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2015 Challenge of Protecting Freshwater Ecosystems

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Science of the Total Environment xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

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When trends intersect: The challenge of protecting freshwater ecosystems

under multiple land use and hydrological intensification scenarios
Jenny Davis a,⁎, Anthony P. O'Grady b, Allan Dale c, Angela H. Arthington d, Peter A. Gell e, Patrick D. Driver f,g,
Nick Bond d, Michelle Casanova e, Max Finlayson h, Robyn J. Watts h, Samantha J. Capon d, Ivan Nagelkerken i,
Reid Tingley j, Brian Fry d, Timothy J. Page d, Alison Specht k
Institute for Applied Ecology, University of Canberra, Bruce, ACT 2617, Australia
CSIRO Land and Water, Private Bag 12, Hobart TAS 7001, Australia
The Cairns Institute, James Cook University, Cairns, QLD 4871, Australia
Australian Rivers Institute, Griffith University, Nathan, QLD 4111, Australia
Federation University Australia, Water Research Network, Mt Helen, VIC 3353, Australia
Office of Water, NSW Department of Primary Industries, Orange, NSW 2800, Australia
Centre for Ecosystem Science, University of New South Wales, Kensington, NSW, Australia
Institute for Land, Water and Society, Charles Sturt University, Albury-Wodonga, NSW 2640, Australia
School of Biological Sciences and The Environment Institute, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia
School of BioSciences, The University of Melbourne, VIC 3010, Australia
ACEAS, Australian Centre for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, a facility of the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD 4067, Australia


• This paper considers the impacts of land use and hydrological intensification on inland waters
• Global issues are considered through the lens of Australian examples
• Likely scenarios include wet regions becoming wetter, dry regions drier and storms more intense
• The legacies of past land use change will need to be addressed
• Proactive governance based on innovative science and adaptive management will be critical

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Intensification of the use of natural resources is a world-wide trend driven by the increasing demand for water, food,
Received 26 September 2014 fibre, minerals and energy. These demands are the result of a rising world population, increasing wealth and greater
Received in revised form 25 March 2015 global focus on economic growth. Land use intensification, together with climate change, is also driving intensifica-
Accepted 29 March 2015
tion of the global hydrological cycle. Both processes will have major socio-economic and ecological implications for
Available online xxxx
global water availability. In this paper we focus on the implications of land use intensification for the conservation
and management of freshwater ecosystems using Australia as an example. We consider this in the light of intensifi-
Land use intensification cation of the hydrologic cycle due to climate change, and associated hydrological scenarios that include the occur-
Hydrological intensification rence of more intense hydrological events (extreme storms, larger floods and longer droughts). We highlight the
Climate change importance of managing water quality, the value of providing environmental flows within a watershed framework
Freshwater biodiversity and the critical role that innovative science and adaptive management must play in developing proactive and robust
Freshwater ecosystems responses to intensification. We also suggest research priorities to support improved systemic governance, including
Extreme events adaptation planning and management to maximise freshwater biodiversity outcomes while supporting the socio-
economic objectives driving land use intensification. Further research priorities include: i) determining the relative
contributions of surface water and groundwater in supporting freshwater ecosystems; ii) identifying and protecting
freshwater biodiversity hotspots and refugia; iii) improving our capacity to model hydro-ecological relationships and
predict ecological outcomes from land use intensification and climate change; iv) developing an understanding of
long term ecosystem behaviour; and v) exploring systemic approaches to enhancing governance systems, including
planning and management systems affecting freshwater outcomes. A major policy challenge will be the integration
of land and water management, which increasingly are being considered within different policy frameworks.
Crown Copyright © 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J. Davis).
0048-9697/Crown Copyright © 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Davis, J., et al., When trends intersect: The challenge of protecting freshwater ecosystems under multiple land use and
hydrological intensification ..., Sci Total Environ (2015),
2 J. Davis et al. / Science of the Total Environment xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

