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File Encryption and Decryption Using Cryptanalysis ICCIDT2K23 302

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Special Issue - 2023 International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
ICCIDT - 2023 Conference Proceedings

File Encryption and Decryption Using

Sreelekshmi S ₁
Department of Computer Science & Engineering Tinu Thomas ₂
Mangalam College of Engineering ,
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Ettumanoor, India
Mangalam College of Engineering
Ettumanoor, India

The process of converting the initial text communication
into an ambiguous form, as well as in reverse, is known
as cryptography. It is the process of concealing data and
transmitting it in an appropriate format so that only
authorized individuals may access and use it. Data
security for consumers is mostly achieved through the use
of cryptographic processes, which protect data against
theft or transformation. This paper defends the use of
Sequences of DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) used for
encryption and decryption. To encrypt the
communication, two intermediary steps in this procedure
are used: perception of binary-coded form and Fig: 1: Different Types of Cryptography
generation of arbitrary keys. For the purposes of
encryption and decryption, the sender and receiver We have used three different techniques to make the data
more secured and confidential. The RSA Technique make the
should establish a shared key. The sequence is more data more secured using a key. And hiding the text in image
secure thanks to the shared key. This paper examines makes the hackers more complicated from hijacking. Above
both the process. And also we have included three level of all these, For a third level of security , we have used DNA
security. We have added image steganography with encryption technique also.
encryption using RSA before DNA encryption which
makes the data more secured from the hijackers. CHALLENGES
Keywords— DNA Encryption and Decryption techniques,
Nowadays data access has been easier but more challenges
Image Steganography, RSA encryption and Decryption occur in the acquisition and processing of data. Longer DNA
might be encrypted for greater security. Sequencing takes
Introduction longer. Security is entirely dependent on the key. Due to the
Due to the effective expansion of transmission applications, length of the keys, asymmetric cryptography is much slower
data security has become increasingly important in than symmetric key encryption. All these are the current
communication systems. The process of converting the initial challenges in the published papers. One time padding is also
text message into an ambiguous form is known as encryption. another method in which the decrypt message uses a codebook
Decryption is the process of returning encrypted data to its which may not be possible for all messages.
initial condition. The process of encrypting and decrypting
data is known as cryptography, commonly referred to as RELATED WORKS
cryptology. Data is encrypted on the sender side and decrypted Based on the different techniques used along the past years it
on the receiver side before being sent over the network. Based was found an accurate method is less in the field. So
on the key-value pair and the cryptographic method that is combination of different techniques together can make the
used to encrypt and decrypt the provided results, the current data more secured.
cryptographic technique can safely encrypt the data. The
numerical key that is employed for both encryption and In [1], Pushpa. Introduced a DNA synthesis, using DNA
digital coding and PCR amplification. Prevent attack from a
decryption. possible word as PCR primers. The complexity of Biological
scheme and cryptography computing provide a double security
safeguards for the scheme. Cost of encryption scheme was low
but he faced some challenges like Security can depend only on

Volume 11, Issue 01 Published by,

Special Issue - 2023 International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
ICCIDT - 2023 Conference Proceedings

decryption key. The encryption scheme is still far away being CONCLUSION
a perfect scheme. In the recent years, DNA Encryption techniques have
In [2], Chen Jie mentioned symmetric key method where he made more secured form of data transfer.
has used one time pad and DNA molecular structure From the observation of earlier papers, we could make the
methodology. Storing large amount of data in compact volume data security more complex by adding more techniques to the
and Massive parallel processing capabilities of biomolecular DNA so that no hackers can extract the data easily.In this
computation were his contribution to this paper but there were paper, different methods used in file encryption and decryption
some research gap also they are the message decryption was were discussed. Different encryption techniques such as AES,
done using codebook but it was difficult to send messages RSA, and CIPHER were considered here. Out of the various
which was not in codebook. methods this paper talks about the combination of multiple
In [10], Nandhini Subramanian has worked on image techniques in a single program to make more security for data.
steganography, the main goal is to analyze and explain the Hence this paper helps to send data in a safer way compared to
various learning methods applied to image steganography. An all the older methods.
embedding algorithm is utilized to create the container stegano
In order to keep the data safe from attackers, the combinations
image from the inputs of the cover image and secret
of encryption techniques are used in this paper. DNA
information. The stegano image is used as input by the
algorithm is more efficient because it can store huge amount
extraction algorithm to retrieve the embedded secret
of data. RSA algorithm use key for encryption and decryption
therefore making the data more secured from attackers and
In [6], Deepak and team were working on one time padding
also image steganography helps data hide inside a cover image
using symmetric key. They found that any change in the text
which may confuse the attacker from attacking. Hence we
cipher is easily detectable and also can remove the deficiency
could provide a three level security for the data or textual file.
in the scheme of steganography and cryptography but the main
In the future, we could use a random key for DNA algorithm
research gap was that all security depends on the key.
which makes the code more complex and no one can easily
In[12], Yunpeng Zhang and gang used DNA Fragmentation
hack the data. We can also add a hashing technique inside
methodology and contributed that length of cipher is secured
image steganography as another level of security in the future.
and short but since the length was short it was easy for an
attacker to hack easily.
PROPOSED METHODOLOGY The author would like to thank all the anonymous
A. Framework for file encryption and decryption using reviewers for their helpful suggestions and comments that will
multiple technologies help in improving this paper.
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ISSN: 2278-0181
ICCIDT - 2023 Conference Proceedings

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Volume 11, Issue 01 Published by,

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