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Bài tập tiếng anh 9 -Mai Lan Hương - Hà Thanh Uyên Unit 9

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I. Does the voice go up or down on the underlined words? Draw a rising or
falling arrow at the end of each line.
1. A: I will take you to the English club tonight.
B: But I have a meeting with my friends tonight.
2. A: Why don’t you eat the beef?
B: I don’t like it.
3. A: Can I help you?
B: I’d like a chocolate ice cream.
4. A: I need some sugar to add to the batter.
B: But we’ve run out of sugar!
5. A: Where can I put these books?
B: Put them on the desk.
6. A: I like this silver necklace.
B: They’re all silver.
7. A: This HP Printer is cheap.
B: The Samsung one is cheaper.
8. A: This bag is so beautiful.
B: I know it’s beautiful, but it’s not durable.
II. Does the voice go up or down at the end of each second sentence? Draw
rising or falling arrows at the end of each line.
1. A: How did it go?
B: Oh it was very successful.
2. A: What a lovely voice!
B: Yes, she has a lovely voice.
3. A: This dish is delicious.
B: But it’s too expensive.
4. A: What do you want for breakfast?
B: I want some fish and chips.
5. A: This phone is nice.
B: I know it’s nice, but the one over there is nicer.
6. A: We are going to Scotland next week.
B: Scotland? I’ve always wanted to go there.
7. A: Harry talked to the teacher yesterday morning.
B: No. He talked to the teacher yesterday afternoon.
8. A: I’d like a cheeseburger, please.
B: Sorry, but we don’t have any cheeseburgers.
I. Match the words or phrases with their definitions.
1. accent a. not as good at something as you used to be, because
you have not practised it for a long time
2. bilingual b. more important or powerful than other things
3. dialect c. the rise and fall of the voice in speaking
4. rusty d. a word that has been developed from another word
5. simplicity e. very large in size, amount, or number
6. derivative f. the way in which people in a particular area or
country pronounce words
7. dominant g. the ability to change to suit new situations
8. massive h. able to speak two languages equally well; using two
9. intonation languages
10. flexibility i. the quality of being easy to understand or use
j. the form of a language that is spoken in one area with
some different grammar, words and pronunciation
II. Complete the sentences with the words from part I.
1. In English, some questions have a rising _______ .
2. The system is capable of recording _______ amounts of information.
3. My English is a bit _______ - I haven’t used it for years!
4. The _______ of the English language means it is able to adapt very quickly to
cultural and social changes.
5. The Scouse _______ is characterised by the use of “youse” instead of “you”.
6. We love the beautiful _______ that the French have when they speak English.
7. ‘Happiness’ is a _______ of ‘happy’.
8. The _______ of the texts in this book makes it easier for students to study.
9. Since Maria is _______ , she can speak both German and Spanish fluently.
10. It is certain that English will continue to grow as the world’s _______
III. Complete the sentences with the correct tense or form of the verbs in the
master imitate simplify operate
translate look up pick up get by
1. Each night I tried ______ long lists of verbs.
2. Would anyone like ______ what this word means?
3. She ______ Spanish when she was living in Mexico.
4. The key to ______ a foreign language is PRACTICE it as much as possible.
5. The word ‘fast’ can ______ as a verb, a noun, an adjective and an adverb.
6. I think it’s very difficult for an Englishman ______ a real American accent.
7. ‘Merci’ in French ______ as ‘thank you’ in English.
8. Some US spellings ______ over the years, e.g. color, harbor, program.
9. “If you ______ every new word you see or hear, you will spend your whole day
with the dictionary in your hand.”
10. My French is really hopeless, so I was glad to discover that I could ______ in
simple English in Paris.
IV. Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete the sentence.
1. Learning the English parts of _______ is a must if you want to learn grammar.
a. speech b. accent c. dialogue d. tone
2. Your thesis wouldn’t get across if you used too many _______ terms in it.
a. legal b. technical c. general d. specific
3. Chinese and English are both _______ languages of Hong Kong under the
Hong Kong Basic Law.
a. original b. foreign c. official d. first
4. Australian English is spoken as the _______ language by most people in
a. foreign b. first c. second d. international
5. In China, Japan and Vietnam, English is spoken as a(n) _______ language.
a. second b. foreign c. official d. primary
6. The college offers a five-week French _______ program in which the students
will hear and use only French.
a. massive b. literacy c. long-term d. immersion
7. Another feature is _______ of vocabulary that allows English to admit words
freely from other languages and to create compounds and derivatives.
a. flexibility b. dominance c. openness d. establishment
8. _______ to the United States have to pass a test of competence in English.
a. Migrants b. Migration c. Immigration d. Immigrants
9. A _______ dictionary is a specialized dictionary used to translate words or
phrases from one language to another.
a. monolingual b. bilingual c. trilingual d. multilingual
10. Besides Spanish, her _______ tongue, she can also speak Portuguese and
a. accient b. foreign c. first d. mother

V. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense to form conditional
sentences type 2.
1. If I _______ (be) you, I _______ (practice) English more often in order not to
be rusty.
2. I _______ (forget) my worksheet at home if my mother _______ (not remind)
3. If Sara _______ (have) a good handwriting, I _______ (understand) her texts!
4. If my computer _______ (function) properly, I _______ (use) it more often.
5. If Amy _______ (can) speak two languages, she _______ (apply) for a job at
the Multicultural Center.
6. If you _______ (lose) your Iphone, what _______ (you/ do)?
7. If Bill _______ (tidy) up his room every day, it _______ (not be) in a mess.
8. I _______ (travel) to the UK or another English-speaking country if I _______
(speak) better English.
9. Mark _______ (not get) such bad marks if he _______ (study) hard enough.
10. If Samatha _______ (not have) a job, she _______ (not pay) for the bills.

VI. Read the situation and write a sentence with "If".

1. You never check your writing, so you make a lot of mistakes.
2. I never do my homework, so my teacher always gets angry with me.
3. She doesn’t have any friends, so she feels lonely.
4. Katie is usually tired because she works too much.
5. This boy eats too much snacks. That’s why he is so fat.
6. We can’t attend English class because we don’t have time.
7. He doesn’t watch horror films because he has a weak heart.
8. I think you should spend more time reading English books.
9. Mai often talks to foreigners. That’s why she is fluent in English.
10. I can’t reply his email because I don’t know German.

VII. Choose the correct answers.

1. You will be fined heavily if you _______ the speed limit.
a. have exceed b. are exceeding c. will exceed d. exceed
2. If John _______ hard, he could pass the examination.
a. works b. worked c. has worked d. had worked
3. I can’t understand what he is saying. If he spoke clearly, I _______ more.
a. will understand b. wouldn’t understand
c. could understand d. didn’t
4. If the weather _______ fine tomorrow, we may go for a swim.
a. is b. were c. will be d. would be
5. You will fail your exams if you _______ working harder.
a. start b. will start c. don’t start d. didn’t started
6. If my modem _______ I would send you an email.
a. broke down b. didn’t break down
c. were broken down d. weren’t broken
7. You can start looking at the next unit if you _______ Exercise 5.
a. finished b. have finished c. would finish d. will finish
8. If there _______ any water on the Earth, life _______.
a. isn’t - will not begin b. was - would begin
c. wasn’t - wouldn’t begin d. not be - won’t begin
9. If temperatures _______, forest fires _______ more frequent.
a. rise - will become b. will rise -
c. rose - would become d. don’t rise - could become
10. If you _______ a plane to Neptune, it _______ nearly 290 years to get there.
a. would fly - took b. flew - would take c. fly - will
take d. will fly - can take

VIII. Fill in the blank with a suitable relative pronoun.

1. This is the town _______ I spent my summer vacation.
2. He wore a mask _______ made him look like Mickey Mouse.
3. The student _______ father is a professor told us to register for this course.
4. I didn’t know exactly _______ I was working with on the project.
5. Enter the address of the person to _______ you want to forward the message.
6. The children, _______ are shouting in the street, are not from our school.
7. The neighborhood in _______ they have been living is a somewhat dangerous
8. I really enjoyed the time _______ we went to English class together.
9. I saw John in the shop _______ you bought your watch.
10. Nobody knows the reason _______ he tried to master his English.
11. Brussels, _______ I’ve visited several times recently, is a good place to spend a
12. I’ve never seen anyone _______ can kick the ball as hard as David can!
13. 1969 was _______ the first men went to the Moon.
14. After the port there is a row of fisherman’s houses, _______ lights can be seen
from across the bay.
15. Kate love being in London, _______ there was so much to do.

