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Physical Science U4

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Unit 4

Structures and Shapes of Molecules

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 1

Structures and Shapes of Molecules 3

Essential Questions 4

Review 4

Lesson 4.1: Counting Valence Electrons 5

Objective 5
Warm-Up 5
Learn about It 6
Key Points 11
Web Links 12
Check Your Understanding 12
Challenge Yourself 12

Lesson 4.2: Lewis Structures of Molecules 14

Objective 14
Warm-Up 14
Learn about It 15
Worked Examples 21
Key Points 25
Web Links 26
Check Your Understanding 26
Challenge Yourself 27

Lesson 4.3: Predicting Shapes through VSEPR Theory 28

Objective 28
Warm-Up 28
Learn about It 31
Worked Examples 36
Key Points 39
Web Links 39

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Check Your Understanding 40
Challenge Yourself 41

Lesson 4.4: Practice Examples 42

Objective 42
Warm-Up 42
Learn about It 43
Worked Examples 47
Worked Examples 53
Key Points 56
Web Links 57
Check Your Understanding 57
Challenge Yourself 59

Laboratory Activity 60

Performance Task 61

Self Check 63

Key Words 63

Wrap Up 64

Photo Credits 65

References 65

Answer Key 66

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Unit 4
Structures and Shapes of

All of the substances that you encounter every day are built from different
elements that form bonds with other elements to form compounds. Some
substances can conduct electricity, while some cannot. Some are extremely volatile,
while some are tough to melt. ​Have you ever wondered why these substances
have different properties? Why is it that some substances are reactive and
some are inert?

The shape of a molecule is essential in determining its chemistry. How it is arranged

significantly influences its interactions with its kind and other molecules within its
environment. Moreover, the geometry of a compound depends strongly upon the
atoms of which it is made up of. ​How does a compound’s identity affect its
molecular structure? In this unit, you will learn why compounds have different
shapes and how these differences affect their properties.

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Essential Questions

At the end of this unit, you should be able to answer the following questions.
● Which part of the atom is responsible for bonding interactions?
● What are the different types of chemical bonds and how are they formed?
● How can molecular structures be represented?
● What are the different molecular geometries?
● Why do molecules take the shape they do?


● A ​group ​in the periodic table of elements corresponds to the elements

contained in a column having similar properties.
● An electron shell ​is a collection of electron orbitals generally known to have
the same energy level.
● Electrons occupying the outermost shell of an atom are called ​valence
electrons​. These electrons are involved in the formation of chemical bonds.
● The number of valence electrons in an atom can be determined from its
group number provided by C ​ hemical Abstracts Services (CAS).
● Electron configuration ​describes the arrangement of the electrons in the
orbitals of an atom.
● Hund’s rule ​states that every orbital in a subshell should be filled with an
electron each before any of these orbitals are doubly occupied.
● Covalent compounds ​are compounds formed from atoms sharing one or
more pairs of electrons. The bond that holds atoms in a covalent compound
is called a c
​ ovalent bond​.
● According to the ​octet rule​, an atom that has a total of 8 valence electrons is
inert. Some elements such as hydrogen and helium are exempted from the
octet rule.

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Lesson 4.1: Counting Valence Electrons

In this lesson, you should be able to:
● determine the number of valence electrons of an atom.

Chemical reactions happen on a daily basis everywhere. These reactions occur at

the atomic level. There is a certain part of the atom that is responsible for the
formation of chemical bonds. Thus, it is very important to consider this part
especially when drawing the structures and explaining the shapes of the molecules.
Do you know which part of the atom it is?


Modeling Valence Electrons

The number and location of an atom’s valence electron vary from one element to
another. In this activity, you will visualize the valence electrons of the first 18

● valence electrons map

● Valence Electrons Map

Quipper. 2018. ‘Valence Electrons Map’

● bingo chips or buttons

● element cards (index cards with element symbol, name, and atomic number

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1. Receive one element card from your teacher.
2. In numerical order, have them add one marker (bingo chips/buttons) at a
time to the map.

Guide Questions:
1. What does the marker represent?
2. How many valence electrons are there in your element?

Learn about It

The Periodic Table of Elements

Valence electrons ​are electrons located in the outermost shell of the atom of a
given element. These are the electrons involved in chemical bonding. The ​periodic
table provides various information about the elements, and some of this
information can be used to determine the number of valence electrons in the atom.

Fig. 1. ​The periodic table of elements, where rows are labeled based on IUPAC

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The periodic table can be divided into different partitions according to their
electron configurations. These are representative elements, transition metals,
lanthanides, and actinides.

The ​s​- and p

​ ​-blocks
The ​representative ​(or ​main group​) ​elements ​are those in the ​s- ​and ​p-​blocks.
The elements here have an ​s ​or ​p ​subshell as its outermost shell. The valence
electrons of ​representative elements ​are those present in the electron shell
having the highest principal quantum number, n​ ​.

Silicon (Si), for example, has a condensed electron configuration of 1​s2​​ 2​s2​​ 2​p​6​3​s2​​ 3​p​2​.
Since its outermost shell has an ​n ​of 3, you can count all electrons contained in
shells with ​n ​= 3 (i.e. 3​s​2​3​p2​​ ). Thus, Si has four valence electrons. On the same hand,
Beryllium (Be) has a condensed electron configuration of 1s​2​2s​2​. Its outermost shell
has an ​n​ of 2 and contains only two valence electrons.

In general, you can use the periodic table of elements in determining the number of
valence electrons of representative elements because they follow a pattern. The
number of valence electrons of representative elements is equal to their group
numbers provided by the ​Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)​. Elements in group 1A
always have one valence electron, while elements in group 8A have eight.

Table 4.1. G
​ roup number systems and their respective number of valence
electrons of representative elements
CAS group IUPAC group
Number of valence electrons
number number
1A 1 1
2A 2 2
3A 13 3
4A 14 4
5A 15 5
6A 16 6
7A 17 7
8A 18 8

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The ​d​-block
The ​transition metals ​are those in the ​d-​block. Elements in this block have their ​d
subshells being filled. They are the elements belonging to groups 3 to 12 as shown
in Fig. 1. Their electrons behave differently, such as the electrons present in the
largest ​d-​ block for the atom adds to the total number of valence electrons from the
largest shell of ​s ​orbital. The valence configuration for transition metals is ​ns​ x​
(n-1)​dy​​ . The total number of valence electrons is equal to the sum of ​x ​and y. ​For
example, titanium has a valence configuration of [Ar] 4s​2 3d​2​. Therefore, it has 4
valence electrons. For transition metals too, the number of valence electrons is
equal to its group number.

However, when transition metals form compounds, they do not use all their
valence electrons. The number of electrons an element can gain or lose when it
forms compounds is called ​valence (valency)​. ​A transition element can have
multiple valencies, depending on the condition of the atom.

Elements belonging to IUPAC group 3 have a valency of three; group 4 have a

valency of two to four; IUPAC group 5 have a valency of two to five; IUPAC group 6
have a valency of two to six; IUPAC group 7 a valency of have two to seven; IUPAC
group 8 have a valency of two to three; IUPAC group 9 have a valency of two or
three; IUPAC group 10 have a valency of two or three; IUPAC group 11 have a
valency of one or two; and IUPAC group 12 have a valency of two. The table below
summarizes these observations.

Table 4.2. G
​ roup number systems and their respective number of valence
electrons of transition metals
Number of
CAS group IUPAC group First element
valence Valency
number number of the group
3B 3 scandium 3 2-3
4B 4 titanium 4 2-4
5B 5 vanadium 5 2-5
6B 6 chromium 6 2-6
7B 7 manganese 7 2-7
8B 8 iron 8 2-3
8B 9 cobalt 9 2-3
8B 10 nickel 10 2-3
1B 11 copper 11 1-2

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2B 12 zinc 12 2

Zinc, belonging to IUPAC group 12, has 12 valence electrons and a valency of two
while copper, belonging to IUPAC group 11, has 11 valence electrons and a valency
of one or two electrons. Mercury (Hg), a transition metal having an atomic number
of 80, belongs to IUPAC group 12, has 12 valence electrons and a valency of two.
Iron, cobalt, and nickel belong to the same group and contain the same number of
valence electrons.

