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Volume 2 Part 5 - Estidama Requirements

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MARCH 2023


P.O. BOX: 2732, ABU DHABI - U.A.E.
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016
Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi







01 61 00 PROJECT SUSTAINABILITY 01 61 00 (Page 1) - 01 61 00 (Page 9)


01 62 00 ESTIDAMA REQUIREMENTS FOR 01 62 00 (Page 1) - 01 62 00 (Page 10)


01 74 19 CONSTRUCTION WASTE 01 74 19 (Page 1) - 01 74 19 (Page 10)

01 91 00 COMMISSIONING REQUIREMENTS 01 91 00 (Page 1) - 01 91 00 (Page - 36)



CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN Annexure 1 (Page-1) - Annexure 1 (Page-15)


: Annexure 2 (Page-1) - Annexure 2(Page- 8)

Appendix A:
Appendix B: Thermal Insulation Calculations
Appendix C: Construction Environmental Management Plan & Requirements


Legionella Management Plan Annexure 3 (Page-1) - Annexure 3 (Page-23)

List of Documents

LD - i
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016
Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

SECTION 01 6100



A. The planned new Residential Building project, at Plot C33, Yas Island - Abu Dhabi, is designed
to conform to the Pearls building rating system by ESTIDAMA, aiming to achieve at least One
pearl. The project's materials and systems are selected to comply with the requirements
stipulated in this system, especially the credits under both the Material and Livable buildings
categories that address construction waste management, elimination of hazardous materials &
the use of low VOC materials as prescribed by the system's credits. Therefore, the Contractor is
required to take into consideration and show successful compliance with the pearl rating system
as determined by Estidama to ensure the environmental quality performance of the Project
Development. The Contractor should describe the methodology he intends to adopt to secure
compliance with the Estidama requirements. The methodology will be subject to review and
can commence only after full compliance with Estidama requirements is ensured. The contractor
is required to take into consideration and show successful compliance with ESTIDAMA
requirements as specified herein and the other sections of specifications to ensure the
sustainable quality of the project development.
B. The Contractor is responsible for the procurement of appropriate materials and products that
comply with Estidama criteria as described within the specifications. This will include, but is not
limited to, concrete, steel, aluminum, glass, timber, sanitary and tap ware fixtures and fittings,
insulation, carpets, adhesives, sealants and paints. The various specifications identify
characteristics and as part of the procurement process the Contractor shall confirm through their
PQP, that Estidama attributes have been recognized and achieved prior to confirming any
purchase orders.
C. The Contractor understands and acknowledges that Estidama compliant materials and products
may limit the sourcing opportunities normally available. Any premium for Estidama compliant
scheduling program.

D. Contractor to assign Estidama Pearls Qualified Professional (PQP . The

PQP shall be able to understand the tasks, have the authority to plan processes and
authority to allocate resources as required to complete the various tasks throughout the duration
of the Works.


A. The Contractor during the construction phase of this project shall implement the following
procedures singly or in combination:

1. Select products that minimize consumption of non-renewable resources consume reduced

amounts of energy and minimize amounts of pollution to produce, and employ recycled and/or
recyclable materials. To help purchasers incorporate environmental considerations into
purchasing decisions, it is the intent of this project to conform to EP
on environmentally preferable purchasing. The five principles are:

a. Include environmental considerations as part of the normal purchasing process.

b. Emphasize pollution prevention early in the purchasing process.
c. Examine multip

Section 01 6100
Project Sustainability Requirements

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Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi
d. Compare relevant environmental impacts when selecting products and services.
e. Collect and base purchasing decisions on accurate and meaningful information about
environmental performance.

2. Control sources for potential IAQ pollutants by controlled selection of materials and processes
used in project construction in order to attain superior IAQ.

3. Products and processes that achieve the above objectives to the extent currently possible and
practical have been selected and included in these Construction Documents. The Contractor is
responsible to maintain and support these objectives in developing means and methods for
performing the work of this Contract and in proposing product substitutions and/or changes to
specified processes.


A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General Conditions and Specification
Section 01: Requirements, apply to this Section.

B. Related Sections include the following:

1. Section 02 through to Section 19 for Sustainable Design Requirements specific to the Work of
each of those Sections.

2. Section 01 62 00: ESTIDAMA Requirements for submittal procedures.

3. Section 01 74 19: Construction Waste Management.

4. Annexure 2: Estidama


A. Agrifiber Products: Composite panel products derived from agricultural fiber

B. Biobased Product: A product determined to be a commercial or industrial product (other than

food or feed) that is composed, in whole or in significant part, of biological products or renewable
domestic agricultural materials (including plant, animal, and marine materials) or forestry

C. Biobased Content: The weight of the biobased material divided by the total weight of the product
and expressed as a percentage by weight

D. Certificates of Chain-of-Custody: Certificates signed by manufacturers certifying that wood used

to make products has been tracked through its extraction and fabrication to ensure that is was
obtained from forests certified by a specified certification program

E. Composite Wood: A product consisting of wood fiber or other plant particles bonded together by
a resin or binder

F. Construction and Demolition Waste: Includes solid wastes, such as building materials,
packaging, rubbish, debris, and rubble resulting from construction, remodeling, repair and
demolition operations. A construction waste management plan is to be provided by the
Contractor as defined in Section 01 74 19.

Section 01 6100
Project Sustainability Requirements

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Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi
G. Recycled Content Materials: Products that contain pre-consumer or post-consumer materials as
all or part of their feedstock
H. Post-Consumer Recycled Content: The percentage by weight of constituent materials that have
been recovered or otherwise diverted from the solid-waste stream after consumer use

I. Pre-Consumer Recycled Content: Materials that have been recovered or otherwise diverted from
the solid-waste stream during the manufacturing process. Pre-consumer content must be
material that would not have otherwise entered the waste stream as per Section 5 of the FTC

J. Regional Materials: Materials that are extracted, harvested, recovered, and manufactured &
transported within maximum traveling distance of 500 km from the furthest point of origin to the
Project site

K. Sealant: Any material that fills and seals gaps between other materials

L. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): Any compound of carbon, excluding carbon monoxide,
carbon dioxide, carbonic acid, metallic carbides or carbonates, and ammonium carbonate, which
participates in atmospheric photochemical reactions. Compounds that have negligible
photochemical reactivity, listed in EPA 40 CFR 51.100(s), are also excluded from this regulatory


A. General: Additional Sustainable Design submittal requirements are included in other sections of
the Specifications.

B. ESTIDAMA Submittals:

1. Follow all procedures and construction submittals referred to in the Estidama Building Pearl
Rating Reference Guide.

2. Heat Island Effect:

highlighting the Solar Reflectance Index (SRI) of the material aiming for SRI>29. Also,
provide cut sheets for all pervious paving materials.
or product data highlighting the Solar Reflectance Index (SRI) of the material aiming for
SRI>78 .

Note: SRI values for the outer surface of cover elements can be calculated based on solar
reflectance and emittance numbers as defined in the American Society of Testing and
Materials Standard E1980- supplied where
the testing is in accordance with the referenced standards below:
- ASTM E1980 - 01 Standard Practice for Calculating Solar Reflectance Index of
Horizontal and Low-Sloped Opaque Surfaces
- ASTM E1918-06, Standard Test Method for Measuring Solar Reflectance of
Horizontal and Low-Sloped Surfaces in the Field
- ASTM C1549-09, Standard Test Method for Determination of Solar Reflectance
Near Ambient Temperature Using a Portable Solar Reflectometer
- ASTM E 408-71(2008), Standard Test Methods for Total Normal Emittance of
Surfaces Using Inspection-Meter Techniques
- ASTM C1371-04a, Standard Test Method for Determination of Emittance of
Materials Near Room Temperature Using Portable Emissometers

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Project Sustainability Requirements

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Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

fixture lumens above 90° from nadir for all exterior lighting fixtures, and, for parking lot lighting,

documentation that exterior luminaires are IDA-Approved as Dark-Sky Friendly by the

International Dark Sky Association (IDA) Fixture Seal of Approval Program.

system components and for any rainwater harvesting system components, such as cisterns.

5. -
consuming plumbing fixtures and fittings (toilets, faucets, showerheads, etc.) highlighting
maximum flow rates and/or flush rates. Include cut sheets for any automatic faucet-control
devices, refer to sanitary fixtures specs.


all fire-suppression equipment, highlighting fire- -

sheets for all polystyrene insulation (XPS) and closed-cell spray foam polyurethane insulation,
highlighting the blowing agent(s).

7. Measure
all controls systems, highlighting electrical metering and trending capability components.

8. ng the installed
carbon dioxide monitoring system components and sequence of controls shop drawing
documentation, including CO2 differential set-points and alarm capabilities.

9. Interior Adhesives and Sealants: Submittals for all field-applied adhesives and sealants, which

highlighting VOC content.

whether shop-applied or field-applied, contain no urea-formaldehyde.

10. Interior Paints and Coatings: Submittals for all field-applied paints and coatings, which have a

highlighting VOC content

11. Exterior Paints and Coatings: Submittals for all field-applied paints and coatings, which have a

12. Air Filtration: Provide

a. Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) for filtration media in all air handling units

b. Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) for filtration media installed at return air grilles
during construction if permanently installed AHUs are used during construction

lamps highlighting mercury content.

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Project Sustainability Requirements

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Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi
22. Lighting Controls: Provide manuf
highlighting all lighting controls systems components.

highlighting all thermal comfort-control systems components.

gypsum wallboard products are moisture and mold-resistant.

batt insulation contains no urea-formaldehyde.

mechanical sound insulation materials in air distribution ducts consists of an impervious, non-
porous coatings that prevent dust from accumulating in the insulating materials.

submittal requirements. Waste reduction progress reports and logs complying with the
requirements of Section

28. Sustainable Construction Progress Reports: Concurrent with each Application for Payment,
submit reports for the following:


A. General: Perform the work of this Section as a supplement and in accordance with applicable
requirements of

B. Preconstruction Meeting: After award of Contract and prior to the commencement of the Work,
schedule and conduct meeting with Employer, Engineer and all Subcontractors to discuss the
Construction Waste Management Plan and all other Sustainable Design Requirements. The

Requirements and coordination of

Contracting Officer and the Construction Quality Manager.

C. Construction Job Conferences: The status of compliance with the Sustainable Design
Requirements of these specifications will be an agenda item at all regular job meetings
conducted during the course of work at the site.



A. Do not burn rubbish, organic matter, etc. or any material on the site. Dispose of legally in
accordance with Specifications Sections 01 74 19.

B. Site Paving: All site impervious paving must be light colored, with a Solar Reflectance Index
(SRI) of at least 29.

C. Roofing Materials: All roofing systems, other than vegetated roof systems, must comply with the
following requirements:

1. Low-Sloped roofing less than or equal to 2:12 slope must have an SRI of at least 78.

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Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi
2. Steep-Sloped roofing greater than 2:12 slope must have an SRI of at least 29.

D. Recycled Aggregates: Only recycled aggregates/ aggregates from industrial waste by-products
are to be used as base, sub-base. (This items to be in full compliance with the Executive council
AD decree B T 9G25/2010 dated 26 July 2010 & corresponding circular CWM/EXE/504/10).

E. Use of Supplementary Cementing Materials (SCMs) to reduce Embodied Greenhouse Gas

Emissions of concrete.

F. Exterior Lighting Fixtures:

1. All exterior luminaries must emit 0% of the total initial designed fixture lumens at an angle above
90° from nadir and/or meet the requirements of the Dark Sky certification program.

2. Exterior lighting cannot exceed 80% of the lighting power densities defined by ASHRAE/IESNA
Standard 90.1-2004, Exterior Lighting Section, without amendments.

G. Water-Conserving Fixtures: Plumbing fixtures and fittings shall use Estidama approved fixtures
flow/flush rates and the selection from the approved villas products database available in
Estidama website portal.(refer to sanitary fixtures specs)

H. Elimination of CFCs AND HCFCs:

1. Ozone Protection: Base building cooling equipment shall contain no refrigerants other than the
following: HCFC-123, HFC-134a, HFC-245fa, HFC-407c, or HFC 410a.

2. Fire suppression systems may not contain ozone-depleting substances.

3. Extruded polystyrene insulation (XPS) and closed-cell spray foam polyurethane insulation shall
not be manufactured with hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) blowing agents.

I. HVAC Distribution Efficiency:

1. All duct systems shall be constructed of galvanized sheet metal, aluminum, or stainless steel as
deemed appropriate based on the application requirements. No fiberglass duct board shall be

2. All medium- and high-pressure ductwork systems shall be pressure-tested in accordance with
the current SMACNA standards.

3. All ductwork shall be externally insulated. No interior duct liner shall be permitted.

4. Where possible, all air terminal connections shall be hard-connected with sheet metal ductwork.
If flexible ductwork is used, no flexible duct extension shall be more than six feet in length.

5. All HVAC equipment shall be isolated from the ductwork system with flexible duct connectors to
minimize the transmittance of vibration.

6. All supply and return air branch ducts shall include the appropriate style of volume damper. Air
terminal devices such as grilles, registers, and diffusers shall be balanced at duct branch
dampers, not at terminal face.

J. Measurement and Verification: Install controls and monitoring devices as required by Sections
12 and 13 in order to comply with International Performance Measurement & Verification

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Project Sustainability Requirements

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Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi
Protocol (IPMVP), Volume III: Concepts and Options for Determining Energy Savings in New
Construction, April 2003, Option D.

K. Biobased Products:

1. Use only biobased concrete form-release products.

2. Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) & Preservative-treated lumber with chromated copper
arsenate (CCA) treatments is not permitted, and lumber with copper-based treatments (such as
ACQ) is permitted only for ground-contact applications.

3. Wood-based materials include but are not limited to the following materials (when made from
wood), engineered wood products, or wood-based panel products:
Rough carpentry
Miscellaneous carpentry
Heavy timber construction
Wood decking
Metal-plate-connected wood trusses
Structural glued-laminated timber
Finish carpentry
Architectural woodwork
Wood paneling
Wood veneer wall covering
Wood flooring
Wood lockers
Wood cabinets
Wood doors
Non-rented temporary construction, including bracing, concrete formwork, pedestrian barriers,
and temporary protection

N. Zero ODP, Low GWP Insulation: All thermal insulation materials used in the project to have an
Ozone Depleting Potential of zero (ODP = 0) and a low Global Warming Potential of less than five
(GWP < 5). Compliance is required for any blowing agent used to manufacture the insulation
product or to spray it in place.

O. Air Filtration: Install air filtration media that provides a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV)
of 13 or better in all air handling units for processing both return and outside air that is delivered to
the air supply system. Replace all filtration media after the completion of construction and prior to

P. Mercury in Lighting:

1. Provide only low-mercury fluorescent or HID lamps with mercury content limited to the following:

a. T-5 and T-8 fluorescent lamps: 80 picograms per lumen hour

2. Measurement Standards: Lumens to be measured according to IES LM9 for linear fluorescent
lamps, IES LM66 for compact fluorescent lamps, and LM51 for HID lamps; mercury content to

Q. Lighting Controls: Install and calibrate controls as specified by Section 13 Electrical in order to
comply with ESTIDAMA IEQ/LBi lighting controllability requirements.

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Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

R. Fiberglass Insulation: Fiberglass batt insulation shall contain no formaldehyde-based binders or

shall be third-party certified for conformance with Greenguard Children & Schools or Indoor
Advantage Gold.

S. Duct Acoustical Insulation: Mechanical sound insulation materials within the duct shall consist of an
impervious, non-porous coating that prevents dust from accumulating in the insulating materials.



A. Develop and implement a Construction Waste Management Plan (CWMP), as defined in Section

recycle, reuse, and/or salvage at least 30% (by weight) of construction, demolition, and land-
clearing waste.

B. Clean materials which are contaminated prior to placing in collection containers. Deliver
materials free of dirt, adhesives, solvents, petroleum contamination, and other substances
deleterious to the recycling process.

C. Utilize any on-site existing paving materials that are scheduled for demolition as granulated fill or
subbase material, and include the weight of this material in the calculations for material diverted
from landfill disposal.

D. Arrange for materials collection by or materials delivery to the appropriate recycling or reuse
E. Tax credits and other savings obtained or revenue generated for recycled or reused materials
accrue to the Contractor.
F. Discuss CWMP procedures and measures as an agenda item at all regular job meetings
conducted during the course of work at the site, and record progress in meeting minutes.
G. Submit monthly progress reports with Applications for Payment in accordance with Section 01 74
19, documenting the status of the CWMP and current diversion percentage rates.


A. Commissioning: All building basic system required under ESTIDAMA PBRS ver. 1 IDP-R2
components shall be commissioned in accordance with the requirements of Specification Section 01

to verify and ensure that fundamental building elements and systems are installed, constructed,

and Construction Documents.

B. Intent: To ensure that the building performs as designed, facilitating occupant health and comfort
and envelope and system efficiency.

C. Condition: Comprehensive commissioning requirement need to be included in the project

specification and attached to construction contract. Copy of the draft commissioning Plan shall be
review with the client or FM company or Building operator prior sign the tender with the contractor.

D. Requirement: The Estidama Basic Commissioning need to be implemented to at least to the

following Minimum system: Heating, Ventilation, air conditioning, Service water heating, On-site
renewable technologies, On-site water treatment systems including swimming pool if applicable,
Stormwater management systems. Additional areas that can be included in the commissioning
scope, but are not required for the compliance with the pre-requisite (ref. PBRS IDP-R3)

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Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

F. Construction Rating Credit Submission:

1. Commissioning report signed by the Competent Person detailing the results of the systems
verification and confirming that all systems are operating as intended;
Occupant Handbook and confirmation that this has been provided to the villa owner.

