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Q3 2022 Newsletter

Coats Digital Connect Coats Digital Quarterly Newsletter

Insights Industry New Product

Fabric is the key Fireside Chat: The Complete fabric
to manufacturer’s urgency of digital optimisation
fortunes transformation solution launched!
Page 6 Page 6 Page 9

Thanh Cong realises 14%

efficiency gains with GSDCost
Award-winning sportswear and The introduction of achievable
knitwear manufacturer, Thanh performance incentives has
Cong, has realised a 14% overall consequently greatly improved
efficiency increase and has staff morale and motivation, as
projected over $12,000 in savings goal setting targets are now based
following its first analysis of a on achievable targets. Find out
22,000 unit production run, with more about the value delivered.
Coats Digital’s GSDCost.

An open and transparent

production capacity platform
has also enabled Thanh Cong
management to set achievable
productivity goals based on a fair
standard of working hours.
The Results
• Increased efficiency by 14%
• Projected savings of $12,000 based on a
“GSDCost is the only globally recognised international
22,000 production run
method-time-cost standard to successfully achieve cost
optimisation and sustainable improvements to productivity. • Reduced overtime hours
We certainly have not been disappointed. Coats Digital’s latest • Reduced materials waste
SaaS version of GSDCost has enabled us to not only increase • Happier workforce!
our overall efficiencies by a staggering 14%, but is set to have
a very positive impact on our bottom line. Following the
initial analysis, we project savings of over $12,000 for a 22,000
production run.”

Mr. Tran Thanh Bang, Thanh Cong Smart Factory Team Leader

NEW: FastReactFabric,
combining fabric buying
and cutting into one.
Page 9

Proud of our heritage!

Coats Digital is the software business of Coats Group, the world’s
leading industrial thread company and a trusted industry player.
What’s Director’s
Coats Digital Connect I Q3 2022 Newsletter Coats Digital Connect I Q3 2022 Newsletter

Inside Message
03 Coats Digital 08 Coats Digital solutions A personal message from
Akash Shah, MD, Coats Digital
A special message from Coats Digital’s Managing Director Coats Digital connected solutions and product
Solution Spotlight: How to reduce fabric consumption and updates highlighting key new functionality.
We’ve had a busy Q3. I’ve gained sustainability which as you
so much out of my visits globally know, we are very passionate

04 New customers
Featuring: Manufacturas Eliott (Colombia), Gurmen Group
09 New product
Find out more about our new fabric optimisation
solution: FastReactFabric.
with our customers, partners
and teams locally positioned in
markets across South Asia, EMEA
about. Last week, I was
honoured to be invited to speak
at the OGTC Summit in India
(Turkey) and The Hams Group (Bangladesh). and South America. where I engaged with industry
garment manufacturing leaders.
I also took some time out for Experiences such as these are
myself and my family. In keeping truly valuable. These interactions

05 Customer successes
Featuring: American Phil (China) and Son Ha (Vietnam)
Learn more about the significant ROI achievements.
10 Regional updates
Regional news from our teams across the globe
covering Q3 2022.
with Coats Digital values, my
son and I set out to challenge
ourselves but also have some
help us to understand our industry
challenges better, enabling us
to find approaches that will help
quality time together to recharge our partners and customers
and conquer personal goals. become more competitive while
He and I completed a mountain delivering ongoing sustainability
trek and summit in the beautiful improvements.

