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Sesi 1 - Standardization Activities - Aamir

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IoTs – Standardization Activities

Workshop on Internet of Things (IoTs)

Bali - Indonesia
14 – 15 November 2018

Aamir Riaz
International Telecommunication Union – Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
IoTs Design and Planning requirements

Short Range IoT Solutions

Long Range IoT Solutions

IMT2020 (5G Supporting) IoT
Examples from of current IoT Market
- Regulation
- Pricing
- Future analysis and issues

IoT Connectivity Options

Source: ITU Workshop on Spectrum Management for Internet of Things Deployment, 22 November 2016, Geneva
IoT Technical Solutions
Study in ITU under WRC-19 agenda item 9.1, issue 9.1.8 (Machine Type Communication - MTC)

Studies on the technical and operational aspects of radio networks and systems, as well as spectrum needed, including
possible harmonized use of spectrum to support the implementation of narrowband and broadband machine-type
communication infrastructures

Cellular M2M
802.11ah WAVIoT
LoRA Non- cellular M2M
NB-IoT Weightless-P
NFC Weightless-W
eMTC 802.11p
Bluetooth RFID LTE
Sig-fox ZigBee
IoT Technical Solutions

Ø Fixed & Short Range

§ Bluetooth
§ Zigbee
§ WiFi
§ ….

Ø Long Range technologies

§ Non 3GPP Standards (LPWAN)
§ 3GPP Standards
IoT design requirements

IoT Network Impact on IoT Systems Design

Scale Tens of thousand sensors in a given site; or millions distributed geographically
More pressure on application architectures, network load, traffic types, security, non-standard usage pattern
Heterogeneous Vast array of sensors, actuators, and smart devices – IP or non-IP
end-points Diverse data rate exchange, form factor, computing and communication capabilities, legacy protocols

Low Capex and May be deployed before activation, maybe or cannot-be accessed once deployed
Opex requirement • Low numbers of gateways Link budget: e.g: UL: 155 dB (or better), DL: Link budget: 153 dB (or better)
• Devices deliver services with little or no human control, difficult to correct mistakes, device management is key
Criticality of Human life critical (Healthcare), Critical infrastructure (Smart Grid)
services Stringent latency (10ms for SG) and reliability requirements, may challenge/exceed network capabilities of today

Intrusiveness Things with explicit intent to better manage end-users (eHealth, Smart Grid)
Issues of Privacy become major obstacles

Geography Movement across borders

Issues of numbering for unique identification

Source: ITU CoE training on BB networks planning, Bangkok, Sep 2017 6

IoT network connectivity requirements
IoT Network Impact on IoT Systems Design
Resource- Severely resource constrained (memory, compute)
constrained Cost motivation: compute/memory several orders of magnitude lower, limited remote SW update capability, light
endpoints protocols, security
Low Power Some end-point types may be mostly ‘sleeping’ and awakened when required
• Sensors cannot be easily connected to a power source
• Reduced interaction time between devices and applications (some regulations state duty cycle of no more than 1%)
• Idle mode most of the time (energy consumption of around 100 µW). Connected mode just for transmission (mA)
• < 100 MHz clock frequency
• Embedded memory of few Mb
Embedded Smart civil infrastructure, building, devices inside human beings
Sensors deployed in secure or hostile operating conditions, difficult to change without impacting system, Security

Longevity Deployed for life typically, have to build-in device redundancy

Very different lifetime expectancy, rate of equipment change in IoT business domains much lower than ICT Industry
High Sensitivity Gateways and end-devices with a high sensitivity around
on reception -150 dBm/-125 dBm with Bluetooth lower than -95 dBm in in cellular

