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Hospital and Health Care Facilities

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The American Institute of Architects Academy
of Architecture for Health

The Facility Guidelines Institute

With assistance from the U.S. Department of

Health and Human Services

The American Institute of Architects Academy
of Architecture for Health

The Facility Guidelines Institute

With assistance from the U.S. Department of

Health and Human Services

The American Institute of Architects

Washington, D.C.
This publication supersedes the Guidelines for Design
and Construction of Hospital and Health Care Facilities,
1996-97 edition.

To order prepaid copies of the Guidelines, call

(202) 626-7541 or 1-800-AIA-3837, press 4.
For orders using a purchase order or that must
be billed, call 1-800-365-ARCH (2724).

Facility Guidelines Institute

1919 McKinney Avenue
Dallas, TX 75201
(214) 969-3344
Contents © 2001 by the Facility Guidelines Institute
All rights reserved

The American Institute of Architects

1735 New York Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20006
Compilation © 2001 by The American Institute of Architects
All rights reserved

Printed in the United States of America

First Printing: April 2001
Second Printing: October 2001
ISBN 1-57165-002-4

Preface vi 7.9 Emergency Service 42

Major Additions and Revisions x 7.10 Imaging Suite 46
Acknowledgments xiv 7.11 Nuclear Medicine 50
7.12 Laboratory Suite 53
1. Introduction 7.13 Rehabilitation Therapy Department 54
1.1 General 1 7.14 Renal Dialysis Unit (Acute and Chronic) 55
1.2 Interpretations of Requirements 2 7.15 Respiratory Therapy Service 56
1.3 Renovation 2 7.16 Morgue 57
1.4 Design Standards for the Disabled 3 7.17 Pharmacy 57
1.5 Provisions for Disasters 4 7.18 Dietary Facilities 58
1.6 Codes and Standards 5 7.19 Administration and Public Areas 60
7.20 Medical Records 60
2. Environment of Care 7.21 Central Services 60
2.1 Energy and Other Resource Conservation 10 7.22 General Stores 61
7.23 Linen Services 61
3. Site 7.24 Facilities for Cleaning and Sanitizing
3.1 Location 11 Carts 62
3.2 Facility Site Design 11 7.25 Employee Facilities 62
3.3 Environmental Pollution Control 11 7.26 Housekeeping Rooms 62
7.27 Engineering Service and Equipment
4. Equipment Areas 62
4.1 General 13 7.28 General Standards for Details and
4.2 Classification 13 Finishes 63
4.3 Major Technical Equipment 14 7.29 Design and Construction, including
4.4 Equipment Shown on Drawings 14 Fire-Resistant Standards 65
4.5 Electronic Equipment 14 7.30 Special Systems 66
7.31 Mechanical Standards 68
5. Construction 7.32 Electrical Standards 74
5.1 Planning and Design 15 7.33 Hyperbaric Suite 77
5.2 Phasing 16
5.3 Commissioning 16 8. Nursing Facilities
5.4 Nonconforming Conditions 17 8.1 General Conditions 84
8.2 Resident Unit 85
6. Record Drawings and Manuals 8.3 Resident Support Areas 88
6.1 Drawings 18 8.4 Activities 88
6.2 Equipment Manuals 18 8.5 Rehabilitation Therapy 89
6.3 Design Data 18 8.6 Personal Services (Barber/Beauty) Areas 89
8.7 Subacute Care Facilities 89
7. General Hospital 8.8 Alzheimer’s and Other Dementia Units 89
7.1 General Considerations 19 8.9 Dietary Facilities 90
7.2 Nursing Unit (Medical and Surgical) 19 8.10 Administrative and Public Areas 91
7.3 Critical Care Units 24 8.11 Linen Services 91
7.4 Nurseries 30 8.12 Housekeeping Rooms 92
7.5 Pediatric and Adolescent Unit 31 8.13 Engineering Service and Equipment
7.6 Psychiatric Nursing Unit 32 Areas 92
7.7 Surgical Suites 34 8.14 General Standards for Details and
7.8 Obstetrical Facilities 39 Finishes 92

8.15 Finishes 94 10.26-10.29 Reserved 136

8.16 Construction Features 94 10.30 Special Systems 136
8.17-8.29 Reserved 94 10.31 Mechanical Standards 137
8.30 Special Systems 94 10.32 Electrical Standards 142
8.31 Mechanical Standards 95
8.32 Electrical Standards 98 11. Psychiatric Hospital
11.1 General Conditions 144
9. Outpatient Facilities 11.2 General Psychiatric Nursing Unit 144
9.1 General 103 11.3 Child Psychiatric Unit 147
9.2 Common Elements for Outpatient 11.4 Geriatric, Alzheimer’s, and Other
Facilities 104 Dementia Unit 147
9.3 Primary Care Outpatient Centers 107 11.5 Forensic Psychiatric Unit 147
9.4 Small Primary (Neighborhood) 11.6 Radiology Suite 147
Outpatient Facility 108 11.7 Nuclear Medicine 147
9.5 Outpatient Surgical Facility 110 11.8 Laboratory Suite 148
9.6 Freestanding Emergency Facility 114 11.9 Rehabilitation Therapy Department 148
9.7 Freestanding Birthing Center 116 11.10 Pharmacy 149
9.8 Freestanding Outpatient Diagnostic 11.11 Dietary Facilities 149
and Treatment Facility 118 11.12 Administration and Public Areas 149
9.9 Endoscopy Suite 118 11.13 Medical Records 149
9.10 Cough-Inducing and Aerosol- 11.14 Central Services 149
Generating Procedures 119 11.15 General Storage 150
9.11-9.29 Reserved 119 11.16 Linen Services 150
9.30 Special Systems 119 11.17 Facilities for Cleaning and Sanitizing
9.31 Mechanical Standards 120 Carts 150
9.32 Electrical Standards 126 11.18 Employee Facilities 150
11.19 Housekeeping Room 150
10. Rehabilitation Facilities 11.20 Engineering Service and Equipment
10.1 General Considerations 128 Area 150
10.2 Evaluation Unit 128 11.21 Waste Processing Services 150
10.3 Psychological Services Unit 129 11.22 General Standards for Details and
10.4 Social Services Unit 129 Finishes 150
10.5 Vocational Services Unit 129 11.23 Design and Construction, including
10.6 Dining, Recreation, and Day Spaces 129 Fire-Resistant Standards 150
10.7 Dietary Department 129 11.24-11.29 Reserved 150
10.8 Personal Care Unit for Inpatients 130 11.30 Special Systems 150
10.9 Activities for Daily Living Unit 130 11.31 Mechanical Standards 151
10.10 Administration and Public Areas 130 11.32 Electrical Standards 155
10.11 Engineering Service and Equipment
Areas 131 12. Mobile, Transportable, and
10.12 Linen Services 131 Relocatable Units
10.13 Housekeeping Room(s) 131 12.1 General 158
10.14 Employee Facilities 131 12.2-12.30 Reserved 160
10.15 Nursing Unit (for Inpatients) 131 12.31 Mechanical Standards 160
10.16 Sterilizing Facilities 133 12.32 Electrical Standards 160
10.17 Physical Therapy Unit 133
10.18 Occupational Therapy Unit 133 13. Hospice Care 162
10.19 Prosthetics and Orthotics Unit 133
10.20 Speech and Hearing Unit 133 14. Assisted Living 164
10.21 Dental Unit 134
10.22 Imaging Suite 134 15. Adult Day Care Facilities 165
10.23 Pharmacy Unit 134
10.24 Details and Finishes 134 Glossary 166
10.25 Design and Construction, including
Fire-Resistant Standards 136 Index 167


7.1 Sound Transmission Limitations in

General Hospitals 78

7.2 Ventilation Requirements for Areas

Affecting Patient Care in Hospitals
and Outpatient Facilities 79

7.3 Filter Efficiencies for Central

Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Systems in General Hospitals 82

7.4 Hot Water Use—General Hospital 82

7.5 Station Outlets for Oxygen, Vacuum

(Suction), and Medical Air Systems
in Hospitals 83

8.1 Pressure Relationships and Ventilation

of Certain Areas of Nursing Facilities 101

8.2 Filter Efficiencies for Central

Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Systems in Nursing Facilities 102

8.3 Hot Water Use—Nursing Facilities 102

9.1 Filter Efficiencies for Central

Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Systems in Outpatient Facilities 127

9.2 Station Outlets for Oxygen, Vacuum,

and Medical Air in Outpatient
Facilities 127

11.1 Filter Efficiencies for Central

Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Systems in Psychiatric Hospitals 157

This is the latest in the 54-year history of this guide- In 1984 DHHS asked the American Institute of
lines document to aid in the design and construction Architects Committee on Architecture for Health
of hospital and other health care facilities. (AIA/CAH) to form an advisory group to work with,
and be funded by, the Public Health Service for the
The original General Standards appeared in the next revision. When the revisions to the document
Federal Register on February 14, 1947, as part of the were complete, the federal government declined to
implementing regulations for the Hill-Burton pro- publish it. The AIA/CAH asked several nonprofit
gram. The standards were revised from time to time agencies and professional associations to publish and
as needed. In 1974 the document was retitled distribute the Guidelines. They finally reached an
Minimum Requirements of Construction and Equipment agreement with the American Institute of Architects
for Hospital and Medical Facilities to emphasize that (AIA) to publish the 1987 edition.
the requirements were generally minimum, rather
than recommendations of ideal standards. The 1974 At this point, the Guidelines would have ceased
edition was the first to request public input and com- being revised, or even to continue to exist, if three
ment. It also removed any requirements relating to people had not taken it upon themselves to approach
the preparation of plans, specifications, and estimates the Public Health Service and the Health Care
or to site survey and soil investigation, which had Financing Administration and request a federal grant
been a part of all previous editions. These require- to fund a revision cycle. These same three people,
ments were published in a document entitled working with AIA/CAH, put together the first
Technical Manual on Facility Design and Construction Steering Committee, who in turn set up the first
published by the Department of Health, Education, Health Guidelines Revision Committee (HGRC)
and Welfare’s (DHEW) Office of Facilities not under the aegis of the federal government. The
Engineering. members of this multidisciplinary group came from
the federal and state governments and the private
In 1984 the Department of Health and Human sector and offered expertise in design, operation, and
Services (DHHS) removed from regulation the construction of health facilities. The 1992-93 edition
requirements relating to minimum standards of con- of the Guidelines was published and distributed by
struction, renovation, and equipment of hospitals and the AIA.
medical facilities, as cited in the Minimum
Requirements DHEW Publication No. (HRA) 81- The Steering Committee from the 1992-93 cycle
14500. Since the federal grant and loan programs had requested and received federal funding from DHHS
expired, there was no need for the federal govern- for another cycle. Substantial funding was also pro-
ment to retain the guidelines in regulation format. To vided by the American Hospital Association and the
reflect the non-regulatory status, the title was AIA/CAH. The consensus process was enhanced and
changed to Guidelines for Construction and Equipment the input base broadened by asking the public to pro-
of Hospital and Medical Facilities. However, the docu- pose changes to the Guidelines and then to comment
ment was, and still is, used by many state authorities on these proposals. Approximately 2,000 proposals
having jurisdiction for licensure or registration. and comments were received and processed. Three
Further, the Guidelines are used by DHHS staff to Revision Committee meetings—one on the East
assess Department of Housing and Urban Coast, one on the West Coast, and one in the middle
Development applications for hospital mortgage of the country—were held to discuss the merits of all
insurance and for Indian Health Service construction proposals and comments. More than 65 experts
projects. Therefore, regulatory language has been attended these sessions and reached a consensus on
retained. This was the last year the document was the content of the 1996-97 edition of the Guidelines.
revised and published by DHHS; at the same time, A letter ballot was sent to all eligible members of the
they published and distributed an addendum to the Health GRC and the document was approved by a
Guidelines entitled Energy Considerations for Hospital unanimous vote. To better reflect its content, the title
Construction and Equipment. of the document was changed to Guidelines for Design
vi and Construction of Hospital and Health Care Facilities.

It was during this revision cycle that the AlA Financing Administration and the AIA/AAH. The
Committee on Architecture for Health became the American Society for Healthcare Engineering
AIA Academy of Architecture for Health (ASHE), the National Institutes of Health (NIH),
(AIA/AAH). and the AIA provided staff and technical support.
The Health Guidelines Revision Committee
In an effort to create a more formal procedure and (HGRC) met in Arlington, Virginia, and reviewed
process, and to ensure the document is kept current, the 1996-97 edition of the Guidelines line by line to
the Facility Guidelines Institute (FGI) was formed in ascertain areas that needed to be addressed, including
1998. The main objective and thrust of FGI is to see infection control, safety, and environment of care.
that the Guidelines are reviewed and revised on a reg- The membership for this revision cycle included an
ular cycle with a consensus process by a multidiscipli- increased number of state authorities, consistent with
nary group of experts from the federal, state, and the increasing number of states utilizing all or por-
private sectors. In this role, FGI acted as the contract- tions of the Guidelines as state regulation by adop-
ing agent between the AIA and the AAH for the tion. The work of the HGRC was greatly enhanced
2001 edition of the Guidelines. In the future, FGI by the attendance and participation of these authori-
will continue to serve as the contracting agent for the ties having jurisdiction (AHJs).
AlA in its role as a promulgator of guidelines and
standards, whether with the Academy of Architecture At the beginning of this revision cycle, a notice that
for Health or other AIA Professional Interest Areas the document was being revised was publicized to
(PIAs) that want to develop facility guidelines. interested parties along with a request that they
make proposals for change. The committee received
FGI is primarily interested in consensus methodol- and gave serious consideration to 539 proposals to
ogy and in having the responsibility for overseeing modify the document. After its meeting in Irvine,
the revision process. Specifically, FGI wants to make California, a document containing proposed changes
sure the Health Guidelines Revision Committee was made available to all who requested it for public
comment. The HGRC received and gave careful
■ is properly funded, consideration to 1,030 comments on the proposed
changes. For the first time the Internet was used
■ has a balance of representation from interest groups extensively to distribute the document and to receive
with expertise or jurisdiction, proposals and comments.

■ uses the consensus process, These revised Guidelines are the result of many hours
spent at three different meetings, on the East Coast,
■ requests public input in the form of proposals for the West Coast, and in middle America, each
change and comments on proposed changes, attended by 82-86 members of the 97-member
HGRC. Committee members also spent countless
■ reviews and revises the Guidelines on a timely basis hours in subcommittee and focused task groups as
in order to maintain a balance between a minimum well as at home reviewing the proposals for change
standard and the state of the art in health care and comments on them. The 2001 edition of the
design and construction, and Guidelines was formally adopted at the Denver,
Colorado, meeting to be sent out for letter ballot. The
■ operates under a formal set of bylaws governing its result of the letter ballot was unanimous endorsement
purpose, scope, membership, and goals, to include of the document. The adopted Guidelines were
information regarding “Duties and Responsibilities” approved by FGI and turned over to the AIA for
and “Appointments, Terms, and Officers.” publishing and distribution. A major change in for-
mat was adopted for this edition, as well as a glossary
FGI will act as the day-to-day contact with the pub- of terms and a form to request an interpretation.
lic to monitor requests for interpretations. Goals are
to make sure that requests are answered in a timely When possible, the Guidelines standards are perfor-
manner, that interpretations are rendered by those mance oriented for desired results. Prescriptive mea-
individuals best equipped to reflect the intent of the surements, when given, have been carefully
committee when the document was written, and that considered relative to generally recognized standards.
interpretations are made public. For example, experience has shown that it would be
extremely difficult to design a patient bedroom
This edition of the Guidelines was the first cycle to smaller than the size suggested and still have space
be completed under the aegis and direction of FGI. for the normally expected functions and procedures.
It received major funding from DHHS/Health Care vii

Authorities adopting the Guidelines should encour- each succeeding cycle, the committee has been
age design innovation and grant exceptions where the greatly enlarged to increase the base of expertise and
intent of the standard is met. These standards assume to allow more public representation. Further, the con-
that appropriate architectural and engineering prac- sensus procedure was adopted for all decision-mak-
tice and compliance with applicable codes will be ing.
observed as part of normal professional service.
As the process became more complex, as the com-
These Guidelines change to keep pace with evolving mittee grew larger and larger, as more and more pub-
health care needs and in response to requests for up- lic proactive and reactive input was requested and
to-date guidance from providers, designers, and regu- received, as the practice of health care delivery and
lators. It is recognized that many health care services the buildings that house them began to change at an
may be provided in facilities not subject to licensure ever-increasing rate, the need for a more formal and
or regulation, and it is intended that these Guidelines expeditious process became mandatory. Adding to
be suitable for use by all health care providers. It is the complexity of the process is the expansion in the
further intended that when used as regulation, some scope of the document from covering acute general
latitude be granted in complying with these hospitals only to including nursing homes, rehabilita-
Guidelines so long as the health and safety of the tion centers, ambulatory care facilities, psychiatric
occupants of the facility are not compromised. hospitals, mobile health care units, hospice care,
assisted living, etc.
In some facilities, areas, or sections, it may be desir-
able to exceed the Guidelines standards for optimum It is the desire of the Health Guidelines Revision
function. For example, door widths for inpatient hos- Committee to continue working in its relationship
pital rooms are noted as 3 feet 8 inches (1.11 meters), with the American Institute of Architects and the
which satisfies applicable codes, to permit the passage Facility Guidelines Institute to make certain the
of patient beds. However, wider widths of 3 feet 10 Guidelines and the revision process continue. The
inches (1.22 meters) may be desirable to reduce dam- HGRC does, however, wish to maintain its indepen-
age to doors and frames when beds and large equip- dence as an objective, multidisciplinary committee,
ment are moved frequently. More or all private rooms operating without pressure from any organization
may be desirable to achieve effective infection con- and arriving at conclusions candidly, fairly, and
trol, to improve the environment of care, or to knowledgeably through the consensus process.
increase the percentage of occupancy. The decision to
exceed the standards should be made part of the It is also the desire of the HGRC to see that the
functional program of the health care facility. process continues to change and improve with each
passing cycle. Some goals for the future follow:
The Guidelines and the methodology for revising
them have been, and still are, in an evolutionary ■ Seek more public input from a wider base, not only
process. When first published, they were a set of reg- from professionals but from patients and other con-
ulations developed by a single department of the fed- sumers.
eral government as a condition to receive a federal
hospital construction grant under the Hill-Burton ■ Prepare more committee-generated changes to
Act. Even in those early days, the document was reflect the collective knowledge and experience of
highly respected and influential throughout the the HGRC members.
world. From the time it was first issued and enforced,
U.S. hospitals have become the ideal and the goal to ■ Encourage and sponsor research projects to
be achieved by those building hospitals in all nations. support the evidence-based decision-making
Gradually, state hospital authorities and other federal
agencies were added to the HGRC, then private, ■ Allow more time to study and evaluate proposals
non-governmental health care professional societies, for changes and to comment on changes.
practitioners, and designers. Educational programs
and seminars were introduced in the 1980s to inform ■ Improve the format, readability, and indexing or
the public about the subjects addressed in the searchability of the document to make it a more
Guidelines and the reasons behind inclusion of cer- useful and user-friendly tool.
tain requirements. Also, very slowly, public input was
requested by the committee in the form of comment
on proposed changes. This has now exploded into the
viii current avalanche of proposals and comments. In

■ Improve the committee’s ability to communicate This publication supersedes the Guidelines for Design
and receive information electronically, making full and Construction of Hospital and Health Care Facilities,
use of the Internet and other formats and programs 1996-97 edition.
as they become available. This would include
requests for interpretation, tentative interim amend- Inquiries or questions about interpretations of the
ments, etc. Guidelines may be addressed to:
The Facility Guidelines Institute
■ Work constantly to improve the process and the 1919 McKinney Avenue
content of the Guidelines to keep it a dynamic doc- Dallas, TX 75201
ument that truly reflects the latest state of the art. (214) 969-3344
■ Have the courage and wisdom to adopt require-
ments that are forward looking and address the Formal interpretations of the Guidelines are posted
needs of the future, looking backward only to dis- on the AIA Web site at
cover what not to do. Responses to other questions and an errata sheet may
also appear on this site.
■ Continue to strive for a document that is credible,
reasonable, and knowledge-based and that will Questions about procedures or purchasing the
maintain the tradition of the American hospital as Guidelines may be addressed to:
the role model for the rest of the world. The American Institute of Architects
1735 New York Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20006
(202) 626-7367

To order prepaid copies of the Guidelines, call (202)

626-7541 or 1-800-AIA-3837 (press 4). For orders
using a purchase order or that must be billed, call
1-800-365-ARCH (2724).


This is the first edition of the Guidelines for Design New chapters have been added for “Adult Day Care
and Construction of Hospital and Health Care Facilities Facilities” and “Assisted Living,” and the chapter on
to be totally completed under the aegis of the “Hospice Care” has been expanded, as has its
Facility Guidelines Institute. It has had the most Appendix.
extensive proactive and reactive public input and was
given the most careful scrutiny by an outstanding, Many editorial changes were made to correct errors
dedicated group of multidisciplinary experts in the or inconsistencies or to clarify intent. Wherever the
54-year history of the document. This edition has word “should” appeared in the main body of the text
also had the benefit of the highest participation by it has been changed to “shall,” and likewise all “shalls”
state authorities who adopt and enforce the have been removed from the Appendix. Further, all
Guidelines. references to handwashing facilities have been
changed to “handwashing station.” “Narrative pro-
One of the most visible changes to this edition is the gram”’ has been changed to “functional program” in
relocation of the Appendix from the back of the pub- all sections of the document. The Appendix has been
lication to the bottom of each page on which an greatly expanded to aid in clarifying the intent of the
asterisk (*) appears, indicating a reference to material Health Guidelines Revision Committee.
in the Appendix. While not intended to contain
mandatory requirements, or to be a part of the main The environment of care has been more fully defined
body of the text, inclusion of this explanatory and its importance stressed throughout, as have been
Appendix material uniformly at the bottom of each provisions to protect against Legionella and other
referenced page will improve both the visibility and waterborne bacteria. Wherever equipment storage
value of that information. Although the Appendix has been specified, a minimum required size has gen-
material remains informational in nature, its new erally been added. Disaster planning has been
location is intended to enhance understanding of expanded, and the Guidelines require all hospitals
both its intent and content and to facilitate ease of with emergency departments to be prepared to
use. For clarity, the Appendix material is separated receive, triage, and give initial treatment in the event
from and formatted differently than the required text. of nuclear, biological, or chemical exposure.

All significant changes in this edition are identified Although previous editions have called for special
by a vertical line in the margin adjacent to the care during construction projects to shield patients
changed text. An asterisk (*) preceding a number or from hazardous conditions, an Infection Control Risk
letter designating a paragraph indicates that explana- Assessment (ICRA) is now mandated in Chapter 5.
tory material about that paragraph can be found in An ICRA is defined in the Glossary of Terms and
the Appendix at the bottom of the page. further explained in the Appendix. It is believed this
will be a valuable risk-definition and risk-reduction
A new section, “Glossary of Terms,” has been added tool and will encourage multi-agency/provider coop-
to define specific terms. This material reflects com- eration and collaboration for the betterment of the
mon usage and the interpretation of specific terms patient. There has also been a concerted effort to
appearing in the Guidelines and, similar to the level the playing field and to give patients the same
Appendix material, is intended to facilitate the level of protection for surgical procedures whether
understanding and utility of these Guidelines, to they are performed in an acute general hospital or in
clarify issues, and to help maintain consistency. an outpatient setting. Further, a requirement has been
added that mandates use of a permanent device that
As in previous editions, a “Form for Proposals” to constantly measures airflow for all airborne infection
change the Guidelines appears in the back of this isolation and protective environment rooms.
book. In addition, a new form, “Request for
Interpretations,” has been provided so readers may
request clarification of the intent of the Health
x Guidelines Revision Committee (HGRC).

Listed below by section and paragraph number are 7.7.C14. Phase II recovery (formerly Outpatient recov-
the major additions, revisions, and deletions made to ery). New requirements mandate a handwashing sta-
this edition of the Guidelines. tion (one for each of four lounges), nurses’ station,
clinical sink, bedpan washers, and storage. A mini-
7.2.A4. Handwashing stations. Language has been mum size of 50 sq. ft. was added for each patient
changed to require a handwashing station in all lounge chair with 4-ft clearance on the sides and at
patient bathrooms and in all patient bedrooms. the foot of the chair. Separate toilet rooms for
patients and for staff must have direct access to the
7.2.B7. Staff lounge. A minimum size of 100 sq. ft. is recovery room. Provisions for isolation of infectious
now specified, and permission to locate the lounge on patients and for patient privacy are mandated.
another floor has been deleted.
7.9.C7. Emergency service airborne infection control. A
7.2.D. Protective Environment Room(s). The language new requirement specifies that at least one airborne
has been modified to require a handwashing station infection isolation room must be provided. The need
in the room; a separate toilet and bathroom with for additional isolation rooms shall be determined by
handwashing station; the sealing of walls, floors, and the ICRA.
ceilings to prevent air leakage; self-closing doors; and
an installed device to monitor airflow. 7.28.A1O. Patient windows. Operable windows are no
longer required.
7.3.A3. Critical care (general). Patient bedroom, cubi-
cle, or space has been enlarged from 150 sq. ft. to 200 7.28.B8. Ceiling finishes. A new requirement states
sq. ft. and the length of the head wall from 12 ft. to that ceilings in semi-restricted areas shall be smooth,
13 ft. in new construction. For renovation projects, able to be scrubbed with chemicals, nonabsorptive,
permissible bedroom or cubicle size has been and without crevices. Lay-in ceilings must be clipped
enlarged from 130 sq. ft. to 150 sq. ft. and multi-bed down and gasketed. Ceilings in restricted areas shall
space from 110 sq. ft. to 130 sq. ft. per bed. be tamper-resistant, able to be scrubbed with chemi-
cals, and without cracks or perforations.
7.3.D8. Examination and treatment room(s).
Permission to allow location on another floor has 7.31.D23 (formerly 7.31.D24), Rooms used for sputum
been deleted. induction, and 7.31.D25, Rooms where gluteraldehyde is
used. Provisions were included to treat these spaces in
7.3.E9 (formerly 7.3.E8). NICU patient space. Area the same way as airborne infection isolation rooms,
per patient space has been increased from 100 sq. ft. unless special ventilation systems are used.
to 120 sq. ft.
7.32.H. Emergency electric service. A new requirement
7.6.A5. Psychiatric patient rooms. A requirement has specifies that, where fuel is stored, there shall be
been added for tamper-resistant light fixtures, air capacity for at least 24 hours of continuous operation.
vents, sprinkler heads, and other appurtenances.
Table 7.2 (formerly Table 2), Ventilation requirements.
7.6.A6. Psychiatric patient bathrooms. A new require- Major changes to this table are outlined below:
ment specifies that all bedrooms must have a private
toilet with a non-lockable door that is capable of ■ Requirements were added for newborn intensive
swinging outward, with a tamper-resistant ceiling and care, ER waiting, triage, radiology waiting, and
tamper-resistant light fixtures, air vents, etc., as above. procedure rooms.

7.6.C (formerly 7.6.D). Seclusion Treatment Room. ■ Requirements were added for individual control in
Added requirements specify that doors shall be operating and delivery rooms.
designed to swing out and that outside corners are not
permitted. Ceilings must be tamper-resistant with ■ Several air movement relationships were changed,
tamper-resistant light fixtures, air vents, etc. as above. and some minor adjustments were made to the
relative humidity and temperature requirements.
7.7.B1. Preoperative patient holding area(s). A new
requirement states that each stretcher station shall ■ The minimum total air changes in patient rooms
have 80 sq. ft. and a minimum clearance of 4 ft. on and in labor/delivery/recovery and labor/delivery/
both sides and at the foot. Provisions shall be made postpartum spaces was changed from 2 to 6.
to isolate infectious patients and for patient privacy. xi

■ The air change rate columns were clarified to indi- 8.32.H6. Task lighting for ventilator-dependent
cate that the numbers shown are minimum values patients. A new requirement states that task lighting
and additional air changes may be required for in ventilator-dependent patient bedrooms must be on
proper cooling, etc. In addition, it has been pointed the essential electric service. This applies to both new
out that air quantity calculations must be based on and existing facilities.
maintaining these minimum rates, even with dirty
filters. Table 8.1 (formerly Table 6), Pressure Relationships
and Ventilation. The major changes to this table are
■ For certain critical spaces, a minimum differential as follows:
air pressure has been indicated.
■ Requirements for resident gathering areas were added.
Table 7.5 (formerly Table 5), Station Outlets for
Oxygen, Vacuum, and Medical Air. The following ■ The option to recirculate toilet room air within the
changes were made: room was removed.

■ Requirements were added for infant resuscitation Minimum total air changes per hour in resident cor-
stations. ridor, dining rooms, and activity rooms were
increased from 2 to 4. Minimum air changes of out-
■ The number of outlets required in bedrooms was side air per hour in activity rooms were increased
generally changed from number per room to num- from 2 to 4.
ber per bed.
9.2.H1. Details. The required width of a staff-only
■ Critical care, pediatric critical care, and isolation corridor was reduced from 48 inches to 44 inches and
critical care all were changed from 2 oxygen outlets the 6-foot maximum limitation was deleted.
per room to 3 per bed, 3 vacuums per room to 3 per Minimum patient door width increased from 2 ft. 10
bed, and 1 medical air per room to 1 per bed. in. to 3 ft.

■ Outlets for coronary care were changed from 2 oxy- 9.5.A. Outpatient surgical facilities. A new requirement
gen per room to 3 per bed, 2 vacuums per room to 2 specifies that outpatient surgical facilities shall be
per bed, and one medical air per room to one per bed. divided into three designated areas and designed so
that patient and staff flow can be carefully controlled
■ Newborn ICU was changed from 3 oxygen, 3 vac- into and out of the unit.
uum, and 3 medical air outlets per room to 3 per
bassinet. 9.5.F2 Ambulatory (outpatient) operating rooms.
Requirements were changed most significantly.
8.2.B5. Resident toilet room. Permission to omit hand- Existing text calls for all operating rooms to be 360
washing station in toilet if one is provided in the resi- sq. ft. except laser operating rooms shall be 400 sq. ft.
dent’s room has been deleted. Required space for New provisions add classification and requirements
staff maneuvering has been added. similar to those in Chapter 7:

8.4. Activities. Permission to waive these require- ■ Class A OR: 120 sq. ft., 10 ft. minimum dimen-
ments in renovation projects was deleted. sion, 3 ft. clearance all around

8.32.H4. Emergency electrical service for ventilator- ■ Class B OR: 250 sq. ft., 15 ft. minimum dimen-
dependent patients. New requirement specifies one (or sion, 3 ft. 6 in. clearance all around
two) dedicated duplex outlets per bed on the essential
electric circuit, identified as emergency use to serve ■ Class C OR: 400 sq. ft., 18 ft. minimum dimen-
ventilator-dependent patients. This change applies to sion, 4 ft. clearance all around
both new and existing facilities serving such patients.
9.5.F3. Recovery rooms. Many requirements were
8.32.H5. Heating equipment for ventilator-dependent changed to be closer to those of Chapter 7. In addi-
patients. Ventilator-dependent patient bedrooms are tion to a required step-down recovery area, the new
now required to be on the essential electric service. classifications and requirements are as follows:
This requirement applies to both new and existing
facilities. ■ Class A Recovery: 1 station per OR, 2 ft. 6 in.
clearance on 3 sides

■ Class B Recovery: 2 stations per OR, 3 ft. clear-

ance on 3 sides

■ Class C Recovery: 3 stations per OR, 4 ft. clear-

ance on 3 sides

9.5.F5.f Anesthesia workroom. A requirement for an

anesthesia workroom in all Class C facilities has
been added.

9.5.H1. Details. The minimum width of public corri-

dors has been reduced from 6 ft. to 5 ft. and of staff-
only corridors from 48 in. to 44 in. The width for
doors to occupied spaces has been increased from 2
ft. 10 in. to 3 ft.

9.5.H2. Finishes. Ceiling, floor, and wall finishes have

been changed to those required in Chapter 7.

9.31.D4. HVAC systems. This section has been

changed to require that the temperature in each OR
shall be individually controlled and that AC systems
serving ORs shall operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a
week to maintain positive room pressure, except for
maintenance or fire emergency.

12.1.E2.f Details. The requirement that all mobile

units be equipped with an automatic sprinkler or
other automatic extinguishing system was deleted.


The Facility Guidelines Institute and the Academy Executive Committee Revision Committee
Joseph G. Sprague, FAIA, Maria D. Allo, M.D., FACS
of Architecture for Health of the American Institute FACHA American College of Surgeons
of Architects (AIA/AAH) were privileged to convene Chairman
and work with the interdisciplinary Health HKS Architects, Inc. Donald C. Axon, FAIA
International Congress of
Guidelines Revision Committee (HGRC) to revise Douglas S. Erickson, FASHE Building Officials
the Guidelines for Design and Construction of Hospital Vice Chairman
and Health Care Facilities. Included on the HGRC American Society for Healthcare Donald E. Baptiste
Engineering (of the American Sturdy Memorial Hospital Inc.
were architects, engineers, facility managers, risk Hospital Association)
managers, infection control practitioners, physicians, Judene M. Bartley, MS, MPH,
health care administrators, and state and federal Martin H. Cohen, FAIA, CIC
FACHA Epidemiology Consulting
authorities having jurisdiction. Listed here are the 97 Vice Chairman Services
HGRC members who attended at least two of the Forum for Health Care Planning
three meetings of the full committee. Chris Bettlach, P.E.
J. Armand Burgun, FAIA, Sisters of Mercy Health System-
FACHA St. Louis
These revised Guidelines are the result of many Chairman Emeritus Catholic Healthcare Association
hours of concentrated work by dedicated profession- Rogers, Burgun, Shahine and
Deschler Architects William J. Bonn III, AIA
als concerned with the environment in which health Utah Department of Health
care is delivered. These individuals, who came from
private practice, professional organizations, and state Steering Committee Brenda Bouvier, MS, RN, CIC
Alfred S. Buck, M.D. Stanford University Medical
and federal agencies, reviewed more than 2,000 pro- Edward Martin & Associates Center
posals for change and comments on these proposed Joint Committee on
changes and worked together to write other propos- Accreditation of Healthcare Mary Jo Breslin, MS, RN
Organizations University of Maryland Medical
als. They attended meetings held in Arlington, System
Virginia; Irvine, California; and Denver, Colorado to Michelle Regan Donovan, R.N.
engage in serious discussion and debate about the Millennium Strategies, Inc. Roger V. Brown, P.E.
United Health Services Hospitals
written proposals and comments and to vote on the Daniel L. Hightower, AIA
content of the revised document. They overwhelm- University of Kansas Medical Christopher M. Burney, M.Sc.,
ingly approved the final manuscript by letter ballot in Center CPE
The Stamford Hospital
November 2000. Thomas M. Jung, R.A.
New York State Department of Dale B. Carr
FGI and the AIA/AAH wish to express their sincere Health Mississippi State Department of
gratitude to all who sent proposals and comments Robert A. Loranger, P.E.,
and to those organizations whose representatives CHFM Ken Cates
served on the Health Guidelines Revision New England Medical Center Northstar Management
Committee. James Merrill, P.E.
U.S. Department of Health and Jon F. Cechvala, R.A.
Human Services, Health Care Wisconsin Department of
Financing Administration Health and Family Services

Juanita M. Mildenberg, FAIA Jack F. Chamblee, Jr., AIA,

National Institutes of Health NCARB
Healthsouth Corporation
Emilio M. Pucillo, R.A.
U.S. Department of Health and Robert A. Cochran, AIA,
Human Services, Health ACHA
Resources and Services NBBJ
Michael D. Coppedge, AIA,
Kurt A. Rockstroh, AIA ACHA
SBA/Steffian Bradley Associates Weller Architects

Mayer D. Zimmerman David R. Cornell, Ph.D.

xiv U.S. Health Care Financing New England Medical Center

John M. Dombrowski, P.E. William R. Jarvis, M.D. Robin Orr, MPH Richard M. Swanson, R.A.
H. F. Lenz Company Centers for Disease Control and The Robin Orr Group State of Washington Department
Prevention of Health
Brian M. Dubey, AIA, CSI Douglas Pendergras
Maryland Department of Health Paul A. Jensen, Ph.D., P.E., CIH Convalescent Enterprises, Inc. Dana E. Swenson, P.E.
and Mental Hygiene National Institute for M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
Occupational Safety and Health Peter P. Petresky
Jeff Eckstein, AIA Pennsylvania Department of Tom A. Thliveris, AIA, NCARB
Columbia/St. Mary’s Hospitals Lloyd J. Landow, AIA Health Arizona Department of Health
Landow & Landow Architects Services
Maureen J. Eiseman Construction Standards Advisory Zenon A. Pihut, P.E.
Centers for Disease Control and Group, New York State Texas Department of Health Dan R. Thompson, M.D.,
Prevention Department of Health FCCM
Charles F. Reed, AIA Albany Medical College
Angelo A. Fanelli, P.E. Roger J. Langlois State University of New York
Continuum Health Partners Connecticut Department of George R. Tingwald, M.D.,
Public Health Richard C. Rosenvold, NCARB, AIA, AHCA
Glenn S. A. Gall, AIA AIA Skidmore, Owings & Merrill
California Office of Statewide Robert G. Larsen, AIA Rosenvold & Associates
Health Planning and Larsen Shein Ginsberg & David B.Uhaze, R.A.
Development Magnusson, Architects Chris P. Rousseau, P.E. New Jersey Department of
Newcomb & Boyd Community Affairs
Roger W. Gehrke John T. Larson, R.A.
Idaho Department of Health and Larson & Associates, Inc. Arthur St. André, M.D., FCCM Enrique J. Unánue, AIA,
Welfare Washington Hospital Center NCARB, ACHA
Harold Laufman, M.D., Ph.D., Society of Critical Care Illinois Department of Public
Marjorie Geist, Ph.D., R.N. ASHE Medicine Health
American College of Emergency HLA Systems/Harold Laufman
Physicians Associates, Inc. William B. Selan, AIA Marjorie A. Underwood, RN,
RBS&D Architects BSN, CIC
Warren N. Goodwin, AIA, Roscoe C. Lawless, AIA Mt. Diablo Medical Center
FHFI Oregon Health Division David M. Sine, OHST, CSP Association for Professionals in
American Health Facilities David M. Sine and Associates Infection Control and
Development Terence G. Lewis, Sr. National Association of Epidemiology
PHC Psychiatric Health Systems
Linda A. Greenberg, R.N., BSN Marjorie E. Vincent, R.N.
Herman Miller for Healthcare William E. Lindeman, AIA Grady R. Smith Woodrum/ASD
WEL Designs Consultant
James R. Gregory, R.A. Accreditation Association for William L. Warren
Florida Agency for Health Care Ambulatory Health Care Judith A. Smith, MHA North Carolina Department of
Administration Smith Hager Bajo, Inc. Health and Human Services
James T. Lussier Consensus Committee to
Ken Gurtowski St. Charles Medical Center Establish Recommended Robert D. White, M.D.
Calumet Coach Company Standards for Newborn ICU Pediatrix Medical Group of
Rita Rael Meek Design Indiana, Inc.
Jeffrey M. Hardin, P.E. New Mexico Department of Consensus Committee to
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Health Joseph J. Strauss, AIA, CHC Establish Recommended
Arista Associates Standards for Newborn ICU
Bill Harmon Farhad Memarzadeh, Ph.D., P.E. American Association of Design
Tennessee Department of Health National Institutes of Health Healthcare Consultants
James H. Wilson
Maurene Harvey, R.N. James F. Miller, Jr. Andrew J. Streifel, MPH National Institutes of Health
Society of Critical Care Arkansas Department of Health University of Minnesota,
Medicine Department of Environmental
R. Gregg Moon, AIA, ACHA Health and Safety
Robert W. Hechtman FKP Architects, Inc.
Asbury Methodist Village, Inc.
American Association of Homes Vincent D. Mortimer, P.E.
and Services for the Aging National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health
Tom Heller Special thanks are due to the Health Care Financing
Kaiser Permanente Hugh O. Nash, Jr., P.E. Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Nash Lipsey Burch Services for major funding of this revision cycle; to the
Lorraine G. Hiatt, Ph.D.
American Society for Healthcare Engineering (ASHE), the
Consultant, Research, Planning Gaius G. Nelson, R.A.
& Design for Aging Nelson-Tremain Partnership National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the American
Society for the Advancement of Institute of Architects, which provided staffing and technical
Gerald R. Inglett, R.A. Gerontological Environments support; and to Lee Mickle of EEI Communications and
U.S. Department of Health and Pamela James Blumgart of the American Institute of
Human Services, Indian Health Paul Ninomura, P.E. Architects for all their efforts during this revision cycle.
Service U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, Indian Health
Thomas W. Jaeger, P.E. Service Joseph G. Sprague, FAIA, FACHA
Gage Babcock & Associates Chairman
Jerry A. Oksner Guidelines Revision Committee
Phoenix Children’s Hospital xv
1.1 General Where ASCE 7-93 is referenced, similar provisions
in the model building code are considered substan- In this edition
The care environment is constituted by those features tially equivalent. appendix
in a built health care entity that are created, struc- material
tured, and maintained to support quality health care. An asterisk (*) preceding a paragraph number indi- appears in the
As patients and their families have become more cates that explanatory or educational material can be main body of
involved in the course of care, facilities need to found in Appendix material found at the bottom of the document;
respond to the changing requirements for accommo- the page. however, it
dations. The health care environment should enhance remains
the dignity of the patient through features that per- 1.1.B. advisory only.
mit privacy and confidentiality. This document covers health facilities common to
communities in this country. Facilities with unique
Stress can be a major detriment to the course of a services will require special consideration. However,
patient’s care. The facility should be designed to sections herein may be applicable for parts of any
reduce patient, family, and staff stress wherever possi- facility and may be used where appropriate.
ble. Research- and evidence-based materials are avail-
able to support these goals and should be referred to 1.1.C.
during design. These Guidelines are not intended to restrict innova-
tions and improvements in design or construction
As technology changes, flexibility is in the best techniques. Accordingly, authorities adopting these
interests of quality care. As health care economics standards as codes may approve plans and specifica-
apply pressure to management, design should make tions that contain deviations if it is determined that
every effort to enhance the performance, productiv- the respective intent or objective has been met. Final
ity, and satisfaction of the staff in order to promote a implementation may be subject to requirements of
safe environment of care. Creativity should be the authority having jurisdiction.
encouraged in the design process to enhance the
environment of care. 1.1.D.
Some projects may be subject to the regulations of
1.1.A. several different programs, including those of state,
This document contains information intended as local, and federal authorities. While every effort has
minimum standards for constructing and equipping been made for coordination, individual project
new health care facility projects. For brevity and con- requirements should be verified, as appropriate.
venience these standards are presented in “code lan- Should requirements be conflicting or contradictory,
guage.” Use of words such as shall is mandatory only the authority having primary responsibility for reso-
where applied by an adopting authority having juris- lution should be consulted.
diction. Insofar as practical, these standards relate to
desired performance or results or both. Details of con- 1.1.E.
struction and engineering are assumed to be part of The Health Care Financing Administration, which is
good design practice and local building regulations. responsible for Medicare and Medicaid reimburse-
Design and construction shall conform to the require- ment, has adopted the National Fire Protection
ments of these Guidelines. Requirements set forth in Association 101 Life Safety Code (NFPA 101).
these Guidelines shall be considered as minimum. For Facilities participating in Medicare and Medicaid
aspects of design and construction not included in programs shall comply with that code.
these Guidelines, local governing building codes shall
apply. Where there is no local governing building 1.1.F.
code, the prevailing model code used within the geo- The health care provider shall supply for each project
graphic area is hereby specified for all requirements a functional program for the facility that describes
not otherwise specified in these Guidelines. (See the purpose of the project, the projected demand or
Section 1.4 for wind and seismic local requirements.) utilization, staffing patterns, departmental relation- 1

ships, space requirements, and other basic informa- 1.3 Renovation

tion relating to fulfillment of the institution’s objec-
tives. The functional program shall include a 1.3.A.
description of those services necessary for the com- Where renovation or replacement work is done within
plete operation of the facility. The program shall an existing facility, all new work or additions, or both,
address the size and function of each space and any shall comply, insofar as practical, with applicable sec-
special design features. Include the projected occu- tions of these Guidelines and with appropriate parts
pant load, numbers of staff, patients, residents, visi- of NFPA 101, covering New Health Care
tors, and vendors. In treatment areas, describe the Occupancies. Where major structural elements make
types and projected numbers of procedures. Describe total compliance impractical or impossible, exceptions
the circulation patterns for staff, patients or residents, should be considered. This does not guarantee that an
and the public. Describe also the circulation patterns exception will be granted, but does attempt to mini-
for equipment and clean and soiled materials. mize restrictions on those improvements where total
Address equipment requirements; describe building compliance would not substantially improve safety,
service equipment and fixed and movable equipment. but would create an unreasonable hardship. These
Where the circulation patterns are a function of asep- standards should not be construed as prohibiting a
sis control requirements, note these features. The single phase of improvement. (For example, a facility
program shall use the same names for spaces and may plan to replace a flammable ceiling with non-
departments as used in the Guidelines. If acronyms combustible material but lack funds to do other cor-
are used, they shall be clearly defined. The functional rective work.) However, they are not intended as an
program shall address the potential future expansion encouragement to ignore deficiencies when resources
that may be needed to accommodate increased are available to correct life-threatening problems. (See
demand. The approved functional program shall be Section 1.6.C.)
made available for use in the development of project
design and construction documents. The functional 1.3.B.
program shall be retained by the facility with the When construction is complete, the facility shall sat-
other design data to facilitate future alterations, addi- isfy functional requirements for the appropriate clas-
tions, and program changes. sification (general hospital, skilled nursing facility,
etc.) in an environment that will provide acceptable
care and safety to all occupants.
1.2 Interpretations of Requirements
Although the ultimate interpretation of information In renovation projects and those making additions to
contained in this document is the responsibility of existing facilities, only that portion of the total facility
the adopting authority having jurisdiction, where affected by the project shall comply with applicable
applicable, the value of advisory commentary has sections of the Guidelines and with appropriate parts
been recognized. The interpretation of a specific of NFPA 101 covering New Health Care Occupancies.
standard contained in these Guidelines may be
requested from the Guidelines Steering Committee 1.3.D.
with a detailed request. The resulting interpretation is Those existing portions of the facility that are not
intended to provide clarification, a summary of any included in the renovation but that are essential to
background and previous discussion if appropriate, the functioning of the complete facility, as well as
and a rationale for the interpretation rendered. It is existing building areas that receive less than substan-
understood that any such interpretation is advisory in tial amounts of new work, shall, at a minimum, com-
nature, intended to assist the user and adopting ply with that section of NFPA 101 for Existing
authority having jurisdiction to maximize the value of Health Care Occupancies.
these Guidelines. Requests for interpretation should
be submitted to the Steering Committee through the 1.3.E.
Facility Guidelines Institute, using the form at the Conversion to other appropriate use or replacement
back of the book, or by including the information should be considered when cost prohibits compliance
requested on the form in an e-mail message to with acceptable standards.
When a building is converted from one occupancy to
another, it shall comply with the new occupancy


requirements. For purpose of life safety, a conversion ■ Compliance with UFAS

from a hospital to a nursing facility or vice versa is
not considered a change in occupancy. ■ Compliance with ADAAG

1.3.G. ■ Compliance with a combination of UFAS and

When parts of an existing facility essential to contin- ADAAG using the most stringent criteria
ued overall facility operation cannot comply with
particular standards, those standards may be tem- Individual federal agencies will provide direction on
porarily waived if patient care and safety are not applicable criteria to be used for the design of federal
jeopardized. facilities.

1.3.H. Also available for use in providing quality design for

Renovations, including new additions, shall not the disabled is the American National Standards
diminish the safety level that existed prior to the start Institute (ANSI) A117.1 American National Standard
of the work; however, safety in excess of that required for Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities.
for new facilities is not required.
State and local standards for accessibility and usabil-
1.3.I. ity may be more stringent than ADA, UFAS, or
Nothing in these Guidelines shall be construed as ANSI A117.1. Designers and owners, therefore, must
restrictive to a facility that chooses to do work or assume responsibility for verification of all applicable
alterations as part of a phased long-range safety requirements.
improvement plan. It is emphasized that all hazards
to life and safety and all areas of noncompliance with It shall be recognized, however, that the users of hos-
applicable codes and regulations should be corrected pitals and health care facilities often have very differ-
as soon as possible in accordance with a plan of cor- ent accessibility needs from the typical adult
rection. individual with disabilities addressed by the model
standards and guidelines mentioned above. Hospital
patients, and especially nursing facility residents, due
1.4 Design Standards for the Disabled to their stature, reach, and strength characteristics,
typically require the assistance of caregivers during
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) became transfer maneuvers. Many prescriptive requirements
law in 1990. This law extends comprehensive civil of model accessibility standards place both older per-
rights protection to individuals with disabilities. sons and caregivers at greater risk of injury than do
Under Titles II and III of the ADA, public, private, facilities that would be considered noncompliant.
and public service hospitals and other health care Flexibility may be permitted for the use of assistive
facilities will need to comply with the Accessibility configurations that provide considerations for transfer
Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities (ADAAG) for assistance.
alterations and new construction. The Uniform
Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS) also provides
criteria for the disabled. Implementation of UFAS
and ADAAG for federal facilities is handled in the
following ways:


A1.5 Infection and Biohazard Control

Owners of existing facilities should undertake an assessment of their facility Facilities may designate an outdoor parking lot adjacent to the emergency
with respect to its ability to withstand the effects of regional natural disasters. department to serve as a primary decontamination area, which should include
The assessment should consider performance of structural and critical non- appropriate plumbing fixtures (e.g., hot and cold water) and drainage.
structural building systems and the likelihood of loss of externally supplied Utilization of screens and tents may be needed. Other contingencies may
power, gas, water, and communications under such conditions. Facility master require airborne infection isolation, application and removal of therapeutic
planning should consider mitigation measures required to address conditions chemical substances, and temporary container storage of contaminated mate-
that may be hazardous to patients and conditions that may compromise the rials. Handwashing and shower capabilities will usually be of paramount
ability of the facility to fulfill its planned post-emergency medical response. importance in biohazard control efforts.
Particular attention should be paid to seismic considerations in areas where
the effective peak acceleration coefficient, Aa, of ASCE 7-93 exceeds 0.15.

*1.5 Provisions for Disasters porary loss of externally supplied power, gas, water,
and communications.
In locations where there is recognized potential for
hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, earthquake, or other 1.5.A2. The owner shall provide special inspection
regional disasters, planning and design shall consider during construction of seismic systems described in
the need to protect the life safety of all health care Section A. and testing described in Section
facility occupants and the potential need for continu- A. of ASCE 7-93.
ing services following such a disaster.
1.5.A3. Roof coverings and mechanical equipment
When consistent with their functional program and shall be securely fastened or ballasted to the support-
disaster planning, acute care facilities with emergency ing roof construction and shall provide weather pro-
services can serve as receiving, triage and initial treat- tection for the building at the roof. Roof covering
ment centers in the event of nuclear, biological, or shall be applied on clean and dry decks in accordance
chemical (NBC) exposure. These facilities shall des- with the manufacturer’s instructions, these
ignate specific area(s) for these functions. Guidelines, and related references. In addition to the
wind force design and construction requirements
*1.5.A. Wind- and Earthquake-Resistant specified, particular attention shall be given to roof-
Design for New Buildings ing, entryways, glazing, and flashing design to mini-
Facilities shall be designed to meet the requirements mize uplift, impact damage, and other damage that
of the building codes specified in Section 1.1.A pro- could seriously impair functioning of the building. If
vided these requirements are substantially equivalent ballast is used it shall be designed so as not to
to ASCE 7-93. Design shall meet the requirements become a projectile.
of ASCE 7-93.
The following model codes and provisions are essen- Flood Protection, Executive Order No. 11988, was
tially equivalent to the ASCE 7-93 requirements: issued to minimize financial loss from flood damage
to facilities constructed with federal assistance. In
■ 1988 NEHRP Provisions accordance with that order, possible flood effects shall
be considered when selecting and developing the site.
■ 1991 ICBO Uniform Building Code Insofar as possible, new facilities shall not be located
on designated floodplains. Where this is unavoidable,
■ 1992 Supplement to the BOCA National Building consult the Corps of Engineers regional office for the
Code latest applicable regulations pertaining to flood insur-
ance and protection measures that may be required.
■ 1992 Amendments to the SBCC Standard
Building Code 1.5.C.
Should normal operations be disrupted, the facility
1.5.A1. For those facilities that must remain opera- shall provide adequate storage capacity for, or a func-
tional in the aftermath of a disaster, special design is tional program contingency plan to obtain, the fol-
required to protect systems and essential building ser- lowing supplies: food, sterile supplies, pharmacy
vices such as power, water, medical gas systems, and, supplies, linen, and water for sanitation. Such storage
in certain areas, air conditioning. In addition, special capacity or plans shall be sufficient for at least four
consideration must be given to the likelihood of tem- continuous days of operation.


A1.5.A. ■ 1992 Supplement to the BOCA National Building Code

The ASCE 7-93 seismic provisions are based on the National Earthquake
■ 1992 Amendments to the SBCC Standard Building Code
Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) provisions (1988 edition.) developed
by the Building Seismic Safety Council (BSSC) for the Federal Emergency Executive Order 12699, dated January 5, 1990, specified the use of the
Management Agency (FEMA). maps in the most recent edition of ANSI A58 for seismic safety of federal
and federally assisted or regulated new building construction. The ASCF 7
A study by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) found
standard was formerly the ANSI A58 standard. Public Law 101-614
that the following seismic standards were essentially equivalent to the
charged FEMA to “prepare and disseminate widely…information on build-
NEHRP (1988) provisions:
ing codes and practices for buildings.…” The NEHRP provisions were
■ 1991 ICBO Uniform Building Code developed to provide this guidance.

1.6 Codes and Standards National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) docu-
ment 101A is a technical standard for evaluating
1.6.A. equivalency to certain Life Safety Code 101 require-
Every health care facility shall provide and main- ments. The Fire Safety Evaluation System (FSES)
tain a safe environment for patients, personnel, and has become widely recognized as a method for estab-
the public. lishing a safety level equivalent to the Life Safety
Code. It may be useful for evaluating existing facili-
1.6.B. ties that will be affected by renovation. For purposes
References made in these Guidelines to appropriate of these Guidelines, the FSES is not intended to be
model codes and standards do not, generally, dupli- used for new construction.
cate wording of the referenced codes.
1.6.D. English/Metric Measurements
NFPA’s standards, especially the NFPA 101, are the Where measurements are a part of this document,
basic codes of reference; but other codes and/or stan- English units are given as the basic standards, with
dards may be included as part of these standards. In equivalent metric units in parentheses. Either method
the absence of state or local requirements, the project shall be consistently used throughout a given design.
shall comply with approved nationally recognized
building codes except as modified in the latest edi- 1.6.E List of Referenced Codes and
tion of the NFPA 101, and/or herein. Standards
Some of the codes and standards that have been ref-
Referenced code material is contained in the issue erenced in whole or in part in the various sections of
current at the time of this publication. The latest this document are listed below. Names and Internet
revision of code material is usually a clarification of addresses of the originators are included for informa-
intent and/or general improvement in safety concepts tion. The issues available at the time of publication
and may be used as an explanatory document for ear- are used. Later issues will normally be acceptable
lier code editions. Questions of applicability should where requirements for function and safety are not
be addressed as the need occurs. The actual version of reduced; however, editions of different dates may
a code adopted by a jurisdiction may be different. have portions renumbered or retitled. Care must be
Confirm the version adopted in a specific area with taken to ensure that appropriate sections are used.
the authority having jurisdiction.
Users of the Guidelines are encouraged to use these
*1.6.C. Equivalency publications for further information as necessary.
Insofar as practical, these minimum standards have
been established to obtain a desired performance Access Board (an independent federal agency).
result. Prescriptive limitations, when given, such as Uniform Federal Accessibility Standard (UFAS).
exact minimum dimensions or quantities, describe a (
condition that is commonly recognized as a practical
standard for normal operation. For example, reference American Society of Civil Engineers. ACSE 7-98
to a room area is for patient, equipment, and staff (formerly ANSI A58.1). Minimum Design Loads for
activities; this avoids the need for complex descriptions Buildings and Other Structures, ASCE 7-98.
of procedures for appropriate functional planning. (


A1.6.C. Equivalency that the intent of the Guidelines is met and that the variation does not
While this document is adopted as a regulatory standard by many jurisdic- reduce the safety or operational effectiveness of the facility below that
tions, it is the intent of the document to permit and promote equivalency required by the exact language of the Guidelines.
concepts. When contemplating equivalency allowances, the authority hav-
In all cases where specific limits are described, equivalent solutions will be
ing jurisdiction may use a variety of expert sources to make equivalency
acceptable if the authority having jurisdiction approves them as meeting
findings and may document the reasons for approval or denial of equiva-
the intent of these standards. Nothing in this document shall be construed
lency to the requestor. Alternate methods, procedures, design criteria, and
as restricting innovations that provide an equivalent level of performance
functional variations from the Guidelines, because of extraordinary circum-
with these standards in a manner other than that which is prescribed by
stances, new programs, or unusual conditions, may be approved by the
this document, provided that no other safety element or system is compro-
authority having jurisdiction when the facility can effectively demonstrate
mised in order to establish equivalency.

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air- “Guidelines for Prevention of Nosocomial
Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). (http://www. Pneumonia, 1994.” American Journal of Infection Control (22:247-292) (
Standard 52.1-1992, Gravimetric and Dust-Spot ncidod/diseases/hip/pneumonia/pneu_mmw.htm)
Procedures for Testing Air-Cleaning Devices Used in
General Ventilation for Removing Particulate College of American Pathologists. Medical Laboratory
Matter. Planning and Design, 1985. (1-800-323-4040 or
Standard 62-1999, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor
Air Quality.
1999 ASHRAE Handbook−HVAC Applications. Compressed Gas Association (CGA). Publication
#E-10, Maintenance of Medical Gas and Vacuum
American Society of Mechanical Engineers Systems in Health-Care Facilities, 1997
(ASME). ( (
Safety/Public/A17/ or for_sale.html)
ANSI/ASME A17.1, Safety Code for Elevators and
Escalators, 1999. Department of Defense. MIL STD 282, Filter Units,
ANSI/ASME A17.3, Safety Code for Existing Protective Clothing, Gas-Mask Components and Related
Elevators and Escalators. Products: Performance-Test Methods.
Americans with Disabilities Act. U.S. Department of profile.cfm?ident_number=35676)
Justice ADA Information Line, 1-800-514-0301 or
1-800-514-0383 (TDD). ( Food and Drug Administration. FDA Food Code,
disabilities.htm) 1999. (

Association for the Advancement of Medical Hydronics Institute Division of the Gas Appliance
Instrumentation. ANSI/AAMI RD5:1992, Manufacturers Association. I-B-R Ratings for Boilers,
Hemodialysis systems. ( Baseboard Radiation and Finned Tube (Commercial),
January 1, 2000 ed. (
Building Officials and Code Administrators publist/hydroordr.htm)
International. (
The BOCA Basic Building Code. Illuminating Engineering Society of North America
( (IESNA). (
The BOCA Basic Plumbing Code. IESNA Publication HB-99, IESNA Lighting
( Handbook, 9th ed.
The BOCA National Building Code, 1999 IESNA Publication RP-29-95, Lighting for
( Hospitals and Health Care Facilities ANSI
Building Seismic Safety Council (National Institute IESNA Publication RP-28-98, Lighting and the
of Building Sciences). NEHRP (National Earthquake Visual Environment for Senior Living.
Hazards Reduction Program) Recommended Provisions
for Seismic Regulations for New Buildings, 1997 ed., International Conference of Building Officials
and “Proposals for Change to the 1997 NEHRP (ICBO). 1997 Uniform Building Code.
Recommended Provisions for Issuance as the 2000 (
Provisions.” ( =097S97&stateInfo=kfdtaUCraDxKaifi2857|2)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). National Council on Radiation Protection and
( Measurements (NCRP). (
“Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of ncrprpts.html)
Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Health-Care Report #49, Structural Shielding Design and
Facilities, 1994.” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Evaluation for Medical Use of X Rays and Gamma
Report (MMWR) 1994:43 (No. RR-13). Rays of Energies up to 10 MeV, 1976.
( Report #51, Radiation Protection Design Guidelines
mmwrhtml/00035909.htm) for 0.1-100 MeV Particle Accelerator Facilities, 1977.
Report #102, Medical X-Ray, Electron Beam and
Gamma-Ray Protection for Energies Up to 50 MeV
(Equipment Design, Performance and Use), 1989.

National Fire Protection Association. 1.6.F Availability of Codes and Standards

( The names and addresses of originators and/or pub-
NFPA 20, Standard for the Installation of Stationary lishers of the codes and standards used in this publica-
Fire Pumps for Fire Protection, 1999. tion are listed herein. References to federal
NFPA 70, National Electrical Code Looseleaf, 1999. publications may be obtained from the Government
NFPA 80, Standard for Fire Door, Fire Windows, Printing Office; check or write to 732
1999. North Capitol Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20401.
NFPA 82, Standard on Incinerators and Waste and Copies of nongovernment publications can be
Linen Handling Systems and Equipment, 1999. obtained at the addresses listed below.
NFPA 90A, Standard for the Installation of Air
Conditioning and Ventilating Systems, 1999. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute
NFPA 96, Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire 4301 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 425
Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations, 1998. Arlington, VA 22203
NFPA 99, Standard for Health Care Facilities, 1999. Tel. 703-524-8800
NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, 2000. Web:
NFPA 110, Standard for Emergency and Standby
Power Systems, 1999. Architectural and Transportation Barriers
NFPA 253, Standard Method of Test for Critical Compliance Board
Radiant Flux of Floor Covering Systems Using a Office of Technical and Information Services
Radiant Heat Energy Source, 2000. 1331 F St., N.W., Suite 1000
NFPA 255, Standard Method of Test of Surface Washington, DC 20004-1111
Burning Characteristics of Building Materials, Tel. 202-272-5434, 1-800-872-2253
2000. Web:
NFPA 258, Standard Research Test Method of
Determining Smoke Generation of Solid Materials, Americans with Disabilities Act
1997. U.S. Department of Justice
NFPA 418, Standard for Heliports, 1995. 950 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
NFPA 701, Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Washington, DC 20530-0001
Flame Propagation of Textiles and Films, 1999. Tel. 1-800-514-0301
NFPA 801, Standard for Fire Protection for Facilities Web:
Handling Radioactive Materials, 1998.
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). Code of 11 West 42nd Street
Federal Regulation (CFR) Title 10—Energy, New York, NY 10036
Chapter 1—Nuclear Regulatory Commission Tel. 212-642-4900
( Web:
Part 20 (10 CFR 20), Standards for Protection
Against Radiation. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and
Part 35 (10 CFR 35), Medical Use of Byproduct Air-Conditioning Engineers
Material. 1791 Tullie Circle, N.E.
Atlanta, GA 30329
Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Tel. 1-800-527-4723, 404-636-8400
Department of Labor. Code of Federal Regulations Web:
(CFR) Title 29—OSHA Regulations. (
Part 1910 (29 CFR 1910), Occupational Safety American Society of Civil Engineers
and Health Standards. (http://www.osha- 1801 Alexander Bell Drive Reston, VA 20191-4400
Tel. 1-800-548-2723, 703-295-6300
Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors—National Web:
Association (PHCC—National Association). National
Standard Plumbing Code. ( American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Three Park Avenue
Southern Building Code Congress International. New York, NY 10016-5990
Standard Building Code—1997-99 Significant Code Tel. 1-800-THE-ASME
Changes. ( Web:


American Society for Testing and Materials General Services Administration

100 Barr Harbor Drive National Capital Region
West Conshocken, PA 19428-2959 7th and D Streets, S.W.
Tel. 610-832-9585 Washington, DC 20407
Web: Web:

Association for the Advancement of Medical Hydronics Institute (Division of Gas Appliance
Instrumentation Manufacturer Association (GAMA))
1110 N. Glebe Road, Suite 220 35 Russo Place, P.O. Box 218
Arlington, VA 22201-5762 Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922
Tel. 1-800-332-2264, 703-525-4890 Tel. 908-464-8200
Web: Web:

Building Officials and Code Administrators Illuminating Engineering Society of North America
International, Inc. (BOCA) (IESNA)
4051 Flossmoor Road 120 Wall Street, Floor 17
Country Club Hills, IL 60478-5795 New York, NY 10005
Tel. 708-799-2300 Tel. 212-248-5000
Web: Web:

Building Seismic Safety Council International Code Council

National Institute of Building Sciences 5203 Leesburg Pike, Suite 600
1090 Vermont Avenue, N.W., Suite 700 Falls Church, VA 22041-3401
Washington, DC 20005-4905 Tel. 703-931-4533
Tel. 202-289-7800 Web:
International Conference of Building Officials
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (ICBO)
Hospital Infection Control Practices (HICPAC) 5360 Workman Mill Road
Center for Infection Control Whittier, CA 90601-2298
1600 Clifton Road Tel. 1-800-423-6587 ext 3278 (bldg stndrds)
Atlanta, GA 30333 Web:
Tel. 404-639-3311, 1-800-311-3435
Web: National Council on Radiation Protection and
College of American Pathologists 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 800
325 Waukegan Road Bethesda, MD 20814-3095
Northfield, IL 60093 Tel. 301-657-2652
Tel. 1-800-323-4040, 847-832-7000 (in IL) Web:
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
Compressed Gas Association 1 Batterymarch Park
1725 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1004 P.O. Box 9101
Arlington, VA 22202 Quincy, MA 02269-9101
Tel. 703-412-0900 Tel. 617-770-3000
Web: Web:

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) National Institute of Standards and Technology
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (formerly National Bureau of Standards)
200 C Street, S.W. 100 Bureau Dr., Stop 3460
Washington, DC 20204 Gaithersburg, MD 20899-3460
Tel. 1-888-463-6332 Tel. 301-975-6478
Web: Web:


National Technical Information Service (NTIS) Occupational Safety & Health Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce Technology U.S. Department of Labor
Administration 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Room N3647
5285 Port Royal Road Washington, DC 20210
Springfield, VA 22161 Tel. 202-693-1999
Tel. 703-605-6000, 703-487-4600 Web:
Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors—National
Naval Publications and Form Center Association
5801 Tabor Avenue 180 South Washington Street, P.O. Box 6808
Philadelphia, PA 19120 Falls Church, VA 22046
(DOP Penetration Test Method, MIL-STD-282) Tel. 1-800-533-7694
Web: (go to “reg- Web:
Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission 900 Montclair Road
One White Flint North Birmingham, AL 35213-1206
11555 Rockville Pike Tel. 205-591-1853
Rockville, MD 20852-2738 Web:
Tel. 301-415-7000
Web: Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
333 Pfingsten Road
Northbrook, IL 60062-2096
Tel. 847-272-8800


2.1 Energy and Other Resource

In this edition Conservation
material The importance of energy conservation shall be con-
appears in the sidered in all phases of facility development or reno-
main body of vation. Proper planning and selection of mechanical
the document; and electrical systems, as well as efficient utilization
however, it of space and climatic characteristics, can significantly
remains reduce overall energy consumption. The quality of
advisory only. the health care facility environment must, however,
be supportive of the occupants and functions served.
Design for energy conservation shall not adversely
affect patient health, safety, or accepted personal
comfort levels. New and innovative systems that
accommodate these considerations while preserving
cost effectiveness are encouraged. Architectural ele-
ments that reduce energy consumption shall be con-
sidered part of facilities design.


For access to research on the effects of the built environment on health
outcomes and related information, contact the Center for Health Design
at 3470 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, Suite A-150, Lafayette, CA 94549; (925)
299-3631, or view the Center’s Web site at
3.1 Location ual sections for specific facility types. Signage shall be
provided to direct people unfamiliar with the facility In this edition
3.1.A. Access to appropriate parking areas. appendix
The site of any health care facility shall be convenient material
both to the community and to service vehicles, appears in the
including fire protection apparatus, etc. 3.3 Environmental Pollution Control main body of
the document;
*3.1.B. Availability of Transportation 3.3.A. Environmental Pollution however, it
The design, construction, renovation, expansion, equip- remains
3.1.C. Security ment, and operation of hospitals and medical facilities advisory only.
Health facilities shall have security measures for are all subject to provisions of several federal environ-
patients, families, personnel, and the public consistent mental pollution control laws and associated agency
with the conditions and risks inherent in the location regulations. Moreover, many states have enacted sub-
of the facility. stantially equivalent or more stringent statutes and reg-
ulations, thereby implementing national priorities
3.1.D. Availability of Utilities under local jurisdiction while additionally incorporating
Facilities shall be located to provide reliable utilities local priorities (e.g., air quality related to incinerators
(water, gas, sewer, electricity). The water supply shall and gas sterilizers; underground storage tanks; haz-
have the capacity to provide normal usage plus fire- ardous materials and wastes storage, handling, and dis-
fighting requirements. The electricity shall be of sta- posal; storm water control; medical waste storage and
ble voltage and frequency. disposal; and asbestos in building materials.)

The principal federal environmental statutes under

3.2 Facility Site Design which hospitals and medical facilities may be regu-
lated include, most notably, the following:
3.2.A. Roads
Paved roads shall be provided within the property for ■ National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
access to all entrances and to loading and unloading
docks (for delivery trucks). Hospitals with an orga- ■ Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
nized emergency service shall have the emergency
access well marked to facilitate entry from the public ■ Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act
roads or streets serving the site. Other vehicular or (SARA)
pedestrian traffic should not conflict with access to
the emergency station. In addition, access to emer- ■ Clean Air Act (CAA)
gency services shall be located to incur minimal dam-
age from floods and other natural disasters. Paved ■ Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)
walkways shall be provided for pedestrian traffic.
■ Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
3.2.B. Parking
Parking shall be made available for patients, families, Consult the appropriate U.S. Department of Health
personnel, and the public, as described in the individ- and Human Services (DHHS) and U.S. Environ-
mental Protection Agency (EPA) regional offices and
any other federal, state, or local authorities having juris-
diction for the latest applicable state and local regula-
A3.1.B. Availability of Transportation tions pertaining to environmental pollution that may
Facilities should be located so they are convenient to public transporta- affect the design, construction, or operation of the facil-
tion where available, unless acceptable alternate methods of trans- ity, including the management of industrial chemicals,
portation to public facilities and services are provided. pharmaceuticals, radionuclides, and wastes thereof, as
well as trash, noise, and traffic (including air traffic). 11

Hospital and medical facilities regulated under fed- The EIS and/or HRA shall then be prepared in
eral, state, and local environmental pollution laws accordance with a final Protocol approved by the
may be required to support permit applications with appropriate agency or agencies. Approval is most
appropriate documentation of proposed impacts and likely to be obtained in a timely manner and with
mitigations. Such documentation is typically reported minimum revisions if standard methods are initially
in an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) with proposed for use in the EIS and/or HRA. Standard
respect to potential impacts on the environment and methods suitable for specific assessment tasks are set
in a Health Risk Assessment (HRA) with respect to forth in particular EPA documents.
potential impacts on public health. The HRA may
constitute a part or appendix of the EIS. The scope 3.3.B. Equipment
of the EIS and HRA is typically determined via con- Equipment should minimize the release of chloroflu-
sultation with appropriate regulatory agency person- orocarbons (CFCs) and any potentially toxic sub-
nel and, if required, via a “scoping” meeting at which stances that may be used in their place. For example,
members of the interested public are invited to the design of air conditioning systems should specify
express their particular concerns. CFC alternatives and recovery systems as may be
Once the EIS and/or HRA scope is established, a
Protocol document shall be prepared for agency
approval. The Protocol shall describe the scope and
procedures to be used to conduct the assessment(s).

4.1 General tion, filtration, chillers, electrical power distribution,
emergency power generation, energy/utility manage- In this edition
4.1.A. ment systems, conveying systems, and other equip- appendix
An equipment list showing all items of equipment ment with a primary function of building service. material
necessary to operate the facility shall be included in appears in the
the contract documents. This list will assist in the 4.2.B. Fixed Equipment (Medical and main body of
overall coordination of the acquisition, installation, Nonmedical) the document;
and relocation of equipment. The equipment list 4.2.B1. Fixed equipment includes items that are per- however, it
should include the classifications identified in Section manently affixed to the building or permanently con- remains
4.2 below and whether the items are new, existing to nected to a service distribution system that is advisory only.
be relocated, owner provided, or not-in-contract. designed and installed for the specific use of the
equipment. Fixed equipment may require special
*4.1.B. structural designs, electromechanical requirements, or
The drawings shall indicate provisions for the installa- other considerations.
tion of equipment that requires dedicated building ser-
vices or special structures or that illustrate a major a. Fixed medical equipment includes, but is not lim-
function of the space. Adjustments shall be made to the ited to, such items as fume hoods, sterilizers, commu-
construction documents when final selections are made. nication systems, built-in casework, imaging
equipment, radiotherapy equipment, lithotripters,
4.1.C. hydrotherapy tanks, audiometry testing chambers,
Space for accessing and servicing fixed and building and lights.
service equipment shall be provided.
b. Fixed nonmedical equipment includes, but is not
4.1.D. limited to, items such as walk-in refrigerators, kitchen
Some equipment may not be included in the con- cooking equipment, serving lines, conveyors, main-
struction contract but may require coordination dur- frame computers, laundry, and similar equipment.
ing construction. Such equipment shall be shown in
the construction documents as owner-provided or 4.2.C. Movable Equipment (Medical and
not-in-contract for purposes of coordination. Nonmedical)
*4.2.C1. Movable equipment includes items that
require floor space or electrical and/or mechanical
4.2 Classification connections but are portable, such as wheeled items,
portable items, office-type furnishings, and diagnos-
Equipment will vary to suit individual construction tic or monitoring equipment. Movable equipment
projects and therefore will require careful planning. may require special structural design or access,
Equipment to be used in projects shall be classified as electromechanical connections, shielding, or other
building service equipment, fixed equipment, or mov- considerations.
able equipment.
a. Movable medical equipment includes, but is not
4.2.A. Building Service Equipment limited to, portable X-ray, electroencephalogram
Building service equipment shall include such items (EEG), electrocardiogram (EKG), treadmill and
as heating, air conditioning, ventilation, humidifica- exercise equipment, pulmonary function equipment,


A4.1.B. A4.2.C1. Examples of movable equipment include operating tables, treat-

Design should consider the placement of cables from portable equipment so ment and examination tables, laboratory centrifuges, food service trucks
that circulation and safety are maintained. and other wheeled carts, and patient room furnishings.

operating tables, laboratory centrifuges, examination 4.4 Equipment Shown on Drawings

and treatment tables, and similar equipment.
Equipment that is not included in the construction
b. Movable nonmedical equipment includes, but is contract but requires mechanical or electrical service
not limited to, personal computer stations, patient connections or construction modifications shall, inso-
room furnishings, food service trucks, case carts and far as practical, be identified on the design develop-
distribution carts, and other portable equipment. ment documents to provide coordination with the
architectural, mechanical, and electrical phases of
c. Facility planning and design shall consider the construction.
convenient and dedicated placement of equipment
requiring floor space and mechanical connections and 4.5 Electronic Equipment
the voltage required for electrical connections where
portable equipment is expected to be used. An equip- Special consideration shall be given to protecting
ment utility location drawing shall be produced to computerized equipment such as multiphasic labora-
locate all services required by the equipment. tory testing units, as well as computers, from power
surges and spikes that might damage the equipment
or programs. Consideration shall also be given to the
*4.3 Major Technical Equipment addition of a constant power source where loss of
data input might compromise patient care.
Major technical equipment is specialized equipment
(medical or nonmedical) that is customarily installed
by the manufacturer or vendor. Since major technical
equipment may require special structural designs,
electromechanical requirements, or other considera-
tions, close coordination between owner, building
designer, installer, construction contractors, and oth-
ers is required.


A4.3 Major Technical Equipment

Examples of major technical equipment are X-ray and other imaging
equipment, radiation therapy equipment, lithotripters, audiometry test-
ing chambers, laundry equipment, computers, and similar items.
*5.1 Planning and Design the contract documents. The contract documents
shall require the constructor to implement these spe- In this edition
Planning for health care facilities shall include, in cific requirements during construction. appendix
addition to space and operational needs, provisions material
for infection control and protection of patients dur- The ICRA is initiated in design and planning and appears in the
ing any renovations or new construction. continues through construction and renovation. After main body of
considering the facility’s patient population and pro- the document;
Continual health care facility upgrade through renova- grams, the ICRA shall address but not be limited to however, it
tion and new construction involving existing facilities the following key elements: remains
can create conditions that can be hazardous to patients. advisory only.
(a) The impact of disrupting essential services to
During the programming phase of a construction patients and employees
project, the owner shall provide an Infection Control
Risk Assessment (ICRA). An ICRA is a determina- (b) Patient placement or relocation
tion of the potential risk of transmission of various
agents in the facility. This continuous process is an (c) Placement of effective barriers to protect suscepti-
essential component of a facility functional or master ble patients from airborne contaminants such as
program to provide a safe environment of care. The Aspergillus sp.
ICRA shall be conducted by a panel with expertise in
infection control, risk management, facility design, (d) Air handling and ventilation needs in surgical ser-
construction, ventilation, safety, and epidemiology. vices, airborne infection isolation and protective
The panel shall provide updated documentation of environment rooms, laboratories, local exhaust sys-
the risk assessment throughout planning, design, and tems for hazardous agents, and other special areas
construction. The ICRA shall only address building
areas anticipated to be affected by construction. (e) Determination of additional numbers of airborne
infection isolation or protective environment
The design professional shall incorporate the specific, room requirements
construction-related requirements of the ICRA in


A5.1. ■ By constructing facilities with interstitial space

Partitions and enclosures around renovation areas should be solid in
■ By constructing facilities with adequate mechanical/electrical rooms, util-
nature, securely attached, and sealed at the floor and structure above.
ity chases, and support corridors to allow expansion or change
Where life safety does not warrant special constructions, measures should
be taken to control the transmission of dust and other airborne substances.
Medical facilities require an infrastructure that is capable of keeping up
One method for achieving this is by means of a separate
with changes in medical technology and advancements in equipment and
ventilation/exhaust system for the construction area, thereby maintaining
building systems.
negative air pressure in the construction area. This would require further
documentation of the locations of fresh air intakes and filters (where nec- Constructing facilities with interstitial space is often considered to be very expen-
essary), as well as the disconnection of existing air ducts, as required. sive and not cost-effective. But when consideration is given to the life of the
facility, the use of interstitial space reduces maintenance cost, allows mechanical
The current direction of providing medical care has created a need for the
and electrical activities that normally would shut down program activities, and
built medical environment to be flexible, to be able to meet changing
allows easy additions to the infrastructure systems. Interstitial construction can
requirements and not be disruptive to the provision of medical care. This
also shorten the construction schedule by allowing finish work to be accom-
can be accomplished in several ways:
plished at the same time infrastructure work is being done. A systematic design
■ By having adequate space to allow interim program moves approach to the use of interstitial space is essential.


*(f ) Consideration of the domestic water system to construction of roof surfaces, written notification of interrup-
limit Legionella sp. and waterborne opportunistic tions, and communication authority.
The assessment for internal and/or external construc- Phasing plans shall include considerations of noise
tion projects also includes patient protection from and vibration control that result from construction
demolition, ventilation and water management fol- activities.
lowing planned or unplanned power outages, move-
ment of debris, traffic flow, cleanup, and certification. 5.2.D.
Renovation areas shall be isolated from occupied
areas during construction using airtight barriers and
*5.2 Phasing exhaust airflow shall be sufficient to maintain nega-
tive air pressure in the construction zone.
Projects involving renovation of existing buildings 5.2.E.
shall include phasing to minimize disruption of exist- Existing air quality requirements and other utility
ing patient services. This phasing is essential to requirements for occupied areas shall be maintained.
ensure a safe environment in patient care areas.

5.2.B. *5.3 Commissioning

Phasing will include assurance for clean to dirty airflow,
emergency procedures, criteria for interruption of protection, Acceptance criteria for mechanical systems shall be
specified. Crucial ventilation specifications for air


A5.1.(f). In addition to the consideration of the domestic water system, system components, not just the HVAC system, will function according to
consider eliminating or monitoring the use of decorative self-contained design intent, specifications, equipment manufacturers’ data sheets, and
features such as decorative fountains or water features (water walls, etc.) operational criteria. Because all building systems are integrated and vali-
as they may be a source of Legionella and/or waterborne opportunistic dated, the owner can expect benefits to include improved occupant comfort,
pathogens and are difficult to disinfect. energy savings, environmental conditions, system and equipment function,
building operation and maintenance, and building occupants’ productivity.
Particular attention should be paid to areas requiring special ventilation, includ- The TBC process should include a feedback mechanism that can be incorporated
ing surgical services, protective environment rooms, airborne infection isolation into the owner’s post-evaluation process to enhance future facility designs.
rooms, laboratories, autopsy rooms, and local exhaust systems for hazardous
Facility acceptance criteria should be based on the commissioning require-
agents. It should be recognized that these areas need mechanical systems that
ments specified in the contract documents. These criteria specify the tests,
comply with infection control and/or laboratory safety requirements.
training, and reporting requirements necessary for the owner to validate
that each building system complies with the performance standards of the
A5.3 Commissioning
basis of design and for final acceptance of the facility.
Commissioning is a quality process used to achieve, validate, and docu-
ment that facilities and component infrastructure systems are planned, Key systems and components that need to be tested and validated, as a
constructed, installed, tested, and are capable of being operated and main- minimum, during the TBC process include the design and operations of the
tained in conformity with the design intent or performance expectations. HVAC, plumbing, electrical, emergency power, fire protection/suppression,
This process extends through all phases of a new or renovation project telecommunications, nurse call, intrusion and other alarm devices, and
from conceptual design to occupancy and operations. Checks at each stage medical gas systems, as well as specialty equipment. Air balancing, pres-
of the process should be made to ensure validation of performance to sure relationships, and exhaust criteria for mechanical systems must be
meet the owner’s design requirements. Commissioning should be per- clearly described and tested to create an environment of care that provides
formed by an entity that is independent from the installing contractor. for infection control. Areas requiring emergency power must be specified
and tested. Special plumbing systems must be certified to support the
Historically, the term “commissioning” has referred to the process by which
chemicals scheduled for use in them. While all areas of the health care
the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system of a building
facility are included in the commissioning process, the following areas are
was tested and balanced according to established standards prior to accep-
of particular concern: critical and intensive care areas; surgical services;
tance by the building owner. The HVAC commissioning did not include other
isolation rooms, including those used for airborne infection/pathogens;
building components that did not directly affect the performance of the
pharmacies, and other areas potentially containing hazardous substances.
HVAC systems. Today, the definition of commissioning is being expanded to
total building commissioning (TBC). The fundamental objective of TBC is to A reference source for an existing HVAC commissioning process is ASHRAE
create a process whereby the owner will be assured that all building and Guideline 1-1996.

balance and filtration shall be verified before owner 5.4 Nonconforming Conditions
acceptance. Areas requiring special ventilation
include surgical services, protective environments, It is not always financially feasible to renovate the
airborne infection isolation rooms, laboratories, and entire existing structure in accordance with these
local exhaust systems for hazardous agents. These Guidelines. In such cases, authorities having jurisdic-
areas shall be recognized as requiring mechanical sys- tion may grant approval to renovate portions of the
tems that ensure infection control, and ventilation structure if facility operation and patient safety in the
deficiencies shall not be accepted. Acceptance criteria renovated areas are not jeopardized by the existing
for local exhaust systems dealing with hazardous features of sections retained without complete correc-
agents shall be specified and verified. tive measures.


6.1 Drawings 6.2 Equipment Manuals

In this edition
appendix Upon occupancy of the building or portion thereof, Upon completion of the contract, the owner shall be
material the owner shall be provided with a complete set furnished with a complete set of manufacturers’
appears in the of legible drawings showing construction, fixed operating, maintenance, and preventive maintenance
main body of equipment, and mechanical and electrical systems, instructions; parts lists; and procurement informa-
the document; as installed or built. Drawings shall include a life tion with numbers and a description for each piece
however, it safety plan for each floor including but not limited of equipment. Operating staff shall also be provided
remains to the following: with instructions on how to properly operate sys-
advisory only. tems and equipment. Required information shall
(a) Smoke compartmentation include energy ratings as needed for future conser-
vation calculations.
(b) Exit signage
6.3 Design Data
(c) Fire extinguishers
The owners shall be provided with complete design
(d) Fire alarm devices data for the facility. This shall include structural
design loadings; summary of heat loss assumption
(e) Pull stations and calculations; estimated water consumption; med-
ical gas outlet listing; list of applicable codes; and
(f ) Sprinklered areas electric power requirements of installed equipment.
All such data shall be supplied to facilitate future
reflecting NFPA 101 requirements. alterations, additions, and changes, including, but
not limited to, energy audits and retrofit for energy

7.1 General Considerations *7.1.E. Swing Beds
When the concept of swing beds is part of the func- In this edition
7.1.A. Functions tional program, care shall be taken to include require- appendix
There shall be for each project a functional program ments for all intended categories. material
for the facility in accordance with Section 1.1.F. appears in the
main body of
7.1.B. Standards 7.2 Nursing Unit (Medical and Surgical) the document;
The general hospital shall meet all the standards however, it
described herein. Deviations shall be described and See other sections of this document for special-care remains
justified in the functional program for specific area units such as recovery rooms, critical care units, advisory only.
approval by the authorities having jurisdiction. pediatric units, rehabilitation units, and skilled nurs-
ing care or other specialty units.
7.1.C. Sizes
Department size and clear floor areas will depend on Each nursing unit shall include the following (see
program requirements and organization of services Section 1.3 for waiver of standards where existing
within the hospital. Some functions may be com- conditions make absolute compliance impractical):
bined or shared providing the layout does not com-
promise safety standards and medical and nursing 7.2.A. Patient Rooms
practices. Each patient room shall meet the following standards:

*7.1.D. Parking *7.2.A1. Maximum room capacity shall be two

Each new facility, major addition, or major change in patients. Where renovation work is undertaken and
function shall have parking space to satisfy the needs the present capacity is more than two patients, maxi-
of patients, personnel, and public. A formal parking mum room capacity shall be no more than the pre-
study is desirable. In the absence of such a study, pro- sent capacity with a maximum of four patients.
vide one space for each bed plus one space for each
employee normally present on any single weekday *7.2.A2. In new construction, patient rooms shall be
shift. This ratio may be reduced in an area convenient constructed to meet the needs of the functional pro-
to public transportation or public parking facilities, or gram and have a minimum of 100 square feet (9.29
where carpool or other arrangements to reduce traffic square meters) of clear floor area per bed in multiple-
have been developed. Additional parking may be bed rooms and 120 square feet (10.8 square meters)
required to accommodate outpatient and other ser- of clear floor area for single-bed rooms, exclusive of
vices. Separate and additional space shall be provided toilet rooms, closets, lockers, wardrobes, alcoves, or
for service delivery vehicles and vehicles utilized for vestibules. The dimensions and arrangement of
emergency patients. rooms shall be such that there is a minimum of 3 feet
(0.91 meter) between the sides and foot of the bed
and any wall or any other fixed obstruction. In multi-
ple-bed rooms, a clearance of 4 feet (1.22 meters)


A7.1.D. A7.1.E.
A formal parking/traffic study should be conducted to ensure that ade- Facility design for swing beds often requires additional corridor doors and
quate parking and traffic flow is provided to accommodate inpatients, out- provisions for switching nurse call operations from one nurse station to
patients, staff, and visitors. another depending on use.

