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Final Construction Manager Agreement

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(0907) 3743 285

Legarda-Burnham Kisad, Baguio City

PROJECT: Two-Storey with Basement Residential Project

LOCATION: Pepper Bark Tree St., Rich gate Square, Camp7, Baguio City
OWNER: Mr. Tranquilino G. Arroyo
COMPANY NAME: Horizon Grand Build and Design
Ar. Renz Simbillo Ar. Samantha Loise C. Borja
Ar. Richard C. Ulatan Ar. Justine Joy Mallari
Ar. Precious Bangui Ar. Mahareen Kamran Qureshi
Ar. Denise Barit
ADDRESS: Legarda – Burnham Kisad, Baguio City
PHONE NUMBER: +63 998-007-3245

THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 22 day of February, Year Two Thousand and
Twenty-Three by and between Mr. Tranquilino G. Arroyo the party of the First Part, hereinafter
called the OWNER, and Horizon Grand Build and Design with postal address at Legarda –
Burnham Kisad, Baguio City, the party of the Second Part, herein called the CONTRACTORS

WITNESSETH, that whereas the OWNER intends to construct a Two-Storey with Basement
Residential to be located at Baguio City, Benguet, Philippines hereinafter called the

WHEREAS, the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER introduced and warranted to the OWNER that
it is capable, competent, and a duly registered construction manager, licensed and authorized
by law to construct and complete the previously mentioned "Two-Storey with Basement
Residential" conforming with the Design and Contract Documents;

NOW, THEREFORE, The Owner and the Architect, for and in consideration of the foregoing
promises and of the other covenants hereinafter named, agree as follows:



The CONSTRUCTION MANAGER accepts the relationship of trust and confidence

established between him and the Owner by this Agreement. He covenants with the Owner to
furnish his best skill and judgment and to cooperate with the Architect in furthering the Owner's
interests. He agrees to provide efficient business administration and superintendence and to
use his best efforts to complete the Project in an expeditious and economical manner
consistent with the interest of the Owner.
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Legarda-Burnham Kisad, Baguio City

1.1 The Construction Team: The Construction Manager team, Horizon Grand Build and
Design, the Owner, and the Architect will work from a Notice to Proceed from the Owner. The
Construction Manager will provide coordination with all parties, supervision of construction,
cost control, time management, quality control, and Keeping Records.

1.2 Extent of Agreement: This Agreement represents the entire agreement between the
Owner and the Construction Manager and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations,
or agreements. This Agreement includes the General Conditions of the Contract for
Construction. This Agreement will not be superseded by any provisions of the documents for
construction unless amended by subsequent written instrument signed by both the Owner and
the Construction Manager.

1.3 Definitions: Under this agreement is the total construction of Two-Storey with Basement
Residential on blocks 8 of Lot 15. The Construction Manager will work on pre-construction,
construction, and post-construction services of the project. The work on this project shall
commence within ten (10) calendar days upon receipt hereof and the contract time duration
beginning on the tenth (10th) day following the date of this Notice to Commence is (45)
calendar days.



The CONSTRUCTION MANAGER will perform the following services:

2.1 Pre-Construction Phase Services "The Pre-Construction Services will include, but not
necessarily be limited to preparation of the following documents and completion of the
following services:

2.1.1. Attend regularly scheduled project team meetings.

2.1.2. Review of the design documents for constructability, completeness, accuracy, and
proper coordination of disciplines.

2.1.3. Continual review of design documents and preparation of detailed construction

estimates to confirm conformance to the approved project budget.

2.1.4. Continual value analysis of the design and identification of opportunities to meet or
reduce construction costs and/or improve facility performance.

2.1.5. Development of a detailed construction schedule for the project, include identification of
long lead items and owner supplied equipment and materials.

2.1.6. Development of detailed budget estimates at critical milestones including a 50%

Construction Document Estimate.

2.1.7. Development of a comprehensive list of subcontractors and suppliers.

2.1.8. Development of Bid Packages.

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2.1.9. Establish bid schedules and conduct pre-bid conferences.

2.1.10. Analyze responses, conduct pre-award conferences and negotiations with successful
bidders and recommend responses to be accepted or rejected.

2.1.11. Obtain permits and other governmental reviews and approvals.

2.1.12. Development of a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP). If a mutually agreeable GMP

cannot be reached, services can be terminated and Walker County will pay Construction
Manager for services up to that time.

