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Williams Manual of Hematology [10th

Edition] Marshall A. Lichtman

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Manual of Hematology
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Manual of Hematology
Tenth Edition

Marshall A. Lichtman, MD
Professor Emeritus of Medicine (Hematology-Oncology)
and of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Dean Emeritus, School of Medicine and Dentistry; James P. Wilmot Cancer Institute
University of Rochester Medical Center
Rochester, New York
Kenneth Kaushansky, MD
Senior Vice President, Health Sciences
Dean, School of Medicine
SUNY Distinguished Professor
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, New York
Josef T. Prchal, MD
Professor of Hematology and Malignant Hematology
Adjunct in Genetics and Pathology
University of Utah & Huntsman Cancer Institute
Salt Lake City, Utah
1. interní klinika VFN a Ústav patologické fyziologie 1. LF School of Medicine
Universita Karlova, Prague, Czech Republic
Marcel M. Levi, MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine
Amsterdam University Medical Centers
University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Professor of Medicine
University College London
London, United Kingdom
Linda J. Burns, MD
Consultant and Sr. Scientific Director
Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
David C. Linch, FRCP, FRCPath, FMed Sci
Professor of Haematology
Cancer Program Director
UCL/UCLH Biomedical Research Centre
University College London
London, United Kingdom

New York Chicago San Francisco Athens London Madrid Mexico City
Milan New Delhi Singapore Sydney Toronto
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ISBN: 978-1-26-426921-1
MHID: 1-26-426921-8

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Plate A. Normal blood. The arrow points to a normochromic-normocytic discocyte. B. Stomatocytes. The double arrow points
to the two morphologic types o stomatocyte: upper cell with a slit-shaped pale area and lower cell with a small central circular
pale area. C. Echinocytes. The feld has several such cells. The arrow points to one example with evenly distributed, blunt, short,
circumerentially positioned projections. D. Acanthocytes. The arrow points to one example with a ew spike-shaped projections,
unevenly distributed and o varying lengths. E. Spherocytes. Small, circular, densely staining (hyperchromic) cells that, when ully
developed, show no central pallor. F. Schizocytes (schistocytes, helmet cells, ragmented red cells). These microcytic cell ragments
may assume varied shapes. The arrow points to a triangular shape, but two others o dierent shape are also present in the feld.
Despite being damaged and very small, they requently maintain a biconcave appearance, as seen by their central pallor. G. Sickle
cells (drepanocytes). Numerous sickle cells are shown. Two are in the classic shape o the blade on the agricultural sickle (arrow).
Many red cells that have undergone the transormation to a “sickle” cell take the slightly less extreme orm o elliptical cells with
a very narrow diameter with condensed hemoglobin in the center (para-crystallization). About eight such cells are in the feld.
H. Elliptocytes and ovalocytes. The lower arrow points to an elliptocyte (cigar-shaped). The upper arrow points to an ovalocyte
(ootball-shaped). Because both orms may be seen together in a case o inherited disease (same gene mutation resulting in both
shapes), as shown here, it has been proposed that all such shapes be called elliptocytes with a Roman numeral to designate the sever-
ity o the shape change toward the elliptical, that is, elliptocytes I, II, and III. I. Target cells (codocytes). The arrow points to one
characteristic example among several in the feld. The hemoglobin concentration corralled by membrane recurvature in the center o
the cell gives it the appearance o an archery target. J. Teardrop-shaped cells (dacryocytes). Three dacryocytes are in this feld. One
example is indicated by the arrow. K. Horn cell (keratocyte). Several examples are in the feld. The arrow points to a typical such
cell with two sharp projections. (Reproduced with permission rom Lichtman MA, Shaer MS, Felgar RE, et al: Lichtman’s Atlas
of Hematology 2016. New York, NY: McGraw Hill; 2017.

The 10th edition o Williams Manual of Hematology ollows soon ater the publication o the new 10th edition
o the Williams Hematology textbook, as has been the custom or the last seven editions. The Manual provides
a condensation o the essential elements o 95 o the 140 chapters o the textbook, chapters that are ocused
on describing hematologic diseases or broadly applicable therapeutic approaches, such as hematopoietic stem
cell transplantation, the pharmacology and toxicity o antineoplastic drugs, and the application o genetically
engineered chimeric antigen receptor T lymphocytes. The Manual provides the clinician with a comprehen-
sive precis o the critical elements o diagnosis and management that is easily accessible and important to the
care o patients. It is keyed to the Williams Hematology textbook, allowing the physician to move to its more
comprehensive coverage as time and interest permit. We urge all readers to avail themselves o the richness o
the ull coverage provided in the Williams Hematology 10th edition textbook.
Hematology is a discipline or which the impact o advances in genetics, immunology, molecular biology,
biotechnology, biomedical inormatics, diagnostic imaging, and cytometry and the application o these dis-
ciplines to experimental therapeutics have led to an astounding array o pharmaceutical agents, including
monoclonal antibodies, advancing our ability to treat successully and, with increasing requency, to cure
hematologic diseases. Perhaps the most dramatic o these accomplishments is the advance in the treatment
o chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). At the time o the publication o the 1st edition o Hematology in
1972 (to become Williams Hematology with the 5th edition), the 5-year survival o patients with CML was
approximately 20%. Today, study o patients consistently taking a tyrosine kinase inhibitor has ound that
they have a 90% 5-year survival. Analysis has shown that the lie expectancy o patients with CML is within
3 years o the general population in all age categories. Moreover, some patients may be cured, allowing them
to stop the drug. This dramatic and proound achievement and other parallel advances in the treatment o the
leukemias, lymphomas, myeloma, and the many nonmalignant, but consequential and oten lie-impairing or
lie-threatening, diseases o blood cells and coagulation proteins is a testament to the advances lowing rom
the investment in biomedical research.
This increase in knowledge is relected in the 10th edition o Williams Hematology being 1024 pages
longer than the 1st edition (despite artul editing!); hence, the raison d’être or the Manual as an essential
guide or the clinician. The editors o the Manual have endeavored to bring to the reader inormation,
ocused on pathogenesis, diagnosis, and management, in an organized and easy-to-use way, to assist the
clinician in the examining room, at the bedside, or when using telemedicine. The Manual has been an
important resource or clinicians preparing or certiication examinations in hematology or other disci-
plines requiring a knowledge o hematology because the inormation or patient diagnosis and manage-
ment is provided in a comprehensive document o manageable size and ormat and packed with essential
We acknowledge the authors o the chapters in the 10th edition o Williams Hematology, who provided the
basis or the exposition o pathogenesis, diagnosis, and management in each chapter. We have translated and
condensed their current and state-o-the-art inormation or the users o the Manual.
We welcome David Linch, University College London, to the editorial board o the Williams Manual (and
textbook), thereby broadening its international perspective and reach. Its international import is attested to by
its having been translated into Chinese, Greek, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish in one
recent edition or another.


We grateully acknowledge Harriet Lebowitz or editorial development o the manuscript, the administra-
tive support o Jason Malley, and our production manager Richard Ruzycka, each at McGraw-Hill Education;
the valuable assistance o Susan M. Daley in Rochester who provided administrative assistance in the prepara-
tion o the manuscript and the management o chapter low; and Warishree Pant o KnowledgeWorks Global
Ltd. or the inal composition o the book.
Marshall A. Lichtman, Rochester, New York
Kenneth Kaushansky, Stony Brook, New York
Jose T. Prchal, Salt Lake City, Utah
Marcel M. Levi, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Linda J. Burns, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
David C. Linch, London, United Kingdom

Approach to the Patient


Table 1–1 lists abnormalities that often require an evaluation by a hematologist.
The care of a patient with a hematologic disorder begins with eliciting a medical history and performing
a thorough physical examination. Certain parts of the history and physical examination that are of particular
interest to the hematologist are presented here.


• Estimation of the performance status helps establish the degree of disability and permits assessment of the
effects of therapy (Tables 1–2 and 1–3).


