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KWAS #2 - Hideous Creatures - Serpent Folk

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Hideous Creatures

Serpent Folk
Publisher: Cathriona Tobin

Author: Kenneth Hite

Layout: Cathriona Tobin

Artwork: Melissa Gay

Hideous Creatures: Serpent Folk is part of the Ken Writes about Stuff
subscription series, featuring new and original Hite goodness every month
for twelve months. A subscription costs $24.95 and as well as giving you
a generous 30% discount on the individual article price of $2.95, we’ll be
offering an exclusive extra later in the year to all subscribers.

Any time you order, you’ll get all the issues of the current KWAS to date.

© 2014 Pelgrane Press Ltd. All rights reserved.Trail of Cthulhu is published by arrangement with
Chaosium, Inc. Trail of Cthulhu is a trademark of Pelgrane Press Ltd.


Hideous Creatures: Introduction

Lovecraft created his various “shadowy congeners” because the stories of vampires, werewolves, and even ghosts had become
too familiar and too formulaic to evoke true horror. Almost a century after he wrote, his own monstrous races have likewise
begun to seem like comfortable story furniture rather than unnerving signals that the world is horrible and wrong.

Our goal with this series is to present a comprehensive look at Lovecraft’s hideous creatures, from as many angles as we can.
Our goal is contradiction, surprise, and most especially the uncanny: the recognition of something familiar as something weird. As
in the “Gods and Titans” section of the Trail of Cthulhu core book, this series deliberately contradicts itself, blurring boundaries
and erasing certainties in the name of the uncanny. In your campaign, these variant truths might be misunderstandings, legends,
heresies, or deliberate lies spread by the creatures to lull their foes into a false sense of familiarity.

Change anything and everything in these pages, most especially the ability scores. If you need a terrifying assassin, a brief but
survivable fright, or a sanity-shattering horror, just add or subtract points at will.


Serpent Folk 5 Mama Dlo (Trinidad) 10

Degenerate Serpent Folk 5 Naga (India, South-East Asia) 10
Children of the Night (Humanoid Form) 5 Pauna’a (Oregon, Nevada, Arizona) 10
Worms of the Earth (Snake Form) 5 Xana (Asturias) 10
Reversions to Type 5 Investigations10
Possible Serpent Folk Abilities 6 Clues10
Variations7 Scenario Seeds 12
Mythic Echoes 9 Ten Little Sapiens 12
Attorcroppe (Saxony) 9 The Hills Have Nictitating Membranes 13
Fuath (Scotland) 9 Bibliography13
Lamia (Poetic) 9


Serpent Folk


The squamous serpent folk resemble • A rattle, either on the tail or in an • Some snakebites can induce
upright, bipedal snakes, with wedge- inflatable neck sac like the tuatara. dementia, epilepsy, or seizures.
shaped heads and taloned arms. They
can sense motion, have a keen sense of • The burrowing asp can fold its • Neurotoxic venom paralyzes not
smell thanks to their forked tongues, fangs to one side and “bite” without only the lungs of the victim, but
and can detect heat like a pit viper. They opening its mouth. Other snakes sometimes its muscles.
range in color from green and brown have poison glands in their spine or
to pale yellow or gray, often spotted or neck; poison can be anywhere on • Cytotoxic venom commonly swells
streaked with darker markings. one of the serpent folk! the affected area into an immense
Changing the look of serpent folk blister, which pops with agonizing
seems almost pointless. Serpent folk • Remember to mention the weird pain.
(or serpent people, or just ophidians) rainbow reflections and strange
derive so much power from their iconic images playing along the ophidian’s • Viper venom can also necrotize
appearance that it seems a shame to scales. flesh, including the kidneys and long
spoil the reveal. They likely spend most muscles. Supernatural venom like
of their “on screen” time in adventures Remember to utilize the strange, that of the serpent folk blackens flesh,
or campaigns taking human or other potent venom of the serpent folk when bloats and then dries it to ashy rubber
form anyhow. they bite: within minutes instead of weeks.
That said, the serpent folk spent
tens of millions of years evolving both • Being bitten by a snake is first of all The first primate fossils appear 50
naturally and unnaturally. Some possible sheerly terrifying. The tachycardia million years before mankind evolves;
new looks include: and shock of that event can kill, so the dawn of reptiles is 250 million years
imagine the horror of being bitten before that. In short, the eons of the
• Horns on the head, like those of by a man-sized snake (5-point Carboniferous and Permian Eras hold
the horned viper, or like the basmu Stability test). more than time enough for the evolution
demon of Sumerian lore. of the serpent folk. Their civilization
• Many viper bites cause multisensory flourished on the subcontinent of Valusia
• A pair or cluster of tentacles hallucinations, while krait and (roughly where Europe, Egypt, and the
extending from the snout, similar rattler bites produce a minty Mediterranean basin are now) before even
to those of the tentacled snake but or metallic taste in the victim’s dinosaurs walked the earth. They built
implying specifically Cthulhoid mouth, and cobra venom can black basalt cities and fought wars, all in
taint. induce aphasia and tingling skin. the Permian era or before.
They were then great sorcerers and
• Feathered, spiky scales like those of • Viper venom is highly scientists, and devoted much energy to
the feathered viper. This can extend coagulopathic, inducing bleeding calling forth dreadful demons and brewing
into actual feathers like those of from every orifice and even from potent poisons. The catastrophic Permian
dinosaurs or Quetzalcoatl. old, healed wounds. Internal extinction, or a war with Cthulhu or the
bleeding produces anomalous Elder Things, or the ophidian wizards’
• Try a bright coral-snake or king- bruises, while bleeding from the own hubris (or all three) destroyed Valusia
snake pattern for a changeup, yellow brain produces bloody tears as well around 150 million years ago.
and orange bands, deep ebony black, as swelling headaches and bloody Their remnants primarily settled in
or glaring pink or green skin. vomiting. the underground realm of red-litten Yoth


