Sampling (Method)
Sampling (Method)
Sampling (Method)
Tanaya Mohanty
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Sociology, Utkal University
What is Sample?
• A sample is a subset of the population the
researcher actually examines to gather the data.
• A sample is a subset of the population that
represents the entire group.
• The collected data on the sample aims at gaining
information on the entire population.
• The population is the entire group of subjects
the researcher wants information on.
• A sampling frame consists of all units from
which the sample will be drawn. Ideally, the
sample frame should be identical to the
population or at least closely resemble it
Concepts used in Sampling
• Sample is a subset of the population.
• Sampling Unit is a single member of the sample
• Sampling is a process of selecting an adequate
number of elements from the population so that
the study of the sample will not only help in
understanding the characteristics of the
population but will also generalize the results.
• Census is an examination of each and every
element of the population.
Why Use Sampling?
• Necessity: In many cases a complete coverage of
the population is not possible.
• Effectiveness: Complete coverage may not offer
substantial advantage over a sample survey.
Sampling provides better options in a short
period of time as it produces comparable and
valid results.
• Economy of time: Studies based on samples
produce quick results in less time.
• Economy of Labour: Sampling is less demanding in
terms of labour requirements since it covers only a
small portion of the target population.
• Overall Economy: Sampling is thought to be more
economical as it involves fewer people and requires
less printed material, fewer general costs in terms of
travelling and accommodation and of course fewer
• More detailed information: Samples are thought to
offer more detailed information and a high degree of
degree of accuracy because they deal with relatively
small numbers of units.
Principles of Sampling
• Sample units must be chosen in a systematic and
objective manner.
• Sample units must be easily identifiable and clearly
• Sample units must be independent of each other,
uniform and of same size and should appear only once in
the population.
• Sample units are not interchangeable, same units should
be used throughout the study.
• Once selected, units cannot be discarded.
• The selection process should be based on sound criteria
and should avoid errors, bias and distortions.
• Researchers should adhere to the principles of research.
Two types of error may occur while we are trying
estimate the population parameters from the sample.
• Sampling Error: arises when a sample is not
representative of the population.
For example- We are trying to estimate the average
height of students in the department of sociology,
comprising of 200 students. We take a sample of 10
students. Lets assume that the true value of population
mean is known. We may find that the sample mean is
far away from the population mean. ‘The difference
between sample mean and population mean is called
Sampling Error.
• Non Sampling Error arises due to the following
i. When respondents do not the correct answer.
ii. Error can arise while transferring the data from the
questionnaire to the spreadsheet.
iii. Errors can occur at the time of coding, tabulation
and computation
iv. If the population of the study is not clearly defined.
v. The chosen respondents may not be available or
choose not to be the part of the study.
vi. There may be sampling frame error.
Types of Sampling
• Probability Sampling
▫ Here each member of the population has a equal
probability of being selected.
▫ The key point behind all probabilistic sampling
approaches is random selection.
▫ The advantage of probability sampling is that
sampling error can be calculated.
• Non-probability Sampling
▫ Here members are selected from the population in
some non-random manner.
▫ In this method, the degree to which the sample
differs from the population remains unknown
Types of Probability Sampling
• Random Sampling
▫ Here each unit of population has equal chance
being selected.
Simple Random Sampling With
• List of all elements of the population from where
the samples to be drawn is prepared.
• If there are 1000 elements in the population, all
those 1000 elements are put on different slips.
• If we choose to take a sample of 20 elements, we
pick up one unit from the box, note it down and
again it in the box.
• The first element is chosen with a probability of
1/1000, and the second element has the same
Simple Random Sampling Without
• Here the procedure is same as followed in the previous
design but the only difference is that the chosen slip is
not placed back in the box. This way the first unit would
be selected with a probability of 1/1000, second unit will
have a probability of 1/999 and so on.
Simple Random (With or Without Replacement) is not used
in a consumer research as it is difficult to prepare a
sampling frame.
It can not be used may not provide a representative sample
in every case. For example, A locality has 10000
households with 5000 from low income group, 3500 from
middle and the remaining 1500 from high income group. It
may turn out to be a non-representative sample as each
section may not get represented using this design.
Systematic Sampling
• Here the entire population is arranged in an order,
either in ascending, descending or alphabetical
• First, Sampling Interval is given by K=N/n (N=Size
of the population; n=size of the sample)
• A random number is selected from 1 to K. Let us call
it C.
• The first element to be selected from the ordered
population would be C.
• The next element would be C+K, then C+2K and so
on till the sample size n is selected.
• This can be representative as it would contain representations
from every category.
• It may be noted that the first unit is selected at random
(probability sampling design) and having chosen this, we have
no control over the subsequent units of sample (non-
probability). This design is also called mixed sampling.
• It is statistically more efficient than simple random sampling.
• Duplication is not a problem in this design.
• It may not require a complete sampling frame always. For
example, an investigator may interview every 10th customer
entering a mall.