Decreased hemoglobin concentration (anemia)
Increased hemoglobin concentration (erythrocytosis)
Elevated serum ferritin level
Leukopenia or neutropenia
Immature granulocytes or nucleated red cells in the blood
Granulocytosis: neutrophilia, eosinophilia, basophilia, or mastocytosis
Hypergammaglobulinemia: monoclonal or polyclonal
Exaggerated bleeding: spontaneous or trauma related
Prolonged partial thromboplastin or prothrombin coagulation times
Venous thromboembolism
Obstetrical adverse events (eg, recurrent fetal loss, stillbirth, and HELLPa syndrome)
Hemolytic anemia, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count.
2 PART I Initial Clinical Evaluation


Percentage (%) Karnofsky Scale (age ≥16 years)a Lansky Scale (age ≥1 year and <16 years)b
Able to carry on normal activity; no special Able to carry on normal activity;
care is needed no special care is needed
100 Normal; no complaints, no evidence of disease Fully active
90 Able to carry on normal activity Minor restriction in physically
strenuous play
80 Normal activity with effort Restricted in strenuous play; tires more
easily; otherwise active
Unable to work; able to live at home, cares Mild to moderate restriction
for most personal needs; a varying amount
of assistance is needed
70 Cares for self; unable to carry on normal Both greater restrictions of and less time
activity or to do active work spent in active play
60 Requires occasional assistance but is able to Ambulatory up to 50% of time; limited
care for most needs active play with assistance/supervision
50 Requires considerable assistance and frequent Considerable assistance required for any active
medical care play; fully able to engage in quiet play
Unable to care for self; requires equivalent Moderate to severe restriction
of institutional or hospital care; disease
may be progressing rapidly
40 Disabled; requires special care and assistance Able to initiate quiet activities
30 Severely disabled; hospitalization indicated, Needs considerable assistance for quiet
although death not imminent activity
20 Very sick; hospitalization necessary Limited to very passive activity initiated by
10 Moribund; fatal process progressing rapidly Completely disabled; not even passive play
0 Dead Dead
The Karnofsky scale data are adapted with permission from Mor V, Laliberte L, Morris JN, Wiemann M. The Karnofsky
Performance Status Scale: An examination of its reliability and validity in a research setting. Cancer, 1984.
The Lansky scale data are adapted with permission from Lansky SB, List MA, Lansky LL, Ritter-Sterr C, Miller DR. The
measurement of performance in childhood cancer patients, Cancer, 1987.

• Drugs and chemicals may induce or aggravate hematologic diseases; drug use or chemical exposure,
intentional or inadvertent, should be evaluated. One should inquire about professionally prescribed and
self-prescribed drugs, such as herbal remedies. Occupational exposures should be defined.
• Fever may result from hematologic disease or, more often, from an associated infection. Night sweats
suggest the presence of fever. They are especially prevalent in the lymphomas.
• Weight loss may occur in some hematologic diseases.
• Fatigue, malaise, lassitude, and weakness are common but nonspecific symptoms and may be the result of
anemia, fever, or muscle wasting associated with hematologic malignancy or neurologic complications of
hematologic disease.


Grade Activity
0 Fully active; able to carry on all predisease performance without restriction
1 Restricted in physically strenuous activity but ambulatory and able to carry out work of a light
or sedentary nature (eg, light housework, office work)
2 Ambulatory and capable of all self-care but unable to carry out any work activities; up and
about >50% of waking hours
3 Capable of only limited self-care; confined to bed or chair >50% of waking hours
4 Completely disabled; cannot carry on any self-care; totally confined to bed or chair
5 Dead
Approach to the Patient CHAPTER 1 3

• Symptoms or signs related to specific organ systems or regions of the body may arise because of involve-
ment in the basic disease process, such as spinal cord compression from a plasmacytoma, ureteral or intes-
tinal obstruction from abdominal lymphoma, or stupor from exaggerated hyperleukocytosis in chronic
myelogenous leukemia.

• Hematologic disorders may be inherited as autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, or X chromosome–
linked traits (see Williams Hematology, 10th ed, Chap. 10). The family history is crucial to provide initial
clues to inherited disorders and should include information relevant to the disease in question in grandpar-
ents, parents, siblings, children, maternal uncles and aunts, and nephews. Careful and repeated questioning
is often necessary because some important details, such as the death of a sibling in infancy, may be forgot-
ten years later.
• Consanguinity should be considered in a patient who belongs to a population group prone to marrying
family members.
• Absence of a family history in a dominantly inherited disease may indicate a de novo mutation or
• Deviations from Mendelian inheritance may result from uniparental disomy (patient receives two copies
of a chromosome, or part of a chromosome, containing a mutation from one parent and no copies from the
other parent) or genetic imprinting (same abnormal gene inherited from mother has a different phenotype
than that inherited from father as a result of silencing or imprinting of one parent’s portion of DNA) (see
Williams Hematology, 10th ed, Chap. 10).

• One should obtain the history of the sexual preferences and practices of the patient.

Special attention should be paid to the following aspects of the physical examination:
• Skin: cyanosis, ecchymoses, excoriation, flushing, jaundice, leg ulcers, nail changes, pallor, petechiae,
telangiectases, rashes (eg, lupus erythematosus, leukemia cutis, cutaneous T-cell lymphoma)
• Eyes: jaundice, pallor, plethora, retinal hemorrhages, exudates, or engorgement and segmentation of retinal veins
• Mouth: bleeding, jaundice, mucosal ulceration, pallor, smooth tongue
• Lymph nodes: slight enlargement may occur in the inguinal region in healthy adults and in the cervical
region in children. Enlargement elsewhere, or moderate to marked enlargement in these regions, should be
considered abnormal
• Chest: sternal and/or rib tenderness
• Liver: enlargement
• Spleen: enlargement, splenic rub
• Joints: swelling, deformities
• Neurologic: abnormal mental state, cranial nerve abnormalities, peripheral nerve abnormalities, spinal cord signs

The blood should be evaluated, both quantitatively and qualitatively. This is usually achieved using automated
• Normal blood cell values are presented in Table 1–4. Normal total leukocyte and differential leukocyte
counts are presented in Table 1–5.
• Hemoglobin concentration and red cell count are measured directly by automated instruments.
• Packed cell volume (hematocrit) is derived from the product of erythrocyte count and the mean red cell
volume. It may also be measured directly by high-speed centrifugation of anticoagulated blood.
• Both the hemoglobin and the hematocrit are based on whole blood and are, therefore, dependent on plasma
volume. If a patient is severely dehydrated, the hemoglobin and hematocrit will be higher than if the patient
were normovolemic; if the patient is fluid overloaded, those values will be lower than their actual level
when normovolemic. In both cases, the values return to normal when normal hydration is restored.
• Mean (red) cell volume (MCV), mean (red) cell hemoglobin (MCH), and mean (red) cell hemoglobin
concentration (MCHC) are determined directly in automated cell analyzers. They may also be calculated
by using the following formulas:
hematocrit (mL/dL or %)
MCV = × 10
erythrocyte count (×1012 /L)
4 PART I Initial Clinical Evaluation


Men Women Either
White cell count,a × 109/L blood 7.8 (4.4–11.3)b
Red cell count, × 1012/L blood 5.21 (4.52–5.90) 4.60 (4.10–5.10)
Hemoglobin, g/dL blood 15.7 (14.0–17.5)c 13.8 (12.3–15.3)c
Hematocrit (volume of packed red cells as a 0.46 (0.42–0.50) 0.40 (0.36–0.45)
ratio to a volume of blood)
Mean cell volume, fL/red cell 88.0 (80.0–96.1)
Mean cell hemoglobin, pg/red cell 30.4 (27.5–33.2)
Mean cell hemoglobin concentration, 34.4 (33.4–35.5)
g/dL red cell
Red cell distribution width, CV (%) 13.1 (11.5–14.5)
Platelet count, × 109/L blood 311 (172–450)
The International Committee for Standardization in Hematology recommends that SI units be used as follows: white cell count,
number × 109/L; red cell count, number × 1012/L; and hemoglobin, g/dL (dL = deciliter). The hematocrit (packed cell volume) is
given as a numerical proportion, for example, 0.41, without designated units. Units of liter (of red cells) per liter (of blood) are
implied. Mean cell volume is given as femtoliters (fL), mean cell hemoglobin as picograms (pg), and mean corpuscular hemo-
globin concentration as g/dL. Platelets are reported as number × 109/L. CV = coefficient of variation.
The mean and reference intervals (normal range) are given. Because the distribution curves may be non-Gaussian, the refer-
ence interval is the nonparametric central 95% confidence interval. Results are based on 426 normal adult men and 212 normal
adult women, with studies performed on the Coulter Model S-Plus IV. The normal intervals in this table may vary somewhat in
different laboratories and in populations with varying ethnic distributions. For example, the mean neutrophil count in persons
of African descent is approximately 1.5 × 109/L below that for individuals of European descent of similar sex and age. This differ-
ence also decreases the total leukocyte count in Americans of African descent by a similar concentration.
The hemoglobin level of individuals of African descent is approximately 1.0 g/dL below that for individuals of European descent
of similar sex and age.

• The units are femtoliters (fL).

• MCH is calculated as follows:
hemoglobin (g/L)
MCH = × 10
erythrocyte count (×1012 /L)

• The units are picograms (pg) per cell.

