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ng mga Broadkaster ng Pilipinas would not recognize

any agency, which does not ultimately become a member

of the 4As-P and, therefore, cannot operate since it would
To create the environment where world class advertising not be entitled to the standard commission. Thus the
flourishes organization would cooperate with the 4As- P in all
AdBoard is the umbrella organization of the advertising matters that would benefit the entire advertising
industry, formerly called lippine Board of Advertising industry.
(PBA). It is composed of nine active member sociations, Philippine Association of National Advertisers
namely: The Association of Accredited Advertising (PANA)
Agencies- lippines (4AS-P); the Philippine Association of
PANA is a non-profit, non-stock organization banded
National Advertisers (PANA); vertising Suppliers
together to discuss the common problems and
Association of the Philippines (ASAP); United Print
shortcomings of local advertising practice and the need
Media oup (UPMG); Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster ng
for a body that would protect the interests of the national
Pilipinas (KBP); Cinema Advertising Association of the
advertisers. PANA is founded on four (4) basic principles:
Philippines (CAAP); Independent Blocktimers
Association of the Philippines (IBA); Outdoor Advertising •
Association of the Philippines (OAAP); and Marketing
The belief that the advertising is an essential factor in the
and Opinion Research Society of the Philippines MORES).
marketing of goods and services and, consequently, is an
Its Vision is stated as: We are the voice of the Philippine important factor in the economic life of the country;
advertising industry. The pivotal force of a dynamic,
The belief that the interests of consumers should be the
prosperous, and responsible industry. The Mission * It
primary concern of advertisers in cases of conflict, the
declares self regulation as the cornerstone of its
interest of the consumers should
existence. It vows to adhere to the highest standards of
fair play and professional ethics. It asserts harmony prevail;
among its members. It guarantees protection of • The belief that public confidence in advertising and
consumers through truthful and responsible advertising. advertised goods and services should be promoted and
It is a dynamic home where world-class advertising practiced, and therefore any practices that tend to
flourishes. undermine the confidence should be prevented or
The AdBoard is one of the right track with the current corrected;
implementation of the advocacy called "Paggalang sa The belief in the upliftment of the standards and
Mamimili." It started with a series of ads on print and practices of advertising. The combined PANA
broadcast, complemented by published informative membership of over 300 companies, spending the
articles about the nature of the campaign. equivalent of 85 percent of total national advertising
Association of Accredited Advertising expenditure gives the Association tremendous collective
Agencies-Philippines (4AS-P) strength, and thereby a strong vice, within and outside
the advertising industry. Such united strength can never
For many years, the advertising agency sector was
be matched by any amount of individual effort. It has
lacking in dynamist and was a vulnerable target of
always maintained that self-regulation is the best form of
criticism from advertisers and media. The unfortunate
regulation for the industry as opposed to government
condition has sustained an unwanted professional and
controls. The association has adopted the Code of Ethics,
business indifference that later posed a clear need for
Rules and Regulations for Advertising and Sales
reforms and discipline within the sector.
Promotions of the Advertising Board of the Philippines
The 15% commission an advertising agency gets can and made its strict adoption a condition of membership.
hardly support a full service agency with services from
account management, media buying, market research,
creative, production, art, radio, and TV, and collateral Formed by advertisers for advertisers, PANA is the only
services. A world expert, writing in Advertising Age, once organization in the country that unites the users of
said that if Advertising Agency nets one percent of its advertising. Its member companies comprise every
total annual billing, it would be lucky indeed. As a result, major industry in the country. It recognizes and fulfills its
a full- service advertising agency cannot realize a profit if role and leadership in the advertising industry as
it's advertising billing is less than a certain minimum self-regulating body committed to the promotion of
yearly amo nt. Usually, it must support its operations by Truth in Advertising. It i. committed to:
engaging in collateral services such as public relations • Protect consumers' interests through fair and honest
and merchandising. advertising; Truth in Advertising is the one voice PANA
The organization publicly announced that the Kapisanan speaks, collectively and. individually,prod
• Develop its members as responsible and standards of provincial personnel as well as the
market-sensitive practitioners through relevant launching of programs that were geared towards
educational programs and interaction; manpower development. It was also responsible for
negotiating with the government on reduced tariff duties
• Partner with other industry organizations in national
for equipment import.