A7.2.A1. Unless the functional program demonstrates the therapeutic

and social value of a multi-bedded arrangement, the maximum number of
beds per room should be one.

shall be available at the foot of each bed to permit be provided for each patient. The design for privacy
the passage of equipment and beds. Minor encroach- shall not restrict patient access to the entrance, lava-
ments, including columns and lavatories, that do not tory, or toilet.
interfere with functions may be ignored when deter-
mining space requirements for patient rooms. Where 7.2.B. Service Areas
renovation work is undertaken, every effort shall be Provision for the services listed below shall be in or
made to meet the above minimum standards. If it is readily available to each nursing unit. The size and
not possible to meet the above minimum standards, location of each service area will depend upon the
the authorities having jurisdiction may grant approval numbers and types of beds served. Identifiable spaces
to deviate from this requirement. In such cases, are required for each of the indicated functions. Each
patient rooms shall have no less than 80 square feet service area may be arranged and located to serve
(7.43 square meters) of clear floor area per bed in more than one nursing unit but, unless noted other-
multiple-bed areas and 100 square feet (9.29 square wise, at least one such service area shall be provided
meters) of clear floor area in single-bed rooms. on each nursing floor. Where the words room or office
are used, a separate, enclosed space for the one
*7.2.A3. Each patient room shall have a window in named function is intended; otherwise, the described
accordance with Section 7.28.A10. area may be a specific space in another room or com-
mon area.
*7.2.A4. Handwashing stations shall be provided to
serve each patient room. A handwashing station shall 7.2.B1. Administrative center(s) or nurse station(s).
be located in the toilet room. In new construction a This area shall have space for counters and storage and
handwashing station shall be provided in the patient shall have convenient access to handwashing stations.
room in addition to that in the toilet room and It may be combined with or include centers for recep-
located outside of the patient’s cubicle curtain so that tion and communication. Preferably, the station should
it is accessible to staff. permit visual observation of all traffic into the unit.

7.2.A5. Each patient shall have access to a toilet room 7.2.B2. Dictation area. This area should be adjacent
without having to enter the general corridor area. One to but separate from the nurse station.
toilet room shall serve no more than four beds and no
more than two patient rooms. The toilet room shall 7.2.B3. Nurse or supervisor office.
contain a water closet and a handwashing station and
the door shall swing outward or be double acting. 7.2.B4. Handwashing stations, conveniently accessi-
Where local requirements permit, sliding or folding ble to the nurse station, medication station, and
doors may be used, provided adequate provisions are nourishment center. One handwashing station may
made for acoustical privacy and patient privacy. serve several areas if convenient to each.

7.2.A6. Each patient shall have within his or her 7.2.B5. Charting facilities. Charting facilities shall
room a separate wardrobe, locker, or closet suitable have linear surface space to ensure that staff and
for hanging full-length garments and for storing per- physicians may chart and have simultaneous access to
sonal effects. information and communication systems.

7.2.A7. In multiple-bed rooms, visual privacy from 7.2.B6. Toilet room(s) conveniently located for staff
casual observation by other patients and visitors shall use (may be unisex).


A7.2.A2. Patient rooms. In new construction, single patient rooms A7.2.A3. Windows are important for the psychological well-being of
should be at least 12 feet (3.65 meters) wide by 13 feet (3.96 meters) many patients, as well as for meeting fire safety code requirements. They
deep (or approximately 160 square feet, or 14.86 square meters) exclu- are also essential for continued use of the area in the event of mechanical
sive of toilet rooms, closets, lockers, wardrobes, alcoves, or vestibules. ventilation system failure.
These spaces should accommodate comfortable furniture for family mem-
bers (one or two) without blocking access of staff members to patients. A7.2.A4. Where renovation work is undertaken, every effort should be
Efforts should be made to provide the patient with some control of the made to meet this standard. Where space does not permit the installation
room environment. of an additional handwashing station in the patient room, or where it is
technically infeasible, the authority having jurisdiction may grant approval
of alternative forms of hand cleansing.

7.2.B7. Staff lounge facilities shall be provided and linen and waste. Rooms used only for temporary
shall be programmatically sized, but shall not be less holding of soiled material may omit the clinical sink
than 100 square feet (9.3 square meters). and work counter. If the flushing-rim clinical sink is
eliminated, facilities for cleaning bedpans shall be
7.2.B8. Securable closets or cabinet compartments provided elsewhere.
for the personal articles of nursing personnel, located
in or near the nurse station. At a minimum, these 7.2.B13. Medication station. Provision shall be made
shall be large enough for purses and billfolds. Coats for distribution of medications. This may be done
may be stored in closets or cabinets on each floor or from a medicine preparation room or unit, from a
in a central staff locker area. self-contained medicine dispensing unit, or by
another approved system.
*7.2.B9. Multipurpose room(s) for staff, patients,
patients’ families for patient conferences, reports, a. Medicine preparation room. This room shall be
education, training sessions, and consultation. These under visual control of the nursing staff. It shall con-
rooms must be accessible to each nursing unit. They tain a work counter, a sink adequate for handwash-
may be on other floors if convenient for regular use. ing, refrigerator, and locked storage for controlled
One such room may serve several nursing units drugs. When a medicine preparation room is to be
and/or departments. used to store one or more self-contained medicine
dispensing units, the room shall be designed with
7.2.B10. Examination/treatment room(s). Such adequate space to prepare medicines with the self-
rooms may be omitted if all patient rooms in the contained medicine dispensing unit(s) present.
nursing unit are single-bed rooms. Centrally located
examination and treatment room(s) may serve more b. Self-contained medicine dispensing unit. A self-
than one nursing unit on the same floor. Such rooms contained medicine dispensing unit may be located at
shall have a minimum floor area of 120 square feet the nurse station, in the clean workroom, or in an
(10.8 square meters). The room shall contain a hand- alcove, provided the unit has adequate security for
washing station; storage facilities; and a desk, controlled drugs and adequate lighting to easily iden-
counter, or shelf space for writing. Provision shall be tify drugs. Convenient access to handwashing sta-
made to preserve patient privacy from observation tions shall be provided. (Standard cup-sinks provided
from outside the exam room through an open door. in many self-contained units are not adequate for
7.2.B11. Clean workroom or clean supply room. If
the room is used for preparing patient care items, it 7.2.B14. Clean linen storage. Each nursing unit shall
shall contain a work counter, a handwashing station, contain a designated area for clean linen storage. This
and storage facilities for clean and sterile supplies. If may be within the clean workroom, a separate closet,
the room is used only for storage and holding as part or an approved distribution system on each floor. If a
of a system for distribution of clean and sterile closed cart system is used, storage may be in an
materials, the work counter and handwashing station alcove. It must be out of the path of normal traffic
may be omitted. Soiled and clean workrooms or and under staff control.
holding rooms shall be separated and have no direct
connection. 7.2.B15. Nourishment area. There shall be a nour-
ishment area with sink, work counter, refrigerator,
7.2.B12. Soiled workroom or soiled holding room. storage cabinets, and equipment for hot and cold
This room shall be separate from the clean work- nourishment between scheduled meals. The nourish-
room. The soiled workroom shall contain a clinical ment area shall include space for trays and dishes
sink (or equivalent flushing-rim fixture). The room used for nonscheduled meal service. Provisions and
shall contain a lavatory (or handwashing station). space shall be included for separate temporary stor-
The above fixtures shall both have a hot and cold age of unused and soiled dietary trays not picked up
mixing faucet. The room shall have a work counter at mealtime. Handwashing stations shall be in or
and space for separate covered containers for soiled immediately accessible from the nourishment area.

7.2.B16. Ice machine. Each nursing unit shall have

equipment to provide ice for treatments and nourish-
A7.2.B9. Multipurpose rooms are used primarily for staff purposes ment. Icemaking equipment may be in the clean
and generally are not available for family or visitors. A waiting room work room/holding room or at the nourishment sta-
convenient to the unit should be provided. tion. Ice intended for human consumption shall be
from self-dispensing ice makers. 21

7.2.B17. Equipment storage room or alcove. cated on an Infection Control Risk Assessment
Appropriate room(s) or alcove(s) shall be provided (ICRA) and based on the needs of specific commu-
for storage of equipment necessary for patient care nity and patient populations served by an individual
and as required by the functional program. Each unit organization. The number of airborne infection isola-
shall provide sufficient storage area(s) located on the tion rooms for individual patient units shall be
patient floor to keep its required corridor width free increased based upon an ICRA or by a multidiscipli-
of all equipment and supplies, but not less than 10 nary group designated for that purpose. This process
square feet (0.93 square meters) per patient bed shall ensures a more accurate determination of environ-
be provided. mentally safe and appropriate room types and spatial
needs. Special ventilation requirements are found in
7.2.B18. Storage space for stretchers and wheelchairs Table 7.2. It is suggested that reference be made to
shall be provided in a strategic location, without the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
restricting normal traffic. (CDC) “Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission
of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Health Care Facilities”
7.2.B19. Showers and bathtubs. When individual as they appear in the Federal Register dated October
bathing facilities are not provided in patient rooms, 28, 1994 and CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly
there shall be at least one shower and/or bathtub for Report (MMWR) 1994:43 (No. RR-13), and the
each 12 beds without such facilities. Each bathtub or “Guidelines for Prevention of Nosocomial
shower shall be in an individual room or enclosure Pneumonia, 1994,” published by CDC in the
that provides privacy for bathing, drying, and dress- American Journal of Infection Control (22:247-292).
ing. Special bathing facilities, including space for
attendant, shall be provided for patients on stretchers, 7.2.C1. At least one airborne infection isolation
carts, and wheelchairs at the ratio of one per 100 room shall be provided. These rooms may be located
beds or a fraction thereof. This may be on a separate within individual nursing units and used for normal
floor if convenient for use. acute care when not required for isolation cases, or
they may be grouped as a separate isolation unit.
7.2.B20. Patient toilet room(s), in addition to those Each room shall contain only one bed and shall com-
serving bed areas, shall be conveniently located to ply with the acute-care patient room section of this
multipurpose room(s) and within or directly accessi- document as well as the following:
ble to each central bathing facility. Patient toilet
rooms serving multipurpose rooms may also be des- 7.2.C2. Each airborne infection isolation room shall
ignated for public use. have an area for handwashing, gowning, and storage
of clean and soiled materials located directly outside
7.2.B21. Emergency equipment storage. Space shall or immediately inside the entry door to the room.
be provided for emergency equipment that is under
direct control of the nursing staff, such as a car- 7.2.C3. Airborne infection isolation room perimeter
diopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) cart. This space walls, ceiling, and floors, including penetrations, shall
shall be located in an area appropriate to the func- be sealed tightly so that air does not infiltrate the
tional program, but out of normal traffic. environment from the outside or from other spaces.
(See Glossary.)
7.2.B22. Housekeeping room. One housekeeping
room shall be provided for each nursing unit or nurs- 7.2.C4. Airborne infection isolation room(s) shall
ing floor. It shall be directly accessible from the unit have self-closing devices on all room exit doors.
or floor and may serve more than one nursing unit on
a floor. At least one housekeeping room per floor 7.2.C5. Separate toilet, bathtub (or shower), and
shall contain a service sink or floor receptor and pro- handwashing stations shall be required for each air-
visions for storage of supplies and housekeeping borne infection isolation room.
7.2.C6. Airborne infection isolation rooms may be
Note: This housekeeping room may not be used for used for noninfectious patients when not needed for
other departments and nursing units that require sep- patients with airborne infectious disease.
arate housekeeping rooms.
7.2.C7. Rooms shall have a permanently installed
7.2.C. Airborne Infection Isolation Room(s) visual mechanism to constantly monitor the pressure
Note: The airborne infection isolation room require- status of the room when occupied by patients with an
ments contained in these Guidelines for particular airborne infectious disease. The mechanism shall
22 service areas throughout a facility should be predi- continuously monitor the direction of the airflow.

*7.2.D. Protective Environment Room(s) sulted regarding room type and spatial needs to meet
Note: The differentiating factor between protective facility infection control requirements should be
environment rooms and other patient rooms is the incorporated in design programming.
requirement for positive air pressure relative to adjoin-
ing spaces with all supply air passing through HEPA 7.2.D2. Each protective environment room shall
filters with 99.97 percent efficiency for particles >0.3 have an area for handwashing, gowning, and storage
µm in diameter. When determined by an Infection of clean and soiled materials located directly outside
Control Risk Assessment (ICRA), special design con- or immediately inside the entry door to the room.
siderations and air ventilation to ensure the protection
of patients with these conditions shall be required. 7.2.D3. Protective environment room perimeter
The appropriate numbers and location of protective walls, ceiling, and floors, including penetrations, shall
environment rooms shall be concluded by the ICRA. be sealed tightly so that air does not infiltrate the
Protective environment room(s) shall contain only one environment from the outside or from other spaces.
bed and comply with Section 7.2.C. Special ventila-
tion requirements are found in Table 7.2. Also see 7.2.D4. Protective environment room(s) shall have
special guidelines for protective environment rooms self-closing devices on all room exit doors.
during renovation and construction in Section 5.1.
7.2.D5. Separate toilet, bathtub (or shower), and
7.2.D1. As designated by the functional program, handwashing stations shall be provided for each pro-
both airborne infection isolation and protective envi- tective environment room.
ronment rooms may be required. Many facilities care
for patients with an extreme susceptibility to infec- 7.2.D6. Rooms shall have a permanently installed
tion, e.g., immunosuppressed patients with prolonged visual mechanism to constantly monitor the pressure
granulocytopenia, most notably bone marrow recipi- status of the room when occupied by patients requir-
ents; or solid-organ transplant recipients and patients ing a protective environment. The mechanism shall
with hematological malignancies who are receiving continuously monitor the direction of the airflow.
chemotherapy and are severely granulocytopenic.
These rooms are not intended for use with patients *7.2.D7. Allogeneic bone marrow transplant units.
diagnosed with HIV infection or AIDS, unless they
are also severely granulocytopenic. Generally, protec- 7.2.E. Seclusion Room(s)
tive environments are not needed in community hos- The hospital shall provide one or more single bed-
pitals, unless these facilities take care of these types of rooms for patients needing close supervision for
patients. The appropriate clinical staff should be con- medical and/or psychiatric care. This may be part of


A7.2.D. Bone marrow transplant rooms should be located so as to have access

Immunosuppressed Host Airborne Infection Isolation (Protective within the hospital to out-of-unit diagnostic and treatment equipment, par-
Environment/Airborne Infection Isolation). An anteroom is required for the ticularly radiation therapy equipment. All bone marrow transplant-desig-
special case in which an immunosuppressed patient requires airborne infec- nated beds should be in exceptionally clean environments, which should
tion isolation. Immunosuppression is defined in 7.2.D. There is no pre- consist of protective environment rooms equipped with HEPA filtration,
scribed method for anteroom ventilation—the room can be ventilated preferably located in close proximity to each other. A countertop with scrub
with either of the following airflow patterns: (a) airflows from the ante- sink and space for high-level disinfection procedures should be available
room, to the patient room and the corridor, or (b) airflows from the outside the entrance to each patient room.
patient room and the corridor, into the anteroom. The advantage of pat-
Each bone marrow transplant patient room should have a private toilet
tern (a) is the provision for a clean anteroom in which health care workers
room, which contains a water closet and a bathing facility, for the exclusive
need not mask before entering the anteroom.
use of the patient. The patient should be able to enter the room directly
without leaving the patient room or passing through the vestibule. The
A7.2.D.7. General space and staffing requirements are critical for bone
patient should also have a lavatory for the patient’s exclusive use, located
marrow transplant facilities. Patients in these units may be acutely aware
in the patient room or the private toilet room.
of the surrounding environment, which is their life support system during
the many weeks when they will be confined in an immunosuppressed con- Patients should be housed in single-bedded rooms with full-height parti-
dition. Means of controlling unnecessary noise are important. At times, tions, sealed airtight to the structure to prevent cross-infections. All surfaces,
each patient may require individual privacy, although each is required to floors, walls, ceilings, doors, windows, and curtains should be scrubbable.
be under close staff supervision.
(continued on next page)


the psychiatric unit described in Section 7.6. If the comply in size, number, and type with these stan-
single bedroom(s) is part of the acute-care nursing dards and with the functional program. The follow-
unit, the provisions of Section 7.6.A shall apply, with ing standards are intended for the more common
the following exceptions: each room shall be for single types of critical care services and shall be appropriate
occupancy; each shall be located to permit staff obser- to needs defined in functional programs. Where spe-
vation of the entrance, preferably adjacent to the cialized services are required, additions and/or modi-
nurse station; and each shall be designed to minimize fications shall be made as necessary for efficient, safe,
the potential for escape, hiding, injury, or suicide. If and effective patient care.
vision panels are used for observation of patients, the
arrangement shall insure patient privacy and prevent 7.3.A. Critical Care (General)
casual observation by visitors and other patients. The following shall apply to all types of critical care
units unless otherwise noted. Each unit shall comply
with the following provisions:
7.3 Critical Care Units
7.3.A1. The location shall offer convenient access
Critical care units require special space and equipment from the emergency, respiratory therapy, laboratory,
considerations for safe and effective patient care, staff radiology, surgery, and other essential departments
functions, and family participation. Families and visi- and services as defined by the functional program. It
tors to critical care units often wait for long periods of shall be located so that the medical emergency resus-
time, including overnight stays, under highly stressful citation teams may be able to respond promptly to
situations. They tend to congregate at unit entries to be emergency calls within minimum travel time. The
readily accessible to staff interaction. Design shall location shall be arranged to eliminate the need for
address such issues as privacy, atmosphere, and aesthet- through traffic.
ics for all involved in the care and comfort of patients
in critical care units. In addition, space arrangement *7.3.A2. In new construction, where elevator trans-
shall include provisions for immediate access of emer- port is required for critically ill patients, the size of
gency equipment from other departments. the cab and mechanisms and controls shall meet the
specialized needs.
Not every hospital will provide all types of critical
care. Some hospitals may have a small combined *7.3.A3. In new construction, each patient space
unit; others may have separate, sophisticated units for (whether separate rooms, cubicles, or multiple bed
highly specialized treatments. Critical care units shall space) shall have a minimum of 200 square feet


A7.2.D.7. (continued) Windows should be provided so that each patient A7.3.A2. Transportation of patients to and from the critical care unit
may be cognizant of the outdoor environment. Windowsill height should should ideally be separated from public corridors and visitor waiting areas.
not exceed 3 feet above the floor and should be above grade. All windows In new construction, where elevator transport is required for critically ill
in the unit should be fixed sash and sealed to eliminate infiltration. patients, the size of the cab and mechanisms and controls should meet the
specialized needs.
Viewing panels should be provided in doors or walls for nursing staff
observation. Flame-retardant curtains or other means should be provided
A7.3.A3. In critical care units, the size of the patient care space should
to cover windows and viewing panels when a patient requires visual pri-
be dependent upon the intended functional use. The patient space in criti-
vacy. Glazing should be safety glass, wire glass, or tempered clear plastic
cal care units, especially those caring for surgical patients following major
to reduce hazard from accidental breakage.
trauma or cardiovascular, transplant, or orthopedic procedures, or medical
Each patient room should be provided with a nurses calling system accessi- patients simultaneously requiring ventilation, dialysis, and/or other large
ble at the bed, sitting area, and patient toilet room. An emergency call sys- equipment (e.g., intra-aortic balloon pump) may be overwhelmed if
tem should also be provided at each patient bed and toilet room to designed to the absolute minimum clear floor area.
summon additional personnel from on-call rooms, consultation rooms, and
A staff emergency assistance system should be provided on the most acces-
staff lounges. Facilities for administration of suction, compressed air, and
sible side of the bed. The system should annunciate at the nurse station with
oxygen should be provided at the bed.
backup from another staffed area from which assistance can be summoned.
Each geographically distinct unit should provide appropriate space to sup-
Provision should be made for rapid and easily accessible information
port nurses’ administrative activities, report/conference room activities,
exchange and communication within the unit and the hospital.
doctors’ consultation, drug preparation and distribution, emergency equip-
ment storage, and closed accessible waiting for family members. The unit should provide the ability to continuously monitor the physiological
parameters appropriate for the types of patients the unit is expected to care for.

(18.58 square meters) of clear floor area with a mini- the exterior and are equipped with appropriate forms
mum headwall width of 13 feet (3.96 meters) per of glare and sun control. Distance from the patient
bed, exclusive of anterooms, vestibules, toilet rooms, bed to the outside window shall not exceed 50 feet
closets, lockers, wardrobes, and/or alcoves. (15.24 meters). When partitioned cubicles are used,
patients’ view to outside windows may be through no
In renovation of existing intensive care units, every more than two separate clear vision panels.
effort shall be made to meet the above minimum
standards. If it is not possible to meet the above 7.3.A7. Systems for rapid and easy information
square-foot standards, the authorities having jurisdic- exchange with a hospital are important. Nurse calling
tion may grant approval to deviate from this require- systems for two-way voice communication shall be
ment. In such cases, separate rooms or cubicles for provided in accordance with Section 7.32.G. The call
single patient use shall be no less than 150 square system for the unit shall include provisions for an
feet (13.94 square meters) and multiple bed space emergency code resuscitation alarm to summon assis-
shall contain at least 130 square feet (12.08 square tance from outside the critical care unit.
meters) per bed.
7.3.A8. Handwashing stations shall be convenient to
7.3.A4. When private rooms or cubicles are pro- nurse stations and patient bed areas. There shall be at
vided, view panels to the corridor shall be required least one handwashing station for every three beds in
with a means to provide visual privacy. Where only open plan areas, and one in each patient room. The
one door is provided to a bed space, it shall be at handwashing station should be located near the
least 4 feet (1.22 meters) wide and arranged to mini- entrance to the patient cubicle or room, should be
mize interference with movement of beds and large sized to minimize splashing water onto the floor, and
equipment. Sliding doors shall not have floor tracks should be equipped with hands-free operable controls.
and shall have hardware that minimizes jamming
possibilities. Where sliding doors are used for access *7.3.A9. Administrative center or nurse station. This
to cubicles within a suite, a 3-foot-wide (0.91 meter) area shall have space for counters and storage. It may
swinging door may also be provided for personnel be combined with or include centers for reception and
communication. communication. There shall be direct or remote visual
observation between the administration center or nurse
7.3.A5. Each patient bed area shall have space at station and all patient beds in the critical care unit.
each bedside for visitors, and provisions for visual
privacy from casual observation by other patients and 7.3.A10. Each unit shall contain equipment for con-
visitors. For both adult and pediatric units, there shall tinuous monitoring, with visual displays for each
be a minimum of 8 feet (2.44 meters) between beds. patient at the bedside and at the nurse station.
Monitors shall be located to permit easy viewing and
7.3.A6. access but not interfere with access to the patient.
a. Each patient bed shall have visual access, other than
skylights, to the outside environment with not less 7.3.A11. Emergency equipment storage. Space that
than one outside window in each patient bed area. is easily accessible to the staff shall be provided for
emergency equipment such as a CPR cart.
b. In renovation projects, clerestory windows with
windowsills above the heights of adjacent ceilings *7.3.A12. Medication station. Provision shall be
may be used, provided they afford patients a view of made for storage and distribution of emergency drugs


A7.3.A9. Patients should be visually observed at all times. This can be If a central station is not chosen, the unit should be designed to provide
achieved in a variety of ways. visual contact between patient beds so that there can be constant visual
contact between the nurse and patient.
If a central station is chosen, it should be geographically located to allow
for complete visual control of all patient beds in the critical care unit. It
A7.3.A12. To minimize distraction of those preparing medications, the
should be designed to maximize efficiency in traffic patterns. Patients
area should be enclosed. A glass wall or walls may be advisable to permit
should be oriented so that they can see the nurse but cannot see the other
visualization of patients and unit activities. A self-contained medicine dis-
patients. There should be an ability to communicate with the clerical staff
pensing unit may be located at the nurses station, in the clean workroom,
without having to enter the central station.
in an alcove, or in another area directly under visual control of nursing or
pharmacy staff.

and routine medications. This may be done from a facilities for clean and sterile supplies. If the room is
medicine preparation room or unit, from a self-con- used only for storage and holding as part of a system
tained medicine dispensing unit, or by another sys- for distribution of clean and sterile supply materials, the
tem. If used, a medicine preparation room or unit work counter and handwashing station may be omit-
shall be under visual control of nursing staff. It shall ted. Soiled and clean workrooms or holding rooms
contain a work counter, cabinets for storage of sup- shall be separated and have no direct connection.
plies, sink with hot and cold water supply, refrigerator
for pharmaceuticals, and doubled locked storage for c. Clean linen storage. There shall be a designated
controlled substances. Convenient access to hand- area for clean linen storage. This may be within the
washing stations shall be provided. (Standard cup- clean workroom, a separate closet, or an approved dis-
sinks provided in many self-contained units are not tribution system on each floor. If a closed cart system
adequate for handwashing.) is used, storage may be in an alcove. It must be out of
the path of normal traffic and under staff control.
7.3.A13. The electrical, medical gas, heating, and air
conditioning shall support the needs of the patients d. Soiled workroom or soiled holding room. This
and critical care team members under normal and room shall be separate from the clean workroom. The
emergency situations. soiled workroom shall contain a clinical sink (or
equivalent flushing-rim fixture). The room shall con-
7.3.A14. At least one airborne infection isolation tain a lavatory (or handwashing station). The above
room shall be provided. The number of airborne fixtures shall both have a hot and cold mixing faucet.
infection isolation rooms shall be determined based The room shall have a work counter and space for
on an Infection Control Risk Assessment. Each room separate covered containers for soiled linen and a
shall contain only one bed and shall comply with the variety of waste types. Rooms used only for tempo-
requirements of Section 7.2.C; however, the require- rary holding of soiled material may omit the clinical
ment for the bathtub (or shower) may be eliminated. sink and work counter. If the flushing-rim clinical
Compact, modular toilet/sink combination units may sink is eliminated, facilities for cleaning bedpans shall
replace the requirement for a “toilet room.” Special be provided elsewhere.
ventilation requirements are found in Table 7.2.
e. Nourishment station. There shall be a nourishment
*7.3.A15. The following additional service spaces station with sink, work counter, refrigerator, storage
shall be immediately available within each critical cabinets, and equipment for hot and cold nourish-
care suite. These may be shared by more than one ments between scheduled meals. The nourishment sta-
critical care unit provided that direct access is avail- tion shall include space for trays and dishes used for
able from each. nonscheduled meal service. Provisions and space shall
be included for separate temporary storage of unused
a. Securable closets or cabinet compartments for the and soiled dietary trays not picked up at meal time.
personal effects of nursing personnel, located in or
near the nurse station. At a minimum, these shall be f. Ice machine. There shall be available equipment to
large enough for purses and billfolds. Coats may be provide ice for treatments and nourishment. Ice-
stored in closets or cabinets on each floor or in a cen- making equipment may be in the clean work room or
tral staff locker area. at the nourishment station. Ice intended for human
consumption shall be from self-dispensing icemakers.
b. Clean workroom or clean supply room. If the room
is used for preparing patient care items, it shall contain *g. Equipment storage room or alcove. Appropriate
a work counter, a handwashing station, and storage room(s) or alcove(s) shall be provided for storage of


A7.3.A15. The recording, storage of bedside records (flowsheets, etc.), essary for patient care and as required by the functional program. Its loca-
and review of clinical information is a vital function of a critical care unit. tion should not interfere with the flow of traffic. Work areas and storage
Space near the bedside for these functions should be provided. Suitable of critical care supplies should be in locations such that they are readily
space ergonomically designed is especially germane where computers are accessible to nursing and physician staff. Shelving, file cabinets, and draw-
used for the clinical record. ers should be located so that they are accessible to all requiring use.
Separate areas need to be designed for the unit secretary and staff chart-
A7.3.A15.g. Equipment storage room or alcove. Appropriate room(s) or ing. Planning should consider the potential volume of staff (both medical
alcove(s) should be provided for storage of large items of equipment nec- (continued on next page)

large items of equipment necessary for patient care f. Multipurpose room(s) for staff, patients, and
and as required by the functional program. Each crit- patients’ families for patient conferences, reports,
ical care unit shall provide sufficient storage area(s) education, training sessions, and consultation. These
located on the patient floor to keep its required corri- rooms must be accessible to each nursing unit.
dor width free of all equipment and supplies, but not
less than 20 square feet (1.86 square meters) per g. A housekeeping room shall be provided within or
patient bed shall be provided. immediately adjacent to the critical care unit. It shall
not be shared with other nursing units or depart-
h. An X-ray viewing facility shall be in the unit. ments. It shall contain a service sink or floor receptor
and provisions for storage of supplies and housekeep-
7.3.A16. The following shall be provided and may be ing equipment.
located outside the unit if conveniently accessible.
h. Storage space for stretchers and wheelchairs shall
a. A visitors’ waiting room shall be provided that is be provided in a strategic location, without restricting
designed to accommodate the long stays and stressful normal traffic.
conditions common to such spaces, including provi-
sions for privacy, means to facilitate communications, i. Laboratory, radiology, respiratory therapy, and
and access to toilets. The locations and size shall be pharmacy services shall be available. These services
appropriate for the number of patients and units may be provided from the central departments or
served, with a capacity for not less than one family from satellite facilities as required by the functional
member seating per patient bed. program.

b. Adequate office space immediately adjacent to the 7.3.B. Coronary Critical Care Unit
critical care unit will be available for critical care Coronary patients have special needs. They are often
medical and nursing management/administrative per- fully aware of their surroundings but still need imme-
sonnel. The offices should be large enough to permit diate and critical emergency care. In addition to the
consulting with members of the critical care team standards set forth in Section 7.3.A, the following
and visitors. The offices will be linked with the unit standards apply to the coronary critical care unit:
by telephone or an intercommunications system.
7.3.B1. Each coronary patient shall have a separate
c. Staff lounge(s) and toilet(s) shall be located so that room for acoustical and visual privacy.
staff may be recalled quickly to the patient area in
emergencies. The lounge shall have telephone or 7.3.B2. Each coronary patient shall have access to a
intercom and emergency code alarm connections to toilet in the room. (Portable commodes may be used
the critical care unit it serves. If not provided else- in lieu of individual toilets, but provisions must be
where, provision for the storage of coats, etc., shall be made for their storage, servicing, and odor control.)
made in this area. Consideration should be given to
providing adequate furnishings, equipment, and space 7.3.C. Combined Medical/Surgical and Coronary
for comfortable seating and the preparation and con- Critical Care
sumption of snacks and beverages. One lounge may If medical, surgical, and coronary critical care services
serve adjacent critical care areas. are combined in one critical care unit, at least 50 per-
cent of the beds must be located in private rooms or
d. A special procedures room shall be provided if cubicles. (Note: Medical/surgical patients may utilize
required by the functional program. open areas or private rooms as needed and available
but, insofar as possible, coronary patients should not
e. Sleeping and personal care accommodations for be accommodated in open ward areas.)
staff on 24-hour, on-call work schedules.


A7.3.A15.g. (continued) and nursing) that could be present at any information systems are in use or planned for the future. Patient records
one time and translate that to adequate charting surfaces. The secretarial should be readily accessible to clerical, nursing, and physician staff.
area should be accessible to all. However, the charting areas may be some- Alcoves should be provided for the storage and rapid retrieval of crash
what isolated to facilitate concentration. Storage for chart forms and sup- carts and portable monitor/defibrillator units. Grounded electrical outlets
plies should be readily accessible. Space for computer terminals and printer should be provided in sufficient numbers to permit recharging stored
and conduit for computer hook-up should be provided when automated battery-operated equipment.

7.3.D. Pediatric Critical Care 7.3.D8. Examination and treatment room(s).

Critically ill pediatric patients have unique physical Centrally located examination and treatment room(s)
and psychological needs. Not every hospital can or may serve more than one nursing unit, and shall be
should attempt to have a separate pediatric critical located within or immediately adjacent to each unit.
care unit. Many hospitals will be able to safely trans- Examination and treatment rooms shall have a mini-
fer their patients to other facilities offering appropri- mum floor area of 120 square feet (11.15 square
ate services. If a facility has a specific pediatric critical meters). The room shall contain a handwashing sta-
care unit, the functional program must include con- tion; storage facilities; and a desk, counter, or shelf
sideration for staffing, isolation, and the safe trans- space for writing.
portation of critically ill pediatric patients, along with
life support and environmental systems, from other 7.3.E. Newborn Intensive Care Units
areas. At least one airborne infection control room Each newborn intensive care unit (NICU) shall
shall be provided, with provisions for observation of include or comply with the following:
the patient. The total number of infection control
rooms shall be increased based upon an Infection 7.3.E1. The NICU shall have a clearly identified
Control Risk Assessment. All room(s) shall comply entrance and reception area for families. The area
with the requirements of Section 7.2.C. shall permit visual observation and contact with all
traffic entering the unit.
In addition to the standards previously listed for crit-
ical care units, each pediatric critical care unit shall 7.3.E2 In a multiple-bed room, every bed position
include: shall be within 20 feet (6 meters) of a hands-free
handwashing station. Where an individual room con-
7.3.D1. Space at each bedside for families and visi- cept is used, a hands-free handwashing station shall
tors in addition to the space provided for staff. be provided within each infant care room. All sinks
shall be hands-free operable and large enough to
*7.3.D2. Sleeping space for parents who may be contain splashing.
required to spend long hours with the patient. If the
sleeping area is separate from the patient area, it must 7.3.E3. At least one door to each room in the unit
be in communication with the critical care unit staff. must be large enough to accommodate portable
X-ray equipment. A door 44 inches (1117.6 mil-
7.3.D3. Consultation/demonstration room within, or limeters) wide should accommodate most X-ray
convenient to, the pediatric critical care unit for pri- equipment. Both width and height must be
vate discussions. considered.

7.3.D4. Provisions for formula storage. These may be 7.3.E4. There should be efficient and controlled
outside the pediatric critical care unit but must be access to the unit from the labor and delivery area,
available for use at all times. the emergency department, or other referral entry
7.3.D5. Separate storage cabinets or closets for toys
and games for use by the pediatric patients. 7.3.E5. When viewing windows are provided, provi-
sion shall be made to control casual viewing of
7.3.D6. Additional storage for cots, bed linens, and infants.
other items needed to accommodate parents
overnight. *7.3.E6. In the interest of noise control, sound atten-
uation shall be a design factor.
*7.3.D7. Space allowance.


A7.3.D2. There should be sleeping accommodations at each child’s bedside. A7.3.E6. Infant bed areas and the spaces opening onto them should be
designed to produce minimal background noise and to contain and absorb
A7.3.D7. Space allowances for pediatric beds and cribs are greater than much of the transient noise that arises within the NICU. The combination of
those required for adult beds, because of the variations in sizes and the continuous background sound and transient sound in any patient care area
potential for change. Adequate storage is needed to accommodate the should not exceed an hourly Leq of 50 dB and an hourly L10 of 55 dB,
range of supplies and equipment needed to care for children of all ages. both A-weighted slow response. The Lmax (transient sounds) should not
exceed 70 dB, A-weighted slow response.

*7.3.E7. Provisions shall be made for indirect light- other ancillary services when these activities are rou-
ing and high-intensity lighting in all nurseries. tinely performed on the unit.
Controls shall be provided to enable lighting to be
adjusted over individual patient care spaces. 7.3.E14. Physician’s sleeping facilities with access to a
Darkening sufficient for transillumination shall be toilet and shower shall be provided. If not contained
available when necessary. within the unit itself, the area shall have a telephone
or intercom connection to the patient care area.
7.3.E8. A central area shall serve as a control station,
shall have space for counters and storage, and shall *7.3.E15. A room(s) shall be provided within the
have convenient access to handwashing stations. It NICU that allow(s) parents and infants extended
may be combined with or include centers for recep- private time together. The room(s) shall have direct,
tion and communication and patient monitoring. private access to sink and toilet facilities, communi-
cation linkage with the NICU staff, sleeping facili-
7.3.E9. Each patient care space shall contain a mini- ties for at least one parent, and sufficient space for
mum of 120 square feet (11.2 square meters) per the infant’s bed and equipment. These rooms can be
bassinet excluding sinks and aisles. There shall be an used for other purposes when they are not required
aisle for circulation adjacent to each patient care for family use.
space with a minimum width of 3 feet (0.91 meter).
Each infant care space shall be designed to allow pri- 7.3.E16. Dedicated space shall be provided for lacta-
vacy for the baby and family. tion support and consultation in or immediately adja-
cent to the NICU. Provision shall be made, either
7.3.E10. Ceilings shall be easily cleanable and non- within the room or conveniently located nearby, for
friable and shall have a noise reduction coefficient sink, counter, refrigeration and freezing, storage for
(NRC) of at least 0.90. Ceiling construction shall pump and attachments, and educational materials.
limit passage of particles from above the ceiling plane
into the clinical environment. 7.3.E17.Charting facilities shall have adequate linear
surface space to ensure that staff and physicians may
7.3.E11. The NICU shall be designed as part of an chart and have simultaneous access to information
overall safety program to protect the physical security and communication systems.
of infants, parents, and staff and to minimize the risk
of infant abduction. 7.3.E18. Medication station. See Section 7.3.A12.

7.3.E12. An airborne infection isolation room is *7.3.E19. Clean workroom or clean supply room. See
required in at least one level of nursery care. The Section 7.3.A.15b.
room shall be enclosed and separated from the nurs-
ery unit with provisions for observation of the infant 7.3.E20. Soiled workroom or soiled holding room.
from adjacent nurseries or control area(s). All air- See Section 7.3.A.15d.
borne infection isolation rooms shall comply with the
requirements of Section 7.2.C, except for separate 7.3.E21. Provide a lounge, locker room, and staff toi-
toilet, bathtub, or shower. let within or adjacent to the unit suite for staff use.

7.3.E13. Support space shall be accessible for respi- 7.3.E22. Emergency equipment storage. Space shall
ratory therapy, blood gas lab, developmental therapy, be provided for emergency equipment that is under
social work, laboratory, pharmacy, radiology, and direct control of the nursing staff, such as a CPR


A7.3.E7. Natural light should be provided in the NICU. A7.3.E19. Whenever possible, supplies should flow through special sup-
ply entrances from external corridors so that penetration of the semisterile
A7.3.E15. At least one transition room should be provided within or zone by non-nursery personnel is unnecessary. Soiled materials should be
immediately adjacent to the NICU that allows parents and infants extended sealed and stored in a soiled holding area until removed. This holding area
private time together. This room should have direct, private access to sink should be located where there will be no need to pass back through the
and toilet facilities, a bed for parents, communication linkage with NICU semisterile zone to remove the soiled materials.
staff, and appropriate electric and medical gas outlets. The room(s) can be
used for other family educational, counseling, parent sleeping, or demon-
stration purposes when not needed as a transition room.

cart. This space shall be located in an area appropriate 7.4.A4. A consultation/demonstration/breast feeding
to the functional program, but out of normal traffic. or pump room shall be provided convenient to the
nursery. Provision shall be made, either within the
7.3.E23. Housekeeping room. One housekeeping room or conveniently located nearby, for sink,
room shall be provided for the unit. It shall be directly counter, refrigeration and freezing, storage for pump
accessible from the unit and be dedicated for the and attachments, and educational materials. The area
exclusive use of the neonatal critical care unit. It shall provided for the unit for these purposes, when conve-
contain a service sink or floor receptor and provisions niently located, may be shared.
for storage of supplies and housekeeping equipment.
7.4.A5. Enough space shall be provided for parents
7.3.E24. Space should be provided for the following: to stay 24 hours.

a. A visitors’ waiting room. See Section 7.3.A.16a. 7.4.A6. An airborne infection isolation room is
required in or near at least one level of nursery care.
b. Nurses/supervisors office or station. See Section The room shall be enclosed and separated from the
7.3.A.16b. nursery unit with provisions for observation of the
infant from adjacent nurseries or control area(s). All
c. Multipurpose room(s) for staff, patients, and airborne infection isolation rooms shall comply with
patients’ families for patient conferences, reports, the requirements of Section 7.2.C, except for separate
education, training sessions, and consultation. These toilet, bathtub, or shower.
rooms must be accessible to each nursing unit. They
may be on other floors if convenient for regular use. *7.4.A7 Workroom(s). Each nursery room shall be
One such room may serve several nursing units served by a connecting workroom. The workroom
and/or departments. shall contain scrubbing and gowning facilities at the
entrance for staff and housekeeping personnel, work
counter, refrigerator, storage for supplies, and a
*7.4 Nurseries hands-free handwashing fixture. One workroom may
serve more than one nursery room provided that
Infants shall be housed in nurseries that comply with required services are convenient to each.
the standards below. All nurseries other than pedi-
atric nurseries shall be convenient to the postpartum The workroom serving the full-term and continuing
nursing unit and obstetrical facilities. The nurseries care nurseries may be omitted if equivalent work and
shall be located and arranged to preclude the need for storage areas and facilities, including those for scrub-
unrelated pedestrian traffic. No nursery shall open bing and gowning, are provided within that nursery.
directly onto another nursery. Space required for work areas located within the nurs-
ery is in addition to the area required for infant care.
7.4.A. General
Each nursery shall contain the following: Adequate provision shall be made for storage of
emergency cart(s) and equipment out of traffic and
7.4.A1. At least one lavatory, equipped with a for the sanitary storage and disposal of soiled waste.
hands-free handwashing station, for each eight
infant stations. 7.4.A8 Neonate examination and treatment areas.
Such areas, when required by the functional program,
7.4.A2. Glazed observation windows to permit the shall contain a work counter, storage facilities, and a
viewing of infants from public areas, workrooms, and hands-free handwashing station.
adjacent nurseries.
7.4.A9. Neonate formula facilities. Where infant for-
7.4.A3. Convenient, accessible storage for linens and mula is prepared on-site, direct access from the for-
infant supplies at each nursery room. mula preparation room to any nursery room is


A7.4 A7.4.A7
There should be a breastfeeding/pumping room readily available for When the functional program includes a mother-baby couplet approach to
mothers of NICU babies to pump breastmilk. nursing care, the workroom functions described above may be incorpo-
rated in the nurse station that serves the postpartum patient rooms.

prohibited. The room may be located near the nurs- delivery services. (When facilities use a rooming-in
ery or at other appropriate locations in the hospital, program in which all infants are returned to the nurs-
but must include: ery at night, a reduction in nursery size may not be
a. Cleanup facilities for washing and sterilizing sup-
plies. This area shall include a handwashing station, 7.4.B1. Baby holding nursery. Hospitals may replace
facilities for bottle washing, a work counter, and ster- traditional nurseries with baby holding nurseries in
ilization equipment. postpartum and labor-delivery-recovery-postpartum
(LDRP) units. The minimum floor area per bassinet,
b. Separate room for preparing infant formula. This ventilation, electrical, and medical vacuum and gases
room shall contain warming facilities, refrigerator, shall be the same as that required for a full-term
work counter, formula sterilizer, storage facilities, and nursery. These holding nurseries should be next to
a handwashing station. the nurse station on these units. The holding nursery
shall be sized to accommodate the percentage of
c. Refrigerated storage and warming facilities for newborns who do not remain with their mothers
infant formula accessible for use by nursery personnel during the postpartum stay.
at all times.
7.4.C. Continuing Care Nursery
7.4.A10. Commercial neonate formula. If a commer- For hospitals that provide continuing care for infants
cial infant formula is used, the separate cleanup and requiring close observation (for example, low birth-
preparation rooms may be omitted. The storage and weight babies who are not ill but require more hours
handling may be done in the nursery workroom or in of nursing than do normal neonates), the minimum
another appropriate room in the hospital that is con- floor space shall be 50 square feet (4.65 square
veniently accessible at all hours. The preparation area meters) per bassinet, exclusive of auxiliary work areas,
shall have a work counter, a handwashing station, and with provisions for at least 4 feet (1.22 meters)
storage facilities. between and at all sides of each bassinet.

7.4.A11. Housekeeping/environmental services 7.4.D. Pediatric Nursery

room. A housekeeping/environmental services room To minimize the possibility of cross infection, each
shall be provided for the exclusive use of the nursery nursery room serving pediatric patients shall contain
unit. It shall be directly accessible from the unit and no more than eight bassinets; each bassinet shall have
shall contain a service sink or floor receptor and a minimum clear floor area of 40 square feet (3.72
provide for storage of supplies and housekeeping square meters). Each room shall contain a lavatory
equipment. equipped for hands-free handwashing, a nurses emer-
gency calling system, and a glazed viewing window for
7.4.A12. Charting space. Charting facilities shall observing infants from public areas and workrooms.
have linear surface space to ensure that staff and (Limitation on number of patients in a nursery room
physicians may chart and have simultaneous access to does not apply to the pediatric critical care unit.)
information and communication systems.

7.4.B. Newborn Nursery *7.5 Pediatric and Adolescent Unit

Each newborn nursery room shall contain no more
than 16 infant stations. The minimum floor space The unit shall meet the following standards:
shall be 24 square feet (2.23 square meters) per
bassinet, exclusive of auxiliary work areas. When a *7.5.A. Patient Rooms
rooming-in program is used, the total number of Each patient room shall meet the following standards:
bassinets provided in these units may be appropri-
ately reduced, but the newborn nursery shall not be 7.5.A1. Maximum room capacity shall be four
omitted in its entirety from any facility that includes patients.


A7.5. A7.5.A
Recognizing their unique physical and developmental needs, pediatric and ado- Family-support spaces, including family sleep rooms, pantry, toilets, show-
lescent patients, to the extent their condition permits, should be grouped ers, washers and dryers, and access to computers, phones, and copy
together in distinct units or distinct areas of general units separate from adults. machines, should be provided.

7.5.A2. The space requirements for pediatric patient 7.5.C5. Storage space shall be provided to permit
beds shall be the same as for adult beds due to the exchange of cribs and adult beds. Provisions shall also
size variation and the need to change from cribs to be made for storage of equipment and supplies
beds, and vice-versa. See Section 7.2.A2 for require- (including cots or recliners, extra linen, etc.) for par-
ments. Additional provisions for hygiene, toilets, ents who stay with the patient overnight.
sleeping, and personal belongings shall be included
where the program indicates that parents will be 7.5.C6. At least one airborne infection isolation
allowed to remain with young children. (See Sections room shall be provided in each pediatric unit. The
7.3.D for pediatric critical care units and 7.4 for total number of infection isolation rooms shall be
newborn nurseries.) determined by an Infection Control Risk
Assessment. Airborne infection isolation room(s)
7.5.A3. Each patient room shall have a window in shall comply with the requirements of Section 7.2.C.
accordance with Section 7.28.A10.
7.5.C7. Separate clean and soiled workrooms or
7.5.B. Examination/Treatment Rooms holding rooms shall be provided as described in
This room shall be provided for pediatric and adoles- Sections 7.2.B11 and 12.
cent patients. A separate area for infant examination
and treatment may be provided within the pediatric
nursery workroom. Examination/treatment rooms 7.6 Psychiatric Nursing Unit
shall have a minimum floor area of 120 square feet
(11.15 square meters). The room shall contain a When part of a general hospital, these units shall be
handwashing station; storage facilities; and a desk, designed for the care of inpatients. Nonambulatory
counter, or shelf space for writing. inpatients may be treated in a medical unit until their
medical condition allows for transfer to the psychi-
7.5.C. Service Areas atric nursing unit. See Section 7.2.E for psychiatric
The service areas in the pediatric and adolescent care in a medical unit. Provisions shall be made in
nursing units shall conform to Section 7.2.B and the design for adapting the area for various types of
shall also meet the following standards: psychiatric therapies.

7.5.C1. Multipurpose or individual room(s) shall be The environment of the unit should be characterized
provided within or adjacent to areas serving pediatric by a feeling of openness with emphasis on natural
and adolescent patrons for dining, education, and light and exterior views. Various functions should be
developmentally appropriate play and recreation, with accessible from common areas while not compromis-
access and equipment for patients with physical ing desirable levels of patient privacy. Interior fin-
restrictions. If the functional program requires, an ishes, lighting, and furnishings should suggest a
individual room shall be provided to allow for confi- residential rather than an institutional setting. These
dential parent/family comfort, consultation, and should, however, conform with applicable fire safety
teaching. Insulation, isolation, and structural provi- codes. Security and safety devices should not be pre-
sions shall minimize the transmission of impact noise sented in a manner to attract or challenge tampering
through the floor, walls, or ceiling of these multipur- by patients.
pose room(s).
Where glass fragments pose a hazard to certain
7.5.C2. Space for preparation and storage of infant for- patients, safety glazing and/or other appropriate
mula shall be provided within the unit or other conve- security features shall be used.
nient location. Provisions shall be made for continuation
of special formula that may have been prescribed for the Details of such facilities should be as described in the
infant prior to admission or readmission. approved functional program. Each nursing unit shall
provide the following:
7.5.C3. Patient toilet room(s) with handwashing sta-
tion(s) in each room, in addition to those serving bed 7.6.A. Patient Rooms
areas, shall be conveniently located to multipurpose The standard noted in Section 7.2.A shall apply to
room(s) and to each central bathing facility. patient rooms in psychiatric nursing units except as
7.5.C4. Storage closets or cabinets for toys, educa-
tional, and recreational equipment shall be provided. 7.6.A1. A nurses call system is not required, but if it
is included, provisions shall be made for easy
32 removal, or for covering call button outlets.

7.6.A2. Bedpan-flushing devices may be omitted 7.6.B6. A separate charting area shall be provided
from patient room toilets in psychiatric nursing units. with provisions for acoustical privacy. A viewing win-
dow to permit observation of patient areas by the
7.6.A3. Handwashing stations are not required in charting nurse or physician may be used if the
patient rooms. arrangement is such that patient files cannot be read
from outside the charting space.
7.6.A4. Visual privacy in multibed rooms (e.g., cubi-
cle curtains) is not required. 7.6.B7. At least two separate social spaces, one
appropriate for noisy activities and one for quiet
7.6.A5. The ceiling and the air distribution devices, activities, shall be provided. The combined area shall
lighting fixtures, sprinkler heads, and other appurte- be at least 40 square feet (3.72 square meters) per
nances shall be of a tamper-resistant type. patient with at least 120 square feet (11.15 square
meters) for each of the two spaces. This space may be
7.6.A6. Each patient room shall be provided with a shared by dining activities.
private toilet that meets the following requirements:
a. The door shall not be lockable from within. 7.6.B8. Space for group therapy shall be provided.
b. The door shall be capable of swinging outward. This may be combined with the quiet space noted
c. The ceiling shall be of tamper-resistant construc- above when the unit accommodates not more than
tion and the air distribution devices, lighting fixtures, 12 patients, and when at least 225 square feet (20.90
sprinkler heads, and other appurtenances shall be of square meters) of enclosed private space is available
the tamper-resistant type. for group therapy activities.

7.6.B. Service Areas 7.6.B9. Patient laundry facilities with an automatic

The standards noted in Section 7.2.B shall apply to washer and dryer shall be provided.
service areas for psychiatric nursing units with the
following modifications: The following elements shall also be provided, but
may be either within the psychiatric unit or immedi-
7.6.B1. A secured storage area shall be provided for ately accessible to it unless otherwise dictated by the
patients’ belongings that are determined to be poten- program:
tially harmful (e.g., razors, nail files, cigarette
lighters); this area will be controlled by staff. 7.6.B10. Room(s) for examination and treatment
with a minimum area of 120 square feet (11.15
7.6.B2. Medication station shall include provisions square meters). Examination and treatment room(s)
for security against unauthorized access. for medical-surgical patients may be shared by the
psychiatric unit patients. (These may be on a differ-
7.6.B3. Food service within the unit may be one, or a ent floor if conveniently accessible.)
combination, of the following:
7.6.B11. Separate consultation room(s) with mini-
a. A nourishment station. mum floor space of 100 square feet (9.29 square
meters) each, provided at a room-to-bed ratio of one
b. A kitchenette designed for patient use with staff consultation room for each 12 psychiatric beds. The
control of heating and cooking devices. room(s) shall be designed for acoustical and visual
privacy and constructed to achieve a noise reduction
c. A kitchen service within the unit including a of at least 45 decibels.
handwashing station, storage space, refrigerator, and
facilities for meal preparation. 7.6.B12. Psychiatric units each containing 15 square
feet (1.39 square meters) of separate space per patient
7.6.B4. Storage space for stretchers and wheelchairs for patient therapy/multipurpose use, with a mini-
may be outside the psychiatric unit, provided that mum total area of at least 200 square feet (18.58
provisions are made for convenient access as needed square meters), whichever is greater. Space shall
for disabled patients. include provision for handwashing, work counter(s),
storage, and displays. This space may serve more than
7.6.B5. In psychiatric nursing units, a bathtub or one nursing unit. When psychiatric nursing unit(s)
shower shall be provided for each six beds not other- contain less than 12 beds, the therapy and other
wise served by bathing facilities within the patient functions may be performed within the noisy activi-
rooms. Bathing facilities should be designed and ties area, if at least an additional 10 square feet (0.93
located for patient convenience and privacy. square meter) per patient served is included. 33

7.6.B13. A conference and treatment planning room walls, ceilings, and all openings, shall be protected
for use by the psychiatric unit. with not less than one-hour-rated construction.

7.6.C. Seclusion Treatment Room

There shall be at least one seclusion room for up to *7.7 Surgical Suites
24 beds or a major fraction thereof. If a facility has
more than one psychiatric nursing unit, the number Note: The number of operating rooms and recovery
of seclusion rooms shall be a function of the total beds and the sizes of the service areas shall be based
number of psychiatric beds in the facility. Seclusion on the expected surgical workload. In the program,
rooms may be grouped together. the size, location, and configuration of the surgical
suite and support service departments shall reflect the
The seclusion treatment room is intended for short- projected volume of outpatients. This may be
term occupancy by a violent or suicidal patient. achieved by designing either an outpatient surgery
Within the psychiatric nursing unit, this space pro- facility or a combined inpatient-outpatient surgical
vides for patients requiring security and protection. suite. The surgical suite shall be located and arranged
The room(s) shall be located for direct nursing staff to prevent nonrelated traffic through the suite.
supervision. Each room shall be for only one patient.
It shall have an area of at least 60 square feet (5.57 When bronchoscopy is performed on persons who
square meters) and shall be constructed to prevent are known or suspected of having pulmonary tuber-
patient hiding, escape, injury, or suicide. Where culosis, the procedure room shall meet the airborne
restraint beds are required by the functional program, infection isolation room ventilation requirements.
80 square feet (7.43 square meters) shall be required.
When invasive procedures are performed on persons
Room doors shall be designed with hardware that who are known or suspected of having airborne infec-
will permit the doors to swing out. Outside corners tious disease, these procedures should not be per-
shall be omitted where possible. The ceiling shall be formed in the operating suite. They shall be performed
of tamper-resistant construction and the air distribu- in a room meeting airborne infection isolation ventila-
tion devices, lighting fixtures, sprinkler heads, and tion requirements or in a space using local exhaust
other appurtenances shall be of the tamper-resistant ventilation. If the procedure must be performed in the
type. The walls shall be completely free of objects. operating suite, see the “CDC Guidelines for
Special fixtures and hardware for electrical circuits Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium
shall be used. Minimum ceiling height shall be 9 feet Tuberculosis in Health Care Facilities.”
(2.74 meters). Doors shall be 3 feet 8 inches (1.12
meters) wide and shall permit staff observation of Additions to, and adaptations of, the following ele-
the patient while also maintaining provisions for ments shall be made for the special-procedure oper-
patient privacy. Seclusion treatment rooms shall be ating rooms found in larger facilities.
accessed by an anteroom or vestibule that also pro-
vides direct access to a toilet room. The toilet room The following shall be provided:
and anteroom shall be large enough to safely manage
the patient. 7.7.A. Surgery
The clinical practice setting shall be designed to
Where the interior of the seclusion treatment room is facilitate movement of patients and personnel into,
padded with combustible materials, these materials through, and out of defined areas within the surgical
shall be of a type acceptable to the local authority suite. Signs shall clearly indicate the surgical attire
having jurisdiction. The room area, including floor, required.


A7.7 Surgical Suites Class B: Provides for minor or major surgical procedures performed in con-
The size and location of the surgical procedure rooms shall be dependent junction with oral, parenteral, or intravenous sedation or under analgesic
on the level of care to be provided. The levels of care as defined by the or dissociative drugs.
American College of Surgeons are as follows:
Class C: Provides for major surgical procedures that require general or
Class A: Provides for minor surgical procedures performed under topical, regional block anesthesia and support of vital bodily functions.
local, or regional anesthesia without pre-operative sedation. Excluded are
intravenous, spinal, and epidural routes; these methods are appropriate
for Class B and Class C facilities.

The surgical suite shall be divided into three desig- ing this operating room, shall be designated as a
nated areas—unrestricted, semirestricted, and pump room where extra corporeal pump(s), supplies
restricted—that are defined by the physical activities and accessories are stored and serviced. When com-
performed in each area. plex orthopedic and neurosurgical surgery is per-
formed, additional rooms shall be in the restricted
The unrestricted area includes a central control point area of the surgical suite, preferably adjoining the spe-
established to monitor the entrance of patients, per- cialty operating rooms, which shall be designated as
sonnel, and materials. Street clothes are permitted in equipment storage rooms for the large equipment
this area, and traffic is not limited. used to support these procedures. Appropriate plumb-
ing and electrical connections shall be provided in the
The semirestricted area includes the peripheral sup- cardiovascular, orthopedic, neurosurgical, pump, and
port areas of the surgical suite and has storage areas storage rooms. Where renovation work is undertaken,
for clean and sterile supplies, work areas for storage every effort shall be made to meet the above mini-
and processing of instruments, and corridors leading mum standards. If it is not possible to meet the above
to the restricted areas of the surgical suite. Traffic in square-foot standards, the authorities having jurisdic-
this area is limited to authorized personnel and tion may grant approval to deviate from this require-
patients. Personnel are required to wear surgical attire ment. In such cases, orthopedic surgical rooms may
and cover all head and facial hair. have a minimum clear area of 360 square feet (33.5
square meters) and a minimum dimension of 18 feet
The restricted area includes operating and procedure (5 meters). Rooms for cardiovascular, neurological,
rooms, the clean core, and scrub sink areas. Surgical and other special procedures may have a minimum
attire and hair coverings are required. Masks are clear area of 400 square feet (44.39 square meters).
required where open sterile supplies or scrubbed per-
sons may be located. 7.7.A3. A room for orthopedic surgery. When
included, this room shall, in addition to the above,
7.7.A1. General operating room(s). In new construc- have enclosed storage space for splints and traction
tion, each room shall have a minimum clear area of equipment. Storage may be outside the operating
400 square feet (37.16 square meters) exclusive of room but must be conveniently located. If a sink is
fixed or wall-mounted cabinets and built-in shelves, used for the disposal of plaster of Paris, a plaster trap
with a minimum of 20 feet (6.10 meters) clear shall be provided.
dimension between fixed cabinets and built-in
shelves; and a system for emergency communication 7.7.A4. Room(s) for surgical cystoscopic and other
with the surgical suite control station. X-ray film illu- endo-urologic procedures. This room shall have a
minators for handling at least four films simultane- minimum clear area of 350 square feet (32.52 square
ously shall also be provided. Where renovation work meters) exclusive of fixed or wall-mounted cabinets
is undertaken, every effort shall be made to meet the and built-in shelves with a minimum of 15 feet (4.57
above minimum standards. If it is not possible to meters) clear dimension between fixed cabinets and
meet the above square-foot standards, the authorities built-in shelves. X-ray viewing capability to accom-
having jurisdiction may grant approval to deviate modate at least four films simultaneously will be pro-
from this requirement. In such cases, each room shall vided. In renovation projects, rooms for surgical
have a minimum clear area of 360 square feet (33.45 cystoscopy may have a minimum clear area of 250
square meters), exclusive of fixed or wall-mounted square feet (23.28 square meters).
cabinets and built-in shelves, with a minimum of 18
feet (5.49 meters) clear dimension between fixed cab- 7.7.A5. Endoscopy suite requirements. (See Section 9.9.)
inets and built-in shelves. (For renovation projects,
see Section 7.7.A6.) 7.7.A6. The functional program may require addi-
tional clear space, plumbing, and mechanical facilities
7.7.A2. Room(s) for cardiovascular, orthopedic, neu- to accommodate special functions in one or more of
rological, and other special procedures that require these rooms. When existing functioning operating
additional personnel and/or large equipment. When rooms are modified, and it is impractical to increase
included, this room shall have, in addition to the the square foot area because of walls or structural
above, a minimum clear area of 600 square feet (55.74 members, the operating room may continue in use
square meters), with a minimum of 20 feet (6.10 when requested by the hospital.
meters) clear dimension exclusive of fixed or wall-
mounted cabinets and built-in shelves. When open- 7.7.B.
heart surgery is performed, an additional room in the 7.7.B1. Preoperative patient holding area(s). In facili-
restricted area of the surgical suite, preferably adjoin- ties with two or more operating rooms, areas shall be 35

provided to accommodate stretcher patients as well as facilities if the functional program reflects this concept.
sitting space for ambulatory patients not requiring Service areas, when shared with delivery rooms, shall
stretchers. These areas shall be under the direct visual be designed to avoid the passing of patients or staff
control of the nursing staff and may be part of the between the operating room and the delivery room
recovery suite to achieve maximum flexibility in man- areas. The following services shall be provided:
aging surgical case loads. Each stretcher station shall
be a minimum of 80 square feet (7.43 square meters) 7.7.C1. A control station located to permit visual
and shall have a minimum clearance of 4 feet (1.22 observation of all traffic into the suite.
meters) on the sides of the stretchers and the foot of
the stretcher. Provisions shall be made for the isola- 7.7.C2. A supervisor’s office or station. The number
tion of infectious patients. Provisions for patient pri- of offices, stations, and teaching areas in the surgical
vacy such as cubicle curtains shall be made. suite shall depend upon the functional program.

*7.7.B2. Post-anesthetic care units (PACUs). 7.7.C3. A substerile areas(s) acts as a service area
Each PACU shall contain a medication station; between two or more operating or procedure rooms
handwashing stations; nurse station with charting and shall be equipped with a flash sterilizer, warming
facilities; clinical sink; provisions for bedpan cleaning; cabinet, sterile supply storage area, and handwashing
and storage space for stretchers, supplies, and equip- station with hands-free controls. A sterilizing facil-
ment. Additionally, the design shall provide a mini- ity(ies) with high-speed sterilizer(s) or other steriliz-
mum of 80 square feet (7.43 square meters) for each ing equipment for immediate or emergency use must
patient bed with a space for additional equipment be grouped to several operating rooms for conve-
described in the functional program, and for clear- nient, efficient use. A work space and handwashing
ance of at least 5 feet (1.52 meters) between patient station may be included. Other facilities for process-
beds and 4 feet (1.22 meters) between patient bed- ing and sterilizing reusable instruments, etc., may be
sides and adjacent walls. Provisions shall be made for located in another hospital department such as cen-
the isolation of infectious patients. Provisions for tral services.
patient privacy such as cubicle curtains shall be made.
In new construction, at least one door to the recovery 7.7.C4. Medication station. Provision shall be made
room shall access directly from the surgical suite for storage and distribution of drugs and routine
without crossing public hospital corridors. medications. This may be done from a medicine
preparation room or unit, from a self-contained med-
An airborne infection isolation room is not required icine dispensing unit, or by another system. If used, a
in a PACU. Provisions for the recovery of a poten- medicine preparation room or unit shall be under
tially infectious patient with an airborne infection visual control of nursing staff. It shall contain a work
shall be determined by the Infection Control Risk counter, sink, refrigerator, and double-locked storage
Assessment. for controlled substances. Convenient access to hand-
washing stations shall be provided. (Standard cup-
A staff toilet shall be located within the working area sinks provided in many self-contained units are not
to maintain staff availability to patients. adequate for handwashing.)

Handwashing stations with hands-free operable con- 7.7.C5. Scrub facilities. Two scrub positions shall be
trols shall be available with at least one for every four provided near the entrance to each operating room.
beds uniformly distributed to provide equal access Two scrub positions may serve two operating rooms if
from each patient bed. both are located adjacent to the entrance of each oper-
ating room. Scrub facilities should be arranged to min-
7.7.C. Service Areas imize incidental splatter on nearby personnel, medical
Services, except for the enclosed soiled workroom equipment, or supply carts. In new construction, view
mentioned in item 7.7.C6 and the housekeeping room windows at scrub stations permitting observation of
in item 7.7.C19, may be shared with the obstetrical room interiors should be provided. The scrub sinks
should be recessed into an alcove out of the main traf-
fic areas. The alcove shall be located off the semire-
APPENDIX stricted or restricted areas of the surgical suite. Scrub
A7.7.B2. Separate and additional recovery space may be necessary to sinks shall be located outside the sterile core.
accommodate outpatients. If children receive care, recovery space
should be provided for pediatric patients and the layout of the surgical 7.7.C6. An enclosed soiled workroom (or soiled hold-
suite should facilitate the presence of parents in the PACU. ing room that is part of a system for the collection
36 and disposal of soiled material) for the exclusive use

of the surgical suite shall be provided. It shall be and soiled items. In new construction, depending on
located in the restricted area. The soiled workroom the functional and space programs, the anesthesia
shall contain a flushing-rim clinical sink or equivalent workroom should provide space for anesthesia case
flushing-rim fixture, a handwashing station, a work carts and other anesthesia equipment.
counter, and space for waste receptacles and soiled
linen receptacles. Rooms used only for temporary *7.7.C10. Equipment storage room(s) for equipment
holding of soiled material may omit the flushing-rim and supplies used in surgical suite. Each surgical suite
clinical sink and work counters. However, if the flush- shall provide sufficient storage area to keep its
ing-rim clinical sink is omitted, other provisions for required corridor width free of equipment and sup-
disposal of liquid waste shall be provided. The room plies, but not less than 150 square feet (13.94 square
shall not have direct connection with operating rooms meters) or 50 square feet (4.65 square meters) per
or other sterile activity rooms. Soiled and clean work- OR, whichever is greater.
rooms or holding rooms shall be separated.
7.7.C11. Staff clothing change areas. Appropriate
7.7.C7. Clean workroom or clean supply room. This areas shall be provided for male and female personnel
room should not be used for food preparation. (orderlies, technicians, nurses, and doctors) working
within the surgical suite. The areas shall contain
a. A clean workroom is required when clean materials lockers, showers, toilets, lavatories equipped for
are assembled within the surgical suite prior to use or handwashing, and space for donning surgical attire.
following the decontamination cycle. It shall contain These areas shall be arranged to encourage a one-way
a work counter, a handwashing station, storage facili- traffic pattern so that personnel entering from out-
ties for clean supplies, and a space to package side the surgical suite can change and move directly
reusable items. The storage for sterile supplies must into the surgical suite.
be separated from this space. If the room is used only
for storage and holding as part of a system for distri- 7.7.C12. Staff lounge and toilet facilities. Separate or
bution of clean and sterile supply materials, the work combined lounges for male and female staff shall be
counter and handwashing station may be omitted. provided. Lounge(s) shall be designed to minimize
Soiled and clean workrooms or holding rooms shall the need to leave the suite and to provide convenient
be separated. access to the recovery room.

b. Storage space for sterile and clean supplies should 7.7.C13. Dictation and report preparation area. This
be adequate for the functional plan. The space should may be accessible from the lounge area.
be moisture and temperature controlled and free from
cross traffic. 7.7.C14. Phase II recovery. Where outpatient surg-
eries are to be part of the surgical suite, and where
c. An operating room suite design with a sterile core outpatients receive Class B or Class C sedation, a
must provide for no cross traffic of staff and supplies second Phase II or step-down recovery room shall be
from the decontaminated/soiled areas to the provided. The room shall contain handwashing sta-
sterile/clean areas. The use of facilities outside the tions, a nurse station with charting facilities, clinical
operating room for soiled/decontaminated processing sink, provision for bedpan cleaning, and storage space
and clean assembly and sterile processing will be for supplies and equipment. In addition, the design
designed to move the flow of goods and personnel shall provide a minimum of 50 square feet (4.65
from dirty to clean/sterile without compromising square meters) for each patient in a lounge chair with
universal precautions or aseptic techniques in both space for additional equipment described in the func-
departments. tional program and for clearance of 4 feet (1.22
meters) between the sides of the lounge chairs and
7.7.C8. Medical gas storage facilities. Main storage the foot of the lounge chairs. Provisions shall be
of medical gases may be outside or inside the facility made for the isolation of infectious patients. Provi-
in accordance with NFPA 99. Provision shall be sions for patient privacy such as cubicle curtains shall
made for additional separate storage of reserve gas
cylinders necessary to complete at least one day’s pro-
cedures. APPENDIX

A7.7.C10. Equipment storage room(s) for equipment and supplies

7.7.C9. The anesthesia workroom for cleaning, test- used in the surgical suite should be strategically located and sized for
ing, and storing anesthesia equipment shall contain convenient access and utilization. In larger surgical suites, storage
work counter(s) and sink(s) and racks for cylinders. spaces should be located for ready access to specialty rooms.
Provisions shall be made for separate storage of clean 37

be made. In new construction, at least one door shall 7.7.C18. Storage areas for portable X-ray equip-
access the PACU without crossing unrestricted corri- ment, stretchers, fracture tables, warming devices,
dors of the hospital. auxiliary lamps, etc. These areas shall be out of corri-
dors and traffic.
A patient toilet shall be provided with direct access
to the Phase II recovery unit for the exclusive use of 7.7.C19. Housekeeping facilities. Housekeeping
patients. facilities shall be provided for the exclusive use of the
surgical suite. It shall be directly accessible from the
A staff toilet shall be provided with direct access to the suite and shall contain a service sink or floor receptor
working area to maintain staff availability to patients. and provisions for storage of supplies and housekeep-
ing equipment.
Handwashing stations with hands-free operable con-
trols shall be available with at least one for every four 7.7.C20. Area for preparation and examination of
lounge chairs uniformly distributed to provide equal frozen sections. This may be part of the general labo-
access from each patient bed. ratory if immediate results are obtainable without
unnecessary delay in the completion of surgery.
7.7.C15. Change areas for outpatients and same-day
admissions. If the functional program defines outpa- 7.7.C21. Ice machine. An ice machine shall be pro-
tient surgery as part of the surgical suite, a separate vided to provide ice for treatments and patient use.
area shall be provided where outpatients may change Ice intended for human consumption shall be from
from street clothing into hospital gowns and be pre- self-dispensing ice makers.
pared for surgery. This would include a waiting room,
locker(s), toilet(s), and clothing change or gowning 7.7.C22. Provisions for refrigerated blood bank stor-
area. Changing may also be accommodated in a pri- age that meets the standards of the American Blood
vate holding room or cubicle. Banking Association.

7.7.C16. Provisions shall be made for patient exami- 7.7.C23. Where applicable, appropriate provisions
nation, interviews, preparation, testing, and obtaining for refrigeration facilities for harvested organs.
vital signs of patients for outpatient surgery.
7.7.C24. Provisions for pathological specimens stor-
7.7.C17. Patient holding area. In facilities with two age prior to transfer to pathology section.
or more operating rooms, an area shall be provided to
accommodate stretcher patients waiting for surgery. 7.7.C25. See Section 9.5 of this document concern-
This holding area shall be under the visual control of ing the separate outpatient surgical unit.
the nursing staff.


A7.8. The birthing woman moves only as a postpartum patient to her bedroom
Obstetrical program models vary widely in their delivery methodologies. or to a cesarean section delivery room (surgical operative room) if deliv-
The models are essentially three types. The following narrative describes ery complications occur.
the organizational framework of each model.
After the mother and baby are recovered in the LDR, they are transferred
Traditional Model to a mother-baby care unit for postpartum stay.
Under the traditional model, labor, delivery, recovery, and postpartum
occur in separate areas. The birthing woman is treated as the moving part. Labor-Delivery-Recovery-Postpartum Model
She is moved through these functional areas depending on the status of Single room maternity care in labor-delivery-recovery-postpartum rooms
the birth process. (LDRPs) adds a “P” to the LDR model. Room design and capability to han-
dle most emergencies remain the same as the LDRs. However, the LDRP
The functional areas are separate rooms consisting of the labor room,
model eliminates a move to postpartum after delivery. LDRP uses one pri-
delivery room, recovery room, postpartum bedroom, and infant nurseries
vate room for labor, delivery, recovery, and postpartum stay.
(levels determined by acuity).
Equipment is moved into the room as needed, rather than moving the
Labor-Delivery-Recovery Model
patient to the equipped room. Certain deliveries are handled in a cesarean
All labor-delivery-recovery rooms (LDRs) are designed to accommodate the
section delivery room (surgical operative room) should delivery complica-
birthing process from labor through delivery and recovery of mother and
tions occur.
baby. They are equipped to handle most complications, with the exception
of cesarean sections.

*7.8 Obstetrical Facilities (6) Each patient shall have access to a toilet room or
bathroom with handwashing stations without entering
A newborn nursery is required. See Section 7.4. a general corridor. One such room shall serve no more
than two beds and no more than two patient rooms.
7.8.A. Obstetrical Suite
7.8.A1. General. The obstetrical unit shall be located b. The following support services for this unit shall
and designed to prohibit non-related traffic through the be provided.
unit. When delivery and operating rooms are in the
same suite, access and service arrangements shall be such (1) A nurse station.
that neither staff nor patients need to travel through one
area to reach the other. Except as permitted otherwise (2) A nurse office.
herein, existing facilities being renovated shall, as far as
practicable, provide all the required support services. (3) Charting facilities.

7.8.A2. Postpartum unit (4) Toilet room for staff.

a. Postpartum bedroom (5) Staff lounge.

(1) A postpartum bedroom shall have a minimum of (6) Lockable closets or cabinets for personal articles
100 square feet (9.29 square meters) of clear floor of staff.
area per bed in multi-bedded rooms and 120 square
feet (11.15 square meters) of clear floor area in sin- (7) Consultation/conference room(s).
gle-bedded rooms. These areas shall be exclusive of
toilet rooms, closets, alcoves, or vestibules. Where (8) Patients’ lounge. The patients’ lounge may be
renovation work is undertaken, every effort shall be omitted if all rooms are single-bedded rooms.
made to meet the above minimum standards. If it is
not possible to meet the above square-foot standards, (9) Clean workroom or clean supply room. A clean
the authorities having jurisdiction may grant approval workroom is required if clean materials are assembled
to deviate from this requirement. In such cases, exist- within the obstetrical suite prior to use. It shall contain
ing postpartum patient rooms shall have no less than a work counter, a handwashing station, and storage
80 square feet (7.43 square meters) of clear floor area facilities for clean and sterile supplies. If the room is
per bed in multiple-bed rooms and 100 square feet used only for storage and holding as part of a system
(9.29 square meters) in single-bed rooms. for distribution of clean and sterile supply materials, the
work counter and handwashing stations may be omit-
(2) In multi-bedded rooms there shall be a minimum ted. Soiled and clean workrooms or holding rooms
clear distance of 4 feet (1.22 meters) between the shall be separated and have no direct connection.
foot of the bed and the opposite wall, 3 feet (0.91
meter) between the side of the bed and the nearest (10) Soiled workroom or soiled holding room for the
wall, and 4 feet (1.22 meters) between beds. exclusive use of the obstetrical suite. This room shall be
separate from the clean workroom. The soiled work-
*(3) The maximum number of beds per room shall be room shall contain a clinical sink (or equivalent flush-
two. ing-rim fixture) and a handwashing station. The above
fixtures shall both have a hot and cold mixing faucet.
(4) Each patient bedroom shall have a window or The room shall have a work counter and space for sep-
windows. arate covered containers for soiled linen and waste.
Rooms used only for temporary holding of soiled
(5) Handwashing stations shall be provided in each material may omit the clinical sink and work counter. If
patient bedroom. In multi-bedded rooms the hand- the flushing-rim clinical sink is omitted, facilities for
washing station shall be located outside of the patients’ cleaning bedpans shall be provided elsewhere.
cubicle curtains so that it is accessible to staff.
(11) Medication station. Provision shall be made for
storage and distribution of drugs and routine medica-
APPENDIX tions. This may be done from a medicine preparation
A7.8.A2a(3). Unless the functional program demonstrates the thera- room or unit, from a self-contained medicine dis-
peutic and social value of a multi-bedded arrangement, the maximum pensing unit, or by another system. If used, a medi-
number of beds per room should be one. cine preparation room or unit shall be under visual
control of nursing staff. It shall contain a work 39

counter, sink, refrigerator, and double-locked storage 7.8.A3. Cesarean/delivery suite

for controlled substances. Convenient access to hand-
washing stations shall be provided. (Standard cup- a. Cesarean/delivery room(s) shall have a minimum
sinks provided in many self-contained units are not clear floor area of 360 square feet (33.45 square
adequate for handwashing.) meters) with a minimum dimension of 16 feet (4.88
meters) exclusive of built-in shelves or cabinets.
(12) Clean linen storage may be part of a clean work- There shall be a minimum of one such room in every
room or a separate closet. When a closed cart system obstetrical unit.
is used, the cart may be stored in a alcove out of the
path of normal traffic. b. Delivery room(s) shall have a minimum clear area
of 300 square feet (27.87 square meters) exclusive of
(13) Nourishment station shall contain sink, work fixed cabinets and built-in shelves. An emergency
counter, ice dispenser, refrigerator, cabinets, and communication system shall be connected with the
equipment for serving hot or cold food. Space shall obstetrical suite control station.
be included for temporary holding of unused or
soiled dietary trays. c. Infant resuscitation shall be provided within the
cesarean/delivery room(s) and delivery rooms with a
(14) Equipment storage room. Each unit shall pro- minimum clear floor area of 40 square feet (3.72
vide sufficient storage area(s) located on the patient square meters) in addition to the required area of each
floor to keep its required corridor width free of room or may be provided in a separate but immedi-
equipment and supplies, but not less than 10 square ately accessible room with a clear floor area of 150
feet (0.93 square meter) per postpartum room and 20 square feet (13.94 square meters). Six single or three
square feet (1.86 square meters) per each LDR or duplex electrical outlets shall be provided for the infant
LDRP outside of the patient room. in addition to the facilities required for the mother.

(15) Storage space for stretchers and wheelchairs. d. Labor room(s) (LDR rooms may be substituted).
Storage space for stretchers and wheelchairs shall be In renovation projects, existing labor rooms may have
provided in a strategic location, out of corridors and a minimum clear area of 100 square feet (9.3 square
away from normal traffic. meters) per bed.

(16) When bathing facilities are not provided in Where LDRs or LDRPs are not provided, a mini-
patient rooms, there shall be at least one shower mum of two labor beds shall be provided for each
and/or bathtub for each six beds or fraction thereof. cesarean/delivery room. In facilities that have only
one cesarean/delivery room, two labor rooms shall be
(17) Housekeeping room. A housekeeping room shall provided. Each room shall be designed for either one
be provided for the exclusive use of the obstetrical or two beds with a minimum clear area of 120 square
suite. It shall be directly accessible from the suite and feet (11.15 square meters) per bed. Each labor room
shall contain a service sink or floor receptor and pro- shall contain a handwashing station and have access
visions for storage of supplies and housekeeping to a toilet room. One toilet room may serve two labor
equipment. rooms. Labor rooms shall have controlled access with
doors that are arranged for observation from a nurs-
(18) Examination/treatment room and/or multipurpose ing station. At least one shower (which may be sepa-
diagnostic testing room shall have a minimum clear rate from the labor room if under staff control) for
floor area of 120 square feet (11.15 square meters). use of patients in labor shall be provided. Windows
When utilized as a multi-patient diagnostic testing in labor rooms, if provided, shall be located, draped,
room, a minimum clear floor area of 80 square feet or otherwise arranged, to preserve patient privacy
(7.43 square meters) per patient shall be provided. An from casual observation from outside the labor room.
adjoining toilet room shall be provided for patient use.
e. Recovery room(s) (LDR or LDRP rooms may be
(19) Emergency equipment storage shall be located substituted). Each recovery room shall contain at
in close proximity to the nurse station. least two beds and have a nurse station with charting
facilities located to permit visual control of all beds.
c. Airborne infection isolation room(s). An airborne Each room shall include facilities for handwashing
infection isolation room is not required for the and dispensing medicine. A clinical sink with bedpan
obstetrical unit. Provisions for the care of the perina- flushing device shall be available, as shall storage for
tal patient with an airborne infection shall be deter- supplies and equipment. There should be enough
40 mined by the Infection Control Risk Assessment. space for baby and crib and a chair for the support

person. There should be the ability to maintain visual (e) Scrub facilities for cesarean/delivery rooms. Two
privacy of the new family. scrub positions shall be provided adjacent to entrance
to each cesarean/delivery room. Scrub facilities
f. Service areas should be arranged to minimize any splatter on
nearby personnel or supply carts. In new construc-
(1) Individual rooms shall be provided as indicated in tion, provide view windows at scrub stations to per-
the following standards; otherwise, alcoves or other mit the observation of room interiors.
open spaces that do not interfere with traffic may be
used. (f ) Clean workroom or clean supply room. A clean
workroom shall be provided if clean materials are
(2) The following services shall be provided: assembled within the obstetrical suite prior to use. If
a clean workroom is provided it shall contain a work
(a) A control/nurse station located to restrict unau- counter, sink equipped for handwashing, and space
thorized traffic into the suite. for storage of supplies. A clean supply room may be
provided when the functional program defines a sys-
(b) Soiled workroom or soiled holding room. This tem for the storage and distribution of clean and
room shall be separate from the clean workroom. The sterile supplies. See (h) below for sterile storage.
soiled workroom shall contain a clinical sink (or
equivalent flushing-rim fixture). The room shall con- (g) Medical gas storage facilities. See Section 7.7.C8.
tain a handwashing station. The above fixtures shall
both have a hot and cold mixing faucet. The room (h) A clean sterile storage area readily available to the
shall have a work counter and space for separate cov- DR: size to be determined on level of usage, func-
ered containers for soiled linen and waste. Rooms tions provided, and supplies from the hospital central
used only for temporary holding of soiled material distribution area.
may omit the clinical sink and work counter. If the
flushing-rim clinical sink is eliminated, facilities for (i) An anesthesia workroom for cleaning, testing, and
cleaning bedpans shall be provided elsewhere. storing anesthesia equipment. It shall contain a work
counter, sink, and provisions for separation of clean
(c) Fluid waste disposal and soiled items.

(3) The following services may be shared with the (j) Equipment storage room(s) for equipment and
surgical facilities if the functional program reflects supplies used in the obstetrical suite.
this concern. Where shared, areas shall be arranged
to avoid direct traffic between the delivery and oper- (k) Staff clothing change areas. The clothing change
ating rooms area shall be designed to encourage one-way traffic
and eliminate cross-traffic between clean and conta-
(a) A supervisor’s office or station. minated personnel. The area shall contain lockers,
showers, toilets, handwashing stations, and space for
(b) A waiting room, with toilets, telephones, and donning and disposing scrub suits and booties.
drinking fountains conveniently located. The toilet
room shall contain handwashing stations. (l) Male and female support persons change area
(designed as described above.)
(c) Sterilizing facilities with high-speed sterilizers
convenient to all cesarean/delivery rooms. (m) Lounge and toilet facilities for obstetrical staff
Sterilization facilities should be separate from the convenient to delivery, labor, and recovery areas. The
delivery area and adjacent to clean assembly. High- toilet room shall contain handwashing stations.
speed autoclaves should only be used in an emergency
situation (i.e., a dropped instrument and no sterile (n) An on-call room(s) for physician and/or staff may
replacement readily available). Sterilization facilities be located elsewhere in the facility.
would not be necessary if the flow of materials were
handled properly from a central service department (o) Housekeeping room with a floor receptacle or
based on the usage of the delivery room (DR). service sink and storage space for housekeeping sup-
plies and equipment.
(d) A drug distribution station with handwashing sta-
tions and provisions for controlled storage, prepara- (p) An area for storing stretchers out of the path of
tion, and distribution of medication. normal traffic.

