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Globe Life - AIL - Spotlight Magazine - 2002-08

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All The Difference With each passing year, it seems we ate faced with our fair share of challenges. Every year we recruit Agents for ‘our field force and we build our sales, we are faced! with the issue of topping out previous accomplishment. By staying true to our founding principles, we have managed to top ourselves at every turn in the rood, Let’s tke» look at our track record In March, we brought in a record $7.2 million; in April, wwe cranked it up a notch bringing in $7.5 million. In May, we amazed even ourselves by blowing our prouetion out of the water with $7.8 million dollars. Well, July is no different. Yet again, we have managed to top ourselves. We faced the challenge and our hard work paidoff with an $8.7 million July. Our road, or rather our journey, co this incredible number has been long but it has been worth it. lr was your efforts which made all the difference! Recently, I was thinking back to grammar school and, in porticulay to literature clas. ‘When I was in gracle school, liseracure class was the one class in which [ always got caught daydreaming. Ironically, as I look back, literature was the class, in 2 matter of speaking, in which daydream believers were celebrated. Alchough daydreaming, [did manage my way through, and I even picked up a tidbit or two of literary knowledge. One specific poem popped to mind. The poem is called “The Road Not Taken” by Robect Frost. You may remember Robert Frest is a four-time Pulitzer Prize winner who became one of America’s most prominent poets by the time he died in 1963, Anyway, back to the poem. The reason this particular poem popped to mind is because at the keginning of the FROM THE DESK OF: “The future belongs to people who see pessibilities before they become obvious” PERSPECTIVE poem it speaks of a person faced with a decision. Te starts like this: “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry [could not travel both ‘Ang he one traveler, long I stood.” To me this seems somewhat symbolic of what Mr Rapoport faced in 1951. When AIL first got up-and-running, we too were faced with a fork in the road. We had a choice to make. Do we take the path other insurance companies have taken, or do. we choose the one less traveled? As with mest of Robert Frost’s poems, “The Road Not Taken” starcs with a dilemma and ends in wisdom. It ends like “Lhall be telling chis with asigh Roger Smith ee , President & Chief i ecm! ages hence: Marketing Officer of FS ete American Income Life ee ‘wood, and | — [took the one less traveled by, ‘And that has made all Ted Levitt] the difference.” At American Income, we decided to follow the road less traveled and offer insurance to labor unions. We believed having a wellthought out back-up plan would go a long way in protecting assets, We also believed we were just the right company to provide that back-up plan to the working families of 4 ‘America. We cid not look back and we found our niche. Just as with Fros’s poem, we started with a choice and are continuing in the wisdom of that choice with over 50 years of success under our belts At American Income, we know that taking the road less traveled has made all the difference for our customers, our Producers and us! 2 SPOTLIGNT AUGUST 2002 = WWWAILIKE.COM EDITOR’S PAGE Dates to Remember Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2002 Al business and ER credit muse be received in Waco ‘ocaunt for August production. Monday, Sept. 2, 2002 The Home Office wil be closed for Labor Day. Thursday, Sept. 26, 2002 AD