2.1.13. The Construction Manager will advertise the bid packages for the trade contractors.

2.1.14. The Construction Manager may perform portions of the work if it complies with
Government Code. The Construction Manager will review the bids as outlined in Government

2.1.15. The Construction Manager will cooperate with the owner and architect in the
procurement, coordination and incorporation into the construction of products supplied to the

2.2 Construction Phase Services:

2.2.1. Project Control: Monitor the Work of the Trade Contractors and coordinate the Work
with the activities and responsibilities of the Owner, Architect and Construction Manager to
complete the Project in accordance with the Owner's objectives of cost, time, quality and safety
all of which are enumerated in the contract documents for construction. Maintain a competent full-time staff at the Project site to coordinate and provide
general direction of the Work and progress of the Trade Contractors on the Project. Establish on-site organization and lines of authority in order to carry out the overall
plans of the Construction Team. Establish procedures for coordination among the Owner, Architect, Trade Contractors
and Construction Manager with respect to all aspects of the Project and implement such
procedures. Schedule and conduct progress meetings at which Trade Contractors, Owner,
Architect and Construction Manager can discuss jointly such matters as procedures, progress,
problems and scheduling. Provide regular monitoring of the schedule as construction progresses. Identify

potential variances between scheduled and probable completion dates. Review the schedule
for Work not started or incomplete and recommend to the Owner and Trade Contractors
adjustments in the schedule to meet the probable completion date. Provide summary reports
for each adjustment and document all changes in the schedule.
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Legarda-Burnham Kisad, Baguio City Determine the adequacy of the Trade Contractors' personnel and equipment and the
availability of materials and supplies to meet the schedule. Construction Manager will submit a proposed Project Schedule "Exhibit C" for Owner's
acceptance and provided monthly updates of the schedule. The proposed Project Schedule
will include a detailed and comprehensive construction schedule utilizing a critical path method
arrow diagram network that (i) shows all major design, procurement and construction elements
and phases of the Project and Owner furnished items with milestone dates; (ii) breaks down
each element or phase by trade; (iii) shows early and late start dates so that all "float" time will
be accurately identified; (iv) clearly identifies critical path activities; (v) discloses relationship
in number of days and types of linkage between all linked activities; (vi) identifies, coordinates
and integrates design and construction schedules, Owner's responsibilities, governmental
approvals, early access dates for certain portions of the Work by Owner, and other activities
necessary for the timely completion of the Project in accordance with the scheduled dates of
Substantial and Final Completion; and (vii) otherwise is in a form satisfactory to Owner.
Owner's acceptance is expressly limited to Owner's acknowledgment that based upon
Owner's limited review, the dates of Substantial Completion and milestone dates are
acceptable and the latest dates of Owner-provided information, materials, approvals and the
like identified in the Project Schedule are reasonable. The Construction Manager will provide the monthly update schedule in the format
described in and provide a monthly update sheet entitled "Project Critical Path This
Month and 3 Month Look Ahead". Construction Manager will provide this update as part of
their monthly progress payment application. This update schedule requires that the listing of
critical path activities separately from the normal project management software program. The
Construction Manager will list the critical path activities in tabular format (Microsoft Office Word
or Excel document). This list will include the critical path activities (completed percentage of
each and those not completed) for the month of the current progress payment application and
the upcoming 3 months ahead (Month 1, Month 2 and Month 3, all listed as separate months).
The document should be titled "Project Critical Path This Month and the 3 Month Look-Ahead". The Construction Manager will cooperate with the owner and architect in the
procurement, coordination and incorporation into the construction of products supplied to the

2.2.2. The Construction Manager will publicly advertise, as prescribed under Section 2267.255
through 2267.256 of the Texas Government Code, and receive bids from trade contractors for
the performance of all major elements of the work other than work authorized as general
conditions by the County. The Construction Manager will prepare bid documents setting forth
criteria for the selection of a responsible bidder and for selection of the lowest and best bid.
Owner has discretion to modify these criteria in the manner the Owner believes meets the
requirements of Texas law before bids are advertised by the Construction Manager.
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Legarda-Burnham Kisad, Baguio City The Construction Manager may seek to perform portions of the work if the Construction
Manager submits its bid for those portions of the work in the same manner as all other trade

contractors and if the County independently determine that the Construction Manager's bid
provides the best value for the County. In the event that the Construction Manager submits a
bid for a portion of the Work, the County will conduct the review contemplated by Section without the assistance of the Construction Manager. If the Construction Manager
submits a bid, then the Construction Manager must submit the bid to the County Purchasing
Department Contracts Administrator 24 hours in advance of the advertised bid opening. The Construction Manager and the County or its representative will review all trade
contractor bids in a manner that does not disclose the contents of the bid during the selection
process to a person not employed by the construction manager at-risk, engineer, architect, or
governmental entity. All bids will become public in accordance with Government law. Prevailing Wage Rates: The selected Construction Manager shall be responsible for
compliance with prevailing wage rates and other labor and employment laws of the
Government Code.

