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BSBPEF502 Project Portfolio

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Business Scenario

Student name: Thiago Schwartz Oliveira



Business this assessment Worlducation

is based on:

Business objectives: Change the way children learn at school

Team objectives: Keep business growing

Team members: Team members are all around the world

Section 1: Written Questions

1. Explain emotional intelligence and the importance of this characteristic at work. (120

The capacity to recognize, comprehend, and control our own emotions as well as those of others is
known as emotional intelligence. Since they will enhance interpersonal skills and help one succeed
at work, these abilities are equally as crucial as any other job-related talents. Being emotionally
intelligent can help with job advancement and leadership skills because emotional intelligence is a
necessary component of becoming a great leader. Moreover, emotional intelligence can support
workers in navigating the social intricacies of the workplace, inspiring and leading others, and
advancing their careers. In order to hire new employees, many businesses increasingly consider
emotional intelligence (EQ) to be just as crucial as technical expertise. The idea of emotional
intelligence comes from Daniel Goleman's research on neurology. Every idea and every viewpoint is
influenced by the emotional centres of the brain.

2. Explain each of the five (5) essential principles of emotional intelligence as defined by Daniel
Goleman. (80 words).

 Self-awareness is the ability to perceive one's emotions, desires, weaknesses, ideals, and
ambitions as well as how they affect others. It also involves employing intuition to make
 Self-regulation is the ability to control or reroute one's erratic emotions and impulses while
also responding to shifting surroundings.
 Regulating other people's emotions to influence them in the right way is a social skill.
 Empathy is the ability to identify, comprehend, and take into account the feelings of others,
particularly while making judgments.
 Self-motivation and the will to succeed for its own sake are two examples of motivation.

3. Explain the key principles of the Emotional Intelligence Theory developed by Caruso and
Salovey (2004). (100 words).

Detecting and interpreting emotions in voices, faces, images, and cultural artifacts, including the
capacity to recognize one's own emotions. All other methods of processing emotional data are
made feasible by this component of emotional intelligence.

Using emotions: the capacity to use feelings to speed up various cognitive processes like reasoning
and problem-solving. The emotionally intelligent individual can make the most of their fluctuating
emotions to suit the work at hand.

Understanding emotions is the capacity to decipher the language of emotions and to recognize the
intricate connections between them.

Having the capacity to control one's own and other people's emotions. A person who has
emotional intelligence can control their emotions, even their negative ones, and use them to
further their objectives.

4. Explain three (3) strategies that can be used to build emotional intelligence. (100 words).

Emotionally intelligent people can recognize their own feelings and describe how they feel about a
certain circumstance or the other person they are engaging with.

Emotionally intelligent workers control their own emotions so they may exercise self-control over
their actions and so strengthen rather than damage a corporate connection.

Understanding - Employees that possess emotional intelligence are able to interpret both their
own emotions and those of others. As a result, the worker has a more thorough and realistic
grasp of a scenario at work than would be possible without considering such emotional data.

5. Explain how a manager with high emotional intelligence can assist in achieve business
objectives. Provide one (1) example to illustrate your answer. (60 words).

Having high emotional intelligence can help you accomplish a variety of business goals. An
emotionally intelligent leader, for instance, will be able to establish an effective and supportive
organizational culture and inspire workers to achieve higher productivity if a company's goal is to
have a highly motivated and satisfied workforce.

6. Explain the importance of recognising cultural differences in emotional intelligence. Provide two
(2) examples example to illustrate your answer. (60 words).

Emotions differ greatly amongst cultures in terms of expression and significance. For instance, a
blank stare may not always indicate disinterest in another culture as it may in a Western one.
Parallel to this, self-control and modesty are valued qualities in some cultures, therefore it may be
deemed arrogant to display excessive zeal in front of a superior.

7. Explain two (2) ways of communicating effectively with a diverse workforce with varying
cultural expressions of emotions. (60 words).

While delivering instructions, it's crucial to keep everything clear and precise. Asking them to
repeat key points is a good way to make sure they have understood the content.

Learn about various cultures to better understand your own and how communication may be
impacted by cultural differences. Communication can thus be informed by understanding.

8. Explain two (2) ways of using emotional intelligence to build effective workplace
relationships. (90 words).

Giving others the chance to communicate their thoughts and feelings is a crucial principle of
emotional intelligence. This involves providing others with the means to do so. Give them the
chance to help you grasp their point of view and reduce the likelihood that you will misinterpret
what they are thinking and feeling.

