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Borovinskaya (2020) Effects of Promoter On Structural and Surface

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Effects of Promoter on Structural and Surface
Properties of Zirconium Oxide-Based
Catalyst Materials
Ekaterina S. Borovinskaya 1,2, *, Steffen Oswald 3 and Wladimir Reschetilowski 1
1 Institute of Industrial Chemistry, Technical University of Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany;
2 Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Technology, Technical University, St.-Petersburg 190013, Russia
3 Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, 01062 Dresden, Germany;
* Correspondence:

Academic Editors: Sergio Navalon and Amarajothi Dhakshinamoorthy 

Received: 29 April 2020; Accepted: 1 June 2020; Published: 4 June 2020

Abstract: Ternary mixed oxide systems CuO/ZnO/ZrO2 and CuO/NiO/ZrO2 were synthesized by
one-pot synthesis for a better understanding of the synthesis-property relationships of zirconium
oxide-based catalyst materials. The prepared mixed oxide samples were analysed by a broad range of
characterisation methods (XRD, N2 -physisorption, Temperature-Programmed Ammonia Desorption
(TPAD), and XPS) to examine the structural and surface properties, as well as to identify the location
of the potential catalytically active sites. By XPS analysis, it could be shown that a progressive
enrichment of the surface composition with copper takes place by changing from ZnO to NiO as a
promoter. Thus, by addition of the second component, not only electronic but also the geometric
properties of active sites, i.e., copper species distribution within the catalyst surface, can be affected in
a desired way.

Keywords: zirconium oxide; copper species; ZnO promoter; NiO promoter; one-pot synthesis;
catalyst surface

1. Introduction
Today, the development of new resource-efficient processes is indispensable to provide energy
in the future. In this context it is of great importance to develop novel, heterogeneous catalysts
for production of liquid fuels derived from greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. Olah et al. [1–3],
Reschetilowski [4], and other authors [5,6] described methanol production from CO2 as advantageous
using non-fossil energy sources, avoiding the CO2 sequestration and effectively recycling of it to
reduce the greenhouse effect. Technical, social, and economic scenario increasingly favours methanol
production via conversion of carbon dioxide from various sources using electrolytic hydrogen.
Several catalysts for the hydrogenation of the carbon dioxide have been reported in literature in
recent decades [7–11]. CuO/ZnO/Al2 O3 is the conventional catalyst for methanol synthesis from syngas.
The action of Cu/Zn-containing catalyst systems is primarily based on the ability of metallic copper to
adsorb CO2 and hydrogen even at low temperatures. Copper on the ZnO surface is present as small
Cu0 and Cu+ species in the form of active state Cu/CuO pairs, providing an increase of copper surface
and its continuous regeneration or maintenance under process conditions. Furthermore, ZnO acts as a
promoter by providing the Hδ+ - and Hδ− -ions required for the catalytic process [12].
Previous mechanistic investigations using in situ IR spectroscopy, DRIFTS (Diffuse Reflectance
Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy), and thermal desorption of CO2 and of CO2 /H2 gas mixture
on the suitable catalysts indicated that formate species are formed on the copper surface, which can be

Molecules 2020, 25, 2619; doi:10.3390/molecules25112619

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considered as an intermediate of the methanol synthesis [13,14]. The hydrogenolysis of these species
with active hydrogen is a rate-limiting step in the methanol formation. According to this reaction
mechanism, copper undergoes oxidation/reoxidation cycles and must therefore be easily accessible to
all the reactants. However, due to product water, a rapid Cu sintering and catalyst deactivation takes
place [15].
Hence, suitable promoters and supports are essential as Cu-based catalysts for methanol synthesis.
They play an important role in modulating of interactions between active components. Promoters
can, for example, significantly influence the electronic, geometric or acid/base surface properties
and thereby the activity and selectivity of the catalyst. In addition, a suitable support is capable to tune
or influence the interactions between the active component and the promoter. For example, instead of
ZnO promoter as a hydrogen activator NiO or partially reduced Ni in combination with copper can be
used to catalyse hydrogenation reactions very effectively. Indeed, catalysts consisting of Cu and Ni were
reported to improve catalytic activity in hydrogenation reactions. More important, the nanocomposite
nature of catalysts could also help to prevent Cu sintering, even after long reaction time, without loss
of activity. It was found out that, in the catalyst Ni(20)Cu(60)-SiO2 , the well-dispersed metallic Cu
species provided the most active phase in the hydrogenation reaction [16].
On the other hand, a suitable support is able to tune or to influence the interactions between
the active component and the promoter. For example, the suitability of zirconium (IV) oxide as a
catalyst support for methanol synthesis was investigated in literature [17]. Authors reported that
zirconium (IV) oxide is a promising catalyst support for methanol synthesis because of its high stability
under reducing or oxidizing atmospheres. The presence of ZrO2 can also enhance the desired surface
properties, as well as copper dispersion, which strongly affects the CO2 activation and methanol
selectivity. As a result, an increased catalytic activity in comparison to other support materials,
e.g., Al2 O3 or SiO2 , can be observed [18–21]. Due to higher concentration of oxygen defect sites
ZrO2 -supported catalysts are characterized by a much higher catalytic activity. These materials create
novel synergies on the catalyst surface, which are not comprehensively understood due to complexity
of the ternary system [22–24].
In this context, ZrO2 -based supported mixed oxide systems CuO/ZnO and CuO/NiO by one-pot
synthesis, using ZnO or NiO as a structural and electronical promoter for catalytic active copper
species, were synthesised. In such multi-component systems, the promoter influences the catalytic
properties of active metal species, providing changes in its dispersion and electronic properties, or may
be directly involved in the reaction. The aim of this work was, therefore, to investigate the effects of
various promoters on structural and surface chemical properties of the potential catalytically active
metal species in ZrO2 -based catalytic materials.

