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Potential of Clove and Its Nutritional Benefits in Physiological Perspective: A Review

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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education 2021; 6(1): 103-106

ISSN: 2456-0057
IJPNPE 2021; 6(1): 103-106
© 2021 IJPNPE Potential of clove and its nutritional benefits in
Received: 25-11-2020
physiological perspective: A review
Accepted: 28-12-2020

Bijoy Kumar Dey Bijoy Kumar Dey and Suparna Sanyal Mukherjee
Research Scholar, Seacom Skills
University, Kendradangal,
Bolepur, Birbhum, West Bengal,
India Clove [Syzygium aromaticum (L.)] Merril and Perry, Syn. Eugenia aromaticum or E. caryophyllata) is
one of the most ancient and valuable spices of the orient. Portuguese first discovered in the sixteenth
Suparna Sanyal Mukherjee century the origin of clove plants is Molucca islands. But the use of clove in ayurvedic and homoeopathy
Professor, Seacom Skills medicine was well known before that time. The major part of the world’s consumption of the clove spice
University, Kendradangal, is in the home kitchens. Cloves have been used for their antiseptic and analgestic effects and studied for
Bolepur, Birbhum, West Bengal, use in platelet aggregation inhibition, antithrombotic activity and chemoprotective and antipyretic effects.
India Like many culinary spices, cloves help relax the smooth muscle lining of the digestive tract. The oils of
the cloves have been known to stimulant and it may increase blood circulation. The present paper
reviews health benefits from the use of clove, covering its chemical constituents, phytopharmacology,
nutritional and medicinal value.

Keywords: cloves, muscle lining, nutritional, medicinal

The clove plant grows in warm climates and is cultivated commercially in Tanzania, Sumatra,
the Molucca Islands and South America. The clove spice is the dried flower bud. The clove
plant is an evergreen tree that can reach a height of thirty or forty feet high. The clove tree is
frequently cultivated in coastal areas at maximum altitudes of 200m above. The sea level
syzygium is the largest genus of Mirtaceae family. Comprising of about 1200 to 1800 spices of
flowering plants. It has been employed for centuries as food preservative and medicine
because of its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Clove is known by different vernacular
names in different languages. It is known as qaranful (Arabic), Karamfil (Bulgarian),
Dingxiang (Chinese), Kruidnagel (Danish), Garifalo (Greek), Mikhaks (Georgian), Nelke
(German), Szegfu (Hungarian), Cengkeh (Indonesian), Choji (Japanese), Jeonghyang
(Korean), Krustnaglinas (Latvian), Lwaang (Nepalese), Cravo de India (Portuguese), Clavo,
Clavode olor (Spanish), Dhing huong (Vietnamese), Giroflier (French) and Laung

The study is exclusively based on secondary data and descriptive one. The secondary data for
the study have been collected from the annual reports of spices Board, various journals,
research books, article reports, review of theoretical literature, periodicals and reports
published by the Spices Board, newspaper, internet and books. In addition to above, elaborate
discussions with ayurvedic doctors of Central and State Government, Medical Colleges and
Research Centre have been held in relation to perspective on the medicinal potential of spices.

History and Mythology

Cloves are an ancient spice whose use dates back over 2000 years when they were used to
Corresponding Author: “sweeten the breath” of those who had an audience with the Chinese Emperor. In recent
Bijoy Kumar Dey discovery archaeologists discovered cloves inside a pottery vessel in Syria along with proof
Research Scholar, Seacom Skills dating the find to be within a few years of 1721 BC. Decades of archaeological exploration has
University, Kendradangal,
sought to uncover evidence for the rich kingdoms of ancient Sri Lanka. Mantai on the northern
Bolepur, Birbhum, West Bengal,
India tip of the island was one of the port settlements of Anuradhapura kingdom (377 BC to
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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education

