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Page 1 Sample Paper 20 (Solved) CBSE XII English-Core

Sample Paper 20 (Solved)

Class XII Exam 2023-24
English Core (301)
Time Allowed : 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 80
General Instructions:
1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections READING, WRITING and LITERATURE.
2. Attempt question based on specific instructions for each part.

SECTION A-READING SKILLS 22 5. To have that sense of one’s intrinsic worth which,
for better or for worse, constitutes self-respect,
Reading Comprehension Through Unseen Passages is potentially to have everything: the ability to
discriminate, to love and to remain indifferent. To
1. Read the following text. 12 lack it is to be locked within oneself, paradoxically
1. Self-respect is very different than relying on one’s incapable of either love or indifference. If we do not
ego or False Self persona that serves as a cover to respect ourselves, we are on the one hand forced to
show the world only “the good stuff” of a person’s despise those who have so few resources as to consort
personality. It is the gift we give ourselves when we with us, so little perception as to remain blind to our
become less motivated to please others in order to get fatal weaknesses. On the other, we are peculiarly in
their approval and more motivated to live a life of thrall to everyone we see, curiously determined to
authenticity and personal integrity despite whatever live out-since our self-image is untenable–their false
anyone else thinks about us. notions of us. We flatter ourselves by thinking this
compulsion to please others an attractive trait: a gift
2. The dismal fact is that self-respect has nothing to do
for imaginative empathy, evidence of our willingness
with the approval of others–who are, after all, deceived
to give.
easily enough; has nothing to do with reputation
which is something that people with courage can do Answer the following questions, based on the passage
without. It is to know the difference between the price above.
of things and their value and the courage to own your i. Select the option that states the false self persona in
mistakes. a person according to the author.
3. In brief, people with self-respect exhibit a certain (a) self-respect
toughness, a kind of moral nerve; they display what (b) a person’s true personality
was once called character, a quality which, although
approved in the abstract, sometimes loses ground to (c) unauthentic mask
other, more instantly negotiable virtues. Its slipping (d) ‘real good stuff’
prestige is dismissed when one sees people coveting Ans : (c) unauthentic mask
success or money or fame at all costs. Nonetheless,
character–the willingness to accept responsibility for
one’s own life–is the source from which self-respect
ii. The writer would not agree with the given statements
4. To live without self-respect is to lie awake some night, based on paragraph three, EXCEPT _____.
beyond the reach of warm milk, phenobarbital, and
(a) self-respect is a virtue not appreciated in modern
the sleeping hand on the coverlet, counting up the sins
of commission and omission, the trusts betrayed, the times.
promises subtly broken, the gifts irrevocably wasted (b) it used to be a non-negotiable virtue.
through sloth or cowardice or carelessness. However (c) self-respect has stood its ground come what may.
long we postpone it, we eventually lie down alone in (d) it is losing ground to more instantly negotiable
that notoriously uncomfortable bed, the one we make virtues.
ourselves. Whether or not we sleep in it depends, of
 Ans : (c) self-respect has stood its ground come what
course, on whether or not we respect ourselves.
Page 2 Sample Paper 20 (Solved) CBSE XII English-Core

iii. Why is it fair to say that the intrinsic worth of a ix. Read the five statements (1)–(5) given below.
person and self-respect have to go hand-in-hand? (1) If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for
Answer in about 40 words. anything.
 Ans : (2) Handsome is as handsome does.
The intrinsic worth of a person and self-respect are (3) Putting backbone into someone.
two sides of the same coin: they give us the ability to (4) Neither fish, nor fowl.
discriminate, to love and also to remain indifferent. (5) Rolling stone gathers no moss.
If we lack it, we become incapable of either love or Identify the option that displays the title/s that
indifference. DOES/DO correspond with the passage.
iv. Complete the given sentence with an appropriate (a) (1) and (2) (b) Only (1)
inference, with respect to the following. (c) (2) and (3) (d) Only (5)
Character– the willingness to accept responsibility for  Ans : (b) Only (1)
one’s life is the source _____.
 Ans : 2. Read the following text. 10
from which self-respect springs 1. The internet has become the integral part of today’s
generation of people; from communicating through
v. Select the option that conveys the opposite of ‘logical’, instant messages and e-mails to banking, travelling
from words used in paragraph two. 1 studying and shopping, internet has touched every
(a) intrinsic (b) paradoxical aspect of life. With the growing use of the internet by
(c) consort (d) untenable people, protecting important information has become
 Ans : (b) paradoxical a necessity. A computer that is not having appropriate
security controls can be infected with malicious logic
vi. Comment on the writer’s reference to self-respect as a and thus any type of information can be accessed in
gift we give ourselves. Answer in about 40 words. moments.
 Ans : 2. Hacking of important data, network outages,
The writer calls it a gift because self-respect allows computer viruses and other cyber related threats
us to live a life of authenticity and personal integrity affects our lives that range from minor inconvenience
despite whatever anyone else thinks about us. It is the to serious incidents. Cyber threats can be caused due
gift we give ourselves when we become less motivated to negligence and vulnerabilities, or unintentional
to please others. accidents. Such hackers are a part of what is called
Cybercrime. With the increasing use of net, the
vii. In the line “... people with self-respect exhibit a
number of cybercrime complaints has seen a rise by
certain toughness, a kind of moral nerve, they display
350% from 2013 and by over 44% from 2016, according
what was once called character ...”, What does the
to cyber cell statistics.
word ‘nerve’ mean here?
 Ans :