• MCHC is calculated as follows:
hemoglobin (g/L)
MCHC = × 10
hematocrit (mL/dL or %)

• The units are grams of hemoglobin per deciliter (g/dL) of erythrocytes, or a percentage.
• The MCH may decrease or increase as a reflection of decreases or increases in red cell volume as well as
actual increases or decreases in red cell hemoglobin concentration. The MCHC controls for those changes
in red cell size, providing a more reliable measurement of hemoglobin concentration of red cells.
• Red cell distribution width (RDW) is calculated by automatic counters and reflects the variability in red cell
size. The term width in RDW is misleading; it is a measure of the coefficient of variation of the volume of
the red cells and not the diameter. It is expressed as a percentage.
RDW = (Standard deviation of MCV ÷ mean MCV) × 100
— Normal values are 11% to 14% of 1.0.
— The presence of anisocytosis may be inferred from an elevated RDW value.
• Reticulocyte index. This variable is derived from the reticulocyte count and gives an estimate of the marrow
response to anemia reflecting the red cell production rate.
— The normal marrow with adequate iron availability can increase red cell production two to three times
acutely and four to six times over a longer period of time.
— The reticulocyte index is used to determine if anemia is more likely the result of decreased red cell
production or accelerated destruction in the circulation (hemolysis).
— By convention, hemolysis should be considered if the reticulocyte index is more than two times the
basal value of 1.0.
Leukocytes Total Hemoglobin
Age (× 109/L) Total Band Segmented Eosinophils Basophils Lymphocytes Monocytes (g/dL blood)
12 mo 11.4 (6.0–17.5) 3.5 (1.5–8.5) 0.35 (0–1.0) 3.2 (1.0–8.5) 0.30 (0.05–0.70) 0.05 (0–0.20) 7.0 (4.0–10.5) 0.55 (0.05–1.1) 12.6 (11.1–14.1)
31 3.1 28 2.6 0.4 61 4.8
4y 9.1 (5.5–15.5) 3.8 (1.5–8.5) 0.27 (0–1.0) 3.5 (1.5–7.5) 0.25 (0.02–0.65) 0.05 (0–0.2) 4.5 (2.0–8.0) 0.45 (0–0.8) 12.7 (11.2–14.3)
42 3.0 39 2.8 0.6 50 5.0
6y 8.5 (5.0–14.5) 4.3 (1.5–8.0) 0.25 (0–1.0) 4.0 (1.5–7.0) 0.23 (0–0.65) 0.05 (0–0.2) 3.5 (1.5–7.0) 0.40 (0–0.8) 13.0 (11.4–14.5)

Approach to the Patient

51 3.0 48 2.7 0.6 42 4.7
10 y 8.1 (4.5–13.5) 4.4 (1.8–8.0) 0.24 (0–1.0) 4.2 (1.8–7.0) 0.20 (0–0.60) 0.04 (0–0.2) 3.1 (1.5–6.5) 0.35 (0–0.8) 13.4 (11.8–15.0)
54 3.0 51 2.4 0.5 38 4.3
21 y 7.4 (4.5–11.0) 4.4 (1.8–7.7) 0.22 (0–0.7) 4.2 (1.8–7.0) 0.20 (0–0.45) 0.04 (0–0.2) 2.5 (1.0–4.8) 0.30 (0–0.8) M: 15.5 (13.5–17.5)
59 3.0 56 2.7 0.5 34 4.0 F: 13.8 (12.0–15.6)
The means and ranges are in × 109 cells per L. This table is provided as a guide. Normal ranges should be validated by the clinical laboratory for the specific methods in use. The number in italics is
mean percentage of total leukocytes.

6 PART I Initial Clinical Evaluation

— This calculation assumes (1) the red cell life span is ~100 days; (2) a normal reticulocyte is identifi-
able in the blood with supravital staining for 1 day; (3) the red cell life span is finite and the oldest 1%
of red cells are removed and replaced each day; and (4) a reticulocyte count of 1% in an individual
with a normal red cell count represents the normal red cell production rate per day; thus, 1 is the basal
reticulocyte index.
— The reticulocyte index provides the incidence of new red cells released per day as an estimate of mar-
row response to anemia.
• Consider a patient with a red cell count of 2 × 1012/L and a reticulocyte count of 15%. The reticulocyte
index is calculated as follows:
— Corrected reticulocyte percent = observed reticulocyte percent × observed red cell count/normal red
cell count. Calculation for patient values in this example = 15 × 2.0/5.0 = 6. This adjustment corrects
the percentage of reticulocytes for the decreased red cells in an anemic person. This calculation pro-
vides the prevalence of reticulocytes, but we want to know the incidence of reticulocytes (per day).
— In anemia, under the influence of elevated erythropoietin, reticulocytes do not mature in the marrow
for 3 days and then circulate for 1 day before they degrade their ribosomes and cannot be identified
as such. Reticulocytes are released prematurely and thus may be identifiable in the circulation for 2 or
3 days and not reflect new red cells delivered that day, as in the normal state.
— The corrected reticulocyte percentage must be adjusted for premature release of reticulocytes. This is
done by dividing the corrected reticulocyte percentage by a factor related to the severity of anemia from
1.5 to 3. In practice, the value 2 is usually used as an approximation.
— Thus, the corrected reticulocyte percentage of 6 ÷ 2 results in a reticulocyte index of three times the
basal value, indicating red cell production is increased and the anemia is likely hemolytic.
• Enumeration of erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets can be performed using manual methods by using
diluting pipettes, a specially designed counting chamber, and a light microscope, but an electronic method
provides much more precise data and is now used nearly universally for blood cell counts.
• Leukocyte differential count can be obtained from stained blood films prepared on glass slides. Automated
techniques may be used for screening purposes, in which case, abnormal cells are called out and examined
microscopically by an experienced observer. Normal values for specific leukocyte types in adults are given
in Table 1–5. The identifying features of the various types of normal leukocytes are shown in Figure 1–1
and are detailed in Williams Hematology, 10th ed, Chap. 2; Chap. 61 (neutrophils); Chap. 65 (eosinophils);
Chap. 66 (basophils); Chap. 67 (monocytes and macrophages); and Chap. 73 (lymphocytes).
• Electronic methods that provide rapid and accurate classification of leukocyte types based largely on
the physical properties of the cells have been developed and are in general use, as described in Williams
Hematology, 10th ed, Chap. 2.
• Properly stained blood films also provide important information on the morphology of erythrocytes and
platelets as well as leukocytes.
• Examination of the blood film may reflect the presence of a number of diseases of the blood. These are
listed in Table 1–6.

Infancy and Childhood

• Some components of the blood count in infancy and childhood differ significantly from those in adults.
• Hemoglobin levels are high at birth (19.3 ± 2.2 [s.d.] g/dL) but fall over the first 12 weeks of life to reach
levels that persist throughout childhood (11.3 ± 0.9 [s.d.] g/dL). Adult levels in males are achieved after
puberty. Red cell values for infants during the first 12 weeks of life are given in Williams Hematology, 10th
ed, Chap. 6, Table 6–2.
• The mean leukocyte count is high at birth (mean of 18 × 109/L); neutrophils compose about 60% of the
cells. The leukocyte count falls over the next 2 weeks or so, to reach levels that persist throughout child-
hood. Lymphocytes are the predominant cell type for the remainder of the first 4 years of life (45%–55%).
Further details can be found in Williams Hematology, 10th ed, Chap. 6, Table 6–3.
• Platelet counts are at adult levels throughout childhood.
• Leukocyte function may be depressed in normal infants in the newborn period.
• Reference values for coagulation factors in neonates and infants may be found in Williams Hematology,
10th ed, Chap. 6, Table 6–6, and for coagulation factor inhibitors in neonates and infants in Table 6–7.

Effects of Aging
• See Williams Hematology, 10th ed, Chap. 8.
• Blood count and cell function may also vary with advanced age.
• The hemoglobin level of men older than 65 years of age is statistically lower than that of younger men, even
in the absence of a demonstrable cause for anemia, but is not sufficiently lower to warrant use of specific
normal values for older men. The decrease in red cell mass is related in part to lower testosterone levels.
Anemia in an older person warrants careful evaluation as to its cause before concluding it is the anemia of
Approach to the Patient CHAPTER 1 7



FIGURE 1–1 Images from a normal blood film showing major leukocyte types. The red cells are normocytic (normal size) and
normochromic (normal hemoglobin content) with normal shape. The scattered platelets are normal in frequency and morphol-
ogy. Images are taken from the optimal portion of the blood film for morphologic analysis. A. A platelet caught sitting in the
biconcavity of the red cell in the preparation of the blood film—a segmented (polymorphonuclear) neutrophil and, in the inset, a
band neutrophil. This normal finding should not be mistaken for a red cell inclusion. B. A monocyte. C. A small lymphocyte. D.
A large granular lymphocyte. Note that it is larger than the lymphocyte in C with an increased amount of cytoplasm containing
scattered eosinophilic granules. E. An eosinophil. Virtually all normal blood eosinophils are bilobed and filled with relatively
large (compared to the neutrophil) eosinophilic granules. F. Basophil and, in inset, a basophil that was less degranulated during
film preparation, showing relatively large basophilic granules. The eosinophilic and basophilic granules are readily resolvable by
light microscopy (×1000), whereas the neutrophilic granules are not resolvable but, in the aggregate, impart a faint tan coloration
to the neutrophil cytoplasm, quite distinctly different from the blue-gray cytoplasmic coloring of the monocyte and lymphocyte.

