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The Peer Influence among the Grade 11 Stem Students at Managok National

High School

Elbien A. Avancena
Abigail Dawn Bocado
Chizka Claire J. Daga-ang
Angela Nicole D. Macaslang
Harold Marcellana
Princess Loraine Q. Tapulgo
John Rico S. Tupas

Division of Malaybalay
Managok National High School
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Malaybalay City
Managok, Malaybalay City

INSIDE THE SCHOOL” was prepared and submitted by,
___________________________________ in requirements for the subject practical
research one is hereby recommended for approval and acceptance.
Research Teacher
This is to certify that this research is approved by the school Research Panelist hence
we affix our signature.

_______________________ _______________________ ___________________

Panelist Panelist Panelist


Principal II

The researchers wholeheartedly express sincere gratitude to the ever-loving

and all-wise Almighty God for his grace of wisdom, strength, patience, and good
health despite all the challenges they encountered while carrying out this study. To the
people who provided unwavering encouragement, motivation, time, knowledge,
money, and other forms of priceless support. This paper will not be completed without
their support, assistance and presence. Appreciation is given to the following
significant people:

To the researchers’ devoted parents, siblings, and friends for their constant
encouragement as they work to finish this study.

To the Practical Research Teacher, _________________________ and to the

Managok National High School validator teachers,
_____________________________________ for the effective remarks, pertinent
advice, and well-informed suggestions and comments for this study.
To the researchers' friends and classmates for being so generous as
they provide some materials as well as for their encouragement and support.
The researchers will always be grateful to the institution, Managok National
High School, for helping them overcome the difficulties associated with conducting
their initial research. Through the processes they implemented, the faculty and staff
made sure that the researchers had the necessary knowledge to face the future
fearlessly. Specially, to the ever-supportive school Principal Mr. Pastor P. Abejuela III
for the approval in conducting the study.
The researchers want to express their gratitude to everyone who contributed to
this research paper. The researchers have been able to endure the pressure and
worries thanks to their leadership, prayers, and support. One hundred times more
power and gratitude to the foundations of our strength.

Title Page i

Approval Sheet ii

Acknowledgement iii

Abstract iv

Table of Contents vi


1 The Problem 1

Introduction 1

Conceptual framework 4

Statement of the Problem 5

Significance of the Study 5

Scope and Delimitation of the Study 6

Definition of Terms 6

2 Review of Related Literature 8

Bisexuality 8


Minority Stress 14

Summary 18

The Problem

Background of the Study

The study aims to investigate the peer influence among Grade 11
stem students at Managok National High School. Peer influence refers to the impact
that peers have on an individual’s attitudes, behaviors and decision-making processes.
In the context of this study, it specifically focuses on how peers within the STEM
program influence each other in terms of academic performance, career aspirations,
and overall motivation towards science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
This influence can be both positive and negative, shaping how individuals think and
act in various situations. Understanding peer influence is crucial in studying social
dynamics, particularly in adolescences, where peers often play a significant role in
shaping behavior and identity. By understanding the level of peer influence the study
aims to uncover valuable insights that can be used to enhance the learning
environment and support the educational goals of the STEM students.
Ms. Umashankari, (2020). In the present study the researchers have attempted
to assess the levels of peer pressure among adolescents based on factors such as age
group, birth order, stream of education, family income group, and mother's
occupation. The researchers aimed to understand how these factors influence peer
pressure among adolescents. The study involved 123 students (67 boys and 56 girls)
aged 16 to 21 years residing in an urban population. The researchers used a 'Peer
Pressure Scale' questionnaire designed by Sandeep Singh & Sunil Saini (2010) to
collect data. The study on levels of peer pressure among adolescents seems to be
effective in identifying several important factors related to peer influence. The
researchers used a well-established questionnaire to collect data and analyzed it using
appropriate statistical methods. The study found significant associations between
various factors such as age, birth order, and gender, and levels of peer pressure,
providing valuable insights into how these factors influence adolescent behavior.
Despite some weaknesses, such as the sample size and the focus on urban
populations, the study's findings can still be considered valuable for understanding
and addressing peer pressure among adolescents. It suggests that adolescents can