End of Section 01 6100.

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Pearls Building Rating System

01 62 00 ESTIDAMA Requirements for submittal procedures

- Main Works -

Section 01 62 00
ESTIDAMA Submittal Procedures
Section 01 62 00 (Page-1)
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016
Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi


A. Contractor shall appoint a site sustainability coordinator with the main responsibility to produce the
Construction Documentation required.
B. Contractor shall engage a sustainability Estidama coordinator in the beginning of the construction stage.
C. The Contractor shall prepare and submit all reports and records required to satisfy Estidama
D. Contractor shall submit comprehensive submittal Log in the beginning of the construction phase, listing
submittals that will require PQP review.
E. Contractor Material approvals for submittal form need to implement a box for Project PQP approval
F. Resident Engineer & Project Manager shall carefully evaluate every Change Order and involve Project
PQP for approval if required.
G. Estidama 1 Pearl (Construction) is a contractual requirement. To facilitate this process, the Contractor
shall be responsible for the preparation, documentation and submission of Estidama Construction Phase
H. The Contractor is responsible for the preparation of all documentation including purchase agreements,
samples, technical data sheets, MSDS, as-built drawings, invoices, etc as required by Estidama. The
Contractor is responsible for scanning and uploading the information for Estidama credits. The PQP will
assist as necessary.
I. Estidama Documentation Submittals: The Contractor is responsible for the preparation, collection and
submission of all necessary information to achieve 1 Pearl Rating certification. The extent of

for Estidama, Building Rating System

and any additional specific requirements listed below. The Contractor will furnish project credit
information as necessary to comply with
with the specific Estidama credit requirements listed below, however this list is not exhaustive and
additional documentation will be required as per the final Estidama scorecard:
A. Category: Integrated Development Process

1. IDP-R1:
Provide an updated narrative describing the approach to this mandatory credit.
2. IDP-R2: Develop the draft Tenancy Fitout Design and Construction Guide. (Not Applicable)
3. IDP-R3: Comply with the commissioning plan under direction from the Commissioning Authority.
Employ an independent commissioning contractor to commission installed systems and develop the
Building Log Book. Submit commissioning program, commissioning method statements and
commissioning results. Submit the Operation and Maintenance Manuals and all as built drawings
prior to the completion of commissioning.
B. Category: Natural Systems

1. NS-R2: Provide records of environmental performance, site mobilization agreements, environmental

monitoring, inspection and audit reports and close out reports, site demobilization agreement, etc.
2. NS-R3: Update the Natural Systems Design and Management Strategy for the landscape elements,
including any operation and maintenance requirements of systems, plants and materials in the
landscape (outdoor areas).
3. NS-R3: provide Photographs and as built landscape drawings clearly indicating the planted species.

C. Category: Livable Buildings Outdoor

1. LBo-R3: Provide updated narrative, as-built documentation and photographs to confirm requirements
are met. Confirm shade percentage

D. Category: Livable Buildings Indoor

1. LBi-R1: Provide as built drawings, updated narrative and commissioning results.

2. LBi-R2: Install no-smoking signage as required. Provide as built drawings, photographic evidence
and updated narrative.
3. LBi-R3: Review, update and comply with the Legionella Management Plan. Provide plant installation
and commissioning, testing, training and competency and record keeping audit checklists. Integrate

Section 01 62 00
ESTIDAMA Submittal Procedures
Section 01 62 00 (Page-2)
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Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Legionella Management into the O&M Manuals. Provide narrative and as built drawings of air
conditioning systems and all other water-based systems..

E. Category: Precious Water

1. PW-R1: Provide as built drawings, updated water fixtures schedule, purchase receipts, technical data
for all fittings and fixtures indicating flow rates and flow regulation systems, water use data and
pressure graphs, photographic evidence and narrative.
2. PW-R2: Install monitoring systems as required by the credit. Provide narrative, as built drawings,
monitoring system, and
photographic evidence.

F. Category: Resourceful Energy

1. RE-R1: Provide data to input into the updated Energy model template. Perform if required energy
modelling as per construction stage systems final details, calculate average area weighted U Value
for all buildings envelop, with required full supporting documentation.

2. RE-R2: Install monitoring system as required by the credit. Provide updated narrative, schematics, as
photographic evidence.

3. RE-R3: narrative.

G. Category: Stewarding Materials

1. SM-R1: Confirm through procurement documentation and a materials schedule that no hazardous
materials have been procured for the project.

SM R1: Hazardous Materials Elimination

To eliminate exposure of building occupants to asbestos and minimize toxic effects of chromated copper
arsenate (CCA) treated timber on people and the environment.

Relevance to Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island - Abu Dhabi

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------

Check List

Demonstrate that no Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) are used within the development and that all
ACMs have been removed from refurbished buildings. This Credit Requirement builds on Cabinet
Resolution No. 39 of 2006 Concerning Prohibiting Import, Production and Utilization of Asbestos Boards
and extends the prohibition to all ACMs. Demonstrate that where timber is specified to treat external
structures where there is frequent and intimate contact, such as but not limited to- shading devices,
playground equipment and handrails that no chromated copper arsenate (CCA)-treated timber is used on
the project.
Narrative (Required):-

Evidence of purchase indicating that no ACMs or CCA-treated timber were used in the project as per the
Credit Requirements.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------

Section 01 62 00
ESTIDAMA Submittal Procedures
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Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------

Narrative (Optional):-
Please provide any additional comments or notes regarding special circumstances or considerations
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------

2. SM-R2: Develop and implement a Construction and Demolition Waste Management Plan complying
with Section 017419: "Construction Waste Management and Disposal." Divert a minimum of 50 - 30%
of construction waste from landfill through reuse and recycling. Provide a waste tracking register
agreed with Employers Representative and Employer, copies of collection receipts, disposal
receipts, recycling receipts, and other evidence required to prove the diversion the target was met.


To reduce the long-term environmental impacts associated with construction waste collection, transport and
disposal. Divert construction, demolition and land-clearing debris from disposal in landfills and incinerators.
Redirect recyclable recovered resources back to the manufacturing process. Redirect reusable materials to
appropriate sites.

Relevance to
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------

Check List

Diverted Construction Waste Calculation: Provide diverted / recycled materials description, diversion /
recycling hauler or location and quantity of diverted / recycled waste. Also provide Total Construction Waste
Generated, Total Construction Waste Diverted and Total percentage of construction waste diverted from
(To qualify for the credit the project must recycle and / or salvage at least 30% of non-hazardous
construction, demolition and land-clearing debris.)

Narrative (Required):-

additional comments or notes regarding special circumstances or c

credit approach.

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------

The quantity delivered materials and means of diversion are explained in the table:

Section 01 62 00
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Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

SM-R2: Basic Construction Waste Project Reference
Management Number

IDPT Responsible Individuals Signature Role Date Revision

All below mentioned requirements to be attached when applicable

Other Supportive Documents:

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Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Construction & Demolition Waste Management Plan (CDWMP) *

Building Waste Calculator **

recycled/salvaged Items Schedule

*Attach Construction & Demolition Waste Management Plan (CDWMP)

** Attach Building Waste Calculator output

3. SM-R3: Provide as built drawings and photographs, and updated narrative with calculations.

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Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Letter from the concerned party of receiving scrap on letter head.

Debit Note.

Contracting Company
(Letter Head)

To Whomsoever It May Concern

Project: Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island - Abu Dhabi

DISPOSAL - Block work & Concrete Waste -

This is to certify that broken blocks & concrete waste generated during construction of Company building
have been reworked and used for other applications, such as, road basement at the same building project.
The tones.

For contracting company

Authorized Signatory

Section 01 62 00
ESTIDAMA Submittal Procedures
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Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Contracting Company
(Letter Head)

To Whomsoever It May Concern

Project: Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island - Abu Dhabi

DISPOSAL -Steel Scrap -

This is to certify that steel scrap generated during construction of Company building have been reworked
and used for other applications, such as, steel reinforcement at the same building project. The approximate

For contracting company

Authorized Signatory

Section 01 62 00
ESTIDAMA Submittal Procedures
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Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016
Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Contracting Company
(Letter Head)

To Whomsoever It May Concern

Project: Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island - Abu Dhabi

DISPOSAL - Timber Scrap -

This is to certify that timber scrap generated during construction of Company building have been received
by us. The timber scrap is being used in our proj

For contracting company

Authorized Signatory

End of Chapter.

Section 01 62 00
ESTIDAMA Submittal Procedures
Section 01 62 00 (Page-10)
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Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

SECTION 01-7419




A. Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island - Abu Dhabi requires that this project generate the least
amount of trash and waste possible.

B. Employ processes that ensure the generation of as little waste as possible due to error, poor
planning, breakage, mishandling, contamination, or other factors.

C. Minimize trash/waste disposal in landfills; reuse, salvage, or recycle as much waste as economically
feasible with a target construction waste diversion rate from landfills of 50% and a minimum of 30%
required to achieve Estidama credit SM-R2.

E. Required Recycling, Salvage, and Reuse: The following may not be disposed of in landfills or by

1. Aluminum and plastic beverage containers.

2. Corrugated cardboard.

3. Wood pallets.

4. Clean dimensional wood: May be used as blocking or furring.

5. Land clearing debris, including brush, branches, logs, and stumps: See Section 31-1000 for
use options.

6. Concrete: May be crushed and used as riprap, aggregate, sub-base material, or fill.

7. Bricks: May be used on project if whole, or crushed and used as landscape cover, sub-base
material, or fill.

8. Concrete masonry units: May be used on project if whole, or crushed and used as sub-base
material or fill.

9. Precast concrete panels: May be used for erosion control or landscape features.

10. Asphalt paving: May be recycled into paving for project.

11. Metals, including packaging banding, metal studs, sheet metal, structural steel, piping,
reinforcing bars, door frames, and other items made of steel, iron, galvanized steel, stainless
steel, aluminum, copper, zinc, lead, brass, and bronze.

12. Glass.

13. Gypsum drywall and plaster.

14. Plastic buckets.

15. Carpet, carpet cushion, carpet tile, and carpet remnants

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Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

16. Paint.

17. Plastic sheeting.

18. Rigid foam insulation.

19. Windows, doors, and door hardware.

20. Plumbing fixtures.

21. Mechanical and electrical equipment.

22. Fluorescent lamps (light bulbs).

23. Acoustical ceiling tile and panels.

F. ESTIDAMA Certification for this project is dependent on diversion of 30 percent of construction and
demolition waste, by weight or volume, of potential landfill trash/waste by recycling and/or salvage.

G. Main Works Contractor shall submit periodic Waste Disposal Reports; all landfill disposal, recycling,
salvage and reuse must be reported regardless of to whom the cost or savings accrues; use the
same units of measure on all reports.

H. Main Works Contractor shall develop and follow a Waste Management Plan designed to implement
these requirements:-

I. Methods of trash/waste disposal that are not acceptable are:

1. Burning on the project site.
2. Burying on the project site.
3. Dumping or burying on other property, public or private.
4. Other illegal dumping or burying.
5. Incineration, either on- or off-site.

J. Regulatory Requirements: Main Works Contractor is responsible for knowing and complying with
regulatory requirements, including but not limited to Federal, emirate and local requirements,
pertaining to legal disposal of all construction and demolition waste materials.


A. Annexure 1: Construction Waste Management Plan Guidelines


A. Clean: Untreated and unpainted; not contaminated with oils, solvents, caulk, or the like.

B. Construction and Demolition Waste: Solid wastes typically including building materials, packaging,
trash, debris, and rubble resulting from construction, remodeling, repair and demolition operations.

C. Hazardous: Exhibiting the characteristics of hazardous substances, i.e., ignitibility, corrosivity,

toxicity or reactivity.

D. Non-hazardous: Exhibiting none of the characteristics of hazardous substances, i.e., ignitibility,

corrosivity, toxicity, or reactivity.

E. Nontoxic: Neither immediately poisonous to humans nor poisonous after a long period of exposure.

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Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

F. Recyclable: The ability of a product or material to be recovered at the end of its life cycle and
remanufactured into a new product for reuse by others.

G. Recycle: To remove a waste material from the project site to another site for remanufacture into a
new product for reuse by others.

H. Recycling: The process of sorting, cleansing, treating and reconstituting solid waste and other
discarded materials for the purpose of using the altered form. Recycling does not include burning,
incinerating, or thermally destroying waste.

I. Return: To give back reusable items or unused products to vendors for credit.

J. Reuse: To reuse a construction waste material in some manner on the project site.

K. Salvage: To remove a waste material from the project site to another site for resale or reuse by

L. Sediment: Soil and other debris that has been eroded and transported by storm or well production
run-off water.

M. Source Separation: The act of keeping different types of waste materials separate beginning from
the first time they become waste.

N. Toxic: Poisonous to humans either immediately or after a long period of exposure.

O. Trash: Any product or material unable to be reused, returned, recycled, or salvaged.

P. Waste: Extra material or material that has reached the end of its useful life in its intended use.
Waste includes salvageable, returnable, recyclable, and reusable material.


A. Section 01-6200 - Estidama Requirements for submittal procedures.

B. Construction Waste Management Plan: Include the following information:

i. General: Develop and implement a CWMP consisting of waste identification, waste reduction
work plan, and cost/revenue analysis. Include separate sections in plan for demolition and
construction waste. Indicate quantities by weight or volume, but use the same units of measure
throughout the CWMP.

ii. Draft Construction Waste Management Plan: Within 30 days after receipt of Notice to Proceed,
or prior to any waste removal, whichever occurs sooner, the Contractor shall submit to the
Employer and Engineer a Draft Waste Management Plan.

iii. Final Construction Waste Management Plan: Once the Owner has determined which of the
recycling options addressed in the draft Waste Management Plan are acceptable, the
Contractor shall submit, within 10 calendar days, a Final Waste Management Plan.

iv. Waste Identification: Indicate anticipated types and quantities of demolition, site-clearing, and
construction waste generated by the Work. Include estimated quantities and assumptions for

v. Landfill Options: Indicate the name of the landfill(s) and/or transfer station(s) and/or
incinerator(s) where trash will be disposed of, the applicable landfill tipping fee(s), and the
projected cost of disposing of all Project waste in the landfill(s).

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Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

vi. Waste Reduction Work Plan: List each type of waste and whether it will be salvaged, reused,
recycled, or disposed of in landfill or incinerator. Include points of waste generation, total
quantity of each type of waste, quantity for each means of recovery, and handling and
transportation procedures.

vii. Salvaged Materials for Reuse: For materials that will be salvaged and reused in this Project,
describe methods for preparing salvaged materials before incorporation into the Work.

viii. Salvaged Materials for Sale: For materials that will be sold to individuals and organizations,
include list of their names, addresses, and telephone numbers.

ix. Salvaged Materials for Donation: For materials that will be donated to individuals and
organizations, include list of their names, addresses, and telephone numbers.

x. Recycled Materials: Include list of local receivers and processors and type of recycled
materials each will accept. Include names, addresses, and telephone numbers.

xi. Disposed Materials: Indicate how and where materials will be disposed of. Include name,
address, and telephone number of each landfill and incinerator facility.

xii. Handling and Transportation Procedures: Describe method that will be used for separating
recyclable waste, including sizes of containers, container labeling, and designated location on
Project Site where materials separation will be located.

xiii. Analysis of the trash and waste projected to be generated during the entire project construction
cycle, including types and quantities.

xiv. Landfill Options: The name, address, and telephone number of the landfill(s) where
trash/waste will be disposed of, the applicable landfill tipping fee(s), and the projected cost of
disposing of all project trash/waste in the landfill(s).

xv. Landfill Alternatives: List all waste materials that will be diverted from landfills by reuse,
salvage, or recycling.

xvi. List each material proposed to be salvaged, reused, or recycled.

xvii. List the local market for each material.

xviii. State the estimated net cost, versus landfill disposal.

xix. Meetings: Describe regular meetings to be held to address waste prevention, reduction,
recycling, salvage, reuse, and disposal.

xx. Materials Handling Procedures: Describe the means by which materials to be diverted from
landfills will be protected from contamination and prepared for acceptance by designated
facilities; include separation procedures for recyclables, storage, and packaging.

xxi. Transportation: Identify the destination and means of transportation of materials to be

recycled; i.e. whether materials will be site-separated and self-hauled to designated centers, or
whether mixed materials will be collected by a waste hauler.

xxii. Recycling Incentives: Describe procedures required to obtain credits, rebates, or similar

A. Submit a 3-ring binder with calculations on end-of-project recycling rates, salvage rates, and landfill
rates itemized by waste material, demonstrating that a minimum of 30% of construction wastes
were recycled or salvaged and diverted from landfill. Include documentation of recovery rate (if

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commingled), waste hauling certificates or receipts, and a brief narrative explaining how and to
where each waste type has been diverted.

B. Construction Waste Management Plan: Submit four copies of plan within 45 days of date
established for the Notice to Proceed.

C. Waste Reduction Progress Reports: Concurrent with each Application for Payment, submit four
copies of report. Include separate reports for demolition and construction waste. Include the
following information:

i. Material category

ii. Generation point of waste

iii. Total quantity of waste in tons

iv. Quantity of waste salvaged, both estimated and actual in tons

v. Quantity of waste recycled, both estimated and actual in tons

vi. Total quantity of waste recovered (salvaged plus recycled) in tons

vii. Total quantity of waste recovered (salvaged plus recycled) as a percentage of total waste

viii. Include up-to-date records of donations, sales, recycling and landfill/incinerator manifests,
weight tickets, hauling receipts, and invoices.

