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Research Article: Aerobic Sludge Granulation in A Full-Scale Sequencing Batch Reactor

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

BioMed Research International

Volume 2014, Article ID 268789, 12 pages

Research Article
Aerobic Sludge Granulation in a Full-Scale
Sequencing Batch Reactor

Jun Li,1 Li-Bin Ding,1 Ang Cai,1 Guo-Xian Huang,2 and Harald Horn3
Department of Municipal Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, No. 18 Chao Wang Road, Hangzhou 310014, China
Yancang Wastewater Treatment Plant, Haining 314422, China
Water Chemistry and Water Technology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Engler-Bunte-Ring 1, 76173 Karlsruhe, Germany

Correspondence should be addressed to Jun Li;

Received 25 February 2014; Accepted 23 March 2014; Published 15 April 2014

Academic Editor: Hongjuan Liu

Copyright © 2014 Jun Li et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Aerobic granulation of activated sludge was successfully achieved in a full-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) with 50,000 m3 d−1
for treating a town’s wastewater. After operation for 337 days, in this full-scale SBR, aerobic granules with an average SVI30
of 47.1 mL g−1 , diameter of 0.5 mm, and settling velocity of 42 m h−1 were obtained. Compared to an anaerobic/oxic plug flow
(A/O) reactor and an oxidation ditch (OD) being operated in this wastewater treatment plant, the sludge from full-scale SBR
has more compact structure and excellent settling ability. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis indicated
that Flavobacterium sp., uncultured beta proteobacterium, uncultured Aquabacterium sp., and uncultured Leptothrix sp. were just
dominant in SBR, whereas uncultured bacteroidetes were only found in A/O and OD. Three kinds of sludge had a high content of
protein in extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis revealed that metal ions and some inorganics
from raw wastewater precipitated in sludge acted as core to enhance granulation. Raw wastewater characteristics had a positive effect
on the granule formation, but the SBR mode operating with periodic feast-famine, shorter settling time, and no return sludge pump
played a crucial role in aerobic sludge granulation.

1. Introduction out in laboratory-scale reactors [5, 9] and only a few were

done in pilot-scale reactors [11–14]. In addition, there is very
Aerobic granulation is a novel and promising technology limited literature available although several full-scale plants
for wastewater treatment [1–3]. Aerobic granular sludge is have been built in the Netherlands, Portugal and South Africa
formed by microbial self-aggregation and has advantages [15, 16].
such as excellent settling ability, dense and strong microbial The world’s first pilot-scale aerobic granular sludge reac-
structure, high biomass retention, ability to withstand a tor for real wastewater treatment was started up in September
high organic loading rate and tolerance to toxicity com- 2003 in Ede, the Netherlands, consisting of two parallel
pared with conventional activated sludge [4–7]. However, biological reactors with a height and diameter of 6 m and
the operational conditions of aerobic granular sludge are 0.6 m, respectively [11]. An SBR with a working volume
strictly limited by factors like reactor configuration, substrate of 1 m3 and a diameter of 0.5 m for treating low-strength
composition, selecting pressure, volume exchange ratio, wastewater in a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in
hydrodynamic shear force, organic loading rate (OLR), feast- China [12] and another SBR with a working volume of 0.1 m3
famine regime, feeding strategy and cycle time [8, 9]. To date, and a diameter of 0.25 m fed with synthetic wastewater in
it still lacks in theoretical models to explain the mechanism of Spain [14] were built up. Aerobic granules were successfully
aerobic granulation although several hypotheses and mathe- cultivated in all these previous pilot-scale systems. The results
matic models have been proposed [10]. Furthermore, most showed that reasonable organic loading rate, high H/D ratio,
of the previous studies on aerobic granulation were carried sequencing batch operation and settling time still could be
2 BioMed Research International