building through responsible advertising and media
content. Cinema Advertising Association of the Philippines
dvertising Suppliers Association of the Philippines
(ASAP) In the total advertising media mix, cinema is regarded as
a supplementary medium. Its inherent characteristics of
In 1974, a group of phototypesetters and photoengravers
sight, sound, and motion presented on a wide screen to a
envisioned an mbrella organization of production
captive audience, make it a very powerful advertising
houses, firms and talents, providing expertise nd
craftsmanship for broadcast and print advertising as well
as product sales, romotions and merchandising. Today, the movie is still regarded as the cheapest form of
entertainment. It
The objectives, directed to promote the interest of the
advertising services yoduction suppliers, the welfare of is the number one leisure activity of 65% of the country's
the advertising industry as well as the general adult population. Majority of the movie houses are now
found in shopping malls in the cities and making it
ublic, are:
accessible to the average moviegoer. State-of-the-art
To professionalize and uplift the conduct of business and facilities from hi-tech projections and sophisticated
ethical standards of the advertising services, production sound systems to superior ventilation and physical
suppliers, firms and entities; accommodations are standard in today's movie houses.
• To promote the welfare of the association and its Under this favorable conditions, coupled with continuing
membership; fine-tuning efforts undertaken by the cinema- booking
sector to further improve the medium, Cinema
• To link with other service-oriented firms and
Advertising in the Philippines is assured of its rightful
production suppliers in the global community for
place in the advertising scene.
information, technology and craftsmanship updates, To
uphold the precept of the Advertising Board of the Independent Blocktimers Association of the
Philippines and tenets of industry self-regulation; Philippines (IBA)

• This alliance was formed to participate in the challenge

of the broadcast industry, the alliance which would bring
To foster social responsibility among members and the
about changes and improvements in the industry and
multi-sectoral advertising community for the welfare of
would carry a stronger voice to meet the increasing
practitioners, other AdBoard members and general
demands for improvement and development in the
dynamic world of broadcasting. Armed with. a strong
United Print Media Group (UPMG) sense of responsible and renewed spirits, in pursuit of a
Member publications and official representatives common problem in the industry, a group of blocktiming
include: ABS-CBN Publishing; Liwayway Publishing; practitioners composed of independent producers
Malaya; Manila Bulletin Publishing; Manila Times bonded together to form the nucleus of the Independent
Publishing; Philippine Daily Inquirer; Pilipino Star Blocktimers Association of the Philippines.
Ngayon; The Philippine Star; Women's Home IBA's thrust revolves around a three-point scheme:
Companion; Mr. and Mrs. Publishing; Business World.
To work for the professionalism of the blocktiming
Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster sa Pilipinas (KBP) industry and to participate and contribute in the
KBP as a trade organization was conceived to work for upliftment of program standards; To enhance and make
the solution of the problems besetting the industry. It more effective the working relationships between IBA
also proved that the people in the broadcast industry and the networks and to work in close consultation with
were compétent enough with less government advertisers and advertising agencies, as well as other
interference. Its essence was self-regulation. industry related organization, in all trade matters
affecting each other mutually;
It strictly enforced programming advertising practices.
Penalties for broadcast violations have been imposed to ⚫ To foster social responsibility among blocktiming
ensure the compliance of member stations. KBP has also practitioners and help protect the welfare of the general
set-up maximum commercial loads for both radio and viewing public.
television programs for Metro Manila and the provinces Outdoor Advertising Association of the Philippines
It has consciously worked for the upgrading of salary (OAAP)
With their sense of regulating the industry and organization that unites the different research agencies
protecting it, the OAAP members drew up its Code of toward common goals-the continued professionalization
Ethics. The Code standardizes the structures and of the industry, cooperation among research
operating practices of outdoor advertising displays. What organizations, the upholding of the highest standards of
is research and the business ethics.
stressed apparently is the urgent need to fall within More important, the Society has fostered close relations
governmental policies, objectives and code of ethical among rival agencies, among research suppliers and
conduct. The Code takes an eight-point framework: users, and among practitioners and academicians. The
organization has played a moderating influence on the
. Build structures only in areas where provincial or local
government regulations permit the building of such
structures; controversies that healed competition in the business
world. It has been working hard at standardizing
. Locate structures with discretion and good taste with
industry practices, policing its own ranks, serving as a
respect to frequency and concentration;
forum where grievances can be aired and resolved.