06 Thought leadership 12 Events Canadian Rockies which

was a fantastic experience. I
Expert opinion, industry insights, interviews and more. Learn
from leading experts and how Coats Digital supports industry
change and sustainability.
Coats Digital is dedicated to sustainable garment
manufacturing. Find out where we will be showcasing
our solutions at an event near you.
returned to work both refreshed
and revitalised. In September,
Sourcing Journal kindly invited me
Akash Shah
Akash Shah, for a fireside chat on the topic of
Director, Coats Digital

Q2 2022 Right steps to fabric buying

How to reduce fabric consumption and waste
Highlights Fabric cost is one of the biggest purchase are interdependent
expenses in the garment factors.
manufacturing process followed by
labour cost. Manufacturers around The vicious circle of unplanned
the globe have been grappling with buying and unregulated
PT. Sumbiri boosts Viet Vuong cuts 2022 Sustainability Conclave: different fabric saving measures
to make their garment costs more
consumption often leaves a
manufacturer with diminishing
productivity by 13% fabric wastage by Akash Shah discusses how competitive, especially in the
current dynamic climate. With rising
profits and increasing deadstock
- a significant cost burden to
With an absence of standardised 2%, saving 3% in technology is delivering minimum wages in developing inventory. In this article, published
countries and newly emerging in Fibre2Fashion earlier this year,
and optimised manufacturing
methods, PT. Sumbiri were fabric costs transparency manufacturing hubs, manufacturers Coats Digital’s subject matter
struggling with method and time, are looking for reliable solutions that expert, Rahul Bhardwaj, discusses
resulting in lost efficiency, variation Viet Vuong is known for their Coats Digital were delighted to participate in the Fibre2Fashion can help them regulate and monitor steps that manufacturers could
in the quality due to increased commitment to sustainable Sustanability Conclave, with Akash Shah sharing how Coats fabric consumption and purchasing, take in order to cut fabric waste.
defects, making accurate manufacturing processes Digital is driving forward the sustainability agenda within the to ultimately reduce fabric costs. Find out how you could reduce
production planning a real wherever possible. Reducing industry. This two-day virtual conference brought together global Both fabric consumption (fabric used your fabric consumption by up to
challenge. Find out how a fabric wastage to zero is their top corporate leaders and experts from the textile-apparel-fashion in the finished garment, as wellas all 2.5%!
scientific approach delivered priority. Since implementing industry enabling them to share their knowledge, ideas and process losses & wastage), and Learn more.
optimised garment costing and FastReactFabric, they have insights. Watch now to catch up on the discussion.
significant efficiency gains. achieved some incredible results.

Read More Read More Watch Now Reduce fabric waste by up to 2.5%

2 3
New Customer
Coats Digital Connect I Q3 2022 Newsletter Coats Digital Connect I Q3 2022 Newsletter

Customers Success
Gurmen Group The Hams consolidate information across
disparate sources into one Manufacturas American Phil Textiles
Group Eliot
highly visual, unified system.
In direct response to the This will enable a clear overview
spiralling costs of fashion of planning and production Results
manufacturing and to also Leading vertical garment capacity to ultimately support Manufacturas Eliot has Founded in 1978 as a specialist GSDCost, the business, planning
help achieve ambitious manufacturer, The Hams Group, enhanced customer satisfaction adopted FastReactPlan to lingerie manufacturer, exporting and production departments
sustainability targets, Gürmen has selected FastReactPlan and drive new business growth. digitize production planning primarily to the US and Europe have been able to make informed
Giyim is investing in innovative with industry partner, Diverzent. processes in order to manage markets, American Phil was business and costing decisions 5% Productivity increase
and robust fashion technology Adopting a production planning “FastReactPlan will provide the increasing order complexity faced with significant uncertainty based on accurate capacity
software lays the foundation overaching data visibility we and volumes, as well as to surrounding its capacity and cost forecasts. With higher quality inputs
solutions. As part of this
of their digital transformation need to optimise efficiencies, reduce lead times. controls, and was consistently
Improved capacity planning
strategy, Gürmen Giyim has of costs and a better production
agenda. enhance our customer service Read more unable to respond effectively to plan, American Phil has realised a
adopted GSDCost, the only effectively so we can better
internationally recognised navigate our uncertain world.”
incoming product inquiries. With 5% increase in productivity. Reduced core standard-minute-
method-time-cost industry FastReactPlan will help the its cost and capacity forecasts Learn more values
company connect and Learn more based on inaccurate historical
Find out why working hours data stored across a
myriad of IT sources, the company Increased orders
suffered unreliable efficiency
targets, high defect rates, late
deliveries, unnecessary freight
costs and unplanned overtime
costs. Since implementing

