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Paragraph Task Sheet

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ARW – Academic Research & Writing

Assessment 3: Paragraph
Weighting: 25%
Due Date: Week 8, 24hrs after your second timetabled ARW class

Name: Janelle ID: 90034031

Date: 10/4/2024 Lecturer: Lizeth Munoz

Assessment Instructions:

Based on your Assessment 1: Essay Plan feedback, write body paragraph 1 of your essay based on
the question below:

Essay Question for assessments 1, 3 and 4.

Discuss three possible ways, governments and corporations can help to mitigate (reduce)
the effects of and adapt to future climate change.

Subtopic 1

Your first body paragraph MUST be on the compulsory subtopic of :

ARW – Academic Research & Writing
Assessment 3: Paragraph
Weighting: 25%
Due Date: Week 8, 24hrs after your second timetabled ARW class

Format Requirements
Your paragraph must follow academic paragraph structure, specifically:
 TEESR structure
 Evidence (EES) must include one direct quote.
 Approximately 350-400 words.
Your Supporting Sentences should:
 Consist of paraphrased evidence and 1 direct quote (of no more than 40 words) with correct in-
text citations.
 Come from a minimum of two different sources - the pre-chosen Scholarly Journal Article and 1
other credible academic source that you have found.
 Must be in-text referenced according to the Chicago 17th Edition (Author-Date) Referencing
Your end text reference list should:
 Be on a new page.
 Be in alphabetical order.
 Have a hanging indent.
 Be formatted according to the Chicago 17th Edition Referencing Guide.
 Failure to in-text and end-text correctly and in accordance with the Chicago Referencing Guide
17thb formatting rules is considered academic misconduct. The Academic Integrity Policy can be
found on the unit Moodle page.
 IMPORTANT: Failure to in-text and end text reference means your content lacks academic value.
While marks are awarded for referencing, failure to in-text correctly and to include a correctly
formatted end text reference list, will result in loss of marks throughout the marking key.

Assignment Confirmation Checks:

1. As part of the assessment requirements of this assignment you may be required to
present assignment confirmation checks.
2. Assignment confirmation checks mean you may be required to provide and present to
your teacher, written evidence of sources, written notes, and drafts of assignments
and/or demonstrate relevant unit skills used to produce your assignment. You must
track the progress and changes you make to your digital assessment. This could be in
the form of saving multiple versions of your document, using track changes to track your
progress or other individually saved files – depending on your assessment requirements.
3. The assignment confirmation checks for this assessment will occur in class in week 6 and
7, and you must attend class to ensure compliance with the required confirmation
4. If the assignment confirmation check is not complied with, the academic integrity of
your work may be questioned, and this may impact your final mark for the relevant
5. As part of the assignment confirmation check you may be required to present written
assignment submissions orally to your lecturer or other academic staff, present
evidence such as sources, written notes, and drafts and/or demonstrate relevant unit
skills used to produce your assignment.
6. You must be able to produce a copy of all work submitted if requested. This again
means saving multiple versions of your document, using track changes mark-up to track
your progress or other individually saved files – depending on your assessment
ARW – Academic Research & Writing
Assessment 3: Paragraph
Weighting: 25%
Due Date: Week 8, 24hrs after your second timetabled ARW class

7. Please note that students are not permitted to use generative artificial intelligence
(GenAI) or translation software (as per the Academic Integrity Policy) in any assessment
tasks unless written permission by the unit coordinator is explicitly granted.
Unapproved or undisclosed use may be considered dishonest or unfair behaviour and
this may be considered academic misconduct.

Format Requirements
 Download the Assessment 3 – Paragraph template file found under the Assessment tile in
 Type up your paragraph into the template.
 Save the template as YourNameParagraph.
 Use a consistent font and font size.
 Use single or 1.25 spacing between lines

Draft Requirements
Please remember it is a requirement that you maintain copies of drafts of your progress of
your paragraph and can present these to your teacher if requested. This can be achieved
by saving separate versions of your drafting process or using track changes in your Word
document. You may be required to present written assignment submissions orally to your
lecturer or other academic staff, present evidence such as sources, written notes, and
drafts and/or demonstrate relevant unit skills used to produce your assignment. You must
be able to produce a copy of all work submitted if requested. This again means saving
multiple versions of your document, using track changes mark-up to track your progress or
other individually saved files – depending on your assessment requirements.

IT Requirements
Access Moodle on a laptop or desktop computer, reliable internet access, Ms office – Ms word.

Submission Requirements
1. Upload your Assessment 3 completed Paragraph template to Moodle 24 hours after
the end of your second timetabled week 8 ARW class to the submission point found
under the assessment tile in Moodle.
2. Upload a copy of your assessment that clearly demonstrates the drafting process of
writing the document. This can be achieved by having track changes turned on whilst
completing the drafting and writing process. It will be outlined in class what
constitutes appropriate proof of the drafting process.
3. Your documents must be saved and uploaded as a Word document only.
4. You must also upload a copy of the sources you have used with relevant evidence
highlighted. Evidence may be uploaded in pdf or word format.
5. Your upload will not be considered submitted if it is in the incorrect document file
format, or you have submitted as a draft only.
6. Your upload will not be considered submitted if your drafting process is not uploaded,
if sources with evidence highlighted, have not been submitted or if your draft does not
show clear proof of the writing process.
7. Late penalties will apply until the proper submission requirements have been meet as
per the points above.