Serpent Folk

beneath North America. Later cataclysms Degenerate Serpent Folk Hit Threshold: 3 (4 in shadows or at
(perhaps including the Curse of Yig) sent night; 5 in pitch darkness)
most of the serpent folk back down the “THIS THING WAS MORE LIKE A GIANT Alertness Modifier: +2 (in
evolutionary ladder, and human enmity SERPENT THAN ANYTHING ELSE, BUT darkness), -1 (in bright light)
destroyed the rest of their civilization and IT HAD ABORTED LEGS AND SNAKY Stealth Modifier: +2
drove even their brute remnants to the ARMS WITH HOOKED TALONS. IT Weapon: -1 (flint knife or axe), -1
brink of extinction. CRAWLED ON ITS BELLY, WRITHING (arrow + venom), -2 (bite); venom (as
A few sorcerers and atavistic Yig- BACK MOTTLED LIPS TO BARE above; all Health losses are 2 less than
favored throwbacks survive elsewhere, NEEDLELIKE FANGS, WHICH I FELT full serpent folk venom).
as do pockets of dwarfed degenerates MUST DRIP WITH VENOM. IT HISSED Armor: -1 (reptilian hide)
and human-serpent folk hybrids. The AS IT REARED UP ITS GHASTLY Stability Loss: +0
degenerate serpent folk seek merely to HEAD ON A HORRIBLY LONG NECK,
eat, breed, and survive – the others have WHILE ITS YELLOW SLANTED EYES Worms of the Earth (Snake
more complex needs, desires, and plans. GLITTERED WITH ALL THE HORROR Form)
Serpent Folk LAIRS UNDER THE EARTH.” Abilities: Athletics 6, Health 8,
Abilities: Athletics 8, Health 6, Scuffling Scuffling 10
11,Weapons 7 – ROBERT E. HOWARD, “PEOPLE Magic: 5+ in rare circumstances; uses
Magic: Serpent-folk sorcerers have OF THE DARK” Magic for natural effects (1 point each):
Magic 10+ or even higher, and could have Most serpent people remaining in cave-ins, floods, controlling water and
any spell a human magus might. Even the modern world are the degenerate wind, or creating a will-o-wisp light to
those who do not worship Yig likely find descendants of interbreeding with lure prey into the cavern.
it politic to have ContactYig among them. Neanderthals, Voormis, and isolated Hit Threshold: 4
Hit Threshold: 4 human groups over the last few million Alertness Modifier: +2 (for motion
Alertness Modifier: +1 (for motion years. They live in barrows, caves, and and smell only)
and smell, not sound alone) waste places – or in sewer and subway Stealth Modifier: +1
Stealth Modifier: +1 systems in metropolitan anonymity. Weapon: +0 (bite), +1 (talon);
Weapon: +0 (bite), +1 (scimitar); They live by cannibalism, kidnapping venom (as above; all Health losses are
venom (see below). human brides when they can to 2 more than full serpent folk venom).
In hand-to-hand combat the bite attack replenish their dwindling genetic stock. Armor: -1 (reptilian hide)
can be made simultaneously with most They come in two main varieties, a Stability Loss: +1
weapon attacks. dwarfish and stunted humanoid form
Serpent folk may use all weapons known and a bloated snake form with vestigial Reversions to Type
to man, clutching them effectively in limbs. (See the tylwyth corachaidd on Seemingly normal humans may, of
taloned hands. p. 74 of Bookhounds of London for course, have such horrors tangled up in
Venom: A serpent-folk bite is venomous; more on the humanoids.) their bloodline. Bringing their serpent
in 15 minutes to an hour after being By and large the snake form is more self to the fore may occur when they cast
bitten, the victim must make a Difficulty debased and less intelligent than the Mythos magic (or when the Investigator’s
4 Health test. If she fails, she immediately humanoid form, but the genetic lines Magic rating exceeds her Sanity rating),
loses a number of Health points equal to are so twisted and coiled that any sort lose Pillars of Sanity, or even following a
the ophidian biter’s Athletics rating as she of atavism or progression is possible. single traumatic exposure to teratogenic
goes into convulsions and begins to suffer This section arbitrarily uses the or mutagenic serpent-folk venom. After
respiratory failure, losing 1 Health per term “Children of the Night” for the the trigger, such an Investigator loses
hour until treated. If she succeeds, she humanoids, and “Worms of the Earth” Sanity faster than normal: add +1 to all
loses a number of Health points equal to for the serpentoids. Sanity losses. (“Kindly” Keepers may also
only half the biter’s Athletics rating, but lower Difficulties for climbing, scenting
she will suffer the equivalent of Hurt Children of the Night (Humanoid Form) things in the dark, and similarly ophidian
status (worse if the loss puts her below -5) Abilities: Athletics 6, Health 6, Missiles tasks.) When Sanity reaches 0, the
until she is treated. 6, Scuffling 7, Weapons 5 Investigator’s “serpent brain” takes over,
Armor: -1 vs. any (scales) Magic: 5+ for an ollave of the Children; and the new serpent gains a Magic rating
Stability Loss: +0; +1 to see someone spells include those related to Yig and equal to the previous Sanity score – an
you know well transform into one of the Tsathoggua, Curse of the Stone, and escape from the asylum becomes child’s
serpent folk. Runic Target (Rough Magicks, p. 20) play.


