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CT Based Delineation of Organs at Risk in The Head and Neck Region

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Radiotherapy and Oncology 117 (2015) 83–90

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Head and neck guidelines

CT-based delineation of organs at risk in the head and neck region:

and TROG consensus guidelines
Charlotte L. Brouwer a,⇑,1, Roel J.H.M. Steenbakkers a,1, Jean Bourhis b, Wilfried Budach c, Cai Grau d,
Vincent Grégoire e, Marcel van Herk f, Anne Lee g, Philippe Maingon h, Chris Nutting i, Brian O’Sullivan j,
Sandro V. Porceddu k, David I. Rosenthal l, Nanna M. Sijtsema a, Johannes A. Langendijk a
University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Department of Radiation Oncology, Groningen, The Netherlands; b Department of Radiation Oncology,
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, Switzerland2; c Department of Radiation Oncology, University Hospital Düsseldorf, Germany; d Department of Oncology,
Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark3 ; e Cancer Center and Department of Radiation Oncology, Clinical and Experimental Research Institute, Université Catholique de Louvain,
Cliniques Universitaires St-Luc, Brussels, Belgium4; f Christie Hospital and University of Manchester, Manchester, UK; g Department of Clinical Oncology,
The University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) Hospital, China5; h Department of Radiation Oncology, Centre Georges-François Leclerc, Dijon, France6; i Department of Radiation Oncology,
Royal Marsden Hospital and Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK7; j Department of Radiation Oncology, Princess Margaret Hospital, University of Toronto, Canada8;
Cancer Services, Princess Alexandra Hospital, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia9; and l Department of Radiation Oncology, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer
Center, Houston TX, USA10

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Purpose: The objective of this project was to define consensus guidelines for delineating organs at risk
Received 17 July 2015 (OARs) for head and neck radiotherapy for routine daily practice and for research purposes.
Accepted 29 July 2015 Methods: Consensus guidelines were formulated based on in-depth discussions of a panel of European,
Available online 13 August 2015
North American, Asian and Australian radiation oncologists.
Results: Twenty-five OARs in the head and neck region were defined with a concise description of their
Keywords: main anatomic boundaries. The Supplemental material provides an atlas of the consensus guidelines,
Head and neck
projected on 1 mm axial slices. The atlas can also be obtained in DICOM-RT format on request.
Organs at risk
Interobserver variability
Conclusion: Consensus guidelines for head and neck OAR delineation were defined, aiming to decrease
Consensus delineation guidelines interobserver variability among clinicians and radiotherapy centers.
Ó 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. Radiotherapy and Oncology 117 (2015) 83–90 This
is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

In recent decades, the quality of radiotherapy imaging, planning important. However, delineation accuracy of targets and OARs is
and delivery has improved markedly. To fully utilize the benefits of limited by interobserver and trial protocol variability. By reducing
these new technologies in radiation oncology practice, consistent this variability, the generalizability and clinical utility of Tumor
delineation of targets and OARs has become increasingly Control Probability (TCP) and Normal Tissue Complication
Probability (NTCP) models in routine practice can be improved.
To reduce treatment variations among clinicians and radiotherapy
⇑ Corresponding author. departments in the delineation of target volumes, guidelines for
These authors contributed equally. the delineation of the neck node levels for head and neck tumors
Representing the Radiotherapy Oncology Group for Head and Neck (GORTEC). have been developed [1]. The interobserver variability in the delin-
Representing Danish Head and Neck Cancer Group (DAHANCA).
4 eation of head and neck OARs is similar to the variation in the
Representing the Head and Neck Cancer Group of the European Organisation for
Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC). delineation of target volumes [2].
Representing the Hong Kong Nasopharyngeal Cancer Study Group (HKNPCSG). OAR delineation guidelines vary widely between publications
Representing the Radiation Oncology Group of the European Organisation for and authors, resulting in inconsistent dose–volume reporting [3].
Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC). These inconsistencies hamper the comparison of dose–volume
Representing the National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI).
effect relationships as reported in studies using different delin-
Representing the National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group
(NCIC CTG). eation protocols [3]. We propose that both daily clinical practice
Representing the Trans Tasman Radiation Oncology Group (TROG). and future multi-institutional clinical trials will benefit from
Representing the NRG Oncology Group. improved consistency in delineation guidelines for OARs.
0167-8140/Ó 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
84 Consensus Delineation Guidelines for Head and Neck OARs / Radiotherapy and Oncology 117 (2015) 83–90