2.2.3. Cost Control: Develop and monitor an effective system of Project cost control. Revise
and refine the initially approved Project Construction Budget, incorporate approved changes
as they occur, and develop cash flow reports and forecasts as needed. Identify variances
between actual and budgeted or estimated costs and advise Owner and Architect whenever
projected cost exceeds budgets or estimates. Identify scope changes and costs as requested
by the Owner prior to performing the Work. Maintain cost accounting records on authorized Work performed under unit costs,
actual costs for labor and material, or other bases requiring accounting records, unless
provided for by the Trade Contractor. Afford the Owner access to these records and preserve
them for a period of three (3) years after final payment.

2.2.4. Change Orders: Develop and implement a system for the preparation, review and
processing of Change Orders. Recommend necessary or desirable changes to the Owner and
the Architect, review requests for changes, submit recommendations to the Owner and the
Architect, and assist in negotiating Change Orders.

2.2.5. Payments to Trade Contractors: Develop and implement a procedure for the review,
processing and payment of applications by Trade Contractors for progress and final payments.
The Construction Manager will pay Trade Contractors the appropriate share of any payment
received from the Owner not later than the 10th day after the date such payment is received
by the Construction Manager. The foregoing requirement does not apply to any payment
withheld because of a bona fide dispute between the Construction Manager and a Trade
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2.2.6. Permits and Fees: Obtain all building permits and special permits for permanent
improvements, excluding permits for inspection or temporary facilities required to be obtained
directly by the various Trade Contractors. Assist in obtaining approvals from all the authorities
having jurisdiction. The Owner will pay for the permit and all utility assessment fees.

2.2.7. Owner's Consultants: If required, assist the Owner in selecting and retaining
professional services of a surveyor, testing laboratories and special consultants, and
coordinate these services, without assuming any responsibility or liability of or for these

2.2.8. Inspection: Inspect the Work of Trade Contractors for defects and deficiencies in the
Work. Provide a project specific site safety program. Review the safety programs of each of
the Trade Contractors. The Construction Manager will retain overall responsibility for safety
precautions and programs in the performance of the Work, including the Trade Contractors.
While this paragraph establishes the responsibility for safety between the Owner and the
Construction Manager, it does not relieve Trade Contractors of their responsibility for the
safety of persons or property in the performance of their work, nor for their compliance with
the provisions of applicable federal, state and local law, regulations and orders applicable to
the conduct of the Work. Quality Review: The Construction Manager will establish and implement a program
to monitor the quality of the construction. The program will protect the Owner from defects and
deficiency in the work of the Trade Contractors. The Construction Manager must reject work
and transmit to the Trade Contractor a written notice of nonconforming work with a copy to the
owner when it is the opinion of the Construction Manager that the Work does not conform to
the requirements of the Contract Documents. Except for minor variations as stated herein, the
Construction Manager is not authorized as part of this contract to change, evoke, relax, alter,
or release any requirement of the Construction Documents or to approve or accept any portion
of the Work not performed in accordance with the Construction Documents.

2.2.9. Document Interpretation: Refer all questions for interpretation of the documents
prepared by the Architect to the Architect and a copy to the Owner.

2.2.10. Shop Drawings and Samples: In collaboration with the Architect, establish and
implement procedures for expediting the processing and Architect's approval of shop
drawings, samples, and other submittals. Receive from the Trade Contractors and review all
such submittals, coordinate them with the information contained in related documents, and
transmit them to the Architect for its approval.

2.2.11. Reports and Project Site Documents: Record the progress of the Project. Submit
monthly written progress reports to the Owner and the Architect including information on the
Trade Contractors' Work, and the percentage of completion. Keep a daily log available to the
Owner and the Architect. Submit the daily logs to the Owner and Architect monthly.
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Legarda-Burnham Kisad, Baguio City Maintain at the Project site, on a current basis: records of all necessary Contracts,
Drawings, samples, purchases, materials, equipment, maintenance and operating manuals
and instructions, and other construction related documents, including all revisions. Obtain data
from Trade Contractors and maintain a current set of record and as-built Drawings,
Specifications and operating manuals. Review as built/record drawings each month prior to
sign-off of Trade Contractor applications for payment to determine if documents are being kept
up to date. The recording of record and as-built drawings will be done by hand and does not
include any computer aided product by the Construction Manager except that the Construction
Manager shall provide electronic copies in PDF format of record drawings. At the completion
of the Project, deliver all such records to the Owner.