7.8.A4. LDR and LDRP facilities. When provided *7.9.A. Definition

by the functional program, delivery procedures in Levels of emergency care range from initial emer-
accordance with birthing concepts may be performed gency management to definitive emergency care. For
in the LDR or LDRP rooms. LDR room(s) may be classification of emergency departments/services/
located in a separate LDR suite or as part of the trauma centers, see appendix.
cesarean/delivery suite. The postpartum unit may
contain LDRP rooms. These rooms shall have a min- 7.9.A1. Initial emergency management is care pro-
imum of 250 square feet (23.23 square meters) of vided to stabilize a victim’s condition and to mini-
clear floor area with a minimum dimension of 13 feet mize potential for further injury during transport to
(3.96 meters), exclusive of toilet room, closet, alcove, an appropriate service. Patients may be brought to
or vestibules. There should be enough space for crib the “nearest hospital,” which may or may not have all
and reclining chair for support person. An area required services for definitive emergency manage-
within the room but distinct from the mother’s area ment. It is important that the hospital, in those cases,
shall be provided for infant stabilization and resusci- be able to assess and stabilize emergent illnesses and
tation. See Table 7.5 for medical gas outlets. These injuries and arrange for appropriate transfer.
outlets should be located in the room so that they are
accessible to the mother’s delivery area and infant 7.9.A2. Emergency care may range from the suturing
resuscitation area. When renovation work is under- of lacerations to full-scale emergency medical proce-
taken, every effort shall be made to meet the above dures. Facilities that include personnel and equip-
minimum standards. If it is not possible to meet the ment for definitive emergency care should provide for
above square-foot standards, the authorities having 24-hour service and complete emergency care leading
jurisdiction may grant approval to deviate from this to discharge to the patient’s home or direct admission
requirement. In such cases, existing LDR or LDRP to the appropriate hospital.
rooms may have a minimum clear area of 200 square
feet (18.58 square meters). 7.9.B. General
The extent and type of emergency service to be pro-
Each LDR or LDRP room shall be for single occu- vided will depend upon community needs and the
pancy and have direct access to a private toilet with availability of other services within the area. While
shower or tub. Each room shall be equipped with initial emergency management must be available at
handwashing stations (handwashing stations with every hospital, full-scale definitive emergency services
hands-free operation are acceptable for scrubbing). may be impractical and/or an unnecessary duplica-
Examination lights may be portable, but must be tion. All services need adequate equipment and 24-
immediately accessible. hour staffing to ensure no delay in essential
treatment. The following standards are intended only
Finishes shall be selected to facilitate cleaning and as minimums. Additional facilities, as needed, shall
with resistance to strong detergents. Windows or be as required to satisfy the program.
doors within a normal sightline that would permit
observation into the room shall be arranged or Provisions for facilities to provide nonemergency
draped as necessary for patient privacy. treatment of outpatients are covered separately in
Section 9.3.
7.9 Emergency Service
7.9.C. Initial Emergency Management
(See Section 9.6 for the separate outpatient emer- At a minimum, each hospital shall have provisions
gency unit.) for emergency treatment for staff, employees, and vis-
itors, as well as for persons who may be unaware of
or unable to immediately reach services in other facil-


A7.9.A. Classification of emergency departments/services/trauma centers American College of Surgeons. “Trauma Center Descriptions and Their
Roles in a Trauma System,” chapter 2 in Resources for Optimal Care of the
Basic aspects of previous Level I-IV emergency department/services classi-
Injured Patient (ACS, 1999). This reference provides detailed descriptions
fications are still recognizable in current criteria statements but have
of Level I- Level IV trauma centers. (
evolved substantially to address changes in practice, needs, and technolo-
gies. The following publications are especially useful references for under- Riggs, Leonard M., Jr., ed. Emergency Department Design (American
standing and listing current refined and expanded requirements: College of Emergency Physicians, 1993). The author discusses planning for
various levels of treatment acuity. (

ities. This is not only for patients with minor illnesses 7.9.D. Definitive Emergency Care
or injuries that may require minimal care but also for When 24-hour emergency service is to be provided,
persons with severe illness and injuries who must the type, size, and number of the services shall be as
receive immediate emergency care and assistance defined in the functional program. As a minimum,
prior to transport to other facilities. the following shall be provided:

Provisions for initial emergency management shall 7.9.D1. Grade-level well-marked, illuminated, and
include: covered entrance with direct access from public roads
for ambulance and vehicle traffic. Entrance and dri-
7.9.C1. A well-marked, illuminated, and covered veway shall be clearly marked. If a raised platform is
entrance, at grade level. The emergency vehicle entry used for ambulance discharge, provide a ramp for
cover shall provide shelter for both the patient and pedestrian and wheelchair access.
the emergency medical crew during transfer from an
emergency vehicle into the building. 7.9.D2. Paved emergency access to permit discharge
of patients from automobiles and ambulances, and
Reception, triage, and control station shall be located temporary parking convenient to the entrance.
to permit staff observation and control of access to
treatment area, pedestrian and ambulance entrances, 7.9.D3. Reception, triage (see Table 7.5), and control
and public waiting area. station shall be located to permit staff observation
and control of access to treatment area, pedestrian
7.9.C2. A treatment room with not less than 120 and ambulance entrances, and public waiting area.
square feet (11.15 square meters) of clear area, exclu-
sive of toilets, waiting area, and storage. Each treat- The triage area requires special consideration. As the
ment room shall contain an examination light, work point of entry and assessment for patients with undi-
counter, handwashing stations, medical equipment, agnosed and untreated airborne infections, the triage
cabinets, medication storage, adequate electrical out- area shall be designed and ventilated to reduce expo-
lets above floor level, and counter space for writing. sure of staff, patients, and families to airborne infec-
The treatment room may have additional space and tious diseases. (See Table 7.2.)
provisions for several patients with cubicle curtains
for privacy. Multiple-bed treatment rooms shall pro- 7.9.D4. Wheelchair and stretcher storage shall be
vide a minimum of 80 square feet (7.43 square provided for arriving patients. This shall be out of
meters) per patient cubicle. traffic with convenient access from emergency
7.9.C3. Storage out of traffic and under staff control
for general medical/surgical emergency supplies, 7.9.D5. Public waiting area with toilet facilities,
medications, and equipment such as ventilator, defib- drinking fountains, and telephones shall be provided.
rillator, splints, etc. If so determined by the hospital Infection Control
Risk Assessment, the emergency department waiting
7.9.C4. Provisions for reception, control, and public area shall require special measures to reduce the risk
waiting, including a public toilet with handwashing of airborne infection transmission. These measures
station(s), and telephone. may include enhanced general ventilation and air dis-
infection similar to inpatient requirements for air-
7.9.C5. A patient toilet room with handwashing sta- borne infection isolation rooms. See the CDC
tion(s) convenient to the treatment room(s). “Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Health Care Facilities.”
7.9.C6. Communication hookup to the Poison
Control Center and regional EMS system. 7.9.D6. Communication center shall be convenient
to nursing station and have radio, telephone, and
7.9.C7. Airborne infection control. At least one air- intercommunication systems. (See Section 7.29.F.)
borne infection isolation room shall be provided as
described in Table 7.2 and paragraphs 7.2.C3, 7.2.C4, 7.9.D7. Examination and treatment room(s).
7.2.C6, and 7.2.C7. The need for additional airborne Examination rooms shall have a minimum floor area
infection isolation rooms or for protective environment of 120 square feet (11.15 square meters). The room
rooms as described in Section 7.2.D shall be deter- shall contain work counter(s); cabinets; handwashing
mined by the Infection Control Risk Assessment. stations; supply storage facilities; examination lights;
a desk, counter, or shelf space for writing; and a
vision panel adjacent to and/or in the door. When 43

treatment cubicles are in open multi-bed areas, each 7.9.D11. Convenient access to radiology and labora-
cubicle shall have a minimum of 80 square feet (7.43 tory services.
square meters) of clear floor space and shall be sepa-
rated from adjoining cubicles by curtains. 7.9.D12. Poison Control Center and EMS
Handwashing stations shall be provided for each four Communications Center may be a part of the staff
treatment cubicles or major fraction thereof in multi- work and charting area.
ple-bed areas. For oxygen and vacuum, see Table 7.5.
Treatment/examination rooms used for pelvic exams 7.9.D13. Provisions for disposal of solid and liquid
should allow for the foot of the examination table to waste. This may be a clinical sink with bedpan flush-
face away from the door. ing device within the soiled workroom.

*7.9.D8. Trauma/cardiac rooms for emergency proce- 7.9.D14. Emergency equipment storage. Sufficient
dures, including emergency surgery, shall have at least space shall be provided for emergency equipment
250 square feet (23.23 square meters) of clear floor that is under direct control of the nursing staff, such
space. Each room shall have cabinets and emergency as a CPR cart, pumps, ventilators, patient monitoring
supply shelves, X-ray film illuminators, examination equipment, and portable X-ray unit. This space shall
lights, and counter space for writing. Additional be located in an area appropriate to the functional
space with cubicle curtains for privacy may be pro- program easily accessible to staff but out of normal
vided to accommodate more than one patient at a traffic patterns.
time in the trauma room. Provisions shall be made
for monitoring the patient. There shall be storage 7.9.D15. A toilet room for patients. Where there are
provided for immediate access to attire used for uni- more than eight treatment areas, a minimum of two
versal precautions. Doorways leading from the ambu- toilet facilities, with handwashing station(s) in each
lance entrance to the cardiac trauma room shall be a toilet room, will be required.
minimum of 5 feet (1.52 meters) wide to simultane-
ously accommodate stretchers, equipment, and per- 7.9.D16. Storage rooms for clean, soiled, or used
sonnel. In renovation projects, every effort shall be supplies.
made to have existing cardiac/trauma rooms meet the
above minimum standards. If it is not possible to *a. Soiled workroom or soiled holding room for the
meet the above square-foot standards, the authorities exclusive use of the emergency service. This room
having jurisdiction may grant approval to deviate shall be separate from the clean workroom. The
from this requirement. In such cases, these rooms soiled workroom shall contain a clinical sink (or
shall be no less than a clear area of 240 square feet equivalent flushing-rim fixture). The room shall con-
(21 square meters), and doorways leading from the tain a lavatory (or handwashing station). The above
ambulance entrance to the room may be 4 feet (1.22 fixtures shall both have a hot and cold mixing faucet.
meters) wide. The room shall have a work counter and space for
separate covered containers for soiled linen and
7.9.D9. Provisions for orthopedic and cast work. waste. Rooms used only for temporary holding of
These may be in separate room(s) or in the trauma soiled material may omit the clinical sink and work
room. They shall include storage for splints and other counter. If the flushing-rim clinical sink is elimi-
orthopedic supplies, traction hooks, X-ray film illu- nated, facilities for cleaning bedpans shall be pro-
minators, and examination lights. If a sink is used for vided elsewhere.
the disposal of plaster of Paris, a plaster trap shall be
provided. The clear floor space for this area shall be b. Clean workroom or clean supply room. If the room
dependent on the functional program and the proce- is used for preparing patient care items, it shall con-
dures and equipment accommodated here. tain a work counter, a handwashing station, and stor-
age facilities for clean and sterile supplies. If the room
7.9.D10. Scrub stations located in or adjacent and is used only for storage and holding as part of a sys-
convenient to each trauma and/or orthopedic room. tem for distribution of clean and sterile supply mate-
rials, the work counter and handwashing stations may


A7.9.D8 A7.9.D16a
Access needs to be convenient to ambulance entrance. Disposal space for regulated medical waste, e.g., gauzes/linens soaked
with body fluids, should be separate from routine disposal space.

be omitted. If the area serves children, additional stor- *7.9.D21. Security station. A security system should
age shall be provided to accommodate supplies and be located near the emergency entrances and
equipment in the range of sizes required for pedi- triage/reception area. The non-selective 24-hour
atrics. Soiled and clean workrooms or holding rooms accessibility of the emergency department dictates
shall be separated and have no direct connection. that a security system reflecting local community
needs be provided.
7.9.D17. Administrative center or nurses station for
staff work and charting. These areas shall have space 7.9.D22. Airborne infection isolation room.
for counters, cabinets, and medication storage, and At least one airborne infection isolation room shall be
shall have convenient access to handwashing stations. provided as described in Table 7.2 and paragraphs
They may be combined with or include centers for 7.2.C3, 7.2.C4, 7.2.C6, and 7.2.C7. The need for addi-
reception and communication or poison control. tional airborne infection isolation rooms or for protective
These nursing stations may also be decentralized near environment rooms as described in Section 7.2.D shall be
clusters of treatment rooms. Visual observation of all determined by the Infection Control Risk Assessment.
traffic into the unit and of all patients should be pro-
vided from the nursing station, where feasible. *7.9.D23. Bereavement room.

7.9.D18. Securable closets or cabinet compartments 7.9.D24. Secured holding room. At least one hold-
for the personal effects of emergency service person- ing/seclusion room of 120 square feet (11.15 square
nel, located in or near the nurse station. At a mini- meters) shall be provided. This room shall allow for
mum, these shall be large enough for purses and security, patient and staff safety, patient observation,
billfolds. Coats may be stored in closets or cabinets in and soundproofing.
the unit or in a central staff locker area.
*7.9.D.25. Decontamination area. A decontamination
7.9.D19. Staff lounge. Convenient and private access area shall be provided. The functional program shall
to staff toilets, lounge, and lockers shall be provided. define the location of the area and the types of expo-
sure (i.e., nuclear, biological, chemical) to be consid-
7.9.D20. Housekeeping room. A housekeeping room ered. The location of the area shall be permitted to
shall be directly accessible from the unit and shall be on the exterior perimeter of the facility adjacent to
contain a service sink or floor receptor and provisions the ambulance entrance or built within the walls of
for storage of supplies and housekeeping equipment. the facility.


A7.9.D21 required by the constraints of the structures involved, this may be no less
A security station and/or system should be located to maximize visibility of than 10 yards (9.14 meters) from the ambulance entrance).
the treatment areas, waiting areas, and key entrance sites. The system should
(2) At a location where no windows or doors abut the defined area or
include visual monitoring devices installed both internally in the emergency
where all doors are securable from the outside and all windows are capa-
department as well as externally at entrance sites and parking lots. Special
ble of being shuttered.
requirements for a security station should include accommodation for hospital
security staff, local police officers, and monitoring equipment. Design consid- (3) Boundaries shall be defined on the paved ground surface with a yellow
eration should include installation of silent alarms, panic buttons, and inter- paint line and the word “DECON” painted within these boundaries.
com systems, and physical barriers such as doors to patient entry areas.
(4) At least two shower heads, temperature-controlled and separated by at
The security monitoring system should be included on the hospital’s emer- least 6 feet (1.83 meters); a separate spigot for attachment of a hose.
gency power backup system.
(5) Semipermanent or portable/collapsible structures (curtains, tents, etc.)
that will provide both shelter from the environment, privacy, and some
A7.9.D23. At least one bereavement room should be provided. This
containment of the contaminant/infectious agent.
room should be accessible from both the emergency treatment corridor
and the emergency waiting area. This room should be comfortable enough (6) Secured access to the hospital telephone system and a duplex electrical
to provide respite to the bereaved family and should be equipped with a outlet for each two shower heads and no closer than 4 feet (1.22 meters)
sound transmission coefficient equivalent to 65 for the walls and 45 for to any shower.
the floors and ceiling.
(7) Exterior lighting to maximize visibility; appropriate for wet/shower facilities.
A7.9.D25. Decontamination area on the exterior perimeter. (8) Negative airflow and ventilation system on the hospital perimeter wall
but drawing air within the confines of the decontamination structure;
(1) Ideally 50 yards (45.72 meters) from the ambulance entrance (if
(continued on next page)

*7.9.E. Other Space Considerations to accommodate the functional program. The imag-
ing department provides diagnostic procedures. It
7.10 Imaging Suite includes fluoroscopy, radiography, mammography,
tomography, computerized tomography scanning,
7.10.A. General ultrasound, magnetic resonance, angiography and
*7.10.A1. Equipment and space shall be as necessary other similar techniques.


A7.9.D25. (continued) exhausted directly to the outdoors, no less than (10) The decontamination area may function as an isolation room or a
50 feet (15.24 meters) away from the decontamination site with no recircu- patient hygiene room under routine departmental function.
lation of air. This system shall be defunctionalized when the decontamina-
tion structure is not in use. A7.9.E. A decontamination room for both chemical and radiation expo-
sure. This room should have a separate entrance to the emergency depart-
(9) Water runoff shall be contained and disposed of safely to ensure that it
ment, and an independent, closed drainage system. A negative airflow and
does not enter community drainage systems. This shall be accomplished
ventilation system separate and distinct from the hospital system should be
either by graded floor structures leading to a drain with a collection system
provided. Spatial requirements should allow for at least one stretcher, sev-
separate from that of the hospital or by the use of plastic pools or special-
eral hospital staff, two shower heads and an adjacent locked storage area
ized decontamination stretchers.
for medical supplies and equipment. When provided, solid lead-lined walls
Decontamination room within the facility and doors should meet the requirements of a certified physicist or other
qualified expert representing the owner or state agency.
(1) Separate, independent, secured external entrance adjacent to the
ambulance entrance, but no less than 10 yards (9.14 meters) distant; A separate pediatric emergency area. This area should include space for
lighted and protected from the environment in the same way as the ambu- registration, discharge, triage, waiting, and a playroom. An area for the
lance entrance; a yellow painted boundary line 3 feet (0.91 meter) from nurse station and physician station, storage for supplies and medication,
each side of the door and extending 6 feet (1.83 meters) from the hospi- and one to two isolation rooms should also be included. Each examina-
tal wall; the word “DECON” painted within these boundaries. tion/treatment room should be 100 square feet (9.29 square meters) of
clear floor space, with a separate procedure/trauma room of 120 square
(2) Internal entrance to a corridor within the emergency area.
feet (11.15 square meters) of clear floor space; each of these rooms
(3) It shall have spatial requirements and the medical support services of a should have handwashing stations, vacuum, oxygen, and air outlets,
standard emergency area airborne infection isolation room, with air exter- examination lights, and wall/column mounted ophthalmoscopes/oto-
nally exhausted separate from the hospital system. It shall contain a work scopes. At least one room for pelvic examinations should be included. X-
counter, handwashing station with hands-free controls, an area for person- ray illuminators should be available.
nel gowning, and a storage area for supplies, as well as equipment for the
Observation/holding units for patients requiring observation up to 23
decontamination process.
hours or admission to an inpatient unit. This area should be located sepa-
(4) Ceiling, wall, and floor finishes shall be smooth, nonporous, scrub- rately but near the main emergency department. The size will depend
bable, nonadsorptive, nonperforated, capable of withstanding cleaning upon the function (observation and/or holding), patient acuity mix, and
with and exposure to harsh chemicals, nonslip, and without crevices or projected utilization. As defined by the functional plan, this area should
seams. Floors shall be self-coving to a height of 6 inches (152.4 millime- consist of a centralized nurse station; 100 square feet (9.29 square
ters). The surface of the floor shall be self-finished and require no protec- meters) of clear floor space for each cubicle, with vacuum, oxygen, and air
tive coating for maintenance. outlets, monitoring space, and nurse call buttons. A patient bathroom
should be provided. Storage space for medical and dietary supplies should
(5) Two hospital telephones; two duplex electrical outlets, secured appro-
be included. X-ray illuminators should be available.
priately for a wet environment.
A separate fast track area when annual emergency department visits
(6) At least two hand-held shower heads, temperature-controlled; curtains
exceed 20-30,000 visits should be considered. This area should include
or other devices to allow patient privacy, to the extent possible.
space for registration, discharge, triage, and waiting, as well as a physi-
(7) Appropriately heated and air-cooled for a room with an external door cian/nurse work station. Storage areas for supplies and medication should
and very high RH. be included. A separate treatment/procedure room of 120 square feet
(11.15 square meters) of clear floor space should be provided.
(8) Water drainage must be contained and disposed of safely to ensure Examination/treatment areas should be 100 square feet (9.29 square
that it does not enter the hospital or community drainage systems. There meters) of clear floor space, with handwashing stations, vacuum, oxygen,
should be a “saddle” at the floor of the door buck to prevent efflux. and air outlets, and examination lights. At least one treatment/examina-
(9) A certified physicist or other qualified expert representing the owner or the tion room should be designated for pelvic examinations.
state agency shall specify the type, location, and amount of radiation protection A patient hygiene room with shower and toilet facilities.
to be installed in accordance with final approved department layout and the
functional program. These specifications shall be incorporated into the plans.

7.10.A2. Most imaging requires radiation protection. A *7.10.B5. Patient holding area.
certified physicist or other qualified expert representing
the owner or appropriate state agency shall specify the 7.10.B6. Storage for portable equipment and
type, location, and amount of radiation protection to be catheters shall be provided.
installed in accordance with the final approved depart-
ment layout and equipment selections. Where pro- 7.10.B7. Provision shall be made within the facility for
tected alcoves with view windows are required, a extended post-procedure observation of outpatients.
minimum of 1’-6” (0.45 meter) between the view win-
dow and the outside partition edge shall be provided. 7.10.C. Computerized Tomography (CT) Scanning
Radiation protection requirements shall be incorpo- 7.10.C1. CT scan rooms shall be as required to
rated into the specifications and the building plans. accommodate the equipment.

*7.10.A3. Beds and stretchers shall have ready access 7.10.C2. A control room shall be provided that is
to and from other departments of the institution. designed to accommodate the computer and other
controls for the equipment. A view window shall be
7.10.A4. Flooring shall be adequate to meet load provided to permit full view of the patient. The angle
requirements for equipment, patients, and personnel. between the control and equipment centroid shall
Provision for wiring raceways, ducts or conduits shall permit the control operator to see the patient’s head.
be made in floors, walls, and ceilings. Ceiling heights
shall be permitted to be higher than normal. Ceiling- 7.10.C3. The control room shall be located to allow
mounted equipment shall have properly designed rigid convenient film processing.
support structures located above the finished ceiling. A
lay-in type ceiling shall be permitted to be considered 7.10.C4. A patient toilet shall be provided. It shall be
for ease of installation, service, and remodeling. convenient to the procedure room and, if directly
accessible to the scan room, arranged so that a
7.10.B. Angiography patient can leave the toilet without having to reenter
*7.10.B1. Space shall be provided as necessary to the scan room.
accommodate the functional program.
7.10.D. Diagnostic X-ray
7.10.B2. A control room shall be provided as neces-
sary to meet the needs of the functional program. A *7.10.D1. Radiography rooms shall be of a size to
view window shall be provided to permit full view of accommodate the functional program.
the patient.
*7.10.D2. Tomography, radiography/fluoroscopy rooms.
*7.10.B3. A viewing area shall be provided.
*7.10.D3. Mammography.
7.10.B4. A scrub sink located outside the staff entry to
the procedure room shall be provided for use by staff.


A7.10.A1. Layouts should be developed in compliance with manufac- A7.10.B3. Viewing areas should be a minimum of 10 feet (3.05 meters)
turer’s recommendations because area requirements may vary from in length.
machine to machine. Since technology changes frequently and from manu-
facturer to manufacturer, rooms can be sized larger to allow upgrading of A7.10.B5. A patient holding area should be provided to accommodate
equipment over a period of time. two stretchers with additional spaces for additional procedure rooms.

A7.10.A3. Particular attention should be paid to the management of A7.10.D1. Radiography rooms should be a minimum of 180 square feet
outpatients for preparation, holding, and observation. The emergency, (7.43 square meters). (Dedicated chest X-ray may be smaller.)
surgery, cystoscopy, and outpatient clinics should be accessible to the imag-
ing suite. Imaging should be located on the ground floor, if practical, A7.10.D2. Tomography and Radiography/Fluoroscopy (R&F) rooms
because of equipment ceiling height requirements, close proximity to elec- should be a minimum of 250 square feet (23.23 square meters).
trical services, and expansion considerations.
A7.10.D3. Mammography rooms should be a minimum of 100 square
A7.10.B1. The procedure room should be a minimum of 400 square feet feet (9.29 square meters).
(37.16 square meters).

7.10.D4. Each X-ray room shall include a shielded con- 7.10.F2. A patient toilet, accessible from the proce-
trol alcove. This area shall be provided with a view win- dure room, shall be provided.
dow designed to provide full view of the examination
table and the patient at all times, including full view of 7.10.G. Support Spaces
the patient when the table is in the tilt position or the The following spaces are common to the imaging
chest X-ray is being utilized. For mammography department and are minimum requirements unless
machines with built-in shielding for the operator, the stated otherwise:
alcove shall be permitted to be omitted when approved by
the certified physicist or state radiation protection agency. 7.10.G1. Patient waiting area. The area shall be out
of traffic, under staff control, and shall have seating
7.10.E. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) capacity in accordance with the functional program.
7.10.E1. Space shall be provided as necessary to If the suite is routinely used for outpatients and inpa-
accommodate the functional program. The MRI room tients at the same time, separate waiting areas shall
shall be permitted to range from 325 square feet (30.19 be provided with screening for visual privacy between
square meters) to 620 square feet (57.6 square meters) the waiting areas.
depending on the vendor and magnet strength.
If so determined by the hospital Infection Control
*7.10.E2. A control room shall be provided with full Risk Assessment, the diagnostic imaging waiting area
view of the MRI. shall require special measures to reduce the risk of
airborne infection transmission. These measures shall
*7.10.E3. A computer room shall be provided. include enhanced general ventilation and air disinfec-
tion techniques similar to inpatient requirements for
*7.10.E4. Cryogen storage. airborne infection isolation rooms (see Table 7.2).
See the “CDC Guidelines for Preventing the
*7.10.E5. Darkroom. Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Health
Care Facilities.”
7.10.E6. When spectroscopy is provided, caution
shall be exercised in locating it in relation to the 7.10.G2. Control desk and reception area.
magnetic fringe fields.
7.10.G3. Holding area. A convenient holding area
*7.10.E7. Power conditioning. under staff control shall be provided to accommodate
inpatients on stretchers or beds.
*7.10.E8. Magnetic shielding.
7.10.G4. Patient toilet rooms. Toilet rooms with
*7.10.E9. Patient hold area. handwashing stations shall be provided convenient to
the waiting rooms and shall be equipped with an
7.10.E10. Cryogen venting is required. emergency call system. Separate toilets with hand-
washing stations shall be provided with direct access
7.10.F. Ultrasound from each radiographic/fluoroscopic room so that a
7.10.F1. Space shall be provided as necessary to patient can leave the toilet without having to reenter
accommodate the functional program. the R&F room. Rooms used only occasionally for


A7.10.E2. Control rooms should be a minimum of 100 square feet (9.29 A7.10.E5. A darkroom may be required for loading cassettes and shall
square meters), but may be larger depending on the vendor and magnet size. be located near the control room. This darkroom shall be outside the 10-
gauss field.
A7.10.E3. A computer room may range from 150 square feet (13.94
square meters) to 380 square feet (35.30 square meters) depending on A7.10.E7. Power conditioning and voltage regulation equipment as well
the vendor and magnet strength. Self-contained air conditioning supple- as direct current (DC) may be required.
ment is normally required.
A7.10.E8. Magnetic shielding may be required to restrict the magnetic
A7.10.E4. Cryogen storage may be required in areas where service to field plot. Radio frequency shielding may be required to attenuate stray
replenish supplies is not readily available. When provided, space should be radio frequencies.
a minimum of 50 square feet (4.65 square meters) to accommodate two
A7.10.E9. When patient holding areas are provided, they should be located
large dewars of cryogen.
near the MRI unit and should be large enough to accommodate stretcher(s).

fluoroscopic procedures shall be permitted to utilize cessing shall be located convenient to the procedure
nearby patient toilets if they are located for immedi- rooms and to the quality control area.
ate access.
7.10.G15. Quality control area. An area or room
7.10.G5. Patient dressing rooms. Dressing rooms shall be provided near the processor for viewing film
shall be provided convenient to the waiting areas and immediately after it is processed. All view boxes shall
X-ray rooms. Each room shall include a seat or be illuminated to provide light of the same color
bench, mirror, and provisions for hanging patients’ value and intensity for appropriate comparison of
clothing and for securing valuables. several adjacent films.

7.10.G6. Staff facilities. Toilets and staff lounge with 7.10.G16. Cleanup facilities. Provisions for cleanup
lockers shall be permitted to be outside the suite but shall be located within the suite for convenient access
shall be convenient for staff use. In larger suites of and use. It shall include service sink or floor recepta-
three or more procedure rooms, toilets internal to the cle as well as storage space for equipment and sup-
suite shall be provided. plies. If automatic film processors are used, a
receptacle of adequate size with hot and cold water
7.10.G7. Film storage (active). A room with cabinet for cleaning the processor racks shall be provided.
or shelves for filing patient film for immediate
retrieval shall be provided. 7.10.G17. Handwashing stations. Handwashing sta-
tions shall be provided within each procedure room
7.10.G8. Film storage (inactive). A room or area for unless the room is used only for routine screening
inactive film storage shall be provided. It shall be such as chest X-rays where the patient is not physi-
permitted to be outside the imaging suite, but must cally handled by the staff. Handwashing stations shall
be under imaging’s administrative control and prop- be provided convenient to the MRI room, but need
erly secured to protect films against loss or damage. not be within the room.

7.10.G9. Storage for unexposed film. Storage facili- 7.10.G18. Clean storage. Provisions shall be made
ties for unexposed film shall include protection of film for the storage of clean supplies and linens. If conve-
against exposure or damage and shall not be warmer niently located, storage shall be permitted to be
than the air of adjacent occupied spaces. shared with another department.

7.10.G10. Offices for radiologist(s) and assistant(s). 7.10.G19. Soiled holding. Provisions shall be made
Offices shall include provisions for viewing, individ- for soiled holding. Separate provisions for contami-
ual consultation, and charting of film. nated handling and holding shall be made.
Handwashing stations shall be provided.
7.10.G11. Clerical offices/spaces. Office space shall
be provided as necessary for the functional program. 7.10.G20. Provision shall be made for locked storage
of medications and drugs.
7.10.G12. Consultation area. An appropriate area for
individual consultation with referring clinicians shall 7.10.G21. Details and finishes; mechanical; electri-
be provided. cal. See Section 7.28 for details and finishes; 7.31 for
mechanical; and 7.32 for electrical.
7.10.G13. Contrast media preparation. This area
shall be provided with sink, counter, and storage to 7.10.H. Cardiac Catheterization Lab (Cardiology)
allow for mixing of contrast media. One preparation Note: The number of procedure rooms and the size
room, if conveniently located, shall be permitted to of the prep, holding, and recovery areas shall be based
serve any number of rooms. Where pre-prepared on expected utilization.
media is used, this area shall be permitted to be
omitted, but storage shall be provided for the media. 7.10.H1. The cardiac catheterization lab is normally
a separate suite, but shall be permitted to be within
7.10.G14. Film processing room. A darkroom shall the imaging suite provided that the appropriate ster-
be provided for processing film unless the processing ile environment is provided. It can be combined with
equipment normally used does not require a dark- angiography in low usage situations.
room for loading and transfer. When daylight pro-
cessing is used, the darkroom shall be permitted to be 7.10.H2. The procedure room shall be a minimum of
minimal for emergency and special uses. Film pro- 400 square feet (37.16 square meters) exclusive of
fixed cabinets and shelves. 49

7.10.H3. A control room or area shall be provided 7.11 Nuclear Medicine

and shall be large enough to contain and provide for
the efficient functioning of the X-ray and image 7.11.A.
recording equipment. A view window permitting Equipment and space shall be provided as necessary
full view of the patient from the control console to accommodate the functional program. Nuclear
shall be provided. medicine may include positron emission tomography,
which is not common to most facilities. It requires
7.10.H4. An equipment room or enclosure large specialized planning for equipment.
enough to contain x-ray transformers, power mod-
ules, and associated electronics and electrical gear 7.11.B.
shall be provided. A certified physicist or other qualified expert repre-
senting the owner or state agency shall specify the
7.10.H5. Scrub facilities with hands-free operable type, location, and amount of radiation protection to
controls shall be provided adjacent to the entrance of be installed in accordance with final approved depart-
procedure rooms, and shall be arranged to minimize ment layout and equipment selection. These specifi-
incidental splatter on nearby personnel, medical cations shall be incorporated into the plans.
equipment, or supplies.
7.10.H6. Staff change area(s) shall be provided and Flooring should meet load requirements for equip-
arranged to ensure a traffic pattern so that personnel ment, patients, and personnel. Floors and walls should
entering from outside the suite can enter, change be constructed of materials that are easily decontami-
their clothing, and move directly into the cardiac nated in case of radioactive spills. Walls should con-
catheterization suite. tain necessary support systems for either built-in or
mobile oxygen and vacuum, and vents for radioactive
7.10.H7. A patient preparation, holding, and recovery gases. Provision for wiring raceways, ducts or conduits
area or room shall be provided and arranged to pro- should be made in floors, walls, and ceilings. Ceilings
vide visual observation before and after the procedure. may be higher than 8’-0” (2.44 meters). Ceiling-
mounted equipment should have properly designed
7.10.H8. A clean workroom or clean supply room rigid support structures located above the finished
shall be provided. If the room is used for preparing ceiling. A lay-in type ceiling should be considered for
patient care items, it shall contain a work counter and ease of service, installation, and remodeling.
handwashing station. If the room is used only for
storage and holding of clean and sterile supply mate- 7.11.D.
rials, the work counter and handwashing stations Space shall be provided as necessary to accommodate
shall be permitted to be omitted. the functional program. Where the functional pro-
gram calls for it, the nuclear medicine room shall
7.10.H9. A soiled workroom shall be provided accommodate the equipment, a stretcher, exercise
which shall contain a handwashing station and a equipment (treadmill and/or bicycle) and staff.
clinical sink (or equivalent flushing rim fixtures).
When the room is used for temporary holding or 7.11.E.
soiled materials, the clinical sink shall be permitted If radiopharmaceutical preparation is performed on-
to be omitted. site, an area adequate to house a radiopharmacy shall
be provided with appropriate shielding. This area
7.10.H10. Housekeeping closet containing a floor should include adequate space for storage of radionu-
receptor or service sink and provisions for storage of clides, chemicals for preparation, dose calibrators, and
supplies and housekeeping equipment shall be provided. record keeping. Floors and walls should be con-
structed of easily decontaminated materials. Vents
7.10.H11. The following shall be available for use by and traps for radioactive gases should be provided if
the cardiac catheterization suite: such are used. Hoods for pharmaceutical preparation
shall meet applicable standards. If pre-prepared
a. A viewing room. materials are used, storage and calculation area may
be considerably smaller than that for on-site prepara-
b. A film file room. tion. Space shall provide adequately for dose calibra-
tion, quality assurance, and record keeping. The area
may still require shielding from other portions of the

*7.11.F. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) cent films shall be provided. Space should be pro-
vided for computer access and display terminals if
7.11.G. such are included in the program.
Nuclear medicine area when operated separately from
the imaging department shall include the following: 7.11.G8. Offices for physicians and assistants shall
be provided and equipped for individual consultation,
7.11.G1. Space shall be adequate to permit entry of viewing, and charting of film.
stretchers, beds, and able to accommodate imaging
equipment, electronic consoles, and if present, com- 7.11.G9. Clerical offices and spaces shall be provided
puter terminals. as necessary for the program to function.

7.11.G2. A darkroom on-site shall be available for 7.11.G10. Waiting areas shall be provided out of
film processing. The darkroom should contain pro- traffic, under staff control, and shall have seating
tective storage facilities for unexposed film that guard capacity in accordance with the functional program.
the film against exposure or damage. If the department is routinely used for outpatients
and inpatients at the same time, separate waiting
7.11.G3. When the functional program requires a cen- areas shall be provided with screening or visual pri-
tralized computer area, it should be a separate room with vacy between the waiting areas.
access terminals available within the imaging rooms.
7.11.G11. A dose administration area as specified by
7.11.G4. Provisions for cleanup shall be located the functional program, shall be provided and located
within the suite for convenient access and use. It shall near the preparation area. Since as much as several hours
include service sink or floor receptacle as well as stor- may elapse for the dose to take effect, the area shall pro-
age space for equipment and supplies. vide for visual privacy from other areas. Thought should
be given to entertainment and reading materials.
7.11.G5. Film storage with cabinets or shelves for
filing patient film for immediate retrieval shall be 7.11.G12. A holding area for patients on stretchers or
provided. beds shall be provided out of traffic and under control
of staff and may be combined with the dose adminis-
7.11.G6. Inactive film storage under the departmen- tration area with visual privacy between the areas.
tal administrative control and properly secured to
protect film against loss or damage shall be provided. 7.11.G13. Patient dressing rooms shall be provided
convenient to the waiting area and procedure rooms.
7.11.G7. A consultation area with view boxes illumi- Each dressing room shall include a seat or bench, a
nated to provide light of the same color value and mirror, and provisions for hanging patients’ clothing
intensity for appropriate comparison of several adja- and for securing valuables.


A7.11.F. Space should be provided as necessary to accommodate the or to the lab. Ventilation adequate for the occupancy is required.
functional program. PET scanning is generally used in experimental set- Compressed air may be required to pressurize a water circulation system.
tings and requires space for a scanner and for a cyclotron. The scanner
Significant radiation protection may be required since the cyclotron may
room should be a minimum of 300 square feet (27 square meters).
generate high radiation.
Where a cyclotron room is required, it should be a minimum of 225
Special ventilation systems together with monitors, sensors, and alarm sys-
square feet (20.90 square meters) with a 16 square foot (4.88 square
tems may be required to vent gases and chemicals.
meter) space safe for storage of parts which may need to cool down for a
year or more. The heating, ventilating, and air conditioning system will require particular
attention; highest pressures should be in coldest (radiation) areas and exhaust
Both a hot (radioactive) lab and a cold (nonradioactive) lab may be
should be in hottest (radiation) areas. Redundancy may be important.
required, each a minimum of 250 square feet (23.23 square meters).
The cyclotron is water cooled with de-ionized water. A heat exchanger and
A blood lab of a minimum of 80 square feet (7.43 square meters) should
connection to a compressor or connection to chilled water may be required.
be provided.
A redundant plumbing system connected to a holding tank may be
A patient holding area to accommodate two stretchers should be provided. required to prevent accidental leakage of contaminated water into the reg-
ular plumbing system.
A gas storage area large enough to accommodate bottles of gas should be
provided. Each gas will be piped individually and may go to the cyclotron

7.11.G14. Toilet rooms shall be provided convenient escape of radioactive particles. Openings into the
to waiting and procedure rooms. room, including doors, ductwork, vents, and electrical
raceways and conduits, shall be baffled to prevent
7.11.G15. Staff toilet(s) shall be provided convenient direct exposure to other areas of the facility.
to the nuclear medicine laboratory.
*7.11.H4. Simulator, accelerator, and cobalt rooms
7.11.G16. Handwashing stations shall be provided shall be sized to accommodate the equipment with
within each procedure room. patient access on a stretcher, medical staff access to
the equipment and patient, and service access.
7.11.G17. Control desk and reception area shall be
provided. 7.11.H5. Flooring shall be adequate to meet load
requirements for equipment, patients, and personnel.
7.11.G18. Storage area for clean linen with a hand- Provision for wiring raceways, ducts, or conduit should
washing station shall be provided. be made in floors and ceilings. Ceiling mounted
equipment should have properly designed rigid sup-
7.11.G19. Provisions with handwashing stations port structures located above the finished ceiling. The
shall be made for holding soiled material. Separate ceiling height is normally higher than 8’-0” (2.44
provisions shall be made for holding contaminated meters). A lay-in type of ceiling should be considered
material. for ease of installation, service, and remodeling.

7.11.G20. See Section 7.28 for details and finishes; 7.11.I. General Support Areas
7.31 for mechanical; and 7.32 for electrical. The following areas shall be provided unless they are
accessible from other areas such as imaging or OPD:
7.11.H. Radiotherapy Suite
7.11.H1. Rooms and spaces shall be provided as 7.11.I1. A stretcher hold area adjacent to the treat-
necessary to accommodate the functional program. ment rooms, screened for privacy, and combined with
Equipment manufacturers recommendations should a seating area for outpatients. The size of these areas
be sought and followed, since space requirements will be dependent on the program for outpatients and
may vary from one machine to another and one inpatients.
manufacturer to another. The radiotherapy suite
may contain one or both electron beam therapy 7.11.I2. Exam rooms for each treatment room as
and radiation therapy. Although not recommended, specified by the functional program, each exam room
a simulation room may be omitted in small linear to be a minimum of 100 square feet (9.29 square
accelerator facilities where other positioning meters). Each exam room shall be equipped with a
geometry is provided. handwashing station.

7.11.H2. Cobalt, linear accelerators, and simulation 7.11.I3. Darkroom convenient to the treatment
rooms require radiation protection. A certified physi- room(s) and the quality control area. Where daylight
cist representing the owner or appropriate state processing is used, the darkroom may be minimal for
agency shall specify the type, location, and amount of emergency use. If automatic film processors are used,
protection to be installed in accordance with final a receptacle of adequate size with hot and cold water
approved department layout and equipment selection. for cleaning the processor racks shall be provided
The architect shall incorporate these specifications either in the darkroom or nearby.
into the hospital building plans.
7.11.I4. Patient gowning area with provision for safe
7.11.H3. Cobalt rooms and linear accelerators shall storage of valuables and clothing. At least one space
be sized in accordance with equipment requirements should be large enough for staff-assisted dressing.
and shall accommodate a stretcher for litter-borne
patients. Layouts shall provide for preventing the 7.11.I5. Business office and/or reception/control area.

7.11.I6. Housekeeping room equipped with service

sink or floor receptor and large enough for equip-
A7.11.H4. Minimum size should be 260 square feet (24.15 square ment or supplies storage.
meters) for the simulator room. Minimum size, including the maze,
should be 680 square feet (63.17 square meters) for accelerator rooms 7.11.I7. Film file area.
and 450 square feet (41.81 square meters) for cobalt rooms.
52 7.11.I8. Film storage area for unprocessed film.

7.11.J. Optional Support Areas The following physical facilities shall be provided
The following areas may be required by the func- within the hospital:
tional program:
7.11.J1. Quality control area with view boxes illumi- Laboratory work counter(s) with space for micro-
nated to provide light of the same color value and scopes, appropriate chemical analyzer(s), incubator(s),
intensity. centrifuge(s), etc. shall be provided. Work areas shall
include sinks with water and access to vacuum, gases,
7.11.J2. Computer control area normally located just and air, and electrical services as needed.
outside the entry to the treatment room(s).
7.11.J3. Dosimetry equipment area. Refrigerated blood storage facilities for transfusions
shall be provided. Blood storage refrigerator shall
7.11.J4. Hypothermia room (may be combined with be equipped with temperature-monitoring and
an exam room). alarm signals.

7.11.J5. Consultation room. 7.12.C.

Lavatory(ies) or counter sink(s) equipped for hand-
7.11.J6. Oncologist’s office (may be combined with washing shall be provided. Counter sinks may also be
consultation room). used for disposal of nontoxic fluids.

7.11.J7. Physicist’s office (may be combined with *7.12.D.

treatment planning). Storage facilities, including refrigeration, for reagents,
standards, supplies, and stained specimen microscope
7.11.J8. Treatment planning and record room. slides, etc. shall be provided. Such facilities shall con-
form to applicable NFPA standards.
7.11.J9. Work station/nutrition station.
7.11.K. Additional Support Areas for Linear Specimen (blood, urine, and feces) collection facil-
Accelerator ity shall be provided. Blood collection area shall
7.11.K1. Mold room with exhaust hood and hand- have work counter, space for patient seating, and
washing station. handwashing stations. Urine and feces collection
room shall be equipped with water closet and lava-
7.11.K2. Block room with storage. The block room tory. This facility may be located outside the labo-
may be combined with the mold room. ratory suite.

7.11.L. Additional Support Areas for Cobalt Room 7.12.F.

7.11.L1. Hot lab. Chemical safety provisions including emergency
shower, eyeflushing devices, and appropriate storage
for flammable liquids, etc., shall be made.
7.12 Laboratory Suite
Laboratory facilities shall be provided for the perfor- Facilities and equipment for terminal sterilization of
mance of tests in hematology, clinical chemistry, uri- contaminated specimens before transport (autoclave
nalysis, microbiology, anatomic pathology, cytology, or electric oven) shall be provided. (Terminal steril-
and blood banking to meet the workload described in ization is not required for specimens that are inciner-
the functional program. Certain procedures may be ated on-site.)
performed on-site or provided through a contractual
arrangement with a laboratory service acceptable to
the authority having local jurisdiction.

Provisions shall be made for the following procedures

to be performed on-site: blood counts, urinalysis,
blood glucose, electrolytes, blood urea and nitrogen A7.12.D. For example, separate facilities should be provided for such
(BUN), coagulation, and transfusions (type and incompatible materials as acids and bases, and vented storage should
cross-match capability). Provisions shall also be be provided for volatile solvents.
included for specimen collection and processing. 53

7.12.H. 7.13.B4. Patient toilets with handwashing stations

If radioactive materials are employed, facilities shall accessible to wheelchair patients.
be available for long-term storage and disposal of
these materials. No special provisions will normally 7.13.B5. Space(s) for storing wheelchairs and
be required for body waste products from most stretchers out of traffic while patients are using the
patients receiving low level isotope diagnostic mater- services. These spaces may be separate from the ser-
ial. Requirements of authorities having jurisdiction vice area but must be conveniently located.
should be verified.
7.13.B6. A conveniently accessible housekeeping
7.12.I. room and service sink for housekeeping use.
Administrative areas including offices as well as space
for clerical work, filing, and record maintenance shall 7.13.B7. Locking closets or cabinets within the vicin-
be provided. ity of each work area for securing staff personal effects.

7.12.J. 7.13.B8. Convenient access to toilets and lockers.

Lounge, locker, and toilet facilities shall be conve-
niently located for male and female laboratory staff. 7.13.B9. Access to a demonstration/conference room.
These may be outside the laboratory area and shared
with other departments. 7.13.C. Physical Therapy
If physical therapy is part of the service, the follow-
The functional program shall describe the type and ing, at least, shall be included:
location of all special equipment that is to be wired,
plumbed, or plugged in, and the utilities required to 7.13.C1. Individual treatment area(s) with privacy
operate each. screens or curtains. Each such space shall have not
less than 70 square feet (6.51 square meters) of clear
Note: Refer to NFPA code requirements applicable floor area.
to hospital laboratories, including standards clarifying
that hospital units do not necessarily have the same 7.13.C2. Handwashing stations for staff either
fire safety requirements as commercial chemical labo- within or at each treatment space. (One handwashing
ratories. station may serve several treatment stations.)

7.13.C3. Exercise area and facilities.

7.13 Rehabilitation Therapy Department
7.13.C4. Clean linen and towel storage.
7.13.A. General
Rehabilitation therapy is primarily for restoration of 7.13.C5. Storage for equipment and supplies.
body functions and may contain one or several cate-
gories of services. If a formal rehabilitative therapy ser- 7.13.C6. Separate storage for soiled linen, towels,
vice is included in a project, the facilities and equipment and supplies.
shall be as necessary for the effective function of the
program. Where two or more rehabilitative services are 7.13.C7. If required by the functional program,
included, items may be shared, as appropriate. patient dressing areas, showers, and lockers. These
shall be accessible and usable by the disabled.
7.13.B. Common Elements
Each rehabilitative therapy department shall include 7.13.C8. Provisions shall be made for thermotherapy,
the following, which may be shared or provided as diathermy, ultrasonics, and hydrotherapy when
separate units for each service: required by the functional program.

7.13.B1. Office and clerical space with provision for 7.13.D. Occupational Therapy
filing and retrieval of patient records. If this service is provided, the following, at least, shall
be included:
7.13.B2. Reception and control station(s) with visual
control of waiting and activities areas. (This may be 7.13.D1. Work areas and counters suitable for wheel-
combined with office and clerical space.) chair access.

7.13.B3. Patient waiting area(s) out of traffic with

54 provision for wheelchairs.

7.13.D2. Handwashing stations. 7.14.B3. Individual patient treatment areas shall con-
tain at least 80 square feet (7.44 square meters).
7.13.D3. Storage for supplies and equipment. There shall be at least a 4-foot (1.22 meters) space
between beds and/or lounge chairs.
*7.13.D4. An area for teaching daily living activities
shall be provided. It shall contain an area for a bed, 7.14.B4. Handwashing stations shall be convenient
kitchen counter with appliances and sink, bathroom, to the nurses station and patient treatment areas.
and a table/chair. There shall be at least one handwashing station serv-
ing no more than four stations. These shall be uni-
7.13.E. Prosthetics and Orthotics formly distributed to provide equal access from each
If this service is provided, the following, at least, shall patient station.
be included:
7.14.B5. The open unit shall be designed to provide
7.13.E1. Workspace for technicians. privacy for each patient.

7.13.E2. Space for evaluating and fitting, with provi- 7.14.B6. The number of and need for required air-
sion for privacy. borne infection isolation rooms shall be determined
by an Infection Control Risk Assessment (ICRA).
7.13.E3. Space for equipment, supplies, and storage. When required, the airborne infection isolation
room(s) shall comply with the requirements of
7.13.F. Speech and Hearing Section 7.2.C.
If this service is provided, the following, at least, shall
be included: 7.14.B7. If required by the functional program, there
shall be a medication dispensing station for the dialy-
7.13.F1. Space for evaluation and treatment. sis center. A work counter and handwashing stations
shall be included in this area. Provisions shall be
7.13.F2. Space for equipment and storage. made for the controlled storage, preparation distribu-
tion and refrigeration of medications.

7.14 Renal Dialysis Unit (Acute and 7.14.B8. If home training is provided in the unit, a
Chronic) private treatment area of at least 120 square feet
(11.15 square meters) shall be provided for patients
7.14.A. General who are being trained to use dialysis equipment at
7.14.A1. The number of dialysis stations shall be home. This room shall contain counter, handwashing
based upon the expected workload and may include stations, and a separate drain for fluid disposal.
several work shifts per day.
7.14.B9. An examination room with handwashing
7.14.A2. The location shall offer convenient access stations and writing surface shall be provided with at
for outpatients. Accessibility to the unit from parking least 100 square feet (9.29 square meters).
and public transportation shall be a consideration.
7.14.B10. A clean workroom shall be provided. If the
7.14.A3. Space and equipment shall be provided as room is used for preparing patient care items, it shall
necessary to accommodate the functional programs contain a work counter, a handwashing station, and
which may include acute (inpatient services) and storage facilities for clean and sterile supplies. If the
chronic cases, home treatment and kidney reuse facil- room is used only for storage and holding as part of a
ities. Inpatient services (acute) may be performed in system for distribution of clean and sterile materials,
critical care units and designated areas in the hospi- the work counter and handwashing station may be
tal, with appropriate utility. omitted. Soiled and clean workrooms or holding rooms
shall be separated and have no direct connection.
7.14.B. Treatment Area
7.14.B1. The treatment area may be an open area and 7.14.B11. A soiled workroom shall be provided and
shall be separate from administrative and waiting areas. contain a flushing-rim sink, handwashing station,

7.14.B2. Nurse’s station(s) shall be located within the

dialysis treatment area and designed to provide visual
observation of all patient stations. A7.13.D4. The facilities should be similar to a residential environment.

work counter, storage cabinets, waste receptacles, and 7.14.B20. The water treatment equipment shall be
a soiled linen receptacle. located in an enclosed room.

7.14.B12. If dialyzers are reused, a reprocessing room 7.14.B21. A patient toilet with handwashing stations
is required and sized to perform the functions shall be provided.
required and include one-way flow of materials from
soiled to clean with provisions for a refrigeration *7.14.B22. Piping.
(temporary storage or dialyzer) decontamination/
cleaning areas, sinks processors, computer processors 7.14.C. Ancillary Facilities
and label printers, packaging area and dialyzer stor- 7.14.C1. Appropriate areas shall be available for male
age cabinets. and female personnel for staff clothing change area
and lounge. The areas shall contain lockers, shower,
7.14.B13. If a nourishment station for the dialysis toilet, and handwashing stations.
service is provided, the nourishment station shall
contain a sink, a work counter, a refrigerator, storage 7.14.C2. Storage for patients’ belongings shall be
cabinets and equipment for serving nourishments as provided.
7.14.C3. A waiting room, toilet room with hand-
7.14.B14. An environmental services closet shall be washing stations, drinking fountain, public telephone,
provided adjacent to and for the exclusive use of the and seating accommodations for waiting periods shall
unit. The closet shall contain a floor receptor or ser- be available or accessible to the dialysis unit.
vice sink and storage space for housekeeping supplies
and equipment. 7.14.C4. Office and clinical work space shall be
available for administrative services.
7.14.B15. If required by the functional program, an
equipment repair and breakdown room shall be
equipped with a handwashing station, deep service 7.15 Respiratory Therapy Service
sink, work counter and storage cabinet.
The type and extent of respiratory therapy service in
7.14.B16. Supply areas or supply carts shall be different institutions vary greatly. In some, therapy is
provided. delivered in large sophisticated units, centralized in a
specific area; in others, basic services are provided
7.14.B17. Storage space shall be available for wheel- only at patients’ bedsides. If respiratory service is pro-
chairs and stretchers, if stretchers are provided, out of vided, the following elements shall be included as a
direct line of traffic. minimum, in addition to those elements stipulated in
Sections 7.13.B1, 7, 8, and 9:
7.14.B18. A clean linen storage area shall be pro-
vided. This may be within the clean workroom, a 7.15.A. Storage for Equipment and Supplies
separate closet, or an approved distribution system. If
a closed cart system is used, storage may be in an 7.15.B. Space and Utilities for Cleaning and
alcove. It must be out of the path of normal traffic Disinfecting Equipment
and under staff control. Provide physical separation of the space for receiving
and cleaning soiled materials from the space for stor-
7.14.B19. Each facility using a central batch delivery age of clean equipment and supplies. Appropriate
system shall provide, either on the premises or local exhaust ventilation shall be provided if gluter-
through written arrangements, individual delivery aldehyde or other noxious disinfectants are used in
systems for the treatment of any patient requiring the cleaning process.
special dialysis solutions. The mixing room should
also include a sink, storage space and holding tanks. 7.15.C.
Respiratory services shall be conveniently accessible
on a 24-hour basis to the critical care units.

If respiratory services such as testing and demonstra-
A7.14.B22. All installed RO water and dialysis solution piping should tion for outpatients are part of the program, addi-
be accessible. tional facilities and equipment shall be provided as

necessary for the appropriate function of the service, *7.16.B.

including but not limited to: If autopsies are performed outside the facility, a well-
ventilated, temperature-controlled, body-holding
7.15.D1. Patient waiting area with provision for room shall be provided.

7.15.D2. A reception and control station. 7.17 Pharmacy

7.15.D3. Patient toilets and handwashing stations. 7.17.A. General
The size and type of services to be provided in the
7.15.D4. Room(s) for patient education and pharmacy will depend upon the type of drug distrib-
demonstration. ution system used, number of patients to be served,
and extent of shared or purchased services. This shall
7.15.E. Cough-Inducing and Aerosol-Generating be described in the functional program. The phar-
Procedures macy room or suite shall be located for convenient
All cough-inducing procedures performed on access, staff control, and security. Facilities and
patients who may have infectious Mycobacterium equipment shall be as necessary to accommodate the
tuberculosis shall be performed in rooms using local functions of the program. (Satellite facilities, if pro-
exhaust ventilation devices, e.g., booths or special vided, shall include those items required by the pro-
enclosures with discharge HEPA filters and exhaust gram.) As a minimum, the following elements shall
directly to the outside. If a ventilated booth is used, be included:
the air exchange rate within the booth shall be at
least 12 air changes per hour, with a minimum 7.17.B. Dispensing
exhaust flow rate of 50 cfm and differential pressure 7.17.B1. A pickup and receiving area.
of 0.0l” w.c. (2.5 Pa). These procedures may also be
performed in a room that meets the ventilation 7.17.B2. An area for reviewing and recording.
requirements for airborne infection control. See Table
7.2 for airborne infection isolation room ventilation 7.17.B3. An extemporaneous compounding area that
requirements. includes a sink and sufficient counter space for drug
preparation. Floor drainage may also be required,
depending on the extent of compounding conducted.
7.16 Morgue
7.17.B4. Work counters and space for automated and
These facilities shall be accessible through an exterior manual dispensing activities.
entrance and shall be located to avoid the need for
transporting bodies through public areas. 7.17.B5. An area for temporary storage, exchange,
and restocking of carts.
The following elements shall be provided when 7.17.B6. Security provisions for drugs and personnel
autopsies are performed in the hospital: in the dispensing counter area.

7.16.A1. Refrigerated facilities for body holding. 7.17.C. Manufacturing

7.17.C1. A bulk compounding area.
7.16.A2. An autopsy room containing the following:
7.17.C2. Provisions for packaging and labeling.
a. A work counter with a sink equipped for hand-
washing. 7.17.C3. A quality-control area.

b. A storage space for supplies, equipment, and 7.17.D.

specimens. Storage (may be cabinets, shelves, and/or separate
rooms or closets).
c. An autopsy table.
d. A deep sink for washing of specimens.
A7.16.B. Autopsy rooms should be equipped with downdraft local
7.16.A3. A housekeeping service sink or receptor for exhaust ventilation.
cleanup and housekeeping. 57

7.17.D1. Bulk storage. 7.18 Dietary Facilities

7.17.D2. Active storage. 7.18.A. General
Food service facilities and equipment shall conform
7.17.D3. Refrigerated storage. with these standards and with the standards of the
National Sanitation Foundation and other appropri-
7.17.D4. Volatile fluids and alcohol storage con- ate codes and shall provide food service for staff, visi-
structed according to applicable fire safety codes for tors, inpatients, and outpatients as may be
the substances involved. appropriate.

7.17.D5. Secure storage for narcotics and controlled Consideration may also be required for meals to VIP
drugs. suites, and for cafeterias for staff, ambulatory
patients, and visitors as well as providing for nourish-
7.17.D6. Storage for general supplies and equipment ments and snacks between scheduled meal service.
not in use.
Patient food preparation areas shall be located in an
7.17.E. Administration area adjacent to delivery, interior transportation,
7.17.E1. Provision for cross-checking of medication storage, etc.
and drug profiles of individual patients.
Finishes in the dietary facility shall be selected to
7.17.E2. Poison control, reaction data, and drug ensure cleanability and the maintenance of sanitary
information centers. conditions.

7.17.E3. A separate room or area for office function 7.18.B. Functional Elements
including desk, filing, communication, and reference. If on-site conventional food service preparation is
used, the following in size and number appropriate
7.17.E4. Provisions for patient counseling and for approved function shall be provided:
instruction (may be in a room separate from the
pharmacy). 7.18.B1. Receiving/control stations. Provide an area
for the receiving and control of incoming dietary
7.17.E5. A room for education and training (may supplies. This area shall be separated from the gen-
be in a multipurpose room shared with other eral receiving area and shall contain the following: a
departments). control station and a breakout for loading, uncrating,
and weighing supplies.
7.17.F. Other
7.17.F1. Handwashing stations shall be provided 7.18.B2. Storage spaces. They shall be convenient to
within each separate room where open medication is the receiving area and shall be located to exclude
handled. traffic through the food preparation area to reach
them. Storage spaces for bulk, refrigerated, and
7.17.F2. Provide for convenient access to toilet and frozen foods shall be provided. A minimum of four
locker. days’ supplies shall be stocked. (In remote areas, this
number may be increased to accommodate length of
7.17.F3. If unit dose procedure is used, provide addi- delivery in emergencies.)
tional space and equipment for supplies, packaging,
labeling, and storage, as well as for the carts. Food storage components shall be grouped for conve-
nient access from receiving and to the food prepara-
7.17.F4. If IV solutions are prepared in the phar- tion areas.
macy, provide a sterile work area with a laminar-flow
workstation designed for product protection. The All food shall be stored clear of the floor. Lowest
laminar-flow system shall include a nonhydroscopic shelf shall be not less than 12 inches (300 millime-
filter rated at 99.97 percent (HEPA), as tested by ters) above the floor or shall be closed in and sealed
DOP tests, and have a visible pressure gauge for tight for ease of cleaning.
detection of filter leaks or defects.
7.18.B3. Cleaning supplies storage. Provide a separate
7.17.F5. Provide for consultation and patient educa- storage room for the storage of non-food items such
tion when the functional program requires dispensing as cleaning supplies that might contaminate edibles.
58 of medication to outpatients.

7.18.B4. Additional storage rooms. They shall be 7.18.B13. Waste storage room. A food waste storage
provided as necessary for the storage of cooking room shall be conveniently located to the food prepa-
wares, extra trays, flatware, plastic and paper prod- ration and ware washing areas but not within the
ucts, and portable equipment. food preparation area. It shall have direct access to
the hospital’s waste collection and disposal facilities.
7.18.B5. Food preparation work spaces. Provide work
spaces for food preparation, cooking, and baking. 7.18.B14. Handwashing. Fixtures that are operable
These areas shall be as close as possible to the user without the use of hands shall be located conve-
(i.e., tray assembly and dining). Provide additional niently accessible at locations throughout the unit.
spaces for thawing and portioning.
7.18.B15. Office spaces. Offices for the use of the
7.18.B6. Assembly and distribution. Provide a patient food service manager shall be provided. In smaller
tray assembly area and locate within close proximity facilities, this space may be located in an area that is
to the food preparation and distribution areas. part of the food preparation area.

7.18.B7. Food service carts. A cart distribution sys- 7.18.B16. Toilets and locker spaces. Spaces shall be
tem shall be provided with spaces for storage, load- provided for the exclusive use of the dietary staff.
ing, distribution, receiving, and sanitizing of the food They shall not open directly into the food prepara-
service carts. The cart traffic shall be designed to tion areas, but must be in close proximity to them.
eliminate any danger of cross-circulation between
outgoing food carts and incoming, soiled carts, and 7.18.B17. Housekeeping rooms. They shall be pro-
the cleaning and sanitizing process. Cart circulation vided for the exclusive use of the dietary department
shall not be through food processing areas. and shall contain the following: a floor sink and space
for mops, pails, and supplies. Where hot water or
7.18.B8. Dining area. Provide dining space(s) for steam is used for general cleaning, additional space
ambulatory patients, staff, and visitors. These spaces within the room shall be provided for the storage of
shall be separate from the food preparation and dis- hoses and nozzles.
tribution areas.
7.18.B18. Icemaking equipment. It shall be of type
7.18.B9. Vending services. If vending devices are that is convenient for service and easily cleaned. It
used for unscheduled meals, provide a separate room shall be provided for both drinks and food products
that can be accessed without having to enter the (self-dispensing equipment), and for general use
main dining area. The vending room shall contain (storage-bin type equipment).
coin-operated machines, bill changers, a handwash-
ing station, and a sitting area. Facilities for the servic- 7.18.B19. Commissary or contract services from
ing and sanitizing of the machines shall be provided other areas. Items above may be reduced as appropri-
as part of the food service program of the facility. ate. Provide for protection of food delivered to insure
freshness, retention of hot and cold, and avoidance of
7.18.B10. Area for receiving, scraping, and sorting contamination. If delivery is from outside sources,
soiled tableware shall be adjacent to ware washing provide protection against weather. Provisions must
and separate from food preparation areas. be made for thorough cleaning and sanitizing of
equipment to avoid mix of soiled and clean.
7.18.B11. Ware washing facilities. They shall be
designed to prevent contamination of clean wares with 7.18.C. Equipment
soiled wares through cross-traffic. The clean wares shall Mechanical devices shall be heavy duty suitable for
be transferred for storage or use in the dining area use intended and easily cleaned. Where equipment is
without having to pass through food preparation areas. movable provide heavy duty locking casters. If equip-
ment is to have fixed utility connections, the equip-
7.18.B12. Pot washing facilities including multi- ment should not be equipped with casters. Walk-in
compartmented sinks of adequate size for intended coolers, refrigerators, and freezers shall be insulated at
use shall be provided convenient to using service. floor as well as at walls and top. Coolers and refriger-
Supplemental heat for hot water to clean pots and ators shall be capable of maintaining a temperature
pans may be by booster heater or by steam jet. down to freezing. Freezers shall be capable of main-
taining a temperature of 20 degrees below 0°F.
Mobil carts or other provisions should be made for Coolers, refrigerators, and freezers shall be thermo-
drying and storage of pots and pans. statically controlled to maintain desired temperature
settings in increments of 2 degrees or less. Interior 59

temperatures shall be indicated digitally so as to be 7.19.E. General or Individual Office(s)

visible from the exterior. Controls shall include audi- These shall be provided for business transactions,
ble and visible high and low temperature alarm. Time medical and financial records, and administrative and
of alarm shall be automatically recorded. professional staff.

Walk-in units may be lockable from outside but must 7.19.F. Multipurpose Room(s)
have release mechanism for exit from inside at all These shall be provided for conferences, meetings,
times. Interior shall be lighted. All shelving shall be and health education purposes, and include provi-
corrosion resistant, easily cleaned, and constructed sions for the use of visual aids. One multipurpose
and anchored to support a loading of at least 100 room may be shared by several services.
pounds per linear foot.
7.19.G. Storage for Office Equipment and
All cooking equipment shall be equipped with auto- Supplies
matic shutoff devices to prevent excessive heat buildup.

Under-counter conduits, piping, and drains shall be 7.20 Medical Records

arranged to not interfere with cleaning of floor below
or of the equipment. Rooms, areas, or offices for the following personnel
and/or functions shall be provided:

7.19 Administration and Public Areas 7.20.A. Medical Records Administrator/

The following shall be provided:
7.20.B. Review and Dictation
7.19.A. Entrance
This shall be at grade level, sheltered from inclement 7.20.C. Sorting, Recording, or Microfilming
weather, and accessible to the disabled. Records

7.19.B. Lobby 7.20.D. Record Storage

This shall include:

7.19.B1. A counter or desk for reception and infor- 7.21 Central Services
The following shall be provided:
7.19.B2. Public waiting area(s).
7.21.A. Separate Soiled and Clean Work Areas
7.19.B3. Public toilet facilities. 7.21.A1. Soiled workroom. This room shall be physi-
cally separated from all other areas of the depart-
7.19.B4. Public telephones. ment. Workspace should be provided to handle the
cleaning and initial sterilization/disinfection of all
7.19.B5. Drinking fountain(s). medical/surgical instruments and equipment. Work
tables, sinks, flush type devices, and washer/sterilizer
7.19.C. Interview Space(s) decontaminators. Pass-through doors and
These shall include provisions for private interviews washer/sterilizer decontaminators should deliver into
relating to social service, credit, and admissions. clean processing area/workrooms.

7.19.D. Admissions Area *7.21.A2. Clean assembly/workroom. This workroom

If required by the functional program for initial shall contain handwashing stations, workspace, and
admission of inpatients, the area shall include: equipment for terminal sterilizing of medical and
surgical equipment and supplies. Clean and soiled
7.19.D1. A separate waiting area for patients and work areas should be physically separated.
accompanying persons.
7.21.B. Storage Areas
7.19.D2. A work counter or desk for staff. 7.21.B1. Clean/sterile medical/surgical supplies. A
room for breakdown should be provided for manu-
7.19.D3. A storage area for wheelchairs, out of the facturers’ clean/sterile supplies (clean processing area
60 path of normal traffic. should not be in this area but adjacent). Storage for

packs etc., shall include provisions for ventilation, 7.23 Linen Services
humidity, and temperature control.
7.23.A. General
7.21.C. Administrative/Changing Room Each facility shall have provisions for storing and
If required by the functional program, this room processing of clean and soiled linen for appropriate
should be separate from all other areas and provide for patient care. Processing may be done within the facil-
staff to change from street clothes into work attire. ity, in a separate building on- or off-site, or in a com-
Lockers, sink, and showers should be made available mercial or shared laundry.
within the immediate vicinity of the department.
7.21.D. Storage Room for Patient Care and Facilities and equipment shall be as required for cost
Distribution Carts effective operation as described in the functional pro-
This area should be adjacent, easily available to clean gram. At a minimum, the following elements shall be
and sterile storage, and close to main distribution point included:
to keep traffic to a minimum and ease of work flow.
7.23.B1. A separate room for receiving and holding
soiled linen until ready for pickup or processing.
7.22 General Stores
7.23.B2. A central, clean linen storage and issuing
In addition to supply facilities in individual depart- room(s), in addition to the linen storage required at
ments, a central storage area shall also be provided. individual patient units.
General stores may be located in a separate building
on-site with provisions for protection against 7.23.B3. Cart storage area(s) for separate parking of
inclement weather during transfer of supplies. clean- and soiled-linen carts out of traffic.

The following shall be provided: 7.23.B4. A clean linen inspection and mending room
or area. If not provided elsewhere, a clean linen
7.22.A. Off-street Unloading Facilities inspection, delinting, folding, assembly and packag-
ing area should be provided as part of the linen ser-
7.22.B. Receiving Area vices. Mending should be provided for in the linen
services department. A space for tables, shelving, and
7.22.C. General Storage Room(s) storage should be provided.
General storage room(s) with a total area of not less
than 20 square feet (1.86 square meters) per inpatient 7.23.B5. Handwashing stations in each area where
bed shall be provided. Storage may be in separate, unbagged, soiled linen is handled.
concentrated areas within the institution or in one or
more individual buildings on-site. A portion of this 7.23.C.
storage may be provided off-site. If linen is processed outside the building, provisions
shall also be made for:
7.22.D. Additional Storage Room(s)
Additional storage areas for outpatient facilities shall 7.23.C1. A service entrance, protected from inclement
be provided in an amount not less than 5 percent of weather, for loading and unloading of linen.
the total area of the outpatient facilities. This may be
combined with and in addition to the general stores 7.23.C2. Control station for pickup and receiving.
or be located in a central area within the outpatient
department. A portion of this storage may be pro- 7.23.D.
vided off-site. If linen is processed in a laundry facility that is part
of the project (within or as a separate building), the


A7.21.A2. Clean Assembly/Workroom of medical/surgical supplies and equipment for sterilization. Area should
Access to sterilization room should be restricted. This room should contain contain work tables, counters, a handwashing station, ultrasonic storage
Hi-Vacuum or gravity steam sterilizers and sterilization equipment to facilities for backup supplies and instrumentation and a drying cabinet or
accommodate heat-sensitive equipment (ETO sterilizer) and ETO aerators. equipment. The area should be spacious enough to hold sterilizer carts for
This room is used exclusively for the inspection, assembly, and packaging loading of prepared supplies for sterilization.

following shall be provided in addition to that of 7.27 Engineering Service and

Section 7.23.B: Equipment Areas
7.23.D1. A receiving, holding, and sorting room for Sufficient space shall be included in all mechanical
control and distribution of soiled linen. Discharge and electrical equipment rooms for proper mainte-
from soiled linen chutes may be received within this nance of equipment. Provisions shall also be made for
room or in a separate room. removal and replacement of equipment.

7.23.D2. Laundry processing room with commercial 7.27.A.

type equipment that can process at least a seven-day Room(s) or separate building(s) for boilers, mechani-
supply within the regular scheduled work week. This cal, and electrical equipment, except:
may require a capacity for processing a seven-day
supply in a 40-hour week. 7.27.A1. Roof-top air conditioning and ventilation
equipment installed in weatherproof housings.
7.23.D3. Storage for laundry supplies.
7.27.A2. Standby generators where the engine and
7.23.D4. Employee handwashing stations in each room appropriate accessories (i.e., batteries) are properly
where clean or soiled linen is processed and handled. heated and enclosed in a weatherproof housing.

7.23.D5. Arrangement of equipment that will permit 7.27.A3. Cooling towers and heat rejection equipment.
an orderly work flow and minimize cross-traffic that
might mix clean and soiled operations. 7.27.A4. Electrical transformers and switchgear
where required to serve the facility and where
7.23.D6. Conveniently accessible staff lockers, show- installed in a weatherproof housing.
ers, and lounge.
7.27.A5. Medical gas parks and equipment.

7.24 Facilities for Cleaning and 7.27.A6. Air-cooled chillers where installed in a
Sanitizing Carts weatherproof housing.

Facilities shall be provided to clean and sanitize carts 7.27.A7. Trash compactors and incinerators. Site
serving the central service department, dietary facili- lighting, post indicator valves, and other equipment
ties, and linen services. These facilities may be cen- normally installed on the exterior of the building.
tralized or departmentalized.
Engineer’s office with file space and provisions for pro-
7.25 Employee Facilities tected storage of facility drawings, records, manuals, etc.

Lockers, lounges, toilets, etc. should be provided for 7.27.C.

employees and volunteers. These should be in addi- General maintenance shop(s) for repair and
tion to, and separate from, those required for medical maintenance.
staff and public.
Storage room for building maintenance supplies.
7.26 Housekeeping Rooms Storage for solvents and flammable liquids shall com-
ply with applicable NFPA codes.
In addition to the housekeeping rooms required in
certain departments, sufficient housekeeping rooms 7.27.E.
shall be provided throughout the facility as required Separate area or room specifically for storage, repair,
to maintain a clean and sanitary environment. Each and testing of electronic and other medical equip-
shall contain a floor receptor or service sink and stor- ment. The amount of space and type of utilities will
age space for housekeeping equipment and supplies. vary with the type of equipment involved and types
There shall not be less than one housekeeping room of outside contracts used.
for each floor.


7.27.F. room. Similar considerations may be desirable for

Yard equipment and supply storage areas shall be certain outpatient services.
located so that equipment may be moved directly to
the exterior without interference with other work. 7.28.A5. If required by the program, door hardware
on patient toilet rooms in psychiatric nursing units
may be designed to allow staff to control access.
7.28 General Standards for Details
and Finishes 7.28.A6. The minimum door size for inpatient bed-
rooms in new work shall be 3 feet 8 inches (1.11
If approved by the authorities having jurisdiction, meters) wide and 7 feet (2.13 meters) high to provide
retained portions of existing facilities that are not clearance for movement of beds and other equipment.
required to be totally modernized due to financial or Existing doors of not less than 2 feet 10 inches (863.6
other hardships may, as a minimum, comply with millimeters) wide may be considered for acceptance
applicable requirements of the Existing Health Care where function is not adversely affected and replace-
Occupancies Section of NFPA 101. However, a plan ment is impractical. Doors to other rooms used for
of correction for these portions should also be devel- stretchers (including hospital wheeled-bed stretchers)
oped and implemented. and/or wheelchairs shall have a minimum width of 2
feet 10 inches (863.6 millimeters). Where used in these
Details and finishes in new construction projects, Guidelines, door width and height shall be the nominal
including additions and alterations, shall comply with dimension of the door leaf, ignoring projections of
the following (see Section 1.2 concerning existing frame and stops. Note: While these standards are
facilities where total compliance is structurally intended for access by patients and patient equipment,
impractical): size of office furniture, etc., shall also be considered.

7.28.A. Details 7.28.A7. All doors between corridors, rooms, or

7.28.A1. Compartmentation, exits, fire alarms, auto- spaces subject to occupancy, except elevator doors,
matic extinguishing systems, and other fire prevention shall be of the swing type. Manual or automatic slid-
and fire protection measures, including those within ing doors may be exempt from this standard where
existing facilities, shall comply with NFPA 101, with fire and other emergency exiting requirements are not
the following stipulation. The Fire-Safety Evaluation compromised and where cleanliness of surfaces can
System (FSES) shall not be used as a substitute for be maintained.
basic NFPA 101 design criteria for new construction
or major renovations in existing facilities. (The FSES 7.28.A8. Doors, except those to spaces such as small
is intended as an evaluation tool for fire safety only.) closets not subject to occupancy, shall not swing into
See Section 1.6 for exceptions. Note: For most pro- corridors in a manner that might obstruct traffic flow
jects it is essential that third-party reimbursement or reduce the required corridor width. (Large walk-
requirements also be followed. Verify where these may in-type closets are considered inhabitable spaces.)
be in excess of standards in these Guidelines.
7.28.A9. Windows and outer doors that frequently
7.28.A2. Corridors in outpatient suites and in areas may be left open shall be equipped with insect screens.
not commonly used for patient bed or stretcher
transportation may be reduced in width to 5 feet 7.28.A10. Operable windows are not required in
(1.52 meters). patient rooms. If operable windows are provided in
patient rooms or suites, operation of such windows
7.28.A3. Location of items such as drinking foun- shall be restricted to inhibit possible escape or suicide.
tains, telephone booths, vending machines, and
portable equipment shall not restrict corridor traffic 7.28.A11. Glass doors, lights, sidelights, borrowed lights,
or reduce the corridor width below the minimum and windows located within 12 inches (304.8 millime-
standard. ters) of a door jamb (with a bottom-frame height of less
than 60 inches or 1.52 meters above the finished floor)
7.28.A4. Rooms that contain bathtubs, sitz baths, shall be constructed of safety glass, wired glass, or plastic,
showers, and/or water closets for inpatient use shall break-resistant material that creates no dangerous cutting
be equipped with doors and hardware permitting edges when broken. Similar materials shall be used for
emergency access from the outside. When such wall openings in active areas such as recreation and exer-
rooms have only one opening or are small, the doors cise rooms, unless otherwise required for fire safety.
shall open outward or in a manner that will avoid Safety glass-tempered or plastic glazing materials shall
pressing a patient who may have collapsed within the be used for shower doors and bath enclosures. Plastic 63

and similar materials used for glazing shall comply with provided that installation precludes possible contami-
the flame-spread ratings of NFPA 101. Safety glass or nation by recirculation of air.
plastic glazing materials, as noted above, shall also be
used for interior windows and doors, including those in 7.28.A18. Lavatories and handwashing stations shall
pediatric and psychiatric unit corridors. In renovation be securely anchored to withstand an applied vertical
projects, only glazing within 18 inches (460 millimeters) load of not less than 250 pounds (113.4 kilograms)
of the floor must be changed to safety glass, wire glass, or on the fixture front.
plastic, break-resistant material.
7.28.A19. Radiation protection requirements for X-
Note: Provisions of this paragraph concern safety ray and gamma ray installations shall conform with
from hazards of breakage. NFPA 101 contains addi- NCRP Report Nos. 33 and 49 and all applicable local
tional requirements for glazing in exit corridors, etc., requirements. Provision shall be made for testing
especially in buildings without sprinkler systems. completed installations before use. All defects must be
corrected before approval. Testing is to be coordinated
7.28.A12. Linen and refuse chutes shall meet or with local authorities to prevent duplication.
exceed the following standards:
7.28.A20. The minimum ceiling height shall be 7 feet
a. Service openings to chutes shall comply with 10 inches (2.39 meters), with the following exceptions:
NFPA 101.
a. Boiler rooms shall have ceiling clearances not less
b. The minimum cross-sectional dimension of gravity than 2 feet 6 inches (762 millimeters) above the main
chutes shall be 2 feet (609.6 millimeters). boiler header and connecting piping.

c. Chute discharge into collection rooms shall comply b. Ceilings in radiographic, operating and delivery
with NFPA 101. rooms, and other rooms containing ceiling-mounted
equipment or ceiling-mounted surgical light fixtures
d. Chutes shall meet the provisions as described in shall be of sufficient height to accommodate the
NFPA 82. equipment or fixtures and their normal movement.

7.28.A13. Thresholds and expansion joint covers shall c. Ceilings in corridors, storage rooms, and toilet
be flush with the floor surface to facilitate the use of rooms shall be not less than 7 feet 8 inches (2.34
wheelchairs and carts. Expansion and seismic joints meters) in height. Ceiling heights in small, normally
shall be constructed to restrict the passage of smoke. unoccupied spaces may be reduced.

7.28.A14. Grab bars shall be provided in all patient d. Suspended tracks, rails, and pipes located in the traf-
toilets, showers, bathtubs, and sitz baths at a wall fic path for patients in beds and/or on stretchers,
clearance of 1-1/2 inches (38.1 millimeters). Bars, including those in inpatient service areas, shall be not
including those that are part of such fixtures as soap less than 7 feet (2.13 meters) above the floor. Clearances
dishes, shall be sufficiently anchored to sustain a con- in other areas may be 6 feet 8 inches (2.03 meters).
centrated load of 250 pounds (113.4 kilograms).
e. Where existing structures make the above ceiling
7.28.A15. Location and arrangement of fittings for clearance impractical, clearances shall be as required
handwashing stations shall permit their proper use to avoid injury to individuals up to 6 feet 4 inches
and operation. Particular care should be given to the (1.93 meters) tall.
clearances required for blade-type operating handles.
f. Seclusion treatment rooms shall have a minimum
7.28.A16. Mirrors shall not be installed at hand- ceiling height of 9 feet (2.74 meters).
washing stations in food preparation areas, nurs-
eries, clean and sterile supply areas, scrub sinks, or 7.28.A21. Recreation rooms, exercise rooms, equip-
other areas where asepsis control would be lessened ment rooms, and similar spaces where impact noises
by hair combing. may be generated shall not be located directly over
patient bed areas or delivery and operating suites, unless
7.28.A17. Provisions for hand drying shall be special provisions are made to minimize such noise.
included at all handwashing stations except scrub
sinks. These provisions shall be paper or cloth units 7.28.A22. Rooms containing heat-producing equip-
enclosed to protect against dust or soil and to insure ment, such as boiler or heater rooms or laundries,
64 single-unit dispensing. Hot air dryers are permitted shall be insulated and ventilated to prevent the floor

surface above and/or the adjacent walls of occupied 7.28.B7. Floors and walls penetrated by pipes, ducts,
areas from exceeding a temperature of 10°F (6°C) and conduits shall be tightly sealed to minimize entry
above ambient room temperature. of rodents and insects. Joints of structural elements
shall be similarly sealed.
7.28.A23. The noise reduction criteria shown in
Table 7.1 shall apply to partitions, floors, and ceiling 7.28.B8. Ceilings, including exposed structure in
construction in patient areas. areas normally occupied by patients or staff in food
preparation and food storage areas, shall be cleanable
7.28.B. Finishes with routine housekeeping equipment. Acoustic and
7.28.B1. Cubicle curtains and draperies shall be non- lay-in ceiling, where used, shall not interfere with
combustible or flame-retardant, and shall pass both infection control.
the large- and small-scale tests of NFPA 701 when
applicable. In dietary areas and in other areas where dust fallout
may present a problem, provide suspended ceilings.
7.28.B2. Materials and certain plastics known to
produce noxious gases when burned shall not be used Ceiling finishes in semirestricted areas such as clean
for mattresses, upholstery, and other items insofar as corridors, central sterile supply spaces, specialized
practical. (Typical “hard” floor coverings such as radiographic rooms, and minor surgical procedure
vinyl, vinyl composition, and rubber normally do not rooms must be smooth, scrubbable, nonabsorptive,
create a major fire or smoke problem.) nonperforated, capable of withstanding cleaning with
chemicals, and without crevices that can harbor mold
7.28.B3. Floors in areas and rooms in which flam- and bacterial growth. If lay-in ceiling is provided, it
mable anesthetic agents are stored or administered shall be gasketed or clipped down to prevent the pas-
shall comply with NFPA 99. sage of particles from the cavity above the ceiling
plane into the semirestricted environment.
7.28.B4. Floor materials shall be easily cleanable and Perforated, tegular, serrated cut, or highly textured
appropriately wear-resistant for the location. Floors tiles are not acceptable.
in areas used for food preparation or food assembly
shall be water-resistant. Floor surfaces, including tile Ceiling finishes in restricted areas such as operating
joints, shall be resistant to food acids. In all areas rooms shall be monolithic, scrubbable, and capable of
subject to frequent wet-cleaning methods, floor withstanding chemicals. Cracks or perforations in
materials shall not be physically affected by germici- these ceilings are not allowed.
dal cleaning solutions. Floors subject to traffic while
wet (such as shower and bath areas, kitchens, and In psychiatric patient rooms, toilets, and seclusion
similar work areas) shall have a nonslip surface. rooms, the ceiling and air distribution devices, light-
ing fixtures, sprinkler heads, and other appurtenances
7.28.B5. In new construction or major renovation shall be of a tamper-resistant type.
work, the floors and wall bases of all operating rooms
and any delivery rooms used for cesarean sections 7.28.B9. Rooms used for protective isolation shall
shall be monolithic and joint free. The floors and not have carpeted floors and shall have monolithic
wall bases of kitchens, soiled workrooms, and other ceilings.
areas subject to frequent wet cleaning shall also be
homogenous, but may have tightly sealed joints. 7.29 Design and Construction,
Including Fire-Resistant Standards
7.28.B6. Wall finishes shall be washable. In the
vicinity of plumbing fixtures, wall finishes shall be 7.29.A. Design
smooth and water-resistant. Every building and portion thereof shall be designed
and constructed to sustain all live and dead loads,
In dietary and food preparation areas, wall construc- including seismic and other environmental forces, in
tion, finish, and trim, including the joints between accordance with accepted engineering practices and
the walls and the floors, shall be free of insect- and standards as prescribed by local jurisdiction or by one
rodent-harboring spaces. of the model building codes. (See Section 1.1.A.)

In operating rooms, delivery rooms for cesarean sec- 7.29.B. Construction

tions, isolation rooms, and sterile processing rooms, wall Construction shall comply with the applicable require-
finishes shall be free of fissures, open joints, or crevices ments of NFPA 101, the standards contained herein, and
that may retain or permit passage of dirt particles. the requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. If 65

there are no applicable local codes, one of the recognized 7.30 Special Systems
model building codes shall be used (see Section 1.6).
7.30.A. General
Note: NFPA 101 generally covers fire/safety require- 7.30.A1. Prior to acceptance of the facility, all special
ments only, whereas most model codes also apply to systems shall be tested and operated to demonstrate
structural elements. The fire/safety items of NFPA to the owner or his designated representative that the
101 would take precedence over other codes in case installation and performance of these systems con-
of conflict. Appropriate application of each would form to design intent. Test results shall be docu-
minimize problems. For example, some model codes mented for maintenance files.
require closers on all patient doors. NFPA 101 recog-
nizes the potential fire/safety problems of this 7.30.A2. Upon completion of the special systems
requirement and stipulates that if closers are used for equipment installation contract, the owner shall be
patient room doors, smoke detectors should also be furnished with a complete set of manufacturers’ oper-
provided within each affected patient room. ating, maintenance, and preventive maintenance
instructions, a parts lists, and complete procurement
7.29.C. Freestanding Buildings information including equipment numbers and
Separate freestanding buildings for the boiler plant, descriptions. Operating staff persons shall also be
laundry, shops, general storage or other nonpatient provided with instructions for proper operation of
contact areas shall be built in accordance with applic- systems and equipment. Required information shall
able building codes for such occupancy. include all safety or code ratings as needed.

