MYP 4&5 Physics - 1
MYP 4&5 Physics - 1
MYP 4&5 Physics - 1
Physics MYP 5 A 27 B 25 C 22
D 26
Question 1
This task (questions 1 to 3) addresses the key concept of change and focuses on (Knowing and
Speci c heat capacity and latent heat are both related to the amount of energy required to change
the temperature or state of a substance.
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The speci c heat capacity is a physical property of the material a substance is composed of and can
be used to help identify the substance the way density can help identify an incompressible
substance like a solid or liquid.
The speci c heat capacity is a physical property of the material a substance is composed of and can
be used to help identify the substance the way density can help identify an incompressible
substance like a solid or liquid.
Speci c heat capacity is the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of
a substance by one degree Celsius (or Kelvin). Different substances have different speci c heat
capacities, which can affect how they react to changes in temperature. For example, water has a
relatively high speci c heat capacity, which means it takes a lot of energy to raise its temperature.
Latent heat, on the other hand, is the amount of energy required to change the state of a substance
from one phase to another without changing its temperature. This includes the energy required to
melt a solid substance into a liquid or vaporize a liquid substance into a gas. Latent heat is also
known as "hidden heat" because it does not cause a change in temperature, but instead is used to
break the bonds between molecules in a substance.
The amount of latent heat required to change the state of a substance is known as its "heat of
fusion" or "heat of vaporization," depending on whether it is melting or boiling. Like speci c heat
capacity, different substances have different latent heats, which can affect their behavior when
undergoing phase changes. For example, water has a relatively high heat of vaporization, which
makes it a useful coolant in many applications.
Q 1.1 Calculate the amount of heat energy required to increase the temperature of 500 g A2
of water from 20 °C to 40 °C . Given that the speci c heat capacity of water is
4.18 J g −1 °C−1 .
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Q 1.2 Calculate the amount of heat energy required to melt 100 g of ice at 0 °C . Given A2
that the latent heat of fusion of water is 334 J g .
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Q 1.3 A 50 g block of ice at −10 °C is heated to 0 °C and then melted. Calculate the A4
total amount of heat energy required. Given that the speci c heat capacity of ice is
2.05 J g −1 °C−1 , the latent heat of fusion of water is 334 J g −1 °C−1 , and the
speci c heat capacity of water is 4.18 J g −1 °C−1 .
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Question 2
A wind turbine converts kinetic energy from wind into electrical energy.
Wind turbines are typically deployed in wind farms, where multiple turbines are installed in close
proximity to harness the collective power of the wind. They are a sustainable and renewable energy
source, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas
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Q 2.1 Explain why, in reality, the power generated by a wind turbine may be lower than A2
the theoretical maximum due to factors such as turbulence and wind variability.
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Q 2.2 A large-scale wind farm consisting of multiple wind turbines is used to generate A3
electricity. Describe the energy transfers that occur in a wind farm.
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Q 2.3 The wind farm has a total power output of 50 MW. If the electricity is transmitted A4
at a voltage of 33 kV , calculate the maximum current that could be supplied to the
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Question 3
Gravity is responsible for providing the centripetal force that allows a satellite to maintain its circular
motion around a celestial body.
A satellite is any object that orbits around a larger object. In the case of the moon, it orbits around
the Earth. The moon is the fth-largest natural satellite in the Solar System, and it is also the largest
relative to the size of its host planet.
Q 3.1 Explain the gravitational force at play in maintaining the orbit of a geostationary A3
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Q 3.2 Calculate the gravitational force experienced by a geosynchronous satellite with a A4
mass of 500 kg orbiting at an altitude of 10,000 km above Earth's surface.
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Question 4
Investigation skills
This task (questions 4 to 6) addresses the key concept of relationships and focuses on criterion B
(Inquiring and designing) and criterion C (Processing and evaluating). In this task you will
investigate different relationships in science.
Michael Faraday's 1831 discovery of electromagnetic induction laid the foundation for the
development of electrical devices such as generators and transformers.
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Video 1
F Type of wire
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Q 4.2 Suggest a research question for this investigation. B1
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Q 4.4 Formulate and explain a hypothesis suitable for the research question. B3
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1. Starting with the head of the nail, wrap the wire into 5 coils proceeding down the nail. Leave
both ends free. Strip, using the cutters, an inch of the insulation at the end of each wire.
2. Put the battery in its holder. Attach the ends of the wire to the opposite poles of the holder.
3. A current should now run through the wire and nail, creating an electromagnet.
4. Draw or take a picture of your apparatus.
5. Touch the point of the nail to the pile of washers.
6. Count how many it picks up.
7. Do this four separate times to nd an average.
8. Record each trial on a chart.
9. Repeat the steps with 10, 15, and 20 coils on the electromagnet
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Q 4.5 The data collected by the student is given below. C4
Find the missing values and complete the table.
5 2 3 4 2
10 5 6 5 7
15 9 8 10 9
20 11 10 12 13
Q 4.6 Using the data, deduce the relationship between the investigated variables. C2
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Question 5
The current in the coil directly in uences the strength of the electromagnet.
A group of MYP students decides to nd the relationship between the current in the coil and the
strength of the electromagnet.
