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Chang Ve Ark. 2013 Occupational Noise Exposure and Incident Hypertension in Men A Prospective

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American Journal of Epidemiology Vol. 177, No.

© The Author 2013. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of DOI: 10.1093/aje/kws300
Public Health. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: Advance Access publication:
March 6, 2013

Original Contribution

Occupational Noise Exposure and Incident Hypertension in Men: A Prospective

Cohort Study

Ta-Yuan Chang*, Bing-Fang Hwang, Chiu-Shong Liu, Ren-Yin Chen, Ven-Shing Wang,

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Bo-Ying Bao, and Jim-Shoung Lai
* Correspondence to Dr. Ta-Yuan Chang, China Medical University, 91 Hsueh-Shih Road, Taichung 40402, Taiwan, Republic of China

Initially submitted March 19, 2012; accepted for publication June 25, 2012.

The associations between occupational noise exposure and hypertension remain controversial because of the
differences in study designs, exposure assessments, and confounding controls. This prospective study investi-
gated the relationship between noise exposure and the 10-year risk of hypertension. A cohort of 578 male
workers in Taiwan was followed from 1998 to 2008. All subjects were divided into high-, intermediate-, and low-
exposure groups on the basis of noise exposure assessment. Cox regression models were used to estimate the
relative risks of hypertension after adjustment for potential confounders. During the 7,805 person-years of follow-
up, 141 hypertension cases were identified. Significant increases of 3.2 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.2, 6.2)
mm Hg in systolic blood pressure and 2.5 (95% CI: 0.1, 4.8) mm Hg in diastolic blood pressure between the
baseline and follow-up measurements were observed in the high-exposure group. Participants exposed to ≥85
A-weighted decibels (dBA) had a 1.93-fold (95% CI: 1.15, 3.22) risk of hypertension compared with those
exposed to <80 dBA. There was a significant exposure-response pattern (P = 0.016) between the risk of hyper-
tension and the stratum of noise exposure. Prolonged exposure to noise levels ≥85 dBA may increase males’
systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels. This association may translate into a higher incidence of

blood pressure; hypertension; men; occupational noise; prospective studies

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; dBA, A-weighted decibel(s); DBP, diastolic blood pressure; RR, relative risk; SBP, sys-
tolic blood pressure; SD, standard deviation.

Chronic exposure to noise has been associated with car- risk of hypertension in 2 retrospective cohort studies (10, 11),
diovascular disease, including ischemic heart disease (1), 2 repeated-measure studies (12, 13), and 9 cross-sectional
myocardial infarction (2–5), coronary heart disease (6, 7), studies (14–22). However, the results of other studies are
and stroke (8). This association may exist because noise inconsistent with these findings (23–31). Reasons for this
exposure activates the sympathetic and endocrine systems inconsistency may include differences in study design, dif-
to affect the humoral and metabolic states of the human ferences in exposure assessment, different degrees of
organism, producing the increase in blood pressure and the ability to control for potential confounders, and various
changes in other biological risk factors (such as blood degrees of the use of hearing-protective devices at work.
lipids and glucose levels) that promote the development of One cohort study reported a relationship between occu-
hypertension and cardiovascular diseases (9). pational noise exposure and the incidence of hypertension
The existence of an association between noise exposure (10). However, these results were limited by an exposure
in occupational settings and hypertension is still controver- bias caused by no adjustments for the use of hearing-
sial. Occupational noise exposure has been associated with protective devices, and the association between noise expo-
a sustained elevation of blood pressure or with a higher sure and blood pressure was not reported. In addition,

818 Am J Epidemiol. 2013;177(8):818–825

Occupational Noise and Hypertension 819

important risk factors for hypertension, such as body mass factors included age, educational level, employment dura-
index, cigarette use, alcohol intake, regular exercise, salt tion, cigarette use, alcohol intake, regular exercise, the use
intake, and a family history of hypertension (32, 33), were of antihypertensive medication, and the use of hearing-
not considered. The objective of this study was to investi- protective devices. Additional information (such as salt
gate the relationship between prolonged exposure to occu- intake and a family history of hypertension) was included
pational noise and the 10-year incidence of hypertension only in 2008. To avoid information bias, we defined the
by taking these important factors into account. lifestyle habits for regular users specifically (21, 34). The
use of hearing-protective devices included the percentage of
time that the subjects wore hearing-protective devices (i.e.,
never use, <2 hours’, 2–4 hours’, >4–6 hours’, and >6–8
Study population hours’ working time) and the type of hearing-protective
devices (i.e., earplugs, earmuffs, or both). High salt-intake
This study was conducted by performing a follow-up workers were defined as those who reported ingesting food
study to a cross-sectional survey in an aircraft manufacturing