2.2.12. Substantial Completion: Discuss any work required after the substantial completion
date that the Respondent will have to complete after the building is deemed substantially
complete (i.e. site work, etc.), or state that there is no work beyond substantial completion.
Substantial completion for this project is defined as the date that the Texas Commission on
Jail Standards certifies the completed jail for occupancy.

2.2.13. Start-Up: With the Owner's maintenance personnel direct the checkout of utilities,
operations systems and equipment for readiness and assist in their initial start-up and testing
by the Trade Contractors. Prior to Owner's maintenance personnel acceptance, the
Construction Manager will verify that the Work has been completed in accordance with the
contract documents and is ready for the Owner's operation. Construction Manager will debug
the system and prepare the list of minor deficiencies.

2.2.14. Final Completion: Determine final completion and provide written notice to the Owner
and Architect that the Work is ready for final inspection. Secure and transmit to the Architect
required guarantees, affidavits, releases, bonds and waivers. Turn over to the Owner all keys,
manuals, record drawings and maintenance stocks.

2.2.15. Warranty: Where any Work is performed by the Construction Manager's own forces
or by Trade Contractors under contract with the Construction Manager, the Construction
Manager will warrant that all materials and equipment included in such Work will be new,
unless otherwise specified by the Contract Documents, and that such Work will be of good
quality, free from improper workmanship and defective materials and in conformance with the
Drawings and Specifications. If, within one year after the date of Substantial Completion of the
Work or designated portion thereof or after the date for commencement of warranties
established under any other provision of the contract documents, or by terms of an applicable
special warranty required by the Contract Documents, any of the Work is found to be not in
accordance with the Requirements of the Contract Documents, the Construction Manager will
correct it promptly after receipt of written notice from the Owner to do so. The Owner will give
this notice promptly after discovery of the condition. The Construction Manager will collect and
deliver to the Owner any specific written warranties given by others. If Construction Manager
fails or refuses to correct the Work in accordance with its obligations under the Contract
Documents after written notice from the Owner, then Owner may correct the Work and
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Construction Manager will remain liable for the costs to correct the Work, any related
architectural, engineering or other consulting costs, legal fees and expenses and fines or
penalties, if any. Any amounts due to Owner from Construction Manager under this Paragraph
will be deducted from the GMP by a Change Order. If the balance remaining in the GMP is
not sufficient to cover the amounts due, the Construction Manager must pay to Owner the
amount remaining due. The foregoing warranty does not cover normal wear and tear and/or
damage where the non-conformance is due to abuse, lack of proper maintenance or casualty

2.2.16. Conduct with the Owner and Architect, post-completion inspections during the one-
year warranty period to ascertain defects in material and workmanship and determine
corrective action. Assign, if possible, the causes of the defects, the responsible Trade
Contractor, and recommend reasonable corrective action. Aid the Owner in obtaining this
corrective action and in filing insurance and bond claims where coverage is available. Ultimate
responsibility for correcting defects in material and workmanship will rest with the Construction
Manager at no expense to the Owner.

2.2.17. Conduct with the Owner and Architect a Final Warranty Inspection within thirty (30)
days of the end of the one (1) year warranty period.

2.2.18. Coordinate construction and operations of the work with Owner's portion of the work.
Inform Owner of preferred construction schedule for owner's portion of the work. Adjust
construction schedule based on a mutually agreeable timetable.

2.2.19. Assist the Owner with the coordination of built-in, Owner-furnished equipment,
furniture, and furnishings.

2.2.20. After taking all steps necessary to assure that the Trade Contractors perform their
contracts in accordance with their terms, the Construction Manager will notify the Owner of
the necessity of any legal action including but not limited to litigation, mediation, etc. against
the Trade Contractor.

2.3 Additional Services

2.3.1. At the request of the Owner the Construction Manager will provide the following
additional services upon written agreement between the Owner and Construction Manager
defining the extent of such additional services and the amount and manner in which the
Construction Manager will be compensated for such additional services.

2.3.2. Services related to investigation, appraisals or valuations of existing conditions, facilities

or equipment, or verifying the accuracy of existing drawings or other Owner furnished

2.3.3. This is intentionally left blank.

2.3.4. Performing "Auto-Cad" As-Built or Record Documents.

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2.4 Standard of Care

2.4.1. Construction Manager will proceed with sufficient qualified personnel necessary to
expedite and fully complete all Services required under this Contract in the highest
professional manner consistent with the requirements of the Contract Documents.

