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12 RTL5075 Mispelll

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Misspell Words

1. Pick out the right word.

a. Contempcrary b. Cantemporary
c. Contemporary d. Contamporary
2. Which word is wrongly spelt in the following set of words?
a. Enquiry b. Nursary
c. Electricity d. Library
3. Which word is correctly spelt in the following set of words:
a. Obsolite b. Absolute
c. Absolete d. Obsilete
4. Which word is correctly spelt in the following set of words:
a. garuantee b. guarantee
c. gaurantee d. gurantee
5. Identify the correct spellings?
a. boulevard b. buleward
c. bouleward d. bolevard
6. Identify the correct spellings:
a. occurred b. occured
c. ocurred d. occurad
7. Which of the following has incorrect spellings?
a. Enquiry b. Probation
c. Operational d. Electrecity
8. Select the correct word.
a. Elactricity b. Elactrecity
c. Electricity d. Ellectrcity
9. Identify the correct spellings:
a. Successful b. Sucsesful
c. Successfull d. Sucsesfull
10. Choose the Correct Spelling
a. Sucecde b. Sueecde
c. Succeed d. Sucede
11. Which word is wrongly spelt in the following?
a. Confusion b. Previous
c. Distruction d. Computer
12. Find the Correct Spellings:
a. clerk b. clark
c. clerck d. clurk
13. Find the Correct Spellings:
a. coming b. comming
c. cuming d. comeing
14. Find the Correct Spellings:
a. acommodation b. accommodation
c. accommodation d. acomodashun
15. Find the Correct Spellings:
a. begining b. bigning `
c. beginning d. bignning
16. Which word is wrongly spelt in the following set of words?
a. Beginning b. Ceiling
c. Appearence d. Changeable
17. Find the Correct Spellings:
a. convenent b. convenient
c. convinient d. convenant
18. Find the Correct Spellings:
a. bureucracy b. beorucracy
c. burucracy d. bureaucracy
19. Which word is wrongly spelt in the following:
a. Medieval b. Bureaucracy
c. Inhabitents d. Infrastructure
20. Find the Correct Spellings:
a. oita b. eota
c. iota d. eotae
21. Find the Correct Spellings:
a. secretariat b. sucretariat
c. secretaiate d. secretariate
22. Choose the correct Spellings.
a. Proceder b. Procedure
c. Precedure d. Procedur
23. Choose the correct Spellings.
a. Receive b. Receve
c. Reiceve d. Rieceve
24. Choose the Correct Spelling
a. Relieve b. Releeive
c. Reletve d. Realieve
25. Which word is wrongly spelt in the following?
a. Believe b. Receive
c. Relieve d. Decive
26. Choose the correct Spellings.
a. Frequent b. Freqent
c. Frequnt d. Frequente
27. Choose the correct Spellings.
a. Disciplene b. Discipline
c. Descipline d. Discepline
28. Choose the correct Spellings.
a. Subordinate b. Sabordinate
c. Subordinat d. Subordenate
29. Choose the correct Spellings.
a. Pageant b. Pagint
c. Pegent d. Pigent
30. Choose the correct Spellings.
a. Mosquito b. Mosquitou
c. Musquito d. Mosquoito
31. Choose the correct Spellings.
a. Prirequisite b. Prerequisit
c. Prereqisite d. Prerequisite
32. Choose the correct Spellings.
a. Pivot b. Pivout
c. pivote d. pivoti
33. Choose the correct Spellings.
a. Continous b. Continuous
c. Continuos d. Continuouse
34. Which word is wrongly spelt in the following set of words?
a. Referee b. Miltary
c. Victory d. Necessary
35. Which word is wrongly spelt in the following set of words?
a. Player b. Walter
c. Traiter d. Painter
36. Which word is wrongly spelt in the following set of words?
a. Attraction b. Revision
c. Infaction d. Intention
37. Which word is wrongly spelt in the following set of words?
a. Parfect b. Honest
c. Popular d. Loyal
38. Which word is wrongly spelt in the following?
a. Begger b. Scholar
c. Controller d. Liar
39. Which spellings of the following is correct?
a. Begger b. Beggar
c. Baggir d. Bager
40. Which word is wrongly spelt in the following?
a. Forcast b. Foretell
c. Mislead d. Forbear
41. Which word is wrongly spelt in the following?
a. Biscut b. Bisect
c. Binoculars d. Benefit
42. Mark the correct spelling.
a. Biscuit b. Biscunt
c. Buscuit d. Biscut
43. Which word is wrongly spelt in the following?
a. Scholar b. Preacher
c. Engineer d. Attorny
44. Which word is wrongly spelt in the following set of words?
a. Variety b. Abilety
c. Energy d. Capacity
45. Choose the incorrect spelling:
a. Hallucinations b. Reverberations
c. Transpyre d. Rejuvenation
46. Find the correct spellings of the following:
a. Maneuver b. Manovere
c. Manoever d. Manoeuvre
47. Find the correct spellings of the following:
a. Tution b. Tuition
c. Tusion d. Tushun
48. Find the correct spellings of the following:
a. Poineer b. Poineere
c. Pioneer d. Pioneere
49. Find the correct spellings of the following:
a. Qorum b. Korum
c. Corum d. Quorum
50. Find the correct spellings of the following:
a. Martial law b. Marshul law
c. Marshall law d. Marshal law