2. Results and Discussion

2.1. X-ray Diffraction (XRD)

XRD investigations revealed that the prepared samples are mixed oxide systems, with typical
reflexes in the X-ray diffraction pattern clearly visible for the main components CuO, ZnO, or NiO
and ZrO2 (Figure 1). The most notable diffraction peaks in XRD patterns of the samples occurred
around 2θ = 32.5◦ , 35.5◦ , 38.6◦ , 48.8◦ , 61.6◦ , and 66.3◦ . According to literature, these peaks can be
provided by the monoclinic structure of CuO (JCPDS card No. 48-1548) [25].
Likewise, both samples showed in XRD pattern reflexes at 2θ = 30.3◦ , 50.7◦ , and 59.8◦ ,
which indicate the presence ZrO2 tetragonal phase (JCPDS card No. 17-923). No other ZrO2 phases
were detected, showing that the sample has the single-phase tetragonal structure. For the sample,
E-CZZ reflexes were detected at 2θ = 31.8◦ , 34.3◦ , 36.2, 47.54◦ , 56.6◦ , 62.8◦ , and 67.9◦ , which can be
identified as ZnO with wurtzite phase (JCPDS card No. 43-0002). The X-ray diffraction patterns of
the sample E-CNZ indicated reflexes characteristic for the cubic NiO crystallites at about 2θ = 37.1◦ ,
43.1◦ , and 62.6◦ (JCPDS card No. 47-1049).
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Figure 1. X-ray diffraction pattern of the calcined samples.

Figure 1. X-ray diffraction pattern of the calcined samples.

Since no amorphization of the prepared materials or formation of different secondary phases

Since no amorphization of the prepared materials or formation of different secondary phases are
are observed, according to the literature, reliable particle size determination can be assumed using
observed, according to the literature, reliable particle size determination can be assumed using the
the Scherrer equation from the X-ray diffraction pattern [26,27]. Based on the obtained diffractograms
Scherrer equation from the X-ray diffraction pattern [26,27]. Based on the obtained diffractograms
and the Scherrer equation, it is possible to determine the crystal size of the active components (in this
and the Scherrer equation, it is possible to determine the crystal size of the active components (in this
case, CuO) [28].
case, CuO) [28]. K·λ
Di = , (1)
β· · (θ )
D = 0, (1)
· ( )
where Di —the mean crystal size of the active component, K—the Scherrer form factor,
where wavelength
λ—the Di—the mean crystalβ—the
of X-rays, size offullthe active
width component,
at half maximumK—the Scherrer
of the reflex, form
and θ factor, λ—the
0 —the Bragg angle.
The Scherrer
wavelength formβ—the
of X-rays, factorfull
is defined
width atas half = 0.94, according
K maximum to the
of the reflex, andliterature [29]. The
θ0—the Bragg X-ray
wavelength is 0.1541
The Scherrer nm.factor
form The full width at
is defined as half
K = maximum was determined
0.94, according by means
to the literature [29]. of analysis
The X-ray
Themore accurate
full width results,
at half the CuO
maximum reflex
was at θ = 38.6
◦ was used, since
by means of analysis
it is strongly
software. pronounced
In order in more
to obtain both diffractograms,
accurate results,not theoverlapped,
CuO reflex andat θ could
= 38.6°therefore
was used, be since
it is
analyzed. In addition, the
strongly pronounced in crystal size was corrected
both diffractograms, notwith regard to the
overlapped, anddevice-specific
could thereforereflexbe
The crystal In
analyzed. sizes of CuO determined
addition, the crystal in sizethiswas
are summarized in Table
with regard to 1.the device-specific reflex
broadening. The crystal sizes of CuO determined in this way are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1. Summary of the data obtained from XRD, N2 -physisorption, and Temperature-Programmed
Ammonia Desorption
Table 1. Summary (TPAD).
of the data obtained from XRD, N2-physisorption, and Temperature-Programmed
Ammonia Desorption (TPAD).
CuO Crystal Size SBET Total Acidity Acid Site Density
[nm] [m2 /g] [mmol·NH3 /g] [µmol/m2 ]
CuO Crystal Size SBET Total Acidity Acid Site Density
E-CZZ 8.6 18.5 0.963 52.05
Sample [nm] [m²/g] [mmol·NH3/g] [μmol/m²]
E-CNZ 8.3 23.1 0.671 29.05