7.29.D. Interior Finishes 7.30.A3. Insulation shall be provided surrounding

Interior finishing materials shall comply with the special system equipment to conserve energy, protect
flame-spread limitations and the smoke-production personnel, and reduce noise.
limitations indicated in NFPA 101. This does not
apply to minor quantities of wood or other trim (see 7.30.B. Elevators
NFPA 101) or to wall covering less than four mil All hospitals having patient facilities (such as bed-
thick applied over a noncombustible base. rooms, dining rooms, or recreation areas) or critical
services (such as operating, delivery, diagnostic, or
7.29.E. Insulation Materials therapeutic) located on other than the grade-level
Building insulation materials, unless sealed on all entrance floor shall have electric or hydraulic eleva-
sides and edges with noncombustible material, shall tors. Installation and testing of elevators shall comply
have a flame-spread rating of 25 or less and a smoke- with ANSI/ASME A17.1 for new construction and
developed rating of 150 or less when tested in accor- ANSI/ASME A17.3 for existing facilities. (See
dance with NFPA 255. ASCE 7-93 for seismic design and control systems
requirements for elevators.)
7.29.F. Provisions for Disasters
(See also Section 1. 5) 7.30.B1. In the absence of an engineered traffic
7.29.F1. An emergency-radio communication system study the following guidelines for number of eleva-
shall be provided in each facility. This system shall tors shall apply:
operate independently of the building’s service and
emergency power systems during emergencies. The a. At least one hospital-type elevator shall be
system shall have frequency capabilities to communi- installed when 1 to 59 patient beds are located on
cate with state emergency communication networks. any floor other than the main entrance floor.
Additional communication capabilities will be
required of facilities containing a formal community b. At least two hospital-type elevators shall be
emergency-trauma service or other specialty services installed when 60 to 200 patient beds are located on
(such as regional pediatric critical care units) that uti- floors other than the main entrance floor, or where
lize staffed patient transport units. the major inpatient services are located on a floor
other than those containing patient beds. (Elevator
7.29.F2. Unless specifically approved, hospitals shall service may be reduced for those floors providing
not be built in areas subject to damage or inaccessi- only partial inpatient services.)
bility due to natural floods. Where facilities may be
subject to wind or water hazards, provision shall be c. At least three hospital-type elevators shall be
made to ensure continuous operation. installed where 201 to 350 patient beds are located
on floors other than the main entrance floor, or
66 where the major inpatient services are located on a

floor other than those containing patient beds. cation stating that the installation meets the require-
(Elevator service may be reduced for those floors that ments set forth in this section as well as all applicable
provide only partial inpatient services.) safety regulations and codes.

d. For hospitals with more than 350 beds, the num- 7.30.C. Waste Processing Services
ber of elevators shall be determined from a study of 7.30.C1. Storage and disposal. Facilities shall be pro-
the hospital plan and the expected vertical trans- vided for sanitary storage and treatment or disposal
portation requirements. of waste using techniques acceptable to the appropri-
ate health and environmental authorities. The func-
*7.30.B2. Hospital-type elevator cars shall have tional program shall stipulate the categories and
inside dimensions that accommodate a patient bed volumes of waste for disposal and shall stipulate the
with attendants. Cars shall be at least 5 feet 8 inches methods of disposal for each.
(1.73 meters) wide by 9 feet (2.74 meters) deep. Car
doors shall have a clear opening of not less than 4 7.30.C2. Medical waste. Medical waste shall be dis-
feet (1.22 meters) wide and 7 feet (2.13 meters) high. posed of either by incineration or other approved
In renovations, existing elevators that can accommo- technologies. Incinerators or other major disposal
date patient beds used in the facility will not be equipment may be shared by two or more institutions.
required to be increased in size.
a. Incinerators or other major disposal equipment may
Note: Additional elevators installed for visitors and also be used to dispose of other medical waste where
material handling may be smaller than noted above, local regulations permit. Equipment shall be designed
within restrictions set by standards for disabled access. for the actual quantity and type of waste to be
destroyed and should meet all applicable regulations.
7.30.B3. Elevators shall be equipped with a two-way
automatic level-maintaining device with an accuracy b. Incinerators with 50-pounds-per-hour or greater
of ± 1/4 inch (± 6.4 millimeters). capacities shall be in a separate room or outdoors; those
with lesser capacities may be located in a separate area
7.30.B4. Each elevator, except those for material within the facility boiler room. Rooms and areas contain-
handling, shall be equipped with an independent ing incinerators shall have adequate space and facilities
keyed switch for staff use for bypassing all landing for incinerator charging and cleaning, as well as necessary
button calls and responding to car button calls only. clearances for work and maintenance. Provisions shall be
made for operation, temporary storage, and disposal of
7.30.B5. Elevator call buttons and controls shall not materials so that odors and fumes do not drift back into
be activated by heat or smoke. Light beams, if used occupied areas. Existing approved incinerator installa-
for operating door reopening devices without touch, tions, which are not in separate rooms or outdoors, may
shall be used in combination with door-edge safety remain unchanged provided they meet the above criteria.
devices and shall be interconnected with a system of
smoke detectors. This is so that the light control fea- c. The design and construction of incinerators and
ture will be overridden or disengaged should it trash chutes shall comply with NFPA 82.
encounter smoke at any landing.
*d. Heat recovery.
7.30.B6. Field inspections and tests shall be made
and the owner shall be furnished with written certifi- *e. Environmental guidelines.


A7.30.B2. Elevator car doors should have a clear opening of not less tions. Toward this end, permit applications for incinerators and modifica-
than 4.5 feet (1.37 meters). tions thereof should be supported by Environmental Assessments and/or
Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) and/or Health Risk Assessments
A7.30.C2.d. When incinerators are used, consideration should be given (HRAs) as may be required by regulatory agencies. Except as noted below,
to the recovery of waste heat from on-site incinerators used to dispose of such assessments should utilize standard U.S. EPA methods, specifically
large amounts of waste materials. those set forth in U.S. EPA guidelines, and should be fully consistent with
U.S. EPA guidelines for health risk assessment. Under some circumstances,
A7.30.C2.e. Incinerators should be designed in a manner fully consistent however, regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over a particular project
with protection of public and environmental health, both on-site and off- may require use of alternative methods.
site, and in compliance with federal, state, and local statutes and regula-

7.30.C3. Nuclear waste disposal. See Code of Federal outside air. (Use of mechanically circulated outside
Regulations, title X, parts 20 and 35, concerning the air does not reduce need for filtration.)
handling and disposal of nuclear materials in health
care facilities. It may be practical in many areas to reduce or shut
down mechanical ventilation during appropriate cli-
matic and patient-care conditions and to use open
7.31 Mechanical Standards windows for ventilation.

7.31.A. General 7.31.A7. Mechanical equipment, ductwork, and pip-

7.31.A1. The mechanical system should be designed ing shall be mounted on vibration isolators as
for overall efficiency and appropriate life cycle cost. required to prevent unacceptable structure-borne
Details for cost-effective implementation of design vibration.
features are interrelated and too numerous (as well as
too basic) to list individually. Recognized engineering 7.31.A8. Supply and return mains and risers for
procedures shall be followed for the most economical cooling, heating, and steam systems shall be equipped
and effective results. A well-designed system can with valves to isolate the various sections of each sys-
generally achieve energy efficiency at minimal addi- tem. Each piece of equipment shall have valves at the
tional cost and simultaneously provide improved supply and return ends.
patient comfort. Different geographic areas may have
climatic and use conditions that favor one system 7.31.B. Thermal and Acoustical Insulation
over another in terms of overall cost and efficiency. In 7.31.B1. Insulation within the building shall be pro-
no case shall patient care or safety be sacrificed for vided to conserve energy, protect personnel, prevent
conservation. vapor condensation, and reduce noise.

Mechanical, electrical, and HVAC equipment may be 7.31.B2. Insulation on cold surfaces shall include an
located either internally, externally, or in separate exterior vapor barrier. (Material that will not absorb
buildings. or transmit moisture will not require a separate vapor
7.31.A2. Remodeling and work in existing facilities
may present special problems. As practicality and 7.31.B3. Insulation, including finishes and adhesives
funding permit, existing insulation, weather strip- on the exterior surfaces of ducts, piping, and equip-
ping, etc., should be brought up to standard for maxi- ment, shall have a flame-spread rating of 25 or less
mum economy and efficiency. Consideration shall be and a smoke-developed rating of 50 or less as deter-
given to additional work that may be needed to mined by an independent testing laboratory in accor-
achieve this. dance with NFPA 255.

7.31.A3. Facility design consideration shall include 7.31.B4. If duct lining is used, it shall be coated and
site, building mass, orientation, configuration, fenes- sealed, and shall meet ASTM C1071. These linings
tration, and other features relative to passive and (including coatings, adhesives, and exterior surface
active energy systems. insulation on pipes and ducts in spaces used as air
supply plenums) shall have a flame-spread rating of
7.31.A4. Insofar as practical, the facility should 25 or less and a smoke-developed rating of 50 or less,
include provisions for recovery of waste cooling and as determined by an independent testing laboratory
heating energy (ventilation, exhaust, water and steam in accordance with NFPA 255. If existing lined duct-
discharge, cooling towers, incinerators, etc.). work is reworked in a renovation project, the liner
seams and punctures shall be resealed.
7.31.A5. Facility design consideration shall include
recognized energy-saving mechanisms such as vari- 7.31.B5. Duct linings exposed to air movement shall
able-air-volume systems, load shedding, programmed not be used in ducts serving operating rooms, deliv-
controls for unoccupied periods (nights and week- ery rooms, LDR rooms, nurseries, protective environ-
ends, etc.) and use of natural ventilation, site and cli- ment rooms, and critical care units. This requirement
matic conditions permitting. Systems with excessive shall not apply to mixing boxes and acoustical traps
installation and/or maintenance costs that negate that have special coverings over such lining.
long-range energy savings should be avoided.
7.31.B6. Existing accessible insulation within areas
7.31.A6. Air-handling systems shall be designed of facilities to be modernized shall be inspected,
68 with an economizer cycle where appropriate to use repaired, and/or replaced, as appropriate.

7.31.B7. Duct lining shall not be installed within 15 designed and balanced according to the requirements
feet (4.57 meters) downstream of humidifiers. shown in Table 7.2 and in the applicable notes.

7.31.C. Steam and Hot Water Systems 7.31.D2. Exhaust systems may be combined to
7.31.C1. Boilers shall have the capacity, based upon enhance the efficiency of recovery devices required
the net ratings published by the Hydronics Institute for energy conservation. Local exhaust systems shall
or another acceptable national standard, to supply the be used whenever possible in place of dilution venti-
normal heating, hot water, and steam requirements of lation to reduce exposure to hazardous gases, vapors,
all systems and equipment. Their number and fumes, or mists. Airborne infection isolation rooms
arrangement shall accommodate facility needs despite shall not be served by exhaust systems incorporating
the breakdown or routine maintenance of any one a heat wheel.
boiler. The capacity of the remaining boiler(s) shall
be sufficient to provide hot water service for clinical, *7.31.D3. Fresh air intakes shall be located at least 25
dietary, and patient use; steam for sterilization and feet (7.62 meters) from exhaust outlets of ventilating
dietary purposes; and heating for operating, delivery, systems, combustion equipment stacks, medical-surgi-
birthing, labor, recovery, intensive care, nursery, and cal vacuum systems, plumbing vents, or areas that may
general patient rooms. collect vehicular exhaust or other noxious fumes.
(Prevailing winds and/or proximity to other structures
7.31.C2. Boiler accessories including feed pumps, may require greater clearances.) Plumbing and vac-
heat-circulating pumps, condensate return pumps, uum vents that terminate at a level above the top of
fuel oil pumps, and waste heat boilers shall be con- the air intake may be located as close as 10 feet (3.05
nected and installed to provide both normal and meters). The bottom of outdoor air intakes serving
standby service. central systems shall be as high as practical, but at
least 6 feet (1.83 meters) above ground level, or, if
7.31.D. Air Conditioning, Heating, and installed above the roof, 3 feet (0.91 meter) above roof
Ventilation Systems level. Exhaust outlets from areas that may be contam-
7.31.D1. All rooms and areas in the facility used for inated shall be above roof level and arranged to mini-
patient care shall have provisions for ventilation. The mize recirculation of exhaust air into the building.
ventilation rates shown in Table 7.2 shall be used
only as minimum standards; they do not preclude *7.31.D4. In new construction and major renovation
the use of higher, more appropriate rates. Though work, air supply for operating and delivery rooms
natural window ventilation for nonsensitive areas shall be from ceiling outlets near the center of the
and patient rooms may be employed, weather per- work area. Return air shall be near the floor level.
mitting, availability of mechanical ventilation should Each operating and delivery room shall have at least
be considered for use in interior areas and during two return-air inlets located as remotely from each
periods of temperature extremes. Fans serving other as practical. (Design should consider turbulence
exhaust systems shall be located at the discharge end and other factors of air movement to minimize fall of
and shall be readily serviceable. Air supply and particulates onto sterile surfaces.) Where extraordi-
exhaust in rooms for which no minimum total air nary procedures, such as organ transplants, justify
change rate is noted may vary down to zero in special designs, installation shall properly meet per-
response to room load. For rooms listed in Table 7.2, formance needs as determined by applicable stan-
where VAV systems are used, minimum total air dards. These special designs should be reviewed on a
change shall be within limits noted. Temperature case-by-case basis. Temperature shall be individually
control shall also comply with these standards. To controlled for each operating and delivery room.
maintain asepsis control, airflow supply and exhaust
should generally be controlled to ensure movement 7.31.D5. Air supply for rooms used for invasive pro-
of air from “clean” to “less clean” areas, especially in cedures shall be at or near the ceiling. Return or
critical areas. The ventilation systems shall be exhaust air inlets shall be near the floor level. Exhaust


A7.31.D3 Requirements to minimize cross contamination between fresh A7.31.D4. The operating and delivery room ventilation systems should
air intakes and various exhaust outlets may be determined by engineering operate at all times to maintain the “air movement relationship to adja-
modeling or calculations performed in accordance with the ASHRAE cent areas.” The cleanliness of the spaces is compromised when the venti-
Handbook of Fundamentals. lation system is shut down, e.g., airflow from a less clean space such as the
corridor can occur, and standing water can accumulate in the ventilation
system (near humidifiers or cooling coils).

grills for anesthesia evacuation and other special appli- *7.31.D9. If duct humidifiers are located upstream of
cations shall be permitted to be installed in the ceiling. the final filters, they shall be located at least 15 feet
(4.57 meters) upstream of the final filters. Ductwork
*7.31.D6. Each space routinely used for administer- with duct-mounted humidifiers shall have a means of
ing inhalation anesthesia and inhalation analgesia water removal. An adjustable high-limit humidistat
shall be served by a scavenging system to vent waste shall be located downstream of the humidifier to
gases. If a vacuum system is used, the gas-collecting reduce the potential of condensation inside the duct.
system shall be arranged so that it does not disturb All duct takeoffs should be sufficiently downstream
patients’ respiratory systems. Gases from the scaveng- of the humidifier to ensure complete moisture
ing system shall be exhausted directly to the outside. absorption. Steam humidifiers shall be used.
The anesthesia evacuation system may be combined Reservoir-type water spray or evaporative pan
with the room exhaust system, provided that the part humidifiers shall not be used.
used for anesthesia gas scavenging exhausts directly
to the outside and is not part of the recirculation sys- 7.31.D10. Air-handling duct systems shall be
tem. Scavenging systems are not required for areas designed with accessibility for duct cleaning, and
where gases are used only occasionally, such as the shall meet the requirements of NFPA 90A.
emergency department, offices for routine dental
work, etc. Acceptable concentrations of anesthetizing 7.31.D11. Ducts that penetrate construction
agents are unknown at this time. The absence of spe- intended to protect against X-ray, magnetic, RFI, or
cific data makes it difficult to set specific standards. other radiation shall not impair the effectiveness of
However, any scavenging system should be designed the protection.
to remove as much of the gas as possible from the
room environment. It is assumed that anesthetizing 7.31.D12. Fire and smoke dampers shall be con-
equipment will be selected and maintained to mini- structed, located, and installed in accordance with the
mize leakage and contamination of room air. requirements of NFPA 101, 90A, and the specific
damper’s listing requirements. Fans, dampers, and
7.31.D7. The bottoms of ventilation (supply/return) detectors shall be interconnected so that damper acti-
openings shall be at least 3 inches (76.2 millimeters) vation will not damage ducts. Maintenance access
above the floor. shall be provided at all dampers. All damper locations
should be shown on design drawings. Dampers
7.31.D8. All central ventilation or air conditioning should be activated by fire or smoke sensors, not by
systems shall be equipped with filters with efficien- fan cutoff alone. Switching systems for restarting fans
cies equal to, or greater than, those specified in Table may be installed for fire department use in venting
7.3. Where two filter beds are required, filter bed no. smoke after a fire has been controlled. However, pro-
1 shall be located upstream of the air conditioning visions should be made to avoid possible damage to
equipment and filter bed no. 2 shall be downstream the system due to closed dampers. When smoke par-
of any fan or blowers. Filter efficiencies, tested in titions are required, heating, ventilation, and air con-
accordance with ASHRAE 52-92, shall be average. ditioning zones shall be coordinated with
Filter frames shall be durable and proportioned to compartmentation insofar as practical to minimize
provide an airtight fit with the enclosing duct work. need to penetrate fire and smoke partitions.
All joints between filter segments and enclosing duct
work shall have gaskets or seals to provide a positive 7.31.D13. Hoods and safety cabinets may be used for
seal against air leakage. A manometer shall be normal exhaust of a space providing minimum air
installed across each filter bed having a required effi- change rates are maintained. If air change standards in
ciency of 75 percent or more including hoods requir- Table 7.2 do not provide sufficient air for proper oper-
ing HEPA filters. Provisions shall be made to allow ation of exhaust hoods and safety cabinets (when in
access for field testing. use), supplementary makeup air (filtered and pre-


A7.31.D6. See ACGIH Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of Recommended required) should be provided by steam jacketed humidifiers for each indi-
Practice for additional information. vidually controlled area. Steam to be used for humidification may be gen-
erated in a separate steam generator. The steam generator feedwater may
A7.31.D9. One way to achieve basic humidification may be accomplished be supplied either from soft or reverse osmosis water. Provisions should be
by a steam jacketed manifold type humidifier, with a condensate separator made for periodic cleaning.
that delivers high-quality steam. Additional booster humidification (if

heated) shall be provided around these units to main- ticular exposure and shall comply with NFPA 801,
tain the required airflow direction and exhaust velocity. Facilities for Handling Radioactive Materials. Note:
Use of makeup air will avoid dependence upon infil- Radioactive isotopes used for injections, etc., without
tration from outdoor and/or from contaminated areas. probability of airborne particulates or gases may be
Makeup systems for hoods shall be arranged to mini- processed in a clean-workbench-type hood where
mize “short circuiting” of air and to avoid reduction in acceptable to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
air velocity at the point of contaminant capture.
7.31.D16. Exhaust hoods handling grease-laden
7.31.D14. Laboratory hoods shall meet the following vapors in food preparation centers shall comply with
general standards: NFPA 96. All hoods over cooking ranges shall be
equipped with grease filters, fire extinguishing sys-
a. Have an average face-velocity of at least 75 feet per tems, and heat-actuated fan controls. Cleanout open-
minute (0.38 meters per second). ings shall be provided every 20 feet (6.10 meters) and
at changes in direction in the horizontal exhaust duct
b. Be connected to an exhaust system to the outside systems serving these hoods. (Horizontal runs of
that is separate from the building exhaust system. ducts serving range hoods should be kept to a mini-
c. Have an exhaust fan located at the discharge end
of the system. 7.31.D17. The ventilation system for anesthesia stor-
age rooms shall conform to the requirements of
d. Have an exhaust duct system of noncombustible NFPA 99, including the gravity option. Mechanically
corrosion-resistant material as needed to meet the operated air systems are optional in this room.
planned usage of the hood.
7.31.D18. The ventilation system for the space that
7.31.D15. Laboratory hoods shall meet the following houses ethylene oxide (ETO) sterilizers should be
special standards: designed to:

a. Fume hoods, and their associated equipment in the a. Provide a dedicated (not connected to a return air
air stream, intended for use with perchloric acid and or other exhaust system) exhaust system. Refer to 29
other strong oxidants, shall be constructed of stainless CFR Part 1910.1047.
steel or other material consistent with special expo-
sures, and be provided with a water wash and drain b. All source areas shall be exhausted, including the
system to permit periodic flushing of duct and hood. sterilizer equipment room, service/aeration areas, over
Electrical equipment intended for installation within the sterilizer door, and the aerator. If the ETO cylin-
such ducts shall be designed and constructed to resist ders are not located in a well-ventilated, unoccupied
penetration by water. Lubricants and seals shall not equipment space, an exhaust hood shall be provided
contain organic materials. When perchloric acid or over the cylinders. The relief valve shall be termi-
other strong oxidants are only transferred from one nated in a well-ventilated, unoccupied equipment
container to another, standard laboratory fume hoods space, or outside the building. If the floor drain to
and the associated equipment may be used in lieu of which the sterilizer(s) discharges is not located in a
stainless steel construction. well-ventilated, unoccupied equipment space, an
exhaust drain cap shall be provided (coordinate with
b. In new construction and major renovation work, local codes).
each hood used to process infectious or radioactive
materials shall have a minimum face velocity of 90 to c. Ensure that general airflow is away from sterilizer
110 feet per minute (0.45 to 0.56 meters per second) operator(s).
with suitable pressure-independent air modulating
devices and alarms to alert staff of fan shutdown or d. Provide a dedicated exhaust duct system for ETO.
loss of airflow. Each shall also have filters with a The exhaust outlet to the atmosphere should be at
99.97 percent efficiency [based on the dioctyl-phtha- least 25 feet (7.62 meters) away from any air intake.
late (DOP) test method] in the exhaust stream, and
be designed and equipped to permit the safe removal, e. An audible and visual alarm shall activate in the
disposal, and replacement of contaminated filters. sterilizer work area, and a 24-hour staffed location,
Filters shall be as close to the hood as practical to upon loss of airflow in the exhaust system.
minimize duct contamination. Fume hoods intended
for use with radioactive isotopes shall be constructed 7.31.D19. Rooms with fuel-fired equipment shall be
of stainless steel or other material suitable for the par- provided with sufficient outdoor air to maintain 71

equipment combustion rates and to limit workstation surrounding areas, unless dictated otherwise for spe-
temperatures. cific rooms in Table 7.2. In lieu of special ventilation,
a certified, filtered recirculating hood designed for
7.31.D20. Gravity exhaust may be used, where con- gluteraldehyde can be substituted.
ditions permit, for nonpatient areas such as boiler
rooms, central storage, etc. 7.31.E. Plumbing and Other Piping Systems
Unless otherwise specified herein, all plumbing sys-
7.31.D21. The energy-saving potential of variable air tems shall be designed and installed in accordance
volume systems is recognized and these standards with National Standard Plumbing Code.
herein are intended to maximize appropriate use of
that system. Any system utilized for occupied areas 7.31.E1. The following standards shall apply to
shall include provisions to avoid air stagnation in plumbing fixtures:
interior spaces where thermostat demands are met by
temperatures of surrounding areas. a. The material used for plumbing fixtures shall be
nonabsorptive and acid-resistant.
7.31.D22. Special consideration shall be given to the
type of heating and cooling units, ventilation outlets, b. Water spouts used in lavatories and sinks shall
and appurtenances installed in patient-occupied areas have clearances adequate to avoid contaminating
of psychiatric units. The following shall apply: utensils and the contents of carafes, etc.

a. All air grilles and diffusers shall be of a type that c. General handwashing stations used by medical and
prohibits the insertion of foreign objects. All exposed nursing staff and all lavatories used by patients and
fasteners shall be tamper-resistant. food handlers shall be trimmed with valves that can be
operated without hands. (Single lever or wrist blade
b. All convector or HVAC enclosures exposed in the devices may be used.) Blade handles used for this pur-
room shall be constructed with rounded corners and pose shall not exceed 4-1/2 inches (114.3 millimeters)
shall have enclosures fastened with tamper-resistant in length. Handles on clinical sinks shall be at least 6
screws. inches (152.4 millimeters) long. Freestanding scrub
sinks and lavatories used for scrubbing in procedure
c. HVAC equipment shall be of a type that mini- rooms shall be trimmed with foot, knee, or ultrasonic
mizes the need for maintenance within the room. controls (no single lever wrist blades).

7.31.D23. Rooms used for sputum induction, d. Clinical sinks shall have an integral trap wherein the
aerosolized pentamadine treatments, or other cough- upper portion of the water trap provides a visible seal.
inducing procedures shall meet the requirements of
Table 7.2 for airborne infection isolation rooms. If e. Showers and tubs shall have nonslip walking
booths are used, refer to section 7.15.E. surfaces.

7.31.D24. Non-central air handling systems, i.e., indi- 7.31.E2. The following standards shall apply to
vidual room units that are used for heating and cooling potable water supply systems:
purposes (fan-coil units, heat pump units, etc.) shall be
equipped with permanent (cleanable) or replaceable a. Systems shall be designed to supply water at suffi-
filters. The filters shall have a minimum efficiency of cient pressure to operate all fixtures and equipment
68 percent weight arrestance. These units may be used during maximum demand. Supply capacity for hot-
as recirculating units only. All outdoor air requirements and cold-water piping shall be determined on the
shall be met by a separate central air handling system basis of fixture units, using recognized engineering
with the proper filtration, as noted in Table 7.3. standards. When the ratio of plumbing fixtures to
occupants is proportionally more than required by the
*7.31.D25. Rooms where gluteraldehyde is used shall building occupancy and is in excess of 1,000 plumb-
be maintained at a negative pressure with respect to ing fixture units, a diversity factor is permitted.

b. Each water service main, branch main, riser, and

branch to a group of fixtures shall have valves. Stop
A7.31.D25. Whenever possible, the gluteraldehyde should be cap- valves shall be provided for each fixture. Appropriate
tured at the source. If this is not possible, the room should be exhausted panels for access shall be provided at all valves where
at a rate of 15 air changes. required.

c. Vacuum breakers shall be installed on hose bibbs reactions (and/or explosions) between sodium azide
and supply nozzles used for connection of hoses or wastes and copper, lead, brass, and solder, etc.
tubing in laboratories, housekeeping sinks, bedpan-
flushing attachments, and autopsy tables, etc. c. Insofar as possible, drainage piping shall not be
installed within the ceiling or exposed in operating
d. Bedpan-flushing devices (may be cold water) shall and delivery rooms, nurseries, food preparation cen-
be provided in each inpatient toilet room; however, ters, food serving facilities, food storage areas, central
installation is optional in psychiatric and alcohol- services, electronic data processing areas, electric clos-
abuse units where patients are ambulatory. ets, and other sensitive areas. Where exposed, over-
head drain piping in these areas is unavoidable,
e. Potable water storage vessels (hot and cold) not special provisions shall be made to protect the space
intended for constant use shall not be installed. below from leakage, condensation, or dust particles.

7.31.E3. The following standards shall apply to hot d. Floor drains shall not be installed in operating and
water systems: delivery rooms.

a. The water-heating system shall have sufficient sup- *e. If a floor drain is installed in cystoscopy, it shall
ply capacity at the temperatures and amounts indi- contain a nonsplash, horizontal-flow flushing bowl
cated in Table 7.4. Water temperature is measured at beneath the drain plate.
the point of use or inlet to the equipment. Water shall
be permitted to be stored at higher temperatures. f. Drain systems for autopsy tables shall be designed to
positively avoid splatter or overflow onto floors or back
b. Hot-water distribution systems serving patient care siphonage and for easy cleaning and trap flushing.
areas shall be under constant recirculation to provide
continuous hot water at each hot water outlet. g. Building sewers shall discharge into community
sewerage. Where such a system is not available, the
*c. Provisions shall be included in the domestic hot facility shall treat its sewage in accordance with local
water system to limit the amount of Legionella bac- and state regulations.
teria and opportunistic waterborne pathogens.
h. Kitchen grease traps shall be located and arranged
7.31.E4. The following standards shall apply to to permit easy access without the need to enter food
drainage systems: preparation or storage areas. Grease traps shall be of
capacity required and shall be accessible from outside
a. Drain lines from sinks used for acid waste disposal of the building without need to interrupt any services.
shall be made of acid-resistant material.
i. Where plaster traps are used, provisions shall be
b. Drain lines serving some types of automatic blood- made for appropriate access and cleaning.
cell counters must be of carefully selected material
that will eliminate potential for undesirable chemical


A7.31.E3.c. There are several ways to treat domestic water systems to A7.31.E4.e. Floor drains in cystoscopy operating rooms have been
kill Legionella and opportunistic waterborne pathogens. Complete removal shown to disseminate a heavily contaminated spray during flushing.
of these organisms is not feasible, but methods to reduce the amount Unless flushed regularly with large amounts of fluid, the trap tends to
include hyperchlorination (free chlorine, chlorine dioxide, monochlo- dry out and permit passage of gases, vapors, odors, insects and vermin
ramine), elevated hot water temperature, ozone injection, silver/copper directly into the operating room. For new construction, if a floor drain is
ions, and ultraviolet light. Each of these options has advantages and disad- insisted upon by the users, the drain plate should be located away from
vantages. While increasing the hot water supply temperature to 140°F the operative site, and should be over a frequently flushed nonsplash,
(60°C) is typically considered the easiest option, the risk of scalding, espe- horizontal-flow type of bowl, preferably with a closed system of
cially to youth and the elderly, is significant. Additional consideration drainage. Alternative methods include (a) an aspirator/trap installed in a
should be given to domestic water used in bone marrow transplant units. wall connected to the collecting trough of the operating table by a
See CDC and ASHRAE Guideline 12, “Minimizing the Risk of Legionellosis closed, disposable tube system, or (b) a closed system using portable col-
Associated with Building Water Systems,” for additional information. lecting vessels. (See NFPA 99.)
Another reference on this topic is “Legionella Control in Health Care
Facilities,” available from the American Society of Plumbing Engineers.

j. In dietary areas, floor drains and/or floor sinks shall shall be installed in compliance with applicable sec-
be of type that can be easily cleaned by removal of tions of NFPA 70 and NFPA 99 and shall be listed
cover. Provide floor drains or floor sinks at all “wet” as complying with available standards of listing agen-
equipment (as ice machines) and as required for wet cies, or other similar established standards where
cleaning of floors. Provide removable stainless steel such standards are required.
mesh in addition to grilled drain cover to prevent
entry of large particles of waste which might cause 7.32.A2. The electrical installations, including alarm,
stoppages. Location of floor drains and floor sinks nurses call, and communication systems, shall be
shall be coordinated to avoid conditions where loca- tested to demonstrate that equipment installation and
tions of equipment make removal of covers for clean- operation is appropriate and functional. A written
ing difficult. record of performance tests on special electrical sys-
tems and equipment shall show compliance with
7.31.E5. The installation, testing, and certification of applicable codes and standards.
nonflammable medical gas and air systems shall com-
ply with the requirements of NFPA 99. (See Table 7.32.A3. Shielded isolation transformers, voltage reg-
7.5 for rooms requiring station outlets.) ulators, filters, surge suppressors, and other safeguards
shall be provided as required where power line distur-
7.31.E6. Clinical vacuum system installations shall bances are likely to affect data processing and/or auto-
be in accordance with NFPA 99. (See Table 7.5 for mated laboratory or diagnostic equipment.
rooms that require station outlets.)
7.32.B. Services and Switchboards
7.31.E7. All piping, except control-line tubing, shall Main switchboards shall be located in an area separate
be identified. All valves shall be tagged, and a valve from plumbing and mechanical equipment and shall be
schedule shall be provided to the facility owner for accessible to authorized persons only. Switchboards shall
permanent record and reference. be convenient for use, readily accessible for mainte-
nance, away from traffic lanes, and located in a dry, ven-
7.31.E8. Hemodialysis tilated space free of corrosive or explosive fumes, gases,
In new construction and renovation, in any hospital or any flammable material. Overload protective devices
location where hemodialysis or hemoperfusion is rou- shall operate properly in ambient room temperatures.
tinely performed, there shall be a separate water sup-
ply and a drainage facility that does not interfere 7.32.C. Panelboards
with handwashing. Panelboards serving normal lighting and appliance cir-
cuits shall be located on the same floor as the circuits
7.31.E9. When the functional program includes they serve. Panelboards serving critical branch emer-
hemodialysis, continuously circulated filtered cold gency circuits shall be located on each floor that has
water shall be provided. major users (operating rooms, delivery suites, intensive
care, etc.). Panelboards serving Life Safety emergency
7.31.E10. Provide condensate drains for cooling coils circuits may also serve floors above and/or below.
of type that may be cleaned as needed without disas-
sembly. (Unless specifically required by local authori- 7.32.D. Lighting
ties, traps are not required for condensate drains.) 7.32.D1. The Illuminating Engineering Society of
Provide air gap where condensate drains empty into North America (IES) has developed recommended
floor drains. Provide heater elements for condensate lighting levels for health care facilities. The reader
lines in freezer or other areas where freezing may be should refer to the IES Handbook.
a problem.
7.32.D2. Approaches to buildings and parking lots,
7.31.E11. No plumbing lines may be exposed over- and all occupied spaces within buildings shall have
head or on walls where possible accumulation of dust fixtures that can be illuminated as necessary.
or soil may create a cleaning problem or where leaks
would create a potential for food contamination. 7.32.D3. Patient rooms shall have general lighting
and night lighting. A reading light shall be provided
for each patient. Reading light controls shall be
7.32 Electrical Standards accessible to the patient(s) without the patient having
to get out of bed. Incandescent and halogen light
7.32.A. General sources that produce heat shall be avoided to prevent
7.32.A1. All electrical material and equipment, burns to the patient and/or bed linen. The light
74 including conductors, controls, and signaling devices, source should be covered by a diffuser or lens.

Flexible light arms, if used, shall be mechanically 7.32.E2. Each patient room shall have duplex-
controlled to prevent the lamp from contacting the grounded receptacles. There shall be one at each side
bed linen. At least one night light fixture in each of the head of each bed; one for television, if used;
patient room shall be controlled at the room one on every other wall; and one for each motorized
entrance. Lighting for coronary and intensive care bed. Receptacles may be omitted from exterior walls
bed areas shall permit staff observation of the patient where construction or room configuration makes
while minimizing glare. installation impractical. Nurseries shall have at least
two duplex-grounded receptacles for each bassinet.
7.32.D4. Operating and delivery rooms shall have gen- Critical care areas as defined by NFPA 99 and NFPA
eral lighting in addition to special lighting units pro- 70, including pediatric and newborn intensive care
vided at surgical and obstetrical tables. General lighting units, shall have at least seven duplex outlets at the
and special lighting shall be on separate circuits. head of each bed, crib, or bassinet. Trauma and resus-
citation rooms shall have eight duplex outlets located
7.32.D5. Nursing unit corridors shall have general convenient to the head of each bed. Emergency
illumination with provisions for reducing light levels department examination and treatment rooms shall
at night. have a minimum of six duplex outlets located conve-
nient to the head of each bed. Approximately 50 per-
7.32.D6. Light intensity for staff and patient needs cent of critical and emergency care outlets shall be
should generally comply with health care guidelines connected to emergency system power and be so
set forth in the IES publication. Consideration labeled. Each general care examination and treatment
should be given to controlling intensity and/or wave- table and each work table shall have access to two
length to prevent harm to the patient’s eyes (i.e., duplex receptacles.
retina damage to premature infants and cataracts due
to ultraviolet light). 7.32.E3. Duplex-grounded receptacles for general use
shall be installed approximately 50 feet (15.24 meters)
Many procedures are available to satisfy lighting apart in all corridors and within 25 feet (7.62 meters)
requirements, but the design should consider light of corridor ends. Receptacles in pediatric and psychi-
quality as well as quantity for effectiveness and effi- atric unit corridors shall be of the tamper-resistant
ciency. While light levels in the IES publication are type. Special receptacles marked for X-ray use shall be
referenced herein, those publications include other installed in corridors of patient areas so that mobile
useful guidance and recommendations which the equipment may be used anywhere within a patient
designer is encouraged to follow. room using a cord length of 50 feet (15.24 meters) or
less. If the same mobile X-ray unit is used in operat-
7.32.D7. Consideration should be given to the spe- ing rooms and in nursing areas, receptacles for X-ray
cial needs of the elderly. Excessive contrast in light- use shall permit the use of one plug in all locations.
ing levels that makes effective sight adaptation Where capacitive discharge or battery-powered X-ray
difficult should be minimized. units are used, special X-ray receptacles are not required.

7.32.D8. A portable or fixed examination light shall 7.32.E4. Electrical receptacle cover plates or electri-
be provided for examination, treatment, and trauma cal receptacles supplied from the emergency systems
rooms. shall be distinctively colored or marked for identifica-
tion. If color is used for identification purposes, the
7.32.D9. Light intensity of required emergency same color shall be used throughout the facility.
lighting shall generally comply with the IES recom-
mendations. Egress and exit lighting shall comply 7.32.E5. For renal dialysis units, two duplex recepta-
with NFPA 101. cles shall be on each side of a patient bed or lounge
chair. One duplex receptacle on each side of the bed
7.32.E. Receptacles shall be connected to emergency power.
7.32.E1. Each operating and delivery room shall
have at least six receptacles convenient to the head of 7.32.F. Equipment
the procedure table. 7.32.F1. At inhalation anesthetizing locations, all
electrical equipment and devices, receptacles, and
Each operating room shall have at least 16 simplex or wiring shall comply with applicable sections of
eight duplex receptacles. Where mobile X-ray, laser, NFPA 99 and NFPA 70.
or other equipment requiring special electrical con-
figurations is used, additional receptacles distinctively 7.32.F2. Fixed and mobile X-ray equipment installa-
marked for X-ray or laser use shall be provided. tions shall conform to articles 517 and 660 of NFPA 70. 75

7.32.F3. The X-ray film illuminator unit or units for call device. Two call devices serving adjacent beds may
displaying at least two films simultaneously shall be be served by one calling station. Calls shall activate a
installed in each operating room, specified emergency visible signal in the corridor at the patient’s door, in
treatment rooms, and X-ray viewing room of the the clean work room, in the soiled work room,
radiology department. All illuminator units within Medication, charting, clean linen storage, nourish-
one space or room shall have lighting of uniform ment, equipment storage, and examination/treatment
intensity and color value. room(s) and at the nursing station of the nursing unit.
In multi-corridor nursing units, additional visible sig-
7.32.F4. Ground-fault circuit interrupters shall com- nals shall be installed at corridor intersections. In
ply with NFPA 70. When ground-fault circuit inter- rooms containing two or more calling stations, indi-
rupters (GFCI) are used in critical areas, provisions shall cating lights shall be provided at each station. Nurses
be made to insure that other essential equipment is not calling systems at each calling station shall be
affected by activation of one interrupter. equipped with an indicating light that remains lighted
as long as the voice circuit is operating.
7.32.F5. In areas such as critical care units and spe-
cial nurseries where a patient may be treated with an 7.32.G2. A nurses emergency call system shall be
internal probe or catheter connected to the heart, the provided at each inpatient toilet, bath, sitz bath, and
ground system shall comply with applicable sections shower room. A nurses emergency call shall be acces-
of NFPA 99 and NFPA 70. sible to a collapsed patient lying on the floor.
Inclusion of a pull cord will satisfy this standard.
7.32.F6. Special equipment is identified in the follow-
ing sections: Critical Care Units, Newborn Nurseries, The emergency call shall be designed so that a signal
Pediatric and Adolescent Unit, Psychiatric Nursing activated at a patient’s calling station will initiate a
Unit, Surgical Suites, Obstetrical Suite, Emergency visible and audible signal distinct from the regular
Service, Imaging Suite, Nuclear Medicine, Laboratory nurse calling system that can be turned off only at
Suite, Rehabilitation Therapy Department, Renal the patient calling station. The signal shall activate an
Dialysis Unit, Respiratory Therapy Service, Morgue, annunciator panel at the nurse station, a visible signal
Pharmacy, Dietary Facilities, Administration and in the corridor at the patient’s door, and at other
Public Areas, Medical Records, Central Services, areas defined by the functional program. Provisions
General Stores, Linen Services. for emergency calls will also be needed in outpatient
and treatment areas where patients may be subject to
These sections shall be consulted to ensure compati- incapacitation.
bility between programmatically defined equipment
needs and appropriate power and other electrical 7.32.G3. In areas such as critical care, recovery and
connection needs. pre-op, where patients are under constant visual sur-
veillance, the nurses call may be limited to a bedside
7.32.F7. There should be special attention paid to button or station that activates a signal readily seen at
safety hazards associated with equipment cabling. the control station.
Every attempt should be made to minimize these
hazards, where practical. 7.32.G4. A staff emergency assistance system for
staff to summon additional assistance shall be pro-
*7.32.F8. If operation of a scrub sink or a handwash- vided in each operating, delivery, recovery, emergency
ing station in critical care areas, emergency depart- examination and/or treatment area, and in critical
ments, labor and delivery, and surgical suites is care units, nurseries, special procedure rooms, cardiac
dependent on the building electrical service, it shall catheterization rooms, stress-test areas, triage, out-
be connected to the essential electrical system. patient surgery, admission and discharge areas, and
areas for psychiatric patients including seclusion and
7.32.G. Nurses Calling System security rooms, anterooms and toilet rooms serving
7.32.G1. In patient areas, each patient room shall be them, communal toilet and bathing facility rooms,
served by at least one calling station for two-way voice dining, activity, therapy, exam, and treatment rooms.
communication. Each bed shall be provided with a This system shall annunciate visually and audibly in
the clean work room, in the soiled work room, med-
ication, charting, clean linen storage, nourishment,
equipment storage, and examination/treatment
A7.32.F8. Refer to NFPA 99 for a description of the essential room(s) if provided and at the nursing station of the
electrical system. nursing unit with backup to another staffed area from
76 which assistance can be summoned.

7.32.G5. In critical care units, recovery and pre-op, with NFPA 99, NFPA 101, and NFPA 110. Where
the call system shall include provisions for an emer- stored fuel is required, storage capacity shall permit
gency code resuscitation alarm to summon assistance continuous operation for at least 24 hours.
from outside the unit.
7.32.I. Fire Alarm
7.32.G6. A nurse call is not required in psychiatric All health care occupancies shall be provided with a
nursing units, but if it is included, provisions shall be fire alarm system in accordance with NFPA 101 and
made for easy removal, or for covering call button NFPA 72.
outlets. In psychiatric nursing units all hardware shall
have tamper-resistant fasteners. 7.32.J. Telecommunications and Information
7.32.G7. Patient toilet rooms within Imaging Suite 7.32.J1. Locations for terminating telecommunications
shall be equipped with a nurses emergency call. and information system devices shall be provided.

7.32.G8. Toilet rooms in renal dialysis units shall be 7.32.J2. A room shall be provided for central equip-
served by an emergency call. Call shall activate a sig- ment locations. Special air conditioning and voltage
nal at the nurses’ station. regulation shall be provided when recommended by
the manufacturer.
7.32.G9. Alternate technologies can be considered
for emergency or nurse call systems. If radio fre- 7.32.J3. All patient care-related telecommunications
quency systems are utilized, consideration should be and information systems shall be powered from the
given to electromagnetic compatibility between inter- essential electrical system.
nal and external sources.

7.32.H. Emergency Electric Service *7.33 Hyperbaric Suite

Emergency power shall be provided for in accordance


A7.33 Hyperbaric Suite gram. When the hyperbaric suite is routinely used for outpatients and
inpatients at the same time, separate waiting areas should be provided
with screening for visual privacy between the waiting areas.
The number of treatment stations should be based upon the expected
workload and may include several work shifts per day. A control desk and reception area should be provided.
The location should offer convenient access for outpatients. Accessibility to A holding area under staff control should accommodate inpatients on
the unit from parking and public transportation should be a consideration. stretchers or beds. Stretcher patients should be out of the direct line of
normal traffic. The patient holding area may be omitted for two or fewer
Treatment Areas
individual hyperbaric chamber units.
Hyperbaric chambers for multiple occupancy (Class A) should be installed
in accordance with NFPA 99. Toilet rooms for the use of patients should be provided with direct access
from the hyperbaric suite.
Hyperbaric chambers for individual patients (Class B) should be installed in
accordance with NFPA 99 in a room or suite adequately sized to provide Dressing rooms for outpatients should be provided and should include a
the following clearances: chamber and side wall, 5 feet (1.52 meters); seat or bench, mirror, and provisions for hanging patients’ clothing and for
between chambers, 6 feet (1.83 meters); and between the chamber head- securing valuables. At least one dressing room should be provided to
board and the wall, 3 feet (0.91 meter). A minimum passage space of 4 accommodate wheelchair patients.
feet (1.22 meter) shall be provided at the foot of each chamber in addi-
An appropriate room for individual and family consultation with referring
tion to the required clearances for sliding patients’ platforms in end-load-
physicians should be provided for outpatients.
ing chambers.
A clean storage space should be provided for clean supplies and linens.
Functional Elements
Handwashing stations should be provided with hands-free operable con-
The following support spaces should be provided and may be shared with trols. When a separate storage room is provided, it may be shared with
adjacent departments. another department when conveniently located.
Patient waiting area. The area should be out of traffic, under staff control, A soiled holding room should be provided with waste receptacles and soiled
and should have seating capacity in accordance with the functional pro- linen receptacles. (continued on next page)


Table 7.1
Sound Transmission Limitations in
General Hospitals
Airborne sound transmission class (STC)1
Partitions Floors
New construction2
Patient room to patient room 45 40
Public space to patient room3 55 40
Service areas to patient room 4
65 45
Patient room access corridor5 45 45
Exam room to exam room 45 —
Exam room to public space 45 —
Toilet room to public space 45 —
Consultation rooms/ 45 —
conference rooms to public space
Consultation rooms/ 45 —
conference rooms to patient rooms
Staff lounges to patient rooms 45 —
Existing construction2
Patient room to patient room 35 40
Public space to patient room3 40 40
Service areas to patient room 4
45 45

Sound transmission class (STC) shall be determined by tests in
accordance with methods set forth in ASTM E90 and ASTM
E413. Where partitions do not extend to the structure above, sound
transmission through ceilings and composite STC performance must
be considered.
Treatment rooms shall be treated the same as patient rooms.
Public space includes corridors (except patient room access corri-
dors), lobbies, dining rooms, recreation rooms, and similar space.
Service areas include kitchens, elevators, elevator machine
rooms, laundries, garages, maintenance rooms, boiler and
mechanical equipment rooms, and similar spaces of high noise.
Mechanical equipment located on the same floor or above
patient rooms, offices, nurses stations, and similar occupied
space shall be effectively isolated from the floor.
Patient room access corridors contain composite walls with
doors/windows and have direct access to patient rooms.


A7.33 Hyperbaric Suite (continued) A waiting room, toilet with handwashing stations, drinking fountain, public
Storage for patients’ belongings should be provided. telephone, and seating accommodations for waiting periods should be
available or accessible to the unit.
A housekeeping room should be provided and should contain a floor recep-
tor or service sink and storage space for housekeeping supplies and equip- Electrical Requirements
ment; it should be located nearby.
Grounding of hyperbaric chambers should be connected only to the equip-
Appropriate areas should be available for male and female personnel for ment ground in accordance with NFPA 99 and NFPA 70.
staff clothing change area and lounge. The areas should contain lockers,
Additional grounds such as earth or driven grounds should not be permitted.
shower, toilet, and handwashing stations.

Table 7.2
Ventilation Requirements for Areas Affecting Patient Care in Hospitals and Outpatient Facilities1
Air Minimum Minimum All air
movement air changes total exhausted Recirculated Design
relationship to of outdoor air changes directly to by means of Relative temperature9
Area designation adjacent area2 air per hour3 per hour4, 5 outdoors6 room units7 humidity8 (%) (degrees F/C)


Operating/surgical cystoscopic rooms10, 11 Out 3 15 — No 30-60 68-73 (20–23)12
Delivery room10 Out 3 15 — No 30-60 68-73 (20–23)
Recovery room10 — 2 6 — No 30-60 70-75 (21-24)
Critical and intensive care — 2 6 — No 30-60 70-75 (21–24)
Newborn intensive care — 2 6 — No 30-60 72-78 (22-26)
Treatment room13 — — 6 — — — 75 (24)
Trauma room13 Out 3 15 — No 30-60 70-75 (21–24)
Anesthesia gas storage In — 8 Yes — — —
Endoscopy In 2 6 — No 30-60 68-73 (20–23)
Bronchoscopy11 In 2 12 Yes No 30-60 68-73 (20–23)
ER waiting rooms In 2 12 Yes14, 15 — — 70-75 (21-24)
Triage In 2 12 Yes14 — — 70-75 (21-24)
Radiology waiting rooms In 2 12 Yes14, 15 — — 70-75 (21-24)
Procedure room Out 3 15 — No 30-60 70-75 (21-24)

Patient room — 2 616 — — — 70-75 (21–24)
Toilet room In — 10 Yes — — —
Newborn nursery suite — 2 6 — No 30-60 72-78 (22-26)
Protective environment room11, 17 Out 2 12 — No — 75 (24)
Airborne infection isolation room11, 18 In 2 12 Yes15 No — 75 (24)
Isolation alcove or anteroom17, 18 In/Out — 10 Yes No — —
Labor/delivery/recovery — 2 616 — — — 70-75 (21–24)
Labor/delivery/recovery/postpartum — 2 616 — — — 70-75 (21–24)
Patient corridor — — 2 — — — —

X-ray (surgical/critical care and
catheterization) Out 3 15 — No 30-60 70-75 (21–24)
X-ray (diagnostic & treatment) — — 6 — — — 75 (24)
Darkroom In — 10 Yes No — —
General19 — — 6 — — — 75 (24)
Biochemistry19 Out — 6 — No — 75 (24)
Cytology In — 6 Yes No — 75 (24)
Glass washing In — 10 Yes — — —
Histology In — 6 Yes No — 75 (24)
Microbiology19 In — 6 Yes No — 75 (24)
Nuclear medicine In — 6 Yes No — 75 (24)
Pathology In — 6 Yes No — 75 (24)
Serology Out — 6 — No — 75 (24)
Sterilizing In — 10 Yes — — —
Autopsy room11 In — 12 Yes No — —
Nonrefrigerated body-holding room In — 10 Yes — — 70 (21)
Pharmacy Out — 4 — — — —
(continued on next page)


Table 7.2 (continued)

Ventilation Requirements for Areas Affecting Patient Care in Hospitals and Outpatient Facilities1
Air Minimum Minimum All air
movement air changes total exhausted Recirculated Design
relationship to of outdoor air changes directly to by means of Relative temperature9
Area designation adjacent area2 air per hour3 per hour4, 5 outdoors6 room units7 humidity8 (%) (degrees F/C)


Examination room — — 6 — — — 75 (24)
Medication room Out — 4 — — — —
Treatment room — — 6 — — — 75 (24)
Physical therapy and hydrotherapy In — 6 — — — 75 (24)
Soiled workroom or soiled holding In — 10 Yes No — —
Clean workroom or clean holding Out — 4 — — — —


ETO-sterilizer room In — 10 Yes No 30-60 75 (24)
Sterilizer equipment room In — 10 Yes — — —
Central medical and surgical supply
Soiled or decontamination room In — 6 Yes No — 68-73 (20–23)
Clean workroom Out — 4 — No 30-60 75 (24)
Sterile storage Out — 4 — — (Max) 70 —

Food preparation center20 — — 10 — No — —
Warewashing In — 10 Yes No — —
Dietary day storage In — 2 — — — —
Laundry, general — — 10 Yes — — —
Soiled linen (sorting and storage) In — 10 Yes No — —
Clean linen storage Out — 2 — — — —
Soiled linen and trash chute room In — 10 Yes No — —
Bedpan room In — 10 Yes — — —
Bathroom In — 10 — — — 75 (24)
Janitor’s closet In — 10 Yes No — —

The ventilation rates in this table cover ventilation for comfort, as well as for exhaust, shall be as required by good engineering practice. Minimum out-
asepsis and odor control in areas of acute care hospitals that directly affect side air quantities shall remain constant while the system is in operation.
patient care and are determined based on healthcare facilities being predom-
inantly “No Smoking” facilities. Where smoking may be allowed, ventilation 4
Number of air changes may be reduced when the room is unoccupied if
rates will need adjustment. Areas where specific ventilation rates are not provisions are made to ensure that the number of air changes indicated is
given in the table shall be ventilated in accordance with ASHRAE reestablished any time the space is being utilized. Adjustments shall include
Standard 62, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, and ASHRAE provisions so that the direction of air movement shall remain the same
Handbook–HVAC Applications. Specialized patient care areas, including when the number of air changes is reduced. Areas not indicated as having
organ transplant units, burn units, specialty procedure rooms, etc., shall have continuous directional control may have ventilation systems shut down
additional ventilation provisions for air quality control as may be appropri- when space is unoccupied and ventilation is not otherwise needed, if the
ate. OSHA standards and/or NIOSH criteria require special ventilation maximum infiltration or exfiltration permitted in Note 2 is not exceeded
requirements for employee health and safety within healthcare facilities. and if adjacent pressure balancing relationships are not compromised. Air
quantity calculations must account for filter loading such that the indicated
Design of the ventilation system shall provide air movement which is gener- air change rates are provided up until the time of filter change-out.
ally from clean to less clean areas. If any form of variable air volume or load
shedding system is used for energy conservation, it must not compromise 5
Air change requirements indicated are minimum values. Higher values
the corridor-to-room pressure balancing relationships or the minimum air should be used when required to maintain indicated room conditions (tem-
changes required by the table. perature and humidity), based on the cooling load of the space (lights,
equipment, people, exterior walls and windows, etc.).
To satisfy exhaust needs, replacement air from the outside is necessary. Table
7.2 does not attempt to describe specific amounts of outside air to be sup- 6
Air from areas with contamination and/or odor problems shall be exhausted
plied to individual spaces except for certain areas such as those listed. to the outside and not recirculated to other areas. Note that individual cir-
Distribution of the outside air, added to the system to balance required cumstances may require special consideration for air exhaust to the outside,

e.g., in intensive care units in which patients with pulmonary infection are 14
In a ventilation system that recirculates air, HEPA filters can be used in lieu
treated, and rooms for burn patients. of exhausting the air from these spaces to the outside. In this application,
the return air shall be passed through the HEPA filters before it is intro-
*7 Recirculating room HVAC units refers to those local units that are used duced into any other spaces.
primarily for heating and cooling of air, and not disinfection of air. Because
of cleaning difficulty and potential for buildup of contamination, recirculat- 15
If it is not practical to exhaust the air from the airborne infection isolation
ing room units shall not be used in areas marked “No.” However, for air- room to the outside, the air may be returned through HEPA filters to the
borne infection control, air may be recirculated within individual isolation air-handling system exclusively serving the isolation room.
rooms if HEPA filters are used. Isolation and intensive care unit rooms
may be ventilated by reheat induction units in which only the primary air 16
Total air changes per room for patient rooms, labor/delivery/recovery
supplied from a central system passes through the reheat unit. Gravity-type rooms, and labor/delivery/recovery/postpartum rooms may be reduced to 4
heating or cooling units such as radiators or convectors shall not be used in when supplemental heating and/or cooling systems (radiant heating and
operating rooms and other special care areas. See Appendix A for a cooling, baseboard heating, etc.) are used.
description of recirculation units to be used in isolation rooms.
The protective environment airflow design specifications protect the patient
The ranges listed are the minimum and maximum limits where control is from common environmental airborne infectious microbes (i.e., Aspergillus
specifically needed. The maximum and minimum limits are not intended to spores). These special ventilation areas shall be designed to provide directed
be independent of a space’s associated temperature. The humidity is airflow from the cleanest patient care area to less clean areas. These rooms
expected to be at the higher end of the range when the temperature is also shall be protected with HEPA filters at 99.97 percent efficiency for a 0.3 ?m
at the higher end, and vice versa. sized particle in the supply airstream. These interrupting filters protect
patient rooms from maintenance-derived release of environmental microbes
Where temperature ranges are indicated, the systems shall be capable of from the ventilation system components. Recirculation HEPA filters can be
maintaining the rooms at any point within the range during normal opera- used to increase the equivalent room air exchanges. Constant volume airflow
tion. A single figure indicates a heating or cooling capacity of at least the is required for consistent ventilation for the protected environment. If the
indicated temperature. This is usually applicable when patients may be facility determines that airborne infection isolation is necessary for protective
undressed and require a warmer environment. Nothing in these guidelines environment patients, an anteroom should be provided. Rooms with
shall be construed as precluding the use of temperatures lower than those reversible airflow provisions for the purpose of switching between protective
noted when the patients’ comfort and medical conditions make lower tem- environment and airborne infection isolation functions are not acceptable.
peratures desirable. Unoccupied areas such as storage rooms shall have tem-
peratures appropriate for the function intended. 18
The infectious disease isolation room described in these guidelines is to be
used for isolating the airborne spread of infectious diseases, such as measles,
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Criteria varicella, or tuberculosis. The design of airborne infection isolation (AII)
Documents regarding Occupational Exposure to Waste Anesthetic Gases rooms should include the provision for normal patient care during periods
and Vapors, and Control of Occupational Exposure to Nitrous Oxide indi- not requiring isolation precautions. Supplemental recirculating devices may
cate a need for both local exhaust (scavenging) systems and general ventila- be used in the patient room, to increase the equivalent room air exchanges;
tion of the areas in which the respective gases are utilized. however, such recirculating devices do not provide the outside air require-
ments. Air may be recirculated within individual isolation rooms if HEPA
*11 Differential pressure shall be a minimum of 0.01” water gauge (2.5 Pa). If filters are used. Rooms with reversible airflow provisions for the purpose of
alarms are installed, allowances shall be made to prevent nuisance alarms switching between protective environment and AII functions are not
of monitoring devices. acceptable.
Some surgeons may require room temperatures that are outside of the indi- 19
When required, appropriate hoods and exhaust devices for the removal of
cated range. All operating room design conditions shall be developed in noxious gases or chemical vapors shall be provided (see Sections 7.31.D14
consultation with surgeons, anesthesiologists, and nursing staff. and 7.31.D15 and NFPA 99).
The term trauma room as used here is the operating room space in the 20
Food preparation centers shall have ventilation systems whose air supply
emergency department or other trauma reception area that is used for mechanisms are interfaced appropriately with exhaust hood controls or
emergency surgery. The first aid room and/or “emergency room” used for relief vents so that exfiltration or infiltration to or from exit corridors does
initial treatment of accident victims may be ventilated as noted for the not compromise the exit corridor restrictions of NFPA 90A, the pressure
“treatment room.” Treatment rooms used for Bronchoscopy shall be treated requirements of NFPA 96, or the maximum defined in the table. The
as Bronchoscopy rooms. Treatment rooms used for cryosurgery procedures number of air changes may be reduced or varied to any extent required for
with nitrous oxide shall contain provisions for exhausting waste gases. odor control when the space is not in use. See Section 7.31.D1.p.

Recirculating devices with HEPA filters may have potential uses that the health care worker is not in position between the infec-
in existing facilities as interim, supplemental environmental con- tious source and the exhaust location. The design of such systems
trols to meet requirements for the control of airborne infectious should also allow for easy access for scheduled preventative main-
agents. Limitations in design must be recognized. The design of tenance and cleaning.
either portable or fixed systems should prevent stagnation and A11
The verification of airflow direction can include a simple visual
short circuiting of airflow. The supply and exhaust locations
method such as smoke trail, ball-in-tube, or flutterstrip. These
should direct clean air to areas where health care workers are likely
devices will require a minimum differential air pressure to indi-
to work, across the infectious source, and then to the exhaust, so
cate airflow direction.


Table 7.3 Table 7.4

Filter Efficiencies for Central Hot Water Use—General Hospital
Ventilation and Air Conditioning Clinical Dietary Laundry
Systems in General Hospitals Liters per hour per bed1 11.9 7.2 7.6
No. Filter bed Filter bed Gallons per hour per bed1 3 2 2
Area designation filter beds no. 1 (%) no. 2 (%) Temperature (°C) 41-492 493 714
Temperature (°F) 105-1202 1203 1604
All areas for inpatient care, 2 30 90
treatment, and diagnosis, 1
Quantities indicated for design demand of hot water are
and those areas providing for general reference minimums and shall not substitute
direct service or clean supplies for accepted engineering design procedures using actual
such as sterile and clean number and types of fixtures to be installed. Design will
processing, etc. also be affected by temperatures of cold water used for
mixing, length of run and insulation relative to heat loss,
Protective environment room 2 30 99.97 etc. As an example, total quantity of hot water needed will
be less when temperature available at the outlet is very
nearly that of the source tank and the cold water used for
Laboratories 1 80 —
tempering is relatively warm.

Administrative, bulk storage, 1 30 — 2

The range represents the maximum and minimum allow-
soiled holding areas, food able temperatures.
preparation areas, and laundries
Provisions shall be made to provide 180°F (82°C) rinse
Notes water at warewasher (may be by separate booster).
Additional roughing or prefilters should be considered to
reduce maintenance required for filters with efficiency higher Provisions shall be made to provide 160°F (71°C) hot
than 75 percent. water at the laundry equipment when needed. (This may
be by steam jet or separate booster heater.) However, it is
The filtration efficiency ratings are based on average dust emphasized that this does not imply that all water used
spot efficiency per ASHRAE 52.1-1992. would be at this temperature. Water temperatures required
for acceptable laundry results will vary according to type of
cycle, time of operation, and formula of soap and bleach as
well as type and degree of soil. Lower temperatures may be
adequate for most procedures in many facilities, but the
higher 160°F (71°C) should be available when needed for
special conditions.


Table 7.5
Station Outlets for Oxygen, Vacuum (Suction), and Medical Air Systems in Hospitals1
Section Location Oxygen Vacuum Medical Air

7.2.A Patient rooms (medical and surgical) 1/bed 1/bed —

7.2.B10 Examination/treatment 1/room 1/room —
(medical, surgical, and postpartum care)
7.2.C/7.2.D Isolation—infectious and protective 1/bed 1/bed —
(medical and surgical)
7.2.E Security room 1/bed 1/bed —
(medical, surgical, and postpartum)
7.3.A Critical care (general) 3/bed 3/bed 1/bed
7.3.A14 Isolation (critical) 3/bed 3/bed 1/bed
7.3.B Coronary critical care 3/bed 2/bed 1/bed
7.3.D Pediatric critical care 3/bed 3/bed 1/bed
7.3.E Newborn intensive care 3/bassinet 3/bassinet 3/bassinet
7.4.B Newborn nursery (full-term) 1/ 4 bassinets2 1/ 4 bassinets2 1/ 4 bassinets2
7.5.A Pediatric and adolescent 1/bed 1/bed 1/bed
7.5.B Pediatric nursery 1/bassinet 1/bassinet 1/bassinet
7.6.A Psychiatric patient rooms — — —
7.6.D Seclusion treatment room — — —
7.7.A1 General operating room 2/room 3/room —
7.7.A2 Cardio, ortho, neurological 2/room 3/room —
7.7.A3 Orthopedic surgery 2/room 3/room —
7.7.A4 Surgical cysto and endo 1/room 3/room —
7.7.B2 Post-anesthesia care unit 1/bed 3/bed 1/bed
7.7.C9 Anesthesia workroom 1 per workstation — 1 per workstation
7.7.C14 Phase II recovery3 1/bed 3/bed —
7.8.B2 Postpartum bedroom 1/bed 1/bed —
7.8.A3 Cesarean/delivery room 2/room 3/room 1/room
7.8.A3.c Infant resuscitation station4 1/bassinet 1/bassinet 1/bassinet
7.8.A3.d Labor room 1/room 1/room 1/room
7.8.A3.e OB recovery room 1/bed 3/bed 1/room
7.8.A4 Labor/delivery/recovery (LDR)5 2/bed 2/bed —
7.8.A4 Labor/delivery/recovery/postpartum (LDRP) 5
2/bed 2/bed —
7.9.C2 Initial emergency management 1/bed 1/bed —
7.9.D3 Triage area (definitive emergency care) 1/station 1/station —
7.9.D7 Definitive emergency care exam/treatment rooms 1/bed 1/bed 1/bed
7.9.D7 Definitive emergency care holding area 1/bed 1/bed —
7.9.D8 Trauma/cardiac room(s) 2/bed 3/bed 1/bed
7.9.D9 Orthopedic and cast room 1/room 1/room —
7.10.H Cardiac catheterization lab 2/bed 2/bed 2/bed
7.16.A2 Autopsy room — 1 per workstation 1 per workstation

For any area or room not described above, the facility clinical staff shall determine outlet requirements after consultation with
the authority having jurisdiction.
Four bassinets may share one outlet that is accessible to each bassinet.
If Phase II recovery area is a separate area from the PACU, only one vacuum per bed or station shall be required.
When infant resuscitation takes place in a room such as cesarean section/delivery or LDRP, then the infant resuscitation ser-
vices must be provided in that room in addition to the minimum service required for the mother.
Two outlets for mother and two for one bassinet. 83

8.1 General Conditions tural design—through the organization of functional

In this edition space, the specification of ergonomically appropriate
appendix *8.1.A. Applicability and arranged furniture and equipment, and the selec-
material This section covers the continuum of nursing services tion of details and finishes—shall eliminate as many
appears in the listed below, which may be provided within free- barriers as possible to effective access and use by resi-
main body of standing facilities or as distinct parts of a general dents of all space, services, equipment, and utilities
the document; hospital or other health care facility, and represents appropriate for daily living.
however, it minimum requirements for new construction and
remains shall not be applied to existing facilities unless major While there are similarities in the spatial arrange-
advisory only. construction renovations (see Section 1.3.A) are ment of hospitals and nursing facilities, the service
undertaken. requirements of long-term care residents will require
additional special design considerations. When a sec-
The continuum of nursing services and facilities may tion of an acute-care facility is converted, it may be
be distinguished by the levels of care, staffing support necessary to reduce the number of beds to provide
areas and service areas provided and classified as: space for long-term care services. Design shall maxi-
mize opportunities for ambulation and self-care,
Nursing and skilled nursing facilities. socialization, and independence and minimize the
Special care facilities, including: negative aspects of an institutional environment.
Subacute care facilities 8.7.
Alzheimer’s and other dementia units 8.8. 8.1.D. Site
See Sections 3.1 and 3.3 for requirements regarding
8.1.B. Ancillary Services location and environmental pollution control.
When the nursing facility is part of, or contractually
linked with, another facility, services such as dietary, 8.1.E. Roads
storage, pharmacy, linen services, and laundry may be Roads shall be provided within the property for
shared insofar as practical. In some cases, all ancillary access to the main entrance and service areas. Fire
service requirements will be met by the principal department access shall be provided in accordance
facility and the only modifications necessary will be with local requirements. The property or campus
within the nursing facility. In other cases, program- shall be marked to identify emergency services or
matic concerns and requirements may dictate sepa- departments.
rate services.
8.1.F. Parking
8.1.C. Environment of Care In the absence of local requirements, each nursing
Nursing facilities shall be designed to provide flexi- facility shall have parking space to satisfy the needs
bility in order to meet the changing physical, med- of residents, employees, staff, and visitors. The facility
ical, and psychological needs of the residents. The shall provide a minimum of one space for every four
facility design shall produce a supportive environ- beds.
ment to enhance and extend quality of life for resi-
dents and facilitate wayfinding while promoting 8.1.G. Program of Functions
privacy, dignity, and self-determination. The architec- The sponsor for each project shall provide a func-
tional program for the facility (see Section 1.1.F of
this document).

A8.1.A Specific requirements for each of the special care facility types 8.1.H. Services
are addressed in the paragraphs noted. For basic requirements see chap- Each nursing facility shall, as a minimum, contain
ters 1 through 6. For requirements regarding swing beds see Section the elements described within the applicable para-
7.1.E. Related sections include the following: chapter 13 for hospice care; graphs of this section. However, when a project calls
chapter 14 for assisted living; and chapter 15 for adult daycare. for the sharing or purchase of services, appropriate
84 modifications or deletions in space and parking

requirements may be made. 8.2 Resident Unit

8.1.I. Renovation Each resident unit shall comply with the following:
See Section 1.3.
*8.2.A. Size and Configuration
8.1.J. Provisions for Disasters Resident units are groups of resident rooms, staff
See Section 1.5. work areas, service areas and resident support areas,
whose size and configuration are based upon organi-
8.1.K. Codes and Standards zational patterns of staffing, functional operations
See Section 1.6. and communications, as provided in the functional
program for the facility. In the absence of local
8.1.L. Equipment requirements, consideration shall be given to restrict-
See Chapter 4. ing the size of the resident unit to 60 beds or a maxi-
mum travel distance from the staff station to a
8.1.M. Construction resident room door of 150 feet (45.72 meters).
See Chapter 5. Arranging groups of resident rooms adjacent to
decentralized service areas, optional satellite staff
8.1.N. Record Drawings and Manuals work areas, and optional decentralized resident sup-
See Chapter 6. port areas is acceptable. In new construction, resident
units shall be arranged to avoid unrelated travel
through resident units.


A8.2.A. Clusters and Staffing Considerations but with clustering, could staff effectively in various ratios of licensed
nurses to nurses assistants: 1:7 days (6 clusters); 1:14 or 1:21 nights (3
Clustering refers to several concepts wherein the design of traditional nurs-
or 2 neighborhoods).
ing home floor plans (straight halls, double or single loaded corridors) is
reorganized to provide benefits to both residents and to the effectiveness Clustering can also have some other benefits:
with which people care for them.
Cluster design can provide more efficient “gross/net area” when a variety
Clustering is done to achieve better image, faster service, shorter walk- of single and/or double rooms are “nested.”
ing/wheeling distances, and more subtle handling of linen. It can also
Cluster design can be useful when a project is to have a high proportion of
afford more localized social areas and optional decentralized staff work
private occupancy rooms, because it reduces distances to staff work areas
areas. A functioning cluster as described here is more than an architec-
or nursing stations.
tural form where rooms are grouped around social areas without refer-
ence to caregiving. In a functioning cluster, the following will be Clusters provide a method of distributing nursing staff through a building,
accomplished: nearer to bedrooms at night, so they can be responsive to vocal calls for
assistance and toileting. (Central placement of staff requires greater skill in
Utility placement is better distributed for morning care: Clean and soiled
using traditional call systems than many residents possess.)
linen rooms are located closer to the resident rooms, minimizing staff steps
and maximizing the appearance of corridors (carts are not scattered Cluster units of a given size may “stack” or be placed over each other, but
through halls). might have different staffing for varying care levels.

Unit scale and appearance reinforces smaller groups of rooms seen as If digital call systems are used (such as those allowing reprogramming of
being grouped or related: Clusters should offer identifiable social groups what room reports to which zone or nursing assistant’s work area), then
for both staff and older people, thereby reducing the sense of largeness one unit might easily be changed over time, such as when client needs jus-
often associated with centralized facilities. tify higher ratios of nursing assistants to older people. For example, a 48-
bed unit might start at 1:8 staffing but also respond to 1:6 staffing needs.
Geographically effective staffing: The staffing pattern and design reinforce
In some units, staffing might also be slightly uneven, such as where 60-
each other so that nursing assistants can offer primary nursing care and
bed units are comprised of clusters of 1:7 and 1:8 during days.
relate to a given set of rooms. Their room assignments are grouped
together and generally do not require unequal travel distances to basic Architectural Form and Clustering: Clusters involve architectural form and
utilities. Staff “buddying” is possible. Buddying involves sharing responsi- may have an impact on overall building shape. The longer length of stay
bilities such as lifting a non-weight bearing person, or covering for some- of nursing home residents compared with hospital clients is one factor that
one while the buddy provides off-unit transport, or is on a break. makes clustering rooms in more residential groups particularly appropri-
ate. However, the visual advantages of units without long corridors has
Staffing that works as well at night as during the day: An effective cluster
design incorporates multiple staffing ratios. A unit might have 42 beds, (continued on next page)

8.2.B. Resident Rooms room shall contain a water closet and handwashing
Each resident room shall meet the following station and (where permitted) a horizontal surface for
requirements: the personal effects of each resident. Doors to toilet
rooms may be hinged, or where local requirements
*8.2.B1. Maximum room occupancy in renovations permit, sliding or folding doors may be used, pro-
(less than 50 percent change) shall be four residents; vided adequate provisions are made for acoustic pri-
two residents in new construction. Based upon the vacy and resident safety. Toilets utilized by residents
functional program, provisions shall be made for shall be provided sufficient clearance on both sides of
individual occupancy when medically or behaviorally the water closet to enable physical access and maneu-
indicated. vering by staff, who may have to assist the resident in
wheelchair-to-water closet transfers and returns.
8.2.B2. Room size (area and dimensions) shall be Where independent transfers are feasible, alternative
determined by analyzing the needs of the resident(s) to grab bar configurations shall be permitted.
move about the room in a wheelchair, gain access to at
least one side of his or her bed, turn and wheel around 8.2.B6. Each resident bedroom shall have a
the bed, to gain access to a window and to the resi- wardrobe, locker, or closet with minimum clear
dent’s toilet room, wardrobe locker, or closet, and to the dimensions of 1 foot 10 inches (558.8 millimeters)
resident’s possessions or equipment, including chair, depth by 1 foot 8 inches (508. millimeters). A clothes
dresser, and night stand. Room size and configuration rod and shelf shall be provided at heights accessible
shall permit resident(s) options for bed location(s), to the resident. Accommodations shall be made for
make provision for visual privacy. In multiple-bed storage of full-length garments. The shelf may be
rooms, clearance shall allow for the movement of beds omitted if the unit provides at least two drawers.
and equipment without disturbing residents.
8.2.B7. Visual privacy shall be provided for each resi-
8.2.B3. Each room shall have a window that meets dent in multiple-bed rooms. Design for privacy shall
the requirements of Section 8.14.A4. not restrict resident access to the toilet, room
entrance, window, or other shared common areas in
8.2.B4. Handwashing stations shall be provided in the resident room.
each resident room. They may be omitted from a sin-
gle-bed or two-bed room when such is located in an 8.2.B8. Beds shall be no more than two deep from
adjoining toilet room serving that room only. windows in new construction and three deep from
windows in renovated construction.
*8.2.B5. Each resident shall have access to a toilet
room without having to enter the corridor area. One 8.2.C. Service Areas
toilet room shall serve no more than two residents in The size and features of each service area will depend
new construction and no more than four beds or two upon the number and types of residents served.
resident rooms in renovation projects. The toilet Although identifiable spaces are required for each


A8.2.A. (continued) also attracted hospital planners. In both facility dimensional and grab bar requirements are intended to facilitate wheelchair-to-
types, architectural clustering may help both staff and residents socially toilet transfers by individuals with sufficient upper body strength and mobility to
identify a space or sub-unit within a larger unit. effect such a transfer. The typical nursing home resident is unlikely to have such
capabilities, thus requiring the assistance of one or more staff. Insufficient clear-
Though architectural clustering may involve grouping rooms, this should
ance at the side of the toilet can restrict staff mobility and access, and can result
not happen at the expense of windowless social areas, or the incorporation
in injury. There are ongoing efforts aimed at educating regulators and advisory
of all social options in a windowless social area directly outside of the bed-
panels to the difficulties encountered by inappropriate standards required within
room doorways.
environments serving frail and geriatric populations.

A8.2.B1. Changes to the maximum number of residents per room may Alternative grab bar configurations should address the following scenarios:
be made upon a determination by the authority having jurisdiction that
a. When a resident is capable of independent transfer facilitated by the
such an alternate room configuration provides a preferable resident envi-
grab bar and side-wall location required by accessibility standards, a
ronment for residents with unusual care requirements.
removable/temporary wall structure and grab bar can be installed along-
side the toilet.
A8.2.B5. While ADAAG, UFAS, and ANSI accessibility standards were all devel-
oped with the intention of providing greater access for individuals with disabili- b. When a resident requires partial assistance in transfer, fold-down grab
ties, their standards are based upon assumed stature and strength, whereby bars on one or both sides of the toilet would facilitate such transfers.

indicated function, consideration will be given to storage facilities for clean and sterile supplies. If the
multiple-use design solutions that provide equal, room is used only for storage and holding as part of a
though unspecified, areas. Service areas may be system for distribution of clean and sterile materials, the
arranged and located to serve more than one resident work counter and handwashing station may be omitted.
unit, but at least one such service area shall be pro-
vided on each resident floor unless noted otherwise. 8.2.C6. Soiled utility or soiled holding room. This
Except where the words room or office are used, ser- shall contain a clinical sink or equivalent flushing-
vice may be provided in a multipurpose area. The fol- rim fixture with a rinsing hose or a bed pan sanitizer,
lowing service areas shall be located in or be readily handwashing station, soiled linen receptacles, and
accessible to each resident unit: waste receptacles in number and type as required by
the functional program.
*8.2.C1. Staff work area(s). Resident units shall have
staff work areas in central or decentralized direct care 8.2.C7. Medication station. Provision shall be made
locations. Where caregiving is organized on a central for 24-hour distribution of medications. A medicine
staffing model, such work areas shall provide for chart- preparation room, a self-contained medicine dispens-
ing or transmitting charted data and any storage or ing unit, or other system may be used for this pur-
administrative activities. Where caregiving is decen- pose. The medicine preparation room, if used, shall be
tralized, supervisory work areas need not accommo- visually controlled from the staff work area. It shall
date charting activities, nor have direct visualization of contain a work counter, sink, refrigerator, and locked
resident rooms, because such functions shall be accom- storage for controlled drugs. It shall have a minimum
plished at the decentralized direct care staff work area of 50 square feet (4.65 square meters). A self-
areas, which shall provide for charting or transmitting contained medicine dispensing unit, if used, may be
charted data and any storage or administrative activi- located at the staff work area, in the clean workroom,
ties required by the functional program. Depending in an alcove, or in other space convenient for staff
upon the type of service and care plan to be provided, control (Standard “cup” sinks provided in many self-
direct care staff work areas need not be encumbered contained units are not adequate for handwashing.)
with all of the provisions for a supervisory administra-
tive staff work area. In some decentralized arrange- 8.2.C8. Clean linen storage. A separate closet or des-
ments, caregiving functions may be accommodated at ignated area shall be provided. If a closed-cart system
a piece of residential furniture (such as a table or a is used, storage may be in an alcove where staff con-
desk) or at a work counter recessed into an alcove off a trol can be exercised.
corridor or activity space, with or without computer
and communications equipment, storage facilities, etc. 8.2.C9. Nourishment station. The area shall contain
a work counter, refrigerator, storage cabinets, and a
8.2.C2. Toilet room(s). They shall contain water sink for serving nourishments between meals. Ice for
closets with handwashing stations for staff and may residents’ consumption shall be provided by ice-
be unisex. maker units. Where accessible to residents and the
public, ice-maker units shall be self-dispensing. Ice-
8.2.C3. Lockable closets, drawers, or compartments makers shall be located, designed, and installed to
shall be provided for safekeeping of staff personal minimize noise (and may serve more than one nour-
effects such as handbags, etc. ishment station). The nourishment station shall
include space for trays and dishes used for nonsched-
8.2.C4. Staff lounge area(s). These areas shall be pro- uled meal service and may also be used as a pantry
vided and may be shared by more than one resident for food service adjacent to a resident’s dining room
unit or service. or area. Handwashing stations shall be in or immedi-
ately accessible from the nourishment station.
8.2.C5. Clean workroom or clean supply room. If the
room is used for preparing resident care items, it shall 8.2.C10. Storage. Space for wheelchairs and other
contain a work counter, a handwashing station, and equipment shall be located away from normal traffic.


A8.2.C1. Whether centralized or decentralized, staff work areas should Confidentiality or noisy staff conversations should be accommodated in an
be designed to minimize the institutional character, command-station enclosed staff lounge and/or conference area. At least part of each staff
appearance, and noise associated with traditional medical nursing stations, work area should be low enough and open enough to permit easy conver-
and should foster close, open relationships between residents and staff. sations between staff and residents seated in wheelchairs.

*8.2.C11. Resident bathing facilities. A minimum of (20.90 square meters). At least 20 square feet (1.86
one bathtub or shower shall be provided for every 20 square meters) per bed shall be available for dining.
residents (or a major fraction thereof ) not otherwise Additional space may be required for outpatient day
served by bathing facilities in resident rooms. care programs.
Residents shall have access to at least one bathtub
room per floor or unit, sized to permit assisted For renovations, at least 14 square feet (1.30 square
bathing in a tub or shower. The bathtub in this room meters) per bed shall be available for dining.
shall be accessible to residents in wheelchairs and the Additional space may be required for outpatient day
shower shall accommodate a shower gurney with fit- care programs.
tings for a resident in a recumbent position. Other
showers or tubs shall be in an individual room(s) or Nothing in these guidelines is intended to restrict a
enclosure(s) with space for private use of the bathing facility from providing additional square footage per
fixture, for drying and dressing and access to a resident beyond what is required herein for dining
grooming location containing a sink, mirror and rooms, activity areas and similar spaces.
counter or shelf.
8.3.B. Storage
A separate toilet shall be provided within or directly Storage space(s) for supplies, resident needs, and
accessible to each resident’s bathing facility without recreation shall be provided near their points of use,
requiring entry into the general corridor. This may as required by the functional program.
also serve as the toilet training facility.
*8.4 Activities
8.3 Resident Support Areas If included in the functional program, the minimum
requirements for new construction shall include:
*8.3.A. Area Need
The space needed for dining and recreation shall be 8.4.A.
determined by considering (a) needs of residents to Storage for large items used for large group activities,
use adaptive equipment and mobility aids and receive e.g., recreation and exercise equipment; materials,
assistance from support and service staff; (b) the supplies for religious services, etc., placed near the
extent to which support programs shall be centralized location of the planned activity, and at the point of
or decentralized; and (c) the number of residents to first use.
be seated for dining at one time, as required by the
functional program. 8.4.B.
A space for small group and “one on one” activities,
In new construction, the total area set aside for din- which shall be readily accessible to the residents.
ing, resident lounges, and recreation areas shall be at
least 35 square feet (3.25 square meters) per bed with *8.4.B1. Space and equipment for carrying out each
a minimum total area of at least 225 square feet of the activities defined in the functional program.


A8.2.C11. Consideration should be given to privacy when locating the These programs may be facility-wide or for smaller groups.
entrance to the bathing room.
If included in the functional program, the Activities department is generally
responsible for coordination of activities for large groups, as well as small
groups and personalized individual programs involving one resident and one
While the guidelines provide a minimum requirement of 20 square feet
therapist. These activities may be conducted in other portions of the building
(1.85 square meters) per bed for dining space, it is likely that facilities
(i.e., dining rooms, recreation spaces, lounges, etc.), but dedicated spaces
designed to this standard will be required to serve the resident population
are preferred for efficient operation of quality programs. Large space
in more than one shift. In practice, the dining room should be sized at a
requirements (e.g., libraries, chapels, auditoriums, and conference, class-
minimum of 28 net square feet (2.60 square meters) per resident seated
room and/or training spaces) are incumbent upon the programming deci-
at one time. It is important to provide outdoor views from dining, recre-
sions of the sponsors as reflected in the functional program for the facility.
ation, and living spaces.
A8.4.B1. If required by the functional program, include space for files,
records, computers, and administrative activities; a storage space for
Activities programs focus on the social, spiritual and creative needs of resi-
dents and clients and provide quality, meaningful experiences for them. (continued on next page)

8.4.B2. Resident toilet room(s) convenient to the area. 8.5.B. Physical and Occupational Therapy for
Nothing in these guidelines is intended to restrict a If the program includes outpatient treatment, addi-
facility from providing additional square footage per tional provisions shall include:
resident beyond what is required herein for activities.
8.5.B1. Convenient facility access usable by the disabled.

8.5 Rehabilitation Therapy 8.5.B2. Lockers for storing patients’ clothing and
personal effects.
Each nursing facility which provides physical and/or
occupational therapy services for rehabilitating long- 8.5.B3. Outpatient facilities for dressing.
term care residents shall have areas and equipment
that conform to program intent. Where the nursing 8.5.B4. Shower(s) for patients’ use.
facility is part of a general hospital or other facility,
services may be shared as appropriate.
*8.6 Personal Services (Barber/Beauty)
8.5.A. Physical and Occupational Therapy Areas
Provisions: Inpatient/Outpatient
As a minimum, the following shall be located on-site, Facilities and equipment for resident hair care and
convenient for use: grooming shall be provided separate from the resi-
dent rooms. These may be unisex and can be located
8.5.A1. Space for files, records, and administrative adjacent to central resident activity areas, provided
activities. that location and scheduling preserve patient dignity.
Resident toilets shall be readily accessible to the hair
8.5.A2. Provisions for wheelchair residents. and grooming area(s).

8.5.A3. Storage for supplies and equipment.

*8.7 Subacute Care Facilities
8.5.A4. Handwashing stations within the therapy unit.

8.5.A5. Space and equipment for carrying out each 8.8 Alzheimer’s and Other Dementia
of the types of therapy that may be prescribed. Units
8.5.A6. Provisions for resident privacy. *8.8.A. Safety
Safety concerns must be emphasized because of poor
8.5.A7. Housekeeping rooms, in or near unit. judgment inherent in those with dementia. Areas or
pieces of furniture that could be hazardous to these
8.5.A8. Resident toilet room(s), usable by wheelchair residents should be eliminated or designed to mini-
residents. mize possible accidents.