1. Introduction largely by the exploitation of fossil fuel resources and land clearing,
resulting in an associated increase in carbon emissions (Canadell et al.,
Intensification is a key characteristic of many emerging global 2007). The rate of growth in atmospheric emissions has increased from
‘megatrends’; trends that, on a global scale, will significantly shape the approximately 1.3% per year during the 1990s to 3.3% per year during
ecological, social, economic and cultural landscapes of the future the period 2000–2006 (Canadell et al., 2007). This trend is likely to contin-
(Hajkowicz et al., 2012). These include urbanisation, increasing mineral ue despite growing efforts to curb global emissions. Global warming is a
extraction and energy production and the requirement to obtain more major consequence of rising concentrations of greenhouse gases and
resources from a declining natural resource base. A rising world popula- based on current emission trajectories, temperature rises between 4 °C
tion, forecast to be 9 billion people by 2043 (UNESA, 2012), increased and 6 °C appear likely by the end of the century (Bodman et al., 2013;
wealth and changing dietary preferences suggest that global food pro- Peters et al., 2013). Rising temperatures are a key driver of changes in
duction will need to increase by 70% by 2050 (Steduto et al., 2012). Po- global circulation patterns and are likely linked to the global phenomenon
tentially constraining this production is the threat of water scarcity. of hydrological intensification (Durack et al., 2012b; Held and Soden,
Vörösmarty et al. (2010), using a global geospatial framework, showed 2006; Huntington, 2006; Wild et al., 2008). A consequence of warming
that pandemic impacts on both human water security and freshwater in the lower atmosphere is an increase in its capacity to hold water. The
biodiversity were highly coherent, although not identical. Nearly 80% Classius–Claperyon expression predicts that the saturated vapour pres-
of the world's population (4.5 billion in 2005) was exposed to high sure of the lower troposphere increases by about 7% for each 1-K increase
levels of threat to water security, while 65% of global river discharge, in temperature. This response is robust in most climate models. A key out-
and the aquatic habitats supported by river flows, were classified as come of this process is the predicted intensification of the hydrological
moderately to highly threatened (Vörösmarty et al., 2010). The most se- cycle such that wet areas are likely to get wetter and dry areas drier
rious impacts, which include watershed changes, pollution and water (Wentz et al., 2007; Chou et al., 2013; Held and Soden, 2006).
resource development, coincide in regions of intensive agriculture and Hydrological intensification will drive changes in the spatial and
dense human settlement. Already, the global agricultural sector ac- temporal distributions of water resources and an increase in the fre-
counts for 70% of withdrawals from freshwater systems and more quency and intensity of extreme events such as tropical storms, floods
than 90% of consumptive water use (Steduto et al., 2012). The direct and droughts (Fig. 1). Disparate observational data sets generally pre-
and indirect competition for water resources associated with popula- dict that warming will likely result in increases in evaporation and pre-
tion growth will intensify both mild and moderate droughts. cipitation, although there is little supporting evidence for predicted
Importantly, the impacts of land use intensification and increasing increases in the frequency and intensity of tropical storms and floods
water demands have to be considered within the wider context of (Huntington, 2006). Attention is now focussed on developing an im-
global climate change. Anthropogenically-driven climatic changes are al- proved observational evidence base for hydrological intensification.
ready considered to pose a major threat to global biodiversity, including An analysis of a network of 355 rain gauges across China for the pe-
inland aquatic ecosystems and their species (Solomon, 2007; Woodward riod 1960–2000, for example, found that although there was no trend in
et al., 2010). Globally, freshwater ecosystems and biota are considered to the country-wide average rainfall, rainfall in the drier north-eastern re-
be particularly vulnerable because of their physical fragmentation within gions of China had declined by approximately 12% since 1960, with de-
terrestrial landscapes and relative isolation by catchment divides and salt- clines mostly occurring in summer and autumn. In contrast, rainfall in
water barriers (Dudgeon et al., 2006). Many freshwater species will be un- southern China increased, particularly during summer and winter
able to disperse to suitable habitats as temperatures increase and changes (Piao et al., 2010b). Associated analysis of stream flow records revealed
in precipitation disrupt migration and feeding and breeding patterns a weak trend for increasing runoff in the Yangtze River in southern
(Woodward et al., 2010). These climatically-driven changes will be ac- China and a significant decline in river runoff in the Yellow River in
companied by the direct and indirect effects of increasing human de- northern China. Direct attribution of changes in runoff to changes in
mands for water (Palmer et al., 2008). In regions where precipitation precipitation regimes in both rivers, however, was problematic owing
declines, surface and ground water resources and environmental flows to the intense human pressure on water resources (Piao et al., 2010b).
will be increasingly contested. As a consequence, declining water avail- Examination of rainfall and discharge records for the Amazon have
ability will pose a significant threat to freshwater environments, as well also revealed a marked increase in river discharge associated with an in-
as agriculture and human consumption. It is anticipated that by 2050, crease in the Amazon basin integrated precipitation, a trend consistent
2.3 billion people will be living in water basins experiencing severe with intensification of the hydrological cycle (Gloor et al., 2013).
water stress (OECD, 2012). The extent to which human communities Treydte et al. (2006) used tree ring analysis to construct a millennium
will stay and adapt to declining conditions is difficult to predict. Most scale precipitation record in northern Pakistan. They found dry condi-
studies have focused on developing countries where mitigating circum- tions at the beginning of the last millennium and through the 18th
stances, such as war and poverty, are present (Gemenne, 2011). Environ- and 19th centuries, with a trend for increasing precipitation in the latter
mental extremes also cause hardships in developed countries, but the half of the 19th century and throughout the 20th century, which tracks
dynamic is likely to be different because of greater economic and political the initiation and expansion of the industrial revolution.
stability, and differences in agricultural technology. There is also evidence for intensification of the hydrological cycle in
The implications of the interacting trends of land use intensification ocean surface salinity data. Sea surface salinities in the ocean are widely
and hydrological intensification for the management and conservation measured and are used to interpret changes in the fluxes of freshwater,
of freshwater ecosystems are the focus of this paper. We consider freshwater transport and local ocean mixing, key components of climate
the evidence for hydrological intensification, the existing legacy of land dynamics (Curry et al., 2003; Durack et al., 2012a). Examination of
use change on the water quality and hydrological regimes of Australian trends in ocean salinities from the 1950s to the 1990s along a transect
river systems, the likely interacting effects of land use and hydrological in- through the western Atlantic spanning 50°S to 60°N revealed systemat-
tensification and the need for proactive governance and adaptive man- ic freshening at both poleward ends and increasing sea salinities at low
agement. We also suggest a set of priority research actions to integrate latitudes (Curry et al., 2003). Durack et al. (2012a) observed similar
land use intensification into freshwater management and conservation. trends in ocean salinities and concluded that broad belts of increasing
salinities through the tropics, with areas of freshening in mid and high
2. Evidence for intensification of the global hydrological cycle latitudes, provided robust evidence for an intensification of hydrological
cycles at a rate approximately double that predicted by climate models.
Associated with the broad trend in the expansion of the earth's pop- Thus several lines of evidence suggest intensification of the global
ulation has been a major expansion of the global economy driven hydrological cycle. Global climate models also predict that this pattern

Please cite this article as: Davis, J., et al., When trends intersect: The challenge of protecting freshwater ecosystems under multiple land use and
hydrological intensification ..., Sci Total Environ (2015),
J. Davis et al. / Science of the Total Environment xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 3

Fig. 1. Conceptualisation of the major drivers and responses resulting in intensification of the global hydrological cycle. Population growth and associated increases in food, water and en-
ergy demands are key drivers of climate change through rising emissions of greenhouse gases. These rising emissions change the energy balance of the atmosphere, with resultant changes
in the global hydrological cycle varying from an increase in water availability in some areas to a decline in water availability in others. Overall the variability and intensity of the hydro-
logical cycle are predicted to increase with wide ranging impacts for aquatic ecosystems.

of change will occur at the seasonal scale within regions. Chou et al. eddy flux towers. Despite these observations, the hydrological impact
(2013) used rainfall data to test this prediction in the Global Precipitation of these changes remains difficult to quantify. Using the framework de-
Climatology Project and found that, not only has the annual range of pre- veloped by Donohue et al. (2013) one of us (O'Grady) used a detailed
cipitation increased within regions, there were also trends for wet seasons growth model to predict that increases in runoff are more likely to
to become wetter and dry seasons drier. Also, despite observed increases occur in wet environments where the growth of vegetation and
in rainfall and runoff in the Amazon basin (Gloor et al., 2013) during the evapotranspiration are limited by incoming radiation (i.e. energy-
same period, the region experienced two 1 in 100 year droughts (in limited environments, E b P, where E = evapotranspiration and P =
2005 and 2010) providing support for predictions that extreme condi- precipitation).
tions within regions may also increase (Lewis et al., 2011).
Increasing rates of glacial melt and increases in the water use effi- 3. Australia as an exemplar study region
ciency of vegetation associated with rising CO2 concentrations in the at-
mosphere will also affect global hydrological cycles. As temperatures The large areal extent of the Australian continent provides an opportu-
rise, less winter rain falls as snow and the spring melt begins earlier, nity to compare the impacts of both land use and hydrological intensifica-
resulting in peak flows occurring earlier and declining throughout tion across multiple biomes because the continental landmass spans
summer when demand for this water is highest (Barnett et al., 2005). equatorial, tropical, arid and temperate climatic zones (Fig. 2). Generally,
Reports of glacial retreats are a widespread and well documented phe- Australia is characterised by water-limited conditions with high climatic
nomenon (Scambos et al., 2004; Piao et al., 2010a; Chen et al., 2013). variability and soils that are low in nutrients and high in salts (Diamond,
Rising CO2 increases the instantaneous water use efficiency of photo- 2005). However, the Great Dividing Range in eastern Australia and almost
synthesis (Eamus and Jarvis, 1989) and observed increases in global two thirds of Tasmania contain pockets of energy-limited climates (i.e. re-
runoff may be partially due to the increased water use efficiency of veg- gions where rainfall exceeds evaporation). On mainland Australia these
etation (Gedney et al., 2006; Betts et al., 2007). Piao et al. (2007) sug- energy-limited environments are the important water generating regions
gested that when the CO2 fertilisation effect is taken into account, for Australia's inland river systems. For example, almost 50% of the flows
global runoff should decrease. Considerable uncertainty exists as to into the Murray–Darling Basin are generated from 8.4% of the total basin
how CO2 fertilisation will be manifested, however, recent empirical ev- area (Donohue et al., 2011; McVicar et al., 2012).
idence suggests that vegetation is responding to rising CO2 concentra- Mean annual temperatures across Australia have increased by 0.9 °C
tions. Donohue et al. (2013) demonstrated a greening of vegetation in on average since 1910. Patterns of rainfall have also shifted significantly
arid and semi-arid regions and Keenan et al. (2013) found an increase over the instrumented record. The Australia-wide average annual rain-
in water use efficiency of vegetation in a meta-analysis of data from fall has increased slightly, with large increases in annual rainfall in the

Please cite this article as: Davis, J., et al., When trends intersect: The challenge of protecting freshwater ecosystems under multiple land use and
hydrological intensification ..., Sci Total Environ (2015),
4 J. Davis et al. / Science of the Total Environment xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

Fig. 2. Major Australian climatic zones.