Assisting others in increasing their emotional intelligence because an effective team requires a
high level of emotional intelligence from every member. Thus, it's crucial to encourage people
to have this quality. Many methods, including coaching, shadowing, and mentoring, can be
used to accomplish this.

Section 2: Evaluation criteria

What is the format you The format chosen was a questionary

have developed your
evaluation criteria in?

Which question numbers 1, 2

cover an evaluation of a
person’s empathy?

Which question numbers 3, 4

cover an evaluation of a
person’s ability to self-
regulate their emotions?

Which question numbers 5, 6

cover an evaluation of a
person’s positivity?

Which question numbers 7, 8, 9

cover an evaluation of a
person’s adaptability?

How will you measure the The results will be measured according to each person's response,
results? Explain how your
analysing the general context of the responses. The metrics used in
rating or measurement for
a person’s emotional assessing the results will be: "satisfactory" (when the answers show that
intelligence will be the individual has and applies the characteristic in question) and "to be
improved" (when the answers demonstrate that the characteristic in
question needs to be improved/developed).

☐ A copy (or the link) to your evaluation to your portfolio.

☐ Your completed evaluation and results

Section 3: Personal analysis

Student name: Thiago Oliveira

Karen Adams
Feedback participant 1
(name and contact number)

William Bird
Feedback participant 2
(name and contact number)

Answer all of the questions below using the results of the evaluation in section 2 to guide your answers,
and feedback from your classmates/friends/family for parts c and d.

a) Document your findings on yourself in the four areas focussed on in your evaluation in
section 2 as discuss your strongest area.

I believe that I have good self-control. My ability to manage my thoughts and how they behave is

b) Reflecting on the results, identify what stood out for you in terms of what it tells you about
yourself as a person.

Flexibility, as I excel in any circumstances and problems. I am adept at handling difficulty and can
emerge from it with the least amount of damage.

c) Thinking about the questions asked as part of the evaluation and your learnings as part of
this unit, identify five of your emotional strengths.

 Good capacity to adapt

 Strong listening abilities

 Ability to control oneself and exercise good mental restraint

 Ability to communicate with management and discuss working difficulties

 Always have an optimistic outlook on things

d) Thinking about the questions asked as part of the evaluation and your learning as part of
this unit, identify five of your emotional weaknesses.

 Overanalysing a situation when dealing with issues

 Unable to foresee what might occur in the future

 Be side-tracked by thinking and circumstance

 It might be tough to adjust to a new work environment at times.

 Negative perceptions of certain issues

e) Explain how you believe the emotional strengths you have identified above help your
workplace performance and relationships.

They are beneficial because they boost self-confidence. They also assist me develop good
character and improve my appearance.

f) Discuss how you believe your emotional weaknesses hinder your workplace performance
and relationships.

At times, things are unique and typical of the workplace, yet they are difficult to handle due to
flaws. So, the goal should constantly be to accomplish more while assisting the firm.

g) Complete the following table about personal stressors at work. Identify at least four sources
of stress that are most likely to result in workplace stress for you, your stress response (emotional,
physical, behavioural) and actions that you can take (or have taken) to manage stress.

Personal stressor What is your stress response Actions/methods to address

Missing relatives who Felling excessive emotional Talk to someone about the
reside elsewhere than situation (friends or close work
where you do colleagues)

Carrying a heavy Lack of motivation; anxiety Talk to management to review

workload at work the workload and/or deadlines

Too many tasks and Excessive tiredness Prioritise tasks; keep a diary;
obligations to do establish a work schedule

h) Review the following list of needs and choose at least three that most trigger your
emotions when you don’t get these needs met. Consider this question in the context of the

Acceptance Variety

Being understood Predictability

Being in control New challenges

Attention Being loved/liked

Peacefulness Being valued

Order Being treated fairly

Safety Freedom

Respect Consistency

Being needed Being included

Being right Autonomy

Comfort Fun


Now complete the table below.

Write down each need you have chosen and why this need is important to you at work.

Also give an outline of the emotions triggered in you when you don’t get these needs met and
ways that you can control your emotions in the face of not having your needs met.

Need and why this need is What is your emotional response Emotional control mechanism
important to you at work when this need is not met?

Acceptance - it is important Feeling poorly and lacking Focus on the positive aspects
for me to feel that my work motivation for work of your work.
is valuable for the team.

