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Is Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy Effective Even in The Treatment of Partial Rotator Cuff Tear

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2, 709-714 (2020)





Orthopaedics Unit, Department of Basic Medical Science, Neuroscience and Sensory Organs, Faculty

of Medicine and Surgery, Aldo Moro University of Bari, General Hospital, Bari, Italy; 2Rehabilitation
Unit, Department of Basic Medical Science, Neuroscience and Sensory Organs, Faculty of Medicine
and Surgery, Aldo Moro University of Bari, General Hospital, Bari, Italy; 3Hygiene Unit, Department of
Biomedical Science and Human Oncology, Aldo Moro University of Bari, General Hospital, Bari, Italy

Received October 5, 2019 – Accepted March 18, 2020

To the Editor, Currently, very few data are available regarding

Rotator cuff tear is a major cause of pain and the evidence of clinical outcome of partial rotator cuff
shoulder dysfunction, with a prevalence of 21% in tear treated with Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy
the general population (1). The lesion may be partial (ESWT). Shock waves (SW) are energy sound waves
(with an estimated prevalence of around 13%) or produced under water with a high voltage explosion
total (7%). A theory of degeneration and micro- and evaporation. In musculoskeletal diseases ESWT
traumas has been postulated, proposing that repeated is able to improve blood supply and to increase cell
stresses could be responsible for small lesions of proliferation, inducing tissue regeneration of tendons
the tendon without the ability to heal, which should and bones (4).
follow a more important traumatic event, responsible The end point of the study is to verify the effects
for the onset of a symptomatic lesion. Forty percent of shockwave therapy in the presence of injured
of rotator tears increase in size if left untreated, while tendon, also monitoring the clinical and functional
none of these cases show a decrease in the tear size aspects and the size of the lesion. The starting
or spontaneous healing. hypothesis is null; in fact, to date, there has been no
Contrasting results are reported regarding the study describing shockwave treatment of tendons
choice of treatment. Some studies support surgical with partial lesions.
treatment, especially in the early stages of the
disease, in order to prevent the progression of rotator MATERIALS AND METHODS
cuff tendon degeneration and the involvement of
the gleno-humeral joint (2). Other works suggest We conducted a prospective randomized clinical trial.
a conservative treatment such as physiotherapy The study was approved by the local Ethics Committee.
to reduce pain and to prevent the progressive loss Patients who came to our clinic with a diagnosis of a
of function (3). The success rate of conservative partial lesion of the rotator cuff were included in our study
treatment ranges from 33% to 82%. and gave written informed consent to participate.

Corresponding Author:
Dr Angela Notarnicola,
Orthopaedics Unit, Department of Basic Medical Science, 0393-974X (2020)
Neuroscience and Sensory Organs, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Copyright © by BIOLIFE, s.a.s.
This publication and/or article is for individual use only and may not be further
University of Bari, General Hospital,
reproduced without written permission from the copyright holder.
Piazza Giulio Cesare 11, 70124 Bari, Italy Unauthorized reproduction may result in financial and other penalties
Tel.: +39 0805592938

The following were used as inclusion criteria: age Sample size

> 18 years, capable of understanding; partial tear of The present study aimed to test the equality of VAS
supraspinatus, with lesion size in each of the three axes score in the two treatment groups: ESWT group vs
≤ 11 mm, diagnosed by using ultrasound; symptoms for exercise group. To test this hypothesis a significance
at least 1 month; indication of conservative treatment (3); level (alpha) was set at 0.050 and a 2-tailed test was
no neurological condition that could compromise muscle used. We proposed a sample size of 11 patients for each
strength or activity; no history of shoulder surgery during group of treatment. With this sample size and assuming
the previous 6 months; no abnormal findings on simple both a mean difference of 1.5 point (corresponding to the
radiography. Exclusion criteria were: contra-indications smallest effect that would be important to detect) between
of SW therapy (tumors, clotting diseases, anticoagulant the shockwave and exercise groups and a common within-
therapy, history of epilepsy, the presence of pacemaker group standard deviation of 1.3, the study had to have
or defibrillator, pregnancy); massive tendon lesion of power of 82% to yield a statistically significant result.
supraspinatus (> 11 mm); infiltrative and/or rehabilitative
treatment in the three months prior to recruitment; rotator Outcome
cuff tears which had undergone prior surgical repair or The assessment times were at the time of recruitment
arthroscopy; pre-existing conditions associated with (T0) and 3 months after recruitment (T1). The outcomes
upper extremity pain; difficulties in follow-up; patients were the visual analogic scale (VAS), the American
in a different on-going trial that would interfere with Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons Standardized Shoulder
the assessment; any other reason in the judgment of the Assessment Form (ASES) and the manual muscle strength
researchers. Patients were randomized 1:1 to receive testing scale (MMT). Moreover, the size of the lesion
shockwave treatment (ESWT) or therapeutic exercise. on the three axes (longitudinal, transverse and antero-
Treatments were divided according to a sequential posterior) was measured by ultrasound.
randomization list using Stata MP12 statistical software. Epidemiological and clinical outcomes data were put
Possible adverse effects were monitored for both in a database built with Office Excel Software (Microsoft
treatments: increased pain, joint lock, petechiae and Corporation, Redmond, USA) and analyzed with Office
hematoma formation, vagal crisis. Excel and STATA SE14 Software (Microsoft Corporation,
Redmond, USA). Continuous variables were expressed as
ESWT group mean ± standard deviation and range, while categorical
ESWT was applied with a Minilith SL1 (Storz variables as proportions. The normality of the continuous
Medical, Tägerwilen, Swiss) electromagnetic generator variables was evaluated and, for those not distributed
equipped with in-line ultrasound-guidance Aloka SSD normally, a normalization model was constructed using
900 (Aloka Co., Ltd. Tokyo, Japan), during three sessions, a logarithmic function. The t-student test was used for
at 7-day intervals, emitting 2000 impulses with an energy independent (parametric) samples to compare the normal
flux density (EFD) of 0.05 mJ/mm2. No local anesthesia or normalized continuous variables between groups;
was required. the ANOVA test was performed to compare groups and
timing; Fisher’s exact test was used to compare the
Exercise group categorical variables between groups.
Patients underwent 12 weeks of therapeutic exercise A simple linear regression was used for every single
for strengthening the rotator cuff and shoulder mobility. outcome, in order to evaluate the relationship between
They were instructed to perform 2 different exercises 5 pain referred to T1, MMT value at T1, ASES value at
times a week. The program included an exercise for the T1 and the respective variable at T0, age, gender, group
anterior deltoid and an exercise for the teres minor muscle, (ESWT/exercise), BMI, affected shoulder (right/left),
with 2-3 min of warm up before starting the exercise time between the onset of symptoms and the recruitment
program. Every week the physiotherapist graduated the (months) between lesion size on the three axes at T1.
exercises in relation to each patient’s ability according to For each of the previous outcomes, a multivariate linear
the pain during and after the exercise. regression model was constructed, using as determinants
Journal of Biological Regulators & Homeostatic Agents