necessary factors. A recent study showed that an intensive tank to anaerobic zone. It include an bioreactor consisted of
anaerobic contact of granules and easily degradable organic an anaerobic zone with a size of 25 m length, 25 m width and
carbon at the beginning of each SBR cycle stabilize granular 5 m depth followed by an oxic zone with a size of 55 m length,
growth, phosphorus and nitrogen removal [17]. 25 m width and 5 m depth.
Gansbaai WWTP was reported to be the first full-scale
domestic sewage treatment work in the world using aerobic
2.3. The OD Set up and Operation. In order to meet the
granular sludge technology in an upgrade project [15, 18]. It
treating requirements of the increasing wastewater, the sec-
was designed for 4,000 m3 d−1 of high strength septic influent
ond stage project of the OD process with a treating capacity
consisting of three parallel reactors with a height of 7 m
of 50,000 m3 d−1 came into operation in 2006 (Figure 1(b)).
and diameter of 18 m. Another full-scale SBR in Epe, the
It included a regulation tank, primary sedimentation tank,
Netherlands, was designed for 59,000 person equivalents and
hydrolysis acidification tank, aerobic tank, second sedimen-
treating up to 1,500 m3 h−1 municipal wastewater with a high
tation tank and final sedimentation tank. The aerobic tank
contribution of industrial waste from slaughterhouses [15].
had a size of 90 m length, 35 m width and 3.5 m depth.
Nevertheless, the detailed data of the operational perfor-
The OD was designed and operated in a traditional way.
mance of full-scale applications have not been presented.
The second sedimentation tank was separately built with the
Yancang WWTP was located in Haining, a coastal city
main bioreactor of OD. The returned sludge from second
in Eastern China. Attention has been paid because some
sedimentation tank was pumped to the main bioreactor of
small particles were observed in activated sludge from both
anaerobic/oxic plug flow process (A/O) and oxidation ditch
process (OD) in this plant since 2008. Particularly, about 60–
79 mL g−1 of SVI indicated that the sludge from these two 2.4. Lab-Scale SBR Set up and Operation. A column type
continuous flow reactors had better settling ability compared lab-scale SBR with an H/D ratio of 2.5, working volume of
with normal activated sludge. 5.0 L and volumetric exchange ratio of 50% was set up in
The major aim of this work was to demonstrate the 2008 (Figure 2(a)). It was reported that Kong had successfully
feasibility of cultivating aerobic granular sludge in an SBR, developed aerobic granules in four SBRs with different H/D
particularly for full-scale application. Successively, a lab-scale ratio of 24, 16, 8 and 4, respectively and a higher reactor
SBR, a pilot-scale SBR and a full-scale SBR were set up H/D ratio such as 20–30 was mostly used in literature to
and used for the treatment of this wastewater through the meet the requirement of the minimal settling velocity for
development of aerobic granular sludge. The characteristics granule formation [19]. So here, we defined that the reactor
of different sludges from A/O, OD and SBR were compared. with an H/D below 4 was considered to be low. The raw
The main factors for aerobic sludge granulation in this full- wastewater was introduced from top of the reactor with a
scale SBR were discussed. volume of 2.5 L per cycle. The lab-scale reactor was aerated
by using a fine bubble aerator and operated in a fill-draw
mode. After inoculation, the SBR was initially operated in
2. Material and Methods successive cycles of 4 h, and each cycle consisted of 1 min
2.1. Wastewater and Inoculating Sludge. Wastewater in Yan- of filling, 120 min of aeration, 60 min of settling, 20 min of
cang WWTP included approximately 30% domestic sewage effluent withdraw and 39 min of idling. After 10 days, the SBR
and 70% industrial wastewater from printing and dyeing, was operated in a cycle of 4 h, which consisted of 1 minute
chemical, textile and beverage. The characteristics of the of filling, 180 min of aeration, 10 min of settling, 20 min of
wastewater were showed as follows: chemical oxygen demand effluent withdraw and 29 min of idling (Table 1). The organic
(CODCr ) of 200–600 mg L−1 , biochemical oxygen demand loading rate (OLR) of the influent was controlled at 3.9–4.5 kg
(BOD) of 50–105 mg L−1 , ammonium nitrogen (NH4 + -N) of COD m−3 d−1 and superficial air velocity was controlled at
28.0–40.0 mg L−1 , total phosphorus (TP) of 2.0–4.0 mg L−1 1.3 cm s−1 . A programmable logic controller (PLC) controlled
and temperature of 18–30∘ C. The average influent BOD/COD the implementation of the pumps, valves and the length of
ratio was only about 0.23 which belonged to bio-refractory every operational batch cycle.
wastewater. The lab-scale, pilot-scale and full-scale SBR were
all introduced with the same raw wastewater and inoculated 2.5. Pilot-Scale SBR System Set up and Operation. A grit
sludge from the second sedimentation tank in OD. chamber, a service tank and two parallel columns constituting
the pilot-scale SBR system was set up in 2009 (Figure 2(b)).
2.2. The A/O Set up and Operation. The A/O process was The two parallel columns had a height of 6 m, an internal
built and came into operation in 2001 treating 10,000 m3 per diameter of 2 m, H/D of 2.5 and a maximum operating flow
day (Figure 1(a)). It included a regulation tank, reaction tank, rate of 120 m3 d−1 . Fine bubble aerators were used in this
primary sedimentation tank, A/O tank, second sedimenta- pilot-scale SBR. The operation was controlled by a PLC.
tion tank, oxidation contact tank and final sedimentation The pilot-scale SBR system would operate in this way: the
tank. The A/O plug flow process in this WWTP was designed raw wastewater was pumped into the grit chamber firstly,
and operated in a traditional way. The second sedimentation and then it flowed into a service tank controlled by electric
tank was separately built with the main bioreactor and the butterfly valve and level controller. When came to the feeding
returned sludge was pumped from second sedimentation period, wastewater was pumped into two parallel columns.
BioMed Research International 3