hasness and BR, erecits must e received in Waco 10-count for September production. Milestones $100,000 In Force ‘The following Agents have $100,000 of inforce premium: John Reinbott John Rice David Tubbin Getting [t Right x In Last month’ isue of Spotigh, Kessa Hensley was leftoff che PR. Bonus with a $525 bonus, Samuel James, with 2 $14,258 in YTD Fist Year Agent production, $190,373 of Net ALP and a 96 percent Net to Gress should have been included in last month's GA rankings. Also, Davell Dorey with 3153 groups, and Al Wall with 14,482 cards were missing as Founcer’s Club members. We apologie for any inconvenience or confusion this may have caused A Note From B Dear Brenda: you how much L admire the work Tye indicated to you it might be years makes, In the Morch 1991 issue of S of ALP, In May of this year, the percent difference. The number in May 2002 produced $13,556 d The top MGA in March 1991 wi ‘number one MGA with $178,549, Brenda, I think these little ti force. It means a great deal to k oing! Sincerely, Bernard Rapoport — [know I do! Fins things frst — I want to tell you what a delight it was to get to know you, and, once again, tell Spolght. Of all the ones we've discussed, the field force to be apprised of what a difference 12 luced $6,813, and the number 30 make! Thanks B, we all appreciate anything you have to share Look For The Asterisk Published monthly by. American Income Life Inssrance Company for the dissemination of information to 8 Agents. Permssion must be obtained peor ‘oreproductien ot chor ise of material herein MARKETING ree Fie Sesleri. ‘The asterisks, shown throughout the magazine, indicate that place will be a Year-to-Date award winner. The Producers, who will be recognized at the 2003 Disney® Awards Presentation, are as follows: The top SGA fiom each category, the top two PR. Managers and the top three Representatives from each category the top five MGAS, the top SA, the rep five GAs and the top tem Individual Producers. Check your production! If here isan asterisk by your position, you could be an award winner! Required Retention Rate Beginming Jan. 1, 2002, to be eligible for boruses and featured in Spotigh, top Producers must meot the required Retention rate, ‘or the minimum Net to Gross ratio® Net to Gross: 77 pereent Retention: 64 percent + Nec» Ors only sl dary de Pde fis ee mo 002 by American Income Life surance Conor. PHILOSOPHY Customers, Coworkers and Country My dad was salesman, and he was proud of it, He had been many things in his life —a farm boy, a professional boxer, a tailor, a small businessman even an infantry cap- tain. in World War ] — but sell he thought of himself as a salesman. During his lifetime, my father had also started «wo national businesses. ‘The first failed in 1951. The second, founded in 1935, took offand flourished. He helped sinall towns, small-town merchants, and local Chambers of Commerce keep their heals above water during the Depression. Clients, coworkers, and country ought to be the primary focus of any business entity, not stock manipulations, golden parachutes for the top brass while workers get the shaft, or secret offshore tax dodges! If you look at any company on solid footing, you will sce the management, concentrating on these three basics Enron's greatest sin was not only its negleet of investors, but its betrayal of its own employees — the thousands of hhonest folks who invested not just dollars but yeats into a company which virtually vanished ovemight. This is why s0 many of us are proud — and lucky — Returning from World War IL in 1945, [ bought an interest in my dad's company to help recruit and train salesmen. Our entire