• Support zoning based on sound community planning;
MORES is justifiably proud of its subsidized seminars for
• Display only outdoor advertising which adheres to the teachers of research. The program aims to acquaint
Philippine Code of Advertising Standards; academicians with the realities of market research and
• Place displays only on properties owned or leased by the latest advances in the field, so that they can in turn
the outdoor plant operators; impart to their students a balanced mix of theory and
practice It hopes to continue this worthy project on
• Follow rigid standards of design, construction and
annual basis.
maintenance in the interest of safety and good viewing;
SENATE BILL NO. 1714: "An Act Regulating the
• Support actively and continually worthy public
Placement of Billboard Signs "28 Explanatory Note by
causes through the contribution of space; and
Miriam Defensor Santiago; Thirteen Congress of the
Fulfill obligation to advertisers and their agencies or Philippines, First Regular Session; 2006
their representatives both in the letter and in spirit of the
The Constitution, Article 2, Section 9, provides:
The State shall promote a just and dynamic social order
OAAP has no police power, but trade guidelines have
that will ensure the prosperity and independence of the
been established and outdoor operators follow strictly
nation and free the people from poverty through policies
these guidelines to ensure the observance of the
that provide an improved quality of life for all.
established ethical practices in the country. Some of the
guidelines include: Billboards and signs constitute a separate and distinct
use of the land upon which they are place and affect the
• Avoid installing billboards/advertisement of competing
use of adjacent streets, sidewalks and other public places
products or firms side by side or on the same line of
and adjacent private places open to the public. The
unregulated construction, placement and display of
•All outdoor signs must be properly identified;.. billboards constitute a public nuisance detrimental to the
Temporary structure erected on proposed locations to health, safety, convenience and welfare of the residents
identify the actual site of construction must be of the city.
respected; The proliferation in number, size and manner of outdoor
Avoid the installation of a board to cover another advertising unreasonably distracts operators of motor
board; vehicles and promotes confusion with regard to traffic
lights, signs, or signals or other interference with the
As to outdoor advertising copy, it shall not in any way
effectiveness of traffic regulations and is therefore
contain a statement
hazardous to highway users. The excessive and
or convey message or visual display that are: inadequately controlled proliferation of billboards visible
• Obscene or offensive to public decency; from highways endangers the uniqueness of our state
and our communities and our scenic beauty.
False, misleading or deceptive;
Tourism and trade from both resident and nonresident
Offensive to the moral standards of the community, and highways users in essential part of our economy.
• Violative of any national or local law. Tourist-oriented directional signs and logo signs offer
businesses cost-effective means of announcing their
Marketing and Opinion Research Society of the
presence to the highways users without harm to our
Philippines (MORES)
state's scenic beauty.
MORES is an independent marketing research
The erection and maintenance of new outdoor the safe movement thereof.
advertising signs, displays and devices in areas adjacent
2. Each billboard shall be set back at least twenty-five
to Interstate highways, and all state roads should be
(25) feet from any road or street right-of-way line,
prohibited in order to protect the public investment in
measured from the closest part of the billboard..
such highways, preserve the
3. No billboard shall be located within one thousand
scenic beauty and distinctiveness, and promote the
(1,000) feet of an interchange, within one thousand
general health and welfare motoring publi
(1,000) feet of any right-of-way of any underpass,
This Act seeks to regulate all billboards in order to: overpass, bridge or tunnel, or within one thousand
(1,000) feet of any street intersection.
1. reduce trafic hazards caused by such unregulated signs
which may distract and confuse, and impair the visibility 4. All billboards shall be erected in conformity with the
of, motorists and pedestrians; front, side and rear yard requirements of the district in
which they are located.
2. ensure the effectiveness of public traffic signs and
signals; 5. No billboard shall be erected within one thousand
(1,000) feet circumference of the nearest property line of
3. protect property values by ensuring the compatibility
the following:
of property with that surrounding it;
a. historic site
4. provide an attractive visual environment throughout
the country 5. protect the character and appearance of b. school
the various neighborhoods in the city; attract tourists to
c. church
the country; and/
d. hospital
6. protect the public investment in streets, highways,
and other public improvements; and protect and e. retirement or nursing home
improve the public health, safety, and general f. cemetery
g. governmental building
Section 1. Short Title. This Act shall be known as the
h. public park
"Anti-Billboard Blight Act."
i playground
Section 2. Declaration of Policy. It is declared policy of
the State to ensure an improved quality of life for all, j. recreation area
and to protect the scenery and environment. k.. convention center
Section 3. Definition of Terms. As used in this Act the L or any area in which billboards are prohibited.
terms: "Billboard" means an identification,
6. No billboard shall be permitted whenever property
description, illustration, or device, which is affixed to
zoned or residential would be between the sigh and
or represented directly or indirectly upon a building,
roadway toward which it is oriented.
structure, or land and which directs attention to a
product, place, activity, person, institution or 7. No part or foundation or support of any billboard shall
business. be placed on, in, or over any private property without the
written consent of the property.
