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Observational Study Medicine ®

Clinical analysis of diabetes in pregnancy with

Zhenyu Wang, MSa,b, Jia Chen, MSc, Tuhong Long, MSd, Lixuan Liang, MSe, Caijuan Zhong, MSf,
Yingtao Li, MSa,*

We analyzed the clinical characteristics of patients with diabetes in pregnancy (DIP) associated with stillbirth and explored strategies
to reduce its incidence. We retrospectively analyzed 71 stillbirths associated with DIP (group A) and 150 normal pregnancies
(group B) during 2009 to 2018. The incidence of the following was higher in group A (P < .05): hypertensive disorders (38.03%
vs 6.00%), placenta previa (14.08% vs 2.67%), placental abruption (5.63% vs 0.67%), fetal malformation (8.45% vs 0.67%),
fasting plasma glucose (FPG) ≥ 7.0 mmol/L (46.48% vs 0.67%), 2-h postprandial plasma glucose ≥ 11.1 mmol/L (57.75% vs
6.00%), HbA1c ≥ 6.5% (63.38% vs 6.00%), and polyhydramnios (11.27% vs 4.67). The incidence of oligohydramnios (4.23%
vs 6.67%) was lower in group A than in group B (P < .05). According to the gestational age at the time of stillbirth, Group-A
cases were subgrouped into miscarriages (20–27+6 weeks), premature deliveries (28–36+6 weeks), and full-term deliveries (≥37
weeks). Age, parity, and DIP type did not differ among the subgroups (P > .05). Among patients with DIP, antenatal FPG, 2-h
postprandial plasma glucose, and HbA1c were significantly associated with stillbirth (P < .05). Stillbirth was first detected at
22 weeks and typically occurred at 28–36+6 weeks. DIP was associated with a higher incidence of stillbirth, and FPG, 2-h
postprandial plasma glucose, and HbA1c were potential indicators of stillbirth in DIP. Age (odds ratio [OR]: 2.21, 95% confidence
interval [CI]: 1.67–2.74), gestational hypertension (OR: 3.44, 95% CI: 2.21–4.67), body mass index (OR: 2.86, 95% CI: 1.95–3.76),
preeclampsia (OR: 2.29, 95% CI: 1.45–3.12), and diabetic ketoacidosis (OR: 3.99, 95% CI: 1.22–6.76) were positively correlated
with the occurrence of stillbirth in DIP. Controlling perinatal plasma glucose, accurately detecting and managing comorbidities/
complications, and timely termination of pregnancy can reduce the incidence of stillbirths associated with DIP.
Abbreviations: BMI = body mass index, CI = confidence interval, DIP = diabetes in pregnancy, FGR = fetal growth restriction,
FPG = fasting plasma glucose, GDM = gestational diabetes mellitus, HbA1c = glycohemoglobin, OR = odds ratio, PGDM =
pregestational diabetes mellitus.
Keywords: complications, diabetes in pregnancy, glucose, risk factors, stillbirth

1. Introduction that dies during the process of childbirth, which is also a type
of stillbirth.[2] DIP is the most common clinical cause of embryo
Diabetes is a common complication of pregnancy and is asso- demise, premature delivery, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy,
ciated with adverse maternal and fetal outcomes. The term amniotic fluid abnormalities, fetal distress, fetal growth restric-
diabetes in pregnancy (DIP) refers to both pregestational dia- tion (FGR), macrosomia, and perinatal death.
betes mellitus (PGDM), which is preexisting diabetes that is Diabetes can significantly influence maternal and fetal out-
diagnosed before pregnancy, and gestational diabetes mellitus comes. The presence of diabetes can increase the risk of still-
(GDM), which is diabetes that first occurs during pregnancy.[1] birth and neonatal death. The incidence of GDM is high,
GDM can also be described as the occurrence of glucose intol- ranging from 26% during the second trimester[3] to 33% during
erance during pregnancy that does not satisfy the diagnostic the third trimester of pregnancy.[4] To decrease the stillbirth
criteria for PGDM.[2] Intrauterine fetal death after 20 weeks of rate in DIP, various interventions have been adopted, includ-
gestation is termed stillbirth. A stillborn fetus refers to a fetus ing early detection of diabetes and plasma glucose monitoring.