2.4.2. Construction Manager's personnel assigned to the Project may be subject to Owner's
approval, and no change in key personnel set out in the organization chart will be made unless
approved by Owner. Owner may request replacement of any employee assigned by
Construction Manager to the Project with reasonable cause and with agreement by the
Construction Manager.

2.4.3. The Construction Manager covenants with the owner to furnish its skills and judgment
with due care in accordance with applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations.



3.1. Owner shall provide all available information regarding his requirements for the Project
including a program, which shall set forth Owner's design objectives, constraints and criteria,
space requirements and relationships, flexibility and expandability, special equipment and
systems and Site requirements. Additional information, if required by Construction Manager,
will be developed jointly by Owner, Architect and Construction Manager after review of the
initial program, which joint development of such information shall be included as part of
Construction Manager's services under the Preconstruction Phase.

3.2. Owner shall, with the assistance of Construction Manager and Architect, establish and
update a Construction Cost Budget for the Project. may designate in writing a representative
who will be fully acquainted with the Project and has authority to issue and approve Project
Construction Budgets, issue Change Orders, render decisions promptly and furnish
information expeditiously. This representative has the authority outlined in 6.5. Any limitations
of the foregoing will be indicated to the Construction Manager in writing. The Construction
Manager agrees that any of the above decisions increasing the guaranteed maximum price
and the project time will be made by Commissioners Court in a properly noticed meeting.

3.3. Owner shall furnish reasonably available information describing physical characteristics,
legal limitations and utility locations for the Project Site. All necessary surveys describing the
physical characteristics, soil reports and subsurface investigations, legal limitations, utility
locations, and a legal description. These surveys describe the physical characteristics, legal
limitations and utility locations for the site of the Project, and a written legal description of the
site. The surveys and legal information will include, as applicable, grades and lines of streets,
alleys, pavements and adjoining property and structures; adjacent drainage; rights-of-way,
restrictions, easements, encroachments, zoning, deed restrictions, boundaries and contours
of the site; locations, dimensions and necessary data pertaining to existing buildings, other
improvements and trees; and information concerning available utility services and lines, both
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public and private, above and below grade, including inverts and depths. All information on
the survey will be referenced to a project benchmark. Proposal C2360-12-002-RFP –
Attachment A – Construction Management Contract Page 10 of 27.

3.4. Owner's Representative shall notify Construction Manager if Owner's Representative

becomes aware of any defect in the Project or nonconformance with the Contract Documents.

3.5. The Architect, employed by the Owner, has provided design services and prepared
construction documents for the project. The Construction Manager is not responsible for the
accuracy or completeness of the construction documents prepared by the design
professionals employed by Owner.

3.6. The Owner shall retain an Architect to provide the Basic Services, all as described in the
Horizon Grand Build and Design Agreement between Owner and Architect (the “Architect's
Contract”). The Owner shall authorize and cause the Architect to provide those Additional
Services described in the Architect's Contract and reasonably requested by the Construction
Manager which must necessarily be provided by the Architect for the Preconstruction and
Construction Phases of the Work. Such services shall be provided in accordance with time
schedules agreed to by the Owner, Architect and Construction Manager.

3.7. The Owner will secure and pay for necessary approvals, easements, assessments and
charges required for the construction, use or occupancy of permanent structures or for
permanent changes in existing facilities.

3.8. The Owner will furnish such legal services as may be necessary for providing the items
set forth in Paragraph 3.7 and such auditing services as he may require.

3.9. The Construction Manager will be furnished without charge all copies of Drawings and
Specifications reasonably necessary for the execution of the Work.

3.10. The Construction Manager will provide the insurance for the Project as provided in
Paragraph 9.2 and 9.4.

3.11. The services, information, surveys and reports required by the above paragraphs or
otherwise to be furnished by other consultants employed by the Owner, will be furnished with
reasonable promptness at the Owner's expense and the Construction Manager will be entitled
to rely upon the accuracy and completeness thereof.