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cooked with soybean sauce for more than one meal per day.
plant in central Taiwan. The recruitment and selection of A subject was defined as having a family history of hyper-
study subjects have been described in detail previously (21). tension if a positive answer was given to the question:
Briefly, 790 male production line workers were recruited in “Have your parents or grandparents been diagnosed with
1998 and were invited to join again at the end of 2008. To hypertension by a physician in the past?” (21, 34).
ensure study subjects without hypertension at baseline, we
excluded 10 workers because they reported having a physi- Follow-up
cian diagnosis of hypertension and using antihypertensive
medication according to a questionnaire survey in 1998. We used employment personnel records to obtain each
During the 10-year period, 86 workers retired and were lost subject’s first date of employment at this company and
to follow-up. In addition, 116 subjects were rejected because assigned this date as the beginning of the follow-up period.
of the lack of follow-up results in 2008. Therefore, the study The end of the follow-up period was defined as either the
group comprised 578 male production line workers. There date of diagnosis by a physician or the date when the sub-
were no significant differences between the 578 participants jects who had not been diagnosed with hypertension by a
and the 202 nonparticipants at baseline in terms of employ- physician were given their blood pressure examinations in
ment duration, body mass index, high-density lipoprotein December 2008. Among the 141 cases classified as hyper-
level, triglyceride level, cigarette use, alcohol intake, and tensive in this study, 56 cases were diagnosed with hyper-
regular exercise. The present study was reviewed and approved tension (30 cases were taking antihypertensive medication),
by the Institutional Review Board of the School of Public and 85 cases were identified at the annual examination in
Health, China Medical University, before the study com- 2008.
menced in 2008, and written informed consent was obtained
again from each participant. Noise exposure assessment

Blood pressure measurements and definition of The procedure for noise exposure assessment in 1998
hypertension was similar to that for the follow-up measurements in
2008. We first identified 18 departments in this company
The procedure for baseline blood pressure measurements and divided each department into different locations on the
in 1998 was the same as that for the follow-up measurements basis of the manufacturing processes by industrial hygien-
in 2008. All subjects were required to fast overnight before ists and senior workers. After the walk-through survey, we
blood sampling and blood pressure measurements during measured the 15-minute time-weighted average equivalent
annual health examinations. Subjects sat for 10 minutes in a sound level by using a sound analyzer (Model TES-1358;
chair with back support before blood pressure was measured TES Electronic Corp., Taipei, Taiwan), which was calibrat-
bilaterally by a trained nurse using an automated sphygmo- ed with a sound-level calibrator (Model TES-1356; TES
manometer (Ostar Model P2; Ostar Meditech Corp., Taipei, Electronic Corp.) before environmental monitoring. The
Taiwan). The mean value of the 2 measurements was recorded short-term environmental sampling was performed at 337
to represent the individual’s blood pressure in the present locations that were possibly the loudest workplaces at this
study. Subjects were defined as hypertensive if they reported company. For the 121 sites exhibiting a 15-minute time-
a diagnosis of hypertension given by physicians after 1998, weighted average equivalent sound level of ≥65 A-weighted
if the mean value of their resting systolic blood pressure decibels (dBA), additional 8-hour time-weighted average
(SBP) was ≥140 mm Hg in 2008, or if the mean value of measurements were conducted during September–December
their resting diastolic blood pressure (DBP) was ≥90 mm Hg of 1998. All subjects were divided into one of similar expo-
in 2008. Height, body weight, total cholesterol level, and tri- sure groups on the basis of the similarity and frequency
glyceride level were also measured in all subjects at baseline of tasks performed, the agents and processes with which
and follow-up. The body mass index was calculated as they worked, and the ways in which they performed the
weight (kg)/height (m)2. tasks (35). Each subject was assigned a specific value of
In addition, a self-administered questionnaire was used noise exposure on the basis of the 8-hour time-weighted
to collect potential confounders in 1998 and 2008. These average equivalent sound level measured in his workplace.