The datasets generated during and/or analyzed during the current study are Key Laboratory of Major Obstetric Diseases, Guangzhou 510150, China (e-mail:
available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose. Copyright © 2023 the Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The Third Affiliated Hospital This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
of Guangzhou Medical University, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License 4.0 (CCBY-NC), where it is
Major Obstetric Diseases, Guangzhou, China, b Department of Obstetrics permissible to download, share, remix, transform, and buildup the work provided
and Gynecology, Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, it is properly cited. The work cannot be used commercially without permission
Guangzhou, China, c Department of Obstetrics, Foshan Women and Children from the journal.
Hospital, Foshan, China, d Department of Medical Affairs Section, The Third How to cite this article: Wang Z, Chen J, Long T, Liang L, Zhong C, Li Y. Clinical
Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou, China, analysis of diabetes in pregnancy with stillbirth. Medicine 2023;102:21(e33898).
Department of Obstetrics, Dongguan Songshan Lake Central Hospital, Received: 20 July 2022 / Received in final form: 6 May 2023 / Accepted: 10 May
Dongguan, China f Department of Obstetrics, Maternal and Child Health Hospital 2023
of Guangdong, Guangzhou, China.
* Correspondence: Yingtao Li, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The
Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, Guangdong Provincial

Wang et al. • Medicine (2023) 102:21Medicine

Understanding the factors involved in DIP and their impact 2.5. Diagnostic criteria for GDM
on stillbirth would help to reduce complications and improve The 75-g oral glucose tolerance test should be performed after
pregnancy outcomes.[5,6] the patient has fasted for at least 8 hours. The fasting, 1-hour,
DIP is closely related to the occurrence of stillbirth. In this and 2-hour plasma glucose levels should be measured. Elevated
study, we summarized the general information, plasma glucose plasma glucose levels meeting any of the following criteria indi-
data, and other characteristics of cases of stillbirth at different cate a diagnosis of GDM: FPG ≥ 5.1 mmol/L (92 mg/dL), 1-hour
gestational weeks in women with DIP, and analyzed the risk plasma glucose ≥ 10.0 mmol/L (180 mg/dL), and 2-hour plasma
factors and potential indicators of the occurrence of stillbirth in glucose ≥ 8.5 mmol/L (153 mg/dL).
DIP to provide clinical guidance for its prevention.

2.6. Diagnostic criteria for fetal weight

2. Methods
The fetal/newborn weight distribution curve from a 2015 study
2.1. Data source from China was adopted.[11]
We collected all data from a chart review and an electronic data-
base review on 71 women with DIP and stillbirth (group A)
and 150 pregnant women with normal obstetric examination 2.7. Statistical analysis
(group B) between January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2018, The SPSS v22.0 software (IBM Corp, Armonk, NY) was used
who were admitted to the Department of Obstetrics, the Third for all statistical analyses. Measurement data were presented as
Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, which is a mean ± standard deviation. Analysis of variance was used for
referral center for cases in Guangdong Province and surround- comparisons between 3 groups. Percentages or frequencies were
ing areas. DIP with stillbirth was diagnosed in accordance with used to express count data. Fisher exact test or χ2 test was used
the International Classification of Diseases code. Their clinical to compare between-group differences. The multivariate logistic
features were retrospectively analyzed. regression technique was used to analyze high-risk factors.