3.12. If the Owner becomes aware of any fault or defect in the Project or nonconformance with
the Drawings and Specifications, he will give prompt written notice thereof to the Construction

3.13. The Owner will furnish, prior to commencing work and at such future times as may be
requested, reasonable evidence satisfactory to the Construction Manager that sufficient funds
are available and committed for the entire cost of the Project. Unless such reasonable
evidence is furnished, the Construction Manager is not required to commence or continue any
Work, or may, if such evidence is not presented within a reasonable time, stop the Project
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upon 15 days' notice to the owner. The failure of the Construction Manager to insist upon the
providing of this evidence at any one time will not be a waiver of the Owner's obligation to
make payments pursuant to this Agreement nor will it be a waiver of the Construction
Manager's right to request or insist that such evidence be provided at a later date.

3.14. The Owner will communicate with the Trade Contractors only through the Construction

3.15. The Owner, at its discretion, may provide materials and equipment purchased from
Texas Correctional Industries and others for incorporation into the work by the Construction

3.16. The Owner will provide or contract for, independently of the Construction Manager, the
inspection services, the testing of construction materials engineering, and the verification
testing services necessary for acceptance of the facility by the Owner.

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Legarda-Burnham Kisad, Baguio City

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Legarda-Burnham Kisad, Baguio City

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Legarda-Burnham Kisad, Baguio City

5.1 Terms of Payment
Total Cost of Construction = ₱ 7,025,707.85
1st payment 30% ₱ 2,107,712.355 Downpayment
2nd payment 20% ₱ 1, 405, 141.57 Upon 30% Completion
3rd payment 20% ₱ 1, 405, 141.57 Upon 60% Completion
4th payment 10% ₱ 702, 570.785 Upon 80% Completion
5th payment 10% ₱ 702, 570.785 Upon 100% Completion
6th payment 10% ₱ 702, 570.785 Retention

5.2 Construction Manager Salary

Percentage of Professional Fee from Construction Cost = 15%

PPCC = ₱ 1,053,856.178
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Upon signing Owner-
10% ₱ 105, 385.6178 Construction Manager
30% ₱ 316, 156.8534 Upon 30% Completion
30% ₱ 316, 156.8534 Upon 60% Completion
15% ₱ 158, 078.4267 Upon 80% Completion
15% ₱ 158, 078.4267 Upon 100% Completion
TOTAL = ₱ 1,053,856.178



6.1 The Owner, without invalidating this Agreement, may order Changes in the Project within
the general scope of this Agreement consisting of additions, deletions or other revisions, the
Guaranteed Maximum Price, if established, the Construction Phase Services and the
Construction Manager's Fee and the Substantial Completion Date being adjusted accordingly.
All such Changes in the Project will be authorized by Change Order. The Construction
Manager will provide an estimate of the cost of the Change and the impact the Change will
have on the Project Time Schedule to the Owner.

6.1.1. A Change Order is a written order to the Construction Manager signed by the Owner or
his authorized agent issued after the execution of this Agreement, authorizing a Change in the
Project, or the method or manner of performance, and/or an adjustment in the Guaranteed
Maximum Price, the Construction Manager's Fee, or the Substantial Completion Date. Each
adjustment in the Guaranteed Maximum Price resulting from a Change Order will clearly
separate the amount attributable to the Cost of the Project and the Construction Manager's

6.1.2. The Cost of a Change in the Project will be calculated as the sum of the following: The
cost of the additive change to the worked performed by the Trade Contractors plus (B) an
overhead factor of ten percent (10%) of the additive cost of the change. The addition of the
overhead factor will not be included until the Guaranteed Maximum Price is exceeded by 2%
and will only apply to amounts over the 2%.

6.1.3. The amount of decrease in the Guaranteed Maximum Price to be allowed by the
Construction Manager to the Owner for any deletion or change which results in a net decrease
in cost will be the amount of the actual net decrease. When both additions and credits are
Proposal C2360-12-002-RFP – Attachment A – Construction Management Contract Page 19
of 27 involved in any one change, the increase in Fee will be figured on the basis of net
increase, if any, subject to the limitations set forth in the Contract Documents
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7.1. Termination by Owner for Cause. Owner may terminate this Agreement, upon seven (7)
days written notice to Construction Manager, under any of the following circumstances: (a)
Construction Manager fails or neglects to perform its work or services in accordance with the
terms of the Contract Documents and fails to commence, continue and make reasonable
progress, as determined by Owner, towards the correction of such nonperformance or breach
within such seven (7) days after the date of Owners notice of intent to terminate, or (b)
Construction Manager files or consents to the filing of a petition or complaint commencing a
bankruptcy or other insolvency proceeding filed against it, or fails to have a petition or
complaint in bankruptcy or other insolvency proceeding filed against it by a third-party
dismissed within forty-five (45) days after it is filed, or makes a general assignment for the
benefit of its creditors.