Autonomy - we do not Do not feel liberated; felling Pay attention to your job duties
always have access to a incapable of moving forward. rather than your contract.
manager or superior for

Safety – it makes me better Unwillingness to report for duty Discuss it with the safety
focus on what needs to be officer.
done, without anxiety about
the future.

i) What other criteria could you use other than those you created in your evaluation to
determine your own emotional strengths and weaknesses?

Make a personality test

Look for patterns

Section 4: Personal emotional intelligence development

Based on the identified areas for improvement and/or gaps, list at least five activities that should
improve your ability to identify and respond appropriately to a range of emotional expression through
self-reflection and feedback from others.

Enter the activities in order of priority.

Identified area of Briefly describe why Actions to improve area of emotional intelligence
emotional intelligence you have identified development
development this as a priority

Peacefulness Assist with Seek to view situations from a positive point of

improving mental view; meditate

Freedom at work Being autonomous Increase your decentralization efforts at work.


Being included in the Boost collaboration Have formal opportunities to share ideas and
team opinions

Identifying opportunities Business prose is Set an innovative culture along the company

Focus It improves Provide opportunities to self and team

workplace development

Section 5: Team emotional intelligence development plan

Complete the following tables for two team members after the roundtable discussion in the role of their
team leader or manager.

Team member: Alan Brown

Summary of this He has a positive attitude and is highly valued as a worker. really driven
person as per their and capable of handling situations
personality profile
discussed at the
round table
(emotional responses,
beliefs, identified
strengths and

How can you create Give him more chances to study new things and greater independence
opportunities for this and autonomy.
person to express
their thoughts and
feelings in the work
team that best suits

How can you show When required, assistance and support for his projects.
consideration to this
person when making
decisions that affect
them as their team

Identified area of Briefly describe why Actions to improve area of emotional intelligence
emotional intelligence you have identified development
development this as a priority

Being challenged It fosters Think creatively to overcome an issue


Feel needed It inspires hard Provide accountability and responsibility


How could this person build further productive relationships within the team?

Consider bigger picture issues and hone your listening skills

How can this person maximise their contribution to the team and increase work outputs?

By boosting productivity and offering fresh ideas

How can this person’s strengths contribute to reaching team goals?

He always has a strong sense of teamwork and a laser-like intensity.

Team member: Katheryn Jonson

Summary of this She is empathetic, outgoing, willing to lend a hand, and team-oriented.
person as per their
personality profile
discussed at the
round table (cultural
behaviours, beliefs,
identified strengths
and weaknesses)

How can you create If she has more freedom and support is offered, she would be more eager
opportunities for this to join the team.
person to express
their thoughts and
feelings in the work
team that best suits

How can you show By offering more comments and assistance in order to fix problems.
consideration to this
person when making
decisions that affect
them as their team

Identified area of Briefly describe why Actions to improve area of emotional intelligence
emotional intelligence you have identified development
development this as a priority

Courage She requires more Work on personal capabilities


Active listening She must pay Being patient; look for ways to improve listening
greater attention. skills

How could this person build further productive relationships within the team?

Learning to listen better might be beneficial.

How can this person maximise their contribution to the team and increase work outputs?

Participate in teamwork and collaboration; concentrate on business development.

How can this person’s strengths contribute to reaching team goals?

Her mental fortitude and more disciplined work ethic would be helpful in achieving the team's

Section 6: Reflection

Answer the following reflective questions:

Which two tasks did you Team builds game; The barter puzzle
complete? Note, they must
be different.

Task 1

Outline details of the We played a game of team building

activity you completed

How did this activity help It improved team rapport.

the team to achieve team

How did you model - Assisting one another

behaviours that
- Assisting during a difficult moment
demonstrate your
emotional intelligence
during this task? Provide at
least two examples.

How did this activity align Teamwork is crucial at work, and this activity benefited teamwork.
with the policy/procedures
of the business?

How did both of your team Team member 1:

members contribute
He contributed by starting the task and dividing it into teams.
towards the team goal in
an individual capacity?
Team member 2:

She persisted and encouraged the entire group.

Task 2

Outline details of the Barter puzzle game was played.
activity you completed

How did this activity help Teams were formed, puzzles were presented, and each team worked
the team to achieve team to solve the puzzle as quickly as possible.

How did you model - Teamwork

behaviours that
- Drive to resolve issues
demonstrate your
emotional intelligence
during this task? Provide at
least two examples.

How did this activity align Business encourages more collaboration and collaborative strategies
with the policy/procedures
of the business?

How did both of your team Team member 1:

members contribute
More actively collaborate while considering puzzles
towards the team goal in
an individual capacity?
Team member 2:

Worked hard on putting ideas together


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