The ​f-​ block

These elements, which are found under the main body of the periodic table, are
referred to as ​rare earth metals​. These elements vary in oxidation states or
valency and are all radioactive. They are classified into two. ​Lanthanides ​are those
elements that have their 4​f ​orbitals being filled. ​Actinides ​are those elements
having their 5​f ​orbitals filled.

Example 1
How many valence electrons does Ca has?

Step 1 Identify what is required to find in the problem.
You are asked to determine the number of valence electrons in Ca.

Step 2 Identify the given in the problem.

Ca is a representative element.

Step 3 Determine the group number of the given element.

Ca belongs to group 2A.

Step 4 Determine the number of valence electrons from its group number.
Since Ca belongs to group 2A, it contains two valence electrons.

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How many valence electrons does N have?

Example 2
How many valence electrons does Mn have?

Step 1 Identify what is required to find in the problem.
You are asked to determine the number of valence electrons in Mn.

Step 2 Identify the given in the problem.

Mn is a transition element.

Step 3 Determine the group number of the given element.

Mn belongs to group 7B.

Step 4 Determine the number of valence electrons from its group number.
Since Mn belongs to group 7B, it contains seven valence electrons.

​ et us Practice
How many valence electrons does Zn have?

Determining the number of valence electrons of compounds

To determine the number of valence electrons in a compound, simply add the
number of valence electrons in each constituting atoms or elements.
Mathematically, it can be solved using the following formula.

Example 3
How many valence electrons does NO​2​ have?

Step 1 Identify what is required to find in the problem.
You are asked to determine the number of valence electrons in N
​ O​2​.

Step 2 Identify the given in the problem.

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The compound, ​NO​2​,​ is made of 1 nitrogen and 2 oxygens.

Step 3 Write the working equation.

Step 4 Substitute the given values.

Step 5 Find the answer.

​ et us Practice
Count the number of valence electrons of PCl​3​.

Key Points

● Valence electrons are electrons located in the outermost shell of the atom
of a given element.
● The periodic table can be divided into ​representative elements, transition
metals, lanthanides, a ​ nd​ actinides​.
● The valence electrons of representative elements are those present in the
electron shell having the highest principal quantum number, ​n.​
● The valence electrons of the main transition and inner transition elements
vary depending on the atom.
● The valence electrons of a compound are simply the sum of the valence
electrons of each constituting atoms or elements.

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Web Links

For further information, you can check the following web links:

● Read about the relationship between valence electrons and

electrical conductivity.
Electrical4U. 2012. ‘Valence Electron and Electric Conductivity’

● Read more about the function and importance of valence

Engel, E. 2012. ‘Function and Importance of Valence’

Check Your Understanding

A. Determine the number of valence electrons of the following atoms.
1. O 6. Te
2. Mg 7. Sb
3. Fr 8. Br
4. Ra 9. Ga
5. Rb 10. Cl

B. Determine the number of valence electrons of the following compounds.

1. NO​2 6. SeO
2. ClF​3 7. O​2​F​2
3. PCl​3 8. CO
4. SeCl​2 9. SO​3
5. NH​3 10. N​2​O​5

Challenge Yourself

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Answer the following questions briefly and clearly.
1. What are valence electrons and what important role do they play?
2. What are the columns in the periodic table called and when do
representative elements fall under the same column?
3. What is the implication of two or more representative elements being under
the same column?
4. How do you find the number of valence electrons of a representative
5. How do you determine the number of valence electrons of a transition

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Lesson 4.2: Lewis Structures of Molecules

In this lesson, you should be able to:
● draw the Lewis dot structures of atoms and molecules.

To better understand how reactions occur, the structure of each compound must
be drawn first. The type of bond formed between atoms depends on their nature
and properties. A method for drawing molecular structures have been devised in
order to incorporate the individual properties of the elements into the molecule.
Have you ever wondered why the representation of chemical structures is the
way it is?


Marble Madness
Before you fully understand the concept behind Lewis structures, you first have to
know how chemical bonds are formed between atoms. In this activity, you will
demonstrate covalent bonding through a game.

● small cups
● marbles

1. The class will be divided into 4 groups: A, B, C, and D.
2. Each student will have 1 cup and the following number of
marbles presented on the table.
3. Listen carefully to your teacher as he will shout out the
conditions. (Example: Group A and Group C will share 4

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4. Do the sharing process and group yourselves as necessary to satisfy the
given conditions.
5. Raise your hand when you’re done and have allowed your teacher to check if
you are correct.

Guide Questions:
1. What do the marbles represent?
2. From the activity, how would you describe covalent bonding?

Learn about It

Lewis Structures
Gilbert Newton Lewis ​was an American physical chemist
who proposed the idea of covalent bonding and the
importance of the electron pairs in bonding. He devised
the use of ​Lewis electron-dot symbols​, simply known as
Lewis symbols​.

An element’s ​Lewis symbol ​is basically the element’s

chemical symbol surrounded by dots, which represent
the element’s valence electrons. These dots are located
on the top, right, bottom, and left of the symbol with each
side having up to two electrons in place.

For example, a neutral nitrogen atom, with the chemical symbol N, has five valence
electrons. These electrons are placed one at a time around the element’s chemical
symbol, eventually occupying its four sides.

Fig. 2. ​The first four valence electrons must occupy all sides of the chemical symbol

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before pairing up.
Each of the next electrons (i.e. dots) is then paired to one of the first four. This
applies to elements with five or more valence electrons. All sides of the chemical
symbol are equivalent. This means that whichever side having two electrons rather
than one electron is not important.

Electronegativity and Lewis Structures

Covalent bonds occur between two nonmetals. Nonmetals have high
electronegativity values which make them very resistive in totally transferring their
electrons. ​Electronegativity is the ability of an atom to attract electrons towards its
own density cloud in a bond. The periodic table below shows the values of
electronegativity of the elements devised by L ​ inus Pauling​.

Fig. 3. ​Electronegativity values of elements.

Octet Rule
When atoms combine to form compounds, they tend to gain, lose or share
electrons to achieve eight electrons in the valence shell. This represents a stable
structure that is commonly found in noble gases except for helium. The pattern is
called the ​octet rule. ​For a compound between two nonmetals, atoms share
electrons to have an equivalent of eight electrons in their valence shell.

Covalent bonds
A covalent bond formation can simply be represented with these Lewis symbols as

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well. For instance, two Cl atoms can share an electron with each other to form one
covalent bond​. Because of this newly formed bond, each chlorine atom would now
complete its octet. Remember that each Cl atom has seven valence electrons and
would only need one more to complete the needed eight electrons.

The bond in the chlorine molecule is composed of a shared pair of electrons. This
electron pair is formed when two electrons from two separate orbitals of two
atoms pair up, occupying a space between the two atoms. These kinds of structures
are called ​Lewis structures ​or L
​ ewis electron-dot structures​.

Fig. 4. ​Each chlorine atom shares one electron to form the chlorine molecule.

The pair of electrons that forms the bond (bonding electrons) is called a ​bonding
pair ​while the pair of electrons that do not take part in bonding (nonbonding
electrons) is called a ​lone pair​. Note that lines could be drawn between atoms that
are bonded instead of using dots.

Fig. 5. ​Lewis structure of a chlorine molecule.

If you count the number of electrons around one Cl atom, you will see that both of
them contains eight electrons. The Cl atoms in this molecule are stable because
they follow the octet rule. Six of these electrons are nonbonding and two are

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shared in a ​single bond​.
Multiple bonds
Sometimes, atoms connected with single bonds do not meet the eight-rule
requirement. One way to reinforce the octet rule in these atoms is to form multiple
bonds such as double bonds and triple bonds.