7.2. Owners Remedies Upon Termination for Cause. In the event of termination of this
Agreement pursuant to Section 7.1 above, Construction Manager shall be responsible to
Owner for all costs, expenses and damages incurred by Owner as a result of Construction
Managers failure to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents as required
by the provisions herein, including any costs, expenses and damages associated with
completing the Work through a replacement contractor (“Completion Costs”). Construction
Manager shall be entitled to no further payments until such time that the Work is finished and
Owner has determined the Completion Costs that it has incurred. If the sum of the Completion
Costs plus the amounts previously paid to Construction Manager exceeds the GMP, the
Construction Manager shall pay to Owner the amount in excess of the GMP. If the sum of the
Completion Costs plus the amounts previously paid to Construction Manager is less than the
GMP, Owner shall pay to Construction Manager any unpaid balance of the amounts due to
Construction Manager for Work properly performed by Construction Manager and accepted
by Owner, but only to the extent that such payment does not cause the sum of the Completion
Cost plus the payments to Construction Manager to exceed the GMP. This obligation for
payment shall survive termination of the Agreement.

7.3. Termination by Owner for Convenience. In addition to the reasons set forth in the Section
6.1 above, Owner may terminate this Agreement without cause (at any time) upon seven (7)
days‟ written notice to Construction Manager. In the event Owner so terminates this
Agreement, Construction Manager shall be entitled to payment for the Work actually and
properly performed by Construction Manager as of the date of the written notice of termination,
measured by the percentage of completion achieved by Construction Manager in connection
with each applicable work category as set forth in the Schedule of Values. Further, in the event
Owner so terminates this Agreement, Owner agrees to pay for services, materials and
supplies ordered by Construction Manager prior to the date of written notice of termination, for
use in connection with the Project, and necessary for the reasonable discharge of Construction
Managers responsibilities under this Agreement, or, if applicable, cancellation charges for
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such services, materials and supplies, to the extent such services, materials and supplies
cannot be discontinued by Construction Manager without cost or penalty upon notice of
termination and for the reasonable value (based on purchase or rental as applicable) of any
equipment retained by Owner and the reasonable costs of cleanup, removal of debris and
removal of equipment, trailers and machinery used at the Site of the Project incurred as a
result of the termination. Any termination of this Agreement by Owner for because that is later
determined to be unjustified shall be treated as a termination for convenience.

7.4. Suspension by Owner. Owner may order Construction Manager to suspend, delay or
interrupt the Work, in whole or in part, for any reason and for such period of time as Owner
may determine. Upon resumption of the Work, an adjustment shall be made for any
reasonable increases in the cost of performance of the Work substantiated by Construction
Manager to Owner, including profit on the increased cost of performance resulting from the
suspension, delay or interruption ordered by Owner. However, no adjustment shall be made
to the extent: (1) that performance is, was or would have been so suspended, delayed or
interrupted by another cause for which Construction Manager is responsible; or (2) that an
equitable adjustment is made or denied under another provision of the Contract Documents
(except as to costs and expenses paid by Construction Manager to its Subcontractors and

7.5. Suspension by Construction Manager. Construction Manager may suspend the

performance of the Work under this Agreement if Owner fails to make payment to Construction
Manager of any amounts that are not in dispute, within thirty (30) days after such undisputed
payment is due, for Work performed by Construction Manager and accepted by Owner
pursuant to the Contract Documents. In such event, Construction Manager may, upon seven
(7) days written notice to Owner, suspend the performance of the Work under this Agreement.
Unless such payment is thereafter received by Construction Manager within such seven (7)
days, the suspension shall take effect without further notice to Owner. In the event of a
suspension of Work pursuant to this Section, Construction Manager shall have no liability to
Owner for delay or damage caused to Owner because of suspension of the Work, and upon
resuming performance, shall be entitled to a Change Order addressing increases in the cost
of performance of the Work including profit on the increased cost of performance resulting
from such suspension.

7.6. Termination by Construction Manager. Construction Manager may terminate this

Agreement if (a) Owner fails to make payment to Construction Manager of any amounts that
are not in dispute within thirty (30) days after suspension pursuant to Section 7.5; (b) Owner
suspends the Work for more than one hundred eighty (180) consecutive days; or (c) Owner
breaches any other material obligation of Owner herein and fails to correct such breach within
thirty (30) days of notice or if such breach cannot be corrected in such thirty (30) day period,
Owner fails to commence, continue and make reasonable progress towards the correction
within thirty (30) days after such notice. In such event, Construction Manager may, upon seven
(7) days‟ written notice to Owner, terminate this Agreement, unless, as applicable, such
payment is thereafter received by Construction Manager, the suspension is lifted, the breach
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is corrected, or Owner has commenced correction and is making reasonable progress towards
correcting, which termination shall take effect without further notice to Owner.

