#26 The Dirty Scurve (Sep 19 - 24)
#26 The Dirty Scurve (Sep 19 - 24)
#26 The Dirty Scurve (Sep 19 - 24)
Ivan Pavlovich
Ivan was a cook for the 91st
Regiment of the Red Army in the
World War II. On August, 1941
while he was cooking dinner, he
saw a German tank which had
stalled near his kitchen. He picked
up an axe and a rifle; and waited
Never in the field of human for the enemy to get out of the tank
conflict was so much owed to fix it. He charged and the
by so many to so few. Germans were terrified of the axe-
wielding Soviet running at them.
- Winston Churchill The Germans got into the tank and
started firing the machine gun. Ivan
jumped on the tank, covered the
observation hole by a tarpaulin and
ordered his “imaginary” comrades
to pass on the grenades. He forced
them to surrender while under the
pretense that the whole Red Army
was waiting for them outside. Crazy
or genius?.
Drowning In Beerbaum#
Trial Day
550 Time Trial
Treading 10 Min
Underwaters 5 @ 1:30
Sprint Swim
Freestyle 5 x 100m @ 2:15
Tues Freestyle 10 x 50m @ 1:00
Hypoxic Freestyle: 50 m with
2 strokes per breath, 4 strokes, 6, 8, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2
Endurance Swim
Freestyle 1000m @ 80% effort
Fri 4 miles @ 50 lbs < 48 min
100 8 Count BB
The Big Hart
Pushups: 5 x 30 @ 1:15
Cals Day
Diamond Pushups: 5 x 15
Regular Pull ups: 5x7
Core: 3 Rounds 50
Mon Wide Pullups: 5x7
Situps, 50 flutter kicks,
Narrow: 5x7
1:00 plank
Towel pull ups: 5x7
8 Count BB: 50
Fucktional Fitness:
4 Rounds: 10 Hammer Strikes, 50 yard tire flips, 12
Wed Dips, 6 Helicopter Pull ups, 50 yard bear crawl, 50
yard backwards bear crawl
Rest 1 min between sets
Weighted Pullups: 5 x 9 @ 25 lbs
Fri Weighted Deficit Pushups: 6 x 10 @ 25 lbs
150 8 Count BB
Row Ladder 800, 600, 400, 200, 400, 600, 800
Track Workout
200 @ 2:00, 400 @ 2:30,
Tues 600 @ 3:00, 800 @ 3:30,
600 @ 3:00, 400 @ 2:30,
200 @ 2:00
Endurance Run
6 Miles @ 70%
Recovery Day
Fri 30 min Jog or Bike or Row
Relaxed Pace
Uncle Ricky’s Danger Zone: Level A
Weight Rounds x Reps
135 1 x 15-20
155 1x 12
Flat Bench
185 1 x 10
205/225 6/4
50/60 3x5
Incline Static Press 70/80 3x4
80/90 3x3
25/30/side (High Pos) 15/12/10
Standing Cable Fly 20/25 (Mid Pos) 12/12/10
12/15 (Low Pos/ Low Pec) 10/10/10
Alt Med Ball Pushups 3 x 10 Per Side
Uncle Ricky’s Danger Zone: Level B
Weight Rounds x Reps
135 20
185 15/12
Stiff Leg Dead Lift 225 10/8
95-135 15/12
Hang Clean
135-185 10/12
Power Clean 95-130 3 x 10
Back Extensions BW 3 x 20
Ball Slams 20 Tobatta 40s on/20s off
Barbell Roll Outs Just Make Sure It Rolls 3 x 20
Uncle Ricky’s Danger Zone: Level C
Weight Rounds/Reps
135 15
185 12
Box Squat
225 10
205 12
Walking Lunge/Squat 95 5 x Tobatta 40on/20off
95 15/12/10
135 3x5
135/185 20/15
Deadlift 205/225 12/10
275/315 3x5
80 15
Hamstring Curl
As Needed 15/12/10/12