Source: ITU CoE training on BB networks planning, Bangkok, Sep 2017 7

IoT: 4 layer Model



Sensing and
IoT: Refernce Model In IoT solutions
supporting Fog Com
putting (FC) part of the
application processing
is executed directly at
IoT objects and only
when needed. More
complex and resource-
consuming tasks are
transferred to higher
level units (FC units) or
directly to the cloud.
Short Range IoT Solutions
- Bluetooth
- ZigBee
- WiFI
RFID: Radio Frequency Identification
Ø Appeared first in 1945
Ø Features:
§ Identify objects, record metadata or control individual target
§ More complex devices (e.g., readers, interrogators, beacons) usually connected to a host
computer or network
§ Radio frequencies from 100 kHz to 10 GHz
Ø Operations:
§ Reading Device called Reader (connected to banckend network and communicates with tags using RF)
§ One or more tags (embedded antenna connected to chip based and attached to object)
Ø Features:
§ Low Power wireless technology
§ Short range radio frequency at 2.4 GHz ISM Band
§ Wireless alternative to wires
§ Creating PANs (Personal area networks)
§ Support Data Rate of 1 Mb/s (data traffic, video traffic)
§ Uses Frequency Hopping spread Spectrum
Ø Bluetooth 5:
§ 4x range, 2x speed and 8x broadcasting message capacity
§ Low latency, fast transaction (3 ms from start to finish) Data Rate 1 Mb/s: sending just small data packets

Class Maximum Power Range

1 100 mW (20 dBm) 100 m
2 2,5 mW (4 dBm) 10 m
3 1 mW (0 dBm) 1m
Ø Operations:
§ Coordinator: acts as a root and bridge of the

§ Router: intermediary device that permit data to

pass to and through them to other devices

§ End Device: limited functionality to communicate

with the parent nodes

Low cost and available

Ø Wireless Alternative to Wired Technologies
Ø Standardized as IEEE 802.11 standard for WLANs

Standard Frequency bands Throughput Range

WiFi a (802.11a) 5 GHz 54 Mbit/s 10 m

WiFi B (802.11b) 2.4 GHz 11 Mbit/s 140 m

WiFi G (802.11g) 2.4 GHz 54 Mbit/s 140 m

WiFi N (802.11n) 2.4 GHz / 5 GHz 450 Mbit/s 250 m

IEEE 802.11ah 900 MHz 8 Mbit/s 100 M

WiFi HaLow

A new low-power, long-range version of Wi-Fi that bolsters IoT

connections • More flexible

• The protocol's low power

Wi-Fi HaLow is based on the IEEE 802.11ah specification consumption competes
with Bluetooth

• Higher data rates and

Wi-Fi HaLow will operate in the unlicensed wireless spectrum in wider coverage range
the 900MHz band

Its range will be nearly double today's available Wi-Fi (1 kilometer)

WiFi HaLow • More flexible

• The protocol's low power

consumption competes with

• Higher data rates and wider

coverage range

Picture Source: Newracom

Long Range IoT Solutions
- Non 3GPP
- 3GPP
IoT Long Range Technical Solutions

Amsterdam become the first

city covered by the LoRaWAN
By the end
network of
Jun 2015
All France territory covered by
Semtech develop LoRaWAN network: Bouygues
LoRaWAN network Telecom
2013 Creation of
LoRa alliance


Cycleo developed LoRa technology

LORA - Features
Ø LoRaWAN is a Low Power Wide Area Network

Ø Modulation: a version of Chirp Spread Spectrum (CSS) with a typical channel bandwidth of 125KHz

Ø High Sensitivity: End Nodes: Up to -137 dBm, Gateways: up to -142 dBm

Ø Long range: up to 15 Km

Ø Strong indoor penetration: With High Spreading Factor, Up to 20dB penetration (deep indoor)

Ø Robust Occupies the entire bandwidth of the channel to broadcast a signal, making it robust to channel

Ø Resistant to Doppler effect multi-path and signal weakening.

LORA - Architecture
End Device

End Device
Cloud LoRa

End Device LoRa Network
Gateway Server Application

Customer IT

End Device Type of Traffic Data packet

Payload ~ 243 Bytes

Security AES Encryption Monitoring
Modulation LoRa RF (Spread
Range ~ 15 Km
Throughput ~ 50 Kbps
LORA – Device Classes
Classes Description Intended Use Consumption Examples of Services

The most economic

A communication Class • Fire Detection
Listens only after
(« all ») Modules with no energetically..
end device • Earthquake Early
latency constraint Supported by all modules.
transmission Detection
Adapted to battery powered
Modules with latency
The module listens constraints for the Consumption optimized. • Smart metering
B at a regularly reception of Adapted to battery powered
messages of a few modules • Temperature rise
(« beacon ») frequency