Am J Epidemiol. 2013;177(8):818–825
820 Chang et al.

Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of Study Participants, Taichung, Taiwan, 1998–2008

Exposure Groups
Total Subjects (n = 578)
Characteristics High (n = 152) Intermediate (n = 221) Low (n = 205) P Value
Mean (SD) No. % Mean (SD) No. % Mean (SD) No. % Mean (SD) No. %

Age at entry, 27.6 (4.6) 27.5 (5.4) 28.0 (5.6) 27.7 (5.3) 0.504a
Employment 10.2 (5.0)b 9.0 (4.8)c 10.9 (6.0) 9.8 (5.2) 0.003a
Body mass 24.0 (3.0) 23.8 (3.1) 23.6 (2.9) 23.8 (3.0) 0.493a
HDL, mg/dl 45.4 (6.9) 46.3 (10.6) 46.0 (8.3) 46.0 (8.9) 0.909a
LDL, mg/dl 115.1 (30.4) 114.5 (30.3) 112.3 (28.8) 113.8 (29.8) 0.609a

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Triglyceride, 142.2 (63.4) 143.6 (86.0) 156.7 (95.1) 147.7 (83.9) 0.347a
Education 63 41.5e 106 48.0e 50 24.4 219 37.9 <0.001f
Current 88 57.9 120 54.3 111 54.2 319 55.2 0.737f
Alcohol 95 62.5 136 61.5 124 60.5 355 61.4 0.927f
Regular 50 32.9 71 32.1 58 28.3 179 31.0 0.580f
Use of hearing- <0.001f
devices at
Never 39 25.7e,g 16 7.2e 121 59.0 176 30.4
<2 hours’ 80 52.6 35 15.8 26 12.7 141 24.4
2–4 hours’ 31 20.4 39 17.7 24 11.7 94 16.3
>4–6 1 0.7 59 26.7 10 4.9 70 12.1
>6–8 1 0.7 72 32.6 24 11.7 97 16.8

Abbreviations: HDL, high-density lipoprotein; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; SD, standard deviation.
Kruskal-Wallis test of the difference among the 3 groups.
Mann-Whitney test for a significant difference (P < 0.05) compared with the intermediate-exposure group.
Mann-Whitney test for a significant difference (P < 0.05) compared with the low-exposure group.
Body mass index: weight (kg)/height (m)2.
χ test for a significant difference (P < 0.05) compared with the low-exposure group.
e 2

χ test for the difference among the 3 groups.

f 2

χ test for a significant difference (P < 0.05) compared with the intermediate-exposure group.
g 2

To avoid an exposure bias due to the use of hearing- earplugs and an average of 62% for earmuffs), a comfort
protective devices at work, we calculated each participant’s factor of 0.5 (because of the minimal percentage of comfort
level of noise reduction according to the noise reduction related to compliance with usage of hearing-protective
rating of the hearing-protective devices that he wore (29 dB devices) (36), and the percentage of working time that he
for earplugs and 25 dB for earmuffs), the protection levels used the hearing-protective devices (36, 37). We used the
of the hearing-protective devices (an average of 28% for hearing-protective device-adjusted value of the 8-hour

Am J Epidemiol. 2013;177(8):818–825
Occupational Noise and Hypertension 821

Table 2. Occupational Noise Exposure at Baseline in 3 Study Groups, Taichung, Taiwan, 1998–2008

Noise Levels (dBA) Before Noise Levels (dBA) After

Exposure Adjustment for Hearing Adjustment for Hearing
Groups Protective Devices Protective Devices
Mean (SD) Range Mean (SD) Range

High 87.4 (2.1)a,b 86.4–92.5 86.9 (2.2)a,b 85.3–92.5

Intermediate 85.4 (1.5)a 81.5–86.4 83.0 (1.3)a 80.3–84.8
Low 73.2 (9.4) 55.3–86.4 71.9 (9.0) 53.0–79.9
P value <0.001c <0.001c

Abbreviations: dBA, A-weighted decibel(s); SD, standard deviation.

Mann–Whitney test for a significant difference (P < 0.05) compared with the low-exposure group.
Mann–Whitney test for a significant difference (P < 0.05) compared with the intermediate-exposure group.