The CuOE-CZZ crystal sizes of the8.6prepared mixed

18.5 oxide systems
0.963 were in a range
52.05 from 8.3 to 8.6 nm.
It can be seenE-CNZ
that the CuO crystal 8.3 sizes of the23.1
0.671 samples are only
29.05slightly smaller than
those of the ZnO-containing samples. Nevertheless, NiO seems to favour the formation of smaller CuO
crystal sizes,
The CuO which is obviously
crystal related
sizes of the to themixed
prepared textural or structural
oxide characteristics
systems were in a rangeoffrom
the resulting
8.3 to 8.6solid.
It can be seen that the CuO crystal sizes of the NiO-containing samples are only slightly smaller than
2.2. N2 -Physisorption
those of the ZnO-containing samples. Nevertheless, NiO seems to favour the formation of smaller
CuOThe crystal
of which is obviously
the nitrogen related
isotherms to the
for the textural
samples or structural
E-CZZ and E-CNZ characteristics of the
are presented in
Figure solid.The determined BET surface areas (SBET ) from N2 -physisorption results are summarized
2 (left).
in Table 1.
2.2. N2-Physisorption
Molecules 2020, 25, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 13

The curves of the nitrogen isotherms for the samples E-CZZ and E-CNZ are presented in Figure
Molecules 2020, 25, 2619 4 of 12
2 (left). The determined BET surface areas (SBET) from N2-physisorption results are summarized in
Table 1.

Figure 2. 2.Comparison
Figure Comparison of the sorption
of the sorptionisotherms
isotherms (left)
(left) andand
the the
porepore radius
radius distribution
distribution (right)(right)
of the of
samples containing
containing ZnO
(E-CZZ) andand

In In
general, it itcan
canbe bestated
thatthethe investigated ternarymixed
investigated ternary mixedoxide
systems provide
provide adsorption
isotherms of type IV (according to IUPAC). These are characteristic for non-porous
isotherms of type IV (according to IUPAC). These are characteristic for non-porous or only slightly or only slightly
porous materials. Furthermore, the examined samples show a type H3 hysteresis, which is is
materials. Furthermore, the examined samples show a type H3 hysteresis, which
characteristic forforsystems
systems with
witha anarrow
that the
the sorption
sorption isotherm of
the NiO-containing sample is above
sample is above those ofofthe
those theZnO-containing
ZnO-containing sample.
sample. ThisThiscancanbebe explained
explained by by
thethe increased
increased specificsurface
specific surfacearea
(Table1) 1)of
of the mixed
mixed oxide
compared toto
E-CZZ, which
which ensuresincreased
ensures increasedadsorption
adsorption of of the adsorptive.
Furthermore,the thesorption
sorption isotherm
isotherm of of
thethe NiO-containingsample
NiO-containing sampleshows
sharper increase
increase atat low
low relative
pressures.This This indicates
indicates that it it
has an increased proportion
has an increased proportion of micropores. of micropores.
For For a more
a more detailedanalysis,
detailed analysis,thethepore
pore radius
radius distribution
distributionof ofthe
systems according
to Barrett, Joyner, and Halenda (BJH method) was determined (Figure
to Barrett, Joyner, and Halenda (BJH method) was determined (Figure 2, right). The well-defined 2, right). The well-defined
porosity obtained
obtained ininsynthesized
materials arises
arises from
from the
the slow
solvents to to
solid state
solid state
during the one-pot synthesis. Primary particles in the size of the pore diameter are formed. They
during the one-pot synthesis. Primary particles in the size of the pore diameter are formed. They block
block the space behind for the nitrogen molecules during the sorption measurement. Pore blocking
the space behind for the nitrogen molecules during the sorption measurement. Pore blocking might
might contribute to the low specific surface area of materials. Most of the pores formed are obviously
contribute to the low specific surface area of materials. Most of the pores formed are obviously uniform
uniform slit pores due to the hysteresis curve H3. They are too small and only the relatively small
slit pores due to the hysteresis curve H3. They are too small and only the relatively small outer surface
outer surface is available. The high number of primary particles leads, in turn, to the observed
is available. The high number of primary particles leads, in turn, to the observed monomodal pore
monomodal pore size distribution.
size distribution.
Clear textural differences in term of the specific surfaces, as well as the sorption isotherms and
pore textural
radii for obtaineddifferences in term
ternary mixed of oxide
the specific
systemssurfaces, as well as
with different the sorption
promoters, wereisotherms
observed. and pore
radii for obtained
sample with NiO ternary
of ZnO oxidehassystems with
a slightly differentspecific
increased promoters, were
surface observed.
area The sample
and an increased
with NiO instead of ZnO
proportion of micropores (Table 1).has a slightly increased specific surface area and an increased proportion of
micropores (Table 1).