(a) A/O and activated sludge, operation since 2001

(b) OD and activated sludge, operation since 2007

(c) Full-scale SBR and aerobic granules, operation since 2010

Figure 1: Photographs of reactors and sludge of A/O, OD and full-scale SBR in Yancang WWTP.

Table 1: A cycle distribution of operation time in lab-scale, pilot-scale, and full-scale SBRs.

Lab-scale SBR Pilot-scale SBR Full-scale SBR

Operational cycle 0–10 d 11–43 d 0–7 d 7–50 d 0–25 d 25–180 d 180–now
Filling (min) 1 1 40 40 40 40 40
Aerating (min) 120 180 120 120 240 240 240
Settling (min) 60 10 60 20 60 40 50
Discharging (min) 20 20 20 20 30 30 30
Idling (min) 39 29 0 40 0 0 0

The wastewater was introduced from the bottom of the pilot- 2.6. The Full-Scale SBR and Operation. With the expansion
scale reactor. The reactor with a volumetric exchange ratio of service area and urbanization, an A/O with a treating
of 50% was operated in a fill-draw mode. The first stage capacity of 10,000 m3 d−1 constructed in 1999 and an OD with
consisted of 40 min of influent addition, 120 min of aeration, a treating capacity of 50,000 m3 d−1 constructed in 2006 did
60 min of settling and 20 min of effluent withdraw. After 7 not match with the increasing wastewater. A new wastewater
days of operation, it came to the second stage which consisted treatment work with a treating capacity of 50,000 m3 d−1
of 40 min of influent addition, 120 min of aeration, 20 min of was required in this plant. The aims of building the third
settling and 20 min of effluent withdraw (Table 1). stage project in Yancang WWTP were not only to improve
4 BioMed Research International

(a) Lab-scale SBR and aerobic granules, operation since 2008

(b) Pilot-scale SBR and aerobic granules, operation since 2009

Figure 2: Photographs of reactors and sludge of lab-scale SBR and pilot-scale SBR in Yancang WWTP.

the treatment ability but also to meet the strict wastewater from top of the full-scale reactor. The full-scale SBR with
discharging standard in China. Consequently, selecting a volumetric exchange ratio of 50%–70% was operated in a
more effective and economic process for treating wastewater fill-draw mode. At the end of 2010, the full-scale SBR was
was an urgent issue. Activated sludge with an SVI of 60– constructed and came into operation. After inoculation, each
79 mL g−1 and some small granules with the size of 30– cycle consisted of 40 min of filling, about 240 min of aeration,
80 𝜇m existing in the A/O and OD process enlightened us 60 min of settling and 30 min of effluent withdraw. After 25
whether it was feasible to cultivate aerobic granular sludge days, the operation cycle consisted of 40 min of filling, about
with SBR process for treating wastewater in Yancang WWTP. 240 min of aeration, 40 min of settling and 30 min of effluent
The A/O plug flow and OD were typical activated sludge withdraw. Six months later, the operation cycle consisted of
process. The only difference was in raw wastewater compared 40 min of filling, about 240 min of aeration, 50 min of settling
with other WWTP. It implied that raw wastewater was the and 30 min of effluent withdraw (Table 1). Accurate aeration
key factor for the formation of these aggregates in typical time was controlled by an intelligent system depending on
A/O plug flow and OD process. If operated in an SBR mode variation of dissolved oxygen.
with certain selecting pressure, aerobic granules would be
easily formed. Hence, a series of lab-scale and pilot-scale 2.7. Analytical Methods. CODCr , NH4 + -N, nitrite (NO2 − -N),
experiments were carried out and proved the feasibility of nitrate (NO3 − -N), sludge volume index with 30 min settling
developing aerobic granules in this treatment plant. After time (SVI30 ), mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) and
lab-scale and pilot-scale experiments for successful aerobic mixed liquor volatile suspended solids (MLVSS) were ana-
granulation, the third stage project with a SBR process was lyzed in accordance to the Standard Methods [20]. Biological
built and came into operation in 2010 (Figure 1(c)) and the Oxygen Demand (BOD5 ) was measured using the WTW-
application of aerobic granular sludge was further studied in OxiTop system. The morphology of sludge was observed by
this work. an Olympus CX31 microscope and a digital camera (Canon
The full-scale SBR was divided into four separated tanks EOS 30D). The size of granules was analyzed by an image
for alternative operating. Each tank had an H/D of 0.09, analysis system (Image-Pro Plus 6.0, Media Cybernetics).
a volume of 12,540 m3 with length of 55 m, width of 38 m The element distribution of raw wastewater and granules
and depth of 6 m, respectively. Before raw wastewater flowed was analyzed by X-ray fluorescence (XRF). The toxic organic
into full-scale SBR, it would flow into regulating reservoir, substance in raw wastewater was measured by gas chromatog-
primary sedimentation tank and hydrolysis tank in turn. raphy/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) (SHIMADZU GCMS-
The effluent quality from full-scale SBR was enhanced by QP2010). The extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) of
coagulating sedimentation. The wastewater was introduced granules were extracted using the EDTA extraction method
BioMed Research International 5