IX. Make a defining relative clause from the two sentences.

1. Social media networks are an excellent tool. You can use them to promote your

2. You can buy the pasta from that Italian shop. It has just opened in the high

3. I’ll call the students. I went to London with them last summer.

4. That’s the hotel. We stayed there for our honeymoon.

5. I couldn’t find the man. I’d taken his case by mistake.

6. Jeanny phoned me yesterday. I was in conference with my clients then.

7. The tree only grows in the rainforest. This drug is obtained from it.
8. People often have very little money to spend on leisure. They have a lot of
leisure time.

9. His refusal to tell her the truth is the reason. That’s why she is so angry with

10. We haven’t seen the friends for ten years. They are coming to visit us this


X. Make a non-defining relative clause from the two sentences.

1. Mr. Dean had a long list of misconducts. He had recently been fired.

2. The victims are being identified by the US authorities. Most of them were

3. Naxos is my favorite island. I’ve visited it several times recently.

4. The football player doesn’t want to talk about his future. His contract finishes at
the end of the season.

5. Between 2000 and 2005 she wrote three novels. None of them were published.

6. The village of Baydon has now become part of the town. I lived there as a

7. The new boss seems to be a very capable woman. I met her yesterday.

8. December is a summer month for the southern hemisphere. Christmas is
celebrated then.

9. Graceland Mansion was opened to the public as a museum on June 7,1982. It
was once owned by Elvis Presley.

10. An Austrian naturalist discovered this particular orchid. I worked closely with
him in the Eighties.


XI. Use the sentences in the box to make relative clauses.

children in Great Britain get their Christmas
presents then.
I like her very much.
we usually buy our bread there.
they can speak more than one language.
his article was on the front page of The Times.
the gun was found there.
he knows everything about English grammar,
her brother sat next to you in 3rd grade
he had a terrible argument with her.
that’s why I couldn’t sleep last night.
he first became interested in politics then,
her short story impressed the judges.
it has revolutionised the world.
it was rebuilt after the war.
the astronauts visited the Moon in it.

1. Mr. Brown sacked the assistant

2. I admire people
3. He is the journalist
4. My best friend, ________________________________, wants to become an
English teacher.
5. This is the spacecraft
6. The telephone is an invention
7. The historical castle, ____________________________________, contains the
city museum.
8. The bakery ___________________________________________________ has
closed down.
9. December 25th is the day
10. Next Saturday I’m going to visit my Aunty Sheila,
11. The award was given to Sara,
12. The horror film was the reason
13. The police searched the vehicle
14. Do you remember the girl
15. His mid-teens were the time

XII. Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition.

1. Linda picked _______ a bit of Italian when she was staying in Pisa.
2. One of the characteristic features of English is its openness _______
3. Many of the students are bilingual _______ Spanish and English.
4. I could just about get _______ in English when I first went to the UK.
5. She’s fluent _______ Polish and French and can speak a little Italian.
6. English is taught at school _______ a second language in many countries.
7. She works for the United Nations, translating _______ English into French.
8. English owes its dominant status _______ its link to two of the world’s most
powerful nations: the US and the UK.
9. For some reasons, my teacher think that I’m not good enough _______
10. When Imani came to Ireland he could not speak a word _______ English.

I. Complete the conversation with the sentences from the box. Write the
letters of the sentences.
A. All right. Thank you a lot! I will follow your advice.
B. English as a means of international communication.
C. I know, but I want to Include them all in my
D. What should I do next after choosing those four main
E. I’m preparing for my presentation.
F. I will. Thanks again.
G. Which ones?
H. Sure. Actually, I’m stuck in organising my ideas.
Andy: Laura, what are you doing?
Laura: (1)_____________________________________________________________
Andy: What is the topic?
Laura: (2)_____________________________________________________________
Andy: Sounds great. Can I look over the outline of your presentation?
Laura: (3)_____________________________________________________________
Andy: All right. I see that you have listed ten benefits of English. That’s too much,
I think.
Laura: (4)_____________________________________________________________
Andy: I think you need to focus on three or four main points.
Laura: (5)_____________________________________________________________
Andy: Hmm. English is easy to learn, English is the only European language that
does not have different adjectives depending on gender, English decreases
the distance among countries and English opens the door of opportunities
for aspiring employees.
Laura: (6)_____________________________________________________________
Andy: You should add more information to those points, give examples or
evidence, etc.
Laura: (7)_____________________________________________________________
Andy: Don’t mention it. If you need any helps, just tell me.
Laura: (8)_____________________________________________________________