Source: Bureau of Meteorology.

Fig. 3. Map of Australian resource use (2005–2006).

Source: ABARES. Reprinted from Lesslie and Mewett (2013).

Please cite this article as: Davis, J., et al., When trends intersect: The challenge of protecting freshwater ecosystems under multiple land use and
hydrological intensification ..., Sci Total Environ (2015),
J. Davis et al. / Science of the Total Environment xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 5

north-west and declines in autumn and early winter rainfall in the April, 2014) live in urban regions, with the greatest concentration in
south-west and the south-east (CSIRO, 2014). Under future climate sce- south-eastern Australia. Urbanisation is likely to continue, with many
narios, the incidence of intense El Niño weather patterns is expected to Australian cities displaying the highest urban growth rates (in 2013) in
double (Cai et al., 2014). The shifting rainfall distributions in Australia the developed world (
are consistent with observations of an expansion of the Hadley Cells Australia's comprehensive governance of natural resources, includ-
(Cai et al., 2014). Recent modelling also suggests that, if these trends ing the role of State and Commonwealth government departments,
continue, they would result in changes to existing Koppen Geiger cli- also makes the continent an exemplar study region. Natural resource
mate types (Fig. 2): the area of tropical climates in Australia would in- management includes integrated extension services and extensive on-
crease from approximately 8.8% to 9.1%, arid climates would increase ground land management networks. Additionally there is the capacity
from 76% to 81%, and that temperate and cool climates would decline for listing both species and ecological communities as deserving of
from 14.7% to 9.1% and 0.0016% to 0.0001%, respectively (Crosbie special protection at national (EPBC_Act, 1999) and State levels (e.g.
et al., 2012). These changes are likely to result in declines in flows to sys- Victoria's Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act).
tems such as the Murray–Darling Basin.
Primary production (livestock grazing, dryland and irrigated agricul- 4. Impacts of land cover and land use change on Australian freshwater
ture) occurs over nearly 60% of the Australian continent. Areas reserved ecosystems
for nature conservation occupy 7% and other protected areas (mainly In-
digenous Protected Areas, IPAs), cover approximately 13%. Forestry is The changes in water quality, quantity and ecological health of
confined to higher rainfall regions and covers approximately 2%. Intensive Australian freshwater ecosystems resulting from changes in land
land use, mostly urbanisation, covers only 0.2%. Minimal land use occurs use and land cover since European settlement have been profound
where deserts are present, an area comprising approximately 18% of the (Boulton et al., 2014). These include sedimentation, eutrophication,
continent (Lesslie and Mewett, 2013) (Fig. 3). Over the longer term the salinisation, acidification, pollution (heavy metals and pesticides), al-
impacts of increased climate variability and population pressure may tered flow regimes, degradation of urban streams, also known as the
strongly influence the location of agricultural and non-agricultural activi- urban stream syndrome (Walsh et al., 2001), the loss and degradation
ties. Changes in agricultural activities are already emerging and there of some types of aquatic habitats and ecosystems (notably shallow wet-
have been several significant changes in land use in recent years. For ex- lands), species loss and increasing presence of invasive species (Fig. 5).
ample, the area of grazing decreased by 6% between 1992–93 and 2005– A multi-decadal record of Australian wetland change has been extended
06 and over the same period the area of land used for cropping increased in recent times using paleo-limnological techniques that focus on
by 39% (Fig. 4) (Mewett et al., 2013). In Northern Australia, an estimated preserved indicators (e.g. diatoms, cladocerans) of wetland condition.
20–40,000 ha of land currently used for grazing could be converted to ir- These have been supplemented since the 1990s with other records
rigated agriculture. Nearly 80% of Australia's population (23.4 million in (see Mills et al., 2013). In many instances these records, which

Fig. 4. Change in the area used for cropping between 1992–93 and 2005–06.
Source: ABARES. Reprinted from Lesslie and Mewett (2013).

Please cite this article as: Davis, J., et al., When trends intersect: The challenge of protecting freshwater ecosystems under multiple land use and
hydrological intensification ..., Sci Total Environ (2015),
6 J. Davis et al. / Science of the Total Environment xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

Fig. 5. Land use change in Australia has resulted in: salinisation (top left: saline wetlands in the Western Australian wheatbelt); eutrophication (top right: an algal bloom in Herdsman Lake,
Western Australia); sedimentation (bottom left: high turbidity downstream of a logging coupe in the Otway Ranges, Victoria); urban stream syndrome (bottom right: a channelised
stream in Melbourne, Victoria).

provide a pre-European benchmark, reveal that much wetland Sedimentation has led to the shallowing of some wetlands, allowing
change commenced soon after European settlement in the early diverse macrophyte beds to develop (Gell et al., 2005) while other wet-
1800s. While the instrumental record shows significant impacts of lands are undergoing a transition to dry land (Gell et al., 2009). Regula-
climate, water resource development and contemporary primary in- tion of river flows, initially for navigation but ultimately to provide
dustry, the palaeo-records suggest that these underestimate the water for intensive irrigation, provides a refuge for carp in regulated riv-
total impact of natural resource development on Australian wetlands ers during low flow periods (Driver et al., 2005a) and has drowned sea-
(Gell et al., 2013) sonal, floodplain lakes, killed river red gum forests in near-channel areas
Wetland salinity has increased in south-eastern Australia, either while expanding suitable habitat for emergent species such as Typha
through decreased effective precipitation, historic water use (Gell (Gell, 2012) and the floating fern, Azolla. The uneven spatial distribution
et al., 2005), irrigated agriculture (Gell et al., 2007) or inter-basin trans- and extreme temporal variability of surface and groundwater supplies
fers to support irrigation (Ghassemi and White, 2007; MacGregor et al., in Australia have led to the construction of a multitude of water regula-
2005). Salinity changes are mostly in the order of a ten-fold increase tion structures, including many thousands of weirs (3600 in the
(Gell et al., 2009) although the Snowy River hydroelectric scheme diver- Murray–Darling Basin alone), locks and floodplain levee banks, 446
sion and floodplain clearance led to a 50-fold increase in the salinity of a large dams (N 10 m crest height) and over 50 intra- and inter-basin
downstream waterbody. The construction of barriers to secure freshwa- water transfer schemes. The hydrological variability that typifies
ter for irrigated agriculture caused a shift from tidal, subsaline condi- the natural flow regime of most Australian rivers (Finlayson and
tions to hypersaline conditions in a coastal lagoon (The Coorong) at McMahon, 1988) and the water regimes of many wetlands have been
the mouth of Australia's largest river system, the Murray–Darling. altered across a range of temporal and spatial scales. Flow regulation
Widespread increases in the salinity of rivers and wetlands in the is widely acknowledged to be a major cause of degradation in many
wheat belt region of south-western Australia have been created by Australian river and floodplain ecosystems (Bunn and Arthington,
landscape-scale clearing of deep-rooted vegetation resulting in rising 2002; Cullen and Lake, 1995). Ecological changes in regulated river
saline water tables and mobilisation of salt previously stored deep with- systems include massive loss of wetlands, decline of riparian forests,
in soil profiles (Davis et al., 2010). invasion of dewatered river channels and wetlands by vegetation,
Widespread changes in the turbidity of Australian inland waters changes in aquatic plant community structure, population and diver-
began with the increased flux of mineral matter soon after European sity declines of invertebrates, fish and waterbirds, and several inver-
settlement due to tree clearance, agriculture and goldmining activities. tebrate extinctions (Arthington and Pusey, 2003; Kingsford, 2000).
The impact of water regulation for agriculture and domestic consump- Additionally, a greater frequency and duration of drought in tempo-
tion on turbidity and sedimentation has also been implicated through rary wetlands (Driver et al., 2011; Casanova, 2012) along with an
increased bank erosion. Some wetlands along the River Murray shifted increase in the profitability of grain and oil-seed production
from macrophyte dominance to phytoplankton dominance particularly (Tostovrsnik et al., 2010) has led to a change in land-use from biodi-
after the advent of river regulation and the introduction of European verse pasture grazing to monoculture cropping, with consequent
carp to waterways. Carp contribute to poor water quality by uprooting threats to temporary wetlands as habitat for birds, frogs, plants and
vegetation and stirring up sediments during feeding (Koehn, 2004). algae (EPBC_Act, 1999).

