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Data Management 1 8

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DATA MANAGEMENT Lesson 1 Data are the raw facts and figures that are

unorganized that are and later processed to generate

The study of complementary networks of hardware Software's are used for organizing and serving data to
and software that people and organizations use to the user, managing physical storage of media and
collect filter, process, create, and distribute data. virtual resources. As the hardware can't work without
Combinations of hardware, software, and software the same as software needs data for
telecommunications networks that people build and processing.
use to collect, create, and distribute useful data, Data are managed using Database management
typically in organizational settings. system.
Interrelated components working together to collect. Database software is used for efficient access for
process, store, and disseminate information to support required data, and to manage knowledge bases.
decision making, coordination, control, analysis, and
visualization in an organization. NETWORK
COMPONENTS OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS Networks resources refer to the telecommunication
networks like the intranet, extranet and the internet.
The main components of information systems are
computer hardware and software, These resources facilitate the flow of information in
telecommunications, databases and data warehouses, the organization.
human resources, and procedures.
Networks consists of both the physicals devises such
The hardware, software, and telecommunications as networks cards, router, hubs and cables and
constitute information technology (IT), which is now software such as operating systems, web servers, data
ingrained in the operations and management of servers and application servers.
Telecommunications networks consist of computers,
COMPUTER HARDWARE communications processors, and other devices
interconnected by communications media and
• Physical equipment used for input, output and controlled by software.
Networks include communication media, and
The hardware structure depends upon the type and Network Support.
size of the organization. It consists of an input and an
output device, operating system, processor, and HUMAN RESOURCES
media devices. This also includes computer
peripheral devices. It is associated with the manpower required to run
and manage the system.
People are the end user of the information system,
The programs/application program used to control end user use information produced for their own
and coordinate the hardware components. purpose, the main purpose of the information system
is to benefit the end user.
It is used for analyzing and processing of the data.
The end user can be accountants, engineers,
These programs include a set of instruction used for salespersons, customers, cleries, or managers etc.
processing information.
People are also responsible to develop and operate
Software is further classified into 3 types: information systems.
System Software They include systems analysts, computer operators.
Application Software programmers, and other clerical IS personnel, and
managerial techniques
The policies that govern the operation of an
information system.
"Procedures are to people what software is to Because the business environment has a wide range
hardware" is a common analogy that is used to of data requirements, business intelligence
illustrate the role of procedures in a system. technology systems help each department manage
and organize all of their data in a manner that helps
Every system needs people if it is to be useful. unit members meet key objectives.
The use of internet worldwide which is known as
"World Wide Web".
It enables individuals to connect, compute,
communicate, collaborate and compare everywhere Operational Management - Includes transaction
and anywhere and at anytime. processing system, office automation system, and
knowledge management system, handles structured
It also allows access to unlimited amounts of data, and used by workers and employees to
information, services and entertainment, to exchange streamline daily operations.
knowledge and to produce and sell goods and
services. Tactical Management -Used by business unit
managers, handles semi-structured data, and includes
Global web-based platform has created globalization management information systems.
and is spreading day by day.
Strategic Management- Used by executives, handles
BUSINESS PRESSURE unstructured data, and includes the decision support
Market pressure which are generated by the global system and executive support system.
economy and strong competition, the changing nature TYPES OF INFORMATION SYSTEM
of the workforce, and powerful customers.
Transaction Processing Systems- A transaction
Technology pressures which mainly include encompasses all of the purchases and sales of
technological innovation and information overload. products and services, along with any daily business
Societal/political/legal pressures which are the social transactions or activities required to operate a
responsibility, government regulation/deregulation, company.
spending for social programs, spending to protect Quantities and the types of transactions performed
against terrorism, and ethics. vary. depending on the industry and size/scope of the
IT ORIENTED ORGANIZATIONAL company. •Examples of typical transactions include
RESPONSES TO BUSINESS PRESSURES billing clients, bank deposits, new hire data,
inventory counts, or a record of client-customer
CUSTOMER FOCUS: organizational attempts to relationship management data.
provide superb customer service can make the
difference between attracting and keeping customers Office Automation Systems- A network of various
on the one hand and losing them to competitors on tools, technologies, and people required to conduct
the other. For example, Amazon. clerical and managerial tasks.