"Off-Premise Billboard" means a business billboard
which directs the attention of the public to the business owner.
or activity conducted or product or service sold or 8. No part or foundation or support of any billboard be
offered at location not on the same premises where such placed on, in, or over any public property, including
business sign is located. public rights-of-way, or any utility or drainage easement,
"DPWH" means the Department of Public Works and or upon telephone or utility poles, or natural features
Highways. "MMDA" means the Metropolitan Manila such as trees and rocks.
Development Authority. "DOT" means the 9. No billboard shall be erected or maintained upon or
Department of Tourism. above the roof of any building structure.
Section 4. Regulation of Off-Site Signs and Billboards. Any 10. No billboard shall be constructed on a lot where it
off-premise sign erected after the effective date of this Act obscures or shades the windows or doorways of adjacent
shall comply with the following standards: buildings.
1. No billboard shall be located in a position that 11. No two billboards located upon, or oriented towards
obstructs or obscures the view of vehicular or pedestrian traffic traveling upon, the same side of a public street or
traffic in such a manner as to endanger road with four (4) or more lanes shall be spaced less that
V two thousand (2,000) feet apart; on the same side of
public streets or roads with less than four lanes, the conservation groups, businesses and business
spacing shall be no less than one thousand (1,000) feet organizations, and local governments to facilitate the
apart. This distance shall be measured along a straight development of these signs in such a way as to allow
line between the two nearest points of the signs. The businesses to reach the traveling public without the
minimum spacing requirement shall not apply to two deleterious impact of billboards on scenery.
panels viewed from different directions which share a Section 8. Separability Clause. If any provisions or
common support structure. Nor shall any billboard be
part hereof, is invalid or unconstitutional, the
located within a one thousand feet (1,000) radius of any
remainder of the law or the provision not otherwise
other billboard even though the two billboards are on
affected shall remain valid and subsisting.
different streets.
Section 9. Repealing Clause. Any law, presidential decree
12. No billboard shall exceed three hundred square feet
or issurance, executive order, letter of instruction,
(300 sq.ft.) in total surface display area. administrative order, rule or regulation contrary to or
13. Billboards may be single-faced or double-faced but inconsistent with, the provisions of this Act is hereby
no billboard shall contain more than one face on each repealed, modified, or amended accordingly.
side of the display and the surface area shall not exceed a
Section 10. Effectivity Clause. This Act shall take effect
total area of three hundred square feet (300 sq; ft.) per fifteen (15) days after its publication in at least two (2)
newspapers of general circulation.
14. No billboard shall be permitted which, because of
its size, shape, or location, may obscure or obstruct
the view of vehicular or pedestrian traffic or be
confused with any authorized traffic control sign,
signal or device.
15. No billboard shall be permitted which, because of
its size, shape, or location, may impair any scenic
vista from the highway or a building adjacent to the
highway or to the billboard.
16. No billboard shall exceed fifty (50) feet in height. This
distance shall be measured from ground level at the base
of the billboard's support system to the highest point of
the billboards.
Section 5. Permit Fee and Inventory of Billboards. (1)
As of the effective date of this Act, the annual fee for a
billboard permit for a new construction of a
billboard shall be Seven Thousand Five Hundred
Pesos (Php7,500.00). (2) The DPWH in coordination
with the MMDA shall use additional revenues
resulting from subsection (1) to conduct a thorough
countrywide inventory of all billboards, including
plotting the exact location of each sign, determining
whether or not each sign has a valid permit from the
DPWH, MMDA and any local government agency
charged with regulating billboards.
Section 6. Assisting Entities. In compiling this inventory
mentioned in Section 5, the DPWH shall cooperate with
billboard permit holders, local governments, the MMDA,
non-governmental organizations and citizens groups
concerned with scenic conservation and transportation.
Section 7. Development of Official Business Directional
Signs. The DOT is directed to develop, construct and
contract with public and private entities for the
construction and maintenance of official business
directional signs in addition to any such signs currently
operated by the DOT, the DOT shall consult with scenic

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