[21]. The carbohydrate concentration in EPS was determined 7000


SVI (mg L−1 )

as glucose equivalent using enthrone-sulfuric acid method
60 160
[22], whereas the protein concentration was measured as 50
bovine albumin equivalent using the Lowry method [23]. 40

MLSS (mg L−1 )

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

SVI (mg L−1 )

Time (d)
4000 100
2.8. DNA Extraction, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) 80
Amplification of Bacterial 16s RNA Gene and Denaturing
Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE). The sludge taken from 2000
the reactors was washed twice with PBS buffer. After the 40
samples were centrifuged at 12000 rpm for 10 min, the sludge 1000 20
was immersed into 588 𝜇L extraction buffer (0.1 M Tris- 0 0
HCl, 0.1 M Na2 -EDTA, 0.1 M sodium phosphate, 1.5 M NaCl) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
and stored in −20∘ C freezer until DNA extraction. Bead- Time (d)
beating was applied to produce a suspension of bacterial
cells from sludge. Total DNA was extracted with lysozyme, SVI
proteinase K, and sodium dodecyl sulfate treatment, followed
by phenol/chloroform/isoamyl alcohol (25 : 24 : 1) extraction Figure 3: The MLSS and SVI30 of the sludge in full-scale SBR
and isopropanol precipitation. in Yancang WWTP from October, 2010 of the seeding sludge to
20 ng DNA was amplified using PCR primers P2 and September, 2011 of the granular sludge.
P3 with 40 bases of a GC clamp [24]. PCR conditions and
thermal programs for DGGE have been previously described
[25]. The PCR-amplified fragments were separated by DGGE In the pilot-scale SBR, small granules were observed after
using a DCode universal mutation detection system (Bio- 7 days of operation. After operating for 50 days, aerobic
Rad Laboratories) as described previously [26]. Quantity One granules with a mean diameter of 0.28 mm were dominant
4.6.2 software (Bio-Rad) was used for band pattern analysis, in the reactor. The MLSS and SVI of mature granular sludge
which was performed by setting background subtraction at were 7500 mg L−1 and 43 mL g−1 , respectively. The average
10 using the rolling disk method. The intensity of bands was COD removal efficiency in two column reactors was stabled
excluded from analysis which were smaller than 0.05. at 88% while NH4 + -N was all removed. The result implied
Obtained sequences of DGGE bands were submitted the feasibility of application of aerobic granular sludge in full-
to the GenBank database with assigned accession scale SBR in this plant.
numbers of KF234427-KF234446 and KF273869, and then Sludges from lab-scale SBR and pilot-scale SBR were
compared to the database using the Basic Local Alignment photographed after operating for 43 days and 50 days,
Search Tool-nucleotide (BLASTn) algorithm via http:// respectively (Figure 2). They showed similar dense structure, for sequence identification. Se- sharp and irregular outline.
quence alignments of 16S rRNA partial sequences of
reference microbes from Genbank were performed by CLC
3.2. Formation of Aerobic Granules in Full-Scale SBR and
sequence Viewer software (Version 6.8). DGGE profiles were
Comparison of Sludges from A/O, OD and Full-Scale SBR.
analyzed by BandScan software (Version 5.0). Microbial
After inoculation in the full-scale SBR, the SVI decreased
diversity was calculated by the Shannon diversity index
from 75.5 mL g−1 of the inoculated sludge to 43 mL g−1 after 14
(𝐻) [27]. Community similarities of DGGE profiles were
days operation. Then the SVI increased to 61 mL g−1 on day 21
compared using pairwise similarity coefficients (𝐶𝑠 ) [28].
and fell down to 43 mL g−1 on day 30. In the next 310 days, the
average SVI was stabled at 48 mL g−1 (Figure 3). Accordingly,
3. Results and Discussion the MLSS increased up to 6583 mg L−1 in day 38 with the
decreasing of SVI. Then, the MLSS decreased gradually and
3.1. Formation and Characteristics of the Aerobic Granules stabilized at approximately 3600 mL g−1 due to discharging a
in Lab-Scale SBR and Pilot-Scale SBR. In the lab-scale SBR, certain amount of sludge every day including granules and
small granules with irregular and loose structure became some flocs (Figure 3).
visible about 20 days after inoculation. After operating for 43 The average SVI in the A/O and OD process were
days, aerobic granules with a mean diameter of 0.3 mm were 61.1 mL g−1 and 60.7 mL g−1 respectively (Table 2), which
dominant in the reactor. The MLSS and SVI in reactor were showed better settling ability compared with conventional
6200 mg L−1 and 38 mL g−1 , respectively. The MLVSS/MLSS activated sludge. The average MLSS concentrations and
ratio increased continuously from 51% of the inoculating MLVSS to MLSS ratio in the A/O and OD process were
sludge to 70% of the granules. The average COD removal 5471 mg L−1 , 5818 mg L−1 and 51.0%, 57.2%, respectively. The
efficiency was kept at 87.5% while NH4 + -N and TP were sludge in the A/O and OD process showed good settling
stabled at 97% and 86% respectively. The result indicated that ability due to relatively high inorganic proportions existing
a low H/D ratio of the reactor was not the necessary condition in activated sludge. The removal performance in A/O and OD
for aerobic sludge granulation. were kept well with NH4 + -N removal rate of 94.3% and 94.8%
6 BioMed Research International