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Kruskal–Wallis test of the difference among the 3 groups.

time-weighted average equivalent sound level to classify We used a manual stepwise regression to build the final
participants into 3 exposure groups by selecting the median model because only one variable of body mass index
and third quartile as cutoff points in the distribution of (P = 0.005) was retained in the final step using an automatic
noise exposure among all subjects. The 578 workers were stepwise procedure. A basic model was examined first that
subdivided into a high-exposure group (n = 152; noise included age at baseline for biological plausibility and 2
level: ≥85 dBA), an intermediate-exposure group (n = 221; dummy variables of exposure categories. The basic model
noise level: 80–<85 dBA), and a low-exposure group was then enlarged to include 2 variables (i.e., body mass
(n = 205; noise level: <80 dBA). index and employment duration) that were significantly
associated with the risk of hypertension in the simple Cox
regression models. The final model included all variables in
Statistical analysis
the extended model and important risk factors of hyperten-
We first used the Shapiro-Wilk test to determine the nor- sion reported in the previous literature (32–33, 40), includ-
mality of continuous variables. The Kruskal-Wallis test was ing socioeconomic status (using educational levels or job
then used to perform multiple comparisons of continuous positions as surrogates), cigarette use, alcohol intake, and
variables among the 3 groups for the nonnormal distribution, regular exercise. In the sensitivity analysis, the 2 variables
and a 1-way analysis of variance was used for the same com- of salt intake and family history of hypertension that had
parison of continuous variables that were normally distribu- been collected only in 2008 were included in the model.
ted. We also used the χ2 test to compare the difference in The SAS standard package for Windows, version 9.2 (SAS
dichotomous variables among the 3 groups. For those Institute, Inc., Cary, North Carolina), was used for the sta-
groups with significant differences, the Mann-Whitney test tistical analyses. The significance level was set at 0.050 for
(or t test) and the χ2 test were used to compare the high- and all tests.
intermediate-exposure groups with the low-exposure group
for continuous and dichotomous variables. RESULTS
To compare individual differences in SBP and DBP
between the baseline and follow-up measurements, we used Table 1 summarizes the demographic characteristics of
the linear mixed-effect regression models for each exposure 578 participants at baseline. Significant differences were
group (38, 39). The fixed effects in the mixed model identified among the exposure groups in the mean value of
included all variables in the final model at baseline and the employment duration, the number of individuals with an
use of antihypertension medication in 2008. Individual sub- educational level of ≤12 years, and whether individuals
jects were used as a random effect. We used the first-order used hearing-protective devices at work. Workers in the
autoregressive model for covariance structures because of high- and intermediate-exposure groups were more likely to
the minimizing value of Akaike’s Information Criterion in have an educational level of ≤12 years and were less likely
both SBP and DBP measurements (38, 39). to never use hearing-protective devices at work than those
To avoid the information bias in observed person-years in the low-exposure group. In addition, high-exposure
due to the availability of only 1 blood pressure measurement workers had a significantly higher mean of employment
within the past 10 years, we identified hypertensive cases duration and were less likely to never use hearing-protective
by questionnaire, blood pressure measurements, and total devices at work compared with the intermediate-exposure
hypertensive cases used as the outcomes to perform the regres- workers. In contrast, intermediate-exposure workers had a
sion analyses. We used Cox proportional hazard regressions significantly lower mean of employment duration than did
and calculated relative risks with 95% confidence intervals the low-exposure workers.
to compare the differences in incidence of hypertension Table 2 shows the measurements of occupational noise
among groups while controlling for potential confounders. exposure for the 3 groups. Significant differences were

Am J Epidemiol. 2013;177(8):818–825
822 Chang et al.

Linear mixed-effect regression models were used to test the difference between the baseline and follow-up measurements after controlling for age at baseline, antihypertension
identified in the mean noise levels among the 3 groups

P Value

either before or after an adjustment for hearing-protective
device use. The high- and intermediate-exposure groups

were exposed to significantly higher mean values of noise


−0.6, 3.2
−0.3, 3.2
0.1, 4.8
compared with the low-exposure group both before and

95% CI
after an adjustment for hearing-protective device use.
Table 3 shows the changes in blood pressure between
the baseline and follow-up measurements in the 3 groups. Al-

though there were no significant differences in SBP and DBP
among these 3 groups at baseline or follow-up, the SBP of
both the high-exposure (P = 0.035) and the intermediate-
P Value