In the case of double bonds, each of the double covalent bonds is represented by a
double line​. Consider the CO​2 molecule as an example. The Lewis structure of CO​2
is shown in Fig. 6. A carbon atom contains four electrons in its valence shell. It
would therefore need to share four electrons resulting in four-electron bonding
pairs. On the other hand, an oxygen atom has six electrons in its valence shell, so it
needs to share two electrons. Therefore, two atoms of oxygen can combine with
one atom of carbon to form CO​2​. This bonding indicates the presence of two double
covalent bonds.

Fig. 6. ​Lewis structure of CO​2​.

Exceptions to the Octet Rule

Not all atoms follow the octet rule when covalent bonding. There are a few
exceptions arising from the differences in the atoms’ electronic properties.

1. Atoms possessing less than eight electrons such as hydrogen, boron, and
beryllium follow reduced electron requirements. Hydrogen and helium
follow the ​duet rule and needs two electrons, beryllium follows the ​quartet
rule ​and needs four electrons, and boron follows the ​sextet rule ​and needs
six electrons.
2. Atoms possessing an odd number of electrons do not meet the octet
requirements. Most compounds involving nitrogen (and other Group V
elements) can possess only seven electrons. These compounds are also
known as ​free radicals​. An example is nitrogen monoxide, NO, with a total
valence electron of 11. In this case, nitrogen will have one unpaired electron
and will not follow the octet rule.
3. Atoms possessing more than eight electrons exhibit ​hypervalence ​where
the elements go even higher than ten. Due to their empty ​d orbitals,

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elements in Period 3 or higher such as. P, Br, I, Xe, and Sb can accommodate
electrons exceeding eight. An example of a hypervalent compound is PF​5
which uses ​hybridized ​sp​3​d orbitals from empty ​d orbitals and filled ​s and ​p
orbitals. The five valence electrons of phosphorus will be distributed evenly
to these hybridized orbitals which allow the atom to bond five times.

Drawing Lewis Structures

The Lewis structure of a covalent compound can be drawn systematically. The
following steps show how Lewis structures are drawn. Consider the molecule
carbon tetrachloride, CCl​4​.

Step 1 Determine the number of valence electrons in each constituent

element of the compound.

To do this, you need to determine the group number for

representative elements or the valence shell of the atom as indicated
in its electronic configuration. Carbon tetrachloride is composed of
two elements: carbon and chlorine.

For carbon, it has an electron configuration of 1​s​2​2​s2​ ​2​p​2​. It belongs to

Group 4. Thus, it has 4 valence electrons. At its valence shell (​n ​= 2), it
has four electrons that can pair with another electron to form a bond
according to the octet rule.

For chlorine, it has the electron configuration 1​s2​ 2​s2​ ​2​p5​​ . It belongs to
Group 7A. Thus, it has 7 valence electrons. At its valence shell (​n = 2), it
has 7 electrons with an unpaired electron in its orbital, which then can
pair with one more electron from other atoms.

Step 2 Determine the total number of valence electrons present in the

covalent compound. This is simply the sum of all valence electrons
present in each constituent element.

Valence electrons per Total number of valence electrons per

Number of atoms
atom atom
C 4 1 4×1=4
Cl 7 4 7 × 4 = 28
Total number of valence electrons in CCl​4 32

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Step 3 Draw the skeleton structure of the molecule.

The skeleton structure is a preliminary structure where all atoms are

connected together with single bonds. As a rule, the less
electronegative atom is placed in the center and to be bonded by
more electronegative atoms. However, when the bond is between
hydrogen and an electronegative atom, the more electronegative atom
is at the center of the structure. For example, the skeletal structure of
water is shown below.

Skeleton structure of CCl​4

Step 4 Distribute the valence electrons to form the Lewis structure.

Electrons should be distributed in a way that satisfies the octet rule for
each atom except hydrogen. In our example, CCl​4 has a total of 32
valence electrons. To compute for the remaining nonbonding valence
electrons, subtract the bonding electrons from the total number of
valence electrons. Since there are four single bonds, there are 8
bonding electrons in CCl​4​ (two electrons per bond). Hence,

32 Total number of valence electrons in CCl​4

— 8 Number of bonding electrons
24 Number of nonbonding electrons

These 24 remaining valence electrons will be distributed to all atoms

which do not satisfy the octet rule. Distribute the electrons to the
outermost atoms first before the central atom. Each chlorine contains

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two electrons in the skeleton structure and needs six more electrons.
These remaining electrons, then, will be distributed on each atom.

Lewis structure of CCl​4

Step 5 If the valence electrons seem to be deficient to satisfy the octet rule
for each element, multiple bonds can be drawn to satisfy the rule. In
this compound, all atoms follow the octet rule.

Worked Examples

Example 1
Draw the Lewis structure of NH​3​.

Step 1 Determine the number of valence electrons in each constituent
element of the compound.
Since N belongs to Group 5A, it contains five valence electrons. Since H
belongs to Group 1A, it contains one valence electron.

Step 2 Determine the total number of valence electrons present in the

covalent compound. This is simply the sum of all valence electrons
present in each constituent element.
Valence electrons per Total number of valence electrons per
Number of atoms
atom atom

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N 5 1 5×1=5
H 1 3 1×3=3
Total number of valence electrons in NH​3 8

Step 3 Draw the skeleton structure of the molecule.

Skeleton structure of NH​3

Step 4 Distribute the valence electrons to form the Lewis structure.

8 Total number of valence electrons in NH​3
— 6 Number of bonding electrons
2 Number of nonbonding electrons

Lewis structure of NH​3

Step 5 If the valence electrons seem to be deficient to satisfy the octet rule
for each element, multiple bonds can be drawn to satisfy the rule.
There is no need to add multiple bonds because there were enough
electrons to be distributed.

​ et us Practice
Draw the Lewis structure of CHCl​3​.

Example 2

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Draw the Lewis structure of BF​3​.

Step 1 Determine the number of valence electrons in each constituent
element of the compound.
Since B belongs to Group 3A, it contains three valence electrons. Since F
belongs to Group 7A, it contains seven valence electrons.

Step 2 Determine the total number of valence electrons present in the

covalent compound. This is simply the sum of all valence electrons
present in each constituent element.
Valence electrons per Total number of valence electrons per
Number of atoms
atom atom
B 3 1 3×1=3
F 7 3 7 × 3 = 21
Total number of valence electrons in BF​3 24

Step 3 Draw the skeleton structure of the molecule.

Skeleton structure of BF​3

Step 4 Distribute the valence electrons to form the Lewis structure.

24 Total number of valence electrons in BF​3
— 6 Number of bonding electrons
18 Number of nonbonding electrons

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Lewis structure of BF​3

Step 5 If the valence electrons seem to be deficient to satisfy the octet rule
for each element, multiple bonds can be drawn to satisfy the rule.
There is no need to add multiple bonds because there were enough
electrons to be distributed. Boron also follows sextet, a form of the
reduced octet.

​ et us Practice
Draw the Lewis structure of SF​6​.

Example 3
Draw the Lewis structure of NO​2​.

Step 1 Determine the number of valence electrons in each constituent
element of the compound.
Since N belongs to Group 5A, it contains five valence electrons. Since O
belongs to Group 6A, it contains six valence electrons.

Step 2 Determine the total number of valence electrons present in the

covalent compound. This is simply the sum of all valence electrons
present in each constituent element.
Valence electrons per Total number of valence electrons per
Number of atoms
atom atom
N 5 1 5×1=5
O 6 2 6 × 2 = 12
Total number of valence electrons in NO​2 17

Step 3 Draw the skeleton structure of the molecule.

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Skeleton structure of NO​2

Step 4 Distribute the valence electrons to form the Lewis structure.