Table 2: Comparison of sludges in A/O, OD, and full-scale SBRs.

Process Anaerobic/oxic Oxidation ditch Full-scale SBR

Volumetric flow rate (m3 d−1 ) 10,000 50,000 50,000
Operating mode Plug flow (A/O) Continuous flow Sequencing batch
Substrate change Feast-famine Completely mixed Feast-famine
COD loading (kg m3 d−1 ) 0.54 0.68 0.56
Ammonium loading (kg m3 d−1 ) 0.025 0.031 0.022
Settling time (min) 150 150 70–80∗
MLSS (mg L−1 ) 5471 5818 3946
SVI30 (mL g−1 ) 61.1 60.7 47.1
MLVSS/MLSS 56.3% 57.2% 62.4%
Settling velocity (m h−1 ) 10.4 9.2 42.0
EPS (PS, mg/g VSS) 13.0 15.2 20.8
(PN, mg/g VSS) 263.9 288.2 253.8
COD removal efficacy (%) 82.2 81.3 85.0
NH4 + -N removal efficacy (%) 94.3 94.8 95.8
TN removal efficacy (%) 25.3% 22.7% 59.6%

Settling time in full-scale SBR includes 30 min of effluent withdraw.

Samples from anaerobic/oxic reactor, oxidation ditch, and full scale sequencing batch reactor were taken at the same time on September 8, 2011.