DBP, mm Hg

exposure (P < 0.001) groups significantly increased between

the baseline and follow-up measurements in the linear

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mixed-effect models. In addition, the DBP of high-exposure
Mean (SD)

81.6 (8.7)
82.5 (8.8)
83.3 (8.6)

workers significantly increased between the baseline and

follow-up measurements (P = 0.042) after controlling for po-
tential confounders.
The associations among the different groups and the risk
P Value


of hypertension are summarized in Table 4. The multiple

Cox proportional hazard regression models showed that
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; SBP, systolic blood pressure; SD, standard deviation.

workers exposed to 86.9 (standard deviation (SD), 2.2)

dBA and those exposed to 83.0 (SD, 1.3) dBA had a 1.93-
80.3 (11.2)
81.1 (10.8)
80.8 (12.9)

medication, body mass index, employment duration, educational level, cigarette use, alcohol intake, and regular exercise.
Mean (SD)

fold and a 1.75-fold relative risk of hypertension, respec-

tively, compared with those exposed to 71.9 (SD, 9.0) dBA
after an adjustment for potential confounders. There was a
significant dose-response relationship between the levels of
P Value


noise exposure experienced by the 3 groups and the risk of

hypertension using total cases as the outcomes (adjusted

relative risk (RR) = 1.35, 95% confidence interval (CI):


−1.0, 4.0
2.5, 7.3
0.2, 6.2

1.06, 1.73). Similar results were found while using job

95% CI

positions (managers, engineers, administrators, and techni-

cians) instead of educational levels in the models. In addi-
tion, the intermediate-exposure group had a significantly
Table 3. Changes in Blood Pressure by Study Group, Taichung, Taiwan, 1998–2008


higher risk of measured hypertension than did the low-


exposure group.
In sensitivity analyses, the association between occupa-
P Value

One-way analysis of variance test of the difference among the 3 groups.


tional noise exposure and the risk of hypertension persisted

SBP, mm Hg

for both the high-exposure (adjusted RR = 1.95, 95% CI:


1.16, 3.28) and the intermediate-exposure (adjusted

124.6 (13.9)
126.8 (14.4)
126.1 (15.3)
Mean (SD)

RR = 1.74, 95% CI: 1.08, 2.80) groups after the addition of

the 2 variables of salt intake and family history of hyperten-
sion to model 3. Furthermore, an increasing exposure-
response trend was found (adjusted RR = 1.37, 95% CI:
1.07, 1.75) (P = 0.014) in this sensitivity analysis. No signifi-
P Value


cant differences were found among the 3 exposure groups

with regard to salt intake (P = 0.173) or family history of

hypertension (P = 0.656).
123.1 (12.1)
122.0 (11.7)
122.9 (11.8)
Mean (SD)


We found a positive relationship between occupational noise

exposure ≥85 dBA at baseline and the 10-year incidence of

hypertension. The findings were consistent with the results in


a retrospective study that reported a significantly higher risk

of hypertension in sawmill workers exposed to ≥85 dBA for
more than 30 years (10). Although their findings were

limited to a misclassification of noise exposure because of no


adjustment for the use of hearing-protective devices at work,


the 2 longitudinal studies reached similar results to show an


increased risk of hypertension following long-term chronic

Am J Epidemiol. 2013;177(8):818–825
Occupational Noise and Hypertension 823

Table 4. Associations Between Different Noise Exposure Levels and Incidence of Hypertension, Taichung, Taiwan, 1998–2008

Outcomes by Different Noise No. of Crude RR Model 1a Model 2b Model 3c

Exposure Levels, dBA Cases RR 95% CI ARR 95% CI ARR 95% CI ARR 95% CI
Diagnosed hypertension
<80 18 6.3 × 10−3 1 Referent 1 Referent 1 Referent 1 Referent
80–<85 19 6.3 × 10 1.00 0.52, 1.90 1.00 0.53, 1.91 1.26 0.59, 2.70 1.16 0.54, 2.48
≥85 19 9.9 × 10−3 1.64 0.86, 3.12 1.65 0.87, 3.15 2.07 0.96, 4.45 2.05 0.96, 4.40
Ptrend 0.149 0.141 0.051 0.051
Measured hypertensione
<80 26 9.0 × 10−3 1 1 1 1
80–<85 40 13.2 × 10 1.48 0.90, 2.42 1.49 0.90, 2.43 2.24 1.24, 4.05 2.22 1.20, 4.08