those variables that have been shown to be associated to the pain during the study period. No patient reported
the respective outcome in simple linear regression. The adverse effects. No statistically significant differences
correlation coefficient was indicated calculating 95% CI were observed between groups for anthropometric
and the Student’s t-test. For all tests a value of p <0.05 variables of weight (mean value: 71.6±10.5 kg; t=0.4;
was considered significant. p=0.697), height (mean value: 162.2±8.6 cm; t =0.2; p
=0.82) and BMI (mean value: 27.3±4.0 kg/cm2; t=0.3;
RESULTS p=0.773). Three patients (10%) were tobacco smokers
and there were no statistically significant differences
The sample of the study was made up of thirty in the distribution of smokers per group (X2=0.4;
subjects, of whom 15 (50%) belonged to the ESWT p=1.000). On average, patients had experienced
group and the remaining 15 (50%) to the exercise symptoms for 12.6±8.2 months (range=2.0-24.0)
group. Twenty (66.7%) patients were female and prior to enrollment, and no statistically significant
there were no statistically significant differences in the differences were observed between groups (t=1.4;
distribution of females per group (X2=0.0; p=1.000); p=0.186). No statistically significant differences were
the mean age of the group was 65.2±8.7 years (range = observed in the distribution of right limb patients
45-81) and no statistically significant differences were affected by right shoulder injury(p> 0.05). ANOVA
observed in the comparison of the mean age between analysis for repeated measurements showed that
groups (t = 0.2; p=0.807). No drop-out occurred. All there was a statistically significant difference in the
patients reported that they did not use drugs to manage comparison between variable times (T0-T1) of the

Fig. 1. The sonographic images of a 71 year-old female showing the tear of the rotator cuff tendon at T0. The tear size
is 5.5 mm on the longitudinal axis, 3 mm on the transversal axis (a) and 6.4 mm on the antero-posterior axis (b). Three
months after ESWT the tear size in the same patient is 5.4 on the longitudinal axis, 0.74 mm on the transversal axis (c)
and and 4.7 mm on the antero-posterior axis (d).