E-BUSINESS & E-COMMERCE doing business, Typical examples of functions performed by an OAS
like trading, electronically and is now considered an include printing documents, mailing paperwork,
essential strategy for companies competing in today's mailing. maintaining a company calendar, and
business environment. For example, E-bay. producing reports. Primarily, an office automation
system assists in enhancing communication among
DATA MANAGEMENT Lesson 2 different departments so everyone can collaborate to
complete a task.
Knowledge Management Systems- Stores and
Most businesses utilize six different information extracts information to help users enhance their
technology systems, each with functionality that knowledge and optimize collaboration efforts to
assists in managing a particular business unit or complete taskes •Examples of documents found in a
organizational level. knowledge management system include employee
training materials.
Company policies, and procedures, or answers to marketing data in an organization to streamline each
customer questions. Used by employees, customers, step of the sales process
management, and other various stakeholders involved
with the organization. It ensures that technical DATA MANAGEMENT Lesson 3
abilities are integrated throughout the company while COMPUTER ETHICS
providing visuals to help employees make sense of
the data they see. Thou shalt not use a computer to harm other people.
Management Information System - Uses various Thou shalt not interfere with other people's computer
transaction data from a TPS to help middle work.
management optimize planning and decision-making.
It retrieves TPS information, aggregates it, and Thou shalt not snoop around in other people's files.
generates reports to help those at the management
Thou shalt not use a computer to steal.
level know important details of a situation. -
Summaries and comparisons are utilized to allow Thou shalt not use a computer to bear false witness.
senior managers to optimize the decision making
process to achieve better results. Thou shalt not use or copy software for which you
have not paid.
Decision Support Systems - Processes data to assist
in management decision-making. It stores and gathers Thou shalt not use other people's computer resources
the information required for management to take the without authorization.
proper actions at the correct time. •For example, a
Thou shalt not appropriate other people's intellectual
bank manager can use a DS5 to assess the evolving
loan trends to determine which yearly loon targets to
meet. Thou shalt think about the social consequences of the
program you write.
Decision models are programmed into the IS to
analyze and summarize large quantities of Thou shalt use a computer in ways that show
information and put it into a visual that makes it consideration and respect.
Executive Support System - Similar to a DSS but are
primarily used by executive leaders and owners to • A network attack is an attempt to gain unauthorized
optimize decision making. access to an organization's network, with the
objective of stealing data or perform other malicious
An expert system helps enterprise leaders find activity.
answers to non-routine questions so they can make
choices that improve the company's outlook and There are two main types of network attacks:
PASSIVE: Attackers gain access to a network and
Unlike a DSS, an executive support system provides can monitor or steal sensitive information, but
better telecommunication functionality and a bigger without making any change to the data, leaving it
computing functionality. intact.

