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Hydrology Group5

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Water resource management is the activity of planning, developing, distributing and
managing the optimum use of water resources.It is a sub-set of water cycle management.It
is like hydrology, but the scale of management is low here where hydrology involves the
States or country, and water resource management (WRM) is at a city and district scale. The
field of WRM generally deals with measures to control flow of water as is related to
hydrological characteristics such as river discharge and sediment flow.Sustainable water
management is important to conserve and protect water resources which are limited on the

Water Allocation
The amount of water made available to users, including both out of stream users(e.g.
irrigation, town water supply) and instream environmental use (e.g. amenity values,
supporting aquatic populations).Water allocation in a resource management context is about
how to ensure fair and equitable distribution of the water resource between groups of

Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM)

The concepts behind IWRM lie in the so-called ‘Dublin Principles’.In January 1992, 500
participants,including government-designated experts from 100 countries and representative
of 80 international, intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations attended the
International Conference on Water and the Environment in Dublin, Ireland.The conference
adopted what has been termed ‘the Dublin Statement’ which was taken forward to the Earth
Summit Conference in Rio de Janiero later that year.The Dublin Statement established four
guiding principles for managing freshwater resources, namely:

1. Fresh water is a finite and vulnerable resource, essential to sustain life, development and
the environment.
2. Water development and management should be based on a participatory approach,
involving users, planners and policy makers at all levels.
3. Women play a central part in the provision, management and safeguarding of water.
4. Water has an economic value in all its competing uses and should be recognised as an
economic good.

The Global Water Partnership ( is a leading agency in promoting



a) Water resources assessment

Understanding what water resources are available and the water needs of communities.
Requires measurements of flows, groundwater levels, etc. and water usage (e.g. metering of
b) IWRM plans
Combining development options, resource use and human interaction requires inter-sectoral

c) Demand management
Using water more efficiently requires knowledge of where water losses occur (leakage) and
plans on how to promote water efficiency.

d) Social change instruments

Encouraging a water-oriented society requires community education on the importance of
using water wisely

e.) Conflict resolution

Managing disputes, ensuring sharing of water requires promotion of trust between sectors
and robust dispute settlement systems.

f.) Regulatory instruments

Allocation and water use limits, requires good knowledge about the amount of available
resource and how the hydrological system responds to stress (either natural or

g.) Economic instruments

Using value and prices for efficiency and equity requires good information on water usage
and overall water demand.

h.) Information management and exchange

Improving knowledge for better water management requires good data-sharing principles
(eg, between flood control and water supply agencies).

Integrated Catchment Management (ICM)

Integrated Catchment Management (also sometimes referred to as Integrated Water Basin
Management, IWBM) is essentially a subset of IWRM. It aims to promote an integrated
approach to water and land management but with two subtle differences:

1. ICM recognises the catchment (or river basin) as the appropriate organising unit for
understanding and managing water-related biophysical processes in a context that includes
social, economic and political considerations;

2. There is recognition of the spatial context of different management actions and in

particular the importance of cumulative effect within a catchment.


In water resource management there is a problem concerning the statistical techniques that
we use.In a frequency analysis technique there is an inherent assumption that a storm event
with similar antecedent conditions, at any time in the streamflow record, will cause the same
size of storm.
At the start of the twenty-first century climate change is the biggest environmental talking
point, dominating the scientific media and research agenda.Any unusual weather patterns
are linked to the greenhouse effect and its enhancement by humans.


The implications of land use change for hydrology has been an area of intense interest to
research hydrologists over the last fifty or more years.Issues of land use change affecting
hydrology include increasing urbanization, changing vegetation cover, land drainage and
changing agricultural practices leading to salination.

This is a hydrological impact of vegetation cover change, a subject that Bosch and Hewlett
(1982) review in considerable depth.They conclude that the greater the amount of
deforestation the larger the subsequent streamflows will be, but the actual amount is
dependent on the vegetation type and precipitation amount

Land drainage is a common agricultural improvement technique in areas of high rainfall and
poor natural drainage.In an area such as the Fens of Cambridge shire, Norfolk and
Lincolnshire in England this has taken the form of drains or canals and an elaborate
pumping system, so that the natural wetlands have been drained completely.The result of
this has been the utilization of the area for intensive agricultural production.At the smaller
scale, land drainage may be undertaken by farmers to improve the drainage of soils.

This is a common practice throughout temperate regions and allows soils to remain relatively
dry during the winter and early spring.The most common method of achieving this is through
a series of tile drains laid across a field that drain directly into a water course (often a ditch)

Traditionally tile drains were clay pipes that allowed water to drain into them through the
strong hydraulic gradient created by their easy drainage towards the ditch.

Modern tile drains are plastic pipes with many small holes to allow water into them.Tile
drains are normally laid at about 60 cm depth and should last for at least fifty years or
more.The aim of tile and mole drainage is to hold less water in a soil.This may have two
effects on the overall hydrology. It allows rapid drainage from the field, therefore increasing
the flashy response (Le rapid rise and fall of hydrograph limbs) in a river.At the same time
the lack of soil moisture may lead to greater infiltration levels and hence less overland flow.

Salination is an agricultural production problem that results from a buildup of salt compounds
in the surface soil.Water flowing down a river is almost never pure', it will contain dissolved
solids in the form of salt compounds.These salt compounds are derived from natural sources
such as the weathering ofsurface minerals and sea spray contained in rainfall.When water
evaporates the salts are left behind, examples are salt lakes such as in Utah, central
Australia, and the Dead Sea in the Middle East.The same process leads to salinity in the
oceans.Salination of soils occurs when there is an excess of salt rich water that can be
evaporated from a soil.The classic situation for this is where river-fed irrigation water is used
to boost agricultural production in a hot, dry climate.The evapotranspiration of salt rich
irrigation water leads to salt compounds accumulating in the soil, which in turn may lead to a
loss of agricultural production as many plants fail to thrive in a salt-rich environment.

In many parts of the world there is heavy reliance on aquifers for provision of water to a
population. Not all groundwater is recharged so readily. Many aquifers have built up their
water reserves over millions of years and receive very little infiltrating rainfall on a year by
year basis. The use of this water at high rates may lead to groundwater depletion, a serious
long-term problem for water management.

The continuing rise in urban population around the world makes it an important issue to
consider under the title of change. There is no question that urban expansion has a
significant effect on the hydrology of any river draining the area. Initially this may be due to
climate alterations affecting parts of the hydrological cycle. The most obvious hydrological
impact is on the runoff hydrology, but other areas where urbanization may have an impact
are point source and diffuse pollution affecting water quality, river channelization to control
flooding, increased snow melt from urban areas and river flow changes from sewage


The changes in climate are relatively minor compared to the impact that impermeable
surfaces in the urban environment have on runoff hydrology.


There is a huge amount of research and literature on the impacts of urbanisation on urban
water quality.The nature of urban runoff (low infiltration and rapid movement of water)
concentrates the pollutants in the first flush of water.

It is a common practice to channelise rivers as they pass through urban areas in an attempt
to lessen floods in the urban environment. Frequently, although not always, this will involve
straightening a river reach and this has impacts on the streamflow.


The influence of urbanisation on snow melt is complicated. Semandi-Davies (1998) suggests
that melt intensities are generally increased in an urban area, although shading may reduce
melt in some areas.


Human intervention in the hydrological regime of a river may be in the form of extraction (for
irrigation or potable supply) or additional water from waste water treatment plants.

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