C Modules with a
• Fleet management
(« continuous ») Module always strong reception Adapted to modules on the grid
listening latency constraint or with no power constraints • Real Time Traffic
(less than one Management

Any LoRa object can transmit and receive data

Sigfox – Development

Mar 2017
2012 2013 2014 2016

60 countries
First fundraising All France San-Francisco 42 covered by
Launch of the of Sigfox territory is covered become the first US. countries, the end of
Sigfox company to by Sigfox network State covered by
network 1000 2018
cover France Sigfox customers
Sigfox – Overview
Ø First LPWAN Technology (BPSK based transmission)
Ø The physical layer based on an Ultra-Narrow band wireless modulation
Ø Proprietary system
Ø Low throughput ( ~100 bps)
Ø Low power
Ø Extended range (up to 50 km)
Ø 140 messages/day/device
Ø Subscription-based model
Ø Cloud platform with Sigfox –defined API for server access
Ø Roaming capability
Ø Takes very narrow parts of spectrum and changes the phase of the carrier radio
wave to encode the data
Sigfox - Architecture
Frequency Band Ultra Narrow Band
Range ~ 13 Km
End Device
Throughput ~ 100 bps

End Device
Cloud Sigfox

End Device
Gateway Network

Customer IT
Type of Traffic Data packet
End Device
Payload ~ 12 Bytes
Security No security
Time on air Up to 6 seconds Monitoring

Weightless - Overview

Ø Low cost technology to be readily integrated into machines

Ø Operates in an unlicensed environment where the interference caused by others cannot

be predicted and must be avoided or overcome.

Ø Ability to operate effectively in unlicensed spectrum and is optimized for M2M.

Ø Ability to handle large numbers of terminals efficiently.

Frequency Narrow Type of Traffic Data packet

Band Band
Payload ~ 200 Bytes
Range ~ 13 Km
Throughput ~ 10 Mbps Security AES Encryption
Weightless – Development

2012 2014

White Space
Creation of First Weightless-N
spectrum is coming - First version
Weightless Special network deployed in
Starts ratified in USA Q3 released
Interest Group London
specification 2012, UK expected Q2
Weightless – Versions
Weightless-N Weightless-P Weightless-W

Communication 1-way 2-ways 2-ways

Range 5Km+ 2Km+ 5Km+

Battery life 10 years 3-8 years 3-5 years

Terminal cost Very low Low Low-medium

Network cost Very low Medium Medium

Data Rate Up to 10 Mbps Up to 100 Kbps Up to 200 Kbps

RPMA – Overview
Ø Random Phase Multiple Access (RPMA) technology is a low-power, wide-area channel
access method used exclusively for machine-to-machine (M2M) communication
§ Uses the popular 2.4 GHz band
§ Offer extreme coverage and High capacity
§ Allows handover (channel change) with Excellent link capacity

Ø RPMA is a Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) using

Ø Convolutional channel coding, gold codes for spreading
Ø 1 MHz bandwidth
Ø TDD frame with power control in both open and Closed Loop Power Control

RPMA – Development

September 2016 2017

2008 2015

RPMA was it was renamed RPMA was RPMA will be

developed by On- Ingenu, and implemented in many introduced in many
Ramp Wireless to targets to extend places others countries: Los
provide connectivity its technology to Austin, Dallas/Ft. Angeles, San
to oil and gas the IoT and M2M worth, Franscisco-West
actors market Hostton,TX,Phenix,AZ, Bay,CA,Washington,D
…. C, Baltimore,MD,
Kanasas City

Ø Ultra low power radio technology based on miniaturized power converters

§ Power is generated by harvesting energy from motion, light or temperature (e.g. pressure on a switch or
by photovoltaic cell)
§ These power sources are sufficient to power each module to transmit wirelessly and have battery-free