2.2. Data collection 2.8. Ethics approval and consent to participate

The medical records were screened by 2 independent investiga- Our study had been approved by the Ethics Committee of the
tors to collect the general information of the patients at the time Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University.
of admission, including the age of the pregnant woman, parity, All procedures were performed according to the Declaration of
antenatal checkup status, body mass index (BMI), type of DIP Helsinki. All patients gave written informed consent.
(PGDM vs GDM), gestational age at the time of stillbirth, fetal
condition, comorbidities or complications during pregnancy
(other than DIP), and auxiliary examination status. After admis- 3. Results
sion, the fasting plasma glucose (FPG), 1-h postprandial and 2-h
3.1. Incidence of DIP
postprandial plasma glucose, and glycosylated hemoglobin lev-
els of the patients were measured. The incidence of DIP in our hospital was 14.10% (8398/59,654);
the mean maternal age was 36.00 ± 8.00 years. The incidence of
DIP with stillbirth was 0.85% (71/8398); the mean maternal
2.3. Diagnostic criteria age was 38.00 ± 5.00 years. The mean gestational age at still-
birth was 31.00 ± 8.00 weeks.
According to the WHO guidelines for diagnosis, early stillbirth
is characterized by a birth weight ≥ 500 g or gestational age of
22 weeks or a crown-to-heel length ≥ 25 cm; late stillbirth is 3.2. General information of pregnant women in Group A
characterized by a birth weight ≥ 1000 g or gestational age > 28
weeks or a crown-to-heel length ≥ 35 cm.[7] Under this classifica- and Group B
tion, birth weight is given higher priority than gestational age. The incidence of hypertensive disorders (38.03% vs 6.00%),
In China, stillbirth is defined as an intrauterine death occurring placenta previa (14.08% vs 2.67%), placental abruption
after 20 weeks of gestation.[2] The present study adopted the (5.63% vs 0.67%), fetal malformation (8.45% vs 0.67%),
diagnostic criteria for stillbirth used in China. FPG ≥ 7.0 mmol/L (46.48% vs 0.67%), 2-h postprandial plasma
glucose ≥ 11.1 mmol/L (47.89% vs 6.00%), HbA1c ≥ 6.5%
(63.38% vs 6.00%), and polyhydramnios (11.27% vs 4.67%)
2.4. Diagnostic criteria for DIP was significantly higher, while the incidence of oligohydram-
DIP may be diagnosed before pregnancy or first diagnosed nios (4.23% vs 6.67%) was significantly lower in group A than
during pregnancy, according to the 9th edition of Obstetrics in group B (P < .05 for all; Table 1). We found that FPG, 2-h
and Gynecology, edited by Xie et al,[2] and the guidelines of the postprandial plasma glucose, and HbA1c during pregnancy
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists[8,9] and were significantly associated with the occurrence of stillbirths
American Diabetes Association, 2018.[10] in patients with DIP (P < .05), and that stillbirth could first be
Women who have been diagnosed with diabetes before preg- detected at 22 weeks.
nancy are considered to have PGDM. For pregnant women who
have not undergone plasma glucose testing before pregnancy,
especially those with high risk factors for diabetes, it is neces- 3.3. Subgrouping of Group-A cases
sary to test for diabetes at the first prenatal examination. In such According to the gestational age at the time of the stillbirth, the
cases, the patient should be diagnosed with PGDM if any of the cases in Group A were further divided into 3 subgroups: miscar-
following criteria are met during pregnancy: FPG ≥ 7.0 mmol/L riage (20–27+6 weeks), premature delivery (28–36+6 weeks), and
(126 mg/dL), plasma glucose level 2 hours after a 75-g oral glu- full-term (≥37 weeks).
cose tolerance test ≥ 11.1 mmol/L (200 mg/dL), typical symp- The mean maternal age was 36.00 ± 8.00 years (range, 26–42
toms of hyperglycemia or hyperglycemic crisis, random plasma years; n = 20) in the miscarriage group, 36.5 ± 6 years (range,
glucose level ≥ 11.1 mmol/L (200 mg/dL), and glycohemoglobin 23–40 years; n = 35) in the premature delivery group, and
(HbA1c) ≥ 6.5%. 38 ± 5 years (range, 22–39 years; n = 16) in the full-term group.
Wang et al. • Medicine (2023)