1017AD). The use of clove as a spice reached Europe around It has also been found that 0.05% solution of eugenol is
the 4th century A.D. when commercial trading really started sufficient to kill B tuberculosis. Clove oil showed
with the Arabs. Two major naval European powers in the 17 th antimicrobial activity against some human pathogenic
and 18th centuries namely the Dutch and the Portuguese were bacteria (Miland et al., 2011).
involved in along tussle over completion for cloves. It is In some studies investigated eugenol and acetyt eugenol for
assumed that introduction of clove into India by East India potential anti-inflammatory action on Cox-2 and Lox
Company about 1800 A.D. In ayurveda cloves are considered enzymes (Deans et al., 1987) [4].
to enhance circulation, digestion and metabolism and help Clove and Eugenol possess strong activity. It also showed a
counter stomach disorders such as gas, bloating and nausea. significant inhibitory effect against hydroxyl radicals and act
The clove contributes the pungent and astringent tastes. as an iron chelator (Arora et al., 1999) [2].
Clove oil and its main component eugenol show moderate
Traditional uses of cloves antifungas activity against candida as per gillus and
The use of clove in the TCM or the traditional Chinese dermatophyle species and also resists against clinically
Medicine dates back to 207 BC called as Dingxiangs. This relevant fungi including fuconazole resistant strains (Daniel et
miraculous herb is being used for alleviating infections in the al., 2009) [5].
kidneys digestive disorders, impotence, have nausea, hernia
and various skin problems like ringworm and certain other Table 1: Nutrient composition of 100g of clove.
fungal infections. Clove oil has antioxidant property that Composition USDA (ground)
controls the growth of free radicals response for cellular Water (g) 5.40-6.86
damage and cancerous (Duke Ja et al., 2003) [3]. Food energy (Kcal) 323
Clove oil extracted from the leaves flower buds, and fruit has Protein (g) 5.98
been valued for centuries for its variety of medicinal Fat(g) 20.06
applications in Indian Ayurveda medicine, Chinese medicine, Carbohydrate (g) 61.22
herbalism, and dentisty clove oil has been used to improve Ash (g) 5.88
digestive functions, fight off intestinal parasites, as an Ca (g) 0.646
antibacterial agent. P(mg) 105
Na (mg) 243
Medicinal and Pharmacological uses of cloves K(mg) 1102
Like many culinary spices cloves help relax the smooth Fe (mg) 8.68
muscle lining of the digestive tract and eating cloves is said to Thiamin (mg) 0.115
be aphrodisiac. Riboflavin (mg) 0.267
Niacin (mg) 1.458
The volatile oils of clove is effective against several genera of
Ascorbic acid (mg) 80.81
bacteria including animal and plant pathogene and food
Vitamin A (RE) 53
poisoning and spoilage bacteria (Aisha et al., 2012) [1]. Source: Tainter and Grenis (1993) [10]

Table 2: Volatiles of clove oils.

% Composition
Component Leaf oi!1 Bud oil2 Stem oil3 Leaf oil2
-Pinene - 0.42 _ _
-Pinene - 0.44 0.16 0.09
2-Hexanone _ 0.48 0.13 0.09
2-Heptanone + 1.8-cineol _ 0.50 0.11 0.10
-Terpinene t- limonene _ 0.53 0.14 _
-Cymene - 0.56 0.09 0.07
2-Heptanol - 0.60 - -
2-Nonanof - 0.64 _ 0.02
Benzaldehyde - 0.69 - 0.01
-Terpineol (t) _ 0.81 0.01 0.02
-Cubebene - 0.90 0.66 0.70
-Terpineoi - 0.92 0.93 0.96
-Caryophyliene 2.91 l.00 7.22 7. 59
Benzyl alcohoi - 1.10 0.59 0.57
-Cadinene _ 1.18 0.31 0.44
-Caryophyllene - 1.34 0.07 0.22
Isoeuganol _ 1.51 - 1.00
Eugenol acetate - 1.54 24.59 16.71
Farnesol (c,t) - 1.59 - -
Farnesol (t.t) - 1.66 - 0.93
Vanillin - 1.82 0.89 1.15
Asarons (t) - 2.06 1.17 1.47
(E)--Ocimene 0.03 - - -
Linalool 0.08 - - -
Terpinen-4-ol 0.03 0.87 - 0.01
Nerol 0.79 - - -
Eugenol 94.41 1.41 59.14 60.82

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-Copaene 0.04 - - -
-Humuiene 0.36 10.60 1.24 1.44
(E,E)--Farnesene 0.06 - - -
-Cadinene 0.18 1.14 0.45 0.45
(E)-Nerolidol 0.03 - - -
-Caryophyilene oxide 0.67 - - -
Humulane oxide II 0.07 - - -
t-Cadinol 0.07 _ - -
Cadaiene 0.18 _ - -
Hexadecyl acetate 0.09 - - -
Source: 'Raina et al. (2001) [9]; 2Gopalakrishnan et al. (1988) [6].

Table 3: Aglycones in clove buds and leaves.