Hideous Creatures

Possible Serpent Folk Abilities Increase Hit Threshold by +1 in similar Discriminatory Smell: Snakes
circumstances. A full “invisibility cloak” use their flickering forked tongues
“… THE FEATURES MINGLED AND is a spell, not a biological power: for to build a three-dimensional “odor
MERGED IN A SEEMINGLY IMPOSSIBLE 2 Magic points, the serpent mage picture” of their surroundings.
MANNER. THEN, LIKE A FADING increases his Stealth Modifier to +3 Serpent folk do the same; raise their
MASK OF FOG, THE FACE SUDDENLY and his Hit Threshold by +3 for a scene. Alertness Modifier to +3 for odorous
VANISHED AND IN ITS STEAD [CN Stealth Modifier +1 vs. detection targets like living humans, gun oil,
GAPED AND LEERED A MONSTROUS only][WE] old parchment, etc. Worse yet, once
SERPENT'S HEAD!” a serpent-folk hunter smells a human,
Climbing: Serpent folk can climb he can always recognize that person
– ROBERT E. HOWARD, “THE trees and rough walls faster than any in any disguise or environment. [CN
SHADOW KINGDOM” human; they have contest advantage +1 to Alertness Modifier][WE +1 to
even without gear. For 1 Magic point Alertness Modifier]
Serpent folk have two million or 2 Athletics points a serpent-folk
centuries of alchemical treatment, climber can scale sheer walls or ropes Heat Detection: Pit vipers detect
evolutionary variation, and magical of any height. [CN][WE] heat with an organ in their heads.
experimentation to give them plenty Serpent folk can also see heat
of options against human pests. Even in Constriction: With a successful signatures, even through brick or
devolved form, they may retain some Scuffling attack at +2 to Hit Threshold, wooden walls. Add +2 to their
of these advantages: [CN] indicates a serpent-folk attacker may wrap Alertness Modifier against warmer
abilities open to Children of the Night; its body or limbs around a victim targets such as living people, vehicles,
[WE] those available to Worms of the and squeeze (+0 damage modifier). or recently fired guns. A serpent-folk
Earth. Each round thereafter, continued lookout with both smell and heat
constriction automatically does -1 senses might have Alertness Modifier
Aquatic: There are many species of more crushing damage. A character +5 for human intruders! [CN][WE]
sea snakes; the sea krait is completely snared in serpent-folk toils must make
amphibious. Serpent folk suffer no an Athletics test against a Difficulty Hypnotism: Serpent-folk, like
penalties whatsoever when moving or equal to the creature’s initial Scuffling legendary cobras or pythons, may
attacking under water. They can hold attack result (die plus its spend) to have the Hypnosis ability (Trail of
their breath for an hour or more. [WE] break free (or at that Difficulty -2 to Cthulhu, p. 43) usually at 8 or even
use weapons against it). A horribly 12+. Serpent folk Hypnosis can
Assume Likeness: As in Howard’s strong ophidian can spend Athletics or work on the unwilling (resisted at
original story, serpent-folk sorcerers Scuffling points against her in that test. a Difficulty equal to the total of the
know a spell allowing them to disguise A cobra-quick serpent-folk attacker mesmerist’s spend plus roll), and
their form and features as nondescript makes the constrict attack against the includes not just sending targets into
humans (1 Magic point) or as specific target’s normal Hit Threshold. [WE] trance but into deep sleep, or freezing
humans (2 Magic points). This is near- them in place. They must make eye
perfect disguise; any Sense Trouble test Consume Likeness: After devouring contact for the ability to work well; a
to detect the imposture is at Difficulty a human body, a serpent-folk hissed hypnotic induction is resisted at
6+, although it lowers with direct shapeshifter can take the appearance -2 Difficulty. [CN][WE]
questions, etc. Only in death does this of that human at any time thereafter.
illusion end. This might be an innate (Its idle cantrips suffice to match the Immunity to Poison: Serpent folk
ability for all serpent folk, or restricted body with illusory clothing if need be.) cannot be poisoned. [CN all anti-
to ophidian magi. This is near-perfect disguise; any Sense poison tests at -3 to Difficulty][WE]
Trouble test to detect the imposture is
Chameleon: The Kapuas mud snake at Difficulty 6+ although it lowers with Magic Gift: Serpent-folk sorcerers
can change color to match backgrounds; direct questions, etc. A more horrible designed and created magic. Hence,
it makes thematic sense for a serpent- version adds the human’s memories; serpent-folk spell-casting requires
folk infiltrator to do the same. Increase even questioning cannot shake the only half the Magic (or Stability or
her Stealth Modifier to +2 against replacement. This ability costs either etc.) needed for human casters. For a
visual detection – including “hide in 2 Magic points or 2 Athletics points, slightly weaker version of this gift, all
plain sight” attacks from woods, algae, depending on the specific campaign required spell-casting costs are at -2
or other stretches of semi-solid color. rules and cosmology. for serpent folk.


Serpent Folk

Motion Sense: Snakes can also sense acid on surfaces, or blind targets (+2 come from Lovecraft, from later
vibrations, mapping moving targets to Hit Threshold to hit eyes). Blind writers, and from the universe of
in the air near their bodies or on the foes resist the venom in their eyes at possibilities opened up between them.
ground within several yards. Add +1 Difficulty 5; on a failure, in addition to
to serpent-folk Alertness Modifiers the normal symptoms, add +2 to all • If a serpent-folk assassin or warrior
for moving targets, or to detect visual Difficulties including enemy Hit kills a human, he can command
approaching or waiting foes. [WE] Thresholds. [WE to Near] that human’s ghost forever.