17 Total number of valence electrons in NO​2
— 4 Number of bonding electrons
13 Number of nonbonding electrons

Lewis structure of NO​2

Step 5 If the valence electrons seem to be deficient to satisfy the octet rule
for each element, multiple bonds can be drawn to satisfy the rule.
If you noticed, the central atom only has 5 electrons. Nitrogen has to have
at least 7. Since there are not enough electrons, putting a double bond
would help.

Lewis structure of NO​2

​ et us Practice
Draw the Lewis structure of CS.

Key Points

● An element’s ​Lewis symbol is basically the element’s chemical symbol

surrounded by dots, which represent the element’s valence electrons.
● The pair of electrons that forms the bond is called a ​bonding pair ​while the
pair of electrons that do not take part in the bonding is called a ​lone pair​.
● When nonmetal atoms combine to form molecules, they follow the ​octet
rule​ and share electrons to have eight electrons in the valence shell.
● Some compounds show exceptions to the octet rule. These include:

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○ Electron-deficient atoms which can only achieve duet and sextet;
○ electron-rich atoms which can exhibit ​hypervalence​; and
○ odd-electron atoms that form r​ adicals​.
● Sometimes, the octet rule can be reinforced by forming ​multiple bonds​.

Web Links
For further information, you can check the following web links:

● Practice your skills at home with this Flash-based Lewis

structures activity.
Bridgeman, A. 2010. ‘Interactive Lewis Structures’

● Play a game of Jeopardy with your friends through this

Jeopardy Labs. 2012. ‘Lewis Structure’’

Check Your Understanding

A. Draw the Lewis symbols of the following atoms.
1. O
2. Mg
3. Fr
4. Ra
5. Rb
6. Te
7. Sb
8. Br
9. Ga
10. Cl

B. Draw the Lewis structures of the following molecules.

1. PH​3 4. SeCl​2
2. ClF​3 5. HI
3. PCl​3 6. SeO

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7. O​2​F​2 9. SO​3
8. SCl​6 10. N​2​O​5

Challenge Yourself
Answer the following questions briefly and clearly.
1. Why is hydrogen an exception to the octet rule?
2. Why are elements in Period 3 or higher exceptions to the octet rule?
3. Why must valence electrons be accounted for in drawing Lewis structures?
4. When are multiple bonds necessary in drawing Lewis structures?
5. Why is the least electronegative atom usually the central atom?

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Lesson 4.3: Predicting Shapes through
VSEPR Theory

In this lesson, you should be able to:
● determine the structures and shapes of molecules using the
VSEPR model.

Molecules take different shapes and forms depending on their nature. Like Lewis
structures, the geometry of the molecules depends largely on the valence electrons
of the atoms comprising it. In fact, given a Lewis structure, one can predict the
shape of the molecule based on the number of electron domains. A different
number of domains yield different geometry. ​In what ways can you find out
which shapes molecules take?


Molecular Balloons
Molecules come in various geometric structures depending on the number of
electron domains around their central atom. There are five shapes from which all
the molecular geometries are derived, which you will build in this activity.

● balloons

A. Building a Linear Geometry Model
1. Inflate two balloons of the same size.
2. Build the model representing linear geometry by tying these balloons
together. You can use the image below as your reference.

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Linear Geometry

B. Building a Trigonal Planar Geometry Model

1. Inflate three balloons of the same size.
2. Build the model representing trigonal planar geometry by tying these
balloons together. You can use the image below as your reference.

Trigonal Planar Geometry

C. Building a Tetrahedral Geometry Model

1. Inflate two balloons of the same size
2. Build half of the model by tying these balloons together.
3. Make another set.
4. To build the final model representing tetrahedral geometry, twist both sets
through the center and merge them together. You can use the image below
as your reference.

Tetrahedral Geometry

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D. Building a Trigonal Bipyramidal Geometry Model
1. Inflate two balloons of the same size and tie them together.
2. Inflate three balloons of the same size and tie them together.
3. To build the final model representing trigonal bipyramidal geometry, twist
both sets through the center and merge them together. You can use the
image below as your reference.

Trigonal Bipyramidal Geometry

E. Building an Octahedral Geometry Model

1. Inflate two balloons of the same size and tie them together.
2. Make two more pairs.
3. To build the final model representing octahedral geometry, twist all sets
through the center to merge them together.

Octahedral Geometry

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Guide Questions:
1. What does each balloon represent?
2. If a full rotation is 360​o​, what is the angle between the two balloons in the
linear geometry? How about In the trigonal planar geometry?
3. There are instances when the balloons would just configure themselves to
maximize their space and relieve spatial stress. Explain how this analogy
related to that of orbitals.

Learn about It

Valence-Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) model

The three-dimensional shape of a molecule can be predicted using its Lewis
structure together with a model developed in the 1960s called the ​valence-shell
electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) model​. It is also referred to as the ​electron
domain (ED) model. ​The atoms are spatially arranged in molecules in angles of
90°, 109.5°, 120°, and 180°.

Remember that electrons in the valence shell are usually present in pairs with
opposite spins. There could be a single, two, or three pairs of electrons. They can
also be present as nonbonding pairs or even a single unpaired electron.

The ED model assumes that the shape of a molecule can be predicted by arranging
the electrons in a geometry that keeps them separated as far as possible.
Therefore, two pairs of electrons in the atoms of a molecule can be separated by an
angle of 180°, three bonding domains can be separated by an angle of 120°, and
four bonding domains forming a tetrahedron are separated by an angle of 109.5°.

Fig. 7. ​Shapes of the molecules using the ED model.

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For instance, apply the ED model to formaldehyde, H​2​CO. The Lewis structure of the
molecule shows that four pairs of electrons are present in the valence shell of the
central atom. The two pairs of electrons form a double bond, and there are two
single bonds present. Since the four pairs of electrons are located in the three
bonding domains, the ED model predicts that the geometry of H​2​CO has a trigonal
planar geometry.

Fig. 8. ​Lewis structure (left) and molecular geometry (right) of H​2​CO.

These angles predicted by VSEPR resulted from the fact that repulsion between
lone pairs differs from that between bonding pairs. In terms of repulsion strength,
the theory states that

lone pair - lone pair repulsion > lone pair - bonding pair repulsion > bonding pair -
bonding pair repulsion

As mentioned earlier, electrons can also be present as nonbonding pairs or even a

single unpaired electron. The ED model can predict the shape of molecules with
nonbonding electrons.

For instance, there are four domains in the valence shell of the central atom in H​2​O.
The valence electrons should be distributed towards the corners of a tetrahedron.
However, the main goal of using the ED model is to predict the geometry of the
molecule, rather than knowing the distribution of electrons.

Although the location of the nonbonding electrons cannot be precisely located,

using the ED model can predict the positions of the atoms in the molecules. The
shape of water should be ​bent or ​angular when the ED model is used. The regular
bond angle between atoms in a molecule with a tetrahedral electron distribution is
109.5​o​. However, the presence of two lone pairs in water causes the bonds to move

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closer to one another as the lone pairs repel each other stronger. In fact, the bond
angle between atoms in a water molecule is approximately equivalent to 104.5​o​.

Molecular Geometry
If all the electrons around the central atom are bonded, then the molecular
geometry is the same as the ED geometry. However, when there is at least one lone
pair around the central atom, the molecular geometry is just a derivative of the ED
geometry. Table 4.1 shows the molecular geometry of any molecule with a given
number of bonding and nonbonding domains.

Table 4.3. T
​ he different molecular shapes for different electron domains.

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The actual geometry of the molecule can be determined by following the steps
below. Consider the molecule boron trifluoride (BF​3​).

Step 1 Draw the Lewis structure.

Follow the steps on how to draw Lewis structures described in the

previous lesson. Check if all the elements in the molecule satisfy octet
or are exemptions to the rule.

