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UTN Fundación

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Fundación: It was founded on August 19, 1948 jointly with the regional faculties of Bahía
Blanca and La Plata. Its headquarters are located in the northern area of the city of San Miguel
de Tucumán

Types of institution: Universidad Publica

Estudiantes: 70.000 aprox

Lema: ingeniería es UTN

Fundador: Ingeniero Pascual Pezzano

Rector: Eng. Rubén Gestión 2021 to 2025

These are some of the main features of the National Technological University UTN

• Buses that take you to the place

Street: JJD, Bernardino Rivadavia 1050

- 100

- 103

- 105



SIU guaraní

- In order to achieve the objectives (promote the subject) the entrants must:

- Have 80% attendance at virtual theoretical-practical classes.

- Take 2 (two) partial exams during the course. Both evaluations are independent and must be
passed with a minimum grade of 6 (six).

- If in any of the partial evaluations you obtain a score lower than 6 (six) the partials can be
averaged with the only condition that the mark of both is greater than or equal to 4 (four). If
the average obtained is greater than or equal to 6 (six), it achieves the objectives.
• In case of not reaching the average grade point , during the first instance of recovery they
will take the partial in which they have a grade lower than 6 (six) and must be approved with a
minimum grade of 6 (six).

• In the case that the marks in both partials had been less than 6 (six) the first instance of
recovery is integral and must be passed with a minimum mark of 6 (six).

• The second instance of recovery is integral and must be approved with a minimum grade of
6 (six).

Applicants who are ABSENT in any of the evaluative instances will go directly to the
comprehensive exam.

Curriculum vitae (resume)

Degree/diploma (front and back)

DNI/Passport, precarious. In all cases the documentation proving the identity of the interested
party must be valid (both sides)

Ingeniera Mecanica: - Turno Noche: 19 a 23 hs.

Ingeniera en Sistema de informacion: - Turno Mañana: 8 a 12 hs.

- Turno Tarde: 14 a 18 hs.

- Turno Noche: 19 a 23 hs.

ingeniera civil: - Turno Noche: 19 a 23 hs.

ingeniera electronica: - Turno Noche: 19 a 23 hs.

ingeniera en energia electronica: - Turno Noche: 19 a 23 hs.

Áreas de estudio
Area Computación

-Arquitectura de Computadoras

- Comunicaciones y redes

- Comunicaciones

- Nuevas Tecnologias de redes Wan

- Redes Avanzadas
- Redes de Informacion

- Sistemas Operativos.pdf

- Virtualizacion Consolidacion de Servidores

Area Gestión Ingenieril

- Administracion Gerencial

- Gestion del Capital Humano

- Innovacion Tecnologica, gestion del cambio y Reingenieria de los procesos

Sistemas Informaticos Industriales.

- Sistemas Informaticos para la Gestion de la calidad

- Sistemas de Gestion

Area de Modelos

-Algoritmos Genericos y Optimizacion Heurística

- Inteligencia Artificial Distribuida

- Inteligencia Artificial

- Investigacion Operativa

- Matematica Superior

- Probabilidad y Estadistica

- Simulacion

- Teoria de Control

Area Programacion

- Algoritmo y Estructura de Datos

- Aplicaciones Agiles centradas en datos

- Gestion de Datos

- Gestion de Herramientas de Diseño

- Implementacion de Base de Datos

- Matematica Discreta

- Paradigma de Programacion

- Programacion de Aplicaciones Distribuidas

- Programacion Web

- Sintaxis y Semantica de los Lenguajes

- Sistemas de Bases de Datos Avanzados

Area Sistemas de Informacion

- Administracion de Recursos

- Analisis de Sistemas

- Auditoria de Sistemas

- Diseño de Sistemas

- Habilitacion Profesional

Ingenieria de Requerimientos

- Ingenieria de Software

- Metodologia de Diseño de Sistemas

- Proyecto Final

- Seguridad Informatica

- Sistemas de Informacion Geografica

- Sistemas y Organizaciones

- Testing y Calidad de Software

Nro de materias
Tecnicatura superior en programación

FIRST YEAR (10 subjects)