2.3. Temperature-Programmed Ammonia Desorption (TPAD)

Using the TPAD, the total acidity of the solid sample surface can be investigated. This is calculated
from the desorbed ammonia depending on test conditions, such as temperature and ammonia volume,
used. The corresponding results for the investigated samples are shown in Table 1. Comparing the ZnO-
and NiO-containing mixed oxide systems, it is noticeable that the sample E-CNZ has a lower acidity.
Molecules 2020, 25, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 13
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2.3. Temperature-Programmed Ammonia Desorption (TPAD)
Using the TPAD, the total acidity of the solid sample surface can be investigated. This is
A possiblecalculated
explanationfrom could be theammonia
the desorbed special affinity
depending ofonNiOtestfor the tetragonal
conditions, phase of zirconium
such as temperature and (IV)
oxide, which has oxygen
ammonia vacancies
volume, used. and interacts
The corresponding with
results for the NiO moresamples
the investigated intensively dueintoTable
are shown the excess of
1. Comparing
oxygen atoms the ZnO-
in the crystal and NiO-containing
lattice. mixed oxide systems,
As a result, Lewis-acidic ZrO2 itsurface
is noticeable
arethe sampleand
blocked E- thus are
CNZ has a lower acidity. A possible explanation could be the special affinity of NiO for the tetragonal
not accessible for ammonia adsorption. On the other hand, this has a positive effect on the morphology
phase of zirconium (IV) oxide, which has oxygen vacancies and interacts with the NiO more
and distribution of the
intensively due corresponding oxideatoms
to the excess of oxygen particles,
in the as welllattice.
crystal as the Assurface
a result, area (Table ZrO
Lewis-acidic 1). 2
Considering thearetotal
surface sites blockedacidity inare
and thus combination with
not accessible for the acid
ammonia site density,
adsorption. it can
On the other hand,bethisnoted that
the acid site a positiveof
the morphology and distribution
mixed oxideofsystem
the corresponding oxide particles,
is only about half asashigh
well as that of
as the surface area (Table 1).
the ZnO-containing corresponding system (Table 1). This is related to the higher specific surface area
Considering the total acidity in combination with the acid site density, it can be noted that the
and the lower total
acid site acidity
density of NiO-containing
of the this sample. mixed oxide system is only about half as high as that of the
ZnO-containing corresponding system (Table 1). This is related to the higher specific surface area and
2.4. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
the lower total acidity (XPS)
of this sample.

XPS important

X-ray method
Photoelectron for (XPS)
Spectroscopy studying the bonding conditions and electronic structure of
surface atoms,XPS as well
is an important method for studying theofbonding
as the chemical composition solids conditions
in the surface region. structure
and electronic The XPS of spectra of
the samples E-CZZ and E-CNZ prepared by the one-pot synthesis are shown in Figure 3.
surface atoms, as well as the chemical composition of solids in the surface region. The XPS spectra of
the samples E-CZZ and E-CNZ prepared by the one-pot synthesis are shown in Figure 3.
Cu2p3 Zr3d

Zn2p3 Ni2p3

Figure 3. Cu2p 3.-,Cu2p

Figure3/2 Zn2p
3/2-,3/2 -, Ni2p
Zn2p 3/2 -,3/2and
3/2-, Ni2p -, andZr3d
Zr3d5/2 lines
5/2 lines in in
XPSXPS spectra
spectra for E-CZZ
for E-CZZ (blue)
(blue) and E-CNZand E-CNZ
samples (green).
samples (green).