viii. Based on your understanding of paragraph 4,

interpret the metaphor used by the author in the
given statement. in about 40 words.
‘However long we postpone it, we eventually lie down
alone in that notoriously uncomfortable bed, the one 3. Most crimes are related to online banking, emphasising
we make ourselves.’ why policymakers are concerned about digital
 Ans : security as the government pushes for a more cashless
We can interpret the metaphor used by the author in economy and card-based or wallet-based transactions.
the given statement as follows : As many as 3,474 cybercrime complaints have been
A lack of self-respect is going to pinch us hard registered in the past 10 months till October, 2017.
eventually and only we will suffer for the lack of it. A total of 2,402 such complaints were registered last
(A metaphor is a Figure of speech that is used to year and 760 in 2013. Cyber cell cops said the online
make a comparison, but in a way different from a transaction was by cyber offenders who used IMPS/
simile, Instead, it makes the description of an object RTGS transfer after blocking Kumar’s SIM, which
look as if it was literally true.) was linked to his bank account.
Page 3 Sample Paper 20 (Solved) CBSE XII English-Core

4. The number of online banking fraud-related complaints ii. Complete the given sentence by selecting the most
had increased nearly nine times in the last five years. appropriate option.
The number jumped from 248 in 2013 to 2,095 in 2017 Regarding the increasing cybercrimes, the cyber cell
(till October). While online banking and credit card blames _____.
fraud tops the list, social networking-related crime, (a) the unlimited access to internet
email hacking, online sexual harassment, lottery fraud, (b) technological advancement
data-theft and job-related fraud are also frequent.
Social networking related complaints have doubled (c) lack of cyber wall
from 2016. Cyber cell cops blame ease of access to (d) lack of investment in cyber security
information and technological advancement for the  Ans : (b) technological advancement
spurt in cybercrime cases. Net-banking has made it
easy for criminals to siphon off money from accounts. iii. Based on the reading of the text, state a point to
Bank-related fraud takes time to solve and constitute challenge the given statement. The internet can easily
the maximum of cybercrime cases lying unsolved with become secure if we teach people about its correct
the police, said an official with the cyber cell. usage.
 Ans :
5. As the number of data networks, digital applications,
The given statement is incorrect because while correct
as well as internet and mobile users are growing, so
usage of internet will help in maintaining internet
do the chances of cyber exploitation and cyber crimes.
security, it does not guarantee cyber security. The
Even a small mistake in securing data or bad social
chances of fraud and crimes will still remain at the
networking can prove to be extremely dangerous. If
same level if we do not come up with proper codes of
accounts are not properly secured, it makes easier for
security and stringent laws to punish offenders.
hackers or unauthorised users to spread viruses or
social engineered attacks that are designed to steal iv. Select the option that displays the list of people who
data and even money. Such types of issues highlight could be a cybercriminals.
the need for cyber security as an essential approach
(a) Tech-savvy youth
in protecting and preventing data from being used
inappropriately. (b) Unemployed youth
(c) Poorly paid people
6. In simple language, Cyber security of Information
 Ans : (a) Tech-savvy youth
technology security means protecting data, networks,
programs and other information from unauthorised
or unintended access, destruction or change. It
encompasses all the mechanisms and processes that v. What has made it easy for people to illegally take out
protect digital equipment, information and records money from banks?
from illegal or unintended access, manipulation or (a) Aadhar numbers (b) Smart cards
destruction. (c) Net-banking (d) Mobile numbers
In today’s dynamic environment, cyber security has  Ans : (c) Net-banking
become vital for individuals and Jar .flies, as well as
organisations (such as military, government, business vi. Ease of access to information and technological
houses, educational and financial institutions, advancement is the reason for the spurt in cybercrime
corporations and others) that collect and store a wide cases. Give a reason for such a claim. Answer in about
range of confidential data on computers and transmit 40 words.
that to other computers across different networks. For  Ans :
families, protection of children and family members Ease of access to information and technological
from cyber crime has become substantially important. advancement is the reason for the spurt in cybercrime
Answer the following questions, based on given passage. cases because with net banking, a form of banking
increasing in today’s’ world, all details are easily
i. Do you think that cyber security alone would be able availed through the internet. This form of banking
to reduce cyber crimes? Give reasons for your answer. has made it easy for criminals to siphon off money
in about 40 words. from accounts.
Ans :
vii. Complete the sentence based on the following
No, I do not think that cyber security alone would be
able to reduce cyber crimes totally. It might reduce
According to the passage, if accounts are not properly
the percentage of crimes but without proper laws to
secured, hackers can easily _____.
punish the criminals, it wouldn’t be as effective.
Page 4 Sample Paper 20 (Solved) CBSE XII English-Core