A8.4.B1. (continued) supplies and equipment; and a quiet space for A8.7
residents to maximize conversations. This quiet space may be incorporated Since subacute care comprises programs in various settings, the design of
within space for administrative activities. such units/facilities should focus on two major components:

Note: Hearing loss in the elderly is well documented. Quiet space is very a. The unit/facility should comply with all applicable nursing home
important to enable conversation. requirements contained in this chapter, to the extent that they do not con-
flict with the clinical program.
b. The facility/unit should comply with the requirements dictated by the
Consideration should be given to the special ventilation and exhaust
functional program required by Section 1.1.F of these Guidelines.
requirements of these areas.
The latest edition of the Life Safety Code recognizes the need to lock doors
in Alzheimer’s units. Consideration should be given to making locks on
wardrobes, closets, or cupboards inconspicuous.

8.8.A1. Doors. The security of the resident shall be Food receiving, storage, and preparation areas shall
addressed through systems that secure the unit and facilitate quality control. Provision shall be made for
comply with life safety codes. Should the functional transport of hot and cold foods, as required by the
program (see Section 1.1.F) justify limiting the functional program. Separate dining areas shall be pro-
movements of any resident(s) for their safety, any vided for staff and for residents. The design and loca-
door locking arrangements shall be in full compli- tion of dining facilities shall encourage resident use.
ance with applicable requirements of NFPA 101. .
A secure unit shall contain appropriate activity Facilities shall also be furnished to provide nourish-
area(s), dining, bathing, soiled linen/utility, and staff ments and snacks between scheduled meal service.
work area.
The dietary facility shall be easy to clean and to
8.8.A2. Windows. Operable windows shall be per- maintain in a sanitary condition.
mitted and shall comply with Sections 8.14.A3 and
8.14.A4. 8.9.B. Functional Elements
If the dietary department is on-site, the following
*8.8.B. Outdoor Spaces facilities, in the size and number appropriate for the
Secure outdoor gardens and lounge areas shall be type of food service selected, shall be provided:
available for residents of the Alzheimer’s/Dementia
resident unit. 8.9.B1. A control station for receiving and control-
ling food supplies.
*8.8.C. Activities
Activity space for resident use in dementia programs 8.9.B2. Storage space, including cold storage, for at least
shall be provided. a four-day supply of food. (Facilities in remote areas may
require proportionally more food storage facilities.)

8.9 Dietary Facilities 8.9.B3. Food preparation facilities. Conventional

food preparation systems require space and equip-
The following services shall be provided: ment for preparing, cooking, and baking.
Convenience food service systems using frozen pre-
8.9.A. pared meals, bulk packaged entrees, individual pack-
Food service facilities and equipment shall conform aged portions, or those using contractual commissary
with these standards and other applicable food and services, require space and equipment for thawing,
sanitation codes and standards and shall provide food portioning, cooking, and/or baking.
service for residents.
8.9.B4. Handwashing station(s) located in the food
preparation area.


A8.8.B. be provided within the unit, or directly accessible to the residents of the
Outdoor spaces may include gardens on grade or on roof decks, or solaria, unit, per the minimum standards described elsewhere in Chapter 8.
porches, balconies, etc. Lounge space may be a winterized sun room, a Consideration should be given to:
designated lounge space separate from the dining room, or a day room,
where other residents may be sitting. Secure, accessible outdoor space can a. Landmarks. Design elements that provide clear reference points in the
provide a calming change in environment and also a convenient place for environment, i.e., a room, a large three-dimensional object, large picture,
agitated residents to walk. or other wall-mounted artifact.

A8.8.C. b. Signs. When appropriate, large characters and redundant word/picture

Major characteristics of persons with Alzheimer’s and other dementias are combinations should be used on signs.
lack of attention span and an inability to orient themselves within space.
The environment should provide attention-grabbing landmarks and c. Environmental design challenge. Residents with mental impairment often
wayfinding cues and information to aid in navigation from point to point. find it difficult to sit for long periods of time or to sit at all without becom-
Sensory cuing that is used in other long-term care resident areas should be ing restless. Although it is not a universal trait, it is so common and
incorporated for persons with dementia. Dementia program activities may requires so much staff time that environmental solutions should be
include memory stimulation, music therapy, art therapy, horticultural ther- explored in all areas, to give cognitively impaired people interesting places
apy, etc. Space for dining and activities in dedicated dementia units may and things on which to focus their attention.

8.9.B5. Facilities for assembly and distribution of d. Public telephone(s).

patient meals.
e. Drinking fountain(s).
8.9.B6. Separate dining spaces for residents and staff.
8.10.C. General or Individual Office(s)
8.9.B7. Warewashing space located in a room or an These shall be provided for business transactions,
alcove separate from the food preparation and serv- admissions, social services, medical and financial
ing area. Commercial-type warewashing equipment records, and administrative and professional staff. There
shall be provided. Space shall also be provided for shall be included provisions for private interviews.
receiving, scraping, sorting, and stacking soiled
tableware and for transferring clean tableware to the 8.10.D. Multipurpose Room(s)
using areas. Convenient handwashing stations shall There shall be a multipurpose room for conferences,
be available. meetings, and health education purposes as required
by the functional program; it shall include provisions
8.9.B8. Potwashing facilities. for the use of visual aids. One multipurpose room
may be shared by several services.
8.9.B9. Storage areas and sanitizing facilities for
cans, carts, and mobile-tray conveyors. 8.10.E.
Clerical files and staff office space shall be provided
8.9.B10. Waste, storage, and recycling facilities (per as required by the functional program.
local requirements) located in a separate room easily
accessible to the outside for direct pickup or disposal. 8.10.F. Supply Room
Space for storage of office equipment and supplies shall
8.9.B11. Office(s) or desk spaces for dietitian(s) be provided as required by the functional program.
and/or a dietary service manager.

8.9.B12. Toilet for dietary staff convenient to the 8.11 Linen Services
kitchen area.
8.11.A. General
8.9.B13. A housekeeping room located within the Each facility shall have provisions for storing and
dietary department. This shall include a floor recep- processing of clean and soiled/contaminated linen for
tor or service sink and storage space for housekeeping appropriate resident care. Processing may be done
equipment and supplies. within the facility, in a separate building on- or off-
site, or in a commercial or shared laundry. At a mini-
8.9.B14. Ice-making facilities. These may be located in mum, the following elements shall be included:
the food preparation area or in a separate room, shall be
easily cleanable and convenient to the dietary function. 1. Separate central or decentralized room(s) for
receiving and holding soiled linen until ready for
pickup or processing. Such room(s) shall have proper
8.10 Administrative and Public Areas ventilation and exhaust.

The following shall be provided: 2. A central, clean linen storage and issuing room(s),
in addition to the linen storage required at individual
8.10.A. Vehicular Drop-Off and Pedestrian resident units.
This shall be at grade level, sheltered from inclement 3. Provisions shall be made for parking of clean and
weather, and accessible to the disabled. soiled linen carts separately and out of traffic and for
cleaning of linen carts on premises (or exchange carts
8.10.B. Administrative/Lobby Area off premises).
This shall include:
4. Handwashing stations in each area where
a. A counter or desk for reception and information. unbagged, soiled linen is handled.

b. Public waiting area(s). 8.11.B. Off-Site Processing

If linen is processed off-site or in a separate building
c. Public toilet facilities. on-site, provisions shall also be made for:

1. A service entrance, protected from inclement 8.13.A.

weather, for loading and unloading of linen. This can Room(s) or separate building(s) for boilers, mechani-
be shared with other services and serve as the loading cal, and electrical equipment.
dock for the facility.
2. Control station for pickup and receiving. This can Provisions for protected storage of facility drawings,
be shared with other services and serve as the receiv- records, manuals, etc.
ing and pickup point for the facility.
8.11.C. On-Site Processing General maintenance area for repair and maintenance.
If linen is processed in a laundry facility within the
facility, the following shall be provided: 8.13.D. Storage Room for Building Maintenance
1. A receiving, holding, and sorting room for control Storage for solvents and flammable liquids shall com-
and distribution of soiled linen. Discharge from ply with applicable NFPA codes.
soiled linen chutes may be received within this room
or in a separate room adjacent to it. 8.13.E.
Yard equipment and supply storage areas shall be
2. Washers/extractors located between the soiled located so that equipment may be moved directly to
linen receiving and clean processing areas. Personal the exterior.
laundry, if decentralized, may be handled within one
room or rooms, so long as there are separate, defined 8.13.F.
areas for handling clean and soiled laundry. Loading dock, receiving and breakout area(s), if
required by the functional program. These may be
3. Storage for laundry supplies. shared with other services.

4. Linen inspection and mending area. 8.13.G.

General storage space(s) shall be provided for furni-
5. Arrangement of equipment that will permit an ture and equipment such as intravenous stands,
orderly work flow and minimize cross-traffic that inhalators, air mattresses, walkers, etc., medical sup-
might mix clean and soiled operations. plies, housekeeping supplies and equipment.

8.12 Housekeeping Rooms *8.14 General Standards for Details

and Finishes
Housekeeping rooms shall be provided throughout
the facility as required to maintain a clean and sani- Resident facilities require features that encourage
tary environment. Each shall contain a floor receptor ambulation of long-term residents. Signage and
or service sink and storage space for housekeeping wayfinding features shall be provided to aid self-
equipment and supplies. There shall be at least one ambulating residents and avoid confusing or disori-
housekeeping room for each floor. enting them. Potential hazards to residents, such as
sharp corners, slippery floors, loose carpets, and hot
surfaces should be avoided.
8.13 Engineering Service and
Equipment Areas Renovations shall not diminish the level of compli-
ance with these standards below that which existed
The following shall be provided as necessary for prior to the renovation. However, features in excess
effective service and maintenance functions: of those for new constructions are not required to be
maintained in the completed renovation.

8.14.A. Details
8.14.A1. The placement of drinking fountains, public
A8.14. telephones, and vending machines shall not restrict
Hot surfaces are intended to include those surfaces to which residents corridor traffic or reduce the corridor width below
have normal access that exceed 110°F (43°C). This requirement does the minimum stipulated in NFPA 101.
not intend to include medical or therapeutic equipment.

8.14.A2. Doors to all rooms containing bathtubs, sitz shall be provided sufficient clearance on both sides of
baths, showers, and toilets for resident use shall be the water closet to enable physical access and maneu-
hinged, sliding, or folding. vering by staff, who may have to assist the resident in
wheelchair-to-water-closet transfers and return. When
8.14.A3. Windows and outer doors that may be left independent transfers are feasible, alternative grab bar
open shall have insect screens. configurations shall be permitted.

8.14.A4. Resident rooms or suites in new construc- *8.14.A8. Where corridors are defined by walls,
tion shall have window(s). Operable windows or vents handrails shall be provided on both sides of all corri-
that open from the inside shall be restricted to inhibit dors normally used by residents. A minimum clearance
possible resident escape or suicide. Windows shall of 1-1/2 inches (38.1 millimeters) shall be provided
have sills located above grade, but no higher than 36 between the handrail and the wall. Rail ends shall be
inches (914.4 millimeters) above the finished floor. finished to minimize potential for personal injury.

*8.14.A5. Glazing in doors, sidelights, borrowed 8.14.A9. Handwashing stations shall be constructed with
lights, and windows where glazing is less than 18 sufficient clearance for blade-type operating handles.
inches (457.2 millimeters) from the floor shall be
constructed of safety glass, wire glass, tempered glass, 8.14.A10. Lavatories, and handwashing stations and
or plastic glazing material that resists breaking and handrails which a resident could use for support shall
creates no dangerous cutting edges when broken. be securely anchored.
Similar materials shall be used in wall openings in
activity areas (such as recreation rooms and exercise 8.14.A11. Each resident handwashing station shall
rooms) if permitted by local requirements. If doors have a mirror. Mirror placement shall allow for con-
are provided for shower and tub enclosures glazing venient use by both wheelchair occupants and/or
shall be safety glass or plastic. ambulatory persons. Tops and bottoms may be at lev-
els usable by individuals either sitting or standing, or
8.14.A6. Thresholds and expansion joint covers shall additional mirrors may be provided for wheelchair
be designed to facilitate use of wheelchairs and carts occupants. One separate full-length mirror may serve
and to prevent tripping. for wheelchair occupants.

*8.14.A7. Grab bars shall be installed in all resident 8.14.A12. Provisions for hand drying shall be
toilets, showers, tubs, and sitz baths. For wall-mounted included at all handwashing stations. These shall be
grab bars, a minimum 1-1/2-inch (38.1 millimeters) paper or cloth towels enclosed to protect against dust
clearance from walls is required. Bars, including those or soil and to ensure single-unit dispensing.
which are part of fixtures such as soap dishes, shall
have the strength to sustain a concentrated load of 250 8.14.A13. The minimum ceiling height shall be 7
pounds (113.4 kilograms). Toilets utilized by residents feet 10 inches (2.39 meters) with the following


A8.14.A5. Where local requirements permit, wire-free, fire-rated safety ing efforts aimed at educating regulators and advisory panels to the diffi-
glazing should be used to enhance the home-like residential appearance culties encountered by inappropriate standards required within environ-
preferred by residents and visitors. ments serving frail and geriatric populations.

Alternative grab bar configurations should address the following scenarios:

A8.14.A7. Consideration should be given to increasing clearances for
arthritic residents. a. When a resident is capable of independent transfer facilitated by the
grab bar and side-wall location required by accessibility standards, a
While ADAAG, UFAS, and ANSI accessibility standards were all developed
removable/temporary wall structure and grab bar can be installed along-
with the intention of providing greater access for individuals with disabili-
side the toilet.
ties, their standards are based upon assumed stature and strength,
whereby dimensional and grab bar requirements are intended to facilitate b. When a resident requires partial assistance in transfer, fold-down grab
wheelchair-to-toilet transfers by individuals with sufficient upper body bars on one or both sides of the toilet would facilitate such transfers.
strength and mobility to effect such a transfer. The typical nursing home
resident is unlikely to have such capabilities, thus requiring the assistance A8.14.A8. Consideration should be given to increasing clearances for
of one or more staff. Insufficient clearance at the side of the toilet can arthritic residents and for mounting handrails lower than required by ADA, to
restrict staff mobility and access, and can result in injury. There are ongo- enable frail residents to lean on the handrails for support when ambulating.

a. Boiler rooms shall have ceiling clearances of at and similar work areas) shall have a slip-resistant sur-
least 2 feet 6 inches (762 millimeters) above the main face. Carpet and padding in resident areas shall be
boiler header and connecting pipe. glued down or stretched taut and free of loose edges or
wrinkles that might create hazards or interfere with the
b. Rooms containing ceiling-mounted equipment operation of wheelchairs, walkers, wheeled carts, etc.
shall have the required ceiling height to ensure
proper functioning of that equipment. 8.15.D.
Wall bases in areas subject to routine wet cleaning
c. Ceilings in corridors, storage rooms, and toilet shall be coved and tightly sealed.
rooms shall be at least 7 feet 8 inches (2.34 meters).
Ceilings in normally unoccupied spaces may be 8.15.E.
reduced to 7 feet (2.13 meters). Wall finishes shall be washable and, if near plumbing
fixtures, shall be smooth and moisture-resistant.
d. Building components and suspended tracks, rails, Finish, trim, walls, and floor constructions in dietary
and pipes located along the path of normal traffic shall and food storage areas shall be free from rodent- and
be not less than 7 feet (2.13 meters) above the floor. insect-harboring spaces.

e. In buildings being renovated, it is desirable to 8.15.F.

maintain minimum ceiling heights per subparagraphs Floor and wall openings for pipes, ducts, and con-
a through d above. However, in no case shall ceiling duits shall be tightly sealed to resist fire and smoke
heights be reduced more than 4 inches (25.4 mil- and to minimize entry of pests. Joints of structural
limeters) below the minimum requirement for new elements shall be similarly sealed.
f. Architecturally framed and trimmed openings in The finishes of all exposed ceilings and ceiling struc-
corridors and rooms shall be permitted, provided a tures in resident rooms and staff work areas shall be
minimum clear opening height of 7 feet (2.13 readily cleanable with routine housekeeping equipment.
meters) is maintained. Finished ceilings shall be provided in dietary and other
areas where dust fallout might create a problem.
8.14.A14. Rooms containing heat-producing equip-
ment (such as boiler rooms, heater rooms, and laun- 8.15.H.
dries) shall be insulated and ventilated to prevent the Directional and identification signage shall comply
floors of occupied areas overhead and the adjacent walls with ADA guidelines.
from exceeding a temperature of 10°F (6°C) above the
ambient room temperature of such occupied areas.
8.16 Construction Features
8.15 Finishes
All parts of the nursing facility shall be designed and
8.15.A. constructed to sustain dead and live loads in accor-
Cubicle curtains and draperies shall be noncom- dance with local and national building codes and
bustible or flame-retardant as prescribed in both the accepted engineering practices and standards, includ-
large- and small-scale tests in NFPA 701. ing requirements for seismic forces and applicable
sections of NFPA 101.
Materials provided by the facility for finishes and
furnishings, including mattresses and upholstery, shall 8.17-8.29 Reserved
comply with NFPA 101.

8.15.C. 8.30 Special Systems

Floor materials shall be readily cleanable and appropri-
ate for the location. Floors in areas used for food 8.30.A. General
preparation and assembly shall be water-resistant. Floor 8.30.A1. Prior to acceptance of the facility, all special
surfaces, including tile joints, shall be resistant to food systems shall be tested and operated to demonstrate
acids. In all areas subject to frequent wet-cleaning to the owner or designated representative that the
methods, floor materials shall not be physically affected installation and performance of these systems con-
by germicidal cleaning solutions. Floors subject to traf- form to design intent. Test results shall be docu-
94 fic while wet (such as shower and bath areas, kitchens, mented for maintenance files.

8.30.A2. Upon completion of the special systems *8.30.B2. Cars of hospital-type elevators shall have
equipment installation contract, the owner shall be inside dimensions that accommodate a resident bed
furnished with a complete set of manufacturers’ oper- with attendants. The clear inside dimension of such
ating, maintenance, and preventive maintenance cars shall be at least 5 feet (1.52 meters) wide by 7
instructions, a parts list, and complete procurement feet 6 inches (2.29 meters) deep. Car doors shall have
information including equipment numbers and a clear opening of not less than 3 feet 8 inches (1.12
descriptions. Operating staff persons shall also be meters). Other elevators required for passenger service
provided with instructions for proper operation of shall be constructed to accommodate wheelchairs.
systems and equipment. Required information shall
include all safety or code ratings as needed. 8.30.B3. Elevators shall be equipped with an auto-
matic two-way leveling device with an accuracy of
8.30.A3. Insulation shall be provided surrounding ±1/4 inch (7 millimeters).
special system equipment to conserve energy, protect
personnel, and reduce noise. 8.30.B4. Elevators shall have handrails on all sides
without entrance door(s).
8.30.B Elevators
8.30.B1. All buildings having resident use areas on 8.30.C. Waste Processing Service
more than one floor shall have electric or hydraulic Facilities shall be provided for sanitary storage and
elevator(s). Installation and testing of elevators shall treatment or disposal of waste and recyclables using
comply with ANSI/ASME A17.1 (for new construc- techniques and capacities acceptable to the appropri-
tion) or ANSI/ASME 17.3 (for existing buildings). ate health and environmental authorities.
(See ASCE 7-93 for seismic design and control sys-
tems requirements for elevators.)
8.31 Mechanical Standards
a. Engineered traffic studies are recommended, but in
their absence the following guidelines for minimum 8.31.A. General
number of elevators shall apply (Note: these stan- 8.31.A1. The mechanical system shall be subject to
dards may be inadequate for moving large numbers general review for operational efficiency and appro-
of people in a short time; adjustments should be priate life-cycle cost. Details for cost-effective imple-
made as appropriate): mentation of design features are interrelated and too
numerous (as well as too basic) to list individually.
b. At least one elevator sized to accommodate a bed, Recognized engineering procedures shall be followed
gurney, and/or medical carts and wheelchair users for the most economical and effective results. A well-
shall be installed where residents are housed on any designed system can generally achieve energy effi-
floor other than the main entrance floor. ciency with minimal additional cost and
simultaneously provide improved resident comfort. In
c. When 60 to 200 residents are housed on floors no case shall resident care or safety be sacrificed for
other than the main entrance floor, at least two eleva- conservation.
tors, one of which shall be of the hospital type, shall
be installed. 8.31.A2. Facility design considerations shall include
site, building, location, climate, orientation, configu-
d. When 201 to 350 residents are housed on floors ration, and thermal requirements.
other than main entrance floor, at least three eleva-
tors, one of which shall be of the hospital type, shall 8.31.A3. As appropriate, controls for air-handling
be installed. systems shall be designed with an economizer cycle
to use outside air for cooling and/or heating.
e. For facilities with more than 350 residents housed
above the main entrance floor, the number of eleva- 8.31.A4. To maintain asepsis control, airflow supply
tors shall be determined from a facility plan study and exhaust should generally be controlled to ensure
and from the estimated vertical transportation movement of air from “clean” to “less clean” areas.

f. When the nursing facility is part of a general hos-

pital, elevators may be shared and the standards of
Section 7.30 shall apply. A8.30.B2. Handrail projections of up to 3.5 inches (88.9 millimeters)
should not be construed as diminishing the clear inside dimensions.

8.31.A5. Supply and return mains and risers for another acceptable national standard, to supply not less
cooling, heating, and steam systems shall be equipped than 70 percent of the normal requirements of all sys-
with valves to isolate the various sections of each sys- tems and equipment. Their number and arrangement
tem. Each piece of equipment shall have valves at the shall accommodate facility needs despite the break-
supply and return ends. down or routine maintenance of any one boiler. The
capacity of the remaining boiler(s) shall be sufficient to
8.31.B. Thermal and Acoustical Insulation provide hot water service for clinical, dietary, and resi-
8.31.B1. Insulation within the building shall be pro- dent use; steam for dietary purposes; and heating for
vided to conserve energy, protect personnel, prevent general resident rooms. However, reserve capacity for
vapor condensation, and reduce noise. facility space heating is not required in geographic areas
where a design dry-bulb temperature of 25°F (-4°C) or
8.31.B2. Insulation on cold surfaces shall include an more represents not less than 99 percent of the total
exterior vapor barrier. (Insulating material that will hours in any one heating month as noted in
not absorb or transmit moisture will not require a ASHRAE’s Handbook of Fundamentals, under the
separate vapor barrier.) “Table for Climatic Conditions for the United States.”

8.31.B3. Insulation, including finishes and adhesives 8.31.C2. Boiler accessories, including feed pumps,
on the exterior surfaces of ducts, piping, and equip- heat-circulating pumps, condensate return pumps,
ment, shall have a flame-spread rating of 25 or less fuel oil pumps, and waste heat boilers, shall be con-
and a smoke-developed rating of 50 or less as deter- nected and installed to provide both normal and
mined by an independent testing laboratory in accor- standby service.
dance with NFPA 255.
8.31.D. Air Conditioning, Heating, and
8.31.B4. If duct lining is used, it shall be coated and Ventilation Systems
sealed and shall meet ASTM C1071. These linings *8.31.D1. The ventilation rates shown in Table 8.1,
(including coatings, adhesives, and exterior surface as applicable, shall be used only as minimum stan-
insulation of pipes and ducts in spaces used as air dards; they do not preclude the use of higher rates as
supply plenums) shall have a flame-spread rating of appropriate. All rooms and areas in the facility shall
25 or less and a smoke-developed rating of 50 or less, have provision for positive ventilation. Though nat-
as determined by an independent testing laboratory ural window ventilation may be utilized where
in accordance with NFPA 255. Duct lining may not weather and outside air quality permit, use of
be installed within 15 feet (4.57 meters) downstream mechanical ventilation should be considered for inte-
of humidifiers. rior areas and during periods of temperature
extremes. Non-central air-handling systems, e.g.,
8.31.B5. In facilities undergoing major renovations, through-the-wall fan coil units, may be utilized. Fans
existing accessible insulation shall be inspected, serving exhaust systems shall be located at the dis-
repaired, and/or replaced as appropriate. charge end and shall be readily serviceable. Exhaust
systems may be combined to enhance the efficiency
8.31.C. Steam and Hot Water Systems of recovery devices required for energy conservation.
8.31.C1. Boilers shall have the capacity, based on the
net ratings published by the Hydronics Institute or


A8.31.D1. ASHRAE Standard 55 recommends 30 to 60 percent relative potential of condensation inside the duct. All duct takeoffs should be suffi-
humidity for comfort. In cold or arid climates, achieving relative humidities ciently downstream of the humidifier to ensure complete moisture absorp-
as high as 30 percent may not be practical. Where central ventilation sys- tion. Steam humidifiers should be used. Reservoir-type water spray or
tems are not utilized, these humidity requirements may not be achievable. evaporative pan humidifiers should not be used.
Additional data are needed to establish a consensus on the cost/benefit of
Exhaust hoods handling grease-laden vapors in food preparation centers
maintaining humidity within the recommended range.
should comply with NFPA 96. All hoods over cooking ranges should be
If duct humidifiers are located upstream of the final filters, they should be equipped with grease filters, fire extinguishing systems, and heat-actuated
located at least 15 feet (4.56 meters) upstream of the final filters. fan controls. Cleanout openings should be provided every 20 feet (6.10
Ductwork with duct-mounted humidifiers located downstream of the final meters) and at changes in direction in the horizontal exhaust duct systems
filters should have a means of water removal. An adjustable high-limit serving these hoods. (Horizontal runs of ducts serving range hoods should
humidistat should be located downstream of the humidifier to reduce the be kept to a minimum.)

8.31.D2. When appropriate, mechanical ventilation activation will not damage ducts. Maintenance
should employ an economizer cycle that uses outside access shall be provided at all dampers. All damper
air to reduce heating-and-cooling-system loads. locations should be shown on drawings. Dampers
Filtering will be necessary when outside air is used as should be activated by fire or smoke sensor, not by
part of the mechanical ventilation system. Innovative fan cutoff alone.
design that provides for additional energy conserva-
tion while meeting the intent of these standards for Switching systems for restarting fans may be installed
acceptable resident care should be considered. for fire department use in evacuating smoke after a
fire has been controlled. However, provisions should
8.31.D3. Fresh air intakes shall be located at least 25 be made to avoid possible damage to the system
feet (7.62 meters) from exhaust outlets of ventilating because of closed dampers.
systems, combustion equipment stacks, medical-sur-
gical vacuum systems, plumbing vents, or areas that When smoke partitions are required, heating, venti-
may collect vehicular exhaust or other noxious fumes. lating, and air conditioning zones shall be coordinated
(Prevailing winds and/or proximity to other struc- with compartmentation insofar as practical to mini-
tures may require greater clearances.) The bottom of mize the need to penetrate fire and smoke partitions.
outdoor air intakes serving central ventilating systems
shall be as high as practical, but at least 6 feet (1.83 *8.31.D8. Non-central air-handling systems, e.g.,
meters) above ground level, or, if installed above roof, through-the-wall fan coil units, shall be equipped
3 feet (0.91 meter) above roof level. Exhaust outlets with permanent (cleanable) or replaceable filters rated
from areas that may be contaminated shall be above at a minimum efficiency of 68 percent arrestance per
roof level, arranged to minimize recirculation of ASHRAE Test Methods Standard 52.1-92.
exhaust air into the building.
8.31.D9. Rooms with fuel-fired equipment shall be
8.31.D4. The ventilation systems shall be designed provided with sufficient outdoor air to maintain
and balanced to provide directional flow as shown in equipment combustion rates and to limit workstation
Table 8.1. temperatures.

8.31.D5. All central ventilation or air conditioning 8.31.E. Plumbing and Other Piping Systems
systems shall be equipped with filters with efficien- Unless otherwise specified herein, all plumbing sys-
cies equal to, or greater than, those specified in Table tems shall be designed and installed in accordance
8.2. Filter efficiencies, tested in accordance with with the National Standard Plumbing Code, chapter
ASHRAE Standard 52-92, shall be average. Filter 14, Medical Care Facility Plumbing Equipment.
frames shall be durable and proportioned to provide
an airtight fit with the enclosing ductwork. All joints 8.31.E1. The following standards shall apply to
between filter segments and the enclosing ductwork plumbing fixtures:
shall have gaskets or seals to provide a positive seal
against air leakage. Provisions shall be made to allow a. The material used for plumbing fixtures shall be
access for field testing. nonabsorptive.

8.31.D6. Air-handling duct systems shall meet the b. Water spouts used in lavatories and sinks shall
requirements of NFPA 90A and those contained have clearances adequate to avoid contaminating
herein. utensils and the contents of carafes, etc.

8.31.D7. Fire and smoke dampers shall be con- c. All fixtures used by staff and all lavatories used by
structed, located, and installed in accordance with food handlers shall be trimmed with valves that can
the requirements of NFPA 101, 90A, and the spe- be operated without hands (single-lever devices may
cific damper’s listing requirements. Fans, dampers, be used). Blade handles used for this purpose shall
and detectors shall be interconnected so that damper not exceed 4-1/2 inches (114.3 millimeters) in


A8.31.D8. It is recommended that when practical, ventilation require- (e.g., fan coil units, heat pumps, etc.) These non-central units should be
ments be met by a central air handling system with filtration and humidifi- equipped with permanent, cleanable or replaceable filters with a minimum
cation provisions. This system may be designed for ventilation only, with efficiency of 68 percent weight arrestance. For ventilation purposes, these
heating and cooling accomplished by non-central air handling equipment units may be used as recirculating units only.

length. Handles on scrub sinks and clinical sinks *c. Provisions shall be included in the domestic hot
shall be at least 6 inches (152.4 millimeters) long. water system to limit the amount of Legionella bac-
teria and opportunistic water–borne pathogens.
d. Clinical sinks shall have an integral trap wherein the
upper portion of the water trap provides a visible seal. 8.31.E4. The following standards shall apply to
drainage systems:
e. Showers and tubs shall have a slip-resistant surface.
a. Insofar as possible, drainage piping shall not be
8.31.E2. The following standards shall apply to installed within the ceiling or exposed in food prepa-
potable water supply systems: ration centers, food serving facilities, food storage
areas, central services, electronic data processing
a. Systems shall be designed to supply water at suffi- areas, electric closets, and other sensitive areas.
cient pressure to operate all fixtures and equipment Where exposed overhead drain piping in these areas
during maximum demand. Supply capacity for hot- is unavoidable, special provisions shall be made to
and cold-water piping shall be determined on the protect the space below from leakage, condensation,
basis of fixture units, using recognized engineering or dust particles.
standards. When the ratio of plumbing fixtures to
occupants is proportionally more than required by the b. Building sewers shall discharge into community
building occupancy and is in excess of 1,000 plumb- sewerage. Where such a system is not available, the
ing fixture units, a diversity factor is permitted. facility shall treat its sewage in accordance with local
and state regulations.
b. Each water service main, branch main, riser, and
branch to a group of fixtures shall have valves. Stop c. Kitchen grease traps shall be located and arranged
valves shall be provided for each fixture. Appropriate to permit easy access.
panels for access shall be provided at all valves where
required. 8.31.E5. Any installation of nonflammable medical
gas, air, or clinical vacuum systems shall comply with
c. Backflow preventers (vacuum breakers) shall be the requirements of NFPA 99. When any piping or
installed on hose bibbs and supply nozzles used for supply of medical gases is installed, altered, or aug-
connection of hoses or tubing in housekeeping sinks, mented, the altered zone shall be tested and certified
bedpan-flushing attachments, etc. as required by NFPA 99.

d. Potable water storage vessels (hot and cold) not 8.31.E6. All piping, except control-line tubing, shall
intended for constant use shall not be installed. be identified. All valves shall be tagged, and a valve
schedule shall be provided to the facility owner for
8.31.E3. The following standards shall apply to hot permanent record and reference.
water systems:

a. The water-heating system shall have sufficient 8.32 Electrical Standards

supply capacity at the temperatures and amounts
indicated in Table 8.3. Water temperature is mea- 8.32.A. General
sured at the point of use or inlet to the equipment. 8.32.A1. All material and equipment, including con-
Water shall be permitted to be stored at higher ductors, controls, and signaling devices, shall be
temperatures. installed to provide a complete electrical system in
accordance with NFPA 70 and NFPA 99.
b. Hot-water distribution systems serving resident
care areas shall be under constant recirculation to pro-
vide continuous hot water at each hot water outlet.


A8.31.E3c. There are several ways to treat domestic water systems to kill ultraviolet light. Each of these options has advantages and disadvantages.
Legionella and opportunistic waterborne pathogens. Complete removal of While increasing the hot water supply temperature to 140°F (60°C) is typ-
these organisms is not feasible, but methods to reduce the amount include ically considered the easiest option, the risk of scalding, especially to youth
hyperchlorination (free chlorine, chlorine dioxide, monochloramine), ele- and the elderly, is significant. See CDC, ASHRAE, and ASPE documentation
vated hot water temperature, ozone injection, silver/copper ions, and for additional information.

8.32.A2. All electrical installations and systems shall d. Resident unit corridors shall have general illumina-
be tested to verify that the equipment has been tion with provisions for reducing light levels at night.
installed and that it operates as designed.
8.32.A5. Receptacles (convenience outlets)
8.32.A3. Electrical systems for nursing facilities shall
comply with applicable sections of NFPA 70. a. Each resident room shall have duplex-grounded
receptacles. There shall be one at each side of the
8.32.A4. Lighting shall be engineered to the specific head of each bed and one on every other wall.
application. Receptacles may be omitted from exterior walls
where construction makes installation impractical.
*a. The Illuminating Engineering Society of North
America (IES) has developed recommended mini- b. Duplex-grounded receptacles for general use shall
mum lighting levels for nursing facilities. be installed approximately 50 feet (15.24 meters)
apart in all corridors and within 25 feet (7.62 meters)
*b. Approaches to buildings and parking lots, and all of corridor ends.
occupied spaces within buildings shall have fixtures
for lighting. Consideration shall be given to contrast c. Electrical receptacle coverplates or electrical recep-
in lighting levels. tacles supplied from the emergency system shall be
distinctively colored or marked for identification. If
*c. Resident rooms shall have general lighting and color is used for identification purposes, the same
night lighting. A reading light shall be provided for color should be used throughout the facility.
each resident. Reading light controls shall be readily
accessible to residents. At least one night light fixture d. Ground-fault-interrupters shall comply with
in each resident room shall be controlled at the room NFPA 70.
entrance. All light controls in resident areas shall be


A8.32.A4a. The reader should refer to the IES Lighting Handbook and Lighting that creates glare and colors that do not differentiate between
Lighting for Health Care Facilities for additional information. horizontal and vertical planes, or between objects and their backgrounds
(such as handrails or light switches from walls, hardware from doors,
A8.32.A4.b. Excessive differences in lighting levels should be avoided in faucets from sinks, or control knobs from appliances) should be avoided,
transition areas between parking lots, building entrances and lobbies or unless therapeutic benefits can be demonstrated. (For example, it has been
corridors, in transition zones between driveways and parking garages, etc. demonstrated that deliberately camouflaged door hardware may help con-
As the eye ages, pupils become smaller and less elastic, making visual trol wandering and elopements by some cognitively impaired residents in
adaptation to dark spaces slower. Upon entering a space with a consider- Alzheimer’s care facilities.)
ably lower lighting level, elderly residents may need to stop or move to
one side until their eyes adapt to excessive lighting changes. Elderly pedes- A8.32.A4.c. Care should be taken to avoid injury from lighting fixtures.
trians may need several minutes to adjust to significant changes in bright- Light sources that may burn residents or ignite bed linen by direct contact
ness when entering a building from a sunlit walkway or terrace. should be covered or protected.

Consideration should be given to increasing both indoor and outdoor illu- Determination of average illuminance on a horizontal plane from general
mination levels in such transition spaces to avoid excessive differences lighting only. The use of this method in the types of areas described should
between electric lighting levels and natural daytime and nighttime illumi- result in values of average illuminance within 10 percent of the values that
nation levels. In addition, it is very helpful for pedestrians to have conve- would be obtained by dividing the area into 2-foot (0.6-meter) squares,
niently located places to wait, giving them time to adjust their eyes to taking a reading in each square and averaging.
different lighting environments. Seating areas off busy lobbies or corridors
The measuring instrument should be positioned so that when readings are
can minimize the potential for accidents by giving them the extra time
taken, the surface of the light sensitive cell is in a horizontal plane and 30
they need.
inches (760 millimeters) above the floor. This can be facilitated by means
Care should be taken to minimize extremes of brightness within spaces of a small portable stand of wood or other material that will support the
and in transitions between spaces. Excessive brightness contrast from win- cell at the correct height and in the proper plane. Daylight may be
dows or lighting systems can disorient residents. excluded during illuminance measurements. Readings can be taken at
night or with shades, blinds or other opaque covering on the fenestration.

8.32.B.-8.32.F Reserved 8.32.H3. An emergency electrical source shall pro-

vide lighting and/or power during an interruption of
8.32.G. Nurse/Staff Call System the normal electric supply. Where stored fuel is
A nurse/staff call system shall be provided. Each bed required, storage capacity shall permit continuous
location and/or resident shall be provided with a call operation for at least 24 hours. Fuel storage for elec-
device. Two call devices serving adjacent beds or resi- tricity generation shall be separate from heating fuels.
dents may be served by one calling station. Calls If the use of heating fuel for diesel engines is consid-
shall be initiated by a resident activating either a call ered after the required 24-hour supply has been
device attached to a resident’s calling station, or a exhausted, positive valving and filtration shall be pro-
portable device which sends a call signal to the call- vided to avoid entry of water and/or contaminants.
ing station and shall either:
8.32.H4. A minimum of one dedicated essential sys-
(a) Activate a visual signal in the corridor at the resi- tem circuit per bed for ventilator-dependent patients
dent’s door or other appropriate location. In multi- is required in addition to the normal system recepta-
corridor or cluster resident units, additional visual cle at each bed location required by NFPA 70. This
signals shall be installed at corridor intersections; or circuit shall be provided with a minimum of two
duplex receptacles identified for emergency use.
(b) Activate a pager worn by a staff member, identi- Additional essential system circuits/receptacles shall
fying the specific resident and/or room from which be provided where the electrical life support needs of
the call has been placed. the patient exceed the minimum requirements stated
in this paragraph. This paragraph shall apply to both
An emergency call system shall be provided at each new and existing facilities serving ventilator-depen-
resident toilet, bath, sitz bath, and shower room. This dent patients.
system shall be accessible to a resident lying on the
floor. Inclusion of a pull cord or portable radio fre- 8.32.H5. Heating equipment provided for ventilator-
quency pushbutton will satisfy this standard. dependent patient bedrooms shall be connected to
the essential electrical system. This paragraph shall
The emergency call system shall be designed so that a apply to both new and existing facilities.
call activated by a resident will initiate a signal distinct
from the regular staff call system and that can be 8.32.H6. Task lighting connected to the essential
turned off only at the resident’s location. The signal electrical system shall be provided for each ventilator-
shall activate an annunciator panel or screen at the staff dependent patient bedroom. This paragraph shall
work area or other appropriate location, and either a apply to both new and existing facilities.
visual signal in the corridor at the resident’s door or
other appropriate location, or a staff pager indicating 8.32.H7. Exhaust systems (including locations, muf-
the calling resident’s name and/or room location, and at flers, and vibration isolators) for internal combustion
other areas defined by the functional program. engines shall be designed and installed to minimize
objectionable noise. Where a generator is routinely
Alternate technologies can be considered for emer- used to reduce peak loads, protection of patient areas
gency or nurse call systems. If radio frequency sys- from excessive noise may become a critical issue.
tems are used, consideration should be given to
electromagnetic compatibility between internal and 8.32.I Fire Alarm System
external sources. Fire alarm and detection systems shall be provided in
compliance with NFPA 101 and NFPA 72
8.32.H. Emergency Electrical Service
8.32.H1. As a minimum, nursing facilities or sec- 8.32.J Telecommunication and Information
tions thereof shall have emergency electrical systems Systems
as required in NFPA 101 and Chapter 16, Nursing 8.32.J1. Locations for terminating telecommunica-
Home Requirements, of NFPA 99. tions and information system devices shall be pro-
8.32.H2. When the nursing facility is a distinct part
of an acute-care hospital, it may use the emergency 8.32.J2. A space shall be provided for central equip-
generator system for required emergency lighting and ment locations. Special air conditioning and voltage
power, if such sharing does not reduce hospital ser- regulation shall be provided when recommended by
vices. Life support systems and their respective areas the manufacturer.
shall be subject to applicable standards of Section 7.32.

Table 8.1
Pressure Relationships and Ventilation of Certain Areas of Nursing Facilities1
Air movement Minimum Minimum All air
relationship air changes total air exhausted Recirculated Relative Design
to adjacent of outdoor changes per directly to by means of humidity7 temperature8
Area designation area2 air per hour3 hour4 outdoors5 room units6 (%) (degrees F/C)

Resident room — 2 2 — — —9 70-75 (21–24)

Resident unit corridor — — 4 — — —9 —
Resident gathering areas — 4 4 — — — —
Toilet room In — 10 Yes No — —
Dining rooms — 2 4 — — — 75
Activity rooms, if provided — 4 4 — — — —
Physical therapy In 2 6 — — — 75 (24)
Occupational therapy In 2 6 — — — 75 (24)
Soiled workroom or soiled holding In 2 10 Yes No — —
Clean workroom or clean holding Out 2 4 — — (Max) 70 75 (24)
Sterilizer exhaust room In — 10 Yes No — —
Linen and trash chute room, if provided In — 10 Yes No — —
Laundry, general, if provided — 2 10 Yes No — —
Soiled linen sorting and storage In — 10 Yes No — —
Clean linen storage Out — 2 Yes No — —
Food preparation facilities10 — 2 10 Yes Yes — —
Dietary warewashing In — 10 Yes Yes — —
Dietary storage areas — — 2 Yes No — —
Housekeeping rooms In — 10 Yes No — —
Bathing rooms In — 10 Yes No — 75 (24)

The ventilation rates in this table cover ventilation for comfort, as well 4
Number of air changes may be reduced when the room is unoccupied
as for asepsis and odor control in areas of nursing facilities that directly if provisions are made to ensure that the number of air changes indi-
affect resident care and are determined based on nursing facilities cated is reestablished any time the space is being utilized.
being predominantly “No Smoking” facilities. Where smoking may be Adjustments shall include provisions so that the direction of air
allowed, ventilation rates will need adjustments. Areas where specific movement shall remain the same when the number of air changes is
ventilation rates are not given in the table shall be ventilated in accor- reduced. Areas not indicated as having continuous directional control
dance with ASHRAE Standard 62, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air may have ventilation systems shut down when space is unoccupied
Quality, and ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications. OSHA stan- and ventilation is not otherwise needed.
dards and/or NIOSH criteria require special ventilation requirements
for employee health and safety within nursing facilities. 5
Air from areas with contamination and/or odor problems shall be
exhausted to the outside and not recirculated to other areas. Note that
Design of the ventilation system shall, insofar as possible, provide that individual circumstances may require special consideration for air
air movement is from “clean to less clean” areas. However, continuous exhaust to outside.
compliance may be impractical with full utilization of some forms of
variable air volume and load shedding systems that may be used for 6
Because of cleaning difficulty and potential for buildup of contamina-
energy conservation. Areas that do require positive and continuous tion, recirculating room units shall not be used in areas marked “No.”
control are noted with “Out” or “In” to indicate the required direction Isolation rooms may be ventilated by reheat induction units in which
of air movement in relation to the space named. Rate of air move- only the primary air supplied from a central system passes through the
ment may, of course, be varied as needed within the limits required reheat unit. Gravity-type heating or cooling units such as radiators or
for positive control. Where indication of air movement direction is convectors shall not be used in special care areas.
enclosed in parentheses, continuous directional control is required
only when the specialized equipment or device is in use or where 7
The ranges listed are the minimum and maximum limits where con-
room use may otherwise compromise the intent of movement from trol is specifically needed. See A8.31.D for additional information.
clean to less clean. Air movement for rooms with dashes and nonpa-
tient areas may vary as necessary to satisfy the requirements of those 8
Where temperature ranges are indicated, the systems shall be capable
spaces. Additional adjustments may be needed when space is unused of maintaining the rooms at any point within the range. A single fig-
or unoccupied and air systems are deenergized or reduced. ure indicates a heating or cooling capacity of at least the indicated
temperature. This is usually applicable where residents may be
To satisfy exhaust needs, replacement air from outside is necessary. undressed and require a warmer environment. Nothing in these guide-
Table 8.1 does not attempt to describe specific amounts of outside air lines shall be construed as precluding the use of temperatures lower
to be supplied to individual spaces except for certain areas such as those than those noted when the residents' comfort and medical conditions
listed. Distribution of the outside air, added to the system to balance make lower temperatures desirable. Unoccupied areas such as storage
required exhaust, shall be as required by good engineering practice. rooms shall have temperatures appropriate for the function intended.
continued on next page

See A8.31.D1. does not compromise the exit corridor restrictions of NFPA 90A, the
pressure requirements of NFPA 96, or the maximum defined in the
Food preparation facilities shall have ventilation systems whose air sup- table. The number of air changes may be reduced or varied to any
ply mechanisms are interfaced appropriately with exhaust hood controls extent required for odor control when the space is not in use.
or relief vents so that exfiltration or infiltration to or from exit corridors

Table 8.2 Table 8.3

Filter Efficiencies for Central Ventilation and Air Hot Water Use—Nursing Facilities
Conditioning Systems in Nursing Facilities
Resident care Dietary Laundry
Minimum Filter efficiencies (%) areas
number of Filter bed Filter bed
Liters per hour 11.9 7.2 7.6
Area designation filter beds no. 1 no. 2 per bed1
All areas for inpatient care, 2 30 80 Gallons per hour 3 2 2
per bed1
treatment, and/or diagnosis,
Temperature 35-432 603 604
and those areas providing (°Centigrade)
direct service or clean supplies
Temperature 95-1102 140 (min.)3 140 (min.)4
Administrative, bulk storage, 1 30
soiled holding, laundries, 1
Quantities indicated for design demand of hot water are for general
food preparation areas reference minimums and shall not substitute for accepted engineering
design procedures using actual number and types of fixtures to be
Note installed. Design will also be affected by temperatures of cold water
The filtration efficiency ratings are based on average dust spot effi- used for mixing, length of run and insulation relative to heat loss, etc.
ciency per ASHRAE 52.1-92. As an example, total quantity of hot water needed will be less when
temperature available at the outlet is very nearly that of the source
tank and the cold water used for tempering is relatively warm.
The range represents the maximum and minimum allowable
Provisions may be made to provide 180°F (82°C) rinse water at ware-
washer (may be by separate booster).
Provisions shall be made to provide 160°F (71°C) hot water at the
laundry equipment when needed. (This may be by steam jet or sepa-
rate booster heater.) However, it is emphasized that this does not
imply that all water used would be at this temperature. Water temper-
atures required for acceptable laundry results will vary according to
type of cycle, time of operation, and formula of soap and bleach as
well as type and degree of soil. Lower temperatures may be adequate
for most procedures in many facilities but higher temperatures should
be available when needed for special conditions. Minimum laundry
temperatures are for central laundries only.

9.1 General that are part of another facility may be subject to the
additional requirements of the other occupancy. In this edition
9.1.A. Section Applicability appendix
This section applies to the outpatient unit in a hospi- References are made to Section 7, General Hospital, material
tal, a freestanding facility, or an outpatient facility in for certain service spaces. Those references are appears in the
a multiple-use building containing an ambulatory intended only for the specific areas indicated. main body of
health care center as defined under the NFPA 101 the document;
Life Safety Code occupancy chapters. 9.1.C. Facility Access however, it
Where the outpatient unit is part of another facility, remains
The general standards set forth in Sections 9.1 and separation and access shall be maintained as advisory only.
9.2 apply to each of the items below. Additions described in NFPA 101. Building entrances used to
and/or modifications shall be made as described for reach the outpatient services shall be at grade level,
the specific facility type. clearly marked, and located so that patients need not
go through other activity areas. (Lobbies of multi-
Specialty facilities such as those for renal dialysis, occupancy buildings may be shared.) Design shall
cancer treatment, mental health, rehabilitation, etc., preclude unrelated traffic within the unit.
have needs that are not addressed here. They must
satisfy additional conditions to meet respective pro- 9.1.D. Functional Program Provision
grams’ standards. Each project sponsor shall provide a functional pro-
gram for the facility. (See Section 1.1.F.)
Specifically described are:
9.1.E. Shared/Purchased Services
9.1.A1. Primary Care Outpatient Center (Section 9.3). When services are shared or purchased, space and
equipment should be modified or eliminated to avoid
9.1.A2. The Small Primary (Neighborhood) unnecessary duplication.
Outpatient Facility (Section 9.4).
*9.1.F. Location
9.1.A3. The Outpatient Surgical Facility (Section 9.5).
9.1.G. Parking
9.1.A4. The Freestanding Emergency Facility In the absence of a formal parking study, parking for
(Section 9.6). outpatient facilities shall be provided at the rate
noted for each type of unit. On-street parking, if
9.1.A5. Freestanding Birthing Center (Section 9.7). available and acceptable to local authorities having
jurisdiction, may satisfy part of this requirement
9.1.B. Outpatient Facility Classification unless described otherwise. If the facility is located in
Except for the emergency unit, the outpatient facili- a densely populated area where a large percentage of
ties described herein are used primarily by patients patients arrive as pedestrians; or if adequate public
capable of traveling into, around, and out of the facil- parking is available nearby; or if the facility is conve-
ity unassisted. This includes the disabled confined to niently accessible via public transportation, adjust-
wheelchairs. Occasional facility use by stretcher ments to this standard may be made with approval of
patients should not be used as a basis for more the appropriate authorities.
restrictive institutional occupancy classifications.

Facilities shall comply with the “Ambulatory Health

Care Centers” section of NFPA 101, in addition to
details herein, where patients are rendered incapable A9.1.F
of self-preservation due to the care process. The Community outpatient units should ideally be conveniently accessible
“Business Occupancy” section of NFPA 101 applies to to patients via available public transportation.
other types of outpatient facilities. Outpatient units 103

9.1.H. Privacy for Patients 9.2.A7. Special storage for staff personal effects with
Each facility design shall ensure appropriate levels of locking drawers or cabinets (may be individual desks
patient audible and visual privacy and dignity or cabinets) shall be provided. Such storage shall be
throughout the care process, consistent with needs near individual work stations and staff controlled.
established in the program.
9.2.A8. General storage facilities for supplies and
equipment shall be provided as needed for continuing
9.2 Common Elements for Outpatient operation.
9.2.A9. In new construction and renovation where
The following shall apply to each outpatient facility hemodialysis or hemoperfusion are routinely per-
described herein with additions and/or modifications formed, there shall be a separate water supply and
as noted for each specific type. Special consideration a drainage facility that do not interfere with hand-
shall be given to the special needs of anticipated washing.
patient groups/demographics as determined by the
functional program. 9.2.B. Clinical Facilities
As needed, the following elements shall be provided
9.2.A. Administration and Public Areas for clinical services to satisfy the functional program:
9.2.A1. Entrance. Located at grade level and able to
accommodate wheelchairs. 9.2.B1. General-purpose examination room(s). For
medical, obstetrical, and similar examinations, rooms
9.2.A2. Public services shall include: shall have a minimum floor area of 80 square feet
(7.43 square meters), excluding vestibules, toilets, and
a. Conveniently accessible wheelchair storage. closets. Room arrangement should permit at least 2
feet 8 inches (812.8 millimeters) clearance at each
b. A reception and information counter or desk. side and at the foot of the examination table. A
handwashing station and a counter or shelf space for
*c. Waiting space(s). writing shall be provided.

d. Conveniently accessible public toilet(s). 9.2.B2. Special-purpose examination rooms. Rooms

for special clinics such as eye, ear, nose, and throat
e. Conveniently accessible public telephone(s). examinations, if provided, shall be designed and out-
fitted to accommodate procedures and equipment
f. Conveniently accessible drinking fountain(s). used. A handwashing station and a counter or shelf
space for writing shall be provided.
9.2.A3. Interview space(s) for private interviews
related to social service, credit, etc., shall be provided. 9.2.B3. Treatment room(s). Rooms for minor surgi-
cal and cast procedures (if provided) shall have a
9.2.A4. General or individual office(s) for business minimum floor area of 120 square feet (11.15 square
transactions, records, administrative, and professional meters), excluding vestibule, toilet, and closets. The
staffs shall be provided. minimum room dimension shall be 10 feet (3.05
meters). A handwashing station and a counter or
9.2.A5. Clerical space or rooms for typing, clerical shelf for writing shall be provided.
work, and filing, separated from public areas for con-
fidentiality, shall be provided. 9.2.B4. Observation room(s). Observation rooms for
the isolation of suspect or disturbed patients shall have
9.2.A6. Multipurpose room(s) equipped for visual a minimum floor area of 80 square feet (7.43 square
aids shall be provided for conferences, meetings, and meters) and shall be convenient to a nurse or control
health education purposes. station. This is to permit close observation of patients
and to minimize possibilities of patients’ hiding,
escape, injury, or suicide. An examination room may
be modified to accommodate this function. A toilet
room with lavatory should be immediately accessible.
A9.2.A2.c. Consideration should be given to special needs of or
between specific patient groups in a shared/general waiting area, such 9.2.B5. Nurses station(s). A work counter, communi-
as separation of adolescent and geriatric patients. cation system, space for supplies, and provisions for
104 charting shall be provided.

9.2.B6. Drug distribution station. This may be a part *9.2.C7. Access.

of the nurses station and shall include a work
counter, sink, refrigerator, and locked storage for bio- 9.2.D. Laboratory
logicals and drugs. Facilities shall be provided within the outpatient
department, or through an effective contract arrange-
9.2.B7. Clean storage. A separate room or closet for ment with a nearby hospital or laboratory service, for
storing clean and sterile supplies shall be provided. hematology, clinical chemistry, urinalysis, cytology,
This storage shall be in addition to that of cabinets pathology, and bacteriology. If these services are pro-
and shelves. vided on contract, the following laboratory facilities
shall also be provided in (or be immediately accessi-
9.2.B8. Soiled holding. Provisions shall be made for ble to) the outpatient facility:
separate collection, storage, and disposal of soiled
materials. 9.2.D1. Laboratory work counter(s), with sink, vac-
uum, gas, and electric services.
9.2.B9. Sterilizing facilities. A system for sterilizing
equipment and supplies shall be provided. Sterilizing 9.2.D2. Lavatory(ies) or counter sink(s) equipped for
procedures may be done on- or off-site, or dispos- handwashing.
ables may be used to satisfy functional needs.
9.2.D3. Storage cabinet(s) or closet(s).
9.2.B10. Wheelchair storage space. Such storage
shall be out of the direct line of traffic. 9.2.D4. Specimen collection facilities with a water
closet and lavatory. Blood collection facilities shall
9.2.B11. The need for and number of required air- have seating space, a work counter, and handwash-
borne infection isolation rooms shall be determined ing station.
by an infection control risk assessment. When
required, the airborne infection isolation room(s) 9.2.E. Housekeeping Room(s)
shall comply with the general requirements of At least one housekeeping room per floor shall be
Section 7.2.C, except that a shower or tub shall not provided. It shall contain a service sink and storage
be required. for housekeeping supplies and equipment.

9.2.C. Radiology 9.2.F. Staff Facilities

Basic diagnostic procedures (these may be part of the Staff locker rooms and toilets shall be provided.
outpatient service, off-site, shared, by contract, or by
referral) shall be provided, including the following: 9.2.G. Engineering Service and Equipment Areas
The following shall be provided (these may be shared
9.2.C1. Radiographic room(s). See Section 7.10 for with other services provided capacity is appropriate
special requirements. for overall use):

9.2.C2. Film processing facilities. 9.2.G1. Equipment room(s) for boilers, mechanical
equipment, and electrical equipment.
9.2.C3. Viewing and administrative areas(s).
9.2.G2. Storage room(s) for supplies and equipment.
9.2.C4. Storage facilities for exposed film.
9.2.G3. Waste processing services:
9.2.C5. Toilet rooms with handwashing stations
accessible to fluoroscopy room(s), if fluoroscopic pro- a. Space and facilities shall be provided for the sani-
cedures are part of the program. tary storage and disposal of waste.

9.2.C6. Dressing rooms or booths, as required by b. If incinerators and/or trash chutes are used, they
services provided, with convenient toilet access. shall comply with NFPA 82.


A9.2.C7. Stretchers should have ready access to and from other areas of cystoscopy, and outpatient clinics should be accessible to the imaging suite.
the facility. Particular attention should be paid to the management of out- Imaging should be located with consideration of ceiling height requirements,
patients for preparation, holding, and observation. The emergency, surgery, proximity to electrical services, and future expansion considerations.

c. Incinerators, if used, shall also conform to the stan- (1) Boiler rooms shall have ceiling clearances not less
dards prescribed by area air pollution regulations. than 2 feet 6 inches (762 millimeters) above the main
boiler header and connecting piping.
9.2.H. Details and Finishes
9.2.H1. Details shall comply with the following (2) Radiographic and other rooms containing ceiling-
standards: mounted equipment shall have ceilings of sufficient
height to accommodate the equipment and/or fixtures.
a. Minimum public corridor width shall be 5 feet
(1.52 meters). Staff-only corridors may be 44 inches (3) Ceilings in corridors, storage rooms, toilet rooms,
(1.12 meters) wide. and other minor rooms shall not be less than 7 feet 8
inches (2.34 meters).
b. Each building shall have at least two exits that are
remote from each other. Other details relating to (4) Tracks, rails, and pipes suspended along the path
exits and fire safety shall comply with NFPA 101 and of normal traffic shall be not less than 6 feet 8 inches
the standards outlined herein. (2.03 meters) above the floor.

c. Items such as drinking fountains, telephone k. Rooms containing heat-producing equipment

booths, vending machines, etc., shall not restrict cor- (such as boiler or heater rooms) shall be insulated
ridor traffic or reduce the corridor width below the and ventilated to prevent occupied adjacent floor or
required minimum. Out-of-traffic storage space for wall surfaces from exceeding a temperature 10
portable equipment shall be provided. degrees above the ambient room temperature.

d. The minimum nominal door width for patient 9.2.H2. Finishes shall comply with the following
use shall be 3 feet (0.91 meter). If the outpatient standards:
facility services hospital inpatients, the minimum
nominal width of doors to rooms used by hospital a. Cubicle curtains and draperies shall be noncom-
inpatients transported in beds shall be 3 feet 8 bustible or flame-retardant and shall pass both the
inches (1.12 meters). large- and small-scale tests required by NFPA 701.

e. Doors, sidelights, borrowed lights, and windows b. The flame-spread and smoke-developed ratings of
glazed to within 18 inches (457.2 millimeters) of the finishes shall comply with Section 7.29 and Table 9.1.
floor shall be constructed of safety glass, wired glass, Where possible, the use of materials known to pro-
or plastic glazing material that resists breakage and duce large amounts of noxious gases shall be avoided.
creates no dangerous cutting edges when broken.
Similar materials shall be used in wall openings of c. Floor materials shall be readily cleanable and
playrooms and exercise rooms unless otherwise appropriately wear-resistant. In all areas subject to
required for fire safety. Glazing materials used for wet cleaning, floor materials shall not be physically
shower doors and bath enclosures shall be safety affected by liquid germicidal and cleaning solutions.
glass or plastic. Floors subject to traffic while wet, including showers
and bath areas, shall have a nonslip surface.
f. Threshold and expansion joint covers shall be flush
with the floor surface to facilitate use of wheelchairs d. Wall finishes shall be washable and, in the proxim-
and carts. ity of plumbing fixtures, shall be smooth and mois-
ture resistant.
g. Handwashing stations shall be located and
arranged to permit proper use and operation. e. Wall bases in areas that are frequently subject to
Particular care shall be taken to provide the required wet cleaning shall be monolithic and coved with the
clearance for blade-type handle operation. floor; tightly sealed to the wall; and constructed
without voids.
h. Provisions for hand drying shall be included at all
handwashing stations except scrub sinks. f. Floor and wall areas penetrated by pipes, ducts, and
conduits shall be tightly sealed to minimize entry of
i. Radiation protection for X-ray and gamma ray rodents and insects. Joints of structural elements shall
installations shall comply with Section 7.10. be similarly sealed.

j. The minimum ceiling height shall be 7 feet 10

106 inches (2.39 meters) with the following exceptions:

9.2.I. Design and Construction, Including 9.3.C. Administrative Services

Fire-Resistive Standards Each outpatient facility shall make provisions to sup-
9.2.I1. Construction and structural elements of free- port administrative activities, filing, and clerical work
standing outpatient facilities shall comply with recog- as appropriate. (See also Section 9.2.A.) Service areas
nized model-building-code requirements for offices shall include:
and to the standards contained herein. Outpatient
facilities that are an integral part of the hospital or 9.3.C1. Office(s), separate and enclosed, with provi-
that share common areas and functions shall comply sions for privacy.
with the construction standards for general hospitals.
See applicable sections of this document for addi- 9.3.C2. Clerical space or rooms for typing and
tional details. clerical work separated from public areas to ensure
9.2.I2. Interior finish materials shall have flame-
spread and smoke-production limitations as described 9.3.C3. Filing cabinets and storage for the safe and
in NFPA 101. Wall finishes less than 4 mil thick secure storage of patient records with provisions for
applied over a noncombustible material are not sub- ready retrieval.
ject to flame-spread rating requirements.
9.3.C4. Office supply storage (closets or cabinets)
9.2.I3. Building insulation materials, unless sealed on within or convenient to administrative services.
all sides and edges, shall have a flame-spread rating
of 25 or less and a smoke-developed rating of 150 or 9.3.C5. A staff toilet and lounge in addition to and
less when tested in accordance with NFPA 255. separate from public and patient facilities.

9.2.J. Provision for Disasters 9.3.C6. Multiuse rooms for conferences, meetings,
Seismic-force resistance of new construction for out- and health education. One room may be primarily for
patient facilities shall comply with Section 1.5 and staff use but also available for public access as needed.
shall be given an importance factor of one. Where In smaller facilities the room may also serve for con-
the outpatient facility is part of an existing building, sultation, etc.
that facility shall comply with applicable local codes.
Special design provisions shall be made for buildings 9.3.D. Public Areas
in regions that have sustained loss of life or damage Public areas shall be situated for convenient access
to buildings from hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, or and designed to promote prompt accommodation of
other natural disasters. patient needs, with consideration for personal dignity.

9.3.D1. Entrances shall be well marked and at grade

9.3 Primary Care Outpatient Centers level. Where entrance lobby and/or elevators are
shared with other tenants, travel to the outpatient
9.3.A. General unit shall be direct and accessible to the disabled.
The primary care center provides comprehensive Except for passage through common doors, lobbies,
community outpatient medical services. The number or elevator stations, patients shall not be required to
and type of diagnostic, clinical, and administrative go through other occupied areas or outpatient service
areas shall be sufficient to support the services and areas. Entrance shall be convenient to parking and
estimated patient load described in the program. All available via public transportation.
standards set forth in Sections 9.1 and 9.2 shall be
met for primary care outpatient centers, with addi- 9.3.D2. A reception and information counter or desk
tions and modifications described herein. (See shall be located to provide visual control of the
Section 9.4 for smaller care centers.) entrance to the outpatient unit, and shall be immedi-
ately apparent from that entrance.
9.3.B. Parking
Parking spaces for patients and family shall be pro- 9.3.D3. The waiting area for patients and escorts
vided at the rate of not less than two parking spaces shall be under staff control. The seating area shall
for each examination and each treatment room. In contain not less than two spaces for each examina-
addition, one space for each of the maximum number tion and/or treatment room. Where the outpatient
of staff persons on duty at any one shift will be pro- unit has a formal pediatrics service, a separate, con-
vided. Adjustments, as described in Section 9.1.G, trolled area for pediatric patients shall be provided.
should be made where public parking, public trans- Wheelchairs within the waiting area will be
portation, etc., reduce the need for on-site parking. accommodated. 107

9.3.D4. Toilet(s) for public use shall be immediately income. It is essential that it be located for maximum
accessible from the waiting area. In smaller units the accessibility and convenience. In densely populated
toilet may be unisex and also serve for specimen areas, many of the patients might walk to services.
collection. Where a substantial number of patients rely on pub-
lic transportation, facility location shall permit conve-
9.3.D5. Drinking fountains shall be available for wait- nient access requiring a minimum of transfers.
ing patients. In shared facilities, drinking fountains may
be outside the outpatient area if convenient for use. 9.4.C. Parking
Not less than one convenient parking space for each
9.3.D6. A control counter (may be part of the recep- staff member on duty at any one time and not less
tion, information, and waiting room control) shall than four spaces for patients shall be provided.
have access to patient files and records for scheduling Parking requirements may be satisfied with street
of services. parking, or by a nearby public parking lot or garage.
Where the facility is within a shopping center or sim-
9.3.E. Diagnostic ilar area, customer spaces may meet parking needs.
Provisions shall be made for X-ray and laboratory
procedures as described in Sections 9.2.C and D. 9.4.D. Administration and Public Areas
Services may be shared or provided by contract off- 9.4.D1. Public areas shall include:
site. Each outpatient unit shall have appropriate facil-
ities for storage and refrigeration of blood, urine, and a. A reception and information center or desk.
other specimens. All standards set forth in Section
9.31 shall be met. b. Waiting space, including provisions for wheelchairs.

*9.3.F. Clinical Facilities c. Patient toilet facilities.

9.4.D2. An office area for business transactions,

9.4 Small Primary (Neighborhood) records, and other administrative functions, separate
Outpatient Facility from public and patient areas, shall be provided.

9.4.A. General 9.4.D3. General storage facilities for office supplies,

Facilities covered under this section are often contained equipment, sterile supplies, and pharmaceutical sup-
within existing commercial or residential buildings as plies shall be provided.
“store front” units, but they may also be a small, free-
standing, new, or converted structure. The size of these 9.4.D4. Locked storage (cabinets or secure drawers)
units limits occupancy, thereby minimizing hazards and convenient to work stations shall be provided for staff
allowing for less stringent standards. Needed commu- valuables.
nity services can therefore be provided at an affordable
cost. The term small structure shall be defined as space 9.4.E. Clinical Facilities
and equipment serving four or fewer workers at any 9.4.E1. At least one examination room shall be avail-
one time. Meeting all provisions of Section 9.2 for gen- able for each provider who may be on duty at any one
eral outpatient facilities is desirable, but limited size time. Rooms may serve both as examination and
and resources may preclude satisfying any but the basic treatment spaces (see Section 9.2.B1).
minimums described. This section does not apply to
outpatient facilities that are within a hospital, nor is it 9.4.E2. A clean work area with a counter, handwash-
intended for the larger, more sophisticated units. ing station, and storage for clean supplies, shall be pro-
vided. This may be a separate room or an isolated area.
9.4.B. Location
The small neighborhood center is expected to be 9.4.E3. A soiled holding room shall be provided (see
especially responsive to communities with limited Section 9.2.B8).

9.4.E4. Sterile equipment and supplies shall be pro-

APPENDIX vided to meet functional requirements. Sterile sup-
A9.3.F. plies may be prepackaged disposables or processed
Examination rooms and services as described in Section 9.2.B may be off-site.
provided. In addition, offices and/or practitioner consultation rooms
may be combined with examination rooms. 9.4.E5. Locked storage for biologicals and drugs
108 shall be provided.

9.4.E6. A toilet room containing a lavatory for hand- b. All occupied areas shall be ventilated by natural or
washing shall be accessible from all examination and mechanical means.
treatment rooms. Where a facility contains no more
than three examination and/or treatment rooms, the c. Air-handling duct systems shall meet the require-
patient toilet may also serve waiting areas. ments of NFPA 90A.

9.4.F. Diagnostic Facilities 9.4.I2. Plumbing and other piping systems shall
9.4.F1. The functional program shall describe where meet the following standards:
and how diagnostic services will be made available to
the outpatient if these are not offered within the a. Systems shall comply with applicable codes, be free
facility. When provided within the facility, these ser- of leaks, and be designed to supply water at sufficient
vices shall meet the standards of Section 9.2. pressure to operate all fixtures and equipment during
maximum demand.
9.4.F2. Laboratory services and/or facilities shall
meet the following standards: b. Backflow preventer (vacuum breakers) shall be
installed on all water supply outlets to which hoses or
a. Urine collection rooms shall be equipped with a tubing can be attached.
water closet and lavatory. Blood collection facilities
shall have space for a chair and work counter. (The c. Water temperature at lavatories shall not exceed
toilet room provided within the examination and 110°F (43°C).
treatment room may be used for specimen collection.)
d. All piping registering temperatures above 110°F
b. Services shall be available within the facility or (43°C) shall be covered with thermal insulation.
through a formal agreement or contract with a hospi-
tal or other laboratory for hematology, clinical chem- 9.4.J. Electrical Standards
istry, urinalysis, cytology, pathology, and bacteriology. The following shall apply to the small outpatient
facility of this section in lieu of Section 9.32:
9.4.G. Details and Finishes
See Section 9.2.H. 9.4.J1. Prior to completion and acceptance of the
facility, all electrical systems shall be tested and
9.4.H. Design and Construction operated to demonstrate that installation and per-
9.4.H1. Every building and every portion thereof formance conform to applicable codes and func-
shall be designed and constructed to sustain all dead tional needs.
and live loads in accordance with accepted engineer-
ing practices and standards. If existing buildings are 9.4.J2. Lighting shall be provided in all facility
converted for use, consideration shall be given to the spaces occupied by people, machinery, and/or equip-
structural requirements for concentrated floor load- ment, and in outside entryways. An examination
ings, including X-ray equipment, storage files, and light shall be provided for each examination and
similar heavy equipment that may be added. treatment room.

9.4.H2. Construction and finishes may be of any 9.4.J3. Sufficient duplex grounded-type receptacles
type permitted for business occupancies as described shall be available for necessary task performance.
in NFPA 101 and as specified herein. Each examination and work table area shall be served
by at least one duplex receptacle.
9.4.I. Mechanical Standards
The following shall apply for the small outpatient 9.4.J4. X-ray equipment installations, when provided,
facility of this section in lieu of Section 9.31: shall conform to NFPA 70.

9.4.I1. Heating and ventilation systems shall meet 9.4.J5. Automatic emergency lighting shall be pro-
the following standards: vided in every facility that has a total floor area of
more than 1,000 square feet (92.9 square meters),
a. A minimum indoor winter-design-capacity tem- and in every facility requiring stairway exit.
perature of 75°F (24°C) shall be set for all patient
areas. Controls shall be provided for adjusting tem-
perature as appropriate for patient activities and

*9.5 Outpatient Surgical Facility additional space shall be provided as needed. If inpa-
tient and outpatient procedures are performed in the
*9.5.A. General same room(s), the functional program shall describe
Note: When invasive procedures are performed on in detail scheduling and techniques used to separate
persons who are known or suspected of having air- inpatients and outpatients.
borne infectious disease, these procedures should not
be performed in the operating suite. These proce- Visual and audible privacy should be provided by
dures shall be performed in a room meeting airborne design and include the registration, preparation,
infection isolation ventilation requirements or in a examination, treatment, and recovery areas.
space using local exhaust ventilation. If the procedure
must be performed in the operating suite, see the 9.5.B. Size
CDC “Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of The extent (number and types) of the diagnostic,
Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Health Care Facilities.” clinical, and administrative facilities to be provided
will be determined by the services contemplated and
The outpatient surgical facility shall be designed to the estimated patient load as described in the func-
facilitate movement of patients and personnel into, tional program. Provisions shall be made for patient
through, and out of defined areas within the surgical examination, interview, preparation testing, and
suite. Signs shall be provided at all entrances to obtaining vital signs of patient for outpatient
restricted areas and shall clearly indicate the surgical surgeries.
attire required.
9.5.C. Parking
The outpatient surgical facility shall be divided into Four spaces for each room routinely used for surgical
three designated areas—unrestricted, semirestricted, procedures plus one space for each staff member shall
and restricted—that are defined by the physical activ- be provided. Additional parking spaces convenient to
ities performed in each area. the entrance for pickup of patients after recovery
shall be provided.
Outpatient surgery is performed without anticipation
of overnight patient care. The functional program 9.5.D. Administration and Public Areas
shall describe in detail staffing, patient types, hours of The following shall be provided:
operation, function and space relationships, transfer
provisions, and availability of offsite services. 9.5.D1. A covered entrance for pickup of patients
after surgery.
If the outpatient surgical facility is part of an acute-
care hospital or other medical facility, service may be 9.5.D2. A lobby area including a waiting area, conve-
shared to minimize duplication as appropriate. niently accessible wheelchair storage, a
Where outpatient surgical services are provided reception/information desk, accessible public toilet(s),
within the same area or suite as inpatient surgery, public telephone(s), and drinking fountain(s).


A9.5. Outpatient Surgery Facility A9.5.A Recovery Care Centers

The unrestricted area includes a central control point established to monitor Outpatient “surgical” facilities now incorporate centers that perform both
the entrance of patients, personnel, and materials. Street clothes are per- invasive and noninvasive procedures. The distinction between centers can
mitted in this area, and traffic is not limited. now be better defined by the type of anesthesia that is used during the
procedure. Even though most outpatient procedures do not require an
The semirestricted area includes the peripheral support areas of the surgi-
overnight stay, some require extended patient observation for up to “23
cal suite and has storage areas for clean and sterile supplies, work areas
hours and 59 minutes” of care. This extended care possibility should
for storage and processing of instruments, and corridors leading to the
address the need for adequate sleeping, bathroom, and nutrition services
restricted areas of the surgical suite. Traffic in this area is limited to autho-
for the patient. A key element to housing patients is the communication
rized personnel and patients. Personnel are required to wear surgical attire
system and the ability to obtain additional assistance as necessary.
and cover all head and facial hair.
Recovery care centers should have adequate waiting areas for family
The restricted area includes operating and procedure rooms, the clean
including children and adolescents, privacy (noise barrier and sight barrier)
core, and scrub sink areas. Surgical attire and hair coverings are required.
for meeting between physicians and other professionals with family. The
Masks are required where open sterile supplies or scrubbed persons may
areas should be large enough for translators or have available translation
be located.

9.5.D3. Interview space(s) for private interviews ical/surgical instruments and equipment. The soiled
relating to admission. workroom shall contain work surface(s), sink(s),
flush-type device(s), and washer/sterilizer decontami-
9.5.D4. General and individual office(s) for busi- nators or other decontamination equipment as appro-
ness transactions, records, and administrative and priate to the functional program.
professional staff. These shall be separate from pub-
lic and patient areas with provisions for confiden- *9.5.E2. Clean assembly/workroom. This room shall
tiality of records. Enclosed office spaces shall be contain sterilization equipment. This workroom shall
provided, consistent with need identified in the contain handwashing station, workspace, and equip-
functional program. ment for terminal sterilizing of medical and surgical
equipment and supplies. Clean and soiled work areas
9.5.D5. Multipurpose or consultation room(s). shall be physically separated. Access to the steriliza-
tion room shall be restricted. The clean assembly
9.5.D6. A medical records area where medical docu- room shall have adequate space for the designated
ments can be secured. number of work areas as defined in the functional
program as well as space for storage of clean supplies,
9.5.D7. Special storage, including locking drawers sterilizer carriages and instrumentation.
and/or cabinets, for staff personal effects.
9.5.E3. Clean/sterile supplies. Storage for packs, etc.,
9.5.D8. General storage facilities. shall include provisions for ventilation, humidity, and
temperature control.
9.5.E. Sterilizing Facilities
A system for sterilizing equipment and supplies *9.5.F. Clinical Facilities
shall be provided. When sterilization is provided off 9.5.F1. If patients will be admitted without recent
site, adequate handling (receiving and distribution) and thorough examination, at least one room shall be
and on-site storage of sterile supplies must be provided for examination and testing of patients prior
accommodated and shall meet the minimum to surgery, assuring both visual and audible privacy.
requirements for on-site facilities. Provisions shall This may be an examination room or treatment room
be made for the cleaning and sanitizing of clean and as described in Sections 9.2.B1 and 3.
soiled carts and vehicles transporting the supplies.
If on-site processing facilities are provided, they 9.5.F2. Ambulatory (outpatient) operating rooms.
shall include the following:
*a. The size and location of the operating rooms shall
9.5.E1. Soiled workroom. This room shall be physi- be dependent on the level of care and equipment
cally separated from all other areas of the depart- based on the functional program. The levels of care
ment. Workspace shall be provided to handle the are as defined by the American College of Surgeons.
gross cleaning, cleaning, and disinfection of all med-


A9.5.E2. This room is exclusively for the inspection, assembly, and pack- preoperative sedation. Excluded are spinal, epidural axillary, stellate
aging of medical/surgical supplies and equipment for sterilization. The ganglion blocks, regional blocks (such as interscalene), supraclavicular,
area should contain work tables or counters and storage facilities for infraclavicular, and intravenous regional anesthesia. These methods are
backup supplies and instrumentation. An area for a drying cabinet or appropriate for Class B and C facilities.
equipment may be required. The area should be spacious enough to hold
(2) Class B–Provides for minor or major surgical procedures performed in
sterilizer carts, if used, for loading or prepared supplies for sterilization.
conjunction with oral, parenteral , or intravenous sedation or under
analgesic or dissociative drugs.
A9.5.F. Clinical Facilities
Provisions should be made to separate pediatric from adult patients. This (3) Class C–Provides for major surgical procedures that require general or
should include pre- and post-operative care areas and should allow for regional block anesthesia and support of vital bodily functions.
parental presence.
Those facilities meeting the guidelines for Class B procedures automatically
qualify for Class A procedures, and those facilities meeting the guidelines
A9.5.F2.a. American College of Surgeons Classes of Surgical Facilities
for Class C automatically qualify for Classes A and B.
(1) Class A–Provides for minor surgical procedures performed under topi-
cal and local infiltration blocks with or without oral or intramuscular

b. Class A operating rooms (minor surgical procedure c. For major surgical procedure rooms (Class C), a
rooms) shall have a minimum clear area of 120 square minimum of three recovery stations per procedure
feet (11.15 square meters) and a minimum clear room with a minimum clear area of 4 feet (1.22
dimension of 10 feet (3.05 meters). There shall be a meters) around three sides of the stretcher for work
minimum clear distance of 3 feet (0.91 meter) at each and circulation.
side, the head, and the foot of the operating table.
d. If pediatric surgery is part of the program, separa-
(1) These minor surgical procedure rooms may be tion from the adult section and space for parents shall
located within the restricted corridors of the surgical be provided. Sound attenuation of the area and the
suite, or may be located in an unrestricted corridor ability to view the patient from the nursing station
adjacent to the surgical suite. shall be considered.

c. Class B operating rooms shall have a minimum e. Up to one-half of the minimum required total
clear area of 250 square feet (23.23 square meters) recovery stations may be provided in the step-down
with a minimum clear dimension of 15 feet (4.57 recovery area described in 9.5.F4.
meters). There shall be a minimum clearance of 3
feet, 6 inches (1.07 meters) at each side, the head, 9.5.F4. A designated supervised step-down recovery
and the foot of the operating table. area shall be provided for patients who do not require
post-anesthesia recovery but need additional time for
(1) These intermediate surgical procedure rooms shall their vital signs to stabilize before safely leaving the
be located within the restricted corridors of the surgi- facility. These stations may account for up to one-half
cal suite. of those required under 9.5.F3. This area shall con-
tain a clinical work space, space for family members,
d. Class C operating rooms shall have a minimum and provisions for privacy. It shall have convenient
clear area of 400 square feet ( 37.16 square meters) patient access to toilets large enough to accommodate
and a minimum dimension of 18 feet (4.59 meters). a patient and an assistant. Handwashing and nour-
There shall be a minimum clearance of 4 feet (1.22 ishment facilities must be included.
meters) at each side, the head, and the foot of the
operating table. 9.5.F5. The following services shall be provided in
surgical service areas:
(1) These major surgical procedure rooms shall be
located within the restricted corridors of the surgical a. A control station located to permit visual surveil-
suite. lance of all traffic entering the restricted corridor
(access to operating rooms and other ancillary
e. All operating rooms shall be equipped with an clean/sterile areas).
emergency communication system connected with
the control station. There shall be at least one X-ray b. A drug distribution station. Provisions shall be
film illuminator in each room. See Tables 7.2 and 9.1 made for storage and preparation of medications
for mechanical and medical gas requirements. administered to patients. A refrigerator for pharma-
ceuticals and double-locked storage for controlled
9.5.F3. Room(s) for post-anesthesia recovery of out- substances shall be provided. Convenient access to
patient surgical facilities shall be provided in accor- handwashing stations shall be provided.
dance with the functional program. In the absence of
a formal needs analysis, the minimum requirements c. Scrub facilities. Station(s) shall be provided near
are as follows: the entrance to each operating room and may service
two operating rooms if needed. Scrub facilities shall
a. For minor surgical procedure rooms (Class A), a be arranged to minimize incidental splatter on nearby
minimum of one recovery station per procedure room personnel or supply carts.
with a minimum clear area of 2 feet, 6 inches (0.76
meter) around the three sides of the stretcher or d. Soiled workroom. The soiled workroom shall con-
lounge chair for work and circulation. tain a clinical sink or equivalent flushing-type fixture,
a work counter, a handwashing station, and waste
b. For intermediate surgical procedure rooms (Class receptacle(s). This may be the same workroom
B), a minimum of two recovery stations per proce- described in Section 9.5.E1.
dure room with a minimum clear area of 3 feet (0.91
meter) around the three sides of the stretcher for e. Fluid waste disposal facilities. These shall be con-
112 work and circulation. venient to the general operating rooms and post-

anesthesia recovery positions. A clinical sink or p. A high-speed sterilizer or other sterilizing equip-
equivalent equipment in a soiled workroom shall ment for immediate or emergency use.
meet this requirement in the operating room area,
and a toilet equipped with bedpan cleaning device or 9.5.G. Diagnostic Facilities
a separate clinical sink shall meet the requirement in Diagnostic services shall be provided on- or off-site
the recovery area. for pre-admission tests as required by the functional
f. Provisions shall be made for cleaning, testing, and
storing anesthesia equipment and supplies. For Class 9.5.H. Details and Finishes
C facilities, a dedicated anesthesia workroom shall be All details and finishes shall meet the standards in
provided and shall contain work counter, handwash- Section 9.2.H and below.
ing station, and storage for related anesthesia supplies.
9.5.H1. Details shall conform to the following
g. Medical gas supply and storage with space for guidelines:
reserve nitrous oxide and oxygen cylinders, if such
gas(es) are used in the facility. a. Minimum public corridor width shall be 5 feet
(1.52meters), except that corridors in the operating
h. Equipment storage room(s) for equipment and room section, where patients are transported on
supplies used in the surgical suite. stretchers or beds, shall be 8 feet (2.44 meters) wide.
Passages and corridors used exclusively for staff
i. Staff clothing change areas. Appropriate change access may be 44 inches (1.12 meters) in clear width.
areas shall be provided for staff working within the
surgical suite. The areas shall contain lockers, show- b. The separate facility or section shall comply with
ers, toilets, handwashing stations, and space for don- the “New Ambulatory Health Care Centers” section
ning scrub attire. These areas shall be arranged to of NFPA 101 and as described herein. Where the
encourage a one-way traffic pattern so that personnel outpatient surgical unit is part of another facility
entering from outside the surgical suite can change that does not comply with, or exceeds, the fire
and move directly into the surgical suite. safety requirements of NFPA 101, there shall be not
less than one-hour separation between the outpa-
j. Outpatient surgery change areas. A separate area tient surgical unit and other sections. The outpa-
shall be provided for outpatients to change from tient surgical facility shall have not less than two
street clothing into hospital gowns and to prepare for exits to the exterior. Exits, finishes, separation for
surgery. This area shall include lockers, toilet(s), hazardous areas, and smoke separation shall con-
clothing change or gowning area(s), and space for form to NFPA 101.
administering medications. Provisions shall be made
for securing patients’ personal effects. c. Toilet rooms in surgery and recovery areas for
patient use shall be equipped with doors and hard-
k. Stretcher storage area. This area shall be conve- ware that permit access from the outside in emergen-
nient for use and out of the direct line of traffic. cies. When such rooms have only one opening or are
small, the doors shall open outward or be otherwise
l. Lounge and toilet facilities for surgical staff. These designed to open without pressing against a patient
shall be provided in facilities having three or more who may have collapsed within the room.
operating rooms. The toilet room shall be provided
near the recovery area. d. Flammable anesthetics shall not be used in outpa-
tient surgical facilities.
m. Housekeeping room. Space containing a floor
receptor or service sink and storage space for house- e. Doors serving occupiable spaces shall have a mini-
keeping supplies and equipment shall be provided mum nominal width of 3 feet (0.91 meter), except
exclusively for the surgical suite. doors requiring gurney/stretcher access, which shall
have a nominal width of 3 feet, 8 inches (1.12
n. Space for temporary storage of wheelchairs. meters).

o. Provisions for convenient access to and use of 9.5.H2. Finishes shall conform to the following
emergency resuscitation equipment and supplies guidelines:
(crash cart(s) and/or anesthesia carts) at both the sur-
gical and recovery areas. a. Ceiling finishes shall be appropriate for the areas
they are to be located in and shall be as follows: 113

(1) Ceiling finishes in general areas are optional and 9.5.J. Electrical
may be omitted in mechanical and electrical See Section 9.32.
rooms/spaces unless required for fire-resistive purposes.
9.5.K. Fire Alarm System
(2) Ceiling finishes in semirestricted areas such as A manually operated, electrically supervised fire
clean corridors, central sterile supply spaces, specialized alarm system shall be installed in each facility as
radiographic rooms, and minor surgical procedure described in NFPA 101.
rooms must be smooth, scrubbable, nonabsorptive,
nonperforted, capable of withstanding cleaning with 9.5.L. Mechanical
chemicals, and without crevices that can harbor mold Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning shall be as
and bacteria growth. If a lay-in ceiling is provided, it described for similar areas in Section 9.31 and Table
shall be gasketed or clipped down to prevent the pas- 7.2, except that the recovery lounge need not be con-
sage of particles from the cavity above the ceiling sidered a sensitive area and outpatient operating
plane into the semirestricted environment. Perforated, rooms may meet the standards for emergency trauma
tegular, serrated, cut, or highly textured tiles are not rooms. See Table 9.1 for filter efficiency standards.