Position of the Cu2p3/2 peak is almost identical in both samples, indicating the same oxidation
Position of the Cu2p3/2 peak is almost identical in both samples, indicating the same oxidation
state of copper in these samples. The value of binding energy of the peaks observed in the Cu2p3/2
state of copper inrange
spectral thesearesamples. The value
in good agreement withof binding
those energy
obtained of authors
by other the peaks[30]. observed in the Cu2p3/2
The characteristic
spectral range are in good
(and identical) agreement
satellite with
peak at about those
942 eV pointobtained
to Cu2+ canby other authors
be identified. However,[30].
the The characteristic
(and identical) satellite peak at about 942 eV point to Cu2+ can be identified. However, the formation
of a higher dispersed CuO phase inside the solids cannot be excluded. This assumption is supported
by the fact that a slightly decreased CuO crystal size is observed in the NiO-containing mixed oxide
system (Table 1). The agglomeration of it is weakened by an increased NiO-CuO interaction compared
to the ZnO-containing sample.
In contrast, the Zr3d5/2 line in the NiO-containing sample shows a clear shift towards lower
binding energies compared to the ZnO-containing corresponding sample. This might indicate
the intensive electronic interaction between NiO and ZrO2 already discussed above. Actually, a slight
chemical shift of the Ni2p3/2 line towards higher binding energies is observed in the XPS spectrum of
the NiO-containing sample. The typical Ni2+ 2p3/2 peak for NiO at 853.7 eV [31] is 3 eV higher than
Molecules 2020, 25, 2619 6 of 12

the Ni2+ 2p3/2 peak observed for unsupported oxide according to a noticeable lowering of the Ni−O
bond covalence [32]. This can also mean that some of the Ni2+ ions of the crystal lattice are transformed
into the Ni3+ ions to maintain the electroneutrality. In both Ni2+ and Ni3+ cases, it is difficult to assign
a single binding energy to these chemical states. Nevertheless, it appears that the Ni3+ state has a
predominance of intensity at higher binding energy in the main signal [33]. This may be related to
the valence of Ni cations, as well as particle size of corresponding oxides and the associated surface
effects of the catalyst [34].
It is generally assumed that, in the mixed oxide systems under consideration, Cu, Cu/CuO,
or Cu/Cu+ pairs can act as the most important active component in the hydrogenation of CO2 to
CH3 OH, whereby the role of different copper species depending on the used promoters is controversially
discussed [35–38]. Likewise, the nature of the catalytically active Cu species at interface is still in
dispute [39,40]. Koeppel et al. [41] found out, based on X-ray diffraction measurements, that active
copper species are present predominantly as Cu0 over Cu/ZrO2 . In contrast, Cu+ was proposed
to be the active component for a Cu/ZnO/SiO2 catalyst by performing static low-energy ion scatter
experiments [42]. The observed oxidation behavior of Cu species differs clearly from pure metallic
Cu. This oxidation behavior and the methanol synthesis activity of the reduced catalyst surface are
explained in terms of the formation of Cu+ /ZnO with oxygen vacancies. However, it was also suggested
that Cu metal and low valence of Cu (Cun+ and Cu+ ) may affect the catalytic activity of Cu-based
mixed oxide catalysts [43].
Nevertheless, it is generally considered that metallic copper has significant positive influence on
the catalytic activity with respect to methanol synthesis despite different environments as an active
site. For this reason, after treatment of the samples in a reducing atmosphere, which typically occurs
in the CO2 hydrogenation, XPS investigations were carried out. The main aim is to consider and to
evaluate the influence of the promoting Zn or Ni species on the composition and electronic addition of
the active component. This enables the identification of different species on the surface of the ternary
mixed oxide systems after reduction and investigation of their interaction with the support in more
detail. It can be assumed that the individual components are reducible to varying degrees, and their
reducibility is largely determined by particle morphology and distribution, as well as by metal/metal
oxide/support interaction. For this purpose, the samples were reduced ex situ under standard
conditions. To remove the moisture, the samples were first heated up to 120 ◦ C in dried nitrogen stream
(0.2 L/min) in the sample chamber and left at this temperature for one hour. The samples were then
treated by a reducing gas mixture H2 /N2 = 1:2.5 at raising temperature up to 220 ◦ C. After completion
of a two-hour reduction, the hydrogen was stopped, and the sample chamber was cooled to room
temperature. In order to ensure the neutral reaction environment, the sample chamber was flushed out
with nitrogen for 30 min and tightly closed. Subsequently, the sample was transferred to the analyzer
chamber for the reference- or XPS-measurements.
Binding energies of the main elements of the calcined and reduced mixed oxide system
CuO/ZnO/ZrO2 are presented in the XPS-spectra in Figure 4. The shift of the Zn2p3/2 line to
higher binding energies observed in the reduced sample indicates an increased interaction between
Zn2+ ions and the support surface. This interaction can be related to the presence of defect sites
in ZrO2 already mentioned above. The number of these sites seems to increase after the reductive
treatment of the samples, which is confirmed by the shift to higher binding energies in the O1s spectrum.
Furthermore, a shift of the binding energy to higher values in the Zr3d5/2 spectrum is consistent
with the assumption that there is a strong interaction between the Zn species and the surface sites of
the support.
In contrast, almost none or only slight changes are observed in the Cu2p3/2 spectrum, so that
formation and interaction between Cu0 or Cun+ species and the support seem unlikely. This is because,
neither with Mg measurements (due to superposition with Zn2p3/2 , Zr3d5/2 and Ni2p3/2 peaks) nor with
Al source, no significant changes in the Auger peaks and, consequently, no clear valence differences of
copper could be observed. The presence of an important satellite peak indicates, without ambiguity,
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the assumption that there is a strong interaction between the Zn species and the surface sites of the
the copper are Cu2+ species. The shoulder could be, however, interpreted as Cu2p3/2
that most ofsupport.
spectral peak with included
In contrast, partly
almost nonelow-valence
or only slight copper.
changes are observed in the Cu2p3/2 spectrum, so that
formation and interaction
In the calcined and reduced mixed between Cuoxide
0 or Cun+ species and the support seem unlikely. This is because,
system CuO/NiO/ZrO2 (Figure 5), a slight shift of
the Ni2p3/2 neither
line towith Mg measurements (due to superposition with Zn2p3/2, Zr3d5/2 and Ni2p3/2 peaks) nor
higher binding energies can be observed after reductive treatment. Apparently,
with Al source, no significant changes in the Auger peaks and, consequently, no clear valence
the reduction of the samples
differences of copperincould
this case also leads
be observed. The to an increase
presence of defectsatellite
of an important sites inpeak
the indicates,
support surface.
However, it without
occurs ambiguity,
to a muchthatlesser
of the compared
copper are Cuto2+the ZnO-containing
species. The shoulder mixed
could be,oxide system.
interpreted as Cu2p3/2 spectral peak with included partly low-valence copper.
Сu2p3 Zr3d