Movable Heart: Snakes can move Torpor: Like all reptiles, serpent • Serpent folk can take human
their hearts out of the way when they folk cannot regulate their own body appearance at will.
ingest a large meal.The serpent folk have temperature. For every 5°F below
a similar ability, now honed for use in 40°F reduce all ability ratings by 1. His • Serpent folk must devour a human
combat. Once per scene, a serpent-folk Hit Threshold drops to 2 at Athletics to take his shape.
fighter may refresh half its lost Health to 1. When either Health or Athletics
indicate those vital hits … weren’t. [WE] reaches 0, the ophidian enters torpor, • Serpent folk can mate with both
a state of lassitude and inability to true snakes and with humans.
Parting Shot: Rattlesnakes can strike move or concentrate. [CN and WE
up to an hour after their death, thanks begin decline at 25°F] • Serpent folk reproduce by laying
to energy built up in the muscles. Even eggs. Thanks to the curse of Yig
after going to 0 Health (or even -12), Toxicompositor: The serpent folk or some other ineluctable racial
one of the serpent folk can still bite if find their own venoms quaint and doom, very few fertile eggs appear
her jaws are intact. This attack is made insufficiently various. A serpent-folk even in a century. Tampering
with all remaining Scuffling points, at poisoner (give him a Poisons ability of with or threatening an ophidian
-1 to Hit Threshold. [WE] 8+) can develop toxins for (and from) clan’s egg guarantees centuries of
anything organic, quicken the onset of malevolent vendetta, poisonings,
Photosensitive: Children of the poisons, replicate seemingly innocent and revenge.
Night must make a Difficulty 4 Health symptoms, or brew salves that advance
test to move into or use their abilities rust or otherwise weaken and destroy • Serpent folk now prefer to implant
in bright, direct sunlight. For Worms of inorganic matter. Each formula costs their eggs in healthy human hosts,
the Earth, the Difficulty is 6. [CN][WE] 1 point from the ophidian’s Poisons both for concealment and because
ability. By spending Poisons points, newborn serpent people devour
Resurrection: The undecayed he can increase the Difficulty (+1 for the “mother” for sustenance.
serpent folk are immortal: there are 1 point spent) for all tests against his
literally millions of years' worth of own venom or that of other serpent • Before the fall of Valusia, a clade of
protective spells wrapped around their folk. [CN for organics only] serpent folk took to the water (like
life lines. Anything that would kill one sea snakes) where they warred
of them outright doesn’t happen for Vapor Breath: Serpent folk can with the Deep Ones.Yig’s curse on
some reason, no matter how unlikely. breathe poison out into a vapor cloud them created degenerate blends
If killed in front of witnesses, the similar to tear gas (Scuffling attack, of serpent people and Deep Ones
serpent-corpse sheds the death and Close range). The cloud hangs in place lurking in deep ocean trenches.
resurrects when alone. Only burning for 1-3 rounds and can block passages. It
the entire body to ashes and encasing takes effect one round after inhalation; • At their height, the serpent people
the head in rock keeps this cycle from victims resist as normal serpent-folk searched and excavated the ruins
recurring – and the head remains alive, venom; all Health losses are 2 less than of the other races including Elder
waiting for the rock to erode away … full venom bite effects. [WE to Near; Thing cities in Antarctica and
hangs in place for 3-6 rounds] Pnakotus in Australia; from one
Spit Venom: Like a cobra, a serpent- such expedition, they recovered

folk attacker can spit his venom the Shining Trapezohedron.
(Scuffling attack) at a foe within
Close range. Spit venom takes effect As with the “Gods and Titans” • The Trapezohedron converted a
in 1-6 rounds; all Health losses are 1 section in the corebook, this powerful cult of serpent people to
less than full bite effects. Spit venom compendium is intentionally self- the worship of Nyarlathotep. This
can also coat camera lenses, act as contradictory. Its facts and theories cult continued as that of Set-Apep


Hideous Creatures

in Stygia and Egypt, various Gnostic on the site that is now London, or • Serpent folk epigraphy is
cults in Europe and America, and the Cairo, or Los Angeles, or Mexico inherently repellent to human
Petro tradition in Vodou. City. eyes.

• Like dinosaurs, serpent folk are • After the fall of Valusia, the • Serpent folk cannot utter the
warm-blooded, with sharp vision serpent people removed to the words “ka nama kaa lajerama” as
and powerful quick-twitching underground realm of red-litten their mouths are the wrong shape.
muscles and reflexes. Yoth beneath North America, This shibboleth became a talisman
where they achieved if anything during the wars of humans and
• Serpent folk hate cats. The feeling an even higher degree of sadistic, beast folk in the older world.
is mutual. brilliant civilization.
• The serpent folk were the last of
• Serpent folk devour, swallow, and • When the ophidians of Yoth the old races to fall to the rise of
digest live prey. In a pinch, they began the worship of Tsathoggua man. Their final redoubt, the city
will dismember a grown human (imported from neighboring of Yanyoga in what is now Africa,
and swallow his limbs and torso, N’Kai) the anger of Yig destroyed finally succumbed to Cimmerian
usually leaving the relatively them and drove most serpent folk raiders approximately 10,000
meatless head. down the path to degeneracy. years ago.