Table 3: Similarity coefficients of microbial communities among the Through microscope and digital camera analysis, it could
samples. be found that small granules existed in activated sludge in
both A/O and OD. The A/O operated in a plug flow way while
Lane 1 2 3
in the OD the wastewater was completely mixed. Hence, the
1 1.00 0.72 0.37 substrate concentration in the A/O experienced a change
2 0.72 1.00 0.45 from high to low along the reactor length which matched
3 0.37 0.45 1.00 the feast-famine regime while in the OD the substrate
concentration had almost not changed. Furthermore, the
secondary sedimentation tank with a long settling time (2.5
Table 4: Diversity index (𝐻) and number of the bands in DGGE hours) could not offer enough selecting pressure to wash out
profiles of sludge samples. the poorly settleable sludge. In addition, the aeration tank
Sample 1 2 3
in the A/O and OD process was separated from the second
sedimentation tank. Part of the settled sludge in the second
Number of bands 23 24 21
sedimentation tank was pumped back to the aeration tank
𝐻 2.82 2.89 2.70 for recirculation. In this way, the granule was easily destroyed
by the pump. In conclusion, it was tough to cultivate aerobic
granules in the A/O and OD.
and COD removal rate of 82.2% and 74.0%, respectively.
However, the TN removal rate in full-scale SBR was 59.6% 3.3. DGGE Profile and Bacterial Community Analysis
which was much higher compared with A/O and OD due to
simultaneous nitrification and denitrification effect of aeobic 3.3.1. DGGE Profile and Phylogenetic Analysis. DGGE pro-
granules. TP only decreased from 2.5 mg/L to 1.2 mg/L in full- files (Figure 4) and similarity coefficient analysis (Table 3)
scale SBR since there was no anaerobic phase existed and indicated that under continuous flow (A/O and OD) and SBR
the removal of TP was mainly depend on post-treatment of conditions, the bacterial community composition especially
physical and chemical. Granules in the full-scale SBR showed for bacterial species showed a remarkable difference. Most
the best settling ability and the highest settling velocity among of the bacterial species in activated sludge in A/O and OD
these three processes after granulation (Table 2). It indicates were similar, but a noticeable difference occurred in mature
that aerobic granular sludge in the SBR process is advanta- aerobic granules in the full-scale SBR. It had been previously
geous compared to traditional activated sludge in the A/O reported that the influence of operation conditions and
and OD process. A much higher settling velocity of aerobic reactor format on the community diversity was evidenced by
granules allowed for less settling time in the SBR which in the change in band patterns [29].
turn improved the wastewater treatment efficiency in the Schematic band intensities for DGGE profiles were
SBR. Furthermore, a short settling time favored the growth obtained using BanScan software (Figure 4(b)). There were
of rapidly-settling bioparticles whereas the bioparticles with 32 obvious bands in DGGE profiles with 21–24 bands in
a poor settling ability were washed out [12]. every sample (Figure 4), and there was no obvious difference
BioMed Research International 7

No. 1 No. 2 No. 3

No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10

11 11
12 12
13 13
14 14

15 15
16 16
17 17
18 18
19 19

20 20
21 21
22 22
23 23
24 24

25 25
26 26
27 27

28 28

29 29
30 30

31 31
32 32

(a) DGGE profiles of examined samples (b) Schematic diagram of relative band
intensities in DGGE

Figure 4: The DGGE profiles of bacterial communities in three different reactors and all sludge samples were collected on September 8, 2011.
1#: sludge from A/O; 2#: sludge from OD; 3#: sludge from full-scale SBR.

in the number of bands and the diversity index among the than the genus similarity level [30]. It was therefore consid-
samples (Table 4). As measured, similarity coefficients of 1# ered that sequences of these four bands were from Nitro-
and 2# were relatively high (Table 3). Some bands, such as spira, Flavobacterium, Aquabacterium and Thauera genus,
bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 19, 20, 21, 24, 26, 27 and 31 were found in respectively. According to the DGGE profiles, Flavobacterium
all of the samples under three different processes. However, (band 12) dominated in the granules from the full-scale
the relative intensities of the same band in different sample SBR although it was not the dominant group in the initial
profiles were different. Besides, some special bands appeared sludge from the OD used as seed sludge. It was reported
in the DGGE profiles of different samples such as band 14, 16, that Flavobacterium is a significant genera of floc-forming
18 and 20, which only existed in 3# (Figure 4(b)). bacteria [31] producing extracellular polymers to bind cells
Typical bands from the DGGE profiles were separated, re- together. Earlier works also proved that Flavobacterium was
amplified, sequenced and thirteen sequences were obtained. dominant in granules from the full-scale SBR while not
Nucleotide sequences and the abundance of sequenced dominant in seed sludge [32]. It was interesting to note that
DGGE bands were compared (Table 5). Sequence analysis Bacteroidetes (band 13) was dominant in A/O and OD but
showed that bands 10, 12, 16 and 26 had similarity levels of did not exist in the granular sludge in the full-scale SBR.
100%, 99%, 100% and 100%, respectively, which was more Former works had proved that the Bacteroidetes bacterium
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Table 5: Comparison of nucleotide sequences and abundance of sequenced DGGE bands.