II. Put the dialogue into the correct order.

___ You can watch those with subtitles. Then, you can figure out the way to talk
and learn the new words also.
1 Hey! How did your English exam go?
___ Register on a language learning social media network, such as Speaky or join
language learning groups on Facebook.
___ Cool. I remember that our school has one, right?
___ Oh, it went really well. Thanks for helping me with it!
___ Yes. I will send you information about it if you like. However, it would be
better if you practice speaking with native speakers.
___ Ok, I will. Thanks.
___ Is there anything else I can do to improve my speaking and listening?
___ I have watched movies in English recently, but I don’t understand what they
are saying.
___ Joining an English speaking club can also provide you with precious skills and
___ No problem. By the way, I find that I still can’t speak English fluently.
___ Not bad, thanks. I’m just glad it’s over! How about you? How’d your
presentation go?
___ That’s a good idea. So, how can I find a native English speaker?
___ Well, do you often watch TV shows or listen to music in English?

I. Complete the passage with words from the box.
nationalities power dialects derived
varieties primary worldwide dominant second
The term "English" is (1) _______ from Anglisc, the speech of the Angles – one
of the three Germanic tribes that invaded England during the fifth century. The
English language is the (2) _______ language of several countries, including
Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and many of its former
colonies, and the United States, and the (3) _______ language in a number of
multilingual countries, including India, Singapore, and the Philippines. It’s an
official language in several African countries as well, such as Liberia, Nigeria, and
South Africa, but is spoken (4) _______ in more than 100. It’s learned around the
world by children in school as a foreign language and often becomes a common
denominator between people of different (5) _______ when they meet while
traveling, doing business, or in other contexts.
According to Christine Kenneally in her book The First Word, “Today there are
about 6,000 languages in the world, and half of the world’s population speaks only
10 of them. English is the single most (6) _______ of these 10. British colonialism
initiated the spread of English across the globe; it has been spoken nearly
everywhere and has become even more prevalent since World War II, with the
global reach of American (7) _______.”
The influence of the English language has also (8) _______ globally through
American pop culture, music, movies, advertising, and TV shows.
Just as the United States has regional (9) _______ and there are differences in
pronunciation and words in British and American English, the language has local
(10) _______ around the world: American, British, Canadian, Caribbean, Euro-
English, Hinglish, Indian, Irish, Nigerian, Scottish, Singapore, Zimbabwean, etc.
II. Read the passage carefully, then do the tasks.
English as a global language
People often talk about English as a global language or lingua franca. With
more than 350 million people around the world speaking English as a first language
and more than 430 million speaking it as a second language, there are English
speakers in most countries around the world. Why is English so popular, though?
And why has it become a global language?
People often call English the international language of business, and it’s
increasingly true as international trade expands every year, bringing new countries
into contact. Most multinational companies require a certain degree of English
proficiency from potential employees so in order to get a position with a top
company, more and more people are learning English.
If your ambitions lie in science or medicine, you can’t neglect English either.
Much of the technical terminology is based on English words, and if you want to
learn about the latest developments and discoveries from around the world, you’ll
read about them in journals and research reports published in English, no matter
whether the scientists who wrote them are from China or Norway.
If you want a career in travel, English is absolutely essential. As the
international language of aviation, pilots and cabin crew all need to speak English.
Even if you’re not up in the air, speaking English accurately will ensure you are
able to communicate with clients and suppliers all over the world.
So, what’s stopping you from learning this global language? With all the
English resources available on the internet and so many other English speakers
around the world to practice with, there’s never been a better time to start learning
English. Pick up a book, learn a few words, or even start a course today and take
your first steps towards becoming one of nearly 800 million English speakers in the
A. Choose the correct answers.
1. What is the best meaning of lingua franca?
a. A language that is most spoken around the world.
b. A language used mostly in academia and business
c. A language used for communication between people of different native
d. A language used by particular groups of people, especially in their work
2. The word “proficiency” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to .
a. ability b. talent c. experience d. fluency
3. What does the phrase “technical terminology” mean?
a. The skills needed for a particular subject or activity.
b. The use of a system of communication which consists of written symbols.
c. Words and phrases used in special ways by particular groups of people.
d. Special words or expressions used in a particular subject or field.
4. The word "neglect" in paragraph 3 means .
a. to pay no attention to b. to not give enough attention
c. to show no care or respect d. to be unable to remember
5. What is the best meaning of “aviation” as used in the sentence “As the
international language of aviation...” in paragraph 4?
a. flight b. travel c. instruction d.
6. The noun “steps” used in the phrase “take your first steps” means .
a. feet b. movements c. actions d. stages
B. Answer the questions.
1. How many people in the world speak English as their mother tongue?