Please cite this article as: Davis, J., et al., When trends intersect: The challenge of protecting freshwater ecosystems under multiple land use and
hydrological intensification ..., Sci Total Environ (2015),
J. Davis et al. / Science of the Total Environment xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 7

5. Predicted effects of land use intensification and hydrological

Design & manage perennial waterbodies fed by

More efficient irrigation technology to reduce

urban stormwater to maximise their value as

Provision of environmental flows from water
intensification on Australian freshwater ecosystems

Declining water tables may slow rate of

Declining water tables may slow rate of

Limits placed on extraction from rivers
Land in Australia is being increasingly managed for multiple objec-

Utilise extracted water to provide or

tives, including the production of food, fibre, water supply, extraction
of minerals and energy, biodiversity conservation, landscape amenity

supplement drought refugia

and in recent years, for carbon sequestration. Intensification of resource

Solutions & opportunities

use is being driven by the need to increase productivity in response to
growing demand from domestic and international markets (Lesslie
and Mewett, 2013). Additionally, there is a declining resource base, in

aquatic refugia
particular, arable land. In northern Australia, low soil fertility and large


Predicted impacts of the combined effects of land use intensification and hydrological intensification (large floods and extended droughts) on freshwater ecosystems, potential solutions and opportunities.

water use
distances from domestic markets have not favoured intensive produc-

tion. However, recent policy and investment documents have articulat-
ed the desire for northern Australia to become the ‘food bowl of Asia’

Loss of floodplain productivity from reduced

Loss of groundwater-dependant ecosystems

Subdivision of rural areas and the changing nature of rural areas

Change in magnitude, duration & timing of

Loss of groundwater dependant & shallow

Loss of groundwater dependant & shallow

Loss of groundwater dependant & shallow

along the edges of cities and towns (peri-urban growth) is a form of
land use intensification that is becoming more common in some
Australian regions. Examples of changes in rural land use include inten-
sive animal raising, horticulture and viticulture, an increase in the num-
ber of small rural residential properties (hobby farms and lifestyle

surface-fed ecosystems

surface-fed ecosystems

surface-fed ecosystems
properties), and agricultural product manufacturing and processing. Po-

Extended droughts
tential impacts of rural land use development on freshwater ecosystems

Metal pollution
include increased competition for limited water supplies, lack of com-

Loss of refugia


pliance with water regulations, building of dams, changes to water

flows, changed riparian zone management, encroachment of rural



dwellings onto areas of high conservation value, and impacts on
groundwater availability and quality.
In a broad-ranging analysis of potential future water use scenarios in

Monitoring & management of water quality to

Monitoring & management of water quality to

Restoration of riparian vegetation to minimise
Australia, Lake and Bond (2007) identified a suite of likely trends in

Use water sensitive urban design to reduce

extent of impervious surfaces areas within
ensure downstream receiving waters can

ensure downstream receiving waters can

terms of aquatic ecosystem condition across agricultural and urban
landscapes. Their scenario of accelerated economic growth shares
much in common with the intensification scenarios and associated im-
support biodiverse ecosystems

support biodiverse ecosystems

Manage silvicultural practices
pacts listed in Table 1, albeit examined through a much coarser lens. The

Increase streamside buffers

Solutions & opportunities

most extreme hydrological scenarios are expressed as the occurrence of

large floods and extended droughts. The scenarios of wet areas becom-
ing wetter and dry areas becoming drier will result in similar but more
chronic impacts on freshwater ecosystems relative to those outlined by

Lake and Bond (2007). Often multiple solutions exist to address intensi-
fication impacts, and in some cases, opportunities to ameliorate existing

water quality and quantity issues may become evident. The temporal
differences between the impacts of large floods, which are instanta-
neous, and extended droughts that can play out over many years, re-

Increasing prevalence of ‘urban stream syndrome’

construction of levee banks to protect irrigated

construction of levee banks to protect irrigated

quire a paradigm shift in management approaches and systems of
governance towards ones that embrace temporal variability and ecolog-
Indirectly by alienation of floodplains by

Indirectly by alienation of floodplains by

ical dynamics (Bond et al., 2008).
Increased erosion in inter-rotations

6. Are some forms of land use intensification better than others?

Hydrological intensification

Eutrophication & pollution

Currently agriculture accounts for approximately 70% of all consump-

tive water use in Australia, mostly for irrigation. Irrigated agriculture
assets infrastructure

covers less than 1% of the total landmass, but produces approximately


one third of Gross Farm Product (GFP) (Lake and Bond, 2007). In contrast,
Large floods

grazing and dryland cropping cover 53% and 6% of the land-surface, re-


spectively (Lake and Bond, 2007). Both forms of agriculture have had pro-

found impacts on river systems, both in terms of altering hydrologic

regimes, and causing widespread erosion, sedimentation and salinisation.
From a terrestrial view-point, much more attention has been given to the
Irrigated cropping, dairy and

impacts of low-intensity farming, due to the effects of land-clearing for

Land use intensification

cropping and grazing, and the fact that such areas have a limited ability
Plantation forestry

to support native biodiversity values (Cunningham and Duncan, 2012).

– Coal seam gas
Energy extraction
cattle feedlots

Yet, from an aquatic perspective, it is often the perceived impacts of irri-


gated agriculture that receive the greatest attention because it is associat-

ed with very large volumes of water.
Table 1

It is thus interesting to consider whether a move towards more in-

tensive (land-sparing) forms of irrigated production (together with

Please cite this article as: Davis, J., et al., When trends intersect: The challenge of protecting freshwater ecosystems under multiple land use and
hydrological intensification ..., Sci Total Environ (2015),
8 J. Davis et al. / Science of the Total Environment xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

