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Physical self

The image represents the timeline I created that shows my development from the time when I was
born up to the present. It mainly focuses on the physical features that changed and developed through
time. During this activity, I was also able to reflect on the things I did when I was young and noticed the
factors that caused the changes in myself as I grow. Most of my physical features were influence by my
heredity and maturity. When I was younger, I have always been told that I took after my mother while
my younger sibling took after my father. From that, even though it may sometimes look like we’re the
same age because of our one year difference, both of my sibling and I have distinct facial features that
make it easier to distinguish the both of us. Lastly, I realized that I was not really into prepping myself to
look good all the time. I noticed that I only started doing so when my relatives told me so, until it
became part of my routine. My interest in make ups also only started when I was in senior high school,
that is highly influenced by my peers. These are just some of the things that I have noticed and reflected
as I grew. I also asked for the opinions of my close friends and family about the physical changes they
noticed and most of them were just the same points as mine. These people are also one of the factors
that shaped my standards in beauty and influenced my lifestyle such as having a proper meal, rest, and
exercise. Despite developing certain beauty standards, I have never taken those standards too much to
the point that it also affects my mental and emotional state. Certainly, our standards of beauty can’t be
achieved by not taking care of yourself properly.

Sexual self

Tackling about gender and sexuality was a broad spectrum for me for I was only introduced to a limited
knowledge of it. Though I know for a fact that stereotypes for males and females is a useless argument
in the present. Everyone has their rights to do what they want and not accordingly to their gender. At
first, when reading the instructions for this activity was a little uncomfortable as have never
encountered such question about myself. Because of that, a serious though of it never crossed my mind
until then. In spite of that, I was still able to express my thoughts properly and honestly. Because of this
activity and lesson, I was able to reflect on what do I really think of myself and came us with a clear
understanding. Though I have always considered sexuality as a female since birth, I still took this time for
activity to seriously reflect on it. Because of it, most of my discussion in this activity just came to me
naturally and was able to convey it without any confusion.

Cultural Self

Culture is an important factor in the development of self. Especially for me, my beliefs, values and
behavior are greatly influenced by my social groups and shaped my identity in the present. Most of
these influences are from my families and friends. The beliefs, values, and behaviors that I got from this
social group is what makes the most of myself since I was young. I learned that this is because of having
this social group as my microsystem. Some of the peers I’ve had also made positive and negative
impacts on me, and as I grow and experience different kinds of friendship, I was able to distinguish what
is a healthy relationship for me and what relationships needs to be cut off. I also learned a lot of things
from these people despite the toxic relationship by knowing how to make and choose better decisions in
life and how to act more mature towards certain situations. The people I have encountered that is
included in every system of Bio ecological System Theory played a big role in my life to became who I am
today. Fortunately, I grew up in an encouraging and nurturing family despite having my parents
separated. From that event, I have developed trust issues that sets a barrier in my relationship with
other people and became a more reserved person. But fortunately, I have supportive relatives that was
also there who raised me to become a strong-minded person. From that, I was then able to handle well
the following events that also made an impact to me. Experiencing that at a young age became a very
important turning point of my character. Another event that developed my character was moving to the
United Arab Emirates. As a person who grew up with the Philippine culture, it was very had adjusting to
the new environment. But, as time passed by, I was able to adapt to the huge change in my lifestyle and
became more open-minded to the cultures this country also had. Also, the consequences and laws in
this country requires a strict accordance too which made me more conscious of conforming to their

Socio-digital Self

The emergence of technologies and social platforms greatly affected my relationship with other people
and how this influenced myself. Through the use of social media, my persona is a bit different than the
usual. I am not really an expressive person towards my friends and families, which is why using the
social media to convey my thoughts and feelings is very convenient to me. There are also thoughts that I
want to share but can’t do it personally because I usually get anxious about it. With the use of social
media, it serves as a cover or filter to my real self which allows me to speak out what I want freely. An
example is when I use this app where users are anonymous with random nicknames and doesn’t have a
separate profile to view for each user. Whenever I feel troubled, I usually use this app to rant my
problems rather than talk about it with my friends or families. This is because they don’t see me as an
expressive person and there are also some thoughts of judgement to be followed whenever I open up. I
feel less vulnerable in virtual interaction when socializing with other people. Though maintaining
anonymity and invisibility using social media causes disinhibition, I make use of it in its beneficial ways in
improving self- understanding and personal development. Even when I use social media to communicate
with my friends and families, there are times when I am able to tell what I am not comfortable saying
personally, but still remain as a reserved person.

Material/Economic self

From this lesson, I can easily differentiate what are my needs and wants. Knowing this is a foundation of
what physical elements reflect the real you. Because I am able to distinguish my needs and wants, I am
also able to purchase material things that are significant and not just something I want. Whenever I
went out and try to look for something to buy, I only bring a few materials to the cashier even after
hours of going around the store. I always give a lot of thought into something before I buy it. I also admit
that there are times when I buy my wants, but I only get them when I think that it is something that I can
use productively and if it benefits me. An example of my situation is when I want to buy a kpop
merchandise. A fan usually possesses various merchandise such as posters, keychains, plushies, etc.
However, although I am also a supportive fan, I never thought of buying such merch. With that mindset,
I have only bought a few that can be considered as practical for me. Buying such items was never an
interest of mine until I learned that doing so is a way of supporting their work. And due to my
attachment and connection to this group of artists, I definitely considered spending on them. Moreover,
there are also material things that gave in to buying only for the sake of a reward system for myself. As I
go through the discussion, I have also realized and reflected that the material things I own reflects my
personality. Most of the material things I buy are the things that are consumable and efficient in
everyday use. With that, I noticed that I tend to be practical and analytical on something before I engage
with it. I also always try to determine the significance of things and find my connection with it.

