Geo 2 Reviewer
Geo 2 Reviewer
Geo 2 Reviewer
HUMIDITY- the amount of water vapor in the air. GULF- a large area of a sea or ocean that is partially enclosed by land.
ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE- refers to the mass weight of a column of air BAY- a body of water partially surrounded by land.
above a given point.
RIVER- a natural watercourse, typically a large stream of water that flows
towards an ocean, sea, lake or river.
LAKE-bodies of fresh water surrounded by land. CLIMATE FACTORS
FALLS- a part of river that take a step drop. 1. Latitude- distance north or south of the equator.
2. Altitude- height above sea level.
RAPIDS- a section of a river where the water moves very fast.
3. Distribution of land and bodies of water- a larger body of water tends
to cause a mild or moderate climate.
4. Orographic barriers- cause different climates on opposite sides of
5.LITHOSPHERE- the hard shell of the earth, consisting of the crust and mountain.
the topmost part of the upper mantle. 5. Pressure and wind- winds blow most often in different parts of the
6. Ocean current- rivers of water that moves through the ocean.
- A german geophysicist and meteorologist, published “the origin of 7. Storms- a violent distribution of the atmosphere with strong winds
continents and oceans” and usually rain, thunder, lightning or snow.
LANDMASS- a large area of land such as a continent that is in one piece HUMAN SPHERE AND POPULATION GROWTH
and not broken up by oceans.
HUMAN SPHERE- comprises of human, it various products and
LANDFORMS; environment of both artificial and natural characteristics.
- PLAINS- low level areas.
- PLATEAUS- “plains up in the air” - the increase in the number of individuals.
- HILLS- can be called miniature mountains. -known as one of the driving forces behind environmental problems, because
EARTH PROCESSES -forces within the earth. the growing population demand more and more.