SPECIFIC USE CASES FOR INFORMATION ACTIVE: Attackers not only gain unauthorized
SYSTEMS access but also modify data, either deleting,
encrypting or otherwise harming it.
Enterprise Resource Planning - Provides
organization-wide integration of important business TYPES OF EXPLOITS DOS/DDOS
activities, handles the allocation of resources to
Accounting Information System - Manages all of the
accounting information in an organization, including ROOTKIT
payroll to streamline human resource tasks. SMISHING/VISHING
Sales Management System - An information system SPAM
that manages and monitors all of the sales and
DOS Many users are already aware of the dangers of
clicking a link in email messages.
• Denial-of-Service (DoS) is an attack meant to shut
down a machine or network, making it inaccessible to VISHING
its intended users.
Uses verbal scams to trick people into doing things
• Victims of attacks often target web servers of high- they believe are in their best interests. Vishing often
profile organizations such as banking, commerce, and picks up where phishing leaves off.
media companies, or government and trade
organizations. In the example above, the victim clicked on a link for
an online advertisement related to personal interests.
• Malware embedded in the link triggered a lock-up
• Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is a that only the helpful "technician" on the other end of
malicious attempt to disrupt the normal traffic of a the phone could fix.
targeted server, service or network by overwhelming
the target or its surrounding infrastructure with a
flood of Internet traffic. SPAM
DDoS attacks achieve effectiveness by utilizing A digital junk mail unsolicited communications sent
multiple compromised computer systems as sources in bulk over the internet or through any electronic
of attack traffic. messaging system
Type of social engineering attack often used to steal • A type of malware that downloads onto a computer
user data, including login credentials and credit card disguised as a legitimate program.
It is so-called due to its delivery method, which
• It occurs when an attacker, masquerading as a typically sees an attacker use social engineering to
trusted entity, dupes a victim into opening an email, hide malicious code within legitimate software.
instant message, or text message.
A piece of code which is capable of copying itself
An email or electronic communications scam targeted and typically has a detrimental effect, such as
towards a specific individual, organization or corrupting the system or destroying data.
Although often intended to steal data for malicious
purposes, cybercriminals may also intend to install A type of malicious software that infects a computer
malware on a targeted user's computer. and restricts users' access to it until a ransom is paid
to unlock it.
A clandestine computer program designed to provide
continued privileged access to a computer while A computer hacker is a computer expert who uses
actively hiding its presence. their technical knowledge to achieve a goal or
overcome an obstacle, within a computerized system
Today rootkits are generally associated with malware by non standard means.
such as Trojans, worms, viruses - that conceal their
existence and actions from users and other system Share the knowledge and never damages the data.
• A form of phishing in which an attacker uses a
compelling text message to trick targeted recipients Hackers are also known as Ethical Hackers or a
into clicking a link and sending the attacker private Penetration Tester. White hat hackers are the good
information or downloading malicious programs to a guys of the hacker world.
• They focus on security and protecting IT system. goods and services, such as hacking tools and stolen
White hat hacking is legal. GRAY HAT data.
Hybrid between Black hat Hackers and White hat Cybercriminal underground markets are known to
hackers. They can hack any system even if they don't specialize in certain products or services.
have permission to test the security of the system but
they will never steal money or damage the system. HACKTIVISTS

BLACK-HAT HACKERS Groups of criminals who unite to carry out cyber

attacks in support of political causes.
Unethical Hacker or a Security Cracker.
• Typically target entire industries but sometimes
Hack the system illegally to steal money or to attack specific organizations who they feel don't align
achieve their own illegal goals. Black hat hacking is with their political views or practices.
illegal. They find banks or other companies with
weak security and steal money or credit card CYBERTERRORISTS
information. The main difference between cybercrime and cyber
They can also modify or destroy the data as well. terrorism lies in the objective of the attack.

CRACKERS • Cybercriminals are predominantly out to make

money, while cyber terrorists may have a range of
• Kind of bad people who breaks or violates the motives and will often seek to have a destructive
system or a computer remotely with bad intentions to impact, particularly on critical infrastructure.
harm the data and steal it.
• Destroy data by gaining an unauthorized access to
the network. People who leave intentionally provocative or
offensive messages on the internet in order to get
•There works are always hidden as they are doing attention, cause trouble or upset someone.
illegal stuff.
•Bypasses passwords of computers and social media
websites, can steal your bank details and transfer People who install unwanted software while surfing
money from bank. the Internet, and that typically uses the Internet in the
process of exploiting the user and the user's machine.
authorized to use the computer and who penetrates a
One of an organization's current or former system's access controls to exploit a legitimate user's
employees, contractors, or trusted business partners account
who misuses their authorized access to critical assets
in a manner that negatively affects the organization. MISFEASOR: A legitimate user who accesses data,
programs, or resources for which such access is not
INDUSTRIAL SPIES authorized, or who is authorized for such access but
The person engage in industrial espionage where the misuses his or her privileges
illegal and unethical theft of business trade secrets for CLANDESTINE USER: An individual who seizes
use by a competitor to achieve a competitive supervisory control of the system and uses this
advantage. control to evade auditing and access controls or to
CYBERCRIMINALS suppress audit.

