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The Effects of Failure Types On Cold Forging Dies

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J Adv Manuf Eng, Vol. 2, Issue. 2, pp.

53–60, December, 2021

Journal of Advances in Manufacturing Engineering

Web page info:
DOI: 10.14744/ytu.jame.2021.00009

Original Article

The effects of failure types on cold forging dies

Department of Research and Development; Çetin Cıvata San. ve Tic. A.Ş., İstanbul, Turkey


Article history
Received: 08 November 2021 Fastener preferences are also changing in parallel with the development of the automotive in-
Accepted: 22 December 2021 dustry. During these periods, when light-weightings and carbon emissions have great impor-
tance; each part used is forced to be lighter, carbon footprints are calculated and more strength
Key words: parts are designed. Therefore, the designs of manufacturing, sizes, and even raw materials of
Bolt manufacturing, closed cold the fasteners used in the connections of the parts must be re-examined. This re-examination
forging die, cold forging, along with the manufacturers of fasteners supports scientific knowledge using advanced tech-
die manufacturing, shrink fit. nologies, unique products, on behalf of the design of the production steps and the tool dies is of
great importance. According to the complex geometry and strength quality of the bolt, product
design and accordingly die designs are carried out. Due to its advantages in the manufacture of
fasteners, the preferred method is cold forging. The production and design of cold forging die
play an active role in terms of quality and production performance, as they directly affect the
final product. Many factors affect the service life of molds in the manufacture of fasteners. In
this article, the types of failures of cold forming molds, such as production stages, material se-
lection, installation, relationship with the enterprise, are examined. The reasons for the failure
of molds and manufacturing steps that are often encountered in production have been studied.
In order to avoid these defects, recommendations have been made for re-mold designs.

Cite this article as: Çakmak T, Adaçağlar ŞA. The effects of failure types on cold forging dies.
J Adv Manuf Eng 2021;2(2)53–60.

INTRODUCTION forging performs below the re-crystallization temperatures

and above the room temperature region [4]. Cold forging
The application of fasteners in various industries is be- improves the strength of the metal by hardening it at room
coming an important factor due to weight reduction and temperature. Also, fasteners could be produced by machin-
carbon emissions especially in automotive [1, 2]. There- ing, which is performed at room temperatures [5, 6]. More-
fore, the manufacturing of fasteners should examine to find over, studies are being carried out for efficiency with metal
solutions to these problems. Fasteners are produced in four layer printers in the production of fasteners.
processes, which are hot forging, cold forging, warm forg- The manufacturing of bolts by cold forging does not
ing, and machining [2–5]. Hot forging is generally carried need any external temperature. Due to the production
out for steel by forging in the austenite region for products rate, which is high in fasteners manufacturing by cold
with high diameters and high volume changes [1–3]. Warm forging, is generally preferred [9]. The manufacturing of

*Corresponding author.
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Published by Yıldız Technical University Press, İstanbul, Turkey

Copyright 2021, Yıldız Technical University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
54 J Adv Manuf Eng, Vol. 2, Issue. 2, pp. 53–60, December, 2021

Figure 1. Illustrated (a) multi-stage cold forging bolt forming machine, (b) flat thread rolling, (c) illustration of cold
forging operation within moving and fixed dies and (d) with flat thread rolling operation.

