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Focus3 2E Test Unit1 GroupB 2kol

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Test Unit 1

Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____
Total: ___/50
LISTENING 3 Complete the sentences with the
missing words. The first letters have
been given. Use the definitions in
1 TRACK 2 Listen to Martin and Jenny.
brackets to help you.
For sentences 1–5 choose True or
False. Put a [X] in the right place in My mum always goes for a casual (not formal)
the table. look unless she’s attending an important
1 Jenny is surprised about 1 Our visit to the museum was very
Martin’s choice of e__________ (filled with information).
college. We learned a lot
2 Jenny doesn’t think that about the ancient world.
she will lose touch with
2 If you want to s_______________ (do well) in
people when she moves
away. business you must put all of your energy into it.
3 Martin thinks that Jenny 3 Celia seems like a s_______________
should study at the (not deep or serious) person because
same college as him. she’s
4 Jenny is very positive about always laughing, but actually she thinks
Martin’s character.
about very serious issues.
5 Jenny went out with Kevin
Sampson for a long 4 Torn jeans are out of
time. f_______________ (popularity) at the
_____/5 moment, but I’m sure they’ll
VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR become popular again.
5 Trevor is so v_______________
2 Complete the sentences with the (having an extremely high opinion of
missing prepositions. one’s appearance)! He can’t pass a
mirror without stopping to admire
Why don't you try these trousers on? himself.
The changing rooms are over there.
1 Jason comes __________ as a bit _____/5
unfriendly, but he’s actually a great guy. 4 Choose the correct option.
2 Maybe you shouldn’t be so difficult I am believing / believe that fashion and
every time your parents suggest doing design play an important role in our
something, but just go __________ the lives.
1 I’m too tired to cook today so I am
3 My brother is always there __________ having / have fish and chips for dinner.
me when I have problems to deal with.
2 These shoes aren't looking / don't look
4 I enjoy hanging __________ with my nice – I'm not going to buy them.
friends after school, just chatting and
laughing. 3 How many fans is she having / does
she have on her Facebook profile?
5 Mary used to be Tom’s neighbour but they
lost touch __________ each other after she 4 Sam works / is working in a supermarket until
moved away. he can save enough money to travel to the
_____/5 US.
5 Why are you looking / do you look at
me like that? Is anything wrong?

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)
Test Unit 1
Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____

5 Complete the sentences with the 1 A Do you enjoy B Are you enjoying
correct form of the words in C Have you enjoyed
brackets. Use the Present Perfect
2 A have gone B go C have been going
Simple or Continuous.
3 A sweatshirt B tie C bracelet
It has been snowing (snow) heavily
4 A hopeful B helpless C hopeless
since we left home.
5 A faded jeans B belt
1 Recently I _______________________
C skirt and blouse
(read) this book – I need to finish it
7 Choose the correct option.
2 The minister
X: I'm sure you'll love Tracy. She's
_______________________ (answer)
questions in the Parliament all day. great fun.
Y: I know, I've met her before. She's
3 George _______________________
got a great B of humour.
(not / meet) his new neighbours yet.
A taste B sense C feeling
4 How many paintings
_______________________ (you / sell) 1 X: What are you plans for tomorrow?
this week? Y: I __ going shopping with Lucy.

5 We _______________________ (look A think about B have thought

for) a new building for the museum C am thinking of
since 2010. 2 X: That’s such an unusual jacket!
_____/5 Y: Yes. It's made by a really __
USE OF ENGLISH designer whose clothes look like no one

6 Choose the correct option. A multi-purpose B brightly- coloured

C cutting-edge
3 X: Are you ready to go to the station?
The summer is almost here and it's time Y: I __ for three hours, but I still have
to A some holiday plans. 1_____ music? too many things!
Maybe you could go to a music festival
this summer? People 2_____ to music A have packed B have been packing
festivals ever since Woodstock took C am packing
place in the summer of 1969. And 4 X: I’m sorry to see that you and Kim
nowadays there are some interesting aren’t speaking to each other.
music events near all major cities in the Y: I know! I __ with her over the silliest thing,
US. and now we can’t find a way to be friends
If you decide to attend a festival, be again.
prepared for all kinds of weather. Take
a 3_____ in case it gets cold in the A turned up B got along C fell out
evening and shorts for warmer days. 5 X: Why did you take this photo of a
Trying to look nice all the time at a bus?
festival is a fairly 4_____ effort, so you Y: Actually, I wanted to photograph a
really shouldn’t even try. Just put on monument across the street. But the
your 5_____ , a T-shirt and a good bus came unexpectedly and it's there,
dose of sunscreen, then relax and right __, blocking the view of everything
enjoy the show! else.
A make B do C take A on the left B in the picture
C in the foreground _____/5