Individuals or teams of people who use technology to VIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORK

commit malicious activities on digital systems or Describes the opportunity to establish a protected
networks with the intention of stealing sensitive network connection when using public networks.
company information or personal data, and
generating profit. It encrypt your internet traffic and disguise your
online identity.
Have access to the cybercriminal underground
markets found in the deep web to trade malicious This makes it more difficult for third parties to track
your activities online and steal data.
The encryption takes place in real time.  With a VPN, an employee can access his
own private corporate network while sitting
HOW DOES A VPN WORK? at home or in a hotel.
AVPN hides your IP address by letting the network  Many Chinese uses VPN to get around the
redirect it through a specially configured remote great wall of china & gain access to the
server run by a VPN host. This means that if you surf entire internet.
online with a VPN, the VPN server becomes the  Remain incognito while browsing.
source of your data.  Another use is using a public Wi-Fi.
 Your browsing activity not on the HTTPS
This means your ISP and other third parties cannot website is visible to everyone nearby
see which websites you visit or what data you send  If you want more privacy you can connect to
and receive online. A VPN works like a filter that a VPN.
turns all your data into "gibberish". Even if someone  The local network will only see a single
were to get their hands on your data, it would be secure VPN connection.
useless.  All other traffic will travel to VPN tunnel.
A VPN connection disguises your data traffic online
and protects it from external access.
Unencrypted data can be viewed by anyone who has
network access and wants to see it. With a VPN, DATA MANAGEMENT Lesson 4
hackers and cyber criminals can't decipher this data.
 DISGUISING YOUR WHEREABOUTS A network security device that monitors and filters
 ACCESS TO REGIONAL CONTENT incoming and outgoing network traffic based on an
organization's previously established security
It is essentially the barrier that sits between a private
You should rely on your VPN to perform one or more internal network and the public Internet.
The VPN itself should also be protected against
Help protect your network by filtering traffic and
compromise. These are the features you should
blocking outsiders from gaining unauthorized access
expect from a comprehensive VPN solution.
to the private data on your computer.
 Encryption of your IP address
Its main purpose is to allow non threatening traffic in
 Encryption of protocols and to keep dangerous traffic out.
 Kill switch
 Two-factor authentication INTRANET
VIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORK A private network that can only be accessed by
authorized users.
Like LAN [local area network] but the major
difference between VPN and LAN is that the devices The prefix "intra" means "internal" and therefore
that are part of a VPN could be anywhere not limited implies an intranet is designed for internal
to a geographical area. communications.
A VPN USES A TECHNOLOGY CALLED For example, a business may create an intranet to
TUNNELLING allow employees to securely share messages and files
with each other.
Tunneling is a way to move packets from one
network to another. Tunneling works via FIREWALL
An intranet is a private network which is heavily
wrapping a packet inside another packet. protected by many different networking devices.
ROUTER Flat file method- a simple consecutive list of records.
A piece of network hardware that connects a local finding record is sequential
network to the internet.
Modern days of keeping records
A router helps you connect multiple devices to the
Internet, and connect the devices to each other. 1960's- when the use of computers became a more
economical choice for private organizations,
FIREWALLS computerized database started.
Used in both personal and enterprise settings, and Hierarchal Model- Parent Child node successfully use
many devices come with one built-in, including Mac, by NASA for lunar lander.
Windows, and Linux computers