Therefore, the aim of this project was twofold: (1) to attain Parotid glands
international consensus on the definition and delineation of OARs
The parotid glands were delineated according to previously
for head and neck radiotherapy and (2) to present consensus
published guidelines [5]. In these guidelines the retromandibular
guidelines for CT-based delineation of a set of OARs in the head
vein is included in the parotid gland contour, since it is difficult
and neck region that are considered most relevant for radiotherapy
to discriminate it from the parotid gland tissue in non-contrast
enhanced CT images. Anatomic borders are listed in Table 1. The
use of a planning CT with intravenous contrast is however strongly
recommended to be able to distinguish the extension of the glands
To reach consensus on OAR guidelines, a panel of experts in the from its surroundings.
field of head and neck radiation oncology was established (WB, CG,
VG, AL, PM, CN, JB, SP, DIR, BOS, JAL). The panel consisted of repre- Submandibular glands
sentatives from Europe, North America, Australia/New Zealand and
The submandibular glands were delineated according to previ-
Asia and members of the cooperative groups DAHANCA, EORTC,
ous published guidelines [5]. Anatomic borders are listed in
Table 1.
For the purpose of this project, a number of group meetings were
held during international conferences.
First, the panel agreed on an OAR set considered relevant for the Extended oral cavity
most common acute and late side effects of head and neck radio- The delineation of the extended oral cavity was based partly on
therapy. We did not discuss dose–volume effects or side effects Hoebers et al. [6]. For the sake of simplicity and consistency, the
for the OAR set in this paper, but focussed on a concise description extended oral cavity structure was defined posterior to the internal
of consensus guidelines for delineation. arch of the mandible and maxilla. The mucosa anterior to the
Second, each member of the panel delineated the OARs in a CT mandible and maxilla is included in the contour of the lips, and
set from one patient without any predefined guidelines. The CT the mucosa lateral to the mandible and maxilla is included in the
images (2 mm slice thickness) were made with the patient in a buccal mucosa (see next items and Fig. 3). Anatomic boundaries
supine position on a multidetector-row spiral CT scanner of the extended oral cavity contour are listed in Table 1.
(Somatom Sensation Open, 24 slice configuration; Siemens For research purposes, the extended oral cavity can be subdi-
Medical Solutions, Erlangen, Germany). The delineation environ- vided into oral tongue and anterior oropharynx, by drawing a
ment used is dedicated to study interobserver variability [4]. vertical line from the posterior hard palate to the hyoid
Subsequently, the outcome of this procedure was presented to (circumvallate line).
and discussed with the experts in order to identify the most preva-
lent inconsistencies and to formulate consensus guidelines. Buccal mucosa
Finally, consensus delineations were depicted on axial CT slices The buccal mucosa is defined according to the borders listed in
of an atlas of head and neck anatomy with 1 mm slice thickness. Table 1.
The CT images were registered with T2-weighted MRI images of
the same anatomy for clarification. Since multimodal imaging is
not the general standard at present, the atlas description was based
on CT only. The lip contour extends from the inferior margin of the nose to
the superior edge of the mandibular body. The lip contour was
defined to include the lips as well as the inner surface of the lips
(for delineation details concerning inner surface of the lips refer
After the panel delineated the proposed OAR set (Fig. 1), vari- to Van de Water et al. [5]). Detailed anatomic boundaries of the
ability in delineation for each OAR was discussed. Subsequently, lip contour are listed in Table 1.
the panel agreed on consensus definitions for each OAR and formu-
lated the final consensus guidelines for the following 25 Mandible
head-and-neck OARs: The mandible was defined as the entire mandible bone, without
teeth. The use of CT bone view settings is recommended.
Anterior segment of the eyeball
The anterior segment of the eyeball consists of the structures Cochlea
ventral from the vitreous humor, including the cornea, iris, ciliary The cochlea is embedded in the temporal bone, located lateral
body, and lens. to the internal auditory meatus, which can best be recognized in
CT bone view settings (Fig. 2).
Posterior segment of the eyeball
The posterior segment of the eyeball is located posteriorly to the Pharyngeal constrictor muscles (PCM)
lens, and consists of the anterior hyaloid membrane and all of the For the delineation of the PCM, many delineation guidelines are
posterior optical structures including the vitreous humor, retina, available in the literature. These are particularly variable regarding
and choroid. The optic nerve is excluded from this contour. The the cranial and caudal demarcation [3,7]. For the sake of simplicity
entire retina is included in the posterior segment of the eyeball. and reproducibility, we defined the PCM as a single OAR. The cra-
nial border was defined as the caudal tip of pterygoid plates
Lacrimal gland (according to previous studies [7–12]), and the caudal border as
The lacrimal gland is located superolateral to the eye and lies the lower edge of the cricoid cartilage (similar to previous studies
within the preseptal space. [8–12]). For pragmatic reasons, a thickness of 3 mm was assumed
The gland is molded at its inferomedial aspect to the globe, giving (Fig. 3).
it a concave outline. The gland can be visualized on CT by its location For research purposes, the PCM may be further subdivided
partly encased in the bone and enveloped in low-density fat. [7,13].
Consensus Delineation Guidelines for Head and Neck OARs / Radiotherapy and Oncology 117 (2015) 83–90 85

Fig. 1. Delineation results of 7 members of the panel for the parotid glands, spinal cord, pharyngeal constrictor muscles and the oral cavity, projected on an axial CT slice.