(3) Ceilings in restricted areas such as operating 9.6 Freestanding Emergency Facility
rooms shall be monolithic, scrubbable, and capable of
withstanding chemicals. Cracks or perforations in 9.6.A. General
these ceilings are not allowed. This section applies to the emergency facility that is
separate from the acute-care hospital and that there-
b. Wall finishes shall be appropriate for the areas they fore requires special transportation planning to
are to be located in and shall be as follows: accommodate transfer of patients and essential ser-
vices. The separate emergency facility provides expe-
(1) Wall finishes shall be cleanable. ditious emergency care where travel time to
appropriate hospital units may be excessive. It may
(2) Wall finishes in areas such as clean corridors, cen- include provisions for temporary observation of
tral sterile supply spaces, specialized radiographic patients until release or transfer.
rooms, and minor surgical procedure rooms shall be
washable, smooth, and capable of withstanding Where hours of operation are limited, provisions
chemical cleaning. shall be made in directional signs, notices, and desig-
nations to minimize potential for mistakes and loss
(3) Wall finishes in areas such as operating rooms, of time by emergency patients seeking care during
delivery rooms, and trauma rooms shall be scrub- nonoperating hours.
bable, capable of withstanding chemical cleaning, and
be monolithic. Facility size, type, and design shall satisfy the func-
tional program. In addition to standards in Sections
c. Floor finishes shall be appropriate for the areas 9.1 and 9.2, the following guidelines shall be met:
they are to be located in and shall be as follows:
9.6.B. Location
(1) Floor finishes shall be cleanable. The emergency facility shall be conveniently accessi-
ble to the population served and shall provide patient
(2) Floor finishes in areas such as clean corridors, transfer to appropriate hospitals. In selecting loca-
central sterile supply spaces, specialized radiographic tion, consideration shall be given to factors affecting
rooms, and minor surgical procedure rooms shall be source and quantity of patient load, including high-
washable, smooth, and capable of withstanding way systems, industrial plants, and recreational areas.
chemical cleaning. Though most emergency patients will arrive by pri-
vate cars, consideration should also be given to avail-
(3) Floor finishes in areas such as operating rooms, ability of public transportation.
delivery rooms, and trauma rooms shall be scrub-
bable, capable of withstanding chemical cleaning, and 9.6.C. Parking
be monolithic with an integral base. Not less than one parking space for each staff member
on duty at any one time and not less than two spaces
9.5.I. Plumbing for each examination and each treatment room shall be
See Section 9.31. provided. Additional spaces shall be provided for emer-
114 gency vehicles. Street, public, and shared lot spaces, if

included as part of this standard, shall be exclusively for vices, and personal data shall include provisions for
the use of the emergency facility. All required parking acoustical privacy. These facilities may be separate
spaces shall be convenient to the emergency entrance. from the reception area but must be convenient to
the emergency service waiting area.
9.6.D. Administrative and Public Areas
Administrative and public areas shall conform to 9.6.D4. For standards concerning general and indi-
the standards in Section 9.2.A with the following vidual offices, see Section 9.2.A4.
9.6.D5. For standards concerning clerical space, see
9.6.D1. Entrances shall be well marked, illuminated, Section 9.2.A5.
and covered to permit protected transfer of patients
from ambulance and/or automobiles. If a platform is 9.6.D6. Multipurpose room(s) shall be provided for
provided for ambulance use, a ramp for wheelchairs staff conferences. This room may also serve for con-
and stretchers shall be provided in addition to steps. sultation.
Door(s) to emergency services shall be not less than 4
feet (1.22 meters) wide to allow the passage of a 9.6.D7. For standards concerning special storage, see
stretcher and assistants. The emergency entrance Section 9.2.A7.
shall have vision panels to minimize conflict between
incoming and outgoing traffic and to allow for obser- 9.6.D8. For standards concerning general storage, see
vation of the unloading area from the control station. Section 9.2.A8.

9.6.D2. Lobby and waiting areas shall satisfy the fol- 9.6.E. Clinical Facilities
lowing requirements: See Section 9.2.B and, in addition, provide:

a. Convenient access to wheelchairs and stretchers 9.6.E1. A trauma/cardiac room for complex proce-
shall be provided at the emergency entrance. dures as described in Section 9.5.F2 for the outpatient
surgery unit. The trauma/cardiac room may be set up
b. Reception and information function may be com- to accommodate more than one patient. Where the
bined or separate. These areas shall provide direct emergency trauma/cardiac room is set up for multipa-
visual control of the emergency entrance, and access tient use, there shall be not less than 180 square feet
to the treatment area and the lobby. They shall (16.72 square meters) per patient area, and there shall
include a public toilet with handwashing stations, be utilities and services for each patient. Provisions
and convenient telephone. Control stations will nor- shall be included for patient privacy.
mally include triage function and shall be in direct
communication with medical staff. Emergency 9.6.E2. In addition to wheelchair storage, a holding
entrance control functions shall include observation area for stretchers within the clinical area, away from
of arriving vehicles. traffic and under staff control.

c. The emergency waiting area shall include provi- 9.6.E3. A poison control service with immediately
sions for wheelchairs and be separate from the area accessible antidotes and a file of common poisons.
provided for scheduled outpatient service. Communication links with regional and/or national
poison centers and regional EMS centers shall be
d. If so determined by the hospital infection control provided. This service may be part of the nurses con-
risk assessment, the diagnostic imaging waiting area trol and workstation.
may require special consideration to reduce the risk
of airborne infection transmission. In these circum- 9.6.E4. A nurses work and control station. This shall
stances, public waiting areas shall be designed, venti- accommodate charting, files, and staff consultation
lated, and maintained with available technologies activities. It shall be located to permit visual control
such as enhanced general ventilation and air disinfec- of clinical area and its access. Communication links
tion techniques similar to inpatient requirements for with the examination/treatment area, trauma/cardiac
airborne infection isolation rooms. See the “CDC room, reception control, laboratory, radiology, and
Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of on-call staff shall be provided.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Health Care Facilities.”
9.6.E5. A CPR emergency cart, away from traffic
9.6.D3. Initial interviews may be conducted at the but immediately available to all areas including
triage reception/control area. Facilities for conducting entrance and receiving areas.
interviews on means of reimbursement, social ser- 115

9.6.E6. Scrub stations at each trauma/cardiac room. 9.6.I7. Provision of nourishment (see Section
Water and soap controls shall not require use of 7.2.B15). In addition, meal provisions shall be made
hands. for patients held for more than four hours during
9.6.E7. At least two examination rooms and one
trauma/cardiac room (treatment room may also be 9.6.J. Mechanical
utilized for examination). See Section 9.31 for applicable mechanical standards.

9.6.F. Radiology 9.6.K. Plumbing

Standards stipulated in Section 9.2.C shall be met See Section 9.31 for applicable plumbing standards.
during all hours of operation. Radiographic equip-
ment shall be adequate for any part of the body 9.6.L. Electrical
including, but not limited to, fractures. Separate See Section 9.32 for applicable electrical standards.
dressing rooms are not required for unit(s) used only
for emergency procedures.
*9.7 Freestanding Birthing Center
9.6.G. Laboratory
See Section 9.2.D for applicable standards. In addition, The freestanding birthing center is “any health facil-
immediate access to blood for transfusions and provi- ity, place, or institution which is not a hospital and
sions for cross-match capabilities shall be provided. where births are planned to occur away from the
mother’s usual place of residence” (American Public
9.6.H. Employee Facilities Health Association, 1982).
See Section 9.2.F for applicable standards. In addition,
facilities for on-call medical staff shall be provided. All standards set forth in Sections 9.1 and 9.2 shall
be met for new construction of birthing centers, with
9.6.I. Observation modifications described herein. Birthing rooms shall
Facilities shall be provided for holding emergency have available oxygen, vacuum, and medical air per
patients until they can be discharged or transferred to Table 7.5, LDRP rooms.
an appropriate hospital. Size, type, and equipment
shall be as required for anticipated patient load and 9.7.A. Parking
lengths of stay. One or more examination/treatment Parking spaces for the client and family shall be pro-
rooms may be utilized for this purpose. Each obser- vided at a rate of not less than two for each birth room.
vation bed shall permit: In addition, one space for each of the maximum num-
ber of staff persons on duty at any given time will be
9.6.I1. Direct visual observation of each patient from provided. Adjustments, as described in Section 9.1.G,
the nurses station, except where examination/treat- should be made where public parking, public trans-
ment rooms are used for patient holding. View from portation, etc., reduce the need for on-site parking.
the duty station may be limited to the door.
9.7.B. Administrative and Public Areas
9.6.I2. Patient privacy. 9.7.B1. Entrance: The entrance to the birthing cen-
ter shall be at ground level, well marked and illumi-
9.6.I3. Access to patient toilets. nated. Provisions shall be made for emergency vehicle
9.6.I4. Secure storage of patients’ valuables and
clothing. 9.7.B2. Provisions for the disabled: See Section 1.4.

9.6.I5. Dispensing of medication. 9.7.B3. Public areas shall include:

9.6.I6. Bedpan storage and cleaning. a. A reception area with facility to accommodate out-
door wear.


A9.7. The birthing center was conceptualized as small (intimate), home- care in a safe environment outside of, but with access to, the acute-care
like service units serving a population of healthy childbearing families hospital setting when needed. The freestanding birthing center may be a
approaching pregnancy and birthing as a normal family event and seeking separate outpatient facility.

b. A family room with a designated play area for 9.7.C. Clinical Facilities
children. As needed, the following elements shall be provided
for clinical services to satisfy the functional program.
c. Child-proof electrical outlets.
9.7.C1. Birthing rooms: A minimum of two birthing
d. A nourishment area for families to store and serve rooms with storage space sufficient to accommodate
light refreshment of their dietary and cultural prefer- belongings of occupants, bedding, equipment, and
ences shall include a sink and counter space, range, supplies needed for a family-centered childbirth shall
oven or microwave, refrigerator, cooking utensils, dis- be provided.
posable tableware or dishwasher, storage space, and
seating area. a. Birthing rooms shall be adequate in size to accom-
modate one patient, her family, and attending staff. A
e. Convenient access to toilet and handwashing minimum floor area of 160 square feet (14.86 square
stations. meters) for new construction will be provided with a
minimum dimension of 11 feet (3.25 meters). For
f. Convenient access to telephone service. renovation, a minimum floor area of 120 square feet
(11.15 square meters) excluding vestibule, toilet, and
g. Convenient access to drinking fountain or potable closets will be provided with a minimum dimension
drinking water with disposable cup dispenser. of 10 feet (3.05 meters).

9.7.B4. Staff area: A secure storage space for personal b. An area for equipment and supplies for routine
effects, toilet, shower, change and lounge area suffi- and remedial newborn care, separate from the equip-
cient to accommodate staff needs shall be provided. ment supplies for maternal care, shall be provided in
each birthing room in built-in cabinets, closets, or
9.7.B5. Records: Space for performing administrative furniture.
functions, charting, and secure record storage shall be
provided. c. Medicant, syringes, specimen containers, and
instrument packs shall be contained in storage areas
9.7.B6. Drugs and biologicals: An area for locked not accessible to children.
storage for drugs and refrigeration for biologicals
(separate from the nourishment area refrigerator) d. The plan for the birthing room shall be such that
shall be provided. it will permit the need for emergency transfer by
stretcher unimpeded.
9.7.B7. Clean storage: A separate area for storing
clean and sterile supplies shall be provided. 9.7.C2. Toilet and bathing facilities: toilet, sink, and
bath/shower facilities with appropriately placed grab
9.7.B8. Soiled holding: Provisions shall be made for bars shall be adjacent to each birthing room.
separate collection, storage, and disposal of soiled Bath/shower facilities shall be shared by not more
materials. Fluid waste may be disposed of in the toi- than two birthing rooms.
let adjacent to the birth room.
9.7.C3. Scrub areas: Handwashing stations with
9.7.B9. Sterilizing facilities: Sterile supplies may be hands-free faucets shall be located conveniently
prepackaged disposables or processed off-site. If accessible to the birthing rooms.
instruments and supplies are sterilized on-site, an
area for accommodation of sterilizing equipment 9.7.C4. Emergency equipment: An area for maternal
appropriate to the volume of the birth center shall and newborn emergency equipment and supplies
be provided. (carts or trays) shall be designated out of the direct
line of traffic and conveniently accessible to the
9.7.B10. Laundry: May be done on- or off-site. If birthing rooms.
on-site, an area for laundry equipment with counter
and storage space shelving shall be provided. 9.7.C5. Communication: Each birthing room shall
Depending on size and occupancy of center, ordinary be equipped with a system for communicating to
household laundry equipment may be provided. other parts of the center and to an outside tele-
(Soiled laundry shall be held in the soiled holding phone line.
area until deposited in the washer.)


9.8 Freestanding Outpatient Diagnostic operating suite, see the “CDC Guidelines for
and Treatment Facility Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium tuber-
culosis in Health Care Facilities.”
*9.8.A. General
This section applies to the outpatient diagnostic and 9.9.A. Procedure Room(s)
treatment facility that is separate from the acute-care *9.9.A1. Each procedure room shall have a minimum
hospital. This facility is a new and emerging form of clear area of 200 square feet (15 square meters) exclu-
outpatient center which is capable of providing a sive of fixed cabinets and built-in shelves.
wide array of outpatient diagnostic services and mini-
mally invasive procedures. 9.9.A2. A freestanding handwashing station with
hands-free controls shall be available in the suite.
The general standards for outpatient facilities set
forth in Sections 9.1 and 9.2 shall be met for the 9.9.A3. Station outlets for oxygen, vacuum (suction),
freestanding outpatient diagnostic and treatment and medical air. See Table 9.2.
facility with two modifications.
9.9.A4. Floor covering shall be monolithic and
9.8.A1. For those facilities performing diagnostic joint free.
imaging and minimally invasive interventional proce-
dures, all provisions of Section 7.10, General 9.9.A5. A system for emergency communication
Hospital—Imaging Suite, shall also apply, except that shall be provided.
adjacencies to emergency, surgery, cystoscopy, and
outpatient clinics are not required. 9.9.A6. Procedure rooms shall be designed for visual
and acoustical privacy for the patient.
9.8.A2. For those facilities performing nuclear medi-
cine procedures, all provisions of Section 7.11, 9.9.B. Instrument Processing Room(s)
Nuclear Medicine, shall also apply, except that sup- 9.9.B1. Dedicated processing room(s) for cleaning
port services such as radiology, pathology, emergency and disinfecting instrumentation must be provided.
department, and outpatient clinics are not required. In an optimal situation, cleaning room(s) should be
located between two procedure rooms. However, one
processing room may serve multiple procedure
9.9 Endoscopy Suite rooms. Size of the cleaning room(s) is dictated by the
amount of equipment to be processed.
The endoscopy suite may be divided into three major
functional areas: the procedure room(s), instrument Cleaning rooms should allow for flow of instrumen-
processing room(s), and patient holding/preparation tation from the contaminated area to the clean area,
and recovery room or area. All standards set forth in and finally, to storage. The clean equipment rooms,
Sections 9.31 and 9.32 shall be met for new con- including storage, should protect the equipment from
struction of endoscopy suites with modifications contamination.
described in Section 9.9.
9.9.B2. The decontamination room should be
Note: When invasive procedures are to be performed equipped with the following:
in this unit on persons who are known or suspected
of having airborne infectious diseases, these proce- a. Utility sink(s), as appropriate to the method of
dures should not be performed in the operating suite. decontamination used. This may require soaking
These procedures shall be performed in a room sink(s), rinse sink(s), automated cleaning device(s), or
meeting airborne infection isolation ventilation a combination.
requirements or in a space using local exhaust venti-
lation. If the procedure must be performed in the b. One freestanding handwashing station.


A9.8.A.The range of services provided in these facilities is very dynamic A9.9.A1. Wall outlets should be planned to minimize exposed power
and growing, including diagnostic cardiac catheterization, general radiog- cords and cables. Monitors should be located for optimal visualization by
raphy, fluoroscopy, mammography, CT scanning, magnetic resonance imag- practitioners.
ing (MRI), ultrasound, radiation therapy, and IV therapies. Facilities may
specialize in only one of these areas or may provide a mix of services.

c. Work counter space(s). 9.30 Special Systems

d. Space and plumbing fixtures for automatic endo- 9.30.A. General
scope cleaners, sonic processor, and flash sterilizers 9.30.A1. Prior to acceptance of the facility, all special
(where required). systems shall be tested and operated to demonstrate
to the owner or his designated representative that the
e. Ventilation system. Negative pressure shall be installation and performance of these systems con-
maintained and a minimum of 10 air changes per form to design intent. Test results shall be docu-
hour shall be maintained. A hood is recommended mented for maintenance files.
over the work counter. All air should be exhausted to
the outside to avoid recirculation within the facility. 9.30.A2. Upon completion of the special systems
equipment installation contract, the owner shall be
f. Provision shall be made for vacuum and/or com- furnished with a complete set of manufacturers’ oper-
pressed air, as appropriate to cleaning methods used. ating, maintenance, and preventive maintenance
instructions, a parts lists, and complete procurement
g. Floor covering—monolithic and joint free. information including equipment numbers and
descriptions. Operating staff persons shall also be
9.9.B3. Patient Holding/Prep/Recovery Area The provided with instructions for proper operation of
following elements should be provided in this area: systems and equipment. Required information shall
include all safety or code ratings as needed.
a. Each patient cubicle shall be provided with oxygen
and suction per Table 9.2 and shall meet the size 9.30.A3. Insulation shall be provided surrounding
requirements of a step-down recovery area, Section special system equipment to conserve energy, protect
9.5.F3.b., unless general anesthesia is administered, personnel, and reduce noise.
when size shall comply with Section 9.5.F3.c.
9.30.B. Elevators
b. Cubicle curtains for patient privacy. 9.30.B1. Installation and testing of elevators shall
comply with ANSI/ASME A17.1 for new construc-
c. Medication preparation and storage with hand- tion and ANSI/ASME A17.3 for existing facilities.
washing stations. (See ASCE 7-93 for seismic design and control sys-
tems requirements for elevators.)
d. Toilet facilities (may be accessible from patient
holding or directly from procedure room(s) or both). a. Cars shall have a minimum inside floor dimension
of not less than 5 feet (1.52 meters).
e. Change areas and storage for patients’ personal
effects. b. Elevators shall be equipped with a two-way auto-
matic level-maintaining device with an accuracy of
f. Nurses reception and charting area with visualiza- ±1/2 inch (±12.7 millimeters).
tion of patients.
c. Elevator call buttons and controls shall not be acti-
g. Clean utility room or area. vated by heat or smoke. Light beams, if used for
operating door reopening devices without touch, shall
h. Janitor/housekeeping closet. be used in combination with door-edge safety devices
and shall be interconnected with a system of smoke
detectors. This is so that the light control feature will
9.10 Cough-Inducing and Aerosol- be overridden or disengaged should it encounter
Generating Procedures smoke at any landing.

Rooms used for sputum induction, aerosolized pen- d. Elevator controls, alarm buttons, and telephones
tamidine treatments, or other cough-inducing proce- shall be accessible to wheelchair occupants and usable
dures shall meet the requirements of Table 7.2 for by the blind.
airborne infection room ventilation requirements. If
booths are used, refer to Section 7.15. 9.30.B2. Field inspections and tests shall be made
and the owner shall be furnished with written certifi-
cation stating that the installation meets the require-
9.11-9.29 Reserved ments set forth in this section as well as all applicable
safety regulations and codes. 119

9.30.C. Waste Processing Services 9.31 Mechanical Standards

9.30.C1. Storage and disposal. Facilities shall be pro-
vided for sanitary storage and treatment or disposal Note: These requirements do not apply to small pri-
of waste using techniques acceptable to the appropri- mary (neighborhood) outpatient facilities or outpa-
ate health and environmental authorities. The func- tient facilities that do not perform invasive
tional program shall stipulate the categories and applications or procedures. See Section 9.4.I.
volumes of waste for disposal and shall stipulate the
methods of disposal for each. 9.31.A. General
9.31.A1. The mechanical system should be designed
9.30.C2. Medical waste. Medical waste shall be dis- for overall efficiency and life cycle costing. Details
posed of either by incineration or other approved for cost-effective implementation of design features
technologies. Incinerators or other major disposal are interrelated and too numerous (as well as too
equipment may be shared by two or more institutions. basic) to list individually. Recognized engineering
procedures shall be followed for the most economical
a. Incinerators or other major disposal equipment may and effective results. A well-designed system can
also be used to dispose of other medical waste where generally achieve energy efficiency at minimal addi-
local regulations permit. Equipment shall be designed tional cost and simultaneously provide improved
for the actual quantity and type of waste to be patient comfort. Different geographic areas may
destroyed and should meet all applicable regulations. have climatic and use conditions that favor one sys-
tem over another in terms of overall cost and effi-
b. Incinerators with 50-pounds-per-hour or greater ciency. In no case shall patient care or safety be
capacities shall be in a separate room or outdoors; sacrificed for conservation.
those with lesser capacities may be located in a sepa-
rate area within the facility boiler room. Rooms and Mechanical, electrical, and HVAC equipment may be
areas containing incinerators shall have adequate space located either internally, externally, or in separate
and facilities for incinerator charging and cleaning, as buildings.
well as necessary clearances for work and maintenance.
Provisions shall be made for operation, temporary 9.31.A2. Remodeling and work in existing facilities
storage, and disposal of materials so that odors and may present special problems. As practicality and
fumes do not drift back into occupied areas. Existing funding permit, existing insulation, weather strip-
approved incinerator installations, which are not in ping, etc., should be brought up to standard for maxi-
separate rooms or outdoors, may remain unchanged mum economy and efficiency. Consideration shall be
provided they meet the above criteria. given to additional work that may be needed to
achieve this.
c. The design and construction of incinerators and
trash chutes shall comply with NFPA 82. 9.31.A3. Facility design consideration shall include
site, building mass, orientation, configuration, fenes-
*d. See appendix. tration, and other features relative to passive and
active energy systems.
*e. See appendix.
9.31.A4. Insofar as practical, the facility should
9.30.C3. Nuclear Waste Disposal. See Code of Federal include provisions for recovery of waste cooling and
Regulations, title X, parts 20 and 35, concerning the heating energy (ventilation, exhaust, water and steam
handling and disposal of nuclear materials in health discharge, cooling towers, incinerators, etc.).
care facilities.


A9.30.C2.d When incinerators are used, consideration should be given to modifications thereof should be supported by Environmental Assessments
the recovery of waste heat from on-site incinerators used to dispose of and/or Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) and/or Health Risk
large amounts of waste materials. Assessments (HRAs) as may be required by regulatory agencies. Except as
noted below, such assessments should utilize standard U.S. EPA methods,
A9.30.C2.e Incinerators should be designed in a manner fully consistent specifically those set forth in U.S. EPA guidelines, and should be fully con-
with protection of public and environmental health, both on-site and off- sistent with U.S. EPA guidelines for health risk assessment. Under some cir-
site, and in compliance with federal, state, and local statutes and regula- cumstances, however, regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over a
tions. Toward this end, permit applications for incinerators and particular project may require use of alternative methods.

9.31.A5. Facility design consideration shall include 9.31.B4. If duct lining is used, it shall be coated and
recognized energy-saving mechanisms such as vari- sealed, and shall meet ASTM C1071. These linings
able-air-volume systems, load shedding, programmed (including coatings, adhesives, and exterior surface
controls for unoccupied periods (nights and week- insulation on pipes and ducts in spaces used as air
ends, etc.) and use of natural ventilation, site and cli- supply plenums) shall have a flame-spread rating of
matic conditions permitting. Systems with excessive 25 or less and a smoke-developed rating of 50 or less,
installation and/or maintenance costs that negate as determined by an independent testing laboratory
long-range energy savings should be avoided. in accordance with NFPA 255. If existing lined duct-
work is reworked in a renovation project, the liner
9.31.A6. Air-handling systems shall be designed seams and punctures shall be resealed.
with an economizer cycle where appropriate to use
outside air. (Use of mechanically circulated outside 9.31.B5. Duct linings exposed to air movement
air does not reduce need for filtration.) shall not be used in ducts serving operating rooms,
delivery rooms, LDR rooms, and critical care units.
It may be practical in many areas to reduce or shut This requirement shall not apply to mixing boxes
down mechanical ventilation during appropriate cli- and acoustical traps that have special coverings over
matic and patient-care conditions and to use open such lining.
windows for ventilation.
9.31.B6. Existing accessible insulation within areas
9.31.A7. Mechanical equipment, ductwork, and pip- of facilities to be modernized shall be inspected,
ing shall be mounted on vibration isolators as repaired, and/or replaced, as appropriate.
required to prevent unacceptable structure-borne
vibration. 9.31.B7. Duct lining shall not be installed within 15
feet (4.57 meters) downstream of humidifiers.
9.31.A8. Supply and return mains and risers for
cooling, heating, and steam systems shall be equipped 9.31.C. Steam and Hot Water Systems
with valves to isolate the various sections of each sys- 9.31.C1. Boilers shall have the capacity, based upon
tem. Each piece of equipment shall have valves at the the net ratings published by the Hydronics Institute
supply and return ends. or another acceptable national standard, to supply the
normal heating, hot water, and steam requirements of
9.31.A9. Upon completion of the equipment-installa- all systems and equipment. Their number and
tion contract, the owner shall be furnished with a arrangement shall accommodate facility needs despite
complete set of manufacturers’ operating, mainte- the breakdown or routine maintenance of any one
nance, and preventive maintenance instructions, a boiler. The capacity of the remaining boiler(s) shall
parts lists, and complete procurement information be sufficient to provide hot water service for clinical,
including equipment numbers and descriptions. dietary, and patient use; steam for sterilization and
Operating staff persons shall also be provided with dietary purposes; and heating for operating, delivery
instructions for properly operating systems and equip- and birthing, labor, recovery, and intensive care.
ment. Required information shall include energy rat- However, reserve capacity for facility space heating is
ings as needed for future conservation calculations. not required in geographic areas where a design dry-
bulb temperature of 25oF (-4oC) or more represents
9.31.B. Thermal and Acoustical Insulation not less than 99 percent of the total hours in any one
9.31.B1. Insulation within the building shall be pro- heating month as noted in ASHRAE’s Handbook of
vided to conserve energy, protect personnel, prevent Fundamentals, under the “Table for Climatic
vapor condensation, and reduce noise. Conditions for the United States.”

9.31.B2. Insulation on cold surfaces shall include an 9.31.D. Air Conditioning, Heating, and
exterior vapor barrier. (Material that will not absorb Ventilation Systems
or transmit moisture will not require a separate vapor 9.31.D1. All rooms and areas in the facility used for
barrier.) patient care shall have provisions for ventilation. The
ventilation rates shown in Table 7.2 shall be used
9.31.B3. Insulation, including finishes and adhesives only as minimum standards; they do not preclude the
on the exterior surfaces of ducts, piping, and equip- use of higher, more appropriate rates. Though natural
ment, shall have a flame-spread rating of 25 or less window ventilation for nonsensitive and patient areas
and a smoke-developed rating of 50 or less as deter- may be employed, weather permitting, availability of
mined by an independent testing laboratory in accor- mechanical ventilation should be considered for use
dance with NFPA 255. in interior areas and during periods of temperature 121

extremes. Fans serving exhaust systems shall be located room air change rates may be reduced, provided that the
at the discharge end and shall be readily serviceable. positive room pressure is maintained as required in Table
Air supply and exhaust in rooms for which no mini- 7.2. Operating room ventilation systems shall operate at
mum total air change rate is noted may vary down to all times, except during maintenance and conditions
zero in response to room load. For rooms listed in requiring shutdown by the building’s fire alarm system.
Table 7.2, where VAV systems are used, minimum
total air change shall be within limits noted. 9.31.D5. Air supply for rooms used for invasive pro-
Temperature control shall also comply with these stan- cedures shall be at or near the ceiling. Return or
dards. To maintain asepsis control, airflow supply and exhaust air inlets shall be near the floor level. Exhaust
exhaust should generally be controlled to ensure move- grills for anesthesia evacuation and other special appli-
ment of air from “clean” to “less clean” areas, especially cations shall be permitted to be installed in the ceiling.
in critical areas. The ventilation systems shall be
designed and balanced according to the requirements *9.31.D6. Each space routinely used for administer-
shown in Table 7.2 and in the applicable notes. ing inhalation anesthesia and inhalation analgesia
shall be served by a scavenging system to vent waste
9.31.D2. General exhaust systems may be combined gases. If a vacuum system is used, the gas-collecting
to enhance the efficiency of recovery devices required system shall be arranged so that it does not disturb
for energy conservation. Local exhaust systems shall patients’ respiratory systems. Gases from the scaveng-
be used whenever possible in place of dilution venti- ing system shall be exhausted directly to the outside.
lation to reduce exposure to hazardous gases, vapors, The anesthesia evacuation system may be combined
fumes, or mists. with the room exhaust system, provided that the part
used for anesthesia gas scavenging exhausts directly
9.31.D3. Fresh air intakes shall be located at least 25 to the outside and is not part of the recirculation sys-
feet (7.62 meters) from exhaust outlets of ventilating tem. Scavenging systems are not required for areas
systems, combustion equipment stacks, medical-sur- where gases are used only occasionally, such as the
gical vacuum systems, plumbing vents, or areas that emergency department, offices for routine dental
may collect vehicular exhaust or other noxious fumes. work, etc. Acceptable concentrations of anesthetizing
(Prevailing winds and/or proximity to other struc- agents are unknown at this time. The absence of spe-
tures may require greater clearances.) Plumbing and cific data makes it difficult to set specific standards.
vacuum vents that terminate at a level above the top However, any scavenging system should be designed
of the air intake may be located as close as 10 feet to reduce ambient concentrations of waste gases to
(3.05 meters). The bottom of outdoor air intakes safe levels. See appendix for additional information.
serving central systems shall be as high as practical, It is assumed that anesthetizing equipment will be
but at least 6 feet (1.83 meters) above ground level, selected and maintained to minimize leakage and
or, if installed above the roof, 3 feet (0.91 meter) contamination of room air.
above roof level. Exhaust outlets from areas that may
be contaminated shall be above roof level, arranged to 9.31.D7. The bottoms of ventilation (supply/return)
minimize recirculation of exhaust air into the build- openings shall be at least 3 inches (76.2 millimeters)
ing, and directed away from personnel service areas. above the floor.

9.31.D4. In new construction and major renovation 9.31.D8. All central ventilation or air conditioning
work, air supply for operating rooms shall be from ceil- systems shall be equipped with filters with efficien-
ing outlets near the center of the work area. Return air cies equal to, or greater than, those specified in Table
shall be near the floor level. Each operating and delivery 9.1. Where two filter beds are required, filter bed no.
room shall have at least two return-air inlets located as 1 shall be located upstream of the air conditioning
remotely from each other as practical. (Design should equipment and filter bed no. 2 shall be downstream
consider turbulence and other factors of air movement to of any fan or blowers. Filter efficiencies, tested in
minimize fall of particulates onto sterile surfaces.) accordance with ASHRAE 52.1-1992, shall be aver-
Temperature shall be individually controlled for each age. Filter frames shall be durable and proportioned
operating room. During unoccupied hours, operating to provide an airtight fit with the enclosing duct
work. All joints between filter segments and enclos-
ing duct work shall have gaskets or seals to provide a
APPENDIX positive seal against air leakage. A manometer shall
A9.31.D6. See Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of Recommended
be installed across each filter bed having a required
Practice , published by the American Conference of Governmental
efficiency of 75 percent or more including hoods
Industrial Hygienists, for additional information.
requiring HEPA filters. Provisions shall be made to
122 allow access for field testing.

*9.31.D9. If duct humidifiers are located upstream operation of exhaust hoods and safety cabinets (when
of the final filters, they shall be located at least 15 in use), makeup air (filtered and preheated) should be
feet (4.57 meters) upstream of the final filters. provided around these units to maintain the required
Ductwork with duct-mounted humidifiers shall airflow direction and exhaust velocity. Use of makeup
have a means of water removal. An adjustable high- air will avoid dependence upon infiltration from out-
limit humidistat shall be located downstream of the door and/or from contaminated areas. Makeup sys-
humidifier to reduce the potential of moisture con- tems for hoods shall be arranged to minimize “short
densing inside the duct. Humidifiers shall be con- circuiting” of air and to avoid reduction in air velocity
nected to airflow proving switches that prevent at the point of contaminant capture.
humidification unless the required volume of airflow
is present or high limit humidistats are provided. 9.31.D14. Laboratory hoods shall meet the following
All duct takeoffs should be sufficiently downstream general standards:
of the humidifier to ensure complete moisture
absorption. Steam humidifiers shall be used. a. Have an average face-velocity of at least 90 to 110
Reservoir-type water spray or evaporative pan feet per minute (0.45 to 0.56 meters per second).
humidifiers shall not be used.
b. Be connected to an exhaust system to the outside
9.31.D10. Air-handling duct systems shall be which is separate from the building exhaust system.
designed with accessibility for duct cleaning, and
shall meet the requirements of NFPA 90A. c. Have an exhaust fan located at the discharge end
of the system.
9.31.D11. Ducts that penetrate construction
intended to protect against X-ray, magnetic, RFI, or d. Have an exhaust duct system of noncombustible
other radiation shall not impair the effectiveness of corrosion-resistant material as needed to meet the
the protection. planned usage of the hood.

9.31.D12. Fire and smoke dampers shall be con- 9.31.D15. Laboratory hoods shall meet the follow-
structed, located, and installed in accordance with the ing special standards: In new construction and major
requirements of NFPA 101, 90A, and the specific renovation work, each hood used to process infec-
damper’s Listing requirements. Fans, dampers, and tious or radioactive materials shall have a minimum
detectors shall be interconnected so that damper acti- face velocity of 90 to 110 feet per minute (0.45 to
vation will not damage ducts. Maintenance access 0.56 meters per second) with suitable pressure-inde-
shall be provided at all dampers. All damper locations pendent air modulating devices and alarms to alert
should be shown on design drawings. Dampers staff of fan shutdown or loss of airflow. Each shall
should be activated by fire or smoke sensors, not by also have filters with a 99.97 percent efficiency
fan cutoff alone. Switching systems for restarting fans [based on the dioctyl-phthalate (DOP) test method]
may be installed for fire department use in venting in the exhaust stream, and be designed and equipped
smoke after a fire has been controlled. However, pro- to permit the safe removal, disposal, and replacement
visions should be made to avoid possible damage to of contaminated filters. Filters shall be as close to
the system due to closed dampers. When smoke par- the hood as practical to minimize duct contamina-
titions are required, heating, ventilation, and air con- tion. Fume hoods intended for use with radioactive
ditioning zones shall be coordinated with isotopes shall be constructed of stainless steel or
compartmentation insofar as practical to minimize other material suitable for the particular exposure
need to penetrate fire and smoke partitions. and shall comply with NFPA 801, Facilities for
Handling Radioactive Materials. Note: Radioactive
9.31.D13. Hoods and safety cabinets may be used isotopes used for injections, etc., without probability
for normal exhaust of a space providing minimum air of airborne particulates or gases may be processed in
change rates are maintained. If air change standards a clean-workbench-type hood where acceptable to
in Table 7.2 do not provide sufficient air for proper the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.


A9.31.D9. One way to achieve basic humidification is with a steam jack- area. Steam to be used for humidification may be generated in a sepa-
eted manifold type humidifier, with a condensate separator that delivers rate steam generator. The steam generator feedwater may be supplied
high-quality steam. Additional booster humidification (if required) can be either from soft or reverse osmosis water. Provisions should be made for
provided by steam jacketed humidifiers for each individually controlled periodic cleaning.

9.31.D16. Exhaust hoods handling grease-laden 9.31.D21. The energy-saving potential of variable air
vapors in food preparation centers shall comply with volume systems is recognized and these standards
NFPA 96. All hoods over cooking ranges shall be herein are intended to maximize appropriate use of
equipped with grease filters, fire extinguishing sys- that system. Any system utilized for occupied areas
tems, and heat-actuated fan controls. Cleanout open- shall include provisions to avoid air stagnation in
ings shall be provided every 20 feet (6.10 meters) and interior spaces where thermostat demands are met by
at changes in direction in the horizontal exhaust duct temperatures of surrounding areas.
systems serving these hoods. Each horizontal duct
run shall have at least one cleanout opening. 9.31.D22. Rooms used for sputum induction,
(Horizontal runs of ducts serving range hoods should aerosolized pentamidine treatments, or other cough-
be kept to a minimum.) inducing procedures shall meet the requirements of
Table 7.2 for airborne infection isolation rooms. If
9.31.D17. The ventilation system for anesthesia stor- booths are used, refer to section 7.15.E.
age rooms shall conform to the requirements of
NFPA 99, including the gravity option. Mechanically 9.31.D23. Non-central air handling systems, i.e.,
operated air systems are optional in this room. individual room units that are used for heating and
cooling purposes (fan-coil units, heat pump units,
9.31.D18. The ventilation system for the space that etc.) shall be equipped with permanent (cleanable) or
houses ethylene oxide (ETO) sterilizers should be replaceable filters. The filters shall have a minimum
designed to: efficiency of 68 percent weight arrestance. These
units may be used as recirculating units only. All out-
a. Provide a dedicated (not connected to a return air door air requirements shall be met by a separate cen-
or other exhaust system) exhaust system. Refer to 29 tral air handling system with the proper filtration, as
CFR Part 1910.1047. noted in Table 9.1.

b. All source areas shall be exhausted, including the 9.31.E. Plumbing and Other Piping Systems
sterilizer equipment room, service/aeration areas, over Unless otherwise specified herein, all plumbing sys-
the sterilizer door, and the aerator. If the ETO cylin- tems shall be designed and installed in accordance
ders are not located in a well-ventilated, unoccupied with National Standard Plumbing Code.
equipment space, an exhaust hood shall be provided
over the cylinders. The relief valve shall be termi- 9.31.E1. The following standards shall apply to
nated in a well-ventilated, unoccupied equipment plumbing fixtures:
space, or outside the building. If the floor drain
which the sterilizer(s) discharges to is not located in a. The material used for plumbing fixtures shall be
a well-ventilated, unoccupied equipment space, an nonabsorptive and acid-resistant.
exhaust drain cap shall be provided (coordinate with
local codes). b. Water spouts used in lavatories and sinks shall
have clearances adequate to avoid contaminating
c. Ensure that general airflow is away from sterilizer utensils and the contents of carafes, etc.
c. General handwashing stations used by medical and
d. Provide a dedicated exhaust duct system for ETO. nursing staff and all lavatories used by patients and
The exhaust outlet to the atmosphere should be at food handlers shall be trimmed with valves that can be
least 25 feet (7.62 meters) away from any air intake. operated without hands. (Single lever or wrist blade
devices may be used.) Blade handles used for this pur-
e. An audible and visual alarm shall activate in the pose shall not exceed 4-1/2 inches (114.3 millimeters)
sterilizer work area, and a 24-hour staffed location, in length. Handles on clinical sinks shall be at least 6
upon loss of airflow in the exhaust system. inches (152.4 millimeters) long. Freestanding scrub
sinks and lavatories used for scrubbing in procedure
9.31.D19. Rooms with fuel-fired equipment shall be rooms shall be trimmed with foot, knee, or ultrasonic
provided with sufficient outdoor air to maintain controls (no single lever wrist blades).
equipment combustion rates and to limit workstation
temperatures. d. Clinical sinks shall have an integral trap wherein the
upper portion of the water trap provides a visible seal.
9.31.D20. Gravity exhaust may be used, where con-
ditions permit, for nonpatient areas such as boiler e. Showers and tubs shall have nonslip walking
124 rooms, central storage, etc. surfaces.

9.31.E2. The following standards shall apply to *c. Provisions shall be included in the domestic hot
potable water supply systems: water system to limit the amount of Legionella bac-
teria and opportunistic waterborne pathogens.
a. Systems shall be designed to supply water at suf-
ficient pressure to operate all fixtures and equip- 9.31.E4. The following standards shall apply to
ment during maximum demand. Supply capacity drainage systems:
for hot- and cold-water piping shall be determined
on the basis of fixture units, using recognized engi- a. Drain lines from sinks used for acid waste disposal
neering standards. When the ratio of plumbing fix- shall be made of acid-resistant material.
tures to occupants is proportionally more than
required by the building occupancy and is in excess b. Drain lines serving some types of automatic blood-
of 1,000 plumbing fixture units, a diversity factor cell counters must be of carefully selected material
is permitted. that will eliminate potential for undesirable chemical
reactions (and/or explosions) between sodium azide
b. Each water service main, branch main, riser, and wastes and copper, lead, brass, and solder, etc.
branch to a group of fixtures shall have valves. Stop
valves shall be provided for each fixture. Appropriate c. Insofar as possible, drainage piping shall not be installed
panels for access shall be provided at all valves where within the ceiling or exposed in operating and delivery
required. rooms, nurseries, food preparation centers, food serving
facilities, food storage areas, central services, electronic data
c. Vacuum breakers shall be installed on hose bibs processing areas, electric closets, and other sensitive areas.
and supply nozzles used for connection of hoses or Where exposed, overhead drain piping in these areas is
tubing in laboratories, housekeeping sinks, bedpan- unavoidable, special provisions shall be made to protect the
flushing attachments, and autopsy tables, etc. space below from leakage, condensation, or dust particles.

d. Bedpan-flushing devices (may be cold water) shall d. Floor drains shall not be installed in operating and
be provided in each inpatient toilet room; however, delivery rooms.
installation is optional in psychiatric and alcohol-
abuse units where patients are ambulatory. *e. If a floor drain is installed in cystoscopy, it shall
contain a nonsplash, horizontal-flow flushing bowl
e. Potable water storage vessels (hot and cold) not beneath the drain plate.
intended for constant use shall not be installed.
f. Drain systems for autopsy tables shall be designed to
9.31.E3. The following standards shall apply to hot positively avoid splatter or overflow onto floors or back
water systems: siphonage and for easy cleaning and trap flushing.

a. The water-heating system shall have sufficient sup- g. Building sewers shall discharge into community
ply capacity at the temperatures and amounts indi- sewerage. Where such a system is not available, the
cated in Table 7.4. Water temperature is measured at facility shall treat its sewage in accordance with local
the point of use or inlet to the equipment. Water shall and state regulations.
be permitted to be stored at higher temperatures.
h. Kitchen grease traps shall be located and arranged
b. Hot-water distribution systems serving patient care to permit easy access without the need to enter food
areas shall be under constant recirculation to provide preparation or storage areas. Grease traps shall be of
continuous hot water at each hot water outlet. capacity required and shall be accessible from outside
of the building without need to interrupt any services.


A9.31.E3.c. There are several ways to treat domestic water systems to (60°C) is typically considered the easiest option, the risk of scalding, espe-
kill Legionella and opportunistic water-borne pathogens. Complete removal cially to youth and the elderly, is significant. Additional consideration
of these organisms is not feasible, but methods to reduce the amount should be given to domestic water used in bone marrow transplant units.
include hyperchlorination (free chlorine, chlorine dioxide, monochlo- See CDC, ASHRAE, and ASPE documentation for additional information.
ramine), elevated hot water temperature, ozone injection, silver/copper
ions, and ultraviolet light. Each of these options has advantages and disad- A9.31.E4.e. See appendix item A7.31.E4.e.
vantages. While increasing the hot water supply temperature to 140°F

i. Where plaster traps are used, provisions shall be as complying with available standards of listing agen-
made for appropriate access and cleaning. cies, or other similar established standards where
such standards are required.
j. In dietary areas, floor drains and/or floor sinks shall
be of type that can be easily cleaned by removal of 9.32.A2. The electrical installations, including alarm
cover. Provide floor drains or floor sinks at all “wet” and communication systems, shall be tested to
equipment (as ice machines) and as required for wet demonstrate that equipment installation and opera-
cleaning of floors. Provide removable stainless steel tion is appropriate and functional. A written record
mesh in addition to grilled drain cover to prevent of performance tests on special electrical systems and
entry of large particles of waste which might cause equipment shall show compliance with applicable
stoppages. Location of floor drains and floor sinks codes and standards.
shall be coordinated to avoid conditions where loca-
tions of equipment make removal of covers for clean- 9.32.A3. Data processing and/or automated labora-
ing difficult. tory or diagnostic equipment, if provided, such
equipment may require safeguards from power line
9.31.E5. If piped medical gas is used, the installa- disturbances.
tion, testing, and certification of nonflammable med-
ical gas and air systems shall comply with the 9.32.B. Services and Switchboards
requirements of NFPA 99. Station outlets shall be Main switchboards shall be located in an area sepa-
provided consistent with need established by the rate from plumbing and mechanical equipment and
functional program. (See Table 9.2.) shall be accessible to authorized persons only.
Switchboards shall be convenient for use, readily
9.31.E6. Where the functional program requires, accessible for maintenance, away from traffic lanes,
central clinical vacuum system installations shall be in and located in dry, ventilated spaces free of corrosive
accordance with NFPA 99. or explosive fumes, gases, or any flammable material.
Overload protective devices shall operate properly in
9.31.E7. All piping, except control-line tubing, shall ambient room temperatures.
be identified. All valves shall be tagged, and a valve
schedule shall be provided to the facility owner for 9.32.C. Panelboards
permanent record and reference. Panelboards serving normal lighting and appliance cir-
cuits shall be located on the same floor as the circuits
9.31.E8. Where the functional program includes they serve. Panelboards serving critical branch emer-
hemodialysis, continuously circulated filtered cold gency circuits shall be located on each floor that has
water shall be provided. major users. Panelboards serving Life Safety emergency
circuits may also serve floors above and/or below.
9.31.E9. Provide condensate drains for cooling coils
of type that may be cleaned as needed without disas- 9.32.D. Lighting
sembly. (Unless specifically required by local authori- 9.32.D1. Lighting shall be engineered to the specific
ties, traps are not required for condensate drains.) application.
Provide air gap where condensate drains empty into
floor drains. Provide heater elements for condensate 9.32.D2. The Illuminating Engineering Society of
lines in freezer or other areas where freezing may be North America (IES) has developed recommended
a problem. lighting levels for health care facilities. The reader
should refer to the latest edition of the IES
9.31.E10. No plumbing lines may be exposed over- Handbook.
head or on walls where possible accumulation of dust
or soil may create a cleaning problem or where leaks 9.32.D3. Approaches to buildings and parking lots
would create a potential for food contamination. and all occupied spaces shall have fixtures for lighting
that can be illuminated as necessary.

9.32 Electrical Standards 9.32.D4. Consideration should be given to the spe-

cial needs for the elderly. Excessive contrast in light-
9.32.A. General ing levels that make effective sight adaptation
9.32.A1. All electrical material and equipment, difficult should be minimized.
including conductors, controls, and signaling devices
shall be installed in compliance with applicable sec- 9.32.D5. A portable or fixed examination light shall be
126 tions of NFPA 70 and NFPA 99 and shall be listed provided for examination, treatment, and trauma rooms.

9.32.E. Receptacles (Convenience Outlets) 9.32.G. Nurse Call System

Duplex grounded-type receptacles (convenience out- Reserved.
lets) shall be installed in all areas in sufficient quanti-
ties for tasks to be performed as needed. Each 9.32.H. Emergency Electrical Service
examination and work table shall have access to a Emergency lighting and power shall be provided
minimum of two duplex receptacles. for in accordance with NFPA 99, NFPA 101, and
NFPA 110.
9.32.F. Equipment
9.32.F1. At inhalation anesthetizing locations, all 9.32.I. Fire Alarm System
electrical equipment and devices, receptacles, and Any fire alarm system shall be as required by NFPA
wiring shall comply with applicable sections of 101 and installed per NFPA 72.
NFPA 99 and NFPA 70.
9.32.J. Telecommunications and Information
9.32.F2. Fixed and mobile X-ray equipment instal- Systems
lations shall conform to articles 517 and 660 of 9.32.J1. Locations for terminating telecommunica-
NFPA 70. tions and information system devices shall be
9.32.F3. Special equipment is identified in the fol-
lowing sections: Clinical Facilities, Radiology, and 9.32.J2. A space shall be provided for central equip-
Laboratory. These sections shall be consulted to ment locations. Special air conditioning and voltage
assure compatibility between programmatically regulation shall be provided when recommended by
defined equipment needs and appropriate power and the manufacturer.
other electrical connection needs.

Table 9.1 Table 9.2

Filter Efficiencies for Central Ventilation Station Outlets for Oxygen, Vacuum, and
and Air Conditioning Systems in Medical Air in Outpatient Facilities
Outpatient Facilities
Section Location Oxygen Vacuum Medical Air
No. Filter bed Filter bed
Area designation filter beds no. 1 no. 21 9.2.B1 & B2 Examination 0 0 —
9.2.B3 Treatment 0 0 —
All areas for patient care, 2 30 90 9.2.B11 Isolation 01 01 —
treatment, and/or diagnosis, 9.5.F1 Pre-procedure examination 01 01 —
and those areas providing
Operating room
direct service or clean
9.5.F2.b Class A–minor surgical 1 1 —
supplies such as sterile and
procedure room
clean processing, etc.
9.5.F2.c Class B–intermediate 2 2 —
Laboratories 1 80 — surgical procedure room
9.5.F2.d Class C–major surgical 2 3 —
Administrative, bulk 1 30 — procedure room
storage, soiled holding 9.5.F3 Post-anesthesia recovery 1 1 —
areas, food preparation areas, 9.5.F4 Step-down recovery area 01 01 —
and laundries — Cysto procedure 1 3 —
9.6.E1 Trauma/cardiac room 1 1 1
These requirements do not apply to small primary (neigh- — Cast room 01 01 —
borhood) outpatient facilities or outpatient facilities that — Catheterization room 1 2 2
do not perform invasive applications or procedures.
9.7.C1 Birthing room 2 2 —
Notes Endoscopy
Additional roughing or prefilters should be considered to 9.9.A3 Procedure room 2 3 —
reduce maintenance required for main filters. 9.9.B2f Decontamination room — — —
9.9.B3 Holding/prep/recovery area 01 01 —
The filtration efficiency ratings are based on average dust
spot efficiency per ASHRAE 52.1-1992. 1
Portable or hard-piped source should be available for the space.


10.1 General Considerations i. Employees’ facilities.

In this edition
appendix Rehabilitation facilities may be organized under hos- j. Nursing unit.
material pitals (organized departments of rehabilitation), out-
appears in the patient clinics, rehabilitation centers, and other 10.1.A3. Optional units. The following special ser-
main body of facilities designed to serve either single- or multiple- vices areas, if required by the functional program,
the document; disability categories including but not limited to: shall be provided as outlined in these sections. The
however, it cerebrovascular, head trauma, spinal cord injury, sizes of the various departments will depend upon
remains amputees, complicated fractures, arthritis, neurologi- the requirements of the service to be provided:
advisory only. cal degeneration, genetic, and cardiac.
a. Sterilizing facilities.
In general, rehabilitation facilities will have larger
space requirements than general hospitals, have b. Physical therapy unit.
longer lengths of stay, and have less institutional and
more residential environments. c. Occupational therapy unit.

10.1.A. Functional Units and Service Areas d. Prosthetics and orthotics unit.
Functional units and service areas shall include:
e. Speech and hearing unit.
10.1.A1. Required units. Each rehabilitation facility
shall contain a medical evaluation unit and one or f. Dental unit.
more of the following units:
g. Radiology unit.
a. Psychological services unit.
h. Pharmacy unit.
b. Social services unit.
i. Laboratory facilities.
c. Vocational services.
j. Home health service.
10.1.A2. Required service areas. Each rehabilitation
facility shall provide the following service areas, if k. Outpatient services.
they are not otherwise conveniently accessible to the
facility and appropriate to program functions: l. Therapeutic pool.

a. Patient dining, recreation, and day spaces. m. Convenience store (i.e., expanded gift shop) with
toiletries and other items accessible to patients during
b. Dietary unit. extended lengths of stay.

c. Personal care facilities.

10.2 Evaluation Unit
d. Unit for teaching activities of daily living.
10.2.A. Office(s) for Personnel
e. Administration department.
10.2.B. Examination Room(s)
f. Engineering service and equipment areas. Examination rooms shall have a minimum floor area of
140 square feet (13.01 square meters), excluding such
g. Linen service. spaces as the vestibule, toilet, closet, and work counter
(whether fixed or movable). The minimum room dimen-
128 h. Housekeeping rooms. sion shall be 10 feet (3.05 meters). The room shall con-

tain a handwashing station, a work counter, and storage 10.4 Social Services Unit
facilities, and a desk, counter, or shelf space for writing.
This shall include office space(s) for private inter-
10.2.C. Evaluation Room(s) viewing and counseling.
Evaluation room areas shall be arranged to permit
appropriate evaluation of patient needs and progress
and to determine specific programs of rehabilitation. 10.5 Vocational Services Unit
Rooms shall include a desk and work area for the
evaluators; writing and workspace for patients; and Office(s) and workspace for vocational training,
storage for supplies. Where the facility is small and counseling, and placement shall be provided.
workload light, evaluation may be done in the exami-
nation room(s).
10.6 Dining, Recreation, and Day
10.2.D. Laboratory Facilities Spaces
Facilities shall be provided within the rehabilitation
department or through contract arrangement with a The following standards shall be met for patient din-
nearby hospital or laboratory service for hematology, ing, recreation, and day spaces (areas may be in sepa-
clinical chemistry, urinalysis, cytology, pathology, and rate or adjoining spaces):
bacteriology. If these facilities are provided through
contract, the following minimum laboratory services 10.6.A. Inpatients and Residents
shall be provided in the rehabilitation facility: A total of 55 square feet (5.11 square meters) per bed.

10.2.D1. Laboratory work counter(s) with a sink, 10.6.B. Outpatients

and gas and electric service. If dining is part of the day care program, a total of 55
square feet (5.11 square meters) per person shall be
10.2.D2. Handwashing stations. provided. If dining is not part of the program, at least
35 square feet (3.25 square meters) per person shall
10.2.D3. Storage cabinet(s) or closet(s). be provided for recreation and day spaces.

10.2.D4. Specimen collection facilities. Urine collec- 10.6.C. Storage

tion rooms shall be equipped with a water closet and Storage spaces shall be provided for recreational
lavatory. Blood collection facilities shall have space equipment and supplies.
for a chair and work counter.

10.2.E. Imaging Facilities 10.7 Dietary Department

The following special services areas, if required by the
functional program, shall be provided as outlined in 10.7.A. General
Section 7.10.E. The sizes of the various departments Construction, equipment, and installation of food ser-
will depend upon the requirements of the service to vice facilities shall meet the requirements of the func-
be provided: tional program. Services may consist of an on-site
conventional food preparation system, a convenience
10.2.E1. Electromyographic food service system, or an appropriate combination
thereof. On-site facilities should be provided for
10.2.E2. CAT scan emergency food preparation and refrigeration.

10.2.E3. MRI The following facilities shall be provided as required

to implement the food service selected:
10.2.E4. Nuclear medicine
10.7.A1. A control station for receiving food supplies.
10.2.E5. Radiographic
10.7.A2. Food preparation facilities. Conventional food
preparation systems require space and equipment for
10.3 Psychological Services Unit preparing, cooking, and baking. Convenience food ser-
vice systems such as frozen prepared meals, bulk pack-
This shall include office(s) and workspace for testing, aged entrees, individually packaged portions, and
evaluation, and counseling. contractual commissary services require space and equip-
ment for thawing, portioning, cooking, and/or baking. 129

10.7.A3. Handwashing station(s) located in the food tional. The bathroom must be an addition to other
preparation area. toilet and bathing requirements. The facilities should
be similar to a residential environment so that the
10.7.A4. Patients’ meal service facilities for tray patient may learn to use them at home.
assembly and distribution.

10.7.A5. Separate dining space shall be provided 10.10 Administration and Public Areas
for staff.
10.10.A. Entrance
10.7.A6. Warewashing space. This shall be located in A grade-level entrance, sheltered from the weather and
a room or an alcove separate from food preparation able to accommodate wheelchairs, shall be provided.
and serving area. Commercial dishwashing equipment
shall be provided. Space shall also be provided for 10.10.B. Lobby
receiving, scraping, sorting, and stacking soiled table- The lobby shall include:
ware and for transferring clean tableware to the using
areas. A lavatory shall be conveniently available. 10.10.B1. Wheelchair storage space(s).

10.7.A7. Potwashing facilities. 10.10.B2. A reception and information counter

or desk.
10.7.A8. Storage areas for cans, carts, and mobile
tray conveyors. 10.10.B3. Waiting space(s).

10.7.A9. Waste storage facilities. These shall be 10.10.B4. Public toilet facilities.
located in a separate room easily accessible to the
outside for direct waste pickup or disposal. 10.10.B5. Public telephone(s).

10.7.A10. Office(s) or desk spaces for dietitian(s) or 10.10.B6. Drinking fountain(s).

the dietary service manager.
10.10.B7. Convenience store (as described in Section
10.7.A11. Toilets for dietary staff. Handwashing sta- 10.1.A3.m).
tions shall be immediately available.
10.10.C. Interview Space(s)
10.7.A12. Housekeeping room. This shall be located Space for private interviews relating to social service,
within the dietary department and shall contain a credit, and admissions shall be provided if not pro-
floor receptor or service sink and storage space for vided under Section 10.1.A1.
housekeeping equipment and supplies.
10.10.D. General or Individual Office(s)
10.7.A13. Self-dispensing ice-making facilities. This General or individual offices for business transactions,
may be in an area or room separate from the food records, and administrative and professional staffs shall
preparation area but must be easily cleanable and be provided if not provided under Section 10.1.A2.
convenient to dietary facilities.
10.10.E. Multipurpose Room(s)
Multipurpose room(s) for conferences, meetings,
10.8 Personal Care Unit for Inpatients health education, and library services shall be provided.

A separate room with appropriate fixtures and utili- 10.10.F. Patient Storage
ties shall be provided for patient grooming. The Due to length of stay being longer than typical acute
activities for daily living unit may serve this purpose. care patients, rehab patients may require more space
for storage of personal effects.

10.9 Activities for Daily Living Unit 10.10.G. General Storage

Separate space for office supplies, sterile supplies,
A unit for teaching daily living activities shall be pro- pharmaceutical supplies, splints and other orthopedic
vided. It shall include a bedroom, bath, kitchen, and supplies, and housekeeping supplies and equipment
space for training stairs. Equipment shall be func- shall be provided.


10.11 Engineering Service and 10.13 Housekeeping Room(s)

Equipment Areas
In addition to the housekeeping rooms called for in
10.11.A. Equipment Rooms certain departments, housekeeping rooms shall be
Rooms for boilers, mechanical equipment, and elec- provided throughout the facility as required to main-
trical equipment shall be provided. tain a clean and sanitary environment. Each shall
contain a floor receptor or service sink and storage
10.11.B. Storage Room(s) space for housekeeping supplies and equipment.
Storage rooms for building maintenance supplies and
yard equipment shall be provided.
10.14 Employee Facilities
10.11.C. Waste Processing Services
10.11.C1. Space and facilities shall be provided for In addition to the employee facilities such as locker
the sanitary storage and disposal of waste. rooms, lounges, toilets, or showers called for in cer-
tain departments, a sufficient number of such facili-
10.11.C2. If provided, design and construction of ties to accommodate the needs of all personnel and
incinerators and trash chutes shall be in accordance volunteers shall be provided.
with NFPA 82 and shall also conform to the require-
ments prescribed by environmental regulations.
10.15 Nursing Unit (for Inpatients)
10.12 Linen Services Where inpatients are a part of the facility, each nurs-
ing unit shall provide the following:
10.12.A. On-site Processing
If linen is to be processed on the site, the following 10.15.A. Patient Rooms
shall be provided: Each patient room shall meet the following
10.12.A1. Laundry processing room with commercial
equipment that can process seven days’ laundry within 10.15.A1. Maximum room occupancy shall be four
a regularly scheduled workweek. Handwashing station patients. Larger units may be provided if justified by
shall be provided. the functional program. At least two single-bed rooms
with private toilet rooms shall be provided for each
10.12.A2. Soiled linen receiving, holding, and sorting nursing unit.
room with handwashing station and cart-washing
facilities. 10.15.A2. Minimum room areas exclusive of toilet
rooms, closets, lockers, wardrobes, alcoves, or
10.12.A3. Storage for laundry supplies. vestibules shall be 140 square feet (13.01 square
meters) in single-bed rooms and 125 square feet
10.12.A4. Clean linen storage, issuing, and holding (11.61 square meters) per bed in multi-bed rooms. In
room or area. multi-bed rooms, a clearance of 3 feet 8 inches (1.12
meters) shall be maintained at the foot of each bed to
10.12.A5. Housekeeping room containing a floor permit the passage of equipment and beds.
receptor or service sink and storage space for house-
keeping equipment and supplies. 10.15.A3. Each patient sleeping room shall have a
window in accordance with Section 7.28.A11.
10.12.B. Off-site Processing
If linen is processed off the rehabilitation facility site, 10.15.A4. A nurses’ calling system shall be provided.
the following shall be provided:
10.15.A5. Handwashing stations shall be provided in
10.12.B1. Soiled linen holding room. each patient room.

10.12.B2. Clean linen receiving, holding, inspection, 10.15.A6. Each patient shall have access to a toilet
and storage room(s). room without having to enter the general corridor
area. One toilet room shall serve no more than four
beds and no more than two patient rooms. The toilet
room shall contain a water closet and a handwashing
station. The handwashing station may be omitted 131

from a toilet room that serves single-bed and two-bed 10.15.B9. Clean workroom or clean holding room.
rooms if each such patient’s room contains a hand-
washing station. Each toilet room shall be of sufficient 10.15.B10. Soiled workroom or soiled holding room.
size to ensure that wheelchair users will have access.
10.15.B11. Medication station. Provisions shall be
10.15.A7. Each patient shall have a wardrobe, closet, made for convenient and prompt 24-hour distribu-
or locker with minimum clear dimensions of 1 foot tion of medicine to patients. Distribution may be
10 inches (558.8 millimeters) by 1 foot 8 inches (508 from a medicine preparation room, a self-contained
millimeters). An adjustable clothes rod and adjustable medicine dispensing unit, or through another
shelf shall be provided. approved system. If used, a medicine preparation
room shall be under the nursing staff ’s visual control
10.15.A8. Visual privacy shall be provided for each and contain a work counter, refrigerator, and locked
patient in multi-bed rooms. storage for biologicals and drugs. A medicine dis-
pensing unit may be located at a nurse station, in the
10.15.B. Service Areas clean workroom, or in an alcove or other space under
The service areas noted below shall be in or readily avail- direct control of nursing or pharmacy staff.
able to each nursing unit. The size and disposition of
each service area will depend upon the number and types 10.15.B12. Clean linen storage. A separate closet or
of disabilities for which care will be provided. Although an area within the clean workroom shall be provided
identifiable spaces are required for each indicated func- for this purpose. If a closed-cart system is used, stor-
tion, consideration will be given to alternative designs age may be in an alcove.
that accommodate some functions without designating
specific areas or rooms. Such proposals shall be submitted 10.15.B13. Nourishment station. This shall be acces-
for prior approval. Each service area may be arranged and sible to patients and contain a handwashing station,
located to serve more than one nursing unit, but at least equipment for serving nourishment between sched-
one such service area shall be provided on each nursing uled meals, a refrigerator, storage cabinets, and ice
floor. The following service areas shall be provided: maker-dispenser units to provide for patient service
and treatment.
10.15.B1. Administrative center or nurse station.
10.15.B14. Equipment storage room. This shall be
10.15.B2. Nurses’ office. for equipment such as I.V. stands, inhalators, air mat-
tresses, and walkers.
10.15.B3. Storage for administrative supplies.
10.15.B15. Parking for stretchers and wheelchairs.
10.15.B4. Handwashing stations located near the This shall be located out of the path of normal traffic.
nurse station and the drug distribution station. One
lavatory may serve both areas. 10.15.B16. Multipurpose day room. Due to patients’
length of stay, a day room shall be provided for
10.15.B5. Charting facilities for nurses and doctors. patients to socialize on the unit.

10.15.B6. Lounge and toilet room(s) for staff. 10.15.C. Patient Bathing Facilities
Bathtubs or showers shall be provided at a ratio of
10.15.B7. Individual closets or compartments for safe- one bathing facility for each eight beds not otherwise
keeping personal effects of nursing personnel, located served by bathing facilities within patient rooms.
convenient to the duty station or in a central location. Each tub or shower shall be in an individual room or
privacy enclosure that provides space for the private
10.15.B8. Room for examination and treatment of use of bathing fixtures, for drying and dressing, and
patients. This room may be omitted if all patient for a wheelchair and an assistant. Showers in central
rooms are single-bed rooms. It shall have a minimum bathing facilities shall be at least 4 feet (1.22 meters)
floor area of 120 square feet (11.15 square meters), square, curb-free, and designed for use by a wheel-
excluding space for vestibules, toilet, closets, and chair patient.
work counters (whether fixed or movable). The mini-
mum room dimension shall be 10 feet (3.05 meters). 10.15.D. Patient Toilet Facilities
The room shall contain handwashing station, work 10.15.D1. A toilet room that does not require travel
counter, storage facilities, and a desk, counter, or shelf through the general corridor shall be accessible to
space for writing. The examination room in the eval- each central bathing area.
132 uation unit may be used if it is conveniently located.

10.15.D2. Doors to toilet rooms shall have a mini- 10.17.F.

mum width of 2 feet 10 inches (863.6 millimeters) to Patients’ dressing areas, showers, lockers, and toilet
admit a wheelchair. The doors shall permit access rooms shall be provided as required by the functional
from the outside in case of an emergency. program.

10.15.D3. A handwashing station shall be provided 10.17.G. Wheelchair and Stretcher Storage
for each water closet in each multi-fixture toilet (Items 10.17.A, B, E, F, and G may be planned and
room. arranged for shared use by occupational therapy
patients and staff if the functional program reflects
10.15.E. The need for and number of required air- this sharing concept.)
borne infection isolation rooms in the rehabilitation
facility shall be determined by an infection control
risk assessment. When required, the airborne infec- 10.18 Occupational Therapy Unit
tion isolation room(s) shall comply with the general
requirements of Section 7.2.C. These may be located The following elements shall be provided:
within individual nursing units and used for normal
acute care when not required for isolation cases, or 10.18.A. Office Space
they may be grouped as a separate isolation unit.
10.18.B. Waiting Space

10.16 Sterilizing Facilities 10.18.C. Activity Areas

Provisions shall be made for a sink or lavatory and
Where required by the functional program, a sys- for the collection of waste products prior to disposal.
tem for sterilizing equipment and supplies shall
be provided. 10.18.D. Storage for Supplies and Equipment

10.17 Physical Therapy Unit Patients’ dressing areas, showers, lockers, and toilet
rooms shall be provided as required by the functional
The following elements shall be provided: program.

10.17.A. Office Space (Items 10.18.A, B, D, and E may be planned and

arranged for shared use by physical therapy patients
10.17.B. Waiting Space and staff if the functional program reflects this shar-
ing concept.)
10.17.C. Treatment Area(s)
For thermotherapy, diathermy, ultrasonics,
hydrotherapy, etc., cubicle curtains around each 10.19 Prosthetics and Orthotics Unit
individual treatment area shall be provided.
Handwashing station(s) shall also be provided. One The following elements shall be provided:
handwashing station may serve more than one cubi-
cle. Facilities for collection of wet and soiled linen 10.19.A. Workspace for Technician(s)
and other material shall be provided. As a mini-
mum, one individual treatment area shall be 10.19.B. Space for Evaluation and Fitting
enclosed within walls and have a door for access— This shall include provision for privacy.
minimum size 80 square feet (7.44 square meters).
Curtained treatment areas shall have a minimum 10.19.C. Space for Equipment, Supplies, and
size of 70 square feet (6.51 square meters). Storage

10.17.D. An Exercise Area

Space requirements shall be designed to permit 10.20 Speech and Hearing Unit
access to all equipment and be sized to accommodate
equipment for physical therapy. This shall include:

10.17.E. Storage for Clean Linen, Supplies, and 10.20.A. Office(s) for Therapists
10.20.B. Space for Evaluation and Treatment 133

10.20.C. Space for Equipment and Storage for new construction shall comply with the following
requirements insofar as they affect patient services:

10.21 Dental Unit 10.24.A. Details

10.24.A1. Compartmentation, exits, automatic extin-
The following elements shall be provided if required guishing systems, and other details relating to fire
by the functional program: prevention and fire protection in inpatient rehabilita-
tion facilities shall comply with requirements listed in
10.21.A. Operatory NFPA 101. In freestanding outpatient rehabilitation
This shall contain a handwashing station. facilities, details relating to exits and fire safety shall
comply with the appropriate occupancy chapter of
10.21.B. Laboratory and Film Processing Facilities NFPA 101 and the requirements outlined herein.

10.24.A2. Items such as drinking fountains, tele-

10.22 Imaging Suite phone booths, vending machines, and portable equip-
ment shall not restrict corridor traffic or reduce the
This unit shall contain the following elements: corridor width below the required minimum.

10.22.A. Imaging room(s) shall be provided as 10.24.A3. Rooms containing bathtubs, sitz baths,
required by the functional program. (See Section 7.10 showers, and water closets subject to patient use shall
for special requirements.) be equipped with doors and hardware that will per-
mit access from the outside in an emergency. When
such rooms have only one opening or are small, the
10.23 Pharmacy Unit doors shall open outward or be otherwise designed to
open without pressing against a patient who may
The size and type of services to be provided in the have collapsed within the room.
pharmacy will depend upon the drug distribution sys-
tem chosen and whether the facility proposes to pro- 10.24.A4. Minimum width of all doors to rooms
vide, purchase, or share pharmacy services. This shall needing access for beds shall be 3 feet 8 inches (1.12
be explained in the functional program. If a pharmacy meters). Doors to rooms requiring access for stretch-
is required by the functional program, provisions shall ers and doors to patient toilet rooms and other rooms
be made for the following functional areas: needing access for wheelchairs shall have a minimum
width of 2 feet 10 inches (.86 meter). Where the
10.23.A. A Dispensing Area with a functional program states that the sleeping facility
Handwashing Station will be for residential use (and therefore not subject
to in-bed patient transport), patient room doors may
10.23.B. An Editing or Order Review Area be 3 feet (0.91 meter) wide, if approved by the local
authority having jurisdiction.
10.23.C. An Area for Compounding
10.24.A5. Doors between corridors and rooms or
10.23.D. Administrative Areas those leading into spaces subject to occupancy, except
elevator doors, shall be swing-type. Openings to
10.23.E. Storage Areas showers, baths, patient toilets, and other small, wet-
type areas not subject to fire hazard are exempt from
10.23.F. A Drug Information Area this requirement.

10.23.G. A Packaging Area 10.24.A6. Doors, except those to spaces such as small
closets not subject to occupancy, shall not swing into
10.23.H. A Quality-Control Area corridors in a manner that obstructs traffic flow or
reduces the required corridor width.

10.24 Details and Finishes 10.24.A7. Windows shall be designed to prevent

accidental falls when open, or shall be provided with
Patients in a rehabilitation facility will be disabled to security screens where deemed necessary by the func-
differing degrees. Therefore, high standards of safety for tional program.
the occupants shall be provided to minimize accidents.
134 All details and finishes for renovation projects as well as

10.24.A8. Windows and outer doors that may be 10.24.A19. Provisions for hand drying shall be
frequently left open shall be provided with insect included at all handwashing stations.
10.24.A20. Lavatories and handwashing stations
10.24.A9. Patient rooms intended for 24-hour occu- shall be securely anchored to withstand an applied
pancy shall have windows that operate without the vertical load of not less than 250 pounds (113.4 kilo-
use of tools and shall have sills not more than 3 feet grams) on the front of the fixture.
(0.91 meter) above the floor.
10.24.A21. Radiation protection requirements of X-
10.24.A10. Doors, sidelights, borrowed lights, and win- ray and gamma ray installations shall conform to
dows glazed to within 18 inches (457.2 millimeters) of necessary state and local laws. Provisions shall be
the floor shall be constructed of safety glass, wired glass, made for testing the completed installation before
or plastic glazing material that resists breaking or creates use. All defects must be corrected before acceptance.
no dangerous cutting edges when broken. Similar mate-
rials shall be used in wall openings of playrooms and 10.24.A22. The minimum ceiling height shall be 7
exercise rooms. Safety glass or plastic glazing material feet 10 inches (2.39 meters) with the following
shall be used for shower doors and bath enclosures. exceptions:

10.24.A11. Linen and refuse chutes shall comply a. Boiler rooms shall have a ceiling clearance not less
with NFPA 101. than 2 feet 6 inches (762 millimeters) above the main
boiler header and connecting piping.
10.24.A12. Thresholds and expansion joint covers
shall be flush with the floor surface to facilitate use of b. Ceilings of radiographic and other rooms contain-
wheelchairs and carts in new facilities. ing ceiling-mounted equipment, including those with
ceiling-mounted surgical light fixtures, shall have suf-
10.24.A13. Grab bars shall be provided at all patient ficient height to accommodate the equipment and/or
toilets, bathtubs, showers, and sitz baths. The bars fixtures.
shall have 1-1/2 inches (38.1 millimeters) clearance
to walls and shall be sufficiently anchored to sustain a c. Ceilings in corridors, storage rooms, toilet rooms,
concentrated load of 250 pounds (113.4 kilograms). and other minor rooms may be not less than 7 feet 8
Special consideration shall be given to shower curtain inches (2.34 meters).
rods which may be momentarily used for support.
d. Suspended tracks, rails, and pipes located in the
10.24.A14. Recessed soap dishes shall be provided in path of normal traffic shall be not less than 6 feet 8
showers and bathrooms. inches (2.03 meters) above the floor.

10.24.A15. Handrails shall be provided on both sides 10.24.A23. Recreation rooms, exercise rooms, and
of corridors used by patients. A clear distance of 1- similar spaces where impact noises may be gener-
1/2 inches (38.1 millimeters) shall be provided ated shall not be located directly over patient bed
between the handrail and the wall, and the top of the areas unless special provisions are made to minimize
rail shall be about 32 inches (812.8 millimeters) such noise.
above the floor, except for special care areas such as
those serving children. 10.24.A24. Rooms containing heat-producing equip-
ment (such as boiler or heater rooms and laundries)
10.24.A16. Ends of handrails and grab bars shall be shall be insulated and ventilated to prevent any floor
constructed to prevent snagging the clothes of patients. surface above from exceeding a temperature 10˚F
(6˚C) above the ambient room temperature.
10.24.A17. Location and arrangement of handwash-
ing stations shall permit proper use and operation. 10.24.A25. Noise reduction criteria shown in Table
Particular care should be given to clearance required 7.1 shall apply to partition, floor, and ceiling con-
for blade-type operating handles. Lavatories intended struction in patient areas.
for use by disabled patients shall be installed to per-
mit wheelchairs to slide under them. 10.24.B. Finishes
10.24.B1. Cubicle curtains and draperies shall be non-
10.24.A18. Mirrors shall be arranged for convenient combustible or rendered flame retardant and shall pass
use by wheelchair patients as well as by patients in a both the large and small scale tests in NFPA 701.
standing position. 135

10.24.B2. Floor materials shall be readily cleanable 10.25.B. Interior Finishes

and appropriately wear-resistant for the location. Interior finish materials for inpatient facilities shall
Floor surfaces in patient areas shall be smooth and comply with the flame-spread limitations and the
without irregular surfaces to prevent tripping by smoke-production limitations set forth in NFPA 101.
patients using orthotic devices. Floors in food prepa-
ration or assembly areas shall be water-resistant. 10.25.C. Insulation Materials
Joints in tile and similar material in such areas shall Building insulation materials, unless sealed on all
also be resistant to food acids. In all areas frequently sides and edges, shall have a flame-spread rating of 25
subject to wet cleaning methods, floor materials shall or less and a smoke-developed rating of 150 or less
not be physically affected by germicidal and cleaning when tested in accordance with NFPA 255-1984.
solutions. Floors subject to traffic while wet, such as
shower and bath areas, kitchens, and similar work 10.25.D. Provisions for Natural Disasters
areas, shall have a nonslip surface. For design and construction standards relating to
hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods, see Section 7.29.F.
10.24.B3. Wall bases in kitchens, soiled workrooms
and other areas that are frequently subject to wet
cleaning methods shall be monolithic and coved with 10.26-10.29 Reserved
the floor, tightly sealed within the wall, and con-
structed without voids that can harbor insects.
10.30 Special Systems
10.24.B4. Wall finishes shall be washable and, in the
proximity of plumbing fixtures, shall be smooth and 10.30.A. General
moisture-resistant. Finish, trim, and floor and wall 10.30.A1. Prior to acceptance of the facility, all spe-
construction in dietary and food preparation areas cial systems shall be tested and operated to demon-
shall be free from spaces that can harbor pests. strate to the owner or his designated representative
that the installation and performance of these sys-
10.24.B5. Floor and wall areas penetrated by pipes, tems conform to design intent. Test results shall be
ducts, and conduits shall be tightly sealed to mini- documented for maintenance files.
mize entry of pests. Joints of structural elements shall
be similarly sealed. 10.30.A2. Upon completion of the special systems
equipment installation contract, the owner shall be
10.24.B6. Ceilings throughout shall be readily clean- furnished with a complete set of manufacturers’ oper-
able. All overhead piping and ductwork in the dietary ating, maintenance, and preventive maintenance
and food preparation area shall be concealed behind a instructions, a parts lists, and complete procurement
finished ceiling. Finished ceilings may be omitted in information including equipment numbers and
mechanical and equipment spaces, shops, general descriptions. Operating staff persons shall also be
storage areas, and similar spaces, unless required for provided with instructions for proper operation of
fire-resistive purposes. systems and equipment. Required information shall
include all safety or code ratings as needed.
10.24.B7. Acoustical ceilings shall be provided for
corridors in patient areas, nurse stations, day rooms, 10.30.A3. Insulation shall be provided surrounding
recreational rooms, dining areas, and waiting areas. special system equipment to conserve energy, protect
personnel, and reduce noise.

10.25 Design and Construction, 10.30.B. Elevators

Including Fire-Resistant Standards 10.30.B1. All buildings having patient facilities
(such as bedrooms, dining rooms, or recreation areas)
10.25.A. Design or critical services (such as diagnostic or therapy)
Except as noted below, construction of freestanding located on other than the main entrance floor shall
outpatient rehabilitation facilities shall adhere to rec- have electric or hydraulic elevators. Installation and
ognized national model building codes and/or to testing of elevators shall comply with ANSI/ASME
NFPA 101 and the minimum requirements con- A17.1, ANSI/ASME A17.3, or UFAS.
tained herein. Rehabilitation facilities that accommo-
date inpatients shall comply with the construction a. The number of elevators required shall be deter-
requirements for general hospitals as indicated in mined from a study of the facility plan and of the
Section 7. estimated vertical transportation requirements.

b. Hospital-type elevator cars shall have inside dimen- Mechanical, electrical, and HVAC equipment may be
sions that accommodate a patient bed with attendants. located either internally, externally, or in separate
Cars shall be at least 5 feet 8 inches (1.73 meters) wide buildings.
by 9 feet (2.74 meters) deep. Car doors shall have a
clear opening of not less than 4 feet (1.22 meters) wide 10.31.A2. Remodeling and work in existing facilities
and 7 feet (2.13 meters) high. In renovations, existing may present special problems. As practicality and
elevators that can accommodate patient beds used in funding permit, existing insulation, weather strip-
the facility will not be required to be increased in size. ping, etc., should be brought up to standard for maxi-
mum economy and efficiency. Consideration shall be
c. Elevator call buttons and controls shall not be acti- given to additional work that may be needed to
vated by heat or smoke. Light beams, if used for achieve this.
operating door reopening devices without touch, shall
be used in combination with door-edge safety devices 10.31.A3. Facility design consideration shall include
and shall be interconnected with a system of smoke site, building mass, orientation, configuration, fenes-
detectors. This is so that the light control feature will tration, and other features relative to passive and
be overridden or disengaged should it encounter active energy systems.
smoke at any landing.
10.31.A4. Insofar as practical, the facility should
10.30.B2. Field inspections and tests shall be made include provisions for recovery of waste cooling and
and the owner shall be furnished with written certifi- heating energy (ventilation, exhaust, water and steam
cation stating that the installation meets the require- discharge, cooling towers, incinerators, etc.).
ments set forth in this section as well as all applicable
safety regulations and codes. 10.31.A5. Facility design consideration shall include
recognized energy-saving mechanisms such as vari-
10.30.C. Waste Processing Services able-air-volume systems, load shedding, programmed
10.30.C1. Storage and disposal. Facilities shall be controls for unoccupied periods (nights and week-
provided for sanitary storage and treatment or dis- ends, etc.) and use of natural ventilation, site and cli-
posal of waste using techniques acceptable to the matic conditions permitting. Systems with excessive
appropriate health and environmental authorities. installation and/or maintenance costs that negate
The functional program shall stipulate the categories long-range energy savings should be avoided.
and volumes of waste for disposal and shall stipulate
the methods of disposal for each. 10.31.A6. Air-handling systems shall be designed
with an economizer cycle where appropriate to use
10.30.C2. Medical waste. Medical waste shall be dis- outside air. (Use of mechanically circulated outside
posed of either by incineration or other approved air does not reduce need for filtration.)
technologies. Incinerators or other major disposal
equipment may be shared by two or more institutions. It may be practical in many areas to reduce or shut
down mechanical ventilation during appropriate cli-
matic and patient-care conditions and to use open
10.31 Mechanical Standards windows for ventilation.

10.31.A. General 10.31.A8. Mechanical equipment, ductwork, and

10.31.A1. The mechanical system should be piping shall be mounted on vibration isolators as
designed for overall efficiency and life cycle costing. required to prevent unacceptable structure-borne
Details for cost-effective implementation of design vibration.
features are interrelated and too numerous (as well as
too basic) to list individually. Recognized engineering 10.31.A9. Supply and return mains and risers for
procedures shall be followed for the most economical cooling, heating, and steam systems shall be equipped
and effective results. A well-designed system can with valves to isolate the various sections of each sys-
generally achieve energy efficiency at minimal addi- tem. Each piece of equipment shall have valves at the
tional cost and simultaneously provide improved supply and return ends.
patient comfort. Different geographic areas may have
climatic and use conditions that favor one system 10.31.B. Thermal and Acoustical Insulation
over another in terms of overall cost and efficiency. In 10.31.B1. Insulation within the building shall be
no case shall patient care or safety be sacrificed for provided to conserve energy, protect personnel, pre-
conservation. vent vapor condensation, and reduce noise.