some agricultural abandonment and landscape restoration), would and then protecting these regimes within water planning arrangements
achieve greater net biodiversity outcomes compared to mixed eco- is much more involved.
agricultural landscapes, despite heightened degradation of some land- The current emphasis under the Murray–Darling Basin Plan (the
areas and associated river-corridors used to supply irrigation water. water management plan for the largest river basin in Australia) is to de-
Views on this intensification debate are mixed (Benton, 2012; Phalan scribe the environmental assets within each valley, including river pools
et al., 2011; Scherr and McNeely, 2008). For example, Benton (2012) and wetlands. Basin states are required to develop one- and five-year
suggested that “extensive and intensive farming may each be the best environmental watering plans within which assets and their environ-
option for food and wildlife depending on the place. The design of the mental flow requirements are identified to ensure balanced use of envi-
optimal landscape in terms of land sparing vs. land sharing will depend ronmental water across these assets. Most states already have tools to
on the costs (in terms of change in yield) vs. benefits (in terms of biodi- protect river assets. For example, water planners in New South Wales
versity or ecosystem processes): in low production, high biodiversity use desktop tools and field-based information, including hydrology,
landscapes, land sharing may be best, and vice versa.” An important fac- geomorphology, ecology and local knowledge, to identify and prioritise
tor is whether the effects of increased chemical use often associated the delivery of water to specific assets (Driver et al., 2012, 2013). This
with intensive agriculture can be controlled, and whether the long- approach offers a level of local detail above setting generic flow require-
term productivity of high intensity production can be maintained (e.g. ments for reaches and rivers using relationships between hydrology,
in the face of crop pests). These sorts of comparative analyses in relation geomorphology and ecology as described by Poff et al. (2010), but it
to aquatic biodiversity have yet to be undertaken systematically. For ex- is less detailed and more time efficient than a dedicated research
ample, while there have been attempts to integrate changes in terrestrial programme.
biodiversity and production values with impacts on runoff (Vertessy et al., Sufficient knowledge of water distribution patterns and spatial ar-
2003), rarely have the production/biodiversity values and trade-offs from rangements makes it possible to modify the pattern of water abstraction
dryland vs irrigated agriculture been considered simultaneously. so that particular streams or river reaches of high conservation value
An important consideration for river systems, compared to terrestri- continue to receive some flow on a preferential basis (Bond et al.,
al ecosystems, is their dendritic network geometry, which leads to com- 2008). Such opportunities arise by taking a more flexible approach to
paratively more habitat (by river length) occurring in upland tributary the approval, uptake and use of water licences. This may include
streams, which are often comparatively unaffected by extensive flow suspending water licences, or trading licences among properties, to pro-
regulation for irrigation, but which tend to be very strongly influenced vide some streams with respite during droughts. In other cases a “con-
by surrounding land use (often relatively marginal grazing). These low tingency flow” can be held in storage and used to provide carefully
order streams often support high species richness and high levels of en- timed flow pulses to generate small floods similar to natural events
demism and contribute to landscape-scale biodiversity patterns in im- (Driver et al., 2005b; Bond et al., 2008). A modest volume of flow at
portant ways (Clarke et al., 2008). In contrast, the areas most heavily the right time of year can result in beneficial ecological outcomes (e.g.
affected by flow regulation for irrigation are lowland floodplain habi- seedling and waterbird recruitment, fish spawning, water quality
tats. It is these contrasting patterns of flow influence between uplands maintenance), sufficient to protect or sustain individual species or as-
and lowlands, coupled with the large differences in economic returns semblages until the drought breaks (Bond et al., 2008). However, suc-
from surrounding land-use, that creates new challenges (and possibly cessful implementation of contingency flows requires knowledge of
opportunities) for future restoration. the habitat requirements, life history patterns and recruitment strate-
gies of valued species (Bunn and Arthington, 2002).
7. Management responses to the impacts of land use and hydrological
intensification on freshwater ecosystems 7.2. Protecting drought refugia

7.1. Delivering environmental flows While careful planning and management should ensure some water
remains in storage, short-term mitigation strategies that protect specific
Various mechanisms are already in place in many Australian regions habitats are needed in cases where storage volumes fall to critically low
to protect the environmental water share or deliver environmental levels, such that the desired environmental flows cannot be delivered.
flows during extended dry periods or droughts. Environmental flows During drought there will be many situations where the best environ-
are defined as “the quantity, quality and timing of water flows required mental flow strategy is one that will protect refuge habitats and their
to sustain freshwater and estuarine ecosystems and the human liveli- biota. Refugial habitats exist across a broad spectrum of aquatic ecosys-
hoods and well-being that depend on these ecosystems” (Brisbane tem types (Davis et al., 2013; Robson et al., 2008). Riverine waterholes
Declaration, 2007). Opportunities include limiting the volume of water and floodplain lagoons are extremely valuable refugia in arid systems
pumped from a river over the course of a year (sustainable diversion (Arthington et al., 2005; Bond et al., 2008) but other types of refuges
limits, SDLs), constraining the time of day of pumping (setting ‘cease have also been identified. They include logs, wet patches under banks,
to pump’ or CTP levels) and creating a list of high priority wetland and riffles, sub-surface stream sediments, yabby holes and stands of littoral
river habitats (typically pools) to guide environmental water alloca- and riparian vegetation (Boulton, 2003). These remnant habitats can
tions. Such rules are reviewed and adjusted to take account of the help to sustain moisture during dry spells and drought, and may sup-
critical water requirements of riverine biota during drought. SDLs are port obligate aquatic species for considerable periods of time. The iden-
estimates of the sustainable level of take using hydrology models that tification and protection of diverse aquatic refugia should be given the
run for ~ 100 years applied to a whole valley (MDBA, 2010). The SDLs highest priority at all times but especially during drought (Sheldon
are assessed and audited annually. Many river pools across Australia et al., 2010). These refugia require protective actions such as maintain-
are not gauged, so part of the water management challenge is to deter- ing riparian vegetation through the provision of environmental flows
mine the ecological values of river pools and allocate gauging resources and protection of river banks from livestock and other sources of rural
to those deemed to be most important. SDLs, if set appropriately, will and human disturbance (Davies, 2010).
protect all environmental assets and the water-dependent industries Seed banks also act as refugia. In many temporary wetlands plant,
and towns (MDBA, 2010). CTP rules are designed for the protection of algal and invertebrate populations re-establish when inundated, through
individual river pools. The rules to protect floodplain assets and func- germination or hatching from a bank of desiccation-resistant seeds, eggs
tions are quite different and although Commence to Flow (CTF) thresh- or propagules in the soil. This bank of propagules conveys a degree of
olds have been determined to describe the heights at which wetlands resilience in temporary wetlands (Casanova, 2012), and many species
require water, the process of describing the flow regime requirements can remain dormant in the soil for years or decades (Brock, 2011).

Please cite this article as: Davis, J., et al., When trends intersect: The challenge of protecting freshwater ecosystems under multiple land use and
hydrological intensification ..., Sci Total Environ (2015),
J. Davis et al. / Science of the Total Environment xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 9