Zn2p3 O1s

Figure 4. Cu2p 3/2 -,4.Zn2p

Figure Cu2p3/2
-, Zr3d5/2 -, and O1s-lines in the XPS spectra of the calcined (blue) and reduced
3/2-, Zn2p3/2-, Zr3d5/2-, and O1s-lines in the XPS spectra of the calcined (blue) and
E-CCZ sample
Molecules (green).
reduced 25, x FOR PEER
(green). 8 of 13

In the calcined and reduced mixed oxide system CuO/NiO/ZrO2 (FigureZr3d 5), a slight shift of the
Ni2p3/2 line to higher binding energies can be observed after reductive treatment. Apparently, the
reduction of the samples in this case also leads to an increase of defect sites in the support surface.
However, it occurs to a much lesser extent compared to the ZnO-containing mixed oxide system.

Ni2p3 O1s

Figure 5. Cu2p
Figure -, Ni2p
3/25. Cu2p3/2
3/2-, -,Ni2p
3/2-,5/2 -, and
Zr3d 5/2-, O1s-lines in the
and O1s-lines XPS
in the spectra
XPS spectraofofthe
calcined (blue) and reduced
(blue) and
E-CNZ sample (green).
reduced E-CNZ sample (green).

The atomic concentration of the elements in the surface layer shows a slight increase in the Cu
concentration for the Ni-containing mixed oxide system (Table 2). This can be explained by the fact
that, due to an interaction between Nin+ species and support, the outside support surface is covered
by CuO at a higher degree. During reduction, this leads to an unequal distribution of Cun+ species in
the support and to a slight increase of the Cu concentration in the outer support layers. This is
indicated by the resulting decrease in the concentration of O2--anions in the NiO-containing mixed
Molecules 2020, 25, 2619 8 of 12

The atomic concentration of the elements in the surface layer shows a slight increase in the Cu
concentration for the Ni-containing mixed oxide system (Table 2). This can be explained by the fact
that, due to an interaction between Nin+ species and support, the outside support surface is covered
by CuO at a higher degree. During reduction, this leads to an unequal distribution of Cun+ species
in the support and to a slight increase of the Cu concentration in the outer support layers. This is
indicated by the resulting decrease in the concentration of O2- -anions in the NiO-containing mixed
oxide system compared to the ZnO-containing sample.

Table 2. Comparison of the atomic concentration in the outer support layers for the calcined and reduced
samples E-CZZ and E-CNZ.