• Serpent folk have long abandoned • Tsathoggua-worshipping serpent • The geneticist Ssruthaa and the
the eating of impure natural foods, folk who fled from Yoth into hierophant Ssathasaa are rival
and now confine themselves to the Dreamlands remain largely immortal serpent men; most other
synthetic types of aliment. penned inside the Vaults of Zin by survivors follow the lead of one
ravenous ghasts, although serpent or the other. Either could topple,
• Serpent folk cannot and may not mages and dreamers wander the reshape, or rule human society
resist riddles, and hold themselves Dreamlands as freely as (and often without the other’s interference.
irrevocably to the outcome of a in the guise of) human dreamers.
riddle contest. • Serpent folk infiltrators have
• Some serpent folk clans, staving interbred with the royal families
• The so-called “serpent people” off degeneration by desperate of Europe and Asia, the founders
are actually evolved Troodons, magics and blasphemous sciences, of the great family banks
roughly humanoid dinosaurs of enslaved human kingdoms like and industrial concerns, and
the Cretaceous. They escaped Lemuria, Kambuja, and Stygia. humanity’s major magical adept
their extinction into hyperspace, bloodlines.
dwelling in parallel dimensions • Sss’haa, the high priest of Yig, led
and curves of time. a saving remnant of serpent folk • Spirits of dead serpent folk
out of Yoth into Hyperborea 5 can possess humans, eventually
• Over the millennia, serpent-folk million years ago, to settle below transforming them into serpent
geneticists altered and re-coded Mount Voormithadreth. This city folk by racial atavism. This can take
stretches of the human genome, vanished with the coming of generations; the ghost is patient.
inserting Trojan horses for Ithaqua.
further manipulation of all kinds: • Serpent folk can hibernate for
sorcerous, psionic, sensory, • The covert serpent folk hold on years or even millennia with little
reproductive, evolutionary, and the human successor empires ill effect.
cognitive. “Nordic” humans of the Thurian Age was finally
descended from Hyperboreans broken in 18,000 B.C. by Kull, • Some serpent-folk sorcerers,
are especially vulnerable to such the Atlantean emperor of Valusia. defeated or balked in ancient
rescripting and control. wars, cast themselves into
• Yig created the Serpent People hundred-million-year slumbers in
• The mighty ophidian city of 250 million (or 150 million) hidden rock cysts or sarcophagi.
Valusia gave its name to first the years ago, shortly after His own When they awaken, they are often
kingdom, then the empire, and emergence from the First Egg. impatient with modern constraints
finally the subcontinent. It stood and human contamination.


Serpent Folk

Mythic Echoes

As with the variations and possible

powers above, the serpent-folk might
more closely match their various mythic
depictions than Howard’s or Smith’s
According to Howard, the
degenerate serpent folk described above
as the Children of the Night are the
historic origin of the legends of “little
people”: not just bogies or goblins, but
dwarves, sprites, and fairies of all kinds.
For example, the Welsh tylwyth teg
(“fair folk”) are described as beautiful,
but this may be a result of pheromones
and hypnosis. More likely, the name is
only terrified flattery, just as their other
atropotaic name of Bendith y Mamau
(“mother’s blessing”) actually refers
to the Curse of Yig birth defect. Their
green garb and underground dwellings
give the game away. Such “little folk”
legends are global – this section
restrains itself to examples of colorably haired, deformed, noseless folk with led her to devour children. By the 3rd
serpentine humanoids or shapeshifters. tails. They generally live in water, but century A.D., Philostratus’ poetic lamia
some lurk inland. As with many coded was a vampiric, shapeshifting creature
Attorcroppe (Saxony) legends of serpent-folk, the fuatha occasionally described as a metaphorical
These malevolent, poisonous spirits wear green. Specific fuathan include serpent; John Keats (1819) established
also appear in Anglo-Saxon England. the beithir or behir (a sprite associated her ophidian true form. Whether this
Bipedal upright snakes, they dwell with snakes and lightning), the fachan (a indicates that Philostratus and Keats
wherever regular snakes are plentiful. fuath with one hand, one leg, and one uncovered the serpent-folk role at
Their ill-temper is only exceeded by eye), and the web-footed, shapeshifting the heart of the original legend, or
their curiosity. The unke, a crowned vough, which has inexplicably married borrowed the name of the classical
serpentine fairy found in western and into a number of Scottish noble families devourer to describe a predatory
southern Germany, may be related. including clan Munro. serpent woman, is unclear. The poetic
lamia provides intellectual stimulation
Fuath (Scotland) Lamia (Poetic) and knowledge, even inspiration, to
The general name for malign, hateful, The classical Lamia of Homer was philosophers and artists – a possible
and dangerous spirits in Scots folklore, a beautiful woman stricken hideous indication of superior serpent-folk lore
fuath more specifically appear as long- and childless by Hera; her vast appetite offered to human servants.


Hideous Creatures

Mama Dlo (Trinidad) Xana (Asturias) Architecture: The rock around the
This beautiful snake-woman has In Galicia and Portugal, these beautiful foundation of Tolliver’s house is weirdly
mermaid traits: combing her hair and snake-women are called the mouras fused into glass, possibly by directed high
dwelling on the rocky seashore. She encantadas. They live in caves under the heat. An open fire would have burned
makes deals like the poetic lamia; her hills, in isolated towers, and prehistoric down the building; this was something
favors cause sterility. As the merimaid dolmens and barrows which they or intentional, possibly something ritual.
she appears in Jamaica and Guiana. their vanished menfolk built. They keep It reminds me of the “vitrified forts” in
The nure-onna of Japan is similar: a treasure, and spin and weave eternally; Scotland, dated to the time of the Picts.
serpent yokai with the head of a woman. a possible reference to the continuous (Archaeology)
She, too, washes her hair by the shore weaving of spells by serpent-folk sorcerers.
obsessively. Like the pauna’a (below), They can be “awakened” by a ritual act or Art History: Going through the litter
she attracts victims with a false baby, this question; in some tales they kidnap human of records and wax cylinders and sheet
one in a bundle. She then drains their babies. music in her study: the Irish fiddle lament
blood with her tongue, like the lamia. “Bonaparte’s Retreat,” “Bonny Bunch of