• At times, there is a chance of systematic bias creeping into the
sample resulting in non-representative sample.
• Stratified sampling
▫ A stratum is a subset of the population that shares
at least one common characteristic. Examples of
strata might be males and females, or managers
and non-managers
Stratified Random Sampling
• Here the entire population is divided into strata
(groups), which are mutually exclusive and
collectively exhaustive.
• The elements are selected using simple random
sampling independently from each group.
• It is more efficient as compared to simple random
sampling as dividing the population into strata
increases the representativeness of the sampling.
a. Proportionate allocation
b. Disproportionate allocation
• Cluster random sampling
▫ It is useful when the population is dispersed
across a wide geographic region. This method allows
one to divide the population into clusters and then
select the clusters at random.
Cluster Sampling
• In cluster sampling, the entire population is divided
into various clusters in such a way that the elements
within the cluster are heterogeneous.
• However, there is homogeneity between the clusters.
• It is considered to be the opposite of stratified
sampling design.
• Cluster sampling is useful when populations under a
survey is widely dispersed and drawing simple
random sample may not be practical.
• Sometimes, the applicability of cluster sampling in
the organizational context be questioned.
Types of Non-probability sampling
• Convenience sampling
▫ It is used in exploratory research where the investigator
is interested in getting an inexpensive approximation of
the fact. As the name implies, the sample is selected
because it is convenient. Also called haphazard or
accidental sampling
Convenience Sampling
• It is used to obtain information quickly and
• It is used in the pre-test phase of a research such as
pre-testing the questionnaire.
• Here sampling unit may either be self selected or
selected because of ease of availability.
• No effort is made to choose representative sample.
• It is not possible to make an estimate of sampling
error in this case so not suitable for descriptive and
causal research.
• Generally used in exploratory research.
• Judgment sampling
▫ The researcher selects the sample based on judgment.
This is usually an extension of convenience sampling.
▫ the researcher targets a group of people believed to be
typical or average, or a group specially picked for some
unique purpose.
• In this case, judgement of an expert is used to
identify a representative sample.
• It is used when the required information is
possessed by limited number of people.
• Generalization may not be possible but this is
helpful when one needs to the insights of
opinion leaders and experts in a given field.
• Snowball Sampling
▫ This method used when the desired sample
characteristic is rare. It may be extremely difficult or
cost prohibitive to locate respondents in these
▫ Snowball sampling relies on referrals from initial
subjects to generate additional subjects
• Snowball sampling is generally used when it is
difficult to identify the members of the desired
• Under this design each respondent after being
interviewed is asked to identify one or more in
the field.
• Quota sampling
▫ It is the non-probability equivalent of stratified
sampling. Like stratified sampling, the researcher first
identifies the strata and their proportions in the
population. Then convenience or judgment sampling is
used to select the required number of subjects from each
• Quota Sampling comprises a minimum number of
specified sub-group in the population. The same is
selected on the basis of certain demographic
characteristics such as age, gender, occupation,
• Here the investigators may choose from each category
• Quota Sampling does not require a sampling frame.
• It may appear similar to stratified random sampling
design but here it is selected at random while Quota
Sampling is chosen with convenience.
• The former can be generalized while the later cannot be.
Suggested Readings
• Beteille, A. 1996. ‘Sociology and Common
Sense’,Economic and Political Weekly 31(35/37):Pp
• Beteille, A. 2009. ‘Sociology and
Ideology’,Sociological Bulletin: 58(2):Pp 196-211.
• Bateille A., and T.N. Madan .1975. Encounter and
Experience: Personal Accounts of Fieldwork. New
Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd.
• Bhandarkar and Wilkinson.2013. Methodology and
Techniques of Social Research, Himalaya Publishing
• Bryman, Alan. 1988). Quality and Quantity in Social Research,
London: Unwin Hyman.
• Galtung, John. 1967. Theories and Methods of Social Research.
London: Allen and Unwin.
• Giddens Anthony, New Rules of Sociological Research, Hutchinson,
• Goode W. J. and P.K. Hatt.1952) Methods in Social Research,
N.York: McGraw-Hill Book Co.
• Halfpenny, P. 1982. Positivism and Sociology: Explaining Social
Life. London: George Allen and Unwin.
• Jayaram, N. 1989. Sociology: Methods and Theory. Madras:
• Kothari, C.R. 1989. Research Methodology: Methods and
Techniques, Bangalore, Wiley
• Mukherjee, P.N. eds) 2000) Methodology in Social Research:
Dilemmas and Perspectives. New Delhi: Sage
• Sarantakos, S. 2005. Social Research. United
Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.
• Silverman David: Qualitative Methodology and
Sociology, Gower, Vermont,1985.
• Sjoberg, Gideon and Roger Nett. 1997.
Methodology for Social Research, Jaipur: Rawat
• Young, P.V. 1988. Scientific Social Surveys and
Research. New Delhi: Prentice Hall