Ø Frequencies:
§ 868 MHz for Europe and 315 MHz for the USA

Ø EnOcean Alliance
§ By 2014 = more than 300 members (Texas, Leviton, Osram, Sauter, Somfy, Wago, Yamaha ...)
Ø Low power radio protocol
Ø Home automation (lighting, heating, ...) applications
Ø Low-throughput: 9 and 40 kbps
Ø Battery-operated or electrically powered
Ø Frequency range: 868 MHz in Europe, 908 MHz in the US
Ø Range: about 50 m (more outdoor, less indoor)
Ø Mesh architecture possible to increase the coverage
Ø Access method type CSMA / CA
Ø Z-Wave Alliance: more than 100 manufacturers
LTE-M - Overview

Ø Evolution of LTE optimized for IoT

Ø Low power consumption and autonomous

Ø Easy Deployment

Ø Interoperability with existing LTE networks

Ø Coverage upto 11 Km

Ø Max Throughput ≤ 1 Mbps ü First released in Rel.1 in 2 Q4 2014

ü Optimization in Rel.13
ü Specifications completed in Q1 2016
ü Available since 2017
3GPP Releases 8 (Cat.4) 8 (Cat. 1) 12 (Cat.0) LTE-M 13 (Cat. 1,4 MHz) LTE-M
Downlink peak rate (Mbps) 150 10 1 1
Uplink peak rate (Mbps) 50 5 1 1
Number of antennas (MIMO) 2 2 1 1
Duplex Mode Full Full Half Half
UE receive bandwidth (MHz) 20 20 20 1.4
UE Transmit power (dBm) 23 23 23 20
Release 12 Release 13
• New category of UE (“Cat-0”): lower • Reduced receive bandwidth to 1.4 MHz
complexity and low cost devices
• Lower device power class of 20 dBm
• Half duplex FDD operation allowed • 15dB additional link budget: better coverage
• Single receiver • More energy efficient because of its extended
• Lower data rate requirement (Max: 1 Mbps) discontinuous repetition cycle (eDRX)
LTE to LTE-M - Architecture

Frequency Band Narrow Band

Access LTE-M
Range ~ 11 Km
Throughput ~ 1 Mbps

End Email

Present LTE Architecture LTE


baseband Customer
Software for IT

Device Enhancement for LTE-M Remote
Ø Licensed Spectrum

Ø Frequency Bands: 700-900 MHz for LTE

Ø Some resource blocks are allocated to IoT on LTE bands


April May March August November Jun

2014 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2017+

3GPP 3GPP 1st ive pre-

Narrowband ‘Cellular IoT’ GSMA alignment standard NB-IOT
proposal to Mobile IoT on single Full 3GPP Commercial
Study Item message NB-IoT
Connected created standard Standard rollout
Living Released
Ø Uses LTE design extensively e.g. DL: FDMA, UL: SC-FDMA
Ø Lower cost than eMTC (Narrow band: supports 180 KHz channel)
Ø Extended coverage: 164 dB maximum coupling loss or link budget (at least for standalone) in
comparison to GPRS link budget of 144dB and LTE of 142.7 dB
Ø Low Receiver sensitivity = -141 dBm
Ø Long battery life: 10 years with 5 Watt Hour battery (depending on traffic and coverage needs)
Ø Support for massive number of devices: at least 50.000 per cell
Ø 3 modes of operation:
§ Stand-alone: stand-alone carrier, e.g. spectrum currently used by GERAN (GSM Edge Radio Access Network)
systems as a replacement of one or more GSM carriers
§ Guard band: unused resource blocks within a LTE carrier’s guard-band
§ In-band: resource blocks within a normal LTE carrier
NB-IoT - Architecture
Frequency Band Ultra Narrow Band HD-FDD
p/2 BPSK, p/4 QPSK Class
Range ~ 11 Km
3 (23 dBm) Class 5 (20
Throughput ~ 150 Kbps dBm)

End Device Email

LTE Access

New baseband Customer IT

Software for NB-IoT

End Device
NB-IoT – Spectrum & Access
Designed with a number
of deployment options
for licensed GSM ,
WCDMA or LTE spectrum
to achieve efficiency

Stand-alone operation
Dedicated spectrum.
Ex.: By re-farming GSM channels

Guard band operation

Based on the unused RB within a LTE
carrier’s guard-band

In-band operation
Using resource blocks within a normal
LTE carrier
NB-IoT and LTE-M Comparison
12 (Cat.0) LTE- 13(Cat. 1,4 MHz) LTE-M 13(Cat. 200 KHz)
3GPP Release M