Customer video testimonial: Son Ha Garment JSC

Hirdaramani Group
“During my career, I had the Hirdaramani Group has been
Son Ha, a leading Vietnamese a definitive agreement with Results
leisure and sportswear customers, but our analogue
opportunity to experience around for over 100 years.
manufacturer achieved an initial approach also meant that we were
the unique GSD solution The secret to such longevity
10% efficiency improvement with wasting hundreds of people hours 10% Improved SMV
in a variety of different has been to continually evolve
Coats Digital’s GSDCost and on unnecessary manual processes.”
companies. Solutions such as and to embrace technology
is on target to further reduce
GSDCost are very important as an enabler for digital
manufacturing production times by Le Huu Phong, CEO, Son Ha
25% Defect reduction
and valuable in terms of transformation.
50%. Garment Joint Stock Company
using existing resources
in the most efficient way In this short video, we hear from 50% Reduction in production time
“Our capacity and cost planning Read more about Son Ha’s success [On target after full implentation]
and ensuring sustainability Rakhil Hirdaramani, Director at
in business models. We Hirdaramani Group, about why reports were often inaccurate and plans for further improvements.
believe that our cooperation Coats Digital was chosen as because the data was based
with Coats Digital will make a strategic purely on historical experiences Fair wage compliance
significant contributions partner and this information was not easy
to find by all members of the
to the efficient use of our many years ago and more Manage fluctuating demands
company’s resources and specifically, about the benefits team who needed it. The lack of
production capacity, so that currently being delivered by accurate costing data not only
we can ultimately achieve GSDCost. made it difficult to reach
sustainability, profitability and
reduce our carbon footprint.
With Coats Digital’s GSDCost Watch Now
solution, our company aims to
increase productivity by 5% in Rakhil Hirdaramani
the first phase and to improve
Director, Hirdaramani
costs by 3%.”

4 5
Coats Digital Connect I Q3 2022 Newsletter Coats Digital Connect I Q3 2022 Newsletter
Leadership Leadership
Insights: Free eBook:
Fireside Chat with Akash
Shah: ‘Establish Quick Unlock your potential!
Wins, Build Confidence, Smart
Always Challenge the Sustainable STOP wasting fabric
Norm and Keep Going
Fabric START increasing profits
The fashion industry has been
slow to adapt to digitalization
along the complex apparel
Optimisation David Lush
Coats Digital, Director Solutions Consulting
Silky Prajapati
Coats Digital, Product Owner

Point of View: Industry:

supply chain, with too many
corporate mindsets stuck
in old ways. Digitalization is
needed for every aspect of
The importance of Fabric is fundamental to
‘plan to pack’—from when digitizing the supply fashion manufacturing’s
brands plan their sourcing chain fortunes
requirements to when
manufacturers pack the goods Apparel Resources recently We’re in an era of superfast
produced, which includes published an article by Coats fashion, there’s no doubt
fashion manufacturers are Navigating the way through Download our latest eBook
design and development, Digital’s David Lush, where he
having to pull out all the stops challenges being placed on and discover futureproof
costing, production planning, emphasises the importance
to remain profitable. the industry can be unsettling strategies that will ensure
fabric optimisation and shop of digitizing the supply chain.
With more countries offering when you have no clear map of your business can recover,
floor execution. He details how businesses
Watch Coats the cheapest needle and labour how to overcome them. While compete and get ahead.
need to continually look at
Digital’s Akash their end-to-end process while prices, it has become vital for it is vital that manufacturers
Shah as he talks to Sourcing also addressing their buyers’ apparel manufacturers to stay implement solutions that offer
precision and organised control Download
Journal about the need for needs in order to identify sharp, agile and ahead of the
greater collaboration and data which technologies need to be competition. In Fibre2Fashion, of fabric and labour with the
connectivity to provide that adopted that will help overcome Silky Prajapati shares how ability to adapt to increasing
full visibility and accountability key challenges quickly. manufactures can flourish. demands, it’s equally important
where required. Read the full article Read the full article to reforge the relationships that
Watch now have suffered from lockdowns
and restrictions.