Recognition of seed/propagule banks as cryptic refugia, and an under- Consequently, building healthy governance systems that address the
standing of how they can be maintained, is essential for conservation of causes and impacts of intensification are needed to create the founda-
temporary wetland systems (and riparian zones) and their biota. tions to establish a more sustainable future for freshwater ecosystems.
Dale et al. (2–13) cite Parker and Braithwaite (2003: 119) in defining
7.3. Other strategies, potential pitfalls and unintended consequences a systems view of governance as the “intentional shaping of the flow
of events so as to realize desired public good”. They cite several authors
Management interventions such as drought refuge protection and en- in further defining a systems view of governance as:
vironmental flow provisions may fail to provide sufficient protection for
populations of rare and threatened species. For rare taxa or those repre- • being distinguished from, but inclusive of, the processes of govern-
sented by few populations, further losses of genetic diversity caused by ment (e.g. Thomas and Grindle, 1990):
local population loss have the potential to greatly increase the risk of ex- • representing a large set of processes of bargaining and negotiation
tinctions (Bond et al., 2008). It may become necessary to implement among differing societal interests, leading to particular system out-
targeted population management strategies such as the transfer of threat- comes (e.g. Dorcey, 1986);
ened populations into captivity for later reintroductions (e.g. Galaxias • being polycentric across different scales (e.g. Ostrom, 2008); and
fuscus populations in Victoria), or the translocation of individuals from • being characterised by the use of both structural and functional con-
other areas once drought has abated. Reintroduction and translocation cepts from the sociological and planning literature (e.g. Dale and
strategies carry significant risk: they can be costly, and there is potential Bellamy, 1998).
to compromise natural population genetic structure or transfer diseases
among isolated populations (Cunningham, 1996; Hughes et al., 2003;
Below, we broadly apply the Governance Systems Analysis (GSA)
Olden et al., 2011). Identification of the situations where these sorts of in-
approach developed by Dale et al. (2013a) for the interrogation of com-
terventions are needed may also highlight species and populations likely
plex natural resource governance systems. Consistent with a very wide
to be threatened during future droughts and changes in climate (Bond
policy and planning literature, GSA considers the standard structural el-
et al., 2008).
ements of natural resource decision-making and action at different
The potential impact of inter-basin water transfers on the habitats
scales needed to include vision and objective setting, analysis, strategy
and populations of normally isolated catchments is also of concern
development, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and review
(Ghassemi and White, 2007). As well as moving water across the land-
(see also Potts et al., 2014). Importantly GSA also considers how well
scape, such schemes can transfer native species, thereby disrupting
things operate within and across these structural elements. Sound strat-
patterns of genetic isolation, and may also move alien species and path-
egy development, for example, can be undone by poor implementation.
ogens between catchments (Hughes et al., 2003). Various strategies,
GSA also considers three cornerstone functional elements of healthy
such as screens to detain propagules and water treatment, have the ca-
governance systems, consistent with many authors who have previous-
pacity to limit biological inter-basin transfers to some degree, although
ly explored the governance through socio-ecological system concepts
they are not always economically cost-effective and feasible, and are
(e.g. consider Folke et al., 2007). These include connectivity across the
frequently biologically ineffective (Ghassemi and White, 2007).
system, institutional capacity within the system and the access to and
As rainfall declines and temperatures rise during summer in south-
use of knowledge (of various kinds) in decision-making within the sys-
eastern Australia, there is an increasing, regular, dependence on ground
tem (see also Bellamy et al, 2001; Dale and Bellamy, 1998; Anderies
water for stock, rather than a fall-back resource for use during extended
et al., 2004).
droughts. The use of groundwater is incremental, but widespread, and
Broadly applying this analytical approach, we consider that Australia
the last decade has seen an intensification of the use of groundwater
had, until recently, a relatively robust framework for the allocation of
for agriculture in many regions (Tostovrsnik et al., 2010).
water resources through the auspices of the National Water Initiative
Recent decades have seen an increase in the application of manage-
(NWI). Important structural and functional weaknesses, however, do
ment interventions to meet freshwater ecosystem conservation and
remain across the system, and some significant aspects of this system
water resource objectives, especially revegetation of riparian zones. Cli-
may weaken further with the recent decline of the NWI and the National
mate change is likely to further intensify such investments and on-
Water Commission (cited online 2 March 2015 at
ground action. For instance, the need to protect in-stream biota from
au/organisation/closure-in-2014). The NWI represented a nationally-
thermal stress has led to concepts of ‘over-restoration’ in which exotic
fast-growing, shade providing trees are used in revegetation projects
(Davies, 2010). However, the planting of exotic species may entail “intergovernmental agreement set out to achieve a nationally com-
risks to riparian biodiversity as well as other functions, e.g. contribution patible market, regulatory and planning based system—one that
of riparian materials to aquatic food webs and, where watershed re- manages surface and groundwater resources for rural and urban
afforestation is widespread, the associated increase in evapotranspira- use, and optimises economic, social and environmental outcomes”
tion will result in large reductions in stream flows (Davies, 2010). Al- (cited online 2 March 2015 at
though it is unrealistic to expect human-occupied landscapes to be
returned to any pre-European natural state (Hilderbrand et al., 2005), The level of bilateralism in the governance of Australian freshwater
the potential for maladaptation to climate change from current man- systems is likely to weaken as a result of the demise of the National
agement interventions is evident with recent investment in engineering Water Commission. An additional systemic weakness in governance,
works and measures for diverting water across floodplains being erro- at regional and local scales, is the often low levels of connection be-
neously justified as a surrogate measure for natural flooding (Pittock tween water and land use planning and management processes. As a
and Finlayson, 2013). key aspect of good water governance, the concept of integrated land
and water planning and management, has been supported in principle
8. The importance of improved governance in supporting freshwater and in practice within various levels of both the Australian federal and
ecosystems facing intensification State/Territory governments for some time. Despite commitment to
this principle, in practice, institutional barriers still remain between or-
Managing land use and hydrological intensification and their im- ganisations that manage riverine and non-riverine landscapes (Martin
pacts is a human endeavour. Hence, consistent with Pahl-Wostl et al. and Williams, 2013).
(2013), contemporary intensification challenges facing the world will Australia also has developed a cohesive but sometimes unstable
enhance scrutiny on governance systems from global to local scales. system for setting water quality standards. Until 2007, for example,

Please cite this article as: Davis, J., et al., When trends intersect: The challenge of protecting freshwater ecosystems under multiple land use and
hydrological intensification ..., Sci Total Environ (2015),
10 J. Davis et al. / Science of the Total Environment xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