2. Where is English spoken?

3. Is English the global language of business?

4. What qualification is required to work in most multinational companies?

5. Why is English important if you want to pursue a medical career?

6. What language do international pilots speak?

7. Is speaking English fluently necessary if you are on the ground staff? Why?

8. Where can people get all the English resources?

I. Write sentences, using the clues given. You can add extra words or make
1. learn/ foreign language/ can/ actually/ boost/ your brain power.

2. Andy/ wish/ he/ can/ speak English/ good/ as a native speaker.

3. many countries/ children/ teach/ and/ encourage/ learn/ English/ second

4. there/ more than/ 50 English speaking countries/ English/ either/ official/
primary language.

5. speak/ English/ will help/ you/ communicate/ people/ countries all over the
world/ not just English-speaking ones.

6. it/ be/ estimate/ about 375 million people/ speak/ English/ regularly/ second

7. Miss Kelly/ be/ my English teacher/ suggest/ watch/ English movies/ improve/
listening skills.

8. If/ you/ want/ be/ fluent English speaker/ have to/ practice/ speak/ English/
9. English/ be/ easy/ master/ if/ it/ not have/ such/ large vocabulary.

10. If/ I / be / you/ I / go / English-speaking country/ study/ English language.


II. Write the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word in capital.
1. This supervisor professor helped me a lot during my study in the College.
This is_____________________________________________________________
2. Janet learned a few words of French when she was in Paris last year. (UP)
3. My best friend Ali can speak English fluently. (IN)
4. We met Dan for the first time at an Italian restaurant that we found eventually.
We eventually_______________________________________________________
5. Cullen can speak both Chinese and English perfectly. (BILINGUAL)
6. Some of the many people we questioned gave us good description of the
robber. (WHOM)
We questioned______________________________________________________
7. Matha has lived in Poland for two years, but she can only speak basic Polish.
Although Matha_____________________________________________________
8. The train was extremely crowded and stopped at every station. (WHICH)
The train,___________________________________________________________
9. I haven’t practiced English for ages, so I’m not as good at it as I used to be.
My English_________________________________________________________
10. An doesn’t go abroad for higher education because he doesn’t have enough
money. (IF)
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the
1. a. continent b. openness c. operate d. dominant
2. a. fluency b. punctual c. rusty d. multinational
3. a. creation b. decision c. immersion d. translation
4. a. Chinese b. speech c. technical d. touchdown
5. a. simplified b. varied c. mastered d. immersed
6. a. bilingual b. dialect c. derivative d. profile

II. Choose the word that has the stress different from the rest.
1. a. official b. punctual c. fluency d. imitate
2. a. creation b. settlement c. dialect d. dominant
3. a. bilingual b. establishment c. derivative d. immigration
4. a. stupidity b. flexibility c. simplicity d. variety
5. a. popularity b. pronunciation c. university d. multinational

III. Does the voice go up or down on the underlined words? Draw a rising or
falling arrow on them.
A: Which smartphone brands should we choose?
B: Let’s get the Apple.
A: I think we should take a look at the Samsung. It’s really user-friendly.
B: But the Apple is more user-friendly.
A: The Samsung has a high-resolution selfie camera.
B: They both have a high-resolution selfie camera.
A: How much is the Samsung?
B: It’s around $1,000.
A: It’s too expensive.
B: I know it’s expensive, but it has a lot of valuable functions.
A: What about the Apple? What’s its price?
B: The iPhone X is $1,149.
A: Hmm, it’s a little more expensive, but it looks more charming.
B: The Samsung Galaxy is also charming.

IV. Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete the sentence.