They hypothesize that , "As the current owing through the coil increases, the strength of the
electromagnet will also increase."
The experiment they conducted and the data they obtained is given below.
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Video 1
Q 5.1 With the help of the data, evaluate the validity of the hypothesis. C2
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Q 5.2 Suggest two safety precautions one has to take while conducting this experiment. B2
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Question 6
Electromagnetic induction is the phenomenon where a changing magnetic eld induces an electric
current in a nearby conductor.
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Q 6.1 Design an investigation to verify the effect of changing magnet position on B 15
electromagnetic Induction.
In your plan you should include:
• the research question that this investigation will test
• a hypothesis that can be tested by this investigation
• the independent and the dependent variable
• one control variable and why it should be controlled
• how you will collect suf cient relevant data
• a method detailing your procedure including any measuring equipment needed
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Q 6.2 The data consists of the distance between the magnet and the coil of wire, as well C5
as the measured induced voltage for each of the three trials at that distance.
• 5 cm, 1.2 V, 1.3 V, 1.1 V
• 10 cm, 0.9 V, 1.0 V, 0.8 V
• 15 cm, 0.6 V, 0.7 V, 0.5 V
• 20 cm, 0.4 V, 0.5 V, 0.3 V
• 25 cm, 0.3 V, 0.4 V, 0.2 V
• 30 cm, 0.2 V, 0.3 V, 0.1 V
Present the raw data in a data table.
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Q 6.3 Plot the graph using the data provided in the observation table in Q 6.2. C6
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Question 7
Applying science
The global context is globalization and sustainability. This task (questions 7 to 8) addresses the
key concept of systems and assesses criterion D (Re ecting on the impacts of science).
A system is a group of interconnected parts that work together to achieve a particular function or
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The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon that occurs when certain gases, such as carbon
dioxide and water vapor, trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere. This process helps to regulate the
Earth's temperature and keep it habitable for life. However, human activities such as burning fossil
fuels and deforestation have increased the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, leading
to an enhanced greenhouse effect and global warming.
The consequences of global warming include rising sea levels, more frequent and severe weather
events, and changes in ecosystems that can have far-reaching impacts on human societies. As
students of physics, it is important to understand the science behind the greenhouse effect and its
role in climate change, so that we can make informed decisions about how to reduce our impact on
the environment and promote a more sustainable future.
Q 7.1 De ne the greenhouse effect and explain its importance for maintaining the Earth's D4
temperature within a habitable range.
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Q 7.2 Describe the consequences of global warming resulting from an enhanced D2
greenhouse effect.
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Q 7.3 Evaluate how can an understanding of the science behind the greenhouse effect D4
and climate change help us to make informed decisions about reducing our impact
on the environment and promoting a more sustainable future.
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Q 7.4 Discuss the long-term impacts of global warming on ecosystems, and how can D3
these impacts affect human societies.
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Question 8
The Red Sea-Dead Sea Water Conveyance Project is an example of systems explored to mitigate
the human impact on the environment and promote sustainability.
The Dead Sea, located between Jordan, Israel, and the West Bank, is one of the most unique and
historically signi cant bodies of water in the world. However, the Dead Sea is under threat due to
human activities, such as the diversion of water from the Jordan River and the extraction of minerals
from the sea. In recent years, efforts have been made to protect the Dead Sea and preserve its
natural beauty and cultural heritage.
One of the key efforts to protect the Dead Sea is the Red Sea-Dead Sea Water Conveyance Project.
This project, which is a joint effort between Jordan, Israel, and the Palestinian Authority, aims to
channel water from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea, replenishing the water level and preventing
further shrinkage. In addition to providing water to the Dead Sea, the project would also generate
renewable energy and create job opportunities in the region.
Another effort to protect the Dead Sea is the establishment of the Dead Sea Biosphere Reserve.
This reserve, which was designated by UNESCO in 2016, covers an area of 2,400 square kilometres
and encompasses the Dead Sea and its surrounding landscapes. The reserve is home to a diverse
array of plant and animal species, some of which are found nowhere else in the world. The reserve
also contains important cultural heritage sites, such as the ancient city of Jericho.
To address the issue of mineral extraction from the Dead Sea, the governments of Jordan and Israel
have taken steps to regulate and reduce mining activities in the area. In 2019, the Israeli government
announced a plan to reduce mining activities in the southern part of the Dead Sea and create a new
nature reserve in the area.
Despite these efforts, the Dead Sea still faces many challenges, including water scarcity, pollution,
and environmental degradation. Continued efforts are needed to protect this important body of water
and preserve its natural and cultural heritage for future generations.
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Video 8.1
Video 1
Q 8.1 Analyse the bene ts and drawbacks of the Red Sea-Dead Sea Water Conveyance D3
Project on the surrounding region.
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Q 8.2 Evaluate the impact of the Dead Sea Biosphere Reserve on the local ecosystem D3
and the importance of preserving cultural heritage sites.
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Q 8.3 Investigate the consequences of the diversion of water from the Jordan River on the D2
Dead Sea and propose solutions to mitigate the effects.
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Q 8.4 Design a plan to promote awareness and encourage local and international D5
cooperation to protect the Dead Sea and its natural and cultural heritage.
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