The mean gestational age was 30.8 weeks (median, 31 weeks). (OR: 3.74, 95% CI: 0.82–6.65), and FGR (OR: 1.54, 95% CI:
There was no statistical difference in maternal age among the 0.66–2.41) were not correlated with the occurrence of still-
groups (P > .05). The miscarriage group had 5 primiparas and birth in DIP (Fig. 1).
15 multiparas; the premature delivery group had 9 primipa-
ras and 26 multiparas; and the full-term group had 5 primi-
paras and 11 multiparas. No significant differences in parity 3.4. Comparison of FPG, 1-h and 2-h postprandial plasma
were found among the groups (P > .05). There were 41 cases of glucose, and HbA1c status among the 3 subgroups
PGDM and 30 cases of GDM among the 71 cases of stillbirth.
The type of DIP did not significantly differ among the groups 1.3.4. FPG. Among the 71 women with DIP and stillbirth, 17
(P > .05; Table 2). (23.94%) women had FPG < 5.1 mmol/L. In the remaining 54
Age (odds ratio [OR]: 2.21, 95% confidence interval [CI]: women, the FPG level was above the reference range, including
1.67–2.74), gestational hypertension (OR: 3.44, 95% CI: 21 (29.58%) women with FPG < 7.0 mmol/L and 33 (46.48%)
2.21–4.67), BMI (OR: 2.86, 95% CI: 1.95–3.76), preeclamp- women with FPG ≥ 7.0 mmol/L. There was a significant difference
sia (OR: 2.29, 95% CI: 1.45–3.12), and diabetic ketoacido- in FPG among the subgroups. The premature delivery group had
sis (OR: 3.99, 95% CI: 1.22–6.76) were positively correlated the highest number of stillbirths (53.52%, P < .05; Table 3).
with the occurrence of stillbirth in DIP. Chorioamnionitis
(OR: 1.53, 95% CI: 0.96–2.10), fetal malformation (OR:
2.66, 95% CI: 0.55–4.77), amniotic fluid factors (OR: 1.15,
3.5. Postprandial (1 h) plasma glucose
95% CI: 0.86–1.43), true knot of the umbilical cord (OR:
0.96, 95% CI: 0.33–1.58), torsion of the umbilical cord (OR: The 1-h postprandial plasma glucose level was measured in 71
3.10, 95% CI: 0.76–5.43), prolapse of the umbilical cord women with DIP and stillbirth. The level was < 10 mmol/L in
(OR: 3.78, 95% CI: 0.65–7.56), umbilical cord entanglement 27 (38.03%) women and ≥ 10 mmol/L in 44 (61.97%) women.

Table 1
Comparison of clinical characteristics between group A and group B.
Group A (n = 71) Percentage Group B (n = 150) Percentage χ2 P value

Hypertensive disorder 27 38.03 9 6.00 32.263 <.001

Preeclampsia 23 32.39 5 3.33 23.78 <.001
Placenta previa 10 14.08 4 2.67 10.588 .002
Placental abruption 4 5.63 1 0.67 5.377 .038
Chorioamnionitis 3 4.23 1 0.67 3.434 .099
Fetal malformation 6 8.45 1 0.67 6.997 .015
Oligohydramnios 3 4.23 10 6.67 6.843 .045
Polyhydramnios 8 11.27 7 4.67 5.876 .032
FPG (mmol/L)
 <5.1 17 23.94 100 66.67 25.178 <.001
 5.1 ≤ FPG < 7.0 21 29.58 49 32.66
 ≥7.0 33 46.48 1 0.67
1-h Plasma glucose (mmol/L)
 <10 27 38.03 62 41.33 1.878 .243
 ≥10 44 61.97 85 56.67
2-h Plasma glucose (mmol/L)
 <8.5 15 21.13 48 32.00 7.985 .021
 8.5 ≤ FPG < 11.1 22 30.99 82 54.67
 ≥11.1 34 47.89 9 6.00
HbA1c (%)
 <6.5 26 36.62 140 93.33 32.263 <.001
 ≥6.5 45 63.38 9 6.00
FPG = fasting plasma glucose, HbA1c = glycohemoglobin.