1. The article was about the different varieties ______ English spoken throughout
the world,
a. in b. of c. from d. among
2. Susan ______ a bit of Spanish when she was living in Mexico.
a. looked up b. got by in c. picked up d. took in
3. English grammar is said to be difficult to learn ______ its countless rules and
numerous exceptions to them.
a. thanks to b. in spite of c. because of d. provided
4. You don’t need to interrupt your reading to look up every unfamiliar word right
away - it’s better to _______ first.
a. master b. imitate c. translate d. guess
5. _______ education is the use of two different languages in classroom
a. Vocational b. Bilingual c. Monolingual d. Cooperated
6. New York, _______ population reached 10 million by 1930, was the world’s
first megacity.
a. whose b. which c. where d. of which
7. Even though I spoke English, sometimes I didn’t understand the _______ of
some areas because some words meant something else.
a. accent b. pronunciation c. dialect d. derivative
8. The man with _______ I dined last night will be the next President of Bigfoot.
a. whom b. who c. which d. that
9. _______, it was also adapting and absorbing vocabulary from elsewhere.
a. Although English was spreading
b. As English was spreading
c. As long as English spread
d. Because of the spread of English
10. “What is the longest English word that doesn’t contain a vowel? I’d say
a. How come? b. Sound exciting! c. Spot on. d. Of course, it

V. Write the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets.

1. The number of people learning English ________ (rise) rapidly in recent years.
2. Sarah ________ (apply) for this teaching position if she got an IELTS
3. English ________ (use) as a lingua franca among many airline pilots.
4. Alfred ________ (teach) English at the University of Wales for five years
before he was sent to Rome.
5. By 2025, we forecast that more than two billion people ________ (use) English
or learning to use it.
6. Since then, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone ________ (translate) into
78 languages, including Ancient Greek.
7. Mathew told me he ________ (do) a course in business English at that moment.
8. The English language ________ (develope) after the Anglo-Saxon invasion c.
9. Worldwide, people often desire ________ (learn) to speak English.
10. If you want to speak like a native, you should practice ________ (speak)
English with a native speaker.

VI. Write the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. The English language is characterized by its grammatical ________ . (simple)
2. These jobs are often part-time and can be scheduled ________ . (flexibility)
3. She took an advanced course to build up a ________ in written and spoken
English. (fluent)
4. I can’t read sheet music, because I only learned to play the violin through
________ .(imitate)
5. Canada is an officially ________ country, with two official languages: French
and English. (lingual)
6. The word ‘politics’ is ________ from a Greek word meaning ‘city’. (derivative)
7. Because of its global spread, English has several different ________ around the
world. (vary)
8. English is the ________ international language of the 21st century. (dominate)
9. He decided to master Spanish and took an ________ course in Mexico,
10. He spoke heavily ________ English because he lived in New Jersey throughout
his later life. (accent)

VII. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate that underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
1. About 500 years ago, English began to undergo a major change of the way its
were pronounced.
2. People often ask how many words are there in the English language.
3. The first BBC English language teaching broadcast was in 4th July 1943.
4. British linguists distinguish dialect from accent, that refers only to
5. In order to mastering English, you should communicate with foreigners more
6. If you don’t know what that word means, try to look it on in the dictionary.
7. The name “England” is derived from the Angles, whom hailed from Englaland.
8. Travelling through a foreign country becomes much more easier if you can
speak the
language of that country.
9. The people to who the funds were supposedly directed benefited little from
10. The small town where I was born in has changed greatly over the last fifty

VIII. Match a sentence in column A to a response in column B.

1. How long have you been studying a. Absolutely not. You should learn it
English? in certain context instead.
b. I picked it up from movies and
2. I want to study oversea, but my songs.
English is not so good.
3. Why is English so hard to learn? c. I try to guess their meanings from
the context first. If I still don’t
understand, I’ll look them up in the
4. What skill do you find most dictionary.
difficult when learning English? d. So I can communicate when I
5. Why are you studying English? travel anywhere in the world.
6. How did you learn English? e. Since I was eight.
f. One of the reasons is because it’s
7. What do you do when you full of contradictions.
encounter new words while g. I think it should be writing skill.
8. Is learning by heart the best way to h. Don’t worry. You still have time to
memorise English vocabulary? improve it. Why don’t you attend
an English course?