benefit from education on the pros and cons of peer pressure and coping skills to
navigate peer influence effectively.
Limpot (2023), To determine the mediating effect of cooperative
learning on the relationship between peer pressure and learning motivation in Filipino
among students. Quantitative non-experimental design. The study was conducted
through online survey in a public school of Division of Davao del Sur during the
school year 2021-2022. The respondents were 290 junior high school students from a
public school in Division of Davao del Sur, Region XI, Southern Mindanao,
Philippines. The selection of respondents was carried out through a stratified sampling
technique. The data were collected educing google forms. It was discovered that the
independent variable peer pressure obtained a high level, as well as the independent
variable student motivation in learning Filipino, and the mediating variable
cooperative learning. It was also found that peer pressure and students' motivation in
learning Filipino have a significant relationship, as well as peer pressure and
cooperative learning and students' motivation in learning Filipino. Therefore, it
appears that there is partial mediation occurring in this study. It can be concluded that
peer pressure had a significant effect on the decrease of students' motivation in the
class, but with the help of cooperative learning, the significant relationship between
the two aforementioned variables was reduced. In short, cooperative learning helps to
reduce the negative effect of peer pressure on students' motivation to learn Filipino.
The high level of cooperative learning in the relationship of peer pressure and student
motivation in Filipino is a good indication that this is necessary to take place within
the class such as group activities in which students have of exchanging ideas and
working together to solve an academic problem.
Peer pressure is becoming a bigger issue for teenagers and students of
all ages. In elementary or high school, many teenagers experience peer pressure that
forces them to make decisions they may not have made otherwise. People tend to be
influenced by the habits of those in their peer group, especially teens. People have a
propensity to follow the herd. Few people have the guts to stand up to peer pressure
and be themselves instead of just one member of the group. Teenagers like to follow
the herd, so if drinking or smoking is associated with being "cool" or "fun," they will
do it. Many people's lives are altered by peer pressure, which can cause issues as they
get older and observe their peers as exemplary peers. The peer group permeates the
adolescent's life to a greater extent as he gets older and plays increasingly important
roles in teaching him the ways of behavior. However, it is not a formalized,
institutionalized agent of society; it lacks legal definitions and officially assigned
functions or duties (Yeh, 2006). As previously mentioned, peer pressure is a normal
and everyday occurrence for people. observed in teenage years. Furthermore,
although the degree of peer group pressure typically varies with age and maturity,
peer pressure can have a beneficial or bad impact on teenagers' lives regardless of
their age or sex (Newman & Newman, 2007).
In the local studies, the researcher stated that the Peer pressure/ influence is a
bigger issue among the teenagers and the students. It can be influenced by the
behavior of their peers to force them to make decisions they may not have made.
Young adults begin to ask questions such as, “Is school important to me?” and “How
do I want to spend my time?” The choices that adolescents make regarding their
motivation, engagement, and achievement in school (and in life) and the satisfaction
they obtain from their choices depend, in part, on the context in which they make such
choices (Ryan, 2000).Increases in risk-taking and sensation-seeking behavior,
however, also occur during adolescence, with the ability to self-regulate (in terms of
being able to plan decisions and actions) only gradually improving over the course of
adolescence (Steinberg et al, 2017). Thus, individuals are prone temptations in the
social contextualization concepts, for example, socializing with others tend to do
some activities such as napping and drinking during classes or work day (Bonein &
Denont- Boemont, 2013). Therefore, the researcher aims to understand the level of
peer influence among the students.

Statement of the Problem

This study will aim to determine whether peer influence has a positive or
negative effect specifically to the Grade 11 Stem students of Managok National High
School in S.Y. 2023-2024. This study will aim to answer the following questions:
1. How do you perceive the influence of your peers on your beliefs and value?
2. How does peer influence contribute to the formation of your attitude and beliefs?
3. What do you think are the effects of peer influence on your overall social and
emotional well-being?

Scope & Delimitation

This study will focus on the peer influence on the students. The scope of
this study is limited only in determining the peer influence among the Grade 11 Stem
students. The study will examine both positive and negative aspects of peer pressure,
only the level of peer influence among the Grade 11 Stem students will be specifically
assessed, evaluated and highlighted in the research. The study will be conducted
among Grade 11 Stem students in Managok National High School. Specifically, it
included continuing students who are enrolled in the academic year 2023-2024.

Significance of the Study

This study will aim to provide accurate information about the peer
influence on the stem students and aim to benefit the following:

Students. This study can help benefit students by gaining insights into how peer
influence impacts their academic choices and behaviors, helping them make informed
Teachers. This study can help the teachers use the findings to develop strategies that
promote positive peer interactions and academic success.
Parents. This study can benefit parents by understanding the role of peer influence in
their child's education, allowing them to provide more targeted support.
Future researchers. This research is a way to help the future researcher build upon
this study to deepen the understanding of peer influence in educational settings,
contributing to the advancement of academic literature in this field.