Sample O1s Ni2p3 Cu2p3 Zn2p3 Zr3d

E-CZZ 56.9 0.00 17.3 11.7 14.1
E-CZZred 55.6 0.00 17.4 12.3 14.7
E-CNZ 52.7 17.8 19.6 0.0 9.9
E-CNZred 52.5 15.4 19.4 0.0 12.7

The peak position and the satellite structure associated with the Cu2p3/2 band clearly showed
the presence of Cu2+ ions, which obviously dissolved in the zirconium oxide lattice and formed highly
covalent bindings with oxygen anions. Since the detected copper binding energies for reduced E-CNZ
materials are deeper compared to E-CZZ, the copper oxide is located next to the oxygen vacancies
on the external surface area of the zirconium oxide support, as suggested above. Thus, the support
ZrO2 contributes to the stabilization of the CuO phase and decreases the metallic surface but generates
local electron-deficient metal particles at the same time, which are apparently necessary for the high
methanol selectivity [39,40].
At the phase interface between the copper or low-valence copper and the electronic promoter
ZnO or NiO, either a higher activity (due to the accumulation of copper in the outer surface layer) or
a lower activity (due to the simultaneous depletion of Ni) can be expected in Ni-containing mixed
oxide systems during the CO2 hydrogenation. Thus, a balance between these two influencing factors
should be considered while developing an effective zirconium oxide-based catalyst system for CO2
hydrogenation using NiO as promoter. It can be concluded that the use of NiO instead of ZnO
encourage the formation of the better dispersion of Cu species in the outer surface of the solid and thus
should promote its catalytic effect. At the same time, the associated reduction of the surface acidic sites
density prevents the aggregation of the Cu species, loss and/or changes in its oxidation state, making
such materials in this regard comparable with the commercial catalysts for CO2 hydrogenation.
Comparison of the prepared mixed oxide systems with a reference catalyst of the same element composition
(CuO/ZnO/Al2O3 (R-CZA), provided by Clariant, Sulzbach (Taunus), Germany) can be gradated with regard
to the determined CuO crystallite size: R-CZA (5.9 nm) < E-CNZ (8.3 nm) < E-CZZ (8.6 nm). The density of
the surface acidic sites, detected by TPD-NH3, changes in the same way: R-CZA (4.20 µmol·NH3/m2) < E-CNZ
(29.05 µmol·NH3/m2) < E-CZZ (52.05 µmol·NH3/m2). This agrees with literature results for the reference
catalyst, which provides good catalytic activity in the conversion of carbon dioxide and can be characterized not
only by higher BET surface area but also by low acid sites density [44,45]. Preliminary catalytic investigations
with CO2/H2 gas mixture (in a ratio of H2/CO2 = 3) in a plug flow reactor at 220 ◦C and 1 MPa bar lead
to following gradation of catalytic activity: R-CZA > E-CNZ > E-CZZ (Figure 6). Performance of catalytic
materials synthesized by the proposed one-pot technique is not yet as good as with the reference catalyst system.
Under test conditions, the reference catalyst provided CO2 conversion of 16.5%, and the NiO-containing
and ZnO-containing ZrO2-based system achieved conversion of 4.3 and 3.4%, respectively (Figure 6). Hence,
decreasing the acid sites density of the prepared ZrO2-based mixed oxide systems by increasing of the surface
area could be an interesting tool to generate the required catalyst performance. Further research is needed
to elucidate the role of the specific acid sites in the forming of the fine dispersion of Cu species in the outer
catalytic activity: R-CZA > E-CNZ > E-CZZ (Figure 6). Performance of catalytic materials synthesized
by the proposed one-pot technique is not yet as good as with the reference catalyst system. Under
test conditions, the reference catalyst provided CO2 conversion of 16.5%, and the NiO-containing and
ZnO-containing ZrO2-based system achieved conversion of 4.3 and 3.4%, respectively (Figure 6).
Molecules decreasing
2020, 25, 2619 the acid sites density of the prepared ZrO2-based mixed oxide systems 9 ofby
increasing of the surface area could be an interesting tool to generate the required catalyst
performance. Further research is needed to elucidate the role of the specific acid sites in the forming
of the finesurface and in the
dispersion tuning
of Cu the electronic
species properties
in the outer supportof the Cu species
surface and inbythe
combination with
tuning the suitable
promoter [46].
properties of the Cu species by combination with suitable promoter [46].