Cognition, Memory, and Intelligence

As I grew older and experience the good and bad things in life, I was able to learn from these, make
choices and determine how to act on it maturely according to the situation. I also became more logical
with my reasonings and thinking. I have also realized that the way I processes information can be
considered as average but most of the information I acquire is lasts only for a short period of time
especially if I haven’t given enough focus and attention to it or considered as useless. Despite that,
vague information about something remains in my thoughts especially if it is something that comes with
a visual representation. The activity I had for this module helped me to become aware of the aspects in
me that can serve as my strengths and weaknesses. As showed on my results, the top types of
intelligence present in me are Musical, Naturalist, and Visual. From the result of this activity, aspects of
myself that needs improvement was also brought to my attention.

Human Learning

My mechanism of learning greatly depends on my motivation. If It is something I that I don’t find

interest in, it’s lesson and significance is most likely not absorbed by my brain. In order for me to have a
productive learning, personal, environmental, and behavioral factors are very important to me. This
situation applies when I was choosing what course I will be taking in college. Deciding my course was a
very difficult decision for me because I have various interest that I am also capable of doing. However,
having a lot of these things brought confusion to me whether which was truly my passion. In the end, I
chose the architecture course for it is currently my field of interest, though I haven’t quite grasped my
passion for it. Moreover, taking this college course with online classes due to COVID also became a
factor that hindrances my productive learning. Because of these, I am experiencing difficulties in
catching up and learning at the present. Self-efficiency is also what I usually experience due to my
competitiveness and urge in doing my best at everything which is also why there are various things I am
able to do. Some of the skills or knowledge I’ve acquired was through observing something or someone
doing the task. Leaning happens everywhere and having this practice of observing how things work and
made is very helpful. Moreover, learning can also be done anytime, whether it s desirable or undesirable
Emotional Intelligence

Our emotions are natural and should be acknowledged. This is not something I’ve acknowledged before,
but after learning this module, I realized that giving importance to our emotions is also very important.
From it, I was able to determine on how to manage it properly. I was also able to understand myself
more and what I truly feel towards something and allow myself to continue learning and growth. This
topic applies to my situation when I had a friend who had mistreated me but even though I felt hurt
from her actions, I disregarded it to keep the peace around me. I didn’t acknowledge the sadness I
experienced during that time which caused a disturbance in me. With the thought of disregarding it to
keep the peace around me, it turned into a situation where in the peace in myself was affected. I was
only able to open it recently after a year and I was able to benefit a life lesson from it. Because of that, I
learned how to regulate my behavior in accordance with my emotions.

Emotional Regulation

The activity I’ve had from this module required a deep thinking about myself. As I mentioned earlier, I
used to disregard my emotions and didn’t pay attention too much on the ways I act upon it. I usually
bottle up my emotions and kept it to myself instead of talking about it. However, as I reflected on
myself, I realized that each types emotion includes both positive and negative behaviors. One of the
negative sides of myself was when I am sad or angry, I always try to avoid feeling that way and distract
myself by doing something. On the other hand, when I am very happy or excited, I sometimes bother
the space of other people. I can sometimes be overwhelmed by my emotions and disregard other things
around me. Especially during this quarantine, I’ve had time to think and reflect on this activity which
helped me discover significant lessons.

Inner soul

From this module, I was able to comprehend the questions that I usually ask to myself are natural. I also
make realization about life and meaning or purpose I make out of it. Especially when I have nothing to
do, I usually come across these thoughts and sometimes listen to other’s opinion about it. These are also
one of the factors that influenced my way of thinking towards life and how one should live. It had also
improved my knowledge and how I manage my relationship with other people. My thoughts about life
and myself is also influenced by my religion, but eventually was able to came up with my own idea of
what is life and how I should live. Since I was young, I was taught to practice good acts as compliance to
the teachings of the church. Doing so allowed me to develop concepts about life at an early stage and
developing these concepts created connection and attachment to my existence. I’ve also developed a
concept about life that no matter challenges we face, we can somehow always overcome it and move

Connections with Nature

As one of the top results in my multiple intelligence result, I consider my affinity with nature as strong. I
grew up in an urban area where structures are mostly commercial buildings and suffocating scenery..
Because of this, I think that my connection with the nature became very special to me as I was able to
see its value to us and didn’t take this as a factor that hinders my connection with the nature. On the
other hand, whenever we have a vacation we would go to places that is the opposite from the urban
area that we live in. Our location would always include a scenery of nature which is where I find peace
in, and from there, it developed a deep connection to myself. The belief of having nature as a gift from
God, made me more responsible in taking care of it. Furthermore, I also realize that my affinity with
nature was already strong since I was younger. When I was younger, I’ve always care for the plants and
animals and sometimes thoughts of them actually communicating to me.

Discovering Life’s meaning

I belief that life is where we continuously find its meaning. I know that life will always be tough for me
and there would be things that won’t work out well. However, I always try to avoid allowing these
experiences break me. Everything that happens is for a reason, and most of it is because there is a
lesson that we need to get from it. Discovering the meaning of life is a huge factor that guides our way
of living. Having this realistic view of life created an effective self-perception about my well-being and
from it, I am able to acquire a positive life satisfaction. From the short activity in this lesson, the
measurement of my psychological well-being falls under personal growth. This result supported my
opinion about life stated at the beginning of the paragraph. That idea came from various experiences
that helped me recognize the improvements needed in myself over time.


Able to have time to take a break from my stressful loads of tasks and unhealthy routine and take time
to spend time to reflect on myself.

I got to know myself more from these activities

Discover my feelings like mas naging aware ako sa feelings ko and I realized that doing so and
acknowledging my emotions is very important. Kase dati I don’t which made my thoughts magulo and I
don’t know how to react accordingly.

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