Sequence Accession Identity Relative abundance of bands (%)

Band Closest relative (accession no.)
(bp) no. (%) 1# 2# 3#
4 188 KF234427 Uncultured bacterium clone ASNR-16 (JQ809244) 100 7.0 2.3 4.2
Uncultured Chlorobi bacterium clone ABL17
8 188 KF234428 97 1.3 1.9 8.4
10 183 KF234429 Uncultured Nitrospira sp. (KC491391) 100 11.5 6.7 ND
Uncultured Nitrosomonas sp. clone S12
11 193 KF234430 99 3.5 3.7 ND
12 187 KF234431 Flavobacterium sp. R046 (KC252875) 99 ND ND 7.1
13 188 KF273869 Uncultured Bacteroidetes bacterium (FJ750465) 100 1.4 6.8 ND
14 193 KF234435 Uncultured beta proteobacterium (AB636023) 100 ND ND 5.7
16 193 KF234436 Uncultured Aquabacterium sp. (JQ288705) 99 ND ND 12.8
18 193 KF234437 Leptothrix sp. (JQ946011) 100 ND ND 5.7
Uncultured Alphaproteobacteriabacterium
23 170 KF234438 100 ND ND 1.5
25 193 KF234441 Uncultured bacterium (KC541099) 98 ND ND 3.6
Thauera sp. enrichment culture clone LDC-8
26 193 KF234444 100 8.4 9.2 10.6
28 196 KF234446 Uncultured proteobacterium (GQ243004) 98 ND ND 2.6
ND: not detected.
The bands are designed as shown in Figure 4.
The abundance was calculated using BandScan (version 5.0) software.

was washed out at short settling times and did not contribute as a bridge between negatively charged groups on the cell
to sludge granulation [33]. In our study, the Bacteroidetes surface which was important in the aggregation progress
bacterium was washed out under SBR operational conditions, [36, 37]. The effect of Ca2+ and Mg2+ enhancing the sludge
but retained under A/O and OD operational conditions due granulation in the SBR was widely recognized [38–40].
to the longer settling time. Nitrospira (band 10) dominated in Some studies indicated that Al and Fe were necessary in
A/O and OD but not in the full-scale SBR after granulation. the development of compact aerobic granules structure with
Thauera (band 26) was present significantly in all three excellent settling properties [41, 42]. Si was also precipitated
reactors and it played an important role in nitrogen removal significantly in granules; it had been reported that Si laid the
[33]. foundations for the aerobic granule structure and supported
the strength of matured granules [41].
3.4. Main Factors for Aerobic Granulation in Full-Scale SBR Large amounts of inorganics composed of Fe, Si, Ca
and P existing in the raw wastewater obviously provided
3.4.1. The Effect of Raw Wastewater on Aerobic Granulation. nuclei to accelerate microbial aggregation. These inorganic
Excellent performance of aerobic granules in the lab-scale solids were found in aerobic granules from this full-scale SBR
SBR, pilot-scale SBR, and particularly full-scale SBR sug- (Figure 6). Huishoff used hydro-anthracite as an additional
gested a necessary discussion about the role of raw wastewater inert support particle accelerating the anaerobic granulation
in aerobic granulation. [43]. Granular activated carbon (GAC) was also added for
Chemical elements in raw wastewater and granules from sludge granulation in the SBR with low-strength wastewater
the full scale SBR were analyzed by XRF (Figure 5). The [44]. Powdered activated carbon (PAC) and GAC were
contents of Na and Cl were 35.43% and 17.59% respectively in added during the start-up of upflow anaerobic sludge blanket
raw wastewater due to the fact that this WWTP is located at (UASB) to accelerate granulation [45]. However, these inor-
the seaside and is treating some industrial wastewater. It was ganics also caused low VSS/SS ratio in sludge.
reported that the presence of salt in the treated effluent did It was believed that the formation and stability of aerobic
not cause a detrimental effect on the operation of the reactor granules were closely related to the sludge EPS [46]. There-
once the aerobic granules were formed [34] or the granular fore, the EPS content of sludge in A/O, OD and full-scale
structure was stable throughout the whole experimental SBR were analyzed respectively (Table 2). The presence of
period when subjected to different salinity [35]. It indicated high PN contents in these three different sludges indicated the
that Fe, Si, Ca and P were precipitated in aerobic granules probable effect of raw wastewater in WWTP, which contained
since the contents of these elements in granules were higher bio-refractory or toxic compounds such as Benzenamine,
than those in raw wastewater. It had been demonstrated that Benzenamine N-methyl- and Isoquinoline (Figure 7). Pre-
the presence of divalent and trivalent mental ions could act vious studies implied that the EPS production, especially
BioMed Research International 9

Cl 17.6% Others 55.5%


Si 0.4%
Cl 0.8%
P 0.1%
P 6.4%
Mg 4.1%

Fe 0.5% Si 11.2%
Ca 3.4% Mg 1.1%
Na 3.2% Fe 14.4%
Na 35.5% Ca 7.4%

Fe Si Fe Si
Ca P Ca P
Na Cl Na Cl
Mg Others Mg Others
(a) Raw wastewater (b) Granular sludge in full-scale SBR

Figure 5: Element analysis of raw wastewater and granular sludge in full-scale SBR by X-ray fluorescence (XRF).