D. Waste Reduction Calculations: Before request for Substantial Completion, submit four copies of
calculated end-of-project rates for salvage, recycling, and disposal as a percentage of total waste
generated by the Work. Complete a table similar to the example below.

Recycled/Salvaged/Diverted Hauler or Location Quantity of Material (tons)


Total Construction Waste Diverted

Landfilled Materials

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Total Construction Waste Landfilled

Total Construction Waste Total Construction Waste

Diverted + Total Construction
Waste Landfilled

Percentage of Construction Waste (Total Construction Waste

Diverted from Landfill Diverted / Total Construction

E. Records of Donations: Indicate receipt and acceptance of salvageable waste donated to individuals
and organizations. Indicate whether organization is tax-exempt.

F. Records of Sales: Indicate receipt and acceptance of salvageable waste sold to individuals and
organizations. Indicate whether organization is tax-exempt.

G. Recycling and Processing Facility Records: Indicate receipt and acceptance of recyclable waste by
recycling and processing facilities licensed to accept them. Include manifests, weight tickets,
receipts, and invoices.

H. Landfill and Incinerator Disposal Records: Indicate receipt and acceptance of waste by landfills (or
transfer stations) and incinerator facilities licensed to accept them. Include manifests, weight tickets,
receipts, and invoices.

I. Waste Disposal Reports: Submit at specified intervals, with details of quantities of trash and waste,
means of disposal or reuse, and costs; show both totals to date and since last report.

J. Submit updated Report with each Application for Progress Payment; failure to submit Report will
delay payment.

K. Landfill Disposal: Include the following information:-

i. Identification of material.

ii. Amount, in cubic meters (tons or cubic yards), of trash/waste material from the project
disposed of in landfills.

iii. State the identity of landfills, total amount of tipping fees paid to landfill, and total disposal

iv. Include manifests, weight tickets, receipts, and invoices as evidence of quantity and cost.

L. Recycled and Salvaged Materials: Include the following information for each:

i. Identification of material, including those retrieved by installer for use on other projects.

ii. Amount, in cubic meters (tons or cubic meter), date removed from the project site, and
receiving party.

iii. Transportation cost, amount paid or received for the material, and the net total cost or savings
of salvage or recycling each material.

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iv. Include manifests, weight tickets, receipts, and invoices as evidence of quantity and cost.

v. Certification by receiving party that material will not be disposed of in landfills or by


M. Material Reused on Project: Include the following information for each:

i. Identification of material and how it was used in the project.

ii. Amount, in cubic meters (tons or cubic yards).

iii. Include weight tickets as evidence of quantity.

N. Other Disposal Methods: Include information similar to that described above, as appropriate to
disposal method.


A. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with all applicable local Authorities regulations Construction
Law(s) and Development Manual for construction.

B. Waste Management Meetings: Conduct an initial conference at Project Site to comply with
requirements in Section 01: GENERAL. Contractor shall include discussions on construction waste
management requirements in the preconstruction meeting. Contractor shall include discussions on
construction waste management requirements in the regular job meetings conducted during the
course of the Project; at these meetings, review methods and procedures related to waste
management including, but not limited to, the following:

i. Review and discuss waste management plan including responsibilities of the Waste
Management Coordinator.

ii. Review requirements for documenting quantities of each type of waste and its disposition.

iii. Review and finalize procedures for materials separation and verify availability of containers
and bins needed to avoid delays.

iv. Review procedures for periodic waste collection and transportation to recycling and disposal

v. Review waste management requirements for each trade.



A. For each proposed product substitution, submit the following information in addition to requirements
specified in Section 01-6100:

1. Relative amount of waste produced, compared to specified product.

2. Cost savings on waste disposal, compared to specified product, to be deducted from the
Contract Sum.

3. Proposed disposal method for waste product.

4. Markets for recycled waste product.

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A. See Section 01-6200 for additional requirements for project meetings, reports, submittal
procedures, and project documentation.

B. See Annexure 1: Construction Waste management Plan Guidelines.


A. Manager: Designate an on-site person or persons responsible for instructing workers and
overseeing and documenting results of the Waste Management Plan.

B. Communication: Distribute copies of the Waste Management Plan to job site foreman, each
subcontractor and Architect.

C. Instruction: Provide on-site instruction of appropriate separation, handling, and recycling, salvage,
reuse, and return methods to be used by all parties at the appropriate stages of the project.

D. Meetings: Discuss trash/waste management goals and issues at project meetings.

1. Pre-bid meeting.
2. Pre-construction meeting.
3. Regular job-site meetings.

E. Facilities: Provide specific facilities for separation and storage of materials for recycling, salvage,
reuse, return, and trash disposal, for use by all Contractors and installers.

1. As a minimum, provide:-

a. Separate area for storage of materials to be reused on-site, such as wood cut-offs for
b. Separate dumpsters for each category of recyclable.
c. Recycling bins at worker lunch area.

2. Provide containers as required.

3. Provide temporary enclosures around piles of separated materials to be recycled or salvaged.

4. Provide materials for barriers and enclosures that are non hazardous, recyclable, or reusable
to the maximum extent possible; reuse project construction waste materials if possible.

5. Locate enclosures out of the way of construction traffic.

6. Provide adequate space for pick-up and delivery and convenience to sub-contractors.

7. If an enclosed area is not provided, clearly lay out and label a specific area on-site.

8. Keep recycling and trash/waste bin areas neat and clean and clearly marked in order to avoid
contamination of materials.

F. Hazardous Wastes: Separate, store and dispose of hazardous wastes according to applicable

G. Recycling: Separate, store, protect, and handle at the site identified recyclable waste products in
order to prevent contamination of materials and to maximize re-cyclability of identified materials.

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Arrange for timely pickups from the site or deliveries to recycling facility in order to prevent
contamination of recyclable materials.

H. Reuse of Materials On-Site: Set aside, sort, and protect separated products in preparation for

I. Salvage: Set aside, sort, and protect products to be salvaged for reuse off-site.


i. General: Recycle paper and beverage containers used by on-site workers.

ii. Recycling Receivers and Processors: List below is provided for information only; available recycling
receivers and processors include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. List to be developed by Contractor.

2. Procedures: Separate recyclable waste from other waste materials, trash, and debris.
Separate recyclable waste by type at Project Site to the maximum extent practical.

iii. Provide appropriately marked containers or bins for controlling recyclable waste until they are
removed from Project Site. Include list of acceptable and unacceptable materials at each container
and bin. Inspect containers and bins for contamination and remove contaminated materials if found.

iv. Stockpile processed materials on-site without intermixing with other materials. Place, grade, and
shape stockpiles to drain surface water. Cover to prevent windblown dust.

v. Stockpile materials away from construction area. Do not store within drip line of remaining trees.

vi. Store components off the ground and protect from the weather.

vii. Remove recyclable waste off Employer property and transport to recycling receiver or processor.
i. Packaging:

1. Cardboard and Boxes: Break down packaging into flat sheets. Bundle and store in a dry location.

2. Polystyrene Packaging: Separate and bag materials.

3. Pallets: As much as possible, require deliveries using pallets to remove pallets from Project Site.
For pallets that remain on-site, break down pallets into component wood pieces and comply with
requirements for recycling wood.

4. Crates: Break down crates into component wood pieces and comply with requirements for recycling

ii. Wood Materials:

1. Clean Cut-Offs of Lumber: Grind or chip into material appropriate for mulch or erosion control.

2. Lumber Treated with Heavy-Metal Preservatives: Do not grind, chip, or incinerate; must be reused
or landfilled.

iii. Miscellaneous: Anything called out to be ground and used on site should utilize an on-site grinder.

1. Grinder should be able to accommodate a variety of materials including masonry, asphalt shingles,
wood, and drywall.
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iv. General: Except for items or materials to be salvaged, recycled, or otherwise reused, remove waste
materials from Project Site and legally dispose of them in a landfill or incinerator acceptable to UA.E.
Authorities having jurisdiction.

1. Except as otherwise specified, do not allow waste materials that are to be disposed of to
accumulate on site.

2. Remove and transport debris in a manner that will prevent spillage on adjacent surfaces and

3. Do not burn or bury waste materials on or off site. Appropriate on-site topical application of
ground gypsum or wood, or use of site paving as granulated fill is considered reuse, not waste.

End Of Section 01-7419.

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SECTION 01 91 00


Section 01 91 00
ESTIDAMA, Commissioning Requirements

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Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi



A. Commissioning: Commissioning is a quality-oriented process for achieving, verifying, and

documenting that the performance of facilities, systems, and assemblies meet defined
objectives and criteria. The Commissioning process begins at project inception (during the
pre-design phase) and continues through the life of the facility. The commissioning process
includes specific tasks to be conducted during each phase in order to verify that design,
construction, and training meets the owner's project requirements.

B. Commissioning Team: The members of the commissioning team consist of the

contracted independent commissioning agent (ICA), the owner s representative, the
design team, the contractor commissioning agent ICC, the general contractor (GC) and
the MEP contractor. The contracted independent commissioning agent is hired by the
owner directly. The ICA directs and coordinates the project commissioning activities and
the reports to the owner. All team members work together to fulfill their contracted
responsibilities and meet the objectives of the contract documents.

Commissioning shall:

1) Verify that applicable equipment and systems are installed according to the contract
documents, , and industry accepted minimum
standards and that they receive adequate operational checkout by installing
2) Verify and document proper performance of equipment and systems.
3) Verify that O&M documentation left on site is complete.
4) Verify that the o

C. The commissioning process does not take away from or reduce the responsibility of the
system designers or installing contractors to provide a finished and fully functioning product.


A. Drawings and general provisions of the contract, including General and Supplementary
Conditions and other Division 1 specification sections, apply to this section.

B. O Project Requirements and Basis of Design documents are included by reference

for information only.


A. This section includes general requirements that apply to the implementation of the
commissioning process without regard to specific systems, assemblies, and components.

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Acceptance - A formal action, taken by a person with appropriate provider (which may
or may not be contractually defined) to declare that some aspect of the project meets
defined requirements, thus permitting subsequent activities to proceed.

Approval - Acceptance that a piece of equipment or system has been properly installed
and is functioning in the tested modes according to the contract documents.

Basis of Design - A document that records the concepts, calculations, decisions, and
product selections used to meet the o project requirements and to satisfy
applicable regulatory requirements, standards, and guidelines. The document includes
both narrative descriptions and lists of individual items that support the design process.

Checklists - Verification checklists that are developed and used during all phases of
the commissioning process to verify that the o project requirements are being
achieved. This includes checklists for general verification, plus testing, training, and
other specific requirements.

Commissioning Plan - An overall plan developed by the commissioning agent that provides
the structure, schedule and coordination planning for the commissioning process.

Commissioning Process - A quality-focused process for enhancing the delivery of a

project. The process focuses upon verifying and documenting that the facility and all of its
systems and assemblies are planned, designed, installed, tested, operated, and
maintained to meet the owner's project requirements.

Commissioning Process Activities - Components of the commissioning process.

Commissioning Process Progress Report - A written document that details activities

completed as part of the commissioning process and significant findings from those
activities that is continuously updated during the course of a project. Usually it is
incorporated into the commissioning plan as an ongoing appendix.
Commissioning Team - The individuals who through coordinated actions are
responsible for implementing the commissioning process.
Construction Checklist - A form used by the contractor to verify that appropriate
components are on-site, ready for installation, correctly installed, and functional. Also
see Checklists.
Construction Documents - This includes a wide range of documents, which will vary
from project to project, with the o
countries. Construction documents usually include the project manual (specifications),
plans (drawings) and general terms and conditions of the contract.

Contract Documents - This includes a wide range of documents, which will vary from
project to project, with the o
Contract documents frequently include price agreements, construction management
process, sub-contractor agreements or requirements, requirements and procedures for
submittals, changes, and other construction requirements, timeline for completion, and the
construction documents.

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Coordination Drawings - Drawings showing the work of all trades to illustrate that
equipment can be installed in the space allocated without compromising equipment
function or access for maintenance and replacement. These drawings graphically
illustrate and dimension manufa

Control system - A component of environmental, HVAC, security, and fire systems for
reporting/monitoring and issuing of commands to/from field devices.

Data logging -The monitoring and recording of flows, currents, status, pressures, etc., of
equipment using stand-alone data recorders separate from the control system or the
trending capabilities of control systems.

Deferred Performance Tests (DPTs) - Performance tests that are performed, at the
discretion of the ICC, after substantial completion, due to partial occupancy, equipment,
seasonal requirements, design, or other site conditions that disallow the test from being

Deficiency - A condition in the installation or function of a component, piece of equipment, or

system that is not in compliance with the contract documents.

Factory Testing - Testing of equipment on-site or at the factory, by factory personnel, with or
without an o

Issues Log - A formal and ongoing record of problems or concerns and their resolution
that have been raised by members of the commissioning team during the course of the
commissioning process.

Nominal Group Technique - A formal, structured brainstorming process used to obtain the
maximum possible ranked input from a variety of viewpoints in a short period of time. The
typical approach is a workshop session where a question is presented, the attendees each
record their responses on a piece of paper, the individual responses are recorded on a flip
chart without discussion in a round robin fashion, all of the responses are discussed, and the
participants rank their top five responses.

Non-Compliance - See Deficiency.

Non-Conformance - See Deficiency.

On-Going Commissioning Process - A continuation of the commissioning process well

into the occupancy and operations phase to verify that a project continues to meet
current and evolving o project requirements. On-going commissioning process
activities occur throughout the life of the facility. Some of these will be close to
continuous in implementation, and others will be either scheduled or unscheduled (as
needed). Also see Continuous Commissioning Process.

- A written document that details the functional

requirements of a project and the expectations of how it will be used and operated. This
includes project goals, measurable performance criteria, cost considerations,
benchmarks, success criteria, and supporting information. (The term Project Intent is
used by some owners for their commissioning process o project requirements or
Section 01 91 00
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Over-ridden Value -
respons . Also see Simulated Signal.

Phased Commissioning - Commissioning that is completed in phases as required by the

phasing plan as approved for the project and other scheduling issues.

Quality Based Sampling - A process for evaluating a sub-set (sample) of the total
population. The sample is based upon a known or estimated probability distribution of
expected values; an assumed statistical distribution based upon data from a similar
product, assembly, or system; or a random sampling that has scientific statistical basis.

Seasonal Performance Tests - Performance tests that are deferred until the system(s) will
experience conditions closer to their design conditions based on weather conditions.

Simulated Condition - Condition that is created for the purpose of testing the response of a
system (e.g., raising/lowering the setpoint of a thermostat to see the response in a VAV

Simulated Signal - Disconnecting a sensor and using a signal generator to simulate a sensor
value for the purpose of testing a full range of conditions.

Startup - The initial starting or activating of dynamic equipment, including completing

construction checklists.

Systems Manual - A system-focused composite document that includes the operation

manual, maintenance manual, and additional information of use to the owner during the
occupancy and operations phase.

Test Procedure - A written protocol that defines methods, personnel, and expectations for
tests conducted on components, equipment, assemblies, systems, and interfaces among
systems. The test procedures are specified in the Technical Specifications sections of the
contract documents. Performance testing covers the dynamic functions and operations of
equipment and systems using manual or monitoring methods. Performance testing is the
dynamic testing of systems under full operation. Systems are tested under various modes,
such as during low cooling loads, high loads, component failures, unoccupied, varying
outside air temperatures, fire alarm, power failure, etc. The systems are run through all the
equences of operation and components are verified to respond as the
sequences state.

Training Plan - A written document that details the expectations, schedule, budget,
and deliverables of commissioning process activities related to training of project
operating and maintenance personnel, users, and occupants.

Verification - The process by which specific documents, components, equipment,

assemblies, systems, and interfaces among systems are confirmed to comply with the
roject Requirements.

Trending The monitoring, by a building management system or other electronic data

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gathering equipment, and analyzing of the data gathered over a period of time.

Vendor - Supplier of equipment.

Warranty Period - Refer to Section 01740.


A. Project Commissioning Team - The members of the project commissioning team will consist
of the independent commissioning authority and any support personnel, the construction
manager, the owner s facility staff or designee, the general contractor, subcontractors and/or
vendors as required, and the architect/ engineer (A/E).

B. Management - The ICC coordinates the commissioning activities through the construction
manager. All members shall work together to fulfill their contracted responsibilities and meet
the objectives of the contract documents. Refer to Paragraph 1.06 for additional
management details.

C. Scheduling - The ICC, through the owner or CM, will provide sufficient notice to the
contractor for scheduling commissioning activities with respect to the owner participation.
The contractor will integrate all commissioning activities into the overall project schedule. All
parties will address scheduling problems and make necessary notifications in a timely
manner in order to expedite the commissioning process.


A. General
The Project Commissioning Plan provides a description of the commissioning process to be
used for the drive through service office project. The goals, intent, requirements, and timing
of the process are included in the plan to provide a guide on how the process is to be
executed and documented. A listing of the systems included in the commissioning process
scope of work for this project is included in one of the appendices. .

The objectives of this commissioning plan are to:

- Outline of the project Estidama IDP-R3 requirements
- Define roles and responsibilities
- Identify commissioning team members
- Identify systems to be commissioned
- Illustrate commissioning schedules for each stage of the project and reporting procedures
for the commissioning procedure

B. Roles and Responsibilities

Owner / Developer

Building Tuning of the following systems.