2 YEAR (10 subjects)


University Technician in Industrial Maintenance

FIRST YEAR (10 subjects)

2 YEAR (10 subjects)

University Technician in Mechatronics

FIRST YEAR (10 subjects)

SECOND YEAR (8 subjects)

University Technician in Hygiene and Safety at Work

FIRST level (8 Subjects)

SECOND LEVEL (21 subjects)

THIRD LEVEL (14 subjects)


Electronic Engineering
5 Years
Electrical Engineering
5 Years
Mechanical Engineering
5 Years
Civil engineering

1 YEAR (8)
Mathematical Analysis I
Algebra and Analytic Geometry
Engineering and Society
Civil Engineering I (int)
Representation Systems
General Chemistry
Physics I
Fundamentals of Informatica
2 YEAR (7)
Mathematical Analysis II
Civil Engineering II (int)
Materials Technology
Physics II
Probability and Statistics
English I
3 YEAR (9)
Strength of Materials
Concrete Technology
Construction Technology (int)
General and Applied Hydraulics
Advanced Calculation
Legal Engineering
English II
4 YEAR (7)
Sanitary and Gas Facilities
Architectural Design Planning and Urbanism (int)
Structural Analysis I
Concrete Structure
Hydrology and Hydraulic Works
Thermomechanical Installations
Electrical and Acoustic Installations
5 YEAR (7)
Metal and Wood Constructions
Sanitary Engineering
Organization and Conduction of Works (int)
Communication Routes I
Structural Analysis II
Structural Analysis II
Communication Routes II
Final Project (int)
6 YEAR (2)
Final Project
Information Systems Engineering
1 YEAR (8)
1 Mathematical Analysis I
2 Algebra and Analytic Geometry
3 Physics I
4 English I
5 Logic and Discrete Structures
6 Algorithms and Data Structures
7 Computer Architecture
8 Business Systems and Processes
2 YEAR (8)
9 Mathematical Analysis II
10 Physics II
11 Engineering and Society
12 English II
13 Syntax and Semantics of Languages
14 Programming Paradigms
15 Operating Systems
16 Information Systems Analysis (integrative)
3 YEAR (7)
17 Probability and Statistics
18 Economy
19 Databases
20 Software Development
21 Communication of Data
22 Numerical Analysis
23 Information Systems Design (integrator)
Electives 3rd level
4 YEAR (7)
24 Legislation
25 Software Engineering and Quality
26 Data Networks
27 Operations Research
28 Simulation
29 Technologies for automation
30 Information Systems Administration (integrative)
Electives 4th level
5 YEAR (6)
31 Artificial Intelligence
32 Data Science
33 Management Systems
34 Managerial Management
35 Security in Information Systems
36 Final Project (integrative)
Electives 5th

-Internship process
1. The student must present a Work Plan with prior approval of the Supervising Professor
appointed by the Departmental Council of the Career. This Work Plan will have the agreement
of the Tutor designated by the Institution or company producing goods and / or services where
the supervised practice will be carried out or within the Career or Academic Unit for said

2. The work plan shall be submitted to the Departmental Career Council for its
authorization and contain the data of the institution, reference to the Framework Agreement
between the Tucumán Regional Faculty and the Company or Institution dedicated to the
production of goods and / or services, technical information, development methodology,
benefits, necessary resources, infrastructure and any other information considered of
magnitude of the activities or Projects to be carried out.
3. The student must include the presentation of periodic reports according to the size of the
Work, or a Final Report at the completion of the work reason for the Supervised Practice
approved by the Supervising Teacher.