IX. Choose the correct answers to complete the passage.

English is a Germanic language that originated (1) ______ England. It is also a
(2) ______ language in the other home countries of the United Kingdom, in the
United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Republic of Ireland, South Africa,
and (3) ______ other countries. 380 million people speak English as their first
English has “lingua franca” status in many parts of the world (4) ______ the
military, economic, scientific, political and cultural influence of the “British
Empire” in the 18th and 19th centuries and (5) ______ of the “United States” from
the mid 20th century to the present. The global influence of English comes from
cinema, music, airlines, broadcasting, science, and the Internet in recent decades.
English is now the most widely learned (6) ______ language in the world.
Many students worldwide need to learn some English and business English is
(7) ______ in many fields and occupations. Because people speak and learn
English everywhere, the language is considered a “(8) ______ language.” It is also,
by international (9) ______ , the official language for aircraft/airport
communication. Its acceptance as a first or second language is the main indication
of its global (10) ______ .
1. a. in b. to c. from d. for
2. a. fundamental b. essential c. native d. natural
3. a. numerical b. numeric c. numeral d. numerous
4. a. although b. because of c. because d. despite
5. a. what b. which c. this d. that
6. a. primary b. official c. first d. second
7. a. required b. confirmed c. commanded d. offered
8. a. global b. modern c. national d. regional
9. a. policy b. treaty c. terms d. treatment
10. a. scale b. strategy c. status d. situation
X. Read the passage, then do the tasks.
Learning a new language is always an excellent idea. It provides you incredible
benefits that come with the backing of science! One of the most useful languages to
learn is English.
Learning a second language is one of the best ways to keep your brain active
and challenged. Studies have shown that the brain undergoes changes in electrical
activity and even structure and size while learning a foreign language that do not
occur when learning any other type of task or skill. Learning another language
offers important cognitive benefits at any age, helping to keep the mind active and
even reducing the risk of mental disease and slowing mental decline later in life.
When learning English as a second language, you approach new ways to think
and express yourself through written and spoken words. Learning multiple
languages can help you communicate more clearly in any language as you learn
more about how language itself works and how to use it to promote ideas and reach
out to others in a variety of social and work situations.
The world may not have a global language, but English is the default option for
countless forms of communication across the globe. That’s why one of the benefits
of learning English is that it significantly boosts your hiring potential. In addition, it
can offer you educational opportunities. If you desire access to some of the best
schools like Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, Cambridge or MIT, then knowing English
provides you an incredible edge. It’s expected that around 2 billion people around
the world will learn English over the next decade.
A. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
1. Leaning English can help to keep your brain sharp.
2. Your brain changes electrical activity, structure and size when you learn a new
language as well as any other type of task or skill.
3. No matter what age you are, there are brain benefits of learning a foreign
4. When you learn a second language, you become better at communicating.
5. Knowing English can increase your chance of getting a high-paying job.
6. English gives you a great advantage when applying to some of the best schools.
7. More than two billion people will be learning English in ten years’ time.
B. Choose the correct answer.
1. The passage mainly discusses ________.
a. ways to improve your English level
b. how to keep your mind active
c. the advantages and disadvantages of language learning
d. the benefits of learning English
2. According to the text, learning English as a second language can ________.
a. have a negative effect on the brain b. slow the mental decline due
to aging
c. reduce brain function d. lower the risk of heart disease
3. Learning multiple languages makes you a better communicator
a. you can improve your writing and speaking skills
b. you know how to get the attention of someone
c. you learn more about how to promote your ideas and make contact with
d. you can communicate more effectively in your mother tongue
4. The word “cognitive” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to
a. mental b. intellectual c. emotional d.
5. What does the word "edge" used in the third paragraph mean?
a. point b. border c. limit d. advantage
6. All the following sentences are the benefits of learning English except:
a. it helps prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s.
b. it provides better employment opportunities.
c. it’s easy to use in communication.
d. it gives you access to the world’s best universities.
XI. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first.
1. You can easily form a relationship with some people.
→ There are some people________________________________________________
2. I hate Nancy because she always plays trick on me in front of my classmates.
→ If_________________________________________________________________
3. This is the most useful English lesson we’ve ever had.
→ We’ve never had a___________________________________________________
4. If you don’t practice speaking English regularly, you can’t improve your
speaking skills.
→ Unless_____________________________________________________________
5. The singer is staying in a penthouse suite that is situated on the top 2 floors,
45th and 46th.
→ The penthouse suite__________________________________________________
6. “How has the English language changed over the decades, Jim?” Mary asked.
→ Mary asked ________________________________________________________
7. We have decided that your contract will not be renewed.
→ It _________________________________________________________________
8. Revising for exams takes up all my time at the moment.
→ I’m busy___________________________________________________________
9. When they arrived at the police station, they were taken to an interview room.
→ On________________________________________________________________
10. We could look for the information about the history of English on the Internet.
→ How ______________________________________________________________

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