Please see the Assessment Guide for further information.

ARW – Academic Research & Writing
Assessment 3: Paragraph
Weighting: 25%
Due Date: Week 8, 24hrs after your second timetabled ARW class

Type your paragraph here:

It is crucial to empower women as leadership in the climate change debate by government

and corporations for effective mitigation and reduction of climate change impact. Wray et al.
(2023, 1088) explain that existing leadership structures contribute to insufficient progress on
climate action. Furthermore, the researchers argue that women living in areas most impacted
by climate change and in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) provide the least
contribution to environmental degradation because they are left out of power-holding
positions in the governance of climate change. Thus, an intersectional approach that
considers the economic, geographic, cultural, ethnic, and other often intersecting factors that
combine to create the inequitable consequences of climate change to identify and find
solutions. Besides, other researchers who are Strumskyte, Magana, and Bendig (2022, 3)
also point out that women’s participation in environmental decision-making promotes gender
equality and environmental action. Women’s participation in political decision-making is
associated with more aggressive climate targets and policies. Climate and sustainable
development are often prioritized by women on environmental, social, governance, and
corporate boards. Women have also established strong networks in civil society across the
world to remedy environmental inequalities and climate change. Despite these advantages,
gender gaps in environmental leadership remain large across all countries and
sectors.Research by Wray et al. (2023, 1088) provide an example of a community Forestry
Institutions (CFIs) examining the implementation of gender quotas in forest management
organisations in Indonesia, Peru, and Tanzania. For instance, the study discovered that
these organisations protected more trees and managed more effectively following a more
equitable distribution of membership quotas system. Tanjeela (2015, 62) states that feminist
analysis highlights the need to categorize women as a heterogeneous group and to
understand how their diverse coping strategies are affected by socioeconomic and
geographic circumstances. While recognizing women’s potential is important to obtain a
more balanced picture, it is also necessary to recognize that the social dynamics of climate
change cannot be completely understood if women are only viewed as a vulnerable group. In
conclusion, increasing the participation of women in leadership positions is the most effective
way to decrease the impact of climate change as women bring their perspectives, expertise,
and life experiences to create long-lasting climate change solutions.

ARW – Academic Research & Writing
Assessment 3: Paragraph
Weighting: 25%
Due Date: Week 8, 24hrs after your second timetabled ARW class

End Text Reference List

Strumskyte, Sigita, Sara Ramos Magana, and Helene Bendig. 2022. Women’s Leadership in
Environmental Action. 193. Paris. Organisation for Economic Co=operation and

Tanjeela, Mumita. 2015. “Women and Climate Change Adaptation in Bangladesh: Do

Women Matter?” The International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and
Responses, 7 (4): 61-74.

Wray, Britt, Erika M. Veidis, Elaine C. Flores, Allison A. Phillips, Ola Alani, and Michele
Barry. 2023. “A Call to Action for Gender Equity in Climate Leadership.” The
American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 108 (6): 1088-1092.

ARW – Academic Research & Writing
Assessment 3: Paragraph
Weighting: 25%
Due Date: Week 8, 24hrs after your second timetabled ARW class

Marking Criteria & Feedback

Paragraph Marking Criteria : Academic Paragraph Structure (TEESR)

T: Clear Topic Sentence and Controlling Idea focused on the first compulsory
 Summarises topic and subtopic 1.5
 Appropriate academic form and tone
 Appropriate sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and spelling
E: Clear and relevant explanation and analysis.
E: Clear and relevant example.
S: Clear and relevant synthesis.
 Includes relevant information to the subtopic. 18
 Appropriate paraphrasing/direct quote techniques used.
 Information is logically ordered and has appropriate academic form and tone.
 Appropriate use of transition signals and sentence fluency.
 Appropriate sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and spelling
R: Clear concluding sentence that re-phrases the subtopic connection to the
 Summarises topic and subtopic 1.5
 Appropriate academic form and tone
 Appropriate sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and spelling
Chicago formatted in-text citations and appropriate placement of in-text citations
 Minimum 2 references. 2
 Must include pre-chosen SJA.
Chicago Format End Text Reference List.
 Minimum 2 references. 2
 Must include pre-chosen SJA.
Total /25

 For a paraphrase/ quote to be awarded any marks, it must be relevant to the paragraph controlling
idea. Where it is not relevant, no mark will be awarded for the in-text citation. Only one direct quote
may be used in the paragraph, and it must be less than 40 words.
 Failure to in-text and end-text reference correctly will not only result in loss of marks for referencing
but may also result in loss of marks for evidence due lack of academic integrity.
 Language requirements will be taken into consideration when marking all sections.

ARW – Academic Research & Writing
Assessment 3: Paragraph
Weighting: 25%
Due Date: Week 8, 24hrs after your second timetabled ARW class

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