Downlink peak rate 1 Mbps 1 Mbps

300 bps to 200 kbps

Uplink peak rate 1 Mbps 1 Mbps 144 kbps

Number of antennas 1 1 1

Duplex Mode Half Half Half

UE receive bandwidth 20 MHz 1.4 MHz 200 kHz

UE Transmit power (dBm) 23 20 23

ü Reduced throughput based on single PRB operation

ü Enables lower processing and less memory on the modules
ü 20dB additional link budget resulting into better area coverage
IoT Long Range Technical Solutions

H. S. Dhillon et al., “Wide-Area
Wireless Communication Challenges
for the Internet of Things,” IEEE
Communications Magazine, February
IMT 2020 (5G) Supporting IoT

The values in the figures above are targets for research and investigation for IMT-2020 and may be revised in the light of future studies. Further information is
available in the IMT-2020 Vision (Recommendation ITU-R M.2083)
IMT Supports IoT

Source: Forging paths to IMT‑2020 (5G), Stephen M. Blust, Chairman, ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU–R) Working
Party 5D, Sergio Buonomo, Counsellor, ITU–R Study Group 5, ITU News, 02/2017
IMT-2020 (5G) Network slicing to Supports IoT

Source: Forging paths to

IMT‑2020 (5G), Stephen
M. Blust, Chairman, ITU
Sector (ITU–R) Working
Party 5D, Sergio
Buonomo, Counsellor,
ITU–R Study Group 5, ITU
News, 02/2017
IMT-2020 (5G) – Detailed Timeline and Process in ITU

5G and 3GPP Releases evolution

3GPP Release 16 - Timeline

3GPP Release 16 – 5G expansion

2018 Q3 2018 Q4 2019 Q1 2019 Q2 2019 Q3 2019 Q4

5G to X
Vehicle (V2X)
enhancements Expansion
5G for Unlicensed
spectrum operation
5G for te
5G above
3GPP Release 16 – 5G Efficiency

2018 Q3 2018 Q4 2019 Q1 2019 Q2 2019 Q3 2019 Q4

Int rference tion
e Mitiga
5G Big Data
5G Location and positioning 5G
a onsumptioproveme Efficiency
n im
onsumptio nts
5G ual
n imConnectivity
a l
s ex
wConnectivi change
Non-orthogonal Multiple
Non- (NOMA)
ort s ex
Examples from of current IoT Market
- Regulation
- Pricing
- Future analysis and issues
Regulations: Example

Link Activity rate Power

ARCEP- France
DL 10% 25 mW
UL 1% 500 mW
Regulations: Example Tunisia

Effective Duty cycle < 1% < 0.1% < 0.1% < 0.1% < 1% < 10% < 10% Up to 100%
radiated power

250 kHz
600 kHz 500 kHz 500 mW
25 mW 25 mW 100 kHz 100 kHz 600 kHz
100 kHz
10 mW 10 mW 25 mW 300 kHz, 5 mW
5 mW
868 868.6 868.7 869.2 869.4 869.65 869.7 868.6 870
Non specific devices

Application-specific (ex. Alarms)

ISM 868MHz Band Plan Tunisia

Market solution Pricing: NB-IoT Example
Ø 2017
§ The NB-IoT access entry package is available from EUR 199 Includes a 6-month activation of up to 25 SIM-cards
with 500 KB per SIM pooled in Germany’s NB-IoT network. As a further optional add-on – a private APN with IPsec-key
encryption is available.
§ The NB-IoT Access & Cloud of Things entry package is available from EUR 299 and additionally includes direct access
to Deutsche Telekom’s Cloud of Things platform for device and data management.

Ø IN 2018
§ Europe’s first data flat rate for the Internet of Things with joint offering by Deutsche Telekom and 1NCE, designed
especially for business customers. It provides connectivity for devices using low data volumes in the Internet of Things
(or IoT). The prepaid rates can now be booked from the 1NCE webshop.
§ For a one-off price of 10 Euros, customers receive a industrial IoT eSIM card with a data volume of 500 MB and 250
SMS messaging for use in the Internet of Things.
Market Pricing: LoraWan Example
Market Pricing: Sigfox Example

Network subscription charges: S$1 per device per month, which comes with a data plan for
up to 140 messages per day.