field force consisted of about 44 men. Each salesman was assigned to 2 territory roughly equal to an average state. Over the years, we served approximately 80,000 individual merchants in almost 2,000 communities Ifyou wane peeple to svhat you do.” platform t speak from, and that is excellence in. to be associated with American Income! From its inception, the Company has protected its reputation with the policyholders, the workforce and the country. I will be 80 in December, and am one of the hickiest gurys on earth because I still enjoy working. However, I have a lot of friends my age, some older and many younger, who are FROM THE DESK OF Jim Wright Former Speaker of the House and all Consultant liseen, you have ro have a —Bill Pollard across the country. Our whole national operation was about the size of a succeseful SGA operation with American Income Life My father was primarily a selfeducated man, and though he never had a Ph.D., I saw him as a philosopher because his views on business far out-reached chose of many mex cer day corporate moguls. He believed when it came to business you as a businessman, were deeply obligated to three groups — clients, coworkers, and country. He soid, the clients are your lifeblood. The coworkers, or employees, are what keep the company running, and the country is what allows you t prosper. So, as long as you can guarantee these three gioups would get their money's worth, then the business would do fine! comfortably cetired because of the years they spent with AIL. American Income has understood its problems, worked with organizations on important projects, and waived premiums in moments of emergency. This, together with a better qualified sales force, accounts for AILS improved persistency. Any company worth working for cares what happens to its employees and its customers. Mark and Roger axe acutely conscious that the Home Oifice exists for the client and the field force, not the other way around! 4 SPOTLIGHT AUGUST 2002 8 WWW.AILIFE.COM PROMOTIONS Promoted To Supervising Agent Deicke Alsup Fomando Amotim Luke Bambore Ak Allg ‘nl shanak are Merton Teanessee Nori Caoina ‘tio ean Carpball Joba Cure (Charles Caper Akg Lary Geese: Erie Gigione Teanessee sour ew Jersey Doyan Foster AubwrGacvichi Dean Gekebteln Tin Schroeder Hucnes ah ris gone liana SouhCxalina iow Jory Jeremiah Johnon Kim Johnson. Dennis Kelleher ary Bier ‘Steve Frdarder Cio te Wisconsin Now Zeno Hessichusets Jeseph Larsen Rowe Lige Laurence Marschec Alege Soot Sith Mare Zipper nto Iinos Foca Joseph O'Connor Jon Patkse Frank Passe Eric Gigone Kevin Parlowsh Eri igione New Jes Teas tow sesey Rakesh Reki Mark Ricei Ggloe-brswr Eni igione Massachuses New Jeser George Selzer Shamsbinder Sidhu Daniel Sith lk ag Fick tig Gilene iste Teanessee Bish Calumbie Massachusots Jeremtah Vecs Mary Waller Anthony Walthour Furr htinghi Gensseriman Seat ith Calter Mie oie WepuesW URC rel esaT AM Abusbullf Janes Adkins Kevin Appisiey Genese-stan utst Koop x Ag Hols anes Sasktenovan willam Calhoun Ezabeth Eden Chad Finnery Bil Jennings Set ith Calerdo tadara Jeremy Pius Jelly Prince William Richard “im Setoadr Dana her Lary Genser Lovins Permayhania isso Promoted To Master General Agent Leandrew Alexander Patrick Coughlin Christopher Cummings Bil Jemiros ek tio Gigi Biser olds Oregor Hevavchurote [Nathan Hemmond Sidney Hedistiss onal Neon Alin Jennings Fk tig Rice sty bane Dito Calais Washington SPOTLIGHT AUGUST 2072 = WWWaILIHECOM ‘Sara Beckly rexaig Minresot Bran Coles te Gitone Now Sry Eiridge Haycln Hugner-Farka Nort eaoine| Temas Kelly Mare Zor Fria ‘ark Matthews Honeodk een nie Jeb Payne KAN ‘astrgion Daniel Rickles Michael Stanton ‘Alan enoegs| eh Daryl Wilkens Fick aig ert Datos eis Baron eK tig Sesatehnn | Kevin Lecrard Seot Sith Insone Dovelas Soup “in Someacor Leinane Bruce Davis Chis atend Nebo Leo Soucy Risen Main Paal Bonieso Er igione few Josey Raley Fallnet Edin Jammer Kein Pewowsts Toe Matthew Keman Nek Honeace India Daniel Mureyniki ile donee ‘one Matthew Petiy ae Werten ‘on Kaelton Robert En cigione ornsirana Chandan Sun uy Fouele New hampshire Leon Willams ‘shat orth Cena James Boucher ‘envitlans Fle Donavan Locklear ‘A Sata heart ‘Tomes Thundil ‘Seat Sith iis Chaties Decuir iow Nthonsk Llane Carolyn Wierd Witerbce-Ostovely Nissispp Dale Brune Kati Bish Ctunbia Bret Fels eneseaimey Larell Jennings Geneseritnan ince ‘Launy Lamar Geneartnan ins Craig Nagar Fk Aig bh Cau Elizabeth Pillip Devi coven Canora Mem Rodrigues Sigon-brter esachueete Alan Calder Joshua Chacon tate Biadterd Nicken eninge i Josenh Dicedue Nihols Mow ow INDIVIDUAL PRODUCER: INDIVIDUAL PRODUCER: URL NetALP | Year | Month July Qualifiers Carla Miller $41,337 | 2001 | Nov. Woodridge, IL Burnaby, BC Name NetaLp | _nG* [Rtn MGA SGA 4. Timothy Craise 60.6 | Eric Nichols Scott Smith | 2, Bulbinder Hayer tii | Roger Fung Bick altig 3. Mervyn Ee Aussell Chang Fick Ati 4, Roland Parker ‘Tom Wiliams | 5. Elaine Bosco 98 william Cook ‘Tom Wiliams 6. Marion Underwood 72.8 | Marlon Underwood | Scott Smith ¢ 7. Katheyn Kita 99 Henry Moran Robert Pattarson 8. Heather Baus Erol Doerr Bick Alig 9, Russell Morris Mare Zipper 410. Dertick Larsen 97 Kevin Frain Rick Altig Burnaby, BC Ft, Lauderdale, FL 11. Lance Brown vag | Darien Miler Gohen-Hartman 42, Ruben Soberanes 847 | Doreen Fyen-Foti sat Foti 13, David Sieur 83 Dan Goodin Kevin Pawlowski 14. Wesley Bangs Ti | Wesley Bangs Rick Altig 15. Oly-Nghia Nguyen 733 | Ronald VariWoocik Vled Basov 16, Alex Langford 4 Voladymir Derewanyy | Rick Alig 7, Sergey Tovmenka 96 lac Opra Larry Genaser 48, Erk Pagteknan 90 Rogor Johnson stot Foti 19, Andrew Rossoerg Theodore Pappas Richard Rutt 20. Tracy Haden Kevin Pavlowski Sinn ture! 2. Scott Kangas Wendel Bangs Rick Alig 2, kelly MeLoneld satot-Fot Eee Moodildess 1 23, Richard Rosa 93 Kevin Suites fd Orel 24, Jeremy Baker 80 Vlacimir Opra Larry Genaser 25, Matthew Wotancer 37 | Paul Rumbuc Durton Oidham 26, Peter Harm 685 | David Hausman Eric Gigone 27. Xiang Li 93 Roger Fung Rick Alig 28, Steven Douthit 756 | Jann akers Chis Latona 29, Emily Dariets 99 Ghristopher Cummings | Giglone-Brister 30. Jeff Hermes 653 | Don Goodwin Kevin Pawlowski 31, David Wang David Wang Soott Smith e 22, Allen Green Richard Putt aa 38. Craig Nugara 86 Brian Traboulay Rick Alt Albuquerque, NM Sioux Falls, SD 34. Joseph Moore John MeGreary Furer-Whitinghill, 35, Alex Roland Chris Lafond 236. Jason Schlomann 4 Jonathan Saluk Richard Ratt | 37, Robert Terborg 1000 | Melinde-Rae Lyse Rick Altig 38, Rini Hailalsono 92 David rye David Cohen 39, Robert MeClerren 92 DeMario Cooper Geneser-Bitman 1 40, Jason Lausar 100 Mat: Henderson Mare Zipper 44, Bonson Kim 60.4 | Don Wold Rick Alig 42. Haresh Tivant Melanie Gonen Giglane-Brister 5 5 48, Connie Morse Henry Moran Rober Patterson 9, Russell Morris sa gE) AA, Rakesh Roki Christopher Cummings | Giglione-Brister Altamonte Springs, FL Regina, SK. 45, Brandi Coles Vita Pecoraro Eric Gigione 46, Bruce Davis Bruce Davis, Chvis Lafond 47, Kobina Sekyi Joseph Manone 48. Dean Goldstein David Hausrran Eric Gigione 49, Paul Vojtek Steven Lee Alig: Martyn Ted Poulos Mplarie Cohen Giglione-Brstor 7 Peroantage of Ret to Gross 6 SPOTLIGHT AUGUST 202 8 WWWAILIEE.CON SPOTLIGHT AUGUST2002. = WW)W.AILIFECOM INDIVIDUAL PRODUCERS All Time Record to Beat Net ALP Year 0 ii Timothy