Investigations Roses,” the French street song “Colin

Naga (India, South-East Asia) Prend sa Hotte,” the 17th century Algerian
The various Hindu and Vedic epics Keepers should treat this section, melody “Kradoutja,” “The Streets of Cairo,”
describe the naga as immensely powerful and use these elements, even more “Sheik of Araby,” the Louis Armstrong
(and sometimes simply immense) idiosyncratically. number “Tight Like This” – they all share
serpents, capable of dealing equally a certain motif, often called “the snake-
with the gods. Usually malevolent, they Clues charmer song.” Could Marie have been
can be tamed or converted – a note of Perforce, the clues in this section mostly trying to find a sort of musical defense or
typically human optimism. Buddhist point to “conventional” serpent folk as exorcism against these things – or is her
naga often take human form, and are painted in Howard’s stories. Feel free to research what attracted their attention?
more likely to act as philosophical adjust them at will.
conundrums than as evil sorcerers. Assess Honesty: “He is highly intellectual
Naga (especially multi-headed naga) Accounting: The signature on this and a good companion except for a slight
are associated with rivers or oceans, form is a bad forgery, but to get at the aloofness and a rather callous indifference
sometimes embodying them; naga often safe deposit box, he would have had to which may serve to mask an extremely
provide legitimacy to royal families. appear in person – and the bank manager sensitive nature.”
Naga in India, Thibet, and Java rule an would definitely have recognized an
underground realm; in other countries, imposter. Astronomy: No, wait – if Sir Henry is
the naga kingdom is under water. correct in dating these megaliths to 2900
Anthropology: Among the Pueblo, B.C. they don’t point to Polaris at all. In
Pauna’a (Oregon, Nevada, Hopi, and other American Indian tribes the third and fourth millennium B.C., the
Arizona) of the Southwest, the Snake People were pole star was Thuban, Alpha Draconis.This
the first people, emerging from the wasn’t a bear cult, it was a serpent cult.
This Paiute name translates to “water interior world of Sipapu at the dawn of
babies,” because they mimic the sound time. The To’ahani clan of the Navajo, Biology: Snakes become torpid after a
of a crying baby to lure human meals the Tsu’ngyam of the Hopi – either of large meal – it sounds horrible, but now
to them. They have long green or black them might have traditions that could might be the best time to rush the thing.
hair and large fanged mouths; they live give us a handle on what we’re dealing (Outdoorsman)
in streams and caves.Their underground with here.
cooking fires create hot springs. Bureaucracy: There’s something odd
Northern Paiute pauna’a resemble Archaeology: The Great Serpent about the councilors for the National
mermaids or half-snakes; Panamint Mound in Ohio sits on top of a Trust and Office ofWorks commissioners
water babies are grotesquely deformed; cryptoexplosion, a geological formation and the local antiquarian society; it’s
Shoshone pau’ona are invisible. The resembling a volcanic crater with no almost like one small group has passed
creatures are intimately associated with volcanism. If the stratigraphy is right, this membership around amongst itself. And
magic, or puha. explosion dates back to the Permian Era – here’s another thing, their names, back
The Seminoles of Florida also have could the mound builders have intended to the 1300s -- Linton, Longwitton,
their nak-ne-chen-te “human snakes,” this not as an image of the Great Serpent, Dunton, Laidley – all names of dragon
malevolent tricksters of the deep swamps. but as its gravestone? (Geology) sites. (+Occult for dragon sites)


