Drama Lesson Plan
Drama Lesson Plan
Drama Lesson Plan
Program Monitoring: (How will you aggregate or compile Intro: I will gather the children in a circle and introduce the
One Assessed Developmental your evidence into a class or group view?) concept of drama and dramatic play. I will explain that today
Skill: they will have the opportunity to use their imaginations and
I will take videos and I will do this in the beginning of the pretend to be different characters, then I will show examples
The student will be assessed on year and at the end of the year, to see their growth of of costumes and props, and discuss how they can be used to
the ability to use imagination to get dramatic play and drama. create characters and tell stories, and finally we will warm up
into character and tell a story, and with a simple movement activity, such as "Simon Says" or a
their use of communication. freeze dance, to get the children energized and ready to play.
Rev. 1/2024
Early Childhood Education
Learning Experience Template
Safety Considerations: to use, and they can pick whichever ones they want to create characters and scenarios. Finally, I will join in the play
Keeping puppets safe and no engage in dramatic play, and drama. and model imaginative storytelling, taking on different roles
throwing them and interacting with the children.
Keeping props in their designated
areas and used for appropriate use Storytelling: I will gather the children together and choose a
picture book or story card to use as inspiration for a group
storytelling activity. Then, we will use props and costumes to
act out the story, encouraging children to take on different
roles and contribute their own ideas. I will pause at key
moments in the story to ask open-ended questions and invite
children to predict what might happen next or imagine
alternative endings.
Rev. 1/2024
Early Childhood Education
Learning Experience Template
Adult Roles:
Making sure they are being safe with the materials, aiding in
their learning process, and helping if they ask for assistance.
Reflection: (What have you learned about your students? How will this inform future instruction?)
Rev. 1/2024