Ans :  O
spread viruses to steal data and even money
B. You are the president of the Malviya Nagar Residents’
viii. State TRUE or FALSE. Welfare Association, Block A and you are organising
The government’s push for a more cashless economy a “New Year Party” in your area. Draft a notice as
and card-based or wallet-based transactions is not a Dharam Sethi informing the residents of your block of
well thought of decision. the same. Include details which you deem necessary
 Ans : for the purpose.
TRUE.  Ans :


Note : All details presented in the questions are imaginary
and created for assessment purpose. NOTICE
15 December 2022
3. Attempt ANY ONE of two, in about 50 words. 4 New Year Bash 2023
A. Recently there has been an increase in the cases Malviya Nagar Residents’ Welfare Association,
of kidnappings, especially of children. On closer Block A is organising a grand New Year Party in the
investigation it has been found that domestic helps or colony on 31 December 2022. The celebrations will
some persons familiar with the family were involved begin by 6 pm onwards. The residents are requested
to join enthusiastically and make it a grand bash.
in most cases. You are the Secretary of the Residents’
Sumptuous food, games, music, dance, prizes, and
Welfare Association. Write a notice in about 50
surprises are on the cards.
words to be put up on the noticeboard of the colony Kindly deposit 500 per head with Mr. Krishnakant
informing the citizens about the following : Kalra (Treasurer).
• Police verification of servants, identity cards to
be made
Dharam Sethi
• Register entry of visitors at the gate President
• Installation of CCTV in the premises Residents’ Welfare Association, Block A
 Ans :


17th July 20xx
Alert for Kidnapping
As you all are aware a number of cases of
kidnappings have taken place in our society in the
past two months. This notice has been put up to
inform everyone that after a close investigation,
involvement of domestic help or some person closer
to the family has been found in most cases. To
ensure the safety of the child we all need to follow 4. Attempt ANY ONE of two, in about 50 words. 4
the steps listed below:
A. You are a student of St. Anthony School, Gwalior.
• Ensure police verification of servants, identity cards
to be issued The school is holding its annual function. Write an
• Register entry of unknown persons at the gate with invitation on behalf of the Principal inviting the
the gatekeeper parents and dignitaries of the town to attend the
• Installation of CCTV cameras in the premises function to be held on September 18, 20xx at 5:00
Everyone is requested to co-operate so that such p.m.
incidents do not happen.
(Secretary, RWA)
Page 5 Sample Paper 20 (Solved) CBSE XII English-Core

 Ans :