Table Table I. Clinical-functional

I. Clinical-functional results ofresults of groups
the study the study groups
at two at two follow-ups

Variable ESWT group Exercise group Total population

7.41.4 7.50.8 7.41.1
Pain (VAS)
(5.0 – 10.0) (5.0 – 8.0) (5.0 – 10.0)
2.70.7 3.30.7 3.00.8
(1.0 – 4.0) (2.0 – 5.0) (1.0 – 5.0)
32.214.2 31.611.3 31.912.6
(8.4 – 51.6) (18.3 – 54.9) (8.4 – 54.9)
Lenght of lesion
6.31.5 6.41.9 6.41.7
( longitudinal axis)
(3.2 – 8.9) (3.2 – 10.7) (3.2 – 10.7)
Length of lesion
5.21.5 5.51.8 5.41.6
( transversal axis)
(3.5 – 7.8) (2.6 – 9.1) (2.6 – 9.1)
Lenght of lesion
2.90.8 2.90.8 2.90.8
(1.5 – 4.3) (1.5 – 4.5) (1.5 – 4.5)
axis) (mm)
3.92.2 6.91.2 5.42.3
Pain (VAS)
(1.0 – 8.0) (4.0 – 8.0) (1.0 – 8.0)
3.31.1 3.10.6 3.20.9
(1.0 – 5.0) (2.0 – 5.0) (1.0 – 5.0)
54.921.8 35.312.4 45.120.1
(28.3 – 93.3) (18.3 – 54.9) (18.3 – 93.3)
Lenght of lesion
5.32.4 6.21.8 5.82.1
( longitudinal axis)
(2.0 – 10.0) (3.5 – 10.6) (2.0 – 10.6)
Length of lesion
4.12.1 5.43.4 4.72.9
( transversal axis)
(1.5 – 8.9) (1.2 – 16.7) (1.2 – 16.7)
Lenght of lesion
1.90.9 2.51.0 2.21.0
(0.5 – 3.1) (0.7 – 4.5) (0.5 – 4.5)
axis) (mm)
(T0: at enrollment;
at enrollment; T1:T1:
afterafter 3 months)
3 months) (data(data are expressed
are expressed as +/-
as mean mean +/- standard
standard deviation
deviation and
and range).

VAS value (F=17.4; p=0.000), of the ASES value interaction between time and group for VAS value
(F=19.7; p=0.000) and of the size of the lesion (on (F=7.0; p=0.013), for MMT value (F=6.5, p=0.016),
longitudinal axis: F=5.5, p=0.027; on a transverse for ASES value (F=9.6, p=0.005, Table I) and for the
axis: F=9.5, p=0.005; on an antero-posterior axis: size of the lesion on the antero-posterior axis (F=4.2;
F=22.9; p =0.000) (Table I). There was a significant p=0.049). Simple linear regression analysis showed
difference between groups for the VAS value (F=6.7, a statistically significant link between VAS value at
p=0.016). T1 and group (coefficient = -0.7; 95% CI = -1.0 -
A significant difference was observed in the -0,4; t=4.7; p=0.000). The MMT value at T1 had a
Journal of Biological Regulators & Homeostatic Agents

statistically significant association with the MMT the greater susceptibility of the tissue.
value at T0 (coef.=0.5; 95% CI=0.1-0.9; t =2.8; p = We hypothesize that an important role of
0.009). The ASES value at T1 was associated both shock waves in the treatment of tendon lesions
with the ASES value to T0 (coef. = 0.8; 95% CI=0.2 is the anti-oedema and anti-inflammatory effect,
-1.3; t = 2.9; p = 0.008) and with group (coefficient = which could slow the progression of degeneration
6.5; 95% CI = 6.4-32.9; t =3.0; p = 0.005). The size and tendon injury (9). Simultaneously, the shock
of lesion at T1 was associated with the size at T0 on waves determine a trophic and reparative effect
the same axis (on longitudinal axis: coef. = 0.9; 95% on the tendon tissue, improving the differentiation
CI=0.6 - 1.3; t=5.9; p=0.000) (on axis transverse: of precursor cells towards tenoblast-like cells,
coef.=0.2; 95% CI=0.1-0.3; t=4.8; p=0.000) (on modulating cell morphology and increasing collagen
antero-posterior axis: coef.=0.7; 95% CI=0.3 - 1.0; synthesis of type I (10).
t=3.7; p=0.001) (Fig. 1). The weak points of this study are the short
There were no further associations between the follow-up period, the absence of MRI monitoring,
outcomes and the remaining determinants in analysis the absence of a placebo or untreated control group.
(p>0.05). From the multivariate linear analysis we The strength is verification of the effect of shock
observed an association at the limits of the statistical waves in a new clinical picture, such as tendon tear.
significance between the MMT value at T1 and the It might be interesting to check whether shockwave
MMT value at T0 (coef. = 0.4, t = 2.0, p=0.055). therapy can also be effective for a preventive
Multivariate linear analysis showed an association action in different clinical conditions in which co-
at the limits of statistical significance between ASES morbidities (for example of a metabolic type, such
value at T1 and ASES value at T0 (coef. = 0.7; t = 3.3; as thyroid pathologies) (11) or drug administration
p = 0.003) and group (coefficient = 19.2; t = 3.5; p = (e.g. corticosteroids) (12) are responsible for
0.002). ischemic suffering and degenerative overload of
musculoskeletal tissues.
DISCUSSION In conclusion, ESWT could be indicated for the
treatment of cuff tendon injury. We have excluded
Our data show that in the treatment of RCT, that the mechanical stimulation of the shock waves
shockwave therapy allowed to obtain both speeds up the opening of the tendon lesion, and we
improvement and reduction in the size of the tendon found a stabilization with size reduction on one of the
lesion (on the antero-posterior axis). Our results axes. Further studies will allow to verify the effects
support the interest of comparing the effects of on longer times and in association with exercise.
shock waves with surgery, using either mini-open
or arthroscopic methods, which are increasingly ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
popular for the management of tendon lesions (2).
Until now, shockwave treatment for rotator cuff The authors thank Maria Assunta Pinto B.A. for
tendinopathy has been reserved almost exclusively language revision.
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