fasteners by cold forging starts by supplying the raw ma- The designs of the fasteners used are being developed
terial rod or coil wire. First of all, surface cleaning and taking into account the development of important sectors
phosphate coating are applied to purify the wire surface such as automotive, aircraft, and white goods and the ef-
oxidation, flaws and to reduce the surface roughness and fects of the carbon footprint on the world. Depending on
friction coefficient by creating a lubricating medium be- this evolution, the design of cold forging dies follows the
tween the dies [10–18]. The cold wire drawing process is same path. Manufacturing steps start with product designs,
applied to the supplied raw material. The drawn wires, which are made within the framework of the formability of
the surface of which is cleaned, work on cold forging ma- the raw material, the raw material-tool relationship, the ge-
chines. As a thread process, suitable thread forms are giv- ometry of the product, manufacturability, and sustainabil-
en to the bolts by rolling movement between two thread- ity. Horizontal axis cold forging machines are used in bolt
ing dies without removing any chips by cold thread rolling manufacturing. Production speeds reach levels that can
methods shown in Figure 1. The threading process can be produce 320 pieces per minute. The final product geometry
applied in three ways, namely rolling, forming, and ma- of the bolt can be reached by two to six stages, depending
chining. Thread rolling has advantages such as no scrap on the bolt design, machine capacity, and depending on raw
forming, fast production, and high strength by generating material deformation capability. The production steps of
tension in the material flow lines compared to the other the bolt, which is used as an automotive special product, are
methods. Therefore, the thread rolling method is gener- shown in Figure 2. Cold forging machines have two groups:
ally used in bolt production. The cold thread rolling pro- movable dies and fixed dies. Movable die parts apply pres-
cess can be done in 3 different methods: flat, cylindrical, sure on the horizontal axis towards fixed dies. The fixed die
and planetary thread rolling, (also new methods are still traps the raw material part in it and takes the shape of the
investigated [19, 20]). After the cold forging processes, die and the geometry of the head in the designed step. The
the desired strength quality is achieved by heat treatment performance and duration of usage of the die used to have a
process. To increase corrosion resistance, electro galva- very important place in terms of economy. Making suitable
nization, hot dipped galvanization, acidic, alkali, Zn-Ni, die design for each new product and operating the machine
Zn-Al, Cu, Zinc Lamellar, etc. coatings are applied to the in the right conditions is very large expertise and an area
final products [15, 16]. Finally, the packing and shipping that is open to development. There are quite a lot of studies
fasteners set out to successfully fulfill their task of keeping in the literature on behalf of a cold forging die designs and
the parts together. lifetime increase studies [7, 8, 21–30].
J Adv Manuf Eng, Vol. 2, Issue. 2, pp. 53–60, December, 2021 55

Figure 2. The manufacturing steps of the bolt cold forging

operation steps.

Manufacturing Steps of Cold Forging Dies Using Figure 3. Cold forming types, (a) extrusion, (b) backward
Different Methods extrusion and (c) heading [31, 32].
The machining of the dies for the manufacture of cold-
each other. So that, resist the flexing of the hard insert,
forged bolts usually follows these paths; die designs, supply
which is the die with which the raw material comes into
of die tool materials, and trimming dies in suitable geo-
direct contact, during operation, the outer shell should
metric dimensions. Rough machining with lathe or EDM,
create a cushioning effect, reducing the stresses and loads
bringing the inner and outer diameters to the desired geom-
on it, and provide mobility [31, 36, 39]. At the same time,
etries with the surface, hole, and cylindrical grinding and
it is extremely important for the geometry of the prod-
polishing as a final process. After calculating and adjusting
uct that the insert materials cannot be deformed during
the shrink fit tolerances of the shell and insert materials,
the operation [7, 29, 37–39]. Mostly, Tungsten Carbide
die parts are obtained by applying shrink fit. The process is
- Cobalt (WC-Co) materials are used as the insert to re-
completed with final machining and surface polishing.
sist the high pressures and stresses of the raw material
The dies are mounted on the machine and the design
in the dies. While WC-Co material has high compressive
axis is prepared by the operator. The working principle of
strength and wear resistance, it is not resistant to tensile
the closed die method on the machines is that the movable
and shear loads.correct installation ratios should be de-
die and the fixed die that press on the same horizontal axis
termined, and processing and heat treatment should be
are shaped inside by obtaining narrow geometric tolerance.
applied accordingly. To be able to calculate or determine
After the forming process is finished, it is transferred to the
these values, finite elements analysis programs and ma-
next station with the transfer holders (Fig. 1a, c). For each
terial thermal properties can useful [42–44]. In this di-
station, the formability of the workpiece and the exposed
rection, geometric tolerances should be well defined. If
loads of the station are calculated and designed. The slight-
correct and appropriate shrink fit, values are not given
est crack/deformation that may occur on the dies directly and machining operations are not carried out according
reflects the product. This causes a decrease in the quality of to these tolerances, the life, and performance of the dies
the product and directly affects the performance of the dies, decrease. This is due to the extremely high stresses on the
increasing tool scraps [31, 32]. shell and the insert without tight fit [40]. If these stresses
The shrink fit method is used in cold forging molds do not match the appropriate mechanical properties, they
for the production of fasteners [22]. The shrink-fit rates cause deformation and fractures [21, 45].
are directly related to the life of the dies. [33, 34]. The
shrink fitting technique is the assembly of two or more Shrink Fitting Process of Insert and Stress Rings
two materials together with a shrink fit. There are three Factors such as the roughness of the contact surfaces of
types of shrink-fit processes which are sub-zero, hot, and the materials and the fracture toughness before the shrink
cold. The main purpose here is to increase the perfor- fit, affect the homogeneous compression values. Cleaning of
mance of the die by reducing the effect on the material by these surfaces should be done very carefully and accurately.
dividing the radial and axial loads and stresses that affect At the same time, machining steps should take into account
the die during the operation. Material selection has a very as they have a great impact on these tight fit values [45]. The
important place in the shrink fit method [21, 35]. The shrink fitting values suitable for the designed diameters are
proper insert and shell shrink fitting ratio and material processed according to the mechanical properties of the se-
should select by computing parameters such as geometric lected materials and the critical stress values to be released
tolerances, microstructural, mechanical properties, and from the operations, and the shrink fit tolerances are deter-
surface roughness of the materials that will shrink fit to mined and processed (Fig. 4a–c) [21, 46].
56 J Adv Manuf Eng, Vol. 2, Issue. 2, pp. 53–60, December, 2021