Serpent Folk

Chemistry: This poison can’t be natural. period post mortem. The skin around Antiqua, but he never published it
It’s too perfect, too all-encompassing. A the punctures is friable, almost necrotic, despite gathering material for forty
long-chain protein like ricin, symbiotized and emits a greenish oily liquid. (The years.
with something like botulin – some kind examining assistant got some on his hand,
of latent anaerobic bacterium, anyhow and it tingled for several minutes.) The Medicine: When she shoved past you to
– in a thallium carbonate shell. This was extremities were bluish, and the face retrieve the glove, her hand accidentally
built, and built to last; it could poison engorged with blood and bright blue. The brushed yours -- her body temperature
someone a million years from now. protruding tongue was swollen and black, is barely 60 degrees. If she were human,
and the eyes purpled. Cause of death was she’d be dead.
Cop Talk: That sounds like the ravings paralysis of the chest muscles.
of John O’Donnel, hung in 1932 for the Occult: The sigil sketched on the floor
strangulation murder of his friend David Geology: “Exactly where the entrance is that of the Goëtic demon Valac, “who
Ketrick. He claimed Ketrick was “marked should have been, my fingers detected a reveals where serpents can be seen, and
with the brand of the beast,” an atavism difference in material, a section which was delivers them harmless to the magician.”
inheriting the blood of a reptile-human rougher than the rest of the wall. I was Looks like Viola was looking for the same
hybrid race. (Law) convinced that it was of comparatively thing we’re looking for … if not in quite
modern workmanship; the tunnel had the same way.
Credit Rating (5+): “When I was a been walled up.”
boy working my way through a certain Oral History: “The country folk were
university …This is in strictest confidence, History: It’s a little alarming how many predominantly Celtic; here the Saxon
you understand. But my roommate talked ancient cultures had half-snakes as their invaders had never prevailed, and the
in his sleep. I began to listen and put his founders: Fu-Hsi, the serpent emperor legends reached back, in that long-settled
disjointed mumbling together. And in his of China; Cecrops, the serpent king of countryside, further than anywhere
mutterings I first heard of the ancient cult Athens; Nirah, the demi-snake adviser to else in England … The Little People, of
hinted at by Von Junzt; of the king who the Sumerian kings; Kulkulkan, the Mayan course, had their part in the lore. Legend
rules the Dark Empire, which was a revival “feathered serpent” culture-hero; the said that this cavern was one of their last
of an older, darker empire dating back into Nagas of Funan, Champa, and elsewhere strongholds against the conquering Celts,
the Stone Age; and of the great, nameless in Indo-China. and hinted at lost tunnels, long fallen in
cavern where stands the Dark Man— or blocked up, connecting the cave with a
the image of Bran Mak Morn, carved in Languages: The language on the network of subterranean corridors which
his likeness by a master-hand while the recording might be Ubykh, which has the honeycombed the hills.”
great king yet lived, and to which each most sibilants (27) of any known tongue.
worshipper of Bran makes a pilgrimage Nobody knows where that language Outdoorsman: No poisonous snake has
once in his or her lifetime.” comes from, and Czar Alexander III a head big enough to have made those two
deported the Ubykh en masse in 1864 for punctures in one bite. (Biology)
Cryptography: These symbols resemble reasons nobody quite knows either.
those on the enigmatic Phaistos Disk Pharmacy: These leaves are for the
discovered in Crete in 1908. It dates from Law: I talked to the probate clerk and got hallucinogenic drink ayahuasca or yagé.
the Minoan era, an era of snake-worship copies of the Devenish family’s wills going Used in South American shamanism
and (if the legends of Daedalus are true) back to 1655. All of them have the same and the Brazilian Santo Daime sect, yagé
uncanny technology. (Archaeology) incredibly loose standard for inheritance: reveals visions of serpents inside and
present yourself to the estate’s steward surrounding the shaman; could she have
Evidence Collection: There, pinched (or, recently, to the senior partner of the been trying past-life regression, perhaps?
in the join of the hidden door, a few dry firm) and “upon his convinced testimony,” (Anthropology, Biology, Occult)
disks, possibly rubbed off while pushing you were declared the heir.
against the counterweight. They almost Photography: Look at the shadow in
look like shed snake scales, but they’re Library Use: If we’re looking for this street photograph: it’s shaped like a
pretty big for that. 16th-century records of “Pictish snake’s head, not a human head.Whatever
survival,” petroglyphs, or snake- keeps it looking human slipped a bit – the
Forensics: There were two large carvings, they’ll be in the papers silver nitrate in the processing, the time
punctures in the throat, with only a of Sir Robert Sibbald, the Royal delay, some quirk of the lens? We might
trickle of blood near them. The blood Geographer of Scotland. In 1683, just have a way to find them. (0-point spend
remained tacky for an unusually long he announced a volume called Scotia if the method is irreproducible, 1-point spend if


Hideous Creatures

bloodthirsty degenerates. These two seeds

present a bloodthirsty infiltrator and a clan
of devious degenerates.

Ten Little Sapiens

To gain scientific prestige for Mussolini’s
regime, the Italian research ship Attanasio
sails the Ionian Sea mapping and probing
the oldest sea floor in the world: 200
million years old or more, a crust laid
down in the Permian Era! But something
is wrong with the radio – it neither sends
nor receives. Perhaps it began when the
dredges pulled up that strange green
crystal – from one perspective, it almost
looks like the eye of a baleful serpent!
The scientists and military men on
board have been hastily assembled from
many nations by a lavish if scientifically
ignorant propaganda machine. And now,
one by one, they are dying mysteriously:
poisoned, throat cut, electrocuted with
no visible mechanism, choked to death,
strangled, etc. Nobody, however, has been
thrown overboard. That would profane
the soil of Valusia, which lies 3,500 meters
Use these ten sample suspects/victims:
James Marston: British oceanographer
and geologist.
Estelle Roger: French journalist and
CdF Giovanni Maccartorio: Italian
naval commander of the expedition.
Ruggiero Tomassi: Italian hydrophonics
and electrical expert.
photographs are tricky, highly delayed detectors, and got his hands on that primo junk, then Carlo-Emmanuele Brentano: Italian
2-point spend if reliable) ran off the Greek from the whole of Hyde paleontologist and expert in Permian
Park. Won’t stop till he runs the whole fossils.
Physics: Under the electron microscope riverfront, is my guess. Dr. George Edwards: American doctor,
this obsidian blade reveals single-molecule dilettante, and amateur ichthyologist.
striations of heavy metals and radioactives Theology: It’s extremely dangerous to Wilhelm-Heinrich Blücher: German
– deadly toxic, and completely outside follow the serpent-thing into Bombay just marine biologist and Ahnenerbe member.
the realm of natural mineral formation. now – this is the fourth day after the new Filippo di Lombardi: Italian journalist
(Geology) moon. Since this month is Shraavana in the and undercover agent (for Italian OVRA
Hindu calendar, that means tomorrow is or SIS, or French Deuxième Bureau, or
Sense Trouble: This apartment smells Nag Panchami, the snake-worship festival. British SIS, or NKVD).
like the snake house at the zoo. Vera Clayton: British chemist and

Scenario Seeds popular writer of murder mysteries.

