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Ch. 19B2 Voltage, Current, & Resistance - Question 2

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Mrs. Brannon Name___________________
Physical Science Due:
Ch. 19B2 Voltage, Current, and Resistance - questions

Explain how each of the following work.

1. Dry Cell Battery: _______________________________________________________

2. Wet Cell Battery: _______________________________________________________


3. Generator: ____________________________________________________________

4. Photovoltaic Cells: _____________________________________________________


5. What type of devices use dry cell batteries? __________________________________


6. What type of devices use wet cell batteries? __________________________________


7. What are some sources of energy that power generators? ________________________

8-10. Create a foldable – fold a piece of paper in half and cut 2 slits- that compares
Voltage, Current, and Resistance.
Include definition, abbreviation, SI units, Ohm’s Law formula for each, how it is
measured, and a comparison to flowing water in your own words
(Staple the foldable to this when turned in for full credit.)
Complete the following calculations using Ohm’s Law.
Be sure to show your work, include units and use significant digits.

____________ 11. Using Ohm’s law, find the current through a circuit with a net
resistance of 3.5 ohms having a potential difference of 3.0 V. (2 SDs)

____________ 12. A portable CD player uses one AA 1.5 V battery. When operating,
the player uses 57 mA of current. How much electrical resistance does the CD player
have? (don’t forget to convert to amps) (2 SDs)

_____________ 13. The CD player is your car has an electrical resistance of 4.5 ohms.
What battery voltage is required to supply 2.7 A of current to the CD player? (2 SDs)

_____________14. A current of 0.50 A flows in a 60-W light bulb when the voltage
difference between the ends of the filament is 120 V. What is the resistance of the
filament? (2 SDs)
(Refer to pages 462-463 for Power Calculations help.)
Power = Work/ change in time = Voltage * Current = V I
So power is how fast you use the electrical energy.
(SI units for Power is Watts)

Complete the following calculations using Power formulas (pg. 462-463).

Be sure to show your work, include units and use significant digits.

________________15. What is the power of a 3.6 V cell phone battery that provides 1.5
A current? Use the appropriate power formula found on p 221 (2 SDs)

________________16. What is the net resistance of a laptop computer that has a 11 V

battery and requires 14.5 W of power? Use the appropriate power formula found on p 221
of your textbook. (2 SDs)

_________________17. A portable CD player uses one AA 1.5 V battery. When

operating, the player uses 57 mA (0.057 A) of current. How much power, in milliwatts,
does the CD player use? (2 SDs)

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