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Boron is an element known to follow a reduced octet. Instead of
having eight electrons, it can only accommodate a maximum of six
electrons. Fluorine and other halogens usually occupy terminal
positions and follow the octet rule. The Lewis structure of BF​3 is shown

Step 2 Count the total number of electron domains of the central atom.

Recall that both bonding and nonbonding electrons are classified as

electron domains. To count the total number of electron domains of a
molecule, simply get the sum of the number of bonds and the number
of lone pairs present in the central atom.

The central atom B in the molecule BF​3 has three bonds and has no
lone pairs. Hence, the total number of electron domains in the
molecule is 3.

Step 3 Identify the electron domain geometry of the molecule.

You can use Table 4.3 as your reference. Molecules with three electron
domains are classified under the electron domain geometry of trigonal

Step 4 Identify the molecular group geometry and the bond angles between
atoms in the molecule.

Table 4.3 is also useful in identifying molecular group geometries from

electron domain geometry. The molecular group geometry is a
derivative of the electron domain geometry. The two geometries are

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the same if no lone pairs are initially present in the central atom of the

Based on Table 4.3, the molecular group geometry of a trigonal planar

electron domain geometry with no lone pairs is also trigonal planar.
Hence, the molecular group geometry of BF​3 is trigonal planar and the
bond angle between B and F atoms is 120​o​.

Worked Examples

Example 1
Determine the molecular group geometry and the bond angles between atoms of

Step 1 Draw the Lewis structure.
Phosphorus is the least electronegative atom and it occupies the central
position. It is also known to exhibit hypervalency. The Lewis structure of
PCl​5​ is shown below.

Lewis structure of PCl​5

Step 2 Count the total number of electron domains of the central atom.
The central atom P has five bonding pairs and has no lone pairs. The total
number of electron domains of the central atom is five.

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Step 3 Identify the electron domain geometry of the molecule.
Using Table 4.3, molecules with five electron domains are classified as
trigonal bipyramidal.

Step 4 Identify the molecular group geometry and the bond angles between
atoms in the molecule.
Based on Table 4.3, the molecular group geometry of a trigonal
bipyramidal electron domain geometry with no lone pairs is also trigonal
bipyramidal. Hence, the molecular group geometry of PCl​5 is trigonal
planar and the bond angles between atoms are 120​o​ and 90​o​.

​ et us Practice
Determine the molecular group geometry and the bond angles between atoms of

Example 2
Determine the molecular group geometry and the bond angles between atoms of

Step 1 Draw the Lewis structure.
Oxygen occupies the central position since hydrogen atoms always occupy
terminal positions. The Lewis structure of NH​3​ is shown below.

Lewis structure of PH​3

Step 2 Count the total number of electron domains of the central atom.
T​he central atom N has three bonding pairs and has one lone pair. The
total number of electron domains of the central atom is four.

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Step 3 Identify the electron domain geometry of the molecule.
Using Table 4.3, molecules with four electron domains are classified as

Step 4 Identify the molecular group geometry and the bond angles between
atoms in the molecule.
Based on Table 4.3, the molecular group geometry of a tetrahedral
electron domain geometry with a lone pair is trigonal pyramidal. Hence,
the molecular group geometry of NH​3 is trigonal pyramidal and the bond
angles between atoms are less than 120​o​.

​ et us Practice
Determine the molecular group geometry and the bond angles between atoms of

Example 3
Determine the molecular group geometry and the bond angles between atoms of

Step 1 Draw the Lewis structure.
Oxygen occupies the central position since hydrogen atoms always occupy
terminal positions. The Lewis structure of H​2​O is shown below.

Lewis structure of H​2​O

Step 2 Count the total number of electron domains of the central atom.
The central atom O has two bonding pairs and has two lone pairs. The
total number of electron domains of the central atom is four.

Step 3 Identify the electron domain geometry of the molecule.

Using Table 4.3, molecules with four electron domains are classified as

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Step 4 Identify the molecular group geometry and the bond angles between
atoms in the molecule.
Based on Table 4.3, the molecular group geometry of a tetrahedral
electron domain geometry with two lone pairs is bent. Hence, the
molecular group geometry of H​2​O is bent and the bond angles between
atoms are less than 109.5​o​.

​ et us Practice
Determine the molecular geometry and bond angles between atoms of XeI​4​.

Key Points

● The three-dimensional shape of a molecule can be predicted using its Lewis

structure together with the ​valence-shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR)
or​ electron domain (ED) model​.
● The ​ED model assumes that the shape of a molecule can be predicted by
arranging the electrons in a geometry that keeps them separated as far as
● If all the electrons around the central atom are bonded, then the molecular
geometry is the same as the ED geometry. However, when there is at least
one lone pair around the central atom, the molecular geometry is just a
derivative of the ED geometry.

Web Links

For further information, you can check the following web links:

● Explore molecules and shapes by building structures in 3D.

PhET Interactive Simulations. 2017. ‘Molecule Shapes’

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● Play a game of Jeopardy with your friends through this
Jeopardy Labs. 2012. ‘Molecular Geometry and Bonding Theories’

Check Your Understanding

A. Count the electron domains in the following Lewis structures and identify the
ED geometry of the following molecules, given their Lewis structures.


1. 7.






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B. Determine the molecular geometry of the following molecules.
1. PH​3 6. BrF​5
2. ClF​3 7. OCl​2
3. PCl​3 8. SCl​6
4. SeCl​2 9. SO​3
5. XeO​4 10.CHCl​3

Challenge Yourself
Answer the following questions briefly and clearly.
1. What factors affect the geometry of a molecule?
2. What keeps the outer atoms in a trigonal planar molecule 120​o from each
3. Explain why the bond angles between H and O atoms in water is
approximately equal to 104.5​o​.
4. How is a T-shaped geometry formed?
5. How is a square pyramidal geometry formed?

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Lesson 4.4: Practice Examples

In this lesson, you should be able to:
● improve current knowledge and skills in counting valence
electrons, drawing Lewis structures, and determining the
electron domain and molecular geometry of covalent

At this point, you have already learned everything you need to know in counting
valence electrons, drawing Lewis structures, and determining the electron domain
and molecular geometry of covalent compounds. However, it takes a lot of practice
to completely master this unit. ​In this lesson, you will be reviewing the techniques
and apply them to several practice exercises.


Structures and Shapes of Molecules Worksheet

Answer this short worksheet to start recalling the concepts you have previously
learned. Complete the table below.

1. Given the following molecules, count the total number of valence electrons
by adding the number of valence electrons of each constituting atoms.
2. Then, draw the Lewis structure of each molecule. Make sure to satisfy octet
unless the elements are exemptions to the rule.
3. Determine the electron domain geometry by counting the total number of
electron domains present in each molecule. Recall that both bonding and
nonbonding electron pairs are classified as electron domains. Use Table 4.3
as your reference.
4. Determine the molecular geometry using Table 4.3 as your reference. Lone
pairs determine the type of molecular geometry derived from the electron

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domain geometry.
5. Determine the bond angles between atoms. Specify which atoms are
separated by these angles.

Molecule No. of valence Lewis Electron Molecular Bond

electrons structure Domain Geometry Angles



Guide Questions:
1. What criteria do you use in choosing a central atom if all atoms are of the
same number?
2. When will ED geometry be similar to molecular geometry?

Learn about It

Counting Valence Electrons

The very basic skill needed to draw Lewis structures and predict molecular
geometry is to know how to count valence electrons. As a recall, the group number
described using the Chemical Abstracts System (CAS) notation tells you directly the
number of valence electrons of representative elements. The number of valence
electrons of the main transition and inner transition elements depends on their
identities. Use Table 4.1 and Table 4.2 as your reference. The following steps
summarize the techniques on how to count the number of valence electrons in
elements and compounds.

Step 1 Identify what is required to find in the problem.

You need to identify whether the problem asks for the number of valence
electrons in an element or in a compound.