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)
Test Unit 1
Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____

READING you? Even those who aren’t as

attractive or slim as you? The reason is
8 Read the text. For questions 1–5 that you know exactly how they looked
choose the correct option A–D. all evening because you could see
SELF IMAGES them. There are no surprises.
However, you are comparing yourself
As you prepare to go out, you check not to how you really looked but to an
yourself in the mirror. Everything looks image of yourself that was in your head.
good. The hair style is right, your An image in which your complexion is
complexion is tanned and your smile clearer, your eyes bigger and even your
could make Liam Payne jealous. Later in clothes are more stylish.
the evening, when friends take photos, So what can we do about it? On the
you are happy to pose for the camera. one hand, for all the reasons above,
The next day, however, when the photos photos of ourselves will rarely please
are uploaded to the Internet, you are us. There’s a reason why many
shocked. You don’t recognise that celebrities do everything they can to not
person. It can’t be you! The facial be photographed in public. On the other
features are all wrong, the skin too pale hand, you should remember that your
and the hair is horrific. So just why do we friends feel exactly the same. So, when
look different in photos to how we they look at photos of you, they will be
imagine ourselves to be? as jealous of you as you are of them.
There isn’t just one reason. Firstly, people Take comfort from that but maybe avoid
often look better early in the evening than looking at photos taken of you which
later on. You have probably just come appear on other people’s social
out of the shower, brushed your hair and networking pages.
put on your elegant clothes. If there was
something wrong, you would do something 1 According to the article, people are
about it and then admire yourself again. pleased when they
When the photos are taken, you may be A see that their photos are online.
tired or perhaps full after a good meal. B are compared to celebrities like
Your hair may not look quite so good as it
Liam Payne.
did. Often, when people get home and
look in the mirror, they think: “I look C find out what they really looked like
terrible”. It’s just that, being home and when out.
alone, it doesn’t matter. D look at themselves in the mirror
Another reason is to do with angles. In before they go out.
the mirror, we see our nose, mouth and 2 The writer says that people look best
chin from above. This is more flattering A after they have eaten.
than looking up from below. We also turn B before they go out.
slightly and smile trying to get the best
C late in the evening.
look possible. Unfortunately, our friends
probably aren’t as careful. Photos are D when they get home.
taken when we aren’t ready, often from 3 The main problem with most photos
the wrong position. You could watch taken while out is that people
carefully to see when someone is going A take them from above.
to take a photo and pose for it but, B don’t look very relaxed in them.
although the photos might look better, C don’t realise their friends are about
your evening won’t be very relaxing.
to take them.
Finally, there is the comparison with the
D haven’t learned how to use their
people around you. Why do they all
look so good in photos compared to cameras.

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)
Test Unit 1
Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____

4 The difference between looking at Hi Hannah,

yourself and other people in photos is I know you're looking for someone to
that they interview. I think my friend might be
A are more attractive than you. perfect.
B look the same as you remember
them. _______________________________
C never look as good as they should. _______________________________
D are wearing more stylish clothes
than you.
5 The article tells us _______________________________
A why we don’t like photos of _______________________________
ourselves. _______________________________
B how to look better in photos.
C who to compare ourselves to so
that we feel better. _______________________________
D how to prepare ourselves for going _______________________________
_____/5 _______________________________
WRITING _______________________________
9 Do the exam task. _______________________________
Twoja koleżanka z Wielkiej Brytanii
bierze udział w warsztatach _______________________________
dziennikarskich i szuka młodych
Polaków, z którymi chce przeprowadzić
wywiad na temat przyjaciół i rodziny. _______________________________
Napisz do niej e-mail, w którym
zaproponujesz jej zrobienie wywiadu z
kimś z twoich znajomych. _______________________________
1 Podaj wiek wybranej osoby _______________________________
i opisz jej wygląd. _______________________________
2 Opisz jej najbliższą rodzinę.
3 Przedstaw najlepsze cechy Let me know what you think. I'll put you
osobowości tej osoby. in touch with my friend if you want.
4 Napisz, czym się ona Love,
interesuje. XYZ
Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym
z czterech podpunktów. Długość
e-maila powinna wynosić od 80 do 130

*Długość wypowiedzi obowiązująca na

nowym egzaminie maturalnym to 100-
150 słów.

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

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