Clove buds Clove leaves
Component -Amytoglucosidase -Glucosidase -Amyloglucosidase -Glucosidase
Pentan-3-ol t t t t
Hexen-3-ol t t t t
Heptan-3-ol t 0.5 1.5 t
Octanol t t t t
Nonan-2-ol t t t t
Linaiool oxide t 0.5 t 0.4
Ltnalool t 0.9 t 0.9
Benzyl alcohol t I t
-Phenylethyl alcohol t t t t
-Terpineol t t t t
Nerol 0.5 t t 0.5
Geraniol 0.3 2.6 t 0.8
Eugenol 3.4 62.6 12.0 76.1
cis-lsoeugenol 2.5 1.6 2.3 1.1
trans-lsoeugenol 2.0 3.7 2.6 3.6
cis-Nerolidol 4.1 1.8 2.6 0.3
Farnesol 54.3 1.9 59.8 2.0
t = trace.
Source: Menon and Narayanan; 1992) [7].

Health properties of Cloves Institute of Ayurvedic Drug Development, Kolkata for

Clove is used to treat various digestive disorders including providing facilities.
loose motion, flatulence, nausea and dyspepsia. The spice is
very helpful to cure onychomycosis and Athlete’s foot Reference
disease. It is prevent the break down in eye’s retina, which 1. Aisha AF, Abu-Salah KM, Alrokayan SA, Siddiqui MJ,
assists vision in the old age. Western studies have supported Ismail Z, Mazjd Z et al. Syzygium aromaticum extracts as
the use of cloves and clove oil for dental pain. Chewing good source of betulnic acid and potential antibreast
roasted clove is a wonderful medicine in case of pharyngitis. cancer Braz J Pharmacognosy 2012;22:335-43
It can be applied topically to relieve muscle spasms or in a tea 2. Arora DS, Jasleen Kaur J, Kaur J. Antimicrobial activity
to ease coughing. Cloves are used as a kidney tonic to warm of spice. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents.
the body, increase circulation and as a digestive aid. In 1999;12(3):257-262.
Ayurveda cloves are used to treat respiratory and digestive 3. Duke JA, Bogenschutz-Godwin MJ, de cullier J, Duke
ailments, fiatulence, nausea and vomiting. Clove contains PK. Syzygium aromaticum (L) Merr. And L.M. Perry
physical, mental and emotional health benefits. Clove is (Myrtaceae) cloves, in CRC Hand book of Medicinal
enriched good amount of minerals like potassium, manganese, spices, CRC Press, Washington Dc 2003, 281.
iron. Manganese can also act as an antioxidant that protects 4. Deans SG, Richie G. Antibacterial properties of plant
body from free radicals and potassium controls heart rate and essential oils. International Journal of Food Microbiology
blood pressure. 1987;5:165-180.
5. Daniel AN, Sartoretto SM, Schmidt G, Caparroz-Assef-
Conclusion SM, Bersani Amado CA. Cuman RKN Anti
Based on the information it could be concluded that clove inflammatory and antino ciceptive activities of eugenol
represents a very interesting plant with an enormous potential essential oil in experimental animals models, Rev Bras
as food preservative and as a rich source of antioxidant Farmacogn 2009;19:212-217.
compounds. The present review sought to investigate to the 6. Gopalkrishnan N, Narayanan CS, Mathew AG. chemical
nonvolatile constituents of clove, this may lead to composition of Indian Clove bud, stem and leaf oils,
indentifying new properties and novel molecules. More Indian perfumer 1988;32:229-235
research is needed to confirm the efficacy of these findings. 7. Menon AN, Narayana CS. Glycosidically bund volatiles
of clove Syzygium aromaticum/L Merr. et Perry
Acknowledgements (Myrtaceae). Flavour and Fragrance Journal
Authors are thankful to Department of Post-Graduate 1992;7(3):155-157.
Ayurvedic Education and Research and National Research 8. Clove: A champion Spice by Parle Mill and Khanna
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Deepa Pharmacology Division, Dept. Pharm, Sciences

(Accre dited by NBA) Guru Jambheshwar University of
Science and Technology, Hisar, Haryana, India
9. Raina VK, Srivastava SK, Aggar Wal KK, Symasundar
KV, Kumar S. Essential oil composition of Syzygium
Andaman, India. Flavour and Fragrance Journal 2001;
10. Tainter RD, Grenis TA. Spice and seasoning Food
Science and Technology. VCH Publishers, New York,

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