1960's-First DBMS designed by Charles Bachman at
DMZ DEMILITARIZED ZONE GE known as IDS Integrated Data Store
Known as a perimeter network or a screened Network Model- it can have multiple parent, as it
subnetwork, is a physical or logical subnet that becomes complicated it is impossible to manage.
separates an internal local area network (LAN) from
other untrusted networks - usually the public internet. 1970 to 1972- An important paper to propose the use
of a relational database model was published by E.F.
HONEYNET Codd. The thinking about databases was
revolutionized by his ideas.
A network that is set up to attract potential attackers
and distract them from your production network. 1974 and 1977, two major relational database system
prototypes were created, Ingres and System R.
IPS INTRUSION PREVENTION SYSTEM Developed at UBC and IBM San Jose respectively.
A network security/threat prevention technology that Relational database-tables of related information with
examines network traffic flows to detect and prevent connected fields easier to manage
vulnerability exploits.
A network security technology originally built for 1980s-Structured Query Language, also known as
detecting vulnerability exploits against a target SQL, became the standard query language. The fast
application or computer. growth in computer sales advanced the database
This diagram is an overly-simplified version of the market, causing major decline in the popularity of
reality hierarchical and network database models, made
relational database systems a commercial success.
We try to put these devices together in a reasonable
order. Early 1990s-During this time, new client tools for
developing applications including the Oracle
FIREWALL Developer, PowerBuilder, VB, and others were
A network security device that monitors incoming
and outgoing network traffic and permits or blocks Mid 1990s-Client-server database systems were
data packets based on a set of security rules. began to be used by the regular desktop users to
access computer systems containing legacy data.
Late 1990s- An increase in demand for Internet
History of Database Management Systems database connectors was caused by an increased
investment in online businesses.
Early days of keeping records.
2000s- Database applications continue to grow even
The Sumerian uses tablet to keep records of their
though the Internet industry went through a decline in
index of medical prescription.
the early 2000s.
1912's-Titanic ship manifest.
Today- Databases are everywhere and being used in
1910's- card catalogs. enhancing people's day-to-day lives. Many of the
services people utilize today are possible due to
1950's- record logbook. databases.
The systems used in organizing and maintaining data
files are known as file-based data systems.
They are used to handling a single or multiple files
but are not very efficient.
It is a software system that lets users to define, create
maintain and manage access to the database. Through
the DBMS, users can create, read, update and delete
data in a database. It is a layer between data and
Not complicated and is simpler to use.
This system is fairly economical. Simple and cheap,
it is usually appropriate for home users and owners of
small businesses.
Used by smaller organizations or individual users,
comparatively lesser amount of data is being stored.
Thus, the data can be accessed more efficiently.
Limited to a smaller size and cannot store large
amounts of data. Relatively uncomplicated but this
means it cannot support complicated queries, and
data recovery.
There may be redundant data as it does not have a
complex mechanism to get rid of it
The data is not very secure in a file based system and DBMS are often complex systems, so the training for
may be corrupted or destroyed. The data files may be users required.
stored across multiple locations. Consequently, it is
difficult to share the data easily with multiple users DBMS can't perform sophisticated calculations It
A file system o software that manages and organizes the files DBMS or Database Management system a software
in a storage medium. It controls how data is stored and application. It is used for accessing, creating, and
retrieved. managing databases.

