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Cyber Assessment and Security Maturity - Datasheet (Revised) - Controlled

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Securing Your Cyber Defense With CIS Top 20 Controls | Making Your Security
Scalable With CIS Top 20 Controls

Overview Why opt for a Cyber Assessment

and Security Maturity Service?
Being a significant part of your business continuity plan, it
plays a crucial role in assessing the scalability of your
Our services are very flexible and scaled according to your
security infrastructure to ensure that your data stays safe as
company's needs. This helps in estimating the maturity level
your organization grows and faces new and emerging
of your cyber defenses, which further facilitates us in
recommending actionable steps to counter emerging,
This service is a key tool in strengthening your enterprise pervasive threats and attack chains.
security. We use the industry-leading CIS 20 Controls,
Our cybersecurity assessment and security maturity service
starting from the basics, and moving up to organizational
conducts detailed evaluations of the organization's data
controls through people, process and technology triad. Our
security plans using industry standards, benchmarks, and
in-house experts evaluate and strategically assess your
innovative tools. It facilitates business owners to make
cybersecurity infrastructure to identify any current or future
well-informed, key security decisions. Cyber Assessment and
vulnerabilities before they become a threat. This also helps
Security assessment service helps to ensure that an organi-
align your security posture as compared to your long-term
zation’s security infrastructure and strategy provides the
organizational goals.
best protection possible while meeting or exceeding
industry-specific compliance standards.

Cyber Assessment and Security

Maturity Service Benefits Why Choose Di8it for
Cyber Assessment and Security
Evaluation of existing cybersecurity maturity level Maturity Service?
compared to the organization’s long-term growth and
security strategy
As the first step in conducting cybersecurity evaluations and
Ensuring compliance of security controls with periodic security maturity assessment, Di8it’s experienced profes-
assessments and validation sionals study your existing infrastructure and compare it to
Identification of vulnerabilities and loopholes, and each control and sub-control provided by CIS Top 20. This
establishment of a detailed security plan to measure helps us identify the security controls that need to be
the effectiveness and aid the development of automat- strengthened and those that are already up-to-date.
ed and manual protective measures
Di8it works with your IT and security teams, as well as your
Helping organizations establish functional and fully management and business operations teams to develop a
optimized security processes capable of meeting better understanding of your business logic and culture. At
compliance requirements Digit Labs, using CIS Security Metrics and the CIS Top 20
Provides metrics and measurable performance Controls, we help gauge your current cybersecurity setup to
indicators to assess and visualize deficits and improve- develop a better understanding of existing and future
ments within the security program vulnerabilities that emerge because of the organization
scaling up.

(021) 3589-2182

Types of Cyber Assessment and
Security Maturity Service

Ongoing Security Gap One-Time Security Gap

Assessment Assessment

Ongoing assessments adopt a systematic approach to A one-time security gap assessment offers a single
evaluate your current cybersecurity measures. Di8it thorough examination of your cybersecurity setup by
uses CIS controls to identify vulnerabilities and gaps in our experienced security consultants.
your security. A one-time assessment helps visualize your current
Our regular monitoring and testing of your infrastruc- cybersecurity situation to develop a scalable plan that
ture enables us to keep you updated about latent accounts for future growth.
vulnerabilities and security updates needed to improve The assessment can be conducted on-site or remotely
your threat-detection, incident-response protocols, and as needed.
scanning tools.
While one-time assessments help establish the current
Assessments can take place remotely, on-site, or a state of an organization’s cybersecurity and identify the
combination of both as required. steps needed for compliance, an ongoing assessment
is better at testing the effectiveness of your controls as
your security needs evolve.

Why CIS Top 20 Controls?


1 7 12 17
Inventory of Authorized & Email and Web Browser Boundary Defense Secur�y Skills Assessment and
Unauthorized Devices Protec�on Appropriate Training to Fill

2 8 13 18
Inventory of Authorized and Malware Defenses Data Protec�on Applica�on So�ware
Unauthorized Devices Security

3 9 14 19
Secure Configura�on for Limita�on and Control of Controlled Access Based on Incident Response and
Hardware and So�ware on Network Ports, Protocols, the Need to Know Management
Mobile, Laptops, Worksta�on and Services
and Servers

4 10 15 20
Con�nuous Vulnerability Data Recovery Capabili�es Wireless Access Control Penetra�on Tests and Red
Assessment and Remedia�on Team Exercises

5 11 16
Controlled Use of Secure Configura�on for Account Monitoring and
Administra�ve Privileges NetworkDevices such as Control
Firewalls, Routers, and
Maintenance, Monitoring, and
Analysis of Audit Logs

About Di it
Di8it by Digit Labs is a Cyber Security Consultancy specializing in Information Security Services including but not limited to
Offensive, Adversary, Advisory, and Managed Security Services. We believe in tailoring the requirements of our customers and
understand that one solution does not fit all. As Security specialists, we cut through the oddities that can obstruct the velocity of
work & ensure an agile and effective service delivery.

(021) 3589-2182

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