Step 2 Identify the given in the problem.

You need to identify whether the element involved is a representative, main
transition, or inner transition element.

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Step 3 Determine the group number of the element.
Use the periodic table to determine the group number of the element. The
group number will help you determine the number of valence electrons in
the element in question.

Step 4 Determine the number of valence electrons from its group number.
Use Table 4.1 and Table 4.2 as your reference. Alternatively, for
representative elements, you can figure out the number of valence
electrons directly from their CAS group number designation.

Example 1
How many valence electrons does P have?

Step 1 Identify what is required to find in the problem.
You are asked to determine the number of valence electrons in P.

Step 2 Identify the given in the problem.

P is a representative element.

Step 3 Determine the group number of the given element.

P belongs to group 5A.

Step 4 Determine the number of valence electrons from its group number.
Since P belongs to group 5A, it contains five valence electrons.

​ et us Practice
How many valence electrons does Rb have?

Example 2
How many valence electrons does Cr have?

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Step 1 Identify what is required to find in the problem.
You are asked to determine the number of valence electrons in Cr.

Step 2 Identify the given in the problem.

Cr is a transition element.

Step 3 Determine the group number of the given element.

Cr belongs to group 6B.

Step 4 Determine the number of valence electrons from its group number.
Since Cr belongs to group 6B, it contains 6 valence electrons.

​ et us Practice
How many valence electrons does Ti have?

To determine the number of valence electrons in a compound, an additional step is

required. Simply add the number of valence electrons in each constituting atoms or
elements. Mathematically, it can be solved using the following formula.

Example 3
How many valence electrons does NH​3​ have?

Step 1 Identify what is required to find in the problem.
You are asked to determine the number of valence electrons in N
​ H​3​.

Step 2 Identify the given in the problem.

The compound, ​NH​3​,​ is made of 1 nitrogen and 3 hydrogens.

Step 3 Write the working equation.

Step 4 Substitute the given values.

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Step 5 Find the answer.

​ et us Practice
Count the number of valence electrons of BF​3​.

A periodic table that has CAS group numbers is very helpful. Recall that
representative elements belong to group A (1A to 8A) and transition elements
belong to group B (1B to 8B). Determining the number of valence electrons of
representative metals is also different from that of the valence electrons of
transition metals.

Drawing Lewis Structures

Since you already know how to count valence electrons, you are now ready to draw
Lewis structures. Recall the following steps on how Lewis structures are drawn.

Step 1 Determine the number of valence electrons in each constituent

element of the compound.
To do this, you need to determine the group number for representative
elements or the valence shell of the atom as indicated in its electronic

Step 2 Determine the total number of valence electrons present in the

covalent compound.
This is simply the sum of all valence electrons present in each constituent

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Step 3 Draw the skeleton structure of the molecule.
The skeleton structure is a preliminary structure where all atoms are
connected together with single bonds. As a rule, the less electronegative
atom is placed in the center and to be bonded by more electronegative
atoms. However, when the bond is between hydrogen and an
electronegative atom, the more electronegative atom is at the center of the

Step 4 Distribute the valence electrons to form the Lewis structure.

Electrons should be distributed in a way that satisfies the octet rule for
each atom except hydrogen. ​Tally the electrons being used up in drawing
the skeleton structures and determine the number of valence electrons left
for distribution. Distribute the electrons to the outermost atoms first.

Step 5 Draw multiple bonds if necessary.

If the valence electrons seem to be deficient to satisfy the octet rule for
each element, multiple bonds can be drawn to satisfy the rule. In this
compound, all atoms follow the octet rule.

Worked Examples

Example 4
Draw the Lewis structure of CS.

Step 1 Determine the number of valence electrons in each constituent
element of the compound.
Since C and S belongs to Group 4A, each contains four valence electrons.

Step 2 Determine the total number of valence electrons present in the

covalent compound. This is simply the sum of all valence electrons
present in each constituent element.
Valence electrons per Total number of valence electrons per
Number of atoms
atom atom
C 4 1 4×1=4
S 4 1 4×1=4
Total number of valence electrons in NH​3 8

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Step 3 Draw the skeleton structure of the molecule.

Skeleton structure of CS

Step 4 Distribute the valence electrons to form the Lewis structure.

10 Total number of valence electrons in CS
— ​ 2 Number of bonding electrons
8 Number of nonbonding electrons

Lewis structure of CS

Step 5 If the valence electrons seem to be deficient to satisfy the octet rule
for each element, multiple bonds can be drawn to satisfy the rule.
The tentative Lewis structure does not fulfill the octet rule for carbon and
sulfur. Hence, triple bonds need to be formed. The correct Lewis structure
is drawn below.

Actual Lewis structure of CS

​ et us Practice
Draw the Lewis structure of sulfur dioxide.

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Example 5
Draw the Lewis structure of PF​5​.

Step 1 Determine the number of valence electrons in each constituent
element of the compound.
Since P belongs to Group 5A, it contains five valence electrons. Since F
belongs to Group 7A, it contains seven valence electrons.

Step 2 Determine the total number of valence electrons present in the

covalent compound. This is simply the sum of all valence electrons
present in each constituent element.
Valence electrons per Total number of valence electrons per
Number of atoms
atom atom
P 5 1 5×1=5
F 7 5 7 × 5 = 35
Total number of valence electrons in PF​5 40

Step 3 Draw the skeleton structure of the molecule.

Skeleton structure of PF​5

Step 4 Distribute the valence electrons to form the Lewis structure.

40 Total number of valence electrons in BF​3
— ​ 10 Number of bonding electrons
30 Number of nonbonding electrons

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Lewis structure of PF​5

Step 5 If the valence electrons seem to be deficient to satisfy the octet rule
for each element, multiple bonds can be drawn to satisfy the rule.
There is no need to add multiple bonds because there were enough
electrons to be distributed. Boron also follows sextet, a form of a reduced

​ et us Practice
Draw the Lewis structure of BH​3​.

Example 6
Draw the Lewis structure of NO.

Step 1 Determine the number of valence electrons in each constituent
element of the compound.
Since N belongs to Group 5A, it contains five valence electrons. Since O
belongs to Group 6A, it contains six valence electrons.

Step 2 Determine the total number of valence electrons present in the

covalent compound. This is simply the sum of all valence electrons
present in each constituent element.

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Valence electrons per Total number of valence electrons per
Number of atoms
atom atom
N 5 1 5×1=5
O 6 1 6×1=6
Total number of valence electrons in NO​2 11

Step 3 Draw the skeleton structure of the molecule.

Skeleton structure of NO

Step 4 Distribute the valence electrons to form the Lewis structure.

11 Total number of valence electrons in NO​2
— ​ 2 Number of bonding electrons
9 Number of nonbonding electrons

Lewis structure of NO

Step 5 If the valence electrons seem to be deficient to satisfy the octet rule
for each element, multiple bonds can be drawn to satisfy the rule.
If you noticed, the central atom only has 5 electrons. Nitrogen has to have
at least 7. Since there are not enough electrons, putting a triple bond
would help.

Lewis structure of NO

​ et us Practice
Draw the Lewis structure of NO​3​-​.

Always check if the atoms in your Lewis structure follow the octet rule. If not, verify
if the atoms are able to follow other rules (i.e. reduced octet, expanded octet, or
odd-electron species). Nitrogen always produces odd-electron compounds while

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smaller elements tend to follow reduced octet. Elements in period 3 and beyond
exhibit hypervalency.

Determining the Electron Domain and Molecular Group Geometry

Lewis structures do not represent actual molecules in three-dimensional space.
From the Lewis structure, you can determine their actual electron domain and
molecular group geometries which represent their actual shapes. As a recall, the
actual geometry of the molecule can be determined by following the steps below.

Step 1 Draw the Lewis structure.

Follow the steps on how to draw Lewis structures described in the previous
lesson. Check if all the elements in the molecule satisfy octet or are
exemptions to the rule.