Australia was rapidly setting a robust vision for water quality manage- A further contribution to such delayed adaptation may emerge from
ment, negotiated bilaterally across all States and Territories through the recent decline in strategic national scale planning and allocation of
the National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality (NAPSQW). resources for research in Australian water resources management. Re-
This framework was replaced by the Caring for Our Country Program search and development activities have become fragmented and more
in 2007, and the national water quality policy vision changed from an disconnected from planning and implementation as scientists seek
outcomes-based to a more limited outputs-based approach. The ap- funding opportunistically rather than working within programmes
proach also became disconnected from any sense of national environ- with clearly articulated national public good goals and outcomes (see
ment accounts (e.g. via the work undertaken by the National Land and Dale et al., 2015). Although Australian universities and the peak
Water Audit; Robins and Dovers, 2007; Wentworth Group, 2008). Australian government-funded research organisation, the Common-
Additionally, while NWI-related delivery frameworks dealing with wealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), retain
water allocation are well developed and quite mature in the south of a strong research and development capacity in qualitative and quantita-
the country (e.g., in New South Wales, Driver et al., 2013), much effort tive water resource science, governance and management, this capacity
is still required to reverse the impacts of past periods of strong intensi- is likely to erode if national funding support continues to decline (Dale
fication. In the north, however, where new intensification pressures are et al., 2013b).
emerging, there is not a particularly strong framework for the imple-
mentation of water resource plans (see JCU and CSIRO, 2013). Across 9. Prioritising research to integrate land use intensification into
the nation, water quality considerations were historically below capac- freshwater conservation and management
ity in regional areas (NWC, 2011) and often poorly integrated within
water quantity-based allocation processes under the NWI framework. 9.1. Developing an understanding of long term ecosystem behaviour to
In broader functional terms, articulation of natural resource man- support decision making
agement problems must be directly connected to public values. This
provides the essential foundation for ensuring adoption of management Despite a long history of palaeoecological research across Australia,
strategies and adaptive system management (Groffman et al., 2010; there has been very little integration of this evidence into natural resource
Folke et al, 2007). Water management stakeholder consultation can decision-making (Mills et al., 2013). Evidence from natural archives of
sometimes be too narrowly defined, often with an emphasis on the change, such as wetland sediments, tree rings and speleothems can pro-
most obvious consumers, for example, irrigators (Bari et al., 2008; vide considerable insight into systems change including, but not limited
Hassall and Associates, 2007), and with an emphasis on the disciplines to: (i) benchmark conditions; (ii) initiation of human impact; (iii) the
of hydrology and economics, instead of considering other aspects of magnitude of human impacts relative to benchmarks; (iv) recent trajec-
human communities, especially the needs of Indigenous peoples tories of change; (v) linear vs non-linear responses, and (vi) novelty of
(Jackson and Morrison, 2007; Martin and Williams, 2013). Alternative- present condition. Syntheses of palaeolimnological records across
ly, conservation objectives might be considered to the exclusion of so- Australia conclude that virtually no wetland escaped the combined effect
cial, economic and cultural values of water (Dale et al., 2013a). Hence, of human impact and climate change over the last two centuries (Gell
the full range of water managers and water users must be engaged to et al., 2013). So many changes have occurred to Australian ecosystems, in-
better understand the needs and uncertainties in natural resource cluding aquatic ecosystems, it seems likely that society will greatly under-
decision-making, and Indigenous values and knowledge must incorpo- estimate the impact of past land use intensification, and so be ill-prepared
rated (Fazey et al., 2006; Finlayson, 2001; Richter et al., 2006; Ryder for the consequences of any future intensification. The integration of long
et al., 2010). The incorporation of Indigenous values and knowledge in term records of change, with long term monitoring programmes, is criti-
water planning and management will also improve resource manage- cal for Australian researchers and managers to understand the impact of
ment plans by incorporating species and season-specific knowledge intensive resource use on the Australian continent.
(Finlayson, 2005; Woodward et al., 2012).
In addition to the inclusion of broader human values, effective 9.2. Understanding the capacity of extant freshwater biodiversity to adapt
decision-making requires an understanding of long-term ecosystem be- to environmental change
haviour (e.g. see Folke et al., 2007). A process to retain, maintain and syn-
thesise management intervention knowledge across Australia's long- The capacity of freshwater biodiversity to adapt in situ to environ-
term monitoring programmes is urgently needed (Driver et al., 2013; mental change (e.g. through acclimation, genetic or epigenetic changes,
Stewardson et al., 2012). At the national scale, frameworks for monitoring behavioural change or plasticity), and climate change particularly, is
water quantity and quality, and water management have been strength- poorly understood. Understanding the potential for adaptation through
ened, but also partly discontinued. In areas outside of the jurisdiction of movement, including range shifts and migration is needed to inform the
the Murray Darling Basin Plan, which largely incorporates the intent of development of freshwater biodiversity climate change adaptation
these former programmes (the NAPSQW and NWI, as discussed), there strategies. The identification of taxa with high adaptive capacities is
is an even greater need for an integrated approach to intervention moni- needed for prioritisation of management efforts towards more vulnerable
toring across state and commonwealth government agencies. populations, species and communities. Understanding the mechanisms
Periodic changes in national and State/Territory policy and associat- that underpin the resilience that freshwater ecosystems currently possess
ed management intervention require re-negotiation and a lack of effec- could allow us to support that capacity.
tive bilateralism has been a key impediment to effective change in
Australia since Federation. That is, each new era of governance is weak- 9.3. Determining the relative contributions of surface water and groundwater
ened by needing to re-establish systems across the Commonwealth and in supporting freshwater ecosystems
States/Territories post changes in governments at either the Common-
wealth or State levels. Hence, with major changes such as intensification There remains insufficient knowledge of Groundwater Dependent
in Australia's north and in peri-urban zones fringing coastal cities, and Ecosystems (GDEs) and their water requirements (Boulton et al.,
also temporal shifts in ecosystem behaviour (more frequent prolonged 2010). Although there has been a shift towards GDE preservation within
droughts), there is a high risk of delayed adaptation as divides emerge planning, GDE protection often uses limited definitions and perceptions
between national and state activities relating to water monitoring and of what constitutes a groundwater-dependent ecosystem. Often the
effective policy and investment. This also means that monitoring results focus is on vegetation-dependent groundwater systems that can be
may have less influence on key national and state policies (Wentworth readily identified using remote sensing techniques. However, these
Group, 2008). techniques remain poorly ground-truthed and empirical studies of

Please cite this article as: Davis, J., et al., When trends intersect: The challenge of protecting freshwater ecosystems under multiple land use and
hydrological intensification ..., Sci Total Environ (2015),
J. Davis et al. / Science of the Total Environment xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 11

