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Bayireddy Mani Saran S/O Hari Babu City, Shamshabad, Permanent Resident of 7-113.srinagar Colony, Ongole - Prakasam

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THIS AGREEMENT OF LEASE is made and executed on this the 1th day of JAN 2024 by and
between Mr. VUDUMULA LAKSHMI NARAYANA REDDY, aged about 75 years, Occupation:
PRADESH – 523245.

(Herein after called the LESSOR)



(Herein after called the LESSEES)

The words LESSOR & LESSEES where ever they occur and whenever the context so permits
include their legal representatives, successors in title, assignees etc., and WITNESSETH AS

WHERE AS the LESSOR is the absolute owner and possessor of the Flat No. 91,HIG 2,

Whereas the LESSEES herein has offered to take the SCHEDULED HOUSE on a monthly rent of
Rs. 25,000 (Twenty one Thousand Rupees Only) on joined & serval responsibility and the
LESSOR herein has accepted to let-out the same on the rent amount of Rs. 25,000 (Twenty FIVE
Thousand Rupees Only) per month and where as it is AGREED AS FOLLOWS

1. The lease commences with effect from 1 st JAN 2024 for a period of eleven months from the
said date and renewable thereafter solely at the discretion of LESSOR and determinable as
hereafter provided

2. Till the pre-paid maintenance charges period. The LESSEES shall during the said period of
lease shall pay of Rs. 25,000 (Twenty FIVE Thousand Rupees Only) per month, which does
not include maintenance charges and utility expenses i.e. Electricity, Gas, Water and
Garbage collection charges in respect of the SCHEDULED FLAT. THE said lease shall be paid
in advance for the month by 5th of every month. Further the LESSEE has paid a sum of Rs.
50,000/-(FIFTY Thousand Rupees Only) as deposit with the LESSOR for the due
performance of the terms and conditions of this Lease and the said deposit does not bear
any interest and shall be refunded at the time of vacating the SCHEDULED FLAT subject to
adjustment of arrears of Lease and other damages, if any.

3. The LESSEE shall be responsible and liable for payment of electricity consumption charges to
Flat owners Association or any Society Formed by the Flat owners and levied and increased
from time to time, apart from payment of the Rent as agreed upon.

4. It is Agreed that the LESSEE, opting to continue the lease even after expiry of the period of
lease agreed to under this Agreement, shall be liable to increase the rent by 10% of the then
existing rent on each completed period of Eleven months.

5. The LESSEE shall keep the interior of the demised premises and the drainage, flooring, walls
and painting on the walls, all the wood works including shelves, almairahs, doors and
windows thereof and toilet blocks, water closets and other conveniences attached there to
and all the fixtures and fittings in clean and in good substantial and sanitary repair, order
and condition (except the reasonable wear and tear).

6. The LESSEE shall not alter the deemed premises without the previous written consent of the
LESSOR and such alteration even if permitted shall not be fixed causing damage to the main
structure of the Platinum BLOCK.

7. The LESSEE shall use the demised premises only for the residential use and not for any other
use including the commercial use. Further the LESSEE shall not cause any thing whatsoever
which may be or become a nuisance or annoyance or in any way interfere with the quite or
comfort of the LESSOR or other LESSEEs, tenants and occupiers of the Platinum BLOCK

8. The LESSEE shall not sub-lease the demised premises (SCHEDULE FLAT).It is Agreed that the
LESSEE shall pay the lease amount till the last month of vacating the premises by the LESSEE
and the deposit shall not be adjusted in during the period of notice of vacating the said
premises. However the LESSEE shall give notice in writing at least two months before
vacating the Demised premises about his intention to vacate the said premises.
9. In violation of the any terms and conditions of this Deed, the LESSOR is entitled to terminate
the Lease by giving notice of two months to the LESSEE.LESSOR may require the LESSEE to
vacate the SCHEDULE FLAT at any time, by giving a notice of 2 months.

10. The LESSEE should collect the check out form from HELPDESK before vacating the FLAT and
submit the filled check out form in advance (one week at least).

11. The LESSEE shall permit the LESSOR and the Flat owners Association and their workmen
with all necessary appliances to enter into and upon the demised premises at all reasonable
times by giving previous notice in writing to the LESSEE for the purpose of either viewing the
condition of the demised premises or the water pipes and drains in or under the same or of
any other part of the said building.

12. The LESSEE shall maintain and repair the electrical and sanitary fittings and fixtures as and
when necessary and to keep the same in good working condition. Further the LESSEE shall
be bound to comply with the terms and conditions of the agreement between the builder
and the LESSOR, in so far as they are not inconsistent with the terms herein contained.

13. The LESSEE shall be liable to deliver vacant possession of the demised premises to the
LESSOR on the date of expiry of the period of lease agreed upon together with all fixtures
and fittings in the same condition at which they were handed over at the time of inducting
into possession of the demised premises. In case the LESSEE intends to continue the lease,
the LESSEE shall be liable to give intimation in writing to the LESSOR regarding the intention
to continue the lease for a further period of eleven months. In case the LESSEE does not
give such intimation to continue the tenancy 30 days before lease expiry, it shall be deemed
that there is no extension of lease and the LESSEE shall be liable to vacate the demised
premises on the expiry of the lease agreed upon.

The LESSOR has provided the following fittings and fixtures to the Demised premises for
the benefit of the LESSEE.

1. Ceiling Fans : 6
2. Tube lights : 8
3. CFL Bulbs : 2
4. Geyser : 1(Racold one in 1 bathroom)
5. Exhaust Fan : 0
6. Chimney : 0
7. Wooden Cupboards : 4
8. Towel Rods and soap trays : one set in each bathroom
9. Mirrors : 0

10. Window curtain Rods : 10

11. Modular Kitchen :1

12. TV unit in hall

IN WITNESS WHERE OF the PARTIES herein have signed this DEED in token of
acceptance of the contents there of in the presence of the WITNESSES set forth herein below.

(______________________) (_______________________)

Signed and Delivered by the Signed and Delivered by the

Above name Lessor above name Lessee


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