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Malaya Journal of Matematik, Vol. S, No.

2, 3286-3288, 2020

The impact of E-Banking services in India

Sri Balakrishnan 1 and R. Bharthvajan 2

In this new generation, technology has become the soul of everything in the day to day life of a human activity.
With the advancement of new technology, e-banking has emerged as a new technology through the internet to
promote the growth and efficiency in the Banking sector. It helps to access the financial institution connected
through electronic banking system. E banking has contributed more towards the growth of the Economy. It
provides many services whereby the banking sector and the customers can communicate through the internet
with ease. E banking is increasingly popular both in India and around the globe.The research paper focused on
e-Banking, benefits, services,application in today’s business.
E-Banking, economy, banking sector, technology, financial institution.
1,2 Department of Management Studies, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Selaiyur, Chennai-600073, Tamil Nadu, India.
Article History: Received 01 October 2020; Accepted 10 December 2020 c 2020 MJM.

Contents 2. Review of Literature

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3286 Rangan, V. Kasturi and Lee, Katharine L.(2012), ”Mobile
2 Review of Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3286 Banking for the Unbanked”, The case describes in detail the
workings of two mobile banking operators in Africa WIZZIT
3 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3287 in South Africa and M-PESA in Kenya. It explores the dimen-
4 Research Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3287 sions of strategy that make for success in the market for the
5 Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3287 unbanked. It raises questions regarding the portability of the
model to other countries and settings.
6 Suggestions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3287
V. Raja, Joe A. (2012), “Global e-banking scenario and
7 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3288
challenges in banking system”, This paper is an attempt to
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3288 explore the various levels of internet banking services pro-
vided by banks using the secondary data. It also compares
the traditional banking systems with net banking. It lists out
1. Introduction the various advantages of internet banking and the success-
The IT revolution has had a great impact on the Indian ful security measures adopted by different banks for secured
banking system. The use of computers has led to the intro- banking transactions. It also analyzes how E-banking can
duction of online banking in India. The use of computers in be useful for banking industry during this global financial
the banking sector in India has increased many folds after meltdown.
the economic liberalization of 1991 as the country’s banking Nel J., Boshoff C., Raleting T., (2012), “Exploiting the
sector has been exposed to the world’s market. A bank is a technology cluster effect to enhance the adoption of WIG
financial institution that creates credit by lending money to mobile banking among low-income earners” This study in-
a borrower and thereby creating corresponding deposits on vestigated the attitude formation of low-income, non-users of
the banks’ balance sheet.Banking is the business conducted Wireless Internet Gateway (WIG) mobile banking, by includ-
or services offered by a bank. E-Banking also known as elec- ing use of the Short Message Services (SMS) as a moderator
tronic banking is an electronic payment system that enables of attitude formation. A non-probability sample of 465 South
customers of a bank or other financial institution to conduct African non-users of mobile banking was drawn and clustered
a reign of financial transaction through the financial institute into High users and Low users of the SMS, based on the aver-
websites. age number of text messages sent in a week. The moderating
effect of ”use of the SMS” was investigated by means of a
The impact of E-Banking services in India — 3287/3288

