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Social Sciences Geography (SSG302 CL S2 22 AG)

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Assessment Guide



Introduction 1

Assessment Strategy 1

Continuous Assessment (CASS) 1

Class Task 1

Online Test 2

Final Assessment (Online Quiz) 2

Assignment 3

Assessment Guide Ó STADIO Faculty of Education / SSG302-CL-S2-22-AG / Page (i)

Due to the nationwide lockdown and the impact that this has had on teaching and
learning, the SSG302 module has been restructured into a CASS module.
Essentially, this means that there will be no examination.

Please see the assessment strategy below.

Assessment Strategy
Your final assessment mark for this module is weighted as shown in the table below.
A column has been inserted for you to insert the respective dates. You can find these
dates on ECI and the MC will communicate these to you via announcements and
messages on ECI.


Class Task 25%

Online Test 25%

Assignment 25%

Final Assessment (Online Quiz) 25%

You need a final mark of 50% to pass this module.

Continuous Assessment (CASS)

A CASS module has a series of assessments that are completed over the course of
the module.

Each assessment is assigned a specific weighting and together, these are used to
calculate the final mark for the module. There is no supplementary assessment
opportunity for a CASS module. Should a student miss any of their online tests, they
must download the Application for a Re-test form from the Assessment Office page
on ECI and submit it to via the email address provided on the form.

Class Task
There will be one, comprehensive, online class task using MS Forms. The class task
will be based on Units 1, 2, 3 and 4 and will be conducted during Term 4. Your
lecturer will give you greater detail on the online class task during the semester. The
class task will contribute 25% towards your overall mark for the module.

Assessment Guide Ó STADIO Faculty of Education SSG302-CL-S2-21-AG Page 1

Online Test
There will be one online test for SSG302. The test has a value of approximately
50 marks and will be one hour and 15 minutes in duration. It will primarily be on
Unit 1: Population and Health and Unit 2: Development. Your lecturer will give you
guidance on what material to include for your test preparation once the test timetable
is available. The online test will contribute 25% towards your final mark for the

Final Assessment (Online Quiz)

The examination will be replaced with the final assessment in the form of an online
quiz consisting of MCQs and long response questions (essay and paragraphs). Each
of the four major assessments constitute 25% towards your final mark.

Page 2 SSG302-CL-S2-21-AG Assessment Guide Ó STADIO Faculty of Education

Your assignment counts 25% towards your final mark for this module. The minimum
pass mark for the assignment is 50%.

Submitting your Assignment

When preparing your assignment for submission, be sure to:

 save your details, including your student number, full name and the module code
in the file name of the document e.g. "19001-JimmyHendrix-SSG302-
 include your full name, student number and the module code "SSG302" on the
front page of your assignment;
 ensure the file is under 20 MB, as this is the upload maximum file size for file
 check for grammatical and spelling errors;
 use size 12pt, black, Arial font, 1.5 line spacing, and margins of 2 cm;
 reference correctly, according to the fourth edition of the booklet Referencing
Techniques: Using the Harvard System (Frank and Ralfe 2021), which you can
find on ECI;
 include credible references (like those from books and peer-reviewed journals);
 submit your assignment to the correct Turnitin assignment submission activity
within the ECI module site – this will ensure that your assignment document is
submitted both to Embury and to Turnitin, where an originality check will be
performed, and a similarity report generated.

Generating a Turnitin report

Please note that part of the process of submitting your assignments online is putting
your assignments through Turnitin which is a service that checks your document for
issues like plagiarism and other referencing issues. Turnitin will produce a report for
each document you've submitted within 24 hours which will show if your assignments
were copied (even in part) from somewhere or someone else (even yourself). If the
Turnitin report shows that your work is too similar to another submission or to other
sources, you'll have to redo your assignments and submit it to Turnitin once again
before Embury will accept it to be marked. Embury will not mark any assignments
with a Turnitin score that exceeds the maximum allowed percentage stated in the
Plagiarism Policy. The percentage of similarity that is allowed per module depends
on your programme and year of study. You can access the Plagiarism Policy on ECI
to find out what percentage of similarity is permissible for this module.

To allow yourself time to review the Turnitin report and rework your assignment
where required, we suggest that you submit your assignment at least two weeks
before the official hand-in date. Your submissions will be made via the assignment
submission activity on ECI. Embury will use the assignments and the Turnitin reports
on the official hand-in date as your final assignment for marking.

