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Roll No………………………..
Course Code: 107503ME
Examination: APRIL-MAY 2023

Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100

Minimum Marks: 35
Note: Attempt all questions. Part (A) of each question is
compulsory and carries 4 marks; attempt any two parts from part
(B), (C) and (D) carrying 8 marks each for question no. 1 & 4,
Attempt any one from (B) & (C) carrying 16 marks each for
question no. 2, 3 & 5. Design Data book is allowed.

Q1 A State the cause of stress concentration and methods 4

for reducing stress concentration.

B A Non-rotating shaft supporting a load of 2.5 kN is 8

shown in fig. The shaft is made of brittle material
with an ultimate tensile strength of 300 N/mm2.
The factor of safety is 3. Determine the dimensions
of the shaft.

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C A rod of a linkage mechanism made of steel 40Cr1 8

(Sut = 550 N/mm2) is subjected to a completely
reversed axial load of 100 kN. The rod is machined
on a lathe and the expected reliability is 95%. There
is no stress concentration. Determine the diameter
of the rod using a factor of safety of 2 for an infinite
life condition.

D A forged steel bar, 50 mm in diameter, is subjected 8

to a reversed bending stress of 250 N/mm2. The bar
is made of steel 40C8 (Sut = 600 N/mm2). Calculate
the life of the bar for a reliability of 90%.

Q2 A Differentiate rigid and flexible coupling. 4

B It is required to design a cotter joint to connect two 16

steel rods of equal diameter. Each rod is subjected
to an axial tensile force of 50 kN. Design the joint
and specify its main dimensions.

C It is required to design a split muff coupling to 16

transmit 50 kW power at 120 rpm The shafts, key
and clamping bolts are made of plain carbon steel
30C8 (Syt = 400 N/mm2). The yield strength in
compression is 150% of the tensile yield strength.
The factor of safety for shafts, key and bolts is 5.
The number of clamping bolts is 8. The coefficient
of friction between sleeve halves and the shaft is
(i) Calculate the diameter of the input and output
(ii) Specify the length and outer diameter of the
sleeve halves.
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(iii) Find out the diameter of clamping bolts

assuming that the power is transmitted by
(iv) Specify bolt diameter using standard empirical
(v) Specify the size of key and check the
dimensions for shear and compression criteria.

Q3 A Define shaft. What are the difference between shaft 4

and axle?

B The layout of an intermediate shaft of a gear box 16

supporting two gears B and C is shown in fig. The
shaft is mounted on two bearings A and D. the pitch
circle diameters of gears B and C are 900 and 600
mm respectively. The material of the shaft is steel
FeE 580 (Sut= 770 and Syt = 580 N/mm2). The
factors kb and kt of ASME code are 1.5 and 2.0
respectively. Determine the shaft diameter using
the ASME code. Assume that gears are connected
to the shaft by means of keys.

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C A cone clutch is used to connect an electric motor 16

running at 1440 rpm with a machine which is
stationary. The machine is equivalent to a rotor of
150 kg mass and radius of gyration as 250 mm. The
machine has to be brought to the full speed of 1440
rpm from stationary condition in 40s. The semi-
cone angle α is 12.5°. The mean radius of the clutch
is twice the face width. The coefficient of friction
is 0.2 and the normal intensity of pressure between
contacting surfaces should not exceed 0.1 N/mm2.
Assuming uniform wear criterion, calculate:
(i) the inner and outer diameters;
(ii) the face width of friction lining;
(iii) the force required to engage the clutch; and
(iv) the amount of heat generated during each
engagement of clutch.

Q4 A Differentiate bolt, tap bolt and stud. 4

B A steel plate subjected to a force of 5 kN and fixed 8

to a channel by means of three identical bolts as
shown in fig. The bolts are made of plain carbon
steel 45C8 (Syt = 380 N/mm2) and the factor of
safety is 3. Specify the size of bolts.

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C A wall bracket is attached to a wall by means of 8

four identical bolts. Two at A and two at B as
shown in fig. Assuming that the bracket is held and
prevented from tipping about point C by all four
bolt. Permissible tensile stress in the bolt is 35
MPa. Determine the size of the bolt on the basis of
maximum principal stress theory.

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D The nominal diameter of a triple threaded square 8

screw is 50 mm, while the pitch is 8 mm. It is used
with a collar having an outer diameter of 100 mm
and inner diameter as 65 mm. The coefficient of
friction at the thread surface as well as at the collar
surface can be taken as 0.15. The screw is used to
raise a load of 15 kN. Using the uniform wear
theory for collar friction, calculate:
(i) torque required to raise the load;
(ii) torque required to lower the load; and
(iii) the force required to raise the load, if applied
at a radius of 500 mm.

Q5 A What is riveted joint and its types? 4

B The bracket as shown in fig is to carry a load of 50 16

kN. Determine the size of the rivet if the shear
stress is not to exceed 60 MPa. Assume all rivets of
same size.

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C A circular shaft 50 mm in diameter is welded to a 16

support by means of a fillet weld as shown in fig.
Determine the size of the weld if the permissible
shear stress in the weld is limited to 100 N/mm2.

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