Table 2
Age, parity, and type of diabetes in pregnant women.
Gestational age at stillbirth (wk)
Miscarriage group Premature delivery group Full-term group Total χ2 P value

 <35 yr 7 12 2 21 2.912 .283
 ≥35 yr 13 23 14 50
 Primipara 5 9 5 19 0.317 .883
 Multipara 15 26 11 52
Type of DIP
 PGDM 12 23 6 41 3.554 .178
 GDM 8 12 10 30
Total 20 35 16 71
DIP = diabetes in pregnancy, GDM = gestational diabetes mellitus, PGDM = pregestational diabetes mellitus.

Wang et al. • Medicine (2023) 102:21Medicine

There was no significant difference in the 1-h postprandial (30.99%) women, and ≥ 11.1 mmol/L in 34 (47.89%) women.
plasma glucose level among the 3 subgroups (P > .05; Table 3). There was no significant difference in the 2-h postprandial
plasma glucose level among the 3 groups (P > .05; Table 3).

3.6. Postprandial (2 h) plasma glucose

3.7. Glycosylated hemoglobin
The 2-h postprandial plasma glucose level was measured in 71
women with DIP and stillbirth. The level was < 8.5 mmol/L Among the 71 women with DIP and stillbirth were tested for
in 15 (21.13%) women, 8.5 ≤ FPG < 11.1 mmol/L in 22 glycosylated hemoglobin. The HbA1c level was < 6.5% in 45

Figure 1. Analysis of high-risk factors in the stillbirth group. FGR = fetal growth restriction.

Table 3
FPG, 1-h, and 2-h postprandial plasma glucose, and glycosylated hemoglobin status among the 3 subgroups.
Gestational age at stillbirth (wk)
Miscarriage (20–27 wks)+6
Premature delivery (28–36+6 wks) Full-term delivery (>37 wks) Total χ2 P value

FPG (mmol/L)
 <5.1 10 4 3 17 13.576 .007
 5.1 ≤ FPG < 7.0 7 9 5 21
 ≥7.0 3 22 8 33
Total 20 35 16 71
1-h plasma glucose (mmol/L)
 <10 8 13 6 27 2.65 .238
 ≥10 12 22 10 44
Total 20 35 16 71
2-h plasma glucose (mmol/L)
 <8.5 6 6 3 15 3.562 .571
 8.5 ≤ FPG < 11.1 3 12 7 22
 ≥11.1 11 17 6 34
Total 20 35 16 71
HbA1c (%)
 <6.5 4 13 9 26 2.769 .262
 ≥6.5 16 22 7 45
Total 20 35 16 71
FPG = fasting plasma glucose, HbA1c = glycohemoglobin.

Wang et al. • Medicine (2023)