Qualified channel partners who commit to volume can ultimately enjoy subscription charges
from as low as S$1 per device per year.
Market Pricing: LTE-M Example
Market Pricing: Outcome Based Pricing
OBP differs from traditional pricing:

instead of charging by traffic/volume or number

of devices, it sets pricing for enterprise clients
based on achieving jointly determined outcomes.

OBP attempts to drive service providers to

deliver on results but also encourages sharing of
the investment burden between enterprises and
service providers.
Infrastructure Capex Estimates: 5G Example
CAPEX for scenario 1 – Large dense city
Item Value Small cell distance Scenario 1 Scenario
Total CAPEX (USD millions) 55.5
Number of small cell sites 1 027 RAN equipment (antenna, street cabinet, base 25% 24%
station electronics, battery backup and
Cost per square km (USD millions) 3.7 network maintenance modules)
CAPEX per site (USD thousands) 54.1 Implementation costs (design and planning 50% 46%
costs, site upgrade costs, permit costs and civils
costs to lay street cabinets)
Fibre (provision of 144 fibre along the route of 25% 30%
CAPEX for scenario 2 – Small less dense city activated street assets)

Item Value MER (single rack and termination equipment) <0.1% <0.1%
Total CAPEX (USD millions) 6.8
Number of small cell sites 116
Cost per square km (USD millions) 2.3
CapEx per site (USD thousands) 58.6

Source: ITU

Chipset Costs
1. MICROCHIP 1. NB-IoT Quectel BC95 Digi International XBee™ Cellular LTE-
Interface: UART 3GPP Rel-13 M Embedded Modem
Stack / MAC: LoRaWAN Interfaces SIM/USIM 1
Stack implementation: Microchip Transmission 100bps
200mW (23dBm) Tx power
proprietary Price: $ 40,00
3.0V to 4.3V supply voltage
Price: $14.27 @ single unit
$10.90 @ 1000 units Up to 384kbps RF throughput
2. Digi XBee Cellular NB-IOT Up to 1Mbps DL or UL speed
Up to ~60Kbps Downlink, 25Kbps Uplink NB-IoT Ready with a future over-the-air update
2. MULTITECH 1 antenna design, 200 mW (23 dBm)
Interface: UART Band 20 (800MHz) $ 69Single unit
Stack / MAC: LoRaWAN Band 8 (900MHz
Stack implementation: MultiTech $30-60 Single unit
proprietary (XBEE compatible)
Price: ~$30 @ single unit
3. Quectel Module GSM/GPRS/
$ 68,00Single unit

Source: ITU IoT Planning workshop Bandung 2018

2017 Facts

Ø Most of the commercial NB-IoT contracts

were in China.
Ø Several operators launched LTE-M in 2017,
including AT&T, Telstra and Verizon.
Ø The LTE-M share: less than 1% but this will grow
significantly during the forecast period to reach 19%
by 2026. LTE-M is a substitute for some 2G telematics
applications in the automotive and fleet sectors, and
has been adopted first by many of those operators Source:
that have decommissioned their 2G networks.
Some Facts and forecasts

Ø Analysys Mason:
§ 3G and 4G will capture a 27%
market share in 2026

§ 5G will constitute just over 1%

of the total connections in 2026,
but this will be the average
across all application groups. For
automotive and embedded
SIMs specifically, 5G will have a NB-IoT will be the dominant network for IoT in 2026
4% share of the total (Analysys Mason)

Future Issues of IoT
v Data Ownership
v Rights around derivative use of data
v Dynamic decision rights (change in consent)
v Consumer awareness
v Privacy rights
v Cybersecurity
v Liability (decision made by AI: health, transportation)
v curacy
v Public profit sharing
v Preventing oligopolies (Large tech companies taking over)
v Fairness (Some may not be able to afford)
v Disposal of electronic waste Source: Dr. Shoumen Datta of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
“Committed to
connecting the

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