• The hemoglobin level in women does not change significantly with advancing age.
• Total and differential leukocyte counts also do not change significantly with advancing age.
• Leukocytosis in response to infection (eg, appendicitis or pneumonia) is the same in older individuals as
in people younger than age 60, but special studies indicate that the marrow granulocyte reserve may be
reduced in older persons.
• Both cellular and humoral immune responses are reduced in older patients.
• The erythrocyte sedimentation rate increases significantly with age.
• Aging is associated with a net procoagulant propensity and an increased risk of venous thrombosis.

Utility of the Blood Film in Diagnosis

• The blood film is invaluable in developing the differential diagnosis or the specific diagnosis of a blood cell
disorder. Table 1–6 lists several situations in which the blood film can be important or decisive.

The Marrow
• Examination of the marrow is important in the diagnosis and management of a variety of hematologic
• All bones contain hematopoietic marrow at birth.
8 PART I Initial Clinical Evaluation

Disease Findings on Blood Film
Immune hemolytic anemia Spherocytes, polychromatophilia, erythrocyte agglutination,
Hereditary spherocytosis Spherocytes, polychromatophilia
Hereditary elliptocytosis Elliptocytes
Hereditary ovalocytosis Ovalocytes
Hemoglobin C disease Target cells, spherocytes
Hemoglobin S disease Sickle cells
Hemoglobin SC Target cells, sickle cells
Thalassemia minor (alpha or beta) Microcytosis, target cells, teardrop cells, basophilic stippling, other
misshapen cells
Thalassemia major (alpha or beta) Microcytosis, target cells, basophilic stippling, teardrop cells, other
misshapen cells (often more exaggerated than minor form)
Iron deficiency Microcytosis, hypochromia, absence of basophilic stippling
Lead poisoning Basophilic stippling
Vitamin B12 or folic acid deficiency Macrocytosis, with oval macrocytes, hypersegmented neutrophils
Myeloma, macroglobulinemia Pathologic rouleaux formation
Malaria, babesiosis, others Parasites in the erythrocytes
Consumptive coagulopathy Fragmented red cells (schistocytes)
Mechanical hemolysis Fragmented red cells (schistocytes)
Severe infection Increase in neutrophils; increased band forms, Döhle bodies,
neutrophil vacuoles
Infectious mononucleosis Reactive lymphocytes
Agranulocytosis Decreased neutrophils
Allergic reactions Eosinophilia
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia Absolute small-cell lymphocytosis
Chronic myelogenous leukemia Promyelocytes, myelocytes, basophils, hypersegmented neutrophils
Oligoblastic myelogenous leukemia Blast forms, acquired Pelger-Huët neutrophil nuclear abnormality,
(myelodysplasia) hypogranular neutrophils, anisocytosis, poikilocytosis, abnormally
sized or granulated platelets
Clonal cytopenias (myelodysplasia) Anisocytosis, anisochromia, poikilocytosis, hypogranular neutrophils,
acquired Pelger-Huët neutrophil nuclear abnormality, neutropenia,
thrombocytopenia, giant platelets
Acute leukemia Blast cells
Thrombocytopenia Decreased platelets
Thrombocytosis or Increased platelets

• Fat cells begin to replace hematopoietic marrow in the extremities in the fifth to sixth year of life.
• In adults, hematopoietic marrow is principally located in the axial skeleton (ribs, spine, sternum, pelvis,
scapula, clavicle, and base of the skull) and the proximal quarter of the humeri and femora.
• Hematopoietic marrow cellularity is reduced in the elderly, falling after age 60 from about 50% to 30%,
roughly in inverse proportion to age.
• Marrow is obtained by aspiration and/or needle biopsy. The most frequently utilized site is the iliac crest at
the posterior superior iliac spine. Modern biopsy instruments provide excellent material for diagnostic study.
• Aspirated marrow may be evaluated after preparation of films on glass slides and appropriate staining are
• Marrow biopsies are examined after fixation, sectioning, and staining. “Touch” preparations are made by
holding the biopsy specimen with a forceps and touching the end to one or more clean slides in several
places. The slides are quickly air dried, fixed with methanol, and stained. Morphologic details of the cells
are preserved with this type of preparation and thus provide additional information.
Approach to the Patient CHAPTER 1 9

• Interpretation of marrow films and biopsy sections is discussed in Williams Hematology, 10th ed, Chap. 2
and in chapters describing specific diseases for which a marrow examination is usually performed. Williams
Hematology, 10th ed, Table 2–3 contains the normal differential count of cells in the marrow.

For a more detailed discussion, see Vishnu Reddy and Diana Morlote: Examination of
Blood and Marrow Cells, Chap. 2; James Palis and George B. Segel: Hematology of the
Fetus and Newborn, Chap. 6; William B. Ershler, Emma Groarke, and Neal S. Young: Hema-
tology in Older Persons, Chap. 8; Taco Kuijpers: Structure, Composition, Distribution,
and Production of Neutrophils, Chap. 61; William Shomali and Jason Gotlib: Eosinophils
and Their Disorders, Chap. 65; Stephen J. Galli, Dean D. Metcalfe, and Daniel A. Arber:
Basophils and Mast Cells and Their Disorders, Chap. 66; Steven D. Douglas and Ann
G. Douglas: Structure, Biochemistry, and Function of Monocytes and Macrophages,
Chap. 67; Natarajan Muthusamy and Michael A. Caligiuri: Structure of Lymphocytes and
Plasma Cells, Chap. 73 in Williams Hematology, 10th ed.
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Classification of Anemias and Erythrocytoses
• Clinically significant red cell disorders can be classified into:
— Disorders in which the red cell mass is decreased (anemias). The principal effect is decreased oxygen-
carrying capacity of the blood. Their impact is best expressed in terms of hemoglobin concentration.
— Disorders in which the red cell mass is increased (erythrocytoses); often referred to as polycythemia.
Here we have chosen to refer to polycythemia vera as polycythemia and other increases in red cell mass
as erythrocytosis. The principal effect is related to an increased viscosity of the blood (see Figure 2–1). In
addition to their specific effects, they are best expressed in terms of packed red cell volume (hematocrit).

O2 transport ( 1
x Hct)
14 viscosity

O2 transport
Viscosity relative to H2O


2 Viscosity

0 20 40 60 80 100
Hematocrit (%)

FIGURE 2–1 Viscosity of heparinized normal human blood related to hematocrit (Hct). Viscosity is measured with an Ostwald
viscosimeter at 37°C and expressed in relation to viscosity of saline solution. Oxygen transport is computed from Hct and oxygen
flow (1/viscosity) and is recorded in arbitrary units. Please note this curve of oxygen transport applies when red cell mass is normal.
When red cell mass is increased, the tissue oxygen delivery increases and the curve shifts to the right; when decreased, it shifts to
the left.
12 PART II Disorders of Red Cells

• The red cell mass is the volume of the mass of red cells in the circulation.
— The normal red cell mass among women is 23 to 29 mL/kg.
— The normal red cell mass among men is 26 to 32 mL/kg.
— More accurate formulas based on body surface have been recommended.
• Because the red cells are measured either as a concentration in the blood as the red cell count, the hemoglobin
content of the blood, or the hematocrit (packed red cell volume per 100 mL of blood), rather than the volume
of the red cell mass in the total circulation, the anemias and erythrocytoses can each be subclassified as:
— Relative, where the red cell mass is normal but the amount of plasma is increased (relative anemia) or
decreased (relative erythrocytosis).
— Absolute, where the red cell mass is decreased (true anemia) or increased (true erythrocytosis).
• The various types of anemia are classified in Table 2–1.
• It is essential that the specific cause of anemia be determined. The initial laboratory approach to the diagnosis of
anemia follows, and these four parameters should be the prelude to guide further specific testing.
— Hematocrit, hemoglobin, or red cell count to determine degree of anemia. In most cases, these three
variables are closely correlated. Hemoglobin concentration is the most direct measure of oxygen-
carrying capacity.
— Red cell indices, which include mean cell volume (MCV), mean cell hemoglobin (MCH), and mean
cell hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), to determine whether normocytic, macrocytic, or microcytic
and normochromic or hypochromic red cells are present; this parameter is an average value.
— Measurement of red cell distribution width (RDW) to obtain a measure of anisocytosis.
— Reticulocyte count or index to estimate whether marrow response suggests inadequacy of red cell
production or an appropriate erythropoietic response to hemolysis (or acute bleeding). The latter event
is usually readily apparent clinically.