St. Anthony School, Gwalior
Request your benign presence on the auspicious
The Annual Function of the school
at 5:00 p.m. on September 18, 20XX Ans :
Shri. A.K. Dewan, IAS, 25A, Ashok Nagar
New Delhi
will be the chief Guest and will give away the 25 October 20xx
prizes to the meritorious students The Editor
R.S.V.P: The Hindustan Times
KG Marg
Principal Delhi
St. Anthony School Dear Sir,
Subject : Rising menace of Road Rage
Gwalior Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I
want to draw attention of the authorities concerned
and the masses in general to reckless and rash driving.
B. Invite your class fellows and friends on the wedding of It is highly perturbing to read about the cases of road
your elder sister. Invent necessary details. (50 words). rage in the Capital.
 Ans : Nowadays, the level of aggression has reached its
peak. Minor altercations lead to heated arguments
16, Nai Sarak resulting in injuries or, in some extreme cases, even
New Delhi death.
15 August 20xx Road rage in most cases is due to lack of traffic
Dear Reena sense, impatience or excessive speed to name a
I invite you to grace the occasion of my elder sister few. Children, below 18 years of age, drive their
Riya’s marriage on 30th august 20xx. Please grace bikes at flying speeds. Their excitement results in
the occasion at 4 p.m. The marriage party will leave accidents. Everyone cringes about road accidents but
for Hotel Park, New Delhi at 5 p.m. Kindly join us never realizes that these happen due to their own
on the auspicious day and oblige carelessness. Be it an adult or a teenager, everyone
wants to move speedily, hardly caring for the life of
Yours faithfully others. Even the traffic police become helpless when
Rita it comes to traffic control.
It’s high time authorities concerned took steps to
5. Attempt ANY ONE of two, in about 120-150 words. 5 control road rage problems. People should be made
A. You are perturbed to read about the rising cases of aware of the traffic rules so that people follow them
faithfully. If not, then hefty fines must be imposed. A
road rage in the National Capital. People become so
growing country needs to be a safe country. Hope my
aggressive and violent that an argument results in
letter would find a suitable place in your newspaper.
injuries or, in some extreme cases, even death. Write a Thanking you
letter in 120-150 words to the Editor of a daily to make Yours faithfully
the public aware of the need to curb such behaviour Anvita
to make roads safer for the people. You are Anvita/
Anmol, a resident of Ashok Nagar, New Delhi.
Page 6 Sample Paper 20 (Solved) CBSE XII English-Core

 O Educational Qualification
B. You are Rajan/Rama, living in Ghaziabad. You have • Passed XII from Harmony Sr. Sec school Roorkee
just completed your studies and are in search of a with 90% Marks
job. While browsing through the Times of India, you • Passed BCom from Mehak College of Commerce,
came across the following advertisement. Choose a Roorkee, with 70% marks
post for which you think you are suitable. Send your Work Experience
application in response to this advertisement. • Worked as an ‘Accountant’ for 2 years at Shree
Ganesh Chemicals Ltd, Ghaziabad.
An Upcoming School in Ghaziabad Requires the
Following Staff References
• Mr. Raja Ram, Sales Manager,
Lab Assistant : Science graduates having 2-5 Diamond Industries Ghaziabad.
yeats of lab experience • 2. Dr. M.K. Agarwal, Manager (Finance),
Accountant : B Com with minimum experience Shree Fertilizers Ltd. Ghaziabad.
of 2 years in maintaining accounts
Young female candidates fluent in
Receptionist : English with good communication
skills and proficiency in computer/ 6. Attempt ANY ONE of two, in about 120-150 words. 5
Net surfing with 3 year experience
A. After class 12, students are apprehensive about
Please send your detailed updated resume within choosing the course and the college. The ‘Mission
seven days to the Manager, Prayag International Admissions’ organized by the Times of India is a
School, 674, Kavi Nagar, Ghaziabad, 20xx. great platform for college aspirants. It would help
Ans : them to get knowledge about emerging opportunities
13, Vikas Marg in various streams. Write an article in 120-150 words
New Delhi emphasizing the need of career counselling to help
22 October 20xx students with the admission process.
The Manager  Ans :
St. Prayag School Importance of Career Counselling
67A Kavi Nagar With the increasing number of colleges and universities,
Ghaziabad the variety of courses offered is also increasing. For a
Dear Sir, student it is a dilemma. If a student chooses a path
Subject : Application for the post of ‘Accountant’ and career that is far away from his interest and
In response to your advertisement dated 20 October, ability, it can cause long-term dissatisfaction. Hence
20XX in the Times of India, for the post of Accountant, it is essential to plan one’s career carefully for success
I want to offer my candidature. I am a dynamic and contentment. Most students choose a career
young man of pleasing habits and personality with based on unnecessary factors like following the peers,
the necessary qualifications and experience. I can join accepting parents’ choice, lack of knowledge about
immediately if desired. other fields, current trends or grabbing the most
Looking forward for a positive response. sought-after career opportunities. At such a point,
Yours faithfully career counselling helps. Career counselling involves
Rajan Sharma personality tests, aptitude tests and interviews. Based
on the report of a student, the counselling panel
guides the child through his/her career choice. A child
Name : Rajan Sharma should be made free to choose his area of interest.
Career counselling helps one to find the true calling of
Gender : Male
his talent and choose the career path accordingly. It
Father’s Name : Shri Ram Narayan Sharma also helps to define the pros and cons of each course
Data of Birth : 10th July, 19xx and career path one desires, hence clarifying students’
doubts. Career counselling can boost morale and
Marital Status : Unmarried confidence and give new inclination to the students
Current Add. : 13, Vikas Marg, Delhi which will be beneficial to the whole society. Thus,
with the help of career counselling, most students end
Contact No. : 981876xxxx
up choosing the right career, and performing their level
Languages known : Fluent in English and Hindi best, which ultimately help them succeed and achieve
Page 7 Sample Paper 20 (Solved) CBSE XII English-Core