Definition of Terms

Peer Influence. Peer influence is the effect that people in the same age
group or social circle have on one another's beliefs, actions, and methods of making
decisions. According to the paper "Turning Plastic Waste into Value: Maximizing
Plastic Recycling with Shredder-Based Solutions," peer pressure can take many
different forms. Peers, for instance, may have an impact on one another's views
toward recycling and environmental conservation, which could encourage
involvement in programs aimed at reducing the amount of plastic trash generated.
Peer networks can also act as forums for exchanging information, materials, and

assistance about recycling initiatives, encouraging a sense of community involvement
and cooperation.

Review of Related Literature

This chapter provides a comprehensive review of prior related

literature and studies that have been undertaken on the subject related to Peer
Influence. This part includes clarifications from each literature or study regarding
concepts, findings from previous research that currently make the body of knowledge,
and their relevance to this study.

This chapter focuses on the methods that the researchers will be
utilizing for the research for them to be able to gather the relevant and needed
information that will lead them to answer the stated specific research problems

Research Design

This study utilized a Phenomenology research design, a

phenomenological study describes the meaning for several individuals of their lived
experiences of a concept or a phenomenon.

According to Creswell (2007). This helped the researcher explain the

phenomenon of peer influence among grade 11 Stem students, it allowed the
researcher to examine how peer influence contributes to the formation of attitudes and
beliefs among Grade 11 students and also the effects of peer influence on the overall
social and emotional well-being of the students. Thus, the researchers used a
qualitative technique used in the data collection utilizing the structured interview as
the main instrument for gathering data.

Locale of the study

The study was conducted in Managok National High School situated in

Purok 3 Managok, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon which is an agricultural community
and is part of Basakan area. Managok National High School is one of the secondary
schools of the Department of Education – Division of Malaybalay City. Managok
National High School currently has (n) total population as of school year 2023 - 2024.

Image 1.1 Map of Managok National High School

Participants of the study

The participants of the study were the grade-11 Stem students of

Managok National High School, enrolled in the Academic Year 2023-2024. The
researcher utilized non-probability sampling, especially Purposive sampling method
in gathering data. With this, the study only revealed in the grade 11 Stem students, 10-
15 participants are needed in this study. The researcher selects the student’s
respondents through Purposive sampling method to select respondents that are most
likely to yield appropriate and useful information (Kelly, 2010: 317)

Data Collection Method

In qualitative research of the peer influence among the grade 11- STEM
students, researchers utilize semi-structured interviews with open-ended questions to
investigate how peer influence impact various aspect to the students. This interview
provide flexibility because researchers can delve deeper into specific themes based on
the participant responses.

Validation of Instrument

In gathering information concerning on the peer influence of the grade 11

stem students, the researchers in this study employed a semi-structured interview to
acquire data. This method allows for the collection of more data than self-completion
surveys and the use of more complex questionnaires. By performing this kind of in-
person interview and getting to know your responders better, you can discover more
about them. You might be able to answer any queries study participants may have
during this type of interview. Moreover, three Managok National High School
teachers validated the interview questionnaire to confirm its appropriateness and

The principal of the school gave the researchers permission to proceed

with recruiting participants for the semi-structured interviews. Before the interviews,
validation procedures were applied to the questionnaire. The study's participants were
guaranteed the preservation of their privacy and confidentiality. In order to protect

participant confidentiality, data gathered from questionnaires and interviews would be
securely managed and subsequently examined for additional study.

Research Ethics

Research ethics was ensured throughout the study. Whereas, in this

qualitative research phenomenological approach was used and only the grade-11 stem
students from Managok National High School that are chosen through the purposeful
sampling method that give their consent during the conduction of the semi-structured
interview study will be involved in the research.

An approval letter, signed by our Practical Research Teacher One, was

provided to parents, respondents, and especially the school principal before the
research commenced. Additionally, the interview questionnaire underwent validation
from three master teachers at Managok National High School to ensure the
appropriateness of the questions. Corrections were made repeatedly based on their
feedback and suggestions, leading to the inclusion of a final validated question. The
revised questionnaire was then given back to Practical Research Teacher One for
further corrections and content validity checks. For data collection, we employed a
thematic data analysis approach. Finally, to ensure the reliability and originality of the
overall research paper and its results, a plagiarism test was conducted.

Throughout the study, confidentiality and anonymity were strictly

maintained. The participants were assigned pseudonyms to protect their identities. No
personal details were disclosed beyond what was necessary for the study. Access to
the interview transcripts was limited to the researchers and the advisor. Participants
had the freedom to withdraw at any point during the study and could choose not to
answer any questions that made them uncomfortable. All data, methods, publication
statuses, and results were reported honestly, without any misrepresentation of

Data Gathering Procedure

This section of the paper covers in detail the processes utilized to

gather the required data from participants in order to perform the study. It also offers
particular information regarding these processes. The study focused on the chosen
students from Grade 11-STEM at Managok National High School utilizing purposive
sampling and collected data through semi-structured interviews. Using open-ended
questions, the researchers created their own interview methodology. Prior to
conducting the study on five chosen students for the academic year 2023–2024, the
researchers got permission from the Managok National High School principal. They
also asked the students for their approval to participate in the study.