(63.38%) women and ≥ 6.5% in 26 (36.62%) women. There Some studies have indicated that marginal or velamentous
was no significant difference in the HbA1c status among the 3 cord insertion, umbilical hyper coiling, and umbilical cord
subgroups (Table 3). thrombosis are significant risk factors for stillbirth.[23] There
is a positive association between maternal BMI and fetal
weight.[24] Obesity might increase the levels of inflammatory
4. Discussion markers.[25] Chronic chorioamnionitis has been associated
The incidence of DIP with stillbirth in our hospital was 0.85% with preterm stillbirth potentially caused by maternal anti-fe-
(71/8398). The mean maternal age was 39.00 ± 5.00 years. tal rejection, which may explain approximately 10% of the
Most cases occurred in women aged > 35 years (70.4%), at effect of obesity on the risk of stillbirth.[26] In addition, mater-
28 to 36+6 weeks of gestation (49.29%), among multiparous nal obesity is associated with fetal hyperinsulinemia, which
women (73.2%), and among women with PGDM rather than is an independent risk factor for fetal hypoxia.[12,13] Defects
those with GDM (57.7% vs 42.3%). Compared to stillborn of placentation are related to the etiologies of preeclampsia,
fetuses with a birth weight that was appropriate for gestational FGR, and small-for-gestational age neonates. Many authors
age, there were more fetal malformations (8.45%) among have indicated that it is possible to predict significant vascu-
small- or large-for-gestational age stillborn fetuses. The most lar events during pregnancy through uterine artery Doppler
common comorbidity was hypertension (38.03%). Possible examination.[27] High maternal BMI might decrease the uter-
causes of stillbirth included placental factors (19.71%) and ine artery pulsatility index (UtA-PI).[28] The UtA-PI of the
amniotic fluid factors (15.50%). The occurrence of stillbirth placental side is lower than that of the non-placental side.[29]
was correlated with the FPG level and the glycosylated hemo- Women with DIP showed higher maternal mean UtA-PI val-
globin level. ues, which might result in decreased uterine blood flow.[30]
Abnormal results on uterine artery Doppler examination are
associated with placental apoptosis, indicating that placental
4.1. Epidemiological characteristics dysplasia can be caused by late-onset preeclampsia in some
The causes and incidence of stillbirth vary globally. As of
2015, the global stillbirth rate was 1.84%, and the incidence in
China was approximately 1% to 4%. The perinatal mortality 4.3. Relationship between plasma glucose and stillbirth
rate in developed countries and regions has dropped to below
0.7%[12,13] According to a study, about 1 in 160 pregnancies The plasma glucose level during pregnancy is directly related to
results in a stillbirth in the United States.[14] The risk of stillbirth the prognosis of the fetus, particularly in cases of undiagnosed
among pregnant women with GDM is 4 to 5 times higher than GDM and uncontrolled glucose levels. Severe dysregulation of
that among women with normal pregnancies.[6] In the present maternal homeostasis, placental vasculopathy, and fetal met-
study, the stillbirth rate due to DIP alone was 0.85%, which is abolic pathway changes caused by hyperglycemia can lead to
probably due to the fact that our hospital is a specialized treat- stillbirth in DIP.[32] The maternal-fetal transfer rate of glucose
ment center for severe diseases in pregnancy in Guangzhou, and can reach 5.9 mg/kg·min, and the fetal plasma glucose level can
is responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of difficult cases reach 60% to 80% of the maternal plasma glucose level.[33] The
involving high-risk pregnancies from Guangdong Province and IADPSG recommends screening for diabetes at the first antena-