terrestrial groundwater use in Australia remain rare (O'Grady et al., effects on communities is needed in order to manage them effectively
2010, 2011). The focus on remotely sensed metrics has reduced the (Ormerod et al., 2010).
scope of work pertaining to GDE identification, resulting in limited un-
derstanding of long-term GDE characteristics and viability (Eamus and 9.7. Developing clear links between freshwater ecosystem functioning and
Froend, 2006). This leads especially to neglect of GDEs that are difficult human well-being
to detect and monitor (such as hyporheic and stygofauna communities
in karsts and alluvial systems) in planning processes (Tomlinson and As environmental policy and management become more utilitarian,
Boulton, 2008). The impacts of managed aquifer recharge on subterra- conservation and natural resources management efforts are increasing-
nean aquifers, to improve water security in cities located on subterra- ly directed towards outcomes that can be clearly linked to human well-
nean aquifers are not known. Changes in land use, such as shifts from being and health based on the provision of ecosystem services (Mitsch
annual to perennial systems with climatic drying, are likely to have sig- and Gosselink, 2000; Acreman et al., 2014). Governments across the
nificant impacts on groundwater recharge (Crosbie et al., 2010). En- world have a role in maintaining healthy ecosystems and in mitigating
hanced effort and funding are required to support both research and climate effects under the Rio Convention, but have not yet delivered
planning to facilitate integrated management of surface and groundwa- on key agreements (Tollefson and Gilbert, 2012). Describing the impor-
ter ecosystems (Eamus and Froend, 2006; Tomlinson and Boulton, tance of healthy ecosystems to food security and as a requirement in
2008). meeting our international obligations is critical and also helps build
the case for integrated land and water management. For example,
9.4. Improving capacity to model hydro-ecological relationships and predict IUCN (2013) describe how healthy ecosystems benefit food security
ecological outcomes from environmental flows by enabling availability, access, utilization and stability. Research is
needed to more fully describe and quantitatively model a greater
Effective management of environmental flows under different range of interactions between freshwater ecosystem structure and func-
intensification scenarios will depend on a platform of quantitative tion and the benefits provided beyond those which support the provi-
hydro-ecological relationships, preferably for rivers and wetlands of sion of goods with clear monetary value (i.e. potable water and fishes)
different hydrological and ecological character (Poff et al., 2010). (Gordon et al., 2010). In this respect aquatic ecosystems can be seen
Hypothesis-based experimental investigations of species habitat re- as settings for human well-being and livelihoods, although paradoxical
quirements, life history strategies and ecological processes are needed situations also need to be identified and assessed (Horwitz and
to strengthen the existing science. They can be conducted in laborato- Finlayson, 2011).
ries or greenhouses or as field experiments using existing flow regimes
and flow facets as experimental treatments (Davies et al., 2014). A bet- 9.8. Trialling and evaluating improved governance systems for managing
ter understanding of the importance of freshwater inflows into estuar- the impact of intensification on freshwater systems
ies and near-shore marine regions, is also needed. Estuaries and near-
shore marine regions are important habitats, supporting the life cycles Using Australia as an example, it is evident that some aspects of the
of many freshwater, estuarine and marine fishes and other species, in- country's water resource governance system provide benchmarks of in-
cluding commercial species. ternational significance (e.g. water allocation under the National Water
Initiative) while other aspects of the system are particularly weak (e.g.
water quality management from diffuse sources). Australia's cohesive
9.5. Identifying freshwater biodiversity hotspots and aquatic refugia system for governing water allocation is not well suited to, nor has it
been applied effectively under, northern Australian conditions where
Identifying aquatic refugia and barriers to dispersal and re- new land use developments are planned. Much work is still needed to
establishing connectivity within riverine networks are particularly im- improve the national system of water governance as the impacts of in-
portant, especially in semi-arid and arid regions (Davis et al., 2013; tensification play out.
Davies, 2010). Establishing priorities for protection of important refugia While Australia has had some significant successes in improved gov-
or connectivity pathways should involve principles of systematic con- ernance with respect to both water quality and quantity planning and
servation planning (comprehensiveness, adequacy, representativeness management, continuous improvement in the design and implementa-
and efficiency) at catchment and broad jurisdictional or bioregional tion of governance systems is needed. This makes the recent abolition of
scales (Arthington, 2012). Priority habitats and waterbodies (e.g. evolu- the nation's National Water Commission, for example, a retrograde de-
tionary and ecological refugia) can then be designated and managed as velopment as it diminishes the likelihood of strong national leadership
protected areas, or for mitigation of threats, or to establish priorities for and deliberative bilateralism between the Commonwealth and the
environmental flow delivery (Arthington, 2012). Although restoration States in water management. It also makes growing integration be-
of flow regimes to pre-disturbance conditions may be impossible in tween water quality and quantity aspects of planning less likely.
many areas, environmental flows can be used strategically to meet Future initiatives should also be cognisant of the impact and influ-
conservation obligations for endangered species, habitats and interna- ence of allied governance systems, for example, those for climate
tionally important wetlands listed under the Ramsar Convention and change mitigation and adaption. While Australia has had some signifi-
migratory bird agreements (JAMBA, CAMBA). cant successes in improved governance with respect to both water qual-
ity and quantity planning and management, continuous improvement
9.6. Understanding the impacts of multiple stressors in the processes of adaptive management is an ongoing challenge.
Reinvigorating the national policy and coordination framework for
The disappearance of some freshwater species may be driven by a water management may be critical to avoid some of the worst impacts
single stressor, yet for others the cumulative effects of multiple stressors of intensification.
will be detrimental. Some species will be more affected by climate-
driven stressors and others by land-use stressors. Some stressors will 9.9. Integrating aquatic and terrestrial ecological research and management
create additive or synergistic effects, and others antagonistic effects.
These effects are likely to differ for different types of waterbodies, e.g. Freshwater research and management is often isolated (and in some
systems with large water volumes and diverse food webs may have cases marginalised) from terrestrial ecological practice. With respect to
higher resilience than simple systems with little buffering capacity. Un- governance, the high socio-economic value and frequently contested
derstanding the complexity, interactions, and hierarchy of stressor nature of water resources have resulted in the establishment of

Please cite this article as: Davis, J., et al., When trends intersect: The challenge of protecting freshwater ecosystems under multiple land use and
hydrological intensification ..., Sci Total Environ (2015),
12 J. Davis et al. / Science of the Total Environment xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

institutions that manage water and freshwater ecosystems in isolation riverbank zones; provision and maintenance of refuge habits; provision
from their broader landscape settings. Integrated catchment manage- of environmental flows in systems where much water is extracted; fish-
ment is an exception, although its aims and objectives are also typically passes to allow movement of fish around constructed barriers, and the
water related (e.g. end of system water quality) rather than being truly identification and active conservation of valuable ecosystems and
holistic at a landscape scale. One result of this disciplinary and institu- particular biota. Strategic research priorities to inform planning and
tional segregation is that hydrological change has been widely consid- management of freshwater systems include: identifying freshwater bio-
ered as the sole driver of ecological degradation in Australian aquatic diversity hotspots and refugia; improving the capacity to model hydro-
systems, particularly during periods of drought. Addressing land use ecological and agro-ecological relationships; and developing a better
intensification and other non-hydrological intensification trends, how- understanding of surface water–groundwater interactions, long term
ever, requires a broader landscape perspective to be taken. The recent, ecosystem behaviour and aquatic-terrestrial links.
changed emphasis in public funding of improved natural resource
management illustrates the challenge with land-water segregation. Acknowledgements
Government programmes were largely based on a case-by-case funding
assessment without properly linking expenditure to meaningful, This work was funded by the Department of Industry, Innovation,
standardised performance measures (Hajkowicz, 2009). This general Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) via the Northern Fu-
problem is now compounded by a move towards funding based on tures Collaborative Research Network Program (CRN), the Australian
calculated carbon-offset benefits for agricultural land management, Government's Stream 2 Climate Adaptation Program and ACEAS, the
which in turn are affected by a market-driven price of carbon. However, Australian Centre for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis. ACEAS is a facil-
it is unlikely these measures will lead to significant carbon storage ity of the Australian Government-funded Terrestrial Ecosystem Re-
(Sanderman et al., 2010), and the consequences for aquatic systems search Network (, a research infrastructure facility
are even less clear. Understanding aquatic ecosystem structure and established under the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure
function and managing these for both their intrinsic value and their Strategy and Education Infrastructure Fund Super Science Initiative.
human benefits in the future will depend on effective collaborative We also acknowledge co-investment from the Australian Research
and transdisciplinary research and management across aquatic and ter- Council (ARC). The contribution of Ian Kidd in developing the reference li-
restrial fields (Likens et al., 2009). Scientific disciplines and institutions brary for this paper is also gratefully acknowledged. The views expressed
in both arenas stand to benefit. in this paper are those of the authors, and not necessarily those of any
Australian government agency or other organisation.
10. Conclusions
Land has been cleared across most of the temperate regions of
Australia and large amounts of fresh water have been diverted and ex- Acreman, M., Arthington, A.H., Colloff, M.J., Couch, C., Crossman, N., Dyer, F., Overton, I.,
tracted for the production of food and fibre, resulting in major land Pollino, C.A., Stewardson, M., Young, W., 2014. Environmental flows for natural, hy-
brid and novel riverine ecosystems in a changing world. Front. Ecol. Environ. 12,
use and water use legacies. These must be addressed if the nation is to 466–473.
avoid the loss of multiple ecosystem services and an accelerated decline Anderies, J.M., Janssen, M.A., Ostrom, E., 2004. A framework to analyze the robustness of
in aquatic biodiversity. Although adaptive management processes are in social-ecological systems from an institutional perspective. Ecol. Soc. 9, 1–18.
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Please cite this article as: Davis, J., et al., When trends intersect: The challenge of protecting freshwater ecosystems under multiple land use and
hydrological intensification ..., Sci Total Environ (2015),

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