
and positive both portion can be rectified.
• Peak Inverse Voltage (PIV) is the maximum reverse voltage that a diode or a rectifier
circuit can withstand before entering breakdown region. PIV is a critical parameter
because diodes are often subjected to reverse voltage during the negative half-cycle of
the alternating current (AC) input waveform.If we don’t consider it then there is
possibility of of the diode being damaged.

• Ripple factor means the percentage of ac current in the output.It refers to the ratio of
output ac current and output dc current.
• For a good filter ripple factor should be lower.
• Regulation refers to the ability of a power supply or voltage source to maintain a
relatively constant output voltage despite changes in input voltage or load conditions.
• Time constant means the time a system needs to react to a sudden change .
• If we increase the the value of the capacitor then the percentage of ac current in the
output will decrease.It means that the graph will be much smooth compared to to
• If we increase the the value of the capacitor then the percentage of ac current in the
output will decrease.

Answer the following questions

1.What is a rectifier?
=>A rectifier consists of a semiconductor Diode, an electrical component that
converts alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC).
2. How Diode act as a rectifier?
=>A diode acts as a rectifier by allowing current to flow in only one direction.
During the positive half cycle of the AC input, the diode conducts and allows
current to pass, while during the negative half cycle, the diode blocks the current.
3.What is the significance of PIV? What is the condition imposed on PIV?
=>Peak Inverse Voltage is referred to as PIV. It is the highest voltage that a diode
under reverse bias can sustain without failing. To guarantee that the diode does
not fail during the negative half cycle, PIV is subject to the requirement that it be
greater than the peak value of the input AC voltage.
4. Draw the o/p wave form without filter?
=>The output waveform without a filter for a half-wave rectifier will be a series of
positive half cycles of the input AC waveform.
5. Draw the o/p wave form with filter?
=>The output waveform with a filter for a half-wave rectifier will be a smoother
DC waveform with fewer fluctuations, but there will still be some ripple present.
6. What is meant by ripple factor? For a good filter whether ripple factor should
be high or low?
=>The output waveform with a filter for a half-wave rectifier will be a smoother
DC waveform with fewer fluctuations, but there will still be some ripple present.
7. What is meant by regulation?
=>Regulation refers to the ability of a power supply to maintain a constant output
voltage despite changes in the input voltage or load. It is usually expressed as a
percentage change in output voltage for a given percentage change in input
voltage or load.
8. What is meant by time constant?
=>Time constant (τ) is a measure of the time it takes for a circuit to charge or
discharge to approximately 63.2% of its final value. It is calculated as the product
of resistance (R) and capacitance (C) in a circuit, τ = R x C.
9. What happens to the o/p wave form if we increase the capacitor value?
=>In a filter circuit, increasing the capacitor value will result in an increase in the
circuit's time constant. This will cause the capacitor to charge and discharge more
slowly, smoothing out the DC output and minimizing ripple.
10. What happens if we increase the capacitor value?
=>Increasing the capacitor value in a filter circuit will improve the filtering action,
resulting in a smoother DC output with reduced ripple. However, it will also
increase the size and cost of the capacitor and may increase the time taken for the
circuit to reach its final output voltage during startup

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