Data Analysis/Treatment of Data

One of the simplest and most evaluable analysis methods utilized in this
study was thematic data analysis. It is a technique for describing data that also
incorporates interpretation in the process of choosing codes and creating common
themes from information obtained from interviews. It focuses on finding themes and
frequencies in words and subjects that come up frequently. By arranging the results,
you can become familiar with the information you collect. The researchers' common
themes were confirmed by the specialists who carried out the interpretative data

Chapter IV
Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data
In order to test the hypothesis and appropriately conclude this study, the data must be
analyzed. Data is interpreted descriptively, as was already mentioned in the chapter
that follows.

The data analysis and findings of this chapter are presented. in response to the
research objectives mentioned. From structured via survey questionnaire
accomplished by the stem senior High School of Managok National High School 5.4
2023-2024, this study aims to clarify the peer influence among students from
Managok National High School who shared their way of understanding and applying
experience to the school community.

It involved addressing the answers to the problem, the results based on the collected
of the data combined with discussion. The method through which the data was
analyzed is explained in the methodology chapter.


This chapter summarizes the information gathered through the set semi-structured
interview questions. To be specific, the researchers generate survey questions and
carefully collect and ask appropriate questions.

The following research questions guided the research study:

1. How do students describe the way in which their decisions and behaviors?

2. How does peer influence contribute to the formation of attitudes and beliefs among
Grade II students?

3. What are the effects of peer influence on the overall social and emotional well-
being of Grade II STEM students?

The selected participants were asked to provide their D responses to the following
validated interview questions:

1. How do you perceive the influence of your peers on your beliefs and value?

2. How does peer influence contribute to the formation of your attitude and beliefs?

3. What do you think are the effects of peer influence on your overall social and
emotional well-being?

Problem One: How do you perceive the influence of your peers on your
beliefs and value?

Participant One "Peer influence has a big impact on what we believe and
value. When we're around the people who have certain beliefs, we can adopt them
Participant Two "Peers can influence what we believe and value by
thoroughly analyzing once ideas."
Participant Three" Peer influence plays crucial role in my beliefs and value
through socializing I can perceive the influence of my peers."
Participant Four "Peer can have a significant impact on shaping beliefs and
values, as we often look to them. for validation and acceptance."
Participant Five “Peer Influence can have a great impact on my beliefs and
value, this impact can be felt through direct talks, shared experiences, social

Problem Two: How does peer influence contribute to the formation of your
attitude and beliefs?

Participant One "Peer play a crucial role in forming out attitudes and beliefs.
Through our interactions with them, were exposed to different ideas and perspective.
This exposure can challenge our existing beliefs and leads us to adopt new ones.”

Participant Two "Peers shape our attitudes and beliefs by sharing their ideas
with us."
Participant Three "Peer influence is very important to the formation of my
attitude and belief. By interacting to the peers, I can adopt their belief and attitude."
Participant Four: "Peer influence can shape attitudes and beliefs through
social learning. There is a saying that "Tell me your friends and I will tell you who
you are."
Participant Five “Peer influence has a significant impact on my attitude and
beliefs since I frequently seek advice and support from my friends and peers, that may
affect the things I consider and how I act.

Problem Three: What do you think are the effects of peer influence on your
overall social and emotional well-being?

Participant One "In my opinion, the effects of peer influence in my overall

social and emotional well-being is positive peer influence means having supportive
friends who make us feel good about ourselves and give us a sense of belonging.”
Participant Two "Peer influence can affect our social and emotional well-
being. Positive peers can make us feel good, while negative peers can make us feel
bad. Choose good friends for a happier life."
Participant Three "Peer influence has a beneficial effect in my overall social
and emotional well-being because it can improve my self-esteem and self-confidence.
Participant Four: "Peer influence can affect social and emotional well-being
positively by providing support, but it can also lead to pressure to fit in, which may
cause stress or conflict.
Participant Four "Peer influence can affect social and emotional well-being
positively by providing support, but it can also lead to pressure to fit in, which may
cause stress or conflict.
Participant Five “Peer influence can have a variety of consequences on overall
social and emotional well-being, including managing my decision, emotions and
behaviors, affecting my happiness and connections with others.


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