new heights. The `Mission Admission’ launched by ii. State whether the given statement is TRUE or
the Times of India is one such platform, which helps FALSE, with reference to the extract. The poet asks
college aspirants to gain relevant knowledge about the reader to do nothing and remain inactive.
emerging opportunities in various streams so that the  Ans :
aspirants can decide their career. FALSE.
 O iii. Complete the sentence appropriately.
B. You are a press reporter. Write a report in 120-150 During counting to twelve the poet wants us to remain
words on the recent cattle catching drive launched by _____.
MCD to clear stray cattle from Delhi roads.  Ans :
 Ans : quiet
Cattle-Catching Drive
iv. The use of the words ‘count up to twelve’ is aptly
By Manish Madan
contrasting with ‘we will all keep still’ and both are
Following a directive issued from the Delhi High Court put together shows _____.
to clear the city of stray cattle, MCD’s Veterinary  Ans :
Department launched a week-long cattle-catching antithesis
drive in all its zones.
The eight-member team could be seen catching
stray cattle in different areas of Delhi. The technique
consisted of throwing a rope around the animal’s neck v. Based on the poem rhyme scheme, evident in lines
and manoeuvring it into a waiting truck. According to 2-5, in the given extract, which word would rhyme
an eyewitness in the Okhla Industrial Area, a caravan with line 1?
of trucks halted in the area and a group of eight men
armed with lassos and tranquilliser guns leapt out and
soon the whole place was transformed into a bull ring.
Ans :
The catchers rounded up 22 stray cattle from this
area on the very first day, six of these were buffaloes.
These animals were sent to a shelter house run by vi. Select the option which is NOT true about the phrase
Delhi Administration ‘gaushalas’. ‘on the face of the earth’ symbolizes.
I is expected that similar drives will be launched
(a) The interconnectedness of all living beings
by the municipal authorities of West Delhi and North
Delhi zones. (b) Shared the responsibility we have towards each
(c) Shared the responsibility we have towards our
(d) Shared the responsibility of being violent
7. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for
ANY ONE of the two, given. 6  Ans : (d) Shared the responsibility of being violent
A. Now we will count to twelve  O
And we will all keep still. B. Driving from my parent’s
For once on the face of the Earth home to Cochin last Friday
Let’s not speak in any language, morning, I saw my mother,
Let’s stop for one second, beside me,
And not move our arms so much doze, open mouthed, her face
(Keeping Quiet)
ashen like that
i. Why is the poet asking the people not to speak? of a corpse and realised with
(a) It gives the people time to introspect their actions. pain
that she was as old as she
(b) It creates uproar.
looked but soon
(c) The poet does not like talkative people.
put that thought away, and
(d) All of these looked out at young trees sprinting,
 Ans : (a) It gives the people time to introspect their (My Mother at Sixty-Six)
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i. What is the speaker’s emotional state when she’s i. Complete the sentence appropriately, with reference
looking at her mother? to the extract.
(a) Anxiety for her loved ones When Derry goes ‘back there’, he sees _____.
(b) Anger for her loved ones  Ans :
Mr. Lamb lying dead in his garden
(c) Feeling of indifference for her loved ones
(d) Anxiety and concern for her loved ones ii. What kind of a person has Derry become?
 Ans : (d) Anxiety and concern for her loved ones  Ans :
Derry has become a positive person.
ii. What does the phrase ‘young trees sprinting’ indicate?
 Ans : iii. What do Mr. Lamb and Derry suffer from?
The phrase ‘young trees sprinting’ indicates agility. (a) Burnt face (b) Burnt leg
iii. Select the option that WILL NOT complete the (c) Tin leg (d) Both (a) and (c)
sentence appropriately.  Ans : (d) Both (a) and (c)
The theme of the poem is _____, which is the law
iv. What was the reason due to which Derry wanted to
of nature.
return to that place?
(a) aging
 Ans :
(b) aspirations of young generation Derry wanted to return to that place because there
(c) fear of losing a loved one he had found a confidant who had faced a similar
(d) life is eternal situation.
 Ans : (b) aspirations of young generation
iv. State whether the given statement is TRUE or B. The reason the programme has been so successful
FALSE. is because it’s impossible to go anywhere near the