The second age Industry Focus:

of sustainability Digitising costing and capacity forecasting
WTiN recently published an on the most difficult operations.
Tightening regulations and article ‘Digitising costing and Precise standards means that
sweeping 2030 sustainability capacity forecasting’ in which the engineering team can also
targets will define a new age of they highlighted RA Intertrading, predict machinery requirements
sustainability. Across materials a valued Coats Digital customer, to anticipate
and labour, fashion brands and as a game-changer. They and eliminate
suppliers will need sweeping adopted GSDCost to help them bottlenecks.”
change to compete. digitally transform their costing RA Intertrading
and capacity process. Coats will be able to drive increased
In this article, published by Digital’s Oscar Gonzalez lead efficiency and productivity
The Interline, Ben Hanson the implementation saying, “By and meet increased volume
discusses the need for data driven having an accurate standard, demands.
disclosure throughout the value chain and manufacturers can properly Read the full article
how technology available today, can provide the insights into calculate the efficiency of the
materials and labour that will soon no longer be a nice to have, sewing floor, identify training
but a necessity. Read the full article requirements and concentrate

6 7
Coats Digital Connect I Q3 2022 Newsletter Coats Digital Connect I Q3 2022 Newsletter
Overview Updates
Solution eco-system across the Introducing FastReactFabric:
fashion supply chain - from A unique fabric optimisation solution that
‘Plan to Pack’ connects buying and cutting operations
“We listened carefully to what our customers
were saying about the fabric challenges
they face, and realised that it made perfect
Design and GSDCost is the international optimise ‘International sense to amalgamate and enhance our
standard for establishing and Standard Time Benchmarks’ fabric cutting and buying solutions into one
Method-Time-Cost optimising accurate method- using standard motion codes
Execution Optimisation
time-cost benchmarks for comprehensive single platform to eradicate
and predetermined times. This key pain points in one swoop. With 70-80%
sustainable garment cost use of a common language
optimisation and manufacturing of fashion manufacturing outlay attributed
and standards supports to fabric costs, the digitisation of fabric
accurate cost prediction, related processes is the most fundamental
GSDCost supports a more fact based negotiation, and way apparel manufacturers can make a real
collaborative, transparent a more efficient garment difference to their profits, as well as reduce
and sustainable supply manufacturing process, while the impact of fabric waste on the planet.”
Fabric Production Planning chain, in which brands and concurrently delivering on CSR
Optimisation and Control
manufacturers establish and commitments. For Brands and Akash Shah, MD, Coats Digital