Streetwise: I don’t know what happened Oliver Arlington: American physicist
to Murray on that house job up north, but (Ph.D., Miskatonic U.) and mathematician.
when he came back he was like a different Serpent folk appear in the original The actual killer is a serpent woman,
bloke.That’s when he started his own crew, stories either as devious infiltrators or shapeshifting at will to conceal the


Serpent Folk

time of death, fake her own murder, or • Parker Dam (1934-1938) on the Kull’s control of Valusia in “The Shadow
anything else needed to throw suspicion Colorado River, 61 mi SW of Kingdom.” Howard then worked their
off herself. She considers the murders a Kingman; hydroelectric; workers’ degenerate implied descendants into
game, but takes her cause very seriously: colony becomes Lake Havasu City his ongoing “Pictish mythos” in four
the Eye of Yig must not fall into human in 1946 main stories. In “Children of the Night,”
hands. She gained access to the ship at Aryan warriors hunt the titular debased
Civitavecchia (the port of Rome) before • Bartlett Dam (1936-1939) 48 mi snake-people; Bran Mak Morn deals
launch (possibly killing and replacing one NE of Phoenix; irrigation with the serpent-descended “Worms
of the ten), and magickally rendered the of the Earth” for vengeance against the
radio inert until her project is complete. The dam has also disrupted a degenerate Romans; the ophidian “People of the
Once she kills everyone on board who serpent folk warren in the hills above the Dark” harry three Celts; in “The Little
demonstrates any scientific or Mythos town. But rather than pull even farther People” it is the Picts who have interbred
knowledge, she takes the Eye, destroys back into the wastes, this nest has decided with the serpent-men and now threaten
any record of its discovery, and then to sink their fangs into the town. Using Joan Costigan.
disguises herself as one of the murder Spanish gold and threats to consolidate The elegant primordial serpent-
victims, or simply hides out and slips control over the local marijuana business folk came on stage again in “The Seven
away when the ship docks. and the semi-criminal Stedman clan, the Geases” by Clark Ashton Smith, but
There’s space in the roster for serpent folk steal materials and drug or then survived only in decaying pastiche:
military divers, scientists, spies, coerce migrant labor into building an “Shadows in the Skull” by Lin Carter
journalists, etc. The Investigators might impregnable warren high in the hills near and L. Sprague de Camp pits Conan
have been brought aboard with the a ruined Anasazi kiva. Eventually, they against the last redoubt of the serpent
promise of research funding or access plan to run the whole town through their people, while Lin Carter sets his own
to the Vatican archives, or this might be Stedman proxies, but right now they need hero Thongor on them in Thongor and the
the introductory scenario for a campaign slaves, brides, and meat for the immense, Wizard of Lemuria. Considerably better
– the survivors team up to hunt down slowly waking Worm under the mountain. than either is Karl Edward Wagner’s
the serpent woman and enter the world Investigators could stumble on (or Bran Mak Morn continuation, Legion of
of the Mythos. Adventurous groups can be asked to solve) anything from a rash Shadows, featuring immortal serpent-
play this as a round robin, with players of missing girls (blamed on all the new wizard exposition.
switching to new characters as old ones workers) to the torture of a Navajo The Yig tales Lovecraft ghost-wrote
get killed off. medicine man (blamed on local racists) for Zealia Bishop -- “The Curse of Yig”
to exhausted workers (fairy-led by and “The Mound” -- are only tangentially
The Hills Have Nictitating Membranes poisoned reefer and the serpent folk) and related to the serpent folk. Bishop and
Construction of a new dam by the U.S. weird sightings at the dam site. Suddenly Lovecraft’s lamia tale “Medusa’s Coil”
Bureau of Reclamation changes everything prosperous Stedmans and worried Navajo has a stronger thematic connection,
in the little town of Anasazi Trail, Arizona. clan leaders give leads; the serpent folk although its racist “revelation” drowns
Lots of single young men have flooded in give ambushes and poisonings and teeth in the story.
to work on the dam, among them Zuñi, the night. In the modern Mythos cycle, “Snake
Navajo, and Hopi Indians from the state’s Oil” by Matthew Baugh handles Yig in

reservation network. Money comes from Frontier Cthulhu; “Serpents of Albion” by
the federal government and from the new Adrian Chamberlin appears in Sword &
construction businesses; bars are full and As with some of our previous Mythos and takes us back to Howard’s
fights are common. People appear from Hideous Creatures, the received legendary Britain.
nowhere and vanish on the bus – or into wisdom on the serpent folk comes more Keepers with a fondness for antique
the desert hills. Suitable historical dams from RPG scenarios than from the scant conventions of storytelling will find
include: Mythos literature on the topic. Lovecraft much to appreciate in The Face in the
mentions the Valusian serpent people in Abyss by A. Merritt, featuring a heroic
• Mormon Flat Dam (1923-1925) 51 passing in “The Shadow Out of Time,” snake-mother priestess. The opposite in
mi E of Phoenix; hydroelectric “The Haunter of the Dark,” and “The every way, and at points barely a novel
Diary of Alonzo Typer.” so much as an unhinged yawp, is Bram
• Stewart Mountain Dam (1928- Lovecraft was tipping the quill to his Stoker’s last novel The Lair of the White
1930) 41 mi NW of Phoenix; friend Robert E. Howard, who invented Worm. And yet it has a bizarre beauty of
hydroelectric and introduced the serpent people as its own, and Lady Arabella March is one
shapeshifting prehumans plotting against of serpentdom’s great villains.


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