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Design Team / Supervision Consultant (Khatib & Alami)

and approve submittals from relevant subcontractors during construction including but
not limited to contractors shop drawings and commissioning method statements

documents, including but not limited to the operations and

maintenance manual(s) and staff training materials.
-5 O+M manual contents must be in accordance with ANSI /

Independent Commissioning Agent ICA

Review Design Documentations and make recommendations to the design team;


Main Contractor

of the ICC must be compliant with the Estidama requirements. The ICC will be appointed directly
by the main contractor. The ICC must be independent from the design and installation team. The
scope and independence must be demonstrated to the client prior to the appointment being

oversee and lead the commissioning activities and documentation.

-commissioning but not include commissioning of
any of the Estidama related systems as this will be carried out by the ICC. The MEP contractor
will have resource available during the commissioning process to ensure any defects/issues are
corrected as required to complete the commissioning to the satisfaction of the ICC and ICA.
progress meetings to agree strategy and present progress and discuss any issues to be

commissioning plan and design specifications are adhered to.

commissioning and commissioning checks and activities. The contractor will produce a detailed
equipment schedule for each system to identify all performance values and items that will be
verified to demonstrate the commissioning process has been adhered to and the design
performance has been achieved.

Independent Commissioning Contractor ICC

be reviewed by the ICA
and recommendations made to the client prior to finalization.


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of owner personnel

following systems where applicable:

-site energy generation (including co-generation);

-site water treatment systems

Supervision Consultant and Client prior to appointment. The ICC should be appointed by the
time of the Stage 2 Estidama audit
ment, as per commissioning specification requirements, will be
provided by either the Contractor or the ICC. Commissioning completed without an approved
method statement, appropriate tools and calibrated equipment will not be accepted.

Commissioning Codes and Standards

Commissioning codes and standards are detailed in the relevant sections of the following MEP
Where not specified in the specification the following commissioning codes should be followed:


The following systems and equipment will be commissioned

System Equipment
HVAC System
Piping system
Variable frequency drive
Packaged AC unit
Terminal units
Exhaust fan
HVAC control system

Plumbing Domestic Water Heating

Hot Water Recirculation System
Cold water service systems

Central monitoring system

(refer to specs section 26 Main controller/computer
27 13 INSTRUMENTS AND System network
2.4.21) Energy meters
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Lighting System Lighting fixtures

Lighting occupancy sensors and lighting control
Daylight dimming controls

Additional systems to be
added as required


A. All standard testing equipment required to perform startup and initial checkout and required
performance testing shall be provided by the contractor for the equipment being tested.

B. Special equipment, tools, and instruments required for testing equipment according to these
contract documents shall be included in the c be turned
over to the owner at Project close-out.

C. All testing equipment shall be of sufficient quality and accuracy to test and/or measure
system performance within the tolerances specified in the specifications. All equipment shall
be calibrated accordin
damaged. Calibration tags shall be affixed or certificates readily available.



A. Initial Meeting. Within 10 days of the Notice to Proceed (NTP), the ICA, through the
owner/CM, will schedule, plan and conduct an initial commissioning meeting. The contractor
and its responsible parties are required to attend.

B. Miscellaneous Meetings. Other meetings will be planned and conducted by the ICC as
construction progresses. These meetings will cover coordination, deficiency resolution, and
planning issues. These meetings will be held at least monthly, until the final 3 months of
construction, when they may be held as frequently as one per week.


A. The following procedures apply to all equipment/systems to be commissioned

B. General. Construction checklists are important to verify that the equipment and systems are
fully connected and operational. It ensures that performance testing (in-depth system
checkout) may proceed without unnecessary delays. The construction checklists for a given
system must be successfully completed and approved prior to startup and formal
performance testing of equipment or subsystems of the given system.

C. Startup and Checkout Plan. The ICC will assist the project commissioning team members
responsible for startup of any equipment. The primary role of the ICC in this process is to
ensure that there is written documentation that each of the manufacturer-recommended
procedures has been completed. The ICC shall provide construction checklists and startup
shall be identified in the commissioning scoping meeting and on the checklist forms
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1. The construction checklist indicates required procedures to be executed as part of

startup and initial checkout of the systems and the party responsible for their

2. The contractor shall determine which trade is responsible for executing and
documenting each of the line item tasks and transmit the checklists to the
responsible subcontractors. Each form may have more than one trade responsible
for its execution.

3. The contractor/subcontractor with assistance from the ICC responsible for the
purchase of the equipment shall develop the full startup plan by combining the
startup and checkout procedures and the construction

4. The contractor/subcontractor shall submit the full startup plan to the ICC for review
and approval.

5. The ICC will review and approve the procedures and the documentation format for
reporting. The ICC will return the procedures and the documentation format to the
contractor, through the CM.

6. The contractor will transmit the full startup plan to the subcontractors for their review
and use.

D. Sensor and Actuator Calibration. All field-installed sensors and gages, and all actuators
(dampers and valves) on all equipment shall be calibrated. Verify that all locations are
appropriate and away from causes of erratic operation. Submit to the ICC through the CM the
calibration methods and results. All test instruments shall have had a certified calibration within
the last 6 months, and comply with all local requirements/certifications, as required. Sensors
installed in the unit at the factory with calibration certification provided need not be field

Sensor Calibration Methods

All Sensors- Verify that all sensor locations are appropriate and away from causes of
erratic operation. Verify that sensors with shielded cable, are grounded only at one

Sensors Without Transmitters- Standard Application. Make a reading with a

calibrated test instrument within 6 inches of the site sensor. Verify that the sensor
reading (via the permanent thermostat, gage or building management system (BMS))
is within the tolerances in the table below of the instrument-measured value. If not,
install offset in BMS, calibrate or replace sensor.

Sensors With Transmitters- Standard Application. Disconnect sensor. Connect a

signal generator in place of sensor. Connect ammeter in series between transmitter
and BMS -temperature data, simulate
minimum desired temperature. Adjust transmitter potentiometer zero until 4 mA is
read by the ammeter. Repeat for the maximum temperature matching 20 mA to the
potentiometer span or maximum and verify at the BMS. Record all values and
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recalibrate controller as necessary to conform with specified control ramps, reset

schedules, proportional relationship, reset relationship and P/I reaction. Reconnect
sensor. Make a reading with a calibrated test instrument within 6 inches of the site
sensor. Verify that the sensor reading (via the permanent thermostat, gage or building
management system (BMS)) is within the tolerances in the table below of the
instrument-measured value. If not, replace sensor and repeat. For pressure sensors,
perform a similar process with a suitable signal generator.

Critical Applications-- For critical applications (process, manufacturing, etc.) more

rigorous calibration techniques may be required for selected sensors. Describe any
such methods used on an attached sheet.

Tolerances, Standard Applications

Required Required
Sensor Tolerance Sensor Tolerance
(+/-) (+/-)
Cooling coil, chilled and Flow rates, water 4% of design
condenser water temps 0.4F Relative humidity 4% of design
AHU wet bulb or dew point 2.0F Combustion flue temps 5.0F
Hot water coil and boiler water 1.5F Oxygen or CO2 monitor 0.1 % pts
Outside air, space air, duct air 0.4F CO monitor 0.01 % pts
Watthour, voltage & 1% of Natural gas and oil flow 1% of design
amperage design rate
Pressures, air, water and gas 3% of Steam flow rate 3% of design
Flow rates, air 10% of Barometric pressure 0.1 in. of Hg

Valve and Damper Stroke Setup and Check BMS Readout- For all valve and damper
actuator positions checked, verify the actual position against the BMS readout.
Set pumps or fans to normal operating mode. Command valve or damper closed,
visually verify that valve or damper is closed and adjust output zero signal as required.
Command valve or damper open, verify position is full open and adjust output signal
as required. Command valve or damper to a few intermediate positions. If actual

positioner (for pneumatics).

Closure for cooling coil valves (NC)-- Set cooling setpoint 20°F above room
temperature. Observe the valve close. Remove control air or power from the valve
and verify that the valve stem and actuator position do not change. Restore to normal.
Set cooling setpoint to 20°F below room temperature. Observe valve open. For
pneumatics, by override in the BMS, increase pressure to valve by 3 psi (do not
exceed actuator pressure rating) and verify valve stem and actuator position does not
change. Restore to normal.

E. Execution of Construction Checklists and Startup.

1. Four weeks prior to the scheduled startup, the contractor shall coordinate startup
and checkout with the CM, design engineers, and ICC. The execution and approval
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of the construction checklists, startup, and checkout shall be directed and performed
by the contractor, subcontractor or vendor. Signatures are required of the applicable
subcontractors for verification of completion of their work.
2. The owner/CM, and design engineers as necessary, shall observe, at minimum, the
procedures for each piece of primary equipment, unless there are multiple units, in
which case a sampling strategy may be used. The ICC will observe all testing.
3. For lower-level components of equipment, (e.g., sensors, controllers), the ICC shall
observe a sampling of the startup procedures.
4. The subcontractors and vendors shall execute startup and provide the ICC and
design engineers, through the owner/CM, with a signed and dated copy of the
completed startup and construction checklists.
5. Only individuals of the contractor (technicians, engineers, tradesmen, vendors, etc.)
who have direct knowledge and witnessed that a line item task on the construction
checklist was actually performed shall check off that item. It is not acceptable for
witnessing supervisors to fill out these forms.

E. Deficiencies, Non-Conformance, and Approval in Checklists and Startup (Master Issues


1. The contractor shall ensure that the subcontractors clearly list any outstanding items
of the initial startup and construction checklist procedures that were not completed
successfully. The form and any outstanding deficiencies shall be provided, through
the owner/CM, to the ICC within two days of test completion.
2. The ICC will review the report and issue either a non-compliance report or an
approval form, through the CM, to the contractor. The installing subcontractors or
vendors shall correct all areas that are deficient or incomplete in the checklists and
tests in a timely manner, and shall notify the owner/CM as soon as outstanding items
have been corrected, and resubmit an updated startup report with a Statement of
Correction on the original non-compliance report. When satisfactorily completed, the
ICC will recommend approval of the execution of the checklists and startup of each
2. Items left incomplete, which later cause deficiencies or delays during performance
may result in backcharges to the contractor.


A. The ICC will provide appropriate contractors with a specific request for the type of
submittal documentation the ICC requires facilitating the commissioning work. These
requests will be integrated into the normal submittal process and protocol of the
construction team. At minimum, the request will include the manufacturer and model
startup procedures, full
sequences of operation, O&M data, performance data, any performance test
procedures, control drawings and details of owner contracted tests. In addition, the
installation and checkout materials that are actually shipped inside the equipment and
the actual field checkout sheet forms to be used by the factory or field technicians
shall be submitted to the commissioning authority. All documentation requested by
the ICC will be included by the subcontractors in their O&M manual contributions.

B. The ICC will review and approve submittals related to the commissioned equipment
for conformance to the contract documents as it relates to the commissioning process,

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to the performance of the equipment and adequacy for developing test procedures.
This review is intended primarily to aid in the development of performance procedures
and only secondarily to verify compliance with equipment specifications. The ICC will
notify the owner/CM, ICA, PM or design engineers as requested, of items missing or
areas that are not in conformance with contract documents and which require

C. The ICC may request additional design narrative from the design engineers and
controls contractor, depending on the completeness of the OPR documentation and
sequences provided with the specifications.

D. These submittals to the ICC do not constitute compliance for O&M manual
documentation. The O&M manuals are the responsibility of the contractor, though the
ICC will review and approve them.


A. The project requires TAB, startup and performance testing to be executed in phases.
Phasing shall be coordinated with the owner/CM, ICC, and design engineers and be
reflected in the overall project schedule and commissioning schedule by the contractor.
Final performance testing of all systems will be as required by the phasing plan. The

the entire project.


A. Requirements. The performance testing shall demonstrate that each system is operating
according to the documented design intent and contract documents. Performance testing
facilitates bringing the systems from a state of individual substantial completion to full
dynamic operation. Additionally, during the testing process, areas of deficient performance
are identified and corrected, improving the operation and functioning of the systems.

B. Coordination and Scheduling. The contractor shall provide sufficient notice, regarding their
completion schedule for the construction checklists and startup of all equipment and
systems to allow the performance testing to be scheduled The commissioning team shall
oversee, witness, and document the performance all equipment and systems. The ICC in
association with the contractor/subcontractors and facility staff shall execute the tests.
Performance testing shall be conducted after the construction checklists, and startup has
been satisfactorily completed. The control system shall be sufficiently tested and approved
by the ICC before it is used, to verify performance of other components or systems. The air
balancing and water balancing shall be completed before performance testing of air or
water-related equipment or systems. Testing proceeds from components to sub-systems to
systems. When the proper performance of all interacting individual systems has been
achieved, the interface or coordinated responses between systems shall be checked.

C. Development of Test Procedures. Before test procedures are finalized, the contractor shall
provide to the design engineers and the ICC all requested documentation and a current list
of changes affecting equipment or systems, including an updated points list, program code,

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control sequences, and testing parameters. Using the testing parameters and requirements
in the technical specifications, the ICC shall update/develop specific test procedures and
forms to verify and document proper operation of each piece of equipment and system.
Each contractor/subcontractor or vendor, as appropriate, shall provide assistance to the ICC
in developing the final procedures. Prior to finalization, the design engineers shall review
and concur with the test procedure.

D. Test Methods.

1. Performance testing and verification may be achieved by manual testing or by

trend log capabilities or by stand-alone data loggers. The ICC may substitute
specified methods or require an additional method to be executed other than what
was specified, with the approval of the design engineers and owner/CM. The ICC will
determine which method is most appropriate for tests that do not have a specified
2. Simulated Conditions. Simulating conditions shall be allowed, though timing the
testing to experience actual conditions is encouraged wherever practical.
3. Overridden Values. Overriding sensor values to simulate a condition, such as
overriding the outside air temperature reading in a control system to be something
other than it really is, is acceptable.
4. Simulated Signals. Using a signal generator which creates a simulated signal to test
and calibrate transducers and DDC constants is generally recommended over using
the sensor to act as the signal generator via simulated conditions or overridden
5. Altering Setpoints. Rather than overriding sensor values, and when simulating
conditions is difficult, altering setpoints to test a sequence is acceptable.
6. Indirect Indicators. Relying on indirect indicators for responses or performance shall
be allowed only after visually and directly verifying and documenting, over the range
of the test parameters, that the indirect readings through the control system
represent actual conditions and responses.
7. Setup. Each performance test shall be performed under conditions that simulate
actual conditions as closely as is practically possible. The
contractor/subcontractor(s) assisting the ICC in executing the test shall provide all
necessary materials, system modifications, etc., to produce the necessary flows,
pressures, temperatures, etc., necessary to execute the test according to the
specified conditions. At completion of the test, the contractor/subcontractor(s) shall
return all affected equipment and systems to their approved operating settings.

E. Problem Solving. The burden of responsibility to solve, correct, and retest

malfunctions/failures is with the contractor, with design engineers approval as required.


A. Documentation. The ICC shall witness and verify/pre-approve the documentation of the
results of all performance tests. The ICC shall complete all documentation for performance

B. Non-Conformance.

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1. Corrections of minor deficiencies identified may be made during the tests at the
discretion of the ICC. In such cases the deficiency and resolution will be
documented on the procedure form or on an attached sheet.
2. As tests progress and a deficiency is identified, the ICC shall discuss the issue with
the commissioning team, and the contractor.

a. When there is no dispute on the deficiency and the contractor accepts

responsibility to correct it:
1) The ICC will document the deficiency and the c
and intentions. ICC will submit the non-
compliance reports to the CM. The contractor corrects the
deficiency, signs the statement of correction at the bottom of the non-
compliance form certifying that the equipment is ready to be retested
and sends it back to the ICC.
2) The contractor shall reschedule the test; and the test repeated.
b. If there is a dispute about a deficiency, regarding whether or not it is a
1) The dispute shall be documented on the non-compliance form with
the co .
2) Resolutions are made at the lowest management level possible.
Other parties are brought into the discussions as needed. Final
interpretive authority is with the design engineers. Final acceptance
authority is with the construction manager.
3) The ICC documents the resolution process.
4) Once the interpretation and resolution have been decided, the
contractor corrects the deficiency, signs the statement of correction
on the non-compliance form and provides it to the ICC, through the
CM. The contractor shall reschedule the test and the test repeated
until satisfactory performance is achieved.

3. Cost of retesting a performance test hall is the c

4. The contractor shall submit in writing to the CM at least as often as commissioning

meetings are being scheduled, the status of each outstanding discrepancy identified
during commissioning. Discussion shall cover explanations of any disagreement and
proposals for their resolutions.
a. The ICC retains the original non-conformance forms until the end of the
b. Retesting shall not be considered a justified reason for a claim of delay or for
a time extension by the contractor.

C. Failure Due to Manufacturer Defect. If 10% (or three, whichever is greater) of identical
pieces of equipment fail to perform to the contract documents (mechanically or
substantively) due to a manufacturing defect, not allowing it to meet its submitted
performance specification, all identical units may be considered unacceptable by the
design engineers or ICC. In such case, the contractor shall provide the owner with the

a. Within one week of notification from the owner/CM, the c

representative shall examine all other identical units making a record of the findings.