The poem is written in a single sentence punctuated by South Pole and not be affected by it. It’s easy to be
commas, which highlights the stream of consciousness blase about polar ice-caps melting while sitting in the
effect where one thought leads to another. comfort zone of our respective latitude and longitude,
 Ans : but when you can visibly see glaciers retreating and
TRUE ice shelves collapsing, you begin to realise that the
threat of global warming is very real.
(The Journey to the End of Earth)
v. What message does the phrase ‘ashen like that of a
i. Complete the sentence appropriately, with reference
corpse’ highlight?
to the extract.
 Ans : The reason behind the success of the programme
The phrase ‘ashen like that of a corpse’ highlights the ‘Students on Ice’ is the impossibility to _____.
pale and lifeless face of the poet’s mother. It looks like
 Ans :
a corpse, meaning lifeless body of a human being. She
go anywhere near the South Pole.
is dozing and lost to herself.
ii. Select the most suitable title of the give extract.
vi. Complete the sentence appropriately.
The poem does not follow any rhyming scheme, thus, (a) Students of the future
it has been written in _____. (b) Kalyuga power
 Ans : (c) Global warming
free verse (d) Earth’s End A Journey
 Ans : (d) Earth’s End A Journey
8. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for
ANY ONE of the two, given. 4 iii. Why is Antarctica and its understandings important
A. It’s got nothing to do with my face and what I look for the survival of the world?
like. I don’t care about that and it isn’t important.  Ans :
It’s what I think and feel and what I want to see and Antarctica and its understandings are important for
find out and hear. And I’m going back there. the survival of the world because it helps to know that
(On the Face of it) the southern supercontinent of Gondwana existed and
centred around the present day.
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iv. When is the threat of global warming? v. What does ‘courage to hear every lesson to the last’
 Ans : mean?
It’s easy to be blasé about polar ice-caps melting while  Ans :
sitting in the comfort zone of our respective latitude It means that M. Hamel had courage to hear all the
and longitude, but when you can visibly see glaciers things even in adverse circumstances.
retreating and ice shelves collapsing, you begin to
realise that the threat of global warming is very real. vi. Select the most suitable option for the tone of the
speaker in the given extract.
9. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for (a) Inquisitive (b) Alert
ANY ONE of the two, given. 6 (c) Monotonous (d) Doleful
A. Only the desks and benches had been worn smooth;  Ans : (d) Doleful
the walnut-trees in the garden were taller, and the
hopvine that he had planted himself twined about the
B. I went to the pool when no one else was there. The
windows to the roof How it must have broken his heart
place was quiet. The water was still and tiled bottom
to leave it all, poor man; to hear his sister moving
was as white and clean an a bathtub. I was timid
about in the room above, packing their trunks! For
about going in alone, so I sat on the side of the pool
they must leave the country next day.
to wait for others.
But he had the courage to hear every lesson to the
I had not been there long when in came a big bruiser of
very last. After the writing, we had a lesson in history,
a boy, probably eighteen years old. He had thick hair
and then the babies chanted their ba, be bi, bo, bu.
on his chest. He was a beautiful physical specimen,
Down there at the back of the room old Hauser had
with legs and arms that showed rippling, muscles. He
put on his spectacles and, holding his primer in both
yelled. “Hi, Skinny! How’d you like to be ducked?”
hands, spelled the letters with them. You could see
(Deep Water)
that he, too, was crying; his voice trembled with
emotion, and it was so funny to hear him that we all i. What is the purpose of the description of the bully?
wanted to laugh and cry. Ah, how well I remember it, Present your views.
that last lesson!
Ans :
(The Last Lesson)
The description of the bully is central to understanding
i. List any two sensory details present in this extract. the narrator’s law confidence. As a child, Douglas was
skinny and lean. In contrast, the bully was muscular
Ans :
and handsome.
1. Old Hauser had put on his spectacles and, holding
his primer in both hands.
2. The babies chanted their ba, be, bi, bo, bu.