I. Absolute anemia (decreased red cell volume)
A. Decreased red cell production
1. Acquired
a. Pluripotential stem cell failure
(1) Autoimmune (aplastic anemia) (see Chap. 3)
(a) Radiation induced
(b) Drugs and chemicals (chloramphenicol, benzene, etc.)
(c) Viruses (non-A-G, H hepatitis, Epstein-Barr virus, etc.)
(d) Idiopathic
(2) Anemia of leukemia and of myelodysplastic syndromes (see Chaps. 45 and 46)
(3) Anemia associated with marrow infiltration (see Chap. 12)
(4) Postchemotherapy (see Chap. 38)
b. Erythroid progenitor cell failure
(1) Pure red cell aplasia (parvovirus B19 infection, drugs, associated with thymoma, autoantibodies,
etc. [see Chap. 4])
(2) Endocrine disorders (see Chap. 6)
(3) Acquired sideroblastic anemia (drugs, copper deficiency, etc. [see Chap. 11])
c. Functional impairment of erythroid and other progenitors due to nutritional and other causes
(1) Megaloblastic anemias (see Chap. 8)
(a) B12 deficiency
(b) Folate deficiency
(c) Acute megaloblastic anemia because of nitrous oxide (N2O)
(d) Drug-induced megaloblastic anemia (pemetrexed, methotrexate, phenytoin toxicity, etc.)
(2) Iron-deficiency anemia (see Chap. 9)
(3) Anemia resulting from other nutritional deficiencies (see Chap. 10)
(4) Anemia of chronic disease and inflammation (see Chap. 5)
(5) Anemia of renal disease (see Chap. 5)
(6) Anemia caused by chemical agents (lead toxicity [see Chap. 20])
(7) Acquired thalassemias (seen in some clonal hematopoietic disorders [see Chaps. 15 and 40])
(8) Erythropoietin antibodies (see Chap. 4)
2. Hereditary
a. Pluripotential hematopoietic stem cell failure (see Chap. 3)
(1) Fanconi anemia
(2) Shwachman syndrome
(3) Dyskeratosis congenita
Classification of Anemias and Erythrocytoses CHAPTER 2 13


b. Erythroid progenitor cell failure
(1) Diamond-Blackfan syndrome (see Chap. 3)
(2) Congenital dyserythropoietic syndromes (see Chap. 7)
c. Functional impairment of erythroid and other progenitors from nutritional and other causes
(1) Megaloblastic anemias (see Chap. 8)
(a) Selective malabsorption of vitamin B12 (Imerslund-Gräsbeck disease)
(b) Congenital intrinsic factor deficiency
(c) Transcobalamin II deficiency
(d) Inborn errors of cobalamin metabolism (methylmalonic aciduria, homocystinuria, etc.)
(e) Inborn errors of folate metabolism (congenital folate malabsorption, dihydrofolate
deficiency, methyltransferase deficiency, etc.)
(2) Inborn purine and pyrimidine metabolism defects (Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, hereditary orotic
aciduria, etc.)
(3) Disorders of iron metabolism (see Chap. 9)
(a) Hereditary atransferrinemia
(b) Hypochromic anemia caused by divalent metal transporter (DMT)-1 mutation
(4) Hereditary sideroblastic anemia (see Chap. 11)
(5) Thalassemias (see Chap. 15)
B. Increased red cell destruction
1. Acquired
a. Mechanical
(1) Macroangiopathic (march hemoglobinuria, artificial heart valves [see Chap. 19])
(2) Microangiopathic (disseminated intravascular coagulation [DIC]; thrombotic thrombocytopenic
purpura [TTP]; vasculitis [see Chaps. 19, 85, and 90])
(3) Parasites and microorganisms (malaria, bartonellosis, babesiosis, Clostridium perfringens, etc.
[see Chap. 21])
b. Antibody mediated
(1) Warm-type autoimmune hemolytic anemia (see Chap. 22)
(2) Cryopathic syndromes (cold agglutinin disease, paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria, cryoglobulinemia
[see Chap. 23])
(3) Transfusion reactions (immediate and delayed [see Chap. 91])
c. Hypersplenism (see Chap. 26)
d. Red cell membrane disorders (see Chap. 13)
(1) Spur cell hemolysis
(2) Acquired acanthocytosis and acquired stomatocytosis, etc.
e. Chemical injury and complex chemicals (arsenic, copper, chlorate, spider, scorpion, and snake
venoms, etc. [see Chap. 20])
f. Physical injury (heat, oxygen, radiation [see Chap. 20])
2. Hereditary
a. Hemoglobinopathies (see Chap. 16)
(1) Sickle cell disease
(2) Unstable hemoglobins
b. Red cell membrane disorders (see Chap. 13)
(1) Cytoskeletal membrane disorders (hereditary spherocytosis, elliptocytosis, pyropoikilocytosis)
(2) Lipid membrane disorders (hereditary abetalipoproteinemia, hereditary stomatocytosis, etc.)
(3) Membrane disorders associated with abnormalities of erythrocyte antigens (McLeod syndrome,
Rh deficiency syndromes, etc.)
(4) Membrane disorders associated with abnormal transport (hereditary xerocytosis)
c. Red cell enzyme defects (pyruvate kinase, 5′ nucleotidase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
deficiencies, other red cell membrane disorders [see Chap. 14])
d. Porphyrias (congenital erythropoietic and hepatoerythropoietic porphyrias, rarely congenital
erythropoietic protoporphyria [see Chap. 28])
C. Blood loss and blood redistribution
1. Acute blood loss
2. Splenic sequestration crisis (see Chap. 26)
II. Relative (increased plasma volume)
A. Macroglobulinemia (see Chap. 69)
B. Pregnancy
C. Athletes (see Chap. 19)
D. Postflight astronauts
14 PART II Disorders of Red Cells

— Examination of the blood film to determine red cell size and shape, hemoglobin content, presence of
red cell inclusions, presence of agglutination or rouleaux formation, presence of nonhematopoietic par-
ticles such as parasites (ie, Babesia and Plasmodium species) and helminths (ie, Wuchereria bancrofti,
nematodes), and accompanying abnormalities of white cells and platelets.
• Important caveats:
— Red cell size and hemoglobin content are best determined from their indices because the blood film
will usually make evident only gross deviations (eg, the need to estimate red cell volume from a two-
dimensional area). Moreover, the blood in macrocytic anemia usually contains many microcytic cells
and in microcytic anemias, many normocytic cells, which makes determination of the average red cell
volume from a blood film difficult.


I. Absolute (true) polycythemia (increased red cell volume) (see Chap. 27)
A. Primary polycythemia
1. Acquired: polycythemia vera (see Chap. 42)
2. Hereditary (see Chap. 27): primary familial and congenital erythrocytosis/polycythemia (PFCP)
a. Erythropoietin receptor mutations
b. Unknown gene mutations
B. Secondary erythrocytosis
1. Acquired (see Chap. 27)
a. Hypoxemia
(1) Chronic lung disease
(2) Sleep apnea
(3) Right-to-left cardiac shunts
(4) High altitude
(5) Smoking
b. Carboxyhemoglobinemia (see Chap. 18)
(1) Smoking
(2) Carbon monoxide poisoning
c. Autonomous erythropoietin production (see Chap. 27)
(1) Hepatocellular carcinoma
(2) Renal cell carcinoma
(3) Cerebellar hemangioblastoma
(4) Pheochromocytoma
(5) Parathyroid carcinoma
(6) Meningioma
(7) Uterine leiomyoma
(8) Polycystic kidney disease
d. Exogenous erythropoietin administration ("EPO doping") (see Chap. 27)
e. Complex or uncertain etiology
(1) Postrenal transplant (probable abnormal angiotensin II signaling) (see Chap. 27)
(2) Androgen/anabolic steroids (see Chap. 27)
2. Hereditary
a. High-oxygen affinity hemoglobins (see Chaps. 17 and 18)
b. 2,3-Bisphosphoglycerate deficiency (see Chap. 14)
c. Congenital methemoglobinemias (recessive, ie, cytochrome b5 reductase deficiency, dominant
globin mutations [see Chaps. 14 and 18])
d. EPO gene mutations (see Chap. 27)
e. Iron responsive protein 1 (IRP1) mutations (see Chap. 27)
C. Disorders of hypoxia sensing (see Chap. 27)
1. Proven or suspected congenital disorders of hypoxia sensing
a. Chuvash erythrocytosis
b. High erythropoietin polycythemias due to mutations of von Hippel-Lindau gene other than
Chuvash mutation
c. HIF-2α (EPASI) mutations
d. PHD2 (EGLN1) mutations
II. Relative (spurious) polycythemia (normal red cell volume) (see Chap. 27)
A. Dehydration
B. Diuretics
C. Smoking
D. Gaisböck syndrome
Classification of Anemias and Erythrocytoses CHAPTER 2 15

— In general, the abnormalities in size, hemoglobin content, and shape are approximately correlated with
severity of anemia. If the anemia is slight, the other changes are often subtle.
— Anemia classically categorized as macrocytic or microcytic may be present in the face of red cell
volumes that are in the normal range. This may be the case because the anemia is so mild that red cell
volumes have not yet deviated beyond the normal range or, with more severe anemias, because of con-
founding effects of two causal factors (eg, iron deficiency and folate deficiency), or well-established
megaloblastic anemia may have a normocytic index in otherwise asymptomatic individuals such as
those who are silent carriers or have α-thalassemia trait (one or two α-globin deletions) (see Chap. 15).
• A classification of the major causes of erythrocytosis is shown in Table 2–2.
• It is important to search for the specific cause of erythrocytosis. The diagnosis of erythrocytoses is dis-
cussed in Chaps. 27 (polyclonal erythrocytoses) and 42 (polycythemia vera).