1. Carry out activities of Project, Design and Construction of equipment, devices,
electromechanical installations, civil works, etc.
2. Assistance of engineering problems according to the level of study involved in the practice
3. Participate in and/or carry out repair and maintenance tasks of equipment, machines
tools, instruments, artifacts and other elements commonly used in the specialty.
4. Carry out surveys and other field activities in relation to each race.
5. Development of systems related to applied technologies of the career.
6. Perform surveillance and technical control tasks on operational operation of devices,
electromechanical installations, machinery, industrial plants, hydraulic works, etc.
7. Prepare plans of civil works, electrical and electromechanical installations.

The National Technological University (UTN) in Tucumán, Argentina, offers different discount
programs for its students. Below, we mentioned some of the discounts you could find at UTN

Economic Support Discounts: Its intended for students who are in a situation of socioeconomic
vulnerability. They are awarded to help cover tuition, transportation and/or study material
Study Discounts: These discounts are awarded to academically outstanding students, giving
them recognition and encouragement for their performance.

Research Discounts: UTN Tucumán also offers discounts for students interested in participating
in research projects. It allow them to work on specific projects and gain experience in the field
of scientific and technological research.

Sports Discounts: The university can award discounts to students with outstanding
achievements in the sports field, encouraging the development of sports and academic skills.

Student Mobility Discounts: UTN Tucumán can provide financial support to students who wish
to carry out academic exchanges or internships in other national or international institutions.

Profession to degrees
Profession to Ingenieria en sistemas de información
1. Participate in the planning, execution and control of the survey, analysis, design,
development, implementation and maintenance of information systems and software.
2. Collaborate in the evaluation of programming and data persistence systems for use in
information and software systems.
3. Prepare technical documentation for the use of software systems.
4. Participate in the definition of technical guidelines governing the operation and use of
software systems. "The Falklands are Argentine" Ministry of Education National Technological
University Rectorate 10
5. Implement test plans in the development of a software system.
6. Collaborate in the realization of expertise on software systems.
Profession to Ingenieria civil
 A. Study, feasibility, design, management, inspection, construction, operation and
maintenance of:
1. Buildings, whatever their destination with all their complementary works.
2. Resistant structures and civil and art works of all kinds.
3. Works of regulation, collection and supply of water.
4. Irrigation, drainage and drainage works.
5. Hydromechanical installations.
6. Works for the use of hydraulic energy.
7. Works of correction and fluvial regulation.
1. Works for the storage, conduction and distribution of solids and fluids.
2. Road and railway works.
3. Urban and rural sanitation works.
4. Port works, including airports and all those related to river, sea and air
5. Urban planning works with regard to the urban layout and organization of
public services related to hygiene, roads, communications and energy.
6. For all the works listed in the previous paragraphs, seismic forecasting
when aplicable

B. Studies, tasks and advice related to:

1. Soil mechanics and rock mechanics.
2. Topographic and geodesic work.
3. Planning of transport system in general.
4. Study of Transit in routes and cities.
5. Planning of the use and administration of water resources.
6. Hydrological Studies.
7. Legal, Economic and Financial Engineering and Organization matters related to the same
previous paragraphs
8. Arbitrations, expertise and appraisals related to the same previous paragraphs.
 Hygiene, safety and environmental pollution related to the previous paragraphs.



These agreements seek to establish collaborative relationships that promote the academic and
cultural exchange of students, teachers, researchers and administrative staff, the positioning of
the University at international level and the implementation of joint cooperation projects. Since
the policy of international agreements is one of the most traditional activities undertaken by
universities to establish relationships with other institutions, In 2016, the UTN started a general
analysis of this strategy, which resulted in the adoption of Resolution No. 1471/2016. In
additionn, the Internations Relations Office of Rectorate has carried out a task of systematizing
and updating the framework and specific agreements signed by the UTN in previous years, with
the purpose of evaluating the guidelines of the cooperation drawn up in the last decade and
establishing new perspectives for the internationalization model that is proposed.

- The UTN FRT offers programs to study English, French and German through alliances with
A.T.I.C.A.N.A. and the Alianza Francesa Institute. Their have course of different levels and
the UTN FRT community can attend them.


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