the surrounding areas. Our center provides effective treatment tal visit.[34]
for critically ill pregnant women, thereby reducing the incidence Elevated FPG is an independent risk factor for stillbirth and
of stillbirth. stillborn fetus. An increase in FPG before delivery has been
linked to an increased risk of several adverse pregnancy out-
comes in DIP, including hypertension in pregnancy, polyhy-
dramnios, premature delivery, stillbirth, and stillborn fetus.[33]
4.2. Risk factors for stillbirth in DIP The Nielsen study found that elevated glycosylated hemoglobin
The risk of stillbirth and the overall perinatal mortality were was associated with pregnancy outcomes. For every 1% increase
significantly higher among pregnant women with DIP than in glycosylated hemoglobin, the risk of adverse pregnancy out-
among healthy pregnant women. DIP was also highly associ- comes increased by 3.8% to 7.3%.[35] Another result of poor
ated with adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as preeclamp- glycemic control is the risk of diabetic ketoacidosis. A UK pro-
sia, preterm birth, and surgical and midwifery-related trauma spective case-control study showed that the risk of late stillbirth
during delivery.[15] Compared to the general population, the among pregnant women with undiagnosed GDM and elevated
risk of stillbirth is 3 to 5 times and 1.5 to 2.3 times higher in FPG levels was 4 times higher than that among pregnant women
women with PGDM and GDM, respectively.[16] The risk fac- with normal FPG. However, pregnant women diagnosed with
tors for stillbirth are related to education status, marital status, GDM did not have an increased risk despite having increased
age, perinatal care, race, social status,[17] comorbidities, autoim- FPG levels, indicating that screening and diagnosis of GDM
mune diseases,[18] and other characteristics of pregnant women. could reduce the risk of late stillbirth and stillborn fetus caused
The present study found that DIP with stillbirth was related to by increased FPG or GDM.[36] The International Association
maternal diseases, fetal malformations, and amniotic fluid fac- of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups (IADPSG) note that
tors. Among the maternal diseases related to stillbirth, hyperten- there is no clear consensus on whether FPG, random plasma
sion and diabetes mellitus are the most common.[19] It has been glucose, or HbA1c should be used for screening, and whether
reported that fetal malformation rates are higher in diabetic routine screening should be used widely or only in people at
pregnancies than in normal pregnancies.[20] Lethal malforma- high risk for DIP.[34]
tions, intrauterine growth retardation, and placental abnormal- Our study found that FPG, 2-h postprandial plasma glucose,
ities are the main causes of stillbirth associated with diabetes.[21] and HbA1c during pregnancy were significantly correlated with
In the present study, stillbirths were more common between 28 the occurrence of stillbirth in patients with DIP. This indicates
weeks and 36+6 weeks of gestation. This may be due to different that it is particularly important for women with DIP to undergo
degrees of increases in insulin requirements in the second and regular monitoring of FPG, 2-h postprandial plasma glucose,
third trimesters of pregnancy, particularly at 32 to 36 weeks of and HbA1c levels. It is suggested that actively controlling the
gestation,[22] due to poor plasma glucose control. This indicates plasma glucose level within the normal range during pregnancy
that without effective management of DIP, stillbirth may occur is an effective means to prevent and control perinatal complica-
at any gestational age. tions and prevent stillbirth.