Supraglottic larynx Thyroid gland

The supraglottic larynx is delineated according to Christianen The thyroid gland has two connected lobes and is located below
et al. [7]. Anatomic borders are listed in Table 1. An axial slice of the thyroid cartilage. It has considerable contrast compared to its
the supraglottic larynx is depicted in Fig. 4a. surrounding tissues.

Glottic area Brain

We decided to define the glottic area structure, including the The delineation of the brain includes brain vessels, and excludes
vocal cords and paraglottic fat. Air should be excluded from the the brainstem. CT bone settings are recommended. In the case of
contour. Cranial, caudal and posterior borders can be found in nasopharyngeal cancer, a subdivision of brain structures could be
Table 1. An axial slice of the glottic area is depicted in Fig. 4b. made, i.e. delineation of the hippocampus and temporal lobe with
the use of a brain atlas [15,16].
The arytenoids (or arytenoids cartilage) are defined as a sepa- Brainstem
rate structure. The base (caudal edge) of each arytenoid is broad The cranial border of the brainstem was defined as the bottom
for articulation with the cricoid cartilage. The apex (cranial edge) section of the lateral ventricles, the caudal border as the tip of the
is pointed. dens of C2 (cranial border of the spinal cord). MRI is recommended
for delineation of the brainstem. The bottom section of the lateral
Cricopharyngeal inlet ventricles is clearly visible on both CT and MRI.
The crico-pharyngeal inlet represents the transition from the For research purposes, the brainstem could be further subdi-
PCM to the cervical esophagus (Table 1). An axial slice of the vided, for example according to Kocak-Uzel et al. [17].
crico-pharyngeal inlet is depicted in Fig. 4c.
Pituitary gland
Cervical esophagus The pituitary gland is a very small OAR, which in general cannot
The cervical esophagus starts 1 cm caudal to the lower edge of be identified easily on CT. Alternatively, however, the inner part of
the cricoid cartilage, and ends at the caudal edge of C7 (Table 1). An the sella turcica can be used as surrogate anatomical bony struc-
axial slice of the cervical esophagus is depicted in Fig. 4d. ture. The borders of the pituitary gland can be defined best in
the sagittal view.
Brachial plexus
Optic chiasm
It is difficult to localize the brachial plexus on CT. Anatomical
borders are listed in Table 1, and a step-by-step technique, based The optic chiasm is located in the subarachnoid space of the
on the guideline of Hall et al. [14], can be found in Supplemental suprasellar cistern. Typically, it is located 1 cm superior to the pitu-
material II. itary gland, located in the sella turcica. MRI is recommended for
Table 1

Organs at risk with specification of anatomic boundaries. Ant. = anterior, post. = posterior, lat. = lateral, med. = medial, m. = muscle.

Organ at risk Remarks Anatomic boundaries

Cranial Caudal Anterior Posterior Lateral Medial
Parotid gland Include carotid artery, External Post. part submandibular Masseter m., post. border mandibular Ant. belly Subcutaneous fat, Post. belly of the digastric
retromandibular vein and auditory space bone, med. and lat. pterygoid m. sternocleidomastoid platysma m., styloid process,
extracranial facial nerve. canal, m., lat. side post. parapharyngeal space
mastoid belly of the digastric
process m. (posterior-
Submandibular Med. Fatty tissue Lat. Surface mylohyoid m., hyoglossus Parapharyngeal Med. surface med. Lat. surface mylohyoid m.,