ii. What qualities of M. Hamel have been reflected in

this extract?
(a) patient, emotional
(b) impatient, insensitive
(c) proud, reproachful ii. Select the option that completes the give sentence
(d) miserable, resigned appropriately.
 Ans : (a) patient, emotional When the narrator went to the pool it was _____.
(a) pleasant and lively
iii. Complete the sentence appropriately. (b) thrilling and attractive
M. Hamel was making preparations _____.
(c) dirty
 Ans :
(d) still and clean
to leave the country
 Ans : (d) still and clean
iv. Pick evidence from the extract that helps one infer
that the atmosphere in the class was bitter sweet. iii. What did the big bruiser of a boy do?
 Ans :  Ans :
It was so funny to hear him that we all wanted to The big bruiser of a boy picked the narrator and
laugh and cry. tossed him into the deep end of the pool.
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iv. Identify the textual clue that allows the reader to iv. Why does the wedding band ‘sit heavily’ upon Aunt
infer that the big boy was a bully. Jennifer’s hand?
 Ans : (Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers)
‘Hi Skinny! How’d you like to be ducked?’ is the  Ans :
textual clue that allows the reader to infer that the The wedding band sits heavily as it is a constant
big boy was a bully. reminder to Aunt Jennifer of the miserable marriage
that she has got trapped into and this is also a sign
v. Why did the narrator sit on the side of the pool? of oppression.
(a) To enjoy the beauty of the pool
v. How can ‘mighty dead’ be things of beauty?
(b) He was afraid of entering the pool alone (A thing of Beauty)
(c) To wait for the coach  Ans :
(d) To prepare himself mentally to enter ‘Mighty dead’ are things of beauty as they have done
 Ans : (b) He was afraid of entering the pool alone inspirational deeds in their lives which one reads and
has heard. Their legends and tales keep enthusing the
vi. Complete the sentence with one word. reader.
The word ‘bruiser’ in the extract means _____.
 Ans : vi. What caused the lack of communication between the
aggressor Englishman and the people at Gemini Studios?
(Poets and Pancakes)
10. Answer ANY FIVE of the following six questions, in  Ans :
about 40-50 words. 5 # 2 = 10 The majorities of the people at the Gemini Studios
were belonged from Tamil community and knew only
i. Why did the girl close the door when the ironmaster
Tamil language but Englishman was giving his speech
opened the door for the peddler to go?
only in English language using a distinct accent.
(The Rattrap)
Therefore there was a lack of communications between
 Ans : the Englishman and the people at the Gemini Studios.
The girl invited the peddler in, drawing attention
to his sorry plight, saying that he was unwelcome 11. Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions,
everywhere and lived under the fear of being arrested. in about 40-50 words. 2#2 = 4
She wanted to provide him with a day’s comfort under
i. What were the feelings of Dr. Sadao and his wife
their roof at this time of the year.
on seeing the wounded man? What did they finally
decide to do?
(The Enemy)
Ans :
On seeing the man stagger to his feet, Dr Sadao and
his wife presumed the man a fisherman, until they
turned him over and saw his white face. They finally
decided to take him home and keep him in the back
ii. Why did Gandhi agree to a settlement of 25 per cent bedroom that was once the room of Dr Sadao’s father.
refund to the farmers?
ii. What arguments does Charley offer to show his
disagreement with the psychiatrist’s diagnosis?
 Ans :
(The Third Level)
For Gandhiji the amount of refund was less important
 Ans :
than the fact that the landlords had been forced to
The psychiatrist friend of Charley thought that the
return part of the money and with it part of their
third level was a kind of wish fulfillment for Charley as
pride and prestige, so he agreed to the settlement of
he was stressed out. Charley disagreed because he was
25% refund.
sure of the third level and became more sure after he
iii. How did the poet prove that there can be life under found out about Sam’s disappearance and his letter.
apparent stillness in the poem ‘Keeping Quiet’. iii. Do you think all this will change Derry’s attitude
 Ans : towards Mr. Lamb?
The poet said that the Earth can preserve and resurrect (On the Face of It)
life. It apparently seems quiet but is nurturing, and  Ans :
the seeds sown in it bring out as life. Quietness, in no Derry had a negative attitude to life and people due to
way, means inactivity. his burnt face. He suffered from an inferiority complex
Page 11 Sample Paper 20 (Solved) CBSE XII English-Core