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≥85 19 9.9 × 10−3 1.19 0.66, 2.15 1.20 0.66, 2.16 1.82 0.92, 3.62 1.78 0.88, 3.59
Ptrend 0.452 0.438 0.101 0.136
Total hypertension
<80 44 15.3 × 10−3 1 Referent 1 Referent 1 Referent 1 Referent
80–<85 59 19.5 × 10−3 1.28 0.87, 1.89 1.28 0.87, 1.90 1.81 1.14, 2.89 1.75 1.09, 2.81
≥85 38 19.9 × 10−3 1.38 0.89, 2.13 1.39 0.90, 2.15 1.96 1.18, 3.27 1.93 1.15, 3.22
Ptrend 0.134 0.125 0.012 0.016

Abbreviations: ARR, adjusted relative risk; CI, confidence interval; dBA, A-weighted decibel(s); RR, relative risk.
The Cox proportional hazards regression adjusted for biological plausibility (i.e., age at baseline) as the basic model.
The Cox proportional hazards regression adjusted for age at baseline and significant factors in simple Cox regression models (such as
body mass index and employment duration) as the extended model.
The Cox proportional hazards regression adjusted for all variables in model 1, model 2, and important risk factors reported in previous
literature (i.e., educational level, cigarette use, alcohol intake, and regular exercise) as the final model.
Subjects reported that a physician had previously given them a diagnosis of hypertension.
Subjects had a mean value of resting systolic blood pressure of ≥140 mm Hg or a mean value of resting diastolic blood pressure of
≥90 mm Hg.

occupational noise exposure. Moreover, the present study In addition, the inverse-U–shaped dose-response rela-
overcame the lack of individual risk factors of hypertension tionship for measured hypertension indicated a role of
in the previous study (10) to provide strong evidence that exposure duration in the etiology of the disease. Although
hypertension was associated with occupational noise expo- we used Cox regressions to account for varying time of ex-
sure. We suggest that the currently regulated threshold for oc- posure, the magnitudes of effects on measured hyperten-
cupational noise exposure may expand the prevention of sion and diagnosed hypertension in the high-exposure
noise-induced hearing loss (41) to the risk of hypertension, group were similar (i.e., around 2-fold), yet the effect
which is a leading cause of cardiovascular diseases. halved from 2.22 to 1.16 in the intermediate-exposure
We also observed an exposure-response pattern between group. These findings may indicate a “plateau” effect of ex-
noise-exposure levels and the risk of hypertension. Our posure intensity that is independent of exposure duration.
results were concordant with the findings in a cross-sectional Therefore, when the exposure intensity is not the highest,
study showing that increasing noise exposure from 75 to the exposure duration is likely the second component of ex-
104 dBA was associated with an increasing prevalence of posure that “kicks in” the dysregulation of the nervous and
hypertension in female textile mill workers (16). One hormonal systems, leading to the disease.
cohort study reported a significantly increasing risk of The significant increases in SBP between the baseline
hypertension with cumulative noise exposure ranging from and follow-up measurements were also observed among
95 dBA × years to >115 dBA × years among male workers workers exposed to 80–<85 dBA and those exposed
(10). The same exposure metrics (i.e., 4 categories from to ≥85 dBA. These findings were consistent with the
<85 dBA × years to ≥95 dBA × years) were applied to our results in a cohort study showing that male workers
analyses, but no significant dose-response relationship exposed to ≥85 dBA and using hearing-protective devices
(adjusted RR = 1.03, 95% CI: 0.87, 1.21) was found in the had a mean increase of 3.8 mm Hg in SBP over 9 years of
Poisson regression. The possible reason for different expo- follow-up, which is a significantly higher increase than that
sure conditions resulting in the same dose-response associ- observed in office workers (11). Additionally, workers
ation might be that workers did not change jobs and tasks exposed to ≥85 dBA exhibited a significant increase in
in present and previous studies (16) and that there was turn- DBP between the baseline and follow-up measurements as
over in another cohort (10). well as a significantly higher DBP at follow-up compared

Am J Epidemiol. 2013;177(8):818–825
824 Chang et al.