Consensus Delineation Guidelines for Head and Neck OARs / Radiotherapy and Oncology 117 (2015) 83–90
gland pterygoid m., m. space, pterygoid m., med. hyoglossus m., superior and
mylohyoid m. sternocleidomastoid surface mandibular bone, middle pharyngeal
m. platysma constrictor m., anterior
belly of the digastric m.
Extended oral Posterior to mandible and Hard palate The base of tongue Inner surface of the mandible and Post. borders of soft Inner surface of the
cavity maxilla, no inner surface of the mucosa and mucosa and hyoid maxilla palate, uvula, and mandible and maxilla
lips mucosal posteriorly and the more inferiorly the
reflections mylohyoid m. and ant. base of tongue
near the belly of the digastric m.
maxilla anteriorly
Lips Hard palate Lower edge teeth sockets, Outer surface of the skin Mandibular body, Depressor anguli oris m.,
(lateral), cranial edge mandibular teeth, tongue, air (if buccinator m., levator
anterior nasal body present) anguli oris m./risorius m.
spine (at the Buccinator
Buccal mucosa Bottom of Upper edge teeth sockets Lips, teeth Med. pterygoid m. Buccal fat Outer surface of the
maxillary mandible and maxilla, oral
sinus cavity/base of tongue/soft
Pharyngeal Thickness 3 mm Caudal tips of Caudal edge of arytenoid Superior: hamulus of pterygoid plate; Prevertebral muscle Superior: medial
constrictor pterygoid cartilages mandibula; base of tongue; pterygoid muscle. Middle:
muscle plates pharyngeal lumen. Middle: base of greater horn of hyoid
tongue; hyoid. Inferior: soft tissue of bone. Inferior: superior
supraglottic/glottic larynx horn of thyroid cartilage
Supraglottic Tip of Cranial edge of arytenoid Hyoid bone, pre-epiglottic space, Inferior PCM, Thyroid cartilage Pharyngeal lumen (lumen
larynx epiglottis cartilages thyroid cartilage pharyngeal lumen excluded)
Glottic area Cranial edge Caudal edge of ant. part of Cricoid, anterior
of arytenoid thyroid cartilage border arytenoids
Crico- Caudal edge 1 cm caudal to the lower Tracheal lumen Vertebral body
pharyngeal of arytenoid edge of the cricoid
inlet cartilages cartilage
Cervical 1 cm caudal Caudal edge of C7
esophagus to the lower
edge of the
Brachial plexus If the brachial plexus is Cranial Cranial border of T3, Post. border of: anterior scalene m., Ant. border of: Lat. border of: ant. and Inter vertebral foramen
wrapped around the vascular border of C5, vertebral body subclavian artery, axillary vein middle scalene m., middle scalene m., (bony vertebral body),
bundle on the most inferior vertebral seratus anterior m., pectoralis major, teres lat. border of 1st rib
slices, the vascular structure is body subscapularis m. major
included in the contour
Consensus Delineation Guidelines for Head and Neck OARs / Radiotherapy and Oncology 117 (2015) 83–90 87

Fig. 2. Delineation of the cochlea in CT bone settings (left), matched to MRI-T2 (right).

Fig. 3. Axial (left) and sagittal (right) view of the consensus delineations of the parotid glands (1), pharyngeal constrictor muscles (2), carotid arteries (3), spinal cord (4),
mandible (5), extended oral cavity (6), buccal mucosa (7), lips (8), brain (9), chiasm (10), pituitary gland (11), brainstem (12), supraglottic larynx (13), glottic area (14), crico-
pharyngeal inlet (15), cervical esophagus (16) and thyroid (17). (For the full atlas, the reader is referred to the Supplemental material.)

delineation of the optic chiasm. It is demarcated laterally by the node areas, we advise extending the spinal cord contours by at
internal carotid arteries and inferiorly to the third ventricle least 5 cm caudal to the PTV.
(Fig. 5) [19,20].
Carotid arteries
Optic nerve The carotid arteries include the common and internal carotid
artery (external carotid artery was omitted). The left and right
The optic nerve is usually 2–5 mm thick and in general is clearly common carotid arteries follow the same course with the excep-
identifiable on CT [20]. It has to be contoured all the way from the tion of their origin. The right common carotid originates in the
posterior edge of the eyeball, through the bony optic canal to the neck from the brachiocephalic trunk. The left arises from the aortic
optic chiasm. MRI is recommended for a better delineation of the arch in the thoracic region. The bifurcation into the external and
optic nerve, at least close to the optic chiasm. internal carotid arteries occurs around the level of C4. The upper
border of the internal carotid artery is the cranial part of the optic
Spinal cord
The resulting consensus delineation guidelines were depicted
The spinal cord is delineated as the true spinal cord, not the on 1 mm axial CT slices from an anatomy atlas in Mirada RTx
spinal canal. The cranial border was defined at the tip of the dens (Mirada Medical Ltd., UK) (Supplemental material). The atlas in
of C2 (the lower border of the brainstem), and the caudal border at DICOM-RT format can be retrieved via the different co-operative
the upper edge of T3. With caudally located tumours or lymph groups.
88 Consensus Delineation Guidelines for Head and Neck OARs / Radiotherapy and Oncology 117 (2015) 83–90

Fig. 4. Axial CT slices showing the delineation of the supraglottic larynx (A) (a), glottic area (B) (b), crico-pharyngeal inlet muscle (C) (c), and cervical esophagus (D) (d). Other
organs at risks visible are the submandibular glands (1), pharyngeal constrictor muscles (2), carotid arteries (3), brachial plexus (4), spinal cord (5), arytenoids (6) and thyroid
(7). (For the full atlas, the reader is referred to the Supplemental material.)