For a more detailed discussion, see Josef T. Prchal: Clinical Manifestations and Classi-
fication of Erythrocyte Disorders, Chap. 35; Josef T. Prchal: Erythropoiesis and Red Cell
Turnover, Chap. 34; Josef T. Prchal: Primary and Secondary Erythrocytosis, Chap. 60;
Mohandas Narla: Structure and Composition of the Erythrocyte, Chap. 33 in Williams
Hematology, 10th ed.
16 PART II Disorders of Red Cells

Aplastic Anemia: Acquired and Inherited

• Aplastic anemia is marked by pancytopenia with markedly hypocellular marrow and normal marrow cell
• Incidence worldwide is 2 to 5 cases per million population per year and 5 to 12 cases per million popula-
tion per year in the United States (and in other industrialized countries). Incidence is approximately twice
as high in Asian countries.
• Peak incidences are between ages 15 and 25 and 65 and 69 years.
• The definitions for spectrum of severity of aplastic anemia are shown in Table 3–1.


• Immune suppression of marrow by autoreactive T lymphocytes
• Toxic injury to stem and/or progenitor cells (eg, certain chemotherapy or drugs) (Table 3–2)
• Inherited intrinsic stem cell defect (eg, Fanconi anemia)

Acquired (Table 3–3)

• Acquired T lymphocyte–mediated autoimmune suppression of hematopoietic stem cells and/or progenitor
cells in most cases (~70%)
• Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) (may be manifest by cytopenias and hypoplastic marrow)
• Chemicals (eg, high-dose benzene exposure); rare today in countries with workplace and product regula-
tions limiting exposure
• Drugs (eg, chloramphenicol; see Table 3–2 for most frequent offenders; see also Williams Hematology,
10th ed, Chap. 36, Table 36–3 for a more complete list)


Diagnostic Reticulocyte Neutrophil Platelet
Categories Hemoglobin Concentration Count Count Marrow Biopsy Comments
Moderately <100 g/L <40 × 109/L <1.5 × 109/L <50 × 109/L Marked At the time of
severe decrease of diagnosis at
hematopoietic least two of
cells three blood
counts should
meet these
Severe <90 g/L <30 × 109/L <0.5 × 109/L <30 × 109/L Marked decrease Search for a his-
or absence of tocompatible
hematopoietic sibling should
cells be made if age
Very severe <80 g/L <20 × 109/L <0.2 × 109/L <20 × 109/L Marked decrease Search for a his-
or absence of tocompatible
hematopoietic sibling should
cells be made if age
These values are approximations and must be considered in the context of an individual patient’s situation. (In some clinical
trials, the blood count thresholds for moderately severe aplastic anemia are higher [eg, platelet count <100 × 109/L and absolute
reticulocyte count <60,000 × 109/L].) The marrow biopsy may contain the usual number of lymphocytes and plasma cells; “hot
spots,” focal areas of erythroid cells, may be seen. No fibrosis, abnormal cells, or malignant cells should be evident in the marrow.
Dysmorphic features of blood or marrow cells are not features of acquired aplastic anemia. Ethnic differences in the lower limit
of the absolute neutrophil count should be considered. (See Williams Hematology, 10th ed, Chaps. 62 and 63.)
Aplastic Anemia: Acquired and Inherited CHAPTER 3 17

Gold salts
Drugs with 30 or more reported cases.

• Viruses (eg, Epstein-Barr; non-A, -B, -C, -D, -E, or -G hepatitis; human immunodeficiency virus)
• Immune and connective tissue diseases (eg, eosinophilic fasciitis, Hashimoto thyroiditis, Graves disease,
systemic lupus erythematosus)
• Pregnancy
• Iatrogenic or accidental (eg, intensive radiation to marrow-bearing bones, intensive marrow-suppressive


Drugs (see Table 3–2)
Chlorinated hydrocarbons
Epstein-Barr virus
Non-A, -B, -C, -D, -E, or -G hepatitis virus
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
Autoimmune/connective tissue disorders
Eosinophilic fasciitis
Immune thyroid disease (Graves disease, Hashimoto thyroiditis)
Rheumatoid arthritis
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Cytotoxic drug therapy
Fanconi anemia
Dyskeratosis congenita
Shwachman-Diamond syndrome
Other rare syndromes (see Table 3–4)
18 PART II Disorders of Red Cells

Inherited (see Table 3–3)

• Fanconi anemia
— Inheritance is autosomal recessive.
— Any of 16 gene mutations, FANCA through FANCQ, account for about 95% of cases.
— Macrocytosis and poikilocytosis may precede cytopenias.
— Cytopenias, sometimes starting with thrombocytopenia, develop after age 5 to 10 years.
— Marrow hypocellularity explains cytopenias.
— Short stature; abnormal skin pigmentation (café-au-lait spots); skeletal abnormalities (eg, dysplastic
radii and thumbs); heart, kidney, and eye anomalies; microcephaly; and hypogonadism in different
combinations are often noted.
— Chromosome fragility may be present, especially after exposure to DNA cross-linking agents such as
diepoxybutane (used as a diagnostic test).
— Androgens occasionally may improve hematopoiesis.
— Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation can be curative.
— There is risk of acute myelogenous leukemia and other cancers.
• Dyskeratosis congenita
— Inheritance patterns: autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, and X-linked (see Williams Hematology,
10th ed, Chap. 36, Table 36–13)
— Gene mutations identified in majority of cases
— Mutations involving genes encoding proteins in the telomerase complex
— Resulting abnormalities in telomere length
— Mucocutaneous (eg, skin hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation, alopecia leukoplakia) and finger
and toenail abnormalities (ridging and longitudinal splitting, atrophy) in childhood
— Pulmonary (eg, fibrosis), gastrointestinal (eg, esophageal webs), urogenital (eg, hypospadias), neuro-
logic (eg, learning impairment), and skeletal (eg, hypoplasia of mandible) findings
— Aplastic anemia in early adulthood: principal cause of death
— Increased incidence of various mucosal cancers (eg, squamous cell carcinoma of mouth, nasopharynx,
esophagus, rectum, vagina, others)
• Shwachman-Diamond syndrome
— The cause is mutation in the SBDS (Shwachman-Bodian-Diamond syndrome) gene on chromosome 7.
— Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency and neutropenia occur. Pancreatic endocrine function (insulin secretion)
generally remains intact.
— Neutropenia with functionally abnormal neutrophils (defective chemotaxis) is present in virtually all
— Anemia and thrombocytopenia are less common.
— Elevated hemoglobin F occurs in most patients.
— Pancytopenia occurs in about 20% of patients.
— Patients usually present in early infancy with malabsorption; steatorrhea; failure to thrive; and deficien-
cies of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.
— Approximately 50% of patients regain exocrine pancreatic function during later childhood.
— Skeletal anomalies (eg, short stature, osteochondrodysplasia [cartilage and bone anomalies], osteopo-
rosis) are present in about 75% of patients.
— Recurrent bacterial infections (eg, upper respiratory tract infections, otitis media, sinusitis, pneumonia,
paronychia, osteomyelitis, bacteremia) occur.
— Enzyme replacement therapy is given for exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.
— Progression to multicytopenia, hypoplastic marrow, myelodysplasia, or acute myelogenous leukemia
can occur.
— Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation can be curative.
• Other rare causes of aplastic anemia are shown in Table 3–4

• Fatigue, pallor, dyspnea on exertion, bleeding, or infections occur as a consequence of the cytopenias.
• Physical examination generally is unrevealing except for signs of anemia, bleeding, or infection.