7.7. Construction Manager Remedies Upon Termination. Upon termination of this Agreement
pursuant to Section 7.6 above, Owner shall pay Construction Manager for all Work performed
by Construction Manager up to and including the date of termination and accepted by Owner
pursuant to the Contract Documents, which amount shall be measured by the percentage of
completion achieved by Construction Manager in connection with each applicable work
category as set forth in the Schedule of Values. Further, in the event of such termination,
Construction Manager shall be paid for services, materials and supplies ordered prior to the
date of termination by Construction Manager, for use in connection with the Project and
necessary for the reasonable discharge of Construction Managers responsibilities under this
Agreement or, if applicable, cancellation charges for such services, materials and supplies, to
the extent such services, materials and supplies cannot be discontinued by Construction
Manager without cost or penalty upon notice of termination. Notwithstanding the foregoing,

Construction Manager shall have the duty to mitigate all such damages resulting from such
termination. Construction Manager shall be entitled to no other costs, damages or expenses
in connection with the termination of this Agreement except as provided by law.

7.8. Sole Remedy. Construction Manager's sole and exclusive rights in the event of
termination or suspension shall be those set forth in this Article, and Construction Manager
shall be entitled to no additional compensation and shall have no additional or other rights of
any kind, type or nature arising out of or under this Agreement by virtue of such termination or

7.9. Drawings. Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason, Construction Manager shall
within seven (7) days after the date of the notice of termination, deliver to Owner, at no
additional charge, a complete set of all original Drawings, Specifications, operations and
maintenance manuals, Coordination Drawings, Submittals, shop drawings, and CAD files
prepared for the Project by or through Construction Manager prior to the date of termination.
Upon delivery of such documents, Construction Manager, for itself and on behalf of its
Subcontractors, assigns to Owner any intellectual property rights that Construction Manager
or its Subcontractors may have in such original Drawings and Owner shall have the right to
use such documents and the ideas and designs contained therein for the completion of the
Project and for information and reference in connection with Owner's use and occupancy of
the Project without compensation to Construction Manager (except as otherwise provided
herein) provided such termination has occurred in accordance with this Article 7.
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8.1. Dispute Resolution

8.1.1. The parties will attempt in good faith to promptly resolve any controversy or claim arising
out of or relating to this Agreement by negotiation between senior executives of the Parties
who have authority to settle the controversy.

8.1.2. If the controversy or claim has not been resolved within thirty (30) days of the meeting
of the senior executives, the Parties shall endeavor to settle the dispute by mediation under
the Construction Mediation Rules of the Philippine Institute of Arbitrators.

8.1.3. If the matter has not been resolved pursuant to the aforesaid mediation procedure within
sixty (60) days of the commencement of such procedure, or any extension thereto, either Party
may pursue litigation in any court of competent jurisdiction. Venue for any litigation shall be
proper only in the jurisdiction where the Project is located. Nothing contained in subparagraph
8.1.1 or 8.1.2 shall extend any applicable statute of limitations period.
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties herein have here unto their signatures on this February,
day of 22, 2023, in Legarda-Burnham Kisad, Baguio City, Benguet

Company Client

By: Horizon Grand Build and Design by: Mr. Tranquilino G. Arroyo

Signed in the Presence of

Contractors/ Construction Managers/ Architects

Ar. Renz Simbillo Ar. Richard C. Ulatan Ar. Precious Bangui

Ar. Denise Barit Ar. Samantha Loise C. Borja Ar. Justine Joy Mallari

Ar. Mahareen Kamran Qureshi

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BEFORE ME, the undersigned Notary Public for Baguio City, Benguet, Philippines, on this
day personally appeared:
Name: Atty. Kenneth T. Delos Reyes Gov't Issued ID. Card: LHK-1669
Date Issued: March 20, 2023

Known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing
instrument and acknowledged to me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed as
well as the free act of the corporation they represent.
I further certify that this instrument consists of twenty-seven (27) pages including the page
whereon this acknowledgment is written, with each and every page thereof duly signed by the
parties and their instrumental witness and sealed with my notarial seal.
Witness my hand and seal in Baguio City, Benguet, Philippines, this 29 day of March 2023

Notary Public
Doc No.001

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