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The findings shall be provided to the CM within two weeks of the original notice.
b. Within two weeks of the original notification, the contractor or manufacturer shall
provide a signed and dated, written explanation of the problem, cause of failures,
etc., and all proposed solutions. The proposed solutions shall not significantly
exceed the specification requirements of the original installation.
c. The design engineers will determine whether a replacement of all identical units or a
repair is acceptable.
d. Two examples, where applicable, of the proposed solution shall be installed by the
contractor and the design engineers shall be allowed to test the installations for up to
one week, upon which the design engineers will decide whether to accept the
e. Upon acceptance, the contractor and/or manufacturer shall replace or repair all
identical items, at their expense. The replacement/repair work shall proceed with
reasonable speed beginning within one week from when parts can be obtained.

D. Approval. The ICC notes each satisfactorily demonstrated function on the test form. Final
approval of the performance test by the owner is made after review by the ICA and CM,
following recommendations by the design team.


A. Unforeseen Deferred Tests. If any check or test cannot be completed due to the project
completion level, required occupancy condition or other deficiency, execution of checklists
and performance testing may be delayed upon approval of the ICA and CM. These tests will
be conducted in the same manner as the seasonal tests as soon as possible. Services of
necessary parties will be negotiated.

B. Seasonal Testing. During the warranty period, seasonal testing (tests delayed until weather
conditions are close
ICC shall coordinate this activity through the owner/CM. Tests will be executed,
documented by the ICC and deficiencies should be corrected by the appropriate contractor/
subcontractors with the ICC witnessing. Any final adjustments to the O&M manuals and as-
builts due to the testing shall be made by the contractor.


A. The contractor shall provide training coordination, scheduling of subcontractors, and ensure
that training is completed. All training shall be coordinated, through the CM, with the ICC.

B. The contractor shall ensure that each subcontractor and vendor (mechanical and electrical)
shall have the following responsibilities:

1. Provide, to the ICC through the CM, a training plan sixty days before the planned
training covering the following elements:
a. Equipment
b. Intended audience
c. Location of training
d. Objectives
e. Subjects covered (description, duration of discussion, special methods, etc.)

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f. Duration of training on each subject

g. Instructor for each subject
h. -through,
actual operational demonstrations, written handouts, etc.)
2. Provide designated owner personnel with comprehensive orientation and training in
the understanding of the systems and the operation and maintenance of each piece
of equipment that makes up the system.
3. Training shall normally start with classroom sessions followed by hands-on
demonstration/training on each piece of equipment.
4. During any demonstration, should the system fail to perform in accordance with the
requirements of the O&M manual or sequence of operations, the system shall be
repaired or adjusted as necessary and the demonstration repeated at another
scheduled time, if necessary.
5. The appropriate trade or manufacturer's representative shall provide the instructions
on each major piece of equipment. Practical building operating expertise as well as
in-depth knowledge of all modes of operation of the specific piece of equipment are
required. More than one party may be required to execute the training.
6. The controls contractor shall attend sessions other than the controls training, as
specified, to discuss the interaction of the controls system as it relates to the
equipment being discussed.
7. The training sessions shall follow the outline in the table of contents of the operation
and maintenance manual and illustrate whenever possible the use of the O&M
manuals for reference.
8. Training shall include:
a. Use of the printed installation, operation and maintenance instruction
material included in the O&M manuals.
b. A review of the written O&M instructions emphasizing safe and proper
operating requirements, preventative maintenance, special tools needed and
spare parts inventory suggestions. The training shall include startup,
operation in all modes possible, shutdown, seasonal changeover and any
emergency procedures.
c. Discussion of relevant health and safety issues and concerns.
d. Discussion of warranties and guarantees.
e. Common troubleshooting problems and solutions.
f. Explanatory information included in the O&M manuals.
g. Discussion of any peculiarities of equipment installation or operation.
h. Classroom sessions shall include the use of overhead projections, slides,
video/audio-taped material as might be appropriate.
i. Hands-on training shall include startup, operation in all modes possible,
including manual, shut-down, alarms, power failure and any emergency
procedures, and preventative maintenance for all pieces of equipment.
9. The contractor shall fully explain and demonstrate the operation, function and
overrides of any local packaged controls not controlled by the central control system.

D. At the discretion of the ICC, training may occur before performance testing is complete if
required by the facility operators to assist the ICC in the performance testing.

E. Videotaping of the training sessions will be provided by the contractor and added to the O&M
manuals. In addition, factory training videos identifying key troubleshooting, repair, service
and/or replacement techniques shall be provided and reviewed with the owner.

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F. The ICC at the beginning of each training session presents the overall system narrative and
the design concept of each equipment section.


A. The commissioning process requires detailed O&M documentation as identified in this

section and technical specifications.
B. Contractor shall submit two draft copies of the complete operating and maintenance manual
to the CM for review by the architect/engineer and ICC within 60 calendar days after review
of equipment shop drawings. One copy will be returned to the contractor within 30 days
after receipt by the design engineers.
C. Contractor shall submit corrected final approved manuals prior to substantial completion.
Prior to final submittal, the ICC shall review the O&M manuals (in addition to the initial draft
O&M manual), and documentation, with redline as-builts, for systems that were
commissioned to verify compliance with the specifications. The ICC will communicate,
through the CM, deficiencies in the manuals to the contractor or design engineers, as
requested. Upon a successful review of the corrections, the ICC will recommend approval
and acceptance of these sections of the O&M manuals to the CM. The ICC will also review
each equipment warranty and verify that all requirements to keep the warranty valid are
clearly stated. This work does not supersede the design engineers review of the O&M
D. The contractor shall compile O&M manuals for every piece of equipment and building
operating or electrical system being commissioned with the following format:

1. Quantity: 6 (Unless more are required by the technical specifications).

2. Format: 8 1/2 x 11 3 ring loose-leaf binders, 3-inch maximum, and electronic format
that is compatible with owner s system. Each binder shall be clearly labeled on the
spine. Use as many binders as required. Do not overload binders. Dividers with
permanently marked tabs of card stock shall separate each section and sub section.
Tab labels shall not be handwritten. A separate manual or chapter shall be provided
for each applicable system

3. There shall be a title page and table of contents in the front of each binder for each

section. Behind the section number tab there shall be the equipment ID tag sub-tab
for each piece of major equipment (or group, if small or numerous). These sub-tabs
shall be similar to the specification number tabs but of a different color. Behind each
equipment name tab shall be the following sections, in the given order, divided by a
double weight colored sheet labeled with the title of the section.

(a) Contractor. The first page behind the equipment tab shall contain the name,
address and telephone number of the manufacturer and installing contractor
and the 24-hour number for emergency service for all equipment in this
section, identified by equipment.

(b) Submittal and Product Data. This section shall include all approved
submittal data, cut sheets, data base sheets and appropriate shop drawings.
If submittal was not required for approval, descriptive product data shall be

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(c) Operation and Maintenance Instructions. These shall be the written

marked and edited to omit reference to products or data not applicable to this
installation. This section shall include data on the following:
(1) Model number, serial number and nameplate data for each piece of
equipment and any subcomponent.
(2) Installation, startup and break-in instructions.
(3) All starting, normal shutdown, emergency shutdown, manual
operation and normal and emergency operating procedures and
data, including any special limitations.
i. Step-by-step procedure for system startup, including a pre-
start checklist. Refer to controls and indicators by
nomenclature consistent with that used on panels and in
control diagrams.
ii. Sequence of operation, with detailed instruction in proper
sequence, for each mode of operation (i.e., day-night; staging
of equipment).
iii. Emergency operation: If some functions of the equipment
can be operated while other functions are disabled, give
instructions for operations under these conditions. Include
here only those alternate methods of operations (from
normal) which the operator can follow when there is a partial
failure or malfunctioning of components, or other unusual
iv. Shutdown procedure: Include instructions for stopping and
securing the equipment after operation. If a particular
sequence is required, give step-by-step instructions in that
(4) O&M and installation instructions that were shipped with the unit.
(5) Preventative and corrective maintenance, with service procedures
and schedules:
i. Provide a schedule for preventive maintenance in a printed
format and an electronic format compatible with
system. State, preferably in tabular form, the recommended
frequency of performance for each preventive maintenance
task, cleaning, inspection and scheduled overhauls.
ii. Cleaning: Provide instructions and schedules for all routine
cleaning and inspection with recommended lubricants.
iii. Inspection: If periodic inspection of equipment is required for
operation, cleaning or other reasons, indicate the items to be
inspected and give the inspection criteria for: motors;
controls; filters and any other maintenance items.
iv. Provide instructions for minor repairs or adjustments required
for preventive maintenance routines. Identify test points and
give values for each. Include sensor calibration requirements
and methods by sensor type.
v. Corrective maintenance instructions shall be predicated upon
a logical effect-to-cause troubleshooting philosophy and a

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rapid replacement procedure to minimize equipment

vi. Troubleshooting: Troubleshooting tables, charts, or diagrams
shall be used to present specified procedures. A guide to this
type shall be a three-column chart. The columns shall be
titled: malfunction, probable cause and recommended action.
vii. Repair and Replacement: Indicate repair and replacement
procedures most likely to be required in the maintenance of
the equipment.
(6) Safety Precautions: This subsection shall comprise a listing of safety
precautions and instructions to be followed before, during and after
making repairs, adjustments or routine maintenance.
(7) Manufacturers' brochures (including controls): Manufacturers'
descriptive literature covering devices and equipment used in the
system, together with illustrations, exploded views and renewal parts

corrected so that information applying to the actual installed

equipment is clearly defined.
(8) Supply any special tools required to service or maintain the
(9) Performance data, ratings and curves.
(10) Warranty and guarantee, which clearly lists conditions to be
maintained to keep warranty in effect and conditions that would affect
the validity of the warranty.
(11) Any service contracts issued.

(d) Supplemental Data. Prepare written text and/or special drawings to provide

available and information is necessary for a proper understanding and

operation and maintenance of equipment or systems, or where it is
necessary to provide additional information to supplement data included in
the manual or project documents.
(e) Control Diagrams/Drawings. Include the as-built control diagrams/drawings
for the piece of equipment and its components, including full points list, full
print out of all schedules and set points after testing and acceptance of the
system, and copies of all checkout tests and calibrations performed by the
contractor (not commissioning tests).
(f) Specifications. This section is comprised of the component or system
specification section copied and inserted complete with all addenda.
(g) System Description. This section shall include the individual equipment
portion of the overall system Design Basis Narrative.

E. Commissioning Record in O&M Manuals.

1. The ICC is responsible to compile, organize and index the following commissioning
data by equipment into labeled, indexed and tabbed, three-ring binders and deliver
it to the GC, to be included with the O&M manuals.
(a) Commissioning Plan

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(b) System reports including design narratives and criteria including sequences.
Each system shall contain the startup plan and report, approvals, corrections,
construction checklists, completed performance tests, trending and analysis,
training plan and recommended recommissioning schedule.
(c) Final Commissioning Report including an executive summary, list of participants
and roles, brief building description, overview of commissioning and testing scope
and a general description of testing and verification methods. For each piece of
commissioned equipment, the report should contain the disposition of the
commissioning authority regarding the adequacy of the equipment,
documentation and training meeting the contract documents in the following
areas: 1) equipment meeting the equipment specifications, 2) equipment
installation, 3) performance and efficiency, 4) equipment documentation and
design intent, and 5) operator training. All outstanding non-compliance items shall
be specifically listed. Recommendations for improvement to equipment or
operations, future actions, commissioning process changes, etc. shall also be
listed. Each non-compliance issue shall be referenced to the specific
performance test, inspection, trend log, etc. where the deficiency is documented.
The performance and efficiency section for each piece of equipment shall include
a brief description of the verification method used (manual testing, BAS trend
logs, data loggers, etc.) and include observations and conclusions from the

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Appendix A (Pre-Functional Testing)

Lighting and lighting control



Submittal / Approvals
Submittal. The above equipment and systems integral to them are complete and ready for
functional testing. The checklist items are complete and have been checked off only by parties
having direct knowledge of the event, as marked below, respective to each responsible
contractor. This construction checklist is submitted for approval, subject to an attached list of
outstanding items yet to be completed. A Statement of Correction will be submitted upon
completion of any outstanding areas. None of the outstanding items preclude safe and reliable
functional tests being performed. ___ List attached.

Electrical Contractor Date Controls Contractor Date

General Contractor Date

Construction checklist items are to be completed as part of startup & initial checkout, preparatory
to performing test procedures.

startup procedures or report.

If this form is not used for documenting, one of similar rigor shall be used.
Contractors assigned responsibility for sections of the checklist shall be responsible to see
that checklist items by their subcontractors are completed and checked off.

Approvals. This filled-out checklist has been reviewed. Its completion is approved with the
exceptions noted below.

Commissioning Authority Date Date

Associated Checklists
Panels Other Other
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Requested documentation submitted Comments

Installation and startup manual and plan

O&M manuals
Factory Test Results
Sequences and control strategies
Warranty Certificate


Installation Checks
Check if Acceptable; Provide comment if unacceptable NA Comment
Devices installed agrees with shop drawings and specifications
Verify mounting, location and clearances are per plans and
Lighting control system installed per plans, specifications and

Switches, dimmers and occupancy sensors installed at correct height

and have correct cover / escutcheon plate
All zone circuits and inputs are correctly wired, circuits labeled
Communications interconnection / interface is connected

Operational Checks
Check if Acceptable; Provide comment if unacceptable NA Comment
Specified sequences of operation and operating schedules have
been provided with all variations documented
Specified point-to-point checks have been completed and
documentation record submitted for this system
Lighting control processor powered and battery backup operation
Lighting control processor diagnostics performed
Lighting control communications interconnect checked


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Appendix B (Functional Testing)


Functional Test



Including integral equipment: ___supply fans, ___relief fan, ___inlet
vanes, ___variable speed drive
Related Tests: ______________________________________

1. Participants
Party Participation

Party filling out this form and witnessing testing ______________________________

Date of test ______________________

2. Prerequisite Checklist
a. The following have been started up and startup reports and prefunctional checklists submitted
and approved ready for functional testing:
__ Duct system __ ____________________________
__ Connected Terminal Units __ ____________________________

b. __ All control system functions for this and all interlocking systems are
programmed and operable per contract documents, including final setpoints and schedules
with debugging, loop tuning and sensor calibrations completed.
_________________________________ _________________________
Controls Contractor Signature or Verbal Date
c. __ Vibration control report approved (if required).
d. __ Test and balance (TAB) completed and approved for the hydronic systems and terminal
units connected.
e. __ All A/E punchlist items for this equipment corrected.
f. __ These functional test procedures reviewed and approved by installing contractor.
g. __ Safeties and operating ranges reviewed.
h. __ Test requirements and sequences of operation attached.
i. __ Schedules and setpoints attached.

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j. __ False loading equipment, system and procedures ready (boilers, preheat or reheat coils,
control loops, over-ride on OSA dampers, etc.)
k. __ Have all energy savings control strategies, setpoints and schedules been incorporated that
this equipment and control system are capable of? If not, list recommendations below.
l. __ BAS Program Review. Review the BAS software control program(s) for this equipment.
Parameters, setpoints and logic sequences appear to follow the specified written

m. __ Packaged Control Program Review. Review the packaged control program(s) for this
equipment. Parameters, setpoints and logic sequences appear to follow the specified
written sequences. Primary setpoints are documented in writing.
n. __ Record of All Values for Current Setpoints (SP), Control Parameters, Limits, Delays,
Schedules, Etc. Changed to Accommodate Testing:
Returned Returned
Parameter Pre-Test to Pre-Test Parameter Pre-Test to Pre-Test
Values Values Values Values
Supply air temp. High duct SP alarm
Discharge static Econ. min. when VFD % %
pressure (SP) or IGV @ 0%
Supply air reset Econ. min. when VFD % %
schedule or IGV @ 100%

Bldg. static P. Space temp. setpoint

Low ambient lockout NLL space temp. setpt.
NLL return air setpt.

3. Sensor Calibration Checks. Check the sensors listed below for calibration and adequate
location. This is a sampling check of calibrations done during prefunctional checklisting. Test the
packaged controls and BAS readings.
a reading with a calibrated test instrument within 6 inches of the site sensor.
Verify that the sensor reading (via the permanent thermostat, gage, packaged control panel or building
automation system (BAS)) compared to the test instrument-measured value is within the tolerances specified in
the prefunctional checklist requirements (_________________________________). If not, install offset in
BAS, calibrate or replace sensor. Use the same test instruments as used for the original calibration, if

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Loc- 1st Gage or Instru. Final Gage or

Sensor & ation Pkg & BAS Pkg & BAS Pass
Location OK1 Values Value Values Y/N?
Pkg: Pkg:
Pkg: Pkg:
Pkg: Pkg:
Pkg: Pkg:
Disch. SP BAS: BAS:
Pkg: Pkg:
1Sensor location is appropriate and away from causes of erratic operation.

4. Device Calibration Checks. The actuators or devices listed below checked for
calibration. This is a spot check on a sample of the calibrations done during prefunctional
checklisting and startup.

verifying that the BAS reading is correct. For items out of calibration or adjustment, fix now if easy, via an
offset in the BAS, or a mechanical fix.

Device or Actuator & Location 1st Site Final Pass

Procedure / State Observation Reading Y/N
Inlet guide vane position* 1. Closed
2. Full open
Variable frequency drive 1. Min.: _______%
(VFD) 2. Max.: _______%
OSA damper position** 1. Closed
2. Full open
Relief fan damper position 1.Closed
2. Full open

*Vanes or VFD: Procedure 1. Lower the controlling static pressure setpoint (duct or discharge) to be 1/4
of its current value. Verify that the vanes are shut, or fan speed is at minimum for VFD and packaged controller
reads the same. Return the static pressure setpoint to normal. Procedure 2. Lower the space temperature
setpoint to be 20F below space temp. and cause TU dampers to go to full cooling. Raise the static
pressure setpoint as necessary to cause the setpoint to not be met. Verify that the inlet vanes are fully
open or the fan speed is at its max. and verify that the packaged controller reads the same. Return all to
**OSA Damper. Procedure 1. Change minimum OSA damper position setting to 0%. Change
economizing parameter as necessary to cause damper to go to minimum. Verify that the damper is shut.
Change the minimum OSA damper position setting to 100%. Verify that the damper is fully open. Return
all to normal.