10.31.B2. Insulation on cold surfaces shall include an 10.31.D. Air Conditioning, Heating, and
exterior vapor barrier. (Material that will not absorb Ventilation Systems
or transmit moisture will not require a separate vapor 10.31.D1. All rooms and areas in the facility used for
barrier.) patient care shall have provisions for ventilation. The
ventilation rates shown in Table 7.2 shall be used only
10.31.B3. Insulation, including finishes and adhe- as minimum standards; they do not preclude the use of
sives on the exterior surfaces of ducts, piping, and higher, more appropriate rates. Though natural win-
equipment, shall have a flame-spread rating of 25 or dow ventilation for nonsensitive areas and patient
less and a smoke-developed rating of 50 or less as rooms may be employed, weather permitting, availabil-
determined by an independent testing laboratory in ity of mechanical ventilation should be considered for
accordance with NFPA 255. use in interior areas and during periods of temperature
extremes. Fans serving exhaust systems shall be located
10.31.B4. If duct lining is used, it shall be coated and at the discharge end and shall be readily serviceable.
sealed, and shall meet ASTM C1071. These linings Air supply and exhaust in rooms for which no mini-
(including coatings, adhesives, and exterior surface mum total air change rate is noted may vary down to
insulation on pipes and ducts in spaces used as air zero in response to room load. For rooms listed in
supply plenums) shall have a flame-spread rating of Table 7.2, where VAV systems are used, minimum
25 or less and a smoke-developed rating of 50 or less, total air change shall be within limits noted.
as determined by an independent testing laboratory Temperature control shall also comply with these stan-
in accordance with NFPA 255. If existing lined duct- dards. To maintain asepsis control, airflow supply and
work is reworked in a renovation project, the liner exhaust should generally be controlled to ensure move-
seams and punctures shall be resealed. ment of air from “clean” to “less clean” areas, especially
in critical areas. The ventilation systems shall be
10.31.B5. Existing accessible insulation within areas designed and balanced according to the requirements
of facilities to be modernized shall be inspected, shown in Table 7.2 and in the applicable notes.
repaired, and/or replaced, as appropriate.
10.31.D2. General exhaust systems may be com-
10.31.B6. Duct lining shall not be installed within bined to enhance the efficiency of recovery devices
15 feet (4.57 meters) downstream of humidifiers. required for energy conservation. Local exhaust sys-
tems shall be used whenever possible in place of dilu-
10.31.C. Steam and Hot Water Systems tion ventilation to reduce exposure to hazardous
10.31.C1. Boilers shall have the capacity, based upon gases, vapors, fumes, or mists.
the net ratings published by the Hydronics Institute or
another acceptable national standard, to supply the 10.31.D3. Fresh air intakes shall be located at least
normal heating, hot water, and steam requirements of 25 feet (7.62 meters) from exhaust outlets of ventilat-
all systems and equipment. Their number and arrange- ing systems, combustion equipment stacks, medical-
ment shall accommodate facility needs despite the surgical vacuum systems, plumbing vents, or areas
breakdown or routine maintenance of any one boiler. that may collect vehicular exhaust or other noxious
The capacity of the remaining boiler(s) shall be suffi- fumes. (Prevailing winds and/or proximity to other
cient to provide hot water service for clinical, dietary, structures may require greater clearances.) Plumbing
and patient use; steam for sterilization and dietary pur- and vacuum vents that terminate at a level above the
poses; and heating for operating, recovery, and general top of the air intake may be located as close as 10
patient rooms. However, reserve capacity for facility feet (3.05 meters). The bottom of outdoor air intakes
space heating is not required in geographic areas where serving central systems shall be as high as practical,
a design dry-bulb temperature of 25°F (-4°C) or more but at least 6 feet (1.83 meters) above ground level,
represents not less than 99 percent of the total hours or, if installed above the roof, 3 feet (0.91 meter)
in any one heating month as noted in ASHRAE’s above roof level. Exhaust outlets from areas that may
Handbook of Fundamentals, under the “Table for be contaminated shall be above roof level, arranged to
Climatic Conditions for the United States.” minimize recirculation of exhaust air into the build-
ing, and directed away from personnel service areas.
10.31.C2. Boiler accessories including feed pumps,
heat-circulating pumps, condensate return pumps, 10.31.D4. All central ventilation or air conditioning
fuel oil pumps, and waste heat boilers shall be con- systems shall be equipped with filters with efficien-
nected and installed to provide both normal and cies equal to, or greater than, those specified in Table
standby service. 7.3. Where two filter beds are required, filter bed no.
1 shall be located upstream of the air conditioning
138 equipment and filter bed no. 2 shall be downstream

of any fan or blowers. Filter efficiencies, tested in compartmentation insofar as practical to minimize
accordance with ASHRAE 52.1-92, shall be average. need to penetrate fire and smoke partitions.
Filter frames shall be durable and proportioned to
provide an airtight fit with the enclosing duct work. 10.31.D9. Hoods and safety cabinets may be used
All joints between filter segments and enclosing duct for normal exhaust of a space providing minimum air
work shall have gaskets or seals to provide a positive change rates are maintained. If air change standards
seal against air leakage. A manometer shall be in Table 7.2 do not provide sufficient air for proper
installed across each filter bed having a required effi- operation of exhaust hoods and safety cabinets (when
ciency of 75 percent or more including hoods requir- in use), makeup air (filtered and preheated) should be
ing HEPA filters. Provisions shall be made to allow provided around these units to maintain the required
access for field testing. airflow direction and exhaust velocity. Use of makeup
air will avoid dependence upon infiltration from out-
*10.31.D5. If duct humidifiers are located upstream doors and/or from contaminated areas. Makeup sys-
of the final filters, they shall be located at least 15 tems for hoods shall be arranged to minimize “short
feet (4.57 meters) upstream of the final filters. circuiting” of air and to avoid reduction in air velocity
Ductwork with duct-mounted humidifiers shall have at the point of contaminant capture.
a means of water removal. An adjustable high-limit
humidistat shall be located downstream of the 10.31.D10. Laboratory hoods shall meet the follow-
humidifier to reduce the potential of condensation in ing general standards:
the duct. All duct takeoffs should be sufficiently
downstream of the humidifier to ensure complete a. Have an average face-velocity of at least 75 feet per
moisture absorption. Steam humidifiers shall be used. minute (0.38 meters per second).
Reservoir-type water spray or evaporative pan
humidifiers shall not be used. b. Be connected to an exhaust system to the outside
which is separate from the building exhaust system.
10.31.D6. Air-handling duct systems shall be
designed with accessibility for duct cleaning, and c. Have an exhaust fan located at the discharge end
shall meet the requirements of NFPA 90A. of the system.

10.31.D7. Ducts that penetrate construction d. Have an exhaust duct system of noncombustible
intended for X-ray or other ray protection shall not corrosion-resistant material as needed to meet the
impair the effectiveness of the protection. planned usage of the hood.

10.31.D8. Fire and smoke dampers shall be con- 10.31.D11. Laboratory hoods shall meet the follow-
structed, located, and installed in accordance with the ing special standards:
requirements of NFPA 101, 90A, and the specific
damper’s Listing requirements. Fans, dampers, and a. Fume hoods, and their associated equipment in the
detectors shall be interconnected so that damper acti- air stream, intended for use with perchloric acid and
vation will not damage ducts. Maintenance access other strong oxidants, shall be constructed of stainless
shall be provided at all dampers. All damper locations steel or other material consistent with special expo-
should be shown on design drawings. Dampers sures, and be provided with a water wash and drain
should be activated by fire or smoke sensors, not by system to permit periodic flushing of duct and hood.
fan cutoff alone. Switching systems for restarting fans Electrical equipment intended for installation within
may be installed for fire department use in venting such ducts shall be designed and constructed to resist
smoke after a fire has been controlled. However, pro- penetration by water. Lubricants and seals shall not
visions should be made to avoid possible damage to contain organic materials. When perchloric acid or
the system due to closed dampers. When smoke par- other strong oxidants are only transferred from one
titions are required, heating, ventilation, and air con- container to another, standard laboratory fume hoods
ditioning zones shall be coordinated with and the associated equipment may be used in lieu of
stainless steel construction.


A10.31.D5. One way to achieve basic humidification may be accom- each individually controlled area. Steam to be used for humidification may
plished by a steam jacketed manifold type humidifier, with a condensate be generated in a separate steam generator. The steam generator feedwa-
separator that delivers high-quality steam. Additional booster humidifica- ter may be supplied either from soft or reverse osmosis water. Provisions
tion (if required) should be provided by steam jacketed humidifiers for should be made for periodic leaning.

b. In new construction and major renovation work, The exhaust outlet to the atmosphere should be at
each hood used to process infectious or radioactive least 25 feet (7.62 meters) away from any air intake.
materials shall have a minimum face velocity of 90 to
110 feet per minute (0.46 to 0.56 meters per second) e. An audible and visual alarm shall activate in the
with suitable pressure-independent air modulating sterilizer work area, and a 24-hour staffed location,
devices and alarms to alert staff of fan shutdown or upon loss of airflow in the exhaust system.
loss of airflow. Each shall also have filters with a
99.97 percent efficiency [based on the dioctyl-phtha- 10.31.D14. Rooms with fuel-fired equipment shall
late (DOP) test method] in the exhaust stream, and be provided with sufficient outdoor air to maintain
be designed and equipped to permit the safe removal, equipment combustion rates and to limit work sta-
disposal, and replacement of contaminated filters. tion temperatures.
Filters shall be as close to the hood as practical to
minimize duct contamination. Fume hoods intended 10.31.D15. Gravity exhaust may be used, where con-
for use with radioactive isotopes shall be constructed ditions permit, for nonpatient areas such as boiler
of stainless steel or other material suitable for the par- rooms, central storage, etc.
ticular exposure and shall comply with NFPA 801,
Facilities for Handling Radioactive Materials. Note: 10.31.D16. The energy-saving potential of variable
Radioactive isotopes used for injections, etc., without air volume systems is recognized and these standards
probability of airborne particulates or gases may be herein are intended to maximize appropriate use of
processed in a clean-workbench-type hood where that system. Any system utilized for occupied areas
acceptable to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. shall include provisions to avoid air stagnation in
interior spaces where thermostat demands are met by
10.31.D12. Exhaust hoods handling grease-laden temperatures of surrounding areas.
vapors in food preparation centers shall comply with
NFPA 96. All hoods over cooking ranges shall be 10.31.D17. Rooms used for sputum induction,
equipped with grease filters, fire extinguishing systems, aerosolized pentamidine treatments, or other cough-
and heat-actuated fan controls. Cleanout openings inducing procedures shall meet the requirements of
shall be provided every 20 feet (6.10 meters) and at Table 7.2 for airborne infection isolation rooms. If
changes in direction in the horizontal exhaust duct booths are used, refer to Section 7.15.
systems serving these hoods. (Horizontal runs of ducts
serving range hoods should be kept to a minimum.) 10.31.D18. Non-central air handling systems, i.e.,
individual room units that are used for heating and
10.31.D13. The ventilation system for the space that cooling purposes (fan-coil units, heat pump units,
houses ethylene oxide (ETO) sterilizers should be etc.) shall be equipped with permanent (cleanable) or
designed to: replaceable filters. The filters shall have a minimum
efficiency of 68 percent weight arrestance. These
a. Provide a dedicated (not connected to a return air units may be used as recirculating units only. All out-
or other exhaust system) exhaust system. Refer to 29 door air requirements shall be met by a separate cen-
CFR Part 1910.1047. tral air handling system with the proper filtration, as
noted in Table 7.3.
b. All source areas shall be exhausted, including the
sterilizer equipment room, service/aeration areas, over 10.31.E. Plumbing and Other Piping Systems
the sterilizer door, and the aerator. If the ETO cylin- Unless otherwise specified herein, all plumbing sys-
ders are not located in a well-ventilated, unoccupied tems shall be designed and installed in accordance
equipment space, an exhaust hood shall be provided with National Standard Plumbing Code, chapter 14,
over the cylinders. The relief valve shall be termi- Medical Care Facility Plumbing Equipment.
nated in a well-ventilated, unoccupied equipment
space, or outside the building. If the floor drain 10.31.E1. The following standards shall apply to
which the sterilizer(s) discharges to is not located in plumbing fixtures:
a well-ventilated, unoccupied equipment space, an
exhaust drain cap shall be provided (coordinate with a. The material used for plumbing fixtures shall be
local codes). nonabsorptive and acid-resistant.

c. Ensure that general airflow is away from sterilizer b. Water spouts used in lavatories and sinks shall
operator(s). have clearances adequate to avoid contaminating
utensils and the contents of carafes, etc.
140 d. Provide a dedicated exhaust duct system for ETO.

c. General handwashing stations used by medical and 10.31.E3. The following standards shall apply to hot
nursing staff and all handwashing stations used by water systems:
patients and food handlers shall be trimmed with
valves that can be operated without hands. (Single a. The water-heating system shall have sufficient sup-
lever or wrist blade devices may be used.) Blade han- ply capacity at the temperatures and amounts indi-
dles used for this purpose shall not exceed 4-1/2 cated in Table 7.4. Water temperature is measured at
inches (114.3 millimeters) in length. Handles on the point of use or inlet to the equipment. Water shall
clinical sinks shall be at least 6 inches (152.4 mil- be permitted to be stored at higher temperatures.
limeters) long. Freestanding scrub sinks and hand-
washing stations used for scrubbing in procedure b. Hot-water distribution systems serving patient care
rooms shall be trimmed with foot, knee, or ultrasonic areas shall be under constant recirculation to provide
controls (no single lever wrist blades). continuous hot water at each hot water outlet.

d. Clinical sinks shall have an integral trap wherein the *c. Provisions shall be included in the domestic hot
upper portion of the water trap provides a visible seal. water system to limit the amount of Legionella bac-
teria and opportunistic waterborne pathogens.
e. Showers and tubs shall have nonslip walking surfaces.
10.31.E4. The following standards shall apply to
10.31.E2. The following standards shall apply to drainage systems:
potable water supply systems:
a. Drain lines from sinks used for acid waste disposal
a. Systems shall be designed to supply water at suffi- shall be made of acid-resistant material.
cient pressure to operate all fixtures and equipment
during maximum demand. Supply capacity for hot- b. Drain lines serving some types of automatic blood-
and cold-water piping shall be determined on the cell counters must be of carefully selected material
basis of fixture units, using recognized engineering that will eliminate potential for undesirable chemical
standards. When the ratio of plumbing fixtures to reactions (and/or explosions) between sodium azide
occupants is proportionally more than required by the wastes and copper, lead, brass, and solder, etc.
building occupancy and is in excess of 1,000 plumb-
ing fixture units, a diversity factor is permitted. c. Insofar as possible, drainage piping shall not be
installed within the ceiling or exposed in operating
b. Each water service main, branch main, riser, and rooms, food preparation centers, food serving facili-
branch to a group of fixtures shall have valves. Stop ties, food storage areas, central services, electronic
valves shall be provided for each fixture. data processing areas, electric closets, and other sensi-
Appropriate panels for access shall be provided at all tive areas. Where exposed, overhead drain piping in
valves where required. these areas is unavoidable, special provisions shall be
made to protect the space below from leakage, con-
c. Vacuum breakers shall be installed on hose bibs densation, or dust particles.
and supply nozzles used for connection of hoses or
tubing in laboratories, housekeeping sinks, bedpan- d. Floor drains shall not be installed in operating rooms.
flushing attachments, and autopsy tables, etc.
e. If a floor drain is installed in cystoscopy, it shall
d. Bedpan-flushing devices (may be cold water) shall contain a nonsplash, horizontal-flow flushing bowl
be provided in each inpatient toilet room. beneath the drain plate.

e. Potable water storage vessels (hot and cold) not f. Drain systems for autopsy tables shall be designed to
intended for constant use shall not be installed. positively avoid splatter or overflow onto floors or back
siphonage and for easy cleaning and trap flushing.


A10.31.E3.c. There are several ways to treat domestic water systems to vantages. While increasing the hot water supply temperature to 140°F
kill Legionella and opportunistic waterborne pathogens. Complete removal (60°C) is typically considered the easiest option, the risk of scalding, espe-
of these organisms is not feasible, but methods to reduce the amount cially to youth and the elderly, is significant. Additional consideration
include hyperchlorination (free chlorine, chlorine dioxide, monochlo- should be given to domestic water used in bone marrow transplant units.
ramine), elevated hot water temperature, ozone injection, silver/copper See CDC, ASHRAE, and ASPE documentation for additional information.
ions, and ultraviolet light. Each of these options has advantages and disad-

g. Building sewers shall discharge into community 10.32. Electrical Standards

sewerage. Where such a system is not available, the
facility shall treat its sewage in accordance with local 10.32.A. General
and state regulations. 10.32.A1. All electrical material and equipment,
including conductors, controls, and signaling devices
h. Kitchen grease traps shall be located and arranged shall be installed in compliance with applicable sec-
to permit easy access without the need to enter food tions of NFPA 70 and NFPA 99 and shall be listed
preparation or storage areas. Grease traps shall be of as complying with available standards of listing agen-
capacity required and shall be accessible from outside cies or other similar established standards where such
of the building without need to interrupt any services. standards are required.

i. Where plaster traps are used, provisions shall be 10.32.A2. The electrical installations, including
made for appropriate access and cleaning. alarm, nurse call, and communication systems shall
be tested to demonstrate that equipment installation
j. In dietary areas, floor drains and/or floor sinks shall and operation is appropriate and functional. A writ-
be of type that can be easily cleaned by removal of ten record of performance tests on special electrical
cover. Provide floor drains or floor sinks at all “wet” systems and equipment shall show compliance with
equipment (as ice machines) and as required for wet applicable codes and standards.
cleaning of floors. Provide removable stainless steel
mesh in addition to grilled drain cover to prevent entry 10.32.A3. Data processing and/or automated labora-
of large particles of waste which might cause stoppages. tory or diagnostic equipment, if provided may require
Location of floor drains and floor sinks shall be coordi- safeguards from power line disturbances.
nated to avoid conditions where locations of equipment
make removal of covers for cleaning difficult. 10.32.B. Services and Switchboards
Main switchboards shall be located in an area sepa-
10.31.E5. The installation, testing, and certification rate from plumbing and mechanical equipment and
of nonflammable medical gas and air systems shall shall be accessible to authorized persons only.
comply with the requirements of NFPA 99. (See Switchboards shall be convenient for use, readily
Table 7.5 for rooms requiring station outlets.) accessible for maintenance, away from traffic lanes,
and located in dry, ventilated spaces free of corrosive
10.31.E6. Clinical vacuum system installations shall or explosive fumes, gases, or any flammable material.
be in accordance with NFPA 99. (See Table 7.5 for Overload protective devices shall operate properly in
rooms which require station outlets.) ambient room temperatures.

10.31.E7. All piping, except control-line tubing, shall 10.32.C. Panelboards

be identified. All valves shall be tagged, and a valve Panelboards serving normal lighting and appliance cir-
schedule shall be provided to the facility owner for cuits shall be located on the same floor as the circuits
permanent record and reference. they serve. Panelboards serving critical branch emer-
gency circuits shall be located on each floor that has
10.31.E8. Where the functional program includes major users. Panelboards serving Life Safety emergency
hemodialysis, continuously circulated filtered cold circuits may also serve floors above and/or below.
water shall be provided.
10.32.D. Lighting
10.31.E9. Provide condensate drains for cooling coils 10.32.D1. Lighting shall be engineered to the spe-
of type that may be cleaned as needed without disas- cific application.
sembly. (Unless specifically required by local authori-
ties, traps are not required for condensate drains.) 10.32.D2. The Illuminating Engineering Society of
Provide air gap where condensate drains empty into North America (IES) has developed recommended
floor drains. Provide heater elements for condensate lighting levels for health care facilities. The reader
lines in freezer or other areas where freezing may be should refer to the IES Handbook (1993).
a problem.
10.32.D3. Approaches to buildings and parking lots
10.31.E10. No plumbing lines may be exposed over- and all occupied spaces shall have fixtures for lighting
head or on walls where possible accumulation of dust that can be illuminated as necessary.
or soil may create a cleaning problem or where leaks
would create a potential for food contamination. 10.32.D4. Patient rooms shall have general lighting
142 and night lighting. A reading light shall be provided

for each patient. Reading light controls shall be readily one calling station. Calls shall activate a visible signal
accessible to the patient(s). Incandescent and halogen in the corridor at the patient’s door or other appro-
light sources which produce heat should be avoided to priate location. In multicorridor nursing units, addi-
prevent burns to the patient and/or bed linen. The tional visible signals shall be installed at corridor
light source should be covered by a diffuser or lens. intersections.

10.32.D5. Nursing unit corridors shall have general 10.32.G2. A nurses emergency call shall be provided
illumination with provisions for reducing light levels at each inpatient toilet, bath, sitz bath, and shower
at night. room. This emergency call shall be accessible to a col-
lapsed patient lying on the floor. Inclusion of a pull
10.32.D6. Consideration should be given to the spe- cord will satisfy this standard. The emergency call
cial needs for the elderly. Excessive contrast in light- shall be designed so that a signal activated at a
ing levels that make effective sight adaptation patient’s calling station will initiate a visible and audi-
difficult should be minimized. ble signal distinct from the regular nurse calling sys-
tem that can be turned off only at the patient calling
10.32.E. Receptacles (Convenience Outlets) station. The signal shall activate an annunciator panel
10.32.E1. Each patient room shall have duplex- at the nurses station or other appropriate location, a
grounded receptacles. There shall be one at each side visible signal in the corridor at the patient’s door, and
of the head of each bed and one on every other wall. at other areas defined by the functional program.
Receptacles may be omitted from exterior walls
where construction or room configuration makes 10.32.G3. Alternate technologies can be considered
installation impractical. for emergency or nurse call systems. If radio fre-
quency systems are utilized, consideration should be
10.32.E2. Duplex-grounded receptacles for general given to electromagnetic compatibility between inter-
use shall be installed approximately 50 feet (15.24 nal and external sources.
meters) apart in all corridors and within 25 feet (7.62
meters) of corridor ends. 10.32.H. Emergency Electrical Service
10.32.H1. As a minimum, nursing facilities or sec-
10.32.E3. Electrical receptacle coverplates or electri- tions thereof shall have emergency electrical systems
cal receptacles supplied from the emergency system as required in NFPA 101, NFPA 110, and NFPA 99.
shall be distinctively colored or marked for identifica-
tion. If color is used for identification purposes, the 10.32.H2. When the nursing facility is a distinct part of
same color should be used throughout the facility. an acute-care hospital, it may use the emergency gener-
ator system for required emergency lighting and power,
10.32.F. Equipment if such sharing does not reduce hospital services. Such a
10.32.F1. Ground-fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) shared system shall be designed with the capacity to
shall comply with NFPA 70. When GFCIs are used meet the needs of both the hospital and rehabilitation
in critical areas, provisions shall be made to ensure that facilities. Life support systems and their respective areas
other essential equipment is not affected by activation shall be subject to applicable standards of Section 7.32.
of one interrupter.
10.32.H3. An emergency electrical source shall pro-
10.32.F2. Fixed and mobile X-ray equipment instal- vide lighting and/or power during an interruption of
lations shall conform to articles 517 and 660 of the normal electric supply.
NFPA 70.
10.32.I. Fire Alarm System
10.32.F3. Special equipment is identified in the fol- Fire alarm and detection systems shall be provided in
lowing sections: Nursing Units, Support Areas, compliance with NFPA 101 and NFPA 72.
Rehabilitation Therapy, and Imaging if applicable.
These sections shall be consulted to ensure compati- 10.32.J. Telecommunications and Information
bility between programmatically defined equipment Systems
needs and appropriate power and other electrical 10.32.J1. Locations for terminating telecommunica-
connection needs. tions and information system devices shall be provided.

10.32.G. Nurse Calling System 10.32.J2. An area shall be provided for central equip-
10.32.G1. A nurses calling system shall be provided. ment locations. Special air conditioning and voltage
Each bed shall be provided with a call device. Two regulation shall be provided when recommended by
call devices serving adjacent beds may be served by the manufacturer. 143

11.1 General Conditions devices should not be presented in a manner to

In this edition attract or challenge tampering by patients. Design,
appendix 11.1.A. Applicability finishes, and furnishings should be such as to mini-
material This section covers a psychiatric hospital intended for mize the opportunity for residents to cause injury to
appears in the the care and treatment of inpatients and outpatients themselves or others. Special design considerations
main body of who do not require acute medical/surgical care ser- for injury and suicide prevention shall be given to the
the document; vices. See Section 7.6 for psychiatric units within following elements:
however, it acute care hospitals.
remains ■ Visual control of nursing units and passive activity
advisory only. 11.1.B. Functions areas such as dayrooms and outdoor areas.
(See Section 1.1.F.)
■ Hidden alcoves or enclosed spaces.
11.1.C. Parking
In the absence of a formal parking study, the facility ■ Areas secured from patients such as staff areas and
shall provide at least one space for each employee mechanical space.
normally present during one weekday shift plus one
space for every five beds or a total of 1.5 per patient. ■ Door closers, latch handles, and hinges.
This ratio may be reduced when justified by availabil-
ity of convenient public transportation and public ■ Door swings to private patient bathrooms.
parking. Additional parking may be required for out-
patients or other services. ■ Shower, bath, toilet, and sink plumbing fixtures,
hardware and accessories including grab bars and
11.1.D. Swing Beds toilet paper holders.
Occupancy of a group of rooms within the facility
may be changed to accommodate different patient ■ Windows, including interior and exterior glazing.
groups based on age, sex, security level, or treatment
programs. ■ Light fixtures, electrical outlets, electrical appli-
ances, nurse call systems, and staff emergency assis-
11.1.E. Services tance systems.
When the psychiatric facility is part of another facil-
ity, services such as dietary, storage, pharmacy, and ■ Ceilings, ventilation grilles, and access panels in
laundry should be shared insofar as practical. In some patient bedrooms and bathrooms.
cases, all ancillary service requirements will be met by
the principal facility. In other cases, programmatic ■ Sprinkler heads and other protrusions.
concerns and requirements may dictate separate ser-
vices. ■ Fire extinguisher cabinets and fire alarm pull stations.

11.1.F. Environment
The facility should provide a therapeutic environ- 11.2 General Psychiatric Nursing Unit
ment appropriate for the planned treatment pro-
grams. Security appropriate for the planned Each nursing unit shall include the following (see
treatment programs shall be provided. Section 1.3 for exceptions to standards where existing
conditions make absolute compliance impractical).
The unit should be characterized by a feeling of
openness, with emphasis on natural light and exterior 11.2.A. Patient Rooms
view. Interior finishes, lighting, and furnishings Each patient room shall meet the following standards:
should suggest a residential rather than an institu-
tional setting. These should, however, conform with 11.2.A1. Maximum room capacity shall be two
144 applicable fire safety codes. Security and safety patients.

11.2.A2. Patient room areas, exclusive of toilet 11.2.A6. There shall be a desk or writing surface in
rooms, closets, lockers, wardrobes, alcoves, or each room for patient use.
vestibules, shall be at least 100 square feet (9.29
square meters) for single-bed rooms and 80 square 11.2.B. Service Areas
feet (7.43 square meters) per bed for multiple-bed Provisions for the services noted below shall be
rooms. Minor encroachments, including columns and located in or be readily available to each nursing unit.
lavatories, that do not interfere with functions may be Each service area may be arranged and located to
ignored when determining space requirements for serve more than one nursing unit but, unless noted
patient rooms. The areas noted herein are intended as otherwise, at least one such service area shall be pro-
recognized minimums and do not prohibit use of vided on each nursing floor. Where the words room
larger rooms where required for needs and functions. or office are used, a separate, enclosed space for the
one named function is intended; otherwise, the
Security rooms may be included if required by the described area may be a specific space in another
treatment program. Security rooms shall be single- room or common area.
bed rooms designed to minimize potential for escape,
hiding, injury to self or others, or suicide. Access to 11.2.B1. Administrative center or nurse station.
toilets, showers, and wardrobes shall be restricted.
Security rooms may be centralized on one unit or 11.2.B2. Office(s) for staff.
decentralized among units.
11.2.B3. Administrative supplies storage.
11.2.A3. Windows or vents in psychiatric units shall
be arranged and located so that they can be opened 11.2.B4. Handwashing stations (see Section 7.2.B4).
from the inside to permit venting of combustion
products and to permit any occupant direct access to 11.2.B5. A separate charting area shall be provided
fresh air in emergencies. The operation of operable with provisions for acoustical and patient file privacy.
windows shall be restricted. Where windows or vents
require the use of tools or keys for operation, the 11.2.B6. Toilet room(s) for staff.
tools or keys shall be located on the same floor in a
prominent location accessible to staff. Windows in 11.2.B7. Staff lounge facilities.
buildings designed with approved, engineered smoke-
control systems may be fixed construction. Security 11.2.B8. Securable closets or cabinet compartments
glazing and/or other appropriate security features for the personal effects of nursing personnel, conve-
shall be used at all windows of the nursing unit and niently located to the duty station. At a minimum,
other patient activity and treatment areas to reduce these shall be large enough for purses and billfolds.
the possibility of patient injury or escape.
11.2.B9. Clean workroom or clean holding room (see
11.2.A4. Each patient shall have access to a toilet Section 7.2.B11).
room without having to enter the general corridor area.
11.2.B10. Soiled workroom (see Section 7.2.B12).
(This direct access requirement may be disregarded if
it conflicts with the supervision of patients as 11.2.B11. Drug distribution station (see Section
required by the treatment program.) 7.2.B13).

One toilet room shall serve no more than four beds 11.2.B12. Clean linen storage (see Section 7.2.B14).
and no more than two patient rooms. The toilet
room shall contain a water closet and a handwashing 11.2.B13. Food service within the unit may be one or
station and the door should swing outward or be a combination of the following:
double acting.
a. A nourishment station.
11.2.A5. Each patient shall have within his or her
room a separate wardrobe, locker, or closet suitable b. A kitchenette designed for patient use with staff
for hanging full-length garments and for storing per- control of heating and cooking devices.
sonal effects. Adequate storage should be available for
a daily change of clothes for seven days. Where treat- c. A kitchen service within the unit including a
ment program indicates, shelves for folded garments handwashing station, storage space, refrigerator, and
may be used instead of hanging garments. facilities for meal preparation.

11.2.B14. Ice machine (see Section 7.2.B16). cart. This space shall be in close proximity to a nurse
station; it may serve more than one unit.
11.2.B15. A bathtub or shower shall be provided for
each six beds not otherwise served by bathing facili- 11.2.B23. Housekeeping room (see Section 7.2.B22).
ties within the patient rooms. Bathing facilities
should be designed and located for patient conve- 11.2.B24. A visitor room for patients to meet with
nience and privacy. friends or family with a minimum floor space of 100
square feet (9.29 square meters).
11.2.B16. At least two separate social spaces, one
appropriate for noisy activities and one for quiet 11.2.B25. A quiet room for a patient who needs to
activities, shall be provided. The combined area shall be alone for a short period of time but does not
be at least 25 square feet (2.32 square meters) per require a seclusion room. A minimum of 80 square
patient with at least 120 square feet (11.15 square feet (7.43 square meters) is required. The visitor
meters) for each of the two spaces. This space may be room may serve this purpose.
shared by dining activities if an additional 15 square
feet (1.39 square meters) per patient is added; other- 11.2.B26. Separate consultation room(s) with mini-
wise, provide 20 square feet (1.86 square meters) per mum floor space of 100 square feet (9.29 square
patient for dining. Dining facilities may be located meters) each provided at a room-to-bed ratio of one
off the nursing unit in a central area. consultation room for each 12 psychiatric beds. The
room(s) shall be designed for acoustical and visual
11.2.B17. Space for group therapy shall be provided. privacy and constructed to achieve a level of voice
This may be combined with the quiet space noted privacy of 50 STC (which in terms of vocal privacy
above when the unit accommodates not more than means some loud or raised speech is heard only by
12 patients and when at least 225 square feet (20.90 straining, but is not intelligible). The visitor room
square meters) of enclosed private space is available may serve as a consultation room.
for group therapy activities.
11.2.B27. A conference and treatment planning
11.2.B18. Patient laundry facilities with an automatic room for use by the psychiatric unit. This room may
washer and dryer shall be provided. be combined with the charting room.

11.2.B19. A secured storage area for patients’ effects 11.2.C. Seclusion Treatment Room
determined potentially harmful (razors, nail files, ciga- There shall be at least one seclusion room for up to 24
rette lighters, etc.). This area will be controlled by staff. beds or a major fraction thereof. The seclusion treat-
ment room is intended for short-term occupancy by
The following elements shall also be provided, but violent or suicidal patients. Within the psychiatric
may be either within the psychiatric unit or immedi- nursing unit, this space provides for patients requiring
ately accessible to it unless otherwise dictated by the security and protection. The room(s) shall be located
program: for direct nursing staff supervision. Each room shall be
for only one patient. It shall have an area of at least 60
11.2.B20. Equipment storage room. Storage space square feet (5.6 square meters) and shall be con-
for wheelchairs may be outside the psychiatric unit, structed to prevent patient hiding, escape, injury, or
provided that provisions are made for convenient suicide. Where restraint beds are required by the func-
access as needed for disabled patients. tional program, 80 square feet (7.43 square meters)
shall be required. If a facility has more than one psy-
11.2.B21. Examination and treatment room(s). The chiatric nursing unit, the number of seclusion rooms
examination and treatment room(s) may serve several shall be a function of the total number of psychiatric
nursing units and may be on a different floor if con- beds in the facility. Seclusion rooms may be grouped
veniently located for routine use. Examination rooms together. Special fixtures and hardware for electrical
shall have a minimum floor area of 120 square feet circuits shall be used. Doors shall be 3 feet 8 inches
(11.15 square meters) excluding space for vestibule, (1.12 meters) wide and shall permit staff observation
toilets, and closets. The room shall contain a hand- of the patient while also maintaining provisions for
washing station; storage facilities; and a desk, patient privacy. Minimum ceiling height shall be 9 feet
counter, or shelf space for writing. (2.74 meters). Seclusion treatment rooms shall be
accessed by an anteroom or vestibule that also provides
11.2.B22. Emergency equipment storage. Space shall direct access to a toilet room. The toilet room and
be provided for emergency equipment that is under anteroom shall be large enough to safely manage the
146 direct control of the nursing staff, such as a CPR patient. The seclusion room door shall swing out.

Where the interior of the seclusion treatment room is 7.32.H. Provisions shall be made for easy removal or
padded with combustible materials, these materials for covering call button outlets.
shall be of a type acceptable to the local authority
having jurisdiction. The room area, including floor, 11.4.A3. Each patient bedroom shall have storage for
walls, ceilings, and all openings shall be protected extra blankets, pillows, and linen.
with not less than one-hour-rated construction.
11.4.A4. Door to patient room shall be a minimum
11.2.D. of 3 feet 8 inches wide (1.12 meters).
The need for and number of required airborne infec-
tion isolation rooms in the psychiatric hospital shall 11.4.B. Service Areas
be determined by an Infection Control Risk 11.4.B1. Patients shall have access to at least one
Assessment (ICRA). When required, the airborne bathtub in each nursing unit.
infection isolation room(s) shall comply with the
general requirements of Section 7.2.C. 11.4.B2. The standards of Section 11.2.B16 shall
apply for social spaces except that the combined area
for social activities shall be 30 square feet (2.79
11.3 Child Psychiatric Unit square meters) per patient.

The standards of Section 11.2 shall be applied to 11.4.B3. Storage space for wheelchairs shall be pro-
child units with the following exceptions. vided in the nursing unit.

11.3.A. Patient Rooms

11.3.A1. Maximum room capacity shall be four 11.5 Forensic Psychiatric Unit
The standards of Section 11.2 shall be applied to
11.3.A2. Patient room (with beds or cribs) areas shall forensic units. Forensic units shall have security
be at least 100 square feet (9.29 square meters) for vestibules or sally ports at the unit entrance. Specialized
single bedrooms; 80 square feet (7.43 square meters) program requirements may indicate the need for addi-
per bed and 60 square feet (5.57 square meters) per tional treatment areas, police and courtroom space, and
crib in multiple-bed rooms. security considerations. Children, juveniles, and adoles-
cents shall be separated from the adult areas.
11.3.A3. Storage space shall be provided for toys,
equipment, extra cribs and beds, and cots or recliners
for parents who might stay overnight. 11.6 Radiology Suite
11.3.B. Service Areas Radiology services are not required to be provided
within a psychiatric hospital. If they are provided
11.3.B1. The combined area for social activities shall within the hospital, the radiology suite shall comply
be 35 square feet (3.25 square meters) per patient. with Section 7.10.

*11.3.C. Outdoor Areas

11.7 Nuclear Medicine
11.4 Geriatric, Alzheimer’s, and Other Nuclear medicine services are not required to be pro-
Dementia Unit vided within a psychiatric hospital. If they are pro-
vided within the hospital, the nuclear medicine area
The standards of Section 11.2 shall be applied to shall comply with Section 7.11.
geriatric units with the following exceptions.

11.4.A. Patient Rooms

11.4.A1. Patient room areas shall be at least 120
square feet (11.15 square meters) in single bedrooms
and 200 square feet (18.58 square meters) in multi-
ple-bed rooms. A11.3.C. Outdoor areas should be protected to allow children to have
easy access to secure outdoor areas for play and therapy in facilities
11.4.A2. A nurses call system shall be provided in where length of stay is two weeks or greater.
accordance with standards contained in Section 147

11.8 Laboratory Suite 11.9.B7. Convenient access to toilets and lockers.

Required laboratory tests may be performed on-site 11.9.B8. Access to a demonstration-conference room.
or provided through a contractual arrangement with a
laboratory service. 11.9.C. Physical Therapy
The physical health of a person can have a direct effect
Provisions shall be made for the following procedures on his or her mental health. Therefore, physical ther-
to be performed on-site: urinalysis, blood glucose, apy may be desirable in a psychiatric hospital, espe-
and electrolytes. Provisions shall also be included for cially for long-term care patients and elderly patients.
specimen collection and processing.
If physical therapy is part of the service, the follow-
Minimum facilities on-site shall include a defined ing, at least, shall be included.
area with a laboratory lab counter, sink with water,
refrigerated storage, storage for equipment and sup- 11.9.C1. Individual treatment area(s) with privacy screens
plies, clerical area, and record storage. or curtains. Each such space shall have not less than 60
square feet (5.57 square meters) of clear floor area.

11.9 Rehabilitation Therapy Department 11.9.C2. Handwashing stations for staff either
within or at each treatment space. (One handwashing
11.9.A. General station may serve several treatment stations.)
Rehabilitation therapy in a psychiatric hospital is pri-
marily for the diagnosis and treatment of mental func- 11.9.C3. Exercise area and facilities.
tions but may also seek to address physical functions in
varying degrees. It may contain one or several categories 11.9.C4. Clean linen and towel storage.
of services. If a formal rehabilitative therapy service is
included in a project, the facilities and equipment shall 11.9.C5. Storage for equipment and supplies.
be as necessary for the effective function of the pro-
gram. Where two or more rehabilitative services are 11.9.C6. Separate storage for soiled linen, towels,
included, items may be shared, as appropriate. and supplies.

11.9.B. Common Elements 11.9.C7. Dressing areas, showers, and lockers for
Each rehabilitative therapy department shall include outpatients to be treated.
the following, which may be shared or provided as
separate units for each service. 11.9.C8. Provisions shall be made for thermotherapy,
diathermy, ultrasonics, and hydrotherapy when
11.9.B1. Office and clerical space with provision for required by the functional program.
filing and retrieval of patient records.
11.9.D. Occupational Therapy
11.9.B2. Where reception and control station(s) are Occupational therapy may include such activities as
required by the program, provision shall be made for woodworking, leather tooling, art, needlework, paint-
visual control of waiting and activity areas. (This may ing, sewing, metal work, and ceramics. The following,
be combined with office and clerical space.) at least, shall be included:

11.9.B3. Patient waiting area(s) out of traffic, with 11.9.D1. Work areas and counters suitable for wheel-
provision for wheelchairs. Patient waiting time for chair access.
rehabilitation therapy should be minimized in a psy-
chiatric hospital. The waiting area may be omitted if 11.9.D2. Handwashing stations.
not required by the program.
11.9.D3. Storage for supplies and equipment.
11.9.B4. Patient toilets with handwashing stations
accessible to wheelchair patients. 11.9.D4. Secured storage for potentially harmful
supplies and equipment.
11.9.B5. A conveniently accessible housekeeping
room and service sink for housekeeping use. *11.9.D5. A separate room or alcove for a kiln.

11.9.B6. A secured area or cabinet within the vicinity 11.9.D6. Remote electrical switching for potentially
148 of each work area for securing staff personal effects. harmful equipment.

11.9.D7. Work areas should be sized for one therapy 11.9.G1. Classroom with student desks with 30
group at a time. square feet (2.79 square meters) per desk with at least
150 square feet (13.94 square meters) per classroom.
*11.9.D8. Display areas.
11.9.G2. Desk and lockable storage for the teacher.
11.9.E. Vocational Therapy
Vocational therapy assists patients in the development 11.9.G3. Storage for supplies, equipment, and books.
and maintenance of productive work and interaction
skills through the use of work tasks. These activities
may occur in an industrial therapy workshop in 11.10 Pharmacy
another department or outdoors. If this service is
provided, the following, at least, shall be included: 11.10.A. General
As described in the functional program, the size and type
11.9.E1. Work areas suitable for wheelchair access. of services to be provided in the pharmacy will depend
on the type of patients and illnesses treated, type of drug
11.9.E2. Handwashing stations if required by the distribution system used, number of patients to be
program. served, and extent of shared or purchased services. This
shall be described in the functional program. The phar-
11.9.E3. Storage for supplies and equipment. macy room or suite shall be located for convenient access,
staff control, and security. Facilities and equipment shall
11.9.E4. Secured storage for potentially harmful sup- be as necessary to accommodate the functions of the pro-
plies and equipment. gram and shall include provisions for procurement, stor-
age, distribution, and recording of drugs and other
11.9.E5. Remote electrical switching for potentially pharmacy products. (Satellite facilities, if provided, shall
harmful equipment. include those items required by the program.)

11.9.E6. Group work areas should be sized for one

therapy group at a time. 11.11 Dietary Facilities
11.9.F. Recreation Therapy (See Section 7.18.)
Recreation therapy assists patients in the develop-
ment and maintenance of community living skills
through the use of leisure-time activity tasks. These 11.12 Administration and Public Areas
activities may occur in a recreation therapy depart-
ment, in specialized facilities (e.g., gymnasium), mul- (See Section 7.19.)
tipurpose space in other areas (e.g., the nursing unit),
or outdoors. The following, at least, shall be included:
11.13 Medical Records
11.9.F1. Activity areas suitable for wheelchair access.
(See Section 7.20.)
11.9.F2. Handwashing stations if required by the
11.14 Central Services
11.9.F3. Storage for supplies and equipment.
If only primary medical care is provided, central ser-
11.9.F4. Secured storage for potentially harmful sup- vices may not be required or may be provided by
plies and equipment.

11.9.F5. Remote electrical switching for potentially APPENDIX

harmful equipment. A11.9.D5. Exposure to some art materials, such as solvents and
ceramic glazes, is associated with adverse health effects. Such risks
11.9.G. Education Therapy should be controlled by adopting methods recommended in appropri-
Education therapy may be a program requirement, ate instructional manuals.
especially for children and adolescents. If the service
is provided, the following, at least, shall be included. A11.9.D8. Display areas for patients’ work such as shelves or wall
surfaces should be provided.

countertop sterilizing/cleaning equipment. If decont- 11.22.B.

amination and sterilization are required on-site, a full Where grab bars are provided, the space between the
central services shall be provided (see Section 7.21). bar and the wall should be filled to prevent a cord
being tied around it for hanging. Bars, including
those which are part of such fixtures as soap dishes,
11.15 General Storage shall be sufficiently anchored to sustain a concen-
trated load of 250 pounds (113.4 kilograms).
General storage room(s) with a total area of not less
than 4 square feet (0.37 square meters) per inpatient
bed shall be provided. Storage may be in separate, 11.23 Design and Construction,
concentrated areas within the institution or in one or Including Fire-Resistant Standards
more individual buildings on-site. A portion of this
storage may be provided off-site. (See Section 7.29.)

11.16 Linen Services 11.24-11.29 Reserved

(See Section 7.23.)
11.30 Special Systems
11.17 Facilities for Cleaning and 11.30.A. General
Sanitizing Carts 11.30.A1. Prior to acceptance of the facility, all spe-
cial systems shall be tested and operated to demon-
(See Section 7.24.)
strate to the owner or his designated representative
that the installation and performance of these sys-
tems conform to design intent. Test results shall be
11.18 Employee Facilities
documented for maintenance files.
(See Section 7.25.)
11.30.A2. Upon completion of the special systems
equipment installation contract, the owner shall be
11.19 Housekeeping Room furnished with a complete set of manufacturers’ oper-
ating, maintenance, and preventive maintenance
(See Section 7.26.) instructions, a parts lists, and complete procurement
information including equipment numbers and
descriptions. Operating staff persons shall also be
11.20 Engineering Service and provided with instructions for proper operation of
Equipment Area systems and equipment. Required information shall
include all safety or code ratings as needed.
(See Section 7.27.)
11.30.A3. Insulation shall be provided surrounding
special system equipment to conserve energy, protect
11.21 Waste Processing Services personnel, and reduce noise.

(See Section 7.30.C.) 11.30.B. Elevators

11.30.B1. All buildings having patient facilities (such
as bedrooms, dining rooms, or recreation areas) or
11.22 General Standards for Details services (such as diagnostic or therapeutic) located on
and Finishes other than the main entrance floor shall have electric
or hydraulic elevators. Installation and testing of ele-
The standards of Section 11.22 shall comply with vators shall comply with ANSI/ASME A17.1 for
Section 7.28 with the following exceptions: new construction and ANSI/ASME A17.3 for exist-
ing facilities. (See ASCE 7-93 for seismic design and
11.22.A. control systems requirements for elevators.)
The minimum door width for patient use access in
new work shall be at least 3 feet (0.91 meter). a. Elevators shall be equipped with a two-way auto-
matic level-maintaining device with accuracy of ±1/4
150 inch (±6.4 millimeters).

rate area within the facility boiler room. Rooms and

b. Each elevator, except those for material handling, areas containing incinerators shall have adequate space
shall be equipped with an independent keyed switch and facilities for incinerator charging and cleaning, as
for staff use for bypassing all landing button calls and well as necessary clearances for work and maintenance.
responding to car button calls only. Provisions shall be made for operation, temporary
storage, and disposal of materials so that odors and
c. Elevator call buttons shall be key controlled if fumes do not drift back into occupied areas. Existing
required by the functional program, and controls shall approved incinerator installations, which are not in
not be activated by heat or smoke. Light beams, if separate rooms or outdoors, may remain unchanged
used for operating door reopening devices without provided they meet the above criteria.
touch, shall be used in combination with door-edge
safety devices and shall be interconnected with a sys- c. The design and construction of incinerators and
tem of smoke detectors. This is so that the light con- trash chutes shall comply with NFPA 82.
trol feature will be overridden or disengaged should it
encounter smoke at any landing. *d. Heat recovery.

11.30.B2. Field inspections and tests shall be made *e. Environmental guidelines.
and the owner shall be furnished with written certifi-
cation stating that the installation meets the require-
ments set forth in this section as well as all applicable 11.31 Mechanical Standards
safety regulations and codes.
11.31.A. General
11.30.C. Waste Processing Services 11.31.A1. The mechanical system should be designed
11.30.C1. Storage and disposal. Facilities shall be for overall efficiency and appropriate life cycle cost.
provided for sanitary storage and treatment or dis- Details for cost-effective implementation of design
posal of waste using techniques acceptable to the features are interrelated and too numerous (as well as
appropriate health and environmental authorities. too basic) to list individually. Recognized engineering
The functional program shall stipulate the categories procedures shall be followed for the most economical
and volumes of waste for disposal and shall stipulate and effective results. A well-designed system can gen-
the methods of disposal for each. erally achieve energy efficiency at minimal additional
cost and simultaneously provide improved patient
11.30.C2. Medical waste. Medical waste shall be dis- comfort. Different geographic areas may have climatic
posed of either by incineration or other approved and use conditions that favor one system over another
technologies. Incinerators or other major disposal in terms of overall cost and efficiency. In no case shall
equipment may be shared by two or more institutions. patient care or safety be sacrificed for conservation.

a. Incinerators or other major disposal equipment may Mechanical, electrical, and HVAC equipment may be
also be used to dispose of other medical waste where located either internally, externally, or in separate
local regulations permit. Equipment shall be designed buildings.
for the actual quantity and type of waste to be
destroyed and should meet all applicable regulations. 11.31.A2. Remodeling and work in existing facilities
may present special problems. As practicality and
b. Incinerators with 50-pounds-per-hour or greater funding permit, existing insulation, weather strip-
capacities shall be in a separate room or outdoors; ping, etc., should be brought up to standard for maxi-
those with lesser capacities may be located in a sepa- mum economy and efficiency. Consideration shall be


A11.30.C2.d. When incinerators are used, consideration should be given tions thereof should be supported by Environmental Assessments and/or
to the recovery of waste heat from on-site incinerators used to dispose of Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) and/or Health Risk Assessments
large amounts of waste materials. (HRAs) as may be required by regulatory agencies. Except as noted below,
such assessments should utilize standard U.S. EPA methods, specifically
A11.30.C2.e. Incinerators should be designed in a manner fully consis- those set forth in U.S. EPA guidelines, and should be fully consistent with
tent with protection of public and environmental health, both on-site and U.S. EPA guidelines for health risk assessment (U.S. EPA). Under some cir-
off-site, and in compliance with federal, state, and local statutes and regu- cumstances, however, regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over a partic-
lations. Toward this end, permit applications for incinerators and modifica- ular project may require use of alternative methods.

given to additional work that may be needed to insulation on pipes and ducts in spaces used as air
achieve this. supply plenums) shall have a flame-spread rating of
25 or less and a smoke-developed rating of 50 or less,
11.31.A3. Facility design consideration shall include as determined by an independent testing laboratory
site, building mass, orientation, configuration, fenes- in accordance with NFPA 255. If existing lined duct-
tration, and other features relative to passive and work is reworked in a renovation project, the liner
active energy systems. seams and punctures shall be resealed.

11.31.A4. Insofar as practical, the facility should 11.31.B5. Existing accessible insulation within areas
include provisions for recovery of waste cooling and of facilities to be modernized shall be inspected,
heating energy (ventilation, exhaust, water and steam repaired, and/or replaced, as appropriate.
discharge, cooling towers, incinerators, etc.).
11.31.B6. Duct lining shall not be installed within
11.31.A5. Facility design consideration shall include 15 feet (4.57 meters) downstream of humidifiers.
recognized energy-saving mechanisms such as vari-
able-air-volume systems, load shedding, programmed 11.31.C. Steam and Hot Water Systems
controls for unoccupied periods (nights and week- 11.31.C1. Boilers shall have the capacity, based upon
ends, etc.) and use of natural ventilation, site and cli- the net ratings published by the Hydronics Institute
matic conditions permitting. Systems with excessive or another acceptable national standard, to supply the
installation and/or maintenance costs that negate normal heating, hot water, and steam requirements of
long-range energy savings should be avoided. all systems and equipment.

11.31.A6. Air-handling systems shall be designed 11.31.D. Air Conditioning, Heating, and
with an economizer cycle where appropriate to use Ventilation Systems
outside air. Use of mechanically circulated outside air 11.31.D1. All rooms and areas in the facility used for
does not reduce need for filtration. patient care shall have provisions for ventilation. The
ventilation rates shown in Table 7.2 shall be used
11.31.A.7. Mechanical equipment, ductwork, and pip- only as minimum standards; they do not preclude the
ing shall be mounted on vibration isolators as required use of higher, more appropriate rates. Fans serving
to prevent unacceptable structure-borne vibration. exhaust systems shall be located at the discharge end
and shall be readily serviceable. Air supply and
11.31.A8. Supply and return mains and risers for exhaust in rooms for which no minimum total air
cooling, heating, and steam systems shall be equipped change rate is noted may vary down to zero in
with valves to isolate the various sections of each sys- response to room load. For rooms listed in Table 7.2,
tem. Each piece of equipment shall have valves at the where VAV systems are used, minimum total air
supply and return ends. change shall be within limits noted. Temperature
control shall also comply with these standards. The
11.31.B. Thermal and Acoustical Insulation ventilation systems shall be designed and balanced
11.31.B1. Insulation within the building shall be according to the requirements shown in Table 7.2
provided to conserve energy, protect personnel, pre- and in the applicable notes.
vent vapor condensation, and reduce noise.
11.31.D2. General exhaust systems may be com-
11.31.B2. Insulation on cold surfaces shall include an bined to enhance the efficiency of recovery devices
exterior vapor barrier. (Material that will not absorb required for energy conservation. Local exhaust sys-
or transmit moisture will not require a separate vapor tems shall be used whenever possible in place of dilu-
barrier.) tion ventilation to reduce exposure to hazardous
gases, vapors, fumes, or mists.
11.31.B3. Insulation, including finishes and adhe-
sives on the exterior surfaces of ducts, piping, and 11.31.D3. Fresh air intakes shall be located at least
equipment, shall have a flame-spread rating of 25 or 25 feet (7.62 meters) from exhaust outlets of ventilat-
less and a smoke-developed rating of 50 or less as ing systems, combustion equipment stacks, medical-
determined by an independent testing laboratory in surgical vacuum systems, plumbing vents, or areas
accordance with NFPA 255. that may collect vehicular exhaust or other noxious
fumes. (Prevailing winds and/or proximity to other
11.31.B4. If duct lining is used, it shall be coated and structures may require greater clearances.) Plumbing
sealed, and shall meet ASTM C1071. These linings and vacuum vents that terminate at a level above the
152 (including coatings, adhesives, and exterior surface top of the air intake may be located as close as 10

feet (3.05 meters). The bottom of outdoor air intakes the system due to closed dampers. When smoke par-
serving central systems shall be as high as practical, titions are required, heating, ventilation, and air con-
but at least 6 feet (1.83 meters) above ground level, ditioning zones shall be coordinated with
or, if installed above the roof, 3 feet (0.91 meter) compartmentation insofar as practical to minimize
above roof level. Exhaust outlets from areas that may need to penetrate fire and smoke partitions.
be contaminated shall be above roof level, arranged to
minimize recirculation of exhaust air into the build- 11.31.D9. Exhaust hoods handling grease-laden
ing, and directed away from personnel service areas. vapors in food preparation centers shall comply with
NFPA 96. All hoods over cooking ranges shall be
11.31.D4. All central ventilation or air conditioning equipped with grease filters, fire extinguishing systems,
systems shall be equipped with filters with efficien- and heat-actuated fan controls. Cleanout openings
cies equal to, or greater than, those specified in Table shall be provided every 20 feet (6.10 meters), and at
11.1. Filter efficiencies, tested in accordance with changes in direction, in the horizontal exhaust duct
ASHRAE 52.1-1992, shall be average. Filter frames systems serving these hoods. (Horizontal runs of ducts
shall be durable and proportioned to provide an air- serving range hoods should be kept to a minimum.)
tight fit with the enclosing duct work. All joints
between filter segments and enclosing duct work 11.31.D10. Rooms with fuel-fired equipment shall
shall have gaskets or seals to provide a positive seal be provided with sufficient outdoor air to maintain
against air leakage. A manometer shall be installed equipment combustion rates and to limit work sta-
across each filter bed having a required efficiency of tion temperatures.
75 percent or more. Provisions shall be made to allow
access for field testing. 11.31.D11. Gravity exhaust may be used, where con-
ditions permit, for nonpatient areas such as boiler
*11.31.D5. If duct humidifiers are located upstream rooms, central storage, etc.
of the final filters, they shall be located at least 15
feet (4.57 meters) upstream of the final filters. 11.31.D12. The energy-saving potential of variable
Ductwork with duct-mounted humidifiers shall have air volume systems is recognized and these standards
a means of water removal. An adjustable high-limit herein are intended to maximize appropriate use of
humidistat shall be located downstream of the that system. Any system utilized for occupied areas
humidifier to reduce the potential for condensation shall include provisions to avoid air stagnation in
inside the duct. All duct takeoffs shall be sufficiently interior spaces where thermostat demands are met by
downstream of the humidifier to ensure complete temperatures of surrounding areas.
moisture absorption. Steam humidifiers shall be used.
Reservoir-type water spray or evaporative pan 11.31.D13. Special consideration shall be given to
humidifiers shall not be used. the type of heating and cooling units, ventilation out-
lets, and appurtenances installed in patient-occupied
11.31.D6. Air-handling duct systems shall be areas. The following shall apply:
designed with accessibility for duct cleaning, and
shall meet the requirements of NFPA 90A. a. All air grilles and diffusers shall be of a type that
prohibits the insertion of foreign objects. All exposed
11.31.D7. Ducts that penetrate construction fasteners shall be tamper-resistant.
intended for X-ray or other ray protection shall not
impair the effectiveness of the protection. b. All convector or HVAC enclosures exposed in the
room shall be constructed with rounded corners and
11.31.D8. Fire and smoke dampers shall be con- shall have enclosures fastened with tamper-resistant
structed, located, and installed in accordance with the screws.
requirements of NFPA 101, 90A, and the specific
damper’s Listing requirements. Fans, dampers, and c. HVAC equipment shall be of a type that mini-
detectors shall be interconnected so that damper acti- mizes the need for maintenance within the room.
vation will not damage ducts. Maintenance access
shall be provided at all dampers. All damper locations
should be shown on design drawings. Dampers
should be activated by fire or smoke sensors, not by
fan cutoff alone. Switching systems for restarting fans A11.31.D5. See Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of Recommended
may be installed for fire department use in venting Practice, published by the American Conference of Governmental
smoke after a fire has been controlled. However, pro- Industrial Hygienists (, for additional information.
visions should be made to avoid possible damage to 153

e. Showers and tubs shall have nonslip walking

11.31.D14. Rooms used for sputum induction, surfaces.
aerosolized pentamidine treatments, and other
cough-inducing procedures shall meet the require- 11.31.E2. The following standards shall apply to
ments of Table 7.2 for airborne infection isolation potable water supply systems:
rooms. If booths are used, refer to Section 7.15.E.
a. Systems shall be designed to supply water at suffi-
11.31.D15. Non-central air handling systems, i.e., indi- cient pressure to operate all fixtures and equipment
vidual room units that are used for heating and cooling during maximum demand. Supply capacity for hot-
purposes (fan-coil units, heat pump units, etc.) shall be and cold-water piping shall be determined on the
equipped with permanent (cleanable) or replaceable fil- basis of fixture units, using recognized engineering
ters. The filters shall have a minimum efficiency of 68 standards. When the ratio of plumbing fixtures to
percent weight arrestance. These units may be used as occupants is proportionally more than required by the
recirculating units only. All outdoor requirements shall building occupancy and is in excess of 1,000 plumb-
be met by a separate central air-handling system with ing fixture units, a diversity factor is permitted.
the proper filtration, as noted in Table 11.1.
b. Each water service main, branch main, riser, and
11.31.E. Plumbing and Other Piping Systems branch to a group of fixtures shall have valves. Stop
Unless otherwise specified herein, all plumbing sys- valves shall be provided for each fixture. Appropriate
tems shall be designed and installed in accordance panels for access shall be provided at all valves where
with National Standard Plumbing Code, chapter 14, required.
Medical Care Facility Plumbing Equipment.
c. Vacuum breakers shall be installed on hose bibs
11.31.E1. The following standards shall apply to and supply nozzles used for connection of hoses or
plumbing fixtures: tubing in laboratories, housekeeping sinks, bedpan-
flushing attachments, and autopsy tables, etc.
a. The material used for plumbing fixtures shall be
nonabsorptive and acid-resistant. d. Bedpan-flushing devices (may be cold water) shall
be provided in each inpatient toilet room; however,
b. Water spouts used in lavatories and sinks shall installation is optional in psychiatric and alcohol-
have clearances adequate to avoid contaminating abuse units where patients are ambulatory.
utensils and the contents of carafes, etc.
e. Potable water storage vessels (hot and cold) not
c. General handwashing stations used by medical and intended for constant use shall not be installed.
nursing staff and all lavatories used by patients and
food handlers shall be trimmed with valves that can be 11.31.E3. The following standards shall apply to hot
operated without hands. (Single lever or wrist blade water systems:
devices may be used.) Blade handles used for this pur-
pose shall not exceed 4-1/2 inches (114.3 millimeters) a. The water-heating system shall have sufficient sup-
in length. Handles on clinical sinks shall be at least 6 ply capacity at the temperatures and amounts indi-
inches (152.4 millimeters) long. Freestanding scrub cated in Table 7.4. Water temperature is measured at
sinks and lavatories used for scrubbing in procedure the point of use or inlet to the equipment. Water shall
rooms shall be trimmed with foot, knee, or ultrasonic be permitted to be stored at higher temperatures.
controls (no single lever wrist blades).
b. Hot-water distribution systems serving patient care
d. Clinical sinks shall have an integral trap wherein the areas shall be under constant recirculation to provide
upper portion of the water trap provides a visible seal. continuous hot water at each hot water outlet.


A11.31.E3(c). There are several ways to treat domestic water systems to vantages. While increasing the hot water supply temperature to 140°F
kill Legionella and opportunistic waterborne pathogens. Complete removal (60°C) is typically considered the easiest option, the risk of scalding, espe-
of these organisms is not feasible, but methods to reduce the amount cially to youth and the elderly, is significant. Additional consideration
include hyperchlorination (free chlorine, chlorine dioxide, monochlo- should be given to domestic water used in bone marrow transplant units.
ramine), elevated hot water temperature, ozone injection, silver/copper See CDC, ASHRAE, and ASPE documentation for additional information.
ions, and ultraviolet light. Each of these options has advantages and disad-

*c. Provisions shall be included in the domestic hot comply with the requirements of NFPA 99. (See
water system to limit the amount of Legionella bac- Table 7.5 for rooms requiring station outlets.)
teria and opportunistic waterborne pathogens.
11.31.E6. Clinical vacuum system installations shall
11.31.E4. The following standards shall apply to be in accordance with NFPA 99. (See Table 7.5 for
drainage systems: rooms requiring station outlets.)

a. Drain lines from sinks used for acid waste disposal 11.31.E7. All piping, except control-line tubing, shall
shall be made of acid-resistant material. be identified. All valves shall be tagged, and a valve
schedule shall be provided to the facility owner for
b. Drain lines serving some types of automatic blood- permanent record and reference.
cell counters must be of carefully selected material
that will eliminate potential for undesirable chemical 11.31.E8. Provide condensate drains for cooling coils
reactions (and/or explosions) between sodium azide of type that may be cleaned as needed without disas-
wastes and copper, lead, brass, and solder, etc. sembly. (Unless specifically required by local authori-
ties, traps are not required for condensate drains.)
c. Insofar as possible, drainage piping shall not be Provide air gap where condensate drains empty into
installed within the ceiling or exposed in food prepa- floor drains. Provide heater elements for condensate
ration centers, food serving facilities, food storage lines in freezer or other areas where freezing may be
areas, central services, electronic data processing a problem.
areas, electric closets, and other sensitive areas.
Where exposed, overhead drain piping in these areas 11.31.E9. No plumbing lines may be exposed over-
is unavoidable, special provisions shall be made to head or on walls where possible accumulation of dust
protect the space below from leakage, condensation, or soil may create a cleaning problem or where leaks
or dust particles. would create a potential for food contamination.

d. Floor drains shall not be installed in operating rooms.

11.32. Electrical Standards
e. Drain systems for autopsy tables shall be designed to
positively avoid splatter or overflow onto floors or back 11.32.A. General
siphonage and for easy cleaning and trap flushing. 11.32.A1. All electrical material and equipment,
including conductors, controls, and signaling devices,
f. Building sewers shall discharge into community shall be installed in compliance with applicable sec-
sewerage. Where such a system is not available, the tions of NFPA 70 and NFPA 99 and shall be listed
facility shall treat its sewage in accordance with local as complying with available standards of listing agen-
and state regulations. cies or other similar established standards where such
standards are required.
g. Kitchen grease traps shall be located and arranged
to permit easy access without the need to enter food 11.32.A2. The electrical installations, including
preparation or storage areas. Grease traps shall be of alarm, nurse call, staff emergency signed system, and
capacity required and shall be accessible from outside communication systems, shall be tested to demon-
of the building without need to interrupt any services. strate that equipment installation and operation is
appropriate and functional. A written record of per-
h. In dietary areas, floor drains and/or floor sinks formance tests on special electrical systems and
shall be of type that can be easily cleaned by removal equipment shall show compliance with applicable
of cover. Provide floor drains or floor sinks at all codes and standards.
“wet” equipment (as ice machines) and as required
for wet cleaning of floors. Provide removable stainless 11.32.A3. Data processing and/or automated labora-
steel mesh in addition to grilled drain cover to pre- tory or diagnostic equipment, if provided, may
vent entry of large particles of waste which might require safeguards from power line disturbances.
cause stoppages. Location of floor drains and floor
sinks shall be coordinated to avoid conditions where 11.32.B. Services and Switchboards
locations of equipment make removal of covers for Main switchboards shall be located in an area sepa-
cleaning difficult. rate from plumbing and mechanical equipment and
shall be accessible to authorized persons only.
11.31.E5. The installation, testing, and certification Switchboards shall be convenient for use, readily
of nonflammable medical gas and air systems shall accessible for maintenance, away from traffic lanes, 155

and located in dry, ventilated spaces free of corrosive shall be distinctively colored or marked for identifica-
or explosive fumes, gases, or any flammable material. tion. If color is used for identification purposes, the
Overload protective devices shall operate properly in same color should be used throughout the facility.
ambient room temperatures.
11.32.F. Equipment
11.32.C. Panelboards 11.32.F1. Ground-fault circuit interrupters shall comply
Panelboards serving normal lighting and appliance cir- with NFPA 70. When GFCIs are used in critical areas,
cuits shall be located on the same floor as the circuits provisions shall be made to insure that other essential
they serve. Panelboards serving critical branch emer- equipment is not affected by activation of one interrupter.
gency circuits shall be located on each floor that has
major users. Panelboards serving Life Safety emergency 11.32.F2. Special equipment is identified in the fol-
circuits may also serve floors above and/or below. lowing sections: Nursing Units, Resident Support
Areas, Rehabilitation Therapy, Laboratory, Pharmacy
11.32.D. Lighting and Imaging if applicable. These sections shall be
11.32.D1. Lighting shall be engineered to the spe- consulted to ensure compatibility between program-
cific application. matically define equipment needs and appropriate
power and other electrical connection needs.
11.32.D2. The Illuminating Engineering Society of
North America (IES) has developed recommended 11.32.G. Nurse Calling System
lighting levels for health care facilities. The reader 11.32.G1. A nurses calling system is not required in
should refer to the IES Handbook (1993). psychiatric nursing units but if it is included provi-
sions shall be made for easy removal or for covering
11.32.D3. Approaches to buildings and parking lots call buttons. All hardware shall have tamper-resistant
and all occupied spaces shall have fixtures for lighting fasteners. Calls shall activate a visible signal in the
that can be illuminated as necessary. corridor at the patient’s door and at an annunciator
panel at the nurse station or other appropriate loca-
11.32.D4. Patient rooms shall have general lighting and tion. In multicorridor nursing units, additional visible
night lighting. At least one night light fixture in each signals shall be installed at corridor intersections.
patient room shall be controlled at the room entrance.
11.32.G2. The staff emergency call, if provided, shall
11.32.D5. Nursing unit corridors shall have general be designed so that a signal activated by staff at a
illumination with provisions for reducing light levels patient’s calling station will initiate a visible and
at night. audible signal distinct from the regular nurse calling
system. The signal shall activate an annunciator panel
11.32.D6. Consideration should be given to the spe- at the nurses station or other appropriate location, a
cial needs of the elderly. Excessive contrast in light- distinct visible signal in the corridor at the door to
ing levels that make effective sight adaptation the room from which the signal was initiated, and at
difficult should be minimized. other areas defined by the functional program.

11.32.E. Receptacles (Convenience Outlets) 11.32.G3. Alternate technologies can be considered

11.32.E1. Each patient room shall have duplex- for emergency or nurse call systems. If radio fre-
grounded receptacles. There shall be one at each side quency systems are utilized, consideration should be
of the head of each bed and one on every other wall. given to electromagnetic compatibility between inter-
Receptacles may be omitted from exterior walls nal and external sources.
where construction or room configuration makes
installation impractical. These outlets shall be tam- 11.32.H. Emergency Electrical Service
per-resistant or equipped with ground-fault circuit 11.32.H1. As a minimum, nursing facilities or sec-
interrupters (GFCIs). tions thereof shall have emergency electrical systems
as required in NFPA 101, NFPA 110, and NFPA 99.
11.32.E2. Duplex-grounded receptacles for general
use shall be installed approximately 50 feet (15.24 11.32.H2. When the psychiatric facility is a distinct
meters) apart in all corridors and within 25 feet (7.62 part of an acute-care hospital, it may use the emer-
meters) of corridor ends. These outlets shall be tam- gency generator system for required emergency light-
per-resistant or equipped with GFCIs. ing and power, if such sharing does not reduce
hospital services. Life support systems and their
11.32.E3. Electrical receptacle coverplates or electri- respective areas shall be subject to applicable stan-
156 cal receptacles supplied from the emergency system dards of Section 7.32.

11.32.H3. An emergency electrical source shall pro- 11.32.J. Telecommunications and Information
vide lighting and/or power during an interruption of Systems
the normal electric supply. 11.32.J1. Locations for terminating telecommunica-
tions and information system devices shall be provided.
11.32.I. Fire Alarm System
Fire alarm and detection systems shall be provided in 11.32.J2. An area shall be provided for central equip-
compliance with NFPA 101 and NFPA 72. ment locations. Special air conditioning and voltage
regulation shall be provided when recommended by
the manufacturer.

Table 11.1
Filter Efficiencies for Central Ventilation
and Air Conditioning Systems in
Psychiatric Hospitals
Minimum efficiencies (%)
number Filter Filter
Area of filter beds bed 1 bed 2
All areas for inpatient 2 30 90
care, treatment, and
diagnosis, and those
areas providing direct

Administrative, bulk 1 30 —
storage, soiled holding,
laundries, food
preparation areas

Filtration efficiency ratings are based on average dust spot
efficiency per ASHRAE 52.1-1992.


12.1 General 12.1.B3. Relocatable unit: Any structure, not on

In this edition wheels, built to be relocated at any time and provide
appendix *12.1.A. Application medical services. These structures vary in size.
material This section applies to mobile, transportable, and
appears in the relocatable structures. The size of these units limits 12.1.C. Classification
main body of occupancy, thereby minimizing hazards and allowing The classifications of these facilities shall be Business
the document; for less stringent standards. Needed community ser- Occupancy as listed in the building codes and NFPA
however, it vices can therefore be provided at an affordable cost. 101 Life Safety Code.
remains These facilities shall be defined as space and equip-
advisory only. ment service for four or fewer workers at any one Units shall comply with NFPA 101, where patients
time. Meeting all provisions of Section 9.2 for general incapable of self-preservation or those receiving
outpatient facilities is desirable, but limited size and inhalation anesthesia are treated.
resources may preclude satisfying any but the basic
minimums described. When invasive procedures are 12.1.D. Common Elements for Mobile,
performed in a mobile unit, all units shall be provided Transportable, and Relocatable Units
with handwashing stations. Specifically described are: 12.1.D1. Site conditions.

12.1.A1. Mobile units. a. Access for the unit to arrive shall be taken into
consideration for space planning. Turning radius of
12.1.A2. Transportable units. the vehicles, slopes of the approach (6 percent maxi-
mum), and existing conditions shall be addressed.
12.1.A3. Relocatable units.
b. Gauss fields of various strengths of magnetic reso-
12.1.B. Definitions nance imaging (MRI) units shall be considered for
12.1.B1. Mobile unit: Any pre-manufactured struc- the environmental effect on the field homogeneity
ture, trailer, or self-propelled unit, equipped with a and vice versa. Radio frequency interference shall be
chassis on wheels and intended to provide shared considered when planning a site.
medical services to the community on a temporary
basis. These units are typically 8 feet wide by 48 feet c. Sites shall be provided with properly sized power,
long (2.44 meters by 14.63 meters) (or less), some including emergency power, water, waste, telephone,
equipped with expanding walls, and designed to be and fire alarm connections, as required by local and
moved on a daily basis. state building codes.

12.1.B2. Transportable unit: Any pre-manufactured d. Sites shall have level concrete pads or piers and be
structure or trailer, equipped with a chassis on wheels, designed for the structural loads of the facility.
intended to provide shared medical services to the Construction of pads shall meet local, state, and seis-
community on an extended temporary basis. The units mic codes. Concrete-filled steel pipe bollards are rec-
are typically 12 feet wide by 60 feet long (3.66 meters ommended for protection of the facility and the unit.
by 18.29 meters) (or less) and are designed to move
periodically, depending on need. e. Sites utilizing MRI systems shall consider provid-
ing adequate access for cryogen-servicing of the mag-
net. Cryogen dewars are of substantial weight and
size. Storage of dewars also shall be included in space
A12.1.A planning.
When invasive procedures are performed in mobile, relocatable, or
transportable units, the standard of care and the environment of care f. It is recommended that each site provide a covered
should be at least as safe as a hospital or outpatient facility perform- walkway or enclosure to ensure patient safety from
ing similar procedures. the outside elements.
M O B I L E , T R A N S P O R TA B L E , A N D R E L O C ATA B L E U N I T S

g. Consideration shall be given to location of the unit c. All glazing in doors shall be safety or wire glass.
so that diesel exhaust of the tractor and/or unit gen-
erator is kept away from the fresh air intake of the d. Stairs for mobile and transportable units shall be
facility. in accordance with the following table:

h. Each facility shall provide a means of preventing

unit movement, either by blocking the wheels or by New units
providing pad anchors.
Minimum width clear of all 34 inches
i. Sites shall provide hazard-free drop-off zones and obstructions, except (863.6 millimeters)
adequate parking for patients. projections not exceeding
3-1/2 inches at or below
j. The facility shall provide waiting space for patient handrail height on each side
privacy and patient/staff toilets as close to the unit
docking area as possible. Minimum headroom 6 feet 8 inches
(2.03 meters)
k. Each site shall provide access for
wheelchair/stretcher patients to the unit. Maximum height of risers 9 inches
(228.6 millimeters)
l. Mobile units providing noninvasive procedures
shall be provided with handwashing stations unless Minimum height of risers 4 inches
each site can provide handwashing stations within a (101.6 millimeters)
25-foot (7.47 meter) proximity to the unit.
Transportable and relocatable units shall be provided Minimum tread depth 9 inches
with handwashing stations. (228.6 millimeters)

m. It is recommended that each site requiring water Doors opening immediately NO

and waste services to the unit provide a means of onto stairs without a landing
freeze protection in geographical areas where freezing
temperatures occur. Existing units

12.1.D2. Site considerations—relocatable units. Minimum width clear of all 27 inches

Seismic force resistance for relocatable units shall obstructions, except (.69 meter)
comply with Section 1.5 and shall be given an impor- projections not exceeding
tance factor of one when applied to the seismic 3-1/2 inches at or below
design formulas. These units shall meet the structural handrail height on each side
requirements of the local and state building codes.
Minimum headroom 6 feet 8 inches
12.1.E. General Standards for Details and (2.03 meters)
Finishes for Unit Construction
12.1.E1. Existing facilities. Existing facilities shall Maximum height of risers 9 inches
comply with applicable requirements of the existing (228.6 millimeters)
Business Occupancies, Chapter 27, of NFPA 101;
and where there are patients incapable of self-preser- Minimum height of risers 4 inches
vation receiving inhalation anesthesia, existing (101.6 millimeters)
Ambulatory Health Care Centers, Chapter 13-6,
shall apply. Minimum tread depth 7 inches
(177.8 millimeters)
12.1.E2. Details and finishes. Requirements below
apply to all units unless noted otherwise: Doors opening immediately YES
onto stairs without a landing
a. Horizontal sliding doors and power-operated doors
shall comply with NFPA 101.

b. Units shall be permitted a single means of egress as

permitted by NFPA 101.
M O B I L E , T R A N S P O R TA B L E , A N D R E L O C ATA B L E U N I T S

There shall be no variation exceeding 3/16 inch in be sited in full compliance with such federal, state,
depth of adjacent treads or in the height of adjacent and local environmental laws and regulations as may
risers, and the tolerance between the largest and small- apply, for example, those listed in Section 3.3.
est tread shall not exceed 3/8 inch in any flight.

Exception: Where the bottom riser adjoins a public 12.2-12.30 Reserved

way, walk, or driveway having an established grade
and serving as a landing, a variation in height of not
more than 3 inches (76.2 millimeters) in every 3 feet 12.31. Mechanical Standards
(0.91 meter) and fraction of thereafter is permitted.
Adjustable legs at the bottom of the stair assembly 12.31.A.
shall be permitted to allow for grade differences. Air conditioning, heating, ventilating, ductwork, and
related equipment shall be installed in accordance
Stairs and landings for relocatable units shall comply with NFPA 90B, Standard for the Installation of
with NFPA 101. Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Systems.

e. Handrails shall be provided on at least one side. 12.31.B.

Handrails shall be installed and constructed in accor- All other requirements for heating and ventilation sys-
dance with NFPA 101, with the following exception: tems shall comply with Sections 9.31.A through 9.31.D.
Provided the distance from grade to unit floor height
is not greater than 4 feet 5 inches (1.35 meters), one 12.31.C. Plumbing Standards
intermediate handrail, having clear distance between 12.31.C1. Plumbing and other piping systems shall
rails of 19 inches (0.48 meter) maximum, shall be be installed in accordance with applicable model
permitted. Exception: Existing units having a floor plumbing codes, unless specified herein.
height of 63 inches (1.60 meters) maximum.
12.31.C2. Mobile units, requiring sinks, shall not be
f. Manual fire extinguishers shall be provided in required to be vented through the roof. Ventilation of
accordance with NFPA 101. waste lines shall be permitted to be vented through
the sidewalls or other acceptable locations.
g. Fire detection, alarm, and communications capa- Transportable and relocatable units shall be vented
bilities shall be installed and connected to facility through the roof per model plumbing codes.
central alarm system on all new units in accordance
with NFPA 101. 12.31.C3. All waste lines shall be designed and con-
structed to discharge into the facility sanitary
h. Radiation protection for X-ray and gamma ray sewage system.
installations shall be in accordance with NCRP
reports numbers 49 and 91 in addition to all applica- 12.31.C4. Backflow prevention shall be installed at
ble local and state requirements. the point of water connection on the unit.

i. Interior finish materials shall be class A as defined 12.31.C5. Medical gases and suction systems, if
in NFPA 101. installed, shall be in accordance with NFPA 99.

j. Textile materials having a napped, tufted, looped,

woven, nonwoven, or similar surface shall be permit- 12.32. Electrical Standards
ted on walls and ceilings provided such materials have
a class “A” rating and rooms or areas are protected by 12.32.A. General
automatic extinguishment or sprinkler system. 12.32.A1. All electrical material and equipment,
including conductors, controls, and signaling devices,
k. Fire retardant coatings shall be permitted in accor- shall be installed in compliance with applicable sec-
dance with NFPA 101. tions of NFPA 70 and NFPA 99 and shall be listed
as complying with available standards of listing agen-
l. Curtains and draperies shall be non-combustible or cies or other similar established standards where such
flame retardant and shall pass both the large and standards are required.
small scale tests required by NFPA 101.
12.32.A2. The electrical installations, including
12.1.F. Environmental Standards alarm, nurse call, and communication systems, shall
160 All mobile, transportable, and relocatable units shall be tested to demonstrate that equipment installation
M O B I L E , T R A N S P O R TA B L E , A N D R E L O C ATA B L E U N I T S

and operation is appropriate and functional. A writ- 12.32.D5. A portable or fixed examination light
ten record of performance tests on special electrical shall be provided for examination, treatment, and
systems and equipment shall show compliance with trauma rooms.
applicable codes and standards.
12.32.E. Receptacles (Convenience Outlets)
12.32.A3. Data processing and/or automated labora- Duplex grounded-type receptacles (convenience out-
tory or diagnostic equipment, if provided, may lets) shall be installed in all areas in sufficient quanti-
require safeguards from power line disturbances. ties for tasks to be performed as needed. Each
examination and work table shall have access to a
12.32.B. Services and Switchboards minimum of two duplex receptacles.
Main switchboards shall be located in an area sepa-
rate from plumbing and mechanical equipment and 12.32.F. Equipment
shall be accessible to authorized persons only. 12.32.F1. At inhalation anesthetizing locations, all
Switchboards shall be convenient for use, readily electrical equipment and devices, receptacles, and
accessible for maintenance, away from traffic lanes, wiring shall comply with applicable sections of
and located in dry, ventilated spaces free of corrosive NFPA 99 and NFPA 70.
or explosive fumes, gases, or any flammable material.
Overload protective devices shall operate properly in 12.32.F2. Fixed and mobile X-ray equipment instal-
ambient room temperatures. lations shall conform to articles 517 and 660 of
NFPA 70.
12.32.C. Panelboards
Panelboards serving normal lighting and appliance 12.32.G. Reserved
circuits shall be located on the same level as the cir-
cuits they serve. 12.32.H. Emergency Electrical Service
Emergency lighting and power shall be provided for in
12.32.D. Lighting accordance with NFPA 99, NFPA 101, and NFPA 110.
12.32.D1. Lighting shall be engineered to the spe-
cific application. 12.32.I. Fire Alarm System
The fire alarm system shall be as described in NFPA
12.32.D2. The Illuminating Engineering Society of 101 and where applicable NFPA 72.
North America (IES) has developed recommended
lighting levels for health care facilities. The reader 12.32.J. Telecommunications and Information
should refer to the IES Handbook (1993). Systems
12.32.J1. Locations for terminating telecommunica-
12.32.D3. Approaches to buildings and parking lots tions and information system devices shall be located
and all occupied spaces shall have fixtures for lighting on the unit that the devices serve and shall be acces-
that can be illuminated as necessary. sible to authorized personnel only.

12.32.D4. Consideration should be given to the spe- 12.32.J2. Special air conditioning and voltage regula-
cial needs the elderly. Excessive contrast in lighting tion shall be provided when recommended by the
levels that make effective sight adaptation difficult manufacturer.
should be minimized.


Hospice care, a proven, effective, and compassionate A hospice unit (suite) may be set up in an acute set-
In this edition service, helps the terminally ill patient through the ting or it may be a freestanding building. In either
appendix dying process with dignity and in comfort. Hospice situation, the focus should be on a residential envi-
material care also helps the family through its loss and ronment in terms of furnishings, accessories, and
appears in the bereavement. Hospice can offer terminally ill individ- other design features. Hospice is a medically directed,
main body of uals the option of spending their final weeks and interdisciplinary program of palliative services for ter-
the document; months in their own home. The process of dying is minally ill people and their families. Hospice empha-
however, it never an easy one, but the final days can be comfort- sizes pain and symptom control provided by a team
remains ing for all involved. Ninety-five percent of patients die of professionals that includes physicians, nurses,
advisory only. at home. And the need for services does not end with social workers, chaplains, and volunteers as well as
death; bereavement counseling is available to family others as needed by the family or patient. Hospice is
members for a year after the death of a loved one. primarily a concept of care rather than a specific
place. The majority of hospice services are delivered
Hospice typically has a philosophy that is distinct in the home or a homelike setting with inpatient care
from other types of care. available as needed.


A13. Hospice Care A hospice philosophy may include the following:

This text is placed in the appendix to solicit public comment: ■ Death is seen as a normal part of life.
To improve the quality of life for terminally ill individuals, their caregivers, ■ Awareness of death can lead to physical, emotional, social, or spiritual
families, and loved ones, hospices are becoming increasingly important needs.
alternative environments and/or alternative care systems. Hospice facilities ■ Society addresses these needs in the hospital, nursing facility, assisted
are being developed in acute care hospitals, as part of nursing facilities, living, and group home models.
and as freestanding facilities, with little available guidance as to which
functional elements and environmental features are necessary and appro- In the hospice facility there is a focus on relief of pain and discomfort.
priate. Available books and publications address the rationales and Pain medications and other drugs made necessary by illness may be
philosophies that motivate hospice care providers. However, no research- administered in various forms and are at the heart of hospice resident
based guidelines for hospice design and/or construction currently exist. care. No surgical techniques are used and a physician visits on a sched-
uled basis or in response to an emergency. In the institutional atmos-
Many hospice facilities built to date have been renovations of parts of phere, the technologies should be minimized and a homelike environment
existing hospital or nursing care facilities. As such, they are too full of should be provided.
compromise to serve as adequate guides to the future of hospice design.
Design Considerations for Hospice Environments
Hospice design should take into consideration the needs of both the resi- Private bedrooms work well for patients whose symptoms are particularly
dent and the resident’s family. It should allow for private interaction within distressing or when the patient has family living at the bedside.
the family and provide areas where families can gain strength by interact-
ing with each other. Ministrations to families are of great importance in Patients/residents should have a pleasant view and, if at all possible, be
hospices. Family members are usually present in greater numbers and for able to go outside directly from the room.
longer periods than those visiting in acute hospitals; some facilities report A homelike setting is desirable and should include the following:
that overnight stays by relatives are common. Small residential units with
living room-type lounges and small dining areas and kitchen facilities are
■ A place where all family members, including children, feel free to come
helpful. Staff areas should be unobtrusive and yet be capable of accommo- and go in a very natural, family-like manner.
dating the needs of nursing staff and the various disciplines involved in ■ Social areas where family members feel free to bring food and dine
care of these residents, which may include social workers, dietitians, and together and where they can enjoy music, games, and other activities
clergy, as well as physicians. Clinical care, while palliative, may still involve common to the family unit.
intense nursing as these residents become progressively more dependent.
(continued on next page)

A13. Hospice Care (continued) As required by the functional program, the following should be provided:
■ A place for social activities, where children are welcome and plants are
■ Charting facilities
■ Storage for supplies; resident care equipment; housekeeping equipment;
■ A balance between privacy and opportunities for social interaction.
and cleaning supplies
The resident areas, such as bedrooms, dining areas, lounges, and sur-
■ Locked medication storage and storage for drugs requiring refrigeration
roundings, should be designed to promote privacy and dignity for the resi-
dent and family. The interior design of resident use areas should consider ■ A comfortable and easily accessible sleep area for family members
lighting, the use of finish materials, furniture arrangement, and equipment
to create a residential ambience without compromising the ability of care- A residential kitchen with the cooking unit vented to the outside should be
givers to attend to the needs of the resident. Resident toilet rooms should provided.
be accessible and provide adequate space for staff assistance in wheelchair
transfers as necessary. Provide dining and/or gathering space for residents and families as
required by the functional program.
Resident Rooms
The maximum number of residents in a bedroom should be based on the Other requirements should include an audible and accessible call system
functional program. Each resident bedroom should furnished in each resident’s room and bathroom, connected to the staff
■ Be located at or above grade level.
There should be a visitors’/staff toilet room located near resident and
■ Have provisions to ensure visual privacy for treatment or visiting. gathering areas.

Artificial lighting should be provided sufficient for treatment and nontreat- Housekeeping
ment needs. Housekeeping space should be provided convenient to the resident and
service areas.
Each resident room should have a window that can be opened without the
use of tools. The windowsills should not be higher than 2 feet, 8 inches Clean Linen and Supply
(762 millimeters) above the floor and should be above grade. Windows A space sized to store clean linen and supplies, as required by the func-
with operable sash should be provided with insect screens. Window open- tional program, should be provided.
ings should be designed to prevent accidental falls when open. Soiled Utility Room
Each resident room should have convenient access to a toilet room . One A soiled utility or work room should be provided in accordance with the
toilet room should serve no more than two residents. The accessible toilet functional program.
room should contain a water closet and a sink. Stretcher and wheelchair storage should be provided
The toilet room should be furnished with the following: Office space should be provided for persons with administrative responsibilities.
■ Grab bars Furnishings and Finishes
Handrails should be provided on both sides of all corridors used by
■ Lavatory with single lever or wrist blade-type faucets patients.
■ Mirror For each nursing unit or fraction thereof on each floor, the following
should be provided: a nourishment station with work space, cabinet, refrig-
■ Soap, paper towel dispensers, and wastepaper receptacle with a remov- erated storage, and a small stove or hot plate.
able impervious liner
Staff work areas in direct care locations should have space for charting,
A bathing facility containing either a bathtub or a shower accessible to a storage, and administrative activities. Depending upon the type of service
wheeled shower chair should be conveniently accessible to resident rooms. and care plan to be provided, direct care staff work areas may be accom-
An accessible toilet room should be accessible to the bathing room. Bathing modated at a piece of residential furniture (such as a table or desk) or at
“spas,” with circulating warm water, are recommended. a work counter recessed into an alcove off a corridor or activity space, with
computer and communications equipment, storage facilities, etc.