Thus, it was likely that microorganism in the SBR were subject

to a periodic starvation. After aeration for about 3 hours,
due to the degradation of contaminants the aeration intensity
decreased for energy saving reasons. The periodic feast-
famine conditions facilitated microbial aggregation. Due to
the increasing hydrophobicity of the bacteria, a decrease of
surface negative charge could be observed [49]. It could be a
reason that the most reactors for cultivating aerobic granular
sludge were SBR.
The A/O process operated in a plug flow way meaning
that an existing feast-famine regime contributed to microbial
Figure 6: Image of dry aerobic granular sludge from full-scale SBR. aggregates. Nevertheless, granules were not formed in the
Some inorganics act as cores in granules showed by short arrows. A/O process due to long settling time. Aerobic granules
could not be successfully developed if the settling time was
not well controlled, even though a periodic feast-famine
regime was present [50, 51]. In the SBR, settling time and
the protein components of microbes, increased due to the volume exchange ratio could be easily controlled which acted
exposure to toxic environment [47]. The PS content in the as the main hydraulic selecting pressures inducing aerobic
full-scale SBR of 20.8 mg g−1 VSS was higher than in the granulation [52]. Moreover, the mixed liquor flowed into the
A/O (15.2 mg g−1 VSS and OD of 13.0 mg g−1 VSS). PS could secondary sedimentation tank for settling in continuous flow
mediate both cohesion and adhesion of cells, and played an process. Part of the settled sludge was returned back to the
important role in maintaining the structure and stability of aeration tank by pumping which could easily destroy the
aerobic granules [48]. aggregated sludge. Consequently, it was also one reason for
an incomplete granulation in the A/O or OD.
3.4.2. The Effect of Operating Mode on Aerobic Granulation.
Comparing the operating mode of SBR with A/O and OD, the 4. Conclusion
unique feature of the full-scale SBR was its cyclic operation
mode which would lead to a periodical biodegradation phase Aerobic granular sludge was successfully cultivated in a
followed by an aerobic starvation phase in every cycle. lab-scale and a pilot-scale SBR in a WWTP. Subsequently,
Ammonia nitrogen, nitrite, nitrate, total nitrogen and BOD5 mature granules with compact structure, an average SVI30
undergo degradation during a typical cycle of operation of 47.1 mL g−1 , a diameter of 0.5 mm and a settling velocity
(Figure 8). After aeration for 2 h, BOD5 was decreased to the of 48 m h−1 were achieved in a full-scale SBR. Compared to
lowest of 15 mg L−1 . The rest of the aeration time of about two continuous flow reactors (A/O and OD) in this plant,
3 h for nitrification caused a starvation period of bacteria. different microbial communities were found in the full-scale
10 BioMed Research International


1 (3) (10) (11)
(4) (8)
5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0 32.5 35.0 37.5 40.0
Retention time (min)

Figure 7: Volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds in raw wastewater by GC/MS analysis: (1) 2-Bromo-2-nitropropane (2) Propanoic
acid, 2-hydroxy-, 2-methylpropyl ester (3) Formic acid, 2-propenyl ester (4) Aniline (5) Anline, N-methyl- (6) Isoquinoline (7) 4-
Aminoheptane (8) 1,2,4-Thiadiazole, 5-amino-3-propyl- (9) Phenol, 3,5-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)- (10) Pyrimidine-2,4(1H,3H)-dione, 5-amino-
6-nitroso (11) Oxalic acid, isobutyl propyl ester.

40 Static feeding Aeration phase 90 5 Conflict of Interests

32 75 4 The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests.
N-species (mg L−1)

BOD5 (mg L−1)

DO (mg L−1)

24 60 3
16 2 This research was supported by the National Natural Science
30 Foundation of China (No. 50878195) and the Project of
8 1 Science and Technology of Zhejiang.
0 0
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 References
Time (min)
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