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5. Verification of Misc. Prefunctional Checks.

Misc. site checks of the prefunctional checklist and startup reports completed successfully.Pass? Y / N _______

General Conditions of Test


6. Functional Testing Record

Proced. Expected and Actual Response4 Pass
No. & Req ID Y/N
Test Procedure3 [Write ACTUAL response in
Spec. No.2 brackets or circle] & Note
(including special conditions)
Seq. ID1 #
1 Observe the unit in OFF condition. Inlet vanes closed, [_______],
Seq. 1; relief and OSA dampers closed,
31-33 RA dampers open [________].
Associated exhaust fan(s) are
2 Disable optimum start. With the ASU in auto Upon the occpied time the unit
Seq. 2; and with the schedule in unoccupied, should start. Observe that the inlet
3; 31- change schedule to be occupied in a few vanes are closed [________] when
33 minutes. Change the warm-up mode the unit starts.
setpoint to be 3F greater than the RA Associated exhaust fan(s) are ON.
3 Warm-up Mode. Continuing with the last 1) Economizer dampers are shut.
Seq. 5; procedure observe the startup. 2) Perimeter TU box reheat valves
22; 34 open (observe 1/2 of designated

3) Associated exhaust fan(s) are


4 Wait until the RA temperature rises Perimeter reheat valves return to

Seq. 6 sufficiently, or change the warmup mode normal.
setpoint to be = to RA temperature + any Economizer damper returns to
offset. normal (minimum position). (Note:
min. position varies with fan inlet
vane position.)

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Proced. Expected and Actual Response4 Pass
No. & Req ID 3 [Write ACTUAL response in Y/N
Test Procedure
Spec. No.2 brackets or circle] & Note
Seq. ID1
(including special conditions) #
5 Volume Capacity Control. Return all settings 1) Discharge static pressure
Seq. 7 to normal. Record discharge static setpoint = [__________].
pressure. Current static pressure =
Command all TU dampers to minimum (via 2) Inlet vanes should go to their
direct command or by raising the space minimum position (0% open)
temp. setpoint 20F above space temp). [________%] in
3) Static pressure should remain at
setpoint [_________].
Command all TU dampers to max. cooling
(via direct command or by lowering the 4) Inlet vanes should go to their
space temperature setpoint 20F below max. position (100% open)
space temp.). [________%] in
4) Static pressure should remain at
setpoint [_________].
6 TREND LOG 1 Volume Capacity Control. Verify that the inlet vanes are not
Seq. 7 Since the discharge pressure is not hunting excessively in trying to
monitored, trend the inlet vane position maintain the static pressure
command and OSAT for 8 hours in 1 minute setpoint. If there is not a wide
intervals, with all systems in normal mode. enough range of vane positions
Include transition from unoccupied to logged, repeat the trend with some
occupied periods. Attach occupied simulated load conditions being
schedule. See Monitoring section at the end applied.
of this test.
7 Lower the ASU high static setpoint to be 0.1 ASU should shut down
Seq. 8 inch lower than the current discharge static [_________________________]..
pressure. When done, return setpoint to

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Proced. Expected and Actual Response4 Pass
No. & Req ID 3 [Write ACTUAL response in Y/N
Test Procedure
Spec. No.2 brackets or circle] & Note
Seq. ID1
(including special conditions) #
8 Cooling Capacity Staging.
Seq. a) Shut the ASU OFF. Raise the space
12; 18; temperature setpoints 10F above space a) SAT setpoint should change
20 temperatures. If the OSAT is >55F, upward according to the strategy
overwrite the OSAT sensor, that controls the parameters [_______________].
economizer, to be 55F. Turn ASU ON.
Compressors should be OFF
[______]. Economizer damper
should be at minimum [________].
(Note: min. position varies with fan
inlet vane position.)
b) Change SAT reset parameters so that at b) SAT setpoint should change
full economy, the SAT setpoint will still not downward according to the strategy
be met upon a call for full cooling (so SAT parameters [__________].
setpoint will be >OSAT). Record changes Compressors should be OFF
__________________________________ [____________]. Economizer
dampers should open over time go
to full open [_________________].
SAT setpoint will not be met.
c) Compressors begin to stage
c) Lower the space temperature setpoints to
ON, only after economizer dampers
20F below space temperatures.
are fully open
Economizer damper remains fully
open [______________].
8 cont. Continuing from above: Observe the staging ON of multiple
Seq. If temperatures are so low that the OSA with compressors and their condenser
12 only the lower stages of mechanical will fans. [_____________________
meet the SAT setpoint, lower the enthalpy ___________________________].
changeover setpoint to 10 Btu/lb, so Observe that SAT setpoint is met
economizer damper will go to minimum. at all times, within 1F either side of
the current deadband (+/- 4F).
Maximum deviation observed
If OSAT is too cold for full
compressor staging, repeat this
sequence in warmer weather.
9 Compressor Lockout. Continuing from
Seq. above, change the compressor lockout Compressors should remain ON.
14 temperature to be 3F below the current
Change the compressor lockout temperature
to be 1F above the current OSAT. Return all Compressors should shut OFF.
settings to normal.

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Proced. Expected and Actual Response4 Pass
No. & Req ID 3 [Write ACTUAL response in Y/N
Test Procedure
Spec. No.2 brackets or circle] & Note
Seq. ID1
(including special conditions) #
10 TREND LOG 2, Cooling Capacity Staging Observe that SAT setpoint is met
Seq. and Economizer. With all systems in normal at all times, within 1F either side of
12; 16- mode, trend the OSAT, RAT, SAT, SAT the current deadband (+/- 4F).
20 setpoint, ASU inlet vane position command Observe that economizer is first
and datalog the compressor current. stage of cooling and that
Synchronize datalogger and BAS time and compressors stage ON and OFF
starts. Sample at 5 min. intervals for 48 according to need to maintain SAT
hours during weather near design cooling. setpoint. Verify that the
Provide occupied schedule. See Monitoring compressors comply with the min.
section at the end of this test. ON and OFF time of 3 minutes.
11 SAT Reset. a) With all systems in auto,
Seq. make sure all polled zones are within 4F of
15 space setpoint. Record the zone farthest
above its setpoint.
b) Overwrite a zone space temp to be 5F
above its setpoint. Record the BAS SA b) Setpoint goes to 50F [_____].
setpoint. Observe the SA meet setpoint. SA temp meets 50F without
excessive hunting.
c) Overwrite a zone space temp to be 10F c) Setpoint goes to 70F [_____].
below its setpoint. Observe the SA meet SA temp meets 70F without
setpoint. excessive hunting. Compressors
should shut OFF.
Reset Schedule
Worst SA
SA Zone (1) Setpt
5F 50F
-10F 70F
(1) Farthest zone above its setpoint)

12 TREND LOG 3, SAT Reset.

Seq. With all systems in normal mode, trend the Data indicates SA reset strategy is
15 five typical warmest zones space temps, the working.
SAT and the SAT setpoint. Verify the reset
schedule is being met, per procedure 12.
Trend at 5 minute intervals for 48 hours,
during the week.
See Monitoring section at the end of this

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Proced. Expected and Actual Response4 Pass
No. & Req ID 3 [Write ACTUAL response in Y/N
Test Procedure
Spec. No.2 brackets or circle] & Note
Seq. ID1
(including special conditions) #

13a Economizer and Fresh Air Control.

Seq. Method 1, when OSAT is <65F.
16-19; a) Using a psychrometer or calibrated
21 humidity sensor in the BAS and a
psychrometric chart, determine the enthalpy
of the inside (________Btu/lb) and
outside air (_________Btu/lb).
b) With the ASU in normal mode, cause a
call for cooling (if not currently calling) by
changing the SAT reset parameters to call
for a SAT >OSAT but < RAT, or overwrite
SAT setpt. Record actions: OSAT = ____F,
RAT = _____F; SAT setpoint = _____F
c) Cause inlet vanes to open to 100% by
changing all space temp. setpoints to be 20F
below the current space temperatures.
13a Continuing from previous: Fresh Air Control:
Seq. d) Change the economizer changeover d) Economizer damper should go
16-19; setpoint in the ASU to be 3 Btu/lb below the to minimum. Observe that inlet
21 vanes are 100% open [________].
open. Verify that damper minimum is
according to the Fresh Air Control
OSA Compensation schedule:
______% open, [______% open]
for this inlet vane position.

e) Cause inlet vanes to close to 0% open by

e) Economizer damper minimum
changing all space temp. setpoints to be 20F
should change. Observe that inlet
above the current space temperatures.
vanes are 0% open [__________].
Verify that damper minimum is
according to the Fresh Air Control
OSA Compensation schedule:
______% open, [______% open]
for this inlet vane position.
f) Change the economizer changeover
setpoint in the ASU to be 3 Btu/lb above the f) Economizer damper should
current OSA enthalpy. begin to open and maintain SAT
setpoint within 1F on both sides of
the current SAT deadband of +/-
4F. Damper should not be fully
open. [_________________
g) Change conditions or overwrite so the g) Economizer damper should go
SAT setpoint is < OSAT. OSAT = ______F, to full open [_________________].
SAT setpoint = _______F. RA damper modulates opposite of
economizer damper.
Return economizer setpoint, SAT reset and
space setpoints to normal. Parameters put back to normal.
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Proced. Expected and Actual Response4 Pass
No. & Req ID 3 [Write ACTUAL response in Y/N
Test Procedure
Spec. No.2 brackets or circle] & Note
Seq. ID1
(including special conditions) #

13b Economizer and Fresh Air Control.

Seq. Method 2, when OSAT is >65F.
16-19; a) Using a psychrometer or calibrated
21 humidity sensor in the BAS and a
psychrometric chart, determine the enthalpy
of the inside (________Btu/lb) and
outside air (_________Btu/lb).
b) With the ASU in normal mode, cause a
call for cooling (if not currently calling) by
changing the SAT reset parameters to call
for cooling or overwrite SAT setpt. Record
actions: OSAT = ____F, RAT = _____F;
SAT setpoint = _____F.
c) Cause inlet vanes to open to 100% by
changing all space temp. setpoints to be 20F
below the current space temperatures.
13b Continuing from previous: Fresh Air Control:
Seq. d) Change the economizer changeover d) Economizer damper should go
16-19; setpoint in the ASU to be 3 Btu/lb below the to minimum. Observe that inlet
21 vanes are 100% open [________].
open. Verify that damper minimum is
according to the Fresh Air Control
OSA Compensation schedule:
______% open, [______% open]
for this inlet vane position.

e) Cause inlet vanes to close to 0% open by

e) Economizer damper minimum
changing all space temp. setpoints to be 20F
should change. Observe that inlet
above the current space temperatures.
vanes are 0% open [__________].
Verify that damper minimum is
according to the Fresh Air Control
OSA Compensation schedule:
______% open, [______% open]
for this inlet vane position.
13b Continuing from previous: f) Economizer damper should
Seq. f) Change the economizer changeover begin to open and eventually go to
16-19; setpoint in the ASU to be 3 Btu/lb above the full open.
21 current OSA enthalpy. Overwrite the SAT to Setpoint will not be met.
be > SAT setpoint by 10F. Compressors will come on and
economizer damper will remain
fully open.
RA damper modulates opposite of
economizer damper.
Return economizer setpoint, SAT reset and
space setpoints to normal. Parameters put back to normal.

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Proced. Expected and Actual Response4 Pass
No. & Req ID 3 [Write ACTUAL response in Y/N
Test Procedure
Spec. No.2 brackets or circle] & Note
Seq. ID1
(including special conditions) #

14 Unoccupied Night Low Limit Mode.

Seq. a) With ASU in normal mode, change the a) When the schedule is met, the
23-26; schedule so unoccupied mode will begin in 5 ASU shuts OFF.
34 minutes.
b) After the ASU shuts OFF, change the RA b) ASU and boiler does not come
NLL setpoint to be 10F above current RA ON.
temp. Overwrite one of the polled perimeter
zone space temp. to be 1Fabove the space
NLL heating setpoint, currently _____F.
c) The ASU and boilers come ON.
c) Overwrite one of the polled perimeter
zone space temp. to be 3Fbelow the space Heating coil valves operate
NLL heating setpoint. normally.
Economizer dampers are shut and
exhaust fans are OFF.
d) Change the RA NLL setpoint to be within
the bias or deadband range of the current d) The ASU and boilers shut OFF.
RA temp.
e) Return schedules, NLL RA setpoint and
space overwritten values to normal. e) Values returned to normal.

15 Unoccupied Night High Limit Mode.

Seq. a) With ASU in normal mode, change the a) When the schedule is met, the
27-30; schedule so unoccupied mode will begin in 5 ASU shuts OFF.
34 minutes.
b) After the ASU shuts OFF, change the RA b) ASU does not come ON.
NHL setpoint to be 10F below current RA
temp. Change the space NHL cooling
setpoint to be 65F (so no unoccupied cooling
or heating is called for). Overwrite one of
the polled perimeter zone space temp. to be
1Fbelow the space temporary NHL cooling
setpoint, currently _____F.
c) Change economizer changeover enthalpy
as necessary to allow economizer damper to
d) Overwrite one of the polled perimeter
zone space temp. to be 3Fbelow the c; d) The ASU comes ON and
temporary space NHL cooling setpoint. economizer goes above minimum.
Exhaust fans and boiler remain
e) Change the RA NHL setpoint to be within
the bias or deadband range of the current e) The ASU shuts OFF.
RA temp.
f) Return schedules, NHL RA, NHL space
setpoint and space overwritten values to f) Values returned to normal.

Section 01 91 00
ESTIDAMA, Commissioning Requirements

Section 01 91 00 (Page - 33)

Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016
Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi
Proced. Expected and Actual Response4 Pass
No. & Req ID 3 [Write ACTUAL response in Y/N
Test Procedure
Spec. No.2 brackets or circle] & Note
Seq. ID1
(including special conditions) #

16 TREND LOG 4, Unoccupied NHL.

Seq. During a period of weather with nights below Verify the proper sequencing per
23-26 40F, with all systems in normal mode, trend Procedure 14.
the inlet vane position command (surragate
for ASU status), RA temp, highest and
lowest polled space temp., SAT, boiler
status, HWST and OSAT. Trend at 15 min.
intervals for 3 days. Provide occupied
schedule. See Monitoring section at the end
of this test.
17 TREND LOG 5, Unoccupied NLL.
Seq. During a period of weather with nights below Verify the proper sequencing per
27-30 40F, with all systems in normal mode, trend Procedure 15.
the inlet vane position command (surragate
for ASU status), RA temp, highest and
lowest polled space temp., SAT, boiler
status, HWST and OSAT. Trend at 15 min.
intervals for 3 days. Provide occupied
schedule. See Monitoring section at the end
of this test.
18 Misc. Alarms. a) Filter alarm. In the BAS, a) An alarm is registered in the
Seq. lower the filter alarm setpoint until it equals BAS.
35 the filter differential pressure.
b) Compressor failure. With an ASU b) An alarm is registered in the
compressor running, shut off the breaker to BAS.
the compressor. Reset when done. Breaker reset.
19 External Shutdowns and Alarms.
Seq. a) High duct static pressure. In the BAS, a) The ASU should shut OFF and
36 lower the high duct static pressure alarm register an alarm.
setpoint to the current duct static pressure.
b) Supply duct smoke detector. Spray b) The ASU should shut OFF and
register an alarm in the BAS and
generate a fire alarm. (see fire
alarm response matrix).
c) Return duct smoke detector. Spray c) The ASU should shut OFF and
register an alarm in the BAS and
generate a fire alarm. (see fire
alarm response matrix).

d) Turn the emergency shutdown switch in

on the BAS ASU controller in the Penthouse. d) The ASU should shut OFF and
register an alarm.

20 Fire Alarm Shutdown. Initiate a fire alarm

Seq. through the following: general smoke, pull General smoke alarm: ____
37 station, sprinkler flow (jumper contacts). Pull station: _____
Sprinkler flow: ______
Duct smoke detector: (done above)

Section 01 91 00
ESTIDAMA, Commissioning Requirements

Section 01 91 00 (Page - 34)

Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016
Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi
Proced. Expected and Actual Response4 Pass
No. & Req ID 3 [Write ACTUAL response in Y/N
Test Procedure
Spec. No.2 brackets or circle] & Note
Seq. ID1
(including special conditions) #

21 Telecom Rm C-104 Interlock. a) Change a) ASU should shut OFF and

Seq. schedule to be in unoccupied mode. remain OFF.
38 b) Overwrite the RA temp. to be 5F less than
the RA unoccupied NHL setpoint to simulate
a NHL satisfied condition.
c) ASU should start and run, not in
c) Lower theTelecom Rm unoccupied TU-1- night high limit mode, but run until
43 setpoint (initially 80F) to the current the unoccupied setpoint of TU-1-43
Telecom room space temp. is satisfied.
22 BAS Monitored and Adjustable Points. All points as per spec.
Seq. Verify that the monitored and adjustable
39 points specified in the sequences are
actually operable in the BAS.
23 Terminal Boxes. Verify where in the BAS TU perimeter schedules match
Seq. that the specified perimeter boxes are spec.
40 designated. Match to specs.
24 TREND LOG 6, Optimum Start.
Seq. Trend the ASU static pressure (surrogate for Observe that the start times vary
ON condition), the OSA temperature and the per the optimum start routine and
average temperature used for the optimum that the RA temp is met by the
start routine and the RA temp during schedule.
weather with night time lows 30-40F, for
three consecutive days in 5 minute intervals.
Trend again when night time lows are 60-

25 TREND LOG 7, Building Static Pressure. Observe in the trends that the
Seq. 9- Trend log the supply fan speed, the relief fan building static pressure is
11 speed and the building static pressure for 24 maintained within +/-
hrs at 5 min. intervals. During the trend, setpoint without excessive hunting.
force, if necessary, the economizer damper Carefully observe during the
to be full open and at minimum. Document extreme economizer damper
these times. positions. Max. deviation: [_____].
If fan spee Physically observe that the relief
the trend of the bulding static pressure and dampers open and close as
conduct the following manual test. expected and that the relief fan is
OFF when the dampers are closed.