The file system provides the details of data representation and DBMS gives an abstract view of data that hides the
storage of data. details

Storing and retrieving of data cant be done efficiently in a file DBMS is efficient to use as there are a wide variety
system of methods to store and retrieve data

It does not offer data recovery processes. There k a backup recovery for data in

The file system doesn't have a crash DBMS.

recovery mechanism DBMS provides a crash recovery mechanism

Protecting a file system is very difficult. DBMS offers good protection mechanism.

Data inconsistency is higher in the file system. Data inconsistency is low in a database management
The file system offer lesser security.
Database Management System offers high security.
old dots files and entities.
File System allows you to stores the data as Database
Not provide support for complicated Management System stores data

transactions. as well as defined constraints and Interrelation.

The centralization process is hard in File Easy to implement complicated transactions.

Management System. Centralization is easy to achieve in the

A doesn't offer backup and recovery of data if it is lost DBMS system.

There is no efficient query processing in the file system. DBMS system provides backup and recovery of data
even if it is lost.
These system doesn't offer concurrency
You can easily query data in a database using the
SQL language.

DBMS system provides a concurrency facility.

required a processor with the high speed of data
DBMS The database can fail because or power failure or the
Cost of Hardware and Software of a DBMS is quite whole system stops. The cost of DBMS is dependent
high on the environment, function, or recurrent annual
maintenance cost.
• The relational structure makes it possible to run
queries across multiple tables at once.
Advantages of a Relational Database
• Scalability: New data may be added independent of
DATA vs DATABASE existing records.
● Data - Any kind of information presented in • Simplicity: Complex queries are easy for users to
different formats (words, numbers, images) all this perform with SQL.
information is data only, but when kept it together
and stored in a structured way, then it becomes • Data Accuracy: Normalization procedures eliminate
informational data. design anomalies.
● Database - Simply holds data that could be in any • Data Integrity: Strong data typing and validity
number of formats (electronic, printed, graphic, checks ensure accuracy and consistency.
audio, statistical, combinations).
• Security: Data in tables within a RDBMS can limit
● A database is an electronic system that allows data access to specific users.
to be stored, easily accessed, manipulated and
updated. To make real use of the data, you need a • Collaboration: Multiple users can access the same
Database Management System (DBMS). database concurrently.

DATABASE vs DBMS Microsoft Access

● Database - group of interconnected data and data is •Forms provide a quick and easy way to modify and
a group of facts and figures needed to be processed in insert records into your databases.
producing information. •Has capabilities to answer more complex requests or
● DBMS - a software designed to store data in a way queries.
that it becomes easier to retrieve, manage, and •Access queries provide the capability to combine
processed to produce information data from multiple tables and place specific
DATA ORGANIZATION conditions on the data retrieved.

The practice of categorizing and classifying data to

make it more usable. Microsoft Access Benefits
• Location • Ease of use- Even first-timers succeed in navigating
• Alphabetical organization and using the software effectively. The available
built-in templates, which can also be created and
• Time customized using the existing applications, can help
in creating a database in a seamless and easy way.
• Hierarchy
• User friendly- does not require complex technical
• Category knowledge in order to make it work, making it a great
RELATIONAL DATABASE software to use for individuals without coding skill
but in need of software to create and share
• Refers to a database that stores data in a structured applications that can boost the efficiency of the team
format, using rows and columns. and the productivity of the business.

• This makes it easy to locate and access specific • Seamless integration- can work well along with
values within the database. other business applications and numerous different
data sources through its connector library. The
• It is "relational" because the values within each software’s DB enables users to store their data to
table are related to each other. Azure SQL and SQL Service to make sure that all the
information can be easily managed, remains reliable,
• Tables may also be related to other tables.
and is fully secured.


LAYOUT Provides a natural tabular layout for Provides a natural tabular layout as
easy data entry well as the ability to create
customized data entry screens
STORAGE Limited to approximately 65,000 Stores any number of records up to
records per sheet 2gb
LINKED TABLES Manages single list of information Allows links between lists of
information to reduce data
REPORTING Limited to the current spreadsheet Creates and saves multiple
arrangement of data presentation of data
SECURITY Limited to file security options such Allows multiple users to access
as marking the file read only or only the records they need
protecting range of cells
MULTIUSER CAPABILITIES Does not easily allow multiple Allows multiple users to
users to simultaneously enter and simultaneously enter and update
update data data
DATA ENTRY Provides limited data entry screens Provides the ability to create an
extensive data entry screens called

Renaming Fields
DATA MANAGEMENT Lesson 8 • When you create a new table, Access automatically
adds a new field called ID
with a data type of AutoNumber.
• You can rename this field if you wish.
• Click the Table Button
• To do this, right-click in the field and select
• Click Table on the Ribbon (from the Create tab). Rename Field.
• A blank table will appear. • Access with highlight the field name for you to
Add a Field rename it.

• Click to Add to add a new field. • Enter a new name as required.

• Select a data type from the contextual menu that Save the Table
expands when you click. • Once you've set up the table, you should save it.
• Not sure which data type to use? • To save the table, right-click on the table's tab and
• Think about the type of data that will be stored in select Save.
the field. That guide you as to which data type you • You can also close the table by clicking the X and
should choose here. Access will prompt you to save it.
Name the Field Name the Table
• Once you've selected a data type, Access highlights • Enter a name for the table and click OK.
the column header
The Table
so that you can name the field.
• The table is now added to the list of tables in the left
• Enter a name for the field. Navigation Panead
• Repeat steps 2 and 3 for as many fields that you
need to add

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