• Pancytopenia is present.
• Red cells may be macrocytic.
• Marrow is markedly hypocellular (Figure 3–1).
• Abnormal clonal cytogenetic findings suggest hypoplastic myelodysplastic syndrome (clonal myeloid
disease) rather than aplastic anemia.
Aplastic Anemia: Acquired and Inherited CHAPTER 3 19

Disorder Findings Inheritance Mutated Gene
Ataxia-pancytopenia Cerebellar atrophy and ataxia; aplastic AD Unknown
(myelocerebellar pancytopenia; ± monosomy 7; increased
disorder) risk of AML
Congenital amegakaryocytic Thrombocytopenia; absent or markedly AR (compound MPL
thrombocytopenia decreased marrow megakaryocytes; heterozygotes)
hemorrhagic propensity; elevated
thrombopoietin; propensity to progress
to aplastic pancytopenia; propensity to
evolve to clonal myeloid disease
DNA ligase IV deficiency Pre- and postnatal growth delay; AR LIG4
dysmorphic facies; aplastic pancytopenia
Dubowitz syndrome Intrauterine and postpartum growth AR Unknown
failure; short stature; microcephaly;
mental retardation; distinct dysmorphic
facies; aplastic pancytopenia; increased
risk of AML and ALL
Nijmegen breakage Microcephaly; dystrophic facies; short AR NBS1
syndrome stature; immunodeficiency; radiation
sensitivity; aplastic pancytopenia;
predisposition to lymphoid malignancy
Reticular dysgenesis Lymphopenia; anemia and neutropenia; XLR Unknown
(type of severe corrected by hematopoietic stem cell
immunodeficiency transplantation
Seckel syndrome Intrauterine and postpartum growth AR ATR (and
failure; microcephaly; characteristic RAD3-
dysmorphic facies (bird-headed profile); related
aplastic pancytopenia; increased risk of gene);
WT syndrome Radial/ulnar abnormalities; aplastic AD Unknown
pancytopenia; increased risk of AML
AD, autosomal dominant; ALL, acute lymphocytic leukemia; AML, acute myelogenous leukemia; AR, autosomal recessive; XLR,
X-linked recessive.
The listed clinical findings in each syndrome are not comprehensive. The designated clinical findings may not be present in all
cases of the syndrome. Isolated cases of familial aplastic anemia with or without associated anomalies that are not consistent with
Fanconi anemia or other defined syndromes have been reported.

• Blast cells in marrow suggest hypoplastic acute myelogenous leukemia.

• Presence of CD55 or CD59 on blood cells by flow cytometry rules out PNH.
Table 3–5 lists important diagnostic procedures.
Table 3–6 lists important initial steps in management.
• Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is often curative (Table 3–7).
— It is indicated in patients younger than age 55 years with a suitable donor and without serious comorbid
conditions. Age for transplantation may increase with advances in transplantation.
— Less than one-third of patients in the United States have a matched sibling donor.
— Success of transplantation is a function of age and whether a related donor is used (Figure 3–2). Best
results are in patients younger than 20 years of age with a related donor.

Immunosuppressive Therapy
• Immunosuppressive therapy is the most successful therapy in patients unsuitable for allogeneic hematopoi-
etic stem cell transplantation (Table 3–8).
• Antithymocyte globulin (ATG) or antilymphocyte globulin (ALG)
20 PART II Disorders of Red Cells


FIGURE 3–1 Marrow biopsy in aplastic anemia. A. Normal marrow biopsy section of a young adult. B. Marrow biopsy section
of a young adult with very severe aplastic anemia. The specimen is devoid of hematopoietic cells and contains only scattered
lymphocytes and stromal cells. The hematopoietic space is replaced by reticular cells (preadipocytic fibroblasts) converted to
adipocytes. (Reproduced with permission from Kaushansky K, Prchal JT, Burns LJ, et al: Williams Hematology, 10th ed. New York,
NY: McGraw Hill; 2021.)


• History and physical examination
• Complete blood counts, reticulocyte count, and examination of the blood film
• Marrow aspiration and biopsy
• Marrow cell cytogenetics to evaluate presence of a clonal myeloid disease
• DNA stability test as markers of Fanconi anemia
• Immunophenotyping of red and white cells, especially for CD55 and CD59 to exclude paroxysmal nocturnal
• Direct and indirect antiglobulin (Coombs) test to rule out immune cytopenia
• Serum lactate dehydrogenase and uric acid, which if increased may reflect neoplastic cell turnover
• Liver function tests to assess evidence of any recent hepatitis virus exposure
• Screening tests for hepatitis viruses A, B, and C
• Screening tests for Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, and HIV
• Serum B12 and red cell folic acid levels to rule out cryptic megaloblastic pancytopenia
• Serum iron, iron-binding capacity, and ferritin as a baseline prior to chronic transfusion therapy


• Discontinue any potential offending drug and use an alternative class of agents if essential.
• Anemia: transfuse leukocyte-depleted, irradiated red cells as required for very severe anemia.
• Very severe thrombocytopenia or thrombocytopenic bleeding: consider ∈-aminocaproic acid; transfusion of
platelets as required; thrombopoietin receptor agonists under study.
• Severe neutropenia: use infection precautions.
• Fever (suspected infection): microbial cultures; broad-spectrum antibiotics if specific organism not identi-
fied, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) in dire cases. If child or small adult with profound and
prolonged infection (eg, gram-negative bacteria, fungus, persistent positive blood cultures), can consider
neutrophil transfusion from a G-CSF pretreated donor.
• If transplant candidate, immediate assessment for allogeneic stem cell transplantation: histocompatibility
testing of patient, parents, and siblings. Search databases for unrelated donor, if appropriate.
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Title: Manhattan Transfer

Author: John Dos Passos

Release date: October 11, 2023 [eBook #71853]

Language: English

Original publication: New York: Harper & Brothers, 1925

Credits: Carol Brown, Emmanuel Ackerman and the Online

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Manhattan Transfer
By John Dos Passos
One Man’s Initiation

Three Soldiers

Rosinante to the Road Again

A Pushcart at the Curb

M a n h a t t a n Tr a n s f e r

Streets of Night
Manhattan Transfer

John Dos Passos

Harper & Brothers Publishers

New York and London

C O P Y R I G H T, 1 9 2 5 , B Y J O H N D O S PA S S O S



First Section

Second Section

Third Section
First Section
I. Ferryslip

hree gulls wheel above the broken
boxes, orangerinds, spoiled cabbage
heads that heave between the splintered
plank walls, the green waves spume under
the round bow as the ferry, skidding on the
tide, crashes, gulps the broken water, slides,
settles slowly into the slip. Handwinches
whirl with jingle of chains. Gates fold
upwards, feet step out across the crack,
men and women press through the
manuresmelling wooden tunnel of the
ferryhouse, crushed and jostling like apples
fed down a chute into a press.

he nurse, holding the basket at arm’s length as if it were a
bedpan, opened the door to a big dry hot room with greenish
distempered walls where in the air tinctured with smells of
alcohol and iodoform hung writhing a faint sourish squalling from
other baskets along the wall. As she set her basket down she
glanced into it with pursed-up lips. The newborn baby squirmed in
the cottonwool feebly like a knot of earthworms.

On the ferry there was an old man playing the violin. He had a
monkey’s face puckered up in one corner and kept time with the toe
of a cracked patent-leather shoe. Bud Korpenning sat on the rail
watching him, his back to the river. The breeze made the hair stir
round the tight line of his cap and dried the sweat on his temples. His
feet were blistered, he was leadentired, but when the ferry moved
out of the slip, bucking the little slapping scalloped waves of the river
he felt something warm and tingling shoot suddenly through all his
veins. “Say, friend, how fur is it into the city from where this ferry
lands?” he asked a young man in a straw hat wearing a blue and
white striped necktie who stood beside him.
The young man’s glance moved up from Bud’s road-swelled
shoes to the red wrist that stuck out from the frayed sleeves of his
coat, past the skinny turkey’s throat and slid up cockily into the intent
eyes under the broken-visored cap.
“That depends where you want to get to.”
“How do I get to Broadway?... I want to get to the center of
“Walk east a block and turn down Broadway and you’ll find the
center of things if you walk far enough.”
“Thank you sir. I’ll do that.”
The violinist was going through the crowd with his hat held out,
the wind ruffling the wisps of gray hair on his shabby bald head. Bud
found the face tilted up at him, the crushed eyes like two black pins
looking into his. “Nothin,” he said gruffly and turned away to look at
the expanse of river bright as knifeblades. The plank walls of the slip
closed in, cracked as the ferry lurched against them; there was
rattling of chains, and Bud was pushed forward among the crowd
through the ferryhouse. He walked between two coal wagons and
out over a dusty expanse of street towards yellow streetcars. A
trembling took hold of his knees. He thrust his hands deep in his
EAT on a lunchwagon halfway down the block. He slid stiffly onto
a revolving stool and looked for a long while at the pricelist.
“Fried eggs and a cup o coffee.”
“Want ’em turned over?” asked the redhaired man behind the
counter who was wiping off his beefy freckled forearms with his
apron. Bud Korpenning sat up with a start.
“The eggs? Want em turned over or sunny side up?”
“Oh sure, turn ’em over.” Bud slouched over the counter again
with his head between his hands.
“You look all in, feller,” the man said as he broke the eggs into the
sizzling grease of the frying pan.
“Came down from upstate. I walked fifteen miles this mornin.”
The man made a whistling sound through his eyeteeth. “Comin to
the big city to look for a job, eh?”
Bud nodded. The man flopped the eggs sizzling and netted with
brown out onto the plate and pushed it towards Bud with some bread
and butter on the edge of it. “I’m goin to slip you a bit of advice, feller,
and it won’t cost you nutten. You go an git a shave and a haircut and
brush the hayseeds out o yer suit a bit before you start lookin. You’ll
be more likely to git somethin. It’s looks that count in this city.”
“I kin work all right. I’m a good worker,” growled Bud with his
mouth full.
“I’m tellin yez, that’s all,” said the redhaired man and turned back
to his stove.