Fig. 5. Delineation of the optic nerves (blue and purple), optic chiasm (green) and carotid arteries (yellow and brown) on CT (left) and MRI-T2 (right).
Consensus Delineation Guidelines for Head and Neck OARs / Radiotherapy and Oncology 117 (2015) 83–90 89

Discussion prescriptions. Considering the increasing use and availability of

MRI as well as the increasing knowledge and understanding about
With the introduction of these consensus guidelines for delin- the OARs that are most relevant for side effects in radiotherapy, we
eation of OARs, we aim to decrease interobserver variability among anticipate updating these recommendations in the near future to a
clinicians and radiotherapy centers. These guidelines complement full MRI-based delineation guideline, incorporating as much
the previously published guidelines for neck node levels for head anatomical and functional information as possible.
and neck tumors [1]. These two guidelines combined should con-
tribute to reduce treatment variability and should also aid the
design and implementation of multi-institutional clinical trials.
The OAR guidelines are particularly useful when radiation-induced
side effects are considered relevant endpoints. Moreover, the current
consensus guidelines could facilitate the generalizability and clinical
utility of Normal Tissue Complication Probability (NTCP) models.
We decided not to describe all possible OARs in great detail.
Consequently, for some OARs we did not use single anatomic struc-
tures, but amalgamated surrogate structures involved in combined
functions (e.g. the extended oral cavity). Nevertheless, the current
guideline contains a comprehensive list of OARs. At the individual
patient/center level one should decide which OAR to include, a
decision that may depend on the tumor location, for example. In
general, it is helpful to always include the delineation of the paro-
tid and submandibular glands, spinal cord and PCM. For research
purposes, OARs could be further subdivided (e.g. as described in
case of the extended oral cavity, PCM, brainstem and brain).
There are natural variations for some OARs, such as the location
of the bifurcation of the common carotid artery [21], which is used
for contouring the brachial plexus. In addition, anatomic changes
in OARs may occur due to tumor extension, or an OAR may be infil-
trated by tumor. Therefore, a basic understanding of the normal
anatomy remains essential.
For primary tumors of the nasopharynx, oral cavity and
oropharynx, we strongly recommend the use of MRI in addition
to CT. This will facilitate the delineation of OARs in this area, which
includes the brainstem, spinal cord, pituitary gland, lacrimal
glands, optic chiasm and optic nerves. MRI is ordinarily also bene-
ficial for delineation of the parotid glands and PCM.
For primary tumors in close vicinity of the brain, we also recom-
mend defining the temporal lobe and hippocampus (but delin-
eation guidelines for these OARs are beyond the scope of these
current guidelines) [15,16].
Some of the atlas structures are very small, such as the cochlea,
pituitary gland, lacrimal glands and chiasm, with volumes
<0.5 cm3. Volume and dose–volume histogram (DVH) data calcu-
lated over such small volumes is susceptible to differences in the
calculation algorithm (i.e. sampling and interpolation strategy),
and also depend on CT slice thickness, pixel width, dose grid voxel
width and DVH dose resolution, and may differ widely between the
various methods [22]. Consequently we recommend expanding
small structures such as the cochlea, pituitary gland, chiasm and
arytenoids by 5 mm to calculate reliable and more consistent
DVH data (but avoid overlap with the PTV). Additionally, we rec-
ommend acquiring constrast-enhanced CT scans with 62 mm slice
thickness to improve delineations of such very small structures.
For some, serial OARs, ICRU recommends the addition of a PRV
margin, which depends on planning technique and patient popula-
tion [23]. For the spinal cord for example, it is common practice to
add a 5 mm PRV margin [24]. In the case of OARs in close proximity
to, or overlapping with the PTV, derived OAR structures can help to
guide the planning process (i.e. OAR with subtraction of the PTV).
For dose evaluation, however, the original OAR contour should be
used. We advise to adhere to the standardized OAR naming con-
ventions as proposed by Santanam et al. [25].
We recommend incorporating the current guidelines on a large
scale to support consistent reporting of dose–volume data in addi-
tion to encouraging consistent radiotherapy practice for treatment

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