and avoided meeting people. But after his long  O

conversation with Mr. Lamb, he was able to overcome B. Imagine a child from the farmer’s family migrates to
his inferiority complex and changed his attitude. the city for their education. As the child, write back
to your family telling them whether you would or
12. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in would not want to turn into a city person.
about 120-150 words. 5 Use the context of the poem “A Roadside Stand” in
mind to pen down this letter.
A. The characters in prose sections, Mukesh in The Lost
You may begin this way:
Spring and Sophie in Going Places are two different
12, Davidson County
kinds of daydreamers. One is who fulfilled his dreams
23 January ‘XX
in real and the other is one who always lives in
Dear mom
imaginary dreams. The daydreaming can affect our
I have been thinking about the roadside stall lately.
lives positively as well as negatively.
Now that I find myself surrounded by city-people all
Imagine yourself as a motivational speaker who has the time, I think……………………………………..
to address high school students. Write this address in With love
about 120-150 words elaborating on occurrences from Jennifer
the two texts highlighting realistic and unrealistic (A Roadside Stand)
types of day dreaming.  Ans :
 Ans : 12, Davidson County
Good morning to all teachers, principal and my dear 23 January ‘XX
friends, Dear mom,
As each coin has two faces, daydreaming can also I have been thinking about the roadside stall lately.
be real or unreal. On one side, daydreaming can Now that I find myself surrounded by city people
boost creativity within us, motivate us and make us all the time, I think about our little stand in the
more effective in our day to day life. However, some countryside. The memories of our hard work, the
daydreaming has also proven to lead to stress, remove simplicity of life, and the genuine connections we
motivation and create unrealistic expectations. shared with our customers flood my mind.
Mukesh in ‘The Lost Spring’ belonged to a family Living in the city has its perks, and I cherish the
of bangle makers in Firozabad. He had a daydream opportunity to pursue education and explore new
to become a car mechanic. He fulfilled his dreams by horizons. But amidst the bustling streets and fast-
hard work and honesty. However, Sophie in Going paced life, I can’t help but miss the tranquility of our
Places also lives in a dreamy world which has distant village and the warmth of our community.
relation with the harsh realities of life. She dreams In the city, I witness both the wonders of progress
of big and beautiful things beyond her reach or her and the harsh realities of urban life. The city people
means. She is neither practical nor realistic. Due to are always on the move, seemingly chasing something
this nature, she could never ever succeed in her goals elusive. While the glittering lights and towering
of unrealistic imagination. Therefore, we should think buildings are captivating, I see the struggles and
real, act real. One could survive in realism. Realism loneliness that often lurk behind the facade.
leads to positive imagination. As I navigate through this new world, I yearn for
the simplicity and authenticity of our roadside stand.
The city money may offer comforts and possibilities,
but it cannot replace the value of genuine human
connections and the sense of belonging we had back
For now, I am grateful for the chance to learn and
grow in the city, but my heart will always carry a piece
of our countryside. I hope to return someday, not as
a city person, but as someone who brings back the
knowledge and experiences to uplift our community
and preserve the essence of our humble roadside stand.

With love,
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13. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in responsibility to take action and ensure that future
about 120-150 words. 5 generations inherit a healthy planet.
A. On returning home, Bama narrated the funny stories We must work to raise awareness about the
to her elder brother Annan. Her brother explained her importance of preserving our natural habitats. We
that it is not funny in anything she told to him, instead must encourage our governments to take concrete
all these incidents shows caste discrimination. As she actions to protect our wildlife and their habitats.
understood the events, she felt disgusted and sad. We must work to educate our communities on the
Imagine yourself to be BAMA and discuss what the importance of conservation and sustainable living.
Constitution of India does for this. We must act now to save the tiger and other
(Memories of Childhood) endangered species. Our future depends on it. Let us
join hands in this noble cause, and together we can
 Ans :
make a difference.
Caste discrimination refers to discrimination based
on the caste of a person. The Constitution of India Thank you.
abolished untouchability. The Indian government
initiated several national affirmative action policies
to improve the status and living conditions of low-
caste groups (Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes) by introducing caste-based quotas in political
representation, public sector jobs and education. The
recent years have witnessed some relaxation in caste
restrictions. However, one cannot say that the evils of
the caste system have been totally eradicated. It will
take time and will be eradicated when the mindset
of the people changes. Education can bring the next
generation new blood with a new vision. We hope that
time will come when absolute equality in the matter
of earning a livelihood would be enjoyed by all the
citizens of our country. In the modern context, our
society changes and loves each other, which helps to
abolish the caste discrimination.
B. Imagine you are an ardent environmentalist who is
involved in the Save the Tiger campaign. You have
been asked to deliver a speech in a seminar related
to your campaign and the need for the youth to be
involved in such campaigns. Draft your speech.
(A Tiger King)
 Ans :
Ladies and gentlemen,
I stand before you today as an ardent environmentalist
and a passionate supporter of the Save the Tiger
campaign. We are all aware of the alarming rate at
which our natural habitats are being destroyed. Every
day, countless animal species are on the brink of
extinction, and the tiger is no exception.
The tiger is not just a majestic creature; it is an
essential component of our ecosystem. The loss of the
tiger will have far-reaching consequences, not just on
the environment but also on the economy and the
well-being of our communities.
As young people, we have the power to make a
difference. We have the energy, the passion, and the
creativity to effect change. We cannot afford to sit
back and watch as our planet deteriorates. It is our

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