26 Change the current building static pressure The relief fan comes ON, if not
Seq. 9- already ON [________________],
11 BSP setpoint of __________. the damper opens and the BSP
setpoint is met without overshoot.
Change the current building static pressure The relief dampers should close
[_______]. Once the dampers are
BSP setpoint of __________. closed, the relief fan should turn
OFF [_______].
Return setpoint to original.

Section 01 91 00
ESTIDAMA, Commissioning Requirements

Section 01 91 00 (Page - 35)

Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016
Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi
Proced. Expected and Actual Response4 Pass
No. & Req ID 3 [Write ACTUAL response in Y/N
Test Procedure
Spec. No.2 brackets or circle] & Note
Seq. ID1
(including special conditions) #

27 -- Return all changed control parameters Check off in Section 2 above

and conditions to their pre-test values5 when completed

MONITORING AND TREND LOGGING. Five monitoring via BAS trend logs are required per test Procedures 6, 10,
12, 16, 17, 24, 25. Trend logs all shall be provided in electronic continuous columnar spreadsheet compatible
format. Trends all shall be provided in hard tabular format (continuous columnar with time in left column and at
least four columns of point values in adjacent columns). All points for a given trend will begin at exactly the same
time. Provide a key to all abbreviations. Attach representative graphs or columnar data and explanatory analysis to
this test report.
Record Foot Notes
1Sequences of operation specified in Contract Documents (attached).
2Mode or function ID being tested, per testing requirements section of the project Specifications.
3Step-by-step procedures for manual testing, trend logging or data-logger monitoring.
4Include tolerances for a passing condition.
5Record any permanently changed parameter values and submit to Owner.


Section 01 91 00
ESTIDAMA, Commissioning Requirements

Section 01 91 00 (Page - 36)

Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016
Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi



The planned new Residential Building Project, at Plot C33, Yas Island - Abu Dhabi, will implement a
construction waste management plan to meet the requirements of the Abu Dhabi Urban Planning
Green Building Rating System. Specifically, this project seeks to reduce
construction landfill waste by 50% and a minimum of 30% of construction & demolition waste (by
weight or volume) excluding hazardous waste that must undergo specialized treatment. The inevitable
waste that is generated during each of these stages will be reused, salvaged, or recycled through local
and regional companies, organizations, and partners.

Main Contractor is responsible to deploy the processes that ensure the generation of as little waste as
possible due to error, poor planning, breakage, mishandling, contamination, or other factors shall be
The subcontractor will make a good faith effort to reduce the amount of waste generated on the job-site
and recycle material as per the contractor's Waste Management Plan. The subcontractor will follow the
designated handling procedures for each type of waste generated on-site and provide documentation
to verify material reuse, recycling, and disposal as indicated in the waste management plan.


I. ............... 2
II. 2
III. .3
IV. Quality Assura 5
V. Appendices

Appendix B: Waste Management Field . 14
Appendix C: ESTIDAMA Construction & Demolition Waste Management (CDWMP_ Fact
Sheet ......................................................................................................... 16
i. Compliance
ii. Waste Management Report

Annexure 1 Sustainable Job Site Operations

Construction Waste Management Plan

Annex.1 - 1
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016
Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

a. Construction, Demolition, and Land clearing (CDL) Waste:

Includes all non-hazardous solid wastes resulting from construction, remodeling, alterations,
repair, demolition and land clearing.

b. Salvage:
Recovery of materials for on-site reuse or donation to a third party. (i.e. a door as a door, a
window as a window, etc).

c. Reuse:
Making use of a material without altering its form. Materials can be reused on-site or reused on
other projects off-site. Examples include, but are not limited to the following: Grinding of
concrete for use as a sub-base material. (i.e. wood chipped for mulch, concrete crushed for
sub-base or aggregate).

d. Recycling:
The process of sorting, cleaning, treating, and reconstituting materials for the purpose of using
the material in the manufacture of a new product.

e. Source-Separated CDL Recycling:

The process of separating recyclable materials in separate containers as they are generated
on the job-site. The separated materials are hauled directly to a recycling facility or transfer

f. Co-mingled CDL Recycling:

The process of collecting mixed recyclable materials in one container onsite. The container is
taken to a material recovery facility where materials are separated for recycling.


1. General: Divert a minimum of 50 to 30% CDL waste, by volume or weight (as applicable), from
the landfill by one, or a combination of the following activities:

a. Salvage
b. Reuse
c. Source-Separated CDL Recycling
d. Co-mingled CDL Recycling

It should be realized that this is not a complete list of materials that can be salvaged, reused or
recycled. Every effort should be made to explore the possibility of salvaging, reusing or recycling
other items that are not listed below.

2. CDL waste materials that can be salvaged, reused or recycled include, but are not limited to,
the following:

a. Acoustical ceiling tiles

b. Asphalt
c. Asphalt shingles
d. Bricks
e. Cardboard and plastic packaging
f. Carpet and carpet pad
g. Concrete
h. Concrete Masonry Units (CMU)
i. Dirt/Soil

Annexure 1 Sustainable Job Site Operations

Construction Waste Management Plan

Annex.1 - 2
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016
Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi
j. Drywall
k. Land clearing debris (vegetation, stumpage) note: soil is not included
l. Metals from banding, stud trim, ductwork, piping, rebar, roofing, other trim, steel, iron,
galvanized sheet steel, stainless steel, aluminum, copper, zinc, lead, brass, and bronze.
m. Clean dimensional wood
n. Field office waste, including office paper and cardboard, aluminum cans, glass, and
o. Plywood, OSB, & particle board

Other Items for consideration:

p. Batteries
q. Paint, adhesives, caulk, etc. (through hazardous waste outlets)
r. Gypsum wallboard
s. Fluorescent lights and ballasts
t. High density polyethylene (HDPE)
u. Plastic film (sheeting, shrink wrap, packaging)
v. Polystyrene
w. Rigid foam insulation
x. Window glass

All items will be salvaged, reused or recycled in a phased method. Please refer to the Construction
and Demolition Recycling Providers in Appendix A for recycle haulers in UAE& region.


1. Inspect site and determine proper placement for on site dumpsters and salvaged materials.

2. Place recycling and trash containers close to the point of waste generation and near each
other so trash is not thrown in the recycling and vice versa. Clearly label the containers.

3. Designate a Recycling Coordinator (or Recycling Management Team) whose job is to

effectively monitor the recycling program. Duties include:

a. Continual communication to everyone on the project about Waste Management Plan.

b. Post signs and written information about the recycling program. Create a map that shows
placement of recycling containers and label the contents of each container.

c. Regularly check wastes in the trash containers to see if recyclables are being thrown away
or if materials that cannot be recycled are in recycling containers.

d. Call recycling and waste haulers before containers are full and arrange pickup.

e. Report updates of above recycling points at each safety or construction meeting.

4. Analyze local markets and determine final destination for material reuse and waste recycling.
Review the guide in Appendix A for recycling providers in the UAE & region.

5. Use the provided Construction Waste Management Field Log to monitor quantities of recycled
materials on an on-going basis.

6. Transport CDL waste materials off Employer property and legally dispose of them. See
Appendix A for appropriate materials recycling and disposal.

Annexure 1 Sustainable Job Site Operations

Construction Waste Management Plan

Annex.1 - 3
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016
Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi
7. Source separation for materials:

a. Separate, store, protect, and handle at the site identified recyclable and salvageable waste
products in order to prevent contamination of materials and to maximize recyclables and
salvage-ability of identified materials.

b. Provide containers, clearly labeled, by type of separated materials or provide other storage
method for managing recyclable materials until they are removed from Project site.

c. Stockpile processed materials on-site without intermixing with other materials. Place,
grade, and shape stockpiles to drain surface water. Cover to prevent windblown dust.

d. Stockpile materials away from demolition area.

e. Store components off the ground and protect from weather.

f. Set aside and protect incorrectly delivered and substandard products and materials and
return to supplier for credit.

8. Recycling:

a. The Recycling Coordinator is to arrange for timely pickups from the site or deliveries to
recycling facility in order to prevent contamination of recyclable materials.

b. Include recycling discussions and updates from the Recycling Coordinator with all key
personnel, including the project foreman and clean up crews at safety meetings.

c. Specify that all drawings be ordered as black line drawings on white paper instead of blue
line drawings so they can be recycled.

d. Containers will have lids (when possible) to discourage contamination by the public. Lids
are to be closed by last on site sub-contractor prior to leaving the job site.

9. Discuss the following points with all subcontractors:

a. Expected quantities of waste for each trade and material used on the project and complete
a Project Waste Analysis Worksheet.

b. Recycling requirements and how to minimize waste at all preconstruction meetings.

c. Importance of recycling and report results of efforts at all meetings.

d. Waste prevention and recycling activities will be discussed at the beginning of each safety

e. As each new subcontractor comes on-site, the Recycling Coordinator will present him/her
with a copy of this Waste Management Plan and provide a tour of the recycling areas.

f. The subcontractor will be expected to make sure all their crews comply with this Waste
Management Plan.

Subcontractors and/or crew who contaminate a recycling container will be responsible for
separating out the contaminants themselves.

g. All recycling containers will be clearly labeled.

h. Lists of acceptable/unacceptable materials will be posted throughout the site.

Annexure 1 Sustainable Job Site Operations

Construction Waste Management Plan

Annex.1 - 4
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016
Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi
i. Select products and materials with minimal or no packaging, if possible. Request that
vendors reduce their packaging when possible.

j. Purchase materials in the sizes needed, rather than cutting materials to size.

Quality Assurance

1. Regulatory Requirements: Conduct construction & demolition waste management activities in

accordance with Abu Dhabi Law and Regulations and all other applicable laws and ordinances
if they apply.

2. Preconstruction Conference: Schedule and conduct meeting on-site prior to construction


3. Attendees: Inform the following individuals, whose presence is required, of date and time of

a. Employer (optional)
b. Engineer
c. Contractor's superintendent
d. Major subcontractors
e. Other concerned parties

4. Agenda Items: Review methods and procedures related to waste management including, but
not limited to, the following:

a. Review and discuss waste management plan including responsibilities of the Recycling

b. Review requirements for documenting quantities of each type of waste and its disposition.

c. Review and finalize procedures for materials separation and verify availability of containers
and bins needed to avoid delays.

d. Review procedures for periodic waste collection and transportation to recycling and
disposal facilities.

e. Review waste management requirements for each trade.

f. Receive updates from the Recycling Coordinator on recycling and waste disposal.

g. Review the guide in Appendix A for recycling providers in the Abu Dhabi area.

5. Meeting Minutes: Record minutes for each meeting and distribute to all participants within 3

Annexure 1 Sustainable Job Site Operations

Construction Waste Management Plan

Annex.1 - 5
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016
Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Appendix A
Construction and Demolition Recycling and Waste Providers
Page 8

Appendix B
Construction and Demolition Waste Management Field Log
Page 11

Appendix C
ESTIDAMA Construction and Demolition Waste Management Fact Sheet and
Compliance Requirements
Page 13

Annexure 1 Sustainable Job Site Operations

Construction Waste Management Plan

Annex.1 - 6
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016
Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi


Construction and Demolition Recycling Providers

Project: Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island - Abu Dhabi

Designated Recycling Coordinator:

Waste Management Goal:

This project will generate the least amount of waste possible by a minimum of 50 to 30% of
construction & demolition waste (by weight or volume) excluding hazardous waste that must undergo
specialized treatment.

Communication Plan:
Schedule and conduct a preconstruction/ demolition meeting on-site prior to demolition activities.
Waste prevention and recycling activities will be discussed at the beginning of each meeting.
As each new subcontractor comes on-site, the Recycling Coordinator will present him/her with a
copy of this Waste Management Plan and provide a tour of the recycling areas.
The subcontractor will be expected to make sure all their crews comply with this Waste
Management Plan.
All recycling container will be clearly labeled.
Lists of acceptable/unacceptable materials will be posted throughout the site.

Expected Project Waste, Handling, and Disposal Log

The following charts identify waste materials expected on this project, their disposal method, and
handling procedures.


Construction Phase

Material Quantity Disposal Company Handling Method
Concrete/CMUs Recycle TBD by Contractor Break up any waste or
mistakes and place in
provided concrete
container. Rebar okay.
Forming boards Reuse/ TBD by Contractor Stack next to supply of
Recycle forms for reuse. Recycle
clean forms or return to
subcontractor for reuse.
All clean wood scrap Reuse/ TBD by Contractor Stack reusable pieces
(non-treated Recycle next to saw. Place all
plywood, particle unusable clean wood in
board, OSB, etc.) hauler provided
Non-treated pallets, Recycle TBD by Contractor Hauler to provide
plywood, OSB, etc. container.
Drywall Recycle TBD by Contractor Hauler to provide
container for all sheeting

Annexure 1 Sustainable Job Site Operations

Construction Waste Management Plan

Annex.1 - 7
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016
Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi
Dirt, vegetation, Recycle TBD by Contractor Hauler to provide
stumps, organic container(s) for all
matter organic matter. Dirt will
be weighed separately
from vegetation.

Scrap metal Recycle TBD by Contractor Hauler to provide

container for all metals.

Batteries Recycle TBD by Contractor GC/Hauler to provide

container for all
hazardous waste.

Adhesives, sealants, Recycle TBD by Contractor GC/Hauler to provide

caulk, paint, etc. container for all
hazardous materials.
Put smaller canisters in
larger container (5-55
gal) for pickup upon
construction completion.
Cardboard Recycle TBD by Contractor GC to provide container
for all cardboard.

Office waste: plastic, Recycle TBD by Contractor Hauler to provide

glass, paper containers

Plastic packaging Recycle TBD by Contractor GC/Hauler to provide

(stretch, bubble, container
clear sheet plastic),
cardboard, office
paper, plastic, HDPE
Styrofoam Reuse TBD by Contractor Hauler to provide
(edge/corner container.
packaging and
peanuts only)
All other wastes Landfill TBD by Contractor Trash dumpster

Recyclable materials taken to Recycling Plant locations will need a receipt of weight or volume of
materials being received. Diversion may include donations to charitable organizations.

Annexure 1 Sustainable Job Site Operations

Construction Waste Management Plan

Annex.1 - 8
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016
Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi



Marzouk Tower, 9th floor, Union Paper Mills
Qibla, Kuwait. Sales And Marketing & Corporate Office Address
Tel. +965 247 6601 K. Deva Rao
Fax. +965 247 6602 General Manager (Sales & Marketing)
e-mail: P.O. Box 41, Salahuddin Street, Abu Dhabi -
website: UAE
Tel: +971 4 2666300, Fax: +971 4 2667454


Abu Dhabi J. Subramanyam
Box: 5328 Tel: 04-2637700 Fax: 04-2630840 Manager (Raw Material Procurement)
E-mail: P.O. Box 41, Al Quoz Industrial Area No. 3,
Abu Dhabi - UAE
LUCKY RECYCLING CO LLC Tel: +971 4 3393937, Fax: +971 4 3393963
Abu Dhabi E-mail:
Box: 5328 Tel: 04-2679777 Fax: 04-2678020
V. K. Venkataraman
International Private company P.O. Box 41, Al Quoz Industrial Area No. 3,
Abu Dhabi , United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi - UAE
Jebel Ali Tel.: +971 4 339 3339, Fax: +971 4 339 3931,
Box: 16850 Tel: 04-8835250 Fax: 04-8835959 E-mail:,


Abu Dhabi Jebel Ali
Box: 24244 Tel: 04-3555535 Box: 17651 Tel: 04-8871333 Fax: 04-8871307
Ahmed Plastic (Re-Cycling) E-mail: Website:
Box: 3709 Tel: 06-7432229 Fax: 06-7435070 Sharjah
E-mail: Box: 19879 Tel: 06-5342944 Fax: 06-5343051


Ajman Ajman
Box: 3307 Tel: 06-7436908 Fax: 06-7433426 Box: 3307 Tel: 06-7436908 Fax: 06-7433426
E-mail: E-mail:


Ajman Abu Dhabi
Box: 932 Tel: 06-7407748 Fax: 06-7407746 Box: 20954 Tel: 04-2682578 Fax: 04-2684796
E-mail: E-mail:


Sharjah Sharjah
Box: 23235 Tel: 06-5344949 Fax: 06-5344994 Box: 29768 Tel: 06-5345573 Fax: 06-5346178

Annexure 1 Sustainable Job Site Operations

Construction Waste Management Plan

Annex.1 - 9
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016
Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi


TRDG LLC Abu Dhabi
Sharjah Box: 117987 Tel: 04-2279755 Fax: 04-2292583
Box: 27634 Tel: 06-5342067 Fax: 06-5342938


Jebel Ali CO LLC
Box: 16763 Tel: 04-8835437 Fax: 04-8835287 Abu Dhabi
E-mail: Box: 32253 Tel: 04-2243085 Fax: 04-2243083


Jebel Ali Sharjah
Box: 121646 Tel: 04-8873393 Fax: 04-8873342 Box: 40491 Tel: 06-5323391 Fax: 06-5339408
E-mail: Website: E-mail: Website:


Abu Dhabi P.O. Box : 3773, ABU DHABI ,UAE
Box: 41308 Tel: 04-2282038 Fax: 04-2279418 Tel : +971-4-8801167, Fax : +971-4-8801165
E-mail: Website: Email :


P O Box No.7113, Abu Dhabi , UAE
Tel: 00 971 4 2713006; Fax: 00 971 4 2713003
Contact Person: Mr. J.S.A.Bukhari, General Manager / Mr. H.M.Thameem Nassar, Deputy General
Head Office Abu Dhabi , U.A.E.
P.O. BOX: 28427, Abu Dhabi , UAE
Tel: +971-4-2286373, Fax: +971-4-2271837

Office location: Office no. 306, B 62, Maktom Street, ABU DHABI , U.A.E.

Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.

P.O.BOX: 33672, Abu Dhabi, UAE
TEL: +971-2-6764005, FAX: +971-2-6764106
Office Location: Salam Street, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.


Public Recycling Centres:

Hamriya Shopping center Abu Dhabi International School (Nad Al Sheba)

Rashidiya Shopping center Abu Dhabi Duty Free (Rashidiya)
Mardif recycling center Abu Dhabi Modern School
Karama Fish market EPPCO (Al Wasl Road)
Al Safa recycling center Taj Palace Hotel (Al Rigga)
Jebel Ali village recycling center Reverse vending machines: Chicago Beach
Muhaisna recycling center (Jumeirah Beach road)
Al Tower DM accommodation (Ghusais) Al Wasl (near Grand lube station)
Private recycling centres Al Safa (Al Wasl Road)
Spinneys Supermarket (Jumeriah, Karama, Lamtara (Sk. Zayed Road near Safestway
Umm Suqueim) Supermarket)
Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza ( Satwa) Dhiyafa (Satwa)

Annexure 1 Sustainable Job Site Operations

Construction Waste Management Plan

Annex.1 - 10
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016
Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi
Princeton Hotel (Garhood) Rajhan (Trade Center Road)
Radisson Hotel (Jumeirah) Al Adhed (Near Port Rashid)
Abu Dhabi Men's college (Hor Al Anz) Al Bustan (Near Aviation Club)
Al Bustan Rotana (Garhood) Madares (Opposite entrance to festival city)
Union Co-operative Society (Jumeirah) Nad Al Hammer, Narhawan (behind Abu Dhabi
Choitram Supermarket (Jumeirah) airport)
Abu Dhabi National School (Satwa) Wejdan (Near Al Qusais Police Station).
Sheikh Zayed University (Al Ghusais) Oasis Beach Hotel (Jumeriah)
Alliance Insurance (Hor Al Anz)

Annexure 1 Sustainable Job Site Operations

Construction Waste Management Plan

Annex.1 - 11
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016
Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi


<Project Name & Plot Number>


Material Category Solid Waste Landfill Recycled Salvaged Reused




Concrete (cu yds)




Total (In volume or weight

Percentage of Waste Diverted

Annexure 1 Sustainable Job Site Operations

Construction Waste Management Plan

Annex.1 - 12
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016
Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi


<Project Name & Plot Number>

Recyclable? Destination/ End
Material Quantity (est.) Reusable? User Recycling Method

Annexure 1 Sustainable Job Site Operations

Construction Waste Management Plan

Annex.1 - 13
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016
Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi


Construction Waste Management Fact Sheet


This fact sheet provides information for <Name of Recycling Company>, Abu Dhabi area contractors in
achieving ESTIDAMA waste management goals for Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island - Abu

ESTIDAMA Materials and Resources: Construction Waste Management

The intent of this credit is to

divert construction, demolition, and land clearing (CDL) debris from landfill disposal;
redirect recyclable recovered materials back to the manufacturing process;
redirect reusable materials to appropriate sites.

Develop and implement an effective construction waste management that quantifies material diversion
goals. Calculations can be done by weight or volume, but must be consistent throughout.

ESTIDAMA Documentation Requirements

Each credit a project attempts using the ESTIDAMA certification system requires documentation to
prove the activity was completed to specific standards. The general contractor is normally responsible
for waste management and is responsible for the submittal of the required documentation using the
ESTIDAMA Letter Template for these two credits.

Documentation submittal is as follows:

Complete the construction waste calculation tables in the Submittal Template with the
following information:
General description of each type/category of generated waste
Location of receiving agent/recycler/landfill for waste
Quantity of waste diverted (by category) in tons or cubic yards

This information can be obtained from the Construction and Demolition Debris Tracking Log in
Appendix A.

Narrative should include the project Construction Waste Management Plan and any
additional comments or notes to describe special circumstances or considerations

Annexure 1 Sustainable Job Site Operations

Construction Waste Management Plan

Annex.1 - 14
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016
Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

ESTIDAMA Compliance

1. Use the provided Waste Management Field Log and spreadsheet to track the weights or
volumes of construction, demolition, and land-clearing wastes that are both recycled and land

2. Calculations can be done by weight or volume, but must be consistent throughout.

3. Hazardous waste and excavated soil are excluded from calculations.

4. Projects that crush and reuse existing concrete, asphalt, or masonry on-site should include
these materials in the calculation.

5. Use the following equation to determine the recycling rate for the project:

Recycling Rate [%] = Recycled Waste

Recycled Waste + Garbage
6. If using the volume method of calculation, use the solid waste conversion factors listed below
to determine the proper density (numbers listed in lbs/cubic yard):

Rubble 1,400
Steel 1,000
Gypsum Wallboard 500
Mixed Waste 350
Wood 300
Cardboard 100

7. Refer to Table 3 (page 174) of the ESTIDAMA Rating method, Version 1.0, for an example
of this process.

Waste Management Report

1. Waste Management Report: Submit a cumulative waste management report with each
Application for Payment with the following attachments:

a. A record of the type and quantity, by weight, of each material salvaged, reused, recycled or

b. Total quantity of waste recycled as a percentage of total waste.

c. Disposal Receipts: Copy of receipts issued by a disposal facility for CDL waste that is
disposed in a landfill.

d. Recycling Receipts: Copy of receipts issued by an approved recycling facility.

For co-mingled materials, include weight tickets from the recycling hauler or material
recovery facility and verification of the recycling rate for co-mingled loads at the facility.

e. Salvaged Materials Documentation: Types and quantities, by weight, for materials

salvaged for reuse on site, sold or donated to a third party.

End of Annexure 1.

Annexure 1 Sustainable Job Site Operations

Construction Waste Management Plan

Annex.1 - 15
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016
Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi



A. The planned Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island - Abu Dhabi is designed to conform to the
Pearls building rating system by ESTIDAMA, aiming to achieve at least One pearl. The project's
materials and systems are selected to comply with the requirements stipulated in this system,
especially the credits under both the Material and Livable buildings categories that address
construction waste management, elimination of hazardous materials & the use of low VOC materials as
prescribed by the system's credits. Therefore, the Contractor is required to take into consideration and
show successful compliance with the pearl rating system as determined by Estidama to ensure the
environmental quality performance of the Project Development. The Contractor should describe the
methodology he intends to adopt to secure compliance with the Estidama requirements. The
methodology will be subject to review and appraisal by Authorities / Engineer against the Estidama
requirements is ensured. The contractor is required to take into consideration and show successful
compliance with ESTIDAMA requirements as specified herein and the other sections of specifications
to ensure the sustainable quality of the project development.
B. The Contractor is responsible for the procurement of appropriate materials and products that comply
with Estidama criteria as described within the specifications. This will include, but is not limited to,
concrete, steel, aluminum, glass, timber, sanitary and tap ware fixtures and fittings, insulation, carpets,
adhesives, sealants and paints. The various specifications identify characteristics and as part of the
procurement process the Contractor shall confirm through their PQP, that Estidama attributes have
been recognized and achieved prior to confirming any purchase orders.
C. The Contractor understands and acknowledges that Estidama compliant materials and products may
limit the sourcing opportunities normally available. Any premium for Estidama compliant materials is
scheduling program.

D. Contractor to assign Estidama Pearls Qualified Professional (PQP) part of contr . The
PQP shall be able to understand the tasks, have the authority to plan processes and
authority to allocate resources as required to complete the various tasks throughout the duration of the

This section includes the following appendices:

Appendix A: .
Appendix B: Elemental Thermal Insulation - U Values for walls, roof, floor.
Appendix C: Construction Environmental Management Plan & Requirements

Annexure 2

Annex.2 - 1
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016
Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Appendix A

A. Estidama Targeted Credits:

Design Design
Credit Title Credits Credits Design Comment
Attempted Awarded

IDP Integrated Development Process

IDP-R1 Integrated Development Strategy Required Yes Accepted.

Tenant Fit-Out Design & Construction
IDP-R2 Required n/a N/A
IDP-R3 Basic Commissioning Required Yes Accepted.

NS Natural Systems

NS-R1 Natural Systems Assessment Required Yes Accepted

NS-R2 Natural Systems Protection Required Yes Accepted.

Natural Systems Design & Management
NS-R3 Required Yes Accepted.
LBo Livable Buildings: Outdoors

LBo-R1 Plan 2030 Required Yes Accepted. (DR Approval)

LBo-R2 Urban Systems Assessment Required Yes Accepted.

LBo-R3 Outdoor Thermal Comfort Strategy Required Yes Accepted

LBi Livable Buildings: Indoors

LBi-R1 Healthy Ventilation Delivery Required Yes Accepted.

LBi-R2 Smoking Control Required Yes Accepted.

LBi-R3 Legionella Prevention Required Yes Accepted.

PW Precious Water

PW-R1 Minimum Interior Water Use Reduction Required Yes Accepted.

PW-R2 Exterior Water Monitoring Required Yes Accepted.

RE Resourceful Energy

RE-R1 Minimum Energy Performance Required Yes Accepted.

RE-R2 Energy Monitoring & Reporting Required Yes Accepted.

Ozone Impacts of Refrigerants & Fire

RE-R3 Required Yes Accepted.
Suppression Systems

SM Stewarding Materials

SM-R1 Hazardous Materials Elimination Required Yes Accepted.

SM-R2 Basic Construction Waste Management Required Yes Accepted.

SM-R3 Basic Operational Waste Management Required Yes Accepted.

Annexure 2

Annex.2 - 2
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016
Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Annexure 2

Annex.2 - 3
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016
Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Appendix B
U Values for glazing, walls, roof, floor & Insulation type; this section to be read in conjunction with:
. The main contractor is required to demonstrate compliance with the following U-Values
prior to the procurement of the envelope components, through the provision of test certificates, updated area
weighted average U-Values calculations and drawings.


Case A:Exetiror wall ( Cladding+EPS + AAC)

Material Thermal conductivity (W/m.K) Thickness (m) R-Value
Outside Air Film 0.000 0.044
Stone Cladding 1.2 0.020 0.017
EPS 0.035 0.080 2.286
AAC 0.1 0.200 2.000
plaster 0.72 0.015 0.021
Inside Vert. Air Film 0 0.120
Total Wall Thickness m 0.315
Overall R-value (sqm.K/W) 4.49
Overall U-value (W/sqm.K) 0.223

Case B:Exetiror wall ( Cladding+EPS + RC)

Material Thermal conductivity (W/m.K) Thickness (m) R-Value
Outside Air Film 0.000 0.044
Stone Cladding 1.2 0.020 0.017
EPS 0.035 0.080 2.286
RC 1.85 0.200 0.108
plaster 0.72 0.015 0.021
Inside Vert. Air Film 0 0.120
Total Wall Thickness m 0.315
Overall R-value (sqm.K/W) 2.60
Overall U-value (W/sqm.K) 0.385

Case C:Exetiror wall ( RC) Balcony Edges

Material Thermal conductivity (W/m.K) Thickness (m) R-Value
Outside Air Film 0.000 0.044
Stone Cladding 1.2 0.020 0.017

RC 1.85 0.200 0.108

plaster 0.72 0.015 0.021
Inside Vert. Air Film 0 0.120
Total Wall Thickness m 0.235
Overall R-value (sqm.K/W) 0.31
Overall U-value (W/sqm.K) 3.230

Annexure 2

Annex.2 - 4
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016
Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Case D:Exetiror wall ( Spandrel)

Material Thermal conductivity (W/m.K) Thickness (m) R-Value
Outside Air Film 0.000 0.044
Opaque Spandrel Glass 0.995 0.04 0.040
Rock wool 0.038 0.15 3.947
Aluminum Sheet 45.28 0.015 0.000
Inside Vert. Air Film 0 0.120
Total Wall Thickness m 0.205
Overall R-value (sqm.K/W) 4.15
Overall U-value (W/sqm.K) 0.241

The main contractor -weighted average U-Value does not exceed 0.40


Exposed Floors
Material Thermal conductivity (W/m.K) Thickness (m) R-Value
Outside Air Film 0.000 0.055
Gravel/Cement Tiles 1.1 0.020 0.018
Thermal Insulation (XPS) 0.038 0.1 2.632
Reinforced Concrete 1.85 0.2 0.108
Mortar 1.7 0.1 0.059
Inside Vert. Air Film 0 0.162
Total Wall Thickness m 0.420
Overall R-value (sqm.K/W) 3.03
Overall U-value (W/sqm.K) 0.330

The main contractor shall demonstrate that the exposed floors area-weighted average U-Value does not
0.35 W/m2.K


Case A: Typical Roof

Material Thermal conductivity (W/m.K) Thickness (m) R-Value
Outside Air Film 0.000 0.055
Gravel/Cement Tiles 1.1 0.050 0.045
PUR 0.025 0.2 8.000
Light Weight Conc. 0.84 0.05 0.060
Reinforced Concrete 1.85 0.2 0.108
Inside Vert. Air Film 0 0.162
Total Wall Thickness m 0.500
Overall R-value (sqm.K/W) 8.43
Overall U-value (W/sqm.K) 0.119

Annexure 2

Annex.2 - 5
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016
Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Case B: Floating slabs

Material Thermal conductivity (W/m.K) Thickness (m) R-Value
Outside Air Film 0.000 0.055
Gravel/Cement Tiles 1.1 0.050 0.045
PUR 0.025 0.1 4.000
Light Weight Conc. 0.84 0.05 0.060
Reinforced Concrete 1.85 0.2 0.108
Inside Vert. Air Film 0 0.162
Total Wall Thickness m 0.400
Overall R-value (sqm.K/W) 4.43
Overall U-value (W/sqm.K) 0.226

The main contractor -weighted average U-Value does not exceed

0.13 W/m2.K


Vertical Fenestration :
U value [Alum + Glass]: 1.78 w/m2.k
SHGC: 0.23
Horizontal Fenestration :
U value [Alum + Glass]: 1.8 w/m2.k
SHGC: 0.18

Annexure 2

Annex.2 - 6
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016
Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Appendix C

Construction Environmental Management Plan & Requirements

The contractor shall develop

party quarterly audits.

The contractor shall submit signed off audits of the CEMP that verifies the project's performance was in
compliance with the CEMP, including photographs and narrative of construction practices.

The contractor shall refer to the following resources for codes and regulations to be followed:
1. Construction Environmental Management Plan Technical
Guidance Document
2. Abu Dhabi Emirate Environment, Health and Safety Management System (EHSMS)

Annexure 2

Annex.2 - 7
Annexure 3 LMP

Annex.3 - 1
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016

Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Annexure 3 LMP

Annex.3 - 2
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016

Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Annexure 3 LMP

Annex.3 - 3
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016

Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Annexure 3 LMP

Annex.3 - 4
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016

Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Annexure 3 LMP

Annex.3 - 5
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016

Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Annexure 3 LMP

Annex.3 - 6
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016

Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Annexure 3 LMP

Annex.3 - 7
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016

Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Annexure 3 LMP

Annex.3 - 8
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016

Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Annexure 3 LMP

Annex.3 - 9
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016

Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Annexure 3 LMP

Annex.3 - 10
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016

Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Annexure 3 LMP

Annex.3 - 11
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016

Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Annexure 3 LMP

Annex.3 - 12
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016

Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Annexure 3 LMP

Annex.3 - 13
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016

Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Annexure 3 LMP

Annex.3 - 14
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016

Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Annexure 3 LMP

Annex.3 - 15
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016

Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Annexure 3 LMP

Annex.3 - 16
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016

Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Annexure 3 LMP

Annex.3 - 17
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016

Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Annexure 3 LMP

Annex.3 - 18
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016

Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Annexure 3 LMP

Annex.3 - 19
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016

Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Annexure 3 LMP

Annex.3 - 20
Annexure 3 LMP

Annex.3 - 21
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016

Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Annexure 3 LMP

Annex.3 - 22
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016

Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Annexure 3 LMP

Annex.3 - 23
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016

Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Annexure 3 LMP

Annex.3 - 24
Main Works Contract Project No. AD21.016

Estidama Requirements Residential Building at Plot C33, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Annexure 3 LMP

Annex.3 - 25

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