Figure 6. Relationship between BET surface area and acid sites density (orange), as well as CuO crystal
Figure 6. Relationship between BET surface area and acid sites density (orange), as well as CuO crystal
size (grey), of prepared mixed oxide systems and their catalytic performance (blue) in comparison with
size (grey), of prepared mixed oxide systems and their catalytic performance (blue) in comparison
reference catalyst.
with reference catalyst.
3. Materials and Methods

3.1. Materials
In the one-pot synthesis, the nitrates Cu(NO3 )2 ·xH2 O (Puratronic® , 99.999%, metals basis),
Zn(NO3 )2 ·6H2 O (Puratronic® , 99.998%, metals basis) or Ni(NO3 )2 ·6H2 O (Puratronic® , 99.998%,
metals basis) and ZrO2 (NO3 )2 ·xH2 O (Puratronic® , 99.994%, metals basis) were weighted and dissolved
in water. The weights of the nitrates used were based on a 10 g catalyst sample of the same composition
60/30/10 wt.-% for CuO/ZnO/ZrO2 and CuO/NiO/ZrO2 , respectively. The resulting solution was
evaporated (100 ◦ C for 5 h), and the residue was dried and then calcined.
The calcination of the synthesized samples was carried out in an oven of the Horststatt company,
on a frit, which was put in a glass flask was by means of ground clamps. An equivalent mass of
sample material was used for each calcination performed. The calculation was carried out according
to the following temperature program: heating rate 1.2 K/min → 120 ◦ C, holding time 1 h → 540 ◦ C,
holding time 12 h.
The prepared catalyst samples were named as follows: Sample name used was based on
the preparation method (E—one-pot synthesis) and the components used (CuO, ZnO, or NiO and ZrO2 )
as C, Z, or N and Z. The designation E-CZZ means, that this sample was synthesized by the one-pot
synthesis (E) and contains 60 wt.-% CuO (C), 30 wt.-% ZnO (Z) and 10 wt.-% ZrO2 (Z). On the other
hand, the name E-CNZ means, that this sample was synthesized in the same way (E) and contains also
60 wt.-% CuO (C), 30 wt.-% NiO (N) and 10 wt.-% ZrO2 (Z).

3.2. Methods
XRD patterns of the prepared samples were achieved with the SuperNova single
crystal diffraction instrument (Rigaku Oxford Diffraction, Kent, U.K.) using CuKα radiation.
Nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherms were measured at 77 K on a Sorptomatic 1990 (Carlo Erba
Instruments, Egelsbach, Germany). Acidic properties were analyzed by temperature-programmed
desorption of ammonia. After the sample pretreatment, including calcination, ammonia adsorption
Molecules 2020, 25, 2619 10 of 12

and removing of physisorbed ammonia, the surface properties were analyzed by in situ IR-spectroscopy
(Nicolet Impact 400, Waltham, Massachusetts, U.S.) and mass spectrometry in the range of 373 to 823 K.
XPS measurements were carried out at a PHI 5600 CI spectrometer (Physical Electronics, Feldkirchen,
Germany), which is equipped with a hemispherical energy analyzer. Pass energy used was 29 eV,
the measuring area is around 800 µm in diameter. Due to strong charging effects measurements with
monochromatic X-rays war were not possible, non-monochromatic MgKα source (400 W) was used.
Residual charging shifts, which are not identical in each sample, have to be corrected using internal
reference peaks. The mostly used C1s peak from contamination was not reliable because of the low
carbon content, and the Cu2p3/2 peak (available in all samples) at 934 eV was used.

4. Conclusions
The potential catalytically active ternary mixed oxide systems on the zirconium oxide support were
synthesized by the one-pot synthesis. All necessary catalyst precursors were simultaneously converted
by evaporation from solutions into the solid state. The synthesized samples were characterized
by physical-chemical measuring methods. By means of XRD, it could be confirmed that all
systems correspond to desired ternary mixed oxides with high purity. The adsorption capacity
of the examined samples and their texture, i.e., surface area and pore size, were determined by
nitrogen adsorption. In this case, the NiO-containing system showed a slightly higher surface area
compared to ZnO-containing sample with a similar pore size. The larger surface area of the sample
with the promoter NiO can support the formation of slightly smaller CuO crystals. On the other
hand, the TPAD measurements showed that the NiO-containing sample is characterized by a lower
total acidity. Consequently, also due to the higher surface area, the density of acidic sites in this
sample is lower than in the corresponding ZnO-containing sample. XPS measurements confirmed
that there is an increased interaction with both the ZrO2 support and the active component copper in
the NiO-containing sample. Ni species accumulate especially in an inner solid layer, while Cu species
accumulate in the outer solid surface. In agreement with observations reported in literature, it can be
concluded that the ternary mixed oxide systems based on ZrO2 with high surface area, low density of
acidic sites, and distribution of the active component in the outer catalyst layer are advantageous for
high catalytic activity in the CO2 hydrogenation.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, E.S.B. and W.R.; methodology, W.R.; software, E.S.B. and S.O.;
validation, E.S.B., W.R. and S.O.; formal analysis, S.O.; investigation, E.S.B. and S.O.; data curation, E.S.B.;
writing—original draft preparation, E.S.B., W.R. and S.O.; writing—review and editing, E.S., W.R. and S.O.;
visualization, E.S.; supervision, W.R. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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