Set 02

1. Find the correct spellings of the following:

a. Hueman b. Homane
c. Humane d. Hummane
2. Find the correct spellings of the following:
a. Extention b. Extensione
c. Extension d. Extenshun
3. Find the correct spellings of the following:
a. Leutenant b. Leftenant
c. Luftenant d. Lieutenant
4. Choose the correct spelling:
a. Occassionaily b. Occasionaly
c. Occasionally d. Ocassionally
5. Which one is correctly spell out of the following?
a. Cruiousity b. Curioucity
c. Curiocity d. Curiosity
6. Choose the correct spelling.
a. Reitreat b. Reiterate
c. Reitrarte d. Reiterete
7. Which is correct spelling?
a. Embarrass b. Embarras
c. Embarrass d. Emberrass
8. Which word is wrongly Spelt in the Following?
a. Nursery b. Secondary
c. Liberary d. Primary
9. Choose the Correct spelling from the following:
a. Superintendent b. Superitendent
c. Superintandent d. Superietendent
10. Identify the correct spelling in the following sets of words:
a. Chalange b. Chaliange
c. Chellange d. Challenge
11. Identify the correct spelling in the following sets of words:
a. Immediately b. Imidiately

c. Immidiately d. Emmediately
12. Pick the word spelt correctly:
a. Accept b. Acept
c. Assept d. Axcept
13. Choose the correct spelling.
a. Pricautions b. Prequotions
c. Prequations d. Precautions
14. Find the correctly spelt word:
a. Affedavet b. Affidavit
c. Affdevit d. Adffidaveet
15. Which word is wrongly spelt in the following set of words:
a. Variaety b. Energy
c. Ability d. Capacity
a. Govenrnment b. Govermant
c. Gorment d. Government
a. Parmanent b. Purmanent
c. Permanent d. Parmnant
a. Religion b. Religon
c. Relegon d. Relegion
a. Temparary b. Temporary
c. Temperary d. Temprary
20. Which word is wrongly spelt in the following set of words:
a. Companion b. priveous
c. Confusion d. Gratitude
21. Which word is wrongly spelt in the following set of words:
a. speach b. break
c. speak d. bleed
22. Which word is correctly spelt in the following set of words:
a. obsolute b. absoliete
c. obsolete d. obsilote
23. Identify the correct spellings in the following set of words:
a. Cyclone b. Cyclon
c. Cyclean d. Cloiorie
24. Identify the correct spellings in the following set of words:
a. Prety b. Prettey
c. Pretty d. Prity
25. Identify the correct spellings in the following set of words:
a. Existence b. Existtance
c. Existance d. Existense
26. Which word is wrongly spelt in the following set of words?
a. Fashon b. Inclination
c. Occasion d. Situation
27. Which word is wrongly spelt in the following?
a. tournament b. Goverment
c. refreshment d. ornament
28. Which word is wrongly spelt in the following?
a. sufficient b. plentiful
c. excesive d. commence
29. Which word is wrongly spelt in the following?
a. couragious b. boastful
c. graceful d. stubborn
30. Which word is wrongly spelt in the following set of words?
a. Begining b. Ceiling
c. Appearance d. Changeable
31. Choose the correct spelling.
a. Audlterate b. Adulterate
c. Adultrate d. Adultirate
32. Select the correct spellings.
a. Victory b. Victery
c. Victary d. Victori
33. Select the correct word.
a. Opportunity b. Opportunity
c. Upertunity d. Opurtunity
34. Select the correct word.
a. Coaliation b. Coaliliation
c. Coalition d. Coallition
35. Pick the correct word:
a. Formdible b. Formidable
c. Firmdable d. Pharmidable
36. That color will not ........................... your complexion
a. Soot b. Suit
c. suite d. None of these
37. Identify the correct spelling of the following word:
a. Schiziopherina b. Schizphrenia
c. Schizapherenia d. Schizophrenia
38. Identify the correct spellings.
a. Affection b. Affaction
c. Afection d. Effection
39. Identify the correct spellings.
a. Deceitful b. Decietful
c. Deicieful d. Deceetful
40. Which word is correctly spelt in the following set of words:
a. Violit b. Voilance
c. Violance d. Voile
41. Which word is wrongly spelt the following set of words?
a. Plege b. Provoke
c. Precise d. Predict
42. I have engaged him to act as my ………………
a. Council b. Councel
c. Counsel d. Consul
43. Which world is wrongly spelt in the following?
a. Knigtmare b. Scary
c. Blackout d. Haunted
44. Choose the correct spelling.
a. Excutive b. Exceutive
c. Inexcutive d. Executive
45. …………….. experiments are being conducted in Rome, Paris and London.
a. Paralel b. Parallell
c. Parallel d. Paraallel
46. I managed to work for two hours without ………….
a. Interuption b. Interruption
c. Intrupption d. Interrupption
47. Sara did an absolutely ……………. job.
a. Trimendos b. Tremendous
c. Tremendouse d. None of these
48. Shakespeare was a poet, ………….. and famous actor.
a. Playwright b. Playwrigt
c. Playright d. None of these
49. He became a …………….. when he was still young.
a. Millionaire b. Millionare
c. Millionire d. Millionair
50. He was told me about the new …………….
a. Colleage b. Coleage
c. Colleague d. Collegue


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