Cruise $202,696 | 2000 YTD Qualifiers Name Netate | Gs | Rin MGA I SGA * 4, Marlon Underwood | $116,957 72.8 | Marlon Underwood Scott Smith * 2 Timothy Cruise 112,486 80.6 | Erie Nichols Scott Smith * 3, dames Datta 100,498 79.7 | dames Dattio Mare Zioper * 4, Lance Brown 97,133 724 | Darren Miller Cohen-Hartman * 5. Kelly MeDonald 87,883 65.7 Jatoft-Fti * 6. Ruben Soberanes 80,593 84.7 | Doreen Ryan-Foti Jatott-Fot +7. AkKarim Walji 96,991 76.2 | Melinda-Rae Lyse Rick altig * 8 Roland Parker 85,678 16.3 Tom Williams ~ 9, Jefferson Moyers asso | 78 Jefferson Moyers Shahrak-Smolenski 40. Jim Bianchi 84,246 92.1 | Paul Rumbue Durhon Oldham 11 Joey Kennedy 84087 754 | Gary Willams Rick ati 12, David Wang 82,876 7i4 | Davie Weng Scott Smith 48. John Rice £2,754 721 | Doroon Pyan-Foi daioft Foti 14, Kendra Roberts a7 83.0 | Robert Dalesky Eric Giglcne 46, Andie Rossberg 79001 80.6 | Theodore Paapas Richard Rutt 16, Matthew WotFangor 78,480 837 | Paul Rumbue Dutton Oidham 17, Joshua Robinson 77.462 728 | Leslee Taylor Geneser-Bitman 48. Arita St. Arnaud man 82.0 | Garstine Havtman Goher-Hartman 19. DeNario Cooper 76,900 728 | DeMario Cooper Gonesor-Bitman 20, Ramin Magnsoud 76887 B12 Vlad Basow 21. dennifer Baron 76.556 824 | Wiliam Cook Tom Wiliams, 22. Keith Zabrocki 75,884 82.2 | Bruce Hennick Mare Morton 23, Jeremy Baker 75853 | 80 Viadimir Opra Larry Geneser 24, Julie Wells 75,190 746 | Nickolay Gusey Vled Basov 25, Joseph Moore 78.498 808 | John McCreary Furer-Whitinghill 26. John Relnbot 74416 83.6 | Leanne Hughes Eris Giatone 27. Harold MeSweeny 73,708 662 Robert Patterson 28 Marcellus Adams 73.656 602 | Marcellus Adams Allan Jennings 29. dell Hermes 73471 65.3 | Don Goodwin Kevin Pawlowski 80. Mare Roson 71981 81.3 | Mare Rosen Eris Giglone 31. Emmanuelle Fantol 71589 829 | David liye David Goren 32. Russel Moris, 7142 | 96 Mere Zipper 88. Alex Roland 71.282 607 CChrisLafond 34 Clay-Nonia Nguyen mat7 733 | Ronald VanWoesik Vlad Basov 35. Leslie Taylor 70,900 728 | Leste Taylor Geneser-Bitman 36. Wark Blier 70.170 a17 Gary Blelor 37. Joseph Rice 69.472 765 | Jetfey Dinoceato Eric Giglone 38. Guy Panna 03.646 654 David Coben 39. Joseph Sehofeld 68.490 653 | Kevin Bukatman Eris Gigiona 40. Moneesra Smith 68283 Tz | Byron Watson Eric Ggtione 4A, Larry Wright 67,603 665 Robert Paterson 42. Steven Greer 67.583 868 | Steven Groar Durhion Oldham 43. Allen Green 67.178 816 Richard Rut 44. David Tubbin 66,950 708 | Wendel Bangs Rick Alig 45, Douglas Bauknacht 65,428 875 | Gary Willams Rick Alig 46. Soott Remmey 65,086 788 | Jetfey Dinocento Eri Gigtone 47. Potor Hamm 64,955 685 | David Hausman Eris Giglione 48, Ryan Hungate 64,386 728 | John McCreary Furer-Whitinghill 49. Mitcell Clem 63,663 826 \Vled Basoy 50. Lynn Erickson 63,619 754 David Cohen © Percentage of Netto GOs 5 SPOTLIGHT AUGUST2002.& WWWAlLIFE:COM COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT MONETARY DONATIONS Mark Hancock Agency © Contributed $100 to the North Central Indiana Labor Council’s annual summer picnic. © Donated $100 to the Teamsters Local 364 annual retirees picnic. Donated $525 to the indiana Regional Council of Carpenters golf outing, ‘ © Contributed $250 to the Central Indiana Labor Councils annual Labor Day parade. hes-Parekh Agency © Donated $500 to the South Carolina State Employee Association scholarship fund (sce picture below) Total Stars OTHER DONATIONS Mark Hancock Agency © Donated 30 boxes of food for the laid-off members of the Sheet Metal Workers Local 20, Hughes-Parekh Agency © Participated in a picket line strike at the Palmetto Bridge construction site Gee picture below). Hughes-Parekh Agency f UNFAIR LABOR