Wang et al. • Medicine (2023) 102:21Medicine

4.4. Health care during pregnancy bias. The selection of case sources complied with WHO guide-
Poor plasma glucose control during pregnancy increases the risk lines, and the clinical data were complete. In addition, we used
of complications such as preeclampsia, premature birth, and a 1:2 matching ratio for this case–control study, and the data
polyhydramnios, and increases the risk of gestational hyperten- were complete. All outcomes, exposures, predictors, potential
sion by 3 to 5 times.[36] GDM patients have a 7-fold higher risk confounders, and effect modifiers were clarified. The diagnostic
of postpartum type 2 diabetes mellitus than the general popula- criteria were clarified in the article. Logistic regression was used
tion.[37] DIP is a high-risk factor for preeclampsia. Treatment of to analyze high-risk factors.
GDM with diet, insulin, and metformin could reduce the risk of Our study has several limitations. First, since this was a sin-
preeclampsia.[38] The use of low-dose aspirin starting from 10 to gle-center study, the sample size was not large, so we could not
12 weeks of gestation can improve pregnancy outcomes. Early analyze the difference between PGDM and GDM in each sub-
prevention can reduce the incidence of preeclampsia by 20% to group. Second, no analysis of stillbirth weight and gender was
40%.[35,39] Aspirin can inhibit cyclooxygenases 1 and 2, and thus performed. This may miss some meaningful data. Third, there
inhibit the inflammatory pathway of arachidonic acid metabo- was no detailed division of the gestational age at stillbirth, and
lism. The first wave of trophoblast migration occurs at 10 to 14 it is impossible to draw a more precise gestational age range for
weeks; the second wave of trophoblast migration in the deep stillbirth. Future studies may include a larger size sample or use
myometrium begins by 18 to 20 weeks and is completed only by a multicenter study design.
22 to 24 weeks.[24] Nonetheless, some studies have indicated that
aspirin started in the late second and third trimester could also
prevent eclampsia.[40,41] The American College of Obstetricians 5. Conclusion
and Gynecologists recommends low-dose aspirin (81 mg/d) for For perinatal health care in DIP, periodic obstetric checkups
prevention from 12 to 28 weeks of gestation until delivery. For should be jointly conducted by specialists from multiple dis-
pre-pregnancy obesity, the 2019 Society of Obstetricians and ciplines, appropriate intervention plans should be formulated,
Gynaecologists of Canada Guidelines for the Management of and the maternal-fetal condition should be closely monitored.
Obesity in Pregnancy state that compared to women with a nor- Treatment plans based on medical nutrition and exercise ther-
mal BMI, the risk of stillbirth is 1.40 to 3.10 times higher in apy should be individualized. Early rational use of insulin inter-
women with a BMI ≥ 30 and 2.79 times higher in women with vention is required to maintain a steady glucose level 24 hours a
BMI ≥ 40. Maternal risk factors such as obesity, gestational dia- day to enable ideal growth of maternal and fetal weight during
betes, hypertension, and preeclampsia are also high risk factors pregnancy. Comorbidities and complications should be detected
for stillbirth.[42] Most studies consider that obesity predisposes in time and promptly managed, and the pregnancy should be
mainly to late-onset preeclampsia.[43] Gestational weight gain terminated in a timely manner.
(GWG) is an important factor affecting the risk of stillbirth. This work was supported by Basic and Applied Basic Research
Studies have reported that too much or too little GWG increases Fund Project of Guangdong Province (2020A1515011347) and
the risk of stillbirth.[42] Therefore, it is recommended that GWG University Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Employment) Ed-
be routinely monitored. For women with singleton pregnancies ucation Project of Guangzhou (2020PT105).The funding agen-
and BMI ≥ 30, it is recommended that the GWG be controlled
cy was not involved in the following tasks: research design and
within 5.0 to 9.0 kg.[42,44,45] For obese women, it is necessary to
check for common complications such as chronic hypertension, conduct; data collection, management, analysis and interpreta-
type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, blood dyslipidemia, and tion; article preparation, review or approval. The corresponding
endocrine diseases, and to control weight through medical treat- author had full access to all the data in the study and had final
ment, diet, and exercise before pregnancy. It was shown that yoga responsibility for the decision to submit for publication.
can improve the functional indices of the uterine artery as well
as fetal development indices. Yoga might have a positive impact
on maternal stress, causing diminished sympathetic tone, which Author contributions
in turn relaxes the uterine arteries and results in better blood Conceptualization: Zhenyu Wang, Jia Chen, Yingtao Li.
circulation.[46] Elevated FPG has been linked to an increased risk Data curation: Zhenyu Wang, Jia Chen, Tuhong Long.
of adverse pregnancy outcomes in women with GDM, such as Formal analysis: Zhenyu Wang, Jia Chen, Yingtao Li.
polyhydramnios, premature delivery, and stillbirth.[33] Therefore, Funding acquisition: Zhenyu Wang, Jia Chen, Yingtao Li.
FPG may be a convenient and effective indicator to predict the Investigation: Zhenyu Wang, Lixuan Liang, Caijuan Zhong.
risk of adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes. Increasing FPG Methodology: Zhenyu Wang, Lixuan Liang, Caijuan Zhong,
testing during pregnancy has significant benefits for the prog- Yingtao Li.
nosis of high-risk groups. It is recommended that FPG levels be Project administration: Zhenyu Wang, Jia Chen, Yingtao Li.
measured in all women during the initial checkup. checkups in Resources: Zhenyu Wang, Jia Chen, Yingtao Li.
the second and third trimester may be needed to avoid stillbirth. Software: Zhenyu Wang, Jia Chen, Tuhong Long.
For the high-risk group of women with DIP, FPG, 2-h postpran- Supervision: Zhenyu Wang, Jia Chen, Yingtao Li.
dial plasma glucose, and HbA1c testing should be performed Validation: Zhenyu Wang, Jia Chen, Tuhong Long.
regularly. In addition, a large population-based study in the Visualization: Zhenyu Wang, Jia Chen, Tuhong Long.
United Kingdom found that women with DIP before 32 weeks Writing – original draft: Zhenyu Wang, Jia Chen.
of gestation had an increased risk of stillbirth.[47] In Scotland, the Writing – review & editing: Zhenyu Wang, Jia Chen, Tuhong
stillbirth rate for women giving birth in the first trimester has Long, Yingtao Li.
remained the same despite an increase in preterm birth rates.[48]
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