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Bcat Test Sample

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Brief Cognitive Assessment Tool (BCAT)

Sample Test

1. Please answer each question to the best of your ability.

2. If you are unsure about an answer, provide your best guess.

3. Take your time and ensure a quiet, comfortable environment for optimal concentration.

Section 1: Orientation

What is the current date? (MM/DD/YYYY)

Can you state the day of the week?

What year is it?

Where are you currently located (city, state)?

Section 2: Attention

Repeat the following sequence of numbers backward: 7, 2, 9, 4.

Subtract 7 from 100, then continue subtracting 7 from the result four more times.
Visually scan the following letters and identify the letter "B" among them: K, L, M, B, N.

Section 3: Memory

Listen carefully: I will read a list of three words. Repeat them after I finish. (Repeat this step with the
words: Apple, Chair, Sunshine.)

After a short delay, recall the three words mentioned earlier.

Copy the geometric figure provided and try to reproduce it after 30 seconds.

Section 4: Language

Name the objects shown in the provided pictures.

Follow the instruction: Point to your nose, then touch your elbow.
Repeat the sentence: "The sun is shining brightly."

Section 5: Visuospatial Skills

Copy the provided complex figure as accurately as possible.

Draw the face of a clock, including all the numbers and clock hands, to indicate a specific time.

Section 6: Executive Functioning

Mentally sort the following words into two categories: Fruits and Animals.

Provide a brief explanation of what the phrase "Don't cry over spilled milk" means to you.
Inhibit the impulsive response: Say the color of the ink, not the word itself, for the following: RED,
Section 7: Contextual Memory

Recall the location (city, state) mentioned in Section 1, Question 4.

Share a memorable event from your childhood or recent past.

Section 8: Attentional Capacity Items

Count backward from 50 to 35.

Brief Cognitive Assessment Tool (BCAT)

Scoring Guide
The Brief Cognitive Assessment Tool (BCAT) assesses various cognitive domains to provide valuable
insights into an individual's cognitive functioning. Follow the scoring guide below to interpret the results:

Section 1: Orientation (4 points)

✔ 1 point for correctly stating the current date.

✔ 1 point for accurately identifying the day of the week.

✔ 1 point for stating the correct year.

✔ 1 point for accurately stating the current location (city, state).

Section 2: Attention (3 points)

✔ 1 point for correctly repeating the sequence of numbers backward.

✔ 1 point for accurate subtraction calculations.

✔ 1 point for correctly identifying the letter "B" among the provided letters.

Section 3: Memory (3 points)

✔ 1 point for each correctly recalled word immediately after presentation (maximum of 3 points).

✔ 1 point for accurately reproducing the geometric figure.

Section 4: Language (3 points)

✔ 1 point for each correctly named object in the pictures (maximum of 3 points).

✔ 1 point for correctly following the given instruction.

✔ 1 point for accurately repeating the provided sentence.

Section 5: Visuospatial Skills (2 points)

1 point for accurately copying the complex figure.

1 point for drawing a clock with correct numbers and clock hands indicating a specific time.

Section 6: Executive Functioning (3 points)

✔ 1 point for correctly categorizing the words into "Fruits" and "Animals."

✔ 1 point for providing a reasonable explanation of the given phrase.

1 point for inhibiting the impulsive response during color-word naming.

Section 7: Contextual Memory (2 points)

1 point for accurately recalling the location mentioned in Section 1, Question 4.

✔ 1 point for sharing a meaningful event from memory.

Section 8: Attentional Capacity Items (1 point)

1 point for counting backward from 50 to 35 without error.

Total Possible Score: 20 points

Total Score: _______________


18-20 points: Normal Cognitive Functioning

15-17 points: Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)

Below 15 points: Further Evaluation Recommended

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