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Ge Seminars Lecture 2

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An airplane flying at an altitude of 900m above the

2ND TERM, A.Y. 2023-2024 ground took a picture of a tower. The image of the top and
bottom of the tower appears in the picture having
1. A camera has a square format of 18cm and focal length distances of its end of 2.18cm and 2.10cm from the center
of 88mm. Determine the angular field of view. of the photo.
a. Determine the height of the tower.
2. What is the focal length of a camera if it has a format of b. If the focal length of the camera is 175mm, how
23cm and field of view of 115°? far is the tower from the plane along the horizontal?
3. The distance between two opposite fiducial marks of a 13. On a photograph taken at an observation plane at an
photo is 25cm. What is the field of view if the camera used altitude of 3000m above the datum, the distance from the
has a focal length of 115mm? principal point to the image of the top of the tower is
4. A camera has a field of view of 87.5° and focal length of 9.02cm. If the elevation of the top of the tower is 145m
145mm. What is the dimension of the square format? above the datum, determine the relief displacement.

5. A vertical photo was obtained by using an aerial camera 14. An airplane flying at an altitude of 1000m above sea
with a 153mm focal length. From an altitude of 1148m level took picture of a certain area. A building appears in
above MSL. If the average elevation of the terrain is 230m, the picture as having a distance of its ends of 6.05cm and
determine the scale of the photo. 6.10cm. Determine the height of the tower above sea level
and the horizontal distance of the tower directly below the
6. A vertical photo is taken using an aerial camera having plane when the picture was taken if the scale of the photo
a focal length of 350mm. The average scale of the photo is 1:4500.
is 1:2000. If the area photographed lies at an average
height of 915ft above MSL, determine the flying height 15. An airplane was at altitude 750m above the sea level
above MSL when the photo was taken. when it took pictures containing towers A and B. The
elevA (top) is 65m and the elevB (top) is 95m. The ends of
7. A road was measured to be 3.57cm on a topographic the two images have distances from centroid of the picture
map with a scale of 1:50,000. The same road can be seen as follows:
in an aerial photo with a focal length of 210mm and was XA = +7.10cm, YA = -3.00cm
measured to be 176.3mm. The road lies at a contour of XB = -3.60cm, YB = +8.90cm
elevation 120m. Determine the flying height above MSL If the focal length is 55cm, determine the distance
when photo was taken. between the two towers.
8. A parcel of lot, rectangular in shape, was photographed 16. An aerial photo was taken from the aircraft flying at an
by an aircraft flying at 2600m above MSL. The camera average height of 2900m, the camera has a focal length of
used has a focal length of 165mm. It was determined that 160mm and a square format of 25cm. If the distance
the lot has an average elevation of 143m above MSL. The between camera exposures is 1850m, determine the
sides of the lot were measured on the photo as 56.12mm percent end-lap.
and 82.14mm. Compute the actual area of the lot in
hectares. 17. What should be the distance between exposures, if the
9. A photo was taken at 950m above MSL. The focal scale of a photo is 1:3500, the format is 23cm by 23cm?
length of the camera used was 175mm. Two points A and
B were distinguished to have elevations of 38m and 196m, 18. The camera of focal length of 160mm has a size of
respectively. Determine the following: exposed negative of 240mm by 240mm. Photo is taken
a. Photo scale at point A from a plane flying at an altitude of 3500m from the
b. Photo scale at point B ground. If the spacing between adjacent flight strips is
c. Flight height that would be required to produce 3600m, determine the percent side-lap.
a vertical photo, if the desired scale is 1:12,000
over an area of mean ground elevation 1250m 19. Determine the flying height of an aircraft if the adjacent
above MSL. distance for flight strips is 3420m. The camera used has a
format of 250mm by 250mm and a focal length of 155mm.
10. An observation plane takes a photo of a building from
a height of 1250m above the ground and the height of the 20. Aerial photography is to be acquired over an area of
building is 100m. If the top of the building is located 55mm 5.6km wide and 11.6km long. From map scale and
from the principal point, compute for the relief accuracy requirements, it has been determined that
displacement. photos must be an average scale of 1:3600, the photo
format is 23cm by 23cm. End-lap and side-lap are 60%
11. On a photograph taken from a height of 1400m above and 30%, respectively. Determine the minimum number of
the ground, a building has a relief displacement that photos needed.
measures 6mm. If the image of the top of the building is
located at 65mm from the principal point, determine the
height of the building.

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