DIGITAL What Coats Digital is boosting efficiency and

significantly increasing their
Doing to Whittle Down
VisionPLM is an intuitive, In our latest product update
Digitally Waste
bottom line. Benefits
flexible and scalable,
browser-based fashion PLM
for FastReactPlan, we focus
on materials planning. One of transforming We are thrilled to launch
FastReactFabric, provides
access to accurate data to
90% Reduction in buying
and sourcing solution that
streamlines and integrates
the ‘key pillars’ of planning is
materials and what’s the point the fashion our newly amalgamated
buying and cutting solution,
ensure manufacturers can make
the right decisions about their & planning time
key business processes.
Configured to reflect industry
of having a great capacity plan
if we do not know the current supply chain FastReactFabric: a unique,
new market offering that will
buying and cutting processes
at the same time. Unlike other
best practices, VisionPLM material status? The simple Res.Q is a dynamic suite provide fashion manufacturers
offers core product lifecycle answer is, there isn’t one! But of digital solutions focused with the insights needed to
fabric purchasing solutions,
FastReactFabric aggregates
2.5% Fabric cost
management and extended the new additional features and on the factory shop floor, track real-time fabric usage and historical, past performance reduction
sourcing functionality, creating improvements have been made delivering rapid data insights, wastage and efficiently plan for and real-time data from fabric
‘one version of the truth’: from that you’ll want to access. improved decision making and complex styles and colourways. utilisation processes, so that
design, material and product better performance. Solutions FastReactFabric combines manufactures can always have Increased efficiency
development (including tech Read more in the Q3 Product are focused on quality and Coats Digital’s previous the most accurate, up-to-date
packs), to sampling, approvals, Update and learn more about machine management, line industry-leading IntelloCut view of the cutting floor. The
costing, vendor capacity
management, order allocation
FastReactPlan for Manufacturers layout planning and production
tracking. Learn more
and IntelloBuy solutions into
one single platform, providing
real value of using accurate, 100% Fabric tracking
digitised historical data is that
and purchase order status a closed-loop, continuous it enables manufacturers to
updates. VisionPLM is proven 360-degree feedback ecosystem
to, Optimise,Connect and between buying and cutting
predict their precise needs in
the future, which greatly helps
Reduce fabric waste
Accelerate your business. operations, so that fashion to support effective longer-term
Learn more about VisionPLM manufacturers can accurately planning and trend projections.
for Brands and Manufacturers procure and utilise fabric Find out more
effectively– reducing waste,
“VisionPLM would meet our
current and future requirements

Follow Us on LinkedIn!
with Coats Digital and their
deep understanding of the
If you haven’t already, follow us on LinkedIn for the latest Coats Digital
Jayne Worden, news, views and industry updates. Join in the conversation, we’d love to
CFO, Radley hear from you!

8 9
Coats Digital Connect I Q3 2022 Newsletter Coats Digital Connect I Q3 2022 Newsletter
Updates Updates
EMEA South Asia
Customer Focus successfully delivered GSDCost phase Industry - Bangladesh
The team were busy this quarter 1 training to the Gurmen Group team. Coats Digital was delighted to join the
welcoming new customers, Alpine Huge congratulations o the participants Textile Sourcing Meet 2022 event that
Creations in Egypt and Arise LLP who all passed the theory test with a took place in September in Dhaka,
Integrated Industrial Platforms in resounding 100% pass rate! Bangladesh. The local team connected
Africa. Both manufacturers will use with many leading brands and suppliers.
GSDCost to improve many areas Congratulations also to the team We were thrilled to have the opportunity
of their business. Alpine seeks to at Dice Group who have recently to share how we are delivering value to
improve Financial Management, completed phase 1 of the GSDCost our customers throughout the region.
Production Planning and implementation, showing considerable
Manufacturing Excellence while improvement in the core style analysis
Arise LLP will optimise their within their factory. Watch this space for Customer Focus - Bangladesh
production methods and tools for upcoming positive results. Existing customer, Hop Lun, is in the
accurate analysis. process of rolling out FastReactPlan
to its Bangladesh production facility.
Hop Lun has already reported positive
GSDCost Successes feedback of great progress and
Following the recent selection of seamlesss solution integration.
GSDCost, the local team
Industry - India