Step 2 Count the total number of electron domains of the central atom.
Recall that both bonding and nonbonding electrons are classified as
electron domains. To count the total number of electron domains of a
molecule, simply get the sum of the number of bonds and the number of
lone pairs present in the central atom.

Step 3 Identify the electron domain geometry of the molecule.

You can use Table 4.3 as your reference. Just match how many electron
domains you have counted to that in Table 4.3.

Step 4 Identify the molecular group geometry and the bond angles between
atoms in the molecule.
Table 4.3 is also useful in identifying molecular group geometries from
electron domain geometry. The molecular group geometry is a derivative
of the electron domain geometry. The two geometries are the same if no
lone pairs are initially present in the central atom of the molecule.

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Worked Examples

Example 7
Determine the molecular group geometry and the bond angles between atoms of

Step 1 Draw the Lewis structure.
Carbon is the least electronegative atom and it occupies the central
position. The Lewis structure of CCl​4​ is shown below.

Lewis structure of CCl​4

Step 2 Count the total number of electron domains of the central atom.
The central atom C has four bonding pairs and has no lone pairs. The total
number of electron domains of the central atom is four.

Step 3 Identify the electron domain geometry of the molecule.

Using Table 4.3, molecules with four electron domains are classified as

Step 4 Identify the molecular group geometry and the bond angles between
atoms in the molecule.
Based on Table 4.3, the molecular group geometry of a tetrahedral
electron domain geometry with no lone pairs is also tetrahedral. Hence,

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the molecular group geometry of CCl​4 is tetrahedral and the bond angles
between atoms are 109.5​o​.

​ et us Practice
Determine the molecular group geometry and the bond angles between atoms of

Example 8
Determine the molecular group geometry and the bond angles between atoms of

Step 1 Draw the Lewis structure.
Bromine is less electronegative than fluorine. Hence, it will occupy the
central atom. It is also known to exhibit hypervalency. The Lewis structure
of BrF​5​ is shown below.

Lewis structure of BrF​5

Step 2 Count the total number of electron domains of the central atom.
The central atom Br has five bonding pairs and has one lone pair. The total
number of electron domains of the central atom is six.

Step 3 Identify the electron domain geometry of the molecule.

Using Table 4.3, molecules with six electron domains are classified as

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Step 4 Identify the molecular group geometry and the bond angles between
atoms in the molecule.
Based on Table 4.3, the molecular group geometry of an octahedral
electron domain geometry with a lone pair is square pyramidal. Hence, the
molecular group geometry of BrF​5 is square pyramidal and the bond
angles between atoms are less than 90​o​.

​ et us Practice
Determine the molecular group geometry and the bond angles between atoms of

Example 9
Determine the molecular group geometry and the bond angles between atoms of

Step 1 Draw the Lewis structure.
Chlorine is less electronegative than fluorine. Hence, it will occupy the
central atom. It is also known to exhibit hypervalency. The Lewis structure
of ClF​3​ is shown below

Lewis structure of ClF​3

Step 2 Count the total number of electron domains of the central atom.
The central atom Cl has three bonding pairs and has two lone pairs. The
total number of electron domains of the central atom is five.

Step 3 Identify the electron domain geometry of the molecule.

Using Table 4.3, molecules with five electron domains are classified as
trigonal bipyramidal.

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Step 4 Identify the molecular group geometry and the bond angles between
atoms in the molecule.
Based on Table 4.3, the molecular group geometry of a trigonal
bipyramidal electron domain geometry with two lone pairs is T-shaped.
Hence, the molecular group geometry of ClF​3 is T-shaped and the bond
angles between atoms are less than 180​o​ and 90​o​.

​ et us Practice
Determine the molecular geometry and bond angles between atoms of XeF​3​-​.

Key Points

● The total number of valence electrons of a compound is the ​sum of all the
valence electrons​ of the atoms comprising it.
● Atoms follow the ​octet rule in covalent bonding to be stable, however, there
are​ some exceptions​.
● The ​ED geometry depends solely on the ​number of electron domains
around the central atom, which is the sum of the number of bonding and
lone pairs.
● The ​molecular geometry​, which is derived from the ED geometry, depends
on the ​number of bonding pairs a ​ round the central atom.
● It is necessary to determine the valence electrons of the compound before
drawing the Lewis structure.
● It is necessary to draw the Lewis structure before determining the ED
● It is necessary to determine the ED geometry before determining molecular

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Web Links

For further information, you can check the following web links:

● Try out your skills in drawing Lewis structures with this practice
ScienceGeek. 2014. ‘Review of Lewis Structures’

● Test your knowledge of molecular geometry with this practice

Sporcle. 2015. ‘Can you name the geometries that come from the VSEPR Theory for
each of these molecules?’

Check Your Understanding

A. Fill out the number of valence electrons and Lewis structures.
Molecule Total no. of valence Lewis structure

1. XeF​2

2. SeBr​6

3. NO​2​Cl

4. SCO

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5. CBr​4

6. CHN

7. PI​3

8. CS​2

9. AsBr​3

10. FCN

B. Fill out the ED and molecular geometry.

Molecule Electron Domain Molecular Geometry

1. XeF​2

2. SeBr​6

3. NO​2​Cl

4. SCO

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5. CBr​4

6. CHN

7. PI​3

8. CS​2

9. AsBr​3

10. FCN

Challenge Yourself
Answer the following questions briefly and clearly.
1. How do you determine the number of valence electrons of a compound?
2. How do you determine the central atom?
3. How do you determine how many lone pairs must be placed at the central
4. Give three examples of elements that do not obey the octet rule.
5. What is the difference between ED geometry and molecular geometry?

Laboratory Activity
Activity 4.1
Molecular Models

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At the end of this laboratory activity, the students should be able to:
● draw Lewis structures of the assigned molecule;
● determine its molecular geometry using the VSEPR model;
● identify the proper bond angles; and
● make a 3D model of the molecule using clay and sticks.

Materials and Equipment

● clay (at least 3 different colors)
● barbecue sticks
● cutter/scissors
● protractors

1. Your teacher will assign a molecule to each pair.
2. Count the total number of valence electrons.
3. Draw the Lewis structure.
4. Identify the electron domain geometry and molecular geometry.
5. Using clay as atoms and sticks as bonds, make a 3D model of the molecule.
Use different colors for different elements. Also, consider the bond angles in
your 3D models.

Data and Results

Table 1​. Description of the molecule.


Number of valence electrons

Lewis structure

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Electron domain geometry

Molecular geometry

Bond angles

Guide Questions
1. What is the central atom of your molecule? Justify.
2. How many bonded pairs and lone pairs are there in your molecule?
3. How many multiple bonds are there?

Performance Task

Modeling Pollutants
There are many chemical pollutants that harm the environment. Raising awareness
about them can help a lot in reducing, if not completely eliminating them. Taking a
closer look at their structure may also help in understanding how they work.

● Your task is to make a molecular model of your chosen environment
pollutant using recycled materials.

● Your job is to draw the Lewis structure of the molecule, and from there,
assess its molecular geometry and make a model.

● The target audience is your classmates and teacher.


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● The challenge involves doing research about environmental pollutants,
coming up with its molecular geometry, and using recycled materials to make
a model.

Product, Performance, and Purpose

● Your work will be judged by your teacher and your classmates upon
presentation. You should also be able to answer their questions about it.

Standards and Criteria

Your performance will be graded by the following rubric.

Needs Successful Exemplary

Below Expectations,
Criteria 0% to 49%
Improvement Performance Performance
50% to 74% 75% to 99% 100%

Content. Details not Details are Details are Details are

Detailed facts are presented. presented but not presented in an presented in an
Content is not organized. There organized organized matter
presented well.
related to the task. is some content manner. Content that can be easily
Content related to the
that is not related is related to the understood.
to the task. task. Content is related
to the task.
supporting details
are presented.