In this edition *A14. ASSISTED LIVING Your state’s licensing authority

Assisted living residences are an important concept in the continuum of AAHSA American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging
care. They encompass a wide spectrum of provider models. The design (
appears in the should accommodate residents with a range of cognitive and physical abili-
main body of AARP (
ties. Flexibility and innovation in facility design are encouraged in this
the document; evolving field. AHCA-NCAL National Center for Assisted Living of the
however, it American Health Care Association (
remains An assisted living setting should be designed in a way that maximizes the
advisory only. quality of life, independence, autonomy, safety, dignity, choice, and pri- ALFA Assisted Living Federation of America (
vacy of residents. Settings should also be designed in a manner that pro-
Alzheimer’s Association (
motes family and community involvement. In accordance with program
parameters, facility design should allow residents to interact freely with ASHA American Seniors Housing Association (
others in the assisted living residence and with others in the community.
ICC International Code Council (
Readers interested in design, construction, and environmental issues
NASHP National Academy for State Health Policy (
related to assisted living are referred to the following organizations:
NFPA National Fire Protection Association (

In this edition
Adult day care facilities shall have a functional pro- appendix
gram in accordance with Section 1.1.F, indicating material
their focus as a social or medical model. appears in the
main body of
the document;
however, it
advisory only.


A15.1 Statement of Purpose Space Guidelines

Spaces should be provided as follows:
a. To provide for the establishment of day care centers and services for
adults. a. A minimum of 100 square feet for each of the first five participants and
60 square feet for each additional participant thereafter served at any one
b. To allow individuals to remain at home.
time, not including office space, bathrooms, storage rooms, examination
Adult Day Care facilities should make provisions in accordance with Section rooms, and kitchens.
1.1.F, Section 1.4, Section 1.6, Section 3, Section 4, and Section 5.
b. A quiet room with bed.
Proposed Services c. One toilet and lavatory for each ten participants.
Services that may be provided by Adult Day Care Centers include the
d. Staff toilet room
■ Therapeutic arts and crafts e. One drinking fountain for participant and staff use
■ Community excursions, if appropriate
f. Nurse office with handwashing station
■ Hobby cultivation

■ Health services g. Food preparation and storage in accordance with the functional program.
■ Personal care services
h. Demonstration residential kitchen if required by the functional program.
■ Counseling services for elderly individuals and their families

■ Activities of daily living

■ Exercise and rest


Airborne infection isolation room: A single-occu- Infection control risk assessment: A multidiscipli-
pancy room for patient care where environmental nary organizational process that
factors are controlled in an effort to minimize the ■ focuses on reduction of risk from infection;

transmission of those infectious agents usually spread ■ acts through phases of facility planning, design, con-

from person to person by droplet nuclei associated struction, or renovation; and

with coughing and inhalation. (Such rooms typically ■ coordinates and weighs knowledge about infection,

have specific requirements for controlled ventilation, infectious agents, and care environment
air pressure, and air filtration.) and associated human factors with anticipated
impacts from site changes and related projects for
Ambulatory care: A defined health care encounter(s) leadership and other organizational customers.
of less than 24 hours in duration that requires direct (This process utilizes expertise in infectious disease,
professional health care support within a specific infection control, facility design, engineering, con-
facility. struction, ventilation, epidemiology, and safety as cir-
cumstances may indicate.)
Ambulatory surgical facility: Any surgical facility
organized for the purpose of providing procedural, Invasive procedure: Reserved.
invasive surgical care to patients with the expectation
that they will be recovered sufficiently to be dis- Office surgical facility: Reserved.
charged in less than a 24-hour period.
Operating room: A room specifically designed for
Bioterrorism: The use, or threat of use, of biological the performance of surgical procedures. (In common
agents to intimidate a political entity or population understanding, this means most types of surgical pro-
group. cedures, especially those involving the administration
of anesthesia, multiple personnel, recovery room
Differential pressure: A measurable difference in air access, and a fully controlled environment.)
pressure that creates a directional airflow between
adjacent spaces. Perioperative: Patient care and other related support-
ive activities before, during, or after the operative event.
Environment of care: Those features in a built
health care entity that are created, structured, and Protective environment: A bedded unit where
maintained to support quality health care. severely immunosuppressed patients are cared for
(e.g., bone marrow transplant units).
Handwashing station: An area providing a sink with
hot and cold water supply and a faucet that facilitates Sealed (tight) room: A room that meets specific ven-
easy on/off/mixing capabilities. The station includes tilation requirements and must have a minimum air
provision of cleansing agents and drying capability. leakage to achieve a particular designed air quality,
airflow direction, and pressure differential.
Housekeeping: Services anywhere within a health
care facility that include general cleaning and tidying Sub-acute care: A segment within a continuum of
and the provision and positioning of identified materi- levels of care determined by patient acuity, clinical
als, e.g., soaps, towels, etc. (While routine disinfection stability, and resource needs.
protocols can be included in such a definition, the def-
inition is not intended to include complex, non-rou- Surgical suite: A space that includes the operating
tine disinfection procedures nor the non-routine room(s) and support areas.
disposition of hazardous materials such as potentially
toxic drugs or other chemicals and radioactive wastes.)


AARP, A14 American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers

Acceptance criteria, in commissioning, 5.3, A5.3 (ASHRAE), 1.6.F
Access, 3.1.A Guideline 1-1996, A5.3
to outpatient facilities, 9.1.C Handbook of Fundamentals, 8.31.C1, 9.31.C, 10.31.C, A7.31.D3
Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities (ADAAG), 1.4 Handbook—HVAC Applications, Table 7.2, Table 8.1
Acoustic insulation, 7.31.B, 8.31.B, 9.31.B, 10.31.B, 11.31.B Standard 52.1-1992, 1.6.E, 7.31.D8, 9.31.D8, 10.31.D4, 11.31.D4, Table
Activities 7.3, Table 8.2, Table 9.1, Table 11.1
in Alzheimer’s/dementia units, 8.8.C, A8.8.C Standard 62-1992, 1.6.E, Table 7.2, Table 8.1
of daily living, teaching area for, 7.13.D4, 10.9, A7.13.D4 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 1.6.F
for nursing facilities, 8.4, A8.4 ANSI/ASME A17.1, 1.6.E, 7.30.B, 8.30.B1, 9.30.B1, 10.30.B1,
Administrative areas/offices, 7.2.B1, 7.19 11.30.B1
for birthing center, 9.7.B ANSI/ASME A17.3, 1.6.E, 7.30.B, 8.30.B1, 9.30.B1, 10.30.B1,
for critical care units, 7.3.A8 11.30.B1
for emergency facilities, 7.9.D17 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 1.6.E, 1.6.F
for freestanding emergency facilities, 9.6.D and design standards, 1.4
for laboratory suites, 7.12.I on signage, 8.15.H
for medical records, 7.20.A Anesthesia rooms, air supply for, 7.31.D5-7.31.D6, 7.31.D17, A7.31.D6
for nursing facilities, 8.10 Anesthesia workrooms
for outpatient facilities, 9.2.A, 9.3.C, 9.4.D-9.5.D for cesarean/delivery suite, 7.8.A3.f(3)i
for pharmacy, 7.17.E for outpatient facilities, 9.5.F5.f
for rehabilitation facilities, 10.10 in surgical suites, 7.7.C9
for renal dialysis units, 7.14.C4 Angiography, 7.10.B
Admissions area, 7.19.D cardiac catheterization lab and, 7.10.H1
Adult day care facilities, 15, A15 ANSI A58, A1.5.A. See American Society of Civil Engineers, ACSE 7-98
Aerosol-generating procedures room, 7.15.E, 7.31.D23, 9.10 Anterooms
Airborne infection isolation rooms for protective environment rooms, A7.2.D
for cough-inducing/aerosol-generating procedures, 7.15.E for seclusion treatment room, 7.6.C
in critical care units, 7.3.A14 Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, 1.6.F
in decontamination area, A7.9.D25 Art materials, A11.9.D5
definition of, Glossary Aspergillus sp., 5.1
in emergency facilities, 7.9.C7, 7.9.D22 Assisted living, 14, A14
for endoscopy procedures, 9.9 Assisted Living Federation of America, A14
exhaust systems for, 7.31.D2 Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, 1.6.F
floors and ceilings of, 7.28.B9 ANSI/AAMI RD5:1992, 1.6.E
in newborn intensive care units, 7.3.E12 Automatic extinguishing systems, 7.28.A1
in nurseries, 7.4.A6 Autopsy rooms, 7.16.A2
in nursing units, 7.2.C drainage for, 7.31.E4.f
in outpatient facilities, 9.2.B11 station outlets for, Table 7.5
in pediatric and adolescent units, 7.5.C6 ventilation requirements for, Table 7.2
in pediatric critical care units, 7.3.D Baby holding nursery, 7.4.B1
planning for, A5.1 Ballast, 1.5.A3
in postpartum units, 7.8.A2.c Barber area, 8.6, A8.6
in psychiatric hospitals, 11.2.D Barriers, for renovation areas, 5.2.D, A5.1
in rehabilitation facilities, 10.15.E Bathrooms
in renal dialysis unit, 7.14.B6 for birthing center, 9.7.C2
for surgical use, 7.7 doors for, 7.28.A4
Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute, 1.6.F grab bars in, 7.28.A14
Air conditioning systems. See also HVAC systems for rehabilitation facilities, 10.15.C
environmental pollution control and, 3.3.B for resident units, 8.2.C11, A8.2.C11
equipment, 7.27.A1 Bathtubs
filter efficiencies for, Table 7.3, Table 8.2, Table 9.1, Table 11.1 for labor-delivery-recovery rooms, 7.8.A4
Air-cooled chillers, 7.27.A6 for nursing units, 7.2.B19
Air handling, during construction, 5.1, A5.1 for postpartum units, 7.8.A2.b(16)
Alcoves, for equipment storage, 7.3.A15.g, A7.3.A15.g for psychiatric nursing units, 7.6.B5
Allogeneic bone marrow transplant units, 7.2.D7, A7.2.D7 for resident units, 8.2.C11
Alzheimer’s/dementia units, 8.8, 11.4 Beauty area, 8.6, A8.6
environmental design issues, A8.8.C Bedpan flushing devices
Ambulatory care, definition of, Glossary in emergency facility, 7.9.D13
Ambulatory surgical facility, definition of, Glossary in psychiatric nursing units, 7.6.A2
American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging, A14 Beds
American Blood Banking Association, 7.7.C22 in pediatric critical care units, A7.3.D7
American College of Surgeons, A7.7, A9.5.F2.a restraint, space needs for, 7.6.C, 11.2.C
American Health Care Association, National Center for Assisted Living, swing, 7.1.E, 11.1.D, A7.1.E
A14 Bereavement room, in emergency facilities, A7.9.D23
American National Standards Institute, 1.6.F Biohazard control, disaster planning and, A1.5
ANSI A117.1, 1.4 Bioterrorism, definition of, Glossary
American Public Health Association, 9.7 Birthing center, 9.7, A9.7
American Seniors Housing Association, A14 Birthing rooms, 9.7.C
American Society for Testing and Materials, 1.6.F station outlets for, Table 9.2
ASTM C1071, 7.31.B4, 8.31.B4, 10.31.B4, 11.31.B4 Block room, 7.11.K2
ASTM E90, Table 7.1 Blood bank storage, refrigerated, in surgical suites, 7.7.C22
ASTM E413, Table 7.1 Blood gas laboratory, for newborn intensive care units, 7.3.E13
American Society of Civil Engineers, 1.6.F Blood laboratory, for positron emission tomography, A7.11.F
ASCE 7-93 (Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Body-holding room, 7.16.B
Structures), 1.1.A, 1.6.E, 7.30.B, 9.30.B1, 10.30.B1, A1.5, A1.5.A ventilation requirements for, Table 7.2 167

Boiler rooms Commissary, for dietary facilities, 7.18.B19

ceiling requirements, 7.28.A20.a Commissioning, 5.3, 7.30.A, 8.30.A, A5.3
insulation and ventilation of, 7.28.A22, 8.14.A14 Communication center, in emergency facilities, 7.9.D6
Boilers, 7.31.C Communication systems, 7.9.C6, 7.32.J
in nursing facilities, 8.31.C1 for birthing center, 9.7.C5
Building Officials and Code Administrators International (BOCA), 1.6.F for critical care units, 7.3.A7, 7.3.A16.b, A7.3.A3
BOCA Basic Building Code, 1.6.E in decontamination area, A7.9.D25
BOCA Basic Plumbing Code, 1.6.E emergency radio, 7.29.F1
National Building Code, 1.6.E for mobile units, 12.32.J
1992 Supplement, 1.5.A, A1.5.A for newborn intensive care units, 7.3.E14, 7.3.E17, A7.3.E15
Building Seismic Safety Council (BSSC), 1.6.E, 1.6.F, A1.5.A for nursing facilities, 8.32.J
Building service equipment, 4.2.A for outpatient facilities, 9.32.J
Business office, for nuclear medicine facility, 7.11.I5 for psychiatric hospitals, 11.32.J
Cabling, safety precautions with, 7.32.F7 for rehabilitation facilities, 10.31.J
Cardiac catheterization lab, 7.10.H Compressed Gas Association, 1.6.F
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation carts, 9.6.E5 Publication #E-10, 1.6.E
storage, 7.2.B21, 7.3.A11, 7.3.E22 Computed tomography scanning, 7.10.C
Cardiovascular procedure room, in surgical suites, 7.7.A2 Computer areas/rooms
Care for magnetic resonance imaging, 7.10.E3, A7.10.E3
environment of. See Environment of care for nuclear medicine facility, 7.11.G3, 7.11.J2
levels of, A7.7, A9.5.F2.a Conference rooms
Carts in psychiatric nursing units, 7.6.B13
cardiopulmonary resuscitation, 7.2.B21, 7.3.A11, 7.3.E22, 9.6.E5 for rehabilitation therapy department, 7.13.B9
cleaning and sanitizing facilities, 7.24 Construction, 5, 7.29.B, 9.2.I1, 9.4.H
food service, 7.18.B7 commissioning, 5.3, A5.3
patient care and distribution, 7.21.D of nursing facilities, 8.16
Cast workroom, in emergency facilities, 7.9.D9 phasing, 5.2
Ceilings, 7.28.A20, 7.28.B9 planning and design, 5.1, A5.1
in decontamination area, A7.9.D25 Consultation areas/rooms
finishes, 7.28.B8 for imaging department, 7.10.G12
in imaging suite, 7.10.A4 for nuclear medicine facility, 7.11.G7, 7.11.J5
in newborn intensive care units, 7.3.E10 for pediatric critical care units, 7.3.D3
in nuclear medicine facility, 7.11.C for psychiatric hospitals, 11.2.B27
in nursing facilities, 8.14.A13 for psychiatric nursing units, 7.6.B11
in psychiatric nursing units, 7.6.A5 sound transmission limitations, Table 7.1
in radiotherapy suite, 7.11.H5 Continuing care nursery, 7.4.C
in seclusion treatment room, 7.6.C Contrast media preparation area, for imaging department, 7.10.G13
Center for Health Design, A2 Control areas/rooms/stations
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for angiography area, 7.10.B
Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculo- for cardiac catheterization lab, 7.10.H3
sis in Health-Care Facilities, 1.6.E, 7.2.C, 7.7, 7.9.D for cesarean/delivery suite, 7.8.A3.f(2)
Guidelines for Prevention of Nosocomial Pneumonia, 1.6.E, 7.2.C for computed tomography area, 7.10.C2-7.10.C3
Hospital Infection Control Practices, 1.6.F for dietary facilities, 7.18.B1
Central services, 7.21, 11.14 for emergency facilities, 7.9.D3, 9.6.E4
Cesarean/delivery suite, 7.8.A3 for imaging department, 7.10.G2
Changing rooms. See Dressing rooms for magnetic resonance imaging, 7.10.E2, A7.10.E2
Charting facilities, 7.2.B5 for newborn intensive care units, 7.3.E8
in newborn intensive care units, 7.3.E17 for nuclear medicine facility, 7.11.G17, 7.11.I5
in nuclear medicine facility, 7.11.G8 for outpatient facilities, 9.3.D6, 9.5.F5.a
in nurseries, 7.4.A12 for radiography rooms, 7.10.D4
in psychiatric nursing units, 7.6.B6 for rehabilitation therapy department, 7.13.B2
Chemical safety provisions, for laboratory suites, 7.12.F for respiratory therapy service, 7.15.D2
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), 3.3.B for surgical suites, 7.7.C1
Clean Air Act, 3.3.A Cooling towers, 7.27.A3
Clean linen storage Corners, for seclusion treatment room, 7.6.C
for critical care units, 7.3.A15.c Coronary critical care unit, 7.3.B
for nuclear medicine facility, 7.11.G18 combined with medical/surgical, 7.3.C
for nurseries, A7.4.A3 Corridors, 7.28.A2
for nursing units, 7.2.B14 doors and, 7.28.A8
for physical therapy facility, 7.13.C4 lighting, 7.32.D5
for postpartum units, 7.8.A2.b(12) Cough-inducing procedures room, 7.15.E, 7.31.D23, 9.10
for rehabilitation facilities, 10.15.B12 Cribs, in pediatric critical care units, A7.3.D7
for renal dialysis units, 7.14.B18 Critical care units, 7.3
for resident units, 8.2.C8 coronary, 7.3.B
Cleanup facilities combined with medical/surgical, 7.3.C
for imaging department, 7.10.G16 pediatric, 7.3.D
for nuclear medicine facility, 7.11.G4 station outlets for, Table 7.5
Clean workroom/supply room, 7.21.A2, A7.21.A2 ventilation requirements, Table 7.2
for cardiac catheterization lab, 7.10.H8 Cryogen storage, for magnetic resonance imaging, 7.10.E4, A7.10.E4
for cesarean/delivery suite, 7.8.A3.f(3)f Cryogen venting, for magnetic resonance imaging, 7.10.E10
for critical care units, 7.3.A15.b Curtains, cubicle, 7.28.B1, 8.15.A
for emergency facilities, 7.9.D16.b Cyclotron, for positron emission tomography, A7.11.F
for hyperbaric suite, A7.33 Cystoscopic procedure room, 7.7.A4
for imaging department, 7.10.G18 drainage system for, 7.31.E4.e, 9.31.E4.e, A7.31.E4, e
for nursing units, 7.2.B11 Daily living activities, teaching area for, 7.13.D4, 10.9, A7.13.D4
for outpatient facilities, 9.2.B7, 9.5.E2, A9.5.E2 Darkrooms
for postpartum units, 7.8.A2.b(9) for magnetic resonance imaging, 7.10.E5, A7.10.E5
for renal dialysis unit, 7.14.B10 for nuclear medicine facility, 7.11.G2, 7.11.I3
for resident units, 8.2.C5 Day spaces, for rehabilitation facilities, 10.6
for surgical suites, 7.7.C7 Decontamination areas
Clinical facilities for chemical and radiation exposure, A7.9.E
for birthing center, 9.7.C in emergency facilities, 7.9.D25, A7.9.D25
in freestanding emergency facilities, 9.6.E in endoscopy suite, 9.9.B2
in outpatient facilities, 9.2.B, 9.4.E, 9.5.F, A9.3.F, A9.5.F Delivery rooms, 7.8.A3.b, A7.8
Clustering, A8.2.A air supply for, 7.31.D4, A7.31.D4
Cobalt rooms, for radiotherapy suite, 7.11.H2-7.11.H3, 7.11.L1 lighting, 7.32.D4
Codes, 1.6 receptacles, 7.32.E1
168 College of American Pathologists, 1.6.E, 1.6.F Dementia units, 8.8, 11.4

Demonstration rooms for hyperbaric suite, A7.33

for pediatric critical care units, 7.3.D3 for mobile units, 12.32
for rehabilitation therapy department, 7.13.B9 in nursing facilities, 8.32
for respiratory therapy service, 7.15.D4 for outpatient facilities, 9.4.J, 9.32
Dental unit, 10.21 for psychiatric hospitals, 11.32
Department of Defense, 1.6.E for rehabilitation facilities, 10.32
Department of Health and Human Services, 3.3.A standards for, 7.32
Departments, sizes, 7.1.C Electrical transformers, 7.27.A4
Design, 1.1, 5.1, 7.29.A, 9.2.I1, 9.4.H, 10.25.A, A5.1 Electric service, emergency, 7.32.H, 8.32.H, 9.32.H, 10.32.H, 11.32.H,
data, 6.3 12.32.H
for energy conservation, 2.1, 7.31.A1, 7.31.A3-7.31.A5 Electron beam therapy, 7.11.H1
for equipment, 4.2.C1, A4.1.B Electronic equipment, 4.5
Details, 7.28.A storage, repair and testing room for, 7.27.E
standards for, 7.28 Elevators, 7.30.B
in mobile units, 12.1.E for critical care units, 7.3.A2, A7.3.A2
in nursing facilities, 8.14.A in nursing facilities, 8.30.B
in outpatient facilities, 9.2.H1, 9.5.H1 in outpatient facilities, 9.30.B
in psychiatric hospitals, 11.22 in psychiatric hospitals, 11.30.B
in rehabilitation facilities, 10.24.A1 for rehabilitation facilities, 10.30.B
Developmental therapy, for newborn intensive care units, 7.3.E13 Emergency electric service, 7.32.H, 8.32.H, 9.32.H, 10.32.H, 11.32.H,
Diagnostic facilities/services 12.32.H
in freestanding outpatient facilities, 9.8, A9.8A Emergency equipment
in outpatient surgical facilities, 9.5.G for birthing center, 9.7.C4
in primary care outpatient facilities, 9.3.E, 9.4.F for outpatient facilities, 9.5.F5.o
ventilation requirements, Table 7.2 storage
Dialysis solution mixing room, in renal dialysis units, 7.14.B19 for critical care units, 7.3.A11
Diathermy, 7.13.C8 for emergency facilities, 7.9.D14
Dictation area, 7.2.B2, 7.7.C13, 7.20.B for newborn intensive care units, 7.3.E22
Dietary facilities, 7.18. See also Nourishment stations for nursing units, 7.2.B21
drainage for, 7.31.E4.j for surgical suites, 7.7.C10
equipment for, 7.18.C Emergency facilities
exhaust hoods in, 7.31.D16, 9.31.D16, 10.31.D12, A8.31.D1 disaster planning and, 1.5
hot water use, Table 7.4, Table 8.3 fast-track area, A7.9.E
for nursing facilities, 8.9 freestanding, 9.6
for rehabilitation facilities, 10.7 pediatric, A7.9.E
Differential pressure, definition of, Glossary road access to, 3.2.A
Dining areas, 7.18.B8, 10.6 Emergency management, initial, 7.9.C
Disabilities, persons with, design standards for, 1.4 Emergency service, 7.9
Disaster planning, 1.5, 7.29.F, A1.5 definition of, 7.9.A, A7.9.A
for outpatient facilities, 9.2.J Employee facilities, 7.25, 9.6.H, 10.14
for rehabilitation facilities, 10.25.D EMS Communications Center, 7.9.C6, 7.9.D12
Dispensing area, of pharmacy, 7.17.B Endoscopy suite, 9.9
Display areas, A11.9.D8 Endo-urologic procedure room, 7.7.A4
Doors, 7.28.A8 Energy conservation, 2.1, 7.31.A1, 7.31.A3-7.31.A5
for Alzheimer’s/dementia units, 8.8.A1 Engineering service areas, 7.27, 8.13, 9.2.G, 10.11
for bathrooms, 7.28.A4 Engineer’s office, 7.27.A8
for critical care units, 7.3.A4 English units, 1.6.D
elevator, A7.30.B2 Entrances, 7.19.A
for emergency facilities, 7.9.D8 for birthing center, 9.7.B1
fire safety criteria for, 7.28.A1 for decontamination area, A7.9.D25
for newborn intensive care units, 7.3.E3 for emergency facilities, 7.9.C1, 7.9.D1-D2, 7.9.D8
for patient toilet rooms, 7.2.A5 for emergency facilities, freestanding, 9.6.D1
for seclusion treatment room, 7.6.C fire safety criteria for, 7.28.A1
self-closing devices for, 7.2.D4, 7.3.C4 for linen services, 7.23.C1, 8.11.B
sizes, 7.28.A6 for newborn intensive care units, 7.3.E1
swing, 7.28.A7 for nursing facilities, 8.10.A
for toilet rooms, 7.28.A5 for outpatient facilities, 9.1.C, 9.2.A1, 9.3.D1
Dose administration area, for nuclear medicine facility, 7.11.G11 for rehabilitation facilities, 10.10.A
Dosimetry equipment area, for nuclear medicine facility, 7.11.J3 Environment. See also Environment of care
Drainage systems, 7.31.E4, 8.31.E4, 9.31.E4, 10.31.E4, 11.31.E4 for hospice, A13
Draperies, 7.28.B1, 8.15.A for psychiatric hospitals, 11.1.F
Drawings, record, 6.1 of psychiatric nursing unit, 7.6
Dressing rooms, 7.21.C Environmental Assessments, with incinerator permit applications,
for hyperbaric suite, A7.33 A7.30.C2.e, A9.30.C2.e, A11.30.C2.e
for imaging department, 7.10.G5 Environmental design in Alzheimer’s/dementia units, A8.8.C
for nuclear medicine facility, 7.11.G13, 7.11.I4 Environmental Impact Statement, 3.3.A
for outpatient facilities, 9.5.F5.j with incinerator permit applications, A7.30.C2.e, A9.30.C2.e,
for physical therapy facility, 7.13.C7 A11.30.C2.e
for staff. See Staff facilities Environmental pollution control, 3.3
in surgical suites, 7.7.C15 Environmental Protection Agency, 3.3.A, A7.30.C2.e, A9.30.C2.e
Drinking fountains, 7.19.B5 Environmental services area
location of, 7.28.A3 in nurseries, 7.4.A11
in outpatient facilities, 9.3.D5 for renal dialysis unit, 7.14.B14
Duct lining, 7.31.B4-7.31.B5, 7.31.B7 Environmental standards, for mobile units, 12.1.F
Earthquake-resistant design. See Seismic design Environment of care, 1.1, 2
Education therapy, 11.9.G codes and standards, 1.6
Elderly definition of, Glossary
assisted living for, A14 in mobile, transportable, and relocatable units, A12.1.A
lighting for, 7.32.D7, 12.32.D4, A8.32.A4.b for nursing facilities, 8.1.C
psychiatric nursing units for, 11.4 Equipment, 4
Electrical equipment, 7.32.F building service, 4.2.A
for mobile units, 12.32.F for cardiac catheterization lab, 7.10.H4
in outpatient facilities, 9.32.F classification of, 4.2
for psychiatric hospitals, 11.32.F for dietary facilities, 7.18.C
for rehabilitation facilities, 10.32.F electrical, 7.32.F
Electrical systems for mobile units, 12.32.F
for critical care units, 7.3.A13 in outpatient facilities, 9.32.F
essential, 7.32.F8, A7.32.F8 169

for psychiatric hospitals, 11.32.F in design, 1.1

for rehabilitation facilities, 10.32.F standards for disabled, 1.4
electronic, 4.5 planning for, A5.1
storage, repair and testing room for, 7.27.E Flood protection, 1.5.B, 7.29.F2
emergency, storage for, 7.2.B21, 7.3.A11, 7.3.E22, 7.9.D14 Floors, 7.28.B3-7.28.B5, 7.28.B9
environmental pollution control and, 3.3.B in decontamination area, A7.9.D25
for laboratory suites, 7.12.J in imaging suite, 7.10.A4
list of, 4.1.A in nuclear medicine facility, 7.11.C
manuals, 6.2 in nursing facilities, 8.15.C
medical in radiotherapy suite, 7.11.H5
fixed, 4.2.B1 Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 1.6.E, 1.6.F
movable, 4.2.C1 Food service
storage, repair and testing room for, 7.27.E carts, 7.18.B7
movable, 4.2.C, A4.1.B, A4.2.C1 in psychiatric nursing units, 7.6.B3, 11.2.B13
for nuclear medicine facility, 7.11.D Food storage, 7.18.B2
office, storage of, 7.19.G Forensic psychiatric unit, 11.5
for radiotherapy suite, 7.11.H1 Formula
repair and breakdown room, for renal dialysis unit, 7.14.B15 facilities
shown on drawings, 4.4 for commercial preparations, 7.4.A10
storage in nurseries, 7.4.A9
for physical therapy facility, 7.13.C5 in pediatric and adolescent units, 7.5.C2
for respiratory therapy service, 7.15.A storage, for pediatric critical care units, 7.3.D4
storage room Freestanding buildings, design and construction, 7.29.C
for cesarean/delivery suite, 7.8.A3.f(3)j Fresh air intakes, location of, 7.31.D3, A7.31.D3
for critical care units, 7.3.A15.g, A7.3.A15.g Frozen section area, 7.7.C20
for nursing unit, 7.2.B17 Functional program, 1.1.F
for postpartum units, 7.8.A2.b(14) for decontamination area, 7.9.D25
for surgical suites, A7.7.C10 for diagnostic services, 9.4.F1
technical, 4.3, A4.3 for emergency facilities, 7.9.D
Equipment areas, 7.27, 8.13, 9.2.G, 10.11 for general hospital, 7.1.A
location of, 7.28.A21 for imaging suite, 7.10.A1, A7.10.A1
Equivalency, of design solutions, 1.6.C, A1.6.C for laboratory suites, 7.12, 7.12.J
Ethylene oxide sterilizers, ventilation for, 7.31.D18, 9.31.D18, 10.31.D13 for magnetic resonance imaging, 7.10.E1
Evaluation unit, for rehabilitation facilities, 10.2 for nuclear medicine, 7.11.A, 7.11.D
Examination areas/rooms for nursing facilities, 8.1.G
for nuclear medicine facility, 7.11.I2 for outpatient facilities, 9.1.D
in nurseries, 7.4.A8 for pediatric critical care units, 7.3.D
for outpatient facilities, 9.2.B1 for pharmacy, 7.17.A
for rehabilitation facilities, 10.2.B for positron emission tomography, A7.11.F
for renal dialysis unit, 7.14.B9 for psychiatric nursing unit, 7.6
Examination/treatment rooms for radiotherapy suite, 7.11.H1
in emergency facilities, 7.9.D7 for renal dialysis unit, 7.14.A3
for nursing units, 7.2.B10 for surgical suites, 7.7.A6
for pediatric and adolescent units, 7.5.B for ultrasound, 7.10.F1
for pediatric critical care units, 7.3.D8 Furnishings, for hospice care, A13
for postpartum units, 7.8.A2.b(18) General hospital, 7
in psychiatric nursing units, 7.6.B10 General operating rooms, 7.7.A1
for rehabilitation facilities, 10.15.B8 General Services Administration, 1.6.F
sound transmission limitations, Table 7.1 General stores, 7.22
Executive Orders Generators, standby, 7.27.A2
11988 (Flood Protection), A1.5.B Glazing, 7.6, 7.28.A11, 8.14.A5, A7.2.D7, A8.14.A5
12699, A1.5.A Gluteraldehyde, use of, ventilation for, 7.31.D25, A7.31.D25
Exercise areas/rooms, 7.13.C3, 10.17.D Grab bars, 8.14.A7, 11.22.B, A8.2.B5, A8.14.A7
location of, 7.28.A21 standards for, 7.28.A14
Exhaust hoods, 7.31.D13, 7.31.D16, 9.31.D16, 10.31.D12, A8.31.D1 Ground-fault circuit interrupters, 7.32.F4
Exits, fire safety criteria for, 7.28.A1 Group therapy area, in psychiatric nursing units, 7.6.B8, 11.2.B17
Expansion joint covers, 7.28.A13 Guidelines
Facility acceptance criteria, in commissioning, 5.3, A5.3 interpretation of, 1.2
Family introduction to, 1
in birthing center, 9.7.C1 Hand drying, 7.28.A17, 8.14.A12
in critical care units, 7.3, 7.3.A16.a Handrails
in newborn intensive care units, 7.3.E1, 7.3.E15, A7.3.E15 for mobile units, 12.1.E2.e
in nurseries, 7.4.A5 in nursing facilities, 8.14.A8, A8.14.A8
in pediatric and adolescent units, 7.5.C5, A7.5.A Handwashing stations, 7.28.A15
in pediatric critical care units, 7.3.D1-7.3.D2, A7.3.D2 for airborne infection isolation rooms, 7.2.C2, 7.2.C5
in post-anesthetic care units, A7.7.B2 anchoring, 7.28.A18
space needs, A7.2.A2 for critical care units, 7.3.A8
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), A1.5.A definition of, Glossary
Film processing room, for imaging department, 7.10.G14 for dietary facilities, 7.18.B14
Film storage for imaging department, 7.10.G17
for cardiac catheterization lab, 7.10.H12 for labor-delivery-recovery rooms, 7.8.A4
for imaging department, 7.10.G7-7.10.G9 for laundry facilities, 7.23.D4
for nuclear medicine facility, 7.11.G5-7.11.G6, 7.11.I7-7.11.I8 for linen services, 7.23.B5
Finishes, 7.28.B for mobile units, 12.1.D1.l
for hospice care, A13 for newborn intensive care units, 7.3.E2
interior, fire-resistant standards for, 7.29.D, 10.25.B for nuclear medicine facility, 7.11.G16, 7.11.G18-7.11.G19
standards for, 7.28 for nurseries, A7.4.A1
in mobile units, 12.1.E for nurse stations, 7.2.B1, 7.2.B4
in nursing facilities, 8.15 for nursing units, 7.2.B12
in outpatient facilities, 9.2.H2, 9.5.H2 for occupational therapy facility, 7.13.D2
in psychiatric hospitals, 11.22 for outpatient facilities, 9.31.E1.c
in rehabilitation facilities, 10.24.B for patient rooms, 7.2.A4, A7.2.A4
Fire alarms, 7.28.A1, 7.32.I, 8.32.I, 9.5.K, 9.32.I, 10.32.I, 11.32.I, 12.32.I for pediatric and adolescent units, 7.5.C3
Fire dampers, 7.31.D12, 8.31.D7, 9.31.D12, 10.31.D8, 11.31.D8 for pharmacy, 7.17.F1
Fire-resistant standards, 7.29, 9.2.I1 for phase II recovery room, 7.7.C14
Fire Safety Evaluation System (FSES), 1.6.C, 7.28.A1 for physical therapy, 7.13.C2
Fixed equipment, 4.1.B-4.2.B for post-anesthetic care units, 7.7.B2
170 Flexibility for postpartum units, 7.8.A2.a

for protective environment rooms, 7.2.D2, A7.2.D5 Infant resuscitation, 7.8.A3.c

for psychiatric hospitals, 11.31.E1.c Infection control, disaster planning and, A1.5
for psychiatric nursing units, 7.6.A3 Infection Control Risk Assessment (ICRA), 5.1, 7.2.C, 7.2.D, 7.3.A14
for rehabilitation facilities, 10.31.E1.c for critical care units, 7.3.A14
for renal dialysis unit, 7.14.B4 definition of, Glossary
for resident rooms, 8.2.B4 for emergency facilities, 7.9.C7, 7.9.D5, 7.9.D22, 9.6.D2.d
for respiratory therapy service, 7.15.D3 for outpatient facilities, 9.2.B11
valves for, 7.31.E1.c for pediatric and adolescent units, 7.5.C6
Handwashing systems, for imaging department, 7.10.G4 for pediatric critical care units, 7.3.D
Health Care Financing Administration, 1.1.E for postpartum units, 7.8.A2.c
Health Risk Assessment, 3.3.A for renal dialysis units, 7.14.B6
with incinerator permit applications, A7.30.C2.e, A9.30.C2.e, Information systems, 7.32.J, 8.32.J, 9.32.J, 10.31.J, 11.32.J, 12.32.J
A11.30.C2.e Initial emergency management, 7.9.C
Heater rooms, insulation and ventilation of, 7.28.A22, 8.14.A14 Insects, 7.28.B6-7.28.B7
Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. See HVAC systems Instrument processing rooms, 9.9.B
Heat rejection equipment, 7.27.A3 Insulation, 7.31.B, 8.31.B, 9.31.B, 10.31.B, 11.31.B
Hemodialysis, drainage for, 7.31.E8-7.31.E9 of heat-producing equipment rooms, 7.28.A22, 8.14.A14
HEPA filters, Table 7.2 materials, 7.29.E
Holding areas. See Patient holding areas for rehabilitation facilities, 10.25.C
Home training area, for renal dialysis unit, 7.14.B8 of special systems equipment, 7.30.A3
Hoods, 9.31.D13, 10.31.D9 Intensive care units, newborn, 7.3.E
exhaust, 7.31.D13, 7.31.D16, 9.31.D16, 10.31.D12, A8.31.D1 International Code Council, 1.6.F, A14
laboratory, 7.31.D14-7.31.D15, 9.31.D14-9.31.D15, 10.31.D10- International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), 1.6.F
10.31.D11 Uniform Building Code, 1.5.A, 1.6.E, A1.5.A
Hospice care, 13, A13 Interstitial space, A5.1
Hospital Interview spaces, 7.19.C, 10.10.C
conversion to nursing facility, 1.3.F IV solution preparation area, for pharmacy, 7.17.F4
general, 7 Kitchenettes, in psychiatric nursing units, 7.6.B3.b
psychiatric, 11 Laboratory hoods, 7.31.D14-7.31.D15, 9.31.D14-9.31.D15, 10.31.D10-
Hot labs, 7.11.L, A7.11.F 10.31.D11
Hot water systems, 7.31.C, 7.31.E3, 9.31.C Laboratory services
in nursing facilities, 8.31.C, 8.31.E3 for critical care units, 7.3.A16.g
in outpatient facilities, 9.31.E3 for emergency facilities, 7.9.D11, 9.6.G
in psychiatric hospitals, 11.31.C, 11.31.E3 filter efficiencies for HVAC systems, Table 7.3, Table 9.1
in rehabilitation facilities, 10.31.C, 10.31.E3 for newborn intensive care units, 7.3.E13
Hot water use, Table 7.4, Table 8.3 for outpatient facilities, 9.2.D, 9.4.F2
Housekeeping, definition of, Glossary for psychiatric hospitals, 11.8
Housekeeping rooms, 7.26 for rehabilitation facilities, 10.2.D
for cardiac catheterization lab, 7.10.H10 ventilation requirements for, Table 7.2
for cesarean/delivery suite, 7.8.A3.f(3)o Laboratory suites, 7.12
for critical care units, 7.3.A16.g Labor-delivery-recovery facilities, 7.8.A4, A7.8
for dietary facilities, 7.18.B17 Labor-delivery-recovery-postpartum facilities, 7.8.A4, A7.8
for emergency facilities, 7.9.D20 baby holding nursery in, 7.4.B1
for hyperbaric suite, A7.33 Labor rooms, 7.8.A3.d, A7.8
for newborn intensive care units, 7.3.E12 Lactation support and consultation
for nuclear medicine facility, 7.11.I6 in newborn intensive care units, 7.3.E16
for nurseries, 7.4.A11 in nurseries, 7.4.A4, A7.4
for nursing facilities, 8.9.B13, 8.12 Landmarks, in Alzheimer’s/dementia units, A8.8.C
for nursing units, 7.2.B22 Laundry facilities, 7.23.D
for outpatient facilities, 9.2.E, 9.5.F5.m for birthing center, 9.7.B10
for postpartum units, 7.8.A2.b(17) hot water use, Table 7.4, Table 8.3
for rehabilitation facilities, 10.7.A12, 10.13 insulation and ventilation of, 7.28.A22, 8.14.A14
for rehabilitation therapy department, 7.13.B6 for nursing facilities, 8.11.C
for surgical suites, 7.7.C19 in psychiatric nursing units, 7.6.B9
Humidifiers, 7.31.D9, 9.31.D9, A7.31.D9, A9.31.D9, A10.31.D5 Lavatories. See Sinks
in nursing facilities, 8.31.D1, A8.31.D1 Legionella sp., 7.31.E3.c, A5.1, A7.31.E3.c, A8.31.E3.c, A9.31.E3.c,
HVAC systems, 7.31.D, A7.31.D3-A7.31.D4 A10.31.E3.c, A11.31.E3.c
commissioning, A5.3 Life Safety Code 101, 1.6.C, 12.1.C, A8.8.A
for critical care units, 7.3.A13 Lighting, 7.32.D
filter efficiencies, Table 7.3, Table 8.2, Table 9.1, Table 11.1 for decontamination area, A7.9.D25
in nursing facilities, 8.31.D for labor-delivery-recovery rooms, 7.8.A4
for outpatient facilities, 9.31.D for mobile units, 12.32.D
for positron emission tomography facility, A7.11.F for newborn intensive care units, 7.3.E7, A7.3.E7
in psychiatric hospitals, 11.31.D for nursing facilities, 8.32.A4, A8.32.A4.b, A8.32.A4.c
in rehabilitation facilities, 10.31.D for outpatient facilities, 9.32.D
Hydronics Institute Division, Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association, for psychiatric hospitals, 11.32.D
1.6.E, 1.6.F, 7.31.C, 8.31.C1 for rehabilitation facilities, 10.32.D
Hydrotherapy, 7.13.C8 Linear accelerator, 7.11.H
Hyperbaric suite, 7.33, A7.33 support areas for, 7.11.K
Hypothermia room, 7.11.J4 Linen chutes, 7.28.A12
Ice machines Linen services, 7.23
for critical care units, 7.3.A15.f for nursing facilities, 8.11
for dietary facilities, 7.18.B18 for rehabilitation facilities, 10.12
for nursing facilities, 8.9.B13 Linen storage. See Clean linen storage
for nursing units, 7.2.B16 Lobby, 7.19.B, 8.10.B, 9.6.D2, 10.10.B
for rehabilitation facilities, 10.7.A13 Location, 3.1
for surgical suites, 7.7.C21 Magnetic resonance imaging, 7.10.E
Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, 1.6.F, 7.32.D1, mobile units for, 12.1.D1.b, 12.1.D1.e
8.32.A4.a, 9.32.D2, 10.32.D2, 11.32.D2, 12.32.D, A8.32.A4.a Magnetic shielding, 7.10.E8, A7.10.E8
IESNA Publication HB-99, 1.6.E Mammography rooms, 7.10.D3, A7.10.D3
IESNA Publication RP-28-98, 1.6.E Manuals, 6
IESNA Publication RP-29-95, 1.6.E Manufacturing area, of pharmacy, 7.17.C
Imaging suites, 7.10 Mattresses, materials for, 7.28.B2
freestanding, 9.8A1 Mechanical systems
in rehabilitation facilities, 10.2.E, 10.22 commissioning, 5.3
Immunosuppressed host airborne infection isolation, 7.2.D1, A7.2.D for mobile units, 12.31
Incinerators, 7.27.A7, 7.30.C2, 9.30.C2, 11.30.C, A7.30.C2.d, A7.30.C2.e, for nursing facilities, 8.31
A9.30.C2.d, A9.30.C2.e for outpatient facilities, 9.4.I, 9.5.L, 9.31 171

for psychiatric hospitals, 11.31 NFPA 101, 1.1.E, 1.6.B, 1.6.C

for rehabilitation facilities, 10.31 for details and finishes, 7.28, 7.28.A1, 7.28.A11, 7.29.D, 8.15.B,
for special ventilation needs, phasing, A5.2 9.2.H1.b, 10.24.A1, 12.1.E1
standards, 7.31 and drawings, 6.1
Medical air systems, station outlets for, Table 7.5, Table 9.2 for entrance and exit lighting, 7.32.D9
Medical equipment for fire alarms, 7.32.I, 8.32.I, 9.32.I, 10.32.I, 11.32.I, 12.32.I
fixed, 4.2.B1 for hospitals, 1.6.E, 7.29.B, 7.31.D12, 7.32.H
movable, 4.2.C1 for mobile units, 12.1.C, 12.32.H
storage, repair and testing room for, 7.27.E for nursing facilities, 8.14.A1, 8.32.H1
Medical gas for outpatient facilities, 9.1.C, 9.4.H2, 9.31.D12
for critical care units, 7.3.A13 for rehabilitation facilities, 10.25.B
equipment, 7.27.A5 for renovations, 1.3.A, 1.3.C, 1.3.D
storage facilities NFPA 110, 1.6.E, 7.32.H, 12.32.H
for outpatient facilities, 9.5.F5.g NFPA 253, 1.6.E
for positron emission tomography, A7.11.F NFPA 255, 1.6.E, 9.2.I13
for surgical suites, 7.7.C8 for hospitals, 7.31.B3-7.31.B4
system installation, 7.31.E5 for nursing facilities, 8.31.B3-8.31.B4
Medical records, 7.20 for psychiatric hospitals, 11.31.B3-11.31.B4
administrator/technician office, 7.20.A for rehabilitation facilities, 10.25.D, 10.31.B3
sorting, recording, microfilming, 7.20.C NFPA 258, 1.6.E
storage for, 7.20.D NFPA 418, 1.6.E
Medical waste, disposal, 7.30.C2, 9.30.C2, 10.30.C2, 11.30.C2 NFPA 701, 1.6.E, 7.28.B1, 8.15.A, 10.24.B1
Medication stations NFPA 801, 1.6.E, 9.31.D15, 10.31.D11.b
for cesarean/delivery suite, 7.8.A3.f(3)d National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Table 7.2
for critical care units, 7.3.A12, A7.3.A12 National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 1.6.F, A1.5.A
for nursing units, 7.2.B13 National Sanitation Foundation, 7.18.A
for outpatient facilities, 9.2.B6, 9.5.F5.b National Technical Information Service (NTIS), 1.6.F
for postpartum units, 7.8.A2.b(11) Naval Publications and Form Center, 1.6.F
for psychiatric nursing units, 7.6.B2 Neighborhood outpatient facilities, 9.4
for rehabilitation facilities, 10.15.B11 Neurological procedure room, in surgical suites, 7.7.A2
for renal dialysis unit, 7.14.B7 Newborn, intensive care units for, 7.3.E
for resident units, 8.2.C7 Newborns, nurseries for, 7.4.B
for surgical suites, 7.7.C4 Noise control, 7.28.A23, Table 7.1
Metric units, 1.6.D in bone marrow transplant units, A7.2.D7
Mirrors, 7.28.A16, 8.14.A11 during construction, 5.2.C
Mobile units, 12 insulation for, 7.31.B, 8.31.B, 9.31.B, 10.31.B, 11.31.B
definition of, 12.1.B1 in newborn intensive care units, 7.3.E6, 7.3.E10, A7.3.E6
Mold room, 7.11.K1 in pediatric and adolescent units, 7.5.C1
Monitors standards for, Table 7.1
air pressure Nourishment stations. See also Dietary facilities
for airborne infection isolation rooms, 7.2.C7 for birthing center, 9.7.B3.d
for protective environment rooms, 7.2.D6 for critical care units, 7.3.A15.e
in critical care units, 7.3.A10, A7.3.A3 for nuclear medicine facility, 7.11.J9
temperature, for blood bank storage, 7.12.B for nursing units, 7.2.B15
Morgue, 7.16 for postpartum units, 7.8.A2.b(13)
Movable equipment, 4.2.C, A4.1.B, A4.2.C1 for psychiatric nursing units, 7.6.B3.a
Multipurpose rooms, 7.19.F for rehabilitation facilities, 10.15.B13
for critical care units, 7.3.A16.f for renal dialysis unit, 7.14.B13
for newborn intensive care units, 7.3.E24.c for resident units, 8.2.C9
for nursing facilities, 8.10.D Nuclear, biological, or chemical (NBC) exposure, 1.5
for nursing units, 7.2.B9, A7.2.B9 Nuclear medicine, 7.11, 9.8.A2, 11.7
for pediatric and adolescent units, 7.5.C1 Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), 1.6.F
for pharmacy, 7.17.E5 Code of Federal Regulation Title 10, Chapter 1
for postpartum units, 7.8.A2.b(18) Part 20, 1.6.E, 9.30.C3
for rehabilitation facilities, 10.10.E Part 35, 1.6.E, 9.30.C3
National Academy for State Health Policy, A14 Nuclear waste disposal, 7.30.C3, 9.30.C3
National Bureau of Standards. See National Institute of Standards and Nurse calling system
Technology for bone marrow transplant units, A7.2.D7
National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP), for critical care units, 7.3.A7, A7.3.A3
1.6.F for imaging department, 7.10.G4
Report #33, 7.28.A19 for psychiatric hospitals, 11.32.G
Report #49, 1.6.E, 7.28.A19 for psychiatric nursing units, 7.6.A1
Report #51, 1.6.E for rehabilitation facilities, 10.32.G
Report #102, 1.6.E Nurseries, 7.4, A7.4, A7.8
National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) provisions, baby holding, 7.4.B1
1.5.A, 1.6.E, A1.5.A continuing care, 7.4.C
National Environmental Policy Act, 3.3.A newborn, 7.4.B
National Fire Protection Association standards, 1.6.B, 1.6.E, 1.6.F, 7.12, pediatric, 7.4.D
7.12.D, A14 Nurses calling system, 7.32.G
NFPA 20, 1.6.E for nursing facilities, 8.32.G
NFPA 70, 1.6.E, 7.32.A1, 7.32.F4-7.32.F5, 12.32.A1, 12.32.F Nurse stations, 7.2.B1, 7.2.B3
for electrical equipment, 7.32.F1-7.32.F2 for critical care units, 7.3.A8
for hyperbaric suites, A7.33 for emergency facilities, 7.9.D17, 9.6.E4
for nursing facilities, 8.32.A1, 8.32.A3, 8.32.H4 for outpatient facilities, 9.2.B5
NFPA 72, 7.32.I, 8.32.I, 9.32.I, 10.32.I, 11.32.I, 12.32.I for renal dialysis unit, 7.14.B2
NFPA 80, 1.6.E Nursing facilities, 8
NFPA 82, 1.6.E conversion to hospital, 1.3.F
NFPA 90A, 1.6.E, 7.31.D10, 7.31.D12, 9.31.D12, 11.31.D6, 11.31.D8, ventilation of, Table 8.1
Table 7.2, Table 8.1 Nursing services, continuum of, 7.1.A, A8.1.A
NFPA 96, 1.6.E, Table 7.2, Table 8.1 Nursing units, 7.2
NFPA 99, 1.6.E patient rooms, 7.2.A
for electrical equipment, 7.32.F1 for rehabilitation facilities, 10.14
for hospitals, 7.28.B3, 7.31.D17, 7.31.E5-7.31.E6, 7.32.A1, 7.32.H service areas for, 7.2.B
for hyperbaric chambers, A7.33 ventilation requirements for, Table 7.2
for hyperbaric suites, A7.33 Observation rooms
for mobile units, 12.32.A1, 12.32.F1, 12.32.H for emergency facilities, 9.6.I
for nursing facilities, 8.31.E5, 8.32.A1, 8.32.H1 for outpatient facilities, 9.2.B4
172 for psychiatric hospitals, 11.31.E5-11.31.E6 Observation units, A7.9.E

Obstetrical facilities, 7.8, A7.8 Pediatric recovery rooms, A7.7.B2

Occupational Safety and Health Act, 3.3.A Perioperative, definition of, Glossary
Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 1.6.F Personal services
Code of Federal Regulations Title 29, Part 1910, 1.6.E in nursing facilities, 8.6, A8.6
Occupational therapy, 7.13.D, 8.5.A, 10.18, 11.9.C in rehabilitation facilities, 10.8
Offices/office space, 7.19.E Pharmacy, 7.17
for critical care units, 7.3.A16.b ventilation requirements for, Table 7.2
for dietary facilities, 7.18.B15 Pharmacy services
equipment and supplies, storage of, 7.19.G for critical care units, 7.3.A16.g
for imaging department, 7.10.G10-7.10.G11 for newborn intensive care units, 7.3.E13
for nuclear medicine facility, 7.11.G8-7.11.G9 for psychiatric hospitals, 11.10
for nursing facilities, 8.10.C, A8.4.B1 in rehabilitation facilities, 10.23
for rehabilitation facilities, 10.10.D Phasing, 5.2
for rehabilitation therapy department, 7.13.B1 Physical therapy facilities, 7.13.C, 8.5.A, 10.17, 11.9.C
On-call rooms, 7.3.A16.e, 7.3.E14, 7.8.A3.f(3)n Physicist’s office, nuclear medicine, 7.11.J7
Oncologist’s office, 7.11.J6 Piping systems, 7.31.E, 8.31.E
Operating rooms for outpatient facilities, 9.31.E
air supply for, 7.31.D4, A7.31.D4 in psychiatric hospitals, 11.31.E
definition of, Glossary for rehabilitation facilities, 10.31.E
general, 7.7.A1 in renal dialysis units, 7.14.B22, A7.14.B22
lighting, 7.32.D4 Planning, 5.1, A5.1
outpatient, 9.5.F2 for equipment, 4.2
receptacles for, 7.32.E1 Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors–National Association, 1.6.F
Orthopedic procedure room, in surgical suites, 7.7.A2-7.7.A3 National Standard Plumbing Code, 1.6.E, 7.31.E, 8.31.E, 9.31.E,
Orthopedic workroom, in emergency facilities, 7.9.D9 10.31.E, 11.31.E
Orthotics facility, 7.13.E, 10.19 Plumbing systems, 7.31.E, 8.31.E
Outdoor spaces, 8.8.B, A8.8.B, A11.3.C for mobile units, 12.31.C
Outpatient facilities, 9 for outpatient facilities, 9.31.E
classification of, 9.1.B for positron emission tomography facility, A7.11.F
neighborhood, 9.4 for psychiatric hospitals, 11.31.E
primary care, 9.3 for rehabilitation facilities, 10.31.E
surgical, 9.5, A9.5 Poison Control Center, 7.9.C6, 7.9.D12, 7.17.E2, 9.6.E3
Outpatients Positron emission tomography, 7.11.A, 7.11.F, A7.11.F
angiography facilities for, 7.10.B7 Post-anesthetic care units, 7.7.B2, A7.7.B2
change areas for, 7.7.C15 Postpartum bedroom, A7.8
dining area for, 10.6.B Postpartum units, 7.8.A2
imaging suite arrangements for, A7.10.A3 baby holding nursery in, 7.4.B1
pharmacy facilities for, 7.17.F5 workrooms in, A7.4.A7
physical/occupational therapy for, 8.5.B Potwashing facilities, 7.18.B12
recovery space for, 7.7.C14, A7.7.B2 Power conditioning, for magnetic resonance imaging, 7.10.E7, A7.10.E7
in renal dialysis unit, 7.14.A2 Preoperative holding areas. See Patient holding areas
Oxygen systems, station outlets for, Table 7.5, Table 9.2 Pressure relationships, standards for, Table 8.1
Panelboards, 7.32.C, 9.32.C, 10.32.C, 11.32.C, 12.32.C Primary care outpatient centers, 9.3
Parking, 3.2.B Privacy
for birthing center, 9.7.A in bone marrow transplant units, A7.2.D7
for freestanding emergency facilities, 9.6.C in coronary critical care units, 7.3.B.1
for general hospital, 7.1.D, A7.1.D in critical care units, 7.3.A5
lots, disaster planning and, A1.5 in labor-delivery-recovery rooms, 7.8.A4
for nursing facilities, 8.1.E in newborn intensive care units, 7.3.E9
for outpatient facilities, 9.1.G, 9.3.B, 9.4.C-9.5.C in nuclear medicine facility, 7.11.G11
for psychiatric hospitals, 11.1.C in outpatient facilities, 9.1.H
Pathological specimens, storage for, 7.7.C23 in patient rooms, 7.2.A5, 7.2.A7
Patient care and distribution carts, storage room for, 7.21.D in phase II recovery room, 7.7.C14
Patient education rooms in psychiatric nursing units, 7.6.A4
for pharmacy, 7.17.E4-7.17.E5 in renal dialysis unit, 7.14.B5
for respiratory therapy service, 7.15.D4 in resident rooms, 8.2.B7
Patient holding areas Procedure rooms, endoscopy, 9.9.A
for angiography room, 7.10.B5, A7.10.B5 Prosthetics facility, 7.13.E, 10.19
for cardiac catheterization lab, 7.10.H7 Protective environment rooms, 7.2.D, A7.2.D
for endoscopy suite, 9.9.B3 definition of, Glossary
for hyperbaric suite, A7.33 planning for, A5.1
for imaging department, 7.10.G3 Protocol document, 3.3.A
for magnetic resonance imaging, 7.10.E9, A7.10.E9 Psychiatric hospital, 11
for nuclear medicine facility, 7.11.G12, 7.11.I1 Psychiatric nursing units, 7.6, 11.2
for positron emission tomography facility, A7.11.F HVAC systems for, 7.31.D22
for rehabilitation therapy department, 7.13.B3 pediatric, 11.3
for surgical suites, 7.7.B1, 7.7.C17 Psychiatric units, forensic, 11.5
Patient rooms, 7.2.A Psychological services unit, 10.3
filter efficiencies, Table 7.3, Table 8.2, Table 9.1 Public areas, 7.19
lighting, 7.32.D3 for birthing center, 9.7.B
maximum capacity, 7.2.A1, 7.5.A1, 7.8.A2.a, A7.2.A1, A7.8.A2.a(3) for freestanding emergency facilities, 9.6.D
for nursing facilities, 8.2.B1, A8.2.B1 for nursing facilities, 8.10
for rehabilitation facilities, 10.15.A1 for outpatient facilities, 9.2.A, 9.3.D-9.5.D
in pediatric and adolescent units, 7.5.A for rehabilitation facilities, 10.10
in psychiatric nursing units, 7.6.A, 11.2.A, 11.4.A Quality control area, 7.10.G15, 7.11.J1
receptacles, 7.32.E2 Quiet room, 11.2.B26
in rehabilitation facilities, 10.15.A Radiation protection, 7.28.A19, 9.31.D15
sound transmission limitations, Table 7.1 in decontamination area, A7.9.D25
space needs, 7.2.A2, A7.2.A2 in imaging suite, 7.10.A2
station outlets for, Table 7.5 in laboratory suites, 7.12.H
ventilation requirements, Table 7.2 in nuclear medicine, 7.11.B
Patients, construction and, planning for, 5.1 in positron emission tomography facility, A7.11.F
Patients’ lounge, for postpartum units, 7.8.A2.b(8) in radiotherapy suite, 7.11.H2-7.11.H3
Pediatric and adolescent unit, 7.5, A7.5 Radiography, 7.10.D
Pediatric critical care units, 7.3.D Radiography rooms, 7.10.D1, A7.10.D1
Pediatric emergency facility, A7.9.E combined with fluoroscopy, 7.10.D2, A7.10.D2
Pediatric nursery, 7.4.D Radiology office, for imaging department, 7.10.G10
Pediatric psychiatric nursing units, 11.3 Radiology services 173

for critical care units, 7.3.A16.g Sealed room, definition of, Glossary
for emergency facilities, 7.9.D11, 9.6.F Seclusion treatment rooms, 7.2.E
for newborn intensive care units, 7.3.E13 ceiling requirements, 7.28.A20.f
for outpatient facilities, 9.2.C in emergency facilities, A7.9.D24
for psychiatric hospitals, 11.6 in psychiatric nursing units, 7.6.C, 11.2.C
ventilation requirements for, Table 7.2 Secured holding rooms
Radiopharmacy, 7.11.E in emergency facilities, A7.9.D24, A7.9.E
Radiotherapy suite, 7.11.H in psychiatric hospitals, 11.2.A2
Receiving areas, 7.18.B1, 7.22.B, 7.23.B1, 7.23.D1 Security, 3.1.C
Receptacles, 7.32.E for emergency facilities, 7.9.D21
duplex-grounded, 7.32.E3 for newborn intensive care units, 7.3.E11
for endoscopy rooms, A9.9.A1 for psychiatric nursing unit, 7.6
for mobile units, 12.32.E Seismic design
for nursing facilities, 8.32.A5 disaster planning and, A1.5, A1.5.A
for outpatient facilities, 9.32.E for elevators, 7.30.B
for psychiatric hospitals, 11.32.E for mobile units, 12.1.D2
for rehabilitation facilities, 10.32.E for outpatient facilities, 9.2.J
Reception areas, 7.19.B1 Self-contained medicine dispensing unit, 7.2.B13, 7.7.C4, 7.8.A2.b(11),
for emergency facilities, 7.9.D3 A7.3.A12
for imaging department, 7.10.G2 Semirestricted area, in surgery, 7.7.A
for nuclear medicine facility, 7.11.G17, 7.11.I5 Service areas
for rehabilitation therapy department, 7.13.B2 for cesarean/delivery suite, 7.8.A3.f
for respiratory therapy service, 7.15.D2 for nursing units, 7.2.B
Record drawings, 6.1 for outpatient facilities, 9.5.F5
Record review areas, 7.11.J8, 7.20.B in pediatric and adolescent units, 7.5.C
Recovery care centers, A9.5.A for post-anesthetic care units, 7.7.C
Recovery rooms for postpartum units, 7.8.A2.b
in endoscopy suite, 9.9.B3 for psychiatric hospitals, 11.2.B, 11.4.B
for obstetrical suites, 7.8.A3.e in psychiatric nursing units, 7.6.B
outpatient, 9.5.F3 for rehabilitation facilities, 10.1.A, 10.15.B
phase II, 7.7.C14 for resident units, 8.2.C
step-down, 9.5.F4 ventilation requirements for, Table 7.2
Recreation rooms Services
location of, 7.28.A21 for nursing facilities, 8.1.H
for rehabilitation facilities, 10.6 for psychiatric hospitals, 11.1.E
Recreation therapy, 11.9.F Showers
Refrigeration in decontamination area, A7.9.D25
for blood bank storage emergency, for laboratory suites, 7.12.F
for laboratory suites, 7.12.B for labor-delivery-recovery rooms, 7.8.A4
in surgical suites, 7.7.C22 for nursing units, 7.2.B19
for dietary facilities, 7.18.C for physical therapy facility, 7.13.C7
for harvested organs, 7.7.C23 for postpartum units, 7.8.A2.b(16)
for morgue, 7.16.A1 in psychiatric nursing units, 7.6.B5
for pharmacy, 7.17.D3 for resident units, 8.2.C11
Refuse chutes, 7.28.A12 Signs, 8.15.H, A8.8.C
Rehabilitation facilities, 10 Simulation room, for radiotherapy suite, 7.11.H1, 7.11.H4, A7.11.H4
Rehabilitation therapy department, 7.13 Sinks
in nursing facilities, 8.5 anchoring, 7.28.A18
in psychiatric hospitals, 11.9 for bone marrow transplant units, A7.2.D7
Relocatable units, 12 for laboratory suites, 7.12.C
definition of, 12.1.B3 for medicine dispensing unit, 7.2.B13
Renal dialysis units, 7.14 for morgue, 7.16.A2.d, 7.16.A3
receptacles for, 7.32.E5 for soiled workroom, 7.2.B12, 7.3.A15.d, 7.7.C6
Renovation, 1.3 Site, 3, 12.1.D1
of critical care units, 7.3.A3 Site design, 3.2
and mechanical systems, 7.31.A2 Smoke dampers, 7.31.D12, 8.31.D7, 9.31.D12, 10.31.D8, 11.31.D8
nonconforming conditions and, 5.4 Social services unit, 10.4
and patient room space, 7.2.A2 Social spaces, in psychiatric nursing units, 7.6.B7, 11.2.B16
phasing, 5.2 Social work services, for newborn intensive care units, 7.3.E13
planning and design for, 5.1, A5.1 Soiled workroom/holding room, 7.21.A1
of special procedure rooms, 7.7.A2 for cardiac catheterization lab, 7.10.H9
Report preparation area, 7.7.C13 for cesarean/delivery suite, 7.8.A3.f(2)
Reprocessing room, for renal dialysis unit, 7.14.B12 for critical care units, 7.3.A15.d
Requirements, 1.1.A, 1.2 for emergency facilities, 7.9.D16.a, A7.9.D16.a
Resident rooms, 8.2.B, A13 for hyperbaric suite, A7.33
Resident unit, 8.2 for imaging department, 7.10.G19
Resource conservation, 2.1 for newborn intensive care units, A7.3.E19
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 3.3.A for nuclear medicine facility, 7.11.G19
Respiratory therapy, 7.3.A16.g, 7.3.E13, 7.15 for nursing units, 7.2.B12
Restricted area, in surgery, 7.7.A for outpatient facilities, 9.2.B8, 9.5.E1, 9.5.F5.d
Roads, 3.2.A for physical therapy facility, 7.13.C6
for nursing facilities, 8.1.E for postpartum units, 7.8.A2.b(10)
Rodents, 7.28.B6-7.28.B7 for renal dialysis unit, 7.14.B11
Roofs, wind- and earthquake-resistant, 1.5.A3 for resident units, 8.2.C6
Safe Drinking Water Act, 3.3.A for surgical suites, 7.7.C6
Safety Sound transmission limitations, Table 7.1
in Alzheimer’s/dementia units, 8.8.A, A8.8.A Southern Building Code Congress International, 1.6.F
codes and standards, 1.6 Standard Building Code
renovation and, 1.3 1992 Amendments, 1.5.A, A1.5.A
Safety cabinets, 7.31.D13 1997-99 Significant Code Changes, 1.6.E
Scanner, for positron emission tomography, A7.11.F Space needs
Scrub facilities for adult day care facilities, A15.1
for angiography room, 7.10.B4 for angiography, 7.10.B1, A7.10.B1
for cardiac catheterization lab, 7.10.H5 for cardiac catheterization lab, 7.10.H2
for cesarean/delivery suite, 7.8.A3.f(3)e for critical care units, 7.3.A3, A7.3.A3
for emergency facilities, 7.9.D10 for delivery rooms, 7.8.A3
for outpatient facilities, 9.5.F5.c for doors, 7.28.A6
174 for surgical suites, 7.7.C5 for elevators, 7.30.B2, 8.30.B2, A7.30.B2, A8.30.B2

for endoscopy rooms, 9.9.A1 in critical care units, 7.3.A15.a, 7.3.A16.c, 7.3.A16.h
for examination/treatment rooms, 7.2.B10 in dietary facilities, 7.18.B2-7.18.B4
for labor-delivery-recovery rooms, 7.8.A4 for emergency equipment, 7.2.B21, 7.3.A11, 7.3.E22, 7.7.C10, 7.9.D14
for magnetic resonance imaging, 7.10.E1 in emergency facilities, 7.9.C3
for newborn intensive care units, 7.3.E9 for formula, 7.3.D4
for nuclear medicine facility, 7.11.D, 7.11.G1 in imaging department, 7.10.G20
for nurseries, 7.4.B, 7.4.D in laboratory suites, 7.12.D, A7.12.D
for nursing facilities, 8.3.A, A8.3.A in linear accelerator area, 7.11.K2
for operating rooms, 7.7.A1 for medical records, 7.20.D
for outpatient facilities, 9.5.B in medication station, 7.3.A12
for pediatric and adolescent units, 7.5.A2, 7.5.B in nurseries, A7.4.A3
for pediatric critical care units, 7.3.D7, A7.3.D7 in nurse stations, 7.2.B8
for phase II recovery room, 7.7.C14 in nursing facilities, 7.2.B14, 7.2.B17-7.2.B18, 8.4.A
for physical therapy, 7.13.C1 in occupational therapy facility, 7.13.D3
for positron emission tomography, A7.11.F in offices, 7.19.G
for post-anesthetic care units, 7.7.B2 in patient rooms, 7.2.A6
for postpartum units, 7.8.A2.a in pediatric and adolescent units, 7.5.C4-7.5.C5
for psychiatric nursing units, 7.6.B7, 7.6.B10-7.6.B12 in pediatric critical care units, 7.3.D5-7.3.D6
for rehabilitation facilities, 10.2.B in pharmacy, 7.17.D
for renal dialysis unit, 7.14.B3, 7.14.B8 in psychiatric hospitals, 11.1.A5, 11.14
for resident unit, 8.2.A, 8.2.B2, A8.2.A in psychiatric nursing units, 7.6.B1, 7.6.B4
for seclusion treatment room, 7.6.C in rehabilitation facilities, 10.10.F, 10.10.G
for staff lounge, 7.2.B7 in renal dialysis units, 7.14.B16-7.14.B18, 7.14.C2
Special procedures rooms in resident rooms, 8.2.B6, 8.2.C10
in critical care units, 7.3.A16.d in respiratory therapy service, 7.15.A
in surgical suites, 7.7.A2 for staff belongings, 7.9.D18, 7.13.B7, 8.2.C3
Special systems (elevators, waste processing, etc.), 7.30 in surgical suites, 7.7.C7, 7.7.C18
in nursing facilities, 8.30 waste, 7.30.C1
in outpatient facilities, 9.30 Storage rooms
in psychiatric hospitals, 11.30 additional, 7.22.D
in rehabilitation facilities, 10.30 general, 7.22.C
Specimen collection facility, for laboratory suites, 7.12.E Stress reduction, 1.1
Spectroscopy, and magnetic resonance imaging location, 7.10.E6 Stretchers
Speech and hearing therapy facility, 7.13.F, 10.20 in outpatient facilities, A9.2.C7
Staff emergency assistance system, 7.32.G4, 8.32.G in preoperative patient holding areas, 7.7.B1, 7.7.C17
Staff facilities. See also Toilets, for staff storage for, 7.2.B18, 7.3.A16.h, 7.6.B4, 7.8.A2.b(15)
for birthing center, 9.7.B4 in emergency facilities, 7.9.D4
for cardiac catheterization lab, 7.10.H6 in rehabilitation therapy department, 7.13.B5
for cesarean/delivery suite, 7.8.A3.f(3)k in renal dialysis units, 7.14.B17
for critical care units, 7.3.A16.e Sub-acute care
for newborn intensive care units, 7.3.E21 definition of, Glossary
for outpatient facilities, 9.2.F, 9.5.F5.i, 9.5.F5.l facilities, 8.7, A8.7
for renal dialysis units, 7.14.C1 Substerile area, in surgical suites, 7.7.C3
for resident units, 8.2.C1, A8.2.C1 Suction systems, station outlets for, Table 7.5, Table 9.2
for surgical suites, 7.7.C11 Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act, 3.3.A
Staff lounges, 7.2.B7 Supervisor’s office, 7.2.B3, 7.7.C2, 7.8.A3.f(3)a
for cesarean/delivery suite, 7.8.A3.f(3)m Supplies
for critical care units, 7.3.A16.c clean/sterile, storage of, 7.21.B1
for emergency facilities, 7.9.D19 disaster planning and, 1.5.C
for imaging department, 7.10.G6 for newborn intensive care units, A7.3.E19
for laboratory suites, 7.12.J office, storage of, 7.19.G
for renal dialysis units, 7.14.C1 Supply rooms, 8.10.F, Table 7.2
for resident units, 8.2.C4 Support areas, 7.10.G, 7.11.I, 8.3
sound transmission limitations, Table 7.1 Surfaces, in nursing facilities, A8.14
for surgical suites, 7.7.C12 Surgery. See Surgical suites
Standards, 1.6 Surgical facilities, outpatient, 9.5, A9.5
for details, 7.28 Surgical suites, 7.7, A7.7
in mobile units, 12.1.E definition of, Glossary
in nursing facilities, 8.14.A ventilation requirements, Table 7.2
in outpatient facilities, 9.2.H1, 9.5.H1 Swing beds, 7.1.E, 11.1.D, A7.1.E
in psychiatric hospitals, 11.22 Switchboards, 7.32.B, 9.32.B, 10.32.B, 11.32.B, 12.32.B
in rehabilitation facilities, 10.24.A1 Technical equipment, 4.3, A4.3
for finishes, 7.28 Technology, advances in, planning for, A5.1
in mobile units, 12.1.E Telecommunication systems, 7.32.J, 8.32.J, 9.32.J, 10.31.J, 11.32.J, 12.32.J
in nursing facilities, 8.15 Telephones, 7.19.B4
in outpatient facilities, 9.2.H2, 9.5.H2 location of, 7.28.A3
in psychiatric hospitals, 11.22 Thermotherapy, 7.13.C8
in rehabilitation facilities, 10.24.B Thresholds, 7.28.A13
for general hospital, 7.1.B Toilets/toilet rooms, 7.19.B3
for mechanical systems, 7.31 for bone marrow transplant units, A7.2.D7
Station outlets, Table 7.5, Table 9.2 for computed tomography area, 7.10.C4
Steam systems, 7.31.C, 8.31.C, 9.31.C, 10.31.C, 11.31.C for coronary critical care units, 7.3.B.2
Sterilizing facilities, A7.21.A2 doors for, 7.28.A5
for birthing center, 9.7.B9 for emergency facilities, 7.9.C5, 7.9.D15
for cesarean/delivery suite, 7.8.A3.f(3)c for hospice, A13
for laboratory suites, 7.12.G for hyperbaric suite, A7.33
for outpatient facilities, 9.5.E for imaging department, 7.10.G4
in outpatient facilities, 9.2.B9 for labor-delivery-recovery rooms, 7.8.A4
for rehabilitation facilities, 10.16 for nuclear medicine facility, 7.11.G14
in surgical suites, 7.7.C3 for nurse stations, 7.2.B6
ventilation for, 7.31.D18, 9.31.D18 for nursing units, 7.2.B20, 10.15.A6
requirements, Table 7.2 for outpatient facilities, 9.3.D4, 9.4.E6
Storage for patient rooms, 7.2.A4-7.2.A5
for angiography room, 7.10.B6 for pediatric and adolescent units, 7.5.C3
in autopsy room, 7.16.A2.b for pharmacy, 7.17.F2
for building maintenance supplies, 7.27.D for phase II recovery room, 7.7.C14
central, 7.21.B for postpartum units, 7.8.A2.a
in cesarean/delivery suite, 7.8.A3.f(3)h, 7.8.A3.f(3)j for psychiatric hospitals, 11.2.A4 175

for psychiatric nursing units, 7.6.A6 for cardiac catheterization lab, 7.10.H3
for rehabilitation facilities, 10.15.D for computed tomography area, 7.10.C2
for rehabilitation therapy department, 7.13.B4 for critical care units, 7.3.A4
for renal dialysis units, 7.14.B21 in newborn intensive care units, 7.3.E5
for resident rooms, 8.2.B5, 8.2.C11, A8.2.B5 in nurseries, A7.4.A2
for respiratory therapy service, 7.15.D3 in psychiatric nursing units, 7.6.B6
for seclusion treatment room, 7.6.C for radiography rooms, 7.10.D4
for staff Visitors. See also Family
cesarean/delivery suite, 7.8.A3.f(3)m to critical care units, 7.3, 7.3.A5
critical care units, 7.3.A16.c waiting room, 7.3.A16.a
dietary facilities, 7.18.B16 to pediatric critical care units, 7.3.D1-7.3.D2, A7.3.D2
imaging department, 7.10.G6 Visual observation
nuclear medicine facility, 7.11.G15 in critical care units, 7.3.A9, A7.3.A9
phase II recovery room, 7.7.C14 in nursing units, 7.2.B1
post-anesthetic care units, 7.7.B2 in psychiatric hospitals, 11.1.F
rehabilitation therapy department, 7.13.B8 Vocational services unit, 10.5
resident units, 8.2.C2 Vocational therapy, 11.9.E
surgical suites, 7.7.C12 Volunteer facilities, 7.25
for ultrasound area, 7.10.F1 Waiting rooms, 7.19.B2
Tomography rooms, 7.10.D2, A7.10.D2 for admissions area, 7.19.D1
Total building commissioning, A5.3 for cesarean/delivery suite, 7.8.A3.f(3)b
Towel storage, for physical therapy facility, 7.13.C4 for critical care units, 7.3.A16.a
Transition room, in newborn intensive care units, A7.3.E15 for emergency facilities, 7.9.C4, 7.9.D5
Transportable units, 12 for hyperbaric suite, A7.33
definition of, 12.1.B2 for imaging department, 7.10.G1
Transportation for newborn intensive care units, 7.3.E1
availability of, A3.1.B for nuclear medicine facility, 7.11.G10
critical care unit needs, A7.3.A2.7.3.A2 for nursing units, A7.2.B9
to outpatient facilities, A9.1.F for outpatient facilities, 9.2.A2.c, 9.3.D3, A9.2.A2.c
Traps, 7.31.E4.h, 7.31.E4.i, A7.31.E4.e for renal dialysis units, 7.14.C3
Trash compactors, 7.27.A7 for respiratory therapy service, 7.15.D1
Trauma/cardiac rooms, in emergency facilities, 7.9.D8, 9.6.E1, A7.9.D8 Walls
Treatment areas/rooms. See also Examination/treatment rooms finishes, 7.28.6, 7.28.B5
for emergency facilities, 7.9.C2 in nuclear medicine facility, 7.11.C
filter efficiencies for HVAC, Table 7.3, Table 9.1, Table 11.1 in nursing facilities, 8.15.D, 8.15.E
for nurseries, 7.4.A8 Warewashing facilities, 7.18.B11, 8.9.B7, 10.7.A6
for outpatient facilities, 9.2.B3 ventilation requirements for, Table 7.2, Table 8.1
for physical therapy, 7.13.C1 water temperature for, Table 7.4, Table 8.3
for rehabilitation facilities, 10.17.C Waste disposal, 7.9.D13, 7.12.H, 7.30.C1, 9.5.F5.e
for renal dialysis unit, 7.14.B Waste processing services, 7.30.C
station outlets for, Table 7.5, Table 9.2 for nursing facilities, 8.30.C
ventilation requirements, Table 7.2 for outpatient facilities, 9.30.C
Treatment facilities, outpatient, 9.8, A9.8A for psychiatric hospitals, 11.30.C
Treatment planning room for rehabilitation facilities, 10.11.C, 10.30.C
for nuclear medicine facility, 7.11.J8 Waste storage, 7.18.B13, 7.30.C1
in psychiatric nursing units, 7.6.B13 Water runoff management, for decontamination area, A7.9.D25
Triage area, 7.9.D3, 9.6.D3 Water supply systems
Tuberculosis, prevention of transmission of, 7.15.E hot, 7.31.E3, 9.31.C, 9.31.E3, 10.31.C, 10.31.E3, 11.31.C, 11.31.E3
guidelines on, 1.6.E, 7.2.C, 7.7, 7.9.D planning, A5.1
Ultrasound potable, 7.31.E2, 8.31.E2, 9.31.E2, 10.31.E2, 11.32.E2
diagnostic, 7.10.F Water treatment room, in renal dialysis units, 7.14.B20
therapeutic, 7.13.C8 Wayfinding in Alzheimer’s/dementia units, A8.8.C
Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., 1.6.F Wheelchairs
Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS), 1.4, 1.6.E, 10.30.B1 storage for, 7.2.B18, 7.3.A16.h, 7.6.B4, 7.8.A2.b(15)
Unloading facilities, for supplies, 7.22.A in admissions area, 7.19.D3
Unrestricted area, in surgery, 7.7.A in emergency facilities, 7.9.D4
Upholstery, materials for, 7.28.B2 in outpatient facilities, 9.2.B10
Utilities in rehabilitation therapy department, 7.13.B5
availability of, 3.1.D in renal dialysis units, 7.14.B17
disaster planning and, 1.5.A1 for resident units, 8.2.C10
Vacuum systems, station outlets for, Table 7.5, Table 9.2 thresholds and expansion joint covers for, 7.28.A13
Variable air volume systems, 7.31.D21, 9.31.D21, 11.31.D12 Windows
Vending machines/services, 7.18.B9 in Alzheimer’s/dementia units, 8.8.A2
location of, 7.28.A3 in bone marrow transplant units, A7.2.D7
Ventilation. See also HVAC systems in critical care units, 7.3.A6
airborne infection isolation rooms, 7.2.C operable, 7.28.A10
for autopsy rooms, A7.16.B in patient rooms, 7.2.A3, A7.2.A3
commissioning, 5.3 in pediatric and adolescent units, 7.5.A3
during construction, 5.1, A5.1 in psychiatric hospitals, 11.2.A3
for cough-inducing/aerosol-generating procedures room, 7.15.E in resident rooms, 8.2.B8
for decontamination area, A7.9.D25 screens for, 7.28.A9
equipment for, 7.27.A1 Wind-resistant design, 1.5.A
filter efficiencies for, Table 7.3, Table 8.2, Table 9.1, Table 11.1 Work areas
for heat-producing equipment rooms, 7.28.A22, 8.14.A14 in admissions area, 7.19.D2
for IV solution preparation area, 7.17.F4 for autopsy room, 7.16.A2.a
for laboratory suites, A7.12.D for food preparation, 7.18.B5
non-central units, 8.31.D8, 9.31.D23, 10.31.D18, 11.31.D15, A8.31.D8 for laboratory suites, 7.12.A
for nuclear medicine facility, 7.11.E for nuclear medicine facility, 7.11.J9
for positron emission tomography facility, A7.11.F in nurseries, 7.4.A7, A7.4.A7
protective environment rooms, 7.2.D for occupational therapy, 7.13.D1
for psychiatric hospitals, 11.31.D13 X-ray equipment, 7.32.F2
during renovation, 5.1-5.2, A5.2 in newborn intensive care units, 7.3.E3
requirements for, Table 7.2, Table 8.1 receptacles for, 7.32.E3
Vibration control, during construction, 5.2.C X-ray facilities, diagnostic, 7.10.D
Viewing room, for cardiac catheterization lab, 7.10.H11 X-ray viewing facility, 7.3.A15.h, 7.7.A1, 7.7.A4, 7.9.D8, 7.32.F3
Viewing windows/panels Yard equipment, 7.27.F
for angiography room, 7.10.B3, A7.10.B3
176 for bone marrow transplant units, A7.2.D7
The American Institute of Architects (AIA)
Guidelines for Design and Constructio
The AIA, founded in 1857, is a professional Hospital and Health Care Facilities, 20
society of architects with members in the United
States and abroad. Through its national, region-
al, state, and local components, the AIA works What’s New in the 2001 Edition ■ The u
Reflecting the most current thinking about infec- (ICR
to achieve more humane built environments and
tion control and the environment of care, this new and r
higher standards of professionalism for architects const
edition also explores functional, space, and equip-
through education, government advocacy, com-
ment requirements for acute care and psychiatric
munity redevelopment, and public outreach ■ Provi
hospitals; nursing, outpatient, and rehabilitation
activities. The AIA Academy of Architecture for requir
facilities; mobile health care units; and facilities for
Health (AIA/AAH) strives to improve health hospice care, adult day care, and assisted living. depar
care facilities through architect and client educa- ing w
tion, work on regulatory issues, and communica- Major changes include
tion with professionals in related industries. The Faster, easier reference—The appendix now Increas
AAH actively aids the work of the Health appears at the bottom of the page in the main text made t
Guidelines Revision Committee through finan- to increase its visibility and usefulness. It remains outpati
cial support, preparation and review of draft advisory in nature. suites i
revisions to the document, and workshops about
Added clarity—A glossary has been added defin- was to
the Guidelines. ing terms used in the Guidelines to enhance the sam
understanding of the document. With m
Facility Guidelines Institute (FGI) edition
New chapters—“Adult Day Care Facilities” and
The Facility Guidelines Institute, a not-for- strong
“Assisted Living”
profit corporation, was founded in 1998 by the Design
executive committee of the Health Guidelines Expanded content—“Hospice Care” Care F
Revision Committee to provide continuity in the Stronger emphasis on those areas of specific and sible fo
guidelines revision process. FGI functions as a growing concern, including detailed
contractual, fundraising, and coordinating entity
■ Environment of care
to develop and enhance the content and format
of guidelines publications and of ancillary servic-
■ Infection control provisions, particularly those
es that encourage and improve their application
designed to protect against waterborne bacteria
and use. FGI represents the HGRC as the legal
author and holds the copyright for Guidelines
2001. The HGRC remains solely responsible for
the content of the Health Guidelines.

1735 New York Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20006-5292
Guidelines for Design and Construction of
Hospital and Health Care Facilities, 2001 edition

What’s New in the 2001 Edition ■ The use of infection control risk assessments
Reflecting the most current thinking about infec- (ICRAs), especially as a valuable risk-definition
tion control and the environment of care, this new and risk-reduction tool updated throughout the
edition also explores functional, space, and equip- construction process
ment requirements for acute care and psychiatric
hospitals; nursing, outpatient, and rehabilitation ■ Provisions for disaster planning, including
facilities; mobile health care units; and facilities for requirements for all hospitals with emergency
hospice care, adult day care, and assisted living. departments to be prepared for patients present-
ing with nuclear, biological, or chemical exposure
Major changes include
Faster, easier reference—The appendix now Increased level of care—A concerted effort was
appears at the bottom of the page in the main text made to bring requirements for surgery facilities in
to increase its visibility and usefulness. It remains outpatient settings into line with those for surgical
advisory in nature. suites in acute care general hospitals. The intent
Added clarity—A glossary has been added defin- was to ensure that patients in both settings receive
ing terms used in the Guidelines to enhance the same level of protection for surgical procedures.
understanding of the document. With more than 1,500 changes to the previous
New chapters—“Adult Day Care Facilities” and edition resulting from scrutiny and debate by a
“Assisted Living” strong multidisciplinary team, Guidelines for
Design and Construction of Hospital and Health
Expanded content—“Hospice Care” Care Facilities, 2001 edition, offers those respon-
Stronger emphasis on those areas of specific and sible for health care design and construction a
growing concern, including detailed, up-to-date document.

■ Environment of care

■ Infection control provisions, particularly those

designed to protect against waterborne bacteria

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