Q3 saw Akash travel to India to connect
with the local team and visit some of
our customers. Akash was also invited
Customer Focus planning processes in order to to speak at the 17th Annual ICAHT-2022
The team was delighted to optimise production processes, hosted by the Okhla Garment and
welcome Manufacturas Eliot significantly reduce waste, Textile Cluster (OGTC) where he shared
of Colombia into the Coats accommodate unexpected style insights into digitization as a catalyst
Digital family. Manufacturas Eliot changes and rapidly respond to for business growth in fashion supply
own several brands including emerging new consumer trends. chains.
PatPrimo, Seven Seven and
Facol and are one of the major Team
textile and apparel manufacturers
in Colombia.
The LATAM team were excited
to connect in person with Coats
Southeast Asia
Digital’s MD, Akash Shah, to Industry Team
Alongside leading sports apparel discuss Q3 achievements and In July, Coats Digital took part in the Thai In September, Coats Digital welcomed
manufacturer, Vertical Knits ways in which we can continually Garment Manufacturing Association’s Pakawan Veerarote to our Customer
improve the value we are delivering smart factory event. Piyanit Messang, Success Team based in Thailand.
SA de CV, Manufacturas Eliot
to our customers. Coats Digital Sales Manager, gave an Pakawan joins as Customer Success
is adopting FastReactPlan to
digitally transform manual insightful presentation outlining our Manager and will focus on supporting
planning solutions. She provided insight our customers throughout Thailand and
into how they can help manufacturers further afield.
improve their collaboration, OTDP,
efficiency and so much more.
Go lives:
We want to congratulate the following customers on their solution Go Lives over the past quarter:

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Coats Digital Connect I Q3 2022 Newsletter

Vietnam Bangladesh
Events Textile & Apparel SEA
Oct. 27-28 2022
Made in Bangladesh Wk.
Nov. 14-16 2022

Turkey Textile and Apparel SEA -

Vietnam Summit 2022, the
The “Made in Bangladesh
Week” is the first ever
TGMA 15th Istanbul Apparel most influential textile and branding event of the
apparel summit covering the Bangladesh Apparel
Conference Oct. 5-6 2022 SEA (Southeast Asia) region, Industry, dedicated solely to
will be held on October 27-28, celebrating and showcasing
Coats Digital proudly participated in Global Commercial Head, 2022, in Pan Pacific Hanoi, the groundbreaking, newest
the 15th Istanbul Apparel Conference. Wesley Ekman presented a Vietnam. The summit aims innovations, compliance and
We were especially excited about this key note on the topic of why to provide an opportunity sustainable developments of
year’s conference and theme, Green digitization is key to growing for industry stakeholders to the RMG sector in the global
Revolution’ as it falls in line with our your bottom line. The connect and win textile and market. Coats Digital will be
overarching sustainability mission. This sessions were presented to apparel business to ensure attending and our local team
conference was held at Turkey’s most 800-1000 attendees and can be growth in the SEA region. will be on hand to share
important apparel industry event taking viewed on the TGSD YouTube Learn more the latest on Coats Digital
place in the halls of Turkey’s most channel. Click below to watch solutions.
prestigious 5-star hotel. our keynote. Watch now Learn more

Sustainability Leading Green

Week Coats Digital is committed to
In March, Coats Digital joined Coats Group to promote sustainable fastion. People,
Sustainability Week. Planet & Performance is our
In March, Coats Digital joined Coats Group to promote Sustainability Week. focus. Take a look at our latest
Sustainability is at the heart of our business model and we are committed to events, both physical and virtual
pioneering new and meaningful solutions that facilitate the widespread acceleration - we look forward to supporting
of sustainability programmes for the global apparel manufacturing sector. you with your sustainability
initiatives in the near future.
Find out more

Upcoming Events

Webinar: How to reduce your Are you ready to digitally

fabric waste by 2.5% and transform?
increase profits If you would like more information on how Coats Digital could
help transform your garment production business or brand for a
sustainable future, contact
In partnership with Fibre2Fashion
Nov. 22 2022 | 1:30pm IST | 9:30am CET
With rising production costs and demands for sustainability
manufacturers must get creative and secure new ways of Follow us!
operating. You won’t want to miss our upcoming webinar with For all the latest on Coats Digital
our product experts who will discuss:
· Challenges facing the apparel manufacturing industry
· How to reduce fabric consumption
· How to accurately forecast fabric buying
· Benefits of a fabric optimisation solution
· Real examples from the industry with tangible ROI.

It’s free to register, sign up today. Register Now


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