Assessment Guide Ó STADIO Faculty of Education SSG302-CL-S2-21-AG Page 3

Please also note that during the process of submitting your assignments to Turnitin
you will be asked to tick a box that indicates that the work you are handing in is your
own original work. Ticking that box is your declaration that your assignments are your
own original work. Note that you're not permitted to submit the same assignments as
those you have previously submitted for any other module.

Page 4 SSG302-CL-S2-21-AG Assessment Guide Ó STADIO Faculty of Education

Assignment Instructions
Topic: The importance of 'true' development to the country of South


The goal of all governments is to develop their countries by creating opportunities for
economic, social and environmental progress. This progress can only be considered
true development if the quality of life and standard of living of all people in a country
is improved, not just the middle class and the wealthy. This is a holistic endeavour
which, due to the extensive scope, can appear quite daunting at first however due to
the large scope there are many places that governments can apply their leadership
to improving their citizens' lives.

This research assignment requires you to first discuss the importance and need for
development. Secondly, you need to identify and discuss some of the ways that
governments, more specifically the South African government, can develop our

You must use a minimum of eight academic articles on the topic and further
resources as you see fit. Wikipedia may not be used.

You will be provided with a detailed rubric.

The completed assignment must be presented as follows:

 word limit of five × A4 typed pages (excluding title, contents, images, graphs,
appendices and reference pages);
 presentation in black ink only;
 A4 portrait with 2 cm margin all around (no borders);
 font type: Arial;
 font size: 12pt;
 1.5 line spacing; and
 correctly formatted and integrated in-text referencing.

Assessment of the assignment will be carried out in accordance with the policy for
the submission of assignments. Failure to comply with correct procedures will result
in penalties as indicated in the policy.


The assignment must include a reference list. Referencing must be completed in

accordance with the requirements set out in the Referencing Techniques: Using the
Harvard System (Frank and Ralfe 2021).

Please approach the lecturer for assistance with referencing.

Assessment Guide Ó STADIO Faculty of Education SSG302-CL-S2-21-AG Page 5

Assessment Rubric: Assignment
Student Name: ____________________________ Student Number: ____________

CRITERIA (0 – 2) (3 – 4) (5 – 6) (7 – 8) (9 – 10) MARK

Introduction Little or no Some planning Sound Very sound Excellent
planning evident in the planning and planning and introduction. Well
[10] evident in the introduction structure structure written and
introduction. but very weak. evident in the evident in the perfectly
introduction. introduction. encapsulates the
aim of the
Identifying Student does Student briefly Student offers The concept of The concept of
and not identify or identifies and a satisfactory development is development is
Explaining the explain the explains the identification identified and identified and
Concept of concept of concept of and explained explained to a
Development development. development. explanation of thoroughly. high degree.
the concept of
[30] development.
Discussion of No suitable Reference to Possible ways Possible ways Possible ways of
South Africa's discussion is the discussion of developing of developing developing
Possible presented. is tentative. South Africa South Africa South Africa are
Ways of are mentioned are presented presented that
Developing in a few that indicate indicate a high
our Nation instances. engagement level of
with the engagement with
[30] research topic. the research
Use of Complete Some Some Much Excellent
Supporting absence of appropriate appropriate appropriate appropriate
Data (Graphs, supporting supporting supporting supporting supporting data
Images, data. data. data with data with with captions and
Diagrams) captions and captions and referencing.
referencing. referencing.
Conclusion Little or no Some planning Sound Very sound Excellent
planning evident in the planning and planning and conclusion. Well
[10] evident in the conclusion but structure structure written and
conclusion. very weak. evident in the evident in the perfectly
conclusion. conclusion. consolidates the
Referencing Extremely Poor quality Average Good quality of Excellent quality
limited intext intext quality of intext intext of intext
[10] referencing, referencing, referencing, referencing, referencing,
reference list reference list reference list reference list reference list and
and depth of and depth of and depth of and depth of depth of
references. references. references. references. references.
Written Considerable Frequent Some spelling, Few spelling, Impeccable
English lack of spelling, grammar or grammar or attention to the
Conventions attention to the grammar or punctuation punctuation conventions of
conventions of punctuation errors. errors. written English.
[10] written English. errors.


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