Figure 4. Shrink fittings (a) tight passage of the Shell and insert [35], (b) the relationship between the surfaces of materi-
als that will assembly together, and (c) the average values of surface roughness of Ra left by manufacturing processes on

Relationship and Assembly of Dies between Cases ing mechanics of molds and design-related improvements.
Closed cylinder dies can consist of one or more parts The reasons for this failure of the cold forging tools studied
[45]. cold forging dies are installed on machines. Cold forg- in this study are consistent with the relevant studies and are
ing dies are assembled on machines. Dies are designed ac- shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7.
cording to the capacity and dimensions of the cold forging
machines. Cold forging die parts are composed of many Axial Cracks
metal forming operations (Figure 3), such as reduction, ex- It would form starting from the inner surface or the
trusion, heading, marking, trimming, and segment. These shrink fit surface shown in Figure 6a and Figure 7b. Frac-
parts must be installed inside the case coaxial with the hole tures originating from the shrink fit surface may be due to
diameters and parallel to the die surfaces (Figure 5). inhomogeneity of the shrink fit ratios or not being fitted
There are many reasons for die failures in the bolt man- correctly. The surface tensions that may be encountered in
ufacturing processes. The most important ones are operator the manufacturing steps lead to these failures. Axial frac-
errors, material selection, lubrication, design, and incorrect tures starting from the inner surface, on the other hand,
die manufacturing steps or choices. In this study process of may occur because the material used as the insert cannot
the effects of the manufacturing steps of cold forging dies, withstand shear or tensile stresses that may occur.
which is the main subject of this study, on the dies, a review
was made by supporting the failure analyzes encountered in Radial Cracks
the manufacturing with the literature. It happens because the insert is subjected to continuous
If the shrink fitting value is incorrect, failure types can cycle loads and stresses shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7a and
occur. The main failure types of these breaks are based on, 7c. These fractures could be classified as fatigue fractures.
plastic deformation, wear, and fatigue failures mechanisms To prevent fatigue fractures, the inhomogeneity in the pre-
[45] Aygen, has done a wide range of studies on the break- load forces on the die should reduce to the minimum. This
J Adv Manuf Eng, Vol. 2, Issue. 2, pp. 53–60, December, 2021 57

Figure 7. Failures in dies (a) radial crack of insert, (b) axial

Figure 5. Parts of cold forging dies, (a) assembly drawing crack of insert, (c) outer radial crack of insert and (d) axial
of moving and fixed dies, (b) reduction and (c) heading die. crack of both stress-ring and insert.

Figure 6. (a) die failures in cold forging and (b) insert sliding simulating with Simufact (NETFORM).

definition of inhomogeneity can also be processed as the during the operation, these loads can cause stresses above
relationship between surface roughness and tool material, the yield limit of the stress-ring material, so that the die
starting from the tool quality, microstructure effects of the can’t show the shrink fit values by deforming. Formation
tool it contains. These inhomogeneities are among the fac- of the insert displacement failure type can be realized
tors affecting fatigue life and crack initiation. The surface by giving excessively high or low shrink fit rates. Giv-
roughness along the area where the insert and stress-ring en the high shrink fit ratio, high tensile amounts can be
contact, is one of the main factors affecting the fatigue life achieved from the contact surface of the materials. When
and fatigue fractures. radial and tension stresses are added during loading, the
Insert Movement Defects stressing plastic can be deformed and slide through the
It is due to the inability to provide the appropri- insert. An analysis of this situation is made in Figure 6b.
ate shrink-fit according to the forcing conditions. If the To find the required shrink-fit values, we need to calcu-
shrink fit ratios are higher than the optimum values, the late or simulate the conditions. There are many studies
surface tensions that affect the shrink fit surfaces can be on this subject in the literature. These studies are mostly
quite high. Therefore, with the external stresses released design-based FE simulation studies [21, 37].
58 J Adv Manuf Eng, Vol. 2, Issue. 2, pp. 53–60, December, 2021

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