CONGRATULATIONS! Shawna King, the daughter of General Agent Richarcl Nye, won @ $5,000 scholarship from the Howard Coughlin Memorial Scholarship fund witich is sponsored through OPEIU Local 277. Congratulations on this distinguished honor. srorL ‘AUGUST 2022 = WWW.AILIFECOM 9 RETENTION BONUS RETENTION BONUS ‘OunuFIER QUALIHER ageNeY IALIFAER noence UALIEIER AgeucY ‘QUALIFIER GENE ‘QuaUEHER once Heyer 55151 Josua soni —Gavese-stman 1898 kmaNal rs me Sevens Dhan Oban BenucoLowra EieGinone $282 Ae Gibor Tisai Wie Heastee” Ger le Hlan ampson— Hereee es ite Bape ee WeeCapeor Sie Hidander Basia Adardrener — envihars SIS Satheniey = EC 1853 SenennYaneson Sect Sih Foie ches” Seti An ory Botag ovate Hien urosvees Sear Sin Soom agree © Racal 1381 Wine Cem Viger dees Saco apart Eicon Bee iter seoeares — Saourer Soest Can tes Biae 1347 oman sak = Ane Ft Hoel praise Mle Bros Aroewfossbey Hera fut ee ns Nace fekttg 18) Henn Pannar” Mae por fea anee jatar Kemravewsi = fae karmic A hs deerneke Bre aune laure Hohcck Uso Zia Hale Rebar Beda Wathen Br Htlew'Wotogx — Gurorgensn = 369 Eniy Senate se Somtelienes Wiad Osresky Heer. fcoet th Hz Shame Nore Sie radarder eee Spromiee es Bown Giremiinen $3082 a Reldngon —_Bunen Shan est Enh Winers —— Bikalg. fesguiers Ghastatond 0; Zilaresuea Sec Sh Daim sede” eB even lege” Hy away A oe ne 1 Riise Reale Sane Riccafions Mare 2 Bot Wiak-coplc) = tral 1798 XethGurwel” Mark Yoo at Siston Oia 8) RopetoPadens Gave Con Naa bra essiinoos ——Farecingia $265. Arey Be Bor Glow 1783. ay Harn Ether Bat sarees (ep Mahae favor Geeaar man Da Zab Wesey Bags BRA BS tetany = Here tn te Band cleo James ass ' Renad Sion arn bot Seiey octane Sh St Casio, ary Seer Mengntee chan $2319 Sma Sutin Oa 781 TndlewsSaowask Ere ile Newt Kee Ue at 08 Mere ve Bows Sheek Ct owt Breve Coutit Ga talons Hear Gey Smit (ory Geneser 777 dames loloway”— Geneear-siinan ciel Ga Benes tinan WaT ChrtonherHghes 83 Jerninas en Wali ny igione Blea llanen ad Baen foo Seton Avy 7, Tene Jobtch Lay Caren Karsgitie Syne ered 8 nth Als Heroes, a gape ike Ee crue Sie fle ie es ea ae hg Ra ace Rictngoo leak BEd a Bienes BSH Geometers gp = »— RRierSums eta aa Nore ad ee ee ee Bia ele He lees Vata el Bove ‘emia BREE Genareweh oer enone Vs; Henge Snow Lay Cayce Frentlesieom Ket Pal Oh fatelBggqwe: Deva uane, Fecgine EnPapelan aot. Bes Gem aeunye — Laep Genera 2 Kean aig Boonen te Abas ‘Mena dstorsly Gathwnedis. — Hanodetles cd ‘ane Baio Ware Zope Bec bay Wale Hobe Paterson 1724 EnmanseleFanoli Davi Cohen Weta Sbye seein finerafiongsin — Fobst oni Janes Stace Sieeenanian esp arono BUY ain Selonaen ewe 1) ames ene Un Carsne Hoterruce Foal Bt ee Siar ahan esis a Soot Sin GEL Stemontee Hopes Para ite mktatiens — Hantoc Soe Aa Se {lane Siena Scot Eh oh Resales Eee alona Gee Varo Ss Gelees-dinan SLE Gspher Bore Wier eesty ioolSiasoo Set si Karem Temvis ba Zion Gh tae FibstPateron Sid Midas! 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Eeieerey ta Re Eerie Bebe Palasan Heidipren > Nexto Sent Sn SSoonaiee AA Boom Bayketer Greaves ea Hee Sat uel Keun Pruowal Bardtarmanl — Beka Kemah Hobe” Geneeeftnan erie Bhan ut Hee Suse EleGgiore 1 Hes ay Gus ‘i weeny kal Gorkeivestin Gomes: Biman Aalto Ered BES Gamiutsie gaia 1 138 fer ows artefacts jnnyel ve ioe, falteman ButorGstan «358 Siunen Chaat anda a ang fos atee i aime rere my sah Sandia Recahg BE Geioo Dunn Sinan ee ie St conn as Koc ae iniaace iccAln Darttaeen ke B25 Boodle Ere pene oar aie 20) Ne ot seven ae) ot Sih detest ary vaneser Ratesnfst Gators, = Bat Paes Loe eotei Ht Sege Chonan ug ms as bs i cay fait arcick rae a Tiere Cavoe, — SsFreserder 2470. 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