with those exposed to <80 dBA. These findings provided the greatest changes in lifestyle. However, this reason
the evidence to explain the association between occupation- seems improbable because the prevalence rates of risk
al noise exposure above 85 dBA and the higher risk of factors related to hypertension, such as cigarette use (58%)
hypertension. and alcohol intake (63%), declined significantly (27% and
The strengths of the present study include a cohort-study 21%, respectively; both P’s < 0.001) in the high-exposure
design, detailed assessments of personal exposure histories, group at the follow-up examination. In addition, blood
and comprehensive controls for most potential confounders pressure was measured twice over the past 10 years. This is
of hypertension. In addition, occupational noise exposure our first attempt to longitudinally observe the occupational
adjusted for the use of hearing-protective devices may noise exposure and the incidence of hypertension among
avoid the misclassification of study subjects and an over- these workers. The 4-year period of follow-up will continue
estimation of noise exposure to produce the consistent results in 2012 to circumvent limitations imposed by lifestyle
associated with road traffic noise exposure in environmental changes over time and to have additional measurements of
epidemiologic studies (34, 42). noise exposure and blood pressure.

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Testing for the validity of noise exposure assessment was In summary, the present study showed that occupational
also conducted to check the precision and accuracy of a exposure to noise levels of ≥85 dBA was associated with
predictive model, and noise levels accounted for the use of the development of hypertension and that there was a dose-
hearing-protective devices. Although information from response relationship between noise exposure and the 10-
departments, processes, job positions, and noise measure- year incidence of hypertension. The association between
ments collected in 1998 was used to establish a predictive occupational noise exposure of ≥85 dBA and the risk of
model of noise levels, the adjusted R 2 was 0.93 in a multi- hypertension might be due to the increases of SBP and
ple linear regression. In a comparison of environmental DBP observed in the present study. The currently regulated
measurements at 11 locations in 2004, the bias and preci- threshold for occupational noise exposure may prevent the
sion in this model were 2.4 (SD, 4.9) dBA to produce an adverse health effects from noise-induced hearing loss to
accuracy of 5.5 dBA, which showed an overestimation due the development of hypertension.
to engineering controls over time. In contrast, the bias and
precision of 2-stage noise measurements accounting for the
use of hearing-protective devices among study subjects
were 1.5 (SD, 2.0) dBA to have an accuracy of 2.5 dBA.
Such comparisons indicated that assessment of exposure by Author affiliations: Department of Occupational Safety
using the worst-case scenario might be inaccurate while and Health, College of Public Health, China Medical Uni-
still being precise. versity, Taichung, Taiwan, Republic of China (Ta-Yuan
One limitation of this study is the overestimation of indi- Chang, Bing-Fang Hwang, Ren-Yin Chen, Ven-Shing
vidual cumulative levels in occupational noise exposure. Wang, Jim-Shoung Lai); Institute for Risk Assessment Sci-
Noise levels measured 10 years ago have obviously been ences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands
reduced in response to the requirement for the improvement (Ta-Yuan Chang); Department of Family Medicine, China
of engineering controls in the workplace. Therefore, Medical University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan, Republic
workers assigned to the high-exposure group in 1998 might of China (Chiu-Shong Liu); School of Medicine, College
be exposed to <85 dBA in 2008. A comparison of environ- of Medicine, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan,
mental noise levels between the baseline and follow-up in Republic of China (Chiu-Shong Liu); and Department of
all subjects showed that the mean value of noise levels Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, China Medical University,
measured in 2008 (77.6 (SD, 7.6) dBA) was significantly Taichung, Taiwan, Republic of China (Bo-Ying Bao).
lower than that measured in 1998 (81.6 (SD, 8.5) dBA) This study was supported by grant NSC 97-2221-E-039-
( paired t test, P < 0.001). The overall decrease of 5.2 (SD, 007-MY3 from the National Science Council, Taiwan.
9.3) dBA had apparent decreases in the processes of We thank the National Science Council, Taiwan, for
peripheral element assembly (−9.7 (SD, 16.4) dBA) and financial support. We thank Deng-Tsai Lai for his contribu-
forging and casting (−7.3 (SD, 7.7) dBA) that might tions to this study. We also thank the graduate students who
reduce the proportion of the use of hearing-protective assisted with environmental sampling at the workplace.
devices from 73.3% to 27.7% and from 85.7% to 61.9%, Conflict of interest: none declared.
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