Accuracy. The content The content The content The content

The content presented was presented has a presented has presented is
entirely lot of errors. very few errors. accurate. The
presented is accurate.
inaccurate. molecule is an
pollutant. The
geometry is right.

Creativity. The molecular The molecular The molecular The molecular

The molecular model model is not model is not model is model is
presentable. presentable. presentable. presentable.
is presentable and
Recycled materials Recycled materials Recycled materials Recycled materials
recycled materials
were not used. were barely used. were barely used. were creatively
were used.

Communication The presentation The presentation The presentation The presentation

was not done. was done but in a was done was done clearly.
disorganized and smoothly but the Concepts were
The presentation was illogical manner. concepts are presented in a
done in a clear and presented in such logical manner

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logical manner. a way that should and easily
be rearranged for understandable by
better the audience.

Self Check

After studying the unit, can you now do the following?

Check I can…

determine the number of valence electrons of an atom.

draw the Lewis dot structures of atoms and molecules.

determine the structures and shapes of molecules using the VSEPR model.

Key Words

Bonding pair It is a pair of electrons that is used to form a bond

between two atoms.
Covalent bond It is a bond between two nonmetal atoms.

Electron domain It is the geometry of a molecule based on its electron

geometry domain which includes both bonding and nonbonding
electron pairs.
Lewis symbol It is the element’s chemical symbol surrounded by dots,
which represent the element’s valence electrons.
Lone pair It is a pair of electrons that does not participate in
Molecular geometry It is the actual geometry of a molecule that is derived
from the ED geometry.
Octet rule It states that atoms tend to gain, lose, or share electrons
to have an equivalent of eight electrons in their valence

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Valence It is the outermost energy level of an atom.

Valence electrons These are the electrons found in the valence shell.

Wrap Up

Writing Lewis structures

Determining the geometry of a molecule

Photo Credits

Unit photo. ​3D Glass Molecular Model by ​Purpy Pupple is licensed under ​public
domain​ via ​Wikimedia Commons​.

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Brown T.L. et al. 2012. Chemistry: The Central Science. Pearson Prentice Hall.
Bettelheim F.A. et al. 2015. Introduction to General, Organic and Biochemistry.
Boston: Cengage Learning.
Ebbing, Darrell and Gammon, Steven. 2016. General Chemistry. Boston: Cengage
Reger D.L. et al. 2009. Chemistry: Principles and Practice. Boston: Cengage
Spencer J.N. et al. 2010. Chemistry: Structure and Dynamics. New Jersey: John Wiley
& Sons.

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Answer Key

Lesson 4.1: Counting Valence Electrons

Let us Practice
1. 5
2. 12
3. 26

Lesson 4.2: Lewis Structures of Molecules

Let us Practice




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Lesson 4.3: Predicting Shapes Through VSEPR
Let us Practice
1. octahedral, 90​o
2. trigonal pyramidal, less than 120​o
3. square planar, 90​o ​and 180​o

Lesson 4.4: Practice Exercises

Let us Practice
1. 1
2. 4
3. 24



7. tetrahedral, 109.5​o
8. square pyramidal, less than 90​o
9. T-shaped, less than 180​o​ and 90​o

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Unit 4
Structures and Shapes of
Answer Key

Lesson 4.1: Counting Valence Electrons

Check Your Understanding
1. 6 6. 6
2. 2 7. 5
3. 1 8. 5
4. 2 9. 3
5. 1 10. 7

1. 17 6. 12
2. 21 7. 26
3. 26 8. 10
4. 20 9. 24
5. 8 10. 40

Challenge Yourself
1. Valence electrons are the electrons found in the outermost energy level of an
atom. They are the electrons involved in chemical bonding.
2. The columns are called “groups” and representative elements fall under the
same group because they have the same number of valence electrons.
3. Elements belonging to the same group have mostly the same bonding
properties because they have the same number of valence electrons.
4. Using the CAS group numbering system, the number of valence electrons of
representative elements is equal to the numerical value in the group

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number. Using the IUPAC group numbering system, the number of valence
electrons is equal to the ones digit of the group to which the element
5. It is equal to its group number.

Lesson 4.2: Lewis Structures of Molecules

Check Your Understanding

1. 7.

2. 8.









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Challenge Yourself
1. Hydrogen only has one ​s​ orbital which can hold two electrons at most.
2. Elements in Period 3 or higher can accommodate more than eight electrons
because they have an empty d orbital which can hold extra electrons.
3. Counting the valence electrons is the first step in drawing Lewis structures. It
is important because it affects whether or not there will be lone pairs or
multiple bonds.
4. Multiple bonds may be created when there are not enough electrons to
satisfy the octet of the atoms. Electrons in multiple bonds are available to
two atoms, instead of just one.
5. The least electronegative atom is more likely to share its electrons and form
bonds with more atoms as compared to electronegative atoms. This is why
putting it at the center will yield a more stable structure.

Lesson 4.3: Predicting Shapes Through VSEPR

Check Your Understanding

1. 3, trigonal planar 5. 3, trigonal planar

2. 4, tetrahedral 6. 3, trigonal planar
3. 3, trigonal planar 7. 2, linear
4. 4, tetrahedral 8. 5, trigonal bipyramidal

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9. 6, octahedral 10. 4, tetrahedral
1. trigonal pyramidal 6. square pyramidal
2. T-shaped 7. bent
3. trigonal pyramidal 8. octahedral
4. bent 9. trigonal planar
5. tetrahedral 10. tetrahedral

Challenge Yourself
1. The number of electron domains and the types (whether they’re bonding or
nonbonding domain) are the two main factors that affect the geometry of a
2. Repulsion between bonding electrons keeps them as far away from each
other as possible. Since there are three atoms in a plane, the farthest
distance they get from each other is by forming a 120-degree angle in
3. A trigonal pyramidal geometry is derived from a tetrahedral with one lone
pair. The lone pair is found at the top axial position, pushing the bonding
pairs downwards to form a pyramid with a triangular base.
4. A T-shaped geometry is derived from a trigonal bipyramidal with three lone
pairs. These lone pairs are found at the equatorial position, leaving the
bonding pairs to form a T-shape.
5. A square pyramidal geometry is derived from an octahedral with one lone
pair. The lone pairs are found at the axial position, leaving the bonding pairs
to form a pyramid with a square base.

Lesson 4.4: Practice Examples

Check Your Understanding
Molecule Total no. of Lewis structure
valence electrons

1. XeF​2 22

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2. SeBr​6 48

3. NO​2​Cl 24

4. SCO 16

5. CBr​4 32

6. CHN 10

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7. PI​3 26

8. CS​2 16

9. AsBr​3 26

10. FCN 16

Molecule Electron Domain Molecular Geometry

1. XeF​2 Trigonal bipyramidal Linear

2. SeBr​6 Octahedral Octahedral

3. NO​2​Cl Trigonal planar Trigonal planar

4. SCO Linear Linear

5. CBr​4 Tetrahedral Tetrahedral

6. CHN Linear Linear

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7. PI​3 Tetrahedral Trigonal pyramidal

8. CS​2 Linear Linear

9. AsBr​3 Tetrahedral Trigonal pyramidal

10. FCN Linear Linear

Challenge Yourself
1. To get the number of valence electrons of a molecule, you have to add the
valence electrons from each atom comprising the molecule.
2. The central atom is the least electronegative atom and usually the fewest in
the chemical formula.
3. To determine the number of nonbonding electrons, you have to subtract the
number of bonding electrons from the total number of valence electrons.
Distribute then these non-bonding electrons to the outer atoms first.
Whatever is left must be placed at the central atom.
4. Answers may vary. Any three from the aforementioned exceptions.
5. The ED geometry depends solely on the number of electron domains around
the central atom. The molecular geometry is derived from the ED geometry
and depends on the number of bonding pairs around the central atom.

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