structural equation modeling Multi-group analysis. The find- 3. Objectives

ings revealed that the influence of Ease of use on Attitude
and of Self-efficacy on Ease of use were stronger for High The objective of the research paper is:-
users and significantly different from Low users, while the Primary:
opposite was true for the influence of Facilitating conditions • To study the impact of E-banking on the services of
on Usefulness. banks.
Oliveira P., Eric V. H., (2011), “Users as service innova- Secondary:
tors: The case of banking services” Fond that 55% of today’s • To study the opportunities and challenges faced by banks
computerized commercial banking services were first devel- in E-Banking services.
oped and implemented by non-bank firms for their own use, • To understand the reasons for adopting or not adopting
and 44% of today’s computerized retail banking services were E-Banking services.
first developed and implemented by individual service users
rather than by commercial financial service providers. Manual 4. Research Methodology
precursors to these services – manual procedures that carried
out functions similar to computerized services in our sample – The study is based mainly on primary data and supported
were almost always developed by users as self-services by the secondary data. The primary data is collected from
We may think of the Internet banking adoption as of a the customers with the help of questionnaire to evaluate the
treatment. This makes us interested in estimation of its impact customer’s perspective. The questionnaire has close ended
on customers’ activity and willingness to keep money at a questions that has answer options like (Strongly agree, Agree,
bank. Thus, the number of transactions as well as account Undecided, Disagree, Strongly Disagree). It is divided into
balances will be the variables of interest. Online banking two sections which are personal data and research question.
adoption seems to make a customer more loyal, so one may Limitation of e-banking:
expect having it to be a good explanatory factor with a positive 1. Safety situations around ATM’s.
impact on both of the characteristics. It is important to reveal 2. Abuse of bank cards by fraudsters at ATM’s.
whether the estimated effect is not caused by the treatment 3. Danger of giving your card number when buying on-
selection bias. Individuals choose by themselves whether to line.
use the product or not, thus the sample of customers with
e-banking is not selected randomly. The factors that push cus- 5. Findings
tomers to the service adoption are likely to be endogenous and
unobservable. However, we assume that during the analyzed The findings of the study showed that there is a wide di-
period those characteristics at least do not fluctuate. Thus, vergence of customers’ opinion regarding e-banking services.
the solution is to run panel data regression with individual Ranking was done to judge the opinion of the customers. To
fixed effects for customers before and after Internet banking study the relationship between electronic banking and cus-
adoption, which eliminates sample selection bias. Under this tomer satisfaction and to ascertain which aspects of e-banking
specification the effect of all time-invariant factors are not in- have significant impact on satisfaction, factor analysis was
vestigated. However, we control for clients income. Another conducted. The aim was to determine nine dimensions of ser-
issue is that the behavior may change not immediately after vice quality and their relative contribution in influencing the
e-banking adoption. All variables are observed on a monthly overall customer satisfaction. Further it has helped in data re-
basis, and the study is capable 9 of tracking the changes in the duction and the aim is to select only those variables which can
dependent variables for several months after the treatment. exactly influence the impact of electronic banking on service
Need for the Study quality. The study indicated that reliability, responsiveness,
communication, access, courtesy, communication, credibility,
First the study will be useful for commercial banks in or-
security, understanding and tangibility did reasonably well in
der to see the impacts of e-banking on customers’ satisfaction
predicting overall customer satisfaction regarding e-banking.
in comparison with the ordinary mortar and brick banking
However tangible has not significantly related to customer
system. Second it helps in understanding what attitude cus-
satisfaction. In addition; communication, credibility, respon-
tomers’ have towards e-banking and what actions should the
siveness and competence exhibited the strongest association
banks take in order to benefits from the opportunities and
with overall service improving quality.
how to overcome the challenges. Third study can be used
by other researcher as a reference who wants to study further
in this or related areas or to serve as a reading material for 6. Suggestions
anyone who is interested. Last but not least this research will
The public sector banks must improve its service quality
alert bankers tomorrow’s problems today in order to get the
in terms of communication, responsiveness, reliability and
intended customers satisfaction as this service can be said it
understanding. If the private sector intends to improve its ser-
is at infant stage in the country.
vice quality level, it must improve its service quality in terms
of access, creditability, tangibility, security and competence

The impact of E-Banking services in India — 3288/3288

where there is significant gap between two sectors and mean

score of public sector in all these dimensions are high.
The study suggested that if the public sector banks want
to increase their service quality level as compared to private
sector, it should enhance level of services in the dimensions
like ’online purchase of goods and services’, reduction in
e-payment cost, ‘up to date information’, ‘sophisticated infor-
mation to well educated customers’. To improve in these areas
the public sector banks should invest in large amount in the
training the employees to provide up to date and sophisticated
information to customers.
As the use of internet is increasing day by day so the
internet banking is also rapidly followed by the customers. To
make e-payment service more adaptable among the customers
banks should provide more services through internet banking
for query as well as for transaction purpose.
The banks should emphasize more on popularizing inter-
net usage by customers which results into improvement in
customer satisfaction and also cost reduction.

7. Conclusion
E-banking is highly comfortable in our daily life and in
fact it has made our life easier and convenient and over all
we are able to enjoy quality services smartly. It also resulted
in efficiency and time saving methods. Also Internet is the
cheapest delivery channel for banking products as it allows
the entity to reduce their branch networks and downsize the
number of service staff. For banks, Internet has opened up
new horizons and moved them from local to global frontiers.

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ISSN(P):2319 − 3786
Malaya Journal of Matematik
ISSN(O):2321 − 5666


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