When Ed Thatcher climbed the marble steps of the wide hospital

entry he was trembling. The smell of drugs caught at his throat. A
woman with a starched face was looking at him over the top of a
desk. He tried to steady his voice.
“Can you tell me how Mrs. Thatcher is?”
“Yes, you can go up.”
“But please, miss, is everything all right?”
“The nurse on the floor will know anything about the case. Stairs
to the left, third floor, maternity ward.”
Ed Thatcher held a bunch of flowers wrapped in green waxed
paper. The broad stairs swayed as he stumbled up, his toes kicking
against the brass rods that held the fiber matting down. The closing
of a door cut off a strangled shriek. He stopped a nurse.
“I want to see Mrs. Thatcher, please.”
“Go right ahead if you know where she is.”
“But they’ve moved her.”
“You’ll have to ask at the desk at the end of the hall.”
He gnawed his cold lips. At the end of the hall a redfaced woman
looked at him, smiling.
“Everything’s fine. You’re the happy father of a bouncing baby
“You see it’s our first and Susie’s so delicate,” he stammered with
blinking eyes.
“Oh yes, I understand, naturally you worried.... You can go in and
talk to her when she wakes up. The baby was born two hours ago.
Be sure not to tire her.”
Ed Thatcher was a little man with two blond wisps of mustache
and washedout gray eyes. He seized the nurse’s hand and shook it
showing all his uneven yellow teeth in a smile.
“You see it’s our first.”
“Congratulations,” said the nurse.
Rows of beds under bilious gaslight, a sick smell of restlessly
stirring bedclothes, faces fat, lean, yellow, white; that’s her. Susie’s
yellow hair lay in a loose coil round her little white face that looked
shriveled and twisted. He unwrapped the roses and put them on the
night table. Looking out the window was like looking down into water.
The trees in the square were tangled in blue cobwebs. Down the
avenue lamps were coming on marking off with green shimmer
brickpurple blocks of houses; chimney pots and water tanks cut
sharp into a sky flushed like flesh. The blue lids slipped back off her
“That you Ed?... Why Ed they are Jacks. How extravagant of
“I couldn’t help it dearest. I knew you liked them.”
A nurse was hovering near the end of the bed.
“Couldn’t you let us see the baby, miss?”
The nurse nodded. She was a lanternjawed grayfaced woman
with tight lips.
“I hate her,” whispered Susie. “She gives me the fidgets that
woman does; she’s nothing but a mean old maid.”
“Never mind dear, it’s just for a day or two.” Susie closed her
“Do you still want to call her Ellen?”
The nurse brought back a basket and set it on the bed beside
“Oh isn’t she wonderful!” said Ed. “Look she’s breathing.... And
they’ve oiled her.” He helped his wife to raise herself on her elbow;
the yellow coil of her hair unrolled, fell over his hand and arm. “How
can you tell them apart nurse?”
“Sometimes we cant,” said the nurse, stretching her mouth in a
smile. Susie was looking querulously into the minute purple face.
“You’re sure this is mine.”
“Of course.”
“But it hasnt any label on it.”
“I’ll label it right away.”
“But mine was dark.” Susie lay back on the pillow, gasping for
“She has lovely little light fuzz just the color of your hair.”
Susie stretched her arms out above her head and shrieked: “It’s
not mine. It’s not mine. Take it away.... That woman’s stolen my
“Dear, for Heaven’s sake! Dear, for Heaven’s sake!” He tried to
tuck the covers about her.
“Too bad,” said the nurse, calmly, picking up the basket. “I’ll have
to give her a sedative.”
Susie sat up stiff in bed. “Take it away,” she yelled and fell back in
hysterics, letting out continuous frail moaning shrieks.
“O my God!” cried Ed Thatcher, clasping his hands.
“You’d better go away for this evening, Mr. Thatcher.... She’ll quiet
down, once you’ve gone.... I’ll put the roses in water.”
On the last flight he caught up with a chubby man who was
strolling down slowly, rubbing his hands as he went. Their eyes met.
“Everything all right, sir?” asked the chubby man.
“Oh yes, I guess so,” said Thatcher faintly.
The chubby man turned on him, delight bubbling through his thick
voice. “Congradulade me, congradulade me; mein vife has giben
birth to a poy.”
Thatcher shook a fat little hand. “Mine’s a girl,” he admitted,
“It is fif years yet and every year a girl, and now dink of it, a poy.”
“Yes,” said Ed Thatcher as they stepped out on the pavement, “it’s
a great moment.”
“Vill yous allow me sir to invite you to drink a congradulation drink
mit me?”
“Why with pleasure.”
The latticed halfdoors were swinging in the saloon at the corner of
Third Avenue. Shuffling their feet politely they went through into the
back room.
“Ach,” said the German as they sat down at a scarred brown
table, “family life is full of vorries.”
“That it is sir; this is my first.”
“Vill you haf beer?”
“All right anything suits me.”
“Two pottles Culmbacher imported to drink to our little folk.” The
bottles popped and the sepia-tinged foam rose in the glasses.
“Here’s success.... Prosit,” said the German, and raised his glass.
He rubbed the foam out of his mustache and pounded on the table
with a pink fist. “Vould it be indiscreet meester...?”
“Thatcher’s my name.”
“Vould it be indiscreet, Mr. Thatcher, to inquvire vat might your
profession be?”
“Accountant. I hope before long to be a certified accountant.”
“I am a printer and my name is Zucher—Marcus Antonius
“Pleased to meet you Mr. Zucher.”
They shook hands across the table between the bottles.
“A certified accountant makes big money,” said Mr. Zucher.
“Big money’s what I’ll have to have, for my little girl.”
“Kids, they eat money,” continued Mr. Zucher, in a deep voice.
“Wont you let me set you up to a bottle?” said Thatcher, figuring
up how much he had in his pocket. “Poor Susie wouldn’t like me to
be drinking in a saloon like this. But just this once, and I’m learning,
learning about fatherhood.”
“The more the merrier,” said Mr. Zucher. “... But kids, they eat
money.... Dont do nutten but eat and vear out clothes. Vonce I get
my business on its feet.... Ach! Now vot mit hypothecations and the
difficult borrowing of money and vot mit vages going up und these
here crazy tradeunion socialists and bomsters ...”
“Well here’s how, Mr. Zucher.” Mr. Zucher squeezed the foam out
of his mustache with the thumb and forefinger of each hand. “It aint
every day ve pring into the voirld a papy poy, Mr. Thatcher.”
“Or a baby girl, Mr. Zucher.”
The barkeep wiped the spillings off the table when he brought the
new bottles, and stood near listening, the rag dangling from his red
“And I have the hope in mein heart that ven my poy drinks to his
poy, it vill be in champagne vine. Ach, that is how things go in this
great city.”
“I’d like my girl to be a quiet homey girl, not like these young
women nowadays, all frills and furbelows and tight lacings. And I’ll
have retired by that time and have a little place up the Hudson, work
in the garden evenings.... I know fellers downtown who have retired
with three thousand a year. It’s saving that does it.”
“Aint no good in savin,” said the barkeep. “I saved for ten years
and the savings bank went broke and left me nutten but a bankbook
for my trouble. Get a close tip and take a chance, that’s the only
“That’s nothing but gambling,” snapped Thatcher.
“Well sir it’s a gamblin game,” said the barkeep as he walked back
to the bar swinging the two empty bottles.
“A gamblin game. He aint so far out,” said Mr. Zucher, looking
down into his beer with a glassy meditative eye. “A man vat is
ambeetious must take chances. Ambeetions is vat I came here from
Frankfort mit at the age of tvelf years, und now that I haf a son to
vork for ... Ach, his name shall be Vilhelm after the mighty Kaiser.”
“My little girl’s name will be Ellen after my mother.” Ed Thatcher’s
eyes filled with tears.
Mr. Zucher got to his feet. “Vell goodpy Mr. Thatcher. Happy to
have met you. I must go home to my little girls.”
Thatcher shook the chubby hand again, and thinking warm soft
thoughts of motherhood and fatherhood and birthday cakes and
Christmas watched through a sepia-tinged foamy haze Mr. Zucher
waddle out through the swinging doors. After a while he stretched

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